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ED348406.Pdf DOCUMENT RESUME ED 348 406 UD 026 925 AUTHOR Wilson, William Julius, Ed. TITLE The Ghetto Underclass: Social Science Perspectives. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. INSTITUTION American Academy of Political and Social Science, Philadelphia, Pa. REPORT NO ISBN-0-8039-3174-3 PUB DATE Jan 89 NOTE 245p. AVAILABLE FROMSage Publications, Inc., 2111 West Hillcrest Drive, Newbury Park, CA 91320 (ISBN-0-8039-3174.-3, $24.00 paperback; ISBN-0-8039-3173-5, $36.00 hardcover). PUB TYPE Collected Works Serials (022) -- Reports - Research/Technical (143) JOURNAL CIT The Annals; v501 Jan 1989 EDRS PRICE MF01 Plus Postage. PC Not Available from EDRS. DESCRIPTORS Family (Sociological Unit); Fathers; *Ghettos; Homeless People; Influences; Lower Class; Marriage; *Minority Groups; Mothers; *Poverty; *Public Policy; *Social Problems; Unemployment; *Urban Areas; Urban Problems ABSTRACT This volume presents the research findings of numerous scholars on the theme, The Ghetto Underclass: Social Science Perspectives. The following 13 articles are included: (1) "The Cost of Racial and Class Exclusion in the Inner City" (L. Wacquant and W. Wilson); (2) "Urban Industrial TransitiOn and the Underclass" (J. Kasarda); (3) "Absent Fathers in the Inner City" (M. Sullivan); (4) "Sex Codes and Family Life among Poor Inner-City Youths" (E. Anderson); (5) "Employment and Marriage among Inner-City Fathers" (M. Testa, and others); (6) "Single Mothers, the Underclass, and Social Policy" (S. McLanahan and I. Garfinkel); (7) "Puerto Ricans and t.l.c Underclass Debate', (M. Tienda); (8) "Immigration and the Underclass" (R. Reischauer); (9) "The Urban Homeless: A Portrait of Urban Dislocation" (P. Rossi and J. Wright); (10) "Equal Opportunity and the Estranged Poor" (J. Hochschild); (11) "The Logic of Workfare: The UnderClass and Work Policy" (L. Mead); (12) "Institutional Change and the Challenge of the Underclass" (R. Nathan); and (13) "The Underclass: Issues, Perspectives, and Public Policy" (W. Wilson). The .volume also includes reviews of 41 books in the following categories: (1) International Relations and Politics; (2) Africa,Asia, and Latin America; (3) Europe;(4) United states;(5) Sociology; and (6) Economics. (VM) *******!*************************************************************** * Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made * * from the original document. * 11********************************************************************** THE OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCE The Ghetto Underclass: Social Scien6e Perspectives Special Editor: WILLIAM JULIUS WILSON U.S. OSIRMITMENT Of 'EDUCATION Delve cd Eaucateana/ Ressorch And moproitpmeni EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER tERtCt )4.1n,s °acumen( nes been repeoducedaa reCennad tram me °Wean or orgemudran angetateno .t klinOr chan9ea nave been made fa empfpve reeroductron Qualltv P011130, row r opirnonl Waled KtfhlactoCu ment Oo not neceaanno reptesem oftvctal OE R1oosaron or pot.cv "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS MATERIAL IN MICROFICHE ONLY HASs+- BEEN GRANTED BY 5c4e R4AcciAi-rofris TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERICL tr) January 1989 2PIST COPY MAILABLE Nate available. .an important evforonee boo k for every issetitationai and personal library. THE ANNALS of The American Academy ctf Political and Social Science Ninety-Fifth Anniversary Index 1981-1985 volumes 453-482 CUMULATIVE INDEX TO SUBJECIE, CONTRIBITIVES, TITLES. NAMES, BOOKS REVIEWED, AND BOOR REVIEWERS $24 softcover $36 hardcover 20% discount to members of The Academy Rates to number= $1920 setcover, 1121120 hardcover Mod previous hems to The Awash are availabk, in short supply. Write to Sage Publications for inhumation. Please send orders, including ail ',somber &Mem tsx SAGE PUBIICATIONS, INC. 2111 Wart Rilleved. Drive Newbury Park. Calif. 91320 USA Intitaisas and *dividini wiesseopthwv luotitatiouo and istiiriduai aosslembers leas awl &ma Asia, write kr ths UK, Swops. fite Midi* East arid Afrieo. mete ttr SAGE INDIA P.O. Box OS SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD Now Delhi 110 048 SO Beam Sine nem Loudon EC1Y ENGLAND VOLUME 501 JANUARY 1989 THE ANNALS of The American Academy of Political and Social Science RICHARD D. LAMBERT, Editor ALAN W. HESTON, Associate Editor THE GHgTTO UNDERCLASS: SOCIAL SCIENCE PERSPECTIVES Special Editor of this Volume WILLIAM JULIUS WILSON University of Chicago Illinois SAGE PUBLICATIONS NEWBURY PARK LONDONNEW DELHI THE ANNALS 1989 by The American Academyof Political and Social Science ERICA GINSBURG, Assistant Editor form or by any All rights reserved. No part of thisvolume may be reproduced or utilized in any by any information storage means, electronic ormechanical, including photocopying, recording or and retrieval system, withoutpermission in writing from the publishes. Ethiopia! Office: 3937 Chestnut Street,Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104. address: For information about membership*(bulividstals only) and subscrOtiopu (institutions), SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. 2111 West Hi Ilerest Drive Newbury Park, CA 91320 From India and South Asia, From the UK, &trope, the Middle write to: East and Africa, write to: SAGE PUBLICATIONS INDIA Pvt. Ltd. SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD P.O. 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Send change of address to: THE ANNALS, c/o Sage Publications, Inc., 2111West Hillcrest Drive, Newbury Park, CA 91320, The American Academy of Political and Social Science 3937 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 Board of Dfrecton ELMER B. STAATS RANDALL M. WHALEY MARVIN E. WOLFGANG HENRY W. SAWYER, HI LEE BENSON WILLIAM T. COLEMAN, Jr. RICHARD D. LAMBERT ANTHONY J. SCI RICA THOMAS L, HUGHES FREI:Mt/CI HELDRING LLOYD N. CUTLER Officers President MARVIN E. WOLFGANG Yke-Presidents RICHARD D. LAMBERT, first nee-President STEPHEN B. SWEENEY, First Ylee-Presiektu Enterittar Secretary Drasurer Counsel RANDALL M. WHALEY ELMER B. STAATS HENRY W. SAWYER, III Editors, THE ANNALS RICHARD D. LAMBERT, Editor ALAN W. HESTON, A ISOCialf Editor THORSTEN SELLIN, Editor Emeritus Assistant to the President MARY E. HARRIS Origin and Purpose. The Academy was organized December 14, 1889, to promote the progress of political and social science, especially through publications and meetings. The Academy does not take sides in controverted questions, but seeks to gather and present reliable information to assist the public in forming an intelligent and accurate judgment. Meetings. The Academy holds an annual meeting in the spring extending over two days. NbBeaticass. THE ANNALS is the bimonthly publication of The Academy. Each issue contains articles on some prominent social or political problem, written at tbe invitation of the editors, Abu, monographs are published from time to time, numbers of which are distributed to pertinent professional organizations. These volumes constitute important reference works on the topics with which they deal, and they arc extensively cited by authorities throughout the United States and abroad. The papers presented at the meetings of The Academy are included in THE ANNALS. Membership. Each member of The Academy receives THE ANNALS and may attend the meetings of The Academy. Membership is open only to individuals. 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