EUROPEAN SPACE AGENCY (E.S.A.) Headquarters: 8±10 Rue Mario Nikis, 75738 Paris, CEDEX 15, phone 011±33±1±5369±7654, fax 011±33±1±5369±7651 Chairman Council.ÐHugo Parr (Norway). Director General.ÐJean-Marie Luton (France) Member Countries: Germany Spain Belgium Ireland Sweden Denmark Italy Finland Netherlands France Norway Cooperative Agreement.ÐCanada. European Space Operations Center (E.S.O.C.), Robert Bosch-Strasse 5, 61, Darmstadt, Germany, phone 011±49±6151±900, telex: 419453, fax 011±49±6151±90495. European Space Research and Technology Center (E.S.T.E.C.), Keplerlaan 1, 2201, AZ Noordwijk, Zh, Netherlands, phone 011±31±71±565±6565; Telex: 844±39098, fax 011±31±71±565±6040. Information Retrieval Service (E.S.R.I.N./IRS), Via Galileo Galilei, Casella Postale 64, 00044 Frascati, Italy. Phone, 011±39±6±94±18±01; Telex: 610637, fax 011±39±94±180361. Washington Office (E.S.A.), Suite 7800, 955 L'Enfant Plaza SW. 20024. Head of Office.ÐI.W. Pryke, 488±4158, fax: (202) 488±4930.

GREAT LAKES WATER QUALITY REGIONAL OFFICE Eighth Floor, 100 Ouellette Avenue, Windsor, Ontario N9A 6T3 phone (519) 257±6700 (Canada), (313) 226±2170 (U.S.) Director.ÐDouglas A. McTavish. Public Affairs Officer.Ð[Vacant].

CANADIAN SECTION 100 Metcalfe Street 18th Floor, Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1P 5M1, phone (613) 995±2984 Chairman.ÐLeonard Legault. Commissioners.ÐPierre BeÂland, Frank Murphy. Secretary.ÐMurray Clamen (acting).

INTER-AMERICAN DEFENSE BOARD 2600 16th Street 20441, phone 939±6600, fax 939±6620 Chairman.ÐMG John C. Thompson, U.S. Army. Vice Chairman.ÐGen. de Brigada Omar A. Vaquernao, El Salvador, Army. Secretary.ÐCol. Guillermo Giandoni, U.S. Army. Vice Secretary.ÐCol. Sergio Leal da Costa, Brazil, Air Force. Deputy Secretary for Administration.Ð[Vacant.] Conference.ÐLTC James Branham, U.S. Army, 939±7540. Finance.ÐMaj. Hector Colon, U.S. Army, 939±7495. Protocol.ÐLTC George Vargas, U.S. Air Force, 939±7490. 876 International Organizations 877

CHIEFS OF DELEGATION Antigua and Barbuda.ÐLtCol. Trevor Thomas, Army .ÐBG Ricardo Jose Ciaschini, Air Force. Barbados.ÐBG Rudyard E.C. Lewis, Army. Bolivia.ÐGen. de Division Freddy Balderrama, Army. Brazil.ÐContra-Almirante Paulo Cesar de Paiva Bastos, Navy .ÐBG Carlos Patricio Chacon, Army. .ÐGen. Ramon Eduardo Niebles Uscategui, Army. Costa Rica.ÐCoronel Fernando Herrero, Civilian Guard. Ecuador.ÐCoronel Fernando Fiallo, Army. El Salvador.ÐCoronel Jose Campos, Army. Guatemala.ÐCoronel Cesar A. Ruiz, Army. Guyana.Ð[Vacant]. Honduras.ÐContralmirante Giordano B. Fontana, Navy. Mexico.ÐGeneral Brigadier Jorge A. Cardenas, Army. Paraguay.ÐGen. de Division Santiago Zaracho, Army. .ÐVicealmirante Alfonso Balaguer, Navy. Trinidad and Tobago.ÐCol. Hugh Victor Joseph Vidal, Army. .ÐMG Michael J. Byron, USMC. .ÐGeneral Oscar Pereira, Army. Venezuela.ÐGen. de Brigada Manuel Delgado, Army.

INTER-AMERICAN DEFENSE COLLEGE Director.ÐSame as Chairman Inter-American Defense Board, 646±1337. Vice Director.ÐBG Juan Carlos Nielsen, Army, Chile. Chief of Studies.ÐGeneral de Brigada Boris Saavedra, Air Force, Venezuela.

INTER-AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK 1300 New York Avenue 20577, phone 623±1000

OFFICERS President.ÐEnrique V. Iglesias (Uruguay). Assistant to the President.ÐGabriela G. Sotela. Chief, Office of the President.ÐEuric A. Bobb. Special Advisor.ÐJorge Espinosa C. Advisors: Lionel Y. Nicol, T. Nathaniel Carrera. Executive Vice President.ÐNancy Birdsall (United States). Chief Advisor.ÐJoel A. Riley. Special Advisor.ÐRobert N. Kaplan. Senior Advisor.ÐRoberto Vellutini. Director, Evaluation Office.ÐJean S. Quesnel. Deputy Director.ÐRichard D. Fletcher. Principal Evaluation Officers: Brian A. Thomson, Jean-Michel Houde. Controller.ÐAlberto Pico. Deputy Controller.ÐCarlos Eduardo Guedes. Chief Economist.ÐRicardo Hausmann. Senior Advisor.ÐFrederick Jaspersen. Auditor General.ÐWilliam L. Taylor. External Relations Advisor.ÐMuni F. de JimeÂnez. Associate Deputy Advisor.ÐDavid H. Smith. Ombudsperson.ÐJose Ignacio Estevez. Manager, Office ofÐ Multilateral Investment Fund.ÐDonald F. Terry. Deputy Managers: Keisuke Nakamura, Abayuba Morey Rolando. Administration Department.ÐRichard J. Herring. Operations Department 1.ÐRicardo L. Santiago. Deputy Manager.ÐManuel Rapoport. Senior Deputy Manager, Regional Support Services.ÐFrederick W. Schieck. Deputy Manager, Financial Support Services.ÐSetsuko Ono. Regional Operations Department 2ÐMiguel E. MartÂõnez. 878 Congressional Directory

Deputy Manager.ÐWilliam R. Large, Jr. Regional Operations Department 3.ÐCiro de Falco. Deputy Manager.ÐMiguel A. Rivera. Finance Department.ÐCharles O. Sethness. Senior Deputy Manager-Treasurer.ÐCarlos Santistevan. Integration and Regional Programs Department.ÐNohra Rey de Marulanda. Private Sector Department.Ð[Vacant]. Senior Advisor.ÐLuis A. Rubio O. Social Programs and Sustainable Development Department.ÐWaldemar F.W. Wirsig. Strategic Planning and Operational Policy Department.ÐStephen A. Quick. General Counsel, Legal Department.ÐJohn M. Niehuss. Deputy General Counsel.ÐJ. James Spinner. Secretary.ÐCarlos Ferdinand. Deputy Secretary.ÐOscar RodrÂõguez-Rozic.

BOARD OF EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS Colombia and PeruÂ.ÐJulio Angel. Alternate.Ð[Vacant]. Bahamas, Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago.ÐHavelock Brewster. Alternate.ÐBarry Malcolm. Dominican Republic and Mexico.ÐJose Cordoba Montoya. Alternate.ÐRuddy E. Perez. Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, and Nicaragua.Ð Jorge RamoÂn Hernandez-Alcerro. Alternate.ÐEdgar Ayales. Panama and Venezuela.ÐMaritza Izaguirre. Alternate.ÐJuan Manuel Castulovich. Canada.ÐGuy A. Lavigueur. Alternate.ÐWilliam D. Gunn. Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and United Kingdom.ÐGert-Robert Liptau. Alternate.ÐSuzanne Rubow. Argentina and Chile.ÐA. Humberto Petrei. Alternate.ÐAndreÂs Solimano. United States.ÐL. Ronald Scheman. Alternate.ÐLarry Harrington. Brazil, Ecuador, and Suriname.ÐAntonio ClaÂudio Sochaczewski. Alternate.ÐJacinto Velez. Austria, Croatia, France, Israel, , Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, and Switzerland.Ð Hiroshi Toyoda. Alternate.ÐMoshe Gal. Bolivia, Paraguay, and Uruguay.ÐJacques Trigo Loubiere. Alternate.ÐHomero Martinez-Lawlor.

INTER-AMERICAN TROPICAL TUNA COMMISSION Headquarters Office, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, 8604 La Jolla Shores Drive La Jolla CA 92037±1508, phone (619) 546±7100, fax (619) 546±7133 DirectorÐ.James Joseph, Ph.D. Costa Rican Commissioners: Luis Paris Chaverri, Presidente Ejecutivo. Jaime Basadre Oreamuno, Commissioner Instituto Costarricense de la Pesca y Acuacultura (INCOPESCA), PO Box 333±5400, Puntarenas, Costa Rica, (506) 661±0846/3269, fax (506) 255±4697/661±0748. French Commissioners: Philippe Peronne, Direction des Peches Maritimes, Secretariat d'Etat a la Mer, 3 Place Fontenoy, 75700 Paris, France, (33±1) 4273±505, fax (33±1) 4449±8400. David Portal, Charge de Mission, Direction des Nations Unies et des Organizations Internationales, Ministere des Affairs Etrangeres, 37 Quai d'Orsay, 75351 Paris, Cedex 07, France. (33±1) 43174666, ext. 460, fax (33±1) 43175558. Japanese Commissioners: Minoru Morimoto, Councillor, Oceanic Fisheries Department, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, 1±2±1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-Ku, 100 Tokyo, Japan, (81±3) 3502±8111, ext. 5408, fax (81±3) 3504±2649. International Organizations 879

Yasuo Takase, Director, Fishery Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2±2±1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-Ku, 100 Tokyo, Japan. (81±3) 3580±3311, fax (81±3) 3503±3136. Yamato Ueda, President, Federation of Japanese Tuna Fish Co-op Association, 2±3±22 Kudankita, Chiyoda-Ku, 102 Tokyo, Japan. (81±3) 3264±6167, fax (81±3) 3264±7233. Nicaraguan Commissioner: Sergio Martinez Casco, Director, CIRH (Centro de Investigacion de Recursos Hidrobiologicos), Apartado 2020, Managua, Nicaragua. (505±2) 652820, fax (505±2) 653090. Panamanian Commissioners: Ricardo Antonio Martans G., Director Gral. de Recursos Marinos Jose A. Troyano, Viceministro Ministerio de Comercio e Industrias, Apartado 9658, Panama 4, Panama, (507) 274691, fax (507) 273104. Armando Martinez Valdes, Pradepesca, Apartado 645, Balboa Ancon, Panama, (507) 641909, fax (507) 641864. United States Commissioners: Barbara Britten, 801 J Street, Davis, CA 95616. (916) 758±6786, fax (916) 758±8305. M. Austin Forman, 888 Southeast Third Avenue, Suite 501, Fort Lauderdale FL 33316, (305) 763±8111, fax (305) 522±1969. James T. McCarthy, 18708 Olmeda Place, San Diego CA 92128, (619) 485±9749, fax (619) 485±0172. Michael F. Tillman, Southwest Fisheries Science Center, PO Box 271, La Jolla CA 92038, (619) 546±7067, fax (619) 546±7003. Vanuatuan Commissioner: Julian Ala, Commissioner of Maritime Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Private Mail Bag 023, Port Vila, Vanuatu. (678) 22247, fax (678) 22242. Venezuelan Commissioners: Hugo Alsina Lagos, Director de Asuntos Pesqueros Internacionales, Serv. Autonomo de los Rec. Pesq. y Acuicolas, Ministerio de Agricultura y Cria, Torre Este, Piso 10, Parque Central, Caracas,Venezuela. (58±2) 509±0382, fax (58±2) 81 93 72. Maria Estela Bermudez, Directora General de Negociaciones Comerciales, Instituto de Comercio Exterior, Centro Comercial Los Cedros, Av. Libertador, Mezz. PH., Caracas, Venezuela. (58±2)531±0026, fax (58±2) 762±3884.


UNITED STATES SECTION The Commons, Building C, Suite 310 4171 North Mesa, El Paso TX 79902±1441 phone (915) 534±6700, fax (915) 534±6680 Commissioner.ÐJohn M. Bernal, (915) 534±6677. Secretary.ÐManuel R. Ybarra, (915) 534±6698. Principal Engineers: Carlo Marin, (915) 534±6703. Cornelius W. Ruth, (915) 534±6700. [Vacant], (915) 534±6700. Director of Personnel.ÐDavid D. Skinner, (915) 534±6701. Administrative Officer.ÐRobert Ortega, (915) 534±6710. Staff Counsel.ÐRandall A. McMains, (915) 534±6696.

MEXICAN SECTION Avenida Universidad, No. 2180, Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico PO Box 10525, El Paso TX 79995. phone 011±52±16±13±7311 or 011±52±16±13±7363 (Mexico) Commissioner.ÐArturo Herrera Solis. Secretary.ÐJose de Jesus Luevano Grano. Principal Engineers: L. Antonio Rascon Mendoza, Gilberto Elizalde Hernandez. 880 Congressional Directory

INTERNATIONAL BOUNDARY COMMISSION, UNITED STATES AND CANADA UNITED STATES SECTION 1250 23rd Street, Suite 100 20037, phone (202) 736±9100 Commissioner.ÐThomas L. Baldini. Deputy Commissioner.ÐClyde R. Moore. Administrative Officer.ÐKaren L. McCarthy.

CANADIAN SECTION Room 130, 615 Booth Street, Ottawa ON, Canada K1A 0E9, phone (613) 995±4960 Commissioner.ÐMichael J. O'Sullivan. Engineer to the Commission.ÐNoel Paquette.

INTERNATIONAL COTTON ADVISORY COMMITTEE (Permanent Secretariat of the Organization) Headquarters: 1629 K Street Suite 702, 20006, [email protected] phone 463±6660, fax 463±6950, Telex: 701517 ICACOM


Argentina Australia India Spain Azerbaijan Iran Sudan Belgium Israel Switzerland Brazil Italy Syria Cameroon Japan Chad Korea, Republic of Turkey China (Taiwan) Mali Uganda Colombia Netherlands United Kingdom CoÃte d'Ivoire Pakistan United States Egypt Paraguay Uzbekistan Finland Philippines Zimbabwe France Poland Germany Russia Executive Director.ÐLawrence H. Shaw. Statistician.ÐTerry Townsend. Economists: Carlos Valderrama; Andre Gultchounts. Head of Technical Information Section.ÐM. Rafiq Chaudhry. Administrative Officer.ÐFrederico R. Arriola.


1250 23rd Street 20440, phone (202) 736±9000 Chairman.ÐThomas L. Baldini. Commissioners: Susan Bayh, Alice Chamberlin. Secretary.ÐKathy Prosser. Legal Adviser.ÐJames G. Chandler. Engineer Adviser.ÐLisa Bourget. Environmental Adviser.ÐJoel L. Fisher, Ph.D. Public Affairs Director.ÐFrank Bevacqua. Economic Management Adviser.ÐBruce Bandurski. International Organizations 881

INTERNATIONAL LABOR ORGANIZATION Headquarters: , Switzerland Washington Branch Office, 1828 L Street 20036, phone 653±7652, fax 653±7687 Liaison Office with the 220 East 42nd Street, Suite 3101, New York NY 10017±5806 International Labor Office (Permanent Secretariat of the Organization) Headquarters Geneva: Director General.ÐMichel Hansenne. Deputy Directors General: Mary Chinery-Hesse (Ghana); Katherine Hagen (United States); Kari Tapiola (Finland) Assistant Directors General: Jean Francois Tremeaud (France). Hans B. Hammar (Sweden). Padmanabh Gopinath (India). Elias Mabere (Tanzania). Anees Ahmad (Pakistan). Mitsuko Horiuchi (Japan). Tadashi Nakamura (Japan). Ali Taqi (Pakistan). Shukri Dajani (Jordania). Heribert Scharrenbroich (Germany). Victor Tokman (Argentina). Washington: Director.ÐAnthony G. Freeman. Assistant Directors.ÐJean Decker Mathews, John R. Byrne. Senior Advisor/Public Affairs.ÐMary W. Covington. Other Branch Offices: Bonn, London, Paris, Rome, Tokyo, Moscow.

INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND 700 19th Street 20431, phone (202) 623±7000

MANAGEMENT AND SENIOR OFFICERS Chairman of the Executive Board.ÐMichel Camdessus. Deputy Managing Directors: Stanley Fischer, Alassane D. Ouattara, Shigemetsu Sugisaki. Economic Counsellor.ÐMichael Mussa. Counsellor.ÐMassimo Russo. Departmental Directors: Administration.ÐBurke Dillon. African.ÐEvangelos A. Calamitsis. Central Asia.ÐHubert Neiss. Monetary and Exchange Affairs.ÐManuel Guitian. European II.ÐJohn Odling-Smee. Policy Development and Review.ÐJohn T. Boorman. External Relations.ÐShailendra J. Anjaria. Fiscal Affairs.ÐVito Tanzi. Legal.ÐFrancËois P. Gianviti. Middle Eastern.ÐPaul Chabrier. Research.ÐMichael Mussa. Statistics.ÐCarol S. Carson. Western Hemisphere.ÐClaudio M. Loser. IMF Institute.ÐMohsin S. Khan. Secretary.ÐReinhard MuÈnzberg. Treasurer.ÐDavid Williams. Bureau Directors: Computing Services.ÐWarren N. Minami. Language Services.ÐPatrick Delannoy. Director Office inÐ Paris.ÐChristian Brachet. Geneva.Ð[Vacant.] Asia and Pacific.ÐKunio Saito. Director, Office ofÐ Budget and Planning.ÐLindsay A. Wolfe. Internal Audit and Review.ÐEduard Brau. 882 Congressional Directory

EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS AND ALTERNATES Executive Directors: Abdulrahman A. Al-Tuwaijri, represents Saudi Arabia. Alternate.ÐSularman M. Al-Turki. Adviser.ÐMelhem F. Melhem. Marc-Antoine Autheman, represents France. Alternate.ÐAmbroise Fayolle. Adviser.ÐPierre-Michel Fremann. Jarle Bergo, represents Denmark, Estonia, Finland, , Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden. Alternate.ÐMs. Eva Srejber. Adviser.ÐBenny Andersen. Juan Jose Torribio, represents Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Spain, Venezuela. Alternate.ÐJavier GuzmaÂn-Calafell. Advisers: Mario B. Aleman, Tabeila Brizuela. Thomas A. Bernes, represents Antigua and Barbuda, the Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Canada, Dominica, Grenada, Ireland, Jamaica, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Alternate.ÐCharles X. O'Loghlin. Advisers: Mostafa Askari-Rankouhi, Therese Turner-Huggins. Dinah Z. Guti, represents Angola, Botswana, , , , Gambia, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, , , Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe. Alternate.ÐJose Pedro de Morais, Jr. Advisers: Patrick A. Akatu, Lodewyk J. Erasmus. M. R. Sivaraman, represents Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Sri Lanka. Alternate.ÐH. B. Disanayaka. Adviser.ÐRamalinga Kannan. Zamani Abdul Ghani, represents , Fiji, Indonesia, Lao People's Democratic Repub- lic, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Singapore, Thailand, Tonga, Viet Nam. Alternate.ÐOmmar Sein. Daniel Kaeser, represents Azerbaijan, Kyrgyz Republic, Poland, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan. Alternate.ÐDanuta Gotz-Kozierkiewicz. Adviser.ÐRoberto F. Cippa. Alexandre Kafka, represents Brazil, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guyana, Haiti, Panama, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago. Alternate.ÐAlberto CalderoÂn. Advisers: Joan John, Helio Mori. Willy Kiekens, represents Austria, , Belgium, Czech Republic, Hungary, Kazakhstan, , Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Turkey. Alternate.ÐJohann Prader. Advisers: A kos CsereÂs, Jiri Jonas. Koffi Yao, represents Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Repub- lic, Chad, Comoros, Congo, CoÃte d'Ivoire, , Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Niger, Rwanda, SaÏo Tome and Principe, Senegal, Togo. Alternate.ÐAlexandre Barro Chambrier. Advisers: Abdel Rehman Ismael, Jean-Christian Obame, Simon N'guiambe, Bernard Konai. Enzo Grilli, represents Albania, Greece, Italy, Malta, Portugal, San Marino. Alternate.ÐNikolaos Coumbis. Adviser.ÐAlessandro Giustinani. Karin Lissakers, represents United States. Alternate.ÐBarry S. Newman. Adviser.ÐMark Sobel. Hachiro Mesaki, represents Japan. Alternate.ÐHideaki Ono. Abbas Mirakhor, represents Islamic State of Afghanistan, Algeria, Ghana, Islamic Republic of Iran, Morocco, Pakistan, Tunisia. Alternate.ÐMohammed DaÂõri. Advisers: Meekal A. Ahmed, Mohammad-Hadi Mahdavan. A. Guillermo Zoccali, represents Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay. Advisers: Jorge Leiva, Jose Antonio Costa. Bernd Esdar, represents Germany. Alternate.ÐWolf-Dieter Dunecker. International Organizations 883

Adviser.ÐAndreas Guennewich. A. Shakour Shaalan, represents Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Maldives, Oman, Qatar, Syrian Arab Republic, United Arab Emirates, Yemen. Alternate.ÐYacoob Yousef Mohammed. Advisers: Toufic K. Gaspard. Aleksei V. Mohzin, represents Russia. Alternate.ÐAndrei Vernikov. Adviser.ÐVitali Verjbitski. Ewen L. Waterman, represents Australia, Kiribati, Korea, Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Mongolia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Seychelles, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Western Samoa. Alternate.ÐJung-Ho Kang. Adviser.ÐCelia M. Gonzalez. J. de Beaufort Wijnholds, represents Armenia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Georgia, Israel, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, , Netherlands, Romania, . Alternate.ÐYuriy Yakusha. Advisers: Aziel Levy, Laura van Geest. Zhang Zhixiang, represents China. Alternate.ÐHan Mingzhi. Adviser.ÐHe Jianxiong.

INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MIGRATION Headquarters: 17 Route Des Morillons (PO Box 71), CH1211, Geneva 19, Switzerland Washington Mission: 1750 K Street, NW, Suite 1110, 20006, phone (202) 862±1826 New York Mission: 1123 Broadway, Suite 717, New York NY 10010 phone (212) 463±8422

HEADQUARTERS Director General.ÐJames N. Purcell, Jr. (United States). Deputy Director General.ÐAmbassador Narcisa Escaler (Philippines). Washington Chief of Mission.ÐHans-Petter W. Boe (Norway). New York Chief of Mission.ÐAndrew Bruce (New Zealand). MEMBER STATES Albania Egypt Pakistan Angola El Salvador Panama Argentina Finland Paraguay Armenia France Peru Australia Germany Philippines Austria Greece Poland Bangladesh Guatemala Portugal Belgium Haiti Senegal Bolivia Honduras Slovak Republic Bulgaria Hungary Sri Lanka Canada Israel Sweden Chile Italy Switzerland Colombia Japan Tajikistan Costa Rica Kenya Thailand Croatia Korea, Republic of Uganda Cyprus Liberia United States of America Czech Republic Luxembourg Uruguay Denmark Netherland Venezuela Dominican Republic Nicaragua Zambia Ecuador Norway

STATES WITH OBSERVER STATUS Afghanistan Bosnia and Herzegovina Georgia Belarus Brazil Ghana Belize Cape Verde Guinea 884 Congressional Directory

Guinea Bissau Moldova Sudan Holy See Morocco Tanzania India Mozambique Tunisia Indonesia Namibia Turkey Iran (Islamic Republic of) New Zealand Ukraine Ireland Romania United Kingdom of Jamaica Russian Federation Great Britain and Jordan Rwanda Northern Ireland Kyrgyzstan San Marino Vietnam Latvia Sao Tome and Principe Yugoslavia Lithuania Slovenia Zaire Madagascar Zimbabwe Malta South Africa Soverign Military Order of Mexico Spain Malta IOM OVERSEAS LIAISON AND OPERATIONAL OFFICES Albania, Tirana Ghana, Accra Philippines, Manila Argentina, Buenos Aires Greece, Athens Portugal, (Lisbon) Australia, Camberra City Guatemala, Guatemala City Romania, Bucharest Austria, Vienna Haiti, Port Au Prince Russia, Moscow * Azerbaijan, Nicosia Honduras, Tegucigalpa Singapore Belgium/Luxembourg, Hong Kong * South Africa, Pretoria Brussels Hungary, Budapest Spain, Madrid Bolivia, La Paz Indonesia, Tanjung Pinang Switzerland, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Italy, Rome Taiwan, Taipei Sarajevo Japan, Tokyo Tajikistan, Dushanbe Chile, Santiago * Jordan, Jebel Amman Thailand, Bangkok * Colombia, Bogota Kenya, Nairobi * Turkey, Ankara Costa Rica, San Jose * Kuwait, Kuwait City Uganda, Kampala Croatia, Zagreb Liberia, United Kingdom, London Cyprus, Nicosia Macau United States of America, Djibouti Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur Washington, New York, Dominican Republic, Santo Mozambique, Maputo Chicago, Miami Domingo Netherlands, The Hague Uruguay, Montevideo Ecuador, Quito New Zealand, Wellington Venezuela, Caracas Egypt, Nicaragua, Managua Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City, El Salvador, San Salvador Pakistan, (Islamabad, Hanoi Finland, Helsinki Peshawar, Quetta) Yugoslavia, Belgrade France, Paris Panama, Panama City Zambia, Georgia, Tbilisi Paraguay, Asuncion Germany, Bonn Peru,

INTERNATIONAL PACIFIC HALIBUT COMMISSION UNITED STATES AND CANADA Headquarters: University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98105 phone (206) 634±1838, fax (206) 632±2983 Mailing address: PO Box 95009, Seattle WA 98145±2009 American Commissioners: Ralph G. Hoard, PO Box 79003, Seattle, WA 98119, (206) 282±0988, fax (206) 282±7222. Ms. Kris Norosz, PO Box 805, Petersburg, AK 99833, (907) 772±9323. Steven Pennoyer, National Marine Fisheries Service, PO Box 1668, Juneau, AK 99802, (907) 586±7221, fax (907) 586±7131. Canadian Commissioners: Dr. Richard J. Beamish, Pacific Biological Station, PO Box 100, Nanaimo, B.C., Canada V9R 5K6, (604) 756±7040, fax (604) 756±7053. Gregg Best, 1093 Lazo Road, Comox, BC, Canada V9M 3W3, (250) 339±0986, fax (250) 339±6092. Rodney Pierce, 3044 Kensington Court, Courtenay, BC, Canada V9N 8Z8, (250) 334±0656, fax (250) 897±1238.

* Post includes Regional Coverage. International Organizations 885

Director and Secretary (ex officio).ÐDonald A. McCaughran, PO Box 95009, Seattle, WA 98145±2009.

ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN STATES 17th Street and Constitution Avenue NW 20006, phone (202) 458±3000, fax 458±3967

PERMANENT MISSIONS TO THE OAS Antigua and Barbuda.ÐAmbassador Lionel Alexander Hurst, 3216 New Mexico Avenue NW, Washington DC 20016, phone 362±5122, fax 362±5225. Argentina.ÐAmbassador Alicia D. Martinez Rios, 1816 Corcoran Street NW, Washington DC 20009, phone 387±4142, fax 328±1591. The Bahamas.ÐAmbassador Arlington Butler, Interim Representative, 2220 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington DC 20008, phone 319±2660, fax 319±2668. Barbados.ÐAmbassador and Mrs. Courtney Blackman, 2144 Wyoming Avenue NW, Washington DC 20008, phone 939±9200, fax 332±7467. Belize.ÐAmbassador and Mrs. Dean Russell Lindo, 2535 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington DC 20008±098, phone 332±9636, fax 332±6888. Bolivia.ÐAmbassador and Mrs. Carlos Casap Salame, 1735 Eye Street NW, Suite 918/9, Washington DC 20006, phone 785±0218, fax 296±0563. Brazil.ÐAmbassador Itamar Franco, Interim Representative, 2600 Virginia Avenue NW, Suite 412, Washington DC 20037, phone 333±4224, fax 333±6610. Canada.ÐAmbassador and Mrs. Brian Dickson, 501 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington DC 20001, phone 682±1768, fax 682±7624. Chile.ÐAmbassador and Mrs. Edmundo Vargas Carreno, 2000 L Street NW, Suite 720, Washington DC 20036, phone 887±5475, fax 775±0713. Colombia.ÐAmbassador Carlos Holmes Trujillo, 1609 22nd Street NW, Washington DC 20008, phone 332±8003, fax 234±9781. Costa Rica.ÐAmbassador Fernando Herrero, Interim Representative, 2112 S Street NW, Washington DC 20008, phone 234±9280, fax 986±2274. Dominica.Ð3216 New Mexico Avenue, NW 20016, phone 364±6781. Dominican Republic.ÐAmbassador Flavio Espinal, Interim Representative, 1715 22nd Street NW, Washington DC 20008, phone 332±9142, fax 265±8057. Ecuador.Ð2535 15th Street NW, Washington DC 20009, phone 234±1494, fax 667±3482. El Salvador.ÐAmbassador Mauricio Granillo, Interim Representative, 1010 16th Street NW, Fourth Floor, Washington DC 20036, phone 467±0054, fax 467±4261. Grenada.ÐAmbassador Denis G. Antoine, 1701 New Hampshire Avenue NW, Washington DC 20009, phone 265±2561, fax 265±2468. Guatemala.ÐAmbassador and Mrs. Jose Luis Chea Urruela, 1507 22nd Street NW, Washington DC 20036, phone 833±4015, fax 833±4011. Guyana.ÐAmbassador and Mrs. Odeen Ishmael, 2490 Tracy Place NW, Washington DC 20008, phone 265±6900, fax 232±1297. Haiti.ÐAmbassador Jean Casimir, 2311 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington DC 20008, phone 332±4090, fax 745±7215. Honduras.ÐAmbassador Marlene Villela de Talbott and Mr. Jose Jorge Talbott, 5100 Wisconsin Avenue NW, Suite 403, Washington DC 20016, phone 362±9656, fax 537±7170. Jamaica.ÐAmbassador and Mrs. Richard Bernal, 1520 New Hampshire Avenue NW, Washington DC 20036, phone 452±0660, fax 452±9395. Mexico.ÐAmbassador Carmen Moreno de Del Cueto, 2440 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington DC 20008, phone 332±3663, fax 332±9498. Nicaragua.ÐAmbassador Felipe Rodriguez, 1627 New Hampshire Avenue NW, Washington DC 20009, phone 332±1643, fax 745±0710. Panama.ÐAmbassador and Mrs. Lawrence Chewning Fabrega, 2201 Wisconsin Avenue NW, Suite 240, phone 965±4826, fax 965±4836. Paraguay.ÐAmbassador and Mrs. Carlos Victor Montanaro, 1010 16th Street NW, Fourth Floor, Washington DC 20036, phone 244±3003, fax 234±4508. Peru.ÐAmbassador Beatriz Ramacciotti, 2201 Wisconsin Avenue NW, Suite 220, Washington DC 20007, phone 232±2881, fax 337±6866. Saint Kitts and Nevis.ÐAmbassador Osbert O. Liburd, 3216 New Mexico Avenue NW, Washington DC 20016, phone 686±2636, fax 686±5740. Saint Lucia.ÐAmbassador and Mrs. Joseph E. Edmunds, 3216 New Mexico Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20016, phone 364±6792, fax 364±6723. 886 Congressional Directory

Saint Vincent and The Grenadines.Ð Ambassador and Mrs. Kingsley Layne, 1717 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Suite 102, Washington DC 20036, phone 364±6730, fax 364±6736. Suriname.ÐAmbassador and Mrs. Willem Udenhout, 4301 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 108, Washington, DC 20008, phone 244±7488, fax 244±5878. Trinidad and Tobago.ÐAmbassador Corinne McKnight and Mr. David McKnight, 1708 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington DC 20036, phone 467±6490, fax 785±3130. United States of America.ÐAmbassador Harriet Babbitt and The Honorable Bruce Babbitt, ARA/USOAS Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Department of State, Room 6494, Washington DC 20520, phone 647±9376, fax 647±0911. Uruguay.ÐAmbassador Antonio Mercader, Interim Representative, 2801 New Mexico Avenue NW, Suite 1210, Washington DC 20007, phone 333±0588, fax 337±3758. Venezuela.ÐAmbassador Francisco Paparoni, 1099 30th Street NW, Second Floor, Washington DC 20007, phone 342±5837, fax 625±5657.

GENERAL SECRETARIAT Secretary General.ÐCesar Gavirio, 458±3841, fax 458±3624. Chief of Staff of the Secretary General.ÐMiguel Silva, 458±3841, fax 458±3624. Assistant Chief of Staff.ÐCesar Negret, 458±3850, fax 458±3624. Assistant Secretary General.ÐChristopher R. Thomas, 458±6046, fax 458±3011. Chief of Staff to the Assistant Secretary General.ÐHernan Hurtado Prem, 458±6046, fax 458±3011. Assistant Secretary forÐ Legal Affairs.ÐEnrique Lagos, 458±3983. Management.ÐJames R. Harding, 458±3436. Executive Secretary for Integral Development.ÐLeonel Zuniga, 458±3325. Directors: Department of Public Information.ÐJorge Telerman, 458±3754. Office of Protocol.ÐAna C. O'Brien, 458±718, fax 458±6328. Inter-American Commission of (ACHR) Chairman.ÐAmbassador John Donaldson, 458±6084. Executive Secretary.ÐAmbassador Jorge E. Tallana, 458±6002. Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM) Chairperson.ÐQuezada Martinez, 458±6084, fax 458±6094. Executive Secretary.ÐLinda J, poole, 458±6084, fax 458±6094. Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD) Chairman.Ð[Vacant.] Executive Secretary.ÐDavid Beall, 458±3178.

ORGANIZATION FOR ECONOMIC COOPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT Headquarters: 2 rue Andre±ascal, 75775 Paris CEDEX 16, France phone (331) 4524±8200, fax (331) 4524±8500 Secretary-General.ÐDonald J. Johnston. Deputy Secretary-General.ÐJoanna Shelton. Member Countries: Australia Hungary Norway Austria Iceland Poland Belgium Ireland Portugal Canada Italy Spain Czech Republic Japan Sweden Denmark Korea Switzerland Finland Luxembourg Turkey France Mexico United Kingdom Germany Netherlands United States Greece New Zealand

OECD PUBLICATIONS AND INFORMATION CENTER, WASHINGTON, DC 2001 L Street 20036, phone (202) 785±6323, fax (202) 785±0350 Washington Representative.ÐDenis Lamb. Deputy Head of Center.ÐMatthew Brosius. International Organizations 887

PAN AMERICAN SANITARY BUREAU REGIONAL OFFICE OF THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION 525 23rd Street NW Washington DC 20037, phone (202) 974±000, fax (202) 974±3663

PAN AMERICAN SANITARY BUREAU Director.ÐSir George A. O. Alleyne, 974±3408. Deputy Director.ÐDr. David Brandling-Bennett, 974±3178. Assistant Director.ÐDr. Mirta Roses Periago, 974±3404. Chief of Administration.ÐMr. Thomas M. Tracy, 974±3412. Chief of External Relations.ÐDr. Irene Klinger, 974±3194. Chief of Analysis and Strategic Planning.ÐDr. Juan Manuel Sotelo, 974±3187. Director, Division ofÐ Communicable Disease Prevention and Control.ÐDr. Stephen Corber, 974±3850. Health and Development.ÐDr. Juan Antonio Casas, 974±3210. Health Promotion and Protection.ÐDr. Joao Yunes, 974±3261. Health Systems and Services.ÐDr. Daniel LoÂpez AcunÄa, 974±3221. Health and Environment.ÐMr. Horst Otterstetter, 974±3311. Special Program for Vaccines and Immunization.ÐDr. Ciro de Quadros, 974±3247.

FIELD OFFICES PAHO/WHO Caribbean Program Coordination, PO Box 508, Dayralls and Navy Garden Roads, Christ Church, Bridgetown, Barbados, phone 426±3860, fax 436±9779. Caribbean Program Coordination.Ð(Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, St. Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Eastern Caribbean: An- guilla, British, Virgin Islands, Montserrat. French Antilles: Guadaloupe, Martinique, St. Martin and St. Bartholomew, French Guiana). PAHO/WHO Representatives: Argentina, Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana, Marcelo T. de Alvear 684, 4o. piso, 1058 Buenos Aires, Argentina, phone 312±5301 to 5304, fax 311±9151. Bahamas (Turks and Caicos), PO Box N 9111, Third Floor Curry House Building, Shirley Street, Royal Victoria Compound, Nassau, Bahamas, phone 326±7390, fax 326±7012. Belize, PO Box 1834, No. 4 Eyre Street, Belize City, Belize, phone 448±85, fax 309±17. Bolivia, Casillas Postales 9790 y 2504, Edificio ``Foncomin,'' Av. 20 de octubre No. 2038, 3er Piso, La Paz, Bolivia, phone 362±646, fax 391±296. Brazil, Caixa Postal 08±29, 70912±70, Setor de Embaixadas Norte, Lote 19, 70800±00, BrasÂõlia, D.F., BrasÂõlia, phone 312±6565, fax 321±1922. Chile, Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana, Casilla 9459, Piso 5, Oficina 58, Calle Monjitas 689, Santiago, Chile, phone 6398±209, fax 6393±728. Colombia, Apartado AeÂreo 253367, Carrera 13 No. 32±76, Edificio Urano, 5to Piso, Santafe de BogotaÂ, DC, Colombia, phone 336±7100, fax 336±7306. Costa Rica, Apartado 3745, Calle 16, Avenida 6 y 8, Distrito Hospital, San JoseÂ, Costa Rica, phone 233±8878, fax 233±8061. Cuba, Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana, Apartado Postal 68, Calle 4 No. 407, entre 17 y 19 Vedado, La Habana, Cuba, phone 323±666, 323±406, fax 333±375. Dominican Republic, SecretarÂõa de Estado de Salud PuÂblica y Asistencia Social, Apartado 1464, Avenida San CristoÂbal, Esquina Ave. Tiradentes, Santo Domingo, RepuÂblica Dominicana, phone 562±1519, fax 544±0322. Ecuador, Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana, San Javier 295 y Francisco de Orellana, Quito, Ecuador, phone 544±642, fax 502±830. El Salvador, 73 Avenida Sur No. 135, Colonia EscaloÂn, Apartado 1072, Sucursal Centro, San Salvador, El Salvador, phone 298±3491, fax 298±1168. Guatemala, Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana, Apartado Postal 383, Edificio Etisa, Plazuela Espana, 7a Avenida 12±23, Zona 9, Guatemala, Guatemala, phone 332±2032, fax 334±3804. Guyana, PO Box 10969, Lot 8 Brickdam Stabroek, Georgetown, Guyana, phone 751±50, fax 666±54. Haiti, Boite Postale 1330, No. 295 Avenue John Brown, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, phone 458±666, fax 451±732. Honduras, Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana, Apartado Postal 728, Colonia Palmira No. 2036, Avenida RepuÂblica de PanamaÂ, frente Embajada China, Tegucigalpa MDC, Honduras, phone 32±3911, fax 32±8942. Jamaica (Bermuda and Cayman), PO Box 384, Cross Roads, Imperial Life Building, 60 Knutsford Boulevard, Kingston 5, Jamaica, phone 926±1990, fax 929±1182. 888 Congressional Directory

MeÂxico, Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana, Apartado Postal 10±80, Avenida de las Palmas No. 530, Lomas de Chapultepec, C.P. 11000, MeÂxico, D.F., MeÂxico, phone 202±8200, fax 520±8868. Nicaragua, Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana, Apartado Postal 1309, Complejo Nacional de Salud, Camino a la Sabana, Managua, Nicaragua, phone 89±4200, fax 289±4999. PanamaÂ, Casilla Postal 7260, Zona 5, Ministerio de Salud, Avenida Cuba y Calle 36, PanamaÂ, PanamaÂ, phone 227±0082, fax 227±2270. Paraguay, Casilla de Correo 839, Edificio ``Faro del RÂõo'' Mcal. LoÂpez 957 Esq. Estados Unidos, AsuncioÂn, Paraguay, phone 450±495, fax 450±498. PeruÂ, Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana, Los Cedros 269, San Isidro, Lima 27, PeruÂ, Casilla 2117, Lima 100, PeruÂ, phone 421±3030, fax 442±4634. Suriname, PO Box 1863, Gravenstraat 60 (boven), Paramaribo, Suriname, phone 471±676, fax 471±568. Trinidad and Tobago, PO Box 898, 49 Jerningham Avenue, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, phone 624±7524, fax 624±5643. Uruguay, Casilla de Correo 1821, Avenue Brasil 2697, Apts. 5,6 y 8, Esquina Coronel Alegre, CoÂdigo Postal 11300, Montevideo, Uruguay, phone 773±590, fax 773±530. Venezuela (Netherlands Antilles), Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana, Avenida Sexta entre 5a y 6a, Transversal, Altamira, Caracas, Venezuela, Apartado 6722, Carmelitas, Caracas 1010, Venezuela, phone 262±2085, fax 261±6069.

CENTERS Caribbean Epidemiology Center (CAREC).ÐDirector, PO Box 164, 16±18 Jamaica Boulevard, Federation Park, Port-of Spain, Trinidad, phone 622±4261, fax 622±2792. Caribbean Food and Nutrition Institute (CFNI).ÐDirector, PO Box 140 - Mona, University of the West Indies, Kingston 7, Jamaica, phone 927±1540, fax 927±2657. Field Office, United States-Mexico Border (FO/USMB).ÐChief, Pan American Sanitary Bureau, 6006 North Mesa, Suite 600, El Paso, Texas 79912, phone (915) 581±6645, fax 833±4768. Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama (INCAP).ÐDirector, Apartado Postal 1188, Carretera Roosevelt, Zona 11, Guatemala, Guatemala, phone 471±5655, fax 473±6529. Latin American Center and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information (BIREME).Ð Director, Caixa Postal 20381, Rua Botucate 862, Vila Clementino, CEP. 04023±062, Sao Paulo, SP, Brasil, phone 549±2611, fax 571±1919. Latin American Center for Perinatology and Human Development (CLAP).ÐDirector, Casilla de Correo 627, Hospital de ClÂõnicas, Piso 16, Montevideo, Uruguay, phone 472±929, fax 472±593. Pan American Institute for Food Protection and Zoonoses (INPPAZ).ÐDirector, Casilla de Correo No. 44, Calle Talcahuano 1660, (CP 1640) MartÂõnez, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina, phone 792±0087, fax 112328. Pan American Center for Sanitary Engineering and Environmental Sciences (CEPIS).ÐDirector, Calle Los Pinos 259, UrbanizacioÂn Camacho, Lima 12, PeruÂ, Casilla Postal 4337, Lima 100, PeruÂ, phone 437±7019, fax 437±8289. Pan American Center for Human Ecology and Health (ECO).ÐDirector, Rancho Guadalupe, Metepec, Estado de MeÂxico, MeÂxico, Apartado Postal 37±73, 06696 MeÂxico, D.F. MeÂxico, phone 71±10±91, fax 71±10±90. Pan American Foot-and-Mouth Disease Center (PANAFTOSA).ÐDirector, Avenida Presidente Kennedy 7778, (Antiga Estrada Rio-PetroÂpolis), 25000 Sao Bento, Duque de Caxias, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, Caixa Postal 589, 20001 Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, phone 671±3128, fax 671±2387. International Organizations 889


CANADIAN SECTION Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A OK2 phone (613) 995±6637 Chairman.ÐJesse Flis, (613) 992±2936. Members: Air.ÐBG Cajo Brando, (613) 992±7384. External Affairs.ÐRalph Lysyshyn, (613) 996±2521. Land.ÐBG Walt Homes, (613) 945±7242. Maritime.ÐCdr. Bruce MacLean. Policy.ÐRADM Jim King, (613) 992±2769. Secretary.ÐCharles Court, (613) 992±5457. Military Secretary.ÐLtCol. Claude Perras, (613) 995±6637.


Crystal Gateway North, Room 511, 1111 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington VA 22202 phone (703) 604±0488 Chairman.ÐDwight N. Mason, (703) 604±0488. Members: Department of State.ÐEarl A. Wayne, Room 6219, (202) 647±6402. Joint Staff/Steering and Coordinating.ÐMG Michael J. Byron, Pentagon, Room 2E996, (703) 697±1887. Air Force.ÐMG Terry J. Schwailier, Pentagon, Room 4E±1046, (703) 695±9067. Navy.ÐRADM Timothy W. LaFleur, Pentagon, Room 4E±572, (703) 695±2453. Secretary.ÐLeonard Kusnitz, Department of State, Room 5227, New State Building, (202) 647±2228. Military Secretary.ÐCol(S) Robert W. Tomlinson, CGN, Suite 511, (703) 604±0488.


SECRETARIAT B.P. D±5, Noumea Cedex, New Caledonia, phone (687) 26.20.00, fax (687) 26.38.18 Secretary General.ÐAti George Sokomanu. Director of Programs.ÐVaasatia Poloma Komiti. Director of Services.ÐFusi Caginavanua.

U.S. Contact: Office of Pacific Island Affairs, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Department of State, Washington, DC 20520, phone (202) 647±3546. American Samoa Northern Mariana Islands Australia Palau Cook Islands Papua New Guinea Federated States of Micronesia Pitcairn Islands Fiji Solomon Islands France Tokelau French Polynesia Tonga Guam Tuvalu Kiribati United Kingdom Marshall Islands United States Nauru Vanuatu New Caledonia Wallis and Futuna New Zealand Western Samoa Niue 890 Congressional Directory


GENERAL ASSEMBLY The General Assembly is composed of all 185 United Nations Member States.

SECURITY COUNCIL The Security Council has 15 members. The United Nations Charter designates five States as permanent members, and the General Assembly elects 10 other members for two-year terms. The term of office for each non-permanent member of the Council ends on 31 December of the year indicated in parentheses next to its name. The five permanent members of the Security Council are China, France, Russian Federation, United Kingdom and United States. The 10 non-permanent members of the Council in 1997 are Chile (1997), Costa Rica (1998), Egypt (1997), Guinea-Bissau (1997), Japan (1998), Kenya (1998), Poland (1997), Portugal (1998), Republic of Korea (1997) and Sweden (1998).

ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL The Economic and Social Council has 54 members, elected for three-year terms by the General Assembly. The term of office for each member expires on 31 December of the year indicated in parentheses next to its name. In 1997, the Council is composed of the following States: Argentina (1998) Jordan (1998) Australia (1997) Latvia (1999) Bangladesh (1998) Lebanon (1998) Belarus (1997) Luxembourg (1997) Brazil (1997) Malaysia (1997) Canada (1998) Mexico (1999) Cape Verde (1999) Mozambique (1999) Central African Republic (1998) Netherlands (1997) Chile (1999) Nicaragua (1998) China (1998) Philippines (1997) Colombia (1997) Poland (1997) Congo (1997) Republic of Korea (1999) CoÏte d'Ivoire (1997) Romania (1998) Cuba (1999) Russian Federation (1998) Czech Republic (1998) South Africa (1997) Djibouti (1999) Spain (1999) El Salvador (1999) Sri Lanka (1999) Finland (1998) Sudan (1997) France (1999) Sweden (1998 Gabon (1998) Thailand (1997) Gambia (1999) Togo (1998) Germany (1999) Tunisia (1998) Guyana (1998) Turkey (1999) Iceland (1999) Uganda (1997) India (1997 United Kingdom (1998) Jamaica (1997) United States (1997) Japan (1999) Zambia (1999)

TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL The Trusteeship Council has five members: China, France, Russian Federation, United Kingdom and the United States. With the independence of Palau, the last remaining United Nations trust territory, the Council formerly suspended operation on 1 November 1994. By a resolu- tion adopted on that day, the Council amended its rules of procedure to drop the obligation to meet annually and agreed to meet as occasion requiredÐby its decision or the decision of its President, or at the request of a majority of its members or the General Assembly or the Security Council. International Organizations 891

INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE The International Court of Justice has 15 members, elected by both the General Assembly and the Security Council. Judges hold nine-year terms, which end on 5 February of the year indicated in parentheses next to their names. As of 6 February 1997, the composition of the Court will be: Mohammed Bedjaoui (Algeria) (2006), Carl-August Fleischhauer (Germany) (2003), Gilbert Guillaume (France) (2000), GeÂza Herczegh (Hungary)(2003), Rosalyn Higgins (United Kingdom) (2000), Shi Jiuyong (China) (2003), Pieter H. Kooijmans (Netherlands) (2006), Abdul G. Koroma (Sierra Leone) (2003), Shigeru Oda (Japan) (2003), Gonzalo Parra-Aranguren (Venezuela) (2000), Raymond Ranjeva (Madagascar) (2000), Jose Francisco Rezek (Brazil) (2006), Stephen M. Schwebel (United States) (2006), Christopher G. Weeramantry (Sri Lanka) (2000) and Vladlen S. Vereshchetin (Russian Federation) (2006).

UNITED NATIONS SECRETARIAT One United Nations Plaza, New York NY 10017, (212) 963±1234, Secretary General.ÐMr. Kofi A. Annan (Ghana).

EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL Chief of Staff.ÐMr. Iqbal Riza (Pakistan). Executive Coordinator for UN Reform.ÐMr. Maurice Strong (Canada). Assistant Secretary-General, External Relations.ÐMrs. Gillian Sorensen (USA). Executive Assistant.ÐMrs. Elisabeth Lindenmayer (France). Executive Assistant.ÐMr. Sashi Tharoor (India).

OFFICE OF INTERNAL OVERSIGHT SERVICES Under-Secretary-General.ÐMr. Karl Paschke (Germany).

OFFICE OF LEGAL AFFAIRS Under-Secretary-General and Legal Counsel.ÐMr. Hans Corell (Sweden).

DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL AFFAIRS Under-Secretary-General.ÐSir Kieran Prendergast (U.K.). Assistant Secretary-General.ÐMr. Alvaro de Soto (Peru). Assistant Secretary-General.ÐMr. Ibrahima Fall (Senegal).

DEPARTMENT OF PEACE-KEEPING OPERATIONS Under-Secretary-General.ÐMr. Bernard Miyet (France). Assistant Secretary-Genera.ÐMr. Hedi Annabi (Tunisia). Assistant Secretary-General.ÐMr. Manfred Eisele (Germany).


DEPARTMENT FOR POLICY COORDINATION AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Under-Secretary-General.ÐMr. Nitin Desai (India). Special Adviser on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women.ÐAssistant Secretary-General Ms. Angela King (Jamaica).


DEPARTMENT FOR DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES Under-Secretary-General.ÐMr. Yongjian Jin (China). The Secretary-General announced on 17 March 1997 that the three economic and social departments will be consolidated to one department.

DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INFORMATION Assistant Secretary-General.ÐMr. Samir Sanbar (Lebanon). Spokesman.ÐMr. Fred Eckhard (USA). The Secretary-General announced on 17 March 1997 that the Department of Public Information will be transformed to a new Office of Communications and Media Services.

UNITED NATIONS INFORMATION CENTER 1775 K Street NW, Suite 400, Washington DC 20006, phone (202) 331±8670 fax (202) 331±9191, [email protected] Director.ÐMr. Joe Sills (USA). Deputy Director.ÐMrs. Joan L. Hills (USA)


OFFICE OF PROGRAMME PLANNING, BUDGET AND ACCOUNTS Controller.ÐAssistant Secretary-General: Mr. Jean-Pierre Halbwachs (Mauritius).

OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Assistant Secretary-General.ÐMr. Denis Halliday (Ireland).

OFFICE OF CONFERENCE AND SUPPORT SERVICES Assistant Secetary-General.ÐMr. Benon Sevan (Cyprus).

UNITED NATIONS AT GENEVA (UNOG) Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland, phone (41±22) 917±1234. Director-General of UNOG.ÐAssistant Secretary-General Mr. Vladimir Petrovsky (Russian Fed.)

UNITED NATIONS AT VIENNA (UNOV) Vienna International Centre, PO Box 500, A±1400 Vienna, Austria, phone (43±1) 211±31±0. Director-General of UNOV.ÐAssistant Secretary-General Giorgio Giacomelli (Italy)

REGIONAL ECONOMIC COMMISSIONS Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), PO Box 3001, Addis Ababa Ethiopia, phone (251±1) 51±72±00 Under-Secretary-General.ÐMr. K.Y. Amoako (Ghana). Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland, phone (41±22) 917±2893 Under-Secretary-General.ÐMr. Yves Berthelot (France). Economic Commission for Latin American and the Caribebean (ECLAC) Avenida Dag Hammarskjold, Vitacura, Santiago, Chile, phone (56±2) 210±2000, Apartado Postal 6±718, 11570 Mexico, DF, phone (52±5) 2501555 Under-Secretary-General.ÐMr. Gert Rosenthal (Guatemala). Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), United Nations Building, Rajdamnern Avenue, Bankok 10200, Thailand, phone (66±2) 288±1234 International Organizations 893

Under-Secretary-General.ÐMr. Adrianus Mooy (Indonesia). Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), PO Box 927115, Amman, Jordan, phone (962±6) 694351 Under-Secretary-General.ÐMr. Hazem El Beblawi (Egypt).

FUNDS, PROGRAMMES AND BODIES OF THE UN Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ACABQ), One United Nations Plaza, New York NY 10017, phone (212) 963±7456 Chairman.ÐMr. C.S.M. Mselle, (UR of Tanzania). Centre for Human Rights, Palais des Nations, 8±14 Avenue de la Paix, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland, phone (41±22) 917±1234 High Commissioner.ÐRalph Zacklin (acting). Officer-in-Charge.ÐMr. Ralph Zacklin. Jose Ayala Lasso resigned as High Commissioner as at 15 March 1997 and Mr. Zacklin will be OIC until his replacement is selected. International Civil Service Commission (ICSC), One United Nations Plaza, New York NY 10017, phone (212) 963±8464 Chairman.ÐMr. Mohsen Bel Hadj Amor (Tunisia). Joint Inspection Unit (JIU), Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland, phone (41±22) 917±1234 Chairman.ÐMr. Fatih Bouyad-Agha (Algeria). Panel of External Auditors, One United Nations Plaza, New York NY 10017, phone (212) 963±1234 Chairman.ÐSir John Bourn, KCB (United Kingdom). United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat), UN Office at Nairobi, PO Box 30030, Nairobi Kenya, phone (254±2) 621±234 Assistant Secretary-General: Mr. Wally N'Dow (Gambia). United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), UNICEF House, 3 UN Plaza, New York NY 10017, phone (212) 326±7000 Executive Director.ÐMs. Carol Bellamy (USA). United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Palais des Nations, 8±14 Avenue de la Paix, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland, phone (41±22) 917±1234 Secretary-General.ÐMr. Rubens Ricupero (Brazil). United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), 304 East 45th Street, Sixth Floor, New York NY 10017, phone (212) 906±6400 Director.ÐMs. Noeleen Heyzer (Singapore). United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 1 United Nations Plaza, New York NY 10017, phone (212) 906±5000 Administrator.ÐMr. James Gustave Speth (USA). United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)1775 K Street NW, Suite 420, Washington DC 20006, phone (202) 331±9130 DirectorÐ.Mr. Roy Morey (USA). United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), PO Box 30552, Nairobi Kenya, phone (254±2) 621±234 Executive Director.ÐUnder-Secretary-General Elizabeth Dowdeswell (Canada). United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Case Postale 2500, CH±1211 Geneve 2 Depot, Switzerland, phone (41±22) 739±8111 High Commissioner.ÐMs. Sadako Ogata (Japan). United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), 1775 K Street NW, Third Floor, Washington DC 20006, phone (202) 296±5191 Representative.ÐMr. Anne-Willem Bijleveld (Netherlands). United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR), Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland, phone (41±22) 917±4292 Director.ÐMr. Sverre Lodgaard (Norway). United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland, phone (41±22) 798±5850 Acting Executive Director.ÐMr. Marcel A. Boisard (Switzerland). 894 Congressional Directory

United Nations International Drug Control Programme (UNDCP), PO Box 500, A±1400 Vienna, Austria, phone (43±1) 21345 ext. 4251 Executive Director.ÐMr. Giorgio Giacomelli (Italy). United Nations International Research and Training, Institute for the Advancement of Women (INSTRAW), PO Box 21747, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, phone (1±809) 685±2111 Acting Director.ÐMs. Martha Duenas Loza (Ecuador). United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), Via Giulia 52, 00186 Rome, Italy, phone (39±6) 687±7437 Director.ÐMr. Herman Woltring (Australia). United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), Room 1442, 220 East 42nd Street, New York NY 10017, phone (212) 906±6500 Executive Director.ÐMr. Reinhart W.A. Helmke (Germany). United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), 220 East 42nd Street, New York NY 10017, phone (212) 297±5000 Executive Director.ÐDr. Nafis Sadik (Pakistan). United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), Vienna International Centre, PO Box 700, A±1400 Vienna Austria, phone (43±1) 21345 ext. 4531 Commissioner-General.ÐMr. Peter Hansen (Denmark). United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD), Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland, phone (41±22) 798±8400 Director.ÐMr. Dharam Ghai (Kenya). United Nations Volunteers Programme (UNV), Postfach 260111, D±53153 Bonn Germany, phone (49±228) 815±2000 Executive Coordinator.ÐDr. Brenda Gael McSweeney (USA). (WFP), 426 Via Cristoforo Colombo, 00145 Rome Italy, phone (39±6) 552±2821 Executive Director.ÐMs. Catherine Ann Bertini (USA). United Nations University (UNU), 53±70, Jingumae 5±Chome, Shibuya-Ku, Tokyo 150, Japan, phone (81±3) 3499±2811 Rector.ÐProf. Heitor Gurgulino de Souza (Brazil).

SPECIALIZED AGENCIES Food and Agricuture Organization (FAO), Washington OfficeVia delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy phone (39±6) 52251 Director-General.ÐMr. Jacques Diouf (Senegal). Food and Agriculture Organization, Northern American Regional Office, Suite 300, 1001 22nd Street NW, Washington DC 20437, phone (202) 653±2400 Director.ÐMr. Charles Riemenschneider (USA). International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), 1000 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal, Quebec H3A 2R2 Canada, phone (1±514) 285±8221 Secretary-General.ÐDr. Philippe Rochat (Switzerland). International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), Via del Serafico 107, 00142 Rome, Italy, phone (39±6) 54591 President.ÐMr. Fawzi H. Al-Sultan (Kuwait), 1775 K Street NW, Washington DC 20006, phone (202) 331±9099. Representative.ÐMrs. Vera Weill-Halle (USA). International Labour Organization (ILO), 4, Routes des Morillons, Ch-1211 Geneva 22, Switzerland, phone (41±22) 799±6111 Director-General.ÐMr. Michel Hansenne (Belgium). 1828 L Street NW, Suite 801, Washington DC 20036, phone (202) 653±7652 Director.ÐMr. Anthony Freeman (USA). International Maritime Organization (IMO), 4 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7SR, England, phone (44±171) 735±7611 Secretary-General.ÐMr. William O'Neil (Canada). International Monetary Fund (IMF), 700 19th Street NW, Washington, DC 20431, phone (202) 623±7000 International Organizations 895

Managing Director.ÐMr. Michel Camdessus (France). International Telecommunications Union (ITU), Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland, phone (41±22) 730±5111 Secretary-General.ÐMr. Pekka J. Tarjanne (Finland). United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 7 Place de Fontenoy, 75732 Paris, 07 SP France, phone (33±1) 4568±1000 Director-General.ÐMr. Federico Mayor (Spain). UNESCO Washington Office: 1775 K Street NW, Washington DC 20006, phone (202) 331±9118 Representative.ÐMr. Wadi Haddad (USA). United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), PO Box 300, Vienna International Centre, A±1400 Vienna, Austria, phone (43±1) 21131±0 Director-General.ÐMr. Mauricio de Maria Y Campos (Mexico). (UPU), Weltpoststrasse 4, Case Postale, 3000 Berne 15, Switzerland, phone (41±31) 350±3111 Director-General.ÐMr. Thomas E. Leavey. , 1818 H Street NW, Washington DC 20433, phone (202) 477±1234 President.ÐMr. James Wolfensohn (USA). World Health Organization (WHO), 20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland, phone (41±22) 791±2111 Director-General.ÐDr. Hiroshi Nakajima (Japan). World Health Organization, 1775 K Street NW, 4th Floor, Washington 2000, phone (202) 331±9081 External Relations Officer.ÐMs. Nelle Temple Brown (USA). World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), 34 Chemin des Colombetts, 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland, phone (41±22) 730±9111 Director General.ÐDr. Arpad Bogsch (USA). World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Case postale No.2300, CH±1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland, phone (41±22) 730±8111 Secretary-Genera.ÐMr. G.O.P. Obasi (Nigeria).

RELATED BODY International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), PO Box 100, Vienna International Centre, A±1400 Vienna, Austria, phone (43±1) 2060±0 Director General.ÐMr. Hans Blix (Sweden). The IAEA is an independent intergovernmental organization under the aegis of the UN.

SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES OR ENVOYS OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL Afghanistan: Head of United Nations Special Mission.ÐNorbert Heinrich Holl (Germany). Angola: Special Representative.ÐAlioune Blondin Beye (Mali). Bosnia and Herzegovina: Special Representative.ÐKai Eide (Norway). Burundi: Special Representative.ÐMarc Faguy (Canada). Cambodia: Special Representative.ÐBenny Widyono (Indonesia). Croatia: Transitional Administrator for Untaes (United States) (UN Transitional Administration for Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Sirmium).ÐJacques Klein. Cyprus: Special Representative.ÐHan Sung-Joo (Republic of Korea). East Timor: Personal Representative.ÐJamsheed Marker (Pakistan). FYROM (former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia): Special Representative and Chief of Mission for UNPREDEP (UN Preventive Deployment Force in FYROM).ÐHenryk Sokalski (Poland). Georgia: Special Envoy.ÐEdouard Brunner (Switzerland). Great Lakes: Special Representative.ÐMohamed Sahnoun (Algeria). Greece and The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: Special Envoy.ÐCyrus Vance (USA). Guatemala: Special Representative.ÐJean Arnault (France). Guyana/Venezuela: Personal Representative.ÐSir Alister McIntyre (Grenada). Haiti: Special Representative.ÐEnrique Ter Horst (Venezuela). Liberia: Special Representative.ÐAnthony B. Nyakyi (Tanzania). : Special Representative to the Multilateral Negotiations on the Middle East Peace Talks.ÐChinmaya R. Gharekhan (India). 896 Congressional Directory

Occupied Territories: Special Coordinator in the Occupied Territories.ÐChinmaya R. Gharekhan (India). Sierra Leone: Special Envo.ÐBerhanu Dinka (Ethiopia). Sudan: Special Envoy for Humanitarian Affairs.ÐVieri Traxler (Italy). Tajikistan: Special Representative.ÐGerd Merrem (Germany). Western Sahara: Special Representative.ÐSahabzada Yaqub-Khan (Pakistan). Acting Special Representative and Chairman of the Identification Commission.ÐErik Jensen (Malaysia) UN PEACE KEEPING OPERATIONS The Good Officer Mission in Burundi.ÐSpecial Representative to the Mission, Marc Faguy, Canada. Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Coordinator of United Nations Operations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kai Eide, Norway. UN Angola Verification Mission (UNAVEM III).ÐForce Commander, Major-General Philip Valenio Sibanda, (Zimbabwe). UN Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF).ÐForce Commander, Major-General Johan Kosters, (Netherlands). UN Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP).ÐForce Commander, Major-General Evervisto Arturo de Vergara, (Argentina). UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL).ÐForce Commander, Major-General Stanislaw Franciszek Wozniak, (Poland). UN Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission (UNIKOM).ÐForce Commander, Major-General Gian Santillo, (Italy). UN Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP).ÐChief Military Observer, Major-General Alfonso Pessolano, (Italy). UN Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina (UNMIBH).ÐCommisioner of the International Police Task Force, Mr. Peter Fitzgerald, (Ireland). UN Mission in Haiti (UNMIH).ÐForce Commander, Brigadier-General J.R.P. Daigle, (Canada). UN Mission of Observers in Prevlaka (UNMOP).ÐChief Military Observer, Colonel Goran Gunnarsson, (Sweden). UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO).ÐForce Commander, Major- General Garcia Leandro, (Portugal). UN Observer Mission in Georgia (UNOMIG).ÐChief Military Observer, Major-General Per Kallstrom, (Sweden). UN Observer Mission in Liberia (UNOMIL).ÐChief Military Observer, Major-General Mahmoud Talha, (Egypt). UN Mission of Observers in Tajikistan (UNMOT).ÐChief Military Observer, Brigadier-General Hasan Abaza, (Jordan). UN Operation in Somalia (UNOSOM II).ÐForce Commander, Lieutenant-General Aboo Samah Bin Aboo Bakor, (Malaysia). UN Peace Keeping Operation In Mozambique (ONUMOZ).ÐForce Commander, Major-General Mohammed Abdus Salam, (Bangladesh). UN Preventive Deployment Force (UNPREDEP).ÐForce Commander, Brigadier-General Bo Lennart Wranker, (Sweden). UN Transitional Administration in Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Sirmium (UNTAES).ÐForce Commander, Major-General Jozef Schoups, (Belgium). UN Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC).ÐForce Commander, Lieutenant-General John M. Sanderson, (Australia). UN Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO).ÐForce Commander, Colonel Joseph Bujold, (Canada). UN Verification Mission in Guatemala (MINUGUA).ÐMission Director, Jean Arnault, (France). International Organizations 897

WORLD BANK GROUP The World Bank Group comprises five organizations: the International Bank for Reconstruc- tion and Development (IBRD), the International Development Association (IDA), the Inter- national Finance Corporation (IFC), the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) and the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID).

Headquarters: 1818 H Street NW 20433, (202) 477±1234 INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT President.ÐJames D. Wolfensohn. Managing Director.ÐSven Sandstrom. Managing Director of Finance and Resource Mobilization.ÐJessica P. Einhorn. Managing Director and Chairman of Private Sector Development Group.ÐRichard H. Frank. Managing Directors of Operations: Guatam S. Kaji, Caio K. Koch-Weser. Senior Vice President and Chief Economist.ÐJoseph Stiglitz. Senior Vice President and General Counsel.ÐIbrahim F. I. Shihata. Vice President and Controller.ÐJules W. Muis. Secretary.ÐZhang Shengman. Treasurer.ÐGary L. Perlin. Vice President forÐ Africa Region: Jean-Louis Sarbib, Callisto Madavo. East Asia and Pacific Region.ÐJean-Michel Severino. Environmentally Sustainable Development.ÐM. Ismail Serageldin. Europe and Central Asia Region.ÐJohannes Linn. External Affairs.ÐMark Malloch Brown. Finance and Private Sector Development.ÐJean-Francois Rischard. Financial Policy and Risk Management.ÐBrian Wilson. Human Resources.ÐDorothy Hamachi Berry. Latin America and the Caribbean Region.ÐShahid Javed Burki. Middle East and North Africa Region.ÐKemal Dervis. Resource Mobilization and Cofinancing.ÐHiroo Fukui. South Asia Region.ÐMieko Nishimizu. Strategy and Resource Management.ÐMark Baird. Director and Chair, Human Development Department and Network.ÐDavid de Ferranti. Director-General of Operations Evaluations.ÐRobert Picciotto.

EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS AND ALTERNATES Bahrain, Arab Republic of Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Maldives, Oman, Qatar, Syrian Arab Republic, United Arab Emirates, Republic of Yemen Executive Director.ÐKhalid M. Al-Saad. Alternate.ÐMohamed Wafik Hosny. Saudi Arabia Executive Director.ÐKhalid H. Alyahya. Alternate.ÐIbrahim M. Al-Mofleh. Brazil, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Haiti, Philippines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago Executive Director.ÐJuanita D. Amatong. Alternate.ÐMurilo Portugal. France Executive Director.ÐMarc-Antoine Autheman. Alternate.ÐOlivier Bourges. Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo, CoÃte d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Niger, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Togo, Zaire Executive Director.ÐAli Bourhane. Alternate.ÐLuc-Abdi Aden. Afghanistan, Algeria, Ghana, Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, Morocco, Pakistan, Tunisia Executive Director.ÐKacim Brachemi. Alternate.ÐAbdul Karim Lodhi. Russian Federation Executive Director.ÐAndrei Bugrov. Alternate.ÐEugene Miagkov. Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay 898 Congressional Directory

Executive Director.ÐJuan Cariaga. Alternate.ÐJulio Nogues. Angola, Botswana, Burundi, Eritrea, Ethiopia, The Gambia, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe Executive Director.ÐJoaquim R. Carvalho. Alternate.ÐGodfrey Gaoseb. Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Spain, Venezuela Executive Director.ÐEnzo Del Bufalo. Alternate.ÐRoberto Jimenez-Ortiz. United Kingdom Executive Director.ÐHuw Evans. Alternate.ÐDavid Stanton. Azerbaijan, Kyrgyz Republic, Poland, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan Executive Director.ÐJean-Daniel Gerber. Alternate.ÐJan Sulmicki. Antigua and Barbuda, The Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Canada, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Ireland, Jamaica, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines Executive Director.ÐLeonard Good. Alternate.ÐWinston Cox. Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Czech Republic, Hungary, Kazakstan, Luxembourg, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Turkey Executive Director.ÐLuc Hubloue. Alternate.ÐNamik Dagalp. Brunei Darussalam, Fiji, Indonesia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Singapore, Thailand, Tonga, Vietnam Executive Director.ÐJannes Hutagalung. Alternate.Ð[Vacant]. Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden Executive Director.ÐRuth Jacoby. Alternate.ÐJorgen Varder. China Executive Director.ÐLi Yong. Alternate.ÐZhu Guangyao. Australia, Cambodia, Kiribati, Republic of Korea, Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Mongolia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Western Samoa Executive Director.ÐPeter W.E. Nicholl. Alternate.ÐChristopher Y. Legg. Japan Executive Director.ÐAtsuo Nishihara. Alternate.ÐRintaro Tamaki. Albania, Greece, Italy, Malta, Portugal Executive Director.ÐFranco Passacantando. Alternate.ÐHelena Cordeiro. Unites States Executive Director.ÐJan Piercy. Alternate.ÐMichael Marek. Germany Executive Director.ÐHelmut Schaffer. Alternate.ÐErika Wagenhofer. Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Sri Lanka Executive Director.ÐSurendra Singh. Alternate.ÐMushfiqur Rahman. Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Georgia, Israel, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Moldova, Netherlands, Romania, Ukraine Executive Director.ÐPieter Stek. Alternate.ÐSergiy Kulyk.

INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION [The officers, executive directors, and alternates are the same as those of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.] International Organizations 899

INTERNATIONAL FINANCE CORPORATION President.ÐJames D. Wolfensohn. Vice President and Secretary.ÐShengman Zhang. Executive Vice President.ÐJannik Lindback. Director, Operational Evaluation Group.ÐW.E. Stevenson. Director, Economics Department.ÐGuy Pierre Pfefferman. Vice President, Personnel, Administration and Corporation Business Development.ÐChristopher Bam. Manager, Corporation Relations Unit.ÐMark Constantine. Vice President and General Counsel.ÐCarol Lee. Deputy General Counsel.ÐJennifer Sullivan. Director, Technical and Environmental Department.ÐAndreas M. Raczyuski. Vice President, Investment Operations.ÐJernal-ud-din Kassum. Vice President, Portfolio Management and Advisory Operations.ÐAssad Jabre. Director, Financial Sector Issues.ÐIrving Kuczynski. Senior Manager, Investment Operations: Robin Glantz; Rashad-Rudolph Kaldany. Director, Relationship Management.ÐPeter T. Cook. Department Director forÐ Agribusiness.ÐTei Mante. Asia.Ð[Vacant]. Central Asia, Middle East and North Africa (CAMENA).ÐAndre G. Hovaguimian. Chemicals, Petrochemicals and Fertilizers.ÐJean-Phillippe Halphen. Controller's and Budgeting.ÐMichael Barth. Corporate Finance Services.ÐRobert D. Graffam. Corporate Planning and Financial Policy.ÐNissim Ezekiel. Europe.ÐKhosrow Zamani. Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC).ÐKarl Voltaire. Oil, Gas and Mining.ÐPhilippe Lietard. Power.ÐRauf Diwan. Sub-Saharan Africa.Ð[Vacant]. Treasury.ÐFarida Khambata. Telecommunications, Transportation and Utilities.ÐDeclan Duff. Manager, Foreign Investment Advisory Service.ÐDale R. Weigel. Manager, Portfolio Analysis and Data Management Unit.ÐKhalid Mirza. Manager, Special Operations Unit.ÐWoonki Sung. Vice President, Finance and Planning.ÐBirgitta Kantola. Principal Financial Adviser.ÐVasant H. Karmarker.

MULTILATERAL INVESTMENT GUARANTEE AGENCY President.ÐJames D. Wolfensohn, 85120, E1227. Executive Vice President and Secretary.ÐAkira Ida, 36138, U 12±001. Vice President and Secretary.ÐShengman Zhang, 80242, MC 11±305.

OFFICE OF GUARANTEES Vice President, Guarantees.ÐLeigh P. Hollywood, 36168, U 12±141. Senior Adviser, Guarantees.ÐGerald T. West, 32060, U 12±137. Guarantee Operations.ÐChristophe Bellinger, 36163, U 12±139. Regional Management: Europe.ÐEdward Copoola, 35419, U 12±319. Regional Management: Asia.ÐChristina Westholm-Schroder, 36165, U 12±313. Regional Management: Latin America and Caribbean.ÐStine Andersen, 36157, U 12±301. Regional Management: Africa and Middle East.ÐRobert Rendall, 35106, U 12±331.

OFFICE OF INVESTMENT MARKETING SERVICES Administrator.ÐMartin F. Hartigan, 30687, U 12±401. Guarantee Operations.ÐKen Kwaku, 36142, U 12±357. Regional Management forÐ Africa.ÐEdward Copoola, 35419, U 12±319. Asia.ÐGhassan Amaoot, 30775, U 12±363. IPA Services.ÐPhil Karp, 38710, U 12±407. 900 Congressional Directory

OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT AND GENERAL COUNSEL, LEGAL AFFAIRS AND CLAIMS Vice President and General Counsel.ÐLuis Dodero, 35245, U 12±109. Principal Counsel.ÐLorin Weisenfeld, 36141, U 12±101.

OFFICE OF CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION Manager.ÐDaniel E. Conway, 32964, U 12±013. Budget and Accounting.ÐEsther Lao, 30176, U 12±013. Information/Document Management.ÐManfred Beurgen, 32231, U 12±413.