ST. JOHN's, Nfld., FAU, 1963 a SI. De Monogr.Ph, by N. C

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ST. JOHN's, Nfld., FAU, 1963 a SI. De Monogr.Ph, by N. C ST. JO HN'S, NFlD ., FAU , 1963 A SI. de, by N. C. Crew e The Nfld. Wh.ling Ind ustry, by Fr. ncis G.lg. y. When Nfld. Helped Sn e C.n.d. , by Dr. R. S.unde rt , J.D. - POOIO prmidrd Ih rouJl:h to.. r1... ~ of lh.. :'\fld " T o.. ,;,1 IloM"'o phl l"" t Olfiu, "I. John"l_ :'\fl,1 Coutline , Av.lon Peninsu l. , ne., St. Joh n's, on the M. rine Drive sh owi ng to the left W.nd. Whitem . rsh .nd M.uree n a renn. n. !lfIrmorial lltniurrsity 3Nrwfounlllanll ST. JOHN 'S, NEWFOUNDLAND Four-year courses leading to degrees : BACHElOR OF ARTS - Pass and Honours BACHElOR OF ARTS (Education) BACHElOR OF SCIENCE - Pass and Honours BACHElOR OF COMMERCE - Pass and Honours BACHElOR OF PHYSICALEDUCATION Five-year course leading to degrees : BACHElOR OF ARTS or SCIENCE and BACHElOR OF EDUCATION Graduate work leadi ng to MASTER'S DEGREE IN ARTS AND SCIENCE Three-year diploma course in Engineeri ng Three-year courses in Pre-Medicine, Pre-Denta l Two-year dip loma courses in Pre-Forestry, Pre-Agricultural, and Pre-Architectural, Pre-Forestry Two-year certificate courses in Physical Education Extension Service - Non-credit courses Correspondence Cou rses for credit Two-year course (diploma) in Public Welfare Scholarships available for second, third and fourth years on the basis of academic attainments For information apply to the REGISTRAR. -ru r ..... n \ FOl J:\ UL\ ..... 1l Q l JART ERL \ 7'1IE SlJl·ll~jUE Il-"'E (,'ilEAl" for * DESSERTS * LUNCHEONS * BRIDGE PARTIES * MID DAY SNACKS M. nuf. ctured In Newf oundland By CHA RLE5 R. BEL L, LTD. DISTRIBUTORS IN NFLD. FOR: • JOHNSON Outboord Motors • EVINRUDE Outboard Motors • SABLECRAFT Fibreglos Boots • G. M. Dieselite Generators • GATOR Trailers • BRYDON Bross Morine Accessories and Hardware • KOHLER Lighting Plants • AQUALITE Water Pumps 685· 687 WATER ST. DIAL 578·2131 THE NEWFOUNULAN U QUARTE RL l The Newfoundlond Quorterly I s s " L~ l ever)' third month :\l arc h . Junc, September, Content:! aud Dcccmbcr. L,W, J,uws Ed itor and Pu hlish cr I'ck-ph one 8·()237:' k otn-rt 'iau11<1.-". /.1>., I'h .n Cou rributing Etlitor P. 0, nox 58H. 'it. Jo hn's. :-':cwfoullt lland A xiade :\lol1''I':ral'h, h~ \r. C , Cre",,,, !t;lJll S( ;R IPTIO:"rri H,..\T LS \\'h"ll Xew fouudland H d p , ~ l Sa\(' Ca nada O ne ~'car in advance (Ca nad a) $1.00 - H r. R . Sau lld,,,-s 15 I OH'ign suhscripT ion $1.2::' Earlv Xon-s of H a rbo ur Grace, b) :\1111 :\fay Il a \ is 25 1£ pa~'i ng II} cheque please add 11)e. 1"0 ensure r..I"Tn of IIlSS. pkasc cuclosc· self-addressed envelope 1{"llot,1l " f ;\,·,., f"un.-l la nd Picnic held in California wit h sufficient pos tage . T he puhlistwr will 1101 be respons ible for 10'" of all}' mss .•Irawmgs or photographs, but will exe rcise care in ham lling maleria l suhll1iltt~l for publication . Il l<' Grt...uspond Sa~a in His tu rv . Soll~ and SIOry bv I>r. R. Saunders Advertising ra tes on application "lu;,l at '1"11 l iollars Each Aulhor;1{"([ .IS Second Class :\laiL Pos t Office Dep t. , Oltawa, 1953. Fan >llrites - O l,! alld ;,\",., ,\ 11 rights In contents of this m agal ine reserved. T he Postma n Knocks Autl"'rivd as .</'amd class mail hy rhe PMI Offia Del", Ol/awIl , a"d for fMymnrl of 1'0-'11'1'" ill rill" • Steamship Terminal Operators BUILDING SUPPLIES • Contracting Stevedores MURRAY'S ROOFING (ell kinds) • Public Warehouse Operators ALSO DOORS - PLYWOOD AND ALL BUILDING MATERIAL Representing ENGINE DEPARTMENT NEWFOUNDLAND CANADA STEAMSHIPS LTD. pmER LIGHTING PlANTS Direct Shipping Service DRAIN PIPE COPPER TUBING From and a full line of all MKhinery , Supplies and fittings. Halifa x, N.S. and Montreal, Que. to St. John 's SCALES MURRAY AGENCIES & SAWS TRANSPORT CO . , LTD . A. H. MURRAY & COMPANY, LTD. ST. JOHN'S PHONE 82031-2-3 P. O. BOX 2155 TH ENEW FOUNDLA ND QUARTERLY O penmg new doorulfl!ll of knowledge abOut Newfoundland Ca nada $ 1.00 Per ,,'f:U \tIL I .S II - - -- -- --- r nr ri gn $ 1.2S Per \ 'ell ~ ". .1 ST. JOHN-'S, .NFLD.,-FALL, 1963 \ A SLADE MONOGRAPH by N. C. CREWE Th e Sru..'{ollndland Ar c-hiL't'1 h<Js on iu ~lvel, in tbe Colonial Building , St . JOh""I, Q number of old account boolu. Id un and other rt-COl'ds. mainly dating bet useen 1805 and 1873 , and ,lmou. 'n al " T he William Whilr Col/retion 01 T rini fV & y .\fanuscri,,15 ." T hese recCKd, . u:bich are arranged to number ISixrffTI items , we re gathered togethn roam,! !J.ttJrs ago blJ ~M late M r. William ~'hjrr. 01 Tn"'!irlj, T.B.. SlId., and wen. donated to the Ar, rnl'ft in Apri l 1961 by Ius daughter and son. M,u .\f. M . Whitt' and Mr . \ValUr G. C. Whitt. Thtlj chiefly relate to . 01'" chitfly origifHltt'd lvirh. the Slade firms OPffaring from Poole , l>of"utmir, . England. in thre or four 1I1ar' 5 ir: T rinity &l}. ,\'lId.• wit~ local hftJdqWlftm at tlw port of Tn'niry. Mr . e rta.,. R , search Oiticer at t ~ Arrh'l't'f. nos rom prl,d a devnptil" monograph. do tt d 30 August 196 1. whirh is filt>d u,-'ith the records. and this mon ograph. u,-'ith /h, pt'rmi uion of the Provincial Archit..;st. is now being publirh,d in consecutiv i55U'5 of the QUARTERLY. TRINITY BAY MANUSCRIPTS 1he Willilim White Collection of Sixteen Item s, DESCRIPTIVE MONOGRAPH Sect ion O l. 1ntrodudion I. These sixtee n ite ms we re salvaged from destruc­ tion many years ag o by the late William White (1859· 1949) of Trinity, T.8 ., Nfld ., and were donated to the Newfoundland Archives in May 196 1 by his daughter and so n, Miss M. M. Whit e and Mr. Walter G. C. White, St. John 's. Mr. White spe nt most of his long life at his nat ive Trinity, of whose h istor y he wa s a lifelo ng student­ see his articles o n Trinity history in THE NEWFOUND­ LAND Q UARTERL Y 1956-57. I knew him for many yea rs. 2. Most of the items are busi ne ss reco rds , chie fly of the first half of the 19th cen tury. All these business reco rds. except Item 9. may safely be taken as having been compiled by, or connected wi th, the Slade firm whose Newfoundland headquarters we re at Trinity. This identification is chiefly based on thes e circum­ stances, namely: a. The Shipping Papers and Ag reements. Item 11; the Lette rs, Item 12; two or three of the other records: nearly all show the Slade firm name of , N. C. CREWE the "Trinity Bay Stedes." b. Mr. White. having found this batch of records, many yea rs ago in a store on the for mer Slade premises at Hog 's Nose. Trinity, regarded them as of Slade origin or connection. T il E :'\riEW r OU l" ULA:'\ri 1) QI!ARTER I.l When, in 186 1, the Trinity Bay Slade fi rm col. lapsed. Alexander Bremne r, of Catalina, then We stock only -,II an old man (but presumably still the firm's agent DISCOVE P Exhibition Size there) was the liquidator. He died there, and not long afterwards his two or three sons had !eft THE Bulbs Cata lina and his widow had gone 10 live et Trln. !!ill BUUTY and our pr ices ity, with he r daughter, Mrs . Humphrey Cole, the Of YOUR childless wife of the magistrate there. One son HOMEI are lowe r for Alexa nder Warren Bremner, had then long lived the quality Bulbs at Trinity and, afte r the 186 1 insolvency, he, in BUY partnership with Walter Grieve, a St. Joh n's we sell merchant, bought the Slade p rem ises at Hog's IMPORTED Nose , where the partnership carried on an ex­ TULIPS tensive fishery business as "Grieve and Bremner." The re seems no doubt that the surviving record s DUTCH DAFFODILS of the Slade branch at Catalina, in the old liqut. deter's hands, eventually travelled to near by BULBS HYACINTHS Trinity, 10 be stored away with the surviving NOW! ETC. I rtnitv ones, in son A. W. Bremner's keeping. Note . The word "ag ent' 'in old Newfound land ~ business usage down to the last forty years means "manage r." Write for Catalog ue ~ c.A large proportion of the names in these records are of family surnames still su rviving, or know n and Booklets to have been then ex isting, in the places where, or near where, the "Trinity Bay Sledes" carried GAZE SEED CO. on trade. 4 10 WATER STREET 3. In order to assist use rs of this Slade collection, PHONE 8-4328 ST. J O H~ _ and of other Slade records that are at the Archiv es, and J because all such reco rds represent cross-sections of old Newfoundland fishe ry-mercantile prac tice an d show examples of obsolete or obsolescent transactions and r:---------( language, I have prepared this "Memorandum and Col­ lation Notes" paper 10 be placed on the Archives' shelves w ith the White Collect ion.
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    THE NEWFOUNDLAND FOR nIE YEAR OF OUR LORD IS61, (BEING THE FIRST AFTER BISSEXTILE, OR LEAP YEAR, AND THE LATTER PART OF THE TWENTY -FOURTH AND THE BEGINNING OF THE TWENTY-FIFTH YEAR OF THE REIGN OF HER MAJESTY QUEEN VICTORIA) CONTAINING ASTRONOMICAL, STATISTICAL, COlVIMERCIAL, LOCAL AND DERIVED FROM THE MOST AUTHENTIC SOURCES. COMPILED, PRINTED AND PUIlLISIIEDBY JOSEPH WOODS . • ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND. MDCCCLX. ASTRONOMICAL PHENOMENA. ECLIPSES, 1861. There will be Four Eclipses this year; three of the SUN and one of the MOON; two only of which are visible in this Island, namely, one of the Sun and one of the Moon. I.-An annular Eclipse of the Sun, January 10, invisible in New­ foundland. n.-An annu7!ttr Eclipse of the Sun, July 7, invisible in New­ foundland. These two Solar Eclipses are visible in the North and South Pacific Oceans and in the Indian and Great Southern Oceans. IlL-A pa1'tial Eclipse of the Moon, December 17, visible in Newfoundland :- h. m. First contact with Penumbra (Dec.17) 212m.) First contact with Shadow 355m.} M r Middle. of Eclipse' 4 46m ean Im8 Last contact with Shadow 5 37m: St. John's. Last contact with Penumbra 7 20m. Magnitude of Eclipse (1\'Ioon's diameter=l) 0.185 IV.-A Total Eclipse oj the Sun, December 31, visible as a partial one in Newfoundland. This eclipse will commence on the Earth generally near the south­ ern part of the Isthmus of Darien, on the 31st December at sun-rise, and after traversing the more northern portions of the American Con­ tinent, passing rapidly oyer the Atlantic Ocean, visiting Newfound­ land, Greenland, the British Islands, &c., will terminate on the earth generally in Africa, at longitude 12 0 38 E., near the shores of lhe Mediterranean Sea, at Bun-set .
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