Bibliographie Recent Publications Relating to the History of The
Bibliography/ Bibliographie Recent Publications Relating to the History of the Atlantic Region Editor: Eric L. Swanick, Contributors: Joan Ritcey, New Brunswick. Newfoundland and Labrador. Wendy Duff, Nova Scotia. Frank L. Pigot, Prince Edward Island. See also: Atlantic Advocate Atlantic Insight ATLANTIC PROVINCES (This material considers two or more of the Atlantic provinces.) Acheson, T.W. "Studying the Maritimes: a plea for an interpretive framework". In Teaching Maritime Studiesj edited by Phillip Buckner. Fredericton: Acadiensis Press, 1986. pp. 174-178. Anderson, Brian. Federal regional policy: a process analysis. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Western Ontario, 1985. 5 microfiches. (Canadian theses on microfiche; no. 20728) Anstey, T.H. Cent moissons: Direction générale de la recherche Agriculture Canada, 1886-1986. Ottawa: Direction générale de la recherche, 1986. 492 p. ill. (Série historique/ Direction générale de la recherche, Agriculture Canada; no 27) — publié aussi en anglais. One hundred harvests: Research Branch, Agriculture Canada, 1886- 1986. Ottawa: The Branch, 1986. 432 p. ill. (Historical series/ Research Branch, Agriculture Canada; no. 27) - issued also in French. Arsenault, Georges. "Folklore and social history". In Teaching Maritime Studies /edited by Phillip Buckner. Fredericton: Acadiensis Press, 1986. pp. 184-189. Becker, J.R. "Banking in Canada's Maritime Provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island". In Aspects of the numismatics of North America: Bibliography I Bibliographie 139 proceedings of a symposium held in Regina, Saskatchewan, 16 July 1985/ editor, C.F. Gilboy. Regina: Regina Coin Club, 1986. pp. 105-131. ill. (Special publications; no. 1) Bennett, Paul W., Cornelius J. Jaenen. Emerging identities: selected problems and interpretations of Canadian history.
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