
True and False Worship – 58 They should have known better. These were God’s people. The ones He had called by name and engraved on His hands. Yet, still got caught up in playing the part and going through the religious motions. It is often no different with us. We go to church on Sundays, attend study during the week, pray daily and wonder why God isn’t blessing us and seems far away. We wonder why we don’t have certain things we desire and why our lives feel empty. God is less concerned about our religious practices than He is about the humility that comes from within. True humility leads to action for the marginalized and oppressed around us. These actions then lead to true delight in the Lord and the fulfillment of the blessings that He promises.

Context: In the previous section, we looked at outsiders such as eunuchs and foreigners being acceptable before God for choosing to keep His covenants. In -57, we read about how Israel’s leaders fail and how idolatry is consuming them once again. Leading up to Isaiah 58, we see that there is comfort and healing for lowly and contrite in spirit. In our section this week, true and false is contrasted through our actions or lack thereof for the marginalized around us. False Worship – Read Isaiah 58:1-5 How do verses 1-2 initially read? Why is this confusing?

What are signs of this improper type of fasting/worship? What are some additional indicators that our worship is not acceptable before God?

The Israelites were not understanding why God had not blessed them when they ask questions in verse 3. Why hadn’t He?

What does God highlight as important in verse 5?

How is it possible that they were seeking and worshipping God while missing the humility required? Where do you find yourself currently just going through the motions?

True Worship – Read Isaiah 58:6-14 Glance at verses 6-7, 9b-10a, and 13. What are characteristics of the type of fasting and worship that God esteems?

What do you think breaking the bonds of wickedness and breaking the yoke meant to Isaiah’s audience? What does it mean for us?

How does verse 13 inform us to approach the Sabbath? How is that convicting for our culture in particular?

Glance at verses 8, 10b-12, and verse 14. What are the blessings that come from this proper worship and religion? Are these blessings conditional? Why or why not?

Finish with reading Isa. 59:9-13 as a group. Confess together the ways in which we have fallen short of the justice and righteousness that God requires.

Application — How should we live?

Consider this week, how God is calling you to pour out yourself for the hungry, minister to the afflicted, and help free those who are oppressed by wickedness. Remember that God is not calling you to participate in true worship on your own, but rather is calling us to that as His church. Choose one action step from this passage and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you to carry that out this week.