2nd Edition Preface USA Archery is pleased to offer this revised edition of the USA Archery Club Handbook. The following pages are designed to help guide Junior Olympic Archery Development, Collegiate Archery Program, and Adult Archery Program club administrators and instructors to succeed in their Club programs and events. This revised edition is dedicated to the memory of George Helwig, Founder of the Junior Olympic Archery Development (JOAD) Program. His dedication to the sport of Archery and to the youth that enjoy this sport will not be forgotten. USA Archery 4065 Sinton Road, Suite 110 Colorado Springs, CO 80907 Phone: 719.866.4576 Fax: 719.632.4733 Email:
[email protected] www.usarchery.org USA Archery Club Handbook 2 Introduction USA Archery Clubs provide an environment where participants of all ages, abilities and skill levels can enjoy the sport of archery recreationally, competitively or as a high performing athlete. USA Archery Clubs are a perfect ft for local parks and recreation departments, archery retailers, community based organizations, after school programs, colleges and universities that would like to provide long-term archery program opportunities. USA Archery Clubs provide barebow, basic compound, recurve, compound and traditional archers the opportunity to receive basic to advanced instruction from certifed USA Archery instructors and coaches on range safety, proper shooting technique and event preparation in an environment that also fosters focus, increased self-confdence, and team building skills. Whether an archer’s interest is purely recreational, or to compete in an Olympic, Paralympic or World Championship event, USA Archery Clubs are designed to help athletes pursue all that the sport of archery has to offer.