Reorganization of Science in Secondary Schools
DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU' OF EDUCATION BULLETIN, 1920, No. 26 REORGANIZATION OF SCIENCE IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS A ,REPORT OF THE COMMISSION ON THE REORGANIZATION OF SECOND- ARY EDUCATION, APPOINTED BY THE NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION LIBRARY OF DIE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN MADISON WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1920 ,fr MEMBERS OF THE SCIENCE COMMITTEE. 1.;.:ttt),Per4 S., HighSchool, Medford, Mass.( Physics.) Itriggs,'Thomas H., Teachers Cole, New York, N. Y.(Superrisory.) ('aldwell, Otis W., Teachers College, New York, N. Y. (Ch. Superrimm.y.) Carpenter, C. D., School of Practical Arts, Teachers College, New York, N. (' hentixtry.) (11/iiitCr,John G..Chicag11N1.--(ltioiutly.) 4'twait, G. A., West Roxbury Schol, Boston, Mass.--(Phyxics.) Dysall. M., Schenley High Sclniol, Pittsloorgh, Phi/81es.) Eason, Thomas., State Department of Education, Richmond. Va.- --(llifilogir. Eddy, Walter 11.. Teachers College, New York, N. 1'.---1/tiotoqll. Vender, tharltbs.W., Lowell High School, San Francisco, Vie!d, William L. W., Milton Academy, Milton, Mitss. --( Bio/ogy.) Ilaey, IA II., State Normal School, Kalamazoo, Mih.----( 8 iology.) Heald, F. E...gikultural College, Amherst. Mass.----((,eneal Science.) Ifedrick. \V. .1.. McKinley High School, 11'asloington, 1). C.( Physics.) inggenbotham, Mullein., 1114h School, Houston, Tex.--(Genera/ Science.) Iliggifis. I.. D., State Normal Sch(ol, Danbury. Conn.(( ;enera/ Seicncr.) ihde, Louis G., High School, PittshugIn Pa. ((,eneral Science.) Jenks, L. E., University of )tuffalooltuffalo, N. Y.(Chemistry.) Kerr, Tlepry, High School, Fresno, Calif.----( (,enera/ Science.) Statehigh.schoorstiperviso, Ito.:torr, Mass.(Superi8ory.) Klid, ill:tries A., I'nlvrsity (if California, Berkeley, Callf.(itioiopp.) Iann, C.It.,Educatlonal Divishin,C.S.11'arI)tq Washington, I ).
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