Software Engineering Techniques

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Software Engineering Techniques SOFTWARE ENGINEERING TECHNIQUES Report on a conference sponsored by the NATO SCIENCE COMMITTEE Rome, Italy, 27th to 31st October 1969 Chairman: Professor P. Ercoli Co-chairman: Professor Dr. F. L. Bauer Editors: J. N.Buxton and B. Randell April 1970 The present report is available from: Scientic Affairs Division NATO Brussels 39 Belgium Publishers: NATO Science Committee Printed in England at The Kynoch Press, Birmingham Note for the current edition: The version of this report that you are reading was prepared by scan- ning the original edition, conversion to text through OCR, and then reformatting. Every effort has been made to do this as accurately as possible. However, it is almost certain that some errors have crept in despite best efforts. One of the problems was that the OCR software used kept trying to convert the original British spellings of words like ‘realise’ to the American spelling ‘realize’ and made other stupid mistakes. Whenever the OCR program was unsure of a reading, it called it to the attention of the operator, but there were a number of occasions in which it was sure, but wrong. Not all of these instances are guaranteed to have been caught. Although the editor tried to conform to the original presentation, certain changes were necessary, such as pagination. In order that the original Table of Contents and Indices would not have to be recalculated, an artifice was used. In the PDF version, the original page breaks are indicated in the text thusly: 49 indicates that this is the point at which page 49 began in the original edition. If two such indicators appear together, this shows that there was a blank page in the original. The figures have been redrawn to improve legibility. The original size and scale was not changed. In order to accommodate the new pagination, the figures may have been shifted slightly from their position in the original document. Finally, it should be noted that the effort required to produce the current edition was a tiny fraction of the effort required for the original. The current editor therefore wants to express his apprecia- tion to the original editors, John Buxton and Brian Randell, for producing this second volume of NATO Conference Reports. Robert M. McClure Arizona 2001 CONTENTS Preface . 5 Introduction . 7 1 Theory and practice . 9 2 Software specification . 15 2.1 SOFTWARE SPECIFICATION LANGUAGES . 16 2.2 SOFTWARE IMPLEMENTATION LANGUAGES . 17 3 Software quality . 20 3.1 CORRECTNESS . 20 3.1.1 Formal correctness . 20 3.1.2 Debugging . 23 On classical techniques . 23 On on-line and off-line techniques . 24 On automatic analysis methods . 25 3.2 PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT AND IMPROVEMENT . 26 4 Software flexibility . 28 4.1 PORTABILITY . 28 4.1.1 Denitions of the problem area . 28 4.1.2 Description of techniques . 28 High level language support . 29 Bootstrap from the old system . 29 4.1.3 Summary of techniques . 29 4.1.4 On portability of data . 30 4.1.5 On design for portability . 30 4.1.6 On writing portable software . 31 4.1.7 On effectiveness of portability in practice . 33 4.1.8 On transfer of knowhow . 33 4.2 ADAPTABILITY . 34 5 Large systems . 41 5.1 CASE HISTORIES . 41 5.1.1 A survey . 41 5.1.2 Apollo programming support . 43 5.1.3 The electronic switching system . 48 5.1.4 The “super programmer project” . 50 5.2 THE SOURCES OF PROBLEMS IN LARGE SYSTEMS . 52 5.3 SUPPORT SOFTWARE FOR LARGE SYSTEMS . 53 6 Software engineering education . 61 7 Working papers . 67 7.1 LIST OF WORKING PAPERS . 67 7.2 J. D. Aron: Estimating resources for large programming Systems . 68 7.3 W. S. Brown: Software portability . 80 7.4 E. W. Dijkstra: Structured programming . 84 7.5 A. D. Falkoff: Criteria for a system design language . 88 7.6 C. C. Gotlieb and G. H. McEwen: System evaluation tools . 93 7.7 M. E. Hopkins: Computer aided software design . 99 7.8 C. A. Lang: Languages for writing system programs . 101 7.9 J. M. MacGowan, Jr..: UNIVAC 1108 instrumentation . 106 4 CONTENTS 7.10 R. M. Needham: Software engineering techniques and operating system design and production . 111 7.11 R. M. Needham and J. D. Aron: Software engineering and computer science . 113 7.12 H. Schorr: Compiler writing techniques and problems . 114 7.13 J. I. Schwartz: Analyzing large-scale system development . 122 7.14 W. Teitelman: Toward a programming laboratory . 137 7.15 W. Ulrich: Design of high reliability continuous operation systems . 149 Appendix 1 List of participants . 164 Appendix 2 Addresses of welcome . 159 Contributor Index . 160 Subject Index . 161 NATO SOFTWARE ENGINEERING CONFERENCE 1969 PREFACE A working conference on software engineering techniques, sponsored by the NATO Science Committee, was held from the 27th to 31st October 1969, near Rome, Italy. The conference was intended as a direct sequel to the NATO conference on software engineering held at Garmisch, Germany, from 7th to 11th October 1968. About sixty people from eleven countries attended the meeting. A list of participants is provided in Appendix 1. This report summarizes the discussions held at the conference and includes a selection from the more than 50 working papers prepared by the conference participants. The report has been prepared in much the same manner as was used for the report of the Garmisch conference, and which is described in the preface to that report. Material from the working papers and from transcribed and edited discussions has been combined under specific head- ings into sections 1 to 6 of this report. Lengthy working papers that have been selected for the report are reproduced in section 7. Two sessions at the conference, on the subject of the NATO Science Committee proposals for an International Institute for Software Engineering, which were in the main nontechnical, have not been covered in this report. The similarities of the structure of this report to that of its predecessor are to a certain extent superficial, owing to the fact that the Rome conference turned out to be rather different in form from the Garmisch conference. The reasons for this, and the effect that they have had on the report are discussed in the introduction. The opinions expressed in the introduction are entirely the.
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