Académie Des Sciences Et Belles Lettres (Nancy) 83 Académie

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Académie Des Sciences Et Belles Lettres (Nancy) 83 Académie INDEX Académie des Sciences et Belles Lettres atomism 180 (Nancy) 83 Austin, William 169 Académie Royale des Sciences 7–13, 77, 84, 93, 125, 126, 129, 178, 181–82, 183 Bacon, Francis 68 academies, scientific 82, 189 Baconianism 91, 149 Achard, Franz Carl 126 Baglivi, Giorgio 67–68 acid-alkali theory 5, 49, 50, 57, 71 Baldinger, E. G. 102 active principles 7, 69 Banks, Joseph 159, 160 aerial niter 55 Baumé, Antoine 23, 78, 84, 86, 87, 91 affinity 16, 45, 92, 93, 142, 117, 157, 180 Becher, Johann Joachim 8, 9, 23, 28–30, Agricola, Georg 140 35–36, 90 agriculture 145–47 Becoeur, Jean Baptiste (fils) 79 Agrippa von Nettesheim, Cornelius 189 Beddoes, Thomas 157–76, 187 air 57–58 Beguin, Jean 101 fixed 58, 139, 142, 144, 161 Bensaude-Vincent, Bernadette 14, 188 Albertus Magnus 35 Bergman, Torbern 20n20, 161 alchemy 3, 23–43, 101, 102, 106, 115, 180, Berlin Society of Sciences/Academy of 183, 185, 189 (see also transmutation Sciences 100, 116, 124, 125, 126, 128 and chrysopoeia) Bernoulli, Johann 6 alcohol 51–52 Bindheim, Johann Jacob 110, 133 alkahest 9, 11, 12 Black, Joseph 23, 139, 141–45, 161, 165, 187 Alpers, Svetlana 66 Bloch, Marcus Elieser 125 Alston, Charles 142 Boas Hall, Marie 4 analysis 15, 52, 54, 91, 142, 181 Boecler, Johann 80 by fire 47 Boerhaave, Herman 13–14, 45–61, 63–76, Anderson, James 139–56, 187 85, 90, 117, 157, 183, 184 anesthesia 170 Bohn, Johannes 54–55 antimony 16 Bollmann, Viktor Friedrich 106 apothecaries 81–90, 97–130, 188–89 book market 24–43, 102, 117 Apothecary’s Hall (London) 116 Borrichius, Olaus 35 apparatus 107, 164–65 botanical gardens 82 apprenticeship 99–114 Böttger, Johann Friedrich 29–30, 38 Apreece, Jane 171 Boulduc, Simon 117 Arnald of Villanova 35 Boulton, Matthew 116 assaying 97, 116, 124, 145–46 Boulton, Matthew Robinson 103, 159, 167 195 196 INDEX Bourdelin, Hilaire-Marin 88 Cullen, William 139, 141–43, 187 Boyle, Robert 13, 46–48, 50–51, 54, 179, 184 Cunningham, Andrew 65 Brande, August Hermann 125 Cyprian, A. 117 Bretez, Louis 81 brewing 35 Dalton, John 180 Brock, William 117 Darwin, Erasmus 166 Brongniart, Antoine-Louis 78, 83 Davy, Humphry 159, 161, 162–63, Bronktoe, Cornelius 49 169–71, 188 Brunet, Pierre 3 Day, Thomas 166 Bucquet, Jean-Baptiste 78, 83, 86, 87 de Clave, Etienne 5 Buddeus, Johann Franz 27, 30, 37–38 de La Planche, Laurent-Charles 78, 84, 85, 89 burning lens 8, 13, 165 de Saint-André, François 5 Burton, William 76 de Warens, Madame 85 Buttefield, Herbert 179 DeBoffe, Joseph 159 Debus, Allen 189 Cagliostro, Count 115 Decroix, Louis-Joseph 79, 87 caloric 162, 166 Decroizilles, François-Antoine-Henri 80 Calvinism 65–74, 185 Demachy, Jacques-François 78, 87 cameralism 33 demonstrations, chemical 83–92 Cantor, David 67 demonstrators 78–80, 86–90 Carl August of Saxe-Weimar 115 dephlogisticated air 164, 178 Carl, Johann Samuel 25, 38, 39 Desaguliers, John Theophilus 90 Cartesianism 3–6, 17–18, 48, 54, 68, Descartes, René 65 (see also Cartesianism) 92–94, 185 Dhervillez 79 in medicine 49–50, 58 Diderot, Denis 77, 83, 89 Cartheuser, F. 125 Digby, Kenelm 9 Cassini, Giovanni Domenico 6 Donovan, Arthur 182 Catherine the Great 157 Dörrienwith, Katarina Helena 115 Cavendish, Henry 23, 161–62, 164 Drélincourt, Anton 49, 51 Chang, Kevin 8, 185–86 du Closeau, Tessié 79 Chemical Revolution 1, 23, 63, 77, 157, Dubernard, Louis Guillaume 80, 82 177, 187 Duclos, Samuel Cottereau 12 China 27–28 Duhamel, Jean-Baptiste 12 chrysopoeia 8–13, 23–43 Duhem, Pierre 92 cinnabar 35 Dumotiez 165 Clow, Archibald and Nan L. 180 Dupin, Charles 85 cobalt 34 Cochrane, Archibald 149 Eddy, Matthew 14, 187 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 158 Edgeworth, Rochard Lovell 158 Collège des philalèthes 83 electrolysis 163, 166 combustion 1, 45–46, 52, 178 elements, Aristotelian 45–46, 49, 92 composition 45, 145 experiment 89 Conant, James Bryant 178 explosions 88–89 Cook, Harold 66 Eyssel, Caspar Jacob 24, 26–27, 30–31, 36–37 corpuscles 51, 92 crabs’ eyes 57 fire 65 Crell, Lorenz 97, 115, 117 Fizes, Antoine 79 Croll, Oswald 101 Flamel, Nicolas 35 INDEX 197 Fontenelle, Bernard de 6, 9–13, 17, 184 Hickel, Erika 99 Fourcroy, Antoine François de 78, 158, 159 Higgins, Bryan 116 Frank, Dr. of Vienna 158 Higgins, William 169 Fredrick I 116 Hippocrates, 49–50, 63–76, 184–85 Fredrick II 124 historiography of 18th century chemistry, Freind, John 6 critiques 1–7, 10, 14–15, 92, 139, Friedrich Wilhelm I 25, 100, 124 177–82, 184, 190 Hofmann, Friedrich 124 Galen 67 Holmes, Frederic L. 2, 139, 181 Galvani 162 Homberg, Wilhelm 6, 8–17, 63, 181, 184 gases 157, 161, 168–70, 187–88 Home, Francis 143 gazometer 165 homunculus 90 Geber 5 Hooke, Robert 179 Gellert, Christian Ehregott 102 Hooykaas, Reijer 139 Geoffroy, Claude-Joseph 117 Houël, Nicolas 81 Geoffroy, Etienne-François 6, 12–13, 84, Hufbauer, Karl 24, 97, 117, 123, 182 117, 142, 181 Humboldt, Alexander von 126 geology 147–49 Hume, David 140 George I 117 georgics 145–47 Institution for the Sick and Drooping Gervaise, Charles Claude 79 Poor 171 Geyer-Kordesch, Johanna 24 Isaac Hollandus 28, 35, 36 Giddy, Davies 159, 170 Gillispie, Charles 181–82 Jacob, Margaret C. 170 Glaser, Christophle 11, 12 Jardin des apothicaires 81, 83, 85, 90 Glauber, Johann Rudolf 38 Jardin du Roy 11, 82, 85, 88, 117, 129 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 115 Jesuits 83 Goetze, Johann Christoph 39 journals 117–23 Göttling, Johann Friedrich A. 103, 115–16, Joyeuse, Jean 79 119–20 Juncker, Johann 39, 124 Gouch, Gerry 179 Jüngken, Johann Helfrich 101 Gregory, James 161 Jussieu, Bernard 83 Grimm, Friedrich Melchior 88 Guerlac, Henry 4, 46, 57, 179, 187, 190 Keir, James 116, 166–67 Kim, Mi Gyung 4, 182 Hagen, Karl Gottfried 110 Kirwan, Richard 23 Hales, Stephen 1, 58 Klaproth, Martin Heinrich 97, 104–6, Hall, A. Rupert 4, 128–29 114, 125–28, 188 Haller, Albrecht von 64 Klein, Ursula 14, 182, 188 Hankins, Thomas 179 Knoeff, Rina 14, 184 Hannaway, Owen 77, 179 Kopp, Hermann 24, 31, 37 Hardy, Antoine-François 80 Krug, Ernst Gottlieb 35 Harrison, John 165 Kuhn, Thomas S. 129, 177, 190 Hartsoeker, Nicholaas 9 Kunckel, Johann 34 heat, theory of 162, 166 Henckel, Johann Friedrich 124 laboratories 107 Hermbstädt, Sigismund Friedrich 103, Laing, William 140 113, 118 Lapostolle, Alexandre-Ferdinand 79, 85 198 INDEX Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent 23, 83, 143, 158, Multhauf, Robert 142 159, 161, 178–82 mummies 89 le Mort, Jacob 49 Munro, Donald 153n39 Lehman, Christine 14, 188 Murdrach, Marie 84 Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm 6, 9, 12, 17 Lemery, Louis 6, 13, 181 natural theology 65 Lemery, Nicolas 3, 4–6, 9–10, 12, 16, Neumann, Caspar 100, 116–17, 124 109, 181 Newman, William R. 24, 33, 192n18 Levere, Trevor 4, 187 Newton, Sir Isaac 65–66 Lewis, William 189 Newtonianism 3–4, 6–7, 18, 92–94, 185 Libavius, Andreas 38, 179 Nicolas, Pierre-François 80, 86, 87 light, as chemical agent 6 nitrous oxide 170–71 lime 140–47 Nollet 93 limewater 142 Nuck, Anton 49, 51 Liphardt, Johann Christian F. 104–7 Lonie, Iain 69 officine, defined 84 Louis XIV 11 oil of tartar 57 Lull, Raymond (pseudo-) 10, 28, 35 oil of vitriol 55, 57 Lunar Society 116, 157, 166, 187 oil, of metals 26 ores 34, 85, 90 MacBride, David 143, 149 Orschall, Johann Christian 34 Macquer, Pierre-Joseph 23, 78, 83, 84, 86, oxygen 164, 178 91, 102 his dictionary 161, 166–67 pabulum ignis 52 magnesia alba 142 palingenesis 90 Maier, Michael 13 Pantaleon 9 Malesherbes 83 Paracelsianism 3, 4, 18, 180 Marggraf, Andreas Sigismund 123–25, 188 Paracelsus 90, 99, 189 Martini, Johann Christian 159 Parkes, Samuel 141 Martius, Ernst Wilhelm 109–11, 114–15, 119 Partington, James R. 24 Marx, Karl 187 Pearson, George 116 matter theory 4, 9, 90–91, 143, 163 pedagogy, chemical 13–14, 77–96, 112–14, Mauskopf, Seymour 63 184, 189 Mayow, John 55, 166, 179 at Leiden 47–48, 53–56 menstrua 45–46, 93, 145 Penneck, Henry 170 Mercier, Louis Sébastien 84 perfume 84, 89 mercury, animated or philosophical 8–9, Perrin, Carlton 179 13, 26 Peyevieux, Mathieu 79 of the metals 26, 36, 52, 54 pharmacy 81 Mesaize, Pierre-François 80, 86 Philalethes, Eirenaeus, see George Starkey Metzger, Hélène 3, 10, 77, 92, 177 Philippe II, duc d’Orléans 8, 11, 17 microscopes 66 Philosophers’ Stone 8–13, 26, 36, 90 minera perpetua 9 phlogiston 1, 23, 92, 93, 157, 161–62, 178 mining 35, 187 phosphorus 55, 124, 178 Mitouard 78 photochemistry 162, 164 Montet, Jacques 79, 84, 86 pneumatic chemistry 1, 161, 167–70, Morhof, Daniel Georg 28 179, 190 Morveau, Guyton de 158 Pneumatic Institution 169–71, 187 INDEX 199 pneumatic medicine 167–70 Sadler, James 165 Poissonnier 78 Sage, Baltazar 78, 83, 85 Porter, Roy 157 Sartorius, C. F. 101 potassium 166 Sauter, Michael J. 170 Pott, Johann Heinrich 100, 124 Scheele, Carl Wilhelm 23, 126, 157, Powers, John 14, 63, 184 166, 188 Price, Rev. John 160 Schleiermacher, Friedrich D. E. 126 Priestley, Joseph 23, 116, 178 Schneider, Wolfgang 99 Principe, Lawrence M. 24, 33, 63, 183, 186, Schönemarck (publisher) 27 192n18, 193n34 Schopenhauer, Arthur 126 principles, chemical 12, 31, 36, 47–49, 51, Schröder, Baron Wilhelm von 28 54, 141–42 (see also tria prima) Scientific Revolution 128–29, 177 Proust, Joseph-Louis 189 Sénac, Jean-Baptiste 6, 85 Prussian Medical-Surgical College 100 Sendivogius, Michael 30, 58 public lecturing and demonstrations 14, Seneca 69 77–96, 97 Sennert, Daniel 5, 38, 45 publishers and publication 24–43 (see also Seton, Margaret 140 book trade) `sGravesande, Willem 90 Shapin, Steven 128 quantification 15, 143, 157 Shaw, Peter 25, 189 Quedlinburg 104–06 Shelley, Mary 189 quicklime 142 Siegfried, Robert 2, 46 Smith, Adam 140 Ramsden, Jesse 165 Smith, Wesley 65 Rappaport, Rhoda 77, 88 Société des Philathènes 83 Réaumur, René-Antoine F.
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