Next Sunday, Sept 22 – Living our Faith Out Loud – Rev. Susan Frederick Gray - In the midst of these defining times, in the midst of tumult - societal, political and climate related - Unitarian Universalism offers a powerful message of both compassion and interdependence. How can we live these values in bold courageous ways that have the power to make a measurable difference today and for the future? The service will be followed by refreshments and Q&A. The Flowers this Morning are from Liv Ramstad in appreciation of all the tutors and substitute tutors who have worked with the children at South Avondale Elementary. Sunday Morning Volunteer Program (MVP) Team Three is handling the duties of greeting, ushering, providing coffee service and clean-up today. Team Three is led by Linda Miltner. She is joined by Sallie Barringer, Gabe Conley, Laurie Frank, Barbara Homlar, Jack Niehaus, Denise Olden, Ann Retford and Zilola Yuldasheva. Sound Technician: David Johnson Assistive Listening Devices for people needing hearing enhancement are available at the rear of the sanctuary. All are invited to write their Joys and Sorrows in the book at the back of the sanctuary. First Unitarian Church of Cincinnati 536 Linton Street * Cincinnati, Ohio 45219 (513) 281-1564 * Rev. Connie Simon, Minister
[email protected] First Unitarian Church of Cincinnati Let’s Read! September 15, 2019 Rev. Connie Simon Jera Cox, Director of Music Meredith Plummer, Director of Lifespan Faith Development Liv Ramstad, South Avondale Coordinator Let’s Read! September 15, 2019 Rev. Connie Simon, Minister Liv Ramstad, South Avondale Coordinator Jera Cox, Director of Music Meredith Plummer, Director of Lifespan Faith Development David Wallace, Worship Associate Welcome and Announcements Prelude Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah/It’s a Small World Allie Wrubel and Ray Gilbert/Richard and Robert Sherman Chalice Lighting We Light this Chalice Christian Schmidt and Alexis Chapen Vision Song We are a liberal religious haven, welcoming wonder, and spiritually free.