Kent Archaeological Society is a registered charity number 223382 © 2017 Kent Archaeological Society GENERAL INDEX

Acheulian, 30 ff. Bourgohier, Cardinal Thomas, 1 ff. Addington (Surrey), Medieval pottery Bourton Bridge, 194. from, 150, 157. Bowman's Industry, Further Considera- Aegelrio, 48. tion of the, by P. J. Tester, P.S.A., Aguillon, Sir R. d', 8. 29-39. Aldington, 202. Bowridge, H., 91. Anglo-Saxon, Buckle, 165-8. Boxley, 50. Building, 44. Bracelet, Romano-British, 194. Cemetery, 44, 165 ff., 201, 204, 207. Bradegare, R. de, 87. Knife, 203. Brabourne, 203. Anne, Queen, 7. Bredgar, The old Chantry House, by E. Anselm, Archbishop of , 60. W. Parkin, 87-97. Aprice, H., 59. Broadstairs, St. Peter's, Anglo-Saxon , , 57. Cemetery, 167-8. Arthur, Paul, Cremation Burials at Bromhill, Dom J., 90. Burntwick Island, 185. Bromley, 206-7. , Bishop of Rochester, 50, 57. Bronze Objects, 208. Ashford, 202. Brooches, Romano-British, 141-2, 208, Astor, Lord, of Hever, 179. 212. Aubrey, W., 3. Browne, T., 8. Aylesford, 50 ff. Bruges, Sir J., Lord Mayor of London, 7. Baker, Sir J., 7. Buckhurst, Lord, 6. Baldwin, Arohbishop of Canterbury, Buokle, Anglo-Saxon, 166-8. 50 ff. Romano-British, 191. Balsier, T., 91. Building Material, Medieval, 154. Barrow, 204. Bullen, Sir G., 7. Beach, J. de la, 9. Sir W., 7. Bearsted, 210. Burial, Anglo-Saxon, 207. Beo (Normandy), 47. Middle Bronze Age, 185. Beckenham, 145 ff. Romano-British, 185, 207, 212. Beckenham, A double-moated Site at, Site, 208. by Lilian Thornhill, 145-63. Burntwick Island, Cremation Burials Beoket, Thomas, 68. at, by Paul Arthur, 185. Bekesbourne, Anglo-Saxon Cemetery, Bushell, T. A., obit., 226-7. 167. Butler, T., 7th Earl of Ormonde, 113. Benedict, Bishop of Sawston, 57. Benenden, 204-6. Bernes, J,, 161. Caerlaverook, 111. Bexley, 205-6. Caesar, Dr. J., 5. Bidford-on-Avon, Anglo-Saxon Buokle, Caiger, John E. L., obit., 225. 167. Calais, Siege of, 8. Bishopsbourne, 202. Cambridge, Trinity College, 100. Blaok Death, 87. Campion, Father E., 4. Blaokheath, 102. Camwell, Lord R. de, 162. Boleyn, Anne, 113. Canterbury, 17, 47, 169. Sir, J., 113. Cathedral, 91. Sir W., 113. Christchurch, 48. Bones, Animal, 142-3. See of, 1. Middle Bronze Age, 187. St. Augustine, 48, 115. Borstal, 49. St. Gregory's, 59. 229 . INDEX Canterbury, Excavations at Gravel Walk, Detsicas, A. P., M.A., F.S.A., A 1967, by J. H. WiUiams, M.A., et al., Romano-British Building at Charing, 119-43. 107-10. Carson, R. A. G., Coins, 140-41. Excavations at Eccles, 1974, 41-5. Celestine, Pope, 50. Interim Report on the Excavations at Charing, A Romano-British Building the Eccles Site, 201-2. at, by A. P. Detsicas, M.A., F.S.A., Reviews, 215, 217, 219-20, 221-3. 107-10. Samian Ware, 122 ff. Charles I, 116. Devereux, R., Earl of Essex, 11. II, 99 ff. Dering, Sir E., 102. Charlesworth, D., The Glass, 141. Dice, Romano-British, 142. Charte, Richard at, 161. Digges, J., 7. Chelsham (Surrey), Henley Wood, Dillingen, Burghagel (Bavaria), Ceme- Medieval Site, 150. tery, 167. Chesters (Northumberland), 191. Donnett, J., 112. Chiddingstone, Skinners House, by P. J. Dorset, Earl Thomas of, 3 ff. Gray, 179-82. 1st Duke of, 10. Chilham, 203. Dover, 208. Chingley Forge, Timber Mill-race, 159. Anglo-Saxon Cemeteiy, 166. Chislehurst, 50. Castle, 8, 208-9. Clactonian, 30 ff. Dowle, W., 91. Clerke, H., 116. Clerkenwell, Prioress of St. Mary, 7. Eccles, Excavations at, 1974, by A. P. Cleves, Anne of, 113. Detsicas, M.A., F.S.A., 41-5. Clifford, Lady Anne, 6. Interim Report on the Excavations at Coins, Roman, 110, 121, 140-41, 190- the, Site, by A. P. Detsicas, M.A., 91,194, 202, 212. F.S.A., 201-2. Colchester, Monastery of St. John, 10. Edward I, 61, 65, 111, 150, 162. Siege of, 104. II, 99. Coldham Common, (Cambs.), 195. III, 1, 8. Cole, H., 5. IV, 112. Colley, T., 91. VI, 13, 115. Colpepper, Constance, 8. The Black Prince, 9. Cork, 116. Egerton, 192. Cornwall, Dr. I. W., cited, 75. Elizabeth I, 3 ff., 99. Court, E., 191. Elmbrigge, J., 112. Cranfield, Lady F., 11. Elmer's End, 145. Cranmer, 1 ff. Ely, 15, 17. Cranmer, E., 2. Elys, T., 87. J., 2. Engest, R., 69. Crawford, O. G. S., 16. , Bishop of Rochester, 50. Crossing Temple, Barn, 159. Ethelbert, King of Kent, 47. Crevequer, H., 162. Evison, Vera I., B.A., D.Lit., F.S.A., Croft, Sir J., 115. A silver-inlaid Buckle from Sarre, Croydon, 145 ff., 161. 165-8. Curzon, Mary, of Croxhall (Derbys.), Eynsford Bridge, 160. 11. Cuxton, 49. Fabian, J., 161. Rectory Site, 32. S., 161. Faunt, T., 91. Dallingridge, Sir E., 9. Fawkes, Guy, Trial of, 4. Darenth, 49. Fawkham, 49 ff. Dartford, 29, 60, 192. Filmer, Family, 99 ff. Dene, R. de, 10. Fitzallan, Family, 8. Denehole, 211. Flint, Arrowhead, 203. Denehole at Rainham, by R. F. and J. Hand-axe, 208. Le Gear, 182-4. Implements, 29-39, 81-6, 193, 202. Denewey (Denway), T., 91. Foiset, J., 90. Denton, 49 ff. Frindsbury, 49 ff. Dereham, 17. Fullerton (Hants.), 191. GENERAL INDEX Gerard, G., 4. Investigations and Excavations during Gervaise, of Canterbury, 16. the Year, 199-213. Gillingham, The Black Book of, by C. L. Iron Age Hill-forts, High Rocks, Sinclair Williams, 195. Tunbridge WeUs, 75. Glanville, Bishop G., of Rochester, Tonbridge, 61-85. 50 ff. Pottery, 80-81, 203. Glass, Romano-British, 141. Isle of Thanet, 204. Godmersham, 203. Isle of Wight, 103. Godwyn, R., 91. , Bishop of Rochester, 47. Goodsall, R. H., F.S.A., F.R.I.B.A., F.R.P.S., obit., 226. James, I, 3 ff., 99. Gravesend, 212-3. II, 100. Blockhouse, 208-9. Jetton, Nuremberg, 212. Interim Report on the Excavations at Jew's Harp, 192. the Canal Basin, by Victor T. C. John, King, 9, 55. Smith, 200. Johnson, R., 59. Gray, P. J., Skinners House, Chidding- , Bishop of Rochester, 47. stone, 179-82. Great Coxwell, Barn, 159. KeUy, D. B., Kent Bibliography, Grindal, Archbishop E., 3. 1974-5,197. Gundulf, 47 ff. Kennington, 115. Kent Bibliography, 1974-6, by D. B. KeUy, 197. Haddenham (Bucks.), 54. Ketelisden, W., 91. Hadenham, E. de, 48, 50. Kingston, Anglo-Saxon Cemetery, 167. Hailing, 49. Knight, C, 5. Harcourt, R., M.Sc, B.V.M.S., Knole, (Sevenoaks), 1 ff. M.R.C.V.S., The Animal Bones, 142-3. Harold, King, 47. Lambeth, 50. Harrison, A. C., Reviews, 216, 218. , Prior of Caen, 47 ff. Hastings, 47. Langley, L., 161. M. de, 9. Lawrence, Bishop of Rochester, 57. Hatfield, Agnes, of Willoughby, 3. Leeds, 193. Haws, Family, 188. Castle, 103, 112 ff. Hawte, Sir J., 113. Interim Report on the Society's Headcorn, 115. Excavation at, Priory, by P. J. Henry I, 60. Tester, F.S.A., 199-200. II, 50 ff. Le Gear, R. F., Hosey Common Rag- III, 9, 49, 55, 57, 111, 150, 162. stone Mine, 184. V, 9. Le Gear, R. F. and J., Denehole at VII, 13. Rainham, 182—4. VIII, 1 ff., 87, 113. Lenham, 115. Herbert, Bishop of Thetford, 66. Levalloisian, 30 ff. J., 4. Lewyn, W., M.P. for Rochester, 5. Hereford, 47. Lincoln's Inn, 100. Herman, Bishop, 15. Lingfield (Surrey), Manor of Star- Heme, J., 91. borough, 182. Hethe, Bishop Hamo de, 53 ff. Lisieux, 50. Hicson, W., 91. Little Chart, 107. Hill, Canon D. Ingram, Ancient heraldic Locke, J., 99. Glass at Knole, Sevenoaks, 1-14. London, Blossom's Inn, Medieval Hochon, J., 91. Pottery from, 150. Hoo and Hastings, Lord, 7. Inns of Court, 1. Hundred of, 208. Salters HaU, Walbrook, Medieval Howard, Lady M., 6. Pottery from, 151. Hull, 102. Longfield, 49, 192. Longworth, Dr. I. H., cited, 187. Lovelace, R., 102. Ickham, Excavations at, by C. Young, Lullingstone, 112. 190-91. Lydney, 194. 231 GENERAL INDEX Mackreth, D. F., The Brooches, 141-2. Penenden Heath, 48. Maidstone, 193, 209. Penge, 145. Battle of, 104. Perdrich, J., 91. Shire House, 192. Perth, WiUiam of, 58. Malyns, Sir R., 8. Pewter, Romano-British, 190. Manners, Sir G., 112. PhiUips, W., Prior of Rochester, 59. Manwood, R., 6. Pin, Romano-British, 212. Margary, I. D., M.A., F.S.A., F.R.G.S., Pit, Romano-British, 190. obit., 228. Popham, J., 4. Marshall, Alice, of Muschamp, 2. Pottery, Iron Age, 80-81, 203. Mary I, 115. Medieval, 150-4, 202. Mazinghem (France), Merovingian Middle Bronze Age, 186-7. Cemetery, 167. Romano-British, 42, 121 ff., 185, Medieval, Building Material, 154. 190, 202, 203, 205, 207, 208, 210. Clay Tobacco Pipe, 154. Samian Ware, 42, 122 ff., 185, 203, Purbeck Marble Mortar, 194. 205, 207, 208. Site, 44, 201. Seventeenth Century, 192. Timber, 154. Puckering, Sir J., 4. Whetstone, 156. , Bishop of Rochester, 47. Merstham (Surrey), 112. Pyke, J. A., and Ward, C. P., A Mesohthic Flint Implements, 169 ff. Middle Bronze Age Burial at Otford, Mill, Romano-British, 190-91. 185-7. MiU-stone, Romano-British, 190-91. Rainham, Denehole at, by R. F. and J. Minster-in-Thanet, 15, 17. Le Gear, 182-4. Money, J. H., M. A . , F.S.A., Excavations in the two Iron Age Hill-Forts on Raleigh, Sir W., Trial of, 4. Castle Hill, Capel, near Tonbridge, Ralph, Bishop of Rochester, 57. 1965 and 1969-71, 61-85. Ramsey, 15. Monks, T., 91. Ramsgate, 204. Montford, Simon de, 55. Ravensbourne, River, 146. Morris, , 56. Renham, J. de, 65. Mortimer, R., 9. Researches and Discoveries in Kent, Morton, Elizabeth, 3. 179-95. Retford, Lord R. de, 162. Nettlestead, 112. Reviews, 215-223. Newbury, Second Battle of, 117. Richard I, 51, 111. Nonant, Hugh, , 61. II, 87. Norman Church, Leeds, 199-200. III, 112. NormanvUle, Maud, 9. Richborough Saxon Shore Fort, 191. Northfleet, Baker's Hole Industry, 37. Rigold, S. E., M.A., F.S.A., Norton, 50. F.R.Hist.S., The Structure of the Bridge, 158-60. Oakley, Anne M., M.A., The Cathedral Robinson, T., 188. Priory of St. Andrew, Rochester, Rochester, 211-2. 47-60. St. Margaret's, 49 ff. Obituaries, 225-8. Rochester, A Gravestone in the Church of Odo, Bishop of Bayeux, 47 ff. St. Nicholas, by P. J. Tester, 187-90. Osmund, , 56. Rochester, The Cathedral Priory of St. Otford, 191, 209. Andrew, by Anne M. Oakley, M.A., Otford, A Middle Bronze Age Burial at, 47-60. by J. A. Pyke and C. P. Ward, 185-7. Rokeby, R., 6. Oxford, AU Souls College, 3. Roman, Coins, 110, 121, 140-41, Earl of, 9. 190-91,194,212. Magdalene College, 60. Romano-British, Beads, 207. Bracelets, 194, 207, 212. Parkin, E. W., The Old Chantry House, Brooohes, 141-2, 208, 212. Bredgar, 87-97. Buokle, 191. Paulinus, Bishop of Rochester, 47. Building, 107-10, 206, 209-10, 212. Peche, Sir W., 112. Burials, 185, 212. Pencester, Sir S. de, 8. City WaU, 211. 232 GENERAL INDEX Dice, 142. Stone, R. C, B.A., Ulcombe, Ireland Ditches, 42, 190, 201. and theSt. Legers, 111-7. Glass, 141. Stourmouth, 50. MU1, 190-91. Strood, St. Mary's Hospital, 51. MiU-stone, 190-91. Sutterton (Lines.), 2. Necklace, 207. Sutton, Sir Robert Filmer of East, by Pewter, 190. David WeigaU, M.A., 99-105. Pin, 212. Sutton-at-Hone, 50. Pit, 190. Swanscombe, 30. Pottery, 42, 110, 185, 203, 205, 208, Swanton, M. J., B.A., Ph.D., F.S.A., 210 212. F.R.Hist.S., A fragmentary Life of Site', 190-91, 208. St. Mildred and other Kentish Royal Street, 119. Saints, 15-27. Villa (Eccles), 41-5, 201. Sympkins, J., 59. Romanus, Bishop of Rochester, 47. Romney Marsh, 9d. Talboth, T., 91. Ros, Ralph de, Prior, 51. Tester, P. J., F.S.A., A Gravestone in Rotherfield, 50. the Church of St. Nicholas, Rochester, 187-90. SackviUe, Family, 3 ff. Further Consideration of the St. Leger, FamUy, 111 ff. Bowman's Lodge Industry, 29-39. St. Mildred, A fragmentary Life of, and Interim Report on the Society's other Kentish Royal Saints, by M. J. Excavation at Leeds Priory, 199-200. Swanton, B.A., Ph.D., F.S.A., Reviews, 218-20. F.R.Hist.S., 15-27. Theobald, , Salisbury, R., 60. 57. Sandwich, St. Peter's, 87. Thomas, Archbishop, 2. Sandys, Col. E., 102. ThornhiU, Lilian, A double-moated Site Sarre, A silver-inlaid Buckle from, by at Beckenham, 145-63. Vera I. Evison, B.A., D.Lit., F.S.A., •Timber, Medieval, 154. 165-8. Tonbridge, Excavations in the two Iron SeUing, 115, 169. Age Hill-Forts on Castle Hill, Capel, Selling, MesoUthic Discoveries at Perry near, 1965 and 1969-71, by J. H. Woods, near Canterbury, Kent, by Money, M.A., F.S.A., 61-85. A. G. Woodcock, B.Sc, M.A., Tookey, G. W., Historical Note, 161-3. A.M.A., 169-77. Trottiscliffe, 49. Sevenoaks, 210-11. Turke, Alderman J., 188. Sevenoaks, Ancient heraldic Glass at Twysden, Sir R., 100 ff. Knole, by Canon D. Ingram Hill, M.A., F.S.A., 1-14. Ulcombe, Ireland and the St. Legers, by Sheerness, 194. R. C. Stone, B.A., 111-7. Sheppey, J. de, 58. Upchuroh Marshes, 185. Shottenden, 169. Upper Hardres, 204. Sidney, A., 99. Sissinghurst, 7. Vere, Clementine de, 9. Sittingbourne, 194. Verulamium, 195. Siweard, Bishop of Rochester, 47 ff. Smith, Victor T. C, Interim Report on Waleran, Bishop of Rochester, 50, 57. the Excavations at the Canal Basin, Wales, Prince of, 13. Gravesend, 200. Walkelin, Bishop of Rochester, 56. Smyth, Sir R., 117. Walter, Bishop of Rochester, 57. Snagge, T., 4. H., Archbishop of Canterbury, 50. Snodland, 49. Wansunt Channel, 29. Sone, J., 91. Ward, C. P., and Pyke, J. A., A Southfleet, 49 ff. Middle Bronze Age Burial at Otford, Sprott, T., 16. 185-7. Stanford, 194. Warham, Archbishop, 116. Stant, Dr. M., cited, 77. H., 116. Stigand, , 66. T., 161. Stoke, 49 ff. Webbe, T., 91. 233 GENERAL INDEX Weekes, E., 188. WiUowford Bridge (Northumberland), WeigaU, David, M.A., Sir Robert 191. Filmer of East Sutton, 99-105. WUmington, 60, 212. Weldon,SirA., 102. Winchester, 55. West Derby (Lanes.), Bridge, 159. Windsor, St. George's Chapel, 10. Westerham, Hosey Common Ragstone Withyham, 7. Mine, by R. F. Le Gear, 184. Woley, W., 161. Westminster Abbey, 5. Woodcock, A. G., B.Sc, M.A., A.M.A. Whitgift, J., 3. MesoUthic Discoveries at Perry, Wickham, East, 49. Woods, Selling, near Canterbury, Wickhambreaux, 204. Kent, 169-77. Wilbore, J., 59. Woodside, 145. WiUesborough, 204. Woodville, Sir H., 10 ff. WiUiam, The Conqueror, 10, 47, 111. Woolwich, 50. II, 54. Wotton, N., 115. Williams, C. L. Sinclair, The Black Woodham, 49 ff. Book of Gillingham, 195. Wymer, J., cited, 30. J., 188. WiUiams, J. A., et al., Excavations at Young, C, Excavations at Ickham, Gravel Walk, Canterbury, 1967, 119- „ 190-91. 43. Zivanovid, Dr. cited, 187.