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2009-081 001 007 1908Nov - - .~--- - NOVEMBE"R, 1908 - mow it is bigb time to 1be ma~etb 1bis sun to rise awa~e out of sleep. on tbe e\1U an~ on tbe goo~. Cbt Jllg~ma miSSionary ntws t:b~ Official Organ of tb~ Dioc~$~ of Jllgoma i JStsbop; The RIGHT REV. GEORGE THORNELOE, D.D., D.C.L., Sault Ste. Marie, Onto IDiocesan ®mcers: The VEN. GOWAN GILLMOR, J. A. WORRELL, Esq., K.C., Archdeac.on of AI~oma, Sault Ste. Marie, Onto Hon. Treasurer (ofInvested Funds), 18-20 Kin~ St. West, Toronto, Onto The REV. CANON BOYDELL, M.A., Bishop's Commissary and Examinin~ Chaplain, H. PLUMMER, Esq., Sudbury,Ont. Treasurer of the Synod, SaultSte. Marie, Onto The REV. CANON• PIERCY, A. E.LLIOTT, E!ilf}., Clerical Secretary of the Synod, . Hon. Registrar, Sault Ste. Mari,e Wellt, Onto Sault Ste. Marie, Onto C. V. PLUMMER, Esq., . GEO. LEY KING, Esq., Lay Secretary of the Synod, Principal of the Shinrcwauk and Wawano8h Sault Ste. Marie, Onto Indian Homes, - - - Sault Ste. Mar:ie, O~t. I.e = - .-~- - I 122 THE ALGOl\rIA MISSION AR Y NEWS'. CHRISTIANS UNPER THE RULE CHURCH OF ENGLAND SUFFERERS OF THE CRESCENT. BY FIRE AT FERNIE, B. C. HE Rev. W. H. Browne, whG". since T o the Editor of THE AJ,GOMA MISSIONAHY NEWS: 1886 has been on the s La ff • of the Dear Sir,-lVIay I beg the use of . your T Archbishop's Mission to the Assy­ columns to make. an appeal to the mem­ rian Christians j in the Assyrian bers of the Church of England .throughout Mission Quarterly Paper, lI as an appeal Canada, on beha lf of their fellow members which throws light on the conditions of IHe in Fernie, B. C., who have lost their homeS among th.e Christians there. I It is dated and their church in the recent disas1trous August loth, 190-8, a nd is written from fire. Qudsh-ans, Turkey-in-Asia. He says :- l\Iy appeal is for the re-pl~cing of the , ~n Saturday, August 1st, ' Reshid Bey, church and furniture, as this must be done MIra of Berwa ri, who with the co-operation through outside assistance, the unfoTtunate of the Sheikh of Barmarni had collected a people having all they ~an do to rebuild la,rge force of Kurds (some say 5,000, their homes. others 10,0'0.0) a nd a Turkish major invad.:­ The Rector, Rev. R. S. Wilkinson, feels ed Tya~i, entering the Lizan valley by way much discouraged at the isolation in which of Z ' ~wltha j sacked and burned all but he finds himself from the great body of three out of 500 houses down to the riv'er sympathizers who would come to his re­ Zab. Some 80 or 100 Syrian ,Tyari men lief if they could be rea ched. coll,ected and held the church and bridge of This is pre-eminently a case in which the St: George .. The Kurds burned reaped corn, strong are called to come to the .rdilef of rUlned standl'llg crops, looted the church, the weak . In the body if one member hacked the church books with their swords suffers all the memhers sillIer with it. , and carried oil _the sacred vessels. They lVIr. Wilkinson states the loss incurred by , even destroyed the wooden aqueducts, so the Church property as folloW's :- ,that any remaining produce must perish of Value of Church ....... .................. ...........$8 ,940 . 00 drotlght. It is supposed that some persons Furniture, etc., in Church ........... : ........ 2,000.00. perished by '. fire. Four were killed and ,Value of Rectory .. .. ............................... 2,800.00' , -twenty wounded. Some of the wounds ! '~ere . fro:n a Turkish' . IGover~ment military $13,740 .00 ;rl.fle, WhICh the K~lrds did not carry. Les'S Insurance ................................. 6,000.00 , , It s'eetns incongruous in recording such desolatiol1 to notice that our little house, 7,740 . 00 Mort.gage on Reclory and ot.her debts. 1,300.00 which is registered as a .schoo1 and is the property of a British subject,'· was · also burnt j but this comparative triHegives H .B.M.'s Consul the right to intet-fere, and At the time of writing he had received to ask for the banishment of the Mira, who the sum of $,388.25. has long been the scourge to this part of In making: this appeal to all the Dioceses, I Kurdistan. I am appealing to you in the my hope is that a very large number' will cause of humanity to ask for large and gladly send small subscriptions. The total speedy relict. Mo're than 500 houses ' have sum of $9000 will meet all the necessities been burnt; every house contains, as is the . ·of the cas'e and provide a. building of non­ I -custom of the countrY, two or three fam­ ,combustiMe m a terials. A cement base­ I ilies. Thousands of people are absolutely men t with reinforced concrete floor is al- destitute. Nothing rema:ins, not a house, e . ready being proceeded with. A speedy and not a bed, not a bowl of water, neither general response, even in small sums, will food nor money . to buy ' it. Their fellow extricate t~is suffering and helpless member Christians of the neighbouring villages are of our body out of all its spiritual distress. all poor andcan bardy support thems'elves. Rev. Canon Piercy of Sault Ste. Marie I doubt . whether aily catastrophe of recent has kindly ' c<?nsent'ed to act 'as Treasurer years has involved snch ahsolute and help­ for the Diocese oJ Algpll1a, nd will receive less destitution. The Bishop of Berwax, and ack-nowl'edge all contributions: lVXar Yawalaha, ' lefthi~ village a few weeks T'hanking you · in: . advance for the grea't l)'efore. 'all thi.s. happened, but · R'eshid Bey aid you will give to the cause of the Church has rohbe'(i his. house oL everything- he pos­ by the illsertion .. ~, of this appeal. I am" ,sessed, stt;:ipped. his little1?iste~.s and caused very faithfully yours, . 'se\'el'al old" men of 70 ye·ars . to . be . beaten ' .'. ARTHUR; iTORQNTQ, ..; " . most cruelly." Pnma te 01 all Ca,ti'ada . -_. ---"--- --- ----- -------------------------------==============~-- --- / ~he New Series-Enlarged I908. Published Monthly VOL. 5, No. 11 . NOVEMBER, 50 .cents per annum in advance, AG,!' SAINTS. And by . all kincUy actions, And g-ef1tle words of love, HE falling leaves proclaim the dying year, Lead ' others hcre to 1.;now Thee, And see Thy face above. T The fields once bright with golden corn are bare., \ I ~ 'rhe wailing wi1).d with sad and mournful tone, Sings reqlliern for the sum,tner-time now gonc. 'THE "FIRST R" IN NEW SOUTH Yet er e the willter with it9 bli'ghting breath - WALES. ' And ruthlesS! hand lay Nature low in death, Dur mother bids us s,ing in glad acclail;l1, Her children garnered in from sin a nd pain. TTENTION js called to the success of God's jewels, oft unnoticed and unknown, th~ . arr~ngeme~ts for "special 'l\I[id earth's dark ways He sought them for A relIgIOUS mstructIOn" ,in New South His o'wn: . Wales. In the schools of that col­ Peas'a nt and pecr; the lowly and the great , ony the religious teaching approximates to Of every nation, kindred a nd estate. Cowper-Templeism ; but in addition :'facili­ Polished a nd moulded each with loving hand, To dcck the mansions o[ the Eternal land. ties," in the wideslt 'form, are at the com­ And w c, without the havcn fair, who wait m~1'l:d of any religious d e nominat~on. Any Longing, expectant, as thc timc grows late, mll11ster of rehgion, or other a uthorized Bcnding to-day before the Altar-throne, teacher, h qs the right to give to the chil­ :Toin feebly in the song of that blest home, dren of his own denomination a n hour's Where countless multitudes for ever sing religious ins,truction daily in school hours. 'rhe glad thrice holy hymn to Christ the King. No difficulty has been experienced in fitting And 10, as there we kneel in praise and prayer, in the visits of the various clergy, and no A m essage sweet comes stealing- all the air: sectarian friction ever takes place. "Oh weary hearts, with sin a nd care opprcssed, Ye too shall enter in, a n d sl1 all be b lcssed . " C. IV . Haskins. The people at S ilverwater, on the Mani­ toulin Island, desire to erect a small house S'l'. ANDREW. for Mr. I-I. A. Sims, the lay mission<;lry in the mission, which is one of our poorer and weak Fields. WEpra ise God lor St. Andrcw On this his festal day, And hear his dying accents St. Mary's \V., A., Aspdin, were favoured In dee,pcst rapturc say:. with success at the a nnual entertainment in "0, predolls Cross! . I h all thce, Clifton Hall. This Auxiliary helps the con­ I , cling to thee WIth love; gregation to ra.ise the q,uota for the clergy­ For tho u wilt bear me safelv Ulan. , To my Lright home above." J esu , Thou Strcngth of Martyrs, 'l'he Bishop of Wakefield has received an­ Enabled by Thy grace, , other a nonymous gift for the ' dioce'se of Oh ! may we, like' S~int Andrew, $25,000. With joy our cross embrace; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ i ~ I .$ DIOCESAN NEWS.$ I ~ I ++++++++.~+++++++++++++~+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ·f ST. THOMAS' CHURCH , WEST FORT WILLIAM, [EXTERIOH] REOPENED-A BETTER CHURCH.
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