-1- “A Century of Difference” Working Paper THE SURVEY RESEARCH CENTER University of California, Berkeley 2538 Channing Way Berkeley, CA 94720-5100 -------------------------------------------- http://ucdata.berkeley.edu/rsfcensus 510-643-6874 510-643-8292 Different Places, Different People: 1 The Redrawing of America’s Social Geography by Claude S. Fischer (
[email protected]) Michael Hout (
[email protected]) DRAFT 2.0 of September, 2003 1 This draft working paper will be developed into a chapter of a book in progress commissioned by the Russell Sage Foundation as part of the “Century of Difference” project. Other working papers can be found at the web site above. This work was critically assisted and much improved by Jon Stiles and Gretchen Stockmayer. American Sociological Association Disclaimer: Copyright 2003 . All rights reserved. This paper is for the reader's personal use only. This paper may not be quoted, reproduced, distributed, transmitted or retransmitted, performed, displayed, downloaded, or adapted in any medium for any purpose, including, without limitation, teaching purposes, without the authors’ express written permission. Permission requests should be directed to
[email protected]. -2- Different Places, Different People:The Redrawing of America’s Social Geography In 1900, Americans were bitterly divided by region. They remembered the Civil War – it was as recent to them as the Vietnam War is to us in 2003 – and their memories were regularly refreshed by politicians “waving the bloody shirt.” Even before the War Between the States, Americans had harped on cultural differences between North and South, East and West. Many Midwesterners, for example, used the verb “to yankee” to mean to cheat.