World awaits openi*g of ecumenicalcouncil Expect220 lohn paYS visit I-J.S,bishops IJ at council to shrines \/ATICAN ROI\IE-About 220 of the U.S. CITY.*As thc rvol'ld au,aits thc ollcnirrg Archbishops antl Ilishops arc of thr: histolic Scconrl \rati-can gatherirrg lor the opening of the Council on October 11, hun- Second Vatican Council on Oc. tlrcrls of bishops anrl prc- toLrer 11. lates arc conva}girrg orr'thc center of Christeirrlo'm frour VATICAN cvcry part of thc glolle. CITY Onc n'cok befole the council's opening,LIis lloliness I)ope John .\XIII took a 400.niilctrain trio

An exact cottnt o[ tltc attctttl- shows lhe localions of many ol lhe Valican buildings, portraying WORLD'S FOCAL POINT_-The rbove dirgrem lhe sire and complele. ance l)y Arnericaus, o[ botlt Lntin nerr of the liny religious rlaie. Dominrted by 51. Peler'r Br:ilica, tho world's hrgest church, this stale wilhin the city of , will and Eastcrn Ritc {ronr thc U.S. be lhe site of the 2lst Ecumenicrl Council ol lhe Church and religious focal poinl of lhe world. The council ceremonies and meeling: and ils possossiolts, sltottld bt: wi||lrkep|acery1.11.1l1j..1|yingbui|din-os1l"1-1':oforspecia|commilleesrndmeelingl. availalile after thc coutrcil opcns.

Thc iJ,S, pt'elates, nccotnpnniccl Iry dincosnn uffieills, :lr'0 :rrriviltg -so that he nright pral' for ilrt' $e or as of lat'gc New parish Daratrlly Pilrl. succ0ss of ilto contilg conolilvc gr0rrps.'fho Cottstittttion llone at. ts'o of Itall"s nrost fanrous carried 3[] archbishops anrl bish' slt li ncs. ops on a rcccnt trip. Othcrs at'e planncclin arriving jusl bclorc tltc cotttrcil c0nvcll(ls,

Tlte r\ntcric;llts itt'e living itt Indianapolis hotcls, sctuiuat'ics atttl tlttcst hottscs olrcLttttttI lly t'cligiotls ur- 'l'he dcrs. - preparalion pn (-'lrattt-'ery Office this wcck POPE JOHN XXlll*Monfhs of will end October annortnccrl tlrt: folnration of a ncrv ll, when lhe Holy Father formrlly convenes lhe Second Vatican Intlianapolis palish, the 42nrl in i\larion (ltunty, to serve lhe *l::":'.:-- --- THE POPE'S tlip ttrok lrlacc r':rpirlly'cxpanditrg not'tlnvest sitle. tun llre feast of St. Fr.ancis of Assisi (Oct. ,l). Ile rvcnt to tht: Prcsiclcnt voiccs honc "as I slrlinr.s. he .snirl. :r nrolt' in. ten-se invocation fol ht'avcnl-v nr'otcction" {crr thc conring coun- counci I wi ll aicl pca('c t:il.

voL. lf l, No. I INDIANAPOLIS,INDIANA, OCTOBER5, 1962 Anrt'ricans. lre sairl, lrlvc also Cartlinal Albcrt I\Icyer, Alch- "rvitlt rcatl ytat'ticttl:tr tttti'r't'st arrtl bishop of (,'hicago, is rcsitling at tlillr gcnuittt: ittlnrilltrr.rrr for' lhe Chicago arcltrliorresatr sttttly 1'orrl I"r',Ifungcr horrse herc, St,. A{ary of tlte Lakr:. all.crrtblacing collcern for tlru s'r'l[alc of llrnranitl"' thr I'opt:'s Serrahnn\unce.spluns "st'r'c'r'rtl inspirittg stlttcnl.l:ts" on the background anrl ainrs of 'l'he l'C.Slgtl'S .lolln (-) f 3 obscr\rtlrs l'r'cslth'nt tol(l I'op0 tlur council, irr a ltrltot nrlrlo ltulllic by tltc '1'lr6 r-lln111'6'q'X oflirc fias an" IOf Vocationserhihit Wlrite Ilorrse (()cl. 5): THE PRESIDENT saitl lhat "stllggoling lr()t,tt('edlhal. l,':rllrcr (llerrrctlf/ "\Yt: rlespite prr;.rlcurs'' are nanrccl Irolrc thal tlte corrttcil \\'ill 'I'lre ()f people nll ihe rvolld.lrnvc litst visil, lu l,rrreln Ut " Ilttttget-', pilsior St- trl;try's prtr. thc Gtrod Shrphcrd, Intlianapolis; Irc lhk: tri 1;r't,settt in clcur rtrttl "rcneu'cd (lross, lorrnrl conlidencc and pol)e wils nlrdc in r\lly. 185?, b1' islr, l,artervillt', ltas lcl;igttcrl for Si.stels of lhe Iloly r\nrler- ptrrsrrnsivr' langulge effcctivrl courntrtr." in thc tlroughl that {hc I'itts lX, son, Ind.: [,ittlc Sistcls of lho solrrlion:; tar lllc llanl' ptolllenrs rlho:rlsrr stoppcd at foas(rns cf llr.;rllh. lle lras ltcerr crruneil n,ill givc sptrirl ltlcn' i\ssi-si his Iroor, Itttlianapolis I antl Ir'rancis- t'ortf tont ing all of tr:i anrl, Dtote thlring ttip. ,,rrir:e 1l;rstrlr lliclc lfill0. tiott lo the ccononric attrl srrcial can Sistcls, Oltlenbulg, spt'cific;rll1', tlrat i{s tlceisions prelinrinlrry problcttrs of tlrt'rvot'lrl attrl ltat- MEANWHILE. the rvill srgnificatttll' arlvattcc thtt i:'allrer Pllt'l(lrrs Kctnpf, O.S.Ii., r\lso llut'.vknoll Srstcls, filary- liculally nf rrru['rtlcrclopell 11;1. at]cnila releasctl l'rI' lhe press carrse of intcrrratitlnal pencc attrl 'l'hcy ions, offictr ittrlicltcs tlrrt thc Ii'alhers has trr:ett aplloirrt.erl resident pas- knoll, N.\'.; {lru' l,arly of \iit:- ale Itislrop Artlltotty of " t untlcls{ antlirtll. rr{ lor"v l\lissionitry Sislcls, Vietoly tlrc council Incc a hcln v st'ht'd- Ior [o adrrritti-.tur tlrc parish until (icttc\'a, Stvilzcrlartrl; l"iltlltr li.l(tr 'lhe jrrIton, ;\ftel crttlrh:rsizing his lrollcs rult' tluliug its opcnirrg rvccks. pliests Noll. [[rrnt Inrl.; Sis{el's oI 'l'royanov, Littt- pricsl. and Religious rvill a tltcologiittt {tottr a dioct'san rs availablc. A - tlrirt tlrc coutrcil rvill cotttt'ibutt' 'i'htr shorv tlreir *'ork in tlre rrrissirrrt- I'r-rtvitkrrc-e, St. [1ar'.t'- of thc. Srvitzolltrntl ittttl Sergtr brr-rtlrcl of llstlr'. Josclrlr Kenrpf, silttr!c, ; agt'ntll colcts cottilr'il :rc- \1'oritls. Ittd.i l"t':tttciscan Sislct's, to rvollrl l)r-tcc, ll r'. Kctrttr.rll' arr-, cdur:ation atid contetnplalive Glotov. a Ilttssiatt laniittitgtl lit'itros until tltc e'ntl of (-lr:tol-rtr, I'lt.[).. Plqfcssol at S{, llary-of- ex{r'ntlctl pt'rsonnl Xlc('tinqs lo fickls in i sL.tics of spccial ll ishag;rka. Ittrl.: i\lission Sistols teachcl in llotntt. the-trtr'o,rrlr L'olllitr:, l"lrthcr I'la

r\rcltltil:ltoD .*ichrrlte \\'ill ol'l'iciitlc lt gl'oulxlbl'('akillg e()l'r)llrouiCSsttntlitl'. ocl. ?, :rt 4 p.ttt., tu tttttt'k llttt slitt't INDIANAPOLIS*The rnnual ol' ctittstrttcliott o[' lht' tlcrv blessing of Rosrry Roses will Itittt'r lligh Scltttol Iitcttlty be held Sunday, Oct. 7, rl 5 Irottstt. p,m, of Sl, Mrry's Church, In- dianapolis. The cerernony will include an ouldoor procession. Everyone it inviled.

oldels fol nrurt: llctrc

By JOSEPHR' THOMAS SOUTI{ OIIANCIi, N.J'..'' It. is unlikclY lhal lhcre tvill bc Jervislt obset'r'crs i1t the Seconcl \';tlican Cottttcil, il c0ltsultor lo the cotlncil's Scct'clat'ilrt fut' Pt'otrtolirtg Lllrlistian Unit.r' said hct'e. llscr. Jolrn ]1. {)estc'r'r'eicht'r also saitl in an ittlet'r'iotutltat "a Catholics hittc cottte to tleepct' ON THE possibility of Jc*'i-'lt appl'eciation" of llreir affirtity obserlets at the cotrttcil. llstlt" "of "r\t ,.r:jtlr Jcrr.s. lrrrt he rvaLttcd Oesten'eiclre r r'eplictl: this "\ot onli' \r'as rto otte in ltottte diseouraging factors itt (lhl'istian' tuontent. iI sec'ttts ttnlikcly tlt:tt "tlte " turtsrtltcd." lte slatetl, bttt J en'ish t'clation.-q. thele rvill l-re Jcu'islt obsen'crs at 'l'hc ncrvs itents also girve tlre int- li'llrE|*s|Effigre.ii.''''.,,.''.,;.r.d-ry:'t'${wru].....,,'.''...... i+ f,lonrigttor. a conlert fror)1 llte cotrttcil, il'lttlt'c at'e ftlall"v no prcssion thll. tlrough all knorvlt Jrdaisru antl tlilcc.tor of the ln- pel'sons ol' orgalls tlrat catt spt'ak THE COUNCIL-Alfhough lhe main sessions of lhe Second inlital ions lratl lrcett cxteldetl to Valican Council, which will convene October ll, wilt be held in St. peler,r Sttrdies tlre lt'ltole rtf stitutc of Jutlnco.{llrlistian in tlte nanre of Valican areas will serve fhe participants in various wtys. lcligiorts .r1l'oul)s{}nlv. tlre Clrttt'clt AmonE these will be the Polorro San Callisto (left), former headqurr- xt S0lon IIall L'niVersitl' here, .Iewry. As orl rlran!' olher issttos,, in tltc case of tlte Jervs. t.rr.t ft. Ponflli€.| Consr.srtion!..1 thl.h ion. Councll.llic.s m.y br..l.bliih.di h. Libr.ry-lrs.onrult.tls ic.m (....d tr.h t.ft) discussril the -cecretarjat's rvot'k, Jervs are divided ort tlttl rltlostiolt wilt b. ur.d bv h. rlealing \r'iih a politicitI ltod]', tlte i.hcl.r..nd th.otori.nli lh. H.!l of !.Ndidion. (rilhr.!nr..), whl.h..!Y.d lh. non. Syhod..lld by lhe coulcll, anri t.atlrolic-Jcu'islt of obsct'vets, too." m.ny PoF, m.y h u..d br.omhiil.. ,.rrh8l "sonre Slato of Ist'ael." 'h IIc statcd tlrat on:arr 'l'lur n"r' .'n"in, .nrcli.f n. v.ilGrh3r.ft. -\lonsigttor tt t'mctl tltis inci' _.,"-._.:']1lh:.":.'"r_rjl1::,1(:i1lh.i::li:::l'f I-:t:.:lun isked if .lcrvish lt'adet's Irre as izations of a sccttlat' chat'actet'" "urrfoltuttiite," "only rlt'nt bttt a interestetl in lhc council as Prot- as rvcll ns indivitlttal Jewish surall pfl!e irt Clrtholic.Jcrvish .:11'l.t_ ':.-!,ii:illl:'_t_.: " l:il::':'' li" _:t'll':L.l::i-'_l-__-l:1'1! _.11: lela tions. (lounciI is li licrrccl[o Sulll'ottlcCourt Sipcaking fttt'tlter of tltese i'ela" "llte ,ltll . I tions, he sairl ver'.v fact tltill. I)ol)c .lolttt nssignetl t;ttestiotts ('lN(lINNrvf | -- l)oll't collll):tti' llr('ll aili{ill:l tltc t'rttttttlll l'itlltt'rs. w.o. 'l'lrt'r IoNEs tKtrrted logaldirrq lhe .lr.s'.s to the lCltt'is. l't' : rlillt a it ! lul c,r'Derlsure lltt' r'c'ttltrtnical cottnr:il CLEANERS T sccrclaliat . is otte "'l'hrlsc lian Linitl'l . . st'ssion of (:{}ltgt'('ss. II) ulto $attl lo lit'r|) 'fhat 4440N. KEVSTOAYG trf llrc rurn]'sigtts tltat s'c ltitlc is i lrc advicc ol' l"rrtlrer' llrirrts vet.r' rrrttt'll iis lltt'1 rlctrr l(} rlcr'grt'r' a[]pfcciatiott of {'{)lile a Gttsluvo \\'oil{cl, S.J.. rvlttt llc rulrcn tltel' thclnicl\ ci \'\'('fo tl'lr0ir iruI lrffinilt' uillt thc Jc\\'s." lit,r es the Secgrrtl !stiCirrr (,puncil Ir0.r's,t! t't':tr'lI()lli l0 ltt (t- s{'('ul:tr ldllrtriltg. trt ai,dc0ut'lcil Lt)\rk 'l'lrt' . rvill ar'l tnrtlc likc thc Sttpl't'ttttr l)r'r)l)os('(lcltatrqr's rvill lrc ttcrrt llrrguitgc rrf tlre AFTER CALLING lttcltlioll lo "lltrst \.A1'l(1.,\\ t'11'\'--.llis llolirrcss Porttifir:al Instiluto of Sl. .\nsrlru. (.'otr t'l , trt t'. Itc saitl. ltrl'nren lealn l,alin," rrllrer t'llill.ts nratlc L1' llttpcs ul' 'l'lrc "tlt ' "itt ['r;rpq'.lohrr I]illl has nartrerl 201 l.'rrtlrlr' \\'r,ir-tcl, tht'olttgl' pt'ttfcs { 2 ) lsl it' l)n}!lt ossi\ ('i, ;trltt'rl li'itlltt't' \Yeilt'1. 6ttlct' llonrc; l;'athcr lllu artl llt,storr, lhis ccntrtr'1' 1o cnt'ltaltttt-'t'ltholic- {,\pel'l-c ttt as,srst the *'ork oI llre U.S.C., pro('ul'iltor gelcral in sor l1 \\'oorlslocli (lltl.) (ltrllcgt'. \r'lro \r'rrttl lo lirt'ttrttlitlc tlltl rhtt:- l1r l)riusr'(iorl itr tlrr farnil]'trf ,lcN islr l'r'latir)n:i. lls!11', Ocstct'- (iotll' 5cr,'erndYaticln couneil. Ile also Ilr-rnte fot' tltt' Cort'-:r'eq:rtiorr of "Slill. erlrl:rirrt,tl lrt tltc t'int'itttlitti ttints itt no\\'\\il\'\, t('('{}glltztlll(' 1'lris u-ill bc bt'orrr:ht rrp." rcrcltcl strttctl: I itttt sttttttt- (lcor';{cs'l'a. rlt,rtliiltrlsol ii sirt'tr'1.r. irppoirrlt'tl luo lltrli;rrr ltrirrce's as llol.v Cross; lralltcr' ;\lt'rliclalisls ll a tlttttter tttct'lirtt lriiii,rli:1it "t:rrstr.rrliarrs" linrcs rlistrt'sst'tl trr soe thltt tlle THERE WILL lrr'"nrinor 11rrr,s. of the t'otrncil. vard, r\,A., <'hailntan of tltc {ltco. lhlrt ('ongr'(f-\s clll cr('it1c ll('\\ tlcvr'kip cttllrrtriitsttt fttt lltl t't'tt. ' rlt'c1ll1. lt'lt g('slttl'('s of l'ope .lolttt I rotli rlis(fr,lssorl lt Ilre cr)ull('il, 'l'he of lellslirlion. tttt'tttcal tttott'ttti'tit. ilttrl so rttt. logy departrncnl llorrnl llelc1' Iralt' rtoI lrlu al's ltr.'ett tnlt rvilh e-rpelts-:.including 12 A nrer- "lirrl ('ottt'l (:i)'l'ho "nrrr(l|lltl(' ;rl.rr. lJlllrcr' \\'ci;.jt,l lrclicr cs. rn. (lollcgc. l)itlslulfglr. I)it.: I"il' tht' Sttltlq'ttti' tttltlit's l)t{,qt('\ "hou'to r{rans-.-are specialists in such I lto t'osl){)ttsc r)n(' rvottltl ltalc r'lrrrlirrq thn! ol {oIntu, ther [lclitius \\tojlr;rr, (]\1.. lto tl('\y lrti{islltliott..-. itl lr';tsl itt sivr's" u lto. sairl lralltt't' \\'cil:r'i, liclrls as tlrcoirigr-, canr-rrt larv artd lropr,rl fol'." 'l'lrt'1 l;rlc" rlclolion to Our' [,ntl1 . 'l'hcv prulcssrrr of ()r'ierrla! ('arrrrl l,as "\\'lrcrr llt(.ol'-v. ilr0 slrpl)os('(l lrr rlill soe llrt' ncrll [ot' tlttttLlt' lrttt 'l'ltrr :ot'ial at'lton. u'ill be ablc lro rllucli h'rlllt llrt'lit. "lort (lathrilic sqrclli rtt tt't'urs of {ltt-'ot'il.irttitl \\iilll ilqirilrbl ttttttll,"'l'ltt's,' council is sclrr'rlult'rl to grucral at L'nivt:rsit1' of .,\rttcr'. ur'll s lffr,ttsit c 1o Jcs'islt " to :rttentl llte sessiorts of Jrlrirlast "llit' ol'oll ()c[{}l}('l' I l. antl Iltt bcst ita: anrl JIsgr'. .lolrtt S. ()urnn. "il;it {irnstitrrliorr." lrt' .sairl. rvill irtr'lrrrlr' r'lt.l lr)it.l()rll) tht'council. bul rna5.not slieak r';rrs," lrt' t'uttlinticrl. lst';teii :llr{rss (lhicaAo,\r't'lrrlio. Sirnil:rll1 . thc cuutrcil ol br.sltttlt- nI lrtsltops. ltc lrelit'rr's. ilt tlrr'pI0sr.ill is that it rvho hcltl.s tlrr: r'[rattgr' rl'illt rtttless cirllcrl upon. P1'ess 11r'r't,lcrllltis "lrr 'llilt l)c t'urnlllt:tcd lr1' ('hr.islntls <'t'st'.s nrctlopolitan Iribunal, rvill lrrr,r,l srtluo llrt'r't'isi. itt 't'ltcir \\'illlr applausc attrl tlatilrtrlc. TURNING TO slrt't'tltt' lllolt' ill l1)(iii, lrc principal dut.r ,'ill be 1o llrc liqht rrl lltrt (iosllt'l ol.lcstts 511i11. t)r0scnt in(lir'1, Itt arlrlifiott lo lltr'2lll n;rnrlrl licr llirl l):rlj('r's tlt'rnanrlt'rl ltrlt lcttts tltal ltt' t'lplt'ls lllr' ('()tttl('tl r{}llaborirtc rvitir l}rn (lhlist." llrlns. ll(! arltled, st'c lhill tht' nlt'rn}rers ol h1' tltr' llrc he rieclaretl. ltnpe. lra{hcr't thr, li:rlrbitr;r1t'. itt lttt'tt, rilnlt f1o111 to lt'cat. l"rttltcl' \\'rtirlt'l sititl 1lt,' lurrtrcil tlte i'ati(}rrs t'otrtrcil r,trtDnrissiotts r\tul tlte I"nlhot's of tlto tlrtrttr:il u'iil nrtet uutil Dtconrlrt'r. rrral' also consrtlt cli[].'rl\ ltortk t'xpt't's "tlrt' .-aI lrrivllc lirr',lcu'islr 1tt';t1'r.'t' r'lticl olttt is t'll:tltoltsltiqr ol ll ol thiri.r'cur, tlrai. tltr'st'cotrrl tlrc irrujtatjorr of ther presid 'l'lrcsc (lltt'isliatts. will not colnc ils tlt'lct{ates clet:l oI thcil ou'n choit'e. rvill \ront ollr'rtsi\(' l{r l'r)l)(, itti llislrrrlt ol llrttttt' rt illl 1lt,' llerlflSUPt,l SAy,,tl0S for |;ollege Add rng officcts*...1o help courpile sr'ssioll tt'ill lasl Irrrrn l'r'lrlttat.r' antl llo uttdcl' oallt of sr:r'rcr.r'.lrrrt rrollritt! lrotln r'rl llr llrctt' rlior't'scs of l)tt)\'illct't . an l!il1 :o l;rr'. ltirs tlrttttt. "ll) 0llrIt' lrisltolts lltt(ttl!1lt{rllI llrt' i:. ll|(l;1. rrrrtil llol1. correct tesls antl to pleparc thenr "Srrttr' Irc arIlt,rl. lhu Sntfalll('llt {il \\'eek, tlrt' lhc.r rr'ill ttriI bc alrle to atlcnrl I rrr tirlkirtg ol tlist:rtttLag. " UpFISIf R l1{ithCeltic's Big Dividends! Ior ()t'rltls ('otls('('l'illi{'ll tt ollrl. I hilrl sr'ssrlrr Ir'urrt I)r'ntt'cost lrr lrublication general ('hlislirtn-.lc11'islt ;rrlrl lrr llrcit' s(rssirrtts or nir.'titrgs of lll';: [lr.lors in '\l:tr lo lrc rlts0ttrst'rl. ltt' pt t'. surnllr(.r. lltel' I'c})rcst'lll atrrl tlrt'lirral Oclo, t'orrtreil corrtnrissiorts, ocslet't'cieltet' trr {he hisltoplic Whateveryour age,wltatever your savrngsgclal, you :\nrong tlrr- 1l0l ilre: llsfjr. llre lt,lltions," llst{r'. rlit'lt'rl alo: llr't' l() { llllstlllss. 'l'lrr: "let lhc ('hulclt nrt<[ its pcople." 'l'ltt' Francis J. Brt nnlrt, of lrlril;r- lrlo crrstorliarrs of tlre r,orrrr- sairl lllcr rn tlto inlclr icrv. t tlttcstiott rtf lltc tr'llttiott' ' ' ' -=...--'-- '. -..'-'- will find CelticFederal the best placetr: sar't:!Your "t'-\('llrl)t" . ,; rlclphia lrchdiocese. dean of tlrc cil are l)r'inr:e AsJrreno (llIrntrn, Inr' :rlirr s;rt llr:rl oI latt' ottt' eottt. FATHER WEIGEL' rvho *'ill slrip ol l'('llll{)lls tfollr" Sat:rcd llonran Ilola: llsgr. Wil. rltlll is hcing lt{rl'o atl(l savingsearn PROFITABLE elividends with INSURED Princr. Assisliull. lo llte Ir:r1i:rl llr()ltn(l ttrlip ttt irctilt llat't in tltt'n'ot'li tttttttttit's lrt llttr lrtt';tl lrisltolr, tr'lto liarn J. Dohcnl', 'fhrone, r'otttpt'otttist'd. \1'llcn it ('l' Wm.Weber & Sons Supr'rior, lf is,, a' antl Princc \llcsanth'o llrrr'(' {rl tho ('r)ltlx'il rts lt ttlttrsl:tlttt' f3t' (16t's nttt ltitr r' .ltt isrlit:tiplr {r\ "l'rrr'2',",,,tt SAFETY... eachaccount up to $10,000insured saf e judge; 'l'orlotria.'I'he .llu rrf 1,'itttt lft'ols,, Itota llsgr'. John Stein- Pope irr nirrrrinrl lcltiin': i-slr llbbi t'onsitlr't's (lclrgale-obstrvers of rr t lt t' r tltcnt at lltt [rt'tst'ttt tttt.t,'- pt llt{: 'l'ltc Eecch 5'rove, Indiana by an agencyof tlreU. S"Governrnent. You cart open nruellcr, Brookll'n S cri u re the trvo appoinlcd llt'iuce 1'olonr;r lohrrttar'.v slclilizatiott fot' t'hulr:lrcs, prr:tlicled that tlrcl'r: o rr,lc of the la.vttlntt itt tht -lIsgr. 'Ilrtrtill' sT I.l19l scholirrl Joseph 0. fenton, I)r'ittr:e Assistant. fll the Pnpal salic of r:orrtlol' l:giti. your accountwitlr or nrore,and your savingsare " lllcatlctJ l'islr l)oltions lror $1 cditnr of the Anrerican .[Iccles- 'fhroue "ad rnill{'. of orlr t:riltttuoti trittli" ..:'iilJL. lrl:.::" 1]ll,it1:1 I'll'l' :tr-:i-ll::!--,':,lll ll' ll1'"'111'llli 'round. llefsoltitrn" for I hc lrirrl l'ish Ft'ies readilyavailable the year Savingsreceived ilstical fleuiew. Washington, D.C:.; duratiou ol thc gencral r:ortncil. Irrltr rr ur rlrrlrllr,r'of rlisrtltltett'ittrl. "l ilsgr, Rudolph (i, 13andas, edu- rp tc iron', tlrr': lcn<:ltin1; of ( '[cttt by the lOth earrr clividendsfor llre entrrerrenth. <'ator anrl theologian, St. Paul, Irrith {'hi i:rti;rns :tttrl Jerys ltas )r'clcr c:lrls ing SAVEBY MAfL!Celtic pays postage both waysl Ilinrr.; $lsgr. [ieorge (; ]liggins, hcln lhat rnan canttol rlispose of l)ot'tlt'\/ {iir"(:ior rif tire Social Aclion De. Iifc anrl linrh ns lu'sees fit, lltnl l)ri'lriicrlt of llre Nationirl Clatlrolic lrc is troi lris or|tt tttastcr, tatltt-'i' lfclfarc Confcrcncc. lVaslringtrrn. tlr;rl lrc is stthltct to a ttrolul 0 f St, l)c tct" s llts i l ir:l olrli l ll (irrrl s trtlkitt(. I)t'liber" alc rtcrilir;tlion. ltou'ct.ct'. stt'ilics \',\'l'l(1.\\ ( IIY Sl. l't'lt't': ll lhr., lrt';rlt ol,lttrlalo-('ltt'i-slilrr lllsilirl ltlts lrlctt ilttltrt'l'tl t:krrt'tl t:lltit's." tt'rrrpot'alil1' ltt't.'ltttsc of Itolllll. pllccrl llrr:t'c itt tcccttl tll{)tltllsi, The Morrsigrror then slated 'l'lre lrlrsili('a lrttrl lhtl l{l'r}tlo('q lh,rl lifc in a sociely of nrrny Irt'ttcirllt \\'rltt'c ol'{l('l'r'(l {'l(}stl(l tllll ll divargcnl lheological and morrl ()glolrt'r' ll. oPt'ttitttl of lltrt Sct'rlttrl CORNER IIIARKET ANO DEI'AWART SIREETS views is al limos r hard lesl, ('at'rlirtirl "rro \.lrlir'lrtt ('ottttcil. l,)' r huf nraller how hard, it lndialo'r Oldrrt lctivr Sovingrond loon Auoriolion fcqndr (iuslir\'(,'l'esta, sttttt't'tat'] rtf tlrr' nrust nol errrbiller us," arlrlitti:1t'ittitt' scct't'tati:tl t'('- "\!t'orrglrt ' lrl lcrrpt ll ils ll sponsiblc for tttatot'ial l)rcl)itl it fot' lltc, chilllorrlt, l0 (,\ {'f 11r'r,irtr'1'l}il* Iiotrs li('ll('{' irttrl lo ill} o\r'l' lrt'llct' (|rr Scptetttlrt'l' ;12 ;rn itlcctttliltt'r' (!01()llitl()f illli('tlllltir)tl{rl {rtil r}\tlt firtllt." lrc ll0tillt iUttl ll \ft'l(l f(ltlll(l crtttclt tr lcrl. in llrc hasilitra lrr'trritllt lltt'lict's nf rrpltolstt'Lorl tto,ttlt'lt sonls pt'o' lrirlorl fr-rt' Iltr' i'ottttttil Itrlltt't'ri, '['lris llt';ttttrlttlr'. \'ilII{'irl} rl{'ll(lirl'lllt': rvlrs tlrc IillIt t't'eot'tlt'tl ttl ('(irlllol'ill irttrl llitliarl l)oll('(' \\'('l't' t\sk t'0silt'\' lltrrpt lo lrt'tttlt lltt' lrirsilit'1. irt.'-.1iil ntl t'lfor'l lrr litttl s{)lllt' elUt' l't'iot'to tltitl.. a lrolrtlr ttxplotli'tl lo lhr. i(l('nlil)'ill llt0 l)('l'sr)ll \\'llt) iu thc blrsilica on.lttl1' Il. lt ltarl pllrtlt'tl titc ltrrtttlrs. lrt,r,r pluctrl itl tltt' bitst' of :r l'or' c0ttn(:i I slattrc itt lltc ayrsc of lltt: h;rsilicrt rrc'll tlrc,.\llal of tlrr, (.'ltrrit'. ACERADIATOR \\',\Slll,r..(i't'()N ... illillious of' Er{GrosunEs('lllrolie THE BOMB nhich rxltlorkrrl irr $,orncll act'oss tlrt' rra. * Decorotive liou al'(, t's1lt,r'lcrl to t'et'itc tltr. .Jrtl.v rlas 11111'11rr11'ofcrl irtttl dirl trol tlo tnrrr.rltrlitrtrlgt', llttt tlrt' t'c('('lll. lmprove Heoting llostrt't irttrl offr't' ol ltt,r l)t'ir)'{'r's * orr ()r'tolrll I|-,Iltc rltl'ilrc licc ll frlrrtttl bonth rv;ts 1'1'p1v1'Ic1llrr * Sove Cleoning rrrrrl Vllit'irtt ('ottttt'il opctr:i, Iurt'tr irccrr ttrrrclt tuotr' Pon'ct'lrrl Ih's. Altlrrrr 1,. Zepf. prcsitlcnt arrtl capalllc rri rkritrg cxtt,nsir't' rri tltr, N:rl ion:rl (iottttcil of (.'atlt" tllnragc, espr,ciully to lho corr- olit, \\-rrrrrr,tr.f('(lur!s{{!(l Iltc grt'ir1'' stttrcliotr in Ilrt: couttcil lrlll. r'ts lot' lltt, ri,rt'r'('ssof llte t:otttttil At fils{, tltc b;rsilica tvas Irr l.rc rrr t spccill appeaI lo trternlret's clrsctl ortl]' al llte crrrl r:I Slptcrn- ol tlu: 1,1,000 orglnizltiotts af. Itt-'t', so tltat finaI touchc's truttltl filialutl uitlt tltc N,.'CW. lit' rnlrlo orr the corrncil lrlll. '1,t'.1tf "'l'lrt' ill r's. clnl)lt;llilzc(1 lJecftusc r,[ thc lronrb sc;rrc. llos;rly is r po*.cll'ttl n)oillls of Iron'cvcr, thc flos'of visitols iulu ACERAIIIAT(IR SHIETII CO. urrit irttl f ;rrniI ics. r'otnntttttitirts anrl lltc blsilicrt inct'cnsctl irrrrl r.vcrr 2041 3hclby 3r. Indlonopollr,Ind. ST {-2107 nutions irr tltc lll'sticll llotly of a rlrtrblerl policc guald lorrnrl it (ll,;'ist" ;rntI r'cnrintlcrl il. rvas rr:c. viltuallt' irn;tossillle to r.xclcisr' orlrrrr'tirk,rl by l'o1lc Lco Xlll as safcty rrlr'lsurcs. lt rvits tlccirlctl "lrv far Ilto lrcsl 1lt'a;cl b1' rvltit:h tlrclcfole, to artticipate thc bl- to plclrl befot'c llaly tlte citttso of silica's sr:hctlulcrl closing b.y st'r. rtttt selrirtnlctl hlclltt't'tt." ct'll da.vs. 'l'lrc t+t N('('\f 1tt'csitlcnt nlso ro- E' IN t'allerl {ltat {)cl{rl}{)t'I I is tltc fcits[ {s$ffi TURN5I. JUDE ol tlrtr Ilollrrt'ltoorl o[ ,\litt'y, rvlticlt ttt rrls rlofittorl itl tltc (lottncil of l,)plrcsrrs itt 4il l. illrs, Zepf saitl: t "lt st'erns Iittitttj, tltr'tt, thal,1\'0 - (latlrolic \\'onlrll of the 20ttr ectr- il$H 0IIOBER20, to 28,lgEz Itrr)' r;hrirrld doultlc ottr prilycfs 2025 East lOth Slreet ME I "f}r optn 7 drYs r wcek 7 a.m' lo l, l,lldnlt' Aft Jt. Jed., Jctat ol )ht lapcr, through tltc rccilalion of thc rltht' /or f,rlp. Srad low p.thtont llosar'3'.---not otrly for thc succuss COIN OPERATED le |.lclfoaol llrr $lrlm cf 5r. Judc todcy, of tlrc oe um(:licfll cortnt'il bttI -16 A GIFT WILL BE SENT TO also for tlrt'retttt'tt of tlttt sttpat'. I{0RGE i'1l":i."tNrNo THOSE TAKING PART IN THE alt:rI ehttrch." Alwaysat hand., . Alf in one place SOLEMN NOVEh{A (no scrambling around for cans/) MARK PETITIONS,FILL IN, CLIP AND MAIL tbrrrr:il is r:allerl OEAR FATXER ROEERT: FL€AS€ PLACE }'Y PETITIOXS BEFORE 'ar.:I TNE IIATIOXAL SHRINE oF 3Y. JUoE lN THE COMIXC NOVEXA! ol' {joltt'rrl{(}' . THE CLEANEST, MOST MODERN, COLORFUL plaec in lown WtnonMANNi-# FrNEBBER sxeuovuexr l-l xeppy MARR|AcE f] TlrH^NXsotvtxG \',\'ll("\\ L'l'l\' *-'\rt:ltbisltrip peecE oF ntxo coxvgnsrox oF RUsstA (it'net';tl tr I-.l {-l n l't't'ir'lt Ft'lici, See t olnt'.r' I Co,nlort..hlr l.c :nr,' Arro f9il lV I pEAcE ,ri (.tiliiiti{ l.i f] r rxexctel xeup [-l voRuo f-l nerunx To sAcnAxExrr iitr. iirtrt'rtieitl c0tttrCil, .,rirl tht'('rlrrl('il it'rll lrl ltt;tt't of . LAUNDRY I ENCLOSE3--_,-__* FOR Tt{E CLARETTA}t 5!:MtxARy THE RAIN WATERSOFT WATER FOR YOUR .Jlf irt courl{r,. AUILDIHGFUXO. " fnc. lt rr alrr,,,t, all irrt acI of cortr" CAPlI0tCITY SUPPIV C0., ','r.!lr.r,il ?5 ll). H::;? Dltv | I rlilfcr t'nl (rllntron\ anrl l":ttort,slttrtg Distributors O Addrcrr.',,,,,.,-.,, to rllrrl ilotrt tlterrt rt'hat is really THE PLANT FOR FI'IIISHED DRY CLEANING , . . rr-'efrrl arid hull itrr tlre sttpli'nrr. City,.-.*....,.,...... ,-,,.,,,,*,...,,..,2onr ,-....,.5ror:,,,.-.,.....,. lrrorl ci tirt t nivt:tsnl (lhttrr:1r," HAILTOr NATIONALSHRINE OF 5f. JUDE lltr' .\r-ciriri.ltolr .f;t1r'11in it l,:t:- 221 \{e st Modison Slreel, Sec. 18, Chicogo 6, lllinoir !trt! ilil llri i1,lil,Ltllt!'tC. 214 E. 5t. ClairSt. Indianapolis,Ind. ) 'THE CRITERION, OCTOBER 5. 1962 PAGE THREE At clec[ication ri tc - = illenrcrial ilfass Luu; aids The Vatican a ncrv hcalth progl'itllt lirt' tlorties- tic miglant Iat'n rvot'ket's antl tlreir fanrilies. IIaalth. Fltlttcation and Welfalr: Secretat'y Anthony J. I LEOPOLDVILLE, Thc Con- Cclebrezze hailed tltc larv as a go-Baptired Congolese Cafho- turning point in the lives of nrany lics in l96l lotaled 5.122.199, or antl a bcnelit to of the migrants more fhan a third of this Alri- comrnttnitics rvltcrc tltcy rvork. 'l'hc can nalion's populalion of about Meny Colorr cstablishes a thfee- nrcasut'e l4 million. Persons trking in. ycar', trtillion prograrl to ltclp $9 slruelions prior lo baptism PlasticWall Tile flrrtil.v hcallh set vicc l):ry fot' numbered 641,605, The Church 0 Pope John hrr made provi- t'lirrics antl othcl lrcnltlr projccls lc&up in lhe €ongo was served by sions for fha rposlolic admin" fol rvolkct's antl their fanrilies. 2,650 Friests, more fhan 1,000 J. E. FRAKER& sON irlralorr of lhrec diocesos of (olhlr 'l'he Brolherr end 3,500 Sisters. 7la N. Ayc. ftt t{otr Hungary lo atlend tha Second | Seuate has passctl antl Valican Coun-il rven lhough sclt lo thc llousc a bill to let plivatt' fhcy are not bishoPs. Their palorlrial attrl otltcr school pttlt- ntmet were included among tcachcrs shat'c eqttally rvith "exporls" coming lo lhe lic school instrttctors in a 1958 tha ?01 'l'he council in advisorY caPocilier. aid to cclucation littv. mca' Ths lhreo priesls are lhc onlY .surc (S.332ti) rvould extcnd thc ecting heads of dio


Nrs T{onr

Abroad |lancocIi.[ltrslr,.5|rellr1,,I\[tlrg;rtt.liltr'lhtl|rttrlerr'.(]littlon,Ptt1ttatrl.l\{otr1iJotltcr'.ytitrt|Foonc r) Frfhcr John P. Oonnelly, ?9, cdilor cinco 1959 of lhe lrrland I tiL'l'lNr)Si .\llil,:S r';rlrlrrral Regishr, n?wrp!per of lhe Alttottio 1'ltggilttto, Atr,lrbislurp rrf t'hat'itallle u'olk, Spokrnr, Wrsh,, dioccle, hrs lltlon('s L\it'cs' itl a fat'otvell ttttls' been nrmcd dircclor of the Nr_ slge lrt l()r'rt luavirrll ftrr. Ilre Ser:. (torrrrcil. tionel Catholic Welfare Confer- on(l V;rtl(,iln calletl on .,r'cgarn encl Bureeu of lnformalion. He llte :\r.gonlinc pcopk' lo ruccceds lisgr. John E. Xelly, lltt'tt'_ st'ltse of lrrotltct'ltootl arttl who recenlly resigncd from lhe rttctitl.. :il)ll(lalll\"' attd u'ot'li Burcau of lnformollon to re. trnitorlly for. lloar.c untl tn t'ottnlr'1" rumr Prslorrl du?ier in tha dio. -lhcit'. llt' loltl thp faillrfrrl ccrr of Trcnlon, N.J. {hat lrc rlls loaving rviilr lrr olrlt r' I r'r.c.sitlenrKerrncrt.y has srg'crr ;ii..]";ll;1";l ;;.1,,,*',',',',),i"'L.,,1';i1 tltc follou'ing l'ulcs ;u'c liuggosl(,{[: estnhlishirrgbclrvecn br.otlrcr.s tras -]ll1,l-l.ty 1 luglfu.o rrorvrnrlt,rt. 'l't-.cur"Sttrr" l. ()rrlr' l'r'1lsi-(:ola antl r'irps u ill hc t'orrrrterl.

l. [,)aclrolgnrrizatiorr. t' [rospital, llu.r,sr:orrts.gill scorrts ol'likr] or.riilnizatiortutll collcct their Str:csscsrc Iigio us bas is "Slar"'c{rpri ou,rr Pcllsi-(lolir and'l'ccur a'rnd:lr(r to lo l;c trrllrt'd iu to llrc I'cpsi-Cola llottling L-'olnpany locntcrl at l0il0 l:last Ncu'\'ork St.. lntlilulrpolis, orr Slt,urda.l/ lnonliug br.trreoll 9:00 a.ttt. alld l2:00 noon. "Slar"' 'rational 144 r:a1ls trquals ont-.prlrnrl for a valrrc.,f .i8c. lrulivirlrrals niuy trrln the caps in for cretlit to a for: spr:cil'ic orgirnizalion brrt lol siurplificrt boolikccping it is betldr lo hirr,e ilrl ofgillliziiliotr lttlu tltctu in, in lurlk.

;|..,\ttitct:tll-ttttrr'i[llrco1ltlttcrtlirltlrirt!]l.t)tll)sl)illllt]trvltcrrthc1'ir.stbatclr()|,..Stelt.'' ilI'0 t'(xl00lltrl(1.

"BEFORE THE rvar.," lre s;ritl. "u'r: |..l'lrelll()|l().vt:oll

THE CRITERION, OCTOBER 5, 1952 PAGE FIVE I,OSS OAI I'RESS RLIN Pope urges zeal, accuracy I{art saysworkers timed ln the council

rcpolted and rrot ituaginat'y oncs. Joulnalists irr par.ticular must be prudL'llt arrrl cautious in reporting strike to hurt K. of C. all that haplrens rrith n scnsc of tcsllect fol objectivc 1r.uth."

Ntt\y IIA\'li\. tonu.*^Suplcure littight [,ukc lt. llart of thc Kttights of (lolrrnrbus clurrgrd Itcre that a frlul'^nl(lllth lortg ttfik0 \\'as tlt'lilrrratcl5 tinred b1' ii pttrssnloll's ltlliiltr lo ca[\r'il Slu,0{X} krss irr tlttr lrlitrlilrr: of titEMBERS of the lnternaiional Columbir nrnqleirrtr. Plintirrg l't'esstttclt's []nion,,{lrl- ln a star0rlltnt appcalrrrg in the (jIO. went otr strike at tlte K of C Knights of Columbus News, a printirrg plalt here in laie A1a5, ru'eckly bulLtlil of tlre Catltolic claiming tlrat .[Iart hatl rcfttsetl COUNCIL LEADERs-Prominent rmong lhe council's leaders rre lhree non.llalian "THE Cardinals. Car- .1 glant PRESSMEN, untler ilrn ,':i'l'.'ll'--..ri:l'_'ll:lll:'*!1 to thenr a S12 tt'eeklY in' dinal Agostino Bea, S,J. (left), a German, heods fhe preparatory Secretariat for Promoling Christian uleast' to bling their ruages to leadership of theil chairnran, dc- Unily, designed lo help separrled Christians follow closely lhe work of lhe council, Cardinal Eugenio the l*'cl pletailing irt \erv libcratell' plarned thc strike to Tisserrnt (tenfer), dean of the Sacred and a nalive of France, has presided in lhe flaven. begin rvhen thc printing of the Plan Holy Frlher's nbsence over tha Centrel Preparalory Commission- Gregorio Pietro XV Cardinal Aga. coIcr antl tlie 1(i-pagc uilit rve|e .ioruneil gianian, an Armenian and Prefect of lhe Sacred crrrnplcted, krrorvirrg thirt because Congregation for lhe Proprgalion of the Faith, headed lle asketl tirst that thcy should "lCvery 0f the strike the 32-pilge rrillt fhe Comtnission for lhe Missions. lile the corrncil. pclsorr about Ltnitv could rtol be plinterl and thc nrust {ollotv tliligc'ntly thc erents covers nnrl tlre ld-page unit n'oukl 'l'ng ol thc coilncil, using thc lnost I-I'iW \'Oltfi,-'l'lrc l,aulist t a- be rr'oltlrles.s," I.Ialt saitl. . lrIIAT'Ort' DAy authentic soul'ces of inforrnation; "'l'hosc tltcrs rlill prrblish it trrl$' bi.. ll-o itcms." ite said. iu folloling thc council eter1. "hatl tutottthll jorrrual ot (lhristian cost the oltlcr' rnole than pet'son is t'xpccted to practice a tunitl- called tlrr l.icrrnterrist. it n'as .i?0.000, :rntl the sti'ilie was pur- grcater perfection of pra;'er be- artnounee

Dla Foti.?r USHER Enclord fiid t-**- fir ryoneing I ad66 I 5r pic*hood ht ------.*,. rrtclr' Crt] .Zonc,.....State. t

.{nnuat uerrtrer-rhlp lrl€bl- FrL-.=.. O Indlviduai tL n Falnfly gJ Funerel Seruice

Pcrpel.uEl i\lenrbemlrlp g1 Indit,idual $20 D i,rmtly gl00 "l.lte li'inesl Possible ()ost lflnrEstCIissions HONOR CARDINAL Al I'oss iblet tlANClS CAtDtNAt t?Et [tiAN, ?rerldrrr llt-\lCII. (icrnlrrrl'.... (hrrlinal ll4r, Joro2l l. lj.|. Xj.l t .,, Jttlius l-tot'pfrrer, .,\reirbislrlll trrd oI rll lol llttttir'h ittrrl [ 1'fi-si11g. hlrs lrer,rr cArHol,lc NEAI EAsr httut'rltri USHERMORIUARY .- wEr?Aii eisocnrrox llrt,(lto.,; rrf ] r'i tlrc ||trf }|fifI0 Rilclflffs 00il. ruo LrxtngfonAv.. ot 46ft tt. Nrw yodr y. [ilt\'an:rrt grrvrfnlnl0llt.'l'll0 llr]ur)i" 17,N, 2313W. Washingfon Sl. 2-9352 t',lts bt:tor'..ed rrlron tlrc t:itldiulrl MElrose li-r' I'rcsirlsnt Ilans Iihard, *39irjT THE CRITERION,OCTOBER 5, 1962

Cy Cipher

o Edited by the Cleric Seminarians of Wesl Badon Goflogc BAKING CONTEST-,flre CYO Offico iras announcetl that tlre The Council annual CYO l3aking Contcst, set for November 4, rvill be helrl at By MAURICEMOORE, S,J, 51. llark's parish, Intlianapolis, llnlry blanksalc in lhe nnil.

nAYE Du), wrLL IKAN)FEK-Above 0ro t porlion of the I00 fiffh and sixlh groders of St. Pius X School, Indianapolis, who com- Grid mule each day lo classes al foreeast Bishop Chalrrd High School, localod more ihan a mile away. Many of lhe youngsters ride lhe regulrr bus to Sl' Pius X, then awail lransfer lo lhe high rchool. The special arrangemenls were made n€cess6ry because of classroom shorlage at IVOW! ! That's about tlte only tha parish rchool. where seven addilional classrooms lre under conslruclion. Complelion is expected by lhe end of the firsl semesler, lvay ]'ou can expl'ess yottr fecl- Al Chalard, which has only freshmen ond sophomores lhis year. lhe grode school youngsfers occupy ings {or last rveekend's pigskin unused rlasrooms. Teoching fhe battlcs. Onc of thc biggr'st upst-'ts 't'ic- of the day u'as thc Stanford 'l'ltcn Brothers of ]loly Gross lory ovar liichittan Statc, 1'ou hatl trvo l.ies on ollr rvcckly forecast rvhich thlel cvcryonc ior a loss, nanrelv tlie l,.S.U,-ltice ,Scorusand Stanclings contcst and tlrc rllinncsota-nlis- souli battlc. On to lhe big ncrvs, though! CADTI TOOTBAI.I TIAGUT Gimcs {)trr this of Surdoy, Seplcmbcr 30 {irst rvinner lirr scason's oivision I I Sl. Andrqw 27, St. Jodn ol Forecost is Dave Meno ol Scecina Arr;7; lioly Nanre 13, Sl. Philip Neri /; Sl. Mich0el 3.1, Sl, rU.rrk O; t iltle f lowc. llenrolial IIigh irr Inilianapolis. 13, St. tarvrenr e 0, I)ave was the onc and only fore. Division 2r thc Xiil(l 25, Sl. Siororl 7; lfofy Spirit 21, Our lily of lour(lcs castcr lo picl< sn'cn out of 1cn. 13; lloly lrinity 32,51. Irrlhrriil0 20; Si. Clrris. Nice goinA, Dave; .r'ou're off to a 'uF 'r. v i, 0ivision 3; lrnrldculdte lledrt 20, St. Mat- ronling strrt; kcL.p up thc .qootl llrerv O. 5rcrtrl He.rt 0, St. Pius X D {tie); rvork. o 51, [Jertrad{!lle /. st. Rorh 6; $1, Ihontas f3, Sf, ll\lonicd 6, .4nrl lrelrittrJ 'l'he ri(lrl ilar,c rvith six pulposes of an licttrnenical Division 4: S1. Jdrres 2/, AssUmplion l4j lloly Anqcls 41, tukr out of len n'innlr.s wele the fol. c.;rl vary with the pro' St. 0; Sr. Anthony 39, Council Mouni (drrtrl /t 5t. Ailtr 1, Sl. Jo:cl)ll lorving; Dorolhy Fvans; a coulrlc blt'rns facing the Church at the (Shelbyville) 0. o{ last season's r-egulars; Jim timr. t,edgus ttandinqt Arbuckle anrl Jon Birck; Jack Divislon l: St. A,r'tr0!v 2.ri;1i111" 11n*", I)cfinitions of the trtre tr'aith 2-0; lioly Nrnre 20; 5t. Jodn of Arc I l; Holmes; a coulrle of nrolc re- Irnve frcqucntly becn of conccrn St. Michdol l-l; 51. Phitil N0ri 0.?, St, Iurnees; Lawrence 0.2; St. Mrrk 0-2, Mike Mthern and Chris llrc l,'atltt'rs to of the various Division 1r (hrist llre Kinq 2-0; lloly Spiril Meehan; Norm Schuler; 'whcn - anrl (louncils; anrl. acting in 2 0; Sl. Clrrislnlrtrnr 2 0. Sr. I'nlrick t l; Mark Widolff. All of you \ycfe lloly Irinity l.l; Sr. Carl,er,an O.?; r)rrr Ilrly runion with thc I'ope, thcy have of Lourrler C.?, St. Sinrorr 0.?. <'losc artd have a good stat't ort lhrr lrorvcr lo dcclare with infalli- - Division 3: Inrrrocrrl,rtc lloart 1.0; Sl. lht' scasorr; keep al il. Bcrnn'l0lla 2.0; Sl. lhor.r,rs ?.0; St. Mnrrira hltr ccltitutle the corttcnt of thrl l-l; St. I'iur X 0.1 l; Sa,rert lt',nil 0.1-l; A point of irrtelest: l:rst ycar's l rrre I,'aith or tltte morals, Pro- 51. Roch 0-2; Sl. [l.rttherv 0.2. Iivision 4: St. n Itlioily 2 0, tioty n D'tol( r.hanrp, Bev Bond, starterl rlff last hlcnrs in Churr:lt

{eudcr Littlc Florvcr (2-t)) t:hll- lettgcs St. I'hililr Ncli al. ll:4ii, at CYO No. l" 'l'ltc ntosI balnnccd rlivision ir t tltis early stage nppca|s lo lrtr 'l'rvo, .l)ivisiort \yllcre I{olv Spilit, (lhlisl, lltc King nntl Sl. Chlislo- pltcr's aLe slill untlolcalctl. Iloly Sllit'iI tackk's Sl. (]at]rclirrc's in l .r'rrcinl g;rnr{ral l:15 nt (jY{} No, l.

lN OIVISION l,'orrr', Iloly An- llels, irnpn'ssir,c il lrvo clrlirl l ilts, 1t'lrvcls lo Shcllryvillt: .for. il;l t).til. (:()nlt.sI rvll'lr lurst St, lN DlVlSlON Onc, thc Sl. An. .losc;th's, St. Arrtlrolry's ) J'cttn Slatr.r vs, Afl1.\, r)l(!('ts rltrrrv's vs. St. Larvlcnr:r: tilt at lil . l,uke's ilt 2::)() t).nr. at (lYt) lCatlrolrr: (Jollcge li(. Lawrcltce rvil rilalt at l::ltl No. l, rvhilc untlcfcutcrl St. Anrr's p. [].nl. ittstcatl of 2:l]0 ur, Sl , takcs ott lhc fit, Jarrrr,s clcvcrr cA0ET NrCXsAr.t ttA6r,t ilIalk's tests untkrfcatctl Ikrly al St..laurcs in I ganrc st:t fol l{ame' , Grmor of frid,ry, Scplcmlcr 2B ...... AIl. Namc at llccch filovc in a 2:1t0 (,tllrrrrr)e 2 l).rlr. tllvi$ion lr Sl. 16. 5t l,lrrlip llnrr ?; Sl. r',lrrk l',. Sl. An{lrow 5; I rltlf "l(X)" ..1''ll:-"-l:'ill_'-il . l'!l'il'll'_:i1._"1"': Ont: of thc l0p gilrn(!s ilr Jlowor 41, Sl. fv^i(hirl l:l; inilr,r{ lle,rrl | !, lloly Nrrrrt' 2; Sl. Jonn oi nrc llt, ( l)r15l [,caguc nctiou pits St. Catlrclirrc's lhc Kiil(t 5. 5r:ltot,l . arul Sacrcrl Ilt,lll, lur{h rvith 2-0 Divirion 2r 51. Jarrrrs I l, St lhonrar li: lloly Soirit 25, Sl. l)ius X l5; St. Ror;h 5s, l'tcoLrls, in a corrtcst tlrat rlighl, Out L.l(ly of tourr|{-.s l0; $t. gnltSntu rr, Youth Sl. l,rwrcneo lli; Sl. Monir:1, byo. Wcck rvcll ilccirlc tlrc lcagrrtt cltarnpiol. Divirion 3: Sl. Luko 16, St. P,!lrick B; St. Ohlistophcr"s tnocts Sl. .Joitn lloly (ross ?9, Sl. Sirrron 2:tj Iloly I'i'\ily l:1, of Alc irr a I !{ilnlr! itt 41}tll St. niltlroily ?i flnlrvily ?9, Sl. .lrr,lrr 5; St. fltrislrrphor, Iyo. jelling atul At'.scnal, Iloly Natrrc nrt'r'ts 0ivision 4: MouDl (nrrrol 2/, nrn l8i plans $1. .St. I'atrick's :rt l2 lurorr lrt OYO 5f. Mrlachy 16, Sl. lrriliis 6; St. Ril.t ltl, nssumplior,i; Surlrrrrr ?8, No. 2 in a st:htrrltrlo t', 51. 5,ljlr{l llfdrt GtholicSalvage Bureau ll; lioly Anrlolr, hyc. Grmar of Morrrf{y, Uclohor I llivisi0n I I Sl. [,tlltor rrn l]6, llolv Narro | ?; 51. Arrrlrlw l r, lrrrr|rr!l,rlt llr)nrl 6; TerreHaute Sl. Mich{r{l 19,5t. I'hili| Neri iB; Chilsr rr lhr Cllass t'ilr 'b Kin(, l,l, I itllo I lolrsr l3; St. Jo,rn ol Arc 12, St. Mork 2. SeeOur CompleteLine of All NEW Oivision 2: Sl. lhorn,rs lii, Sl. M0ni(n ldt !loly SIirit 56, Sl. l.nrvrerrcc 11l; St. Jlrrrrr ReligiousArticles 27. 0ur tn{ly of Iorrftjrs {r; St. Ror.h 1.5, Sl. M.rlll!,w l2; Sf. t'iils X, bto. custorn h it 0iyirion 3r St. l),!trr{:k 9, 5l (hrirtophrr Ii'or Your fllts'l COMMUNIOI'.I i,. St, Ju,lrr .l?, Sl. Sirrrrrrr.,t; St. t!la 10, Nr:eds lloly Itirily B; Arrtlrorry 0lN(ilNNrVfl -. A (iincir:ntti . Sl. Ndlivrly. Irotl l,oDorl; lloly (ross, byc, Visit Us Lrirst lay lcatk:r lras askcrl princrpals 0ivlrion 4r Mounl (rrmrl ,16. lloly Anqols 3osouth 5rh CallC_28il of (ju'rholir: lrigh schools to think alrorrL yrostpuning tlistlibution of class rirrgs ulrtil tlrc cnrl of thc senior ycar in ortler to letlrrce ".stcarly cally rlnting," Ircrtl Niehnrrs, first vir:c prcsi. tlcnl. of thc Cincinnati Alcluliocc- - sln Council of Ontholic Mr:n, said ST.THOIIIAS FORTVILLE "tlrule is a rlcfinitt lelaliorrslrin Irctu'r'err cl:rss lirrgs lrrrtl t'llly Chicken & Noodle or Ham Dinner stcntly tlating." Itt n lctter to plin<:ipals of ap- (Dr:l. proxinratcly 2,500 e iltholic high SEul., 7 {h schools, irc tlcclllrrrl: "l\lllry .jurriols lralrll.y Ltr:r'ivc 12.4 p.m, - - Adullc tl.l5 Children60c lhcir class rings llcforc thcy cx- charrgc them. .l'r'orn that tirtre on. in thcir ntinds arrrl in ihc e5'cs of thcil Itienrls, thcy arc going stcatlS'. A boy's ling on a girl's 'hlnrls Nursc ul rrrnnae fingcl says of{' to othcr lurys-.lnrl vicc vorsa," Niehaus arlnrittetl that hc docs St. T{ichael's Bazaar plan hornecoming not cxpcct a changc in class ring rlistributiorr to clinrinate steatly INDIANAPOLIS-St, Vinccrrt's tlating anrong tho vcly 1'orrng. BROOKVILLE,INDIANA " School of Nulsing Alunrnae Asso. llut I bclicve it rvill l-re a big ciation rvill cclebratc thcir nn- irclp," hc said. ntral hontrconring on Suntla5', With tlrc lcttcls lrc scnt, Nic- Sundily, Oct. 14. Itatrs crrcloscrl rcJl'ints of lll Oet. Zlsl 'I'he day rvill begin lt l0:11{} alticlc on tlrc sull.lcct of class with tho celeblation o[ a t'illgs wl'ittcn by ,lunros lI. SIrca 'Turkey IIigh IIass in tire Ilospital chlpr:1. ill tllo Il('gistcr, nationul Catholi


By D. B. 'I'his THEALL, O.S.B. son, Nol is there evidence that last subject is perhaps the lchiro fcels the ueed of this sort ohe hantlled here 'rose Altltough nlorc and lllorc dricflv of tlting. and riisappointirrgly-espcciirllj. Anret'icans Rre tlnveliutj alrload O rvhen so mrrch cr.ies out. to be these days, i{- is still tlrt: c:rse that, 1\sAs onc Drrgrlrr)tight expeclexpect olof a Japa- saldsaitl al)outaltout it. ()nOn the fire otlrcr harrrl, as fl rtatiorr. rve knrrtv vtrry little "lloral ncsc, thcre aro rofefences by the the chapter on arrrl strir,it- about the t'orkings of the mintls l-ro1'to l-lre role that tlre teaching ual \:alncs in llducl{irrn', is rle_ of otlter pco- "Ancients"-tlre "Qx(llitU'l'lilrr of tltc sages*- li'.r'pcr.rorr:c ples; cspecially r,elopetl at suute lengtS, autl lras Slrr:c i35S" is tltis true if iiliti,,il.,!,;,ll},:ll\T'il,.r.i$T.jin,u.,r, .oro,i*,rce tc lrre rluar.r.rrs lh0I'nlc of goitrg I,t,ll 11rinking aboul or eollcerl] no$' rlrr rbout rcligiou,s artotlter racr rvith thc religious side of lile place in thc srhool. [aughner'sCaleteria Ihan thc Cau- that. I .reurarlie'd a ferv ]-enrs, ago A bibliograplr-v uot lists easi:rn. '------"------' "i\lothel itt revic*'iltg tlre cltitrntirtg ,Inpn- & a rr tl trcsc attt0l.riogr'aplry by a youug Sott," b5. lsoko "Raiu girl, ltr:iko flntsunti, nnd Steer-In Restaurant lntl It:lrir'o lla- lhc lr't'ast.of Stars." lliss Elatsumi EASTSIDE tnno ( ll0u(lltoll nl", iu fact. a Catholic, but one rvoultl ncvcr ltavc krtotvn this PRESCRIPTIONSHOP "1\'here fi'rrut lter book. Plrrrnrrrr:31 ls .,1 glittrpscs into thc .lnp:rnt'srr uten. t,'inall!. I rroultl sugge st that I'rofcr-.sion" Four Locations titlily. :rtttl itt art rtrthnrilur' lolru. 'l'he Arrrelir:irtrs uraS' f inrl a puzzling 53t7E. t6rh ,ioitrl aut lrors lrc a .la1ra- sort uf lr'tificiality itbottt a regtt- (r\djaccnt to Coutrrr. flosu.) To Serve You los{r lttolltt'r ittrtl son. *'lto- lar crtltcspontlent:c carlied on be- tlro'ugh tlrt:1' lilctl to1;ethcl in lhe lrveuu pcoplc liviug rogether, utl FL 9-8278 slnre house (fol palt. oI tlro tinrc in t:rampetl rluat'tors, at tltirt, tsut a vct'y snrall ltrittsc intlet'tl) tlur' tlrere is uo rlouLrl. that the book irg thc pcliotl lO'lrt'11).lB tlclrilo's {'r}rrl-c}-s nn irrspit'ing settse of tlte l4tlt tltrouglt lTtlr of age). 1'e:rrs inrpollnut:e of faurih' relatiott- crtrrietl ott 1t rcilttllt' ('ol'l'(rspoll" 't'lrr:ir slrip. It is, besitles. a very beauti- tletrce u'ith each ollrr:r. le{.- full.'- prodncetl $'ork of thc llooh- ters up tlris urtkc book, trr:rkct's at{., a 'l T'IIA \A' ,rt fi'OOI" 'l'e rnl ed a ber\ryildtlritg ntov it:

Bv JAMES W. ARNOLO nlxcs t{r tr alt'lt tttt'niltq rr'ltcel;. i live act{)t's trgillllsl tlttbbctl-ttr lrrn uiud itt.lrail torrut'tl thc eliffs, i)ackgl'ounds ) are rrrisct'atrlc, lht: Ilol.lter antl solr trt'ltlr|ltr lrrti chasc aftcr the hilctl tualt, r:olot carrtetit calt'ltcs tltt' tlesola- ollittiotrs abotrt t lrr. rolt' ol lrrrs. lit t't.r'lrrrtll lir cs ,rn a ratttblin4, tiorr of thc llislr scacortsl atttl lltt' lurrrrl attrl rlilc irr lr nrlt't'il{c r-at'ttival ( lchiro tloe,s rrt.rl ill* a1's ;rrilcr. Iichl-v appoiillp(l roulllr'.v cslate larvth'int'-"s oll a alttrrsl 1l1i1lloolis like il nrrrst lrave slirft\1^ slutr:sthrec l)[ll]s RUSHVTLLE SuppliesFor Cofrea,Teo, f-ffiDurbin ]+otol YoltK-.-l'll1 s b5' llrt'cc Spicesond Nl,)11' Churclrer 5 l)ining lioorns-*'(ilr',\incties l.iitt' (.iatholic luthot's-lrllltct' l)ittricl A Cornpleto nlliHl+ llol'rigln, S.J,, llobcrt (lt't'att ittttl l5 to ll00 ot UH|F l)r'it'ittcl'at'tie.s-.'St'rvilr.q l)icgo l'al)l)fi-.-rvill bo fr:atu|ctl ou Uno "Cat.ltolic l)[ttt l.hc openittg ilottt"' tt'le- Inslitulionol t'itrlio sr:i:i(]s "Over lisiun sclies frrt' lltc lllli2.(il| sca- Clubs, lltslilufionn And Grocery A CenturY ol HosPitclitY" s()ll. 'l'hc Reslelronls SizeConned Goods olt Jli;lr- Sr:rigtturc fit'st pr'(!grilru itt tltc s0r'ics rvill llc n rlt'lttrit Lrrtserl oll rvctrts Nli\1' \'()ttlt--A f'rrrr''palt solios ln thc lifc ol l,'athel Illrp('l't 5C SOUIH KO.WE.8A LANE f/tt. 6'f507 on thc Sclipiulcs and thcil rcla- Itlaycr, S.J., (ictrniltt Jcsuit u'lut tioil lo tllc 2{tth.coutur'1' lu1'nrarr u'as itttpt'isottt:

will (Continued from page Tic Tacker be subject 4) figures except Our Lord, and thc 0f DCCW program Serrans themselves. It is not only lair that we, ot ll'ltis is ttot to rlcttl'lhc re;rl the Indianapolis Archdiocese, daugcr that. LlolnrnuDisllr poses or INDIANAPOLIS -- ,,Anti- The realize that we owe to Our Lord thc c!'cll grcatcr tlangcr of rnater- Crime Crusade," which is being and to these good men a debt ialisnr anrl sccularisnr, but the of appreciation, canictl on in the city at this thanks and Irope tlocs fccl tlrat nos' is a good prayers? tinrc for the I-llshops of thc time, rvill bc the theme of a pro. We can show our feeliqgs, I {ihut'clt to take time out {o cousi. gram to be presented at the think, by seeing the exhibit and rler how tlrt: i\lystical Ilotly of quartcrly mcering of the Indian. tryin€ to profit by it, thus finding Christ nright bc reunved in spirit, ,,harvegt,' apolis Deanery Council of rjath- oul how ripe the is. antl ltracticc. and then ask olic lVomen, Thursday, October Our Lord 0o blesi One of tlte urattcrs qui{e likcly llis mcn, and their efforts 1l at 1 p.rn. to help lo be tliscusscd at the Courrr:il more boys and girls find their "vineyard," and n'hiclr lll:l\, \'ct'J, rycll afft'ct way to His js I'our Iir,cs rllc pill'I tltat thcr laity hns to plav in the Church. Sonretinrtrs rr'e gct the itlca that tlrc Church is the l)ope rvith his llishops anrl ['r'icsts, and that lay TO THE ME ETING MINDED-'l'lris note rs fol tcachers, libt'ar- ttrcrt anrl \l'onlon are jtrst going 'I'hc 'l'his iatts anrl othcls intcreslctl in leading: Greater Cincinnati unit along fol thc litlc, is siruply ttf the []atholie Liblary .Association rvill hold its Fall Conference at no[ so. Our Lady of L:incinnati College on Satulday, Oct. 13. Participants I'opc l)ius Xll, in cxplaiuing rvill inclurlc: ilL ttichartl \\'ilt, exccutive secrctary of the CLA fronr thc doclt'inc'of tltc t\lystical llotly, Villanova; Sister I\Ialy Wilhelnrine, C.Pl,.S., unit coordinator; anrl clcarly taught tlrat thc Chulclr is I\liss Ildith f ighe of Nerv r\lban)', netional chairman of the parish ljkc a hurnan llod!' rvhiclr is crrnr- library scction. Separatc nrcetings rvill tre held for elementary. high poscrl of nrarry rliffelent llarts. scltool, r:ollegc and unir.clsitl', parish, and other librarians. Iteser'- elcrgl'anrl laity are bollt rlenr- Our 27th Year vations by Oetobcl l0: ilIiss I\lelle (lalter, 6029 Lockard St., Cin- bers of the sarne llorly, eaeh play. ing dilfelcnt though ncccssll'y cinnati 30, Ohio. (lrce, Sl.) rolcs. ASKREl{ MonumentCo., Inc

t SL Chrislolthc'r's Ilomentber tltum in yuur preyers skrles dance v'vori dn{,qhlpr (Olallr 001)ilrr: rnil(, (t'd,1.! fnll *rrY.'r: li., Rayilrorrd o r ,:.lo:: {,rdcc (rors. a)::!1""?: NAMES lN THE NEWS-Archbishop Schulfc'r companion to the EYns EXAI\IINED 'l'herc Monuments Sccontl Vaiican Council, Felher Rrymond T. Borlrr, left Indianap- is nt Drcsent a strou( t Etl{ABtIH t, MAH0NtY, 7') 51. fct," .!', I (ntltcd'ar, Ittovc'nretrt. to irrvolvc lho laily 0rl. L ll0lv l r0\i {.01,e olis Septcmber 30 to ntake advance arrangements for their extendcd ,n,lr0ul Dr. JosephE, Kernel . Markers tnorc nnrl rlortr iu thc spocitic stay in Ronre. Thc Archbishop rvill leave lttonday, Oct. 8. l.rg.rf 310ck ol Domesllt rnd lmlorfrd *rAnY c. u.oa*iiir, Optometrist ryork of the Church..lusl. rrhat I ,0. r!ory crors Gr!nltr lor Your Prrtonal Sclirllon. ( llur(rr. 0(1. (.r!retery. (urtom 3. 51. Josrplr Srrr- D!ti!nrd Mrmorirlr Cr..lrd ln rlevoted la1' lncn ;lttd n'olrren can Vrvor;: (; hUs[r(ltd, ,osrph lothcr, Josrtph Leonard , our own Shot. ('hrrlch Til(lo,' , Dr, Kernel anrl sltottl

It is inrpossiblc to nrention e}ery[lrittrl lhe Ilislrops rnifilrt dis. cuss ll the corning (louncil. Be- sidcs, nurny of tlrc sull.iccts of tlis- ASPHALT

lussion that 1'otr tyill bc rcarlirrg {0NIInJVttlf $50.00Dinner Prirc aborr[.in {lrc conring nrontlrs rvill I llAR0f0 tt,CINI C0llNrf,, lB, Sr f,abrier r DRIVEWAYS { hol(-1r, Sr|1 l!. 5rrrvivorr I)dreotr. t l{}r11 scerrr to brr f lr rentovutl ft'onr .rrd Mildra(l 5lyrrl (orroer; ii!leri, l.,lr5, Ioren t'orrr lit't's,;rltrl. trs f:rt as nrrl'itrr ::',,!1. rl { rrrrrrlrsvrilr; [\,tiIorl arrd R{i\eila; SarredHeart's -r,t h,n"'rr., 1 arrrl 0rnrcl. tlro o{ ( nnnrf\, nrcrliatt' inflrrencr: gtrcs, lhcy plo- hlltlv tl'ill lrt'. lirrl il *r' rcnrr,rn- bet' lh;rt lhc ('lrult'lr of ('lrlisl, tltc St. Anthonv sels Howard Fleber iluuilil1ilil11ilililililililililililililililililff il111ililil1 ('alholic t'lrrrlclr. is tlrrlv llre llr,r;. trcal [totlv of.]cstts, \r'c t'irrt lre Fieber open house annu&l fish fry assttt'ctl tltal *'hlt is llooorl frrt atly {}rl{} p;rt't trf llral. llorl,v is t'cally goorl for tlrc rvholo. 'l'ha Secortrl Valir:ln (lorrrtcrl is sctiotts lrrrsirrcss and holv busi- 'l'lrc lucss loo. l)ope is thc Vical of Fiesta (lltrist ltct'r' on r,cirllh, lrrrl lhr: tlisholls ltc l hc Sttt ccsr;ots of l lrrr fllUll & \T/llf[E SlilltYICE, INt]. 'l'lrcsc Allostlcs. rrrcn * ill lrc ls. 8 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU sernhlorl logclhcr, trrrrt tlro lloly ALWAYSOPENI ONE DAY ONLY Spit'it tt'ill bc rrillr llrorrr. \'orr arrrI wA 4-5381 I r'irtt glta5, :rs l'r)pt, ,lohtt lrirs irsk- otl tts lo, lltll. lhc rnitrrl:l arrrl Irr,at'ls of tlrc ('rrrrrrr,rl trrt'ttrllefs rt'ill I'r'sponrl lo llre liglrls trrrrl gr';tt'cs Ilt;rt (irrrl grvcs tlrltrr. GrinsteinerFuneral Home Established 1854 Mlr:iiut lo prt'sr.rrl GEORGEN, GRINSTEINER HAROLDD. UNGER 51, Rila's S".ii ^' {i::iu *%:n t).rtt. MElrose 2.5374 160l East New York 5t, c\lxjtt o|l .fill):Ul ttt llrr'pllish hall, t:,tltarttl.\t'- ,rr:ry i('ll il l. 'l'rvo prrlllir' lot,lrttls on nlorlt,r'll 'The First f.Uav C.rU Prrfy .lapan s'ill hr ptr'\onlo(l nclil- rn Slt'tcrl ilcat'l st'l'tool anncx, rvoek al llllurrr ('olk,gr, hv ir li',(rl)S. l\lo|irlilrn Sl ., lrt,gin.s at tnctttl;ct of lho Arnclir:al tJnivcr'- G.ff.Hennrr&ren, tl A stelrn ir'on lntl iloning silir,s l"ickl Sllff. tablc rvill bc awlt'rk'rl. Tureral }Iorns LittvLence Olson, l'h.l)., rvlrrl Air , ,\lll' ME' 2'8488 tqtr rccantly t cttn'notl f rurrr all (rr- Conditioned li0s sarrh torr A Lrclier P"liv- frn,n ? lo ll $lrrtr tt'tulcrl sturlJ'.loul of ,lapan, rvill "ln p. trr. at St. (:hlistoplrcr' ( jhut'clt, Sorrow, Underslondirrg Ccrn tl4eorr 5o Much" spcntl frrtrt' rlavs ll. 1\llliurr ler:- 5301 \V. ltith Sl. lfish, harr atrrl Irrling lo slrrrlr,nls arrrl loirrliug cltocse strttrlrvicltes. (l;rt't'y ottt facully sr'trrirrals in atklitiutr lo lrr)lll,l:;10 lo 7 frlrlt lr0 frtxrlll - tltc pttblic lcctrrlcs. rorftlrr tttttAttt tra ott0ttltra ttt0l "Signilicanl 'l'r'r'nrls in (fon- SATURDAY, OCT. 6 tenrporaly ,lapnn" u'ill be llrc St, Chrislopher parish Frll t0pic'l'tresrla.r,, Oc{. {t. trl l(}::tt} (j C-M" Dance lronr [] lo ll l).tn. at K of ffi a,nr. in tlrc rollcgc arrrlitorirrtn. 'l'hrr|srlay lrlll. l2() []oulrtt'y tllul) Il(1. 5jZ l)cl' t'r'crritrg, ilt 8: t5 p.ilt., "'l'hr crrrrplc, lll pef l)cl'rioil, Ito u'ill spo;rh ott I irllt'tl Slalcs arrtl ,lirptrrr" In i\litr.iln ltc IIall, Iloorrr 2irl. l)r. t)lsorr, oll('(' a lranslitlot. c$\L0R9$ Experienced . , , Iol llrc Ll.S. Nar'1', olrlainctl his rlttt:tot'a{c itt,lapirnesc ltistor'f itrrtl Catholic Funeral Direcfor lartgttagr: Irnnr Illlvll'tl [Jrrivcr'. llcl i:rbiIi ly s it,y.

3 (onyenient Lotations Geo. F. Ushor IRVINGTONNORTHSIDE TAWRENCE SPEAKER 5342 E. Washingfon 3447 Collesc Ava. E05t E, 46fh Sf. lN l)lr\Nr\l'( )l,lS.-llsgl'. Jarrres FL 7-ltse wA 6-6056 Lt 7-5t40 (illvirr,,\r'r,lrltocesan supcnn- It,ttrlt'nl of sclr,rols, sill llarl thr: "'l'irlcttt- tliscttssiott Irancl t,rrlillt'rl rtl (-'lrilrl in t)rrl Seltools," at tlrc Moore,Kirk & Usher Sl. ,loan o[ i\rc \\'ourt'n's ('lttb 'rnrl ,\ltat' Solrt,tl' rncclirrg orr \\'crlrrr':- 'llrr FUNERALHOMES rlilr. {)r'1. lU. illt'r,1ln{ \\'tll lic Itt'lrl itt lltr: lralish liuct;rl Il;rll at I 1t.rrr. $'rtlr lhc l)cll ll0lhr''rs irs Itrr:lr:scs, THE CRITERION, OCTOBER 5, 1952

rrnlilililllilililililillilililillllililt FARMER'S VIEW = CONTR I BUTORS lHt. CFllLXlor'. wrll r.rr.7 . 1\l ot piris! lnd oaEantratr0nrl corrc!pondenls rnd Oth0t, lrulure rcrvr.rerlc() who _ia_vc raporled ncw5 tor the rutrenl issue. = the.iqilowrnq trrrons !ubmitteJ items lo, lhi! By DANA C. JENNINGS n'' ilf;i ll *:lloul?'J,,,[ ,'. Iienrertrber thc tlreological ',1r55 ,,]i,l:l"l, drs- [utA LliRlNGt R o"t'n Sctrc,rlru,q F@PokirtGA tnkr. cussiotr bettr'cen tn'o slavc trarJ- 'font's - I I cls in Uttclc Cabitt? l,'crrl- Ouolirv Menfr-f,eer * Wtnc ing trvinges of cotrsciencc, yet rrrr- I I I.irirliffi rffi rrrtii;,i.ii,ffi .r.. Detivery-open rvilliug to forego thcir prolits j,t Sundoyr :i:,,:iii ,,i il.'i i,'. r]i':'ii ,, ,,,, Irorn tr';rffikiug itt ltunran flesh, | I r3ro - lh sr. rn. s_rrrr ganrblc thcy dccitlctl to on a Jlitiiffir,roiri*ui.-ffiI I rlcathbctl rcpcnter)ce. You rniglrt sar, thc.v filcti tlreil littlc filith for c & t DRUGS *,t.*il* rcvclcncc in thc 1'utrtlc. .o. 'l'hat qnd | I rvas a risky garnlrle cvcn Nrro FiJELOtt? in tlrosc slccpy times. Ilorv uiuch SHADY ACRNS PHARMACY I | "Prercription NrrD TTRES? Inofc so totlal' nhcn a toppling Spcciolirf s,. I | nhoneBR. r-5744 llactor or a slip in tlre silo carr FREEDEI.IVTRY STRVTCE ; | lhrrart ottr little plan fol fulure "trr I l,{ E, A4oin Sl. r[. lotStrh sr. Bedford,lnd, \\'c s lrrr lalrol lo bttilrl 9.680? I I f cvel'eltccl aburrriarrt lralvcst ol rlt'rit" t'an It rr'ould be plutlcnt lol rrs io ofler up an1' honolablt *'ork oL takc seriottsll' the- contluding clttr plcasttrc as rlell ns sullcring pra.vct' in the Novena in llorrol of "that in sacrifict fot suttl.s. St. Isirlot'e, tlre li'arnrer: in llre cvcning of li[c rrc rna'r' lrt ll0rv lot'trrnatc aIo \\'c l:rnlrers ablc to prescnt te You an abun. ruhrr u olk in vtrl' plltnorship rlant ltalvcst of nreril and gootl nilh (irrtl. coopcrating u'itlt tltc rvot'ks. . . ." ltt oul bu.V ,luf.l:]ln: (if('atol' iil eorrtinuing ct'cation. lt Benedictine Sislers on the faculty of Sl. Paul's School. Tell City, were recently trealed lo a lnsure

S'{'. 1l I')lNli,\l). Inrl lhr. ' I LICHLYTER CharlestownCleaners Sttt t t'ss of tltc \-al it';ttt { otttlr'rl i hirs hlcrr t'hosctr as llii' .;1rt,t'rlrl BUILDINGSupPTY & ltrlrr t:r'1' licli'rt t: l'tck Up :rlnl r)f lh(, lllai? ()ctrtlrt't' lrtltrrrrr, eoilftf Tt tir.lrrDtNG5uFPilt3 354 Market 5t. AL 6-3411 :rgr's 1o thr' Shltnr' of {}trr' l,;rrlv Phormocy ilcOauleylnsurance 5610 (Jonrporry Charleslown, lnd. {)l Jlonle ( assino lrelr,. :\ sl}r,(.ial BIANK.S , C.lrrtro<:lirr

"\ STATE BANK (\[r llt!trlr ()$ trerl llatrk"

Pul ron i.;t, Tell City Our Feed & Grain 7lflppvli51ts's:

NEFFt? NUSBAUM .O,: GAUSl.j locr'*e',ro, Arr E Florisr shcp TellCily Federal qnd GreenhoUset lhc ronrity S, & L, [ssn. Hargol|il Company i\1,,1,,41T*tt phormocy, Ho,ves Inc. l l,,r,r,rlIllrlg. Srrp;ll1 C/errnecj frhered

Gene Hoyor John Thomor tNC, ,'prescriprion I -6t[:'i,^:il",:l;ii TELL CITY FUEL OIL speciarisrs,' ALVEY CLEANERS l'ilii,Iilj:" ltcntttrlclin" Ottt' Spcctalty" NATIONAL BANK Martinrvillo Moorarville | & FURRIERS ph. pt "Drive-ln 2,6634 Banking Service" 00N atvEt loNY fls(Htrl I FREE PARKING i 606 Mein Sl. Phone Kl 7.4386 \T/ilhite & Scrrr r Phelps Drug Slore 'ol"tllrcrrtl .,yn,,, F. M. DREYLING Htlrtlct' i p,err,,,rrronsrore,, .,/NSURANCE" Patronize I ru".Side ol Squore KeystoneBeverage Co., Inc. 2t6 t, pilo tr. ot 2-rt48 Ol. 2-3321 | 731Moin l(1.7-5156 Advertisers Schlitr- C,V. r Corlings Block Lobel IruuI Shrndrt' Irurtt''ttl I Ittrnc Red Top - Old Dulch - tqlstqfl Zoercher-GillickFunerol Home ond Corlings Red Cop Ale noBrRrHosKtxs


,ililililil1ilililililfi -.THISSUMMER SHES TAKING I HAVE AN OLDER COUSIN il1ilililililu1milil|ililtilil[tilillt' A COURSEAT COLLEGEWHERE l'irst nrccting sel. ' AT COLLEGETOO, ANOTOR Board io meet Guartlirrn Angel 9HE $TUDIE9NOTHING BUT THE PAST YEAR,.. INDIANAPOLIS-Tire second H\t'l.,'N I ! Ilroclor Cl rrh quarlerly meeling of lhe Arch- Gniltl [o rneeI diocecan Board of tho Council of Catholic Women will be held Tuesday, Oct. 23, in lhe Wcrren Hotel. lndionapolis, at l0:30 e.m. (E.S.T.) Luncheon reser- vaiions should be sent lo Mrs. John A. Murphy, 1037 N. Parker Ave., nol later lhan Oclober lg,

3D ORDERTO MEET O lndianapolisParish Shoppirg List O I

Lady of Lourdes Little Flower St. Catherine * St. Michael I An lnexpensive Want Ad DIRK'S MARKET STAN'S Safcway Quality Foodc Does a Big Job @ CALL ME 5.453I pRlVAtE R00I1 lll lldt,rr for itudenr or u(,il1.. 303 N. ,5.100 .lId't: lrvirrrltorr l.d\tl t.L 7-Li.ht7 * -$_ilei*:ll 1tT1\.L_- iiler 5 D.ilI. @ I rr"r"rrrs R00FlN0,GUlltRlXG rnd RtPAll$ ?rinllng*tonnir Turnr. $f. 7.5650 or Flowerr and Pet Shops *- -,--i':.l-111ill':i -- FoodHandlers Markels-Hardware Liquor and Drug Stores IRISSIS Rt(0YrRtD ^ . tl?.50 I Coin Laundries ".'1":1'j,' " '" ' nAMrNG0 W0RX !'toP I Crthedral *i . .lEEl, i'J"::3ii*- u, s.r40e Drive-l ns-Trailer Courts * lu""$liilf'"'""""sTiior,rl _l LfoN l- Taverns- Restaurants saNDERsBRorr{ERs Lliny --' -: "--- all]€r t!inblishtd buslnri!s!s. lg.e',.r4;lr;-'siciiEvs ;i'JE,ilili. il.l.l.Al f JV l' i rooo sx

A,J,tekGfdndson.rtF-iIJos'G.cHARP|E|"'.^'j**J*''n"'^"-'"i.*,-|5..|-J.,., 1i""..",il,,','illJ!,1 * Holy Name a,t.',;:r:*"i,i{ni:.,i,=*''r-il'e il}jffffl}'mr" ..,..1..,,*:li:#Tx"-.i."'*":"ii11"r'}::'l'ir' ,_:yi*ffiiru,""*' I [4ODILI1N LIVINCi i,r,ni;,irir,r: ^,ltc"ai:.W ll?:;:'::..J:j:l1i'11,::1il$^'i{:n,fl:::l I t*o,tttll NAll'LlltAL Sli'l':l -,'""r',{i$,1,"^*.,*i"';*-ffi;lfmi OPEN Daily & SundaYs .l.i'.'""#,ii,l"lt'i",',"".1..11 'Til -i -,.,""j:::1$:srii'*i"1Hr" .*, -^--n,..'..r,r: Dark In New - i| t t#i,c,r,.nd *r.,rnrrr." i A, "sPrvEYr{!frIi; ;oo*!- ., ., l( 1l-l| @,,ff},::ff..._1ol_ao.a*'t l;l;;"1;rl;;;;; Carclinal ljills -r{r r ''tunrNous 'r'Yor6'"'^ pAvri n *T"-?il"?;,lli"' lil CAPlT0t GLA5S ll;i'i'';"l"lii[ldn Ti:']:l I tu$13,990 8300S. Shermen Dr. flt

,,.o"I,,on,c0MPAl{Y, lllc. (U,5, lo Soulhporl Rd., East lo Sherntan, SrsE t**- 3l South *lmi er. r\Y!.r lil ll. I n t't'.."1.,"t -l u South to 8300 to Cardinal Hillrl - \ rrrr' *oooo,,,*n ljl o sroro Frontr l- 9 I FJ.g r'c.. o rurnituro Tops *:.:1""t""11-lh-armacv F. S. GRADY & SONS lll ll tq'lt "THE i I ."'.1L' G'oss FLAMINGO" ['rnk blit'k rilttclt. litt' lit itt!- t'oottt' ,..rqti{i1ffiii-'rir:" toottt, lrili]t ilt boL]]icil'\t's, niitrclutI I'lrilippintr tttaltogltltl'-tildd Iittltill' ji'li",iiirurtii. :il,;::w 'fii,;fr",i. ir'r c.crillrric batlri. ('ustr)!' lrit'clr calrittcls iu TfrerlI 'P'o' Bor2loo4' w'l' stotionr

goto thoirpraces di Ritual praycrs will SEES NO VIOTATION bc recited, Council ll'j,,x"t the hymn to the lloly Ghost, ]\Iass will be offeretl daily b1' s Veni Creator Spiritus, wilt be cartlinal. The Gospels will be chanted and thcn the rvork oI thc Logol erpert ,$utes enthroncd on a special stand. session will bcgin. schooleid objection

8502Westfield Blvd., Nora

Lifeiime Guaranlee Plan

* References: Numerouo Cathclic Churcher Throughoul lhe Slcte * FR E E Stote.Wide Inspeclion For All lnsecl rnd Rodenl Pesls oay or Nishr-, f lwA3.3393 i

J0t f.ltCARlfil A-l Termite Control Service, Inc. Prriidenf Spark explosion0f fiaith, 2305 il, Meridi.n trdi.n.rolir

LAUNCH RETREAT HOUSE CAMPAIGN-The women of the Arch- "The Catholic laity are urged question is now rsked, diocese have launched r direcl solicilalion campaign lo raise $200,- Attract the Riruls 'Even if a public purpose is 000 loward conslruction of lhe new Our Lady of Fatima Relreaf ST'. I,OUIS-'l'lrc tirne is ripc as thcy have ncvcl llccn in thero aid rerved, is lo lhe sec. House, lo be localed at 5300 E. 56th Si,, lndianrpolis, Frlher larian inslitulion?' lf lhe quer. James D. Moriarly, Relre.l House Direclor, has named Mrs, Wil. "We lion is answered in the affirmr" live in a day ant.l agc rvlten liam H. Morgan.. sealed above, as general chairman of lhe drive. live, then lhe lendency is lo the Chulch is rclativel-v stlong itt At left is Miss Alberla Hensley, campaign secrelary. The current parts conclude lhat lhere is a viola. Norllt Anterit:a, in of Ett- year. (Staff photo) lion ol lhe firsl amendmenl." campaign will exlend unfil lhe end of lhe rope, and in sonrc other pat'ts oI llte rvorltl," lre said. AND LAYMEN can be cffcctive Iratim a ll ctreaI l{ousc nrissionarics in ltelping to Cltris- tianize the society in rvltich tlrey live, Ncill sai

n $2(t0,000 l)uilding Iuud canr- l)aign for tlur ncrv Our l,:td5' sf Termites lralinrl Ilctlcat Ilouse in Intlian- Roaches alxrlis lras becn lauttchcd lty the 1892 rncrnbcrs ol' the llctlcat Lr:agtte. Waterbugs '['hc canrpaigtr rvill suppleltrt'nt Mice, Etc. He also referr lo lhe court's thc plctlltc of $:l(|t),000 utatle by 196I rulings upholding lhe con. Arclrtliot't'satt pastots to be ltaitl sT4.3236 stitulionality of laws restrict. tluling thc nr-'x[ fivc ycars. ins Sunday businesr despife Irathcr' .l anrcs D, trlorialty, FIELD PE$T CONTROL ME 8-3416 their incidenlal aid lo religion. llt'llt,at llousc IJircctor, tlll- SERVICE ll9 S. Meridian Indianapolis ME 8-3417 norrnecrl lht tlrivc last Suntlay lle slys of tlre Strrtrlay larv de- "ln bcfot'e a lletlcat l,caguc brcak- risions: uplrokling llrc lcfiis- i'irs{ irr lhe Scvclirr llotcl. l\lole lation llltc coull I acknou'lctlgctl tlriln 110{}\\'ol}rort relluatatrts ltilrl tltal. thct'e rloultl bc sonrc col- gatlrclt'rl lo lrcar tlre plincipHl latcral and unavoitlablc bcncfits JERRY lbllttER,tnc.-383e E.wAsH. sT. spcake r, i\liss Srrsan ll. n Irthon.y, to religiotr but not aid in urr- ilean of wonlcn of llerly Closs conslitutional sclrse, for a ptrhlic flcntlal School oI Nulsing, Soutlr n purpose rvas l-rcirrg sat.isficd--a llcnd. purpose conternplatcrl by tlre leg- islatule--nanrcl.y thc 5ctting aside of a day l'or rcst or lcisrrlc. ffi Finui 7Duys! "A sccular cntl rvns inlcntled 'l'llts anrl aclticr,etl. tlte arrtuinctrl- of aitl lo t'r:ligion, aurortnting to l,'atitla lltll.t'r:at llouse ltas been establishnrcn{, rvas rcjected," krealcrl since l95t) nrljoirring lhc AS FOR THE National llefcnsc Sistels o[ thc Gootl Slrtphclrl ('onvcnl, ljtluc:rtion Aet, lll \V, lla]'rnonrl St. hrr says its ainr 'l'hc W "tvas a naliottal ottc anrl this irr. facilitics lhlrrr rvill Irrovitle prtklilional lclcs[ crrtrld rrol lle propcll.v st)a(:o fol l\lnlt'rlale Dr. Jqne F. ternel position Scltrrol, conrlrrctcrl by thc Sistcrs. il) selvcrl by lnkirrg ir lhal rl\lt(! o* ne\r, location lltc scicntific ltotctttill of thc chil- is a til.aclc t?,?$lf,*i,l{io*t rlt'ctr in r:lrtrr'<,h.rclatctl sclrools sltottld lrc igttorerl. . . "'I\r ha vc done so rvortltl hat'c inrpnilcrl the [ull aclrielcrncnI of tltc pttblic purlxlso of llrc lcgislt. W HOIJRS: l:105 DAll-Y tiott and rvotrlrl have irtvolvrrrl ln wEt)NESoAY 8:30.t?:(t ar:tion oi iiostilily tou,alrl lcligiun, 'l'he gor,cnrnrcnl rvorrlrl lravr: ig. ttot'crl its necd bccatrsc of lhc t'ltiklt'<'n'.s crce(1.'l'hc (irnstitu- SWISS GUARD lS REAOY-Twenty'two new recruitl were added to tion rlocs not ask this ntrrclr." lhs Valicrn earlier this year lo bolsler the Holy Fa. llcctl also tirkr':; cxcclltion trr NRMSTRONG'S "liltle lher'* army" (or added responsibilitier connecled with thc tltc placiicc of irrtclplctirrll thc Second Valican Council. The new Gucrdsmen were .worn in al lhc Ferlela l Corrstitrr{ iorr's Clrtrrch- Drma:us Courl Stal.c plovisions in liglrt of statc I30 N. PENN. VINTf of fhe Valicrn Palace. The Guard (abovc) war ,'5ack constitrrlional plovisions celebrafing the 435th anniversary of lhe of Rome,,, At that on the sinne rnaltcr. llc says thc slltc lime, more than four cenfuries ago, 147 gurrdsmen gave lheir liver constitutions in gcncral go f:rr- defending lhe Pope. Urcr [owalrl batling airl to rcli- gion, anrl a fahic irnln'cssion is GOnf,ON,' clcltcrl rvhcn iI is assuuretl thlrt thcir nulnrs also apply to thc ARCI{DIOCESAN [,'crlclal (,brrs{itulion. "THE TENDENCY ol' c(r11- fwffiow lo lt'ilcct ,fi#rg#?"!", l{r'o551111'v1 lhc consli{u- Iiortll philosoplry ol' llrcir stHtc in lhcil apprrraclr tr_rlcgislltion is I2 SO.YDS. INSTATLED trtttlelstanrlirlllc llrI orrly eonfrtscs uliltstfrroOF COMINGEVENTS IN anrl ohsr,rrrcs tlrc [crlelal r:on- CARLOAD SAIE sIjtrrlional issue," lrc sa1,s. CHURCHES,SCHOOLS ANO ORCANIZATIONS " l,irr cxanrplc, rrrosI statc fon. .Jttst t'cccit'c(l . . . a fl)lll- #/f qDoo slil.utiorrs .spccificalll' prrrltillit St. Thomas Calholic Church - Sunday, Ocl. 7 ilrilnts or rluniltiotrs lo rt'ligiorts l)ltttc cafloittl of New Wur. 5?3 S, Merrill St.- Fortville, Ind. - Noon to { p.M, instilutiorrs. ll. is llrur.cforc Ir,c- tlucntly assunrctl lllltt grilrrts rin(l lilzer Pianot, CHICKEN and NOODLE (or) HAM DTNNER 'l'lt<'r'n 'l'ickets: tkrrratiorrs afc l)et' sc barl. i\dttlts $l.Zir; Childrcn 00c, Unrlcr If ivc.*l" is no srrrh rlrrr,tr.inr: trrr