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World awaits openi*g of ecumenicalcouncil Expect220 Pope lohn paYS visit I-J.S,bishops IJ at council to shrines \/ATICAN ROI\IE-About 220 of the U.S. CITY.*As thc rvol'ld au,aits thc ollcnirrg Archbishops antl Ilishops arc of thr: histolic Scconrl \rati-can gatherirrg lor the opening of the Council on October 11, hun- Second Vatican Council on Oc. tlrcrls of bishops anrl prc- toLrer 11. lates arc conva}girrg orr'thc center of Christeirrlo'm frour VATICAN cvcry part of thc glolle. CITY Onc n'cok befole the council's opening,LIis lloliness I)ope John .\XIII took a 400.niilctrain trio An exact cottnt o[ tltc attctttl- shows lhe localions of many ol lhe Valican buildings, portraying WORLD'S FOCAL POINT_-The rbove dirgrem lhe sire and complele. ance l)y Arnericaus, o[ botlt Lntin nerr of the liny religious rlaie. Dominrted by 51. Peler'r Br:ilica, tho world's hrgest church, this stale wilhin the city of Rome, will and Eastcrn Ritc {ronr thc U.S. be lhe site of the 2lst Ecumenicrl Council ol lhe Church and religious focal poinl of lhe world. The council ceremonies and meeling: and ils possossiolts, sltottld bt: wi||lrkep|acery1.11.1l1j..1|yingbui|din-os1l"1-1':oforspecia|commilleesrndmeelingl. availalile after thc coutrcil opcns. Thc iJ,S, pt'elates, nccotnpnniccl Iry dincosnn uffieills, :lr'0 :rrriviltg -so that he nright pral' for ilrt' $e or as of lat'gc New parish Daratrlly Pilrl. succ0ss of ilto contilg conolilvc gr0rrps.'fho Cottstittttion llone at. ts'o of Itall"s nrost fanrous carried 3[] archbishops anrl bish' slt li ncs. ops on a rcccnt trip. Othcrs at'e planncclin arriving jusl bclorc tltc cotttrcil c0nvcll(ls, Tlte r\ntcric;llts itt'e living itt Indianapolis hotcls, sctuiuat'ics atttl tlttcst hottscs olrcLttttttI lly t'cligiotls ur- 'l'he dcrs. - preparalion pn (-'lrattt-'ery Office this wcck POPE JOHN XXlll*Monfhs of will end October annortnccrl tlrt: folnration of a ncrv ll, when lhe Holy Father formrlly convenes lhe Second Vatican Intlianapolis palish, the 42nrl in i\larion (ltunty, to serve lhe *l::":'.:-- --- THE POPE'S tlip ttrok lrlacc r':rpirlly'cxpanditrg not'tlnvest sitle. tun llre feast of St. Fr.ancis of Assisi (Oct. ,l). Ile rvcnt to tht: Prcsiclcnt voiccs honc "as I slrlinr.s. he .snirl. :r nrolt' in. ten-se invocation fol ht'avcnl-v nr'otcction" {crr thc conring coun- counci I wi ll aicl pca('c t:il. voL. lf l, No. I INDIANAPOLIS,INDIANA, OCTOBER5, 1962 Anrt'ricans. lre sairl, lrlvc also Cartlinal Albcrt I\Icyer, Alch- "rvitlt rcatl ytat'ticttl:tr tttti'r't'st arrtl bishop of (,'hicago, is rcsitling at tlillr gcnuittt: ittlnrilltrr.rrr for' lhe Chicago arcltrliorresatr sttttly 1'orrl I"r',Ifungcr horrse herc, St,. A{ary of tlte Lakr:. all.crrtblacing collcern for tlru s'r'l[alc of llrnranitl"' thr I'opt:'s Serrahnn\unce.spluns "st'r'c'r'rtl inspirittg stlttcnl.l:ts" on the background anrl ainrs of 'l'he l'C.Slgtl'S .lolln (-) f 3 obscr\rtlrs l'r'cslth'nt tol(l I'op0 tlur council, irr a ltrltot nrlrlo ltulllic by tltc '1'lr6 r-lln111'6'q'X oflirc fias an" IOf Vocationserhihit Wlrite Ilorrse (()cl. 5): THE PRESIDENT saitl lhat "stllggoling lr()t,tt('edlhal. l,':rllrcr (llerrrctlf/ "\Yt: rlespite prr;.rlcurs'' are nanrccl Irolrc thal tlte corrttcil \\'ill 'I'lre ()f people nll ihe rvolld.lrnvc litst visil, lu l,rrreln Ut " Ilttttget-', pilsior St- trl;try's prtr. thc Gtrod Shrphcrd, Intlianapolis; Irc lhk: tri 1;r't,settt in clcur rtrttl "rcneu'cd (lross, lorrnrl conlidencc and pol)e wils nlrdc in r\lly. 185?, b1' islr, l,artervillt', ltas lcl;igttcrl for Si.stels of lhe Iloly r\nrler- ptrrsrrnsivr' langulge effcctivrl courntrtr." in thc tlroughl that {hc I'itts lX, son, Ind.: [,ittlc Sistcls of lho solrrlion:; tar lllc llanl' ptolllenrs rlho:rlsrr stoppcd at foas(rns cf llr.;rllh. lle lras ltcerr crruneil n,ill givc sptrirl ltlcn' i\ssi-si his Iroor, Itttlianapolis I antl Ir'rancis- t'ortf tont ing all of tr:i anrl, Dtote thlring ttip. ,,rrir:e 1l;rstrlr lliclc lfill0. tiott lo the ccononric attrl srrcial can Sistcls, Oltlenbulg, spt'cific;rll1', tlrat i{s tlceisions prelinrinlrry problcttrs of tlrt'rvot'lrl attrl ltat- MEANWHILE. the rvill srgnificatttll' arlvattcc thtt i:'allrer Pllt'l(lrrs Kctnpf, O.S.Ii., r\lso llut'.vknoll Srstcls, filary- liculally nf rrru['rtlcrclopell 11;1. at]cnila releasctl l'rI' lhe press carrse of intcrrratitlnal pencc attrl 'l'hcy ions, offictr ittrlicltcs tlrrt thc Ii'alhers has trr:ett aplloirrt.erl resident pas- knoll, N.\'.; {lru' l,arly of \iit:- ale Itislrop Artlltotty of " t untlcls{ antlirtll. rr{ lor"v l\lissionitry Sislcls, Vietoly tlrc council Incc a hcln v st'ht'd- Ior [o adrrritti-.tur tlrc parish until (icttc\'a, Stvilzcrlartrl; l"iltlltr li.l(tr 'lhe jrrIton, ;\ftel crttlrh:rsizing his lrollcs rult' tluliug its opcnirrg rvccks. pliests Noll. [[rrnt Inrl.; Sis{el's oI 'l'royanov, Littt- pricsl. and Religious rvill a tltcologiittt {tottr a dioct'san rs availablc. A - tlrirt tlrc coutrcil rvill cotttt'ibutt' 'i'htr shorv tlreir *'ork in tlre rrrissirrrt- I'r-rtvitkrrc-e, St. [1ar'.t'- of thc. Srvitzolltrntl ittttl Sergtr brr-rtlrcl of llstlr'. Josclrlr Kenrpf, silttr!c, ; agt'ntll colcts cottilr'il :rc- \1'oritls. Ittd.i l"t':tttciscan Sislct's, to rvollrl l)r-tcc, ll r'. Kctrttr.rll' arr-, cdur:ation atid contetnplalive Glotov. a Ilttssiatt laniittitgtl lit'itros until tltc e'ntl of (-lr:tol-rtr, I'lt.[).. Plqfcssol at S{, llary-of- ex{r'ntlctl pt'rsonnl Xlc('tinqs lo fickls in i sL.tics of spccial ll ishag;rka. Ittrl.: i\lission Sistols teachcl in llotntt. the-trtr'o,rrlr L'olllitr:, l"lrthcr I'la<r. tlrc I'opi'otr lrcltlrlf of ltirttsr:lf Irulllts c,'ttctcrl fot' lltr' ()c('irsiult. of St. l,'rtrrrr,is Navicr. \Vlrllor. ttltts lras lrlr'rr alr irrsltttetrrr for 'l\r{itl iUi<:lt.; l,r'utrciscatt Sislct's of lhc scltttrll crtt'olltttcrtt in lhc :il1(l Jlrs. Kcutu'tl1', rtltrr ltittl utt nlalry at St..i\lt,itrr;trl 5r:rrri- )(,lfs Atlnrission tr,r the unrtsual rlis- l'oor', (iincinnati, arrrl l,ittltr \Ylritc tlrrt'c sttLtrltttrding parislt scltttols lurlr('ocr. \\'ith I'opo .lr)htl la..;l n;1ty. play is flce. "isiilt]i:grll!: lll']j: ." .. r llgiry'-l,l'-:lgl-{::*^'j i\l :t t'r'h. A rralrrc oI llarlrsrrrt. l''alhct: lle crlnclrrrlcrl Irl' erpt'cssittt tltc llorrrs for visitin( rltll br: l(l -f, 'l'ltc llrrrri:cl rr';i:;oltlaincrl at St. llcin" Iropc lhlt tlre currrrcil s'ill fttlfill fitsl orrk't'of llttsint'ss u'ill a,rrr. trntil {} l).r1. ott octolrt't lll I' l' ra(l itr l!fiJ3 lollouing lrrs studics I'r)l)o's "l()n(lcs( bc tltt' oloctiott of tttt'rulrots of nnd florn noon until I p.ln. on tlte ll{}l)os illl{l llttt thcrc. I lis f i|st as-signrncnl r|as It ttI tttg eI tnttn,utes rllt.artrs Iol a rvot'klrt'irlt tt'ttort'ltl lt) colllnlissions 0f thc eottrtcrl, the final day. as assisluttl pastot' of St. llat- of ft'llrlrr,slrip iln(l h)\'(r rutrl {rtt' tltt: [,lach conrnrissiorr n'rll hulc 2{ tlrt'*''s parrslr, lll. Vclnorr.'l'he nrr'nrbcts. tillltt rtl *'lrotn rt'ill bc ltllottitrg ]lar lrt'nas rtarnctl atl- (C(rntinuc(l tttt trtagc lll) A tttctttltct' of thc llussiitn [)r' trritrtstratt.rl ol Sl. Joscph's l)itr. p (ircek (-'alholic oI (.'urrnt5, .,r'lticlt lty0l ruYct's llroclox Cltut'elt islt. a ll sc llaltitr a lrost I- ^/ Atttcrica. l,' ;r I lt e t' AlcxittttlcL hc hclrl until his ;rppoirrtrncttt to Scltltrr:rrtann, rlt':ttt of St. Vladi' IIOft NIiII/ IIK;IT SCIIOOL l-ltresrilla. KlAlll,iSltA L;\l(1,1, N.\'. -- r\ ntit"s'l'lttxrlogir:al St'ntinat'y itt 'l'uckalrot:. rilltcnl{rnt hcrc h.v* a Nr:rv Yur'l< N.\'.. harl hct'tt tlcsig' State ctlttcatiott official t irtttitlly naterl ent'licr as a tlclctlittt'olr' 0l'f ici:rl lrrlcrl out tlrc lccitatiou u{ any se'r'r'ct to llte r:ottrtcil. lltt rt'ill l)ra]'cl's or lhu lcarling of thc rcpl'cscllt tlrr: sctttittat'1 , Rittr)r faculty housr) Itiblo for rvot'ship pulposcs in tltc statu's pttblic sr:ltrtols. gr'oundbreakingset r\rcltltil:ltoD .*ichrrlte \\'ill ol'l'iciitlc lt gl'oulxlbl'('akillg e()l'r)llrouiCSsttntlitl'. ocl. ?, :rt 4 p.ttt., tu tttttt'k llttt slitt't INDIANAPOLIS*The rnnual ol' ctittstrttcliott o[' lht' tlcrv blessing of Rosrry Roses will Itittt'r lligh Scltttol Iitcttlty be held Sunday, Oct. 7, rl 5 Irottstt. p,m, of Sl, Mrry's Church, In- dianapolis. The cerernony will include an ouldoor procession. Everyone it inviled. oldels fol nrurt: llctrc<lictirtc l,'a- Irlint'ipal spt'alit'r' fot lhc occit' tltet's, St. illcirrlarl; Clalclian li'a- siotr rvill bt' llsgr'. .l:ttnt's l'. thcls, Chicngo; (l'osier l'athels, Chilcalt bishops ask social rcforrns (lalvin, l'h.L)., ;\t't'lttlioccsatt Stt' lrl. Wa1'nc; l)it'inc Wold illission- ur't'ittlt'ttrlt'rtt ol Scltouls. La]' ().i rlill also lalit'plrt't in ;rlttr5, l)s1'15'5|)tlrt{, l,'ritnciscan ('ltilc's sp,rkcstuctt SAN'l'lA(;(,, (llrilc avoirl Ilrc senntlalous corrtradic- proper drvellings irt rvlrit:lt fanrily I,'r'ials, \Vesturorrt, 1ll,; Glcrrrrurr.y thc pas- pt'orhrcctl l)r()l:r:tlll.

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