Speed of Light and Rates of Clocks in the Space Generation Model of Gravitation, Part 1 1 R. BENISH( ) (1) Eugene, Oregon, USA,
[email protected] Abstract. — General Relativity’s Schwarzschild solution describes a spherically symmetric gravi- tational field as an utterly static thing. The Space Generation Model (SGM) describes it as an absolutely moving thing. The SGM nevertheless agrees equally well with observations made in the fields of the Earth and Sun, because it predicts almost ex- actly the same spacetime curvature. This success of the SGM motivates deepening the context—especially with regard to the fundamental concepts of motion. The roots of Einstein’s relativity theories thus receive critical examination. A particularly illumi- nating and widely applicable example is that of uniform rotation, which was used to build General Relativity (GR). Comparing Einstein’s logic to that of the SGM, the most significant difference concerns the interpretation of the readings of accelerom- eters and the rates of clocks. Where Einstein infers relativity of motion and space- time symmetry, it is argued to be more logical to infer absoluteness of motion and spacetime asymmetry. This approach leads to reassessments of the essential nature of matter, time, and the dimensionality of space, which lead in turn to some novel cos- mological consequences. Special emphasis is given to the model’s deviations from standard predictions inside matter, which have never been tested, but could be tested by conducting a simple experiment. PACS 04.80.Cc – Experimental tests of gravitational theories. 1. – Introduction; Intended Audience Beware ye, all those bold of spirit who want to suggest new ideas.