SUNDAY EXPRESS. September 10, 1995 Page 3 KAISO & PAN ON INTERNET but cybersurfers don't know calypso belongs to WT •'•'• ••• .'*:&»•-: ',;•*«.. -./JJteiStosfStj • . •'*;»»**.• . . - •..-.•> •/. , . .. . . • .•-•»• .. •--.... :. . •..jatoftsit*-.. OF COURSE we know better. But on is given as 47 (instead of 75) Edward cer who is based abroad offered to put the Internet, the world is learning Street. information on steelband on the Internet, that is the home of calypso Kronman has put out an appeal on his Serrette said. The organisation "men- and Sweden is the place to go for pages for Trinidad to provide him with up- tioned" this to Information Minister expertise on steelband. to-date information via e-mail. Gordon Draper, but the idea was not pur- 's tardiness in "A claim like that is preposterous," sued. journeying into cyberspace has meant director of culture in the Ministry of "Some people feel that Pan Trinbago that others who have gone before have Culture Dr Hollis "Chalkdust" Liverpool should be responsible for doing something been able to identify themselves with our said of 's statement. "What like that," Serrette said, arguing, howev- culture. happens is that these fellows are trying to er, that such a responsibility is impossible Cybersurfers searching for grab the international spot- for it to undertake since the organisation information about calypso on light. They are trying to rush is a voluntary one with limited resources. the Internet (a network link- the information they can get "Since pan is a national instrument, we ing computers across the outside. They don't have the feel it is a national and a government globe) are directed to Ice burning love for Trinidad to responsibility. The Government should be Tt*# St«-vl Part tminwws Records, Eddy Grant's promote it when it comes to more on the ball as far as getting informa- Barbados-based company. The these things." tion like this out." message they see is "Ice Kronman's pan page came as a Trinidad's appreciation of answers to Records, Home of Calypso, surprise to Pan Trinbago presi- Serrette's question as to who can and his Soca, and Ringbang Music in dent Owen Serrette, who suggestion as to who should put informa- the ." They'get a admitted knowing very little tion on the Internet will determine what list of CDs that can be pur- about the Internet, and who our presence in cyberspace will be. chased, among them Black inquired as to who has the "Anyone can say anything on the Net," Stalin's "Message To Sundar" authority to put information explained Simon Fraser, informa- and Superblue's "Flag Party." OWEN SERRETTE out into cyberspace. tion technology specialist with the Those interested in the "That sort of information should Tourism and Industrial Development steelband are directed to Sweden. There come from Trinidad, from us," Serrette Company (TIDCO). Cyberspace has been they find The Pan Page, a repository of said after perusing The Pan Page on a described as both a truly democratic and information set up by Ulf Kronman, the computer at the Express. "If anybody is an anarchic world. Anyone with the facili- Swedish physicist, whose post-graduate saying anything about pan, it should have ties or the cash to pay for the facilities, studies in acoustics brought him to here to been Trinidad. We need to put the true can set up a page to put out any informa- : SOC'A and RmglxmeK Music in the study and write about pan. The Pan Page facts on the Internet." tion — or misinformation — they want on Caribbean has an online version of Kronman's book About a year ago, a Pan Trinbago offi- any topic. in which he does credit Trinidad with inventing the instrument. The general information provided about pan in Trinidad, however, is sketchy, out of date, and inaccurate. Only -1) TIMK OFI;I.;R ANY 5 CD's lor $59,99 U three tuners are listed for the country and premier tuners such as Bertie Marshall, A POLICE manhunt is on for four men ber8 of the Crime Leo Coker, and Bertram Kellman are left who may have been injured by police Suppression Unit pursuing them in a out; what is now Trinidad Instruments bullets during a shootout Friday^ rtiarked police Jeep, called on them to stop. Ltd is still referred to as Metal Industries night following a robbery incider Instread, the officers were greetejLwith Company Ltd; and Pan Trinbago's address South Trinidad. gun fire. The officers shot back^mrJwithin According to a police report^ around 9 seconds the car came toa-*topi at a cane- p.m. four men stohjx«'T)atsun Sunny field. The four mpjif'according to the motorcar from aiJHTuly at Mon Repos, San report, escapepUrfthe canefield from where Fernando,th«tijourneyed to Papourie shots weje-again fired. Road. 'searching the canefield yesterday, Round one to Tobago: There, they held up a grocery propri- "olice saw a trail of blood. The car was 2Sr/x-tV 'rffff* /'^ ^ etor around 10 p.m. and robbed hirnjjf" recovered. $1,000 A police bulletin has been issued to all The four men, the report said, went to hospitals to be on the lookout for the men ikes Penal, but on reaching Lai Beharry Trace, who seek medical treatment.