Sparse Promises and Meager Medical Representation

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Sparse Promises and Meager Medical Representation CMAJ News Sparse promises and meager medical representation assive political shifts invari- ably yield a ragtag crew of M Parliamentarians, as people who were offered up as cannon fodder are unexpectedly swept into office. The 2011 federal election proved no exception as political pundits were left mulling the incongruities and merits of an extremely diverse demographic mix of Members of Parliament (MPs). There were, for example, a record seven university students elected to office (including four undergraduates, one of whom is a teenager, two master’s stu- dents and a doctoral candidate). That was more than the number of self- described “professors” (3). There were also a few musicians, an actor, a gar- dener, a bartender and a museum tour Wattie Reuters/Chris guide elected as MPs as 61.4% of eligi- A jubilant Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper speaks to reporters in Calgary, ble Canadian voters trekked to the polls Alberta, after winning his first majority government in the 2011 federal election campaign. and delivered a majority 167 seats to Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s Con- the Ontario riding of Simcoe–Grey, Beyond Leitch, physician representa- servatives (up 24 from the 143 held at once held by Tory Helena Guergis, who tion in the new Parliament will be light, dissolution of Parliament). was turfed from Cabinet in 2010 and although the Liberals managed to re- In a seismic May 2 political shift, forced by Harper to resign from caucus elect general practitioners Dr. Carolyn voters also delivered 102 seats (up 66) over criminal allegations that have since Bennett (St. Paul’s) and Dr. Hedy Fry to the New Democrats and made Jack been completely discredited. (Vancouver Centre). Layton the nation’s Official Opposition Leitch is an orthopaedic pediatric A doctor from Algeria, Djaouida leader. Decimated were the Liberals, surgeon at SickKids Hospital in Sellah, was elected as a New Democrat who notched 34 seats (down 43), Toronto, Ontario and an associate pro- in the Quebec riding of Saint-Bruno– prompting the resignation of unpopular fessor at the University of Toronto. She Saint-Hubert. Sellah says on her cam- leader Michael Ignatieff. All but blasted was formerly the chair of pediatric paign website that she has been a doc- out of the political waters was the Bloc surgery at the Children’s Hospital of tor for more than 10 years and was a Québécois, who fell to 4 seats from 47, Western Ontario in London, assistant founding member and current presi- prompting the unceremonious departure dean at the Schulich School of Medicine dent of the Association of Quebec of leader Gilles Duceppe. Voters also and Dentistry and codirector of the Doctors Graduated outside Canada and delivered a historic first seat to the Health Sector MBA (Master of Business the United States. Green Party by electing party leader Administration) program at the Ivey Nine other physicians who sought Elizabeth May in the British Columbia School of Business. office, though, saw their political aspi- riding of Saanich–Gulf Islands. (There Her federal and provincial Conserv- rations scuttled. They were: were two independents and three vacan- ative political ties are extensive. She • Incumbent Dr. Bernard Patry, general cies when Parliament dissolved). was once the federal advisor on healthy practitioner, Liberal, (Pierrefonds– Although health care consistently children and youth, and served as chair Dollard) topped Canadian concerns in campaign of Finance Minister Jim Flaherty’s • Dr. John R. Hamilton, ophthalmolo- polls, it appeared to have little impact Expert Panel for the Children’s Fitness gist, Liberal (Central Nova) on balloting and the medical commu- Tax Credit. As founder of the Kids • Dr. Stan Kutcher, psychiatrist, Liberal nity will again be sparsely represented Health Foundation, she is credited with (Halifax) within Parliament. having played a major role in the gov- • Dr. Chris Milburn, general practi- But one physician, newly elected Dr. ernment’s 2010 throne speech commit- tioner, Green Party (West Nova) Kellie Leitch, is widely believed to be ment to develop a national strategy on • Dr. Bruce Robert Petty, ophthalmol- on a fast-track to Cabinet after capturing childhood injury prevention. ogist, Conservative (Halifax West) © 2011 Canadian Medical Association or its licensors CMAJ, June 14, 2011, 183(9) E525 News • Dr. Georgina Wilcock, gynecolo- teeth at the municipal or provincial budget promises to attract doctors, gist, Green Party (Don Valley West) level. nurses and nurse practitioners to “under- • Dr. Scott Edward Daley, general As might have been predicted with served rural and remote” communities practitioner, Green Party (Nipissing– the New Democrats success, the num- by forgiving students a portion of their Timiskaming) ber of trade unionists (11) and former Canada Student Loans if they agree to • Dr. Wendy Wilson, general practi- civil servants (6) appeared to rise sub- work in isolated environments, com- tioner, New Democrat (Parry Sound– stantially, while the number of teach- mencing in fiscal 2012/13. The Conser- Muskoka) ers/educators held at 17. The number of vatives did not define what constitutes • Dr. M.J. Willard, pathologist, Liberal farmers in Parliament will be such communities while proposing that (Portage–Lisgar) unchanged at 16 but the number of graduating medical students be eligible Faring as unfavourably were nurses. engineers rose to 9. As well, 7 MPs to have $8000 per year written off their Of 15 candidates with a nursing back- identify themselves as having police loans, to a maximum $40 000, and that ground, just two prevailed: Conserva- backgrounds, while 8 call themselves nurses and nurse practitioners be eligible tive Cathy McLeod (re-elected in Kam- journalists or broadcasters. Also well- for a $4000 per year write-off, to a max- loops–Thompson–Cariboo) and New represented are realtors (4), financial imum $20 000, if they undertake a stint Democrat Christine Moore (newly advisors (4) and economists (4), includ- in a remote community. elected in Abitibi–Témiscamingue). ing Harper. The Conservatives also reiterated Meanwhile, dentist, Christian mis- Once again, as meager as health pro- their plans to establish a nonrefundable sionary and Conservative Harold fessional representation in the House of tax credit of $2000 for Canadians provid- Albrecht was re-elected (Kitchener– Commons were actual health policy ing care to infirm or dependent relatives. Contestoga), while chiropractors will commitments made on the hustings by Essentially, those caring for loved again be well represented. Four of seven Harper’s Conservatives. ones meeting certain criteria will get a were elected, led by Gary Goodyear Easily their most significant promise tax credit of $2000. But as with exist- (Cambridge), current Conservative minis- was the surprise vow to maintain an ing health-related tax support, it will be ter of state (science and technology). The unconditional 6% annual increase in reduced by 15% for every dollar earned other chiropractic winners were Dany health transfer payments to the by the person receiving care. For exam- Morin, New Democrat (Chic oumti–Le provinces once the current intergovern- ple, someone providing care to an Fjord); Colin Carrie, Conservative mental health accord expires in 2014 elderly parent is now eligible for $4385 (Oshawa); and James Lunney, Conserv- ( in existing tax support. The new care- ative (Nanaimo–Alberni). -3865). The Conservatives were careful, giver tax credit bumps that up to $6385. A quick perusal of candidate biogra- though, to stress that their commitment But if the parent has a pension, the total phies also indicates that lawyers will to a 6% escalator clause was limited to will be reduced by 15% of whatever again top the list of professions that that specified in the recent federal monies the parent received or earned, will be best represented in the new budget ( with the aggregated tax credit and ben- Parliament, though their ranks were /Budget2011-eng.pdf). In that budget, efits disappearing entirely once the par- thinned to 46 from 50. which was not approved by Parliament, ent’s income tops $21 360. The credit They were followed by self- an increase in federal transfers for will be added to existing health-related described “businesspersons” (42). The health care is prescribed for exactly two tax supports ( review of biographies also indicates years after the accord expires, (i.e., to /10.1503/cmaj.109-3856). — Wayne that roughly 30 MPs fall into the camp $44.7 billion 2014–15 and $47 billion Kondro, CMAJ of expolitical aides/consultants/hacks, in 2015–16). while at least 21 MPs cut their political The Conservatives also reiterated CMAJ 2011. DOI:10.1503/cmaj.109-3892 E526 CMAJ, June 14, 2011, 183(9).
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