Scientific and Forested Herbaceous Sloughs, Levee & Flats Common Name Wetlands Wetlands Depressions Access Cypress & Canals1 Roads

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Scientific and Forested Herbaceous Sloughs, Levee & Flats Common Name Wetlands Wetlands Depressions Access Cypress & Canals1 Roads Scientific and Forested Herbaceous Sloughs, Levee & Flats Common Name Wetlands Wetlands Depressions Access 1 Cypress & Canals Roads Reptiles & Amphibians Acris gryllus dorsalis X X Cricket frog Agkistrodon piscivorus conanti X X Florida cottonmouth Alligator mississippiensis X X X American alligator Anolis carolinensis Green anole Anolis sagrei sagrei X Cuban brown anole Apalone ferox X X Florida softshell turtle Chelydra serpentina osceola X X Florida snapping turtle Chrysemys floridana peninsularis X X Peninsula cooter Chrysemys nelsoni X X Florida red-bellied turtle Cnemidophorus sexlineatus X Six-lined racerunner Coluber constrictor Everglades racer Coluber constrictor priapus Southern black racer Crotalus adamanteus X X Eastern diamondback Diadophis punctatus punctatus Southern ringneck snake Elaphe guttata guttata X Corn snake Elaphe obsoleta quadrivittata X Yellow rat snake Elaphe obsoleta rossalleni Everglades rat snake Eumaces inexpectatus Southeastern five-lined skink Farancia abacura abacura X X Eastern mud snake Hyla cinerea X X Green treefrog Kinosternon bauri X X X Striped mud turtle Kinosternon subrubrum steindachneri X X Florida mud turtle Lampropeltis getulus X X Common kingsnake Lampropeltis triangulum elapsoides Scarlet kingsnake Limnoedus ocularis X X Little grass frog Micrurus fulvius fulvius X Eastern coral snake Nerodia cyclopion floridana X X X Florida green water snake Nerodia fasciata fasciata X X X Florida banded water snake Nerodia taxispilota X X X Brown water snake Notophthalmus niridescens piaropicola X Eastern newt Opheodrys aestivus Rough green snake Osteopilus septentrionalis X Cuban treefrog Psuedobranchus striatus belli X X X Everglades dwarf siren Pseudomys nelsoni X Florida red-bellied turtle Rana grylio X X Pig frog Rana utricularia X X Southern leopard frog Regina alleni X X Striped crayfish snake Seminatrix pygaea cyclas X X X South Florida swamp snake Sistrurus milarius barbouri X X Pygmy rattlesnake Sternotherus odoratus X X Stinkpot turtle Storeria dekayi victa X X Florida brown snake Terrapene carolina bauri X X Florida box turtle Thamnophis sauritus sackeni X X X Peninsula ribbon snake Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis X Eastern garter snake Trionyx ferox X Florida softshell Scientific and Forested Herbaceous Sloughs, Levee & Flats Common Name Wetlands Wetlands Depressions Access 1 Cypress & Canals Roads Accipter striatus Sharp-shinned hawk W, T Actitis macularia X X X Spotted sandpiper W, T Agelaius phoeniceus X Red-winged blackbird R Aix sponsa X Wood duck W, T Anas discors X Blue-winged teal W, T Anas fulvigula X Mottled duck R Anhinga anhinga X Anhinga R Aramus guarauna X X X Limpkin R Ardea herodias X X X X Great blue heron S, W, T Botaurus lentiginosus X American bittern S, W, T Bubo virginianus X Great horned owl R Bubulcus ibis X X Cattle egret S, W, T Buteo jamaicensis X X Red-tailed hawk S, W, T Buteo lineatus X X Red-shouldered hawk S, W, T, R Butorides striatus X X X Green heron S, W, T,R Cardinalis cardinalis X Northern cardinal R Casmerodius albus X X X Great egret W, T, R Cathartes aura X Turkey vulture W, R Ceryle alcyon X X Belted kingfisher S, W, T Charadrius vociferus X X Killdeer S, W, T Circus cyaneus X X X Northern harrier W, T Cistothorus palustris X X Marsh wren S, W, T Coccyzus minor Yellow-billed cuckoo S, T Columbina passerina Common ground dove R Coragyps atratus Black vulture W, R Corvus ossifragus X X X Fish crow R Cyanocitta cristata X X Blue jay S, W, T, R Dendroica caerulescens X Black-throated blue warbler T Scientific and Forested Herbaceous Sloughs, Levee & Flats Common Name Wetlands Wetlands Depressions Access Cypress & Canals1 Roads Dendroica coronata X Yellow-rumped warbler W, T Dendroica discolor Prairie warbler W, T Dendroica dominica Yellow-throated warbler W, T Dendroica palmarum X X X Palm warbler W, T Dendroica virens Black-throated green warbler W, T Dolichonyx oryzivorus X Bobolink T Dryocopus pileatus X Pileated woodpecker R Dumetella carolinensis X Gray catbird W, T Egretta caerulea X X X Little blue heron W, T, R Egretta thula X X X Snowy egret W, T, R Egretta tricolor X X X Tricolored heron W, T, R Eudocimus albus X X X X White ibis W, T, R Fulica americana X X American coot S, W, T Gallinago gallinago X X Common snipe W, T Gallinula chloropus X X X Common moorhen R Geothlypis trichas X Common yellowthroat W, R Himantopus mexicanus X X X Black-necked stilt S, W, T Ixobrychus exilis X Least bittern W, T, R Lanius ludovicianus X Loggerhead shrike R Melanerpes carolinus X Red- bellied woodpecker R Melospiza georgiana X X Swamp sparrow W, T Mimus polyglottos X Northern mockingbird R Mycteria americana X X X X Wood stork S, W, T Myiarchus crinitus X Great-crested flycatcher S, T, R Nyctanassa violacea X X Yellow-crowned night-heron R Nycticorax nycticorax X X Black-crowned night-heron R Otus asio X Eastern screech-owl R Phalacrocorax auritus W, R X X Double-crested cormorant Pandion haliaetus X Osprey W, T, R Parula americana X Northern parula S, W, T Passerculus sandwichensis X X Savannah sparrow W, T Picoides pubescens X Downy woodpecker R Plegadis falcinellus X X X Glossy ibis W, T, R Podilymbus podiceps X X Pied-billed grebe S, W, T Polioptila caerulea X Blue-gray gnatcatcher S, W, T Porphyrula martinica X X Purple gallinule S, W, T Progne subis X X X Purple martin S, T Quiscalus major X X X X X Boat-tailed grackle R Quiscalus quiscula X X Common grackle W, R Rallus elegans X X King rail W, R Rostrhamus sociabilis X Snail kite R Sayornis phoebe X Eastern phoebe W, T Setophaga ruticilla X American redstart W, T Strix varia X Barred owl R Tachycineta bicolor X X Tree swallow W, T Thryothorus ludovicianus X Carolina wren R Tringa flavipes X X X Lesser yellowlegs W, T Tringa melanoleuca X X X Greater yellowlegs W, T Turdus migratorius X American robin W, T Tyrannus tyrannus Eastern kingbird S, T Tyto alba Barn owl W, R Vireo griseus X White-eyed vireo W, R Zenaida macroura X X Mourning dove W, T, R Mammals Scientific and Forested Herbaceous Sloughs, Levee & Flats Common Name Wetlands Wetlands Depressions Access 1 Cypress & Canals Roads Dasypus novemcinctus X Nine-banded armadillo Didelphis marsupialis X Opossum Lutra canadensis X X X River otter Lynx rufus X X Bobcat Neofiber alleni X Round-tailed muskrat Odocoileus virginianus X X X X White-tailed deer Oryzomys palustris X Marsh rice rat Peromyscus gossypinus X X Cotton mouse Procyon lotor X X X X Raccoon Sciurus carolinensis X Eastern gray squirrel Sigmodon hispidus X Cotton rat Sylvilagus palustris X X Marsh rabbit Urocyon cinereoargenteus X X Gray fox Scientific and Forested Herbaceous Sloughs, Levee & Flats Common Name Wetlands Wetlands Depressions Access Cypress & Canals1 Roads .
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