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May Is Bicycle Safety Month In All the Pointes rosse ews Complete Nelvs Coverage of All the Pointes Home of the News

VOl. 26-NO. 20 Enterccl as Seconl1 Class MaUer at $5.00 Per Year t;le Post Office at Detroit, Mich. GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, MAY 20, 1965 tOe Per Copy 24 Pages Two Sections-Section One

r - HEADLINES State Flag Presented to Central Library Woods Bo"'sLuck", IWill Elect of the ']1&10' .1 .1 2 Trustees WEEK As Compiled by the To Escape Death OnJune14 Grosse Pointe News L.u ..I1i Incumbent' President Ed- ward Pongracz and Five Thursday. :\'lay 13 I In Crash on LS New Candidates File A SOUTHER::'-l CONGRESS- i Car Totally Demolished After Youths Were Thrown Petitions :\lA~ inves~igating the Ku I I Oui by Impact of Hitting Tree; Lost Cont:-ol on Klux Klan called yesterday fur i Six candidates have filed a "fuli inquir;y" as to how a: Turn at Ford Estate petitions for two trustee- Klan official obtaira'd a sup- Two 19-year-old Woods boys were lucky to have ships in the June 14 school posedly confidential r('port on ! been thrown from their car when it crashed into a tree elections in the Grosse the life of Mrs. Viola Liuzzo, I '~n Lake. Shore road on Saturday, ~ay 15-~he second Pointe school district it was a Detroit housewife slain last: Impact, mto another tree, could eaSIly have killed them'j ed t d • ' R month whi1? partkipating in I Shores Patrolmen Frank Mus-

wa:; also ,estmg the North VIet. I W Ik W.d d M . I D the boys out. The car made Dignitaries will be introduced namrse to see if they. might I, a I ene The first annual meeting of the Northeastern Wayne emona ay . h fr th t b k a WIde arc om e ree, ac be George Thompson. past com- be more receptive to negotiat- i County Child Guidance Clinic was held on May 14, at to the north bound lane on the mander of the American Legion Detroit Motorist ing a peace in the Asian con. I Grosse Pointe City's De- the home of Mrs. Alfred R. Glancy, Jr., in Lake Shore The Grosse Pointe War road, continued across the Grosse Pointe Post #503. A Given Jail Term fliet. Al~ho~gh. the.re have been I partment of Pllblic Works road. ~------~--~-- Memorial Center's 1965 island, knocked down a reflec. reading of the students Mem- no .public InClicatlOns of such: is busy readying the City's Newly elected to the board af Farr and Glenn G. Engel. Family Participation Carn- tor sign, bounced into the south ori(ll Day essay will be given a.n mtent, there h?ve, bee~ som{' I Norbert P. Neff Memorial d' t J h B W t- Re.elected to serve addition- paign still has one-tenth of bound lane, skidded 390 feet by John T. Short, program John J. Auito, 22, of 3573 Not- SI,2'n.~that th" Nortn VIetnam i •• . . _ I.rec ors were 0 n . a 'ts I t h' th. f' Id d h d . t ,. ~ - l P k f t ff I enm ~k M G d W R al terms as directors were 1 goa 0 ac 1eve wi mto a Ie an cra'S e 10 0 chairman of the War Memorial. tingham, Detroit, was sentenced 2'o"ernment I's. mor'-' "VI'III'nr!to ar or 1 s 0 ICla op 6 I ms, rs. or on . ose, h to 20 days in the Wayne County "sit y around a conference<. table~ on. Sa tur d ay. May. 29 .'Mrs Jam es.. H .Graves, J udge Courtney B. Rankin, John S. Memorial Day J'ust ten d.ays anot er tree. Wliliam Adams, secretary of than it has in the past. CIty Manager Jh?hn Cantwhell Arhthur KMOCmsFkI,d H~rkoldFIR. Prescott, Jr., Mrs. Francis X. away. The Center's Direc- Car Out of Sight the Grosse Pointe War Memor- Jail by Park Judge C. Joseph I Belanger on Tuesday, May 11, told the NEWS t IS week t at 0J mon, rs. re erIC om, Marsh, Andrew W. L. Brown, tors are very hopeful that Mustazza and Marshall, on ial will extend a weicome. on two counts of traffic viola- · · · I the dredging of a canal and Raymond Schleicher. John Mc- Lloyd B. Stauffer, Miss Marga- the necessary monies to arriving at the scene, d;q not General Louis H. Charbon. Sunday, May 16 harbor at tne City's waterfront Cartney, Rev. Franklin P. Ben- ret Rice, Mrs. George C. operate in the fiscal year see the car against the tree, neau is to say a f~w words and tinn, When he is released, he will be charged with contribu- i H E AD~n~ISTRATIO~'S is almost completed. The im- nc~t, Harold J. Harrison, Dr. ACran.e,JGohnA'Rl\;ichMadhoBn,Dhr. beginning August 1, will be because the tree and vehicle Rev. John W. Estes of the ting to the delinquency of a POLICY in South Vietnam was' provement at the docks will Clifford B. Loranger, John B. rmm rams, IC ar eac, received this month. were hid den behind high Grosse Pointe Congregational minor. th" Sllb)'oct of d.-.bat.-.yesterday help the resident bQ3tmen with I------~- Miss Mary K. Thorn, Mrs. Ca- (C t' d P g 4) Ch h 'll' h t d < '" '''' 1 I Th t f th I lier H. Worrell, Mrs. William They are confident that be- on lOue on a e urc WI gIve a s or a- 'n W~'hin!!ton when about 5000 arger ves~p.s. e cos 0 e G.ft f p. t ~------dress. According to information re- lpf'_OPl~~fro"'m allover the cot.m- ~r,edging is estimated to be! 1 or OlD e A. Boyd, Mrs. Dougl2s Sar- tween givers of record not yet W d W leased by Park Police Chief Ar- <. •• t $6000 gent, Mrs. Douglas Campbell, heard from and the many new 00 S OlnaD Mayor :Matthew C. Patterson, trv heard critics of the poltcy "uou , . F S h J d M PIS Cl J }' of the City of Grosse Pointe thur Louwers, Auito was ob- ch'allen~e I'tS s,upporters. ~Ic. Provide More Benches rom ymp ony r. an rs. au . app, r. fami Ies that have used the Ow F- served driving west on Kerche- " M GI R J t d Memorial this year the $7,500 Park will read the Gold Star George Bundy, special assist. In addition to the harbor :md rs. aney e-e ec e still needed will come in. n lreman Honor Roll. Wreaths will be val. at Balfour, at 5:15 a.m. by ant t(. ~he Presiden, on nation- canal work, th~ sidewalk at the A free concert by the Detroit , Mrs. Alfred R. Gla~cy, Jr. placed "ly the Auxiliary of Patrolmen William C ran d a 11 al security affairs. bowed out of north end of the children's pool Symphony Orchestra is being was re-elected as presIdent of To that end, programming for Mrs. Hilda MacKenzie, 68, of Alger Post 995, V.F.W. and the and Robert Warren. A 16-year- th(' debate at the last minute has be~n widened to provide offered to the residents of the board. Vice-presidents 2re the summer is proceeding with 1968 Lancaster, was her own Auxiliar~r of American Legion old Roseville boy was in Auito's but his role as chief defender ll1"re room for benches. This Grosse Pointe on Tuesday, May' Dr. Charles E. Brake, Miss Ca- a fine Summer Music Festival ."in~man on Wednesday, May !2, Grosse Pointe Post 303 assisted car. I. of the Adrr.inistration's policy is the area usua!ly reserved 25. Richard Snook of the staff rolyn Wheeler and Mrs. Don. scheduled featuring Maestro ~hen sh.e put out a small fIre by Girl Scout Troop 1463,Brown- When the officers a.pproach. was taken over by Prof. Robert for mothers who try to spot of Grosse Pointe High School aId A. Blomquist. Sixten Ehrling, Albert Tipton, m her kItchen. ell Junior High School. ed to question him, Auito step- SC3lapinf' of the University of I th('ir ~wimming tots. announced to:.lay. Charles V. Hicks, Jr. was flutist, William Doppman, Con- According to a report she I ped on the gas and drove away h 100 000 cert pianist and several other .' Volley, Taps and Echo will be Callfornia. Morhe t tan h" i The City has also installed V3lte,' Poole will conduct the Be1eCctelidt;easuredr; Mrs. John musicians from the Detroit Sym- ma~e to Woods Pubhc Saf~ty given by buglers Ronald Mad- at high speed, the policemen in others heard t e eac'In O!l' a catch basin outside the exit concert schedul"d for 8:15 . 0 ettl, re.c~r 109 se~retary, offIcers, a ~ylon apron hangmg asz and Dwight Prideaux and pursuit. The Detroiter ignored Vietnam on speci~! radio broad. of the adu~t's pool which will in th " . p.m~ and M~s. WIllis Bugbee, cor- phony under the directillD of n.ear the ~Itc~en range. caught the f:ring squad of Alger Post stop streets and signal lights to casts to more than 100 college eliminate water accumulation . e ~natotlum of Gross_ respondmg secretary. Gordon Staples. fIre, and 19mted a '.vall calen- 995 V F W avoid the patrolmen, it was said. POIUte HIgh School. Featured R d t f E'I .1__ d h d b d . . . campuse'". which has in the past made the soloist will be Emilio Llinas I The Northwestern Way n e enowne ar pro essor ml ~. an scorc e a cup oar , Crandall and Warren radioed • .. '" . surrounding lawn extrem~ly .... . I County Child Guidance Clinic, Weddige from the University of the" wall and the plastic frame for assistance, and Sgt. Henry Monday. MHY 17 muddy. i The evenmg of fme mUSICIS which opened on Septemb:.>r 28, Michigan and Robert Wilbert 0:£ the door chim~s. NO VIOLATIONS n Coonce and Patrolman Henry I~ VIENNA. AUSTRIA So- Cantwell said that sump: :tlloss.oreMdt b~ tphe ~eCOrdingTrlnt' 1964, provides diagnosis and ~~~te~;~Y::d ~::ee w~~i~eersl~~YSf' Mrs. MacKhenhziedbumehd bonet A car driven by Henry Md' Wilson were dispatched to help. "iet Foreign "Hnister And!"2i ~ump~ han been added to the ' n~s USIC er.,omlers ~s treatment to emotionally dis- mger on eac an as s e ea Domzalski. Jr. of 15701 Win . They arrived as Auito and the Gromvko conferred yesterday fIlter plant and the interior of Fund o~ !he DetrOIt Federaho~ turbed children in the five doing for the young peopl~- the flames out with a small rug. mill Pointe drive struck a car 16-year-old jumped out of the With 'world lead<'rs. He met the bath house has been re- of MUSICIans and the DetrOIt Grosse Pointes, Harper Woods a -singing school, art camps, She was taken to Saratoga Hos. I driven by Kurt Armin Reinstein car in the 1400 block of Bea- with }'oreiIW Minister MauriC'('!1decG,'atl'd.. Symphony Orchestra, and a section of Detroit. Since guitar classes, ballet classes, a ~ital for treatment of the bum. of 971 Lakeshore on Friday, consfield and tried to escape N t F tt Y 't . 200 h'ld summer theater and infonnal d f' b d ght.-.r hOlTI 4 Th Do 1 k' ('oun'e de :\lurviIlt' of France I 0 orge mg oung I The pro g ram i n c Iud e s 1 s opemng, over c I ren e mgers y a au <. W May 1. e mza S I car, go. on foot. The pair were cornered for two ~ours to discuss. th: I Six. small park benches for II Mozart's "Symph?ny #40", Me~. and thejr parents have been dances in the ailts at 4'08 nals. At Somerset and Mack, Services Board for matching effort WIll contmue until Mf;m~ port a bit of the old world to sidewalks of the Vilbge." the county jail for the reckless WIth the rebel mO\iement. hea i :t.m., Sunoay, May 16. I the boy lost control and the funds and expects to receive orial Day. '. . . Grosse Pointe Village will mark Chairman of the International driving, and 10 days for driving ed by Co~ Francisco Caama~o;" Park P~lice Chief Arthur car ran into a parking meter these during the latter half of The Center IS most gratifIed the gala International Festival, Festival, Milt Volkens, lists the without a license. Deno. which could settle that LOuwers dIsclosed on Tuesday, Iat the location, and came to a 1965. with the fine response the com- sponsored by the Grosse Pointe various activities to be held country's civil war. U~d~r te~r:ns ~Iay 18. that Patrolmen Gary stop. Although the major emphasis munity has made so far, ~nct Commerce & Civic Association, throughout the three.day Festi. The 16-year-old was held un- of the agreement, It IS saId. :\1itchell and Richard Warren,! Th' at the Clinic is upon individual wishes to thank the foIlowll1:g a highlight' of the :.;pring sea- val. til 1 p.m., and released to his Antonio Guzman, a farm owner while on routine patrol on Way- ; e boy Jumped oU,t of the treatment, the board of di- g~nerous supporters for theIr son, this Thursday, Friday and The Grosse Pointe Artist parents. Both he and Auito have and businessman. would sen'e burn. at Vernor, noticed .a car. and sped away on foot. The rectors has 'initiated a number gifts received in the last two Saturday. League will be locate! at Himel- records, police said. ;IS president of the Dominican young man, atout 14 or 16 years ~~flcers w~re un~bl~ to catcJ of programs aimed towards de- weeks. Ervin A. Steiner, Jr., who is hoch'~. The Grosse Pointe Art- Chief Louwers said that Det. Republic until December 1966 of age in a 1960 Chevrolet Be. eCh~oufngLser, an .e esca~u, vclop:ng mental hygiene ap- Mr. and Mrs. John Pear, Mr. in charge of special events for d ists will be in the Gas Company James LaPratt investigated the when a successor would be cause the boy appeared so Ie ouwers sal. on .L"IJet>roaches within the commun- and Mrs. DuWayne J. Peterson, the Internationai Festival, tells C(;ntet' loung~ 01} Sat~ay. ~ matter o~ the younger boy he. chost:n in a scheduled e!ection. young, the officer decided to ~uesday date, that an mvestlga- ity. One of these programs of- Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Petz. of a few things which will be at the ,HOSPItality (;eD~er WIll ing with Auito so early in the Brig. Gen. Antonio Imbert .~ar- stop hi~ for. questioning. . i ~~~e~e:r~~~:;cC;;e~afacnadrCwOa~ fers consultant service to the Mr. and Mrs. Alfred M. on hand in the Village. "The be a diSplay of 1J?craman arts Imorning, and concluded that rera. head of the oppOSItIOn1 The )uvemle had other Ideas. I '" p teachers in the 19 private and Rente, James Russo, Bernard popcorn wagon will be back, and ~afts along ~lIth p~ople. of there was enough evidence to military J'unta however. has re. : When he saw the police C&. ap- . ltn. . In DetrOIt, a few hours cooperative n u r s e r y schools A. Schenk, Mrs. B. R. Secord, selling popcorn, carmel corn l Ukraman descent m theIr natlye show Auito contributed to the " I ear ler 'th' th d b th D d M s Arthur G Seski fused to resign in favor of a I proaching. he stepped on the: '. . WI.. 1O e area serve y e r. an r . ., and cotton candy. There will costumes to talk to the. public. delinquency of the 16-year-old (;uzman coalition, The hostili.: ;:as pedal and roared off at The vehIcle.. belongmg to Chmc. . Mrs. F. A. Shefferly, Mr. and be a flower cart in front of At Kay Baum'6 thert' WIll be a . ties in that small republic con-, high speed. The officers ga ..e : Donald S. ~arI'lsh ,of 6900 B~r- Another program lDvolves Mrs. R. A. Smart, Mr. and Mrs. Lingeman's Florist Shop and display of Armenian lterns along When he is released from jail, tinued yesterday with the Ich~se. I' well, DetrOIt, w~s stolen whlle Inew cIass:oom !eachers at Par. J. Pearson Stanley, Mr. and for the men in the family, a with people of Armenian des- the chief said, Auito will be re- heaviest fighting of the three- The chase through Park the owner was In a Kercheval cells Jumor HIgh School and Mrs. Lennard O. Swansor Mr. display of foreign alJ'S with cent who will also be in CO&- arrested on the contributing week-old war. streets was at 80 miles an hour, (Continued on Page 4) (Continued OD Pale %) (ContiDued on Page 2) salesmen on hand in case you (ContIDaed OD Page Z) charge.

..------_._------Pagft Two "thursday, May lOt 19b5

PRESCRIPTION CRAIG HOLLIDGE, son of . MR. and MRS. KENETH B. War Me'Jlorial Center Drive Stil,l Needs $7,500 to Reach Goal Child Clinic An eminent psychologist reo HOLLIDGE, N Audubon road centIy said, "Yaur C'hildren! was recently elected a commit: (Continued from Page 1) 1 bert D. To~~?n. Marshall F. R. A. Waters, Dr. and Mrs. Allen W. Dickie, Mr. and Mrs. den Peez, Mrs. Marie E. Pressel, (Continued fFom Page 1) should have fun. Take them to Itee member of the student gov. and Mrs. Donald M. D. Thur-l Troester, Wilbam A. Walker, John N. Wolfe, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar J. Dietrich, Mr. and Mrs. Mi-. and Mrs. VIctor Ptasznik, emphasizes the development of the G.P.U.S. Carnival June ernment at The Leelanau ber, Mr. and Mrs. Richard F'I Mr. and Mrs. Virgil B. Walling, Peter M. Wolfe, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Georgi, David A. Gosselin, Mr. and Mrs. Casimer Radman, a deeper understanding of the 4.5." Schools, Glen Arbor, Mich. Tomkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Her. E. F. Wambold. E. O. Warren, Philip I. Worcester. Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Hallen. Mrs. Edna Lee Root. Richard H. character and needs of the ado- .. lit * beck, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Scholl, Mrs. II. W. 8el1ew, Mr. lescent. The board also main- April 21 HeUer, Mr. and Mrs, F. J. and Mrs. Charles E. Sweet, Jr., tains an active Speakers' Serv- Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Anderson, Holtz, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Clar- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence L. Thomp- ice and has fulfilled over 50 Mr. and Mrs. G. William Auch. ence A. Horn, Mr. and Mrs. son, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Vie- speaking engagements during I Mrs. Raymond B. Baer, Mr. George W. Johnson, Mrs. Ernest weg, Mr. and Mrs. Howard A. the past year to churches, pa- and Mrs. Don W. Bain, Mr. P. LaJoie, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Westphal, Mrs. F. J. Winckler, rent groups and service organ-I and Mrs. Marlynn Bandlow, Landis, Mr. and Mrs. James Dr. H. G. Yesayian. izations. COOPER Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Bliss, W. Lee. II, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. " '" • I Dinner Dance Follows CHRIS CRAFT Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Buttrick, Lotgerin,. The Mothers Club of A . I To celebrate the completion Harry A. Carson, Mrs. John H. Grosse Pointe High School, Dr. pnl Z6 'of a most successful first year SALfS, INC. We Kid You Not. Castle, Mrs. Martin Castricum, and Mrs. W. Neeb, Mrs. Thomas Dr. and Mrs. P. M. Agnone, the meeting was followed by a Mr. and Mrs. John E. Caulkins, Neeme. Mr. and Mrs. J. J., Mr. and Mrs. James Alexis, Mr. dinner dance. Hot canapas and NOBODY UNDERSELLS Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Chosy, Newcomb, Par e n t s Without and Mrs. Ira Russell Allen, Mrs. cocktails were served in the liv- Edward D. Convery, Mr. and Partners, L. E. Russell. John J. Leon Alvarez, Karl S. Ande~son, ing room lit by candlelight and IMrs. William P. Conway, Mr. Schonenberg, Jr .• Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. LeRo~ Ashfield, decorated by magnificent bou- One Stop Shopping WOODY PONTIAC and Mrs. Arthur C. Dannecker. Sylv~ster C. Shea, Mr. and Mrs. M~.. and Mrs. ~I!rl W. Asmus, quets of springi"flowers. Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Dau, S. W. Sorensen, Jr., Mr. and Wtlham L. Bane, ¥..rs. Fr~ was served from 'double tables ROAMER YACHTS AND DON'T EVER FORGET IT! Laurence B. Einfeldt. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin F. Storey, John L. C. Barrows, Stanley E. Beattie, in the candlelight dining room, Mrs. John W. Finkellstaedt, Mr. Vogt, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Rupert A: Benson, covered with cloths embroid- Steel and Aluminum and Mrs. Louis A. Fisher, Jr., IWatson. Mr. and Mrs. George Mr. and Mrs. J. Lesl~e Berry, ere~ with the ca~tive Unicorn TW 1-1600 Allen T. F:o-ederick, Mr. and Herbert Zimmermail. Mr. and Mrs; John Birch, Mr. m?tif of the. Umcorn Tapes- Mrs. James M. French. • '" '" ,Clnd Mrs. Tho.Das Black, Mr. and, trIe~, The ClOisters. 12140 JOI. Campau at Carpenter, H~lf.Mile S. of Davison ? Dr. and Mrs. M. L. Gardner, IMrs. G.. H.. Bobertz, Jr., Mr. and FlOe ferns 'surrounded the I I Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Gardner, April 23, IMrs. Wlllla~ .E. Bo~ram, Mr. centerpieces of ~orot~y Dough. I LYMAN CLINKER BUILT BOATS Grosse Pointe Federation of Dr and Mrs James A Abbott and Mrs. WIlham Bradley, ~Ir. ty Royal Worcester birds. ,Teachers, Miss Betty C. Grebe, Mr. ~nd Mrs. john L. B~th, Mr: and, -Mrs. Harold Br~nker, MISS .Music, during' dinne.r wa.s pro . 19' - 21' - 25' - 28' Emil C. Grob, Mrs. Frank and Mrs. Harold R. Boyer, Mr. Minam Buncher, Mr. and Mrs. vlded by the ~ack ,Pitt t~IO and Large Selection of '. Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Darrell and Mrs. Willis C. Bul1ard_ Mr. W. S. Burke. the guests enJoyed danclOg on Marine Jackets, Jewelry, Yacht • T Jones Mrs Barbara Hand Mrs W"l' M C I t Mr. and Mrs. Gordon N. ~. the terrace and lo the hall. . , . .' . _ hiS . arp<,n er, eron, Mrs. E. McMtllan Caulkins, _~_~- Caps, Crocks, Lamps, and Many While You're DOlvntown' Kammer, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mr. and M. s. John P. Cushman, Mr and Mrs Dallas J Chapin CAR HIT ,J. Kelly. Mr .. and Mrs. J. S. Mr. and Mrs. William M. Day, Mr: and Mrs: Anthony' W. Col: City police issued a ticket to Other Nautical Items During 3.D Days ••• Ladendorf, MISS Margaret L. Raymond ~ddy, Mr. and Mrs. ett, Mrs. Kins Collins, Mr. and Myrtice Chynoweth of Copper I Layson. Mr. and Mrs. Raymo~d John E. EllIS, Mr. and Mrs. John Mrs. T. R. Collioud, Mr. and Mrs. Harbor, Mich. after the car she Pa...ed Parking for Your Convenience C. Leonard, Mr. and Mrs. WII- I B. Foster, Mr. and Mrs. Law- KLnneth Cook, :Mr. and Mrs. was driving struck one driven 24910 JEFFEKSON AT TEN MILE ROAD COME IN AND SEE ber H. Mac~, Mr. and Mrs. rence Gotfredson! ~r., Mr. apd Cecil E. Cooke, Mr. and Mrs. by Michael Ralph Cooper of 850 I' R. J. Maranh', Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Maxwell Griffith, Dr, and R. W. Cunningham, A. L. Dam- Lakeland. The accident oc- PR 8~3200 THE "COOL LOOK" Homt:r R. nlarson, Mrs. Walter Mrs. Ivor D. Har:is, Mr. and man, Mrs. Ray E. Danaher, Mr. curred on Friday, May 14. , , M.Me~Mn.J.A~rtM~~~s.R~~~H~.~andandM~.~~D.~~~~ -~--~~-~~~-----~---~---~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-- !N SUMt,tER SUITS Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Nagelklrk, Mrs. J. D. Hitchens, Dr. and C. Davis, Mr.' and M~.s. Raymonrt h1lC'A'J.h1l(,'AJ.~(,'''' ~(,/f) .. if) Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Nobe!, Mrs. Donald Hogan, Mr. and Decraene, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent 1e;~e)ew:(!)~e)~(!)esr(!)y_:A~@'-NVJll7W'VJt>0)VJ\:>~)V~IdP /1IYlP~'~I~ Mr. and Mrs. Mark Oldam, Mrs. Samuel N. Irwin. Mr'. and R. DePetris. The deGrimmt' Miss Betty J. Parkinson. , Mrs. Frank Jerger, Jr., Mr. and Galleries, Detroit ::'Ifortgage & ...~ ~. Raeford Mr. and Mrs. Gordon W. Mrs. Richard Kageff. Dr. and Realty Co., Mrs. J. Kent Devre, 'U IST ~ d» Pilot, Arthur J. Price, Maud C. Mrs. Gordon It Maitland. "Ir. and Mrs. Maurice DeVuyst, ~ TAKE INCHES OFF YOUR WA ~ Raymont, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mrs. David G. McCabe,' Mr. :\1rs. J. Hastings Downie, Mr. ~ ~ A. R i c h a r d son, Mrs. L. S. and Mrs. Leslie P. McDougal, and Mrs. E. G. Doyle, Mrs. L. S. ~ ~ Roehm, J. Henry Schaffhauser, W. C. McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs. Dudley, Dr. and Mrs. Paul ~ w';th Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Scott, Mr. Oscar' A. J. Monrad, O'Leary Dumke. " ~~I 2180~~ and Mrs. George H. Smith. Mrs.- Cadillac. Inc., Mrs. H. VerLin- (To Be Continued) Clarence Snyder, Mrs. James ---~------,~---~---~-, ,-----, ~~ MANDATE ~ •• blond o' Docro" Surbrook, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. ~~ a,,1t li,htw.ICJht worsted Taylor, Mrs. James Teetzel, ,,:: .:', ~ • fantastically IICJht Wilbur J. B. Thomas, Mr. and A .float or Ashore ;/.<;~ ~ ~ Mrf Donald A. Walker, Mr. J l "". ~ ~ • suporbly cool ~r~. ~~~se~e~.ldW~ton~~.re~: >~j ~ • holds shape TOP _SID E R men's undershorts ~I b!:Glltlfully w:::ey~hart.':rl~~2Bishop.Mr. b,} Sperry ;,1,1 ~ ~i and Mrs. George Blake, Mr. J;;;« ~ and Mrs. William C. Boydell, ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. John Cairns, Mr. ~ ~I and Mrs. Lampton J. Cardwell, .: ~'" ~ I Positively th. most c:om. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Carey, '",'," I~ I fortablll lumm,r luit, t.;I- I ,:\::" I or.d b.. utifully by O.~- Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Defever, I loe.m ill II wid, rang. of I -----~----~-~- I '.:',.:., ~ With ~martly tailored styling ~' becoming sh.d... S.. it tod.y - try it on - you'll . B h ~ for men who want to look fit, ~ iii. convinced. Clty eae ~ feel great, with trim athletic ~ WE ' appearance., ~ AN EXCEPTIONAL (Continued from Page 1) t,:( ~ MANDATE comfortably ~, VALUE AT 79.50 ThE:: annual budget of Grosse 1 ;~:::;;:::\ Sure looted conl/ort ~ -. ':~(' provides vital masculine sup- ~II Pointf! City will come before Kt the Council Monday night at %r: on Deck, 'Court or Campus _: port, and br~ces up tired back ~ ' SI.d •• f 'h •• 111.... 1fabric, ft.•5 20.00 its monthly meeting. A public ',',,'. ~ ".- ':". ~., muscles. In brief and boxer ."rI CANVAS hearing on the budget was held ~ ORDER BY.IZE: style. l~~ Comfort classical oxford. America"s foremost boating shoe, last Saturday, May 15, at the In white, Navy or breton red. New slip-on, N,SY on-casy ..fl. In white. City Offices. ~~ Small (32~3(), Medium (31).37), 95 l~"" I 9.95 ~ kedium Large (38-40), Larie (U~(3), 5 ~ WHALING'S Cantwell also told the NEWS and Extra Larle (44-46'. that about 120 catch basins in LEATHER ~ Add 4" ules tax for .hipml'nta in Sate. I~i men's w€an the City are in the process of Hantl.crafted elk tanned cowhide Illoccasin ,hat dries soft. oeing rebuilt or replaced. The Moccasin comfort with Top-Sider safety. In dark brown. 520 WOODWARD 7 MILE near LIVERNOIS .::,':. No"" of City.County IldQ, o?U T~urs, .nd Fri. E"II. Irepairs are in all areas except 18.95 ~~.. ~..h:::..~ r--;I~.:~:;t~:;:lowi~g----~ I, AND IN THE FISrtER BUILDING -'7L-TI;.-.0"7_~'7~ Mandates at $5.95 LTD. I BRITI I ~ QUANTITY SIZES ;" I ~ Woodwar~~~ ?r~~~"~.irCUS Park !, :~:;r ! ::;:::::'" :, : I ~l I Nam. I ~~.:.:;,,: Festival From England i;.\t TU 2-8970 ::::::: (Continued from Page 1) .... ,::: !.,:,:::::,:' I 1JSi'rg)~~~M~~~~~~ ~~:r... 5tlte__ I tume tn meet ana greet ViHage " I L C.. h 0 Charge a -..JI shoppers. MACINTOSH I Best & Co. will feature a Far East th~me in their store and t it will be highlighted by lovely, 11/eathercoats costumed, Japanese worn e n. • There will also be a portrait i artist at Best's doing sketches and caricatures. t An Italian display will pre- i The authentic, vaii at S. Stein and Co. The i Peter Pan shop will house the rare old coins tell the original crafts and costumes of the Am- • • • • i erican Indian. Walton Pierce Story of Man for 4000 i Macintosh. will feature a display of authen. tic costumes from the Metro- years in the wuque i Britain's jinp.st politan Opera Co. The costumes i which will be shown in their i rainwear. windows a..e from Samson and i Delilah. Rigoletto, Tosca. Otello j and Madame Butterfly. Along MONEY EXHIBIT witb the costumes, will be the i authentic wig worn by Madame I Butterfly. at the , Jacobson'6 will f eat u r e French, Swedish ana Danish. t pastries on their main floor as Kercheval. St. Clair Office well as international food items on the menu in their tea room. .., :.~ The gay colors, costumes, per. sonality and costumes of the NATIONAL BANK :-...:~ I )1exican people will be featured i : ',:: ':',,< at the shop of E. J. Hickey. OF DETROIT i j:i:::,:i~ Th~Sd~~, ~~~e~o,a~~~~t~fJI ~~ I ," . Mexican musicians and dancers on display in the Village all day to enter- tain the shoppers. Thursday, May 20 thru Tuesday, June 1 SoutJ

NEW BOSS during regular banking hours ,",,', Many a self-made man loses IMPERV!ON (':::::'his Identity when he gets tied ,::,:::,< up with a tailor-made wife. I The fi1icst light weight rain wear. comp:ctely :self lined. Permanently proofed. even after washing or • dry cleaning. In Dover Sand, 50.00 • coins that tell of ancient traders, pirates, merchants, seafarers. VISCOUNT Gros5t Hcor;cr lcctght 1l'1th traditional Macintosh pl~id 1m. • coins exchanged for goods in the market places of the Holy mg. Wr~r for rain OT snmc. Permanently prOOfed Pointt N~ws of course. in light Fawn, ,39.50 Land dUIing the time of Christ. PublJsbed every Thursday by ADteeoo Publlshers_ Inc. • the "Vvidow's Mite" of the Bible. 99 Kercbeval Avenue Grosse PolDte 36, Michigan -: '. Phone TU 2-6900 • coins of the mysterious East. Three Trunk !Jnes Second Clall POltar. paid at De. ,. coins that tell of lost cities and forgotten temples. trolt, Mtebl.fall. ,:: Subscription Ratel $5.IJO F~r Year ,', "~'by Mall ('6,00 outside Wayne • Live for a moment in ancient times, then tour the modem world ,',,::, County). All Nf'w, and Adverl\sJn~ I :,"':~ Copy Must Be In The !"ewl Offl!'\' , JA1 17140 ~:,:): by Tueaday NOOll to Inlure Inael through the exhibit's collection of foreign coins and paper money. ,-/;.: tion. , ~::"::'-'99 Kercbeva1 Avenue. GrollI' Pointe "', ; ~/ FInD'. Mlchl,aD ~. -_._.- - - _.. ._._-_ .._._._.-.I '~~,t:';',,:~~M:lIZ:C~:}!Ef{tW~~M~Zfj]1VI~~~:. ofaIt~Jr F~~~::lo~

r - - -~~ ...... ------...--- - ...... 0 ~ ...... £_ .... S£!lll._....._ ••• __ £_ 4 ...5 S &2. .... we__ a...... a It a ,....= U...... $ 0 a .-...------~~ u u - a p • • - -~ - - . - ~ -

May to, IV65 _ ThursJay. May 20, 1965 G R0 SSE POI N TEN E W S Page Three HOLLIDGE. SOn of 'IRS. KE:'\ETH B "~. of Audubon road' 1\' elt>cted a commit: r of the student gOY. at The Leelanau lell------Arbor. Mich. t Come !loin the (;fun . . . . . !In the ')lllagf t\,... ~ I GROSSE POINTE VILLAGE . Hng HTS urn gPJItN ..~ TE TIO r BOATS 28'

Yacht Many FESTIV L

\lLE ROAD Thursday, May 20th-Friday, May 21st-Saturday, May 22nd

f ' * * * * * * * * * * *" progralD *" of * events' ~ "- FREE ling UNITED STATES .... * fit, etic *" MEXICAN tbly MARKET :up. *" FIRST CLASS TI KET ark ROUND TRIP )xer *" Authentic native crafts, costumes iC ,(Tax Included) * UKRANIAN * FOLK DISPLAY g Embroideries, ceram.ics, wood. i * SIZES BRITISH ISLES * works

* ARMENIAN !at. .0______.J * FOLK DISPLAY • * Needlework, pastries, costumes • i' * • vIa AMERICAN Ii *" ! INDIAN MARKET A ERICAN i * i MEXICO * I * AUTHENTIC • .AIRLINES IT i ORIENTAL SETTINGS i t * • * Plus many other foreign displays, ~ ASTROJET * International Fe s t ival booth, • i There's nothing to buy ... get your free tickets at any of the . foreign , old fashioned pop- participating stores listed below. There will be fun for every I * corn wagon, art exhibits, and • member of the family. I * much more. -te WINNERS WilL S'E SELECTED IN FRONT OF DAY TRAVEL CO., 0" >1 p.m., May 22nd 1 I I South Amelica 16847 KERCHEVAL I.n( ';arrison's)

Tickets Available at Any of the Following Participating Stores se~farers. , f the Holy I Baskin-Robbins 31 Ice (ream Hickey's Mr. McCourt s. Stein & (0. of Christ. I Best & (ompany Himelhoch Bros. Neel's Shoe Store Village Manor f the Bible. . Jacobson's ous EasL The Camera (enfer Noire Dame Pharmacy WalfonPierce n temples. Day Travel Company Kay Baum Peck & Peck York Jewelers dern world t Eddie MtGrath, Pholography Kopp's Pharmacy permoncy. t JAPAN. - . Finl Federal Savings S. S. Kresge (0. Pefer Pan Children's Wear Young Men's Wear

, ~~S .2__ ----- u C& & a a • a - - .-

Page Four Thursday, Mtly ZO, 1965 Thursday, May GROSSE POINTE NEWS ---- 'itte*" ~** SERVING 3 GENERATIONS OF SMARi DETROITERS ir Language Woods ¥ouths It It Checking Over Safety Test Details lit It Jt It Grosse Pointe Rig Escape Death li- It has twelve winners in t I} «joss AWNINGS It language awards com (Continued from Page 1) I} I} l'he greatest numbe AND ••• vle.. A.I ••• 1' It bushes.. A motorist coming : ners was from the Sp from the opposite direction, in- It Visit Our Showroom .-:*It partment. For contes formed the officers of the Ioca. I It It third year Spanish, Shie '. Jt placed first, Carol Gr tion of'the car. ... or Just Call _': J} Shores Police Chief Thomas It ond, and Cheri Martin ~I} t~c state of ~ichigan. Cochill said that the youths : LO 7.0890 It were lucky they had been • .!...rL ~J} glrls are seniors. I tossed out of the car by the It fREE ESTIMATE. NO MONEY DOWN .- Winners with two / force of the first impact. The.'" --,-Jt study in Spanish are second impact, which totally '. Green, a senior, first pI '"'- demolished the car, could have 2941 E. JEFfERSON AWNIIIGS * FlAGS * POLES RQger Wayne, a junior easily killed Crawford and Jer- SWIMMING POm. COYERS place, in the state of ger, he said. OPEN SAT. TIll 12 NOON In the category for When questioned by Mustazza with ou~: de c1assr{)om and Marshall at Bon Secours ence, Ann Kuechenme Hospital, Crawford said that senior, placed third. he did not remember what had iD_~ lived in Argentina for t happened. He was informed bj' a half years. the officers that they had seen All are students of _ several empty cans of beer in ward Franco. The ann the car, aud they had detected NEW SHIP'S WHEEL .amination, sponsored an alcoholic odor on his breath, SAILING JACKm YOUR ONE American Association of whereupon, Crawford admitted WITH THE HIDDEN HOOD- I~~~r:'6R ers of Spanish and Po he and several others had heen WATER.PROOf, WIND.PROOF ALL BOAT was given ~'. the begin A WAGONFUL OF SERVICE ••• drinking beer, purc.hased for SUPPLIESI April. Winners, who w A WAGONFUL OF PROTECTION them by an older man. FAMOUS NORPOLE , go on to complete for Since none of the witnesses BY PEPPERELL honors, will receive dicti 'Jlhe Auto Club offers the wagonful of ser;ices and had fully seen the accident, no 100% Nylon Fabric, and certificates. protections that modern motorists need. violation tickets were issued to Specially Coated In the German depa Anxious to promote anything to in- ard Time. Shown checking details of the Crawford, it was said. • World-faMous travel service Gisela Hesse, a senior, including routings, still safety in the minds of today's motor. contest, are Police Lt. ROLAND SY- • Sperry Topldders the best examination fo reservations, tour books, maps and guides. ists, the Woods Department of Publie MONS, traffic safety officer; Woods Safety Footwear year students but was in Safety is backing "The National Drivers' Councilman THOMAS E. LEAH, and Worn in Your Ear as German is spoken . • Broad personal accident insurance. • Nautical Gifts • Around-t~e-clock, prt:paid road service. Test," prodL.ced by the CBS News, in local gas station operator DAVE RICH- home. Third place winn NEW, "SOLITAIRE" Brigette Wienecke, also • Protective $5,000 bail bonds. cooperation with the National Safety ARDS. Official test forms may be ob- • Nautical Supplies Council and sponsored by the SheH Oil tained from the Woods Public Safety NO CORD - NO TUBE ior Lead the Way ••• Join AAA Today • Autostereo Winners in second yea company. The test will be held on the Department, 20025 Mack, or any Shell NO SEPARATE EARMOLD With Continuous TIP. cartrldg. CBS-TV Network on Monday, May 24, station. • Canadian C~art. from 10 p.m. to 11 p.m., Eastern Stand- Wh:r Should Yo GROSSE POINT! DIVISION 'he .hlp'. wh•• I, inc. Buy A Lowrey 15415 E. J.ff.,.." Geoffrey C,.ooks Police Ticket Carnival Poster 19605 Muk Av•• Phone 821.8000 Open Friday Nights 'tll 9 TU 2~1340 Organ? ? ? George Measel, Memager Prize Scholar 'Upset' Driver Winners Named This is a family instru The Law School of the Uni- A Harper Woods motorist Winners in the Poster Con. everyone will enjoy. You versity of Chicago has notified who claimed he was mad be- test for the 1965 Grosse Pointe able to play songs d first -~------.~------Geoffrey Crooks, n 1961 Grosse cause another uriver had cut University School CarniV'al have the lesson. Adults Pointe High School graduate him off on Mack avenue, and been chosen. children alike can learn now in his final seme~ter at he was trying to reciprocate, Receiving the first awards Vote Monday - June 14 C3se. Haverford College, of his selee- We3 arrested by Woods pulice were: Sally Weaver, 12th Gr'ade; NOW YOUR E~l'IRE tion as a Floyd Russell Mechem on Saturday, May 15, and Catherine Lilly, 11th Grade; ILY 'WIIL GET 6 MO Prize Scblar for 1965. He is charged with reckless driving. Deborah Renaud, 10th Grade; OF LESSONS WITH the son of }Ir. Cind :\'lrs. Lee I In a report of the incident, and Daniel Han, 9th Grade. Re-elect PURCHASE OF A Crooks, of Torrey Road. Sgt. Jack Mast and Patrolman Each year a competiHon is LOWREY ORGAN AT As a Mechem Scholar he will Theodore Hinz disclosed that held among Grosse Pointe Uni. ~1USIC CENTER. receive a grant of $3,200 f'lr while they were patroling n(}rth versity School students and the The Music Center is 0 the 1965-66academic year at the on Mack at about 11:50 p.m., prize-winning poster is used to Edward J. CREATORS OF SHOWPLACE LAWNS ing a group lesson for L.aw School and the award is they observed Thomas C. Lie- publicize the Carnival. The Car- entire family. Everyone Gra~ Lawn Spray Service is II v.lo~.d by W.... Q:.ce & Ce. renewable for the second and bau, 27, of 2OS12 Hampton, pro1essionallawn improvement Oavl,on ChemlQI OM,lon ... JJival, set for June 4-5, is to learn to play the new Lo program of fertilization. weed I"d.r In world alrlcultur. third years of study. This year's spet!ding at 60 miles an hour, raise money for scholarships Organ. Just think of the and lawn pest control •.. de. alne. 1132. Mechem Selection Committee and g,ave chase. which are awarded to deserving Pongracz lRJ joyment and closeness was headed by the Honorable The officers said that during students of unusual promise in can bring into your h FREE SURVEYI Tom C. Clark, Associate Justice the chase Liebau cut in and the metropolitan Detroit area. to the Office of Trustee Cares an~ tensions di of the U.S. Supreme Court, out of traffic, cutting off three pear as you and others chairman, and included the other motorists. They finally Car Th;ef of the learn to play and liste CALL LI 1-0540 Honorable R~ger J. Traynor, stopped the Harper Woods II gether. Chief Justice of the California man. Grosse Pointe At "The Music Center" .~\t; Supreme Court and other prom. When asked his reason for \ .-- get these additional bene or JO 4-6408 inent men in the legal profes. speeding and bis manner of (Contmued f~om Page 1) J' sion. driving, the policemen st9.ted, bar. T~e ~ar, shgMI~ damaged Board of Education 6 months or lessons for : Crooks is a Ruasian major at Liebau told them that he was when 1t h1t the parkl!1g meter, ~ntire family with the chase of any new Lo' Haveriord, having been intro- upset at another motorist who was :eturned to Pa~lsh. Presentfy President of the Grosse Poi!"te Board of Education Organ. Free delivery anc duced to that language as a had cu~ him off, an? that he . Ch1,,'f Louwers smd that the cellent service. This is member of the first Russian was trymg t<;,catch ~lm and do IdentIty of the young car thief is An exper~enced men is needed to complete smme ~WTey Organ class at Grosse Pointe High the same thmg 1:0 h1m. not known. pions-voted by the Grosse Pointe Taxpayers Y'Ou've seen on TV. School. At Ha,,~rford he has Liebau was taken to the sta. ----- Your active participation in this importont wwrey Organs are a-a been program manager and ti.o~ ~hcre. he was issued a DON'T STRIKE OUT election is earn~stly solicited torized for econb he has with Fertilizer The Pointes$ Oldest Market done. ie~ 898 St. (,Iair Ave., near Mack TU 5-1565 TU5-1566


,". Beef Roast 'c.~1 RUMP OR ANTWERP CUT '<':~I{f , ..>.' HOME MADE Bulk Pork Saulage 45~ i~ &r:~ '''<'~';~ tudmen 1 BY POPULAR DEMANDl \l (r:spy fresh Spartan :. , , t:~~\~ Her~ Potato Chips ...~:~;;~.;:~~~:~~~:=;:::, FAMILY SIZE, POUND BAG 49~. pool. elM' and Inviting. Alik for CRISP-FLORIDA Nelson Chlorine ConclltloMr .nd Stabilizer, Diatom"', ptt a..... CELERY HEARTS ~ from Procter & Gamble utes, Pool Cleaners, pH Redu~ They must show r and Test Sets IInd Re.gr:ntRefills, BUNCH Agrico. ,Agrico G 2~ Safeguard ]litrogeD greens , A GREAT NEW SOAP FON DEMAND • lONGER .lASTING .fertility. That's' HOME GROWN DlODORANT PROTECTION GENUINE ILOIO Aarico on your ]a ASPARAGUS .... 1 .... • 1..... " llm U a.... , to a~IU", freedom from ~ J3~.lb.bIIfd C Mid 1I1p •• nd to m.IntiIIn ..... 2 BUNCHES 29 I Inity .tthe proper ..... Fo,. the William COpel'H',.f E•• t Detl"lit, pickin, ollt l/tIfIIar • GIANT SIZE inro/red nothing but lIappy deci,ions. Make, nHHlel,DOlor,.phol- NEW LO CALOIIE RED PHONE WE 3-1500 stery-.nd nerer 5 thought of m.".y, beclale Bill Cope/lnd fOR FREE POOL MAINTENANCE wbere the mORBY w•• from. bella I HAWAIIAN PUNCH • . CHART AND BROCHURE .Iready knew coming He'. LG. 46-0%. CA .... I checkin, account cu.to""r .t our S",nd Rirer-Joy Rud 'I ~ or see your Neilhborhood ."It» VIA 79 Nelson Dealer DETROIT f~r 39c ~ f~ 29c for 15ye.I'S. As I businessman (insunne.) Bill knew be'~ UN 3 FOR '1 I '.~""""";1,' , bl finlncing It our 10. b~nkret •• ; .nd he knew his •• 1.,..IIM BANK MURS Irran,. the IOBnby ,impl, phoning us. Ju.t " F~e Fn. 'OIl"ft.""... & TRUST 21807 M~ Delivery You can always be sure of QUALITY FOODS at Verbrugge Delivery Why /lOt CIIncentnte tin the fun .ide tJf clr bu,in,' Wit" ". ., .,. 6.,"a•.,...•nd" lUll, ta ""',--1"" ""..... Open Sund - . • »e .0 • a." ••• a' • 4 o • $ a P $ • $0 p --

_ Thursday, May 20. 1965 IY, May 20, !965 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Five

ART DETROITERS 'tf* .. Language AwardWinners Named may register on Saturday, June r Room 137. Registrations will be '*It- Summer School Session Registration Times Set 19, from 9 a.m. to 12 noon, in accepted, if there are openings. It- GrOSse Pointe High Sch~ol man are Tricia Brown, a senior, It- has twelve winners in this year's second pla~e, and Paul Grams, It- R.egistration times for sum. nior High School; Thursday, High School auditorium (Room' Grosse Pointe public school NINGS .. language awards competition. a junior, third plac~. These mer session classes schedlJ1ed May 20, 3:30 to 4:30 p.m., in 137), from 3:30 to 5 p.m. must present a form of regis- IE BEST • The greate~t number of win. winners, all str.dents of Mrs. by the Grosse Pointe Public Room A 221 at Pierce Junior They may also enroll on Fri- t~ation, oHai~ed fro m a~d .. ners was from the Spanish de- Adele Fritz, will be entertained School System have been an- High School; Friday, May 21, d June 18 from 10 to 11:30 s~gne~ by thelr counselors, m. /-7-~ -~. partment. For contestants in at a luncheon May 22 at Oak. nounced. Elementary classes 3:30 to 4;40 p.m.., in Room 213 ay,. . )dlcatlng the course or courses third year Spanbh, Shiela Smith land University. They will also are scheduled at Richard and a.m.., and from 1 to 3 p.m.. m they should take in summer / .' -."? II-tParcells Junior High School. placed first, Carol Groves sec. go on to compete in the na- Mason, junior high school ac- Residents of the G r 0 sse the High School auditorium school. • ond, and Cheri Martin third. in tional contest. The competi- tivities at Brownell, and the Pointe public school district (Room 137). Non-residents of the Grosse DAILY~ tn 5 • t~e state of Michigan. All three tion was sponsored by the •• program for grades 10 to 12 at who do not attend any Grosse All s t u den t s attendi'1g a Pointe public school district 1hJr.& FrL EIIl!'. .* gIrl,: are seniors. American Association of Teach. Grvsse Pointe High School. In Pointe public school may en- I "':30 to JO;(X) Winners with two "eal"S of e f r'~ ~. " rs 0 ,"""rman. . all four buildings classes will roll at any of the above build. •• study in Spanish are James Becaus(' of the great number be in session from Monday, ings. Yane'J ~ Hair Fashions -. Green, a senior, first place, and of students participating in the June 21,through Friday, July 30. Registration may also be GS it FlAGS ~ POLES Roger Wayne, a junil'T, second French competition, awards are Registration at Richard and made on Saturday, June 19, 'RENE HALL, PROP. place, in the state of Michigan. based on a iocal level rather Mason has been set as follows: from 9 a.m.. to 12 noon in Room NO APPOINTMENT ~MING POOL COYERS In the category for students than state-wide. NECESSARY Thursday, May 20, 4 to 5 p.m.; Blat Brownell Junior High Open 8:00 to 5:00 it with outside classroom experi. The Detroit Chapter first Friday, May 21, 4 to 5 p.m.; School. Non-residents of the Mon .thru Sat. • it cnce, Ann Kuechenmeister. a place winner for third year Evenings by Friday, June 18, 1:30 to 4 p.m.; Grosse Po~nte public school dis. appointment senior, placed third. She had French is Sue Axsom, a junior Monday, June 21, 8:30 to 11:30 Ii: trict may also register at this • Shampoo & Set Bl lived in Argentina for two and and student of Miss Ester Pore a.m. time if there are openings. a half years. ter. First place winner for ~ec- Registration for the junior For h i g h school classes, 1.75 All are students of Mr. Ed- ond year French is Chris Meier, high school sUm.!ner session has Grosse Pointe' public school dis- ward Franco. The annual ex. a sophomore and student of been set as folhws; Wednes- trict students may register I • Hair~~~Jn9.} _'\-:\~~ aminaticil, sponsored by the Mr. Francis Granger. These day, May 19, 3:30 to 4:40 p.m.., Wednesday, Thursday, and Fri- ONE American Association of Teach. girls will receive medals from in the cafeteria at Brownell Ju. day, May 19, 20, and 21, in the 14637 E. Jefferson-Porlting on church lot in rear-VA 2-4414 CF ers of Spanish and Portugese, the French govf'rnment. There FOR IOAT was given at the oeginning oi is no national contest. In the .IES! April. WiLlners, who will nuw Detroit area, there were 406 go on to complete for nationz.~ contestants in third year French honors. will receive dictior.aries! and 822 in second year French. and certificates The competition is sponsored .In the German department, by the American Association of G:..:da Hesse, a senior, wrote Teachers of French. the best examination for third )'ear students. but was in~ligible P · lte Moton.st as German IS spoken In hel"' 011 home. Third place winner was T k Off R d Briget~ Wienecke, also a sen- a ell oa ior. Why have Chrysler sales Winners in second year Ger. George A. Voight og 19956 E. ------"------~-iEmory court, had his operator9s [license suspended by the Sec- Why Should YOft retary of State's Office in La01- • I sin!,'" according to the latest re- !el, inc. Buy A Lowrey ;Jort received from James :\1. almost tripled around Detroit? O ? ? ? ~fare, Secretary of State. The TU 2-1340 rgan. • • report is daterl April 30. This is a family instrument Voight is listed as having his everyone will enjoy. You'll be license suspended because of an ablE to play songs during i un~atisfactory driving record. . HIS driving privileges have been Hie first lesson. Adults and children alike can learn with taken away from April 16 to ease. June 15. - June 14 Hare disclosed that during the NOW YOUR ENTIRE FAM- week of ihe report, the drivers' ILY WILL GET 6 MONTHS licenses of 520 Michigan motor. OF LESSONS WITH THE istS were suspended, and thos~ leef PURCHASE OF A NEW of 19 were revoked by his of- LOWREY ORGAN AT THE fice. MUSIC CENTER. The Music Center is offer. Auxiliary Picks rd J. ing a group lesson for the entire family. Everyone can learn to play the n'ew Lowrey Neu' Officers Organ. Just think of the en. leI ~ joyment and closeness this At the recent annual meeting can bring into your home. lof the Women's Auxiliary, Cares and tensions disap- Volunteers of America, Mrs. of Trustee pear as you and others will Stewart D. Schweitzer, of Berk- Ie learn to play and listen to- shire road, was re-elect~d as gether. president. Mrs. James R. Geldart, of .ointe At "The ~Iusi(' Center" you Beaufait road, was re-elected as get these additional benefits: second vice president. 6 months of lessons for your Membel Seat-large i n c 1u d e lucation entire family with the pur. Mrs. C. J. Burgess, of Beacons- chase of any new Lowr!'y field avenue and Miss Thekla ent of the Organ. FreP. delivery and ex- t of Education celler.t service. This is the Martin, of Moorland drive. Among the year's adivities needed to complete same Lowrey Organ that you've seen on TV. included in the annual reports ~se PC'inte Taxpoyc~s were the Auxiliary's contribu. Lvwrey Organs are transis- I in this important tions to Camp American Youth stly solicited torized hr e<..onomy and near Oscoda, l\'fJch., owned and tone quality. New Lowrey operated during the summer Edward J. Pongrau: Organs as low as $495.00. monihs by the Volunteers of Don't hesitate, visit The America. the annual fall An- Music Center for all Lowrey tique S~le, and the children's Organs. . Christmas Party. THE :MUSIC CENTER The purpose of the Women's 22933 Gratiot Near 9 Mile Auxiliary is to aid in the build. Hrs: 10 to 9 ing of community understand. PR 5-8000 ing and support of the work of ______--11 the Volunteers of America. -~-~ -~-~- ._------~------KILLS 19* BROAD LEAF LAWN WEEDS while it strengthens )~r lawn. 10-6.4 fertilizer oose. etIlCL Dandelloa. rs.nt.ln. lIlIsurd, FOIttIL Apply Agricof) Weed Control Now 'th Fertil-zer 1 bag ~eeds and a.AIu $495 WI I feeds ;;)000sq. it......

Detroit's Hometown Car is breaking all records. That small difference in price includes power steer- In Wayne, Oakland and Macomb counties so far ing, power brakes, 383 cubic inch v-a engine, radio, this year, Chrysler sales are up 191%* over the same heater, automatic transmission and front seat belts. A period last year. lot of car for the money. Vvhen people ask us how come, we point to the With that for openers, consider this. price. Chryslers aren't all that expensive. Our record sales mean we can give great deals on In fact, seven Chrysler models are now priced just new Chryslers now. Visit I They mU!lt sn«nr ftlults-and Results Show with a few dollars a month more than the most popular the Chrysler man near you Agrico • ..Agric:o Gran Food with 60% orpnie smaller cars, comparably equipped. CHRYSLER nitrogen l'l'eeJlI JOur grua wbn. it builda liOn and swing one. Today. fertility. That'. what. f'1>roa" JmOW-80 tr.v -eased on sales for 1965 through March 20, compared to the same period last year. Detroit's Hometown Car Aarico on your JaWD. nI $495 J3~.lb.bqf.5300I,1L 0 Y • VIAENE'S. GROSSE, POINTE CHRYSLER IMPERIAL,. INC. • 15000 Kercheval ::TROIT ~NK NURSIRY SALES TRUST 2! 807 Mack Ave., at Sunnyside Open Sunday --- Phone 777-2800 Usten to -The t.cne Ranger" fNf!JI"1 Sunday evening. 7:»7:f> on WJR (700) radio. Sponsored by yo« Detroit Area ~ier dealers.

______... -. ~ """' ~ ...... r~_ ... e..... • IIIiIII _..._.m_. ~ _ _ ----~~~~-~~-~--~-"-yo_------ay-_-_-_------c------~---~ "'--

Thursday, May 20, 1965 Thursday, May 20, Page Six GROSSE POINTE NEWS \ . Malafouris. These boys and Tickets 8.re on foale at the I The fellow who deceives him- IParty to Honor 450 Studellts at Brownell girls will sing Randy Sparks' door the evening of the per. self eventually finds h~ is run- St. Paul Chor~ Pre$criptiom Filled melodic "Today." farmance. ning a very small bUSIness. Concert ToduJ Ray-Ban Sun Glasses also Ground to ¥our Fred Duemling ISM 1 No choral concert would ever Prescription A Testimonial in honor of I n pring "sic Festiva be posSible without de~ndable The choral group of 5t. Fred Duemling, 67 Vernier accompanist5. Those students THERE IS A DIFFERENCE! High School, under the I road. who retired as chief of Setting the theme for the winning movie, "Mary Poppins": who have practiced diligently tion of music teacher : the Shores combined Police and evening's concert with its open- lilting "Chim.Chim.Cheree" and on their own time and rehearsed Catherine Camile, WllI pr ION OPTICIANS Fire Department last February ing number, "Carnival of Melo- tongue-twisting "Supercalifragi- faithfully with each group are a musical program en1 dies," 450 Browneli Junior High listicexpialidocious." Also, the IVORY BROTHERS 1. will be held at the Grosse these: :'inda Buck. Karen Lor- 3 "Kaleidoscope of the ArnE 20183 MACK AVENUE Pointe Yacht Club on Thursday, School students will present girls' enjoyment in singing the Musical Theater," Thu May 27, beginning at 8 p.m. thei!' annual Spring Music Fes- romantic "Almost Like Being entzen, Cynthia Hassig, Nick afternoon, May 20. The pro Between Oxford Rd. and Nflfwood tival tomorrow evening, Fri- Kappas, Cheryl Rose, Carol Tickets for the affair are $5 a In Love" will uI:.doubtedly will be presented in St. ] day, in the auditourium-gym. Schuster, Linda Luke, Lisa TUxedo 4-5770 person, and may be had at the transfer to their audience. MOVING CO. gym-auditoriurn at 2 o'cloc Beginning at 8 o'clock, a va. While the two large ensem- Bcwers and Cindy Kenyon. 1------'1 Shores station, 795 Lake Shore, riety of vocal and instrumental Choral seleetions will in ----~-----~------~- or by contacting Lt. George La. bles are, in reality, select _------. ex~erpts from Jerome ] groups will perform, under the groups, Mrs. Evola has been .------.... Fore:lt, TV 4-1309. direction of Dan Evola and - , Rodgers and Hammer: even moce selective in choos- Leonard Bernst2in, and Dl',~rn1ing, whose retirement Dewey Kalemrer. ing members of three other tal- Lad leSe I beco:nes official tomorrow, May musical greats who have PART TIME The orchestra will perform ented units. The ~lecl Boys HAVE YOUR DIAMONDS 21, ll~ft the department after 40 Ensemble consists of: Joon Sinc.e ized the musical stage years of service, prior ,to the several numbers with extremely CHECKED B'( AN EXPERT :916 1910 to the present. different backgrounds, includ- SchraShun, David Squibb, Dave HOUSE AND YARD HELP official date because of accumu- Riddle, Dean Sullivan, Mark I remodel old jewelry into the Among the featured so. ing Albrgchtsberger's "Fugue," tinest, latest styles. lative time he had coming. Boerner, Neil Sweeny, Herb will be Mariane Peterson 0 Brown's "Fox Trot" "Exodus" GREAT VALUES IN NOW AVAILABLE He had picked May 21 as his and Handel's "Water Music Munchausen, Nick Kappaz, Paul LOCAL-LONG DISTANCE MOVING Mt. Vernon. 'who will sing official retirement date, so t~at Suite." In addition to combin- Portera, Bill Noris, Gary Veitch, FINE DIAMONDS, selections: "Only a Rose" Trained, mature young men (16-21 yrs. of age) he could complete an even 40 ing with the mass choruses on Kevin Johnston, Bill Mont- WATCHES and ALL Specializing in Commercial and Industrial Plants, Offices; "The Vagabond King" I vears of service to the Village. the opening number, the or. gomery, Bob Messin,g, George GOLD JEWELRY Employee-'s Househcld Furnishing "Deep in ~'1y He;:.rt" from for house and yard jobs. I He began as a motorcycle offi- chestra will also :\ecompany the Wyatt, Brian Bedwell and Marc For 30 v.or. on the Eolt Si~. Agents of Allied Van Lines Student Prince." (Pay-$I.aO Per Hour Plus Bus Fare) : cer on May 21, 1925. vocalists in the closing selec- Campbell. :Frances Bradetieh of : I Duemling, acknowledged as tion, "You'll N eve r Walk Their special numbers will be Alfred E. Zier Serving The Grosse Pointes Goethe in the Woods will Alone." JE 6-1060 onstrate tap dancing to tl: Call lone of the most proficient fire "Gaudeamus Igitur," a German .JEWELER & GOLDSMITH chiefs in the Detroit area, is Seventh grade girls' glee s t u den t song, and "Purple 16437 E. Warren TU 1-498(1 companiment of George Cc the current president of the Hills." w. oliO opproise jewel,,, tor 21703 Mound Rd. Warren, Mich. "Yankee Doodle Dandy." club has prepared Pra~torius' insUfOnce purposes. YOUTH EMPLOYMENT SERVICE Southeastern Michigan Chiefs of "Kyrie Eleison," an interesting The Select Girls Ensemble quick change from tap to ~~~~~~o::::::" ...... ~":' __~ __ ~ ~ ------to ballet slippers, Fran wil HANNAN MEMORIAL BRANCH YMCA Police Association. example of sixteenth century has as its members the follow- Ordinarily, when the presi- choral music. The ninth grade ing: Connie Carmichael, Heidi form a baliet sten to "I Mrs. Fred Williams PR 1-4422 dent of the Association retires mixed glee dub will sing Klein, Linda Luke, Linda Buck, Pretty" from "West Side S1 as p(llice chief, he resigns this "Adoramus Te" by Palestrina, Becky Lake, Martha Madarasz, • Sales. The public is invitee post, but Duemling, by unani. Robert Shaw's "With a Voice of Laurie McFadden, Betsy Tuttle, attend. mous request of the member. Singing," and Irving Berlin's Delle Jean Caldwell, Kathy classic, "Give Me Your Tired, Baird, Janet Hoop~r and Lind'a -- - JOAN~A W~STERN WINDOW SHADES . you ship. was asked to remain in of. II you eat, fice until his term ~xpires at Your Poor." Kahle. They have prepared • Exlite • Viking .Moire • Subdue P.T.A.. Council the end of the year. Several extra-curricular vocal "TODlorrowland" and Gersh- deserve the groups which rehearse before win's "Summertime." WE MEASURE AND INSTALL I~~st & Meets ~Ionday school each morning will sing A mixed group, called the CLEANING TURNING ... numbers requiring a bit more VENETIAN BLIND SERVICE ., Double Octette. lists the fol- Walter J. SeyIfeii. pre! Woods Police skill and musical maturity. The lowing ~.s its personnel: Linda GLEANING, RETAPING, RECORDING s@rvlc@. CHAR-BROIL of the Grosse Pointe ] Boys Ensemble, consisting of 73 Buck, Heidi Klein, Delle Jean Pointed or Unpainted Shutters By Joanna Western Council, has announced a Top Marksmen boys, will present the rhythmic Caldwell, Mary McLeod, Susan il you don't .•• ing for 8 p.m. on )1:onday, "Jingle Jangle Jingle" as well Imhoff, Sara Via, .Tudy Goudie, You Install - We Install The Grosse Pointe Rifle and as an English folk song en- Linda Kahle, Bill Norris, Paul 24. think 01 your friends MOBIL PAINTS 14830 WARREN The group will meet iJ Pistol Club lost a trophy it had titled "Bingo." The 91-member Portera, Bill Montgomery, Doug I Rey-Satln, Rev-Glo, Jelled Magic TU 5-6000 held for five consecutive years, Girls Ensemble has prepared Potthoff, Neil Sweeny,. Bill at Alter second floor meeting roo to the Woods Police Pistol two numbers from the award Savage, Rod Rose and Chris the Grosse Point,:, Public ary at Kercheval aV0l1Ue Team. following an annual In. ------_._------\'itational Shoot held in the Fisher road. Woods' new pistol range, reo Featured on the progran I cently. he candidates for the Jur I Individual pol ice officers school board election. ! from the Park, Shores, City and Grosse Pointe Civil Defense, The first written ballo~: besides policemen from the by Americans in the cou Woods and members or the early history were simplJ club, participated. on any available piece (If I The scores were totaled from Later the various pol i t eight matches, with the Woods, parties printed their owr Shores, and members of the lots and handed them t club coming out in force. Some voters at the polls. of the other participants shot once or twice. Woods and the Open Sundays 10;00 to 4; Club took part during the en- Thurs. and Fri. Till 9;00 P ti:-e eight-day match with the Woods scoring 7,983 points, as against the Club's total score WE DELIVE from of 7,838 points. I On Order of $5 ar Me The Woods will retain the $69.95 trophy until they are challenged ROSLYt for jts possession at another I match next year. i MARKE- High team man awards went Oldest in ~h. Woodl Woods Mantel & Tile to Woods Patrolman Donald 2 I323 Harper Ave. Schmaltz; Shores Patrolman 21020 MAtK at Roslyn James Jurcak; Club member, St. Clair Shores Ben Bazydlo; OCD member, TU 4-9821 Open Mon. and Fri. Dee Peters. :.....-. ------Evenings 'Til ~ P.M. PR 1-1300 Center Fire Class Awards went to Walter Huber, club, open; \ViIliam Shaffer, club, marksman; Sam Ellis, club, CARPETS 31 pro-marksman: Dr. Cyril De- fever, club, citation; and Ed- ward Duesbout, OCD, tyro. RUGS BOUI . In the .22 caliber pistol match, awards went to AI c I Klick. club, open; Robert Lor- 45 :..~ I enz, Woods policeman, marks- man; Fred Lewis, club, pro- Large New I marksman; and Robert Ken. Carpet Selection I nedy, club, citation. IcCOY & SO~ PLANNED COURSE CARPET COMP' The man who brings up the OPEN MON. AND F rear in the l'dce of life isn't UNTIL 8:30 P.M. always the last to reach his goal. 14301 E. WARREI Larry Russell thi<; spring be- gins his 21st season as Wayne - VA 2-4100 18328 State's golf coach. He has an Comer Lakewood overall dual meet record of 160 MACK AVE. Victories, 97 losses and eight ties. PESTS YOUR PROBl


U.s.D.A. CHOICE A (huck Roast POOL? VOGEL.RITT'S YOUR ANSWER Pests llfe dangefouS game for a teur. Get rid of them properly- nently--eall Vagel-Rittfor at', inspection, a clear estimate at ~ or o?ligatian and the best pest ( service money can buy. Call Vag 1Dday, TE ~900.

of Miclt/6.11 12525 Crald RlYer-TE 4-&900 ,.,. reliobl. '..-mit. control SPECIAL SAVINGS NOW "1T_inix~1f 4-6902 '

BONElESS, ROLLED ON RED, WHITE AND BLUE FORDS Turkey 8Se PAINT WITH Storm Windo~ Roast Ib INERTOL'S and Doors RUMAC FORD GALAXIE 500 HARDTOPS! Fast .. FORD CUSTOM SEDANS! Cl)oice of 2- BIG FORD RANCH WAGONS! Roomy ENAMEL back 2~door models (top)! Specially and 4-door models (bottom left)! Spe- 4-door models (bottom right)! Specially • AluminLJm or ALL BEEF built for this sale only! Special prices cial models! Powered by big 352.cu. in. built! Specially priced with big 352-cu. Enameled for colorful, • Porch Enclosures carefree beauty include big 352-cu. in. Thunderbird V.8 Thunderbird V-8 or new 240-cu. in. Big in. Thunderbird V.8 or new 240-cu. in. Hamburger SURE - TENDER • Jalousies I or new 240.cu. in. Big Six. Deluxe Six. Deluxe equipment for V.8 and Big Big Six. Deluxe equipment for V.8 and • Screen Porches Chuck Steaks Call or Write equipment for both V-8 and Big Six Six: Cruise-O.Matic Drive, pleated vinyl Big Six: Cruise.O-Matic Drive, roof lug- For Your seats, wheel covers, whitewall3. Built for gage rack, pleated vinyi seats, wheel • Awning Windows 391:. models includes Cruise-O.Matic Drive, • Aluminum Siding Free Booklet On this sale only. 80th models specially covers and whitewalls. First come, first vinyl-covered roof, pleated vinyl seats, • Awnings E'lERYDAY PRICESI ~55_1:.-:1 POOL CARE wheel covers and whitewalls. priced. Order now! served! Order now! We Repair Stor Hellman's Mayonal•• SWIMMING POOL Sash and Screel PINTS QUARTS Chemicals, Maintenance, • FREE ESTIMATES c Repairs, I-I':!oters, Filters, 67 3~ AquasPdes, Cabarama, Etc. SEE YOUR LOCAL F-O R D DEALER We Deliver POINT • Campbell's Tomato Soup I • I sc REFN &. S_TO_~

I STEELCRETE SASH, INC. • u. S. No.1 I l FARMINGTON MICHIGAN Don't ...ill "Japan-A New Dawn Over Alia:' Thunday, May 20, 7:3~ p.m., WWJ, Channel 4. Brought to you by your IClcal Ford Deoler. 17328 Mack Ave. • fancy Cucumbers • • • • II for I~ GR 4-3601 Three Blocks East of Cod j ,-'------TU 1--6130 P_a .p -.p.... DI.__• • Of ---~-- ..-- ..._--~4...... - ...... -- ...... --IOIl.---4----;a--4_a_ ...P__~__ .._ ..

Thursday, May 20, 1965 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page $evell

L, _ 1\ " l~rn- .- l.... 1 n ...... JT1~ ~f. Fa",l Choral · T ubI E ulf Dr. I The world is filled with sIndt f Make every minute colmt"r- \", "'f" _ ;;;; Officers T"pIe ro e ng S IVer caliber men who are trying to I people who are always behind (.'nnrprt Toda. v Child Guidance Clinic ------explode into big caliber jobs. i time get caught by a frost. 0/ Alphonso WiLltins, 20, of 3397 ticket for making a prohibited 1---- Leland, Detroit, made a pro. left turn, and given a second ,------.... ------. "',n I"hnral ~rnl1p of St, P2uI hibited left turn from Mack ticket for altering his operator's I "h Srh(jol. LInder t he direr-' avenue onto Vernier road, on license. The license was con. I Prompt, Accurate, Prescription Service (\11 I)f music t('achl"r Sister: ,Wednesday,I May 12, and found fisca~d as evidence. I tInNinI' Cami!('. will present' Packaged Liquors, Champagne, Wine ! himself in plenty of trouble. Woods police were not through I' • TNERS nl1~ira I prngrdi11 f'ntitIed.' Wilkins ignored a "No Left with the young man. They call. .p FuLL Line of Fine Cigars " cllf'ic!oscopl" of the Amf'rican Turn" ')ign on Mack, and turn- ed Detr?it. autherities and found I ROBT. V. BATES R.Ph., FREDERICK W.SELTZiR R.Ph. ,!ll"i" r ~ ann H

e ,trl'" t: ,k rhangp frr,m tap to shoe: f?::(?: I of the a go go crowd 00. ,,'lilf't ,lJpf.>f'f'; Fran will peT. , -.r, a '1a1lpt ,tPD ~(I .. r Frp] ,

"r,'~ /' from "Wf,r Side Story." , (' 0 • '~:--,'> pli1)iic I, invited to! -Photo by Eddie :'dcGrath, Jr . .'."ui Newly elected nfficers of the North. dent; JOHN B. WATKINS, board mem- 2 L.~. Aluminum ea~tern Wayne County Child Guidance ber; back row, GLEr\N G. ENGEL, board Roof Vents Install.d '19 Clinic ar~, front row, 1. to r.: MISS member; Mrs. Donald Blomquist, vice- ~UAIlANTE.D INSTALLATION 1'.ToA 0 Cou,u~il I CA ROLYN WHEELER, vice-president; president, and Judge Arthur Kocinski, H. WOODS DU 2-4873 ~11'pt."Mon,{/ay j . .'vYRS. ALFRED GLA_N._C~'Y._, _J_R_._,_p_r_e_si_-_b_o_a_r_d_member.

W.,Jlr'r .1 -S('Yif!'l't. PT(,sid('nti Men Will Hear Talk on Dablias ~ i1ff A DTE G'DOT7E ',; thF' (;roSSI' Pn;nte P.T A ;, ------1J"1./1£ .L..J n r j , ':;lrJr'il. h{)<; {)n~,)l1n('('r11{) mf'f't. 'I "Dahlii1<; ~or F<::ll Color" will \ is an extra large red bloom. GT TN S' UOl D - fnr Po pm HI '"lr,nr.ay, May hf' the .<;ubjcct of Mrs. Bcnja- . _ . ., V_L 11~ T I 't . B t' ' t l' h M' , BehlDd her p,o ••le Mrs. Bot. lOin (} tom S a i( to t e • en's h d-,'-lf ~. h'ch N. Mt. 'f hf' £!r01!p will mf'et in the (' I CI h f G P . t tom as a ",.11 a lD W 1 4 Mile. of Cleman. . . . ,

CARPETS and \\ ill give complete and expert advice on . ',..... -~----_. .._------~------~------'vt tr.~{,.,'~""'X~~".. «1• • RUGS BOUND (~: ,, J, foreign ulid domestic trovel, then make LAST THREE DAYS 0 •• 45C:..~ oil the necessary arrangements for your SALE Large New elRts' COTTON CREW SOCKS Carpet Selections trip - and this service to you IS 6 prso 2.88 SALE OF BELLE SHARMEER McCOY & SONS FREE! CARPET COMPANY Here is your opportunity so save on 0","' '"to,. \ '\D nu, her summer supply of white crew 1 '\Tn, ~:30 P.:\'t. NYLON STOCKINGS socks ... she can never have too 14301 E. WARREN VA 2.4100 CHET SAMPSON many! In packages of 6. Sizes 8 to COrTII'r l.akf"wood TRAVEL lOV2. Stock up on this perfect-fitting hosiery and PESTS YOUR PROBLEM? save! For yourself-for gift-giving, All styles, 100 Kercheva; TU 5-7510 Jacobsons] I seamless Or full-fashioned in leg r:.roportioned

:::me .... ., sizes. Includes textured and support S' ockings too .

vnSEl.RITT'S YOUR ANSWER ALL STYLES - SEAMLESS AND SEAMED \ "',,'c an r'",."U, ~amp, fo' an ama. h r" .•. ~ •• \,,- D'ooerly-o~rma- Miss J steps Reg. 1.35 1.17; 3 PRo 3.50 :... ", '. ,:. J' .. f-- ? tho':,ush " •• '., ;. ," "l1~'( ~t 0' .-r.st Re\:j 1.50 .1.28i 3 PR, 3.80 r .' ,.", .,' .~, be$t oe~t cMtrol out for summer In s",.. ,...,~ n.- buy, Cal! Vogel-Rift Reg. 1.65 -_ ...... - 1.41; 3 PRo 4.20 tn1}. TE "-6900, Americana's Reg. 1,75 --.- ...... 1.50i 3 PR, 4.50 4.95 sprightly pumps Reg. 1,95 1.66; 3 PRo


Reg. 2.00 1.66; 3 PRo 495 s Right they are for the lively life Reg. 2.50 __.. .2.10; 3 PRo 6,30 Storm Windows of today's young moderns ... nifty little and Doors counterparts of their swingy fashions. Full fashioned support stockings • Aluminur') or A. Ganges calf sling pump. Bone. Reg. 4.95 . Pair 3.95 Enameled B. White or bone leather, and black patent --- ~~ . Seamless support stock ings I"""'\~.' . ~L ' ...... J, 1 .. , : • Porch Enclosures , • Jalr'lIsies spectator pump. Reg. 5.95 .POlr 4.95 1 • Screen Porches C. Ganges leather ;. .o.,w..,ing Wi"dows pastel pump. Pink, ! • >6..luminum Siding i • ,Awnings ~i g(een or blue. I Each, 9.98 ','Fe Repair Storm c. I Sa.~hand Screens J Jacobson's i· FREE ESTIMATES • POINTE.- I SCREEN &; STORM SA.SH -INC . 17328 Mack Ave. 2 HOURS FREE PARK:NG 'vVITH YOUR PURCHASE ~ree Blocks Eo<;t of Cadieux TU 1-6130

._~__ . ~ ~ ~_ _.__ ~ s__ .r.. _ ..r r ..r r a _ a __ _ __ ~-.-.-~

Page Eight GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May 20, 1965 Thursday, Driyer Charged On One Count War Veterans program. The public is invited HIGH COST I SAME OLD RUT Y'oung Tea~her Pioneers to attend this program to be Necessity may be the mother I Many a man who turned over Luis L. S..ntoro, 22, of 22637' Patrolman Theodore Hinz, the Make Poppies given at the school auditorium, of invention, but progress is I a new l~af New Ye.ar's day has Hansen court, St. Clair Shores, arresting officer, disclosed in o In Typewriting Courses Mack avenue at Eight Mile road. the ,parent of taxa,fion. turned lt back agam. is scheduled to appear in Woods his report that hI' was patroling Disabled war veterans work. court on June 2fJ, to answer two Mack avenue at 4 a.m., when he GEORGE R. ing in hospItals and convalescent When Mrs. Kathleen Her- t'ounts of traffic violations. Hp I' saw Santoro traveling west on summer in offices from the Mr. McMullen, was released on $100 bond un. Mack at 55 miles an hour, and workrooms in many ?arts of the sCl.lelmann of the business edu- time she was a junior in high - expectedly Frida til the court date. stopped him. country have completed the mil- cation department of Grosse school with the exception of Bon Secours Hos ~-._~-~-~- _. - --~ -~~------~-~ ~-~----~--lions of memorial poppies which Pointe High School presented a time out for a trip to Europe his home at 1 Now On S.le will be worn in honor of the paper recently at the National in 1957. aveDue. M'sonlc 1'emple war dead on Poppy Day Oil May Business Teachers' Conference An active an and Grinnell's Dntn. In one of her positions she 2,0, according to Mrs. Mary in Chicago, she reviewed for met her !lUsband, Russell the citizen in the D Thomson, Poppy Chairman of educators from all parts of the . , aSSIstant sales manager ill a the past 15 years, #~~ Gr05se Pointe Unit #313 of the nation an innovation in type- tool and manufacturing com- was born in Ken THE ROYAL OPERA HOUSE, COVENT CARDEN, LTD. American Legion Auxiliary. writing instruction she pione- You get ALL this pany. The Herschelmanns, resi- was a manufac :\loff' than 6,000 veteran-s of ered on the local campus. dents of Lincoln road, are the sentative. In 19 three wars have lnd employ- In her experimeni, in the parents of a three-year old son. at Michigan Bank ized the first lee ment for the Auxiliary in its first year of a two.year type- As one of her colleagues said the Fries Audi !H~~;~iii"';;ilETpoppy-making work this year. writing course, she endeavored recently, "We are most fortun. proved so succes The number of the Ji~tle red to get away from the usual ap. < lormerly SADLER'S WELLS BALLET were continued , ... v\.O ate to have Kathy on the staff. flowers wade has exceeded 20,- proach of the standard typing Not only is she an excellent FREE CHECKING ACCOUNTS 1~!5. ~ ".1"0 ., 000,000. Earnings of the veter- course by building aspects of rl1lrnel1 Club of • !f1 I. '.rly A/uric.,. tltr., h d f Frank Lanham of the Univer. Spring Concert Grosse Pointe Clu .'rY.d Isan said. "They.are s .ape rom sity of Mic.higan who encour- m • fut !l001l da1 senlet crepe p:1per WIth WIre stems, 4% GUARANTEED INTEREST board member 0 ~'. • Speelal falIll!y ".nuc OftSUa'IY and resemble closely the Euro. aged her to base her MA thesis The music department of Par. Republic. ~ • Candl.1I1ht-Orllll MUSil: Ipc"n wild poppy which bloomed upon her work at Grosse Pointe cells Junior High School will Funeral services in the battlefields and cerne- High SchooL present its 15th annual spring ON ALL SAVINGS Mullen were held ' CedI LOU POWERS festival Wednesday evening, I.r '''."'crtl ... teries of the first World War The statistics showed that (Accounts opened by the tenth earn from the first) 17, at Christ Epis at in France and Belgium. students in the demonstration May 26, at eight o'clock, Ap- and burial was i group, using the new approach, proximately 450 young musi- Cemetery. SUNNY "Our Auxiliary Unit will have did achieve the proportional cians will appear on this pro- Isn't all this worth changing He is survived ACRES f them and I believe there will be few- Convenient Olfices at: win its first public appearance on May 8, from the Ve be wives of World War II vet- er in the future," she said. this program, including "As I crans able to give from an hour Mrs. Herschelmann, who is a neral Home to S1. P Long As He Needs Me" from WARREN and MACK Burial was in Mt. Of two to all day to the work. 1959 graduate of the Universit~T the musical "Oliver." Accom. (across from Grosse Pointe Post Office) tery. Some of the older women from of Michigan, holds both a BBA panists for these choral groups World ,"Var I families who have and an MA earned on the Ann are Mark Scott, Janet P. Drols- HENRY* A.* B*' been Poppy Day volunteers fol" Arbor campus. An international hagen and M3r'J Ramsey. The JEFFERSON and ALTER ROAD many years, and some will be t.rades major, she holds minors (across from Grosse Pointe Park City Hall) Funeral services choral music is under the direc- vin, 66, are to be teenage Junior members of the in both Spanish and German, tion of Helen Keans Waindle. Auxiliary working on Poppy Day and a teaching minor in Spa- Thursday, at the for the first time. nish. The Junior High School Or- Funeral Home and chestra, under the direction of A Ford scholarship student Star of the Sea Ch Donald McNew, will present Monday, May 17, . by virtue of her own high in- the "Chorale and Minuet" from SHOP THURS. AND FR!. EVENINGS telligence and her father's af. dence at 1747 Hunt "Divertimento in B flat" by levard. filiation with the Dearborn- Joseph Haydn; an arrangement based motor company, she Born in Canada, by Theodore Tobani of Tschai- vived by his wife. laughs when she tells that her kowsky's "Andante Cantabile;" first full-time job was with a S.'P.:" ';. "', the General Motors Scholarship rected by Mr. McNew, will open Olivet Cemetery. .. ,.. * .. ;;.#"~,,~ Committee. She became com- its portion of the program with pletely engrossed in her respon- a concert march, "Scepter of CHRISTOPHER T. sibilities for a boss who was Liberty," by Olivadoti. Follow- Funeral services on the road most of the year. ing this, Mark DeGaetano will Another of her positions was present a clarinet solo "The with J. L. Hudson. Interested Way You Look Tonight," by in retailing, one year she work. Jerome Kern, with accompania- ed for the Detroit store on a ment by the band. store on a contingency basis Next, the band will accom- evenings for a montil of Sep- pany a cornet trio, composed Samsonite tember, spent October and No. of Paul Simon, Walter Pieschke vember training 600 Christmas and James Frede as they play employees, s pen t December "Fantasy For Three" arranged running the Giftarama Depart- from Rubinsteins "Melody in (,j Amtico F" by Harold Walters. Conclud- ContollIR ment. All told, she has four years' ing the third portion l)f the pro. The New Shape of Travel experience in the business gram will be excerpts from Elegantly simple, disarmingly functional-compare these The Poi., world to her credit. In that Rodgers and Hammerstein's features-Hidden Locks Nothing to snag ciothes or hands! "Flower Drum Song," arranged Mack at Wayt time, there is virtually not a Rich. lustrous trim decorative, but so functional ... single area that she hasn't cov- by Philip Lang. t;'\'<,.~,.' ered. She is thoroughly fami. The choruses and the concert IIlarproof! Magnesium frame .•. lightweight, but sturdy! Deep compartments .•• for wrinkle-free and etJ..7 packing! , , liar with teletype operations, band will combine to present a p , shorthand, bookkeeping, and fantasy based on "America the ;' cataloguing. She worked every Beautiful" as the finale for the [ f Neft! 'IR'TEA STAINLESS ALUMINUM ST~EL A • ~- STEEL BRONZE' , CUSTOM MADE , SCREENS ANY SIZE - SHAPE - DESIGN - CAR I' FOR STnL CASEMENTS 101lllD TOP ROLL SCREENS FREE PICKU RlI'AIIIlD OR REPLACfD 1 GUARDS .~:g~. Window, D.or.8Ils~ment TOlD SOREEN s•• Ft. PrItt 9~ [email protected], ~~; WIRE usement~. Replacement hard. ~lU'::~1 w~re aVilllable. S4995 Kaiser Shade Screen 25c 1 TW 2.7800 ' Repair • Screefts • Storms 13033 Gratio~ '4D I. 7 MI. RD•• NR. OAKLAND l1fs" Thick W. POlekUp Dlut DeilY.. 4 A b• SHOOTERS! two bn1liant ways to take your clo$e work lightly .••with our portable I HAr4E IT HIGH-INTENSITY PORT AILE LAMPiTTES Wf HAVE IT Take fhe eyestrain out of reodirtg , writing, studying, GUNS AND ACCESSORIES Exciting Fashion Colors for ladies: sewing, hobbying, close work of any kind with either of th~se Are Our EXCLUSIVE BUSINESS Fiesta Red I Olympic Blue I. Polar White I Smoke Grey Professional Gunsmith Service glare-free, lightweight Lompettes. Fully odjustob~, SInart colors for men, upen 9 to 6 ... lues. and trio 'til 8 p.m. Smoke Grey! Black Olive operate on standard home cvnent ...arms telescope froM they (!] Beauty Case •••••• $19.95 S'to 16", shades swivel a full 360°, and both shades IS] Week End Tote ••••• 21.95 .B~McDANIEL GUN SHOP 15~:l~:~~;val 1m ladies' O'Nite ••••• 21.95 Grosse PoinTe's Only Gun Shop and 6-foot electric cord fold into base for travel lDJ 26w Pullman •••••• 34.95 [[J Men's CompiiniOll. • •• 21.95 A. New pyramid with cool yentilated shade. Sand, ,,""quoise [lJ Tw(}-Suiter _...... 34.95 Before you buy a new lID Three.Suiter •••••. 36.95 0(' white. Fokied ~ 2!t2"x3Y2"X9~"'. 14.95 FORD An P,lce. PWI 1M I. Cyfindef'. tsfock, white, soad, grey. Folded size: 3~X6". 19.95 11'. smart te See or Call aroun4 DICK WARNER 'ACTORY'J "TOP HATIER" to 30 Yrs. 011 E. Jefferson Ave. llahitant rustlc we Now at picturesque frame Jacobsons Open Thursday 16835 KERCIWIAL lawn and garden. tlful, durable Nor Downtown Ford Sales Evenings 'It flte Village votes with hardwe HOMe Decorative Shop All necessory post 1833 E. Jefferson 'iii 8:30\ TU 5.1232 we will {/live you a fence Is mode to v,'O 3-4700 Res. TU 1-5251 1Ir-avaiJab~ ec 2 HOURS FREE PARKING WITH YOUR PURCH.ASE Service After the Sale FOUN 20760 HARI ...

~ •• 7 ' 7 • • .. 2 07 .-. _ y, May 20, 1965 Thursday, May 20, 19b5 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nine s.\:\n: OLD RrT . ;1 n~an who turned over Funeral Home for Mr. Inskeep, Verheyden Funeral Home on Outer Mongol.- a Lecture Sl-l...J- ecl REPORTS VANDALISM known perIOD threw a roek kdf \:(,w Year'~ day has ~• RID~ S ofkeep715diedLincolnTuesday,road. MayMr. 11Ins.in IlandMay Park.13. Burial was in Rose. lU Park Councilman George Ver. throU6(h the rear window of ODe :: h:ll'k a.~ain O B I T U ( Bon Secour Hospital at the age MI'. Craig is survived by his Dr. Edwin Smyd will conclude bucket seats with paratrooper donckt of 732 Harcourt, called ot his bakery delivery web. ------__ J. of 69. wife, Muriel, a daughter, Mrs. his series of movies and com- paraphern~lia all &round, no ~eat Park police on Mon

AD ~~;.;.alwa.i~:t.~liv.tcem •. cemet:;~ ~.'H~NTER HENRY A. BOIVIN Mr. Hunter, of 1023 Lake- MICHI,GAN BAN-K Presents ...... 1\1 Funeral services for Mr. Boi. pointe avenue, passed away • • • vin. 66, are to be held today, Saturday, May 8, in Bon Se. Thur:;day. at the Verheyden cou::-s Hospital. He was 72. Ftll1rral Home and Our Lady I Funeral services were con. Star of the Sea Church. He died i ducted at the Verheyden Fu. ~Ionday. May 17, in his resi. neral Home, TUt;iiday, May 11. deneE' at 1747 Huntington bou- Burial was in Roseland Park. levan!. Born in Indiana. Mr. Hunter , - Rorn in Canada, he is sur. is survived by his sons, William, vi\rd by his wife. Agnes; a Clovis, and Harry, two daugh. son. Jam('~; and two sisters, ters, Mrs. Myra Diamond, and ..... ~:.... ~:: .:.:...~ " ,,' ".. A:' . :\lr, ~.;acla Hector and Mrs.; Rosella Hunter, two brothers, Lorl'!!a :\Iiller. . Charles and Melvin, a sister, Intl rnwnt will be in ~It. I Mabel Hunter, lind two nieces. Oh\'et Cemetery. • • • > '" 'l< PAUL INSKEEP CHRIS'i OF-HER T. ROl:)IELL Funeral services were held Fun{'ral servicE'S for :\lr.: on May 13, at the Verheyden long Mil' It Wllve

CONTINUOUS ••• O'er tile IlInd FLOOR SHOW STARRING * • Kentile* • Armstroilg 01 tile Free • Amtico • Goodyear The Pointe Hdwe. & Lumber Co_ And tile HOMES Mack at Wayburn VA 1-5550 01 the Brll"e! ~Xe,v 1965 BUI£KS

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...... •.::. - - --- THE FLAG SHOULD FLY ON THESE NATI.ONAL HOLIDAYS oJ ...... '._~~ ••• ~~.~ ----~--~-"------"- January lst----New Year's Day June 14t~-Flag Day Febluary 12th-Lincoln's Birthday July 4th-Independence Dew February 22;,d-WashinQton's Augu$' 14th-V-J Day Birthday September, ht Monday-Labor Day s April 13th-Jefferson Doy May 1st-Low Doy USA November, 4th Thundoy- Thanks. giving Day May 1st-Loyalty Day November l1th-Veteran's Day May 3rd, Saturdoy-Armed Forces Day December 7th-Pearl Harbor Day May 30th-Memorial Day December 25th--Christmos Day * 3x5-Foot Fine Cotton Flag with Double Stitched Stripes, Canvas We beiieve every home in town should fly the flag o~ national holi- Heading ilnd Brass Crommets days. We also believe more homes would fly th~ flag If more peopl.e 6.Foot, 2-Piece Cord Halyard knew where to get one. Failure to fly the flag, It has been found, IS * not due to any lack of patriotism on the part of Americans who love Old Glory as much today as Americans did when the Spirit of '76 * Heavy Cast 2-Way Permanent Metal Socket with 3 Mounting was first born. Because of this we make this flag set available as a Screws, Mounting Instructions public service at our cost. The set is top quality through and through. It meets every standard the governme':lt sets for a flag * Flag History and Etiquette Folder in Full Color of this tYi=le.In addition, the stripes ar~ doubl~ stitched .. a hallm~rk of flag quality usually found only at higher prices. We Include With * Self-storage, Heavy Corrugated Mailer Kit the big 3 x 5-foot flag ... all the equipment necessary for rigging according to the rules 0f flag etiquette. These flags are available to all ... with no other requirement than that you pay our basic It'. smart te. have a fl.,. rustle wood fence cost . . . and fly one on your home on holidays. Fly the flag on important national holidays to come ... and especially on the I around your h_- j~ j Birthday of American Independence, July 4th. The stars and stripes I~------_.SPECIALCliP out and bring in this coupon with you I 'ACTORY fABRICATED by on your home show the world that the Spirit of '76 is as warm in I and save SOc toward the purchase of your • ~/411J American hearts today as it was at its birth on the first 4th of July to fit your ground plan ... nearly 200 yeals gone by. rI Flag at Michigan Bank's Mack-Warren office. ~: Mobitant rustic wood fences with character and charm provide • THIS FLAG SET IS OFFERED AT COST AS A NOT-FOR-PROFIT 16835 KERCHEVAL pieturesqu3 frame for your home. and sturdy protection for your lawn and QG,den. Habitant fences ar~ made to order froln beau- SERVICE OF ir, the Village tiful, durable Northern Michigan White C-.:Iar. Single or double Gates with hardware "nached. . TU 5-1232 All necessary posts are included. You can "ot them up easily ... we will give you an estimate on total erected price. Each Habitant hnce Is ",ode to your specific )'Ot'd dimemio"," $6•• n dlstinctN •• MackI at Warren Office _lea aYOi~1e, each III • etov.:. of Ml(;hb. MICHIGAN BANK FOUNTAINE FENCE CO. (18550 E. Warren Ave.) 20760 HARPER TU 1-8863 r*******************************************************************~ • lhursda Page Ten GROSSE PV,i" E NEWS Thurrday, May 20, 1965 ---'~---~------~------~--- - - perfect 7-0 Grosse Pointe win, Racquetmen Beat Monroe a win which ties them with Monroe for the top. Babe Ruth T,o Tie for League Lead II the Trojans had managed City of a victory as they had planned league By DA By Hie Hendee '65 Grosse Pointe would have lost The second the BCL in tenni,: for the first FARMS.CITY.PARK season of t The Monroe tennis coach relaxed in the front seat time in 22 years. By BIL:' STUCK park Little L of his '58 Dod~e. He wat~hed the pre-match warm-ups But the fuzzies were hot from American Division W. L. undefeated an~ spo~e conftdently of hIS team: "Yep, we beat Grosse the start and five of the first Indians 3 0 I comma~d~n~ Pomte fIve matches to two on their courts. and home seven sets went their way. MOD- Tigers 2 1 I ~tOS9t :: (linft lBO(l~S ican D1VIS10 roe is recognized for its second Yankees 1 2 !, leagues ~hi1e courts are always an advantage. It shouldn't be any 3 set comeback, though, and Red Sox 0 ~eloped In t worse here, Besides. w£' haven't lost to anyone yet. WhitE' Sox 0 3 MICHIGAM 'Hey, fellas, (s~eaking to his .------struggled to display it. National Division W. L. sion. The results boys on the ni.lmber thrze dou-I H . Jim KendaH and Jack Healy, Dodgers 3 0 hIes court) check the height e ,:as right. There were no through last on the number two doubles Giants 2 1, of the net." Then, turning back complamts. at least from Grosse MAJO I cO'Jrt. quickly took the first set, Cardinals 2 1 to those spectators clusterrd Pointe. The Devil racquetmen 6-3. then grabbed a 5-2 lead Phillies 2 1 Ametican Di around him. ":"Jow there won't stlrpri~ed everyone but them- Notice of Public Hearing Team in the second and squirmed to Braves 0 3 be any complaints," he chuck- I selves as they plastered the pull out a 9-7 win, In the sec- With the first week under their NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in acco~dance with the provIsIOns of Act No. 207 of the Public Acts of the White Sox Indians le(L __ ~__ _ , .. , .. __. _ . I league-lr~~ng T~ojans with a ond set, M (I n roe won four I belt the "Babe Ruthers" are straight games to take a 6-5 beginning to shape up into the State of Michigan for the year of 1921, as amended, that a Public Hearing will be he 1d at the Municipal Oric.2es lead. then Healy-KendaH tied ball players they Wf:F' in '64. Building, 20025 Mack Avenue, in the City of Grosse Pointe Woods. Wayne County. Michigan on Monday, yankees it. then Monroe. then Grosse At the outset your writer would the 7th day of June, 1965 at 7:30 P.M. o'clock Eastern Standard Time. upon a proposed Amendment to the Senators Why do people keep coming back for more? Athletics Pointe. and family the Blue and on behalf of the Board like to "Zoning District Map" of Ordinance No, 88 of the City" of Grosse Point(l Woods. adopted November 3, 1952, Gpld laced a victory behind thank the Farms City Fathers, The White Bel:ouse we keep getting mare borlll~ins! , Healy's unpredictable serve for Dick Hudson, and those who got being the "Zoning Ordinance" thereof, and being Article 44 of the "Code of the City of Grosse Pointe Woods week with a the Athletics. ", II the first Devil points. I K:erby Fie~? into shape in "one of 1Q53," said Proposed Amendment reading as follows: Clathin, and household article., the winning . , Pete Short and Mark (The bIg hurry. . strong slugg : I Kid) Starr had much the sa:ne On Monday It was a squea~er from Gary TIle Little Tlllift Shop : ! going on the neighboring court. a'i t~e INDIANS under KeIth Proposed. ORDI NANCE Hoffman. Bo '" I The ftllows won their first, 6-3. C~nDlnghaJ? to?k the YANKS A's and Tom and fell prey to a Trojan come- 3 to 2. Losmg pltche~ was John St. Michael's Episcopal Church ht:se team b back in the next, 4..6. Staud~. At the NeIghborhood ers in a week 20475 SUNNINGDALE PARK, Grosse Pointe Woods Club It was the DODGERS 14 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTION 44.17.1 OF ARTI- :' I Then, a set apiece. Short- under pitcher Rick Scavarda CLE 44 (the Zoning Map) OF ORDINANCE No. 88 OF THE become aIm . Starr, once again dominated con- and the CARDS 3. Losing pitch- In their sec Open every Wed,. Thurs" Fri., 10 a,m, to 4 p.m. CITY OF GROSSE POINT'E WOODS entitled "AN ORDI- I trol for a speedy 5-1 lead. But, er was Gary Hughes. week-with

Wednesday e~enjngs 7 to 9 , I also once again, the Trojans On Tuesday Manager Stu Mc. NANCE TO REGULATE AND RgSTRICT THE LOCATION White Sox m , sprang their comeback power, Millin's TIGERS took the meas- walks yielde Consignments received Fridays only J 0 a.m. to 3 p.m. OF TRADES AND INDUSTRIES AND THE LOCATION seizing two more games before ure of the RED SOX 6 to l. out the Yank OF BUILDINGS DESIGNED FOR SPECIF1ED USES, TO ning pitcher I, S~ort and Starr finally put I Winning pitcher was George thmgs in the bag. 1 Hodges and loser John Tomp- REGULATE AND LIMIT THE HEIGHT AND BULK OF tributed to hi. ing part wit Three weeks earlier, in the I' kins. The PHILLIES took the BUILDINGS HEREAFTER ERECTED, TO REGULATE AND _ __.. , ~' first DE'vil-Trojan encounter, B.RAVES 4 t~ 3 as Dave Schnurr DETERMINE THE AREA OF YARDS, COURTS, AND lin in the g play. White O:.;!~::.;...,~::cG::.:e;:~M.:.,~::.:.. '.~ ..,_..:;:C;;".SltIOI1In the BCL. GIANTS 6 with Gary Richard- bel' 3, 1952, also known as Chapter 44 of "The Code of the win, and tea ,hon GlltO\~'. number three son winning and Curt Mumaw City of Grosse Pointe Woods of 1953." man and. D ,', ';lllgles. pro\"lde~ that needed 10iing pitcher. credited with ~ \' ,I e tor y as dId. ~d Beyster Thursday found the YAN- The Indian ~. (fourth) Fn;d ~tlllams(. sec. KEES coming forth 10 to 3 over THE CITY OF GROSSE POINTE WOODS ORDAINS; lished (Sout herly line of Private Claim 156 also their opener • : ( od) a~d, DIck Keller (fIrst). the RED SOX. They tell me White Sox's f being the Northerly line of Edward Schultz ~: Both W~)]ia.ms a,nd Gutow drop- Mike Ferrell aided by his team Section 1. That Section 44.17,1 of Article 44 (the three of their " i ped their fIrst set and sr.apped mates did a real good job to Subdivision No. 1 as recorded in Liber 74 of Zoning Map) ()f Ordinance No. 88 of the City of Grosse week. Their i I back to keep the afternoon come out winning pitcher Bill Plats, on Page 39 of the Wayne County Rec- ...If' . Pointe Woods entitled "AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE the Senators I per ec" Roberts relieved by Ron Sass ords); to 3 contest_ ~ : '" " " was named losing pitcher. The AND RESTRICT THE LOCATION OF TRADES AND IN- the Indians .: One day earlier non-league CARDS 7 and the PHILLIES 5 DUSTRIES AND THE LOCATION OF BUILDINGS Thence North 18 degrees {)O minutes 24 seconds ~ Craig Pemhe ... ri\ al Ann Arbor visited the was the final in the other game. DESIGNED FOR SPECIFIED USES, TO REGULATE AND East measlm~d along the Westerly Right-of-Wc:y with a sensati ,', Blu(' Devil C0urts and toppled WP was Bill Gross and losing LIMIT THE HEIGHT AND BULK OF BelLDINGS HERE- line of said ~lorningside Drive a distance of field only to ~ to a 6-1 defeat. Two doubles was Bill Bailey. Seems a few Dooms pull tl ~ Hand Carved Carara Marble Fireplace Facing S AFTER ERECTED, TO REGULATE AND DETERMINE 638.23 feet to a point of curvature; • matches were the major attrac- errors were made in this game. Indian Ed Alb S For Injormntion Phone l'E 9-1252 f tion those of Kendall-Healy, On Friday it was those THE AREA OF YARDS, COURTS, AND OTHER OPEN Thence along the arc of a curve to the left tic center fiel " .::.;.', -;::+;•• ::.: •• :+;.: .::+;. ,.::+;. <.:.;';::e .. ::.:•. ::.:.' "':'.:'.:;'~' ~.~•.•::.:.' .'~" • and MiJIer-Busbey. "fighting TIGERS" 8 and the SPACES, TO LIMIT AND RESTRIC'r THE MAXn,WM (being th2 Westerly Right-of-Way line of Morn- pitcher was E WHITE SOX 1. Bill Bockstanz NUMBER OF F A..'HLIES WHICH MAY BE HOUSED IN Later in U The week was completed aided by a triple by Gary Mey~ ingside Dri;;e), radius of 358,13 feet central dians defeatec 'viI h another perfect match, DWELLINGS HEREAFTER ERECTED OR ALTERED, angle being J 1 degrees 46 minutes 05 seconds a VISIT DETROIT'S this time a g a ins t Fordson, ers and other bas~ hits, was AND FOR SAID PURPOSES DIVIDE THE CITY INTO hind the pitch named winning pitcher and distance of 7:l,56 feC't to a point of tang~n{'y; and the Oriole Gro,,»l' Pointe's new victories loser was Gl"n Hillger. At the DISTRICTS, TO PROVIDE A METHOD OF ADMINISTRA- ing of Brian 1 I pushes its season rocord to 8 diamond it was a close one Thence North 06 degrees 14 minutes 19 seconds LARGEST SHOWROOM TION AND TO PRESCRIBE THE PENALTIES FOR THE time, was aidE : and 1 while the BCL total is GIANTS 9 and BRAVES 8 with East measured along the Westerly Right-of-Way Complete. tine of nationally advertised, name brand 5 VIOLATION OF ITS PROVISIONS" adopted ell November The 5 to 2 II 1 and 1. Larry Schmi3t pitching for the line of Mornmgside Drive. a distance of 74.31 merchandise, for the retail outlet !:uyers-incentive 3, 1952, also known as Chapter 44 of "The Code of the City '.vas marked : Yestei"day the fuzzies met winners and Dick Roth for the feet to a point of curvature; awards - sales contest - premium promotional gifts. of Grosse Pointe Woods of 1953" BE AMENDED so as to sent borne rm ; Wyandotte at llome for their losers. hit a grand sl provide that the foll()wing property shall be rezoned so as Thence alon~: the arc of a curve to the right, Thous,,?lIs (Jf items to choose from for your next picnic, I seeond Encounter of the se'a-I' Again ~s w~ start ~h~ season, Indians "to SI: prom!2',on, 1I00r 0Feners, prizes for howling or golfing I son (thc other. another Devil your Wl'lter IS mystIfIed ... to be included in "C. F. Community Facilities Districts., being the Westerly Right-of-Way line of Morn- win from th b"nquets, gifts for sales closings. shut-out). And on Thursday the with 15 boys on eacb team you and the Zoning Map shall be accordingly re\'ised and ingside Drivt\ radius 433.37 feet. central angle bottom of the team will visit Highland Park would think there would be 15 11 degrees In minutes 35 seconds. a distance of Hafer had prE which also provided an excuse parents on each side rooting amended; SPECIAL PR!CES TO ORGANIZATIONS, CLUBS, 85.67 feet; thence North 71 degrees 48 minutes er which ga, FRATERNAL ORDERS, CHURCHES, ETC. : for a party in the earlier con-I ------lead, 2 to 1- PARCEL I 41 seconds West. a distance of 364.30 feet; test. Their loss 1 VISIT US SOON, A FRU GIFT IS WAITING FOR YOU _ Land in the City of Gr0sse Pointe Woods. being a part 2\leanwhile the Monroe coach a heart-breal PERSONALIZED ATTENTION of Private Claim 156, Wayne County, Michigan, and being T'lence Nortb 17 degrees 54 minutes ,10 seconds ,is re-chp.cking his nets. East, a distance of 274.0 feet to a point in the who were on Open Daily 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday and fridC!y til 9 p.m, more particularly described as follows; fect record j southerly Right-of-Way line of Vernier Road, Commencing at the intersection of the North. Orioles were BEE EXECUTED 66,0 feet wide, as now established; run happy ~ FREE A couple living in Kerby road, erly line of Private Claim 156, with the line smacking a : \ Thence North 71 degrees 46 minutes 25 seconds 'A.RKING name and addre!.s withheld, between the front and rear concessions of Pri- the team's 5 GEM called Farms police on Sunday, West and measured along the Southerly Right. vate Claim 156 and p!'oceeding thence South- the Yankees, May 16, stating that a bee was easterly along the North line of Private Claim of-Way line of said Vel.nier Road. a distance of -along with I in their house and they were 100.0 feet to

-ttl L : Giantll beat the Phillie •. Gary LI e eo 9ue ResuIts I Beaufait hit a grand slam fer Two More Victories Added the Gianta. DARK------,------' Tuesday, the Indians squeezed Devil Diamondmen . - I With a 6 to 4 victory over the by the Giants 10 to 9 for their By BIlle By DAR MARTIN Red. Legs, Home runs were first win, by looming from be- The secoad week of the 1965 agam, the order of the day in hind in the last of the sixth By Rog Teetzel ~('a:;on. of the Grosse Poin~e the fIrst contest with Larry inning on a clutch double by The Blue Devil diamondmen added two more vic- Park Little Lea~ue saw th still Mea~he and Don Hammond Stu Frazer. The Indians had 14 tories to their lengthening B.C,L. win column last week undcfcatc? Whlte. Sox take a tallY!:lg full-circuit runs for the hits with Frazer getting four by squeezing past Fordson (2-1) and obliterating Monroe c(lmma~dl.n~ lead 10 the Am~r- Pirates. Tim Schaafsma was and Hicks the- wInning pitching (14-2). (0) Ican DIVl~lOn of the maJor the winning pitcher in game getting three. Jim Hooper, the Yesterday Grosse Pointe host- was thrown out of the dugout leagues \~hlle a battl~ royal d~- num~er one, and Fred Rohn losing pitcher, had a homerun ed league-leading Wyandotte in by the umpire for beckllng the nlopcd 10 the National Divl- receIved credit for the second and a single to drive in three the most crucial game of the Monroe pi~cher. An avid adult ~l,'n, Hot hi~ters in the latter wer~ runs. season. Victories over Wyan- Monroe fan yelled at coacb The results of games played Bob Zeidler for the Pirates and In the other game, the Red dlltte and Highland Park (the Ern i e BRuer throughout the through last Friday: I S~ott Feringa and Mark Jen- Sox edged the PhUIie.s 2 to I, Devils will go to the Parkers' game for calling a Monroe MAJOR LEAGUES kms for the Red Legs. both teams playing errorless home field Thursday) would pitching technicality to the um- \mrrican Division I\UNOR LEAGUES ball. VanEman was the big gun give Grosse Pointe a 6-2 record pire's eyes. Tram w. L. Pet. Arnericau DivIsion fol' the Sox hitting a homer to and a share of first place in the tilt, P~jrl:[(' :\ct:-; of the White Sox 4 0 1.000 Team W. L, P t tie the score and driving in the B.C.L. They are now 4-2 in The baseball game was de- lntil;ln:; 3 1 .750 Marines 2 Ole. winning run with a sin/de. Doug league play. layed five minutes for the run- , h l' '! ,I: the :\luniripal Oflllics 2 2 .500 I Wisconsin 2 0 1::. Campbell, the winning pitcher, Last Tuesday the DevUs went ning of a 440 yard relay in a , \1:, n:':'J:DI- \tet'k-with the YankeE's - the Tom Wheetley. ~fhe sole bomer Hooper had a homer and Tom last April's "contest" with the Grosse Pointe's hitting attack IO\" While Sox made the most of 10 of the game came not to the Cameron a double with tlhe Pi- Trojans. This time the Devils was led by Doug Wright. Sam .I 0 \" \\alk:; yielden them and shut victors but to Jay Jeffrey of rates. Oldani hit a double for improved and WOil by two more Tho m p son, John Reynolds, out thE:'Yankees 11 to O. Win- Purdue. the losers . . T() runs 142 Gary JOhLS, Bob Lynch, and rllng pitcher Dave Wible con- It was an exciting week for In another close one Friday, E~en -though the game was Bill Blakeslee, each getting two " () F tnhl,ted to his own win by tak- Wisconsin which, first, squeezed the Red Sox beat the Giants, lop-sided it was exciting. A hits apiece. The winning pitcher ..-\ \" [) ut11 ing part with Dick MCLdaugh -0M narrow 8 to 7 win over 5ito 4..tJ~~ VanhE m a thien, win- Grosse Pointe student-manager was Dick Stricker. This was his :\\"1) lin III t.h~ game's on yl o-=.be l . ichigan State behind the pitl'h. n ng PI l;.IIer, a d 1 .str2 keouts . play. '\\ hlte Sox Bob Hoffman mg of Frank Milano only to tl.1d a?d hit a double. His teammate, I (not to mention any names), !lrst B.C.L. victory. TIlE \,:otthree hits in three trips to itself in a 5 to 5 tie with Ohio Jlm 'Rumora, also had a double HI': the plate. and Jim Bolton tallied State when the umpire caUed while Terry Allard hit a homer Keller was the hero for the Tig. Rochester 21-9; and Hollywood t\\o of the Yankee's 5 hits, the game because of darkness fo: the qiants. In Friday's Iers, pit chi n g 15 strikeouts snuck past R i c h m 0 n d, 7.6. ~ :\ L- D('~pit<::a home nm and two in the 7th inning. o~ller game, the Yankees' Win. against the Red Sox. The White Wednesday games: Miami took CITY ~lnl:;I('shy Senator Feter Ber-' Mi--=higan-a casulty of open- nmg streak came to a,n abrupt Sox also won both of their Rochester 13.6; Columbus beat ~II\- daye~. the White Sox emerged I ing day-came back with flying halt, 11 to 0, when the Reds un- game~ tbis week. The White HOllywood 16-8, Alan Abbott F() I~ victorious (11 to 8) in its game colors to win two games during leashed their power as follows, Sox sl1pped by the Red SOXB-~, was the winnl1ig pitcher for Co- with the Senators. Gary Vel" the week. a 20 to 4 defeat of homeruns by Buda and Turn- even L"ough VonHollenbeck hIt lumbus, and his teammate 1\'('111- keyn picked up the nod for the Purdue and a 7 to 4 defeat of er, two doubles by Parker and a three-run home for the losers. Steve Linsdeau scored four If tiH' \\in, and teammates Bob Hoff- i Ohio State. Both the DeClerq a double by ~ewh?use. Con~ay The Wednesday game against runs; Toronto plowed Montreal man and Dave Wible were I t,,:ins hit homers in the contest got an easy w~n ~lth 10 strlke- t~e Athletics was a one.hit~er under 12-6, P. Egen was the crc'c!itedwith a double play. WIth Purdue for which Brad outs. J. ImesC'~.hl~ a double for pItched by Palmer of the WhIte winning pitcher, his fellow play- The Indians - after losing t Vercourte got credit as winning lone of the Yanks three hits. Sox, who won 4-0, the one hit ers G, 8poor hit a homerun and !t,l'lr opf'ner - duplicated the I pitcher. It was the opponents' , AfiA was by Ed Rood of the Ath- Tom Richardson was three for rl\ ;1;(' Claim 156 al~o White Sox's feat by winning all; turn in the OSU game where M Po~tland s b~g bats boomed letics. In another good game, four; also, Buffalo beat Rich. (II Ed\\iird S('hlllL~ three of their games rluring the: Warren Terrace smashed a on ay as acrament.o was the Senators beat the Yankees mond 10-6. Friday games: Mont. rded in Llher 74 of \Ieek, Their first victims were i round.the-bases hit. Despite oV~[p0~lTeTed,~O ~oh~' Mike An- in a hitting duel 14-11. John real snowed Tampa under 23-6, w~,\ :~l' l'llllnl~ H(','- thf' Senators who lost in an 11 : this, the credit for the win went ~eg g~ ~e w~b e ~~d ~e hit- Matthews was the winning pit. Tony Ventimieiia pitched a ter. to 3 contest. Dave Wcodrow of: to Steve Pemberton. n 0 d re: ~~l l'vai"~tmer cher for the Senators, and his rifie game for Montreal, and d uI a I the Indians denied Senator I Army - which has 10 s t a ~n a °d /'hn 1M GO.6"', d teammate Robert Montgomery Toronto clobbered Syracuse, 1(1)]'I!:\;I(', :;4 .,('('OiU!S ("r(lie: Pemherton a home run! squeaker on opening day-came Mo.mker'Wa.nlb d~ c~..urrettain hit a three-run homer. 11-1. h . I t h. . ht I b k t . 't lIe I er mg eaUll ge ng \','.Inly I\l.,:ht.llf-Way WIt a sensauona ca c In rig. : ac 0 WID ,I S Su e conte~t a triple and a double. Major National League Due to the fact that none of j)l'l\f' a dh~a:l('f.' of fld(l (In!y to see SC:lator. Cralg : of the ,~e~~ With a 12 to 8 WID San Diego outlasted Denver, Team W L Pet. the managers of the Collegiate

In .llilJ"(,: Do~ms pull the sa~e tnck on I o,:,er ~lcUi.gan S tat e.. P~ul 10 to 8, with Mormon Getting Cubs 4 0 1.000 League have reported their IndIan Ed A.lbert wlth a d~a~a. I C~arnmltar~ was the w10nmg the win Tuesday. Giants 4 1 .800 team's scores, the standings and ;1 (:if\ f' to thf' left t,c ;enter fleld. catc,~. WliInmg: pitcher whlle teammates Jeff Portland beat Seattle twice Cards 2 1 .667 other ~tatistics have been omit- ot Wa~ lIop of :\Iorn. fl1tcoer~'as Bnan Kmgsley. i Gardner and, George Maloof this week. Wednesday's SCOl'e Braves 2 2 .500 ted thIS week. :~;)81:{ [('pI c'pnlnl Lata In the week, t~e In.' wer~ the h?t ~Itters. was 9 to 5, with Wilberding Dodgers 2 3 04,00 • • • ?:ans defe~te~ the At~lettcs be- I National DIviSIon winilling pitcher, Bill Voight Phillies 1 2 .333 CITY COMPARE and SAVE! r1l!;~lll(', It;) "f('on;!, a E:ndthe pltchmg of Bin Snyder Team W. L. Pet. had a homer and Munchausen Pirates 1 3 .250 pOlnl of :an..:('nl'~: ane\the Orioles behind the pitch. Indiana 3 0 1.000 and Farr doubled for Portland Redlegs 1 4 .200 Standings (as of May 15) FRESH ~N' CLEAN ln~ of Bria~ KingsIc~ who, this I~wa 3 0 1.000 while John McKee had a homer Both the Cubs and the Giants MAJORS 14 lTIllllll('" HI ,,('('ol.d, tl~~e"was aided. by Rl~k Mahon, ~': ~orce 2 1 .667 for Seattle. In Saturday's game won both of the games they Won Lost Wc',\('rly l{ic:l)t-pf W,'~ T~e 5 to 2 Indlan-Onole game .Ihnols 1 2 .333 the s('Ore was 8 to 5 with Mun- played this week. The Cubs Cubs 2 1 MOIST TOWELETTES t'. a di.",lIlCl:' oC ,-l,Jl \':a , f('(': to a pcllOt 10 the fed :ecorct for the week. The Mmnesota t,o OliO hIt. The same bell was winDing pitcher both three hits, one of -which was a .CJu:l", Marcopu.O'S was the Ilf' IIf \"f'rmer Road, Orioles \Icre especially home: q~artet (w~th Dave Suon sub. games and Batchlor took both homer. I 'pltchmg star of the week, hurl. ,:;lhll,hf'll: fUD h1ppy "lith Dave Kennel' bmg for Kim Stewart) proved losses. T B n d G B mg the Braves to a 6 to 0 shut. "mackin" a full-circuit clout in I hot hitters in the Northwestern San Diego beat Sea t tl e t~:;)r;.tha ew an f a~: ~n- out over the Cards - all()wed .+ti l11iO:ltf'" ::5 ,,('t"I~,h t~r te~;'s 5 to 4 t.riumph over I contest. 5 t<> 2, Friday with three run~ ne 1 orne runs o~ e WID- only 2 hits, 2 walks and struck Ih(. SOllth('r.\' RL:ht. th Y k d D K I Hot hitters-Bill Tocco Don in the lllst of th f'fth in i. ners, and Steve Schle~cher was out 14, The Walker boys, Mark ,r an C("'. an ave enne . '. e I n ng four for four. The GIants shut d J h led th h'W th -alr,ng w~th brother Steve and! Bnggs, Jon Marshall, Tom Van Just before the game was called L th Ph.n' 120 I _ an 0 n, .e 1: n~ at T r-:p;!d. a dl"lann' of l t('ammate Dan Ireland-hitting I Lokeren and Angelo Tocco - b~cause of darkness. oU e t t Ithes B-' nban produced 6 rUIl5 10 the thIrd . .' Ed,lt'r!:-. lull' of BI'Il , bl d I t t hId' , Cl Coer th s hu ou , e raves eat E'}' . th k "'6 __ ~ r.,l)rr homers in a 13 to 5 con. 'I ena e owa 0 ma c n lana s ass th Dod 60 J Tr. r a1 ler 10 e wee , .l'-.ll;\)U. a, r{'t'ordec! in Llh('r q:l('st of the Senators. Pitcher record. Illinois rallied briefly On Mond&y, Columbus beat 'te h d getrsrifi=' oe mg a,l pulos hit the first grand slam- bitt \\',I\'l\P I. 't t .th I h M. i 15 t 9 ith B Wh I pI C e a er c one- er An- f th b t t '1 elf tilt' C('UIlt:-. I~:llSanr:er got credit for the lID I S encoun er WI owa w ('n lam, 0, w . ee er th hitt 't h d b mer 0 e year u 0 no avcu defeat of'the Yankees and Chet : Anrly Michalak transformpd a the winning pitcher. Chuck ~ e~lone- e: ~:s p~ c d~ IY as the Dodgers beat the Braves Brown picked up a ~plus in the fielder's choice move to first Caulkins hit a double for the h t . emmt ~ R edl ar 6~a s, 10 to 4 behind Lefty Dean Elm- ;)~ ')1inllt(', 4(: '('\ OtHi." \\in column i::l the meet with into a home run, thanks to ,,"r. winners. s u ling ou e e egs -. Quist. John Carr and Vince Me. ::11' Ea':"r':, :'1,(' of tht. SeDato!':;.Y-nkee Jim Owen rors on the opponent's part. TUE:Jday saw Buffalo lose to Minor American Le~gu~ t Donald homered for the Dod'g.

:)(1.\ 1.....1un a ... rt'{.'()r~l('d ,,1'0 r('('orded ~ home run in Tom Van Lokeren was the win. Rochester, 1;'; to 8, even though Team W c. ers; Carr also hit for the cir- 'd_" 3:~ P: tht' \\;1: r~l' 1.1e contest with the Orioles. ning pitcher in the second mc~t Buffalo got a gr~nd slam hom- Ho~ston. 1 0 1.000 cuit against the Cubs. \ational Davision of thtOweek. er from Bart Dlckson and tri- Indl.an~pohs 3 1 .750 MINORS 75 :1-+ ll,;~:,!~t .... 411 ...."tOr;,I:' Iram W. L. Pet. Air Force-another new team pIes froThmBob Thompson and LoStUl sVl11 e 3 1 '6 6°7 Won Lost p 1 2 1 , . '1!' Fa

;:l\!!\ j ....:or: C1 d:"dr:cp j)I)[h'r . 2 1 :~~~8 to 5 conquest of Minnesota was winnin,g pitcher. WIchIta 2 1 .667 Sena'tors 1 0 'Gl ~i ...t lorne; of :--o.id i'lr~~('\" 2 1 .667 and a Ie to 2 dc;feat at the 7 ~ic~IllWdd.n edged Syracuse, ~ef{er i ~.: ~igers 1 0 Br;l' f" 1 2 .333 hands of Air Force's service th 0 '. .e e~ay with Heidt M~ as Ii 1 2 '333 ~nll~ 0 1 G:~nh 1 2 3 teammate, Navy. Air Force e wmnmg pltcher. Huette- mneapo s . PhI les --. 0 1 1 ,")-; :l11nutf':, :2tl ;--p\ nnd .... Rl'd L[':::~ 1 2 :~;3 missed an opportunity to move madnBhitka homder abnd a triple, °Chmahla t 0 2 .:~ Pirates '''~'''''''''''9''"'---h~lli 1 SCORE HAIR DRESSfor Men REG. 98t 69~ : hi' ~()u:ht'r:\ :1i.(' ll{ Lea"l;' I,d. laurels are ahc;ad in the intra-service con. an , ae as an R0 ie e.ch had ar es on 3 . Scores: Tlge~ ,P 1 es 7 ; il\ "h'n d!HI Ilt'r~t-:" 'f"\' ~ e h ca I;g g b 'n the test by leaving 3 men on in the a trlple for Ricl1mond. Wichita was the only team to ~enators 9, PIrates 2; Grosse QT. ;1' r(','nrr!('(: ;n j ,dlt'~. .\;t'io~a~~'. ~p. or 'tr: t ~eams 2nd inning. Kevin Cotter of Air Ruffalo swamped MiamI, 18 win both games played this Pointers 8, Giants 6. lULIA M'AY BUBBLINGMilK BATH 1.98 ,f 'il,' Wayne COlint:- ,e;Jarated l~~sl~n~ant one-win Force pitched well but his fel. to I, Thurs~ay with, Bob week. Wichita beat St. Paul ------.) :.!~; :~\t'~ !(l ~;H: ~~hlth ma"";!l low ,t>layers couldn't support ThomP5~n gettmg the wm. 12-8 on Thursday. The team Jerald Valente Wins . "',.' \'(';r~j(', CIl'c:e :\'ft~,~.losing their premiere him with these all-essential In Saturday'~ first game, C~ captain, Richard Padilla was Diamond Certificate GILLETTE FOAMY SHAVE GIANT SIZE R~~_ 69 ~ C()[,te,tof the season, the Cardi- hits. Earlier ~ the. ~eek, Air' lumb~s beat Rl~m?nd, ~ to 6. the winning pitcher and had two r.::1, rebounded with a 6 to 0 Force proved Its abIlity to ?et C~l;llklnS.was wmnu:g. p~tcher, hits. The Satu-day game saw ,:::;t uut of the Giants and a 16 out of tigh .. spots by gettmg w lIe Rlchmond hlttml; was Omaha bow to Wichita in a 13- Jerald E, Valente, son of Jos- CARTERSPillS BOTTLE OF30's REG. 49~ 37~ .~" .' h M'k two hits in tbe fifth inning to done by Huetteman, a home- 12 thrl'llet St Paul slaughter eph Valente, has been awarded l', :> \\In over t e Braves. 1 e . . H 'dt h . 1 •. • l,etl not only got credit for the break a tie game WIth Mm- r~nd' el , bal omI e~, a trIP de,ed' Charleston 35-8. Joe Sch- the Diamond Certificate of the 11 OZ. . h ota a a dou e. n "'Ie seeon 'tz th ., .t h Gemological Institute of Amer- CITRATE of MAGNESIA REG. 29~ 19 ~ \\ In In the first game of t e nes. '" . . game, Rochester rom ed over warn was . e wmmng pI c er. ica in recognition of his success- Iteck hut added a tripie and IllinOiS-a leader 10 the m~n- Syracuse 13 to 5 v'th Th .d" Jeff Cann hIt a homerun, and ful completion of that organiza- dn:i:,le to his batting- aver:oge. ors last year-r~turned ~o Its striking ~t 16 g~tti~g th ::.~- Dick Schwanitz and Mike Dian.- tion's Diamond Training Pro- <:HUX DIAPERS SMALL -lARGE - EX-LARGE 1.69 In" Cards - Braves struggle old form by handmg Nort west. Hitters for R~hester wer~ ~c~ orid hit doubles. ;',., "v \\ ,>(", ',c' ~ ? part ~am. . en,]rWed 11. I i"--~l':'. \ll(.:.~l_d .. [)''''.'': ~ll(Jrf' the same home.ru~ti.s ern an to 6 defea!. Tlo~r~- Coy a double and a triple (4 for In the ot~er th~ee Tuesday Jerald is working with his \tDle", hit the American DIV1- Do~ald bil;ve up onl t 1D 4). Theide a homerun and a games, Indianapolis snuck by h h father at Valente Jewelry, 16601 SlOn :-hke Getz chalked up a. a smgle p~tc. er. co;n a . double, Higgins a triple and ~allas 3.2, .with B. A~ur ta.k. E. Warren, who has been in the let Us Price and Fill Your Next , '"n o!lhe :O;o:,:twrl.. I h?r::er for his team, and John I FARMS Hendrie a double. For Syra- lUg the WID for IndIanapolis, jewelry industry for the past 35 PitT HO.ld 't>tU !('('1 ' \\oodcock (who hit 3 for 3): c~e. Solomon hit a homerun ML'lneapolis won over Louisville years. He is the second genera- !' ;lOd the Wt"~,'rl\ I racked another up for th~ By Dean Riddle and Wells a dOUble, 4.3, with Paul Grosshans as the tion having. expert knowledge r:,l;''c"idp PrI\e .;\: 0 Bra'.C', Tom Stack of the Cardl' Standings as of May 16: • • • winning pitl::her and Mike Straet- of the jewelry industry. PRESCRIPTION ;cci nab lias winning pitcher in the Major Leagu~ L WOODS.SHORES mans and Jefl Potter as the seCr,ndgame. Yankees 4 1 By CIndy Tew outstanding fielders, and Hous- Registered pharmacists ore on duty ot all times to serve you courteously, 4f; rni,:u!t" ~."),,['~nnds I The Dodgers, too, snapped, 3 2 This week was almost perfoct ton defeated Denver 2-1. The promptly and accurately, at the lowest possible price consistent with the f'~l~~l~ {'i.' \\"Ci: :Jr:l' back after losing their opener Reds :-3 2 for Little League Baseball. None Thursday games saw Indiana- highest quality to everyone, everyday! Why Pay More? t' of 10.0 fe('t...... lth two victories during the Pirates 2 of the games this week were polis win over Denver 6.3, and \ k f th PhIIIies 3 ,n p'lnlllC'" ~>--t "t'c(,r](i" \ Cc .: a 15 to 9 defeat 0 e 3 2 Icancelled because of bad weath- Omaha out hit Charleston 18.11. G' f t f Red Sox fl' .'t; lants and a 13 to 5 de ca 0 2. 3 er. or wet grounds, All of the Minor International League the Red Legs. Terry Griffin got Giants 1 4 boys worked hard f')r their Team W L Pet, ,. nd TiJ::ers ..2ri ;!~lnlit('.....Itt; P. r,nd, crerllt for the first game, a Indians 1 4 teams, and most of the manag- Toronto 4 0 1.000 !P( t t" t!I,,' Wt "1'1';\ TO:~l Dufour for the second. The I AAA League ers are proud of their boys,' Buffalo 3 1 .750 :!~~,Ide I>rl\e. - D"d:er~.Giants game was a i San Diego 3 0 Major American League Columbus 3 1 .750 PACKAGE real slug fe"t witt Tom Court, Portland 3 0 Team W L Pet. Montreal 3 1 .750 :~.;:J~Ir.l:!h54 .'(,C' ".' , I JiM 1 1 1 i:I_~lt'Ol Wa\ !I::(' a Ruble, John Knight, John I Hollywood 4 Senators 4 .800 SyracuS(' 2 .667 lun Connary IS Ag.nt 007 Bell, Wid Knight and Tom Du- Denv€'r 2 2 White Sox 4 1 .800 Miami 2 2 .500 In Iin Flaming's LIQUOR DEALER i~(' pr,m! of bt:'gm::a...; fOurimproving their battin~ av- Sacramento 0 4 Orioles 3 1 .750 Hollywood 1 3 .250 Cunningham's has the largest end most complefe seiection of fine wines 'If) acre' "GOLDFINGER" erages handsomely. The Gl~ts Seattle 0 5 Tigers 3 2 .600 Tampa 1 3 .250 IlturdlY MMln.. only and champagnes. From domestics to exotic importsl Also, CI complete ''THI lAD HOltllil" were no s~ouchs either WIth Class C Yankees 3 2 .000 Richmond 0 3 .000 plus cartoons stock of your favorite brand of beer or liquor. Ga~~' Simon. Mike Torlnne, Columbus 4 0 Indians 1 3 .250 Rochester 0 4, .000 Steve Katsar~s and Frank Pol- Rochester 4 1 Red Sox 1 4 .200 Monday games: Miami edged NEXT A TTIACTIDNI Complete Home Bartender Needs! 1:n:,hitting heavily, Jim Ruble, Svracuse 3 2 Athletics 0 5 .000 Tampa 6-5; Lefthander Gary Ex:luslv. First Run ShowingI The Fam.d Classic That Hu ~ D. LIDDLE ~l:>;c":'urlone and Steve Kats~-, Richmond 2 2 The Tigers won both of their Hill was the winning pitcher, Fuclnated Ovar 11!-OOO,OOOreaG. l€rk fv" all in<:lllded homers 10 Buffalo 1 4 games this week. On Monday. and his teammates Sproder and .rs_ OF GROSSE POI:\TE tht'.!f rcc.ords for t~e day. 500 Miami 0 5 they defeated the Athletics in a Winkwoorth were star fielders; "A HIGH WIND IN JAMAICA" 1 he Pirates achieved g \ Majors 6.5 thri~ler. The Wednesday Buffalo won over Columbus 7-3, IS, MICHIGAX i '. With Anthony Quinn, J.m.s record for the week, by OSlD 6 On Monday. M~y 10, the game saw' the Red SO"" sur- thanks to the good pitching of Coburn and ACl!d.my Award Wlnner-LUI Kedrovl to the Braves in a Ui.ht 7btock Yanks beat the Tigers and the : render to the Tigers 13-1. Tom Joe Osldn; Syracuse IImeared 1 llame and then coming a

J j ______,., 7._' .,._7 7.2.'.g__ 7 .~ .n .F.S_.S.7 .,. ~----~-~-""'.""'---""4-- - __ ..-Il~ ."_"'''' ''.C-.....,-...------0 ------.._._,..-- 2 ... ..,

Page Twelve GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May 20, 1965 - Oro,., PoInteNew. Memorial Center Schedule What Goes On PUBLISHED EVERY ,}, Elmore ( noon, one got the impressif'n that every municipal build- *4:00 p.m.-Ballet Classes-Mary Ellen Cooper, Instruc. cipate in a contest to see which Frank, Joseph L. Leonard, and Fred and Pat Jean ing in the community must be empty. They were all t{)r school ground is judged in tte Joseph F. Leonard. there. councilmen. administrative officers. judges, de- *7:00 p.m.-An Evening on the Rhine best and cleanest condition. : *A delicious German dinner and gay inter- This year, Mason School won FLOWERS fOR ALL OCCASIONS partment heads, etc. And the Public School System, first place, Monteith School sec. ( which serves the entire area as a single district, was national program YOUR ACCOUNT INVITED ond, and 81. Clare de Montefalco CAMP , SERVING GROSSE POINTERS FOR OVER HALF A CENTURY amply represented. Many men were accompanied by *Abend mahlzeit third. *A program of German Lieder : their ladies, which added greatly to the most pleasant Honorable mention for six I ~ERNIER RD. ~g8Jii TU 6-0600 event. *Color films of the Rhineland merit ribbons was awarded to TA-HO-MEE There was much shop talk as the officials seized *Prizes. $4.50 per person, tax and service Parcells Junior High School, FOR BOYS ~----_._-~------~------the chance to disc~ss common problems with their neigh- included. Brownell Junior High School, bors in a most conyivial atmosphere. Forrest Geary, who 8:00 p.m.-Lake S1. Clair Chapter, M. S. P. E. Meeting Richard School, Barnes School, ATLANTA, MICHIGAN and Dessert. . E:erbySchool. and Grosse Pointe heads up the Community Services Department of the University School. Youth is but a fleeting mom. Camp Clarkston Public School System. has done a fine job of congealing TUESDAY, MAY 25 In p~st years, the Academy ent. If you would give joy to Seventy rolling acres in the Country these annual affairs. They could st"nd repeating more *9 a.m. - 9 p.m.-Grosse Pointe Artists Exhibit of the Sacred Heart has received your youngster, do it now. REAL CAMPING AND ADVENTURE! often than on the once-a-year basis. *9:30 a.m.-Conversational French-Mrs. Charles Bach- a speci<1laward due to the fact Camping should be a part of • A camp close to home. rach, Instructor that the grounds are maintained • Campers sppnd weekends at home. every boy's education. It offers • A smail group o! boys and g~ls (6 to 13 YTS.)allows opportunity *10:00 a.m.-8ervice Guid for Children's Hospital- by hired groundskeepers. This for personal attention and growth. year the grounds were again so much that home and school Workshop can not. RIDING, SWIMMING, NATURE LORE, CAMPFDlJ!: COOK'()UTS 12 noon-Women's Aux. of American Society of Mich. found i.nbeautiful condition. FARM ANIMALS. HA YRlDES. TRIPS. etc. ' Letters to Members of the Grosse Pointe For the best in camping con- Our 22nd Year-Member American Camping AslIn. the Editor Engineers, Luncheon and Meeting I Mens Garden Club who donated toct D....ight "Ike'" Henn, Di- TU 1-3460. Mrs. Thos. McCormick. Director. Tuition $45 week .------12 noon-Senior Men's Club-r.!eeting and Lunch their services for the inspection To the Editor: I education and recreation and *1:30 and 7:30 p.m. - Basic Painting and Integrated rector, Com p Ta.Ho-Mee, Evenings PR 2-9443 were Dan Hodgman, Charles Thackery, Ohio, or coli repre- 'This is to thank you on be., begin groundwork exploration. Drawing, Ray Fleming Jr., Instructor Cocke, ,10hnCooper,Jim MeDon. half of Grosse Pointe Rotary for Although the forum was munt.ns 6:30 p.m.-Grosse Pointe Toastmasters-Dinner Meet- sentative at PR 1.6604. the publicity vou gave the I . aId, GiI Douglas, Don Eckhardt. Ciub's 10th A~nual Antique ~away he was detenru:1ed that a ing Show. i meaningful program be pre. 6:30 p.m.-' Kiwanis Club of Grosse Pointe - Dinner Also. w(' wish to thank all of! sented. Meeting 'See Am,eriea the Perfect Way" your re&d~rswho he!pcd through I How does one measure the 6:30 p.m.-Exchange Club of Grosse Pointe, and Op. their pll.tronageto make this a I influence of this man on the timist Club of Grosse Pointe. Combined most succes~ful event. , Dinner. Separate meetings following dinner. The Club plans in the hnme. j lives of Grosse Pointers? Oltl~ *7:30 p.m.-Grosse Pointe Chess Club diate future to announce some year Imndreds of Gr 0 sse *8 and 9 p.m.-Yoga Classes-Mrs. George Johnson, Jr., FOUR WINDS TheWin.R.lIam.ilfon. C'o. of t~e institutions and activities Pointers explored comparative Instructor that will benefit from the religions, another year business *8:00 p.m.-Meet the Travellers. Outer Mongolia. The Over a Celltur,' of SerL'lce show's proceeds. and labur. another year our only color documentary film no this area Sincerely yours. political system and last year existing in the United States. It was taken PRIVATE TOURS F1JNERAL DIRECTORS J. A Passanante, Jr. for a change of pace-football. recently by Dr. E. S. Smyd who will present Dear )lr. Edgar' I The Grosse Pointe War Mem. an accurate and informative narration in Last week Grosse Pointe lo~t orial is a living memorial to our co~nection ~it~ its showing. The Grosse by PRIVATE~ one of its outstanding citizens.! war dead-the Friel; Forum will Pomte publIc IS cordially invited free-of- Serving (~eorge l\fcl\Iullen. repr~sented I be a living memorial to George charge. GROSSE POJ!'\TE DETROIT what was the fmest In our ." 3:00 p.m.-Grosse Pointe Camera Club U.S.A. - Mexico - Canada A..."W SUBURBS GroSSi' Pointe community. Not ~cMullen. Grosse Pomte 15 a 'VEDNESDA Y, MAY 26 only was he roneemed about fmer pla~e because ~e()rge ! our total community but he ex- walked ~hlS way. He Will be *9 a.m. - 9 p.m.-Grosse Pointe Artists Exhibit . 16 to 23 Days pressed his sensitivity about its sorely missed. 12 noon-Senior Men's Cribbage Group-Cribbage and W!LLU\I R. H.\'MITJTO~ II D.niD M. HAMILTON needs in tenns of dynamic ac. John T. Short, Chainnan Snack' ." FREQUENT STAYS AT LUXURY CLARENCE E. OTTER tion. G:-ossePointe War Memorial 12:00 noon-Grosst: Pointe High School Mother's Club Th;~ past week the program Program Committee "-Banquet Lunch RESORTS AND HOTELS committee of the War Memorial" *12:30 p.m.-Senior Ladies Club-Social Cards Tea CHAPELS had a lengthy session discussin~ 12:30 p.m.-Grosse Pointe Traffic an~ Safety Comm.- • WINNER OF 8 TRAVEL AWARDS DETROIT Bm)fTXGHAK what ~hould be the topic of the HUitT IN GYM Luncheon Meeting "Not to be missed ... Four Winds Fries Forum of .January, 1966. William Gough, 16,of 1040 De. *4 00 B ]I t CI 397S c.~~sA\'E!'\l""E 320 EAST MAPLE It \\-as agreed that the .nea to. vonshire, cut his heel on a piece : p.m.- a e :lsses-Mary Ellen Cooper, lnstruc- Americana Rail Cruises"-HARPER'S BAZAAR TE j .2':12 M14~6000 be explored in depth should be •of glass while in the St. Paul tor our teenage youth. The very I High School Gymnasium on *7:30 p.m.-Memorial Bridge - Mr. and Mrs. Andrew \"ORTBWEST next day George began out. 1 Thursday, May 13. He was con. Walrond, Direct{)rs ~3IJOO lnf ES COlJZE~S lining the demensions of this I veyed to Bon Secours Hospital *7:30 p.m.-Adult Ballet-Mary Ellen Cooper, Teacher m 1.1300 concern and asked that we bring by Farms )JOlicefor treatment *8:00 p.m.-Yoga Class-George Johnston, Jr., Instruc- together our youth leaders in of the wound. tor

f Thursday, May 20, 1965 Page Thirteen GROSSE POINTE N~W~ , Huwes Honor M~s. Peter B. Bogle Mrs. Seyburn Newlywed Bogies St. Patrick's Day was cele- brated all OVeT again in the Touraine road home of the Les. Travel To Florida tel' F. Ruwes on May 11, but the patron saint of Ireland had to d S .... share honors this time with Jea,lne Mary Der,omme Speaks Vows Satur ay in t• Mrs. Wesson Seyburn of East Philomena Church, To Peter Burgard Bogle; Jefferson aven:Ie. Reception at DBC Follows The bale event was a royal _ send-off for th~ popular Mrs. I At an 11 o'clock ceremony in st. Philomena Church Seyburn,. who flIes out of New Saturday, Jeanne Mary Denomme, daughter of Mr. and Y~rk Fnd.ay for a three:week Mrs. Gerald Denomme, o.f McKinley avenue, became the trIP to Erm a~d the ~onhne~t. bride of Peter Burgard Bogle. A burly IrIshman m native H' th M d"~------'---- costume complete to shill I h e IS e son of r. an ~. greeted' the guests at the :o~r' Mrs. Hen~y Charles Bogle, They carried yellow daisies and changed into a st. Pat'~ of 81. ClaIr Shores. entwined with English ivy. costume after diner to help dis- The. ~everend An~'Us McMil- Davi~ ~ogle served as his WOMEN'S pense goblets of Irish coffee. Ian offiCIated. . ~rother's nest man. Ushers were A beautiful green cloth with .For her mamage, the former Peter Truman Brown, E .. LlwYd appliqued white shamrocks eov- ~lSS Denornn:e ch.ose a. SIlk Ecclestone, Jr., Geroge Villelot, ered the large dinner table, and l~en gown deSIgned IJYChns~os Jr., an~ Alger Boyer, of New there was even a centerpiece oi With mock. boler~ and emp!re Yo~k C~ty, N.Y.., . traditional green carnations. A A.lne sk1~t snmmed WIth It or ner da~gnter s ~cddmg From Anotller Pointe 'I Short and, to quartet appeared during dinner Ve~ese applIQ':lc,a ch:lpel. len~h and the receptIon folIow~ng the and enthralled the guests for tram, and yell of Silk. Ill':lSlOn ceremony, at the DetrOIt Boat I hours with beautiful renditions held by a ~Ior bow of SIlk hn~n. Cl~b, ~irs .. Deno~-ne. chose a of View The Pointe of Irish songs. She earned cluste.rs of W~l~€ ?eIge SIlk Ime!1 smt WIth match- ~;;:;::i;'.:.'..;.::.: .:' ':':\~:i::::::'::':': ;:~:::::::'.:~"" Am th t. roses surrounded WIth canulha mg accessories. Mrs. Bogle .....;.:...... w.... ong ose presen were 1 dEl' h . b'd d be' l' By Kathy Dickson JAMES COLLINS, son of :":"~I)tii':'~:"';<. ;iH .:~;:::t?:. M d M J h S Sh . eaves an _ng is iVY. wore .an ~m 1'01 er~ 1ge In- MR. and MRS. MARSHALL E. ;;;~'$,:i';:':;::i~i'..~.:.~k::.iit~:::.:~. ~r(:::::::¥ r. an rs. osep . ereI', In floor length gowns of y~l- en smt WIth matchmg accessor. I COLLINS, of Bishop roa.1, has ~:;(:f:;f!!::::::::~''.'\?~::~~. : ~';-"<::;(" Dr. and Mrs. Charles C. M~r~el, l(\w linen with leai green head. ies. Both mothers pinned cym- $350 O. B. Weed Sohal- ..:ii@:r'.:{':::.;.:~\"t1fl. ::.:\ Mrs.. Ed?el Fo~d, Mrs. WIlham pieces were maid of honor Ann bidium orchids to their purses . ....------~IWOn a :.:.::;:.~.,.:.:t:;.;<::::;:.:!:::."":, ":::;:~;::'.~:;:::::~.:- .. '., ,.:'::':: McGlverm, AddISon Holton, Geo. Marie F"ello 3J.,d b~idesmaids When they return from a The outdoors will move ~nside tomorrow night at arship at WaYiJleState Univer~ sity. He is one of six students :~i;:~(t:::i~~~ti1~&;::;::~:::!~~JI:;:::.'":.::. \\~ r~e Reindel, ~r., Robert Tanna- :\larV.Ka;e Denomme: sister of wedding trip to Florida, the the Detroit Yacht Club's Wheels' "Everything's Comin' to receive a Weed schola'l"Ship. W¥i'Z_/,»;,~"", ,I hIll, Jerry SmIth, RoL~rt Edgar, 'he "bride BarbcU'a Gauss and newlyweds will make their home l'p Roses Cocktail Farty," from 6:30 to 8:30 o'clock. * * * f:tK::.':;~.:~~~::;r:r~ old country style, vi~e-covereG. arches and trellises-- oi Grand Marais boulevard, is an.d Mrs. Gerald Denomme, of McKinley avenue, spoke her house, and flew' to New is the BARONESS BARBARA land." even a flower-bedecked bubbling brook. O:le of 30 students named Pen- her marriage vows Saturday, in St. Philomena Church, York Tuesday to spend a few dleton scholars this year in rec- to Mr. Bogle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Bogle, of d~ys before her Friday overseas DE HENNINC? and her paternal Miss Stillwell, a sophomore at 'r Shores. ,flIght. grandmother IS MRS. VIRGINIA Wellesley, is the daughter ')f The Wheels, the Get Acquainted Club of the DYC, ognition of outStanding ere den- St. Cla1 ------1. ROGERS of Somerset road. MR. and MRS. HAM I L TON \\'ill have in store a Famous Lovers Contest, their own I lials for admission at Wellesley lowing dinner tile hostess, host * * '" STILLWELL. Lovers' Lane including Mr. Cupid, a roving photographer College, \Vellesley, Mas.. Bar- major in the U. of D. College I MR. and MRS. PETER CHAR~ MR. and MRS. H. G. SP AR- and guests will attend the op€ra. * ,;: * and Phil Girard and his Casanov(l.s. Dinner and dancing bar", who attended Grosse of Arts and Science. I NO of Canterbury; ROBERT ROW III of Moross road an- MAGDA R. BOEHM of Not- will follow the party. All elub members and guests are Pointe High School, !s a fresh- Ekcted social chairman of i DEMOREST, son of MR. and Miss Joy will vacation at the Greenbrier in White Sulphur nounce the birth of their second tingharn road, will be initiated welcome and invited. man at Wellesley thiS year. the sorority. Miss Doyle is the MRS. JOHN A. DEMOREST of child and first son, EDWARD into the Wayne State University * * * daughter of MR. and MRS. Sunningd"le; ~1I C H A ELL. Springs, W.Va., during the Memorial Day weekend and Mr. HARRISON on May 13. Mrs. Phi Beta Kappa chapter at din. Working on the annual All-Club Spring Party are MR. and MRS. ROBERT M. JOHN H. DOYLE, of I Wedge- FREEMAN. son of MR. and is Wasner will be houseguest of Sparrow the daughter of DR. ner ceremonies Thursday, May Grosse Poiniers Mrs. Dorothy Trost Miss Kathy Sitzman, HAYS. of Rocky River. 0 .. an- wood. A 1963 graduate of Our MRS. PAUL M. FREEMAN of and lIffiS. H. R. WOODRUFF 27. in McGregor Memorial Con- \lrs. Elinor Kornmeier. He:lry Buccicro. Mrs. Art Davies, nounce the birth of a daughter, Lady Star of the Sea High! Roosevelt; HELEN S. HOWE, PHILIP K. WRIGLEYS in I..ake Forest, Ill. of Mt. Pleasant, Mich., and Mr. ference Center. To be eligible :\lrs. Ernest ValaurL Mrs. Edward Franks, Mrs. Mike BARBARA, April 23. Paternal School, Miss Doyle is a sopho- daughter of MR. and MRS. '" '" • Sparrow is the son of MAJ. for the country's oldest scholas. La Rocca and Mrs. Tom Tompkins. I grandparents are MR. and, more majoring in English in' WILLIAM A. HOWE of S. Re- MICHAEL MILLER, son of GEN. H. G. SPARROW of tic bonor society, a student MRS. ROBERT M. HAYS. of the A. & S. College. naud; JOHN P. VAN HORN, I HAROLD MILLER, of Lake- Columbus, O. must have a 3.6 out of a pas. 1- * * Whittier road. * * • son of l\'IR. and MRS. J. E. * * • sible 4 point grade average. More Carden Cal::;, Da1.'s '" * '" I VAN HORN of Merriweather; pointe avenue, is one of five c:o .. 1 • • d ith JAYNE L. NEW COM B LUCY SMITH, daughter of and WARREN W. WINSTAN- student:: to be elected to Delta ~OUGLA ....MORTON has le- * * .. Garden lovers and gourmet~ WIll be debghte W daughter of MR. "nd MRS: MR. and MRS. JAMES M. LEY f MR d MRS Sigma Pi, professional business I ceived the Lary :rt~ag~er Award R 0 S E MAR Y O'GRADY, the news of a marvelous day commg June 10. T~e GrG3Se I JOHN J. NEWCOMB. of Whit- SMI~H:. of l:akeland avenue: WARR~;~. WINST~NLEY of fraternity at Michigan State pre.sent~d, by MlchIg.an State daughter of MR. and MRS. J. A. Pointe Garden Center Board has planned a Fair on the tkr road. has been elected a was lllitiated mto the Beta PI Harvard University, for 6Pring term, Umve:SI!Y s Les. Gourmet H~tel O'GRADY. of Three Mile drive, (ireen on the lake front and terrarcs of the War Me- house president for next year chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta . *'" * 1965. ASSOCIation to Its outstandmg will receive the AssocIate of sorority at Michigan State Uni- morial, from 1 in the aftrrnoon until 5. R AIN. OR SHINE . at pine Mai1Qr Junior College versity on April 25. I MR. and MRS. WILLIAM P. '" '" * freshman member. The award Arts degree from -immaculata {iarden dubs of Grosse Pointe will hold a sale-every- where she is a freshman. The . .. * * .MICHEL (Barbara Broadwelll, DR. and MRS. F~EDERICK was presented by th£' Associa- J un i 0 l' College, Washington, J. LEPLEY of Blairmoor court Hon at the School of Hotel, Res- D.C.. on Sunday, June 6. thing from hors d\)£'tlVres to homemade pirk1es. Each col!ege, presently l~cated in PETER H. MONROE, son of of Cincin":ati, 0.. formerly of announce the birth of a son, taurant and !nstituticlUal Man- R06emary is a graduate of club will sell its sprcia! ddicacies, and after one has Wellt:sley, Mass.. WIll move "'YR. and MRS. C. ~. MONROE. Grosse. Pomte P~rk .. anno~ce . d l' ht th over the summer to Chestnut "'" ,., 'th b rtb th f t h ld JEFFERY THOMAS on May 13. agement's annu:,:-1spring honors Dominican High School, Detroit. bought a number 0 f d('\'astatmg (' I~ s, one may en -lill where Jayne will be among of Moross place. a senior at e I of ell' Irs C I , Mrs. Lepley is the former banquet. .. .. * , become gardf'n-mind:-d. All kinds of annuals-even 19~5 ~he first class to graduate from W)lllams College in WiHiarns- ~~~A~~EM~~.ang~~L~S ar; NANCY HENDERSHOTT of Morton is the son of MR. and BRIAN M. MUM:\.W, son of introductions, it is hoped-will be for sale: also 10 dif. the new school. t?wn, Ma~s.. ~as been named to MICHEL, SR., of Cincinnati, Cuyahoga Falls, O. DR. and MRS. STUART MORTON of MR. and MRS. MINARD MU- ferrnt kinds of herbs. sold in individu~1. compact con. * * * I tile Dean s LIst for lnst se~es- 0.. and MRS. H. M. BROAD- MRS. FREDERICK O. LEPLEY Fairholme road. MAW of Lakeland avenue. has tainers. Then"s something for every Grosse Pointe BRUCE A. MeCONACHIE, tel'. H~ was ~mong 134 senIOrs WELL. of Birmingham, Mich. of Three Mile drive are Jeffrey's I '" '" * been elected to membership in ' MR d MRS D L M _ to achleve thlS honor. paternal grandparents. \ MISS PATRICIA ST:LLWELL, Michigan S tat e University's gar d en. son of . an ,... c '" * * * * '" 'Il h I 'th th CONACHIE, of Mt. Vernon JAMES H. JENNINGS. a * .. * of Mt. Vernon road, danced in chapter of Beta Gamma Sigma, The profits from this gay part~. WI C P w~ e avenue, is among eight men at ROBERT PICKUP, son of freshman at Lake Forest Col- MR. and MRS. NORMEN M. the "Croquet Match" in the ":ational h~nor socie~y. in .the Grosse Pointe Garden Center's Trial Gardens. ThIS year G r inn e II College recently MR. and MRS. ROBERT E. lege. and the son of MR. and ROGERS, former Grosse Pointe 89th annual observance of Tree field of busmess adm.mlstratI?n. (Continued on Page 16) named to the Friars, an honor- PICKUP. of Chslfonte road, MRS. JOSEPH N. JENNINGS residents who now tr.ake their Day at Wellesley College, Well. ,. M?maw currently IS a senIor ------ary society for senior men. was among six fre~men elect- of Whittier road, was the nar~ home in Indian Village, an- esley, Mass. Held outdoors on Im fmanc~ at MSU. . 1962 d t f ed to the Student Senate by Bruce lS a . gra ua e 0 rator, El Gallo, in the recent nounce the birth of a daughter, Saturday afternoon, May 15, (Contmued on Page 18) . H' h S h 1 students at Albion College, AI- Grosse Pomte Ig C 00 . presentation of "The Fanta- Open Thursdays until 9:00 * * .. bion, Mich. * * * sticks" by the Lake Forest Col- MRS. ALEXANDER BLACK, Seven young people from the lege Garrick Players. of Lake Pointe drive, is vaca- Grosse Pointe area have been Jennings has participated in tioning in Southern California named to the Dean's List at the Amateur Fine Arts Society and spending some time with NorthWOOd Institute for the of Detroit. He has also 'played her husband. head of Military last term. This means they have for several seasons in Detroit . Products and vice-president of maintained a "B" or better av- summr-r stock. the Fruehoff Corporation in erage in aN subjects of study ,,- .. '" Fullerton. Calif. at the college. SHIRLEY B. JOY and ED- * * * I The students are: MARY WARD J. WASNER, JR., will At the aooual meeting of the BETH BLAKE, daughter of entertain at a dinner party pre. Receiving Hospital S e r v ice MR. and MRS. GEORGE E. ceding the opening of the Op€ra League, MRS. JAMES HAR- BLAKE of Three Mile; BEV- at the Detroit Athletic Club LAND, of TIadnor circle. was ERLY CHARNO, daughter of Monday evenmg, May 24. Fol. elected president for next year. ------MRS. MIL TON WEED, of ! Berkshire road. a vice-presi- dent. and MRS. EDWARD KNEVALS, of Cranford lane, recording secretary. * * * MR. and MRS. JAMES K. McGREGOR, of Lakeland ave- nue. are tak:ng a 13-day cruise o from New York to Caracas, Venezuela; A rot!b a, N.W.I.; Kingston. Jamaica; Port-au- Prince. Haiti; and Port Ever- glades. Florida. I * * * Recently elected officers in the University of Detroit chap- ter of Theta Phi Alpha are JO- ANN MABS and MARY DI- ANNE DOYLE of Grosse, Pointe Woods. I Miss Mabs, daughter of :vIR.; and MRS. STEPHEN A. MABS of Sunningdale. was elected pled~e mistress. A 1962 gradu- I ate of Dominican H:1h School, It's time she is a junior psychology I ~-._---_.~ ------~II for that


fresh look f!'~l I ... freshly famous make girdl•• It has been our observation that carefurJy chosen anti- colored, ques for wedamg gIfts can 3.95 bri,lg lasting pleosure . meticulously ..,.,aa, 6R5 detailed .vfngs OIl Jolt the Idnd of cool, light little eon- There are v~nous tempting 01\ trollers you need for aummer.••• stock up now items such as fine prints, tbeae nylon. cotton and robber shapers of airy bross and COpper tea kettles. J'C'WIIf net with pr:lttY ~pliqued flower trilJa" decorated choirs and trays, Whira, me g.M.L in J)III1deor regular atyic. coin Silver and porcelain at ...... SIIed The MITCHEll'S 17331 MACK

bet. Neff Gild St. Cloir .PUNCH & JUDY BLOCK 8M)SSi POINTE-16t2' KercflevaJ Ave. 3 Kerc... ,..1 Ave. WOLTOn.PlERCE .'•.*' SoI700 • Open Thu, .. until 9sOO .t Fisher R.otl -.Thursda Page Fourteen GROSSE PO.INTE NEWS Thursday, May 20, 1965 Society News Gathered froID All of the Pointes ,v Miss Cardosi Wed Mrs. Dennis E. Norton -Mrs. Jerry G. Braze Patricia Mack Weds Miss To Dennis Norton Mr. Brozo Tonight Mr. Pair To Tra Newlyweds To Live In St. ~ir Shores When Receptior At Whittier Hotel To Follow C~rem?l'lY At day. In Return From Two Week Wedding Trip To .Our Lady StC'!"of the Sea Church; Pair Will Rece Fiorida and Nassau Travel to San Francisco. A famil At a ~igh Nuptial. 11 o'clock Mass Saturday, in St. Patricia Ann Mack, daughter of D~. and Mrs. Joseph Rose of LIma Church m Detroit, Gloria Carol Cardosi in Grosse P Edward Mack of West Kings court, WIll speak her vows daughter of Mrs. Victor <;ardosi, of Country Club drive: Jean M3rsde and ~he late r.lr. CardosI, spoke her wedding vows to to Jerry G!en~ Brozo in a 5 o'clock ce!"cmony this eve- vows to Geo Denms Edward Norton. (~------~~---- ning in Our Lady Star of the Sea Churcn. Father Schrau. The Rev. B . The Rev. F.a~her George length pink organza dress fash- der will officiate. \0 - Atwood offi i Miss Mack has chosen a ski, the bride's uncle, and t. Gayn~r offICIated at the I ioned with a small lace CUllUJler. 11:30 o'clock Jack Thompson. double rmg ceremony. bund of matching white lace. gown designed with a silk The bride wo For the rites, the bride chose Her ht"adpiece wa~ a pink bow linen Aline skirt, empire I Mr. Broza is the son of Yllr. i\"ory silk broe a ::(own of Alencon lace ernbroi. and she carried a wicker basket, waist, Alenron lace bodice and Mrs. Joseph Glenn Brozo, dress with 0\' dered with seed pearls, design- of carnations and ivy. i embroidered with seed of Birmingham, Michigan. matching Dior 0 ed with a rOIl?ded neckline and Mr. Norton is the son of Mr. I' pearls and a chapel train. For t~e c ere m ny, Mrs. securing her thre~.quart.er length sleevps. ~er ! and Mrs. Frank B. Norton, of She will wear 3 diamond M~ck w111wear an apple .grecn, carried a nos IllusIOn veil w~s held b~ a plll.! Allen Park, Mich. He asked Den- ' drop necklace. Her veil is chif~on d~es-~ styled wIth. an sweetheart rose box hat embroidered with seed ~nis :\'1. Pastor to serve as best I f F e ch silk illusion and empIre ,~alstlme, and matchmg Matron of ho pearls and her long train was; man. I or. n . f accessories. Mrs. Brozo has Firosz, the brid she carry a bouq~et 0 chosen a dusty rose dress of highlighted with a single rose.: In th h' ~111 ant. was gowne peau de soie with matching Her flowers were a white orchid' e us. ermg ~orps were, orc~Ids and stephanotls. street-length, s MaId. of, honor Nancy Seeve.r, accessories. Both mothers will with white roses and ivy. : AI.ex Ste!~nI, COUSIn of the I fashioned with Wearini pink, fJ~or -length : hnd~. PhiliP. Gro[;se, and J?hn! the bnd~ s only attendant, Will wear white orchid corsages .be gowned in a pale blue, full-. . '. line and a slim gowns of Irish linen bodices i ~lorm, COUSin of the bnde- I WIll a matching Dior 't I . ,,.,room, I length, linen dress with daisies A dinner and re~e~tlOn an( 1 wh I e ace over satm; - . as her headpiece. She will car. be held at the WhIttIer hotel and carried a ~traight skirts were matron of. Fo, her. daughter's wedding! ry a bouquet of white daisies. immediately following the cere. sweetheart rose honor ~lr~. AIda V. Cardosi sis-! and receptIOn at the Roma Hall Serving as best man will be mony. After a wedding trip to nations with he ter-in.law of the bride 'and: of Livonia, Mrs. Cardosi chose James Yoder. Seating the San Francisco, the couple will The bridegroo bridesmaids )1rs. Frank GhilonL : a pale. pink with white lace with gue:.ts will be Dr. Henry Osow. live in Royal Oak. and Mrs. George cousin of the bride, Margaret I ma~chmg hat and gluves and: Lan;:kam, and Patricia Norton,; whIte shoes and purse. I iliJ sister of the bridegroom. i The bridegl.oom's mother wore Bransby StudIo Photo They carried cascades of pink i a beige lace two piece dress Po. t an evening ceremony in Our Lady Star of the For Your Shopping Convenience carnations #!nd ivy. The matron I with matching hat and brown of honor's 'lei! was secured by I accessories. Both mothers wore Sea Church today, PATRICIA ANN MACK, daughter a pink rose while pink mum.s I white orchid corsages. of Dr: and Mrs. Joseph E. Mack, of West Kings court, held the bridesmaids' veils in Following a two week trip to pla~e.. . .F'l.orida and .Nassau, the couple will speai.: her wedding vows to Mr. Brozo, son of Mr. OPEN EVENINGS f lower gIrl Susan CardOSI, Will man their bome in St. Clair J and Mrs. Joseph Glenn Brozo, of Birmingham, Mich. nIece of the bride, wore a floor Shores. ~--~------~-----_._--~--_.~------: MONDAY s ~1others' Club Plans Luncheon ! Home to Hold! THURSDAY 'ti' P.M. budg FRIDAY 'I: Founder's Tea A luncheon, Wednesday, May Johnson, Dick Stillwell and Don (9il 26, at 12 noon in the Fries Ball. Tapert, will add their chosen salon i room, winds up the activities numbers for the mothers' pleas- I of -the Mothers' Club of the ure. Tuesday - Wednesday ..Saturday I The. annual Founders' L3Y Grosse Pointe High School for The annual reports, neatly i Tea Will be held next Thursday, this season. This annual lunch. printed, will show the amount

Color Portrait i May 27, at The Protestant Chilo e~n mee-ting. is for ~ll mothers of work done by the member!' I 10 to 5:30 I dren's Home. The children's of s.tudents In the High School. of the executive board in the! i g '11 b t 2 30 ' I k Like all good mothers, the I past year. pro ram WI e a :, 0 C ~c I Mothel's' Club members applaud Election of three new memo Paintings a~d the tea from 3:30 to fIVe i with prid~ any High School bers to the board will be held. , 0 clock. I talent ach~evemel1ts among stu- Those on the nominating COm. from $250.00 ; Chairman for the tea is Mrs. dents. ThiS year the program mittee's slate are: president. : Edgar A. Guest Jr. Decora-j' after the luncheon features elect, Mrs. Perry TeWalt; vice. . ' such student talent for all moth- .d t M W It G 'ff'th' I tions for the tea include a spring It' pres I en, . rs. a er rI I 'i I •• I ers 0 enJoy correspondmg secretary. Mrs. I I flower centerpiece m yellow, Two dance quartets with George Thorn, Jr. by : white and green on the tea l\~a~y Jane. Dawson, Gretchen Tickets at $2.25 will bn avail- table. The children's table will Kl~1n, Debbie Scharff, and Kit able through the followin" have as its centerpiece a large ;Vlcke, pe~!ormi~g "Washing- members: Mrs. Jean Burr, TV . 'b d "1836 1965" .,un Square b€glrs the after. 4.6699' Mrs. Margaret Fellows I At h k g~~i,e,Mcf} 7J $... s eet-ca e InsCrl e -. noon's entertainment. This is TV 4:4235; Mrs. Ruth Gonas: I GROSSE POINTE Tea hostel:'ses, who are ,also fGllowed by "The Chimney TV 4-3812; Mrs. Mary K. Laird, mem~ers of t.he Board of .'lrus. S~eep Dance" from Mary Pop- TV 4-6719; Mrs. Barbara Matz. in the Village 16839 KERCHEVAL tees, mclude Mrs. Fredenck .S'I PlIlS and dancers will be Judy ka. TV 4.6719: Mrs. Florence Ford, Jr., Mrs. Albert A. Gnf. Alexander, Susan Cilwling, Carol Nolte TV 1-0582. ~------~-~-' ~----~------~-~-- In The Village telephone RR4-42RO fiths, Mrs. Earl Holley, Mrs.' GUndlach and Jane Peebles. Mr~. Robert Clarke, president, 0( .•. :. i Charles Kanter, and Mrs. W. Elaine Haddad will give a will pre!'ide at the luncheon, oi . : Warren Shelden. vocal solo, Dan Smith will play Mrs. James Laird is program ~ ------~-~ -~------.-.--- - ~------.---.~----- a piano selection, Kris Ker. chairman for this annual event, bawy is t9 deliver a monologue. and Mrs. Ardyth Frey and Mn;. Say it with I The popular "Milk River Jl\'1 Nancy Tisdale are doing the I Band" with Chris Cioe, Ed decorations for the afternoon. ( '1 Silver Flowers ... ; REED & BARTON'S I Authentic i uFIESTA" PARTY SET MUTSCHLER I OR'" J.\JV\E"rrs Heavy Silverplate 1

American patina ,.

/: . ' ' . :.-~"-"_f;,;,',M'.: : . ... .

",',-f. ~ :"':"1"'" k•... Cast Stone Bird bath l!lIJJilJ. . .. " ~,.~ 'n~ _ .'. . . -...... ,.; ...... Showing exclusively

.Jo. -t ,.., . .... "..,....{•.~.•?:-.' •.. u_ international collection " in cast stone, lead and ,'\ bronze.

Here's an unusual and charm. 'I;;~$. ing gift .•• a 5-piece )larty set . Some pieces on hand, used for serving olh'es, reI. some' custom made, ishes, hors d'oeuvres, jellies, etc. The handles of each of the others on order. pie c e S "epresent d eUeately sculptured ftowers. five dill-r- ent flowers in all. An ideal gift for various occasions. /S( ,.. Bronze {~rf'<

.. ' ':1 Sundial

Complete lirie of Kenneth Lynch & Son, of Wilton, ," ./:.., . '.... Connecticut. Finest in lead. .;\;4i.~i>-'~~~tl:~:\,)~:y~f!:.:~'Y1.'. DELIVERIES: TU 5~3000

Smartly functional ... yet 50 charmir.gly tradit~onal the design is well suited to Early American and ColOl)ial decor. The deep-:;culptured, raised-panel doors and beveled drawer fronts present a classically si:nple facade. This styling is dramatically heightened by American Patina wiping stain finishes. You'll feel as though you GOsse Pointe CHARLES VI. WARREN a: COMPANY have a full staff of servants, the way Mutschler pampers you ... Storage near each work center saves JEWELERS ud SILVERSMITHS c bending, reaching and running about. A kitchen MUTSf'JlLER KITCHENS, INC. r FLORIST Steubcl1 Glan • Tiff ..ny Sterlinl 1520 WASHINGTON BOULEVARD that's planned to fit your way of doing things. Just 20489 Mat!k Ave., Grosse Pointe Woods Growers of Fine Flowers Deuoir, Michigan 482~5 • Tckpbone 962.~ca one of many distinctive style interpretations. Telephone TV 4.3700 174Kerby .~oad - Grosse Pointe , SUft Hota: 9:30 util ,:00

J , •• , 20, 1965 ------Thursday, May 20, 19b5 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Fifteen tes Woman's Page • • • by, of and for Pointe Women - leds Miss Marsden Weds Mrs. George Williamson Mrs. William Jewell Iht Mr. Williamson Reception At Detroit Yacht Club Follows Saturday Pair To Travel To Bermuda After Wedding Wednes- ~remony At Ceremony In Grosse Pointe Woods Presbyterian day, In Grosse Pointe Memorial Church. And ir V/i!l Church; Pair To Live In Detroit. Reception At Grosse Pointe Yacht Club. . , .-\ family. breakfast f?llo~ed--the-Saturday ceremony, ~l;-s. Joseph 1n (f1'055(" Pomte MemorIal Church, at which Catherine lk her YOv,"s .Tean ~larsden, of :'-Iottingharn roarl, .,poke her marriage "-y this eve. \ 0\\ S to George Albert Williamson. ,her Schrau- The Rev. Bertram deHeus'!------.\ t\\'ood officiated at the' Han-ard road, asked William uncle, and 11:30 o'clock ceremony. 'Miller to serve as best man. The bride wore a candlelight I John Buell served as usher. ~ son of :\1,. !\ ory silk brocade street length I The bride was given away in : Gknn Brow dn's, \\ ith overblollse. and a marriage by her brother, Sam. ' ,tichigan. ' matchmg Dior bow headpiece, I uel Marsden. i non Y. ~Jrs "t'curing her short veiL She I For her son's wedding. Mrs. I apple green ('arned a nosegay of whitn Williamson chose a navv blue I Ierl with a~ '-\\ eetheart roses and ivy. I three piece suit with m~tching md matchin'" :\1atron of honor Mrs. Steven I ~ccessories. ano a white garde. Brozo ha~ Flrosz. the bride's only attend. : nia corsage. ose dress Gf ant. \\ as gowned in a pin;';::linen The newlyweds will make ith matchinrt ...treet-:ength. sleeveless dress their home \D Kensington road mother~ will fa"hioned with a jewel neck-, upon their return from New, I corsages. Imp and a slim skirt. She wore I York and Bermuda. 'e('eption will " matching Dior O:>W and shoes! ------\,'hittier hotel .Ind carried a no"cgay of !>ink TAKE THEM ALL " t d I :mg the cere- '\\

~ I I-JflllgS.M orrall I Church Evening Group Liggett Dads, Daughters Dine ~ • DANCIr'IJG CURL I Books Speaker on Rome ------. HOLIDAY PREVUE A (OMBINED J : PERMANENT I Rites Are Read -- Liggett School girls and their I and Lee, S. ~. Wyrock WIth Water Ballet Performance " b d t • The speaker at the May 251 fathers danced to the music of Gayle and Lmda, Lynden J. • WATER SHOW in the New Swimming Pool U 9f3. $9 50 . .; . Kaufmann and Nancy, John A. -. • i Dorothy Ann Morrall, daugh. p~'ogram meetmg of the Eve- i the Jerry Fenby FIve ~t the Moekle and Janet, George N. Fashions by Belle Jacob, P.M. Edythe Fern Melrou, com. 'iter of Mrs. Ralph R. Morrall, of nmg Group of the Grosse Country Club of DetrOIt last Payne and Suzanne, Michael S. • FASHION SHOW mentary. sa 10n SHAMPOO and \AI AVE ,Youngstown, 0., and the Jate Pointe Memorial Church, Mrs. Friday evening, May 14. The Lopo and Cindy. Complete lO.Course MeaL Choice R 0 a 5 t Beef 0' $2.25 :Dr. :\1:orral1, and Edward For- Cyril Barrett, will present occasion was the 12.th Annual More were Carl H. Larson • DINNER Chicken . I I rest Langs, son of 1\'1],s.John W. slides on Rome aud tJhe Mt of I Dads for Liggett Father-Daugh- and Diane, Hugh Daly and Jrday specla TOUCHUP iLangs. of Univer"ity place, and the Vatican. tel' Dinner Dance. Special guest Peggy Theodore Friedt and Saturday, May 22, Starting at 6:30 p.m. The 8 o'o1(}ck meeting will was Liggett's new headmaster, Cathe;ine Jean, John G. Van the lat(' ~r. Langs, exchanged F k Sl d J $7.50 be in t~e Lounge with Mrs. W. ran' a en, r. Zile and Diane, B. Courtney The Whittier's Fountain Room m"rriage vows Saturda.y, at. an Curt Patterson, Miss Alta Gl'ay A traditional part 'of the eve. Rankin and Judy, Clark T. • : Meet your friend, fOT lllnch daily served poolside ~~~~ afternoon ceremony 10 FIrst a'Ild Mrs. Robert Conway serv- ning was the Song Contest. Wells and Mary, Hugh Robert- ". 2, Q Q jl 0 0 0 Q 0 0 00 0 0 l! Q Q OOOIl 0 ~ Q 0 0 ilOilO 0 llll 0 IIQ..J,l 0 II0 0 Ill! OJ, Presbyterian Church, Youngs- ing as hostesses. Each class, eighth through son and Pamela and George . 415 BURNS DR. AT RIVER Reservations: VA 2.9000 I town. twelfth grade, sang songs honor- Wilson and Barbara. L... lIA"}:-rSPECIAL i The bride wore a floor lengtt I EGO SHATTERED ing their fathers. For the past -~~------~ . Aunt Martha's eao is COID- two years, fathers have sung to 0\0( , gown of . whIte summer. . pe211,. peeI t Jy sh aLtere d beecause th e, t'leir. daughters'" but this year j at ,styJ~d WIth ~ modIfIed ~mpIre Baked Goods Shop at the G. P.: George R. Wllson fIlled 10 for I ;;< bodIce featufIng re-embr01de~ed U. S. Carnival June 4-5 will have the group. ' AJcn~on lace on the Sabr10a more delicious pies and cakes Pointers and their daughters InecklIne and e 1bow -length than she bakes. attending were F'nmk Cotter r7he Straw mart ! sleeves. _ Appliqued lace accented the front of her A line skirt, and her train was of Chapel length. Matching lace edged her man- tilla veil. r....'" I In two-tone pink floor length I gowns of lightweight peau were I . 0( the attendants. maid of honor NEMO'S '" Judith Meub, of Youngstown, ~,<.y .,' ~ : the brides' niece; Patricia Haw-

'kins. Betsy Carroll. Mrs. David .," ':'., : :\letz. of Rochester, N. Y .. and t'<'" Linda Port, of Youngstown. s... Their f lower s were pink Sw('rtheart roses. I .John W. Langs, Jr .. served as Chair $14.95 N'S his brothers' bpsl man. Usher- SET ~ CordurDY CUS11iOJ~ $8.95 ing wrr(' 1-1. Stark Langs, John RickC'l. Ian Hunter, oi Otter ate E Lake, Mich., and Walter E. Adds Curves Under ~B Wonderful willow indoor, outdoor furniture for patio, ~leub, lII, of Youngstown. family room, porch and boat No waiting or extr.J After a reeeption at the .' Fashions charges The matching love seat, $36.95. C::>rduroy hrid("s home, the newlyweds ~.- cushion $1995. left for South America. Mr. ,Langs \\"jjl be associated with i '. ,the law firm of Brucker and' k.'" ;fi!25 Jlack Are. Telephone 885.0666 Nemo's reV'olution ! Brueker. and the couple will live 7'{OW ~ ooooooooooooooooooooooo~~oooooooooooooo~ ..!i~l_t~~~:o~~~~.______! in panty girdle contouring II meet your friends at that gives you I a superior posterior! THE A, B, C Cones create the look you want ••• the illusion y~ fashioae need. Here's how: BRONZE Frtmkl, flad C-Curtle hos/l full, poly pad for a truly flatterinp DOOR derriere. Onl, On the hill-Grosse Pointe ,ou knllW. .A~"ageor tl Get superb service, food and little less thtZ#' B"CllrfJe, willi beverages at the Bronze Door-- lighter pvl, On the hill. Open every day padding mofte$ yott h]ut rigid.. except Sunday. Entertainment nightly Full,..nuJowul~ Mister Sheridan A-Curtle, with ~ no pads, CO#~ and defines, FOR RESERVATIONS without BOOKS PHONE 886-1931 Jg6u.' t# 81 Kerch('val on the Hill And "Fancv That" is SO pretty. Outside, it's dainty spandex stretc,i lace; underneath' it's tricot power net for soft but sure centrol. Machine washable. White on Nude. S, M, L. B; C, $12.50; A, $11.00. Brief, A Immediate Defive,y On Curve, $9.00, Band C, $10.00. All Phone O,de,s «.u(,'.~". SPORTS BRIEF CALL 881.1671 or 881.2916 On the hill • 123 Kercheval In airy-light tricot power net shapes Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan you for swimsuit exposure. Band C 1\.D • Watch for formal opening announcement soon! Curves in 5, M, L. Nude, $6.00. 37 I Fi ;her Rd., GrOSSI' Pomte 30 TU 5-9456


------~------~--~--~-~------_._------_...~----_...------~_...... _...... _----- Page Sixteen GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May 20, 1965

Mrs. Newell Washburn, Jr. Symphony Juniors Hold Election The Junior Women's Asso. the chairmanship of Mrs. Pear. Ca Clation for thE Detroit Sym- Other projects which helped (Continued from Page 13) phony Orchestra held its annual toward the donation were the the garden clubs have been given a relt from mainte- meeting an'.! elections May 5, Christmas Walk, theater party. at the CMkland Hills Country sale of "Symphony Dresses." Yo nance of the plots. Instead, Mrs. Valentine Guenther, Club. and the Carnation Ball. ' Reception At Severn Road Home of Bride's Parents, with a large committee, wtil plan and maintain the gar- Elected to 'ffices Were Mrs. A1i last year, members and Theodora Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Douglas Kinnear, dens, and make SODleimportant ch"anges."Trial" gardens Hugh G. Harness, of Lincoln tbeir husbands will usher for they will indeed be-with ALL annuals the newest in- road, president; Mrs. Arthur the Meadowbrook Musie Festi. Follows Saturday Rites Johnson, of Pemberion rond, val this summer. While most of ventions of companies such as W. Atlee Burpee's. first vice-president; and Mrs. the activities are geared to the Edward Hanpeter, of McMillan Terry} Jo Kinnear chose a white silk brocade dress, * • • profit-making line (eventually In a with a matching long-sleeved jacket, buttoned to the road, treasurer. for the Maintenance Fund), in St. Clare waist and featuring a modified Queen Anne collar, for Elected to the board of di- addition to the Meadowbrook 'Musical' HOUle of Beauty rectors were Mrs. William E. project, this year an Art Con- naghi, dau her marriage Saturday to Newell R. Washburn) Jr. Bokram, of Birch lane; Mrs. test was sponsored by the orga. of Cadieu Reverend Betram deHeus~.------June means a musical called "The House of Beauty'" Rex Ciavola, of Devonshire Mitchell. for ~he Jun~or Group of Goodwill I'ndustries. The pro- nization among students at Atwood officiated at the 2 her guests, wearing a pale gold road; Mrs. John Kirlin, of Poupard School and the Torrey Father o'clock ceremony. in the silk jacket dress with matching dl.;1ctJon,entIrely created and produced by Junior Good~ Provencal road; Mrs. Robert J. School in Birmingham. Barbour Chapel of Grosse accessories, and a tangerine w~ll members, is the organization's Spring Project. It Pear) of Westchester road, and The children were asked to ney,O.S.A Pointe Memorial Church. Iand gold flow~r~d h~t.. . WIll be presented Friday and Saturday, June 11 and 12,' Mrs. Pierce Smith, of Pember. draw their impressions of double ri at the Grosse Pointe War Memorial. The play was writ- ton road. Saint.Saen's "Carnival of the The bride is the daughter of The •newly~e:::.s WIll live In which a P Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Douglas New \ork CI~y when they re. ten by Mrs. Donald J. Sheets, of Detroit, with music by How a r d Harrington, sym. Animals" after listening to a quested by Kinnear. of Severn road. Her turn fron~ !o.urmg parts of. Cana. M..s. Joseph N. Jennings, of Whittier road. Play chair- phony manager, accepted a recording of it. Members matted tine, was b check from the association in husband is the son of )lrs. Eliza. da and vIsIting Quebec CIty. men are Mrs. Donald R. Borgeson, of Birminghamt and and hung the c:nildren's draw. the amount of $20,000 for the couple. heth V. Washbllrn, of "'1ewark, Out.of-town guests included Mrs. George W. Payne, of North Renaud road. All cast ings in the Ford Auditorium for Maintenance fund. Over half of For her w Del., and Dr. Newell R. Wash. Dr. and Mrs. Newell R. Wash. members are Junior Goodwill members, too. the Final Young People's Can. I th~ amount was earned from Miss C:lrna burn, of Endicott, N.Y. burn, Mr. and Mrs. Dardan Tif. ceI:i of the year, featuring the the Souvenir Program, under Samt - Saen's composition. The length sheat For the wedding ceremony, f?ny, Eleanor Wa~h~urn, of An Afterglow is scheduled following the perform- ance Saturday evening at the Grosse Pointe Yacht Club. over taffeta the former Miss Kinnear chose :Newark, Del., the brIde s grand- scoop neeklin a tiara headpiece of ivy and par~n:ts, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chairman for the fete is Mrs. Rex L. Br()phy, of Hamp- embroidered flowers. She carried a bouquet W. \J'llmore: of ~usa, Cal., and ton road. Tickets for the Afterglow are $4 as are tickets dice. front p of phalaenopsis orchids, steph-I Paul Hashfield o~ Ann Arbor. to the musica'1.Ticket chairman is Mrs. O. W. Sturdevant, and detaehab anotis and ivy. i of Lakeland avenue. The Book Shelf were appiiqu Ppnelope Lee. of Do.rset. Vt.• Aunts Honor * • Alencon lace fonnerly of Grosse Pomte, was * miniature pe Plans have been under way for the past few months the bride's maid of honor and Thalia Jatros will continue to serve Her pillbox only attendant. also for the 18th annual Junior Goodwill Industries organza roses She wore :l spring green silk Antiques Market and Sale. Da,tes for the event are No- -Photo by Paul Gach Aleneon laee dress with a bell.shaped skirt, Mrs. George Diamond, of Anita vember 14 through 17. In Grosse Pointe Memorial Church Saturday after- you in the same avenue, and Mrs. J..mes Dia. lished with p and a wreath of fresh ivy in her noon, TERRYL JO KINNEAR, daughter of the JoseJih mond, of Prestwick road, along caught her hair. She carried a small bou" * • • calTied tradi wii.h Mrs. Andrew Diamond, of Douglas Kinnears, of Severn road, spoke her marriage convenient location ••• quet of English garden flowers. Massachusetts. and Mrs. Charles Annual Yale Dinner vows to Mr. Washburn, son of Mrs. Elizabeth V. Wash- white roses. Danian Tiffany, of Bingham. Diamond of Grosse lIe, co-host. burn, of Newark, Del.) and Dr. Newell R. Washburn, ivy. ton. XY., served liS his brother. ed a bridal shower honoring The annual dinner of the Yale Alumni Association of Endicott, N. Y. Mrs. Joseph In-law's be.~t man. Seating the their nIece. Thalia Jatl'os, of of Michigan was held Monday, May 17, at the Country her sister's , .~uests were Xorman and Greg- C...dieux road, Detroit. Club of Detroit with over 400 Yale alumnI, wives, and The Book Shelf and bridesm ory Grenzke, cousins of the Miss Jatros will become the guests attending. Principle speaker was Kingman Brew- Center Offers Camp Friends Lt:onard C. C bride. bride of Renry A. Nalbandian, ster, Jr., president of Yale University. He spoke on to- 112 KERCHEVAL law of the bri A rp~eption in the home of of New Jersey, on June 5 at dayts R~&demicand intel1ectuDI challenges. Mr. Brewster Rhine Evening Meeting Today sister of the the bride's pa:"ents followed the the Assumption art 110 d 0 x was introduced by Michigan's Lt. Gov. William G. Milli- Mrs. William ceremony ...'\irs. Kinnear greeted Cnurch. An "Evening on the Rhine" kins. :'Ilion., fo ken, a Yale graduate. Among educators present were Grosse Pointe members of Dr. Harlan Hatcher, president of the University of Michi- is the Grosse Pointe War Me- Pointe. morial's international din n e r The Friends of Camp Midicha They were fl gan, and Dr. Samuel Brownell, superintendent of Detroit A TOUCH OF EUROPE IN THE POINTE schools and a Yale graduate. Entertaining Mr. Brewster, and program this month. It will will be hostesses to their sister of white linen OUT -DATED · ? be held Monday eveni.'lf:, May Birmingham members at a bodices and r RING his wife, and associates, at a dinner party Sunday eve- 24, at 7 o'clock in the Center's Their headpi r luncheon t 0 day, Thursday, buckets and buckets of ning were the Wendell W. Ander!ioDs, Jr., of Preston Fries Cry s t a I Ballroom and linen open.ero place. Mr. Brewster was also the guest of Wendell C. Auditorium. which is to be held at the fresh flowers for rned with mat Goddard and other members of the Scholarship and E'!1- The cUlsine will be strictly Grosse Pointe War Memorial at and they can rollment Committee for luncheon at the Detroit Club German. Sauerbraten will be 1 o'clock. one-dollar a bunch cades of white: on Monday. Mrs. Brewster and wives of the members of the main dish, and the meal will Dr. Kathr;rn L. O'Conner is and iv~'. conclude with a delicious apple the committee luncheoned at the Goddard residence in to talk about Camp Midicha, a Dr. Gerald Provencal road with ~Irs. Goddard. strudel. bridegroom'~ camp for diabetic children. At True Black Forest entertain. 3:-: best man. 1 * * ment will be provided by Bri- the camp the children are able of \'[rs. Roy }\ getta and Herbert Laugegger, to enjoy a normal activities t0n. :\hch.. at Real New Thrift Shop Officers who will dance the Liechten. prClgram under the careful \litehell. Sea Will steiner polka and the Schuh. medical, nursing and dietary were Leonard In correction of last week's faux pas, the Board of I:.lattler and who will sing Ger- supervision that diabetics re- er of the bri the Neighborhood Thrift Shop at its annual meeting man Leider and give Tyrolian quire. 'lcKenzie. an< TRANSFORM Munday, May 10, announced t~e officers .for 1965-67 .to yodels. They wHl be dressed Plans are also to be made at be: Honorarv chairman, Mrs. SIdney T. Ml1ler, Jr.; chalr- traditionally in leiderhosen and the meeting for the organiza. IT INTO A man, Mrs. W. Brace Krag; vice-chairman, Mrs. Theodore colorful country co3tume. tion's theater party on June 21 Foster; treasurer, Mrs. Eugene R. Hawkins; recording Color films of the Rhineland which will take place at the MODERN secretary, Mrs. Sidney S. Hall, and corresponding secre- and West Germany will be Fisher Theater on opening I tary, Mrs. Edwin J. Mercier. shown. Paid reservations for night of Harry Belafonte's [j "The Evening On the Rhine" scheduled appearance at the LOVELY , There are no men on the Board. m'lst be sent in to the Center's theater. Patrons of the theater office immediately. party will be honored at a IS I champagne party at Al Green's RING •••• l~uncheoll Held By PP League "Coach Stop" following the Health Council show. The Rob('rt Hudson Kanzlers In a report on the League's Consult lU arrived home from Europe over fund raising campaign, which is Plans Election the week.end-just in time for now on, Mr. Kanzler pointed out Yoath Council Mr. Kanzler to collect his gavel that many people are under the The :final meeting of the and preside at the Planned Par. mistaken idea that publir. funds Mothers' Health Ed u cat ion Staging Dance er.thood wgue's luncheon and are available for birth control (Ja1RnlJL f}flw~ services. These procedures are Cc,uncll for the 1964-65season board meeting at Bloomfield The Grosse Pointe War Me. still being set up, he pointed will be held Monday, May 24. Open Hunt Club, Wednesday, morial's Youth Council is stag. SINCE 1934 out, and even after the State May 19. 1 o'clock. at the HospitalDty i;}g a rt'ance for students of the and County provide clinics for The League has one clinic in Center in the Village. All mem- Pointe's public, private and now-enjoy fresh flowers in 16601 E. WARREN indigent persons, there is still Birmingham and is J;llanning to bel"S are w'ged to attend. as paro~hial schools on Saturday your home the year 'round open another in Oakland County. a large group of people who are GrOSSl the election of officers will be evemng, May 29, from 9 until not indigent but still are unable 12 o'clock. WHEN YOU OPEN THE KIMBERLY DOOR to afford such medical help. held, followed by a "Get Ac- YOU'LL FIND EXCITING _ Hair S The League, h~ added, is fin- quainted" tea and social hour Because it comes between anced through indiVIdual con. for the new delegates and cur- two formal proms, this party • IMPORTS has jo tributions and is not helped by rent members. will be infonn'al, Bermudas are u.nited Foundation. suggested. With tongue in • GIFTS • CANDLES our st The nominating committee cheek the affair is being reo Among those from this area composed of Mrs. William Hel- ferred to as the P.R. or "prom 'and a thousand and one unique gift ideas' who attended were: Mrs. John ler. chairman, Mrs. William reject." Coe and her mother, Mrs. Ter- Herman, Mrs. Donald Beever, The dance will take place in Flowers by KIMBERLY, Inc. rill Child~, who is here visiting Mrs. Donald Foster and MM. the air.conditioned ballroom of from California; Mr. and ~rs. LaVerne Bissell, met March 29 Fries auditorium. MusiC will THE EUROPEAN LOOKING SHOP AT THE CORoNER OF Fl Frank Cotter, Mrs. Peter Brett, and chose the following slate be furnished by popular stu- MACK and LOCH MOOR Appoil1 Mrs. WaIter Crowe, Mrs. Wilbur of nominees: president, Mrs. dent orchestra, The Stoics. Ad- Elston, Mrs. J. L. Hudson, Jr., Todd Fredericks; vice-president, mission, which indudes refresh. atso in the 1300 Lafayette East Building Mrs. Thatcher Rea, H. Ripley Mrs. RU:S8ellBradley; recording ments, will be $1.50 per couple. Schemm. Mrs. William C. Tost, secretary, Mrs. William Her- Mrs. Richard Turner, Mrs. Hei1.ry man; correo;ponding secretary, Kohring and Mrs. Thatcher Rea, Mrs. E. J. Igna, and treasurer Jr. Mrs. John Fichtner. 885 LAr

.. PURCHASES MADE l / One of the few Tri-Levels in Grosse Pointe Shores NOW PAYABLE situated on a nicely landscaped corner lot - Offers Egg nood

three bedrooms, 2 V2 bathst large living room, dining of Ricotta room, 23x26 family room with fireplace, all built-ins cheese i JU'LY 10, 1965 ( blended in kitchen, plus first floor utility rqom, oversized sauce rict I JULIE'S SHIPPED IN (I attached garage. Make it a point to see this one today spices. It' MUCH IRAND NEW STOCK by calling ( NOl \ Dick Ani.1 884-6200 frozel ))) cou { I JULIE'S at qual IN THE FISHER BLDG. TAPPAN Realtor stc 90 K.rch.".1 On the Hill PREPA ~ ~ I - - - MERNA ..

- .------_.------~ -- - _._~------_._------~ ------~----~-~----~-~- - ~- -- - ~ ------vidY 20, 1965 Thursday, May 20, 1965 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Seventeen ltes Woman's Page • • • by, of and fOI-Pointe Women 'I Election 1':1ip of :\lrs Pedr Carnag hi-Mitchell Mrs. Roy A. Mitchell I~~~=~a~~~b "Friends" Schedule 'ct<; ,\ hieh helped ~;~,~;:t~::ler donation were the ',t1k. theater part\" The ann u a I meeting and Mrs. William B. Heaton of Bit. B h m;)hony Dresses',; Vows Exchanged luncheon of the Women's Com- Charnwood drive, Birmingham, ossom Ime runc n3tlOn Ball. ' mittee of the Founders Society was elected Thur.:;day, May 13, I ear, membt>rs llnd Detroit lnstitu~e of Arts took as new president of the Detroit HIs will usher fo:- Theodora Phyllis Carnaghi Speaks Vows Saturday, In place Friday, May 7, at which and Birmingham Vassar Club. Blossomtime Brunch, Planned For Thursday, May 27. t1rook ;\lu-:ic Festi. St. Clare de Montefalco Church, to time new officers fOi' the group Other officers ar",'!Miss Hilary At The Grosse Pointe War Memorial., To Benef.lt 11er. -#hill' most of were announced. Whittaker, E. Jefferson avenue, Dr. Roy A. Mitchell. are geared to the They are: - chairman, ]vIrs, first vice-president; Mrs. Joseph The Dominican Sisters Of The Sick Poor. ~ line (eventually David W. Rust; vice-chairman, L. Cobane, N. Oxford road, sec- F Itenance Fund), in In a High Nuptial ceremoilY at noon Saturday, in :'tIrs. WIlliam D. Laurie, Jr.; see- ond vice-president; Mrs. Thomas :or thei;, spring fund-raising project, "Friends of the :.\Ie<.dowbrook st. C.1are de Montefalco Church, Theodora Phyllis Car- retary, Mrs. Carl B. Grawn; T. Hart, N. Adams, Birmingham, the ~Ick-Poor have selected the Grosse Pointe War Me- year an Art Con. naghl, .daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Carnaghi, treasurer, Mr". H. L)'lill Pierson, secretary; and Mrs. Edward monal for their Blossomtime Brunch, to be held Thurs- lsored by the orga- of CadIeux road, spoke her wedding vows to Dr. Roy A. (all Grosse Pointe residents). Lawrence, Lake Park drive, day, May 27, at 11 o'cloek.~------ong stude.1ts at ::\Iitchell. ~------'lhe Worn I' n's Committee, Bmningliam, treasurer. The Sis!ers, ail registered home, The annual average shows 101 a:ld the Torrey \vith approximately 50 m~mbers, Mis~ Whittaker, club pr~si- nurses With public health that they make about 4000 home "mmgham. Father Edward J. Swee-I The ring bearer was William is responsible for sponsoring dent for the past two years, orientation, and many with visits, which entails about 16,000 " t d t th ,Mitchell, nephew of the groom. and planning the ma t bl .d d t th 1 t' d ed . I d h en. were asked to ney, O ..S A . 0ft!Cla e a e, . . ny no a e preSI e a e annua mee 109 a vane SOCIO ogy egrees, ours spent with the patients ImpreSSIOns of double ring ceremony at I Mlch,elle Russetle, co~sm of opening receptions for the mu- held at the beautiful nnw Lake are dedicated to nUl'sing the in giving them needed care. . . the bnde. was flower girl. She seum's exhibaions. Shore home of Mrs. William d' th' h "Carnival of the 'hlCh a Papal Blessmg re I ne.e y In elr o.wn. omes The amdIiary is their sole er listening to a . -, • wore a full short white linen The annual meeting of a Clay Ford (Martha Firestone, th t t "quested by Brotter Augus- dress with Venice lace bodice Lunders Society g r 0 up was V;J.SSar'46) and infonnal lunch. WI ou remunera IOn. support and this spring's brunch t. )lembers mattE'd tine, ' ....as bestowed upon the and short sleeves. Her head- Wednesday, May 19, :or the Vol- eon following the meeting, When calling on a patient, replaces the traditio~.al BIos- r children's dra N- Ie . h't l' b ac Befo t. th 1 they evaluate the personal need I. . . )rd Auditorium for coup . pIece was aWl I' men ow - unteer Committee. Mrs. Harold re urnlOg over e gave of each case, nurse the injured, ~ometlme do~ahon ta. Assist- 'ng, the former cented with appliques of Venice A. Beatty is the committee to Mrs. Heaton, Miss Whittaker tt d h t ung People's Con. For her weddl . d . d lb'" f h the young, the geriab.'ic, acute 109 on COroml ees an os ess- Miss Carnaghi chose a floor 1ace and shI' carrIe a nosegay chairman. Following brief an- reVIewe C'l ach-lltIes or t I' ear. :eaturing the length sheath of silk organza of red roses. I nual reports and service awards, past two years, including step. or chronic patient. They also ing are Mrs. H. W. Kelleher, of composition. The over taffeta designed with a For her daugnter's wedding, 1 the audience heard frc-:'l1Mrs. ped-up liaison with metropolitan perform some household tasks Trombley road, Mrs. L. Verne scoop neckline and elbow lengtll Mrs. Carnaghi cnose an ice Suzette Mort?n Zurcher, Trustee area schools-especially Dublic nece~s?ry in conjunction with Ansel, of Stonehurset avenu€, embroidered sleeves. The bo- blue Cantilly lace sheath dress and past chauman of the Volun- schools whose counselors -don't nursmg care, and Mrs, George Van Antwerp, .~ice, front panel of the skirt, with a blue flowered hat and teer Progr~m for the Art Insti- always realize that a Vassar Food, medicine, and sick of Kensington road. and detachable Cathdral train, mat chi n g accesi,ories. Mrs. ~ute of Chicago. Mrs. Zurc~er e,:lucation is available to out- I room equipment are provided were appliqued with imported Mitchell wore an apple green IS also a ~ember of The F~e stan,ding scholars regardless of: when necessary. As the patient's ~elf Alencon lace and jewelled with silk and rayon linen sheath :'-rts ComlDlttee for the White family wealth, race or ethnic; needs vary, so too does the To err may be human, but it's miniature pearls. with a Venice lace bodice and House. , background. Over 25 percent, time the Sisters spend in the always a mighty poor excuse. e . . . Ii"latching accessories, Both After the meeting, the Vol- of the student" at Vassar are ------Her pIllbox accented '.:;lth SIlk mothers WGre pink and white unteer C,)mmittee were guests on scholarships, How Much .IS TOUR HEALTH W rtb t YOU organza roses and, appliques of i cymbidium orchids, of the Founders Society at a The Prospective Student com- _ 0 0 7• Alencon lace laVishly embel- I . . luncheo.l.l in the Rivera Court. /' Don Webber:lf Colllngwood Photo mittel' has been headed for the S I '11 ''IT IS PRiCELESS"1 lished with pearls and crystals II ~ Jec:ttlon and dmne[ ~~l. An art treasure Ilunt high- th RTHEODdORAC PHh~LLlfSCCAd~NAGHld' dbaughterthof past two years by Mrs. James ure WI answer • e e y,you caught her illusion veil. She 'I LO\\k . t CceretmonYCla e lighted the Friday evening, :May e aymon arnag' IS, 0 a leux roa, ecame e G. ;}IcMahon of Stanhope road. carried traditional cascade of a epom e ~un ry u. b 7, session of the Junior Council bride of Dr. Mitchell, son of Mrs, Roy Mitchell, of New chairman is Mrs, Julian Thafs why YOII sfIouId aid and preserve your bealtll ill every white roses, stephano~is and I For travelIng to Toronto, of the Founders Society Detroit Trenton, Mich., and the late Mr. Mitchell, at a noon Greenebaum. :\frs. Eugene Had- possible way. One hP..a1tll aid recognized by doctors is: ivy. Montreal, Qt;ebec, the New Institute of Arts. Following ceremony in St. Clare de Montefako Church. jlsk~ of Cranford lane, is Schol- S1IfFICIENT WATER II TH£ DIE1' M J h W. Shurmur was: England states and New, York cocktails and dinner, 200 mem------~---~------I arshlp Chairman. For .--... I -. ~ 1.- -...... --.I preferred ,rs. osep state tho new Mrs. Mitchell bers of this new organizatkn ., f ... .h I U f M W I I Each year the Vassar Club 'IVaI., --, ~~ -- I""~~ emu hpr slst~r's m.atron of Honor, wore' a ;a\'V silk sheath with . '.' only prerequ~slte or JOlnmg L e, • 0 • omen A umnae I raises scholarship funds for D MOUNTAIN VAllEY WATER, the ,.... health water trona lelf and bndesmalds \~cr~ M:s. matching ac~essories. divided mto teams of eight i Junior Council is membershp PI L h M t' I t 't 'I th e- Hot Springs. Arkansas, becaase: Leonard C. Carnaghl, slster.m.. . r:lcmbers ('ach and concentrated, in the Founders Society, and an unc eon ee '"9 .rOl a~ea glr s. rough a p!'o- law of the bride, Carol :\litchell, Th.e bride att.ended .the Um-: on tracking down 10 objects in Junior Council actiVities are Jeet WIth the SIX other major .Ittastes SOgood, ,.. will enjoy drink-

sister of the bridegroom, and verslty of DptrOlt and IS a gra-I t~e museum'~ collection from a I aimed at the 21-40 age group. The Detroit Association of ~:~~er~. ;vomens colleges (Bar- ing it. ?llrs. William E. Ross, of Hop- duate o~ Mac~ean College of list of cryptIc clues.. I -_.--- University of Michigan Women Raddl~~.Ii1 ~awr, Mt. Holyoke, -. is low .. sodiUIII(salt) content kms :\linn .. fOImerly of Grosse, Secretarial SCIence, HPr hus- The "hunt" wa:; orgamzed hy A.t I t't t will hold 'ts 1 f . ',SmIth .:md Wellesley), • 'DA recommended daily amount will p . 't h:md was graduated from the the Education Department of the 1 ns 1 U e 1 annua mee mg ThiS. year.s pr(}Jcct was the • kid acti the b 'd' om e. University of ;\;otre Dame and :\lus£'l1In, and ;:.articipants ac- PI C ff and luncheon at Stouffer's East- openm~ mght pops:eabaret con- i ('l<:lnl~'d =~mi~CJI~~~~ They w~re floo: len~th_sheaths the :\larquettp. ~ n ve r ~i t Y it as a uniqllC way to ans 0 ee land on Saturda~, May 22. The cert Wlt~ the DetrOIt Symphony froaa tile body, POINTE of whIte lmen With Vem.ce lace School of :'IIN!lCIn" and IS a become better acquainted with noon luncheon Will be preceded at the Light Guard Armory. • I bodices and removable Jacke~s. staff member in the departmt'nt

" \1 Ct. d 'h J I 1\' I J h B . h d f meet reverses sooner or later. doctor today, hruh'grnom, brother. sernrl 'I'll{' next O1prting of the Wed- ". ~c ar ne). ,announce t I' u~- ,1 S.. ~s~p ayn~ IS ea 0 1------'------:.' ht':,t man Thry are the son:, nf'"day Hook Club of Detroit is; WI CounCIls next event IS the .actlvitles. co~mlttee of ~be of .\fr:- Roy .\lltch{'I!, of Tn'n- scheduled fur May 26 at tl'e I schedul~d for Thursday, May 20. InstItute which IS sponsormg \ !"n, "Itch, and the late :\[1'. Women's City Club. LunehE'on T~,'?.guided tours of ~urren~ ex. t~e event. Coffees. ~o~owed by .\litchel1. Seating the guests will be served at 12:15 o'clock. ll!bItlOns at Th~ DetrOIt InstItute tours of the exhIbItIons have were Leonard Carnaghi, broth- The program for f1he afternoon of Arts will be 'icheduled fo~ y been popu~ar affairs in the I Deal With Specialists! er of the bride. Dr. Thomas fpalures folksinging by Miss p.m. and 7:30 p,m, The exhlbI- past. '\Tci\.enzl£'. and David :\tcCord .Julie Sh~w. tIons are "40 Key Artists of the The presen~ exhibition at the ---- r~Iid-20thCentury" and the "55th Institute is one of 40 key artists Exhibition for Michigan Artists." of the mid. twentieth century. We have been selling homes in New members are still being Chairman of Friday's coffee welcomed by newly-elected Jun, is Mrs. Walter GuIer wh:l is ~ ior Council officers-Harry L. being assisted by Mrs. William Grosse Pointe for 46 years. Winston, Jr., chairman, Robert DenIer, Mrs. Raymond Perring, 3 rRochelle 8alon H. Kanzler, vice-chairman, Mrs. Mrs, Paul Sutherland, Mrs. C. I Stanl~y R. Day, secretary, and E. Wilson, Jr. and Mrs. Charles Walter Denison, treasurer. The, L. WilsoD ~ IS HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE 1 THAT PlJBLIC SALES Not an Auction - All Items Priced Mi,ss Loretta Household Furnishings 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, library, huge family room, car- Air conditioned and carpeted throughout. Attic fan, pet, drapes, air conaj~ioning and lawn sprinkler. paneled family room, den, games room, 3 bedrooms, 1rrll-J;no:rn MR. and MRS. NAHTAN LEII 'round 17367 Cherrylown 1U 1-6300 2~~. ru1~OO Grosse Pointe Detroit Y DOOR l1a'l' Stylist SATURDAY, MAY 22, FROM 10:00 A.M. 'has joined ------_ .....- s our staff ... MRS. J. D~ THOMPSON 15091 Penrod Rosedale Pork r, Inc. SUNDAY, MAY 23, FROM 10:00 A.M. For Your A fine home in an excellent locatiof,. Paneled !i- This one has everything. Swimming pool, pool house, Appointment, Call TU 2-9440 R MRS. LEEAN e, WAYNE brary, family reom, vanity, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, paneled library, family room, games room with bar, 'i,'riIll9 I 14612 Archdale games room. TU 1-6300 and much more. TU 1-6300 -- 84 KERCHEVAL Detroit WEDNESDAY, MAY.26, FROM 10:00 A.M.

MRS. ALEX OBERMAYER 17520 West Outer Drive {/", NEW- Dearborn Heights \. \and delicious! THURSDAY, MAY 27, FROM 10:00 A.M. TRY MR. and MRS. BENJAMIN FISHMAN 5441 West Outer Drive Detroit THURSDAY, JUNE 3, FROM 10:00 A.M. Gray Brick Colonial near lake. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, Charming Colonial "!n The Farms." 3 bedrooms, ------family room, breakfast room. Carpet throughout. Powder Room, games room with bar, terrace, lou- TU 4-0600 vered shutters. TU 1-4200 res MR. JOHN L. BROWN 19235 Strathcona ers LASAGNE Egg noodles anct layers WITH MEAT SAUCE Detroit mg of Ricotta and Mozzarella SATURDAY, JUNE 5, FROM 10:00 A.M. cheese exquisitely An IF YOUR H:)ME IS FOR SALE ins authentic SUNDAY, JUNE 6~ FROM 10:00 A.M. ~ed blended in a tomato Italian specialty We will be pleased to make an in!'ipection of same and sauce rich with meat and advise the price we feel can be obtained. You are under :lay spIces. It's deliciou~! MR. and MRS. JAY L. HAMMEN no obligation for this service. 1017 lake Shore Drive I Grosse Pointe Snores Now in SATURDAY, JUNE 12, FROM 10:00 A.M. frozen food ~.~ counters SALES CONDUCTED BY ~"-t-."'I t"');-_-.-u-u,-.-_-- ...I...;Y:-, 0 I I ~_ at qUdlity food ~- ~----..... - ' r stores H. O. McNierney, Stalker & Boos, Inc. • • • .. y • • • APPRAISERS Hill PREPARED BY CHEFS OF ~078 Penobscot Bide. WOodward 1-6955 INTERNATtONAUy fAMOUS MARIO'S iESTAtJRAHT Ii

s _ _ s cmt ~I rr. rt< • rEm c Cd d g • -- = ¥ $

Thursday. May 20, /965 Thursday, I Page Eighteen GROSSE POINTE NEWS ------~------Society Ne.wsGathered frolll All of the Pointe~ Women's Club Pointe Artists Delta Zeta Alumnae Troth Told Bride-Elect To Marry Plan Meeting. Party Holds Meeting Short and to the Pointe Hold Exhibit DAC The E a s t Side AluniD.ae (Con,inued from Page 13) DR. and MRS. EDWARD WAL. Group of Delta Zeta SororIty The Grosse Pointe Woman's MR. and MRS. MICHAEL D. LACE. The opening reception and will hold their May mt'eting ~n Club scheduled not ~>nly a:, in. Big ( :;'lacMECHAN of St. Clair ave- Mrs. Lakin and Mrs. Graham I tea for the Grosse Poil1te Thursday, May 20, at a p.m. 10 I teresting bllt a very mf<>rmatire nue announce the birth of a are newly elected officers of Artists' Association's Annual Ex- the home of Mrs, Wayne Hast-, meeting for ::\:1ay 19. at 1 jlr.)" Eddie Krupa daughter, MEREDITH ANNE, the Women's Auxiliary to the bibitioQ were conducted' at the ings, 1 Lafayette Plaif,ance. in the Crystal Ballroom of the on May 14. MR. and MRS. Macomb County Society of Op. Grosse Pointe War Memorial After a short busin('ss meet- Gross(> Pointe War :\:1emoriaL Wagon Re~ GEORGE BILQUE of Torrey tometrists. Center on Sunday, May 16 ing, a Tupperware' p:.lrty will The tea was. followed by the Ruhl road are the maternal grand- ... • • from 2 to ,5 o'clock. bf' held for the benefit o~ the election of offIcers for the year parents and Mr. and Mrs. Dun- MR. and MRS. l\'IARTIN NIEL- This is a juried exhi,bit, make group's philanthropic proJects. of 1965-66. The DAC bar D Mac Meehan, of Lincoln SON of Npttingham road are ing it more challenging for the D~lta Zeta works in thhaerdaT~~ Following the brusiness meet- on Earth" on , road. are Mp.redith Anne's pa- spending a two-week vacation individual artist. Peggy Miener of aId to the deaf and . . chaired by president '11- stageJ the am ternal grandparents. in Miami, Fla. and BilI Wolfenden are the h ear i n g, and has ~upplJed ~g, man ~ummeTs ':\1rs O' :" floor of the D( ~udges for this particular show- equipment to tile DetrOit Heard H~r Dodson i n t r ~ d' u ~ '(' (j s~~~ • • >C' l '" • • In keeping \\ MRS. ALlCE HAMMOND BARBARA ELLEN LUSS .of mg., I ing Center .:l~d the speechs~~ speaker, Kenneth R. A\chim activities in thE The following artists have He~dng. ClinIC at Wa:'lDe a e who has been, since 1957. with formerly of Cambridge road: Linco~n r?ad," a. seni?r art major Anniversarv VI and her co-pilot, MRS. JEAN at Mlarll Umversity, Oxford, been added to the roster this, unGlVerSJtyp' 'nters planning to the Bureau of ~Ioms in De. val atmospheJ M D h D W. I rosse J1 t 't "5 mug g II n " B' H. PEARSO~ of Three Mile Ohio, has ben selected to show season:. rs. orot y e Itt ttend include Mrs. L. M. Gile-' rOl.,,, ,:.. I" a . I;; against the tn drive will compete in The original examples of her work 339 RIvard ~oule~ard, Mrs. I ~viCZ,of Allard road, Mrs. Wil-: B~s.mess, was hiS excIting PO\....d~r Puff Derby. tr~nscon. in an Art Exhibit to b~ held .at Robert T. VVh.lt~, 19961 Doyle ham Kamrr .. of Vernier road, 6uoJ)ect. . circus setting , tinental air race scheduled to the Manchester Motor Inn, MId. place, Mrs. William Gronemey. Mr Phillip Ransdell, of Mea- Pink do(m~ated the' 1ra tJble Beavers, thernsl start July 3 from Gillespie dletown, Ohio, May 24 through er 1580~ Windmill Pointe drive, dO~' lane, Mrs. JO.;eph P. in th~ be~utlful ballroo:n under able to identif Yield. El Cajon, Calif. Mrs. May 28. Photo by Bransby Photo by Gene Butler Phot\J by EdlHe McGrath. Jr. Mrs. Richard Ballard 19787 Ida Thompson. of Radnor circle, the dIrectIOn of tea hast("". ~Irs. ming pool are Hammond has raced in 11 pre- Miss Luss, a graphic arts ma. The engagement of NANCY Mr. and Mrs, Reinhart M. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Windsor, lane,. east, T Mrs. Chester Ku. and Mrs. Norman p. Lasca, of ~obert 5 u t ton of Hamilton pool was covel vious TAR's whit!- Mrs. Pear. jor. will display an oil painting KAY KOGEL to Charles D. Sarow, of Sa,ginaw, annownce of Fisher road, announce the laski 934 V\ estchester, Ralph Fisher roau. Court. natatorium de, son has compete J in sev~r'. entitled "Landscape" and a Todd, III, has been announced the enga'gemen.t of their daugb- engagement of their daughter,' Allured 900 Bishop, Mrs. Victor Assisting on the tea C 'ilmn it. simulate the in The race co'rers 2547 miles: .-:harcoal pencil drawing called by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ter, NANCY SUE, of Cadieux MARY LYNN, to Robert E. Tay~ Radcliffe 1136 Three Mile drive, Q t Sl t tee were Mrs. Burke Arehart "Big Top." from ('oast to coast with seven I "Girl on Woodpile." Both of the Ross E. Kogel, of M~adow road, to Robert Bernard Sell- lor, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Mrs. Charles Kreichelt 1160 S. ues ers a e Mrs. L. J. Cardwell, :\1rs. ~1. H: available stops across the coun- pii>ces were done during the lane. ers, of St. Paul avenue, son of There, a red striped ceiling try and is flown in daylight current academic year. Miss Kogel, a graduate of Mr. aIIl.d Mrs. Dean Lincoln ::~~or, of Birminglwn, Michi. ~::=ir~,h~~~~~O~:~~~ 3~~~ Annual Meeting ~~~b~~~id }lrdilm~re~' ~~r~hrij' p£'le effect. In a hours only and under visual An alumnus of Grosse Pointe Grosse Pointe High School, is Sellers, of Bloomfield Hills. Both Miss Windsor and Mr. Chalmers, William Rieman, Jr. Alex Gordon, Mrs. Leo Huetter' dreds of multi-col flight rules. High School Miss Luss is the currently enrolled in the School Miss Sarow attended Mexico Taylor are graduates of West-\1010 Whittier, Susan Sta.ir 833 The Grosse Poi!1te Pear Tree Mrs. Leonard Klaasen. ~lrs: ' carried out the ... daughter of MR. and MRS. ED. of Education at the University City CoI!J.ege, the University of em Michigan UniversIty. Park Lane, Mary RomIg 979 Chapter of Questers will hold William Krieger, :'Ilr6. Stanley and a replica of a MARILYN JEROME. daugh. WARD V. LUSS. of Michigan. Va1encia, Vale-nda, Spam, and The wedding is planned for Lakepointe, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- its annual meeting with a lunch. Plopa, :Mrs. Cecil Pollard. ~:IS. at one end of the ter of MR. and MRS. PAUL • • • Mr. Todd, the son of Mrs. was graduated from Michigan after the first of the year. liam House, 404 Rivard boule- eon May 21 at 11 o'clock at the Alfred Reuther, ::\lrs. La\\ renCe as a stage for Edl JERO:\tE. of. Balfour road, RICHARD C. SCHMITT, son Charles D. Todd, Jr., of Bal- State University 'WIhere she was ------yard, and John VVargelin. Lochmoor Country Club. Miss Ruby. ::\~rs. Ernest Scherer. Jlrs. affiliated with Alpha Gamma his band. gave ~er seDlor vocal recital of MR and MRS. ARTHUR W. four road, and the late Mr. father of CONSTANCE PARKE, At the recent Michigan Annual Mary Coyne, of E. Jefferson Richard Shannon, :\lrs, J W Delta sorority. She is presently Flanking the at AlblO!1 College o.n Friday. I SCHMITT. of Manchestex road, Todd, attends the University of '67. Watercolor Society Exhibition, ave!"!ue, is hostess for the occa- Snyder, Mrs. C. William Sulli: teaching in the Grosse Pointe were a life-sized :\Iay 14, 10 the. Goodnrh Chapell has been eleded vice-president Michigan Law School. • • • Charlotte Evans won an Honor-sion. van, :Mrs. John :rhompson. ~Irs. on the coll~ge s campus. A so. of the St. Thomas More Pre- Public School System. dancing girl and : The couple plans em August Sigma Alpha Iota, Delta chap- able Mention, also at the Metro- Speaking on antique jewelry Kenneth WatkinS, Sr. Jb, prano. Manlyn was .a mem~cr Legal Society of Xavier Un.- Mr. Sellers attended Cornen wearing a "Happ; 21 wedding. ter, will present an artist con. politan Exhi.bition at the J. L. will be Pearce Letlner. Mr. John Wetzel, and :\lrs, John (~f the Grosse POI!1te !llgh .ersity, Cincinntai, O. University and was graduated topping the wag01 Hudsol:l Company, Don Schrom LeHnEr designs antique jewelry Welker. School A Capella Chou' while. a A 1963 graduate of Grosse from the University of Michi- cert at the Lakeshore road I I sign proclaiming home of MRS. FREDERICK won the Esther Longyear Mur- and is a jeweler to the Queen .------~tudent t.here and als~ sang. ID Pointe's St. Paul High SOOool, toral fellowship from the Uni~ gan where he was a member I "Beavers Brother FORD this Sunday, at 3:15 phy annual award for 3. casein of England. He has a shop in Lookmg for a ,oft. joh is ju,t t~le . JunIOr and SeDlor ~Igh Sohmitt is a sophomore eco- versity of Pittsburgh to do of Sigma Chi fraternity. He re- I Over in the gyl o'clock. Participants will be and ink painting. Windsor. another \lTay of wastlng hme. ChoIrs. of the Grosse Pomte nomics student at Xavier. He graduate work in Philospohy. ceived his master's degree from I blue bunting bro HELEN WORKMAN, contralto, ..\Iemonal Church. was secretar-,f of his class his H: also receiv~d a Woodrow I-:~arvard Scl1oo1 of Business ing down for coz AGNES RICARD, sop ran 0, '" '" • freshmen year aud is active in WIls?n Fellowsltllp. Mr. McDon- Administration. walls were drape( ELLA VILLA, violin, PEGGY Three Grosse Pointe couples the Sodality and ~onomics aid IS .an Honours Grad':late of A. July 24 wed din g is The orchestra p CLIFFORD, cello, and MARY will be in attendance at the club ~St. MIchael's CoHege m the planned. I , "Main Ring" w f,~tl1 Annua! Michigan Optomet- ' *...... University of Toronto, Canada. JOHNSON, ace 0 m panist, of Grosse Pointe • • • Hawthorne road. Ruhl and his ba ric Association Convention to M I C H A E L FRANCtS Mc- He will enter the University' SON, of E. Williams court. She was topped with be held at Bovne Mountain DONALD, son of MR. and of Pittsburgh in the faU texm is a 19M graduate of Grosse '" * '" white canopy, an Lodge ~Iay ~.26, DR. and MRS. FRANK McDONALD of for his graduate studies. Pointe High School and is maj- MR. and MRS. GEORGE H. I PRIMEAU, of Christine drive, laden for the 9 .\!RS. GEORGE GRAlIA.IIS. DR., Audubon road, has been grant- '" • • oring in Preveterinary Medi- returned last week from the slaught which fa and MRS. DO:'-JALD LA.KDJ' and i ed an Andrew Mellon pre-doc- Mrs. Richard C. Laramy, Jr" cine at Michigan State Univer- o'c!ock cocktail hi .~. __ ._------~------.. ~~. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sid- sity, English Speaking Union's West- ern Mediterranean C r u i s e. thing to remembe: 'ney C. Marsh, of Hollywood All of this. of t, • • • • • • • I road, has been hO.l1ored by the Nancy served as representa- Their daughter, JuLIE, returns dreamed up by i Mortar Board Sodety at West. tive to Junior Pan-Hellenic Sunday after a month's visit I 'ern Michigan University's for coooeil for lier p1edge class of with her grandmother, MRS. being one of the University's AIP\ba Delta Pi. JOHN H. MACK, of Bellaire" outstanding senior women in * * ... Fla. * * * ! scholarship, leadership and ser- PATRICK D A V I D LYNCH, vice. A graduate of Grosse son of MR. and MRS. E. J. MR. and MRS. ROY UL- Going ; Pointe High School, she is an LYNCH, of Hall place, has been BRICH have r~turned to their Torrey road home after a cruise ! Alpha Phi and a Distributive I i'lected president of the Senior Places? Education Major. 'class at St. Bernard College, of to Nassau in the Bahamas and .. * * Bernard, Ala. a tour of the southern East and West Coasts of Florida, in- Go Four Grosse Pointe alumnae '" ¥ '" cluding a stop-over at Miami lamoroUS of Manhattanville Coliege of the MRS. WILLIAM S. NEW-Beach. Sacred Heart attended the col- NAN, of Washington road, is * ... * Mayo.Jt lege's annual reunion recently. president of the Children's SUSAN GALDA of Calvin SPACIOUSNESS They were Mrs. Daniel J. Tin. Jto% &r-,...... it Ne;,:rological Development Pro- road, has been ele~ted co-chair- dall, Jr. of Audubon road; Mrs. It's the on!y word to describe this "HAS EVERYTH ING" 6 BEDROOM brick ,~ gram, wh~ch hel~ its an~ual I man of the Social Committee of AT WilliQm ,T. ?1riggs of Whittier membership meetmg last nIght, the Lawrence University Stu- COLONIAL in EXCLUSIVE GROSSE POINTE AREA. Well Landscaped Lot FASHION TRESSWIG road; Mrs. G. William Goering at the Detroit Society for Crip- dent Senate, Appleton, Wis., with lots of Trees. Huge sunken Living room has raised hearth Ledgestone .4.11 Shade .' the world's finest wig of Fillcrest lane and Mrs. Peter pled Children. Miss GaIda is a sophomore and ../HOM[ SHOWINGS BY APPOINTMENT ,F. Kennedy of Hillcrest ave. FIREPLACE, Luxurious FAIV,ILY-ROOM with FIREPLACE and Sliding Glass * '" '" member of Kappa Alpha rPG / or select from wide stock of colors nue. ,a doorwall overlooking yard. Wall to Viall C/\RPETING and DRAPES through. £a >I: • • 1500' I in our private Vvig boutique Among those elected to the Theta sorority. out, Paneled LI BRARY, Modern well designed Kitchen with BU ILT -I N double BARBARA AUG Board of Directors of Goodwill I • • • : 4 VA 1-1650 tl. + II d USTOhr: ..w.as Industrie5 of Greater Detroit I Among l'ecent vacationers in r OVEN, RANGE and DISHWASHER. Many, many other fine custom features 5% off with this ad [ a e as !r-w--u---t-..r- Mondays thru Wednesdays r£'cen /thmsB- ta T ruhs, uuaU"- are BILL O. BRINK, of Edge- rort Lauderdale, FI~., was too numerous to mention in such limited space. Call for further information 'I man 0 e e au c apter of '. ROSEMARY A. CUSENZA of Zeta Tau Alpha at Albion Col- mere road, preSident, REG., ' I and appointment. . ME""RlDEW f F . h 1 Stanhope road. 'lege. M1SS Auguston 11 sopho- n. ,0 r. I rom e I more at Albion Coll~ge is the road, first vice pre sid e n t; * * • I USj~?:=:::rD;;~:::::. : daughter of MR. and MRS. GEORGE M. ALDRIDGE, of I MR. and M~S. R. J. FORES- IF YOU OWN A HOME KENNETH P AUGUST ON of Lakeland avenue, second vice MAN a,nct theIr daughter, JO- ASK ABOUT OUR TRADE PROGRAM 20845 Mack Ave. TV 1-0953 St. Paul av"~ue. 'president; and GERALD c'l ANNE,. of WeIlin,gton place, , Michigan's largest be:luty salon chain * * '" SCHROEDER, 0 f Shoreham have JUst returned from a i" NA;\ley STEPHENSON has' road, treasurer. ~eek's sta~ a,! ~e Green Brier IF YOU HAVE A HOME FOR SALE . recently been initiated as a * * * I m West V~gm~a. -* member of the Gamma Omega Recipients of silver plaques Ask Us About Out 30 Day I chapter of Alpha Delta Pi sor- in the 1964-65 Ford-Future Sel- MR. and MRS. JOHN GL- Guarantee Saie Plan ority at Michigan State Uni- entists ot' America competition COTT HASTINGS, of Kerche- versity. included Df\NIEL BARRETT, a val avenue, announce the birth Nancy is the daughter of MR. seventh grade student at St. of a daughter, MARGARET TU 6-3030 Public Auction and MRS. JOHN STEr'HEN- Paul's School, whose project ANNE, May 3. Mrs. Hastings ~------___ is the former MARY KATE was entitled "Color Perception WORCESTER, d a ugh t e r of 20551 Mack Ave, by Fish," and MAT THE W MR. and MRS. PHILIP I. TUESDAY, MAY 25th at I and 8 P.M. DOUGLAS DEVINE, an eighth WORCESTER, of V end 0 m e Grosse Pointe Woods grade student at Pierce Junior roa d . High School, w hose project was WEDNESDAY, MAY 26th at 8 P.M. entitled "Pre-Flight Training Don't make the mistake of Grosse Pointe's ONLY TV Realty Co. for Mousetronauts:' trying td push yourself forward . '" . by patting yourself on the back. Estate removed from Journeying to Wells College, ~ ~~~~~~.:.------~--- = ----~- ~ ~ Aurora, N.Y:., to participate in ~ ~~~ ~j Orchard Lake, Mich, Wells' 15th annual Fathers (~ VVeekend May 7 through 9, were Fred T. Moran, of Hamp- Located in Grosse Pointe Farms and St. Paull s Parish :~',~ Provi:"1cial fruitwood lam~ tables, fruitwaod coffpe tobie, twin ton road, father of MARIANNE mahogany bedroom set, pair of mahogany bachelor chests, MORAN, '67, and HERVEY C, Tonnancour Pt \"~ Robert Irwin mahogany dining rOOm set, Dutch grandmother's PARKE, of University place, clock, leother top desk, Florentine gold decorated console and -y~V f '~ mirror, rosewood marble top Victorian I)utch cabinet, mahogany corner choir, fruitwood nest of tebles. ,'~ '~~J

" ~ Set of gold band Limoges dishes, set of Crown Derby Mikado pattern dishf's, cut 9l;)ss, crl!~t set, Lalique lamp. ~

Sheffield champaQne coolers, silver :eo services. ~

Contemporary and traditional oil paintings. , ~

Three wrought iron gloss top dinette sets, Bamboo sofa onJ , ~ chair.

Wednesday nenin, feature: ~

Collection of OV1r 60 carved and unusua' PIPES. \' ~ ',' (d ..' Built by one of Grosse Pointe's leading builders ••. th~s 0" exceptional home whicl, ff 4 b d I'b 3v: b th . M . 0 ers e rOOlT.S, I rary, ,2 0 s and FlOrida room, utschler kitchen, 2-cor attached garage, excellent decor Exponsl'o' f 2 dd" I d d b th (( Du Mouchelle • I, Or a Itrono be rooms an a s.

~ ART GALLERIES CO. I 409 E. Jeff.rson Ave. KENNETH W. CARTER & co. REALTORS (one block from City-County ~uildinc)

WO 3-6255

t '. l = • T Thursday, May :'0, 1965 I GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nineteen I! Woman's. . Pag.e • • by, of and for. Pointe Women ! 1/" If /I '.' (J II h /Mr. Snowday .Engaged Betrothed IGOP Women International IChance to Meet ftlld, \l1'('Iing DAC Beavers Hold To Claim Bride Hold Meeting Stars of Met Be II June 11 Grosse Pointers and their Mr. and Mrs. Warner Leslie The Women's RepubBcan guests if they act immediately, " a - '- Big Circus Evening Moore, of Biarritz Circle, De- Club of Grosse Pointe held its Plans for the International can enjoy dinner with Roberta troit, announce the engagement Peters, William Walker, and May meeting Monday, May 17, Bali, scheduled to be held at other stars of the .Metropolitan Edd' K d H' B d P f b d of their daughter, Margaret Ie rupa an IS an er orm A oar Circus Elaine, to Hall Terry Snowday, in the Crystal Ballroom of the Cobo Hall on Friday evening. Opera this Sunday ~Jight, May Wagon Replica In Natatorium "Big Top;" Warney Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Grosse Pointe War Memorial. June 11, are progressing. 23, at 7 o'clock, in the Grosse Ruhl Appears !n Gym "Main Ring" Terry Snowday, of Harcourt" Three hundred and fifty Grosse The ball, staged under the au- Pointe War Memorial's Fries spices of the International Insti- Crystal Ballroom. .------. - road. Pointers and friends gathered tute, will be set in a lovely Frances Robinson and An• The DAC Beavers produced "The Greatest Show Miss Moore is a senior at tbe to hear the address of John A. palace garden, shimmering in thony BUss, representing Met •. ,. ~)':"'J:1(',:, ~:.r.'~, on Earth" on Saturday evening, May 8, when members Grace School of Nursing. Mr. Stormer, author of the best the rosy hue of being literally management and board of di- '. ;,,(";'jen: \1,s. st1ged the annual Beavers formal party an the fourth Snowday is a graduate of Hills. selling book, "None Dare Call "in the pink" aga'inst a back- rectors will be pre~d the It Treason." The book has sold ~round of fresh greens. and The dinner is a curtain raiser In keening with all of the ~~-----._----- with the investment banking , . . . ~arden statuary. Guests wIll be to the 1965 :Metropolitan Opera • I • ~ H .\ "lC:'I:'t:. ... 't' '. th CI b' 50th 'I • firm oJ Carl M. Loeb Rhoades by in ;lC tl\ lIeS In e u S committee headed by Andrew d C A f II dd' . I seven 1.i1lhon copIes, rankmg I serenaded strolling trouba- season Detroit starting Mon- ,:,' t. 195;. with .\nniv~rsaf'J year. a carni- \G. Brodi~, chairman who"e 1 anI dO' a we 109 IS it the fifth largest selling book Idours strumming Balalaikas. day night. Guests will not only .,: ("l.,tn:n" in D<. • . , . p anne \'J.\ atmosphere prevailed helpers are Charles A. Bigelow, 1 • ~ __ Iever written. During the evening, seated at get a chance to meet some of __i I :;:. b a Bl_~ t :":;, f'x,'itin-: :l;,ainst the trappings of a Charles A. Brethen, Jr., Glenn h Ge B ks i Mr. Stormer, in his talk en- pink topped tables abloom with the Metropolitan's b rig h est. l.j;'CUS setting and even the H.. Tohnson. Frank W. Lynch G~mblheand th~l ....orge droMo titled "I Saw It In the News. myriads of pink balloons rising stars and management, they will d R d S hn .d With t em w 1 e !f ..r. an rs. paper," observed that, while from king-sized playing card be able to listen to them tell in- Reavers. themselves weren't an u y peersc el er. Wayne Dupius were guests "": :~., tf'3 tahl€' probably 97 per cent of Ameri- houses, depicting the royal play- fonnally about the operaS which :' :: " ':lroo:ll undrr able to identify the swim- And for good. mea~ure ~eTe of Mr. and Mrs. James T. cans agree that communism is ing card family, guests will en- ",m be staged durmg the com- 0:' 1 (',l h""t(,;;;;. \lr". ming pool area, since the wer~ two preSidentIal dmner Barnes, Jr. a threat to freedom. they have joy the intermittent perform- ing week. The sbrs will also 1. d rl th() partJes-tha. of Mr. and Mrs. . - Photo by Ge'ne Butler ... ,:: ,)[ Ilarniltnn The engagement of RUTH been led to believe naively that ances of nationality folk danc- tell many an hilarious anecdote pOD. \,,~S covere an '''' Herbert W. Hart. (he's the new Mr. and Mrs. LOUi£ J. Curl, ANN BOVIER, of Cadieux road, The engagement of MARY if free people show them no ing by ethnic groups, as well as of happenings ~ckstage, and natatorIUm d.e c 0 ~ ate d to Beaver president), who had as Jr., had t?e Leo n a r d, P. and Robert Francis Witt, of 11(' te'.1 (,O:l1~lt. ~1I1.1ulate ~?e mterIor of the guests thp. William E. Slaught- C~oleys ana the Ray A. Ll1jes LOUISE CROWTHER to Wayne provocation, communists will dancing to be music of AI Na- management will reveal some of K. Leichliter has been announc. Sunningdale drive, has been an- \: :', 1~;lrkl' Arehart. Big Top. ers and the Julian McIntoshes; WIth them and M:. and ~. nounced by the bride-elect's leave them alone. He said that varro and his orchestra. the colossal problems that face , .1 I'd ',' ('11. :\[rs. \1. IT. There. a red and wltite and the party of Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Kl!farski were hos S ed by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. while belief in this deceitful Gov. and Mrs. George Rom- a touring grand opera company. Robert W. Crowther, of Univer- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph F. \i:'.. L F C;~'hri~. ,lripcd ceiling gave a tent R. K. Degener, (he's the imme- to Mr. and Mrs .. A. E. Betteley id~a. has been promoted, 800 Iney and Mayor and Mrs. Jerome This dinner and evening are sity place. Bovier, of Johnstown, Pa. l;;1:1JOrf'. \Ir;;. .r pole effed. In addition. hun- diate past president), who en- and the R. E. HInks. ~mlhon p~r~ons have been taken , P. Cavanagh have been invited being co-sponsored by the De- Miss Bovier gradu~ted from , \:,. 1.0'\1 I/uettl'l' tln'ds of multi-colored balloons tertained guests previomly in- Invited to join Mr. and Mrs. The bride-elect was graduated mto captiVIty. Ito serve as honorary chairmen ii'oit Grand Opera Association ... : KLJ3:-(,rl, \lr" frorr. St. Paul's High Scoool and Hood College, Frederick, Md., The speaker proposed that of the event, to be held from with Mrs. Daniel Goodenough in carried out thf' circus theme vited to the postponed gala. Thomas J. Burkes were Dr. anI! and the University of Michigan. I ,,' ,,',,'r. :,Ir.-. Stanh'\' and a replica of a circus wagol' Their g~:ests included DAC Mrs. Fraser Vipond, the Troy is employed by the Eaton Manu- the reading American use his. 9 until 1 o'clock. charge of arrangements for the ,. ... l t~~ J1 r\)llard. ~\I~~ Her fiance, son of Mr. Adrian supper, and Donald M. D. Thur. at one end oC the room served President Frank E. Kenney and M~s~eyers,. ~r. and Mrs. facturing Co. daily newspaper to search out Mrs. Walter L. Cisler, of Dev- ber moderating the discussion '~l':-. \Ir" Lawr(>;;,'e C. Witt, 'of Pittsburg, Pa., and as a stage for Eddie Krupa and 1 Mrs. Kenn",y, Mr. and Mrs. Wilham Sc~mid., Mr. and Mrs. Her fiance, who is the son of the late Mrs. Witt, is a gradu- the facts and ponder the course onshire road is a member of which follows. ' :T,"c S,':h'fer. ~,lr" the Rev. and MI's. Joseph T. wh~ch his country seems to be the patrons' ~ommittee. Among Detroit Grand Opera Assoria. ':',::'::"!":. \lr:,. J \\' his haild. J (' r vis C. Webb, Mr. and Joseph ~alser, Mr. :;d ~~~ ate of Niagara University and Leichliter, of Gillett, Pa., is a takmg. As an example h~ those responding to the invita. tion officers expected to be ':' \. \\':aia~ Sul;;- Flanking the band wagon Mrs. John S. Pingel, the Wi!- Fre(' HI1I~r and e Michigan ~.tate University. graduate of Bucknell Univer- s?()wed a page ~f a recent edI- tion to patrons, many of whom pre~nt include Mr. and Mrs. . , "": Thr''11;)''')I1, \lr,. were a life. sized cut.out of a liam A. Prews, Louk C. Goads, Botts. A July 30 wedding is plan- sity and is also employed by the tIo~ of a leadll~g news~aper, will also serve as hosts, are Frank Donovan, Mr. and Mrs. ',\ ":"::"1" 5':-. \Ir. dancing girl and a circlli' clown Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Diltz, Dr. ned. Eaton Manufacturing Co. as an whIch on on~ SIde ca~rled a I the Cislers, MI'. and Mrs. Joseph \\--ilber Mark, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn ~i'~l: 'Ir.' Jl)h:"'l \\f'al"ing a "Happy Face." And, and Mrs. E. S. Gurdjial1, Mr. Parties Honor engineer. sto.ry of Preml~r Kosygm trav- \ A. Vance, ,Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. R. '1' d". d ""- Max topping the wagon was a large and Mrs. Peter J. Koenig, Mr. 1 t H t ff ar ownsen, m.r .an .'u".. ~i,~n prodaiming the advent of 'and ~'\-lrs.Henry W. Pioch, the An October 23 wedding is e mg . 0 anOl ? 0 er w Alexander Wrigley, Mrs. Fred- F" h ,.- ,.- J h G Jean German tIt th V t Cong nd IS er, .U.1. and ~'ll s. 0 n ar- "Beavers Brothers Circus." Cass Kemps. Rex Regens, Mr. planned. Church Group ma ena s 0 e Ie a. erick Schumann, Mr. and Mrs. linghouse and Mr. and Mrs. ,,":: .1')') i, jlF: on the other a sto!?, o~. ~resl. I David Gamble, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Daly. :' '.\J:..~:;r~:' Over in the gym. yellow ar:d 'lnd Mrs. W..1ter A. Crow, Mr. I Parties honoring Jean Ger. t:mc. Sets Luncheon dent Johnson proposmg diSCus. I' Ch 1 E d' att Mr and Mrs ..------. hlue buntmg bro~lght the cell- an~ Mrs. C~rl Neppach, Jr., Mr. man, daughter of Mr. and Mr

than those with a little learning. . ,0 . YOU Can earn top wages as a • HAIR STYLIST • MANICURIST • INSTRUCTOR JOBS WAITING FOR Regardless of the ~eather outside our beauti- DONSE GRADUATES ful indoor pool is always kept at a comforta?le Remember us? We're the Yokoms, We placed a few ods about 82 Y '11 also enjoy the courteous service BIG PAW in this poper lost year ond met many fine people, fro"m oo~ staff of 82 people, and we ~uarantee \AI 'to put 0 few more in this yeor, so be sure to read , you'll bowl over 82' in our new bowling lanes. y, e ore gomg $5°0WEEKLY h You may find thot BIG PAW is just the resort you hove Sparkling Mutschler Kitchen, cozy panelled Family room, master ..... ~...... t em. I . Featuring: There's about 82 other things to do ~t the ~ort been looking for to rest, relax end hove a me vocation . Lic,ns,d 4nd ApPT01led by bedroom. bath and dressing room. Living roorn with natural fireplace State Boord of COllmctologiats Huron Motor Inn including just plam loafl':l~' plus bay. Spacious dining I'oomf powder room. Second floor: 3 large bowling, boating,. fishing, !~eam rO


at .. d' _ _ $ rt ..... I

, \ Page Twenty G R 0 SSE POI N, TEN E W S Thursday, May 20, 1965 Thursda HOMES FOR SALE in "The Pointes" ------.-.4\ offered by MEMBERS OF GROSSE POINTE BROKERS ASSOCIATION I YOUR AD GROSSE POINTE I GROSSE POINT': l_G_R_O_S_S_E_P_O_IN_T_E_ GROSSE POINTE --~. ~------. ~.---- 1------33rd Year Chorge Ads STANTON LANE ! GROSSE POINTE SHORES - JEFFERSON on the LAKE IOc eoch , • 1 GKAi\lD :\'L-illAIS, 740 - How An attrachve Early Ame!"I<;an I mo.'e? ThIs A quiet wooded lane border- 'd . "t - "I t' , soon can YOll '. • reSI e~ce m a op oca Ion! white Center Hall Colonial is ing the lake provides a beau. ' Spacious 4 bedroom face convement to schools. trans- II' . . " tiful setting for this excep brick, den or 5th bedroom, TUXEI . d "Th H'll" h Just waltmg for .I ou, Near tional -anch home, The well 27' family room, enclosed P?r t atIOn an e I s .op- I the La.~e it has family room. I 3 TI pmg area. St: Paul parIsh. I 3 bedrooms. 2% baths, gas planned kitchen c'ontains a porch, seawall, electric hoist, Among oth~r flne feat~res ~re heat and lots of carpets. In- large breakfast area and lot 70x360. Near 13 Mile. LINER a new .famlly room wIth fire- I vest todav in happiness. TU complete G.E. built-ins. Fam- CUNNINGHAJ place, hbrary, 5 bedrooms. 31,~ 4.0600 . ily room, separate dining GWENELL TU 2-1730 1890 Kerch. baths and attached garage. . room, 2 baths, attractively TU 5-9898 landscaped 119' lot HALL PLACE, 78 - Charming HARKNESS PI GROSSE PTE. SHORES 20313 Mack Colonial in Radnor Park with An extremely fine ranch house. HAMPTON 655 - A Walter DEEPLA.'-.1])S TU 4-3100 :> bedrooms. kitchen with dish- Paneled family room with fire- Mast .. ranch in m()ve-right-in l=on'NTREE _ Ch . NEWS SA washer and disposal, paneled piace. Florida room overlooking I condItIon. Located on a 75' n.ru . armmg ~ol- DOWNTOWN games room, with bar, powder garden. 3 bedrooms. dressing lot only a block from school I omal, Shmgle, Stone an~ Bnck, Grand Circw roo~, scn.-ened terra,.:e, gas 'l 14 bedrooms, 2lh baths, WIth fam- Majestic Bldl room, 2 baths and modern kit. and th e lak e. F me famI Y '1 tt h d 2 heat and some carpet. Cir- room, large breakfast room, II y roexn, a ac e car garage. E. JEFFERSON chen with all built-ins. Com- Members of the Alden Park Ci.t1n room. Well mam-; roo m s. fireplace. paneled "Enjoy the tamed. $_5.500. I games room. garage. carpets, duced. , JOHN S. Learn dr:.pes. Terrific value. TU 329 McKINLEY-Bright. cheer- ' t\'ESTCIJESTER. Pleasing Colo. I 1-6300. Personalize nail in very good condition. i ful, charming 3-bedroor;', 11'2 I! GOO DMA N GROSSE POINTE BROKERS ASS'N I bath, breakfast room, ga- 822 Three bedrooms, one and one- I GROSSE POINTE WOODS-eus. I rage with electric eye. $29,500. half baths on second fIf)or.: tom built 3 bedroom ranch . 93 K~rche\'al 886.3060 lA-PERSO~ First floor lavatory. Library_ situated on par:,-like grounds. Serl'i!l{.! AfL of the Grosse Poidtes . 620 HIDDEN LANE-Spacious Recreation room. 535.000. 2 full baths, paneled library, 3-bedroom, 2-bath, 2Jh-car ga- WEDDING CAl family room, fully air,co'1di. rage, Ranch wit h family. ' album in bri RE:'>IAlTD. Out$tanding Shores tio!"'ed. Outstanding value. TV room and picture windows I CEl\;TER of attaction at Purdy $52, or in sp offering. Fivr be,Jrooms. three 1-6300. looking into garden. Prestige i & Edgar's May cotillion, white, just : and one-half baths. Familv GROSSE POINTE GROSSE POINTE GROSSE POINTE GROSSE POINTE location. Move right in. I where some of the Pointe's poin1rnent it room. Librarv. Elaborate re~- I JOHNSTONE & --'-I ------1 finest houses are presented. see Grosse reation room. AU rooms are Let one of our salesmen wedding pho EXECUTIVE DESIRES waltz you through this cen- ceive a beau! large. $79.000. i JOHNSTONE EARLY AMERICAN COL. BUCKINGHAM 1425 - Excel .• OTHER ter hall c 0 Ion i a I which 4-4852. J. s, 1 1 HOLLYWOOD, Special ranch, I r0NNANCOUR PL. - Custom ONIAL, 3 BEDROOMS, 2 h CHAMPION lent 4 bedroom. 1 ,2 bath: CHOICE LISTINGS boasts four familv bed- Redecorated. Thrc(' bedrooms. . _.______built 5 bedroom; Georgian BATHS, IN $33,000 TO center entrance Colonial sit-. rooms and two and ~ne half lA-MUSIC one and one-half baths. Pan. i style design; llh story; Mut. $40,000 PRICE RANGE. REALTOR uated on a lovely tree-shaded i \ . BY APPOINTMENT baths. Sit one out in the PIANO, orgall eled basf'ml.'nt with additional I schIer kitchen. Many excep- lot in Sf. Clare's parish., secluded library or on. the Pre-school hedroom. fun bath and rec.' CHOICE OFFERINGS tional features. See our pic- GWENELL TU 2-1730 Modern kitchen with all built- 582 ANITA - Raneh built in gigantic screened terrace. lity level. Wl reation room. 538.000. I' tures and floor plan on this I ins. Many other fine features. 1956 with many ~pecial fea- Let's not talk price. This is I ColoniiJ Ct. SOUND VALUES home. 1-----,---- By Appointment Open Saturday from 2-5 p.m. tures, 3-twin size bedrooms, 2 a party. baths, 2lh-car garage. Priced STEPHE~S. Very w('~; appoint-. I NOTTINGHAM, 1019 - Brick KINGS COURT, E. 19677 - in middle 30's. PUNCH, ed ranch. Thrce bi'drooms.. LOCHMOOR. BLVD. - 5.bed- KENWOOD - St. Paul's Parish colonial built in 1947, Four :'ItA\" WE CUT IN and dazzle two baths. Famih' room, Fine BALFcrJR 1130-When it's room \ room, 3%' bath, semi.ranch only a block away, authentic Center entrance 3 bedroom bedrooms and den. Spacious you with some fancy foot- MUSIC ranch, in Star of the Sea' 850 N. BRYS-ll-year-old ranch • rccreation room.' E"tra hasc-; and comfortaL~e family liv- with library, enclosed terrace, and solid English offering family home. Near schools work which will lead us to Piano, gt ment full bath. Forcf'd hot I mg yo.u need-do~'t fail to 2.car attached garage. Large beautiful detailed 1st floor parish, situated on a gilt in excellent location. Gener- I and transportation. this new listing on Merri- aCCl water heat with zone controL see thIS home WIth 5 bed- corner lot. induding living room, Ii. court - deluxe features, in- ous room sizes, mlJdern ki1:ch- weather Road. What a ball Guitar Rent rooms, 31.~ baths. fine family I brary, morning room, modern cluding ,a full sized dining en, dining room, 2 bedrooms, you'll :la ve being seen in 1 15 K, STA~'T.O~ LA~E. Pr.ime Farms: room. Formal dining room. '~OLIDAY RD.-Exceptional 3-1 kitchen; 7 family bedrooms BARCLAY, 428-Price reduced room. Open Sunday from 2-5 1 /2 baths, large paneled lib. this one. You look especi- Grosse P, 10catl?lL C h ~ r m I n g E.:rly bedroom face brick semi- plus 2 maids. Here's a real on this :lttractive two bedroom p.m. rary. Attached 2-car garage. ally fetching in your sparkl- $31,500. AmerIcan. F 1 \' ~ bedroom~. BEDFORD 1001-E x cell e n t ranch with 2 full baths, rec- family house not to miss. ranch in the Farms. Com- ing Mutschler kitchen. Six TU 4-4440 BARRINGTON, n e a'l' private bedrooms upstairs in which thr ....e and onr-half .baths. LI-, Value-in a custom Ranch reation room with lavatory, MUIR-"Income" duplex, each pletely air conditioned. Ex- beach and park, 2 storeys. 3 27 LAKESHORE LANE - Very to rest tired bodies. After brary, Large famIly room.: close to town and (111 a bus 2-('ar

I. Ir:;day, May 20, 1965 Thursday, May 20, 1965 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Twenty-One

YOUR AD CAN BE CHARGED GROSSE POINTE Three Tr~nk Lines To Serve You 9ulckly CALL TUxedo 2.-6900 Three Trunk Lines To Serve You 9uickly DEADLINE 12. NOON TUESDAY

Chcrge Ads- J 2 words for $1.00 3-LOST AND FOUND 4-HELP WANTED 5-SITUATION WANTED 6-FOR RENT- 8-ARTICLES FOR SAtE IOc eoch odditionol word -- 8-ARTICLES FOR SALE S-ARTICLES FOR SALE J nTrE'-;O:\" on the LAKE MALE AND FEMALE ( Unfurnished) LOST: Solid gray male cat. De- ART STUDENT, U. of M., needs RUMMAGE SALE clawed. 7 mile-Mack area. Re- ;; :,Ci,J'i' 4 bedro;)m face Coli MIDDLEAGED WOMAN to take summer job. Graphic arts and GAR AGE apartment: Grosse LEAD GARDEN FIGURES ward. TUxedo 4.7897. ANTIQUES )r'c ..... d('n or 5th bedroom. TUXEDO 2-6900 care of partially paralyzed design training. TUxedo 1- Poiute Farms near Kercheval. SHEPHERD - SHEPHERDESS Thursday, May 20, 9 A.M. Antiquated - Almost New, patient 7 days a week. Prefer 5687. '7 Ll:~l;l~' room. enclosed 3 Trunk Linss 4-HELP WANTED 1 bedroom. Available June 15, That's What "Memories" are l'lr'!: 'e;!\\'alL e1('ctriC' hnist, one with some nursing experi- $115. R e ply to Box Z80, Approximately 4' tall. Only fig- Grosse Pointe Unitarian Church made of. MALE AND FEMALE ence. Must have own tr_tDS- 5A-SITUATIONS ures cf this type known to II: 7"\.:;( ..1. :\"r3r 13 :\1ile. LINER STATIONS Grosse Pointe News. 17440 E. Jeff~rson portation. Private room and WANTED (Dome.tic) be in existence. Call aite!' 6 MEMORI ES SHOPPE CUNNINGHAM DRUGS P.M. Friday. Anytime Satur. Park in :;ity Park parking lot, 24916 Harper 772-7250 vVENELL TU 2-1730 16941 Kercheval at Nc.tre Dame REAL ESTATE SALESPEO. bath. Best wages. TU 2-5757. TU 5-96118 GOURMET COOKING, cocktail CADIEUX & E. JEFFERSON day. KEnwood 3-6586. 2 doors west of church. PLE - Training B.nd all pro- WAITRESS for lunch counter. parties, brunches, luncheons fessional service provided in- CARPETING, gray twist, 95 sq. ------HARKNESS PHARMACY Good hours. Apply at 21035 and dinners. 771-7132. 6 room terrace, oil heat, 3 LAWN SWF..EPER, $20; two MOVING to apartment-House yds. Lounge chairs, end tables, 20313 Mack Ave. at Lochmoor cluding Real Estate attor~ey, Mack at Roslyn, Grosse pte. half - full of furniture. 762 Tl1 4.3100 present at all closing. bedrooms, garage. Shown by tires 820-15, $10; tubes, lap, lamps, desk, power mower, nEEPL\.""DS Woods, TUxedo 4-1170. RELIABLE lady wishes conval- appt. only. Call Mr. Bliss. wedding dress and veil. TUx- South Renaud. Open Satur- shutter doors, carpet runner. NEWS SALES STATIoN8 DOVER, 18164 Mack Ave., eSl:ent, babysitting Cdre, light ()f:" fi{/.'E -- Charming Col- WOodward 1-0321 edo 4.4668. day. TUxedo 4-9902. DOWNTOWN AREA TUxedo 6.3730. VAlley 4-5883. .d. ~illn..:lf'. StOIl(, and Brick. GOVERNESS wanted, 4 chil- duties. Home evenings. 824- Grdnd Cll'CUS Park News Stand dren. No housework, live in. 4811. DRAFTING TABLE, 5x7. Ping- .c•. ~:.'l{I.l1.,. ~1.~ hath". with fam- MdjestIc Bldg. News Stand PRICELESS HEIRLOOM 24" GIRLS' BIKE, good condi- Own room, bath, television. 29230 SOUTH RIVER Rd. on pong table. Fireplace set. r() 1(.1. :,It;tchf'd 2 C:lr garage. E. JEFFERSON TO CITY LIMITS I'm a working girl who inherit- tion. TUxedo 4-5161. Alden Park Manor, E. Jefferson Top wages. Grosse Pointe GERMAN woman desires two Clinton R i v e r. 2 ~oom ed a priceless antique piano, and Early American bedstead and F (; ~n LT.\'. RC'ditor and VanDyke home, other help. References. days cleaning, ironing or cook- house, gas heat, boat dock, I just can't afford .1. This rare coffee table. Other items. DINING ROOM set, 6-pieee Camerons Gift Shop. Way burn New Jobs TUxedo 5-4312. in? Referenetes. 256-6069 beautifully landscaped, 2 car stained birch Conant Ball. 69 .\lac;" ..h('. TlJ'. 1.8310 & Je!t. museum piece, one of the first TUxedo 22721, aiLer 4:30 Park Drugs. CityLim:i:s Wmdsor. garage. $125 per month. Tuxe- ten Steinways ouilt, is in excel- p.m. or Sat urday. New, sacrifice. VEnic~ 9-2593. GROSSE POINTE PARK JANITOR-Wanted for church, FINNISH WOMAN . h k do 2-6781. lent conditioll. 17 years in the Daily KITTENGER breakfront, large DINING SET, solid cherry fruit- :.tllle,' Pharmacy, Wayburn and Southeast section. Call VAlley . WlS e.s w~r '. bl..ilding, finished in 1875, in. Kl'rcheval 4-7869. 3 days cleamng and Iromng. VERY PRIVATE garage apart- Oriental rug, beautiful, many wood finish. drop leaf table, " Sn.!lvan Pharmacy, Beaconafied I laid wtih rare woods and gold. IT.\ - Ranch. 3 !wdrooms. TRAINEES $13 a day. 823-2603. ment in Grosse Pointe. All accessories. French Provin- captain's chairs, server, $300. and Kerr!:;evtoal Once valued by Steihway as -dn~I::, r"(lIll LouIs Party Store on CharlevoIx SALES cial sofa. Italian cocktail TUxedo 4-7450. 4A-HELP W~NTED IEXPERIENCED lady wishes five redecorate~., 2 bedroo~, priceless. It must be sold. No GROSSE POINTE CITY TECHNICAL table. Valarie Inc., 4126 N. (Domestic) I days or day work. Have own modern klt~len, stove, refrI- reasonable offel~ reiused. .:--;'1' IIlsn: f{ 5 bed Kopp's Pharmal:Y. Cadtewc and ACCOUNTING 922 0947 gerator, dlshwasher. $145. Woodward, LIncoln 9-6669. SMALL used piano, good con- Kercheval HELEN SAINT FE. 5-7990 dition, $325. Bench, delivery, 'If':' '. 111rary_ Florida room. Cunningham's Drul'. Notre Dame PURCHASING ATTRACTIVE position avail- car, - . Available immediately. TUx- _': ".:'L' !'(l{ll and Cahana. and Kp.rcheval PERSONNEL able in Grosse. P0iJ;lte. Woman EXPERIENCED lady wishes 3 edo 1-9431. guarantee included. Smiley Notre Dame Pharmacy. Notre BEAUTIFUL Steinway Grand, WANTED t • '. 1'11",: PUBLIC RELATIONS 25 to 45, to live m. Gener~l days steady or office cleaning. Bros. TR. 3-8800. Open eve. Dame and Kercheval refinished in ebony. Recon- Women"s Spring nings and Sunday 1 to 5. GROSSE POINTE FARMS OTHERS housework and care. of 3 Chll- References. TE 1-9448. 6A-FOR RENT- ditioned and guaranteed, Buy :!.:. ::;) 1 floor 3-I)('droQm Trail Pharmacy, Kercheval oD dren. No laundry, light cook- (Furnished) Clothes the Hill International now! Terms at bank rates. GARAGE SALE. Saturday, 10 :: , i ,,' ,\.' h b;'c;f' "tora::e ar-2a ing. Large, private room, EXPERIENCED I a d y desires Farms Drues.. F1l!her Rd. and Smiley Bros. TR. 3-6800. for Consignment a.m. to 4 p.m. 871 Lakepointe, :.':': flo()r RC'tT('ation KeIcheval Personnel bath, TV, air conditioning. 2 days or week work, or dish- FURNISHED 2-bedroom home. 26328VAN DYKE Open eve~ and Sunday 1 66%% Return Grosse Pointe. Luggage, dra. ~ .• :'. '.'.1' h ;!~lthentil' bar. Sch~ttlers Drug;a. J'1Bher Rd. and July and Au g u s t. TUxedo Maumee days off per week. Salary de. washing job. 921-5763. to 5. peries, spreads, clothing, fur. 539-4440 pends on qualifications. Top 1-1734after 4:30 p.m. Monogramming Kinsel Drup, Mack and 7-Mile niture, lamps, books, miscel- :\ ~\ll;LEY --t lJ('droom. 212 Road recent references. Call dur- A-I COLORED woman wishes IS MY child musically inclined? Embroid~ry Wood's D:"-"c! :lnd "creened. and receptionist. Must be or organ for only $5 per 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Fri. 'til 9 p.m. GROSSE POINTE WOODS PRIVATE HOME - Room for GUITAR & DRUM Grosse PoInte Pharreacy. Mack able to type. Relief shift. 40 WANTED for placement: Ex. REL IABLE woman wishes gentleman. Air - conditioner, month with free lessons. .. 1; !,":--iIIi:r: - :,pa('lo\l~ Colo- and H:.mtmgton hour week, week end work in- perienced cooks, waitresses Thursday and Monday work. Come in tonight. The Cinderella Shop WAREHOUSE Harkness Phannacy. Mack and and couples. TUxedo 5-4576. References. 567-1141. telephone, excellent transpor. ,~::I;. :~':Irhle entrance hall. Lochmoor volved. Goo d employment 16227 Mack Dr. 3 Mile Don't buy anywhere 'til you 1.1\ Ill..: rnflm ]'-,'\::4. Family Howard Johnsons, Mack and 8- taticn. References exchanged. MUSIC CENTER shop us. Used drum sets from Mile poliC'ies. Small East Side hos- W OMAN for g e n era 1, 3th A-I LAUNDRESS, good ironer, TU 6-0960 TUxedo 2.1551. 22933 Gratiot near 9 1-'10],1 ::)~ ;S. Enl'1o~ed tC'rrace Goronflo, Mack and Anita pital. Reply to Box 'f 45, months Mac kin a c Island. wishes days. Reference. TR $69. Over 100 drum sets in l,!\.;:; -+ hedroom". Immedi- Arnold's Drug, ~ck and Haw- stock. Factory dealer, Gibson, thorne Grosse Pointe News. Adults. Salary open. Refer- 1-1271. MOROSS near Mack. Room for 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. IDESK AND GHAIR, gray steel. ~lk p"~".,,ion. anxio\l~ to Fender, Epiphone, all others. Bob's Drugs. Mack and Roslyn ences. TUxedo 4-6358. employed lady. Kitchen privi- BALDWIN Acrosome console 881-8361. deal REFINED woman wants general Many used guitars and amps DETROIT AREA leges and garage if desired. piano, Queen Anne styling in FRAl\1ED WATER COLORS Briggs Drug Store, Mack and EARN YOUR VACATION HOUSEKEEPER - companion, re- housework, babysitting. 865- Quiet, private home. TUxedo from $17.95. (IXF()l\P - Only 7!wdrc",m Touraine cent references. Live.in. 886. hand rubbed walnut finish. P<:'ople are enthusiastic about Rands Medical Service Pharmacy, 4079. 5-5448. MUSIC CENTER h::lIt ,n 1~1:,3 at thIS prJC'(' in .;." Mack and Moran MONEY 3940. Guaranteed. Bench and free my husbal1d's paintings. We ~dl [,f t;ro""e l'nintC'. St:Jr of 'f' Blue Cross Drugs. Mack and Neff CAPABLE g i r I wishes days, delivery. Terms at bank rates. invite you to drop in and see 22933 Gratiot near 9 Blue Hill PharmacY, Mack and ROOM for lady, vicinity Ver- l1(' A-I LAUNDRESS and general. Smil~y Bros. TR. 3-6800. Open them. The Allureds, 900 10 A.M. to 8 P.M. t ~t'a P;! r 1 " h. Barnes ~. Blue Hill BE A ironing or cleaning. 568-0867. nier-Mack. Kitchen privileges. ....('hllo1 :..Iu;-;t see Devollshire Drugs. Mack and Monday, Tuesday and Friday, evemngs and SWldays 1 to 5. Bishop at Jefferson., high Devonshire EXPERIENCED laundress, silks TUxedo 1.4122. L &. L PharmacY, Mack and Bea, 9.5. $10 and carfare. Top ref. HAMlIWND chord organ, used. 1'lrH~ET 13711-7:' - FL\T :' and linens only. Good refer- RUMMAGE SALE. 1411 Haw- fence. TU ,5-7593. consfleld KELLY GIRL erences re4,vired. Air-condi. ROOM for business man. Ref- Smiley Bros. TR. 3-6800. Open i>t'tir 'om flat. huiit I~Sl. Gas ColO~) Patent MedlclIle, 1564$ ences. 1343 Wayburn. VAlley thorne, Grosse Pointe Woods. DRIVERS! $12.41 quarterly ma)' • ,'J, ..... tioned ranch. TU 1-3732. :\1ack erences. TUxedo 1-4126 or Saturday, May 22, 12 to 3 p.m. buy $10,000/$20,000 Liability evenings and Sunday 1 to 5. :i,'at 'lay con'.ider land con. TOP PAY FOR TOP SKILL 2-8318, after 4 p.m. VA 2-5657. I-PUBLIC NOTICES HOUSEKEEPER, experienced, AUTHENTIC I-inch weathered and Property Damage. TUxe- 2 BEAUTIFUL Antique brome SECY'S (LEGAL-:MED..EXEC.) HOUSEKEEPER wishes to live- do 1-2376. to live.in, good references, 2 6C-OFFICES FOR RENT barn siding. Hand hewn, nat- statues, import.ed, signed, one lil'!" ~l'n.\Y 2305UD ALL GROSSE POINTE STENOS adults, lovely room, bath. in. School age .children. EDge- on teakwood pedestal. Silver, water 1-1700. ural timbers. TR 2-3880. A PEP.FECT GIFT •.. ".(;f,E ADULTS (21 up) are TYPISTS VAlley 3.0619 after 5 p.m. or OFFICE SPACE in the Village. boo k cas e, leather bound 11 1(; B IE. 50:2 -- YIR~T ...... ite,d to our biwee!;ly evemng P.B.X. OPRS. 885.8551 business hours. 643 Notre Dame, Answering PASTEL PORTRAITS classics. Suits, overcoats, size :,11( )\\'1:\(; :} h('droom~. 11- 6-FOR ReNT- Visit Me at My New Location! Call for appointment. $10. : 'IID<'I als: b('st selected speakers, KEY PUNCH OPRS. service. Parking. TUxedo A~TIQUES 38, like new. VAlley 3-0569. :':'.,"\ or 4th hedroom, Jal- '. ~ ,a.tg spring dance coming up, TRANS. MACH. OPRS. HOUSEKEEPER, Eve in, ability ( Unfurnished) 5-0518. 884-4199 ... ,_,.r1 IC:'r~ln' to drive necessary. Nice room of ,/:f:"Jating Sf'ason starting now. DON'T DELAY PROM or bridesmaid gown, on Lake. T.V. St. Clair Shores . THE WAGGIN' TONGUE VALERIE'S Mid Spring Sale on floor length, size 9-11. Excep- ~ . :".~ '" rite NOW for "latest sched- APPLY TODAY 6D--RESORT PROPERTY Country Furniture, Accessories now. Huge reductions on dec. It :! \1\ l( II; 9-lii ()nr {l~ the PRescott 1.0478. NORTH SHORE APTS. tionally pretty. 293-9550 or ,;;,', " ,. of the finest prcgrams to Many Temporary Assignments FOR RENT 22~65 Mack, between :'~,,' :l:i\ '" :!~ (~rl.)"'''''p f)!l,n~t' NEW AND SPACIOUS orators fahrics. Newest wall ~/ • P. 'FortT!ighters, P .0. ~o,.. in your area. EXPERIENCED upstairs maid 8-9 Mile Rds. papers aVHilbale. Ever~-thing 772-7250. .... :\ hl_'hpl'lcf,'cl 1,\: :2 \~,d ,. f, Detroit 48232. A.A.A. new, luxurious, carpeted for relief duty. Grosse Pointe 1 and 2-bedroom apts. Central Open Daily, Mon. thrn Sat., 11-4 in shop reduced. Listen to the : n> ,1t a hall 2 small girls. Live in, private coat, size 12, graduation pres- Guitar Rental and Sales. 754-6070 15. 882.0930. who have excellent profes- $19.95 window, $100. VAlley 1..()998. ent, never worn. $300. LUZOD '. :." \ t :'t ,~..: "'''en In quarters. TUxedo 5-1748. sional, personal and rental Includes all parts and labor. 4-6440 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. .' .\:', '1'. l')(If.; {"lWCI 15 Kercheval 4-ROOM HOUSE, 867 Neff Rd. JALOUSIE win do w S, door, LOVELY quarters in exchange MIMEO - PRINTING references, desire 3 bedroom HO., 24", 27", slightly extra. 386-36318 p.m. to 10 p.m. ~l • '~"r~-: H1 \ n,:r :--.p ...lrkl Grosse Pointe Farms Available July 15. TU 2.19~. screens, French cioor, louver. for companionship with happy house with nice yard. Possible USED TV SALE :C. \!';',,'i~~l'r t::trl1l'n Sl'.. Tl' 4-4440 Res. 372.8994 TYPING ed doors, furniture, sink, and pre-occupied w 0 man. GROSSE POINTE - Beautiful option io buy. TUxedo 6-4775. 17" TV _ $15 CIflCKERING console piano, ',t '::"'IH';:~, '::h~~l:;:" 1n \\hic'1 dishwasher. 476 Lakeland, Driving and cooking required. 2-bedroom upper. Air-condi- 21" TV ---.--..- _$25 $500. TUxedo 2.2358. "J :'c,' lIft'd h(ldl(,~ .\ft(,,- Saturday afternoon. PIA);O AND ORGAN lessons Addjt.ional compensation can WRIGHT-IDEAS TU 5-2727 tioner, stove, refrigerator . EXEC'LTIVE and family desire NEW ADMIRAL .. :, L:,l1 I' I.\{T thi~ i" th,. 4-bedroom home in Grosse 40" DELUXE gas range. Welsh ;'.' .. ' \ ":. .. .11 \\ ant tll given in your home to children be arrunged- Reply to Bcx Adults. $175. 821-0652. PORTABLE _ $99 GIRLS' BIKl<;S, sizes 16", 20", and adults. Popular or Classi- Your Girl Friday Pointe, up to $350 per month. boodle buggy. Both excellent \ •• , ! j I ': (' ~'l X-5, Grosse Pointe News. 24". $5, $7.50, $10. TUxedo :1 Secret.arial Service RENT REASONABLE - 12461 June 15th o~cupancy. Call condition. TUxedo 6-0206. cal. TUxedo 5-6215. Vie & Phil's TV 2-6352. Mimeographing East Outer Drive. 3-bedroom Mr. Onesfer, KEnwood 8-0808 GROSSE POINTE PARK-All \:-- \ F\\' .\:' llo\' \\';llll< \hn 2B-TUTORING home, gas heat, fenced yard, during day. 25280 GRATIOT LOVELY 4-PIECE bedroom set, (l; ~\'.lr~~. ~Ind an\' Mrs. Coleman TU 4-6442 776.6200 household i t ems. Fruitwood ~t.' .Tt,'-k I Girls 2-car garage. R e ere a ti on complete. Kelvinator 13-cu.- ('In :--('1 t~~~l! P:l .....fo::; :)t'r; PROFESSIONAL en gin e e r, provincial living room, table PRIV ATE TUTORING NEW JOBS DAILY APPROVED room. Will decorate. TUxedo REVOLVER, Smith & Wesson ft. refrigerator with freezer. :'i)\ 1::1 ('tll, q;l..t! ]-.: "\1 l~h I' . I family, young adults, desire I amp s, pictures, hammond IN WORK ON THE EAST SIDE NURSES REGISTRY 2-6781. K-22 Masterpiece, with 2 hol- 36" gas soove. Mahogany sec- .\ ~;('r ,. I..'q:nfl... +(1 :\£'i~..: 4-bedroom home, G r 0 sse chord organ. Leslie model 21 YOUR OWN HOME RECEPTIONIST We Have - We Need ters, one hip arid one shoul- tional bookca~. Floor pol- ;.:....:~:. :::'1 4() /:~l~(' T~lkr a Pointe, by July 1. Best of re- H. organ speaker, hide away R.Ns - L.P.Ns der, $70. TUxedo 2-5909. isher. Guitar. Typewriter...... \'~~- ,:\ I):l'.~t; H'(~ri anti All subjects; all grades. Ad. SWITCHBOARD OPR. 'l. ferences. 884-7578. bed, fireproof safe, E flat Alto Practical and Companions Phonograph. Stroller. Miscel. .::,::,' :,.:' ;,' '1 .. , :.;",h n('w ults and children. Certified GENERAL OFFICE THE EAST SIDE'S Saxapbone, shot gun, deer Nurses' aids, convalescent care; GROSSE POINTE school prin-' KENM?RE electric. stove and laneous h 0 use h old items. Or'lP I: .\'1:; \..i",~' •• :- ,:--:,",:~~('_ teachers. rifle, miscellaneous household International Personnel also male nurses. cipal desires to rent unfur- West1Dghou~. refrIgerator, 1st Small toys. saturday,.9 to 5, "; c:-:: ,,\:.:; "'II"'t":~, _ O:ln:. items. 854 G ran d Marais. Call: Newest 19963 W. Williams Court, D(;TROIT AND SUBURBAN 26328 VAN DYKE 539-44~O 385-8722 382-2498 nished 3 or 4 bedroom house. class eondltlon, $30 each. Phone VAlley 1.9823. MRS. VAN WULFEN Finest Grosse Pointe or vicinity. TUxedo 1-2379. TUxedo 4-7059. ,\1\ \\ \I.LF!,1I\\!'H '::1, one TL;TORING SERVICE IF YOU'LL name the job you SACRIFICE Singj .. ~':.:~,!", SENIOR HIGH or college-age sires summer employment- TUxedo 5.6215. courts into a wonderful world CENTENNIAL CLOSET Free ~timates. HOward 3- :If';:l{' (In I..l_'\\ 1:«IT1 l{{ldd boy for lawn cutting. TUxedo doctor's office, laboratory. VA 8--ARTICLES FOR SALE of living. Exquisite foyers, de- New Shop 6153. ORGAN AND PIANO SALE F}" t. L ~~':~:' !'" i ~. I r;~...:: 2-~. 3-1048 after 2:00. signer kitchens WIth Hotpoint's Antiques & Resale ,h'\:dd hI' -:::r.ri[.::: (", en COMMUNITY RF.CEPTIONIST and switch- EXPERIENCED doctor's assist- fin est appliances, decorator OUTFIT YOUR.FAMILY 20876 Harper, between APARTMENT SIZE electric Trade-ins and studio used (or. ~\'"(l n~{):-t." f ,; ~;'ald ... l~ th('\" stove, 5 months old, $79. 372- gans). Lowrey Starlet, regu- t t. df:clen,_ . TUTORING SERVICE board operator. Must be able ant wishes part.time position baths, private tiled basements, 8 and 9 Mile Largest Selection of Resale 0269. lar $495. Now $395. Baldwin ~1RS. LOUIS MARICK DIREC. to t),pe. Days, 40 hour week, in Grosse Pcinte. 881-2401. air conditioning, dra..Alt free We buy, sell and trade thermo windows, fireplaces, and Clothing in Area. Spinet, regula:- $1,100. Now TOR Tutoring by degree t~ach- week-end work in v 0 I v e d. Tuesday thru Saturday ROPER 6 burner 2 oven stove, TYPING done at home. Call all of the charm of Hudson's New Girdles and Bras, $688. Hammond LlOO, walnut ers available in all subjects for Good employment policies. 12 to 5 Norge refrigerator and wring- Small E a s t sid e hospital. TU~edo 6.0916. Eastland nearby. Half Price. save $l00's. New Conn Ca- grades high school, colle~e and Spring Clothing Taken KELVINATOR electric stove, er type washer, $100. 882-2201. price, regular $1,220. Now adult education. Reply to Box S 80, Grosse EXPERIENCED high school Immediate Occupancy Pointe News. on Consignment for $35. Frigidaire super freezer PAIR of table lamps, red ori- $1,095. (Pianos) used SpiDel, 339 Merriweather senior wants summer baby. chest refrigerator $75, and $397. Story and Clark and Purdy sitting positions. Call Sue, Take Vernier (8 Mile) to Bea- ental figurt's, Hamilton dryer, Grosse Pointe Farma consfield, then south two hlocks LEE'S FASHION MART miscellaneous items. TUxedo good working condition. Call Kimball designed consoles and 884-8848. 2.8048. TUxedo 4-2820 RECEPTIONIST to Fl.~etwood. 20339 Mlick TU 1-8082 WAlnut 2-1457. spinets, regular $'195. Now Good on telephone, typist, 2 RELIABLE graduating sen. $597. Selection of over 50. & OPE~l~GS FUR rEACHERS 10 to 5 Daily - Fri. 'm 9 - shorthand preferred but not I iors, willing to take group of BALFOUR SQUARE GOLFERS. New 1964 Spald- NEW inner spring chaise, alu- SHOP minum frame, green and white Edgar ALL ~NTARY grades necessary. G r 0 sse Pointe children to Farms Pier dur- Beaconsfield at Fleetwood REVOLVER, Smith & Wesson ing Tor-flite and Wilson the and remedial reading Detroit Woods. Reply, Box A-36 ing summer months. CHRIS, Resident Manager 357 Magnum wi~b 2 holsters, staff woods and irODB. Ed- vinyl cover. Cost $4(1. Wlll sell MUSIC CENTER gar "Butch" Brandau, lS25 for $25. TUxedo 6-7025 after Dear lOU KEI,CIIE\'.\:. 'I~' 422:2R Board of Education list. TU Grosse Pointe News. TUxedo 1-8795 or PAT., TUx- 19644 Fleetwood one hip and one shoulder, 22933 Gratiot I 4-4323 after 4 p.m. edo 1.4238. $100. TUxedo 2-5909. Cadillac Blvd. Sp.m. 10 A.M. to 9 P.M.

p tr $ - Page Twenty-Two G R 0 SSE POI N TEN .E W S '\ hursday, May 20, \9b5

t.: .I ' '. .."',:'',''.. ,":, .'.' ..~i' . -

155.34 ft ~ "CL~SSIFIED A~~- !JI" :It f M 772-7240 your< AD CAN IE CHARGED Three Trunk Lines To Serve You 9ulc.ly CALL TUxedo 2-6900 rhree Trunk Lines To Serve You Quickly DEADLINE 12. NOON TUESDAY RIDGE Farms ~=~RTI~L~~_~~R _SA~E---I ~-ARTICLES WANTED l1-AUTOS FOR SALE 12,A-BOATS AN D will b MOTORS ART ilOTPOI:\'T {'lectric stove, 30",/ W~ BUY old gold, ,ewelry. and 1961 GALAXIE, 2.door, power REAL ESTATE FOR SALE PR 9-257 $30. Text'do 1.6629. SIlver. Vogue Jewelers, 22377 steering, brakes, automatic 16.FT. THOMPSON, 35-h.p. mo. ._~ ------~- - - Moross Road. transmission, excellent condi. tor, electric starter, trolling TROMB Duplex CLOSI~G Ol;T - Ma:.y items! PORTABLE T RAM POLINE tion. R~asonable. TU 2-7216. plate, trailer, full equipment, GROSSE PTE. FARMS Advanced SOLID INVESTMENT IN ST. CLAIR SHORES TUxed ~t ValeriE'S. Paris Flea ~ar.! 882.6141. 1963 CHRYSLER 300 convert. $895. TUxedo 1-2379. BY OWNER Sty Iing EXCELLENT INCOME Between 10-11 Mile Roads I ket SaIl' now until end of ~- .. - -~ .------ible, light blue metallic, power i6.FT. FIBERGLASS ;ith 33- PROPERTY EARNING 8S;; Attractive .. French Povi~c~al. Idistingui~hes thJS out.of.the.ordi- m~~th. Samplr French sofa. I WA:JTED - Ho.me of furni. steering, power brakes, power h.p. motor, good condition. SPRING IS HERE Large l~vmg ro~m, dl:1mg: nary new home at 20800 :\lartcr, S1",;) ~Iarble top tables. (Iec.) ture or odd pleces. WA 1. . d b k t ts B k SiB t ff 'fq- d 29940 956.58 TROMBLEY . . b 0 4 -7 wm ows, uc e sea . ra e es 0 er. ~ uxe o. . ro~m,. kItchen. WIth }' bay. 3 Grosse Pointe Woods. El<.quiste Well. built in 1953. Living room or~tor co('ktaI! ta Ie. 1 xl : 8;) 5. newl relined. $1895. VAlley ~_~ ~ __ ~ _ AJ.'1D WE ARE INTRODUCING orJ£'ntal. a hrautv. ~rw wall. ------. -~--- - y , EVINRUDE 10 hp Sportwin, tWill Size bcdrovms. 1 /2 ba~'hs. family room. Custom built with with fireplace, 2 or 3 bedrooms. papers in no\\". Wf' df'('orate: WANTED: Conver3lOn :1'1 0 ~ 0 r 3-1163. 1961. Connectit,g 6 gal. gas Plastered basem.ent. 2 fIre. hidden construction values that ,2 baths, 2 furnaces. 3.car ga. . .. I' I Jlounts for Chevy engine mto I----~------~------.--.-- TO BOAT-MINDED places. By apPoll1tment. make maintenance unusually rage. pools v.:Ith 1I~'Ing p a~tlc f uW': '37 Ford Call 543-5't21 after 1961 CORVETTE co~vertIble, tank, $90. TU 4-1911 after 4 ers. Call touay R£'glster for i b \1 d th F" d' automatic, bronze With black p.m. FAMILIES TUxedo 2-9027 r modest. I ;!ift d th£' month. V:.:lrrie Inc. i __ p.m_._._on ay ~I __ I_I.:.:: toP. $1,900. TUxedo 1.1226. ~ ~ . _ ----~--~-_._~~---- ! INVEST IN 4126 :--.;. Woodward. Lincoln: BOOKS art objects paintings .---~----~------~----- 14' THOMPSON, 28 hp, trailer, For Sale or YOUR Ft.;lTRE: 9-6669. ' . ' . 1964 FALCON, radIO, heater, good condition, must sell. TV "F ARM" - Charming farm co- I ------~ - -- - I ImmedIate casb. Ziebart undercoating, $1,300. 4.39;8. "Ayon on the lonial, 3 bedroom, 1112 baths, For Lease AXTIQl'E library tahIr. Early I B; C. Claes Book Shop TUxedo 1.7592. aluminum storms and screens, GEORGE PALMS Rlty. Victorian. marble top. VAl. ~Jnc~ .1928. ------..--- 116' THOMPSON, 40 hp electric fl large living and dining rooms. BARRINGTON 508 - 4 bed- CALL 886-4444 rooms, 3 baths. One block from ley 4-6883. 1 certJf~:d AppraIsals CISITALIA '55 roadster. T.Bird start Evinrude, Gator trailer, Lake $24,500. Open Sunday 2 to 5 ------WO 3 267. engine, hand made Italian full canvas, extras. VAlley p.m. 471 Calvin, TUxedo 5- lake and park. LOWREY Holirla.\' Drluxc or,r!an, We have excellent books and body. needs work, best offer. 3-1677 after 6 p.m. or week. (LaYon Road) 8262. in fine walnut. f.inish. t~scd.! delightful paintings for sale., TUxedo 2-7621. ends. Excellent condItIOn. Sml1£'Y, _ _. . ~ ~ ~ 2101 LANCASTER OUR ALL NEW OPEN SAT. AND S1Th'.. 2.5 Bros. TR 3-6800. Open eve. I MUSTAN~ '65,. V.8, 4 barrel, CRUISERS INCORPORATED. WATER.WONDERLAND nings and Sunday 1 tv 5. I PIANOS WANTED automatIc. radl?, other extr.as. 18.ft., 75 bp Johnson el~etric, GROSSE POINTE RI u th ,Charmmg 3.bedroom. 21~.bath. SIXTY-LOT SUBDIVISION CO.OP, 16825 Cranford - One A' bungalow. Excellent condi------.: - - .. - - . - .-; Grands, Spinets, and small Up. Honey gold.wh1te. Low mlle. t r a i I e r, all canvas, many 40 to 65-FT. CANAL WIDTHS !1O!POl); r !:kctnc rang-f'. 40 . nghts. Highest cash paid. age, like new. $2,295. TUxedo extras. 372.0631. unit of 5 family terrace. New. I' SSO C Iate S tion. Fenced yard. Recreation ALSO LAKE FRONT SITES 1 (,ood condltJ~n.. Call 884.2190 VE 7-0-06 5.7417. --.------~ _ ly decorated, 4 bedrooms, 2 12 I room with bar. Fireplace. car- after 7 p_m. F nday. ,) ) SAILBOAT, Lightning, fine con. AVAILABLE baths, recreation, 2 fire. i of Grosse Pointe peting. Garage. Early posses. .- --~. - --"- _. ------~ ----- '61 VW, red, gas heater, sun clition. 2 sets sails including places, garage. TUxedo 4'1 sion. $24.500. Owner. 881.6731. PJ:W; PO;\;C; table. regulation. WA:'oJ'TED. rabbit hutch. Call! roof, radio. whitewalls, $950. spinnaker. Reasonable. TU Navigable Depth Boat 5590; weekends and evenings, TU 6-4060 ~ _ t 835. Craf slI1tln reel pow l? r Tl:xedo 2.8592. TUxedo 1.4499. 2-3315. TUxedo 1-4523. 81 Kercneval on the Hill mower. 21". S:~O. Store scale ------______. _ rv100rageat Your I I I I BALFOVR 1064 S15. n.xedo 1-6312. PORCH FUR~ITURE . Wrought CONVERTIBLE white Chevro. DELUXE Sport Utility 19 ft., Back Door ------; Member of National AssoC'iation I ..- --- - . ------iron or rattan, bookcase 01' let Impala, 1958, with red in. 150 HP Gray motor. Vinyl (UNDERGROUND EDISON I of Real Estate Boards I Spacious 5 bedroom Spanish ATTOR.'lE ROPER Gas Range. Good con. breakfront. TUxedo 1.6312. terior. Very good condition. car pet, fiberglas bottom, AND PHONE LINES) 529 HEATHER LANE I National C()Uncil of style design. 2 full and 3 half house i dition. $30. TU 1-660'2. ------Original owner, $475. TUxedo many extras, excel1E.'nt con. $35,000, WANTED - Furnit1lre set for 2.8912. OPEN ONE WEEK ONLY I Women Realtors baths. Charming living room POLAROID 850 el£'ctric eve. large porch, preferably rat .. _.. _ dition, sacrifice at $1,495.00. SIXTY 70-FT. I with fireplace. TV roo m . 303l. TU 5.5938 or WO 1-6755. complde A:-IDERSE:'i case. tan. Call TUxedo 2-1497. 1951 FORD 2.door. New dealer BUILDING SITES Early American Cape Cod I Grosse Pointe Women Real Screened porch 10x17. Lot DOCTO nwnt \\indow. I" The!1llo. ------paint job, 31,000 actual miles, B.B.Il. mahogany 20' sloop. fully with brick floor entry. 4 Estate COllnsellors 80x205. Excellent condition. Grosse TO CHOOSE FROM bedrooms. laundry, 2 fire- By appointment~86'.5856. pane center. 82" wide x 66" WANTED to purchase. Tiffllny, second car. snow tires with ,I equipped, $1500. TUxedo 4. Agent, hit:h. Pole lamp. 881.0308. I St~uben, and other a~t glass, rims. Must be seen to be ap- 7823. MODELS OPEN DAILY places. Over 50. -~-~------~---- , ...i o:ICntal rugs and flOe fu~. predated. TUxedo 5.1838. 41 STONE HURST GROSSE COMBIXATION bahy buggy" mture. Century House Anti.,. ~ _~~ __ ~ _ 1-5, 7-9 ALSO i AND 5 BEDROOM KERMATH Sea Jeep engine. 4 Grosse Poinl e Shores buy fro J SATURDAY 1-6 COLONIALS . GROSSE POINTE stroller. table and ",hair, high ~ que:-:, 17105 Livernois. UNiver. MERCEDES.BENZ, 190, black, cylinder, 60 h.p. Direct drive, room r SUNNINGDALE DRIVE, 964- chair a~d car seat. S60: .Ca:-oc-i sity 1-1510. ' 1957 four.door. Red leather, 30 hours use since rebuilt. SUNDAY 1-9 NEW 4 bedroom Colonial. baths, f ment wmdow air.condltlOner. I ------hucket seats AM.FM radio I $50. WOodward 2-5388 or TUx. Open Daily 2 to 4:30 Deluxe. spotless, 3.bedroom west of David Willison 1 S5~._821.0525. _~ __I_l~:-:-~UTOS FOR SAL_~~_1 dual heater .. ~iebart protected: edo 5-7039. "GREENBRIAR" COLONIAL ranch. Dining. 2 '2 baths, lib. MODEL iWALTERH. MAST rary, fa mil y. recreation RUG. 9'xI2'. with pad, $25; 11960 MERCURY. sliver station I $600. TU 5.2225. eo. SAILBOAT-16' Comet class, ex. PRICED FROM CO. rooms. New kitchen. attic, ca?,pra. Ex~kta F-1.9, S9J.! wagon (this is the big one), 1 --FO---R-D--r--a--n-c-h-,-v-a-g-on-,-V-'8-, 1957 cellent condition, with trailer, TU 2-1400 sprinklers. TUxedo 4-5590; IRISH SE Tl; 4-2.106 ARC. TUxedo 4.066a. . . _I to .be sold when new car is I ~utomatic, power brakes and $450. 582-1436. weekends and evenings, TUx. ~< ~,.!i"~~ SOFA, SBO: lounge chair, $35; dehvered. I. have spen~ hun. steering. radio, heater. new -----~--~--~-~- $37,700 edo 1-4523. "';. SCHNAUZl PARTNERSHIP: 50% in $1,500, I rhannp! baek chair. $30. r dreds o~ thIS. automobll~ reo tires. Good mechanically. $150. FOR SALE. By Owner. 4-bed. t'".. AKC reg 26' Chris Craft, dinette, 1956. GROSSE POiNTE FARMS-Col. ' ~ _ ~';~.. T:obles. TUxedo 1.8986. I c.ently. mdudmg pre m 1u m TUxedo 1.4279. (Including lot, seawall and slip) room Colonial, 2h bath. ,, ~ ------.. ------. tires. Runs and looks like --. __ . ~ __ onial, Hillcrest and Piche.: ed. 11 \\ Includes 1965 insurance and OTHER PLANS AND MODELS Mutschler kitchen, 9 years old. FIGURAMA slenderizing table, new, $850. TUxedo 1-5518. OLDSMOBILE '63 Super 88, 4. dockage at DYC. Excellent TO CHOOSE FROM- Fall occupancy. $44,000. TU Brick, double attached garage; HARYARD ROAD BRITTANY portable. 5100. TUxedo ].9384. ;-.:------door hardtop, Owner. Excel. condition. Let's economize in COLONIALS • RANCHES • 4.5948. wit h enclosed breezeway.; COLONIAL AKC n - - _. - a8 PLYMOUTH Belvedere, 4- lent condition. Extras. Besi fun with responsible bacbelor. Large air conditioned summer; Spacious 6.bedroom home_ children GARAGE SALE, Saturd:-y. ~ay, door: Radio. heater. auto.: offer. PRescott 7.2783. CAPE CODS • TRI.LEVELS- Wilhelm, 539-5000, Ext. 4666. room. Moderni ~ed kitchen. I Excellent location, newly TUxedo' 22, 9 a.m. 55 "loorland Dnve, I mallc. Runs good. $150. TUx. '1 . . _ OR WILL BUILD TO SUIT- --~------_._~ ----- 221 DEAN LANE dishwasher, dbposal. tiled: decorated. \\'ith paneled li- north of Vernier. off Lake., edo 1.8135. '61 CHEVROLET impala con. BOAT-Chris Craft Sea Skiff, YOUR PLANS OR OURS WA~TED: ~n~ plastered] b.~sement ~\'ith, brary. 3~ baths. By appoint. shorE.'. Porch furniture, mis.' --_---:---,. vertible. Power s tee r i n g, 18', 105 h.p. inboard. Excel. Faim Colonial ,;ood hon c('llaneous. CHEvY 11 Nova statIOn wagon. brakes, windows and seat. IDclDerator, 1/2 oaths, 3 aed. / ment. Owner, 884.5189. I lent condition. $1,695. TUxedo Tri.level in Grosse Pointe rooms, breakfast nook, large ture POQ . ------.---;-- I 1964 .. Power brakes. power Good condition. 822.9571. 1-5257. Farms built by Kimbrough, living and dining room, newly. ._~_ ;\1Il'(K STOLE. let out Canadian' steermg, many extras. 293. BASSET h( lV\arv. 1956. 4 bedrooms, 2lJz baths, decorated. $29,81)0. Appoint- 1 RANCH. 3-bedroom, 212 bath, :\lcKenzie River, 'Wild mink, 8242. THUNDERBIRD. 1957, black, 12F-RESORT PROPERTY f large den and sunroom, high $100. Al modern. like new. medium ------'-- automatic transmission. Ex. ment, TUxedo 4.t756. Ii custom built. Lots of extras, FOR SALE ceiling beamed living room. I 881-6108. brown, size 18. $325. TUxedo CHEVY II. '63. 6,cylincer, auto. cellent condition. TU 2.1430. ._----- Boutin 6 years old. Real nice. 532.500. ?9Q62. mallc, radIO. heater. white- _ WO 1-0156. After 5 p.m., I Rebert John Rd. - "Woods." POODLE: RIVIERA BEACH, F.LORIDA TU 4.6622. ~--.---~-.f--~---- TUxedo 4.6045. - ., -" ------~-- --- I walls. 2 snow tires and wheels, ,'61 BONNEVIlLE convertible, Model 772-7240 Office 884-7733 I i white, 3 Handy residential location, I WILLING to trade. O.fermg at. ,~ ~ _ PRIVATE SALE-Moving after A.I condition. 371-3014. air.conditioned, power sea t, wormed. I $;14,000. New 4 large rooms. ------tractive 3-bedroom Colonial,' GROSSE POINTE WOODS- 37 years. Poreh glider. rush ------. --.------. -.----.--- etc. 35,000 miles, $1500. TUxe. Central heat. Can be used as ~-8278. "quarrs. furniture. pictl~r{' 1~2 MERCURY IVlonterey. 2- do 6.2848. with spacious family room. 2024 Lennon. 3.bedroom. story 2 bedroom home. French Pro. CO.OP - 20440 Vernier, near good appointments, on Merri. i and a half brick. 1 bath. 2 frames. antiqut:s. Many mlS' I . 001', J::l.wer brakes, steerIng, _~ ~ ~ _ GROSSE POINTE FARMS - 3 vincial cabinets, utility room. 20-PIA~ cellaneous articles, Saturday, I a~tomatH'. whltewalls. Low TRIUMPH '61. TR3. red, spoke bedroom, brick colonial, mod. Eastland. Oile year old, 2 weather road, for 4- or 5.bed.1 half. 2.car garage. newly dec. Carport. Laundry or storage bedrooms, carpeted, air.con. E 1" h 1 t I ' . f 1\lav 22 10 to 5. 1215 Audubon mileage. $1,050. Days TRin- wheels, clean. Call 884-2190 ern kitcben, dinette, panelled ditioner, larlte closets (2 walk- room .ng IS -stye, sate Y I orated. carpeted. attiC aa. PIANO TI room. Nice large corner lot Park ' Ity 2-1448; evenings TUxedo after 7 p.m. Friday. den, dining room, 2 car ga. ~ home. 421-2200. gas heat. Excellent condition. guarante . - __. ~-~ - 6-0571. ! --- _ across from park. Write: in), private porch, private .~~ ~__ Call owner for appointment. rage, convenient location, 175 basement, $17,000. Open daily Tl;xedo PATIO BLOCKS. red concrete, -~--- OPEL. 1960 station wagon, good Mr. Hicks ------1 McKjnley, $26,500. TU 2-7586. 2:30-5:30 p.m. TUxedo 4-1740. Under $23.000. TUxedo 1-7896. 24"x30", :::1a piece. Pickup at ]960 CHEVROLET 2-door. ra-I condition. radio, heater, white. 370 West 33rd GROSSE PTE. WOODS COMPLE.T lng, ret _481.Lakeland. ~ __ ~~~'s. ~~~~:~53.llew WhiteWallj __ walls. $350. TUxedo _1.6312._ Riviera Beach. Florida N. ROSEDALE CT. 1187 ANITA, brick ranch, 2 ! 13A=LOTS FOR SAL-E- de-mothi BALDWIN ORGAN and ben~h, ..~-~.------.------.. ]961 CORVETI'E - 283" cubic car attached garage, Florida N ear] y new ENCHANTING ------Technici 4849 LAKE SHORE ROAD, On :')1 P. ebony. Exce1knt condi. FOR SALE by owner - 1964 ('ngine, new seats, new 3:6 room. By Owner. Immediate SHELBOURNE COURT 466 white rock face brick ranch Lake Huron. Near L~xington. tion. For' appointment, call Oldsmobile Dynamic 88 con. positraction, man y extras. occupancy. l<~or appointment. with black trim. EXQUISITE Moved to Florida Modern. furnished, 3 bed. VErmont 5.1592. after 6 p.m. v{'rtihle, white with black top. VerY fine condition $1900. call TUxedo 4-1433. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. one EARLY AMERICA.'l DECOR TO SETTLE EST ATE WE room, llh bath home on 50 x 21A-GE Thi~ is a beauty with hydra. 777:1096. ' story. Living room. natural THROUGHOUT. 3 or 4 bed- ARE OFFERING AT ROCK POOL. 12 ft. by 36" deep-Cor. 1700 ft. lot. Sandy beach. matie. power steering, power . fireplace, kite her.. din i n g rooms, natural fireplace. fine BOTTO~1 PRICES ru.gated ste~1 with filter and hrakPs. radio. heater. power 196'1 DODGE convertible. :mto. Cp.~ JOH~ S. GOODMAN area. 2 car attached garage. carpeting, delightful kit c hen ladder. 886.4773. ;mte-nna. fear seat speaker. matic, power steering, brakes, FIRST OFFERING NE I TU 6-3060 Full basement. Gas heat. i with built-ins, fimsh('d. paneled TWO LOTS and General Dl!itl 90 tires. white ','/ith red interior, smart. Fully landscaped. Newly dec. \ basement with Franklin stove. ! S(,HWI:--;}< WASP bicycle. beavy Rhlsonably priced at S2.450. good condition. TUxedo 2. FARM COLONIAL Stair orated. Excellent condition.! Attoched 2-car gara'e. TRULY' frame_ Good for newsboy. $25. I 'ft'wdo 4-6196, between 7.9! 6471 after 5 p.m. WHITTIER near Kercheval. Repai Immediate occupancy. Will A BEAUTY IN E\'ERY DE. i I-Zoned for duplex - 000 Complete Lionel train set and i p.m. ------.-.--~---- FLORIDA CO OP APT 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, Ii. Cigaret accessories. TUxedo 1.7660,' - _ '63 M.G. MIDGET. Excellent -. brary, screened terrace. La. sell on land contract to reo TAIL. BEST OF ALL, PLEAS- ' Block ~eff. near Mack. sponsible party. Shown by ANTLY PRICED! 2-329 Lak~shore Rd., on L.ake after 3 p.m. i\lGB '64. 12.000 miles. Best of. condition, red. LAkeview 1- 2 heriroom. 2 bath directly on vatory and recreation room. Ll i appointment only . /' SI. Clair, Grosse Pomte " .:------\' fer. MIdwest 6.5518. 0484. the ocean inland waterway at 538.900. Owner, TUxedo 2- B( SOLID CHERRY dmmg room .- .. --. - -- . -----.------.---~ !Jack door. On b;~autiful Hills. 6487. MARY. BOUTI N Farms. TU 5-0703 ~:l't. freezer, antiques. wash.! ]961 VOLVO 122-S 4-door blue 1962 MERCEDES.Benz, ~20. SE, boro Beach ten miles north of COX & BAKER TU 5-7900 i TU 4-7733 I OWNER cr. dryer. camping equipment.: sedan. Good condition. On~ four door sedan. TU 2-1474. Ft. Lauderdale. Priced below TW 1-1222 HANDY 1\ Miscellaneous. Lea\'in~ city.! owner. Radio. whitewalls. --~---._------market. I Chimne~ 1I1ANCHESTER, 1903 - Well Sale Sat~:rdav, 10 to :3 p.m.: $850. After 6 call 771.8204. '64 IMPALA S.S. All accessories, odd jo~ 92'. B er ksIre.h' '. : --0' , . white with black vinyl top. VA 2-4949 maintained 3.bedroom bunga. GUIDE rro GOOD SERVICE -- ---' - .- .. - ! D DGE DART 63. GT convert. Private. LAkeview 1-3379. GROSSE PTE. WOODS low, 2 full baths, den. Open MOnNG-Garage sale. chairs'l ibJe. torqueflitf'. power steer. OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 P.M. daily. WIN[ T .V .s. so f:-Is, 1amps. eoI th-109, lng.. r~d'10. hea ter, wh"!tewa IIS. FORD, 1961, Country Squire, 9. Cleaning, dehumidifier. z complE.'te bed. lOne owner. TUxedo 1.3082. passenger, 352 engine, auto. 1~O' ON ~KE HURON _ . SADDLE LANE _ Looking fror I room sets. dishes, glassware. ; ;--- . - 'C' - -, -- matic, power steering, r:ldio, BeautIfully deSIgned Colollla~, something different in a Grosse Pointe Woods Electrical Repairs ALSO FE Miscellaneous. 601 Lincoln, i 62 .VOLK;--WAGEN, clean, ra. h('~ter. power rear. wind~w, farm. ".tyle, 3 bedrooms. spaci.1 Colonial? We have it in a PRESTIGE SUBDIVISION MJ Saturday. May 22. Sunday,' dlO. sunroof. Phone 882.9699. whltewa~ls, 31,000 mIles. Llke ?US l~vmg. r?om. fIfeplace, fa~~. most desirable area. One Appliance Circuits GRA.TOP May 23. : 1962 TR.3: excellent condition,: ~ new.~nvat~~ P~~~c~t_l.0778. Ily sIze dm~ng room. den, 1.2 bedroom and bath on 1st floor, .. MORN INGS IDE 14830 bath. carnetmg and d:apes. 50 3 large bedrooms with terrific ESTATES" PROMPT SERVICE T WESTINGHOL"SE Deluxe 40" low mileage. TUxedo 1.7496. MG-TC. 1548, classic, 2-seater, I .-::-'------;- - --" --.-" excellent condition, make of. 'IIlNUTES from DetrOIt by ex- closet and storage space and 2 (North and South porcelain electric range. like ;)7 T.~IRD, elasslc, convertib~e. ~ fer. 582.1436. pressway .. Vo!e have a _number baths on the 2nd floor. Large I Rosedale Courts) I ~rausmann Electric Co. 21D-EL new. $50. TUxedo 2-5242. RadIO, heater. automatIc, I __ . ~ _ of other I1stmgs on Lake- family room with natural Between Morningside Drive and; Servmg the Groae Pointe area AI fOr over 36 yeara TU 2-5900 ------.---- - i power brakes. Wonder Ear I OLDS, 1960, 98. convertible, ex. W. Bruce Keys, "Realtor fireplace. All builtins plus River Rd. I SA-OFFICE EQUIPMENT I radio. excellent condition. cellent condition, best offer. 1113 Military Street many other C'ustom features. --- HOC FOR SALE i Collector's item. 886.4159, VAlley 1-2582, after 6 p.m. Po:'t Huron, )1ichigan 75' lot, 2 car garage. Ne.ar MODELS PRICED AU' TYPEWRITERS anO add in JZ! after 6 p.m. . . . YU 5-9685 Res: EV 5-3133 public, private and paroch1al FROM 1960 FERRARI, Itahan racmg FREE PI< ilt -~------. ---- schools. machines. ~ew. rebI:I Rf'a. I 1962 BEL AIR wagon. Clean, red. GT.250. Will consider I A s~nahle .poees. NatlOnaJ Of" low mileage, automatic trans. tratie. Michael Staryk, TUx. SUMMER COTTAGE - Point East flce EqUlpment, 16833 Harper mission. TUxedo 2-9055. edo 1.0301. GROSSE PTE. AREA $34/150 17176 E. V st Bishop- TUxedo 1-7130. ---~------~-. -- -- ... .. _ Lookout on Lake Huron, 21/2 Former, ------1 CHRYSLER '58 4-door hardtop. 1950 DODGE convertible. 2'pas. hours from Detroit. Complete- WOODMONT 21260 - Attrac- -'GREENBPTAR" or BS-ANTIQUES ~ew Yorker, all power, air senger, suitab7.e for restoring. ly furnished. Hot water, show- tive and spacious 3 bedroom "SOUTHWICK" MODELS GROSSI ------1 cQnditioned, new tires, $650. TUxedo 5.8025. er. Full garage. Sleeps 9 or face brick ranch, 2-car at. INCLUDING 90' G.P.W. LOT I TUxedo 2.2601. ------10. $8,500. TUxedo 4-515£:. Antiques By Jeanne --- 12-AUTOS WANTED tached garage. Ph baths. (ST. CLAIR SHORES. $29,950 '63 IMPALA convertible, silver ------_ 12H-LAKE AND RIVER separate dining room, large ON 73' LOT) Orosse Pointe Cab HC enclosed summer porch suit. ::9928 Livernois, cor. with black top. $1,675. Eve- CASH FACTOI PROPERTY Offering 2117 sq. in Colonial Pembroke, Detroit nings, TUxedo 5-8228 or Sun. for able for family room, 67x158 it. well landscaped lot. A very and 2170 sq. ft. Cape Cod, both TU 2-5300 13131 862.5753 d__a_y.____ CARS ,... desirable residence in the with 4 bedrooms. 22h baths, PO:N I - .- Any MakE'~ Any Model. PRIVATE LAKE :CORVAIR 1963 four-door sedan. I Grosse Poi:lte scbool district. family rooms, 2-car attached ------. ----I FREE PI< :"ow offering large assortment:, Radio. heater, ",'hitewalls, low HANEY BROS. I A few fronts and some Priced just under $30,000. garages, 1st floor laundry. ?5 14770 Gratiot 15300 r.ratiot NEW 1 of antiques collected over J: mileage. TUxedo 5-1590. DR 1.7888 beautiful view lots still _Open to offers. aVailable. OTHER PLANS AND MODELS ROAD SERVICEI TU 1.1( .-ears. ; 1963-EADILLAC. All power, SPRL."\TGFED LAKE WESTBURY DR. 23380 - Just TO CHOOSE FROM - WILL 2 Buy from the past a gift with new tires. Prh'ate. Accept CASH I LOCA TED L~ THE llUSH off the Lakeshore Road. Va. BUILD TO SUIT-YOUR PLAN . with a future. rea<;onable offer. 884-281~. 21E-CU for HILLS cant 3-bedroom face brick OR OURS. FOREIGN ROADSTERS . TRIUMPH, 1969 TR3, good con. Just 1 hr .• 20 mi.n. from airconditioned ranch. H"2 VISIT OUR MODELS INDIVIDt TRs, MGs, Fiats, Mercedes, China, Brass. Copper. Furntture'l dition. 3 tops. Call after 5:30, Detroit-2 golf courses and baths, natural fireplace. built- OPEN DAILY 1-5, 7-9; e, Spencer Sprites, Austin Healys, etc. CoIlectcrs' Items. V Allev 2.4163. ' ski mt by llike-perfett for ins, large fenced lot. Handy SATURDAYS 1-6 supportl • HANEY BROS. Earl Richards Service year 'round r~creation. Lots to excellent transportation SUNDAYS 1-9 20m lIIaek -,,,... lit a.~ Woo .. Typewriter Service periencf BU\'~Sell- Trade I MORRIS ---Y.,UNOR, 1959, ~lue 14770 Gratiot 15300 Gratiot start at $895 with 10% and shopping. All brick area. Our Hew Locatio .. TU 5-4027 . I 10'30--'30 I convertible. 4-s pee d sttck, DR 1-7888 down. Next to the Savori,... Hotel Op~~ __~~~~'- ._---- heater, whitewall iires. One ------_ GROSSf POINT~ 21G-RC AFfHENTIC antiques and col. owner. $1115. TV 4'1911, after 12A.-BMOOAT"';~RASND EXCELLENT INVESTMENT Marv. VA 2-3560 POSSIBILITIES ROOF Al' lectors items. Actique sh~w 4 p.m. v ROWE & CO, Decks r d I First :Method1st ---- Largest man made lake in Boutin an sa .e. . hi 1962 TEMPEST Lemans. Exb a l, :? furnacE's, 3.car ga. near the Country Club. Lot CLEANED WINDOW CLEANING Lawn cut tin g, fertilizing. sizes 100 x 120 ft. For in. Porch enclosure., recreation Sprin, clean-up work. Hourly 211 Moro.s Road SERVICE rooms, iaraies t'epaJred. formation call TU 6-4444. LOCATION WALL WASHING rates. Reasonable. Free 'esti. 9:30 Worship: C h u r c h School I,\\'EST !:'\ mates. PRescott 8.2709. for Nursery throuih 6tb FREE ESTIMATES TU 1~974~ TU 4-3011 ,rade. Adult Cla.ses. Grosse Pointe 't ( J l R Fl "IT R E : RUGS PICKED UP GEORGE PAU...,1S WE ARE INSURED 11:00 Worship:' C h u r c h School AND DELIVERED for Nursery ttrou,h Senior' REAL ESTATE I VALLEY 1-9321 Elizabeth Cass DAR Hlah. ORCE PALMS Rlty. I Baptist Church Customcraft Installs New Officers CALL 886-4444 21 N-ASPHAL. T CONSTRUCTION' i'~\inI3. 5OXI00, under $900. I 200/0 DRIVEWAY Ministers 1805 E. 8 Mit. Road elf) seta everything. Willi COMPANY Elizabeth Cass C hap t e r, REV. JAMES D. NIXON hllild colonial ~tyle to suit. I OFF CASH andt:ARRY Daughters of thp. American ' REV. ROBERT C. HASTINGS Addltlon. and Remod.Un, ,Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan 1Txedo 5-7039, , CUSTOM quality asphalt paving ot aU Revolution, of Grosse Pointe :.'1111 L\:'\C.\STER of driveways, parking loti typES expertly dODC, Farms, installed Mrs. Marvin R. T.\' ~.\T. :\:'\D St.:'\ , 2-5 • Family Rooml • ldtchen. ~~~~~~~~====~=:~~~~~~. 13B-CEMeTERY and roads. Putnam as regent at the chap- presents PRIDE • Remodeled • R e ere a t i oln ,,------.. wm:.: ;} h,'Groo!n, 2' ~.h"th, PROPERTY CARPET AND FURNITURE UNIVERSAL ASPHALT PAVING ter's annual meeting at the First EI'II"sh nC:dlr,'. E:--cel1ent ;,om!I' Rooms • Porche. • Attica Con- 371-7800 verted • Dormers • Gara,e. Women's City Club on May 3. n h'n('('d! an!. Recreation TWO CRYPTS - companion. J2(nnua! dpring Concert 'Voodlawn mausoleum. Pri. Find US fast in the yellow, pages. Remodeled. Serving with her during her Ev. Lutheran 'll' \1 Ith har. Flrepl;-oce, car. vate owner, $1,550. DUnkirk CLEANERS Free EIUmates and Plannina two-year term will be vice reo m:.: (;;!ra:.:e Early jJCJs"e". gent Miss Emily Woodruff; n ~:!.1.:)llfI (h', m'L 8Rl.67:)J. 3,3097, evenings. FREE ESTIMATES Service. FHA Financing. Church "HIS NAME IS WONDERfUL" 10615 CADIEUX CONCRETE DRIVES chaplain Mrs. Jehn M. Chase; DEAL DIRECT WITH recording secretary Mrs. W. W. V.'rnier Road .t W.dgewood 14-REAL ESTATE I EXPERTLY CAPPED BUILDER WANTED I TUXEDO 5.5700 I Protect Slsphalt drives with Wright; corresponding secre. DriYl, Grosse Pointe Woods ______Jennite sealer, 2 coat applica. TV 1-1024 tary Mrs. John E. Finch; treas- Sunday Evening, May 23, 7 p.m. ATTOR.~~Y ~as client .to buy BESTCARP~ CLEANERS tio:}. urer Mrs. George Grivas; regis- Chur~h Worship 8:30 & 11:00 " ;:> I- ,'i il('l!ron;l] SpanI~h ." ,J('-I~n :2 fllli and 3 half ho~se In Jross~ Pomte, to CLEANIN~, DYEING ACME ASPHALT PAVING CARPENTER - Modernization, t~ar Mrs. WU!iam Innes; and ILundOY School 9:30 '> ('tldl-;llln:.: ll\'ing rOOm $3:>,000, cash. Agent, TIJ 6- REPAIRING E t D t 't 2'''37 repair work. Can after ~ p.m. h l st orian.libraflsn,Mrs. Gordon TUxedo 4-5862 3031. I as e rOl a-Ill Rpiey.l You are cordially invited h :In'p~ac(' T\' room. .. ._; PROMPT HOME SERVICE ------Bob Ream at '771-8748., ','('!,,'r1 porch lllx17 Lot D 0 ~ TOR nee d s 4.bedroom, i FREE ESTIMATES 21-C-WATERPROOFING .:':11,) ;-. ,c(']1Pn t condit ion, ------Grosse Pointe area, to $30,000, i INSURED dPi'IJll;tllH'n~-.886 58;)6. .:.~en~0'~~~!O~ i TU 2-6556 BASEMENT THE BARLEC CO. St. Paul Ev. St. James GROSSE POINTE resident willi --~------buy from owner 3 or 4 bed. I 211-PAINTING AND WATERPROOF ING We design and build • Room Lutheran Church Lutheran Church City of I; nOSSF: POIYrF: room ranch or Ph stoty; 2 DECORATING INSIDE OUTSIDE Additions. Attics. Kitchens. Chalfont •• nd Lothrop K.rchevol ot McMillan \ j.'\(;DALE DRln:, 9fi-t- ~aths, family room, near bus, ! KURT 0 BAEHR Bathrooms. Recreation Rooms TU 1-6670 west of Vernier. TU 6-2825. I . W. Invite You to Worship TU 4-0511 ',v. spotless. 3-hcdroorn All work done has a .written With Us C!l Dmlf!:,:. 2' ~ bath:-, lib. ------~--IInterior. exterIor paInting and guarantee. Inside waterproofing TU 2.2322 WORSHIP 8:30 & 11 :00 Sunday Service: 9:30 and ';, f a rn I I :-' recreation 1E-PETS FOR SALE Idecorating. Wall papering. Cus- guaranteed :5 years. We dig out- Sunday School 9:45, elf agel 11:00 a.m. (Nursery dur- ~t(JS9t ~ointt lBoohs :11' :\e\I' kitch,'n. attic. IRISH SETTER, 9 weeks old, t~m work. Free estimates. LAke- side, 20.year written guarantee. Sunday School. J 1:00, ing both services.) mkl('r~ 'ITxcdo 4559U: AKC, 881-0394. _1_ew_l_-5_7_1_6. _ Water drains broken or cracked ages 1-8 Iv R.v. Chlrl., w. 'Indrock Sunday SchooI-9:30 a.m. '\.;cnasonable rates. 30 pointing, basement wISter. AFTER ERECTED. TO REGULATE AND DE- Formerly Harper Vacm.m years experience. Ray Bar. proofing. The division of Lot No. 1 and 2 of Plat of partition TERMINE THE AREA OF YARDS, COURTS, AND nowsky. 371.7~18. world \ PATIOS-SHUFFLEBOARD of Private Claim P.C. 249 Estate of Charles Vernier OTHER OPEN SPACES, TO LIMIT AND RE- GROSSE POINTE'S ONLY COURTS news recorded in Liber 67 of Deeds, Page 517, Wayne STRICT THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF FAMILIES N(>w Portabl~ E. ALLEN SCHMIDT A SPECIALTY County r~ords excepting tha,t portion taken for WHICH MAY BE HOUSED IN DWELLINGS TYPEWRITERS HOOVER Licensed and Bon~ed widening' of Vernier Road comprising 543.57 feet of HEREAFTER ERECTED OR ALTERED, AND FOR • Vernier Road frontage, said frontage starting alt a SAID PURPOSES DIVIDE THE CITY INTO DIS- $39.50 FACTORY AUTHORIZED Quality TU 5-5839 LA 1-4693 In point 279 feet East of the Northeast corner of Mack SERVICE TRICTS, TO PROVIDE A METHOD OF ADMINIS- E. JEFFERSON AVE. Avenue and Vernier Road, said property having a TRATON AND TO PRESCRBE THE PENALTIES PO:NTE VACUUM Painter-Decorator CEMENT WORK-Any size job. depth on the Easterly border of 312.70 feet and a depth Reliable, reasonable, refer. of 318.27 feet on the Westerlv border and 93.83 feet FOR THE VIOLATION OF IS PROVISIONS" ADDING FREE PlCKUP & DELIVERY i Interior ences, Call now for free esti. f.cus at the rear excepting that portion taken for widening adopted on November 3, 1952,also known as Chap- NEW REBUILT PAdTS - MACHINES Exterior mates., Lkensed and bODded. of Vernier, City of Grosse Poirtte Woods, Wayne ter 44 of "The Code of the City of Grosse Pointe ~ Joe Coscione, DRexel 1-1256 County, Michigan Woods of ] 953" BE AMENDED so as to provide TU 1-1014 PR2-4050 u/allwashing or VeniCE;9-0365. 21002 MACK "\, that Lots No.4, 5 and 6 of Blossom Lane Subdivi- • YPEWs~;;.ERS .-----.----". Qvlltlan SC:JInr,e Manltar 21 S-CARPENTER WORK ON Norway St., ~ Mall. 02115 also known as property on the North side of Vernier Road sion, being a part of Private Claim 619, City of ...~- and 21 E-CUSTOM CORSETS approximately 279 feet east of Mack Avenue, Grosse Pointe Grosse Pointe Woods, Wayne County, Michigan, as 771-1971 TU 5-1342 Ptea...,_myaacrlptiontothe Ser"ic~ ADDITIONS ALT~RATlONS Woods, Michigan. reeorded in Liber 70 of Plats, Page 37, Wayne I;-';DlVlDUALLY It e s i g De d Monitor for the r-Iod checUd t.- Spencer girdles and surgical Famlly room., porch enclosures. County Re Nornt _ 21G-ROOFING SERVICES' YERKEY & SONS Grosse Pf)inte Woods, Michigan. Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect VA 2.3560 ------HELMER Itreet. _ twenty (20) days after its enactment. ROOF A:-lD GUTT~R work- WE SPECIALIZE - Exterior TUxedo t-0522 LEONA D. LIDDLE Decks repaired, replaced. 25 painting. 27 years' experience. ----- City Clerk years experience. refereDces DU PONT PAINTS Used SHOLTZ the earp!nter--Panel- CItv.------... LEOHA D. LIDDLE OD request. DOD Seeger. TU Reasonable, Call Evenings. ing and remodeliDg. Also CITY OF GROSSE POINTE WOODS City Clerk rmdob/e S~rviceJ 5-7460. ' TW 1.5896 WA 5.0398. ena!.l jobs. 771-3729. ..

II .. - ~---~~-~.------_.-._.-".--""4"._--"''''''''__4'''' -6------...--.--- .2••••• 2••••• __ • .&.

Page Twenty-Four GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May 20, 1965 * * * * Feature Page * * * * who~where aed whatnot Pointers of Interest Good Taste PM/oNle Recipes oj People ill Tb. Know .f!J,Btnfe

PHILADELPHIA CREAM CHEESE CHERRY PIE Counter Points Contributed by By Pat Rousseau Mrs. Ralph B. Netting The Metropolitan Ope!'a ... is the theme of the win- 1 pack:gi~ig~~am Whip dows at Walton-Pierce with authentic Metropolitan Opera 1 t. vanilla costumes from "Tosca"., "Rigoletto", "Madam Butterfly" % c. cold milk and SamsQn and Dalila ... along with beautiful opening 6 oz. cream cheese night gowns. Be sure to see it. It's a dazzler! l.f.t to l/z c. sugar * '" * 20 graham crackers Top Drawer Topics for collectors only ... a doll % lb. butter or oleo- collection that includes Madame Ale:rander's new mar~arine 1 can cherry pie filling character dolls from "Sound, of the Mu.sic" ... Maria Crust: and all the others. From St01'yland come ... Red Ridi'IQ For crust: Mix crumbs with Hood, Scnrlett. Priscilla, etc. There are international shortening and bake 18 min- dolls, rag dolls and don't miss adopting Orphan Annie ... utes at 350 degrees. For filling: Beat Dream now living at 17007 Kercheval UP in the Village. Whip with vanilla and c~ltl * * * milk. Beat cream. cheese WIth Hoard ... green gold ... that becoming new color! }<'ind sugar Blend mIxtures and. . . . . pour Into cooled crumb crust. It amId the co.lorfUI col.ectIOn of coord mated shorts and over- Cover with cherry pie filling. I blouses at ClaIre Pearone. 397 Fisher Road . . • in the new!y • Refrigerate 3 hours. Use a 9. arrived shipment. inch pie pan. Sp.rves 8. * * * SEE the May issue of "Better HQmes and Gar- Photo by Eddie McGrath. Jr. Devote 10 Years DR. RALPH RUPP, OF BEACONSFIELD AVENUE. AND SON DICK dens" page 82 for a Mutschler design. If you can't decide from appearance alone, you may be tempted to By Kathy Dickson redecorating the house. To Hospital Aid Dr. Ralph Rupp, a stI iving young Grosse Pointer, When the boys get old enough, The Volunteers of Woman's buy on the basis of price. Everyone likes a bargain. How. is an active participant in this year's Better Hearing there will always be tennis and Hospital will be celebrating ever, a kitchen that's a bargain today may have to be M h H. k h fi h d d 1 'th h' liwimming with dad, Dr. Rupp's their 10th anniversary when replaced in as little as five years. Mutschler cabinets of ont. IS wor ere ts an an gave WI IS pro- favorite participation sports. they gather for their annual fessional occupation as an audiologist at Henry Ford meeting at the Country Club resilient hardwood can take a great dRal of punishment Hospital. ,~~------Even learning new words is Wednesday morning, May 26, at and still look ~~autiful years and years from now. This As an audiologist, (one who rosensory Hearing Loss Due to a {cec~sC1ence. co~rse to second floor," with the help :B other Arden but1fiers. Philip Weiss, Mrs. Edward Shumaker, ~Irs. Joseph Meng- at thl' Umver.s1ty o~ M1chlgan oi their two sons: Dick, 6, a first e den and Mrs, William H. Griffith. Among the mothers where h~ receIved hIS.B~chelor grader at Defer, and Dave, 4, G & J Electric COil * * and daughters going will be Mrs. Fr:mk Gorman with of Arts ~n 1951 and h1S Master a Ki.ndergarten hopeful. a Quick Rescue • . . for a sagging'" set . . . don't give up! daughters Mrs. Edward l\layer and Mrs. John Morgan, of A~~v~n Interest Big Glass Project Jim Krausrrtann, Owner u Place a roller or two on top for a lift . . , then clip the line J:~2~t)n in place (using a back mlrrer). SPRAY SET . . . with the S otre and Mrs. Frank J. Weston with delegate daughter Mrs. It was also thro::gh his inter-I' One of their ~edecoration pro- Electrical Wiring ;t Dame Pharmacy's own hair spray. Let dry, while dressing. Now John Hastings. Of special interest this year will be re- est in hearing that Dr. Rupp ]ects was t~kmg ~u~ all the 1 and Repairing brush lightly, and raise bere and there g~ntJy with a hairpin. ports on work of alumnae among the poor and under- met his wife, Jane. When they lea.ded gla~s.m the. hvmg room. y One of the advanta~es of SPRAY SET is that the silicones repel privileged, and in disast~r areas. were both juniors at the U of M, I It IS now f1Dlshed 10 a .umquely TU 4.2738 moisture and hold the shape . . • even on humid days. Color your Future Bright! * * * she sat behind him in a speech R~lph Rupp and FamIly style Grosse Pointe & East Side PILFERINGS correction class. Before they With an Ivory an? gold colo.r Nothing ... short of plas- * * * Babv Sitter: "What are You Doing?" were married in June of 1955 scheme and tradItional furDl- tic: surgery can provide Sailing Season ... ahead ~Pick up a pack of Therma- Littie boy: "I'm writing to mv brother." Dr. Rupp and his wife taught tur~, higblig?ted. by trip col- the optical illusion of Jac coasters. , . nautical blue and white with an ancor ... B' S'tt' . "B t d 't kn'ow how to "'rI'te." several summers together at the lectlOns and mhentances. beauty that is achieved or rainbow colors ... at The Village Wine Shop. 15228 aov I er. U you on .. ..•. . . t' f th 'h Eac;t Jefferson. L 'ui bo' "That doesn't make any difference. My, ymvers1'y of Mlch1gan speech . A ma].or por Ion 0 . e m er------through the artful use of 1 e ~. t d " Improvement C amp, Shady Itances meludes a senes of or------BaEg~s-'-- - ha~r coloring. brather doesn t know *how *0 rea1o'. Trails; they again taught at iginal paintings adorning two '" * * A long face appears wider I Sid Erwin. says. "1\'011.; is the tim.e to think Qoout Shady Trails after they were walls of the Rupps' staircase. the sad story of the prune. The poor prune was once a I wanted mv fotune told one time, but I didn't know married. They also worked tool The paintings were created by -.r--lten with the use of two-tone whether to go if, a palmist or a mind reader. My wife gether as he2ring consultants his grandfather, Carl Schlic- color, with :ight shadings lovely, plump plum. BUT she was de-moisturized and said: "Go to a palmist. You know for sure you have a in the Detroit Public Schools kum, a political expatriate frllm on either side of the dehydrated. The result ... lines and wrinkles! Eighteen palm." as probably the only husband Germany at the time of Bis- cheekbone . . . a round years of scientific researc17 gives Fashion Two Twenty the - Red Blanchard in "Tallace's Farmer and wife hearing screening marck. The 23 or 24 pieces, face appears longer with most wond£:;,ful and e.f.fective moisturization products on * * * team in the history of the school dating back to 1838, are mostly the hair lightened across the market today. Start NOW not arter the dry. hot sum- It's only thf' uncomfortable chairs that become an- system. In one year they test.ed pen and ink. In ~ddition there the top. mer dehydrates your skin." . t Th' fo t ble ones get worn out. over 10,000ears (or rather paIrs are one pe~ and mk and .water Bus;ness as usual Anyone can buy a bottle e IOf ears!) ! color combmed, Hnd one 011. The * '" * Iql1es. com r a , .R ublican of tint but only an expert "Gather Ye Ro!;ebuds" . . . and ar.y other lovely bloom - :\larshalltown (Ia.) TImeS ep______Prior to joining ~he staff of: Rupps also have a modern oil i during alterationso stylist can help you decide that happen to be fresh cut at Flower!> by Kimberly, 20311 ------~ Henrv Ford Hospital in July of done by a local artist and pre- \1 what is right for you ... a Mack Avenue and longing for you to arrange them. So European St. Paul Students 'I Farlns Submits 1962, Dr. Rupp was Fxecutive sented to Dr. Rupp when he re, in concept and so delightfully priced, a dollar a bunch and up. ~ Center, a Torch Drive agency signed as Director of the Detroit I 1\ hint of a tint . , . or a dramatic color change _ .. .:-\ward Winners 'I BuildinO' Report designed primarily to advise Hellring Center. * '" '" ~ clients as to things they could Anoth(,f in~eritance is a vio. 1 the blend of basic colors Half-Peck Baskets . . . hand-painted . . . with all I -- . . Ido toward meeting the challenge lin that has been in the famil~' ~ 1I and proteins to protect kinds of themes, are now at The Straw Mart 16125 Mack Dan Barrett. seventh grade The 12 construction per~Its IOf their hearing improvements, I for more than 50 years. (ever '..::::i your hair. Avenue and they cost only five-ninety-five. 'Remarkabl~! pupil at st. Paul Grade School, ~pproved by the Farms BU1ld- Better Hearing Month I since his father lent $5 to a ---3 I Call TUxedo 1-6833 or 885.0666. has received word that his 15QO. I~g Depar~ment last month. carol As part of "May 1S Better down-and-ol't m u sic jar. who -=:.::, J11 visit our salon at 111 word essay entitled: "Color Per. ,ned a ~Ig?er va~ue th~n the I Hearing Month," Dr. Rupp is never returned for his instru- 'I STUDIO CAMERA SHOp3 , Kercheval for a personal ('('ption in FL"h." has won a sil- 15 perI.mts Issued 10 Apnl 1964, , spl'aking on radio and television' menO. Years ago a violinist, :: : consultation . , . we be- \'('1' plaquE' in the .Ford-Flltur~ accordmg to a monthly rep?rt! several times. Just yesterday fri('nd came over and saw the CARL JOYNER _-~ lieve in "The N a t u ra Scientists of Amenca competl- released by John A. DeFoe, as. 'he appeared as a guest lecturer violin. and had it appraised. 20229 M CK - th Jtl ~ I See Gray and Play Tennis Look" of healthy radiant tlOn sponson:d by the Ford :'ok I sistant city enr,ineer. Ifor a sixth grade health series! The appraisal only told the A - tn e o~_31 tor Company and conduded Ly DeFoe's report revealed that, on Channel .>6.Other projects to, Rupps that the mother of pearl !,======-' hair! ~ the ~ational Science Teachers four residential permits for I help inform the nation through' handle had ruined the tone of, - -- __ ~ ~__, ",~./'~ Associalion. Ir.omes valued at a tota~ of Ia community level as to what, the instrument, rendering it, "~~--M-J &~ The ('ssav which incluued $215.000, and eight per'!1its for I can be done about he:lring, worthless. 't s ~d '!!raphs was based Imiscellaneous construction val'jlOSSeS include proclamations by I ItJemento from Trips plC u~e~,: science ' experiment ued at a total of $19,000, were President J 0 h n son, Governor I' Other bits of decor in the ~\~th f~sh: an experiment which i granted by his department last I Romn~y. and. Mayor Cavanagh, li~ing room ar~ mementos from THE TUB he- f1rst entered in St. Paul! month. . It,:o Itp r€3dmg. contests, and trIP.s the Rupps have made to i S h ol's science fair Later he I This compares to two permits bIllboard adverbsements, such vanOus parts of the country. A I This gloss (ar tub) has on apPeake Shore; a $55,000 H~arlDg SOCIety Hearing News, vacation), collecting coins, (1n- at Beaconsfield t rldav and saturday. :May 14: home at 11 Carmel lane; and a and the Detroit Hearing Center dian Heads and current Mint 106 Kercheval-on-the-Hill 'lOr' ]5 at )lichigan State uni-I' $63,000 home at 262 Grosse Information B::!letins. Impress-, Series), as well as Dr. and Mrs. Grosse Pointe Pan TU 1-2262 ~e;sity 'in Lansing, Pointe boulevard. ive sounding titles include "Neu- I Rupp's continuing. project of TU 1-5262