Former Resident Helps Restore the Lady Park Officials Begin Union
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rosse Pointe ews VOL. 47-No. 26 Grosse Pomte, MichIgan, Thursday, June 26, 1986 35 Cents 46 Pages Consolidation to proceed for your information Park officials begin union negotiation By Pat Paholsky there's no question In my mind fyi that their profeSSIOnalism Will now Now that the election in the Park ISover, and With it the last obstacle show through," he said "I beheve to consolidatmg the pohce and fIre they'll be cooperative, G.P. is a C./. departments, city offiCIals are un- mg and WIllcontinue to prOVide the derstandably reheved. There's a same high level of servIce It's For the fifth year in a row the few more hurdles, however, that hme to move on and I think they city of Grosse Pointe has been have to be overcome before their feel the same way" . designated as a conscientious rellef is complete All of the police offIcers In- mJector and It has nothing to do Four of the seven unfair labor cludmg Police ChIef Richard with religious beliefs. The Elm charges that firefighters filed are CareW have completed 80 hours of Research Institute in New still pending, scheduled to be heard flre training. The next step, Carettl Jersey honors those cities that this week said, ISto train four polIce offIcers maintain a conscientious - how Then there's the matter of con- and two firefighters as emergency else? - elm injection program tract negotiations. The firefIghters medical techmcIans Admllllstrative Assistant have been working without a con- The training, totaling 120 hours Chris Matthews said the in- tract for a year and talks have including hospital time, will begm stitute mlspelled the deSigna- been at an impasse since before in July FirefIghter Tom Court wdl tion, however, as conscIOUS m- the elec-tion The Issues of pubhc be certified by the state as an EMT jector. No big thmg. Grosse safety and mmimum manpower trainer June 26, Carettl said, and Pointe is conSCiOusly conscien- raised by the firefighters before no therefore, most of the trammg will tious. Easy to say three times longer apply, CIty Manager John be m-house. real fast, but just try spellmg it. Crawford said. Carelli said four spots have been "The only Issue relevant now is reserved for fIrefIghters in the wages, so Ithmk we can condude pohce academy class that will be Les TV sturs negotiations," he said. held at Macomb Community Col- What you do get when you The next stop is selecting a union lege m September The course IS 14 send a pair of Grosse Pointe to represent the combined public weeks long. The tough part. he Photo by Ml~e AndrzeiCzy~ News staffers to Montreal to safety department. Crawford said said. IS passing the phySIcal agili- Second in the first round cover the NatIOnal Hockey he will recognize the union that re- ty test and WrItten exam m order League draft? A couple of real ceIVes at least 51percent approval to be accepted mto the academy Reacting to his selection by the Los Angeles Kings in the National Hockey League's entry draft hams, or as the natives would by the police officers and fire- "We'll see how many volunteers Saturday is Jimmy Carson, of Grosse Pointe Woods. Carson's father, Charles, is in the foreground, say, "Les cochons du televi- fighters combmed. Since the police we have and we will go on the baSIS along with Lynn Malboeuf, public relations for Carson's junior hockey team, the Verdun Cana- sion." officers outnumber the firefighters of semorlty to fill the first four diens. More photos and the draft story are on Page 1C. Spotted on the CBC-French 30 to 18, it's almost certain that the spots," he said Language channel videotape of Fraternal Order of Police will be last Saturday's draft festivities, the exclusive bargaining agent. I wandermg not-so-subtly around Crawford said he hopes to begin in the background of more than negotiations Friday, June Z7, m a one camera shot, were sports combined sessfon with both sides Former resident helps restore the Lady editor Peggy O'Connor and represented. He added that he ex- By Peter A. Salinas photographer.heporter Mike pects negotiations to be difficult Thomas Donahue, a Grosse still In good shape, says Donahue, we had corne through the depart- Andrzejczyk, who are even The city has already offered a Tying a 1,600.square-foot bIb Pomte North graduate, was part of who spent two weeks atop ment " Hayes added. I now practlcing slgmng auto- bonus of $750 to each person who around the neck of the Statue of that five-person crew, which made France's gift to the United States Donahue's team had to climb up graphs is cross-trained And July 1, the of- Liberty at more than 200 feet the delIcate molds Areas such as the face, where the outside stairs of the world's fiCIal start-up date for the merger, above New York harbor before he Donahue, 28, makes the borough water collects or serves as run-off largest free-standmg scaffolding polic~ officers will be responding and his friends could get to work of Queens hIS home. He is a paths for rain or meltmg snow and built especially for the restoration Thorns to to fires. was more than interesting - it was painter, who takes on contractual Ice had become damaged and were project. a rose thief "We recogmze for the additional a little scary. Jobs to help hIS Illcome m need of replacement. "The scaffold was built close to work performed, there should be Margaret Young of McMillan Before coppersmiths could fabfl- "We were contracted to make a Donahue said he, Vanessa and the face," he said. "I don't like compensation," he said. Road is feeling downhearted cate metal to replace damaged mold over the nose, eyes, one curl Bruce Hoheb and Steven Simonak, heights a lot, but you didn't have Crawford saId he expects the these days and it's no wonder areas of the huge copper sculpture. of the hair and a fold m the fabriC had worked together at the Metro- a sense of being up so high because firefighters Will cooperate now She and her husband Henry a small crew was selected to make of the statue's dress," Donahue politan Museum m New York re- It was kInd of enclosed Climbmg up that the election is behind them. molels of the areas damaged by 100 Said from hiS New York apart- storlllg priceless works of art and and down the stairs was scary We work hard all !U~ , , p-a--battleih:term~ of cUltivatfng-lIfe roSe gar en a years"ofwe'atlrermg--=- mamly on ment makmg rephcas of artlfacts found had to wear mountam climbl1Tg the main library on Kercheval. preservmg what they felt best and the Lady's face. Most of the statue's copper IS In Kmg Tut's tomb They, along gear and were clipped on to the They use their own equipment With Jesus Flglgerao, were select- statue at all times." and donate their own time, say- ed from numerous bIdders for the Their job was to make perfect mg they "just want it to look Job of the outside mold-forming. molds of the damaged areas of the nice for everyone." They've Donahue graduated from North face This meant insuring there been doing it for nine years. m 1975 His mentor, he says, was would be no discoloration or fur- They took careof the flowers art teacher EIleen Hayes. ther damage to the statue. The on Friday and when they "She was mstrumental in having team had to cover the front of the returned on Sunday, they found me get a portfoho of my work to- statue With a 40 by 40 foot bib to that every rose had been gether," he said. protect agamst anythmg fallmg on carefully cut - not torn - off. Donahue was the reCipient of a ItS breast Shame on the person who took five-year scholarship to Pratt Uni- "It was kind of humorous mstal- the roses intended for every- versity m Brooklyn, N Y After he ling thiS enormous bib around the one's enjoyment. graduated m 1980 he opened his neck," Donahue laughed "The own studIO m New York City Goodyear blimp flew by that day "Well, the only way to deSCrIbe - right at eye level There were al- A fine piece of work hIm," Hayes said, "IS John Boy ways camera crews up there docu- Family photos are probably Walton Honest to God, he was like mentmg our work. It was rather the least expensive and most that He was a fme, upstandmg kid crowded at times." valued possessions. A few He carne from a very close-knit The crew used a highly sensItive weeks ago, some out-<lf-towners family" rubbery substance to make the lost thelfs, but Victor and Noel HIS parents are Mr and Mrs precise molds. Benjamin of the Farms helped Donald Donahue of the Woods "We had to use a substance that get them back. "He was one of the most talented (Continued on Page -t \ ) The Benjamins were out for a and most hard-workmg :.tudents stroll on Kerby Road when they found some "fairly weathered" snapshots lymg by the curb. Us- ing information printed on the packet, they figured out that the prints had been processed m a drugstore in a small town in Oregon. They mailed the photos and a cover letter - and last week, they heard from Linda Barker '" of Portland, Ore.