T"° anklin news-recorD

one section, 24 pages / Phone 725-3300 Thursday, January 6, 1977 Second class postage paid at Princeton, N.J. 08540 I!,No. 1 $4.50 a year/t5 cents per copy O0’s chee Washington’s men in Millstone a ViI ge’ Torches light victory 0Portrait"Portrait of a Village"is a carefullyof Somerset Court HouLppreaehed the segched 50-page hislory of Revolutionary Millstone, complete with 100 .maps, most important photographs and other graphic county’." march from battle iisplays. It was published by the Chapter II deal Somerset mrough’s Historic District Com- Court House ant American nissinn to coincide with the reenact- Revolution,and it’ ~ on this chapter nent of the events of January3, 1777. that the ial production The book is edited by Diane Jones "Turnabout" was Hap Heins to Millstone church ;tiney. Othercontributors are Marllyn Sr. contributed a in the way of information and s to this chapter. :antarella, Katharine Erickson, Otherchapters ¢LI with the periods by Peggy Roeske Van Doren, played by Terry 3rnce Marganoff, Patricia Nivlson Special Writer Jamieson, at whose house on River md Barrie Alan Peterson, each of who.n wrote a chapter. times. The final c is "250 Years Road General Washington stayed on of Local ChurchI tracing the It was January 3, 1T/7, all over that night 200 years ago. ’ ~pter I deals with the origins of history of the DuReform Church in again. On Monday evening The play gave the imnression that ~erset Court House tnow Millstone. Washingten’s army marched by torch war was not all *’fun and games."The The chapter concludes: The booksells can be and lantern light into Millstone opening scene was of the British ca- forge, farms, and a variety obtained b following the victory that morningat cups(ion of Millstone (then Somerset all industriesas wellas its legal 359-1361. Princeton. They pitched tents and Court House) earlier in 1776. Then governmental functions, Peggy Roeske built campfiresin the snowaround the there wasthe love story of native son Dutch Reformed Church. Frederick Frelinghuysen and Ger- The Eastern New Jersey State trude (Gitty) Schenk. Mr. Artillery was under the company Frellnghuysen joined the army and commandof Capt. John Doughty, Mrs. Frelinghuysen had no word from CANNONEERSfrom the EasternNew Jersey State Artillery of non in the streets of Millstone Mondaynight to announcethe since its former leader, Capt. Neff, her husband for ten days, until he notes Bridgewaterfire an authentic thrse-poundMueller designcan- Colonialarmy’svictory at Princeton. (Stuart Crumpphoto) had beenkilled in the battle of Prin- returned with the armyto Millstone on ceton. The company’s present-day January 3. asbestos-fibre dangersee here spokesman, John Ruffo of And what a blobdy, bedraggled Bridgewater, reported, "The troops bunch the army was. Mr. Eight elementary schonls remain closed in Townsblp are exhausted. They’vebeen on their Frelinghuyeen and Dr. Van Buren of potential cancer hazards caused by flal asbestos fiber feet for days." appealed to membersof the audience but no such danger exists in the Franklir to help carry the woundedand lay Public For ten days, in fact - the so-called themon pewsof the church, whichwas the superintendent reported yesterday. "Ten Crucial Days." On Christmas actually used as a hospital. (The "We have no asbestos in any instructional or in any staff Day they had crossed the Delaware gravestones of some Revolutionary yte said. River and surprised the Hessians at soldiers whodied were visible outside "Wedo have asbestos sprayed on the ceilln and water Trenton. Then they had overcomethe the windows.) in the boiler roomsof three of our schools - MacMce British at Trenton and again at The final scene was General Princeton. G. Smith. But these areas arc not )led for any ex- Washington’s war council. TomPaine ! parred of time by any individuals." said. The companycarried with it a hand- was there to repeat his famouswords, made cannon - the only liand-made "These are the times that try men’s replica which crossed the Delaware souls." The council stuck to their and was fired at Princeton. Their decision (madeat Kingstonearlier in breeches had been sewn by an 82- the day) to march on to Pluckemin to cost town $15 0 year-old manwho insisted on their and then to Marrlstown for winter Franklin Township Council has agreed to put 5.000 in its budget authenticity. Their field kitchens - quarters - rather than try to take the tripods and iron pots hangingover the British at Brunswick. year to help finance the construction for the open fires - had been madeat the Old Responsible for the whole show First Aid Squad. MillstoneForge, which itself is said to was Barrie Paterson, chairman of The squad has been housed at the Con! fity Vohmteer Fire date back to 1693. Mills(erie’s Historic District Com- epartment’s HamihunStreet headquarters, bt relations between the The troops were accompaniedin the dlission. The response on the pert of the first aide~ have deteriorated ,f several reenactment march from Princeton boroughand area residents obviously it has been reported. The first ai squad in by Boy Scouts from Manville and exceededhis expectations. promisedthat they wouhl seek ~.. Neshanic and by the. Bridgewater The production was restaged at 9 I’heir plans call for construction of a $30. 10 building on Girard Colonial Color Guard.The color guard p.m. Meanwhile, in Memorial Hall played the pipes and drums, and the next to the church, there was a Squad vice president Doug Doerrhc only soldiers fired their musketson signal, reception, with punch, coffee and ;431 had been collected during the ’s fund drive to raise to the delight of some 500 area cookies served free of charge. There , for constructionof the building. residents whoturned out at 6:30 p.m. was also an exhibit of "Fibers and squad had contendedthat it might he I perations Thenat 7 p.m. all peeked into the Fntos" - woven items by Phyllis ds were not available to he begin constructing the church to view a production entitled Perry Marganoff and photographs by ¢ first aid facility. "Turnabout"- "a saga of oppression, Donnie Van Doren. And the newly courage, and freedom." The published "Portrait of a Village - a production was written and directed History of Millstone, N.J." was on by Midge Guerrera, and featured, sale. of interest? Jose~ Cathy,college students at Villanovaagainst the "commercialism"o,= the re-enactments. among others, members of the All in all, it wasa night to remember andLa Salle home~: enacteda good-naturedprotest (MarkCzajkowski photo) Hillsborough High School Modern in Millstone. r Whatwill they do for the Trieen- The Franklin Tuwnship I)lanning was expected to have ap- Dance Performing Group. )roved a resolution at its meetinglast night to send a letter to the town- The history was narrated by Mrs. tennial? ship cmmcllrequesting that the cunncil’s attorney investigate possible conflict of interest charges in the Ion(afire approval granted by the andinside... board at its June meeting for a plauned unit dew;Iopment(PUD}. WRITER MIKE TEER lists the The plan, presented by 1020 As.%ciates Corporation headed by Ber- NewYears Resolutions which he tram E. Bonner. is for the construction of approximately 2,400 promises not to break for at least a housingunits and commercialand industrial units on a 700-acre site in day or two. the center of Frunklin Township between DeMott Lane and Cedar Grove Lane. FRANKLINHIGH ski team is sub- The conflict of interest charges have been an an-golng controversy ject of feature on page8. ~ongboard memberssince the time of that approval. JSf, eclfically, the alleged conflict charges have revolved around1020 MONDAYWAS the last of the ’10 i/]aociates’ attorney William Ozzard, former board chairman George Crncial Days,’ with activities being ~voy and township cmu~oilman aml planning board member highlighted hy a re-enactment of the ~ph Mar(inn, ’ . Battle of Princeton. See pages 4-5. ’lYre letter to the council was discussed at last week’splanning board xeeutive session, and was prepared by current board chairmanRobert arts ...~ ...... l-2B /[orgenberger. cookbook ...... 7A classified ...... 3-14B letters . 3A lypertenslon screening police blotter ...... 2A sports ...... 8A Franklin Townshipresidents will have the opportunity of checking ut their blood pressure level at the newfree hypertension screening Iinie {high blood pressure} sponsored by the health department and to e held monthly.The next hypertensive screening clinic session will be eldon Monday, Jan. 10, at the Municipal Building, DeMott Lane ¯ om 7:00 p.m. A medical doctor will be in attendance for eon- uhation. ¯ Patient education, diet, weight control and other preventive easures.will be utilized at this clinic. For an appointment,please call ie Health Department8’/3-2500, Ext. 231 or 232.

ree paptest clinic

Thede ls Franklin held monthly.,Please Townshiphealth departmentcall the willhealth hold department a free Papfor ’][’eatan ap- [nic on Tuesday, Jan. II, °’’~at 2 p.m. for all township womenThis

intment at 873-2500 Ext 31 or 232, health officer John Carlano ; announced. THE2ND REGIMENT of the MiddlesexCounty Militia fires off a roundin front of the Hillsborough ABritish grenadier. ReformedChurch near the andof Monday’scelebration. Neshanlc Troop 1776 is seenat left, ¯ ...... , . ¯

/ .," j i’ 1 2.A~ Ihe Franklin NEWSRECORD I police blotter

A 25-year-old NewBrun- sported by the Community At this point, Mr. Simpson Townshipresidents last week, stole a 29-inch color swick man was killed early First Aid Squadto St. Peters allegedly emerged from his police reported. television valuedat $350 and.a NewYear’s morning when the Hospital, where he was car and swore at William and A Franklin Boulevard man solid state turntable valued at car he was riding in flipped pronounced deed 25 minutes DennisResnak of 133 MainSt., had his homebroken into and $100 betweenDec. 30 and Jan. over bn Easton Avenue and after the accident, Franklin South BoundBrook, whowere his $200 stereo system stolen 3, police said. PatrolmanLeon plowedinto a telephone pole. TownshipPolice reported. in the other car. Mr. Simpson on Dec, 28 from 11 a.m, to Parker is investigating. The deceased, Michael According to police, Mr. was alleged to have told the noon. Patrolman Bernie A Sylvania receiver valued Sokolovof 116 LivingstonAver, Sokolov was a passenger in a two menhe was a police of- Petese is investigating. at $300 and two ADLspeakers New Brunswick, was tran- car which was driven by ficer, but refused to produce Twocolor televisions and valued at $100weretaken from AlexanderStahanovich, 24, of an identification whenasked jewelry - total value $3,360 - the home of a Franklin 171 Park St., Somerset. The to do so, police said. were taken from the homeera Boulevard man between Dec. car was travelling west on The confrontation esealated Baler Avenue man between 31 and Jan. 3. PatrolmanSteve UKRANIANNEW YEAR’S DANCE Easton Avenue near into a brawl, at whichpoint 11:30 a.m, and 1:3g p.m. on Dunnis investigating. (Semi.Formal) Bloomfield at 3:45 a.m. on Ms. Thomaspulled a gun from Dec. 2g. Patrolman Steve January first whenthe driver the first car and placed it Lorinczis investigating. Sponsoredby O.D.F.F.U. apparently lost control of his against the head of one of the A Gemtronix Citizens Band vehicle, police said. The car victims, announcingthat she Over $547 worth of tools spun around, hit the curb, was going "to blow your head radio valued at $160was taken Januaw 15,19T/at 8 p.m. from an automohile ownedby owned by a KaufmanStreet flipped over at least three off," police alleged. In the a BelmontDrive manbetween manwere taken from a locked ~ times and struck a telephone struggle that followedthe gun garage on Dec. 28 or Dec. 29, 8:45 a.m. and 2:30 p.m, on V.F.W.Memorial Hall pole on the passenger side, was tossed awayinto the snow Dec. 28. Patrolman John police reported. The burglars 600Washington Ave., Manville police said. beside the road. Lewandowskiis investigating. pried open the door’s lock, Police measured137 feet of The suspects left the scene police said. PatrolmanRonald A H-inch black-and-white Music by B. Chorea and His arch. skid marksat the scene. They and were apprehended later Kishis investigating. also reported that the "car by Bridgewater Township television valued at $70 and ~HomeStyle Buffet - Free Cocktails from 8-8: 45 travelled 108 feet betweenthe Police. jewelry valued at $300 was ~cketeavallsbfe at door- Adults,$§ - Studente,#4 point whereit first struck the Franklin Police searched removed from the home of a curb and whereit finally came the area where the incident Franklin Boulevard man on A blue Columbia26-inch 16- YOUARE CORDIALLY INVITED to rest against the pole. was alleged to have occurred Jan. 2. The robbery occurred speed boys bike was taken Patrolman John Paulina is and recovered a starter’s between 8 p.m. and midnight, from the stbruge cellar of a investigating. pistol, policesaid. police said, Patrolman Tom Douglas Gardens woman Gennarelli is investigating. Ms. Thomas was charged between Dec. 30 and Jan. 3, with assault with a deadly Burglars pried open the police reported. Patrolman WE’LLHELP YOU weapon and Mr. Simpson was window at the home of a Charles Beckley is in- A Middlesex womanhas been charged with impersonating a Franklin Court woman and vestigating. QUICK charged by Franklin Police polfceofficer, police said. SaT with assault with a deadly Patrolman Herman Weiser weaponand threat to take life investigated. after she allegedly pointed a Mr. Simpson was released WEIGHTLOSS starter’s pistol to the headof a on a summons, and Ms. South Bound Brook man on Thomaswas released on her Recreation announces SOMERSET ~N PARK January 2. own recognizance, pending Momentof peaciul reflection TempleBeth.El Her male companion, a 26- appearancein townshipcourt, I 6 Mile RunReformed Church year-old Bound Brook man, police said. twoadditional classes AmwellRoad Colonialrifleman DeanBechtold CSmith’s Company, Lancaster, Pa., pausesfor a moment I Hwy.27 at PleasantPlains Rd. was charged with im- duringthe longmarch to Kingston:leckyHill andMillstone, to reflect uponthe ColonialAr- Wed.7:30 p.m. I Tues.9:30 a.m. & Thurs. 7:30 p.m. personating a police officer, Theparks and recreation departmentwill schedulethe roy’svictory at Princeton. police reported. following additional classeswhich were eliminated on the BRINGTHIS AD AND SAVE According to police, the A North Brunswick manwas newscalendar by mistake: (MarkCzajkowski photo) NEWMEMBERS ANDREGISTRANTB arrests followed an incident jumped by four youths on which occurred at 3 a.m. on Matilda Avenueand robbed of Portraitalia $2.00off nowthm January 31 Easton Avenuenear Highwood $115 at 1:45 a.m., Jan. 1, Tuesdays,7:30 to 9:30 p.m. FranklinPark School I hereby esolve... Drive whenone car allegedly Franklin Township Police BeginningJan. 25 ElizabethOresko - Instructor cut off another. reported. Patrolman Herman Fora Class" (201)369-4816 The suspects, Robert Weiseris investigating. Wre~llng or687-0007 Simpson of 301 Evergreen Saturdays,10 to 12 noon SampsonG. Smith School by Mike Teer blanketdoesn’t heat andit’s too cold to NearestYou Call Collect The Packet Group .,l~kinx fan,, rdt~ J~inrI.s~ o/you’* Ave., BoundBrock, and Donna BeginningJan. 8 to March26 RonaldO’Connor - stay in bed; LynnThomas of P.O. Box175, Not swearng at the other drivers on Instructor .....W~II "t’~, sthat ...... +"~meo, r.,~=r ..... ae~ah., Diet control ceNlel~ inc. Middlesex,forced the victims Several televisions and whenthe resolutionspile upand I h~e the roadat rush hour. Theyhave jobs i (APUBLIC COMPkNY) [ X[¢U|IV[ C[RT[R~LINION NI 070~ in the other car to stop, police pieces o[ electronic equipment to get to, but whywhen I’m late? alleged. were stolen from Franklin and pray I cankeep a few of themx at least a monthor two. Notbeing le Avoidinggetting passengersupset resolvingtype, I usually avoid su~ at mydriving habits, evenwhen the ’ tedious activity. But being around demolition derby in me rises to the A ~+ We’re Not Cheap, manypeople who talk abouttheir list boiling point, and I want to ruin ~-, --- Just Inexpensive I figuredit’s abouttime I started tc~ someone’sfront end or foot; The most talked about one, ¢ Not spending every Sunday wat- course, is quitting smoking,for abou ching football and/or hockeyon T.V., the fifteenth time. Several of pay co evenif there’s a six packof beerin the workers are trying, too, and one b frig, andespecially whenthere’s a full CONOVER betting $25he can do it for at least a bag of laundry on the bedroomfloor month,If he can keep his word(and if begging to get washed; wecan believe him) a staff reporter CARPETCLEANERS.... will be on the short end of that deal, Going home immediately after and she’ll have to go back to picking work~not carousing all evening long football gamesto recoupher losses. when 6:30 comes so early in the WE ARE THE BESTIN CARPETCLEANING, AND morning; CAN PROVEITI WEUSE BOTH SHAMPOOAND It’s not that easy. For meto hangup Makingsure the heat’s turned down, STEAMEXTRACTION. Satisfaction guaranteed. my pipe and tobacco pouch is like even though the oil crunch is over; getting a page onestory from a garden Eating real food at reasonable BUT-- club meeting. Pretty hard. hours, even thoughthe cannedstuff is I knowit smells, costs a lot of su mucheasier’, We charge what others charge for one cleaning money,bothers other people at times Finding out whaLJimmy Carter’s method, and worries my mother. I’ve known ~ real name is and promising not to that for years. WhyI have never been laugh hysterically whenhe smiles; successful worries me. But I’m not Watchingthe news instead of Mary about toaddanyincentivetothe cause Special !0 ¢ sq. ft.[ ~ Hartm’m Mary Hartman so I can I January(o.ly) bmYonyis.gto.,os any.o: myont eonvero ntcm’gentiy abet the state I I tha~Y.you Myseu prmew]q aa just free, I of the world, and knowthat the cost of [ (normally15¢sq.ft.) ~ vng sgongup, butataslowerrate; I Andthe other old standardscome / .... along mgn...... on meus[. L, IKe: ~ Try ng..... to =reprove myWOrK anu rromlslng [o oe racer m mepeople personalhab|ts, instead of |as,st|rig to at work,even when I feel like spilling : m)’" se l| .....mat £ ’m alreaoy’ " perzecc" " tomatojuice on their story whichhas ... taken hours to get finished; ~’~"~ ~ ...... Frec:II~:t;;~l:rn:lght Always paying my rent on time, even if my ear could use a brake job ~"~[’~k~ ~ 609-896-9250 after 6 p.m. ~’:" ’ There must be more I hope these ~nrdzlonfeae.lhke takmg ashort dave +-to ideas don’t result in alas of nagging , . ’ . . , ’or other peoplewho just happento be ~ot spenuing moneytomishly /m l l m m m ---%--,, ~ ~ lazy and sloppyas I n =~ ICAI _@~+ ~ p~ttmga,otinthe,~ank,eventhough If thetdo just promise you’ll do nere.stof.tnegang|sgather|ngatthe, somethingabout the list above. Then I i ~’du m~ ¯ __. i lu’~al ¯ wateringno|e, throwit away. Getting toworkontime every day, That is doingsomething about it, I ~ ~ I A ~ I not just the ones whenthe electric isn’t it? I @11111/1 Ill

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i i EPA Mileage Estimate ~,i~ 49 MPG.Hwy. ~, -" ~...... "-;...-’ ~s. li ’ Ur~.~ PRICE ,~.~ . CERTIFIq I+ \+ +I i:ii!!T!,, LICENSEFEES &STATE TAX EXTRA ¯ = ~~.g .R =. ,~. ~ = ~ 2-D-~’r’Sedan ~1~ .... s.... m~ I = O~ ~’.~-m~’" I ’,I. TOYOTAC...... =.,.,r.,..H ,.Dr.,AuIO.,2795 ++$’r|FlAT,&Do0r,$flllonW,(l~l~, ,,+,0m S1295 ’7 TOYO’rACORON+It,&D~Ir.4 ¯ "l~dl~ ~’p, .+++P~_~ "]k.~l~. I ,*~o~,,...... S ~...... ~"~, .,,...... ,,,+,,+S 8 95 PgLIMCOI.NCO..... BlUe TI , I~,~0 s2895 ’Wh II¯ "g0’ Lellfher, ’Fg Iv ’ I .+ O,~ ’ ’1, V.W. Guo,mP~ AM.PM.S! .... Loae~l,i,3,~ ’rl FOROCoJnS~Sqtlrl|Id.O ~’IF g-- ¯ ~.~-.B~--",..~:_+.++,.o~ ...... ,r, rove.c, ~.s,..s~,.~, m,...... $2395 Trln$~,ll~WagonSmllVl t~we~" AuromlU¢ ¢1fl1~ , . , S2495 °71TRIUMPH’ ...... Xni, ~lgg~ $tmrl¢tg, I1, ...... _+ .I~ v,..,..~ ~.~..| Rldrll000Mi, ...... ’’OOOmll.’ "P VEGAkutOmlll¢ Trifll I ..Jl | $ million,4~,~0 ++, L’JIII C.~l~hAutlmi’r| TOYOTA~lrOflllcT .....DOOrFl~ , +,,.... s79 s ’r I w,TOYOTA,,u,.m,,,,,,,,Mirk 11l*Ooor Ill* ¯ .w’q + 01~’.,%.~%,"r..... ,,,o,o,,,,,.o,..,"...... ~’~’~P’;~’" "sO+ 1 ’ I I .,,,ova,Re-,.,.,,.+,+...... $ s~,~.mm, ...... S895 mlll o+_ ffl -" ’r| "TOYOT&ACu~rOIII~tCg~.rDI~IIItr +10PONTIJtC Sonnevllhl Con. , ~ O g i ~ -- % ~, ,,s~ ¯ S1795 ’~1 LYMO.TH p I] at.._.+, ..... $.Ip~l~l~Vl~:;AUlS~inlelflle,~ Trpolwntl~ ...... r|ke$,Power wJr WIn~IOw,, IOFF Ll|++ ...... OFF n .,+-- ..... AW--’+’ Y/M|/:I: A:::, P: S"rnS’$995 L __ __ _.. __ ._ j ++,,++,.,$1395 ......

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.town rum

TheFranklin News-Record Thu~day,Januar/6,1977


MickeyMouse foils trappers 73 P byStuart Cramp Jr. mousetrap’never misses.’ MayI see maybe ha=rduns to yo= h.lth.’’| StallWriter yourdocumentation ofthat claim?" "But mice can’t read," David ("Hedidn’t even say please," David protested. Henryand David Pnssywillow were recalledlater.) "Readingis not mydepartment," inventors. the manreplied. "Take that up with Henryinvented the hand-operated HENRYproduced a thick folder HEW-Hardlyever EducatedWell / after he ira- whichshowed the monthsof tests the department." electric brothershad made of their invention. Therefollowed a successionof sharpenerwhen it ate his pencilslike "I’ll get backto you,"the mansaid as visitors. A guyfrom the Department lollipops. he put the folderin his briefcaseand of LayBores cited the brothersfor Davidinvented a hand-operated left. employingunderagnd minors despite toothbrushthat neededno batteries their protests that the workwas no and never hadto be recharged. Shortlythere wasanother knock on more dangerous than delivering Oneday Henrygot an idea for a the door. "I amfrom the Bureaufor newspapers.An official from the bettermousetrap. the Preventionof Crueltyto Rodents," FishyWildlife Division insisted they’d the mansaid. "I’ve got a reporthere haveto puta specialconservation tax IT WORKEDso wellthey named it that youare treating smallrodents in stamp on each mousetrap. A man the"Never Miss Mousetrap." an inhumane manner." The man fromthe Peed.emand Drug-eraAd- inspectedthe premisesand issued a ministration (FDA)cited them for Theybuilt the traps in their garage. warning. selling medicalaids withouta license Businessboomed and they had to hire Ten minutes later there came ("But we’renot," Henryprotested; three or fourhigh school kids to come anotherknock on the door. "I’mfrom "It’s too late now- I alreadysigned in after school andon Saturdaysto OSHA,"the mansaid¯ "Occupational the citation,"the guyreplied). halp themkeep up with the demand. Snooping and Harassing Ad- Onemorning there wasa knockon ministration.Got to checkthat you’re TIlE FINALblow camewhen a guy thedoor."Are you Mr. Pussywillow?" observingminimum safety standards fromthe Sootville beard of misnd- TISSUE4,~’:+o. mandemanded. in themanufacture anddistribution of justmentordered them to "cease and a veryofficial looking yourtraps." desist" operating a business in a "Yes,"Henry replied. "Canf help residentialzone, yOU?" HE CIIECKEDaround and found "Thatdoes it," Henryexclaimed. "I "MAYI help you is thecorrect way nothingof consequence."I can’t go quit! I’m never going to invent toreply and the answer isyes. I am backto the office withoutissuing at anotherthing." fromthe Futile Trade Cnmmisars least onecomplaint," he said. So he Thusends the story of the manwho (’perhapsyouknow us as the FTC,’ he orderedthe brothers to stampeach inventeda better mousetriponly to saidparenthetically) andI am trap with a statement reading, havethe bureaucratic worldbeat a checkingupon the claim that your *’Warningto all mice: This device path to his door.

o---~-~o~ PSC- 1977 / letters IGARDENSTATE } Your Licenseto win... Shoulder 71" one of four 10-speed Thanksto all BICYCLES Tothe editor: care in a mannerwhich will retainthe personalinterest for Aschairperson of the Cedar whichwe have been knownin Steak WoodWoman’s Club Santa the past. Fre~Leon Beef Subprogram, I wouldlike to Ourbest to all for a Healthy, thankall whoparticipated so HappyNew Year. Ground generouslyin this worthwhile project. As a result of your WilliamJ. Monngle Chuckvmso~. Mc~e lb. kindness, 275 forgotten ExecutiveDirector ~e,sh GoVIImp. " ’ residents of the Hunderden from U.S.D.A.Choice Beef State Schoolfor the Retarded enjoyed a very Merry The Princeton Christmas¯ ChlckenLegs~,+.¢ Aspecial thanks to all Cedar Shopping Center o59 BonelessChuck Roast, WoodWoman’s Club mem- bers, Girl SeoutTrsep1190 and and themany others who par- DelMonle You,~veMo,e ticipatnd. Wno,el

Tothe Editor: Onbehalf of the Trustees, Medical Staff and Ad- ministration and, in par- ticular, for the patientswhom MID.WINTER wehave served, I tbaak the residents and corporate citizens of SomersetCounty for the support whichthey SALE havecontributed to Somerset Hospitalduring 1976, NATIONALFIREPLACES Weat Somerset Hospital pledgeourselves to workfor constantly’improving patient ANDACCESSORIES NEEDFOREIGN 20% OFF CARPARTS?? ONALL ACCESSORIES~" FIREPLACESIN STOCK WHOLSESALETOTHE PUBLIC 1 NationalOffers: OscarMayer Fronk~" l " * FireplaceScreens * SparkGuards * FreeStanding AssorfedVorlelies (Excep!l~om or~ S °/o Fireplaces ~99’ * Andirons * Grates I Bakew Specials * WoodHolders * Decorative * BuiltIn MortonDinners Fro;. Ok~. * Firesets Accessories Fireplaces’ Sallsbu~/Steak,Turkey Ctoqueltel, Grow N’ Turkey, or VealPonnlglon CLUTCHES* 12.75 BRAKESHOES * 935 FUELPUMPS* 14.B$ WATERPUMPS* 16.45 FreezerQueen Entrees Frozen.+2~b. BEARINGS* 3.75 VALVES * 1,85 ~+ RINGS * 12,BS GASKETS* .60 Chm’Ic~;nIn Basket ~’199. NO Lee Apple Ple ~+ ’ SEALS * ;72 U.JOINTS* 8.75 ALLITEMS ON DISPLAY FILTERS* 1.90 FANBELTS * t.75 Macaroni& Cheeseg= ureenueans=~= ~.,co SHOCKS* 7.00 HOSES * 32 MUFFLERS, 12.00 CASTROLOIL* .65 FIREPLACESBYNATIONAL POOLS ""~’nl (201) 762~7288 iBRANDINAMESATWHOLESALE PRICES PENTHOUSEFOREIGN CARPARTS . 205Route 22; Greenbmok,N.J. 08812 - . 513 W.Complain Rd., Manville Eastbound,between Warrenvlllo Rd. ~,Wnshlngton AVe. Hill Somerville 526-3577 OpenWednesday, Thursday andFdday evenings till 9 p.m. Foodtown Ma (’ .! Thur~ny, January 6,19] 1777 innkeeperdescribe elation after victory

Columnist llap Reins blends Several hours after Corn- about 20 minutes; most had his historic research to offer wallls left we heard scattered been quartered at Tusculum. an account of the mood in gun fire toward Maidenhead. The Regiment was formed up Prince Townthe day after the We learned later that our in front of the college and we Battle of Princeton, Jan. 3, people contested their passage watched as they marchedoff 1777, The "writer", innkeeper rather vigorously. hurriedly toward the firing. Jacob G. Bergenlived at the Accounts of the battle are time, the facts mentionedare TIlE WEATIIERhad turned yet not clear. Weknow that historically correct, the ac- cold that night. Yesterday, Washington, showing unusual count is Mr.tteins’, however. Jan. 3, commencedvery early courage and coolness, rallied for us. Two of the three our. troops and, after the regiments movedout of our enemy fled the field, en- village before dawnand also couragedour boys in pursuit. The heroic events in this toward Trenton. Officers who Welearned that the 40th and village of Prince Townon the had quartered themselves in mostof the 55th then took up a 3rd dayof January, ,1777, will my tavern demanded break- position opposite our people becomedeeply etched in the fast and attention at about whowere on the west side of pages of history; a day that five. Little did they knowthat the Frog Hollow creek, ap- must certainly become the those whosurvived this day parently to contest our further most glorious to ever cometo wouldbe pursued, in defeat, movementup the back road. this community. over our countryside. Our General Sullivan several Unbelievable events Acold crisp sunrise, shortly parties downthe ravine in a crowdedso together yester- hefore eight, was presently flanking effort, and the day. Armies movedpast my saluted with a single gunshot Regulars suddenly lost their tavern three times during the toward Maidenhead.This was appetite for fighting, broke exciting day. I saw the final followed by more fire at an andretired in several different stand of the King’ssoldiers in increa~ir, g rate. Presently directions. the College Hall. I witnessed there came a pause before we heard volumesof gun fire and General Washington WE WATCltED some of BRITISHSOLDIERS lower their bayonettesand charge... assembling his victorious the boomof cannon. Weknew these Regulars retire past my troops and then depart toward then that our people werenear tavern in someconfusion while Kingston. I looked on the but we could not understand some went back into the anxious and puzzled faces of howthis could happen. College Hall. Still others Cornwallis and his men as Wehave since learned from rushed up the Post Roadwhile they rushed past barely an our soldiers and our people yet others, because of Thousandscheer reenactment d baffle hour later. that General Washington, crowding in the rush of again displaying his genius, retreat, fled over the road DEStRINGto retain the slipped away from Corwallis by TomLederer walking and Mercer Road school children from East Whilemost of the spectators The two long lines of op- as planned and one group of whichleads to SomersetCourt Staff Writer leading from Princeton was order of these exciting events, at Trenton. Weheard that he House. Thoseof the 40th who Windsor’s Kreps School, apparently lived near Prin- posing troops faced each other Americantroops, apparently I write in this journal on marchedhis men through the re-entered the College Hall, jammed with spectators wanderedaround like the lost ceton, school children were and began to punctuatethe air representing the Hitehcock An enthusiastic crowd of heading for the battlefield. Saturday,Jan. 4, t777; the day night and that he cameup the possibly to retrieve their battalion, searchingfor a spot bused in from manyoutlying with their smokeyfire, the brigade, did not get in a single followingwhat history will, no road past the Quaker’s t5,000 to 2o,000 people stam- That long parade delayed the wherea kid only three feet tall schooldistricts. British shootingin coordinated rifle shot. Orchestrating the belongings, attempted u stand ping their feet to keep warm arrival of the British troops doubt, record as the battle of Mee!ing House. Just after there. Our men, coming on could get a look at the bat- Traffic was heavily backed salvos every few minutes. battle was New Jersey Prince Town. sunrise he detected the two on the snowyPrinceton bat- from Nassau Hall and the tlefield action. up on approachesto Princeton Soldiers dragged their Bicentennial Commission rapidly, surroundedthe hall, tlefield watched and cheered battle got off to a late start. OnThursday, Jan. 2, Corn- British Regiments movingon and, setting up cannonbeyond It was a time not only to from the South but township cannonacross the battle area. chairman David Earling, who wallis had marchedthe main the hill beyond SamWorth’s the building, fired several on a massive re-enactment of Mercer Road, which bisects learn how a Revolutionary police reported no major Their percussion sent out radioed commands to the body of British Regulars down Mill. The battle, which we volleys into the chapel. We the Battle of Princeton the state park, was roped off Warbattle was conducted, but problems. "Except for the strong hallow shoekwaves, troops from an Armywalkie- the Post Roadtoward Trenton. heard, began in William Monday. and spectators on the side of aa opportunity to meet old shortage of the shuttle buses often followed by swirling talkie. Meanwhilestate police watchedas some of our stout While township police made the park with the columned He took with him Gen. Leslie Clark’s orchard near Stony boys rushed into the hall. friends, throwa few snowballs everything went quite smoke rings over the bat- helicopters circled above the ¯ and his arrogant 2nd Brigade Brook, and continued on that crowd estimate Monday, battle memorial were stan- and just race around and have smoothly," said township tie field. battle, drawing some ob- White flags appeared at the they also estimated that ding about eight deep to view ~’ho had garrisoned this toward the house and windows and the proud Red a good time. police chief Fred Porter. Though the gunfire con- jection from many in the village since Dec. 7. Good buildings of ThomasClark. another throng of about 4,500 the battle. Just like at a sporting event, tinued, only a few soldiers audience looking for a little Coats submitted. were stranded at parking lots They also stood on the two riddance! While we were We thrilled to have our programs were being sold, WHEN THE REDCOATS" droppedto the ground. "After moreauthenticity. relieved tosee these peoplego, WtTIt TIlE FIRSTvolley of around town because shuttle adjoining sides nf the battle food and drink were available finally arrived, at about 11 94 rounds, there are only three shouting and happy soliders buses never showed up to area, resisting attempts of we were concerned for the firewesaw the 40th Regiment about us. They had mauled and manyin the audience had a.m. they were greeted by a dead," observed one critical TilE BRITISIt and welfare of our army. There of Regularsin theCollege Hall deliver themto the battlefield. officials to shoo them across portable radios jammed to few boos from the audience high school youngster, looking Americansended the hattie by remainedin the village three rush out in some contusion. Mercer Road. their ears, listening to the and a couple of well-aimed for a bit morerealism. lining up along Mercer Road relJlacing regiments. Their officers galloped up in See INNKEEPERbelow MANYWile expected to play-by-play account ("And snowballs. and marching to Nassau Hart ride to the state park endedup Princeton schools were nowthe British have launched MERCER’S TROOPS, where surrender ceremonies dosedespecially for the battle an all-out attack..."). The British troops im- finally overcome by the were held on Cannon Green. re-enactment but the mediately began their ad- superior British force, beat a But for every four people thousands of school children ONE YOUNGSTER,Doug vanceinto the battlefield area retreat toward the Clark witnessing one el the largest there were joined by a large Tucker, comfortably as Continental soldiers House but were joined by re-enactments ever held there VARSITY SPORT SHOP’S numberof parents and other cushionedon a low-lying tree representing General Hugh Cadwalder’s Brigade which was one other person stranded adults, many of whomwere branch, claimed to have seen Mereer’s brigade marched swept down from the upper in a cold parkinglot elsewhere toting their binoculars and all the re-enactments during out into the middle of the reaches of the battlefield. The in Princeton waiting for a cameraswith telephoto lenses. the Ten Crucial Daysfestival battlefield to meet them. An British drive stalled and they shuttle bus that neverarrived. JANUARY "WHITE SALE’" and was "a living en- opening salvo from cannonin eventually retreated back to The arrangementsfor the bus SOME PEOPLE brought cyclopedia" of the bicen- the rear of the battle area was Mercer Road. transportation were made by benchesor ladders and others tennial. "I want to tell my ans,~vered by the whirs of On the eastern side of the state bicentennial com- door mats and ear mats to grandchildren that I went to movie cameras and the click park another major skirmish mission. Varsitybrings a newmeaning to the term keep their feet from getting the bicentennial," the nine- of Kodak’s from a highly was taking place as troops Lynn Griesinger, a Mon- two numb. They hung from year-old from Trenton enthusiastic audience. representing Sullivan’s tgomery Townshipparent who trees and signs and climbed declared. "It was one of the most Continental brigade and the toted her children and some "WHITE SALE"with SUPERBARGAINS telephonepoles tn get a better Chester Stroup, a former exciting things that I have British 55th regiment fought neighbors’ youngsters to the view. superintendent of schools in ever seen in Princeton," out a re-enactmentof the Frog battle, onlygot to see half of it. Some children were lucky Princeton, was well prepared commented an enthusiastic Hollow conflict, which ac- "We waited for a bus from in timefor the Heartof the Ski Season. enough to have their dad’s with a ladder and camera. Richard Baker, president of tually took place close to what nine o’clock until 10:45," she shoulders to stand on. Others "It’s a great opportunity for the Princeton Battlefield is now the Springdale Golf said. "I followed all the found the roofs of portable youngstersto get a feeling for Preservation Society. Course¯ directions just like they said in SKIES Reg. NOW toilets a fine observationpaint their heritage," Mr. Strnup "Everybody who saw it was Some of the troop the paper and this is what I but a few, like a group of said. thrilled." movementsdid not go exactly got." RossignolOlympia S $135.00 $99.88 $115.00 $89.88 RossignolCruiser reflected the ignominy of the nowofferedaidandcomfortto Washington in rallying our General Washington and his INNKEEPERsituation, those unfortunates. They men before the ThomasClark heroes had reached Somerset SarnerIn $130.00 $89.88 Wewere relieved to see the attempted to repair the hurts three of the King’s best house and told of the gallant Court Houselast eveningwhile rear of their columnmove out inflicted by menat war. Colonel Hitcheeck who, with the British had rushed on to DynastarFreestyle $.150.00$119.88 ,~~,.~ regiments and there before us of our village toward Aeeountsoftheheroicaction stood several hundred Red his seasoned and veteran their supply base at Brun- Kingston. Wethen took up the on the Clark farms were Yankees,turned the tide. This swick. Coatprisioners. task of caring for those who recited in my tavern during was a glorious day for the Presently General While this once beautiful had been hurt during the the evening. Wewere told of cause of Liberty and for this villageisnowquitedevastated BOOTS Washington and his staff battle. Wagonsbrought many the stubborn bravery of village nf Prince Town. galloped up all jovial and and all the townspeoplehave of the wounded into the General Mercer, Captain ¯ suffered much loss, we are Dolomite Matra excited after their chase. The village. The women,with their Daniel Nell and others. Some WE WERE RELIEVED to gratified that our community $115.00 $84.88 ~, fruits of victory will never be compassion and tenderness, told’ of the courage of hear this morning that more sweet. Back slapping is at last free of the tyrant. ¯ DolomiteBeta $79.50 $59.88 ,e" .~~/~ -’~* and toasting; my tavern will never again witness such a ,KastingerFie $75.00 $59.88 scene! NordicaSuprise $99.00 $79.88 OURIIOUR of glory was sweet but brief. Washington NordicaAlpina $55.00 $44.88 knew that Cornwallis would comeup rapidly from Trenton. That surprised General realized, whenhe awoketo the BINDINGS sounds of a battle 15 miles away, that he had been again SpademanSuper II outsmarted by a greater $82.00 $59.88 strategist and that he must moveon the double. SpademanSpecial $72.00 $49.88 At about midday we reluctantly watchedoui’ men Look GT $59.50 $39.88 marchoff proudly to the sound of fife and drum. They moved SalomanS $59.95 $39.88 toward Kingstonover the Post Road with captured supply wagons, some of the wounded and the several hundred Added"Specials" in prisoners. Someof our officers asked that we repair to the Clark farms and aid the our HOCKEYDEPARTMENT woundedthere and attend the slain. ¯ Wefolks had less than au 1/3 OFF all HOCKEYSKATES hour to relish the triumph. Distant and faintly we heard 1/3 OFF all HOCKEYEQUIPMENT the approach of the enemy; 1/3 OFF select group HOCKEYSTICKS ~~ i~ ,’ ~ their drums setting a rapid march beat. Presently there was a cannon blast close at hand, Some brave lad had remainedlong enough to fire one of the remaining six guns set on the Post Road near Morven. AFTERA’PAUSE and much shouting and commandsfrom the British, wewere to see the ~.~~ ..... , Red Coats pass our tavern _ _~uraaaT =uno vmvm II VI IV[ = much hurried. Wenoted the I perplexed and anxious ex- ...... " ...... I presslons on their faces, and ¯ ’ ...... :. i." 138N .=-- o~. ~ ...... RI.J. rr,nceton, I ..~.e, sig~of,.f_at_lpe t~. Co~-GEORGE WASHINGTON :(Seated, canter) and,;,T, HOMAS:~.,:v;~nabput~by:,MldgeGuorrem of HIIIsboroughWhlch.was [ ;’!)’" I ...... ,~ ...... ue-=r~-[.~;. ~ - * ...... ¯ w...=~ u.u =.= am==r~e [:)as[,...*~!=~= t~anamgicoma( With thmr menin the:llome 6f:M~,~=,~i4fb~l’odMdhda~,ln thb ReformedChurch In Mstone::,’ ’" ~ °t°rerl°ur~~~’Wed’~Sat’9"§:30 ’1 ’z~letr,exprensions nnd~m~d~Yan‘D~Len~9f‘:H!~jst?n~T~sc~nii~;~fm~(th~p~a~:~ur;~‘~i~;~,. :’:~i; ~’,~::,.: ...... ¯ (StuartCmmpphot0) r/, [’hursdey,January 6,1977 5-A the dior mystique

Statusshaping by ChristianDior with the namewoven into exclusive Frenchlace. In blackor beige nylon/Lycraspandex stretch for just the right amountof control. Bras: 34-38B&C, 14.00. D, 16.00. Brief, s-m-l, 9.00.Not shown: Bodyshaper: 34-38B&C, 25.00.D, 27.00. . .asa loneColoniaT cannoneer bravely sticks by his gun. (MarkCzajkowski photo)

¯ L "’

COLONIALTROOPS line up in front of thehistoric Mercer Oak on the Princeton ceton. Colonial General Hugh Mercer is believedto havebeen killed beneathits battlefieldas t heyprepare to begintheir longmarch through Kingston and Rocky branches during the origlnal battle 200 years ago. Hill to Millstone.The Mercer Oak stands as a living memorialto thebattle of Prin- (EllenKoffon-Waton photo) rhey love |heir history

by EllenKolton-Waton authenticallypatched with StaffWriter bluepolka-dotted cloth, he saidhe wasselected to be a CeoilyQuimby, the wife of a casualty because’Tin the ;ilford, NewHampshire, bestactor." clerk, stoodon the PRINCETON’SWAS THE in a homespuncape largest re-enactmentin which shielded her 1976 ski he andmany of the other 1,500 Continentaltroops had par- "Wetry not to have any tieipated. Several of the of modern times soldierssaid the battle hadn’t she confided, gonecompletely as planned, an instamatic although "battles never do pocketbook,anyway," Mr. McKennen follower reflected. the SecondNew Hampshire There werea few internal tried to catch a problemswith strategy. in the RuthHollo, a campfollower erossfire, fromthe SecondConnecticut Regiment,was searching for SHEWAS ONE of the scores her husband.He was a powder feampfollowers, wives of the monkey- the cannonloader - Armytroops, fbr thecompany.But thetruck colonialgarb who delivering the cannonhad behindthe men. mechanicalproblems and Frank Quimby, her nevermade it to thebattle. took his vacation A Hamilton Township this year, to coincide history teacher, memberof the TenCrucial Days. the EggHarbor Guard, the to NewEngland ThirdRegiment of Gloucester NewJerseyites County,was disappointed asfull of spirit, oh- becausehis unit didn’t get erved Mrs. Quimby, a closeenough to the battle. The of theDaughters of hmericar~retreated too soon, AmericanRevolution. lamented his compatriot, semi-annual complainingthat he wasonly hadn’t cometo the able to fire tworounds. =rles of re-enactments, with Washingten’s MANYOF TIlE troops came at the Delawareon just for the day,but those from day. Thecrowd at outof state stayedin hotelsor GERMANGRAND PIANO IMPORTS foundationssale was the largest motels and some campedat TheQuimby s left Washingtan’sCrossing Park. Directfrom the 01d World Craftsman that BredLife into thePianoforte, NOw for theFirst Time Since the Year 1940 the World Dec. The New Hampshire RenownedAi~ust Forster and Ibach Grand Pianos are available in theUnited States. The Artistry of thesePianos prohibits after they woketheir two Quimbys camped at the massproduction, therefore, only approximately 500in total arecleated in a year.We are hopefully anticipating receiving Now’sthe time to stock up on the bodysmoothers at midnight on Treadway Inn, but they exchangegifts, celebrated NewYear’s Eve perhaps30to 40for thewhole of theUnited States in thecoming year. that’ll keepyou looking good all year! It wasimportant to Frankto with friends fromtheir home If youare a Pianist... Bras,all-in-ones, girdles andmore, all from rUcipateinthebicentennial,Granite State who were If youLove Piano Music... said, since oneof his an- campedat the state park. If youare a Romantisist... yourfavorite makers. stars fought in the Theyfeasted on venisonand Ofif youwould like to seethe State of theArt in Pianos...Visit Bitotti’s. but the children champagne, said Mrs. hometo ski. Quimby,although the ice they womanmentioned brought to keep the cbam- Theinvestment in an August Forster or IbachGrand in Dollars.is nomore costly than other Artist Pianos. However Artistically ¯ warner’s ¯ gossard ~t her husband was por- pagnecool wassuperfluous. theyare the Envy of ALL. Col. EnochPoor in the "Wemostly just tried to stay i the warm,"she said. ¯ maidenforrn ¯ iantzen After the Continentalvic- ’Notin this one. Colonels tory, troops departedto the SOLINA ORGANS ¯ alga ¯ bali shesaid. accompanimentof fifes and HOURS:Mon.thru Fri. 10:00to 9:00 McKennan from drums. For some, the Satt0:00 ~o5:00m ¯ subtract : ¯ sorong Massachusetts bicentennialbad ended. EMINENT O R GAN S Regiment,one But for the Quimby’sand Sun.l:00 to 5:00 about 35 members of other regiment members, ~. satd"I they’ll be re.enactinguntil one of the wounded." 1983.Later this summer,they ~ :2251 HWY. 33, HAMILTON SQ.( 3 MILESOFF RT. 13_,. in his ’ snowcakedplan to travel downto Georgia SHOP6 NIGHTS’TIL 9:30 AT QUAKER BRIDGE MALL. 3tlnental uniform, to skirmish. " SUNDAYS12 NOON TO 5. 6-A [he Franklin NEWS’RECORD %ar.dayjanuery6,19 ,fCHOOL D,,qY’S Somersetboard swornin; ] Ceponis in lone Democrat SomersetCounty’s youngest will headpublic works;and the creationof the position( Hulit’s SCIIOOLCONCERTS these events are scheduledfor performanceson guitar, flute freeholder, 24-year-old Vernon Noble, placed in county public informatio 1:15p.m. andpiano. MichaeICeponts,was sworn in chargeof the health, welfare officer. ReginaDeservine ThreeFranklin Township Duringtheir visit, Varsity New Year’s Day as the and aging committee. Public Schoolswill present Clubmembers also distributed GreenBrook, a memberof th dual concerts during the county’slone Democraton the WilliamOzzard will return countyplanning board, wa numerousgifts contributedby five-memberboard. as county counsel, despite namedto the post, whoa LADIES monthof January. STATESCIIOOLVISIT the students, teachers and Mr. Cepontsreplaces Frank salaryis expectedto be abov The Conerly RoadSchool clericalstaff of FranklinHigh Nero. oppositionfrom Mr. Ceponis, bandand choruswill perform The holiday season was a School,including toys, games, ThomasMaggio was elected whovoted against the ap- $14,000 according to Mz twiceon Friday, Jan. 14. The bit brighterfor residentsof the clothingand food items. boarddirector at Saturday’s pointment. Mr. Ceponis Maggie. Shoe Sale first performanceis set for WoodbridgeState School, reorganization meeting in defendedhis dissentingvote The board also madeth 9:30a.m., the secondfor 1:15 thanks to Franklin High IIOLLDAYTEA Somerville.Doris Dealaman,on the groundsthat Mr. Oz- followingappointments: Jud p.m. School’srecently reorganized last year’s director, was zard last fall wascited by the Bennettof Bridgewater,to i Starts Thursday Anotherdouble headerhas VarsityClub. OnDecember 23, parents, nameddeputy director, state SupremeCourt for five-yearterm on the Librar been planned for Tuesday, Accordingto club president teachers, administratorsand Alsosworn in wereWarren unethical conduct. Commission;Otto Kaufmar Jan. 18, whenthe PineGrove MaureenMcDevitt, nearly students enjoyeda "Holiday Nevinsof Hillsborough,who Other board action included formerMontgomery mayor, t January6 MannrSchoolbaedandchorustwentymembersoftheserviceTea" prepared by Maureen a three-year terra on th willperformat 10:15a.m.and groupvisited the state facility Cassidy’s meal planning planningboard; Viola Johoso 1:15p.m. on Wednesday,Dec. 22 to classes at the SampsonG. of Lyons and Richarl At the HillcrestSchool, the spread cheer among the SmithSchool. Ms. Cassidy’s IHamiltonof Pluckemin,t Greatsavings on dressshoes, Intermediate band and the 4-H Experimenters three-year terms on th handicapped youngsters second period class also mental health board; anl sixth gradechoruswill present there. Amongthe athletes who prepared a special "salad KennethSchmidt, mayord bootsand casualsby two performanceson separate visited werecostumed elves, a bar" on the sameday, with the to meet Saturday Watchung,to a three-yea days, Thursday,Jan. 20 and Santa Claus and volunteer assistanceof Rutgersstudent term on the planningboard Thursday,Jan. 27. Bothof musicians,who gave musical teacher MeihonMelber. Briefly discussed at th, Joyce,Air Step, Florsheim, The Experimenters,a 4-H Therewill be a questionand meetingwere plans to build Club,will be featuredat the answerperiod followingthe newcourthouse, the real FRANKLIN HIGH SomervillePublic Library, 35 presentation. wideningproject on Easte Pappagallo,Clarks, Bass ATHLETIC SCHEDULE West End Ave., Saturday, All childrenin the area are Avenuein Franklin,which Mr January8, at 10:30a.m. invitedto attend. Maggiesaid should be cam Friday, Jan. 7 Thereare 12 membersin the Thisis anotherin the series pleted this year, andrecon andDexter. Girls’ Basketballvs. Somerville A 3:45 p.m. group,ages 9-14. Theleaders, of programssponsored by the struction of flood centre Boys’ Basketball vs. Somerville H 6:00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. H. Kirshmanof SomersetCounty Library and bridges in areas along thl Bridgewater, have been4-H the SomervillePublic Library. GreenBrook. Saturday, Jan. 8 Leadersfor six years. Wrestling vs. Somerville 6:30 p.m. The club membershave A taken field trips to French Monday, Jan. 10 Creek Iron Mines, Pa.; Franklin; LakeValhala; and Jaycee-ettesto meet 140Nassau St. 924-1952 Bowlingvs. South Plainfield Edison KenLockwood Gorge. During themonth of Octaberthey held I?~P,K Tuesday, Jan. 11 ~)?t)l___L a dig in Bridgewaterlooking on January27 at 8 p.m. Girls’ Basketball vs. Bridgewater for earneolian. West A 3:45 p.m. Each trip has a target The Franklin Township and partake in the specia Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 9-5:30 ~ Sat. 9-9 Boys’ Basketball vs. Bridgewater mineral but even if the Jaycee-ettes’ December programto be presentedb) West H 6:00 p.m. membersdon’t find it, they general membershipmeeting HenningsFlower Shop at thl always find something of sawMary Herbert selected as meeting,which will be held a Thursday, Jan. 13 valueand interest to them. the Jaycee-etteof the month the SomersetPresbyteriat Bowling vs. Bridgewater East Bowlerama At Saturday’s meeting for her workon the recent Church on J.F.K. and Win DawnKirshman will talk lucrativefashionshow,aswell ston. about equipmentusedin rock as her efforts on Santa’s Any womanbetween th( i i i and mineral hunting, David Secret Shop and her par- agesof 19 and35 interestedit Wedo MOREthan get you there! Spinelli will demonstratethe ticipation in every other obtaining additional in tumbling of rooks and Jean project run by our Chapter formationabout the Jaycee Mogensenwill talk about sinceher joining. ettesis urgedto contactGlori~ fossils. LaurenSwartz will A Certificate of Ap- Converyat 356-1644or Debb LANDAU’S TOO also participate in the preciation was awardedto Smithat 246-4905.The nex program. Betty Eckerstron for her openorientation meetingi~ contributions to ’ the scheduledfor Jan. 6 at 8 p.m organizationduring her many HUSBAND&WIFE TEAM years as a member. TOhelp manageyour estate or 1/2 PRICE SALE farm. Start the newyear with Finally, Carol Ferguson COURT,ZONING SET Agentfor UnitedVan Lines dependable,e~petienced people to receiveda Certificateof Merit for teens and youngjuniors makeyour life easier. for her workon the fashion Themunicipal court sessie Weknow vegetables, orchards. show,as well as the current will be heldtoday, Thursdal LOCAL* LONG-DISTANCE vineyards,pool maintenance, workshe is renderingwith the THURSDAY,JANUARY 6 AT 9:30AM lawns,annuals and perennials, Jayeee-ettesgift wrappingJan. 6, at 1:30in the townshi roses, chickens,pruning, can. centerat EastBrunswick. buildingon DeMottLane. Th OVERSEAS¯ STORAGE ning, baking,sewing and general zoning board of adjustme --I maintenance, An open general mem- will meet in the counc . .,~.,,,ow,,.aa. Lookingfor long termemployment bershipmeeting is plannedfor chambersat 8 p.m.today. SAIURI)AY YOUNGJUNIOR SIZES Princeton Junction 452-2200 withpleasantly disposed people. Thursday,Jan. 27 at 8 p.m. municipal meetings m Thepublic is welcometo visit scheduledfor Friday, Jan. 9:30-5:00 3 - 13 IIGISTEIID 201-543-2868 126 NASSAUSl. A IRINCI.IrlUIION [ YoungRepublicans COME TO JANUARY to meet Monday Thenext meetingof the that meetingincluded invitir CLEARANCE Young Republicans of guest speakers, working( FranklinTownsip will be held upcoming campaign at LANDAU’S Jan. 5th thru Jan.8th " on Monday,Jan. 10 at 8 p.m.at holdinga danceparty early i: the homeof Jim White,3089 the year. BOTH PRINCETON STORES Highway27, Franklin Park. Clubpresident Jim Whit, Refreshmentswill be served. presentedan invitationto th, 60" POLYESTERDOUBLE ¯ Theclub held its second club to attend the an meetinglast monthon Dec.13 nouncementof Senator R.H at the TeenCenter in the A&PBatsman’scandidacy to ru~ KNIT FANCIES shoppingcenter on Easton for the nomination fo PRIC Avenue.Subjects discussed at Governorof NewJersey. ESALE Creative preschool Creative Preschool of years old, to provide an op TempleSholom, North Bridgeportunity for an enjeyabl~ Street, Bridgewateris now learning and social ex forminga waiting list for perience. Childrenin thi: YD. classes starting in mid- group need not be toilet January. trained. ON FALL-WINTER MERCHANDISE 3000 YD SELECTION- BOLTSg REMNANTS Thefollowing groups will be Limited enrollment i formed:two andthree day available in the 4-year-oh INCLUDING morningclasses for 3 and4- morningclasses two or thre year-aids and a two day days a week. A SPECIAL DISCONTINUED GROUPING OF morningplaygroup Tuesday For further informatio~ 60" ACRYLIC 45" QUILTED andThursday. please call Mrs. Tob: Playgroupis a newconcept Greenstein, LymeRock Road DOUBLEKNITS FABRIC in edueahon.This is for Bridgewateror the Tempi, children2 years3 monthsto 3 office. ¯ BOLTS ¯ PATCHWORKg ¯ SOLIDg PRINTS CALICOS ¯ REG.4.98 YD. IELD ¯ REG.3.98 YD. YD. announcesits 54" HERCULONg TAPESTRY 48-54" SLIPCOVER INTERNTRAINING PROGRAM UPHOLSTERYFABRICS DRAPERYPRINTS in the Non-traditionalpsychotherapies. 99 7 weekendsand one full week 1 YD. YD. SALE STARTS Feb. 4- July 3, 1977 LENGTH2-6 YDS.- REG.4.98 YD. SOMESLIGHT IRREG. For informationwrite MONDAYJANUARY 10 AT 9:30 AM CUSTOMDRAPERIES g SLIPCOVERS TheINSTITUTE FOR EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING&,DEVELOPMENT soRR’Y, Fabric mill Box6254, Lawrenceville, N.J. 08648 NO TELEPIIONEORDERS Rt. 27 ~ 518 or call 609-882-6815 ON SALEITEMS Pflnceton,N.J. 201-297-6090 Reservationsmust be made Man.0Tues.,Wed. Et Sat.10:00 to 6:00p.m. byJanuary 25, 1977 Thure.~ Fri. 10.’00to B:30p.m. Diningout tonight? A PRINCETITUTION Try oneof the restaurants on,our Arts page., ...... Thursday, January 6,1977 The Frank WoI CaE A "Ca featuretit the gene CedarWc Wednesdl ning at 0 Road Se business conducte( (Joan) followed Night." i will watc tertatnme various p Plsnnir Cedar W (Anne) chairm~ hostesses (Judy) (Pat) (Mary) H (Lynn) Charles ( On Wec drama dl at 8:30 p Mrs.Laol ofGifforf CommunityCookbook welcome hostessy Atthei the need]

With a NewYear beginning, many of us may have promisedourselves to add new variety to our dinner menues. Today’s recipes are from the kitchen of Mrs. Michael (Pare) Pepper of MaeAfec Road, a memberof the Cedar WoodWoman’s Club. Being an excellent cook, she conveys her enthusiasm to her children, Meredith and Rabble, whofrequently help her prepare foods. These recipes are Pain’s favorites, not only for her family but for guests as well. They are delicious and thoughthey take a little time, are quite easy to prepare. Try them and see what a bit you makewith your family.

Crab-Shrimp Bake I medium green pep- per, chopped l medium onion, chopped 1 cup chopped celery t 61/z - 7a/= can crab- : ,’~!~ . meat, flaked COOKINGDUFF are ParePeDper and her two children, Meredithand Rubble. I cup cooked cleaned shrimp i,~ tsp. salt dash pepper Duff constantly until mixture FIGHT BUREAUCRACY 1 tsp. Worcestershire comesto a boil and thickens. 1 egg sauce Removefrom heat and serve Consumerswill receive Ups 3/4 e. mayonnaise 4 tbs. sugar warm. in conserving energy from I c. buttered bread 3 tbs. shortening Duff is a fantastic and Gerald F. Cabot, Vice crumbs 2 cups flour delicious dessert whichis an President of ConsumerAffairs 3 tap. baking powder old family favorite, handed of the N.J. Utilities Combineall ingredients,. I cup milk downthrough generations by Association, on "Jerseyfile," except crumbs. Pour into V4tap. salt Mike Pepper’s great- Monday,Jan. 10, at 0:30 p.m. buttered casserole. Bake 30 1 cup fresh or frozen, grandmother; from south on channels23, 50, 52 and 58. minutes at 350 degrees. drained fruit. Jersey, on the shores of the The public access series on Sprinklecrumbsovertop.Bake DelawareBay. It is a hearty, NewJersey Public Television additional 10 man. Serves 5 or Cream the sugar and steamed pudding dessert. A will also teach viewers howto 6. This grand supper or buffet shortening. Add egg, mix variety of fruits maybe used fight bureaucratic red tape on thoroughly. Add dry such as peaches and a state level. JohnW. Glecson, dish is so easy and yet so-aa ingredients, alternately with blueberries. Their favorite is Director of the Public Ad- good. Combinndwith a taBBed milk. Stir in fruit. Spoonbatter sour cherries, frozen from the vocate’s Division of Citizen salad, broccoli casserole and into well-greasedduff pan and spring harvest of their fruit Complaints wig talk about a cherry duff, it makes a very secure with cover. Place duff trees. The Duff pan is similar unique and frequently- special meal. pan in a large 6 quart pan with to popular bundt pens, but is unknownservice provided by 3 or 4 inches of water. Steam smaller, taller and has a the state to helpcitizens with BroccoliCasserole duff for 3 hours. Removecake- cover. It is also called a such problems. "Jerseyfile" like pudding from mold and steamedpudding pan. It can will repeat Friday, Jan. 14, at 1 box frozen chopped serve immediately, using a be purchasedin specialty 110:30p.m. broccoli large knife to makepie shape cookworeshops. 1/= can cream of servings. Top with sauce. mushroom ~up GOODNUTRITION 1 egg, beaten Sauce for Duff I,~ C. grated sharp "Fecal Point" will present a cheese t c. sugar segmenton food selection and 1 thl. minceonion 2 ths. flour purchase on Sunday,Jan. 9 at ~ cup mayonnaise I tap. salt 7:30 p.m. on channels23, 50, 52 */z tap. salt I c. water and 88. The program will be t/4 tap. pepper t tap. vanilla repeated the ~ following Off =/z cup cheese crackers 2 tbs. butter Saturday, Jan. 15 at 6 p.m. or crushed corn flakes SET SALE In saucepan, combineflour dots of butter salt and sugar. Add butter water and vanilla, stirrin Cookbroccoli as directed on package. Boil only 5 man. .~.~,’¢~: I " $147Itltt $H1,00 Drain well. Mix- soup, egg, BROTHERS cheese, mayonnaise, onion, salt and pepper, Layer mix- TREE .ture alternately with broccoli .in buttered casserole. Dotwith SERVICE butter and sprinkle with rouaccoer II crushed or earn flakes: Bake Free estimates on trees Mo~tgometyS~o.ingC.t~’,Ii pillow lurnRure 30 man. at 350 degrees. Serves trimmed,topped, removed Rt. 206.Rocky Hill Ii ~#--z~---~ -,--=,0, 8, andon lot clearance. 609)9248866 The recipe may be doubled Insured QuakerBridge Mall ii~~.j ~ t~’~ J and madeahead and stored in (609)758-7242 Lawrenceville III--~~-~ refrigerator prior to baking. .(609)298-4157 (609)799.8231 , f ,,.,,a..° II

¯ el ! BICYCLES AT ALL WORKCO! .. ¯ *1 ill I¯ *< :~e We Carry. Full Line of o,,.=,-,ou.-,,ll I II bedding [II Bicycles & A ccessor,es. Ill foamrubber II1’I ! I Bikes for Morn, Dad III ;’~ls°t°f%Cr°lterrSIll I and the Rids. I! III expectservice: iUixieged&Foamli BICYCLES AT ALL WORK CO. :~ iJlJOpenl noonWed’to6t°p.m.Sat" BIJ~ Route 206 Belie Mead, N.J. II1116N. Main$l. Hlghlst0wnI (JustfOmlnutesfromPrlnceton)

i i.|201|~59~_ ., . ~_ ’ l ~~46 /~ 8-A l he Franklin NEWS’RECORD ~u~ay,January 6, 1977 FHSvarsity stumblesin semi-finals; j v. . wins championship1 by MarkBasch Meanwhile, Franklin points,44.3O at the start of tbe cuttingthefinalmargintat7 tended the marginto eight The WarriorJ.v. werevery finished the half witheight MikeHenderson and Artts ofthegame.East was able to SpeclalWrlter capturedthe junior varsity half. points. Franklin had just pointsearlyinthesecond.Theystrong in their three tour- straight pointsend led 28-18. Hnstingstopped Franklinwith comeback in the final two~ title witha 63-50victory over Ledby the hot shootingof sevenvarsity players at the rolled up 11 straight points, namentvictories. Theyhad Franklinseemed to wrapup 16 points apiecewhile Miller minutesbut cameup short. The Franklin High School previously unbeaten Wat- MikeDennis, they wenton to gameand hadto fill out the five fromClayton, four from theleadmost of the wayin all the title whentheir lead in- added13. Henderson scored 15 and] varsity basketballsquad lost chungHills in the finals last outscore Franklin 16-2 the rosterwith j.v. players. Joe Carter, andtwo fromKarl the wins.Their record is now creasedto 36-22in the third Franklingot to the finals Hastings 12. [ in the semi-finals of the Thursday. In winning the remainderof theperiod.They Thefirst quarterwas a tight’ Bower,to take the lg point 6-2. quarter but Watchungfought with wins over Bridgewater The Warriors defeated/ Somerset County In- championship,the Warrior started with seven straight game, with the Warriors lead. The Warriors fell behind backwithin six, 42-34after East and Ridge. East was Ridge55-51, breaking open a terscholastic Athletic j.v. defied the experts who points to take a 21 point ad- takingearly leads of 4-2and 6- TheMountaniers finished early to Watchungin the finals three quarters. seededfirst but the Warriors,close gamein the second Association Tournament seededthem last in the eight vantage,51-30. Moses Clayton 4 but the Devilscame back to the half witha 16.2 spurt to 10-4.In a streakwhich earrted Watchungnarrowed the gap facing the Minutemenfor the quarter. Theyled by 1Oat (Class A), droppinga 73-56 teamtourney, endedthe streakwith a tip in takea 17-12lead at the endof trail only38-27 at halftime. into the secondperiod, the evenfurther, to six points,but secondgame in a row, beat halftime, 34-24, and were decision to a second-seeded with 2:12 left but the Red the period. JamesPace kept TheMountaniers continued Warriorstallied 12 pointsin a four bucketshy JohnMiller themfor the secondtime, 56- never threatened. Again,it Ridge(5-2), the eventual Ridge overpowered the Devils scored eight more Franklin in the game by their successat the start of the rowto take the lead for good, helpedthe Warriorsrebuild 57. Thegame was not as close wasHenderson and Hastings champ,last Tuesday. Franklinvarsity with a 25-6 pointsin the final twominutes scoring 10 of the team’s12 secondhalf. Theymanaged to 10-10.After Watchungclosed the big lead and seal the as the scoreindicated, as the leadingthe way,with 18 points The previous night, the third quarterblitz that broke to take a commanding59-32 points. slice the Warriorlead to two the gap to 20-18, Franklin championship. Warriorsled by l0 pointsmost each. sixth-seededWarriors upset opena fairly close game.The leadinto the last quarter. At the start of the second points, 41-39,on a Bill Meyer third-seeded Bernards, the BedDevils took a 34-26lead In the final stanza, both quarter, Franklincame back basket that completeda 12-3 defending champ of the into the thirdperiod, although teamsemptied their benches to regainthe lead,20-19. Gene streak. Thatwas as close as tourney,72-58. The Warriors the Warriorshad playedwell¯ early, and the Warriorsubs Brookinsled the chargewith Bernardswas to get. Clayton are now3-4 on the season. Bidgewidened the gap to 14 outplayedthe Devils’ bench three field goals. TheDevils sanktwo free throwswith 1:39 didn’t allow the Warriorsto left andlayups by Carter and FHSgirls ski teamare racing now enjoythe lead for long, as a Pace gaveFranklin an eight layupand three-pointplay by pointlead. Afterthree periods, by LenoreGreenberg teamof their own- a girl’s the racers gather for last termediate-expertslope." But Jim Schoonberghad Ridge theyled 49-43. CommunicationsConsultant teamthat is only,the ninthin minutework on their skis such to the layman’seye it seem backin front24-20. Their eight In the fourth quarter, the FranklinPublic Schools the entirestate of NewJersey. as sharpening,waxing, setting morethan impressive under COLONIALCANDLE - BRITE SALE pointlead at the endof the half Warriors reverted to their All racing team membersbindings and checking the lights on a frosty night wastheir largestof the game. second quarter form. They FRANKLIN--Thanksto the (who provide their own runawaystraps, as well as to even "scary" as one team Perhapsa majorreason for openedthe leadto 16late in the efforts of Industrial Arts equipmentincluding a racing sign in andget their racing membersaid. Franklin’s poor showingwas game, led by Clayton’s l0 teacher Walter J. Klikus, helmet) enthusiastically bibs. "SometimesI look back 10"Classic Tapers - Boxof 12 that they wereoutrebounded pointsin the period. FranklinHigh School has had describe the run and ex- 38-31.Franklin’s front line of Franklinopened the quarter "It’s extremely corn- andthink tomyself,’Did I ski Reg.$6.6(I Sale Price $4.99 per box an active ski club for some citementofracing,butmostof patitive," says the athletic- that?’" one team member Pace, Brookins,and Clayton withfive pointsin a rowwhich eightyearsand a racing team all they lovethe competition, said. usually control the hoards, gave them another cam- for nearly four. Butnow, for "The atmosphereon race lookingyoung coach. "In fact, Skiing conditionsare less Claytonled the Warriorswith fortablc lead, 54-43. The the first time, FranklinHigh nightsis veryeompetitiveand the different teamsusually than ideal accordingto the 12"Classic Tapers - Boxof 12 just eight rebounds, while Mountanierswould not let the Schoolalso has a girl’s ski tense. Everyone is very don’t eventalk to eachother coach: "Dueto the climate Schoenbergwas the game’s’Warriorspull away though, team entered in racing nervousin the racingcenter," beforethe races. Butafter the of New Jersey Rog.$7.110 Sale Price $5.99 per box top rebounderwith only nine. stayingclese until the final competition, explainsracer JohnMcDevitt, races, the atmosphererelaxes racing conditionsare often Dennis and Schoenberg two minutes.Purnell sank two Althoughtwo FranklinHigh whosesisters Maureenand and everyone becomes hazardous- %lot of hard- scored 22 and 21 points foul shots, Bowerput in a Schoolgirls had participated Sheila are membersof the friendly." packedsnow and ice." respectivelyand were the only layup, and anotherbucket by in racing programs in girts team. Mr. Klikus descrihes the Team member Andy Ridge players in double Carter with 1:08 left put previousyears, this winter Accordingtotheircoach,the’ Great Gorge/VernonValley Holzheimeragrees, "It’s figures. Greg Purnell was Franklin in command,69-53. wasthe first timethat enoughracingcenter is a buildingat racing slope, wherethe team reallyfast andthere are lots of The popt,lar Coh)nial Chlssic Tapers at savings of highman for Franklinwith 18. Franklinwon the gamewith girls cameout to makeup a thebaseofthe slope whereall competes, as "an in- ruts." 23%and 24%. Available in white, red. yellow, har- Mostof his scores cameon a balancedscoring attack, : ~. :~-~ But Franklin’s racers ob- vest gold. pt)m green, ivory and pink. Buy long jumpers¯Pace ended with with five men in double - , ~ ~ viouslywouldn’t give it upfor only 12 after his hot first figures. Clayton was the world and results now...LimitedtiroL, offer. quarter. unquestionablythe star of the have A , ::,:r beengood for such a young Franklinhad only six var- game, scoring 24 points, ~.j I .~::_ team. sity membersfor its first pulling down21 rebounds,and "...... :: t *’ "Wewere in the stateslast roundwin over Bernarcls. The blockingfour shots. Hehit 10 year, reportedMr. K]ikus. Warriors’performance was a of l0 free throws.Carter had :-" ’ !~ " "Wehad a three-way in- completecontrast to their his best gameof the season (;i ."’~ rELation. In fact, wehave game against Ridge. They with 18 points, whilePurnell .,’::’" ~ "~’ " *~’ 1 ~’~ advancedto the states twoout NASSAUCARD AND GIFT SHOP looked very strong as they added12 and Brookins10. ~.. r ’ .:.~; of threeyears we have corn- built a 19 point lead in the Terry Rush paced a : :"- --. ~ ! PrincetonNorth Shop. Ctr.- nextto GrandUnion secondquarter, 36.17. balanced Meantanierattack ~ peted."According to team mem- Franklin had a slim 14-12 with 15. Meyleradded 14 and .....- ~i hers,a lot of the creditfor the lead after oneperiod hut ex- BobMireski had it. ¯ successand spirit of the team :::: goesto the coach.And without his involvement,they hasten GIRL’S BASKETBALLi!i,~’ii to pointout, fewFranklin High Schoolstudents would be able - SEALYMATTRESS SELL-OUT Franklin’sgirl’s basketball to ski with any degree of teamwas defeated in the first regularity...... " - PRE INVENTORY round of the SCIAAtour- "Mr.Klikus gives up a lot of namentby Somerville,53-29. his timefor all the teamand Franklin saw a 7-4 first club activities," racer Mike quarterlead turn into a 26.13 Finksaid. LEARANCE halftimedeficit. PaulaYoung Other team members"ta~ pacedFranklin with 11 points. about the encouragementand Theylost their consolation tips the coachprovides: "Or HUGE SELECTION gameto BridgewaterEast 39- the bustr:p," onesaid, "Mr. ALL TAGGED FOR 27. Franklinhad only 17 points MEMBERSOFFRANKLIN High School’s two ski racingteams pose together for a grouppic- Klikusis oneof thegang. BuI after three quarters.Their 16. ture. Theyare: (front row,left to right) JimCottrell, PennyWolff, Gayle Gross, Mike onthe snow,he’s the ceaeh!" THIS SELL-OUT pointfinal periodwas the only Kouridakis,Jeff Greenberg.(Back row, left to right) RichAlexanderson, John McDevitt, And~, how about that bus trip time they scored in double DebbieSmith, Andy Holzheimer, Harry Kline, Mike Fink, Barbara Lukacs, Shiela McDevitt, Bothski club andteam ac. ¯ Choice of quilt tops figuresin the tourney. CoachWalt Klikus. (Not shown) Maureen McDevitt, Elaine Easton, John Simko. tivitins generallytake place al Great Gorge/VernonVagey, ¯ Choice of firm, extra whichis a minimumof ninet:~ firm, luxury firm minutesaway hy car or hns Dothe sky enthusiastsmin(~ ¯ Choice of cover-prints, the trip?Not at all. In fact the call it "half the fun." damasks,stripes But the long ride doesn’t A BETrER ":’ ’ A BETTER maketheir coach’sschedule ¯ Mattress or box spri’ng any easier. He has girl’s raeingat the slopeson Monday Fanlasllcsavings on quahty andThursday nights and boy’s Sealymattresses and box racing on Mondayand Friday springs.Pick the size you nights. (Club membersalso . ~ needat lessthan you’d ex. ski on Friday evenings.)In peelto pay[ additionthere are occasional practicetrips to the slopes. At the sametime there are weekly ski club meetings during the p.m. session for some100 members,plus team 1975Buick Estate Wagon meetings once a week. And A/C.9 pass..Loaded later in the afternoonsthere IB.O0Omiles ¯ CreamPull are joint ski teampractice sessionsat schoolevery school GREATSAVINGS DURING OUR BIG SELLOUT day that there is no trip to Great Gorge/VernonValley. Savenow on Savenow on Savenow on Teammembers work on their MediumFirm Button Free 1974 Mere. Montego equipmentand do demanding FirmSealy Quilt Top LuxuryFirm Quilt Top 1975 FIREBIRD- Auto. MXBrougham 1975 CORVETTE- Auto. exercisesincluding "set-ups," Once.o.yearbuy on these famous Scaly Terriflcbuy on a more luxurious feel and Finestof thegroup, lavishly 2 Dr..P/S, P/S. A/~: AM.FM,A/C, 15,000 miles. squat jumps and "neck mothetteLHundleds of steel coils. Durable addedsupport. Famous Scaly quality quilted,Extra firmness from Sealy’s deluxe AM, A/C, 22,000 miles. 36.000miles bridges"tto preparefor faUs), Iong-weanngcovers. Firm Scaly values at innerspringconstruction. Custom quilted innetspringconstruction. Elegant covers, puffy and play socceror do "thigh unbeatablelowprices! Sets only. sleepingsurface, cushioning, squeezing" to build leg mattressorbox spring mattressor boxspring mnBressor box spring muscles. In additionto all of these regular club and team ac- 00 $1 0oo 1973Regal Cpe. s49,0.,0,,, J 7 Reg. $89 P/S.P/B. P/W. A/C tivities, Mr. Klikus also $3%., AM.FMSlereo arranges an annual trip to ¯ RadialTires NewEngland for the school’s FULLSIZE REDUCED Reg.$89 ...... )59FULL SIZE REDUCED Reg.$99 ...... =69FULL SIZE REDUCED Reg.$109 ...... 9s7 63,000miles only S2595. 54 x 7S"ea. $4 J 7S"ee. skiing enthusiasts. Onthis S4x FS"*o. year’s trip, whichwill takf QUEiNSIZES REDUCED Reg.$109 .... s79QUEEN SIZES REDUCED Reg.$139 .... s89 QUEENSI~*ES REDUCED Reg.$159... see placeduring the Washington’: 60x go"ea. 60x go"ea. 60x 80"ca. Birthdayrecess in February $ 1973 CamaroCp~. KINGSIZES REDUCED Reg.$279 .... =219KING SIZES REDUCED Reg.$319 .... 249KING SIZES REDUCED RBg.$349.... S279 1975 BUICKRIVIERA - Loaded v.aA=to.p/s.L,.o~.o. 1974 CENTURY- 9 pass. some35 students and fiv~ 76x gO"=.pc sets 76x gO"3-p¢. sels 76x 80"3.pc sets no,k~.... chaperoneswill travel to thre~ 25,000 miles 30,000miles Auto., P/S, A/C majorski areas -.Sugarbush 33,000 miles Glen Ellen and MadRiver. Dc~Ii. 4 But the hectic -wintm It’s clearancetime now... Wedo not Advertise Prices on MostCars, Since WeFeel this scheduleof their cnach/ed Wan~o beautiful sofa that Sums No~~4ttt) visor makes for a happ) Doesnot give Youan Accurate Picture of the Value You’re winter for Franklin Higl gueslroom in seconds?Now’s Ihe timeIo buy ~t andsave. Simmons ~’~ Receiving. School skiers. As one en needsroom fo; Iheil 1977line. ~0 thusiast summedit up neatly youcan got the tamedesigner "We’d rather ski thaf stylesand dacololor fabrics you’ve Thisonly a Partial Listing with Manymore to Choosefrom. anythingelse!" seenog year.., nowat consider. ablesavings. ConverlibleSofa Sy Nelson, Full Size Matt~’essin SturdySerculon. SL/Tel-l/t IMME’DIATEFREEDELIVERY &SET.UP Shop 8" Compare aL~ (’~) CllARG! publicnotice t~ Sales 921-2222

PUBLICNOTICE The Franklin T0wnshlpBoard The Cleanest See Educatimround In a ConferenceSessls held on ’rhur~day,December tS, I~/e Us approvea Conference’Seulon leheduh USEDCARS [or Thursday.January S. 1177,opJat 8:00 .r in the S~ml~onG. SmithIntannedit I. BRUNSWICK=~, ~e .).2ou In Town First Schml Library on AmweSRoad Somerset,New Jersey. ", .LAWRENCE=,~.,.I ~,0.,,.h to...2 I vl0 Theagenda for thetussling will Uoglle4 ~ ShOpN,s~.F,,. 1O t*19 SQ 101o.5 di~u~ionof penlonnelmatters and I meeB~~ doied to the Imhlle. It U © M|~.~:1s:p)t~, ~ ~’’’: t TRENTON=v630sB,OQaS, ese373~S.o,,,~,. F., teraplafndth~t Board of Educationact ~! so,IO,o= wiaI~ takenat thE=meeltng. PON.17.#C.BEICK This notice is In cempllaneewith ~qult~mentaof P.L.tS’~. e. ~t ISU~ ROUTE206 PRINCETON Law), and you save on these Hide-A-BedSofas FNRI,~.’r/ It Feet $3.24 Thursday,January 6.1977 9-A tChristmasSeal EVERYITEM donahonscan IN THE ENTIRE STORE Istill be made (Stapleitems included.., ties, socksetc.) NEW JERSEY’S LEADING DISCOUNT CLOTHIER For Men,Women and Children "Many people have the smokingand atr pollution our misconceptionthat Christmasjob gets bigger each year Seal contributionscan only be whilethe costs of carryingout madebefore Christmas," existing programscontinue to COLLECTOR’S ITEMS explained RichardF. Bundy spiral." on president of the Delaware- "Year-roundefforts to help RaritanLung Association the our share of the 47 million 30% OFF our,oevery winter item ’ChristmasSeal agencyser- men, women,and children SALE ring Burlington,Hunterdon, throughoutthe U.S.who suffer (January 5th-January 15th - GREATSELECTION) Mercer, Middlesex and from someform of chronic Somerset counties. "With lung disease include: anti- people involved in so much smokingeducation programs holiday preparation it may for school students, smoking eomeasapleasantsurpriseto cessation programs, em- knowthat there is still time physemaclub programs,lung If you are like many ~. our low price on evenafter the holidayrush to capacity screening tests, people who enjoy ~i:~, ~’ % ¯ SUITS s49 nursing scholarships for I °/oOFF e"v’6rT~inte r ite m contribute to the Christmas browsing through a ~/~ 0 Sealappeal, a majorsource of nursesin respiratorydisease ¯ CASUALSUITS =19 fundingfor programsto fight care, donating breathing store looking for the //"iz~’~ (January 17th-January 22nd - GOODSELECTION) chronicrespiratory diseases." machinesfor hopsitais to super SALESttems... dispenseto patients in need, ¯ SLACKS s6.99 Asof Dec.it, contributionsann supporting efforts to then our SALEis for you.~;":~ totaled$145,000 or 56 percent protectthe air quality. Wehave collected \~.,":~ ¯ SPORTSHIRTS ;4.99 of a $260,000goal. Thistran- "I wouldlike to offer our from our current ~,"~’~ ,slates to a St0,000lag behind sincerethanks to all whohave stock a great many our price last year for the sameperiod contributedto the Christmas ;?~l ¯ SPORTCOATS ;12 %O FF ’yl°Wwinter item°n so westill havea longway to Seal appeal and remindthose items from every .. 0 go to meetour goal. whohave not yet doneso that department and~: re- ~. ¯ RAINCOATS s27 "Withchronic respiratory it is nottoo late to contribute. duced50%for them quick up(:learance.I!i~i:: to (January 24th-January 29th - FAIR SELECTION) diseases like emphysema,Forthe peoplewho suffer with asthmaand chronic bronchitis chroniclung disease...it’s a ¯ DRESSSHIRTS s4.99 ., ¯ ¯ 297.6000583-1506 on the rise alongwith cigarette matter of life andbreath." ¯ ANDMUCH MORE SALE...COLLECTOR’S°fourextraordinarYiTEMS cheerfully°rexchangeSmade PATHtop!c at " 2 selling days 1 with receipt. ~I).i! / next session [Refunds¯ whereyou saveeveryday on everyitem for men.women and cn#dfen BankAmetica,d&Master Chalge Legislation requiring the wayhe could support the SIMILAR SALE ALSOAT LINDEN AND MILLBURNSTORES proposed PATII spur to Sagnerplan is to havePATH PRINCETON:201-297-6140 MATAWAN:201-566-7775 NewarkAirport and Plainfield extendits servicedirectly to be extendedto Somerville- the Somerville-Raritanarea." Raritanwill be introducedat Accordingto Sagner,s!,~te the next session of the Newofficials expectthat the im- Jersey Assemblyon Jan. 11 by plementationof the plan to Assemblyman Joseph D. extendPATH to Plainfieldwill Patero, D-Middlesex- hc readyfor bid late in 1977. Somerset. Theproject is to be supported SPECIAL Mr. Paterohas opposedthe by a pendinggrant of $157 In MATAWAN:Rt. 34, (2 miles South of Rt. 9 intersection) * (201) 583-1506 SALE HOURS: PATHextension in favor of a million from the federal proposal to electrify the governmentand $120million In PRINCETON:Junction off Rt. 27 & 518 (5 mi. North of Princeton) ¯ (201) 297-6000 Central Railroad of New from the Port Authorityof WED...10A.M.-6P.M. Jersey. NewYork and NewJersey. "If the PATHproject, as THURS&FRI.,.10A,M.-9:30P.M. supported by State Tran- ThePaterolegislationwould sportationCommissionerAlan have to be adoptedby both SAT_.10A.M-6P.M. Sagner.goes to bid late next NewYork and NewJersey year as he plans, I amcon- before PATH could be WINTER requiredto extendthe sparto vincedthat residents living Somerville. of Plainfield will be However,Mr. Patero noted, Mr. Patero that before the project can TheManville legislator said moveahead, the federal Sagnerplan "ignores government is requiring the fact that the area westof Sagnerto showhow the state Plainfieldis oneof the fastest plansto meetthe masstransit growingregions in the state needsof thoseresidents living and to cut these peopleoff westof Plainfield. fromquick, easy accessto a "l certainly plan to watch proposedmass transit system the developmentof these plans is shortsighted." very closely," Mr. Patero Mr. Patero said the "only concluded. AARPplans meeting Therewill be a meetingof celebratedthe first yearof its the SomersetCounty chapter existence at a combined of the AmericanAssociation of Christmasand birthdayperty Retired Persons (AARP) attheWatehungViewlnn.The Monday,Jan. t0atl:30p.m,in president, Curt H. Helm, the GoodShepherd Lutheran played Santa Claus at this Church, Union Avenue, occasion.Mr. Helmwas Santa Somerville. at manyChristmas programs Thebusiness meeting will be held in local nursing homes, followedby a travel programthe YMCA,and the Health "SwissHoliday" presented by Care Center, while AARP Mrs. Evelyn Bambergerof members entertained by Somerville.Both Mr. and Mrs. singingChristmas Carols. A SALE...FORTHE Bambergerhave taken many AARPtrips to foreign lands The meetingon Jan. 10 is WOMENWHO "THINK" and their color slides and opento all SomersetCounty narration are outstanding, retirees. Fartherinformation Refreshmentswill be served about the American Every item is 30-50% OFF at the conclusion of the AsseciationofRetirndPersons program, can be obtainedby contacting our already d scounted This newly organized the Publicity Chairman,Mrs. chapter of AARPrecently NaomiM. Zid nf Somerville. 30.50% OFF Prices This is just a small sampleof Nurserymen’smeeting the prices that can be found ... On Jan. 11 through 13 Registrationwillbegin at 11 members of the N.J: a.m. on Tuesday,Jan. 11. ONEOF THEGREATEST SELECTIONS Association of NurserymenPeoplewho wish to attend the OF TOPS,BLOUSES TURTLENECKS will conveneat the GovernorWednesdaysession only may & MorrisInn, Morristown,N.J. register Wednesdaymorning Reg. $22 NOW$4.95 for their 61st AnnualMeeting Jan. 12 from8:30 to 9:30a.m. and Trade Show. The Fees are St0.00per person REDUCED WOOLBLAZERS educational theme of the registering at the door. The Wehave taken an additional Fully lined, in manycolors & styles program is Better luncheonand banquetcosts on Reg.$86 OurPrice $49.95 Managementfor Economic Jan.12 are $9.00and $1B.00 per Growthin 1977. person,respectively. NOW$35 Forty exhibitors will be For more information 25-500joOFF availablein the TradeShow to contact the CooperativeEx- "J WOOLSLACKS . discuss their products and tensionService office in your < In manycolors & styles take orders, county. our already LOWprices Reg.$32 OurPrice $18.95 Dr. Moskowitzto speak z NOW$13.30 LARGESTSELECTION OF OnSunday, Jan. 9 at 2 p.m., frequentlylectures in Europe SWEATERSANYWHERE Dr. WilliamMoskewitz will on developmentvision. In manycolors & styles speak on the diagnosis and Sweaters Shirts treatment of perceptual Reg.$22 OurPrice $14.95 problems associated with LASTPERFORMANCES Slacks Cowl Neck Sweaters NOW$10 schizophreniain the First .xv L) National Bank of Central NEWBRUNSWICK--"Oh! Pants Suits Jumpsuits RockyRill. Coward,"a cabaret revue of GAUC.0SETS the songsand scenesof Noel Skirts Gauchos it"3 In manycolors & styles Sponsored by the Coward,will give its last l~ Reg. $55 OurPrice $31.95 Foundationof performancesat the George etc. O NOW$22,50 public.r’the talk is opento Street Playhouse,414 George >. St., on Jan.6, 7 and8. Thenext THE MARKETPLACEPRINCETON An optometrist whoprac- Playhouseproduction will be THE MARKETPLACEMATAWAN ’.ices in Somerville, Dr. William Shakespeare’s "A Princeton-Matawan ESSEXGREEN PLAZA, WESTORANGE treats children MidsummerNight’s Dream," ~ (201) 325-0402 tlth perceptually related runningfrom Jan. 21 to Feb. " disabilities. Hehas 12. Reservations for "Oh! C.jx the GeseilInstitute Coward"and "A Midsummer Child Development.In Night’s Dream"may be made Dr. Moskowltz by calling246-7717. Thllrt~ay,Jagt]ar)~ 6. 1077 westWlndsor-Hlghts Herald TheCentral Past HIIIsOorouRhBeacon ManvilleNews TheFranklin News-Record arts & Art Associationoffers 20 winter classes Classestailored to fit a wide This semester a group WIU Elizabeth RuBRicswill teach where development of in- perlenced printers by pre- ability and interest range for work Mondaymornings, with basic course in Oils and dividual techniques and style arrangement. children and adults are in- a model,with no instruction. Acrylies; techniques will be will be stressed. This class Aclass brochureis available cluded in the winter 1977 Onthe final weekof the class, demonstrated and critiques meetson Friday mornings, upon request from the PAA. leisure session of the Princeton Art HughleLee-Smith, well known offered in this Wednesday Bunny Neuman will give a Early registration is advised Association. The eipJlt-week artist, will give a critique. morning class. Sue Howard, class in "Painting for Senior as many classes fill up session, offering 20 classes, whose ownwork has elicited Adults" on Friday afternoon, quickly. Membershipin the Mondayafternoons will be much critical acclaim, and ’Bus Stop’ opening will Start on Jan. 10 and studio time for work in any Individual instruction will P.AAis necessary to attend PRINCETON-- "Bus Stop," the William continue through March8 at whowas chairman of the Art allow personal exploration in classes and may be obtained media,with a smallfee for use department at Stuart Country Inge comedy, opens at the Princeton Com- the PAAon Rosedsle Road. of the studio. In the evening, acrylics and oils. Completing at the time of registration. munity Players theatre at 171 Broadmead DaySchool for six years, will the roster will be a Sunday Registration is possible by For young people, Eve from 7:30-10:30 Mondays,Mr. teach a new course in Stone phone, mail or in person. To this Friday at 8:30 p.m. The opening night Kaplan, whosestudents’ work Smithwill instruct a class in morning session where there audienceis invited, as usual, to a reception and Wood Sculpture on will be a life model and no register or for further in- has been exhibited in the New Figure Painting; students who Wednesdaysat 1 p.m. followingthe play to meetthe cast. Directed Jersey State Museum, will wish to workon portraits may instructor. A graphic formation please call the PAA by NormanF. Washburne.the showis cast as In the early evening, workshop is open to ex- Studioat 6G9-921-9173. again teach her popular do so. Elizabeth Monathwill involve follows: Grace, RoeemarleArcieri; Cherie, "Adventuresin Creativity" on beginners in painting in Judy Webber; Elma Duckworth, Myra Mondayafternoons from 4- Edith Teitelbaum, whose Chantey; Will Masters, LewGantwerk; Dr. work is included in many various media from 5-7 p.m. 5:30. Laurence Greenberg, Wednesday evenings Gerald Lyman, Loyal Watterworth; Carl, who also teaches art in the important collections, in- Stephen Dubansky;Virgil Blessing, Robert Frances Kuehn, who has NewYork City School system, cluding the Hirshhorn, will recently had a solo showat the Watson; Be Decker, Brian Watkinson. The teach a class in watercolor will workwith youngpeople, State Museum,will teach a play will be repeated this Saturday and ages 10 through 14, in Tuesdaymornings starting at Sunday (Sunday at 7:30 p.m.) and also 9:30. Also meetingon Tuesday step-by-step approach to the "Drawingand Painting". This watercolor medium,starting Jan. 14,15,16,21 and22. For reservations and class will meet Saturday morning will be a class iR information, the phonenumber is 921-6314. at 7:30. JeannePasley will be morningsfrom l0 till noon. calligraphy, for students wi!h backto instruct a basic course some prevtons expermnee tn in "Sculpture" on Thursday this art form. This class is FREE ! Sundayjazz Music Club taughl by Leena Kaufman. mornings, while Ms. Ruggtes ’ TRODOCTO,YLSSO, HIGHTSTOWN-- An early Sunday afternoon will teach a second course in jazz concert on Sundayat the PeddleSchool to entertain Slides, demonstrations and "Oils and Acrylies" on ion.B,h: I, A.M.,o, P.M. will bring together seven of the top jazz critiques are included in the Thursdayafternoons. ,o0,ud,nSkateRenta, musicians on the East Coast. WarrenVacbe, at Museum "Drawing" classtaught by Ben Joseph, who has also Benny Morton, Charlie Ventura, Chuck Elizabeth Ruggles Tuesdays exhibited at the State SCOUTS Folds, Bob Wilber, Vinnie Burke and Tony TRENTON -- Princeton from5-7 pro. Theonly class to Museum,will teach a class in DeNicolawill play in the concert in Geiger- Music Club members will meet outside the PAAwill be "Life Drawing" on Thursday ReevesHall at l p.m. perform at the state museum Collographic Printmaking, evenings. Nationally known in a gallery concert on Sunday, taught by Elizabeth Mona(h; art judge Frederic Scudder JaR. 9 at 2 and 3 p.m. the class will be held at the will conductan exciting class Synthetic music Soprano Cheryl Changwill printmaker’s studio from 7-9 in "Oils and Acrylic Painting" GIRLSCOUT PRINCETON-- Twofree concerts of elec- sing a selection of early Tuesdayevenings. for experienced students, tronic music by Princeton composerswill be American songs and arias presented in WoolworthCenter on Jan. 12 and accompanied by a chamber Phoenix quintet SKATEBA.UGE 19 (consecutive.Wednesdays);both concerts ensemble of music club members.Included will be two ;’ ~ woekcourse --Graduate will beginat 8:30 p.m. The musicwill include to play for kids []~ EVERYSAT. & SUN.NIlE [4 ¯ withyour badge and a car- compositions of both faculty and student arias from the 1767 ballad ~J.~_’-’-~:"~ll~ opera, "The Disappointment," composers and will include computer- The Phoenix Woodwind ~1’~1}| NOTTINGHAM;1 hurry, generatedpieces as well as musicrealized in which had its world premier Quintet will give a per- BALLROOM[t conventiomtl electronic music studios. The productionthis past Augustin formanceof dialog and fun at FRESHDELICIOUS eEgFOODePE~IALTIF_~ Washington Crossing Park. Mei¢etSt., Hamilton Sq., N.J. D] Yale. Stony Brook and Columbia-Princeton Miss Masen’s School at 9:30 TheI.argt-zt Ballroom in theEast D] KENDALL PARK studios.will be represented. In addition to Also on the programwill be a.m. on Monday,Jan. 10. The ~ Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto WithAll BigBands ~ 9TEAK~O ~OLIR ORDER OPEN6 DAYS ~ I~OI, LER RINK purely synthesized’ compositions,there will performance is sponsored by ~ITIES ClosodMonda-y, he works which include live instruments No. 5. Members of the ¯ YoungAudiences of Central Sat.- EDDIE SHAWN 3550 RI. ,27, SouthBrunswick, N.J. 297-3003 played in ensemblewith synthesized sounds. chamber ensemble are Joan New Jersey by a gift in Sun.- HARRYUBEB [~ ~minessPe@l~preials~tnm~SrtOplt ~prclal5Yml~J ~ilv LUklCH ~ ~ Michael Dellario will present his "Mend," Smith, Violin; Barbara Sue memoryof Godfrey Winham Sat. 9.12 P.M. ~ D~ H which he describes as a .coo-drama for White, viola; Joan Thompson, of Princeton. ~ Chef’sSpecial . voice and computer,and Frank Brickle will cello; and MaurooRLIort, Membersof the quintet are performas soloist in his composition"Bete- bass, with soloists Philip Margaret Schecter, flute; 609~Ui, ...... C(XtZ No(re" for piano and computer. Porado, violin, Everett Shaw, William Shadel, clarinet; ~ flute, and Clarence Chang, AndrejsJansens, oboo; Stuart )RIGINAL ART harpsichord. Butterfield, french horn; and Sculptureana Pnotograon~ One.manshow RandolphHay(land, bassoon. WESTWINI)SOR -- Trcntonian Frank ARTLEASE Groco.an artist for 50 years, will be featured ANTIQUESSllOW SET i~ g SolesGallery i in a one manexhibition opening with a "ADELElI" BILLED reception on Sunday 9th at the Mercer The Ewing Jaycee NEWJERSEY STATE MUSEUM County CommunityCollege Library Gallery Auxu]iary will sponsor an Francois Truffaut’s "The r-JailyIO’5 Sat.&Sun. I’S I ’,A eerbs on the West Windsorcampus. The exhibition antiques show and sale on Story of AdeleH." is the next CulturaICenterWeal StalqS.eet 1714EASTON AVENUE GC)~,IERSEI N will run throughFriday, Feb. 4andwill feature Saturday, Jan. 8, at the West presentation on the Movies-at- Tienton.N J [6~913945310 PRESENTS manyGreco works. He has been featured at Trenton Ballroom from 18 McCarter series on Wed- ParkingavailaOle in the TilE TRIUMPIIANTRETURN OF the Studio Gallery, NewGallery, Salpeter a.m. to 8 p.m. nesday,Jan. 12, at 7 and9 p.m. Statelat an weekends Gallery, Creative East Gallery and Charles MannGallery, all in NewYork City. Also at DINNERIN THEBALLROOM rneTHEATRE main restaurant the Washington D.C. National Gallery, remainsopen to the puOc or On n9 ¯ FULLCOURSE DrNNER ((’ll()lCk ENRKE I NI World’s Fair, Golden Door Gallery in New ¯ BROADWAYSTAGESHOWS wtlh P~ofeumr~lNY Cut/ Bope, Pa., the Continental Gallery, Forrest Hills, N.Y., and manyothers¯ ALLI~O,U~IVE PRICE $|600 New,ahe,.. ,.idge I, zn IN(’I |IOIN(ItAX ANn (,BArs qr’¢ .’,.. WE SERVE THE VERY FINEST LUNCHES TIIREEUPR()ARIt)VSI.Y FI NN~ BR()AI)t%~.Y Dylan Thomasreturns & DINNERS I)REPARED BY PRINCETON-- British actor-playwright- CIlEF CFIARLES O’IIARA director EmlynWilliams will bring oneof the most renowned solo performances in the Music Nizthtly. Also Piano Music from 6 P.M. c- history of the moderntheatre to the M 161191586-1)551) carter stage on Tuesday,Jan. 11, at 8 p.m. whenhe returns with his famousportrait of POTTERY %1,1.M.’~ IOR CIH,:I)I’r C¯%RItS.tCCEPTF;D the Welsh poet Dylan Thomas entitled BAREFOOT WHITEYKO"ql).%SH "Dylan ThomasGrowing Up." Mr. Williams CLASSES TIHRTY.SIX.’v.I’~;FTYt,tIL%KERIHtlDGF. Rf).’tD first presented "Dylan ThomasGrowing Up" IN THE PARK in Londonin 1955, and subsequently in New STARTINGNOW :.tni .i .l~..l~.lo,zLta.t~;M~B¢nz..~, i/: Mih,S.uth .I QuakerI|rM=e Mall York - and at McCarter Theatre, where it at had its first local performancein 1959. The Inn Place to Din’~~ Starting Tonight. Wednesday,Jan. 5th HIGH~ND 6 RmsRJv Vu ’OhI. Coward’closing MAB(IIII.I.t,lb*,III,Z0,ZJ’,I~.]?;APRII I,.I THE FANTASTIC FARMPOTTERY Fri. & Sat. Dinner7:OO/SOaw 9:00 NEW BRUNSWICK--"Oh! Coward", a Sun.& *We~.Dinner 6:DO/Show 8:00 "AL ANTONIO cabaret revue of the songs and scenesof Noel 21 St). MainSt., Cranhurv,N.J. Hopewell,N.J. MAKE RESERVATIONS NOW Coward,will give its last performancesat the 469-2522 Group Rates Available George Street Playhouse Friday, Saturday "Established 1780" (609) 466-0130 & COMPANY" and Sunday. The three-character musical, starring Ruth Kaye, William Graves and Jay DancingFri. & Sat. Kirsch, has played to capacity crowdssince ht the "Coach Room" its openingon Dec. 10. Reservations maybe madeby calling 201-246-7717. Thefinest in foodand sen’ice in our Coh,niatDiniog Room underthe direeti,n of RichardO. Zany.r.Prop/ietor. "

Music from Tokyo Far Reservations 1009) 395.0009 Closed Mondays PRINCETON-- The Tokyo Quartet will makeits first appearance in the Music-at- McCarter Series on Monday,Jan. 10, at 8 p.m. The four membersof the Quartet - Koichiro Haradaand Kikuei Ikeda, violins; KazuhideIsemura, viola; and SadaoHarada, cello - all received their training at the famous Tube Music Academyin Tokyo, and pursuedtheir studies at the Juiniard School. Their McCarter program will include MONDAY.N.Y. SIRLOIN STEAK NOWAPPEARING $s.so Haydn’s Quartet in C, Op. 33"No. 3 f"Tbe RUPERIBLAIZE &SHINING STAR Birds"), Bartok’s Quartet No. 6, and the TUESDAY- VEAL PARMIGIANA BrahmsF-minor Piano Qintet, in whichthey $4.95 will be joined by guest artist RichardGoode. WEDNESDAY. FILET MIGNON $5.75 Laugh marathon LOBSTERTAIL $5.95 PRINCETON-- Five hours of cinematic mirth and merriment make up McCarter MONDAY THURSDAY- PRIMERIB $SeSO Tbeatre’s annual "ComedyFilm Marathon" Stuffed Breast of Chicken on Friday and Saturday, Jan. 7 and 8. Three With Wild Rice 5.95 FRIDAY- SEA SCALLOPS $SeJS of the most popular comedyfilms of the past TUESDAY decade will be presented each evening: Veal Parmagiana "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" at 7 6.95 p.m., "lqarold & Maude"at 8:30, and "King WEDNESDAY of Hearts" at 10:15. Althoughall seats are Chinese PepperSteak 6.50" unreserved, tickets are available in advance THURSDAY SATURDAY& SUNDAY from the box office, Shrimp Hawaiian 7.95 FRIDAY FILET MIGNON Filet of Sole Amandine 5.95 PRIMERIB $5.75 Flower watching at Duke SATURDAY SOMERVILLE-- Another season of flower PrimeRib 7.95 LOBSTERTAIL $5.95 watchingis underwayat DukeGardens, with SUNDAY a full display featuring chrysanthemumsin the French, Chinese and Japanese gardens. Steak ALa haliano w/mozzarella Other attractions include an English summer cheeseand sauce 7.95 flower garden, an orchid display in the Salad,Entre, Vegetable, Edwardianand Tropical Gardens, flowering cactus in the Desert Gardenand cyclamenin the Colonial Garden.The 11 gardens are open daily from Noonto 4 p.m. Thecharge is $1.50 per person for groups of l0 or more. In- dividual admissionis $1.75 person. /h’lll.~ for thi.~ t’tdltlttll IIIIIM he ill otlr o]fice N. J. TurnpikeExit 8, at least am’ week be/Ore day of publicatiun, MonmouthSt. Extensionof East Windsor,N. J. (609) 448-7000 Thursday, January 6,1977 Brubeck and sons State Museumbills return for concertvariety of entertainment "OBSESSION"[ PRINCETON-- Jazz ira- Generations of Brubeek" TRENTON-- Live musical on Sunday, Jan. 16. "Dawj following Sundaysfor adults CliffRobedson ] mortal Dave Brubeek, a eveningswill be three of his entertainment, a children’s Crockett, King of the Wild aedfam[]ygroupswflllnclude musician-sons: Chris, Darius P.G. | perennialPrinceton favorite, theatre performance and Frontier" at t and 3 p,m. on ’’[’hat’s Entertainment:Part | will return for the fifth con- and Dan, as well as other seven feature moviesare Saturday, Jan. 22, and t p,m. [,"atourdownamemorylane Weekdap-8p.m.| secutive year on Saturday, musicians. The "Two included in the January onSunday,Jan. 23; and "Dawj of film musicals, on Jan. 14 ALL | Jan. 22, at 8 p,m. Generallons"programsrunt~e weekendschedule of the New Crockett and the River and]6; "Singin’ in the ]~zln" i=1ooTIMESFd.&Sat.7 & 9p.m. | Appearingwith Sruheckin gamut from traditional Jersey State MuseumPirates" at I and 3 p.m. on with GoneKelly and Dabble " one of his ever-popular"Two Brubeckhits of the t950’s and Auditorium. Saturday, Jan. 29, and 1 p.m. Reynolds on Jan. 21 and 23; 1960’s-suchas"TakeFive"-- Admission will be free ex- on Sunday, Jan. 30. and the 1951 version of to contemporary rock tunes ceptfor the children’stheatre January movies scheduled "Showboat"on Jan. 28 and 30. written by his sons, in which production of "Grampa"at 3 for screening at 1:30 p.m. on Youngsters under 12 must be he joins them on keyboards. p.m. on Sunday,Jan. 9. Fridays, primarily for senior accompanied by an adult for Tickets for the Brubeck Ticketsfor this show, which is citizens, and at 3 p.m. on the the 3 p.m. Sunday programs. evening are available at sponsoredby Friendsof the MeCarter box office. For Museumand featuresthe furtber information and nationalacclaimed Paper Bag reservations, telephone (609) Players,will be $1.They may PJ&Bturns to 921-87CO,or write Box 526, be boughtin advanceat the Princeton, N.J. 08540. FriendsOffice in the Museum. Moviesespecially for .young ’Little Night Music’ SPORTS COMEALIVE peoplewill include the 1971 PRINCETON-- The The company also includes ON OUR BRIGHT PAGES versionof "Black Beauty" at I seventeenth annual "P JaB an ensemble of 15 singers and and3 p.m.on Saturday,Jan. Show,"A Little Night Music," dancers. Lyon provides 8; "Clarencethe Cross-eyed takes to the McCarterTheatre musical direction as well, Lion" at I and 3 p.m. on stage for an early 1977 while choreographyis by Joan Saturday,Jan. 15, and I p.m. weekend of lyrical per- Morton Lucas. Lighting and formanees.The musical opens scenery design are by Charles Thursday,Jan. 20, at 7:30p.m. Stones II. Stage managersare followed by three more Patsy ChappeI1, Sandra presentationson Friday, Jan. Jefferson and Marnie Powers. 21, at 8:30p.m., andSaturday, Jan. 22, at 2:30 and8:30 p.m. The hit musical, which Milton Lyon, whooriginated concerns the romantic gambolings of an assemblage 5COP the concept of the PJ&B of Swedesat an elegant turn- (Princeton Junction and of-the-century house party, Back), Showsin 1961 and who producedthe hit song "Send in has directed all but one of them since, will stage "A the Clowns," a contemporary classic due to recordings by Little Night Music." His east Frank Sinatra and Judy includes Ann Bishop, Harry Collins. Clark, Mary Combs, Diana No one under 18 Crane, Liz Fillo, Karl Light, The show’s book is by Hugh : f ’ i’+ "’: admitted Steve McGee,George Oliva, Wheelerand music and lyrics AnneSheldon, Julia Sly, Sarah are by Stephen Sondheim. CARDBOARDCARat McCanertransports three PaperRag Players whenthe group appearsas Sword, CindySutter and Reid Suggested by Ingmar part of the "’Speciallyfor Kids"series this Saturday,Jan. 8, at 11 a.m.and 2 p.m. AFTERNOONSWhite. Bergman’sfilm "Smiles of a SummerNight," the work was ~ OFPAMELA MANNS originally directed on Broadway by Harold Prince RECYCLE with Glynis Johns, Hermione Paper Bag Players THIS Gingold and Len Cariouin the lead roles. It is presentlybeing NEWSPAPER made into a feature film starring Elizabeth Taylor. ’specially for kids’ Information and reser- PRINCETON-The Paper "Specially for Kids" series. Martin and Mr. Ashwander, vations for "A Little Night Bag Players will premiere "Grandpa" has been written but also Irving Burton, Jeanne Music"and all other McCarier their latest production, by Judith Martin, with music Michels, and Virgil Robinson. Theatre Companyevents may "Grandpa," on Saturday, Jan. by Donald Ashwander, and "Grandpa" is the usual be secured by telephoning the 8, at 11 a.m. and2 p.m., as part will feature the full company, collage of elements which box office, of McCarter Theatre’s which includes not only Miss makeup a Paper Bag Players Nowthrough production -- song, stories, Tues.,Jan. 11 .llnul*w 2?/TECHNOLOGYANDCON. skits, mime, poetry, dance - OBGANISM/SICO~NE~S]NIGHT THE MACH’NE PEOPLE’S /GLA~I DAY/ and someof the "numbers"in HELDOVERII THE CANDYMACHINEIPASADENA GENERAl- GINEMA FREEWAYS,ILLS/Flbtuuy 31PER. the showhave such titles as FINAL WEEKII TRAITarwtthfllm~kef NANCY POR, THEATRES TER/AWOMAN’S PLACF IS IN THE "Getting Older," "Stolen HOUSE/FRANKFILMIYUDIEIItEADI I ALL CINEMAS I Sneakers," "Bubble Gum," ACROSSTHE FL~ALKING/OLFebmt0/THE BODYYMPIC I DIVINGFLESH FORKIDS! M SEQUENC~/ HUNGER I NINE VARIA isl.5O’TIL 2:30 P.M. "It’s Just Not Fair," ’lIONSON A DANCETHEME I ANI I MAtSIN M011ONIFd~uI~17/INDE. "Worrying," and "A Great ;REATDIVIDE (G) ~~ Big Kiss." THE PAPER ~l~yVICKI241EXPLOR=NG POLON/PL E ASANTVILLEIOTHEn ARlrS/ F~a" Mon.-Fri.7 &9 p.m. BOLE)IOIPASDEDEUX/HOMAGE TO The Paper Bag Players, OFMAGfllTTEA COMMERCIALIENTER ,ORHAMLET/SORT AN ICEHAG Streisand- Krimolferson regular visitors to McCarter, BAG PLAYERS Sat.2, 7 &9 p.m. s...... /Mmch3/VIDEO SYNTHESlS/wlth lil~ "A STAR IS BORN" have performedfor close to a Sun.2, 4:30,6:40 & 9 p.m. PARODYm~kwED ANDEM~SHWILLER/~*©h|Ol SATIRE/VERY NICE. million children since they are"the best children’s KNOWSVERYNICENO PAIN/ THEI DOVETHE CONCERTI [~(AUTY / 1:45.4:20.78, 9:35 began in 1959. The company i sONBANalMEETS GODZILLNKICK ME i theatrein NewYork !" - N.Y.Times :hildren$L00 Adults $2.50 BurrReynolds- Ryan O’Neal has toured 19 states, and has Prior to NewYork! PREMIEREof made four London ap- Recent Works ]~";’a’r?~; ~ ’ms~’c~ ~"° I "NICKELODEON" poaranees.In 1974, the "Bags" the Paper Bags NewestProduction 1, 3:15.5:30.7:458" 10 received the NewYork State Awardfor a "lasting con- "GRAHDP_A" -,]dependent ,o~imotmaliOn andt*cket$, I Clin| Eastwood- AsDirty Ham tribution to the artistic formof THISSAT.,JANUARY 8 ¯ 11a.m. & 2 p.m. Filmmakers 16091394,5310. 292-5420 I children’s theatre." Tickets "THE ENFORCER" 1or both performances of Tickets$3, $2.75, $2.50, $2: PRINCETONART ASSOCIATION 2:15. 4.5:45.7:30.9:15 "Grandpa" at McCarter are Etll Fnrm,Rosedale Road, Princeton Tel. 609-921-9173 still availableat the boxoffice. Cl~ddlenunder D mu~lhe accnmnanir~dt)v an aduh I ,’HEATRE! //1//] WINTER ART CLASSES January10--March6 (Eight Week Session) llehiiter|isl,s.]iciiriPrllr F.MLYN WILLIAJ__=_ ! i X. , ,orYouogP+e oa..rhur~7:)0 & 5:40; ~q. M=l. ned. It m 11,.,NO+OIOANO=U= AR+Euod,F¢l.at 1:15; hi. & SZI. l:15. |:15.1:15. 1.AOVENTURESIN CREA’tWIlrY ~ 7.11 EVA ~ Bastecourse in whichvarious techniques and procedures will 10:fS: S,n. 2:10. 4:10. i: 10.I:10.10:10. A poemsand music W~Jnlndlymorning S:"0-12:30 ~ plUl S5leglltrlUO~ MOndayaharnoon 4-S:30 130plus $10.50(Includes 12. STONEAND WOOD SCULPTURE PICTUREWhereanything can mlnerlslsandreglswatlon) SUEHOWARD 17thAnnual PJ&B Show! TOinvolve the studanl in thedirect carving el stoneor wOOd happen..,andusually does! 2. DRAWINGb PAINTING (Ages t0-14) LAURENCE GREENBERG Useof carvedand finishing trois win be taught along . abilityIO develop three-eimens¢onal form, . ExdlOrlng hne. lore. space, combeallion anduse of color, Wl~lneldayafternoon 1-4 $45pluses reglatredon Run,don’lwalk..."N.Y. Times Saturdaymorning 10.12 S3Oplus SS leglstrlflon Adults (High SchoolAgesAlso) 13. A STARTWirH ART Wdlinvolve beginners in painling THISTUESDAY, JANUARY 11¯ 8 P.M. 3. MONDAYMORNING WODgSHOP ANDCRITIQUE mediaand Iorms of el Orch.$5.95,5.50; Bale. $5.5g, 3,5g NOINSTRUCT09 theexciting d*s¢overy of latent talents are the 9eels. Workinghorn mope1 wllh no instruction with Bfull dayolcfltlque WNnesdly lit arnoon 5-7 assplus S5 rapist,alice For Special Group Rotes by HugnleLeo-Smilh Coil 609.921-8700 Mondaymorning 9:30.12:30 Mambo,e: $20 plus adju|t Od14.WATESC0L0fl modelfee; non-mlmb~s:S2S plus adJuMidmodal IN smp-Py-stenapp(oacb to ware,co]or within ihe broadercon. lexl of generalproblems of paintingSome expellsnce in MONDAYAFTERNOON STUDIO TIME NOINSTRUCTOR drBWmg helplul ObenSlUdio lime (no moped forwolk in anymeUia Wedneedayevening 7:30-10:30 $4Splus SS reglltredon MondayiflMnoon 12:30.S:30 Memhefll: 3 hours Iof S2- $1S NO,l-members:$1per hour - $2415.S~JU=’~DE JEANNEPARLW Basiccou,se in sculplureto teach use of materiels;form. Tokyo Quartet ¯ RGUREPAINTING ODGHIEI.JE~ITH lelarlonsh~psandrhythms; planes and Forthe stubent with some Iralnmg in dlawtng andpainting. In- Modelingclayfrom lile togive B Ioundationtotfurther work in struChOnalemphBSiS onachmvemenl ot goop painting clay fechnlnueandsense of piclollal bes~gn Students w~owish Io Thurldlymorning 9:30.12:30 $45Plus $1S with Guest Pianist wetk onper IrailS may doso. Clolhed andnude models. (Include=modal and registration) Mondlyevening 7:30-10:30 S4Splus St b [ thcludesmodel ¯ tim andregistration 15 PAINTINGWITH 01[.5 MidAC~LI~ BJZANETH RUODI.~ RICHARD GOODE Basiccoulse In whichvalloua techniques anUIxocedut es will Haydn:Quartet Qp. 33 No. 2 6. WATERCOLOR EOITHT~IEL~I~ Mi~e bemonalraled Developmentof skiLlS in walelcolorlechninues Use el form,Thursday aflafl~oon 1-4 14Splus $5 r~lstrllkWl Bartok: Quarrel No. 6 color,lextute and space book by HughWheeler Tuesdaymot nlng S:SO.12:30 S4Splus SS registration 17.U~ DRAWING ~ JO~P~ Brahms:Piano Quintet in f On. 34 Drawingthe llgule emphasizing proper proportion, light musicand lyrics by StephenSondheirn 7. CAWGRAPHYARAN ART FORM LEONARAUFMAN sheba,term and beslur eUse of colorIncluded. THISMONDAY, JAN. 10 at 8 P.M. Fo~the student with p+evious experience in calligraPhy, Italic, Thursday evening r-Is $4s + ale(Inc,model ®latraUO¢l) Directed by Milton Lyon RemainingTickets: curswean0other hands w~tt be siudind Tuesdaymorning 10-12:SO $4]$plul S5 reglatrlilol118, OiL AND ACRYLIC PAINTING mS)GUCSCUI)O£R choreographyby JoanLures etch.$6 8" 5.50;Bale. $530 E~ 3 50 PBalhng10beSCdbe endgive form tO what One feels, while 8. ORAWING B.17J~ETHRUODUES developing le¢l~nlc~l ability. FOethe experienced Etode~L Seeingandexecuting shapes into line for beth the begmner and Fridaymorning g:SO*lg:10 $45plUl $S ,eglstritk=e Performances: Back By Popular Demand! exparienncndstudentPan and ink. charcoal pastel and bencLI Thurs., Jan. 20, 7:30 p.m. areused Bed at~ents are enco~rage~ to explore prefere~es,t 9.PAINIINO [-’09SEMOR ADULTS - Ale m or Tulll~layev~lhlg 5-7 130plea IScth~lthrat ~n ~ Sat.,Jan. 22, 2:30 p.m. Paintingin I no~-¢oml~lve,ea¢lllng ~thlosphem. Ac~yli~l 9 FORM,COMPg~’TIgN.COIOR JOANENSUSH o~ls, $5.$0,5, 3. DAVE BRUBECK E~plollngline. form.space composite1 enduse of color.A Friday ift~rn~l-~ GIgNOreghUmtl~llee Fri., Jan.21,8:30 p.m. necessaryandvital course fordevelo~n artists. Tuesdayevenln9 7:30.10:30 S4Ss plus IS reunion2O.,.~JODAY MCOIRNG WITH A NUDE BO91S11WCTO~ Sat., Jan.22, 8:30 p.m. Wocklr0m nude model With no lee~Sng 0¢lofted crillcarn. $6, 5.50,3.50 ’ AND SONS 10. COU.OSRAPHiCPR~N1MAKfflG EUZANL~HMONAIH Sundaym~nlno O:SO-12:SO Memb~tllS Acontemporary methodof phntmsking usthg¢ardi0oard. paper, Non-mambe~l1120.AdJeelodmodel IIN~ foil,elc to build up the plate Ior relief and intaglio pdntklg. Basic I FORGROUP RATES, with Paul Desmond malerlstsonlyincluded inlee. TuIIUayevarlln9 7-S ass +$8(In©. mite,loll a rlgil4redotl) SATURDAY,JAN.22, 8 P.M. (Classeswf/I be he~ of S. Monath’ss eu~O) PHONE(609) 921-8588 $7.50,6.50, 5.50, 5 I lmlherInformation. Membersh/~in the PAAIs necessaryto stteno*c/asses an~ msy be obtainedst registration...... Na t~*:.~.~ "**! .... McCARTERTHEATRE COMPANY uedmlktnpos:|l,l:ll&[t:l:S,4.::a,l:il, l:ltlll:ll:lll- ~.cCARTERO. BOX 8=’8, Fqr-incston,THEATRE COMPANYN.J. 08840 P.O. BOX 5~6, Princeton, N.J. 08540 h,t,:,u:,u:,.|.... : REGISTERNOW by phoneor mall. Office hours 9 to 3 weekdays, TELEPHONE:(609-921-8/00) TELEPHONE: (609-921-8/00) Detailedbrochure avalleqle on request. Unlversily Place, Just oll campus University Place, lull 011 campus Group Sales: (80~-921-8~70) Oroup Sales: (609-921-8:~70) TtlE PRINCETONPJlClCET "Seven For Central Jersey" ~7-IILLSBOROOGHBEACON,. ’llm,lawmnr~, I~fle, r l~e ManvilleNews THE CENTI~L.POST UJINDSOR-HIGHTSHERJ/LD Classified . dvertising The Franklin NEWS’RECORD Thuraday.Janoary 6.1q77 Business Business PHYSICAL Opportunities Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted THERAPIST Opportunities SALES-permanentfull time EXPERTHOUSEKF.EPER INCHEASEYOURINCOME- OpportunitytO workon full time Building Cleaning CompanyAREA MANAGERS -- basiswith mentally retarded parian. UNITEDSTATES Required in the following position available at The WANTED.Weekdays approx. Activeand progressive offices is, NJlicense required. Excellent DISTRICTCOURT for sale. Twoand a half flours municipalities: PotteryBarn at TheMarket 1-6.Some child care,cooking, CivilService benefits. DISTRICTOF NEWJERSEY required each evening, SnellinoSalliqSlino Sneilig[] Place.Call for appt.201-297- Must drive. References in Belle Mend-and Franklin Mondaythrough Friday. Base 1 - East Windsor 353Nassaust. 5020. required.Call 609-924-5070,Parkseeking full andpart ContactPersonnel Office yearly income $13,500. I - ’,VestWindsor Princeton,N.J. 353NassauSt. eves.only. timesales agents, experience (609)466.0400 In the Matterof Equipmentwith sale valaedat 609-.q~4.,f~ Princeton,N.J. preferred, motivation and CEDARGARDEN MEN’S $860dollars. Willtrain your I - Illghtstown 609-924-8064 WEEKENDCOMPANION for abilitytodeal with people a NEWJERSEY NEURO- SHOPINC., |- IIopeweif We’restarting the New Year must.We aremembers of In BankruptcyNo. B-76-a720 employeeor yourself. Base I - Lawrencevllle witha burstof newand ex- Senior Programmer - Three elderly Princeton woman, PSYCHIATRICINSTITUTE Bankrupt income can be easily in- years experience. Basic Start Feb. Friday 5 pm- RN’S Middlesex and Somerset P.O.BOX 1OOO creased. Last year gross in- I - Penning[an citing job opportunities.We assembly and COBAL. Sunday6 pm.Call 609-799-0554 FULLTIME MultipleListing Systems.And Princelon,N,J. 08540 NOTICEOF come$29,105. Selling price I- Princeton needtop peopleto fill them. members of Multiple EqualODDOnunhy EmWoyer PROPOSEDSALE $7,000.Excellent opportunity, I - PrincetonJet. designTelepr°cessingnewprograms"randombatch eves.terview.after7:30pro, for in- Full timeopenings for RN’s11- RelocationOrganizations. We TO: ALL GENERAL for a youngbusinessman. Sane Comeltememberlnourandmottoregister’is "We 7 and3-11 shifts only. Ex- also offer an interesting bonus CREDITORSAND OTHERS repliesto Box#03769, c/o The and one DISTRICT PlacePeople., and on line 370computer. To collent salary, benefits and plan as incentive. For con- PLATEMAKING/IN INTEREST: PrincetonPacket. MANAGERto supervise the $17,300 Fee Paid and all DE~ - workingconditions. Contact fidentialintarviewaskforLen above. WENEED benefits, neededin orthodonticoffice, PersonnelDept. for nppt: Cooper, MID - JERSEY CAMERADEPT. Noticeishereby given that the Secretaries-- top skills . to Mechanical / Chemical Hightstownarea, fill time, TIIE CARRIERCLINIC REALTY,201-359-3444. Modernarinfing facility requires receiverappointed inthis INVESTORSWANTED -- Field EnterprisesEducational $200Fee Paid . Engineer- Rydraullcsdesign experiencepreferred, will BELLEMEAD,N.J. personwith darkroom"experience. matterhas applied to the Localski tour operatordesires Corp.publishers of TheWorld Typists-- to $140 andset up experience. Three train, call for interview,609- 201-874-4000 =~~ Nightshift work.Excellent benefits Courtfor an Order authorizing Bookand Childcraft (TbeHow Sales ChemicalProcess In- years experience.Low to mid includingBlue Cross, Blue Shield. herto conduct a public auction to purcahse ski lodge in 2Os.Fee Paid. 448-£)600..__:___.__...____ Eq;tal Opportunity KcllmgtunVermont. Desired &Why Library) will interview dustry to $30KFee Paid EmployerM/F majormedical, paid vacation, paid for the estateof the above-ledgets 4 yr. olddoing $96,000 interested peoplefor these Trainees-- to $10500 Sales - Fantastic opportunityCHILDCARE-COOK - One 2- holidays,sick pay and more named bankrupt. The netbeforedepreciation& debt positions. If selected, be Sales Engineer-- Electrical in glaxierproducts. South and year old. Lighthousekeeping. ApplyIn person receiver’s application CentralNew Jersey territory. EARNMONEY in your spare service. Call Mr. Kingafter prepared to attend a Sales PaidEquip"+ Marine to $20KFee $800 per monthsalary, plus Mon-Fri 8:16-Gpm. Ex- Experience in accounts HunterdonCounty togetherwith a lisle, thein- 4:30pro, 609-397-0161. seminar, starting January perienced. Own tran- time! TwinRivers Periscope ventoryfurniture andother 28th& 29th, al the HiltonInn, MarketingEngineer -- to commission. $125 car sportation. NorthBrunswick. needsadvertising solicitors, payable, general ledger or other personaltyincluding an ap- allowance,and all gas paid $BO/week.201-297.2163after Call MarvinStewart. 609-443- areasof accountinghelpful. Democrat tlightstown.N.J. $20KFee Paid for. This is a chance for 1233evenings. Fleminglon.N.J. praisal, maybe reviewedin TEACHERS-- We’re looking InsuranceSales Trainee-- or 6:30pro, Need highly motivatedin- the BankruptcyCourt Office, For interview appointment, experienced,salary open lifetimecareer. " dividual, willingto putin time UnitedStates Courthouseand for leachers who’dlike to write Mr.W.L. King, P.O. Box Personnel Generalist -- to Sales - Industrial cleaners, andeffort to learnthe job and PostOffice Building, 402 East convert someof theirs are . and car products. Chanceto PROFESSIONALcouple EXECUTIVESECRETARY ¯ keepit runningsmoothly. time and some of ~eir 42, PrincetonJet., N.J. 08559.$20KFee Paid earn $14,000first year, and desiresbabysitter (5-~/z & 3-~/z For Princeton polling State Street, Trenton, New teachingskills into money-- Equal OpportunityEmployer Personnel-- Safety to $17K tremendousgrowth potential, organization.Self.starter to Locatedin TwinRivet Develop- PLACEMENTSPECIALIST Jersey. Fee Paid yrs) Man& Tuns, 8am.0pm men,.East Windsor. big money. We’re a local --- Personnel-- Laborrelations Hightstawn-Easta Windsor, eau help organizeoffice, handle Hnv.you have a,lv hu~,n~ e.n,.*ence TheCourt will hear any ob- companyputting together a tIOUSEKEEPINGAIDE - $15KFee Paid 609-443-4654week days 7pro- correspondence.Fast, ac- Call (609)448-8800. wllhn f~rfl~compnlly~ stafftomarket and implemenl curate typingessential. Call forlnterv|ew. jections to the proposedsale developmentprograms for Manor womanfor hospital Senior Audit Con- lOpmor all weekends, Mr.Retaken 609-924-g600. A,e¥ot~ ¢1brh]hl verbq11, o4Jl(~flin~l IO+.r son on January 6, 1977, at 9:30 children and adolescents, housekeeping department. struction/Manufacturingto i)lilli)lllflllllUll’ll:n’iil"’lr’-"- ~ A.M.at Courtroom4, United Qualifications:1. Excellent Dayshift, 8 am- 4 pro, full $19KFee Paid Outnl,ffemen~ ~p+~i,,h~1 pn~lllOfl~ ,)r~ States CourtHouse and Post communicationsskills, 2. t i m e , g e n e r a 1 TaxAnalyst to $19KFee Paid 353NassauSt. PART TIME telephone DEVELOPMENT ENGJN [~ ER +,~a,,I,nqdvnam,c anda ,,,a*ch~,enqe OfficeBuilding, 402 East State housekeeping/ janitorial Credit Manager/Industrial to Princeton,N.J. solicitor. Workfrom home. LABORATORY kmulUnaflonll¢orp,mlnutl¢ludnz 1oyour ~Udm~ Street, Trenton,New Jersey Ability,’tolead group meetings, 3. Sincere interest in duties. Excellent working $14K Fee Pard 609-924-9064 Requiresstrong TECHNICIAN Tstnid~Com~nvm nell= a ttctn~ll~ Weoffer I) plenumsoffice, t~am,nq P,. andat that timethe Courtwill child/adolescent develop- conditions,benefits & salary. Junior Audit Con- -=------509-443-1285. nmn|Color Picture TUMthither toh.d ce~lem¢ommtss,nn wiredraw considerbulk offers for the meat.4. Ability to organize Call for appointment, Per- struction/Manufacturingto EXCELLENT SHORTHAND e,s, or A.S. in mechanical I prosrm d~l~dIo km ahmmof inventory,furniture and other andfollow through,5. Self- sound Dept., THECARRIER $13KFee Paid TYPIST - with pleasant engineering,chemical engineering cunn~IKhnolq~ and to dl~P,op nw It "¢ouhave 1be abdlt y anddesire 1oearn personalty. All acceptable Accountant Construction or relrlgeratlon technotogyfor .technolott~i.LRaOl~P~y,M~iWthkhl motivatedpositive achiever. If CLINIC,Belle Mead,N.J. 201- Cost telephone manner required PART-TIME CASHIER divld~alIbould hm knowlNp of lob~ offers will bc presentedto the voumeet these qualifications 6744000,Equal Opportunity to $12 K Fee Paid for firm of International CafeteriaWorker. Industrial assistantinbaattransferlaboratory, 97466W Court for immediate con- EmployerM/F. Project Engineer -- En- firm in Cranburyarea. Im- Interesting.varied work comblnos ufungrl,ik~-Iron{¢s sadll~r0n.opli¢s, ~mdcan afford to spend $50 consultants, located on the and ft~hnlf.nWitlgh,ldu~lflOl~S~h~lnd BAILEY firmation,and trefundable)and 12 hours in vironment to $24K Fee Paid outskirts of Princeton. At least mediate openingfor personor theory p~actice. Goodchance desiref0¢ sr~th 0pP~lunit/wil~ bl rzlEd trainingover the nextl0 days- ChemicalEngineer Petro 3 yrs. experience,initiative persons to work 10-2 5 for advancement.Onlymen or hi[hnrlhlnll[~dln¢¢Knollsd|Enf¢~r~ EMPLOYMENTSERVICE NOTICE IS FURTHER call us today. We’dlike to ’CLERICALPOSITION -- Chumto $24KFee Paid andthe desire ta participatein days/wk. Mondayt~zru womenwhhB.S,orA.S,call: puUrmodnllnt a91gs.[ll~ldenclptusss. 2S2Na.au Street GIVENthat in the event an reviewyour qualifications and HightstownDental office. 35~i= Supervisor Industrial the diverseactivities of our Frtday. For interviewplease tenl0f~[umlonetllhsfluo~ltodee’. Princolon.N,J. acceptableoffer in bulkis not haveyou checkus out. Call hr. week, office skills Engineer,machine shop $21K businessis essential. Wouldcall 609-599-9003. KramerTrentonCo. minna~glffuhlch~zl4bl~0Kormom. conhrmcdby the Courtpublic MissGray, 609-896-2189. necessary. Reply to WHHFee Paid interested & qualified ap- Trenton,N,J. $*ndmume Io P. O,Sos 1517| 121 L auctionwill be he d for sad #0825,P.O. Box146, Hight- Project Engineer Chemical to plicants please telephone, 609-396-8271.ext.125 SndeSt.. erlnch0ffi¢l. Columbus0hb assets at thepremisesof the stown,08520. $21KFee Paid ClairePhillips at 609-737-3538. PRESSROOM 43itS, bankrupt, Cedar Garden SUCCESSFULCHEM-CLEAN MechanicalEngineer to $19K Men’sShop~ State HighwayFURNITURESTRIPPING & MAT"UR--"~ORRETIRED Fee Paid FOREPERSON BUDGET& No. 33, Ham[IronSquare, New REFINISHING CENTER Metallurgistto $19KFee Paid BABYSITTER- Mon-Fri 2- TO supervise Webnewspape~ ASSISTANTTOGENERAL MANAGER ACCOUNTING Jersey on the 17ih day of ITheWood Shed) for.sale and WOMAN.LIVE-IN -- Non- EnvironmentalEngineer$17K 5:30pro, Princeton.Call 609- press operation in modern January,1977 at 11:50o’clock relocation within Mercer smoker,references. Cookfor Fee Paid 924-9712. facility. Vacation,Blue Cross, INTERNATIONAL ASSISTANT A.M.same to be conductedby SomersetMiddlesexlri-coonty single htdy, somehousework. Programmersto $17KFee BlueShleld, matermedical, in- Ourmulti-national corporationis engagedin JosephTrabuoco, auctioneer franchise territory. Calfeves, 7-8 pro, 509-924-2478.Paid surance, holidays, pension managementeducation and development for For- of the State of NewJersey, Established 1971. Owners ---- LIVE-INgeneral worker - and plan. PARTTIME subjectto the confirmationof moving. Weekly gross ExecutiveSecretary - For cook able to serve in town I in Apply tune500 clients. Wehave an opportunity in the in- 3 DaysPer Week the Court, hearing on con- SECRETARYNEEDED - On plushcompany in Princeton.family. References required. ternational deportmentfor an individual with firmationto be heldbeforethe presenflyin excessof $2000. West State Street. Well Hunterd0nCounty Possession spring 1077. groomedoutgoing person lo Topskills will earn this ex- Call 4-5:30 p.m. 024-0839. generalmanagement ability, with particularstress Individualwith accounlingdegree HonorableRichard W. Hill at $50,000. Full training, citingjob. Excellentbenefits Democrat or comparableexperience needed Courtroom No. 4, United Qualifiedinquiries to Richard greet clients.Exeelinnttyping to $209.Fee Paid. onmarketing and sales. International experience to assistin budgetpreparalion and States Courthouseand Post Williams,Box 224, BelleMead, &light shorthandrequired on Personnel Secretary - GOODCOOK - able to serve Flemington.N.J. andthe ability to selectand develop professlonal insdPltin.alaccounting. Must he OfficeBuilding, 402 East State N.J. 0&502.Telephone 201-359- this permanentjob. Salary Beautiful surroundings, for 5 evenings a week. Own 201-782-4747 staff arerequired. capableof pfepadngslatemems Street, Trenton,New Jersey 4~7 9 am - 5 pm Tuesday approx.$150/wk. workingfor headof personnelnecessary. transportationIn town.and Call references 4-5:30 andnmmla~ning financiat lecords. on the 17th day of January, Compensationplanincludes profit shoringand full Accuratetyping skltls required throughSaturday. J&J SERVICES department.Top skills, like t977at 2:00o’clock P.M. workingwith people, ex- p..m. 609-924-0639, Ilalfiday~ benefitsprogram. 2936It. I Lawrencevillepatiencein personnelhelpful. M,rj, ri+,~L Pleasesend resume el business RichardW. Hill CANCELLATION"’ ’~ ’ ~’, ,,~60g’~83;5572 Pleasesubmit resume with salaryhistory to Box experience and educallonol to $9,000.Fantastic benefits. BankruptcyJudge DEADLINE Fee Paid. PRINCETON 03787. backgroundto Sex 29. Princeton, DATED:December 17, 1976 NASSAUPLACEMENTS AnEqual Opportunily Employer N,J.OflS40.Artn: W.L. 5 P.M. MONDAY RETIRED? PART-TIME ExecutiveSecretary - If you JANITORIALDUTIES -- At like to sleeplate this is for you. ...by BeeHunt tennisclub. Call 201-359-8730. Seerelarvio presidentof small EMPLOYMENT companY,.Excellent skills, AGENCY SECRETARIAL PARTTIME TYPIST WANTED-- Dentalassistant, heavyshorthand. Start at $175 orthodonticoffice. Nonights wilhquick raises. FeePaid. Wespecialize in Speeiolin9 in Ableto transcribefrom IBM Cassettes. Typing, filing A4 dayposition for excellentIvplsl or Saturday,good fringe SuperSecretary - Slimulating secretariesat the TemporaryHelp swift temps andgeneral office duties. Stoning salary - $6,326an- in Princetor~. Wnrkinqwith a benefits.Call for interview and rewarding.Secretary to nually. congen+al,mature, energetic group. 609-92@0834. president of Princeton executivelevel. I),,rmam,ntPhtrprar,nts in Hours9.5, summer9.4. Good Company.Fantastic benefits, S,.r’r+,yarhd.(’.l~,riral PRINTING salary.Fee Paid. CLERKS ¯ TYPISTS * SECRETARIES salary $9 000Fee Paid. Execatirv. EDPand MachineOperator able to run addressograph- ADMINISTRATIVETravel Agent- P3xperience 195 NassauStreet T.r’hrth’al Temporarywork means a full day’swork for a limited Multigraph#2850 copying machine. Annual starting BANNERBUSINESS SECRETARYnecessary- TrentonCompany. amountof time. Letus helpyou,pay your Christmas salary.$6,642. Salary open depending on 609.924-3716 bills. Workclose to home,good hours, get paid right ASSOCIATES Exceflent vplng andshorthand backgroundin travel. Typing, 352Nassau St., Princeton away.Jobs available in Hightstown,Princeton, Cran- EducationalImprovement Center, Central requiredplus goodorganizes,on. etc. (609) 924-9134 EmploymenlPlacement Service Salaryranpo $170.$175 per week. bury,Twin Rivers. Call Pat or Sue. plusoutstanding benofi s package ExecutiveSecretary - Super S0Lake Drive, Hlghtstown, N.J. 08520 145Waher~poon Street spot for really sharp in- Nevero fee Pleasephone Dorothy Baker at 609-448-0464 Peinceton.N. J. 0SS4O Feepaid. dividualto handlerespoesihle Faradditional Information/appointment 609-924-4194 BANNERBUSINESS position,to $170. Secretary- Chanceto grow. 609-882-0030 609-586-5898 ASSOCIATES Typing55 wpm,stano, 85, JOB SERVICE EmntoymemP[;Icemenl Service Trentoncompany. $140. Prof5ssionat- Technical- Clerical. Skilled ¯ Unskilled The Princeton Packet Newspapers South Somerset Newspapers 14SWitherspoon Street Secretary- For steaD pool. Princeton.N. J. 08540 Greathenefits. Typing 50, 30OWt,herspoon St. P.O. Box 146 stead66, No experlence NOWAT 2 SUBURBANLOCATIONS swift temps Prlnceeon, N.J. 00540 Somerville, N.J. 609-924-4194 necessary,Trenton company. (609) 924.3244 (20 I) 725.3300 $120. PRINCETON ROBBINSVILLE Se:,e~ar+es/Tvv+m Secretary - No steno necessary.Working insales 353Nassau Street Rt.]30 & Woodside Rd, IF YOUHAVE office.Typing 50, Some 609-921-6244 609.448.1053or586.4034 statisticaltyping, diversified N.J. Divisionof EmplovmemServlcos BANKING duties.To$135. CLASSIFIED TIME... l.egalSceretary- ForTrenton NO FEE CHARGED TELLERS Area.Liti[[atioo andreal ADVERTISING FORM WEHAVE THE estateexperfonce helpful. Top N.J.National Bank is seekingexperienced tellers or per- Skills.$175. mlm i ...... sonableindividuals to be trainedas tellers. Applicants ASSIGNMENTS!Le/~alSecretary - Super shouldbe reliable, accuratewith figures, andenjoy positionavailable forreal workingwith people. We also required that youhave your LET’STRADE! professional.$190. TYPIST owntransportation and be availablefor a threeweek Stenographers Secretary- For beginner. Forexpanding Princeton advertising research firm. training programin Hightstown,N.J. Monday-Friday9 TreesMach Opers. Largecompany inSomerville. Priorexperience or degree in Englishessential. Ex- A.M.- 5 P.M.beginning Jan. 17. Slat One yearexperience or cellentfringe benefits. Typists secretarial schoolTyping 50, SeniorTypists steno 100. Excellentbenefts. Wehave full andpart-time openings WORKIN YOURAREA MAPES8" ROSS,Inc. at thefollowing locations: (onesquare for eachlener, number,space or punctuation) SEEADDRESSES aELOW FeePaid. $125. Cam~mtoU~v OulEmployees R+,cPN, TaD PaY Gal/GuyFriday - Diversified 909State Road ¯ LawrenceTownship ¯Ewing Township 4 LINES- 1 INSERTION...... $3.00 dutiesin friendlyoffice. Good 1901N. OldenAve. Princeton,New Jersey ¯ EastWindsor ¯ Hamilton Township’ 3 INSERTIONSno changes, paid before billing ...... bcnefita.To $125. ¯ FranklinTownship ¯ Trenton $4.50 trenton. N.J. 6g?.sSS-b003 Typist - Work35 hours - be (609) 924-0600 If billedadd 50 c billingcharge WarrenPlato Wets paid for 40. Seundgood? So are Routet30 ¯ Hlghtstown609.448-SS1~ the benefits.To $140. Typist- A plus to knowMTST, ACCOUNTINGCLERK NAME KELLYGIRL telex, reproductionmachines. Ourinternational department is seekingan experienced ADiv. of Kelly S@e¥ice$ Greatbenefits, salary open, AnEcual Ot~13omlnnv Empt~v,~r M’F clerk with either bankingor bookkeepingbackground. ADDRESS comensurutewith experience. SECRETARY Sometyping required. Typist - Goodspot m oanK. 50%customer contact. To REQUIREMENTS: RealEstate $120. ¯ Minimum85 wpmaccurate typing Did you ever considertalking Typist - For msurancecoal- ¯ LegalSecretary preferred ADDINGMACHINE OPERATORS CLASSIFICATION ___INSERTIONS __PAID__ CHARGE__ to someoneabout your get. piny. To$127. ¯ Mediumof managerial ability requiredin officeand on nng Into Real Estate? But UlerR - uan you nanole thephone. (Pad-Time) someonetold you one of the periodicpressure and type 40 ¯ Excellentcapabilities with paperwork, filing, execution All Classifiedads appear automatically in wpm?Good entry level spot. Dayor earlyevening hours available for experiencedten thesame thereafter. Ads may be displayed following $100, of procedures,etc. keyadding machine ol~erators. Hours: 1 P.M.- 5 P,M.or all 7 Packetnewspapers: The Princeton withwhite space margins and/or addhional ¯ Abilityto typefigures accurately. Packet,The Lawrence Ledger, Th~ Central * it’a too hard...... Wlon[.! Keypunch- Plus inventoryand 5:30P.M, - 9:30P.M. Lawrence Township location. capitalletters at $3.50per inch. A special e Toomany hou~s ...... Wron~! cost accountingwill earnyou a ¯ Neatappearance. Front office position and reception ¯ Post,Windsor-Hights Herald, The Manville discountrate is availableto advertisersrun- spot in a great Princeton function. News,The Franklin News-Record andthe ningthe same classified display ad for a e It ~on’tfit mrs’~u+ company,To $140,Fee schedule...... Wroei] negotiableplusag benefits. ¯ At least5 yearsprevious experience asa secretary. ’ CLERK-TYPIST HinsboroughBeacon. Ads may be mailed minimumof 13 consecutiveweeks or dif- ¯ Youcan’t make any money . Wlon~! BillingClerk - One year ex- ¯ 3 references Marketingdepartment is seeking an experiencedclerk- or phonedin. Thedeadline for newads is 5 ferentclassified display ads totaling 20 or e Youcouldn’t do it ...... Wtonll ¯ Abilityto maintaina high tempo. p.m.Monday if theyare to be properly periencebilling third party, typistto handlebusy P.R. office. Minimum typing skills of moreinches per month with arrangements e Youcouldn’t do it, if ~Ouhave Goodmath background. To ¯ 8:30-5:00P.M. 5 daysper week. 55words per minute. classified.Cancellations cannot .be ac- for monthlybilling. Boxnumbem are$1.00 childlenin SChOOl...... WPongl $135. ¯ Musthave transporation (Princeton area location) ceptedafter 5 p.m.on Monday."Too Late extra. e ALLOF IHE t~,BOV EARE WRONGI Secretary -For steno pool. to Classify"ads will beaccepted until noon Goodchance of advancement. COMPENSATION: Please~,pply directly to personneldepartment. 61h floor, If you wouldlike 1o get the mainoffice between the hours of 9 A.M.- 11 A.M.or 1 Tuesday. RIGHTanswers, end ask some To$132. Fee Paid. ¯ Salary negotiable and commensuratewith TERMS:There is a 50¢billing charge if adis then cell me.I will answer Secretary- Goodskills, stronlg qualifications P.M.-4 P.M. RATES:AClassified Ad costs $3.00 for up notpaid in advance.Personals, Situations steno, medicalbackgreun~. themall andtell you howyou $175. ¯ Basicand major medical paid by employer to 4lines for oneinsertion, or, if originally Wanted,Housesitting, Apartment Sublets, can get into My businesa. ¯ 2 weekspaid vacation. ordered,$1.50 additional for 2 consecutiveWantedto Rent or Shareand all outof area 1 W.State St. weeksor issues,and the 3rd consecutive andmoving sda are payablewith order. EDMAC NICOLL JR. Individualshould respond to: Trenton,N.J. insertionis FREE.Thereafter, each con- Thisnewsoaoer is not resnonsihin for errors REALTOR-MANAGERSnellingSnelFq Box #03791 secutlveinsertion only costs $1.00. The notcorrected by the advertiser immediately LombardoAgency ~3NassauSt. nextincrement of up to 4 linesis 50¢and ¯ followingthe first publicationof the ad. 443.6200 Prlnceton,NJ. c/o ThoPrinceton Packet AnEqusl Opportunity Employer 609.924-8064 "SevenFor Central Jersey" ¢I’IILLS~H BEACON. ]~e ManvilleNews Cla s s i fi ed ./ dver tis ing The Franklin NEWS’RECORD .Thursday, January 6.1977

Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Jobs Wanted Announcements Personals Bargain Mart ACCOUNTINGCLERICAL..- TYPIST! WANTED -- Doctoral REGIONAL SALES ATTENTION: WORKING BROWSE IN MY DIAL ADIET REALISTIC SCANNER- Hi MATURERESPONSIBLE -- REAL ESTATES/~_,Sj part time person, flexible MOTHERS- experienced GREENHOUSE,free plants- frequency, 0 channels $85 Dissertation.Call600-392-80181 Guaranteedincome for part- MANAGER,MID-ATLANTIC 609-7OO-1749 Individual needed to babysit wknds,mon, wed, fri eves. ¯ Divisionof a majorblue-chip hours. Lawrencevilte area. babysitter, Twin Rivers, call Doris201-297-1498 after 5, firm. (4 crystals incl.) every Sat. night plus one ¯ timeor semi-retiredlicensed 009.882-1078~ McKnight School area, sheets 3’ x 6’ Bassbnard. $3 sales-parsen. corporation with offices .in weeknightfor 4 children ages 4 Princeton is seeking a sams reaseuahlerates. 6{}9-446-9047. KARATE CLASSES -- OVEREATER’S ANONY- sheet. 600-443-3827after 2 p.m. to 0. Excellentpay. Prefer own SELL NEWHOMES. Sat. & RECEPTIONIST GAL/GUY Sun. on-site, Hillsborough professional, expertenced in SCHOOL CAFETERIA HELP beginners, advanced. East MOUS,for teenagers only. car. 609-448-7407. FRIDAY- plush suburban the marketing of technical - Montgomery & Skillman WOMAN WISHES Windsor Community Meets on Tues. evenings, firm seeks qualified well area. For interview, call 201- services or custom-designed Education, Japan Karate BABY NURSERY - Crib 520-1020 area, fulltime & substitutesDOMESTIC WORE BY DAY. 0:00 p.m., Slackwood mattress, dressingtable, chest spoken applicant with front ROBERT TUSCHAK & automatic machinery. This is needed.No weekendsor ores.EXPERIENCED. CALL 609- Association. Starts Jan. ZS. Presbyterian Church - DENTAL TECHNICIAN -- desk appearance and outgoing ASSOC.INC. 402 No. Bridge a salaried position with Call201-874.5382 between $ & 7 393-2765. Free demonstrationon Jan. 19 Trenton. For into. 609-386.0020of Drawers~3 in 1 Built Rite Small crown & bridge dental personality. Typingand hgure St., Br dgewater companycar, bonus plan and p.m. at KrepsSchool gym, 7:30pm. (eves.) carriage, hlghchair, excellent lab desires goldman ex- aptitude are reqmred. Heavy. all fringe benefits of a Fortune All invited. Call 609-4484848 eonditmn.609-443-5729 after 5 perienced or will train. Ar- phonesand client contact are 000 company.An engineering after 6pm. p.m. tistic or very fine mechanicaBpart of thi diverse day this degree and 10 years ol SHOR’T ~ ~ "-- EXPERIENCED GROUND- IIIGHTSTOWN PLANNED position affords. Call 201-469- APARTMENTMANAGER -- Waiters/waitresses,main- SMAN -- gardenerto liveon needed. Goodfuture. 600-443- Live-in part time. Bondable. technical field sales ox- tenanceperson/porter your farm or estate- depen- PARENT EFFECTIVENESS PARENTHOOD CLINIC-- 6060. 8920 for appointment. p~erience is a pre-requisits. TRAINING(P.E.T.) - will Mondayevenings. Call 600-448- LIVING ROOM-- mellon & Ideal for retired couple. Reply in confidence to Box llighstownarea. Call 009-448- dable, hardworklng. Refs. 201- 3439. old loose pillow backsofa, 2 Trcntna. 201-329-6309. 8045between 2-5pro only. 543-2868. offeredin Januaryby several EXPERTTYPIST - neededby ORDER PROCESSING #03777, c/o Princeton Packet. certifiedinstructors. Call felly green barrel chairs, end tennis office. Familiarity with AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Dorothy Jackson (921-2785), table & 2 lamps. Makeme an CLERK-- High School grad. ECONOMIST-- Princeoin, MATURED MALE -- offe/’. Call after 5 pm.609-443. dictating equipmentdesirable. w/previous office exp. & the IIOUSEKEEPER: own EMPLOYER,M/F. N.J. Research & Consulting Familiar in general con- Phyllis Popkin (924-7216), GAY SWITCHBOARD in- Mustbe wining to do routine ability to workwith numbers transportation, references firm desires mathematical struction maintenance, Kathy Tnseland (883-0929), formationcenter. Call 609-921- 3032. clerical work. Nophone calls and like detailed work, ac- one day/wk.9-5, good salary, GUARDS-- Uniforms fur- economist or Operations janitorial ~. 18 yrs. painting. MichaelKatz (443-3141). 2565. Best hours 7-10 p.m. Mon. please¯ Send resume and curate typing, checking in nished. Work in Prin- thru Thurs. references to USTAEducation call 356-1804after 6 pro. Research Scientist interested Seeking employment. Full PRINCETON CO-OP NUR- customer orders, booking eeton/Lawrenceville area. in the economics of time & part-time. Roundthe SERY SCHOOL - an open MUSTSELL - white French & Research Committee 71 sales, invoicing & doin~ For appt. call 201-329-6021.An technology. Prefer candidate clock hours. Phone 609-921- Provincial bedroomset - twin University Place, Princeton, space facility with multi-age ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS various reports. Call K. equal opportunity employer. with recent masters degree. 2263. programsand a choiceof 3 or 5 beds complete, triple dresser N.J. 08540. Manfredi009-921-8550, Applied NURSESAIDES - applications Salary basedon qualifications. HELP AND INFORMATION & mirror night stand. Ex- being taken for openingof new day mornings. Located, CALL609-924-7592. ce lent eondt on. Asking$325. REAL ESTAT E DataResearch, Rt. 200 Center. 80 bed addition to Applegarth BABYSITTER- experienced, Send resume to Box 121, WOMAN SEEKING -- Nassau &Cedar Lane. Call us SALESPERSON-- needed to Princeton, N.J. An Equal references, day andevening Princeton, N.J. 00540. Equal Housework or babysitting. Call 009-924-79M. Opportunity Employer. Care Center Monroe Twp. Opportunity Employer. .. Elinor Williams609-921-6585 sell for a hing-established . CallMrs. Lazarczyk between hours, TwinRivers area, own Princeton or Lawrenceville or Pat Hard ng 921-8599. THESINGLE SET - An adult firm. Experience desireable 9-3:30p.m., 600-446.7036. transportation. 609-446-1323. area preferred. 5 or 6 social group meets every but not necessary. Excellent MUS~ P~RM SALES--Electronic products, days/wk. References. Call 609- LISTEN TO RENEWAL SNOWTires: Firestone Town Individual must be technically 924-6816. BROADCAST- WHWH,1350 Tuesday at The Washington & CountrySuper Belt tubeless video training¯ Wehave offices at intimate mellow Cressin~ Inn and every Friday in Mercervilte, East Windsor, Rathskeller. Desire single oriented but degree not AM,Sundays at 0:30 am. at The I readwayInn on R t. #1 white walls. Size I-l-78 - 15 Penaington, Lawrenceville. artists or sin. group at low RN’S& LPN’S- applications ENGRG. - CHEMISTRY - required. Needs drive, self- mounted on rims. Used less Local/nationwide specialists assurance personality & in Princeton. Live hand 9p.m. than 1500 miles $~3.00 each. Princeton, Trenton, cost. Kevin & McHugh, beingtaken for openingof new NURSESAIDE -- or corn- PRE-SCH00L LEARNING Guestswelcome. For into. Call Flemingtenand Clinton. If you Rathskeller Program, Tren[vn 88 bed addition to Apptegarth in placement of all technical arab t on to becomea sales EXPERIENCE-- Private Call448-4250 daytime or 448- personnel in R&DSales, Mfg. manager¯ Auto required. panion, nights or sleep in. 215.862-3889. 2537 after 5 P.M. live near any of the above State College, Trenton, N.J. Care Center, Monroe Twp. & Engrg. Send resume to: Weekendsonly. References. school elementary teacher listed offices andwould like an OO9-771-2467. CallMrs. Lazaresyk between Frequenttrips neededto Raps. offering 2 or 3 day morning LOR Assoc., TECRSEARCH& OEMaccounts from our WriteBox#03770c/oPrinceton interview, call Weidel Real 9-3:30p.m., 609-440-7036. DIV., 1101 Slate Rd., Research Packet¯ play sessions, in Princeton, EstateInc., Realtors.6(39-737- PURCHASING DEPART- central NJ office. An equal stressing individudlized lear- JOINUS -- meet new peoplo. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Park, Princeton, N.J. 00540. opportunity employer¯Call Parents Without Partners, desk/typewriterextension 1600 and ask for Richard MENT ASSISTANT -- Good t600) 021-6580. FEEPAID. ning in reading readiness, Weidelor Earl Sneddon. opportunitywith growing RELIABLE LADYNEEDED- 201-329-4683for appointment. music, art and drama. Chapter 387. Weoffer con- withmatching posture chair, EXPERIENCED YOUNG viviality awareness, adult & goodcondition. $Z50.00. Old company.Maturity, accuracy, To helpcare for 16 too.old MANdesires position with Nutritious snacks, optional children"s activities, gourmet DELICATESSEN CLERK -- good typing,pleasant twins and also to help with REAL ESTATE S.~LE$ quality/volume antiques extendedprngram w~th hot deskand table. $25. Call 609. telephonemanner & a flarefor housework. 609-896-2780. Jobs Wanted lunches. Call 609-921-0256for meals, dances, understanding, 924-6050,9-5. wantedfull time,Nassau PERSONto work out of new establishment, A.S.I.D., etc. 600-924-1723days, 609-924- De icatessen,1 Palmer detailsa must.Shorthand East Windsor Office. Ex- S.A.M.A. Phone John eves, details. desirable but not essential. riCnce preferred. Call Mr. 219-946-0171. 2064& 201-297-5854eves. Square.Call after 4pm609-924- MOTHER WILL BABYSIT CAROL’S PLACE - Por- FILL-EM-UP RECIPES - 1802. Definite growth potential¯ ~,nnis at 201-297-2822or 609- your child in my homeday or Limited only by individual KITCHEN AIDE & 448.-5858. LADIES ALTERATIONS - sonalized stationary, in- testedon 0 hungrykids over 20 ambition¯ Hopewel[area.Call DOMESTIC- Part & Full night, lots of roomtoplay and vitations and gift items at WEDDINGS __AR&d OUR years.Unique raisin cakes, time¯ For interview contact lots of toys. Full supervismn Pillow covers curtains. Call discount prices. Call 609443- Nana’scookies and baked RELIABLE. KIND woman 609-466-3403 between 9:30- for further infnrmat on, 609- SPECIALITY dan- neededIo babysit 10/2 or more ll:30am for appointment¯ Administrator. Sunny Field and hot meals for more in- 3141. ceablemusic for all ages at chocolatepudding. Send $I. to: days a week plus some Nursing tlome, Cranbury. SWITCHBOARDOPERATOR formationcall 6(39446-3783. 921-2071. RECIPES,Box 300,Cranbury -- permanent part time, af- reasonable prices¯ The overnight sitting for two young 6009-395-0641. MO~ to lVlusieiaes. 201-359-8487 N.J.08512. well-behaved children. Must AVON ternoons, evenings and work or school? Established weekends. Small Nassau St. WELLKNOWN & reliable EXPERIENCED MOTHER- have owntransportation. Must ~,,,,,, ,,~,.,,~.., ,. ~^t,~ ~tm mother wishes to babysit Men wishes babysitting work. Nursery School provides TOYTRAINS WANTED - Old, be competenLAttractive ,~.,~’~,~’~,-,’~,%’ ,~,~’~n~’~’~ SALESPERSON,motivated, office. 609.924-2040. thruFri.,Liveaeress from the QUALITY DAY CARE for SINGLES-- Meet& mixevery newor broken.Please call 600- compensationforright person. ’-.’YAWL"’’~ ’-"~2 .~" ""~2 Sleeping accommodations, 600.~n.),~.) TAX":~ -- uemg an avon experiencedin direct sales, to McKnight School and has meals provided. 201-526-5704. your preschooler or Kin- Fri& Satnight from 9 pmto I 586.9218after 5:30 pm. w~-.... REAL ESTATE SALES -- references¯please call after 5 dergarten child. Loving Care am.Caroller Lanes in Gazebo representative can help you help develop & managesales Bridgewater area. in an educationalsetting. Call LoungeRt. I North,New -- take tax bills in stride. Sell organization. Excellent up- We’ve been growing steadily p.m. 609-440-5338. qualityproductsinyuar neigh- portunity. Call after6p.m. 201- and soundly and nowneed ono 609-448-3883. Brunswick.Live mus c, AQUARIUMS,filters, pumps, DRIVING & HOUSEHOLD 329.2863. more professional, respon- mixers,noclub to join. Single, heaters, &more. t0 to 50 gal. assistant. 3 to 5 days a week7- berhood & make., the extra NEED A YOUNGPERSON’S ENGINEERINGSERVICES: widowed, separated or tank setups. Nice family hour day $25 per day. Very moneyyou neeo. t;alt zvl-z,J~- sible, experienced sales EUROPEAN WOMAN - HELP, BOY’S ORGIRL’S?-- Design & Drafting for Power, ~rson with a knowledge of Workingpart time and hot 12 Call Youth Employment Process or CommercialBldg. divorced, all ages attending. hobby. Also I red Piranha & 2 nice surroundings in master 1486, 297-0941, OO9-383-1444 or PROGRAMMER- Our ex- tlopswell Township in par- Info: call Helen, 609-655-6584Oscars. priced from$I to $100~ house and guest cottage in 507-0007. yr. old son want room& board Service (Y.E.S.) Men-Fri.2:30 Specialized in Substation, ~ panding MountainsideDistrict ticular. We’re open to with nice family in Princeton to 6 pm. 609-924-5841.A non- Instruments & control LTG& after 5pm, anytime weekends Call 609.440-1831.Ask for Rick~ Lawrenceville - Princeton whatever arrangements work area (son goes to Chapin or write for free brochure, PO area¯ Call 609-890-0310 or SUPER SECRETARY Office is seeking a profit student employment Power Design. Experienced. Box225, Hightstown,NJ 08520. Cherry.Hill 424-1234. programmerto provide soft- best for all of us, so let’s talk school). Wouldlikereasonable or~anizatien. Princeton area LowRate. 009-443-6995after 6 Princeton literary agent needs ware support for our mini- about it. Call Gloria or Jim rate or in exchangedo 3 days only. p.m. HAND TUFTED RUGS mad -- super part time secretary with computer accounting corn- Chase soon in strictest con- of work (secretarial, to order.Variety of sizes fidence o~ course. THE bookkeeping childcare shapes.Call 609.406-2514. l - ~reat t~.ning talking, and of- mercial application. Disk CHASE AGENCY pen- SINGER-S0NGWRITER languages). Excellent I DESIGN LOGOS-- let- RichardWinthrop will be glad Bargain Mart MANAGERonwtdemultipleTRAINEEmou’!°r _._^~ceskdls. Call Ne~ Morris, Position(flopp,v) experienceinvolves customer required. nington,N.J. 609-737-1330. references. Call 609-921-6204. terheada, cards, signage, WATER HEATER- Electric~ nati " ¯ " e u~-s24-3537" to perform at your private. 66gal. unit, 10 mos. old. Exc] picture theater chain. Coueg field contact in programming. posters, forms, brochures, party or function, 600-924-57p~ ads, annual reports, murals, cond.Asking $75. 609466-00811 graduate,managementdegreer~uired; business EXPERIENCEDAd- Salary commensurate with EARNA GOODINCOME -- MOTHERWANTS TO Baby CONTENTS OF HOME -- etail baokgrouno ministrative Secretary . experience and past per- While you train for a sit in herhome. Black, Kreps super graphics, packages, Furniture, appliances, small books, and ann’.graphics you THE ROCKY HILL Co- L A R~’-E-’~HO-’T-P-o I N ]I Prefer r~omnany benefits needed for full time position pensesformance, and excellentplus travel fringe ex- professional earner in Sales. & Busy Bee school area. items. Contact Mr. Sandi at refrigerator- also GI~ I (:all Mr. DeCandia, 609-200- Children of any age. 609-448- mayrequire. Ca11609-466-2937.operative Nursery School has 201-356-3795. Bring resume to Quaker wRh. growing national benefits. Send resume to .Mr. 0861. a fewopenings in its 3 &4 day refrigerator.Good workla~ BridgeMall4Tbeaters Rt.l&organJzatlonmvnivedintennis C. Ascher, District Mgr. or 5852. EOEm/f. coed~tion.Asking $85/ea. 6~ PROGRAMMER ANALYST - a weekclasses. For info. 609- l Qual~erbridge Rd, Lawr.en.-resea.rch and education. Must call 201-233-5950 for ap- 921-9331. CUSTOM-MADE black 359-5365. / pointment. EARN$500 - $800 a month WILL BABYSIT IN MY Solid application& system ceville N.J. 00640.Attn vov petyping COllege saills,~.raduata willing with to good do tuxedo-styled Persian lamb r, tese managing0 - 10 people part HOME NEAR BLACK design experience Heavy use coat. Size48. Call 201-722-6367. ~nr " routine office workas well as OLIVETTI time. Call eves. 6.9 p.m. to SCHOOL,HIGHTSTOWN. 609- BAL&of ANSI FORTRAN,COBOL, knowledge seeks jobof POTTERYSTUDIO - Opening QUEEN SEA L’~ SECRETARIALPOSITION ¯ -- indenendent,or,.,,~-^-a .... POSTUREPEDIC -- Mat[ ¯ ¯ p ¢~,,ir .... pu,,ucm:~. Corp. of America arrange confidential in- 443-1510. in Lambertville. (Formerly wdh¯ psychological .testmg . lea ..... ~uLr,,¯ ~-~-;-- ~-~,- 1138Globe Ave. terview. 2~1-359-1667. in CentralNew Jersey area. Jerrold Friedman Clay tress/ Boxspring with mets hrm, good typing,, telephone virnament. Sendn resume and MountaiasidoN.J. 07002 Salaryin hi teens.Reply Studio). Now Clay Co-up. TIFFANY TYPE LAMP frame. Complete $85. Bed and ¯stenogra Pmtc skdls. references to USTAEducation Equal Opportumtyz Employer Instruction and space rentals SHADE-- $250. Yellow side- spr ead,_$10:Ca!!._.~9-447.?014 reqmred¯ Excel,eat working INTERESTEDIN - forming a HOUSECLEANING -- by to Box 03756, Princeton by-side refrigerator. $250. 25" ¯ & Research Committee, 71 ...... cooperative art store? Call energeticteenager, 9-5 Sats. Packet. to potters. Call 609-397-0001,9-2 envtronment and corn ." Umver’ sity Place Princeton color Iv, $225.Gas dr~er, $100. HITACHI-- 8-track playo prehensive fringe beneht ’ S E C R E T A R Y - 201.247-0822or 201-973-3984. Princeton-L’viIlearea. Ex- and7-10 daily. Or 609-440-5697,Singer sewing machine, $160...... N .I fllL~aa l~n v-~n~’nh, ~ ca.s perienced,economical. 60~ CHILD CARE- experienced397-1610. and tape box. Will trade¯ Ca] package.009-924-3800. please¯ BOOKKEEPER-Fullor part- Reclining chair, houseplants, 609-921-3885,ask for Scott. time in small profnssmnal SEWING MACHINE 896-0686. motherwill care for your Sears paints, firewood. Call office in Princeton. Must be OPERATOR-- for heavy duty child.Walter C. Blackarea, 609.799-9429. -- EXetER ’familiar with IBMexecutive upholstery work. Exp. on SECRETARY/BOOK-Hightstown, 609-448-5873. LOOK,LOOK,LOOK. There is SAABOWNERS - Need parts STENO/ CLERICAL- Part NEEDED- For 2 boys ages 5 parking at Princeton Station. time for Hightstown Real typewriter. Write Box 255, walkingfoot machine.609-443- KEEPER -- part time +, or want a ’67 V-4 withba~ & 7. Weekdaysnoon t~) 6 and RockyHill, N.J. 0~38 1510. mature& outgomg, exc. skills, Rates 60 cents per day, $1.00 HOOVER ELECTRIC transmission? Good engine Estate&Insuranceoffice. 609- occasional eves. Must be extensiveexperience, enjoys RESPONSIBLE MOTHER - !for overnight, by the week washing machine, good 201-874-3312.Belle Meadares 448-0600. responsible friendly ’I’EAC"~-’E"~: 5 ~"~’wk- challenges.Seeks employment babysits in her homeweek- $5.00, by the month $8. The condition $25~ SEAR’S imaginative.Driving helpful. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED - $7,800 year. }low about withPrmceton firm.Callafter days. Fenced yard, hot hin- only overnight parking in Silvertone TV, 21 B&W,$80. t,,~a~,r Prospect Ave. area. Call Co09. Private family needs that for new math? In this 2 pro,609.921-8626. ches.Kendall Park. 201-297- Princeton.600-9244)976. 009-796.9484. ,,,~o~,rL,~,~ ~oo,o.~,,. " 924 5070 eves only housekeeping services 5 day FREEZER- Sears 17 cu. ft Princeton, N.J. Policy "’ .... enuaUonthe equal sign is a _ __ __ 0072. frost free, avocado, ex¢ - ...... ~’ -- wk. or sleep-in. 2 school age direct product of your qual- SNOWTIHES-HR 70-15, steel research and consulting firm ...... children. Pleasant living NURSING STUDENT MAGICIAN--Scoula,Parties, condition. $150;Call 009-92~ desires a research assistant r’axti IllVl/~ UJ:pIt~P,.~1"1.~.,b~ ifications. See our ad under FULL TIME LIGHT Banquetsetc. Girl cut in half belted radials, whitewall, 8678evenings. -- Hightstownarea. Call arrangements. Good salary ’~TEACHERS"in the Business DESIRES -- Housasitting I perfect, 2 for $00, TOASTER,2 whois interestedin or has position Jan thru Mayor parts DELIVERY-- responsible. by: electrm saw plus Houdini workedwith the economicsof between 9-12 weekdays609- for qualified parson 609-921- Cppt’ysection. conscientious and excellent lock escape. Gordy, 215-968- slice, chromeG.E. Perfect, $5, 440-2133. 8610. Call after 5 pro. thereof. Call after 3, 201.874- 609-443-5552after 6 pm. technology. Bachelors degree SECRETARIES 3238. driver. Call Claudiaafter 5:30 3733. PING-PONG TABLE wit preferred. Full or part t,me. at 6C9-585.8016. rackets, net, good conditior Send resume to: ECONINC. TYPISTS VISIT MONTESSORI $40, Naughahyde gree EXPERIENCED SECRE- MAGCARD i & I1 PBX OPERATOR-- 20 yrs. DRAPESfor sale-Aqua silk-4 900 State Road, Princeton, LEGALSECRETARY -- P/T. CLERKS CHILDRENS HOUSE - 45 sofabed, good condition, $8( N.J. 00540. An Equal Op- Weneed an experienced legal TARY for small edu- oxperience on various busy LADLES ALTERATIONS - HendersonRd., Kendall Park. panels each panel 38" x 86" - fg39-771-1424after 5 pm. portunity Employer. secretary who can work for cational organization in boards for private industry, Pillow covers, curtains. Call Enrollyour 3 year.oldinnew just dry cleaned - Asking$78...... i our patent attorney located in Princeton. Salary dependent Are ~/ou on semester break? large companies,etc. Des!res for further information, 609- class.201-297-6066, 201-297- 609-921-1599between 6-5. Looking for temporary work? to makea change. Effictent 921-2071.. the Princeton area. Youmust on qualifications. Generous If youhave the skills, wehave 9144. UNUSUAL CHRISTMA: be able to work 20 hours per benefits. Please send resume reliable, references. Please GIFTS-- 1973 Franklin Miv GET’re PERSONNELweek with minimum super- to Box #03779 c/o Princeton thejchs. Call or comein im- call Mrs.Gray at 609-585-5988. KINGSTON JEWELERS - AAA FACTORY OUTLET - Xmassilver ingots, $20. AIS¢ mediately¯ CLOSE-OUTSALE-14kt& 18kt Jimmy Carter was so busy vision and have excellent Packet¯ Complete con- No Fee MOTHERw. early childh.oo~i 1976 proof sets tBicentenni~ typing and off ce sk s. Send fldentiality assured. Top Pay gold,35% off, silver 40% off. appointing his cabinet he coins) $14. 609.440-0989afte PRINTER- Camera RETIRED ACCOUNTING degreo wants babysitting ion All Pewter and costume dtd-n’t do his Stiffel Christmas FeeNegotiable$200 resume to Howler Packard, J&J Temporaries EXECUTIVE-- seeks part (her home)wkdys. E. Wind~0r Shopping here. But many of 6pm. . SALES-Carpet Green Pond Road, Rockaway, (609) 448-7616. jewelry,50~0% off. Kingston Fce Reimbursed $12,000 N.J. 07366 Attn: Personnel. ADMINISTRATIVE- COM- 2936Rt. 1 time employment. Call 609- Mall,Rte.27. Kingston, N.J. you did] FURLONGLAMP MUNITYAIDE: Mast type Lawreneeville, N.J. 507-9401. Otherend of Shopr]te. FACTORYOUTLET. Largest -1 MGT. TRAINEE Equaopportunity employer, aAd havea car with a New 609-883-5572 for 99 mile radius. 8 males 42" ROUND -- solid mapl FeePaid $10,000 GERMANGIRL - 22, ex-. butcherblock pedestal tab]t PROGRAMMER -BAL Jerseydriver’s license. Call PART TIME SECRETARY-- ehango student desires child North of Hathoro on Rie 263, CAREERPOSITION -- for 2 443-4464for furtherin- TWO COLLEGESTUDENTS- Furlong, Pa. OPEN7 DAYS- New$278, mint condition, on] FcePaid$17.000people with a growing 78 year 10-2 daily, typing, shorthand, care position with Princeton Personals Weekdays8-6 Sat. 10-5 Sun. $125.201-673-3004. R old insurance company, formation¯ telephone spelling & gram- seeking odd jobs. Carpentry, family for Aug. & Sept. or B00KKEEPEreePaid$148+ Service established policy mar sk lls required. Variable painting, etc. Canafter 5 p.m. anytime there hi. Letter of 11-8. MicroDot Pr cng. 210- ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER tasks include some 6~.896-9000or 466-9020. application & references. Can PERSONAL GROWTH 794-7444. holders¯ Average earnings¯ WAI~Full " 1 Fee$130 From$12500 to $15 000; higher time or part time. Goodpay. bookkeeping& filing. 609-452- 609-924-2345. GROUP- now forming for FIREWOODFOR SALE- ~A~ LEGAL SECRETARY earnings commensurate with Apply in person. Day work. 8866, Eagelbreeht Associates paoplointerestedin improving Methuselah lived 900 years, cut & splitour own hardw,xxl FeePaid$150+ ability¯ Group insurance, Cai1600-924-9038. Archtects. BABYSITTING -- In my [he~rrelationships, corn- His Sylvania130 VoltLong Cedar pests cut to desire| CONTROLLER WILLDO Babysitting in my municatlons,and self-Life bulbswere stillgoing lengths. Excellent qualit~ Major Medical, and car in- home. Reliable mother. Any home.Manville area.Pall 201- FeePaidOpen surance. Free group life, SECRETARY- Part-time. age. Hot lunch. Lawrencevllle. expresslons... t0 weeklystrong. That’s the reason his reasonable prico, N.J. Beag| LEGALSECRETARY--Mnst 526-6878. sesslous~eglnmng Jan. 9. childrenbuy in quantities- to Club,llollow Rd., Skillmal| pension plan. profit sharing have experience. 609-921-6336. Typing filing, other office 009-882-3817. . ¯ Rt. 13Olilghtstown and manyother benefits. No duties. Hoursflex ble. Pen- Lead by professionalget quantitydiscount at N.J. 609.466.3841.Weekeedl faoilltators.Moderate fee. 201- FURLONG LAMP FACTORY only. 609-448-65OO experience necessary. We ningtonarea. 600-737-1388. OUTLET. train.Call Mr. McKee,days, SECRETARY - mature,very BABYSITTER--Weilknown & Announcements520-4028. 8::]0- 4 pro,609-695-5477; eves.good typist, nosteno required, exceptionallyreliable. Hot lunch, naps, complete MALE(41) - seeks friendly SNOWTires: Fit T.R. 6 or POTTERS- Try the i8 PARTTIME 7 - 9 pm6O9-699-3290. fulltime, active, busy small BUSDRIVER for small school female for honest and open Volvo. Dunlap Radials. RN’S - sales office, refer, and recent playground facilities. FLEA MARKET -- Indoor relatioashipequallybeneflclal Studded. Size SR15- 185/70. portabte varinhlespeed whe~ Part time openings for RN’S, RELIABLEPERSON ’-- for work exper, need respoas van. License required, Ken- Reasonablerates. 600-924-2037. Flngtown Firehouse, Rills boro Take it everywhero. $189.~ allshifts. Excellent salary and general housework2 days per indiv. Sfart immed, good dall Park area. 201-297.0144or Vni.Fire Co. #I. Every ~un. 7 to both partners. Exchange Used less than 1,000 miles. Call 201-702-0454. working conditions. Contact week- Martinsville area - own 201-297-6066. a.m.- 5 p.m.Call 201-~9-3t70 ideas on single life. Inner $25.00 each. Call 448-4250 salary. Excel¯ potential for ATTENTIONPARENTS -- If or 36~.882L Personnel Dept. for ap- transportation. Call 201-356- right person. Princeton. Rte. age.benuty°utwe!ghSReply~xappearance,#03781, c/oda.~imo or 446.~37after 5 pelntment. OUhave a babyand havo to go 0160. 1, 609-452-1111. PART TIME -- permanent ~oworkI knowhow much you PrincetonPanket. ’ " : RUBBERSTAMPS TIlE CARRIERCLINIC School or College addre~ BELLEMEAD, N.J. bookkeeper to take care of worry aboutyour baby’s care. THE FOURTHWAY - Is a . o~.,a~ur~:u~,, ...... narowooa 201-674-4000 MATUREWOMAN -- needed office recordsfor builder. 4 to I loveto changethe diapers method of innerevolution Home business zin ced SUPER BOOKKEEPER - 5 hrs per wk. to start. Please even if theysmell because ff whichutilizes various CoOu,NF~UagEDTa~BiotWroverWh~tficewoodfor sale - Spill, Rubberstamps ’of a’ll kin, EqualOppnrtunlty permanent part tim% work in my home for working ’ s(aoKeu~ {k uellvereQ ior mnrlotr* vOHorder at" ’ EmployerMIF mother, Mon Ihru Fro. call 609.924.0908. youlove a childyou canhardly techniques and prlnciples meat HOTLINE;any night 8- $30/eordor $30half cord. 609- "’" ...... r afternoons exceptmnally tell.ljustglvehiml~soflove fromancient, modern, ann ~. ~-z~, ,~o-xr~. 1 responsible position in small Children aged 22 mo&9yrs. 466-3714. PARTTIME -- Bus drivers, 0 diverse, lively, and lovely Light housekeeping Must EXPERIENCED SECRET- ’tiIMommygetshomeandyoucontemporary sources to ’ I needed for Mercer CountyDay nffice in downtownPrinceton. have transportabon. 009-443- ARY--for law office. Nolegal wlllseeitfnryouroelfthatyoustimulate the naturaland 1 Training Center. Bus driver’s Topsalary if you qualify. Call 3870. experience necessary. havefound the perfectplace, healthy development of CAR POOL FROM TWIN 25" RCAXLt00 onior TV in IIINKSON’S 1 license required. Nobenefits, E. Szymanskl,600-921-3633. Rnssmoorarea. Reply Box # From6 weeksold, Statehnman organism emotionally, RIVERSN.Y.C. CALLDAVE. custom madenine dry sink, 2 02 NassauSt. 1 $3.02per It/’. Call Mr.Mount, 9 03773 c/o Princeton Packet: license25 yearsexperience, intellectually andp hysiuall~’.609-449-2960. drawerson to~, fnidl=~g doors iII amto 2 pm609-292-9822 or 292- COSMETICTRICHOLOGIST Forappointment please call Centers for the Study of tkls hide TV609-466-2243 tlaircutters, stylists with 609@24@219. methodexist world-wide. A ’ . ’ COMMERCIAL FO~ 9823 to arrange an nterview. SCH~VERS cxperionce ond following. TAPE EDITOR - to do . localschool headed by an FREEZER& refrigerat~l WANTED- morning and af- professional quality content OVERF_,A’I’I/~ ANONYMOUS ~ Pelase send resume with editing on own equipment. HA~ing, experlence teacher is now --meets Thursday evenings, FRIGIDAIRE- refrigerator Stainless steel, 3 door, apprql CARTOONIST- To do a truck- ternooas routes open. Must sahtry requirements to New accepting s tuaents. Omy 1st Presbyterian Churo~, white, 2-door top freezer, 12 40 cu. ft. Made bY Glen toon series for small have N.J. Drivers Lioense. Tapesln psychologyby former painting, and any odd ]o1~. serious peopmneed inqutre ! Salon c/o Box # 0¢549, The PsychologyToday editor. 201- Low cost. Ask for Barry 609- phone60~-1898. Hlglmtown. For uuormation cu. ft., perfnct cond,$100. 609- Refrigeration Co., Phila. shing firm. Call609-443- Will train for special license. Princeton Packet. call 609-448-2.481or 448-6459. 924-7484. 924-6151. g~6~! Call 201-874-5803. 021-7267,afternoons. 737-.W80. il 711£ PRINC~i’ON PJlCICET "Seven For Central’ Jersey" ~IILLSBOR(XIGHBEACON~ "1t~,Izw~n~e, I~dger ~e ManvilleNews THE CEN’IT~L POST LOINDSOR-HIGHTS HER, gLD Classified dqdvertising The Franklin NEWSRECORD Thursday, January 6,1977 : "...,. Bargain Mart Bargain Mart Bargain Mart Wanted To Buy Antiques Pets & Animals Autos For Sale Autos For Sale Autos For Sale

C,B. BARN- discount priers. PORTABLEDISH WASHER- CULTURED MARBLE OLD DOLLS - Bisque china BELLPOSTANTIQUES 2DOGSNEEDKINDLOVING ’66 DODGEVAN - Excellent. 1969 CHEVROLETKingswood IDEAL MEDIUM SIZED Ownall C.B. radios, antennas Sears Butcher-Blooktop. $125. VANITYTOPS. Directfrom composition,perfect or CollectiblesFurniture& AFFECTIONATE HOME ¯ Wood cabinets. Many new Estatestation wagon, $500. STATIONWAGON - ’74 Mazda & access.201-297-9400. Call009.771-9514. Factory. ALTEG POLY- broken, also heads or i~arts. OilLamps Both 7Vz yrs. old, both house parts.$900. 609-896-2712. 609-799.1615. RX4.Like new. Air, am/fro MARBLE,73 Second St., Old dollhouses, doll fnrmture. Manyinteresting items broken, great house pets. radio.$2675. Call 609-921-8385 Somerville.(2011 526-2777. 609-587-0123. FEMALEBEAGLE - Spayed, after 5:30 p.m. DISCOUNTPRICES FURNITURE: SOFA, 201-359.6730 going blind, very affect onate. ’68 COUGARXR-7 - Perfect1972 TOYOTA COROLLA, 110-220V Appliances, camera bedroomset, bar & stereo. ¯ Gets along with other dogs & forrennovating. $500 or best bluebattery muffler, brakes filmSamsunite luggage, dry Faircond. 201-329-6739. FREEZER BEEF PLEASELOOK in your attic, OPEN DAILY cats. Very easy to care for. offer.609-771-9279 anytime al new.Exce eat cond t on. 1970 WAGON- Ford Ltd. Ct~V. Muslsell this week. 609-924- Squire, a/c, 8 pass. p/s, p/n, fru ts, garments, grocer es. basementand garage for old MALE TERRIOR - altered weekends. :1360after 4 pm. INDIA ODDS & ENDS SALE -- Home grown naturallyfed gasolinemodel airplane Justwest of 206, Dutchtown - very affectionate, great watch $700firm. Call 201-359-5909. DISCOUNTSTORE Portacrib,chest of drawers,steers.Cut to your own engines.Wanted by builaerof HarlingenRd., Belle Mead, dog. Very smart & spunky.Not 3001RI. 27 & FinnegsnsLane chairs,toy chest, Creek-Pot, specification,wrapped and old-timemodels. Call 609-443- N.J. toogoou with other ammals. ’71 PLYMOUTH,Grand Fury, VW’67 Beetle - goodcondition, ’73 BUICKREGAL - Excellent Franklin Park, N.J. 09823 phonographwhlte-tiered frozen.Kauffman Farm 009. 3595 after 6 p.m. Callafter 6:30 pro. 609-466- 4 dr. Coupe360 Eng., P/B, newtires, $650. 609-799-3954. condition.Vg. 2 dr., air, ps/pb, Hrs Tues.Fri 12:30 lo 7:30 flowercart, v siblewoman 4664)773.Master Chg. avail. THE LANTERN ANTIQUES-3987. P/S,A r, new sire[belted radio, radials, garaged. Best Sat 10 to 7:30, Sun 11 Io 4 model,lazy susan. Call 609- Copper& Brasscleaning. S. 40 000mi. guaranteed radial offer over ~.000. 609-883-1861. Call (201)821-7775 883-1239. BEDSWIIOLESALE WANTED TO BUY: Scrap Main St., (Next to Hagerty AFGHANHOUND pups - AK- tires.Exc. cond. Must ha ’66 IMPALA- Good condition. copper, brass, lead,FlorisU, Cranbury, N.J. 609- C, reasonable.Bred for driven& seen to apprcc. $400.Call 609-443-5506between FOAM RUBBER aluminum, stainless steel, 395-0782. temperament. 201-2M-1328. 5-7:30 p.m. SNOWTIRES - G78x 15 belted AFTERXMAS furniture buys- sterling silver, etc., solids or Sacrifice,new cararrwed. 69 FALCON STATION Lazyboy recliner, $189.95;. WROLESALE 201.297.0004. WAGON6-cyl engine, good whitewalls, used I season¯ turnings, Industrial, business runningcond. 009-737-1357. Habitrail equipment for Simmonstwin mattressand RUSTY SCUPPER or private. Correct market THETOMATOFACTORY ’74 DODGEDART - Sport 2- hamster. 201-359-1524. spring,$119.95; Lazy Susan, TYPE FURNITURE price cashpaid. S. Klein 21Antique Shops Lost & Found door 6 cylinder, Good MPG $7.95;Odd kilchenchairs, MetaJsCo. Inc. 2156Camplain 1962CADILLAC -- allpower. excellent cond. Asking$2495. __ $9.95;5 piece dinette, $89.95; 4 1973 PLYMOUTHDuster - 6 PI,ATFORMBEDS Rd.,Somerville, N.J. 09876. Featuring this month: Tin Mechanicallyexc. Sound 201-821-8150. cyl, automatic, sunroof, fold SCHWINNVARSITY - Very drawerpine chest, .$44.95; hanginglamp, blanket chest, LOST - St.Bernard/Husky, body.Easy restoration. $000. Studentdesk, $.54.95; Con- Phone201-722-2288. downrear seat, $2000or best good condition, $85. 201-722- WATER BEDS 4 pestercanopy bed, tools, black brown, red & white. 009-924-7184. offer. 609-466-3980. vertiblesofa, sleeps 2,$209.96; blue& whitech].ha, pine table, AI entownarea. If seenor 1969 MERCURYMonterey 0832. Sofa,loveseet, chair, her- PIANO-- uprightor electricchild’s rope bed,early 2 pc foundcall 609-259-7023 excel, run. coed. $600or best UPIIOLSTERING atreasonablepriceneeded for cupboard, culon,all 3, $389.95. Cash and evenings,wknds, 452-1660 1969 MERCURYMarquise - offer. 009-466-2600,aft. 6 pm. ’71 MG MIDGET-- good CLOSING SALE - large carry.Alpine Furniture Co. beginning student. (609) 924- 9-pass. wagon. One owner, 166W. Haln,Somerville. DIXIE 2093or 921-2227. Ilamllton Avenue, days. Ask for Betsy. cond. newtransm., must sell showcase plate glass with liED & FOAMFURNITURE Hopewell p/seat, ‘p/w p/s, p/b, a/c, am ’73 TOYOTACOROLLA -- immediately. $825 or best black marble base, rugs, CO. -- -- DailyI0-5, Sun11-5 -- -- radio wRhrear speaker, 00,000 new engine, new muffler, ffer. 009.682-5693between 5 & jewelry antiques furniture, 116No. MainSt., Ilightstown MISSING- silver Shepherd miles, $695.609-924-0993. ~ wholesale inquiries welcome¯ MOVINGMUST SELL - 16-6 COLLECTOR--purchasingall am/fro, air, snows, auto. cu.ft. G.E. refrigerator, frost witll malamute Husky Recenttune.up. 60 000 miles - 14 Seminary Ave., Hopewell, OPEN TO THE PUBLIC U.S. coins, collections. Top markings, female. Maybe CHEVROLETIMPALA 1972 movingmust sell this week. N.J. Wed-Sun,12-6 or 201-359- free,automalic ice cuber, Prices. At home appraisals. C.C.Woodbridge&Sun green: 44,500 miles, power MONTE CARLO ’74-cream white.Perfect condition $125. WED, THURS, FRI&SAT, 12 IlOPEWELL wearing collar tagged Best offer over 1K. Call Billy, 5796before 12. noon- 7 p.m.609-443-46-t6. 201-297-5573. "Tundra". 609-921-2761. steering brakes, air con- 609-655-0556. beigew/white landau top, 2 DOGHOUSES - l sin,I Ig. ANTIQUES CENTER dit uned, $1000.Contact Ynsuf, saddleint. Sports console, originally $125 both $25. Upstairs at 609-452-9518work, or 799-2090 swivelbuckets. Exc. cond. COUCH-green, good con- PIPE"--~ di-~meter The TomatoFactory home. 20000mi. a/c, am/fm stereo - 8 FREEZER- upright Admiral, dition, $10. Call after 6:30609- va yes 2-12 nch, reduct on Musical HamiltenAvenue, BUICKLeSABRE 1972 -- 4 dr 13 cU. ft.. l yr. old, used 2 Auto Supplies hardtop, very clean low trackoptional. Must sell. 466-3987. ears, conveyorsystem, Hopewell $3,8oo or best offer. 009446- months,like new,$150. 609-921- ~eavyduty heaters hanging Instruments CountryFurnitare ’75 SILVERPONTIAC Grand mileage, loaded. A/C, stereo LeMans,vinyl top, P/S, P/B, 201-521-0067after 8 pm. 2971. 3830. units; steam or hot water, t- Corner and Jelly Cupboards, SNOWTIRES, size A7013, ADMIRAL2Y’ color TV- in beams, assorted sizes; H UPRIGHTPIANO-Bestoffer etc. Wespecializein steel radial on Vega rims, A/C, Honeycomb wheels operation and in perfect columns, pallets A-frames. over $135. 20-297-9189. Blanket Chests burgundyvelour upholstery’. working order. Newtubes. exec. cond. $75 apalr. Also 1 FIREWOOD FOR SALE -- See Don, at the o d Termoid pair glass belted A7813on 26,000miles. Best offer over ’7:1 AMCllornet wagon--A/C, PLYMOUTH GRAND FURY $65.Call 609-290-2143. $150. 609466-0376after 7 pro. plant, WhiteheadRd. 609-~2- vega rim, $30. 4201)359-0301. $3,300.201-297-6778. p/s, radial tires, excel, cond 1975.4 dr. - vinylroof,609exc’. ~o7 UNIVOXAMPLfFIZR - $1995. C.’dl for appontment cond.,$600 under value. Reverb&Tremelo.gmas.old Pets & Animals 609-448-4956. 448-3473. PLYWOODSHEATHING-ext, Call 009-496-5322. TIRES - 4 nylon belted, ’70 OLDCUTLASS. p/s, p/b, DISHWASIIER -- SEARS WALL UNIT - wood, Med. 100SR13,good rubber, $50. 609- Lady Kenmore automatic st~,le,free standing 8x6 ft.. new4x8, 3/8" $5.58,t~i~" $6.98, a/c, vinyl roof, tinted glass, FORDMAVERICK ’71-4 dr. portable.Best 1975 model with mirroredlit bar, elec. logs. 5/8" $8.48, %" $10.88, Kiln GUITAR- Martin Classical, GERMANSHEPHERD pups 448-0505 after 6 p.m. goodtires, 56,000miles. $1050. auto, 200CID, p/s, 72 000mi. 609-799.3841. ’73 FORDLTD - Brougham,4 butcherblock top. Under 009.448-2971. dried lumber lx3x8, 39 cents, finest model 0028C with -- AKCreg, shots and wor- well maintained good tires door air, ps/pb, elee. windows warrantyuntil February. 2x3xa,SScents,2x4,8,S5cents. rosewoodbody. Orig. cost, med~ bredfor temperament orig. owner,cxcl. gas mileage. & seats, rear w ndow Used only sevenmonths;. Andersenwindows, 25%off, $925.Asking $600. 609-466-0081. andintelligence. Dayscall 609- Autos Wanted Needsheater¯ Best offer over defogger am/fro stereo, 5 excellentcondition; a real FREE TO OUR CUS- 27%off textured 1-11 plywood 737-~03,eves & weekends466- LINCOLNMark III 1969 - full $1000.609-446-3780. bargainat$150. 46091 395-1244. siding 5/8" 4x8$11.88 sht. R.R. -- power, excellent condition, Michelinstee be ted rod als. 2 TOMERS! Every month we 2422. snows,2 regular. 120,0(]0high: give away hundreds of ties. newcreosoted 8’ $5.95. PLAYERPIANO - upright. ALL JUNK CARSand trucks future collectors car $2200or 1970 BLUECITROEN DF21 - way miles. Companyowned dollarsworth of Foodand Can deliver. Cal Bob colect, electrified with 2 boxes of best offer. Ca l eves, 609.448- new radials, a/c, am/fro ------wanted. Free towing $15 and 4191or 443-4694. ear for sales mantuned every SKIS"--~Head 360 with Vitaminsand Cosmeticsto our 215-674-0205eves. 887-2313. mu.sic rolls. Also, Hawaiian IRISH SETTER PUPS - up. Scarpati Auto Wrecking, radio, good condition, $2000 6.000 miles. Perfect running Salomonbindings, 200cm long. customers - Free. That’s jest steel guitar (Rickenbacker) champ. Dariabar-Tirvelda 609-396-7040. firm. Call after 6 pm, 201-297- condition. Beautiful interior & 609-924-0613,eves. one of the GoodReasons for TYPEWRITERS-Electric, Best offer. 609-890-9248. Line. AKCreg., shots and 4356. manual portable office 1972 CUTLASS2 dr., auto, a/c, exterior. Mustsell going to you to shop at NUTRITION wormed, excelFent show and ps, radio, 35,000mi., orig. school. Asking$1500 or best CENTERRoute 130 1 block models. New, reconditioned. ARMSTRONG HERITAGE field quality. Ideal tem- BOEIiMBIRD PLATES-- by ADDERS, CALCULATORS. FLUTE-Total sterling silver JUNK CARS WANTED--$20- owner. Asking $2295. Best 68 PONTIAC- 9 pass wagon offer. Call 609-456-2251 south of P.rinceton-Hightstown peramenl with children. offer. 009.655-3724. anytime. Leeox.1970 first edition thru Road. Name brands. Rentals, construction. 1 yr. old. Open $100.201-548-6582. Blue. $600 or nearest 1975.Also 1973 first edition Reparis, Trade-ins. CENTERHole. Excellent condition. Reasonable.009-983-1911. reasonableoffer. Call after 2 raccoonplate. 609-443-1042. BUSINESSMACHINES, 104 Asking $750. Call Rob pro.609-448-0413. BEAUTIFUL MINK COAT - NassauSt. 609-924-2243. Kaminsky609452-7100. FRE~ntle, JUNKCARSWANTED ’70 VALIANT- Good condition. ’72 SUPER BUGIt. blue, personable, ugly, craves at- Almostnew radial tires. $700. 59,000 mi., exc. run. eond. $700. Call 609-882-1939. ten[ion. 609-443-3692. Phoneeves. 609-799-1475. 1975 FORD ELITE- white, BEDROOM SET -- con- Used FURNITUREof every NEW & USED MUSICAL ANYCONDITION ps/pb,am/fm stereo factory $1200or best offer. 201-297-6’/34 temporary,dark mahogany, description. Largest eollectiun INSTRUMENTS -- Drum A/C, 31,000miles, $4,150. 009- aft. 6. ~225.609.737-3321, after5pm. CERAMICMOLDS & KILN - in BucksCounty. Daily til 5 sets, Guitars, Banjos, Horns 609446-6434 VOLVO- ’74 Wagon. STD. 024-1434. closed Sunday. Edison Fur- AKC IRISH SETTER PUP- trans, am, radials, roof rack, Call after 4 pm. 009-587-3510. and accessories at prices you PIES- $100 female,S75 male. HAND MADE AFGIIANS -- niture, Doylestown,Pa. can afford. Top Quality Used rear def. Dea er serv. & ’68 CADILLACSEDAN DE VW’68 a’utomatie, 1 owner, Readyto go Jan. 9th. Call 609- A-I JUNKCARS garagedsince new. Best offer. VILLE- Goodcondition. $600, Makebeautiful gifts. Also EquipmentGives Better Value 737-29t3. $45 gocd condition, TIG’62, runs madeto order.Call 201-240- CUSTOMUPHOLSTERY And Performance Than New 009.452-8013. firm. Phone609-395.0642. great, needs paint, best offer. 3048. THREE HAND MADE Second Rate Brands. BUD- IFDRIVENIN TURKISHRUGS. 5’ x 2’7", Class2&3 240Zparts. 009.448-3024. 5x2’11".5’9" x 3’. (609) 921- Reopholstering DY’S MUSICCENTER, MAIN FREE TO GOODHOME - 2 WEALSOPICKUP CHEVROLET 1976 Monte ’73 TRIUMPRGT6 -- Red, 6 2783 (ah.6 p.m.) & MINE STREETS, IN year old female German 201.526.0906 Carlo with Landau extras, ey nder, am/fm cassette. [JSEDFURNITURE - in Nix’s Draperies FLEMINGTON WILL HELP Shepherd,small built, used to includingair, 9000miles, white Like new. $2900.Call 609-585. 3arage.Rte 130 & ChurchSt. YOU STRETCH YOUR 6624. 609.443-1510 CHRISTMAS DOLLARS. being outdoors. Owner with dark mahoganyvinyl roof Motorcycles Windsor,N.J. KINGSTON JEWELERS - recently deceased. 609-448- Autos For Sale &custom interior, $4,395. 201- CLOSE-OUTSALE-14kt & 18kt 4379. 359-6765. COHVETTE’76 -- T-top, BILLIARD TABLE -- gold, 35%off silver 40%off. DISCOUNTLIGHTING and PENCOGUITAR--New,with powerwindows, p/s, p/b, aulo HONDAMRI75 - 1976, dirt regulation size, coin operated All Pewter and costume bike, Asking$900 or best offer. Home Accessories The case¯ Call 609-397-1288. air, stereo tilt telescopic Call after 5 pm201-329-3261. also removable fable tennis jewelry, 50-60%off. Kingston Roosters’Coup: Largest DOGS 1975 MUSTANG II Ghia - CADILLAC CONVERTIBLE wheel,electric rear defresfer, top. $400.201-246-3048. Mall, Rte. 27. Kingston, N.J. lamp shade & Fixture ExceilentCondition:aircond.,1970golden tan DeVille. New blue, smokegrey leather in- Other end of Shopnte. tires& brakes,fully equipped, operalion.OPEN 7 DAYS009. TRUMPET CONN - $95, 0bedience&problemtrainingp/s p/b loaded[ good gas terior. $7,999.215-293-5516. YAMAHA-- Harr Brothers-- 397.6027On Rt.29, South of ClarinetBundy - $85,excellent inyour home or my kennel, mileage,26,500 m]. Must sell. oneowner, $2950 firm. Call MotorcycleSales - Service - TRUE ~ ~ - with Lamber[rifle,N.J. ALSO: condition.609-924-2983. Needcash. Best offer over days609-924-8366. JAGUAR LAND ROVER FARFISA MINI-COMPACT Romeolog spitting service. Parts. 1605 N. Olden Ave., King’sKorner, fireplace DANIELJ.MULLEN $3000.Call 609-443-4598 Authorized dealer. T & Trenton.009-393-7550. electronic organ-- ,plays full Call 201.621-9469. equipment,elc., 609-397-2055, MUST SELL - Kustem200 POBoxl9Cranbury, NJ08512 evenings. 1972 MERCURY MARQUIS- Motors, 210 WoodbridgeAve., range-- good condition -$85. BenjaminRoom, gift items, AMP,asking $150. Call Steve 609-443..6978 Brougham,fully powered, 4 Highland Park, N.J. 201-572- Univoxbass amplifier, 15" etc.609-397-2877. 009-737-3212. ’ over30 yearsin this area. dr.,divided seals, snow tires, Z577. ’71 KAWASAKI90 - Good speaker,exc. cond. $85. 201- CABIN CREEK ¯ 1965OLDS 88-p/s, ~/b, auto verygood cond. $I,300. 609-655- condition. Knabbies.First $200 62000 mi, am/fm g~[ 297-1098after 6. QUILTS CL~--~" ~ - Goud HIDEWAY FARM offers the 4276. takes it. 609-924-2940. I-IAPPYHARRY $$$ for new condition. $40. Call 609-921- finest facilities for the care & $200.tires/snows,009-448-1422. exc. ~ car. 1975 MUSTANGII-2 door orused guns, all kinds. Will 6608. hardtop, 15,500 miles snow b, EOLIANBABY GRAND - tradefor antiques.Machine boardingof yourborse, with ’68 MERCURY COLONY tires, std. shift. $2700.609-924- CYCLEINSURANCE -- low llano, $1,200. Oak teachers gunparts also purchased. Call thelargest area indoor ring & PARK- 10 passengerstation 0000,9-5,924-4636 after 5 p.m. rates, immediate coverage. esk, $150. Lawsonloveseat, anytime,ask for Harry.t2011 FOR SALE GUITAR- Gibsonlounge. Only a shortscenic DART SWINGER- 1974 - wagon.Air, radio, good tires. Call Kim Bowman,609-799- ~65. 10 spd. bike, $95.215-862- 297-5238or 297-5061.Write to: ES-345-TD-Stereo. Beautilul drive. Mast reasonable rates. Automatic, power steering, Goodtransportation. $995.609- 0472. 2168. P.O.Box 1811, New Brun-condition. $375. 201-359-8735. seat,Instruction, and western. beginner Lindbergh hunt brown tires, with excellent tan vinyl condition. roof new 924-9607,llam-8pm. UniqueHoliday Gifts ’70 DODGEPolara -- 8-pass. swick,08901. CallBob anytime. wagon. Nice condition, from Appalachia Rd.,Hopeweil. 609.466-3426. 35,000 mi. $2400. 609-448-7874. PLYMOUTH FURY - Grand reasonableoffer accepted. 009- 20LORTV - l yr. old,19" Handmade toys, dolls, Coupe’72, auto, p/s, p/b, :VtenlgomeryWard100,0 (Psolid clothing, ties, placemats, 44843335after 6pro anytime Trucks SPRING MEADOW FARM - am/fmstereo, speeil conlrol, datewith stand $225. 609-799- aprons, pillows &quills. FeedsandGrams 1967 CHEVROLETMalibu - new tires & battery. )092. Freezerbeef, excellent Garage Sales forall animals at P/S,auto, 283 engine, good 2rid MUSTANG’69-8 cyl. p/s, auto, 195 NassauSt. Princeton quality.Fed on pastureand ROSEDALEMILLS car$200. Also girls 20" bike, 1971 CHEVYVAN -- custom FORD’76 F150 -- V8, air, grain.No steroids.Halves, hardtop. 009-771-1424after 5 interior 48,000 miles. Runs am/fro stereo many extras ’rues-Sat. 10am-Spin 274AlexanderSL likenew 609-448-9270. pm. IHO RAILROAD - 4 x 6’, splithalves, cut to order, Princeton " like new. $3 250. Serious 12,000miles, $4400.Call after packedlabeled and flash SNO BLO/MtrC~,cle, clr TV, inquiries only. 809-448-5160 5pm,609-799-3122. l:ompletescenery, turntable, 4 movie, slide proj. space htr, 609-924-8134 after 6 pm. lracRyard, siding, 6 switches. FIREWOOD - $65/cnrd frozen. W 11 deliver. Also 1975 GRANADA-4dr. 250 CID, 1967 CAMAROconvertible - 1st delivered.. All hardwoods.Call hardwood firewood. Amounts shower massag%rugs, guitar, auto ps/pb,am/fm, a/c, black -~1-7440. to your order. 609-466-2937. typewriter, cham saw, frig, offer over $300. 609-448-8020. F 609-4484657, sew, cook, camp, sup, vinyl top, blue meiotic, 22000 CADILLAC1975 - executive, NEW’77 telescope, clothes, silver, a/c, D 0 G B E H A V I 0 R mi., $3650. 609.448-1174 after 7. tan/vinyl sedan deVille, G M C TRUCKS II[T’S~LYrather useless FIREWOOD-- Split and PROBLEMS-- solved by 1975 TOYOTACOROLLA -just lorme to be running[hisad.I ORGANIZATIONAL FUND furn, muchmore. 1/8&9, Pine stereo, am/fm,air, etc. 609- lon’teven know why I do it seasoned.$35, half cord, $65. RAISING -- Name brand Dr., Roosevelt. 609449-9131.professional psychologists in received companycar. Must 921-6384after 4 pm. Select from 1977 models just full cord delivered. Won- vonrhome. CanmeCounseling ’65 THUNDERBIRD-- Good sell. 9,000 miles, 4 spd., am received or order a custom l[nymore-force of habit,I beauty aids - Helena Rubin- of Princeton. 609.466-2013or radio, air, snows.$2,950. 609- lluppose.After all,you’ve derland Farms,608-737-1496 or stein, Charles of the Ritz, engine. Newtraas/exhaust. built truck for your needs. We 0422. Faberge, Love, Revlon, and 201-446-3712. Goixi for restoration or basic 259-7132. stock pick ups, vans, 4-wheel ldread~,probably heard about Iraasportation. $425 or best ’73 CHRYSLER STATION lne annpmhablybeen to visit - others- up to 50%below store Antiques WAGON- 38,000miles, ps/pb, drives, Suburhans, Jimmys, ~r if not, you probably will, FORSALE -- fireplace wood. prices. Noinvestment or risk. offer. Call 009-799-9429. powerwindows, am/fro radio. dump trucks & heavy duty Realize excellent profits far STANDARD POODLE 1971 TOYOTA COROLLA models. Also someleftovers. |uvariably. I understand that Call 201-359-5556. stationwagon,white, auto. air, Callafter 5 pro.609-448-2191. 1,on talk about me a lot - so your organization. Non-profit "THE OLD SCHOOL"- 86 PUPPIES - Black, 11 weeks ’69 MERCURY MONTEGO thy should I bother? MaybeI groupsonly. Call(2011297-8933Washington St., Rocky Hill. old. AKC, shots, wormed. STATION WAGON-- Very am/fro radio, 1 owner, new COLONIALMOTORS Specializing in British per- Adorable Christmas gift. 3 radials & battery, Nov. in- U.S. Rt. 22 West Jst like to write. I don’tknow. SEA WEED-- Liquified or evenings. clean. Newtires, newbrakes. spection, very good condition. ’73 TOYOTA - excellent ’es, I’m on Consignment,You granular. The ideal plant celain and American Art. males 1 female. Call 201-735- Goodworking condition. $350. North Branch Glass. Open Saturdays only 9634. 6o9448-6029after 6 pm. condition, asking $1100. 609- 201-722-2700 newthat. I’mat 3 SpringSt., vitamin, At Peterson’s Nur- FIREWOODFOR SALE - Oak from 10-4. Call 201-7224424after 5. 586-4800, ext. 466, Ask for owastairs.609-924-1989 see se:y, Lawrenceville Road, season, delivered & stocked. Mike. ou.Mon-Sat.,10-6,Fri. ti 19. Princeton. Also we do snowplowing.Call ANTIQUE CHINESE RUG - SIBERIAN }RISKIES AI~C ’70 CHRYSLER Newport 1974 PUGEOT504 sedan, 1974 CHEVYrefrigerated any time, 669-924-9555. 9x15. Veryunusual. Collectors BI/Wh,bred for beauty, health Custom -- very clean, "like am/fm radio, a/c, white, lunchtruck. $4000. Ca 11-609-443- item. 201-254-2820. &disposition. 201-545-9349. new, a/c, am/fro stereo, vinyl saddle interior excl. con& 4155 anytime. ’RENCHPROV. diningmum FIREPLACEWOOD -- Cut & Ownermust sell. 9-5, 201-574- CORVAIR’-’66, convertible or et-china cabinet, buffet, oval top, 4 newtires, just passed sedan wanted. Will consider split.All hardwood. Choice ANTIQUESAROUK -- ap- inspection, 54,000miles, $1495. 6895, after 6 pm, 009.682-3547. ableand 4 chairs,$445. 201- seasonedauk. Seasoned 1 yr & FIREwooD- Seasoned, out prox. 10.4’ x 18’. Also Herez, GOLDENRETRIEVER peps, workingor junk for parts. Call 75 FORDF250 Super cab 74-3450. longer.Delivered & stacked. to fireplace size. Delivered & approx. 10xl6’. 201-646-9400.’ AKCReg. 609-298-4982, 009-924-9518. 609-799-1455. Truck-after 3 pro. 609-448-29~. $42a truckload.609-448-4.253 or stacked. Truckload over W4 PONTIACSTATIONWAGON - with or without full camper 261-3032. cord. $45. 609-655-0282, 1970auto. trans, a/c, p/s, p/b, self contained. ;.E. ELECTRICDRYER -- FREETOGOODHOME,3yr. ’72 FORD PINTO -- GOODgood condition, orig, owner. ALFA ROMEO - ’75, Spider 1925 KURTZMANNplayer old affectionate mixed CONDITION,Call 201-621-2284 ~xcellent condition. 2 heat piano, professionally restored Asking$950, 009-924-5398. 2000,21,500 miles, dark green, ontrols permanent press. DISCOUNTGUNS & AMMO -- and refinished, $3000. Also, Beage, all shots. 201-829-8741. AFTER5-1Jfn. 5 speed,must sell, best offer. 100. Black naugahyde &wend All long guns $I0 over 201-725-2975after 5 p.m. Boats wholesale. Murphy’s Sport- Wanted To Buy antique French spinet piano, ecliner. Perfect condition. unrestored,but playable, $300, POODLES,Pockets, toys, 1971 DODGE-- 4 dr, hardtop, JEEP CJ-6, 1972, perfect ~ew$175 will sell $75. Child smen’sDen, 3152 Rt. 27, 009-737-4640. small min. $75-$175. Poke-a- good cond,, ps/pb, a/t, a/c, condition, yellow, $3800.609- ndoursl de, $9. Call 609-883- KendallPark, /near A&PI WANTEDStamp Collections, 924-1360. OLDSMOBILE 1975 - FORCE FIVE SAILBOAT HoursMon-Fri., 6-10. Sat. 9.6, puns. Darling toys $100-$125. 90,000milas,radial tiras. $995., executive, blue/vinyl, 087. U.S. and foreign. Call after 6 Bichon, Frise, females-S200& 201-359-4249. . $800, Call 609448-8961after Sun.12-6. 201-297..3357. p,m. 609-448-9380, $350,ToyFoxTerrier, male. $30 ’73 MERCEDES-BENZ-- 280 Regency 98. Beautifully pm, ART RESTORING & $75. Whiteshepherd, female, ~ " SEL4.5, leather interior, air, maintained, loaded. 6{}9-921- ;OLD RUGWITH PAD - 12 x am/fmsteren sun roof radial 6,384~ after 4 pm. WANTED- DOGRUN. CALL $78. Collie-type puppies $10 & 1970 CADILLACCOUPE 5; blue rug with pad, 9 x 12, UNIQUE***BOUTIQUE PAINTINGS, S15.¯ (201)359-8436. DEVILLE-- Fully _equipped. tires, exce ent condit on. 609- nn n,"ac~’nery & range print rug 6 x 8 cur- Oneof the finest selections of 009-1974 ANYTIME, PRINTS, 66,000 miles. Excellent con- 448-8655,eves. 1972 PEUGEOT- 504, wagon, a as, and more, Cau until 6 previously owned better PHOTOGRAPHSetc. Art Appraisals forinsurance dition, gold. Real beauty. Call suto,a/c, am/fro, radials, Eauinment m, 00e-449~28. quality family clothing at Pin WANTED, TELESCOPE. 609466-3544or 201-874-2297, 1974 HONDACIVIC -- Hat- $1695.609-448.0492. I MoneyPrices! CALL609-824-7266 Weekdayp, A GREAT- 2 year old female chhack, brown, am/fro, exc. I PIN MONEYBOUTIQUE ’ KALENSFINE ARTS black & tan GermanShepherd, CHEVROLET-- 1976 Monte 1974 PLYMOUTHSCAMP-2 EMISSION CONTRO ~’IREWOOD-Dry ready to 14Mercer St. after 4 pro. Since 1886 cond.Call after 8, 609-8~2.1503. Du.ru hardwood-$40 p~, ½ ton antique Dininig" Roomset, 9 spayed, all sho~, top con: Carlo with landau extras in- dr.8cyl.a/c, p/s 40 000 milas, ANALYZER- Infra ray H( Hopsweil,N.J. 73PalmerSq,,Prineeton dillon, excellent potenuai eluding air, 9,000 miles, white orig. owner, garaged. Brand CO emission. Made b# Ka DicK-upload.Deliverou within 009-466-2816 PRIVATE PARTY wants 1957 CHEVROLET- Belnir, 1 20 ml.radius of Griggstown, watchdog. Started obedience withd~rkmahoganyvinyl roof rare collector car in mint newsteel helfed radial tires. EquipmentCo. 1 yr. old. BI Consignment Resale Member"ArtAppreisers training. AKCpapers. Asking & custominterior. $43~, Call Clean body inside and out. Applnget, Texaco, RockyHll plus pieces, must be excel. AssocinilonofAmerica" condition, 283V8, auto, ps/pb, openTues.Sat 10.4 pm c0nd.~455-1961. $225.009-79~1272. 201-,~’/85. $2,750firm. 201-297-9564 $2,?50,609-443-1578. N,J.609-924-6161. THE PPJNCETONPACKET "Seven For Central Jersey" q-IILLSBOROUGHBEACON,. "1~,I zwHrze, l ~dger "l~eManville News THECE.N77LqL POST WlNDSOR-HIGHTSHEP,,itLD Class tried dvertising The Franklin NEWS’RECORD Thursda},,January 6,1977 Building Recreational Instruction Business HomeRepairs HomeServices Painting & Electricians . WantedTo Rent Vehicles Services Paperhanging Services GARAGEDOORS, installed & PAPERIIANGING GENERAL CONTRACTORS WANTED UNFURNISHED 1972, 20 FT. TRAVEL THE cLAsSICALGUITAR CARPET INSTALLER-- will NELSONC.MOUNTJR. repaired. Homerepairs, free SCRAPING N.W.MAUL & SON TRAILER,"Terry," A/C, STUDIO--(20 Nassau Street sell carpet~ doinstallations U.S.Hwy. 130 &GriggsDrive New homes, additions, nearCOTTAGE Princeton, -- Orby bungalow, mature, estimates.201-297-3797. 201-329-4656 completelyself-contalned, inPrinceton) offers classes in repairs. Lmensed & bonded. PaintingCarpentry, Minor Int.Plumbing & Ext.& Promptpersonal service. All garages,driveways~ roofing, quiet workingfemale. Please exc.cond. $2550. Call Wed., techniqueperformance and609448-8888 or443.6511. E eciricalRepairs. typesof wallcovering. RepairService custommasronry flroplacns reply to Box~3790 c/o The Fri.,Sat., 9-12, 201-297-1846. guitarensemble. Private REPAIRPARTS - for all Free estimates swimmingpools and patios. PrincetonPacket. mstructionavailable, Call609- DanRudenstein ElecfricalPower& Full line of aluminum MOTOR HOME RENTAL - 924-5790. 609-655-2830 majorappliances. Rep.air and 609.585-9376 LightingInstalla finns Selfcontained, airsleeps 8. parts for R.V. appliances. IndustrislMaintenanee products. $250weekly, or$50 dally plus BunceAppliance Parts 265 BeginningClasses in MASONCONTRACTOR No. MainSt., Manvlle.201- PAPERHANGING, PAIN- WM. FISHERBUILDER’S VISITING BRITIStl 10cents/mile. 201-380-1380. 722-2922. TINGPLASTERING-- Free INC. PROFESSOR-of Architecture ExerciseandMeditation PA INTERNATIONAL Fireplaces,stone, brickwork, estimates, reasonaberates. JOHNCIFELLI, Electrical Serving Princeton area for 30 andwife, urgentlyneed fur- PHELAN’SMOTOR HOME ManagementConsultants steps, patios, concrete, Call609-924-7437. Contractor,residential, years. Financing arranged. nish 1 or 2 bedroomapt. or RENTALLuxury travel at low YOGA waferproofing,etc. SEAMLESS ALUMINUM commercial& industrial 609-799-3818 house. Convenientto Univ. weeklyrates. Free travel call3 H 0 FOUNDATION 212-882-1330 GUTTERS-- Victor Diamond, wiring.609-921-3238. Feb. l - May 31. Best information.Glasstite camper 609-799.8235 609.446-3834 ¯ WM.FISHER BUILDERS R.R.2, Box 219, Bridgepeint PAINTING- Interior &ex- references.Call Dean’s Office, capsale for all pick-up trucks. INC. Rd.,Belle Mead N.J. 08502. terior. Quality work. Free QUONSETTYPE -- kits 609-452-3737. 609-586-2669. 609-799-3818 201-359-3641nght‘ estimates.Call 609.882-8492. ELECTRICIAN complete& ready to build. No PIANO LESSONS from site preparationrequired. 28" Piano Tuning lleating &A/C groundposts drive in to secure ~ianist-composer.all anytime.609-448-5533, All levels. building.2 layersof inflatable RESPONSIBLE PRO- Instruction HomeServices SpecialServices THE interiorPAINTERS & exterior-- Qualitywork. Local 6C9-443-5259 monsanto602 - 2year pely FESSIONALCOUPLE -- TUTORING - FRENCH. PIANOTUNING & REPAIR- references.Insured. For rapid ¯ film cover greenhousefor translerredto area seeks Princeton, Lawrcnceville ALL WORK GUARANTEED. servicecall 609466-3755. Promptdaytimeservice max mumnsulation. These desirablerental home Jan. ;st 609.443-6866. SNOW REMOVAL - are the least expensiveto heat, or Feb.;st. Princeton, VIOLINLESSONS - Children area. 609-771-0713. STEAMCLEANING - Means, - weknow, we grow in 8500 Lawrencevlllc,Pcnnington, or adults.Experienced & hotwater extraction. Don’tbe residentialandcommercial. Specializing in Industrial highlyqualified teacher. Call GUITAR LESSONS for confused.Letme clear the air. 609-924-6413. PROFESSIONALPAINTING Maintenance, Residential sq.R. of them.12’x14’ - $600 WashingtonCrossing or PIANOTUNING --interior & exterior. Ed Wiring& Repairs. 14x21’ - $900.Call 609-585-5910. Yardley.Large living room, MargaretRoutley, 609-921- beginners acoustic/oleo- I willclean your uoholstery, separatedining room, 2 baths 7806. tric/bass. Basicskills taught Repairing rugs,drapes. Noshrinkage or SNOW PLOWING & LIGHTNoebels. 609-443-3559. 2, 3 or 4 bdrms,study or family by proficient high school "Regulating loleeding.Any fabrics. I HAULING- 609-924-4394. 24 HH. EMERGENCY ROBERT11. HALLIEZ specializeinproblems¯ Tinting COLONIALPAINTING -- SERVICEDAY & NIGHT Gardening & roomfireplace, A/C, 2-car FLUTEPIANO, VOICE, junior. Refs. supplied. Registered & dyeingalso done. Your interior,exterior. Roofing. garage. PIease ea 215-493- THEORY-- And beginning Reasonnblc rates. 609-737-1384. MemberPianoTechnieians SatisfactmnMy Guarantee. Landscaping 6605,eves. guitar lessons. Call 660-482- Guild,Inc. WhitehorseC can ng, 609-585- A CHEFIN YOURKITCHEN Free estimates. Reasonable. 1164between 11am & 9pro. 609-921-7242 - creativedishes prepared Call 609.799-3891 or448-4802. Roofing FRENCHNATIONAL - Offers 2553. withcare by RobbinDerry, DOERLERLANDSCAPES PROF. MAN-- needs rm tutoring services in French. KATRONELECTRONICS OF trainedinParis. 609-737-1398. w/kiteh, priv. in Princeton. Furniture PAINTING-- Interior & LandscapeDesigning PrincctnnJet. or Pininsboro. KARATECLASSES -- For further information call AMERICA-- REPAIRSAND Exterior reasonablerates, NASSAUROOFING CO, INC. and Awayweekends. 660-452-6511. beginners,advanced. East 609.-466-3958. MAINTENANCEOF TV’S EXPERT TAILORING & Contracting Windsor Community Restoration AND HOME APPLIANCES.ALTERATIONS--forladies & Freeestimates 609-443-3989 or Kingston,N.J. Education, Japan Karate 609-443-4404or443-4925. 609.440.2642ask for Dave. Roofingof all types 609-924-1221 Association.Starts Jan. 25. EXPANDING:DIP ’N STRIP men.Hammond Clothing, Sheet metal work WANTED-- l bedroomapt. or. Freedemonstration on Jan. 19 Catering - is nowa completeservice MercerSt, (next to Aliens). Gutters&leaders housewith fireplace located in atKreps School gym, 7:30pro. centerfor anythingmade of CESSPOOLS C’09-448-5765or660-386-5909. PAPERHANGERSSPECIAL Work guaranteed. Free FORSALE -- shredded & Princeton or woodedarea woodor metalthat youhave in unshreddedtop soil. Also,fill within l/2 hour driving Allinvited. Call609-448-4848 AND -Bedroom12x14x8 $40. Fully estimates. dirt. 201-359-3908. Modest to after6pro. yourhome, found in yourattic, SEPTICTANKS SNOWPLOWING done. Call nsured.Call Styers Saes, 609- Fully insured, distance. Hans D’OEUVRES- for boughtat theflea markets& CLEANED AlbertPadgett (201) 350-3735. 443-31.33. Call609-921-0070 reasonable rent. Excellent i small cocktail parties and auctions.We do hand stripping 7 Trerks-No Waiting OBAL references.Call 609-924-5704 9- CONTEMPORARY DANCE catering¯201-521-1130 or 609- all ty.pes of repairing, GARDENMARKETING INC. 5pm,ask for Mr.Pasea e. CENTER- Will be starting a 443-5932. refinishing,caning & rushing. RUSSELLREID CO. GOT AN UGLY OFFICE? ATTENTION newterm the week of Jan. Try us. youwon’t be sorry. RECEPTIONROOM? Fill it WINDSOR-HGTS- BELLEMEAD ROOFING -- " Landscape 10th.New classes being of- .DIP’N STRIP,49 MainSt., ’ 20YearsExperience withgreen plants;lease or CRANBURYAREA 28yrs. in buisness.Free DesignerandContractorApts/Houses fetedare: Beginner tap. Business Kingston,N.J.009-924-5668. 201.944-2534 201-350.5860buy,maintained & replaced. estimateson all typeroofing {Tues.5:30-8:30), & Beginner INTERIORSPECIALISTSandleaders and ~utters’and OpenMan.sat. 9-5. Dr.Phil O’Dendren. I plant or chimneyflashrng. Call AlexanderSt. To Share Jazz(Thurs. 9:30-10:30 a.m.). Services 100,it’s very reasonable. CallI’LL DO THEJOB FOR 609.924-2040or 201- Princeton Low IntermediateJazz 609-448-6290. anyUme, 609-924-2401 WE NEEDANOTHER female (Thurs.0:45-8) is still opento TAX ACCOUNTANT-- CHAIRS-CANED-RUSHED-KITCHENS,BATHROOMS, WHATYOUR POCKET CAN 389-5992 (local call from to shareour housein : newstudents as well as Federal and state returns reglued, tightened.Furniture CABINETRESURFACING, & AFFORD.TRY ME! Princeton). Lawrenceville.$80/month plus BeginnerModern (Thurs. prepared in your home by refinished. Yearsexperience. COMPLETE REMODELINGSAMMYVINCENT QUAR- L. ADLER& SONS-- SIM- utilities¯Ownroom. Available 6:30-8) & Intermediate experienced professional Freel)tek-up and delivery. 609- --Prompt expert work. Free TET- danceablemusic for all CALLFRANK, 201.462-7092 PLICITY-Snapper mowers - immediately.609-890-2595. accountant.Call 201-846-3731.896-0057. designservice & estimates. ages& occasions. Call 609 883- ANYTIME tractors,tillers- Route130 N. ModerntTues. 9:30-11 a.m.). 201-526-5353. DEPENDABLEROOFING Forinformation call 201-874- 9412. CO.No job toosmall, l0 yrs. Brnnswck, 201-297-2474. FURNISHEDROOM laun- 6889. FURNITURESTRIPPING & BENJAMINMOORE PAINT, exp., all workguaranteed, dry, cookingfacil t es. (6~91 FOR TRIPS TO NEWARKREFINISHING- repairs & HightstownPaint & Wall fully insured. For free DOYOU NEED MENTO DO 924-2064 (aft. 0 p.m.) AIRPORT- Call 201-257-1944.reglueing, upholsteryrepair GENERAL ELECTRIC--’DRESSMAKINGAND Paper, 395 MercerSt. 609-448-estimate, call dayor night. LANDSCAPING?Gardening, GUITAR LESSONS- all also done.Evenings, 201-359- MajorAppliance Factory ALTERATIONS-- Janice 4888. 25% off all wallpaper. 201-297-5352or201-521-0423. styles,allartists. Technique, TrainedService: Washer, We;to.Call 609-448-2125. lawn mowing, sodding, ROOM AVAILABLE IN reading,improvisation, TYPING,SCHOOL PAPERS - 5206. dryer, dishwasher, seeding, clean-up, hauling, FARMHOUSE-- $55 plus letters, theses, monthly concrete worn, patio arranging,transcriptions, etc. refrigerator,range¯ Phone D R~G"- & PAINTING & PAPER- ROOFING sidewalks,fencing, raiirea~J utilities. Womanpreferred. Loamonly what you want; reports neatly typed. 609.723-2056. ALTERATIONS-- ClaireHANGING- Frank Janda, All Kinds Call 201-359-2911.Belle Mead veryflexible format¯ Lessons Deadlinesmet. Call 609-466- HomeRepairs Tobin.Call 609-448-5614. 202Dutch Neck Rd. Call (609) Free Estimates ties, drainage. We do area. (privateorsmall group) given 0280. drivewayand sealing. Wealso 448-3578. delivergravel, sand, top soil, -- .... onPrinceton campus. Best of CERAMIC TILE WORK-- SINGER COMPANY -- WILLIAMSON etc. Caflanytime.609-924-9555. WANTED -- male to share referencesavailable. 212-874- AVAILABLE,Part.time G & R BUILDERS-- GeneralCeilings,wallsand floors for retired managerwill service CONSTRUCTIONCO. large 2 bedroomfurn. apt. 6809. executivebusiness consultant. contractors.Additions & bathrooms,kitchens and any makesewing machine in PAINTING& WALLPAPER 609-921-1184 ¯ " with responsible gal. Very If yourbusiness is not running alterations.Brickwork & foyers.Complete orpartial your home. Satisfaction HANGING-Reasonable, exc. "’ ’GItEENHo’usEs reas. 609-448-5441bet. 5- smoothlyand not as profitable fireplacespatios, aluminum job.Very Reasonable. Call guaranteed.609.896-0793. refs. Bill Spears,609-771-0614. all 7:30pro.Ask for Elsa. EXPERT as youwould llke, I amsure I siding.Free estimates. 609- 201-329-2874. ALLIEDROOFING -- New Beautiful "English MATII canhelp voo.I havehad.man~, 799-0753,799-1779. andold roofs of alltypes aluminum & glass FEMALE LOOKING for TUTOR years o/ expenence m aa EXPERTALTERATIONS - PAINTING- Residential & repaired.Rome remodeled greenhouses"in 0 free-roommate. Call 609-695-2028 LicensedMath Teacher 201- phasesof businessoperations. Ladiesclothing. Call Susan, commercial.Specializing in insideand out. All work standing& 2 lean-tomodels, after 5:30 pm. 329-4523. Contact R.K. Ribsam,P.O. CARPENTER’SWORK -- "THEBUCKET & MOP" 609449-5677. oils,stains, masonary paints guaranteed.Nojob too emnll. CallAqua Salt Inc. 201-446- Box160, Trenton,NJ 08601or Smalljobs at reasonableProfessionalFloor Cleaning andfirccord paints. New 609.440.5707. 9322. phone(609) 882-7788. Waxingand Window Washing. LADIES CUSTOMgutter installations and RETIREDnon-smoking, JAZZPIANO from pianist. prices.Call after 5 p.m., 201- Mr.Tom llye 201-359-4722. TAILORING- coats, suits, repairs. Gary Orlando 609.466- composer.Learn to playwhat 359-2090or 609-655-I079. responsiblewoman, to share TYPIST- All forms of typing dresses,gowns, skirts, etc. 0764. TREECARE, INC. -- offers pleasant homeon bus line in you hear and feel. Call madeto order. Hillside Studio, ROOFREPAIR SPECIALIST anytime.609440-5533. donein my home. Business or 609-737-0090. ’PAINTINGby experienced-- Mostminor leaks repaired the following:complete tree Princetonwith single lady in personal.Call609-448-8513. CARPENTRYREPAIRS, LAMP SHADES -- Lamp for under $50. Insured, service, landscaping& lawn return for food and board,be PAINTINGAND ROOFING -- mountingandrepairs. Nassau ---- professionals all work guaranteedand a statewide maintenance.201-297-9301, 9-5 willingto cookevening dinner DRAKEItUSINESS KEYPUNCH SERVICES - 609-466-0926or466-1166. Interiors,162Nassau St., ATTENTION-- Working guaranteed,verygood prices, service.Call collect, 201-521- anddo somelight housework. Princeton. askfor SteveBurk, 6~-737- Calleves. 7-8 pro, 660-924-2478. COLLEGE Compareour quality and our mothers,bachelor fathers & 2264. 0678. low, lowprices. Freepick-up thesewho hate to cook.Din- Moving g 17Livingston Ave. and del very For detads call CRAFTSMANSHIPOF nerspreparedand delivered.. |~ __ NewBrunswick N.J. DISTINCTION- all types of Callfor our varied menu. 201- NANAK’S " NASSAU ST. young 201-207-1944. carpentry work peddrmed. PRINCETON PAINTERS Whywait until the roof leaks? naunng ¯- professionalmaleseeks same CompleteSecretarial and 609-799-3749. DISPOSALSERVICE 359.1463anytime or609-924- AccnnntingCourses Rt. 130& Half Acre Rd. 2940after 7:15pro. I{.easonable Qualityneeds.Planaheadfor your roofing to shareapt convenient to Dayand Nigtit Courses ThePrinceton Packet* Cranoury,N.J. __ Rates Paint MOVING&RAULING-Cellarcampus, shoppingandNYbus. Telephone:201-249-0347 hassome Expertise in Workmanship.NEW ROOFS REPAIRS toattic clean out. Odd jobs. Own unfurntshed room, share PressTimeAvallable LOVINGCARE -- for your 609-395.1389 FRONTEND LOADER-- and Year i’ound bnsiness. Freeestimates. CallEd. 609- kitchen and bath. $120 plus Weboflsetpress backhoe. Ditchwork, sewers, ’ 443-6855. utilities(approx. $10.12 per homeincluding kitchen and Homeand Industry electrical. Regradingexisting NoWaiting COOPER&SCHAFER TUTORING bathroom remodeling; Garbage,Trash, Rubbish stone driveways.Installing Free 609-799-823863Moran Princeton month).609-924-O980 evesand READING ENGLISHLetusprintyournewspaperor ceramic,slate~ quarry, vinyl Removed Estimates afterSp.m. 609*924-2063 weekends.Keep trying. in-houseorgan. Cameraready and V/A hie; roofing; newstone driveways.Earth ATTICS, BASEMENTS STUDYSKILLS mechanicals or negatives aluminumgutters, leaders Haulingof all Types moving, trenching, land IIISTORY FRENCIIrequired. Weprint refiular clearing. THE FLAKYPAINT CO.-- ’’ garages cleaned out. Light WANTED- woman to share Adults& Children standardpages or tabloins, and storms interior and Experienced but less ex- g IIUl ~=utl’4’n hauling& moving.201-359- attractively furnishedapt. in TIlE LEARNING exterior painting; brick pensive. Paint to you at ~4o2 ¯ - charmingoldhouse Fireplace veneer; sheet rocking; OFFICE CLEANING . Services EXCIIANGE Yourpaper can be printed on wallpaperingand paneling; CLASSIFIEDDEADLINE wholesaleprices. Don’tlet "~ swimmingpool. $185/mo. plus 157S.MainSt. Ilightstown regular 30# newsprintor 50# IS Eveningsand weekends.609- thingsgo toofar. Call609-259- ,,,~,vr,c,,.,~ o,,c~,,,~,,~,r~ ~ utilities. Month security 609-443-4113 stuccoand block tile ceilings; 896-2028. 2084after 5 n.m. r, ,,,.,o n,,L, ,~ao~,:,,~,,,o required. 609-799-2600,X256 whiteoffset stock. Thereis a all types of homerepairs. 5 P.M. MONDAY _ . CARPENTRY cleanedout, grasscutting and nominalextra charge for a oddjobs. 609-882-9659. da~sa ,or 921-9115 eves . sP¯.coedspot color, ii" you so INTERIORPAINTING -- free ADDITIONSREMODELING SCUBADIVING -- Callfor desire. PETERSONCONTRACTING Photography estimates reasonablerates, KITCHENS coursenearest you. Scuba 201-350-2714 BATHTUB AND TILE clean wor~.Call T. Laski609- WILLHAUL IT - Cellars, ITIREDOF LIVINGALONE! sales,rentals, an’, service, Ourcapacity for yourneeds is RESURFACING.White & PRE-FABFIREPLACESattics and garages cleaned. 37 year old malewants, to trips.PRINCETON AQUA 24 pages standard and 48 colors.Free Estimates. Call 609-799-1680.Consumer withshare compatible beautifulintellijgen apartmen SPORTS,306 Alexander St., ....ALL OARPENTRYand ALTEG.Call (201) 529-2777. WEDDINGSPECIAL - color799-1462~ BureauRegistered. Princeton609-924.4240. pagesfor yourtabloids. photos,30 (8:¢10) plus 60 (5x5) co09.259~.7940 PoterWikoff female. I am a profesmoea formica and panel work. No [or$169.Call Stabars for other PAINTING: INTERIOR& salesman looking for com Call Mr. Hutchinsonor Mr. job too big, no job toosmall. rates.609-737-2362. EXTERIORTopquality work. Burkeat (609) 924-3244for 609-896-2028. CARPET CLEANING FreeEstimates. Reasonable panionshipand ’an exclusivq VOICETEACHER -- highly particulars on your printing SPECIAL-Any size room Rates.Fully Insured. Capitol N E E D R E P A I R S, relationship.Please reply tq qualified,has’limited openings REMODELING, CON- WantedToRent Box #03774, c/o Princetm needs. PLUMBLING-Lie.#4621. Need steam cleaned by experts. GETTINGMARRIED? 30- Painting 689.883-1537. Packetorcall 609-392-4124 an( for seriousstudents. 609-302- a plumber,free estimates-all $19.95. NewDawn. 251-446- STRUCTION?We’ll do just leaveyour name and numbe~ 1016. *(We have won state 4313. axle,60-4x8 color picturns aboutanything. No jobtoo MATURE, QUIET WORKING with my answeringservice. national press awards for types of pinmbing.CallMike $235,Remarqua Studio. 609- PAINTING-- Interior ex- small.Robertson & Son. 609- FEMALE -- looking for un- will return call some night. anytimeday or night. Phone 448-7938. terior,wallpapering, light 737-2260. quality press work) 609-586-0266. CARPETINSTALLER -- will carpentry.Quahty work. Call , furnishedI bedroom apart- MUSICLE530NS - Piano, sell carpet~do installations& ment.Reasonable rent, long Guitar,Voice, Recorder, repairs. L,censed& bonded. John:609-655.1598 / 655-2015. ALL--inn lease. Please reply to Box PENNINGTON - Duplex ti Brasses.Beg. to advanced, TYPING-- letters, theses, CARPENTRY -- home 609-448-8888or443.6511. Painting g .landclear~ng;speticsystems;#03790,c/o The Princeton share for male in 20’s. Priv Pop& Classlcal.Mr.Bohn. resumes, term papers, remodeling& additions. New drains;driveways inslalled~ Packet. 669.443-1261betweenI & 4 pro. Paoerhanaina INDOORPAINTING - by cutout, stoned orpaved; cau bdrm.,share kitch, bath q dissertations, cassette tran- and old work. Gerald collegestudents on vacation.5 util,Rent $78/mo. plus .t~ scription, addressing & Winarskt,609-585-7490. BACKTOSCHOOLin4weeks,years experience local AlPadgelt(2011359-3735aRerPROFESSIONAL man- seeksmos. security. Parking. Availl mailing. Copiesmade while IIOUSECLEANING 8 p.m. Jan. 1. Call after 0. Keel| "ENGLISHCOMPOSITIONS - you wait. PROFESSIONAL painting at student prices, $6 references, free eshmates. apt. in Princeton. Furnishedtrying.609-737-0014. SocialScience papers TYPINGSERVICE, Warren CARPENTRY,REPAIRS and WindowCleaning per hr. Local references 609-924-9440. ANNOUNCEMENT-- John, preferred. Non-smoker.Reply [ troublingyou? Experienced PlazaWest, East Windsor, smallalterations. Call201-359- Floor Washing& quality workand materials. formerlyof S.B.&H.Builders Box#03785, c/o Princeton teachercan help you organize N.J.Call 609.448-6707. 757tafter 8:30 p.m. Waxing 609.924-1412,Bob Tungeon. PAINTING- experienced s nowoperating under the Packet. FEMALEPROFESSIONAL ! yourthoughts. $10/hr. 009-921- Honest,Reliable collegestudent, lowest rates in name of John Secoolish . Wanted to share Ropewel| 2677. Experienced town, local refs, free Builder, specializing in SMALLFARM 8-10 ACRESApartment. Country typdl TYPEWRITER REPAIR-- MASON--Plasteredor "HolidayRates" PAINTING-- experiencedestimates. Calf Art, 609-921- custombuilt ~omes,additions, w/barn. Must have house setting. Yourshare, $145in[ Generalcleaning andrepairs, sheetrockwalls, ceilings. Callafter 8 phi student. Great rates,. 7772. and repairs. Over20 years w/reed, features. 3 bdrm’s, 4eludingutilities. Non-smoke TEACHERfor Guitar & Violin Freeestimates. CallEd holescracks repaired. Most 609-587-8055 references,free estimate.Call exp.Call us. 609-466.0543,57 full basement,prefer within 15 please. Call between10-5 Pml - beginners,intermediates & Radigan, 609.448-6443. all masonry repairs. Ted,609-924-2373. PrincetonAve., Hopewell, mi. W. WindsorTwp. Less askfor Eilcen, 609.4~-0479| advanced.Graduate with BA Shee.terck.tapln~ spackling, Paving than$600 per me. Call collect in MnslcEd fromBerklee finisnlng anne. call EdwaRIFLOOR -- NELSONGLASS & after 5 pro. 812-824-9574. l Collegeof Music,Boston. Gudat(609) 466-3437. SANDING hard- SUPERIORINTERIORS - ALUMINUM BLACKFEMALE - In lat~ SpecializinginRock & JazzTYPINGDONE IN PRIN- wood floors sanded and twenties seeking person b ’finished.Phone 609-58,5.8235. Meticuloushonsepainting at PIRONE DRIVEWAY 45SPRINGST. share small house, onlyon~ guitar& classical Violin. Also CETONAREA -- by an ex- reasonable prices. Good CONSTRUCTION-- black top PRINCETON STORAGEAREA WANTED [eachcomposition, theory & periencedsecretary working CARPENTRY, ALTERA- references free estimates. 809-924-2880 -- for buntaed trailer. Mustba bedroom.Must be responsible arranging. Professional from home. All work com- TIONSADDITIONS. No Job MERCER ELECTRONICS Also exter or estimates for paving& stone. 609-452-9182: MIRRORS 35’long; electricity & some Clean& relatively quiet, You playingexperience. Will ~ay pleted on SelectricIt too large or too small. Doug TV & RADIOSERVICE " spring. Call BobSpeagle at AUTOGLASS heatdesired, CallC~J-3~-3~8, share$62.50/mo, plusutilltl~ for "all "affairs. R~asouabletypewriter.Alsoerror free Renk,Bulldders, 609-655-1221. AntennasInstalled 609-924-3565. PLATE & WINDOW GLASS Location,Jamesburg. Cm rates,609-443-5163. typingdone on Man. CARD II CB Repair Jackteafter 6 pro, 251-521-300~ machine,Call609-621-3398. Electricians 604BearTavern Rd, PAINTINGINTERIOR local URETHANE SPRAY FOAM EUROPEAN WOMAN - CARPENTRY,REPAIRS - & WestTrenion collegestudents 5 yrs. exp., INSULATION-- Houses, Workingpart time and her 12 alterations. Painting, tile 609-383-8660 fully insured,free estimate, EXPERT ELECTRICAL barns(new and old), attics, MATHHELP -- Tutoring in TYPING / SECRETARIALwork,free estimates.60~-466- referencesavail. 609~96-9635.SERVICES- Free estimates, basements,walls, ceilings, yr. old son want room &board 19 MIN.PRINCETON 0820. Ask for Mike.. oldhouses welcome, Nojob too roofs,Commercial andIn- wlth nice family in Princeton Woman with or without oh! I Algcbra Math review for SERVICES-- Error-Free A&W small,Diamond Electric, 201- dustrial.Future Insulation area (son goes to Cbapin or married couple to share ladults, preparation for SAT, AutomaticTyping-Mailings- Company,609-397-2885. schoul).Woul-dlikereasouable" bedrm, home and expenses mmGRE, GMAT exams, etc. Also Reports¯ Manuscrlp[s,CABtN*."rMAKER - and’ or FORMICASERVICES MA~ -- 722-6176. rateor in exchange do3 daysAll al~plianccs, a/e,bdautifu lelementary& Jr. High. 8 yrs. Theses.Letters,etc.Cassette carpenter,Havereferences in Painting &Decorating. Sex. of wooffdd CounterTops vine the Princeton area mr --~ ~ work (secretarial, property 2-ca ~of teaching experience. Transcription.Office:60 N, Princeton,Cabinets, interior HomeRepairs ELECTRICALWORK -- No CUSTOMWOODWORK -- nookkeeping,’ ehlldeare, garage. Days 909-448-7091 IPrivate lessons from $I0/hr. MainSt., Cranbury.remodelingorrepair ofhome, KltehenCabinets over20 years.For quality, and Jobtoo bigor toosmall. Work- Additions,Alterations, Paul languages). Excellent eves. & wkends. 443-364~ ReasonableRates, Tele, 609- Call609-924-5708 or215-295. 609-699-1683 6O9-695-5239expert workmanship,phone manshlpguaranteed. Free . references.Call 609-9~1-6204. Avail, lmmed. ~eeter of Princeton.609-921- 655-0551. 6275. 609-448-8325, cstlamtcs.201-297-5047 Seheenfeld609-466-2014. l I HOME HUNTER’,f GUIDE

Thursday. Jonnary 6.1977 Van Hise Realty

Pennlngton, NewJersey Tel: 600-737-3615or 609-883-2110 REAL ESTATE ~.,-" ; ,~~-’.~ I II I

NEWLISTING - Four bedroom Ranch includes two baths,central air conditiongand a full basement.Included in this attractive offering is a den/officeseparate from living areawhich makes this homeperfect for the IlIaml L professionalneeding a live-in/office arrangement.All of this on oneacre plus ...... $62,900. AMOST UNUSUAL andextremely charming 200+ year 01d 2 story. Up- STARTTHE NEWYEAR OFF RIGHT- Inspect this TRANSFERRED OWNERWANTS ACTION - datedand on 6 beautifulacres, 3 bedrooms(! with a fireplace)2 baths, CAPECODWITH EXPANSION-entrance foyer,modern kitchen sparklingcustom built one stowhome, then get ready Offered for FEBRUARYOCCUPANCY, this four largecountry kitchen, library and living room. To compete thesetting a barn with eatingarea. formaldining room,living roomwith to move.You will be impressedwith the excellent bedroom, 2½ bath Colonial with minimummain- fireplace,french doom from dining room to rearscreened in location andthe quality featuresof this lovely home tenanceexterior (brick andcedar shake), cozy family andgazebo ...... $89,500. porch.2 largebedrooms, full tile bath.Second floor semi- featuring three bedrooms,plus an extra bedroomor roomwith fireplace, graciousliving roomand dining finishedfor edditionat2 roomsend bath with heatducts and study, sparklingmodern kitchen, formal dining room, roomoff the centerhall, ideal for entertaining.Upstairs "-%.’ ’. .. ’i ", pipingfor bathinstalled. Aluminum siding, 1 cargarage, cen- liv(ng roomand a comfortablefamily roomwith log bur- roomsare a comfortablesize andhave generous closet " " "~ i,:,;~ Z" ! tral air ...... $64.900. ningfireplace and wood paneling, and three baths .... - space.Central air is just oneof the manyextras in this IN TOWNLIVING ¯ is offeredby the attractiveCage Cod. New ...... $119,500. Charmer,boasting a picturepost card setting ...... modernkitchen, formal dining room, livi.~g room with fireplace...... REDUCEDTO $92,500. 4 bedrooms,1 ’6 baths,finished breezeway. 2 cer garage, large for. centralair andcentral vac-system ...... $$9.500. BOTHTOWN AND COUNTRY? - 5-6 bedroom home A HOUSETO BE CHERISHED- Some houses aren’t on a woodedlot just minutesfrom Princeton. This muchmore than four walls anda roof. But here’s one HOPEWELLTOWNSHIP housewas built for a large familyand it’s ideal for the you’n love the rest of your days.Spacious Ranch on a youngsters. newlylandscaped lot, newfence, newroof, modernized JUSTWHAT YOU’WANTED ¯ attractive rancherin a quiet kitchen and....morel ...... $79,900. residentialarea. Modern khchen with breakfast bar. dining room.family room,3 bedrooms,1"6 baths.2 car garage, screenedin rear porch plus central air ...... $$3.500. MEDICAL...DENTAL...PBOFESSIONAL...SITE PRINCETONTOWNSHIP PRIVACY- is whatthis attractiveCave Cod offers. Last house ondead end street. Modern kitchen with diningarea. living "ProfessionalOffice ResidenceZoning" A Brick residencein one of the mostdesirable professional COLONIALFARMHOUSE- on over12 rollingacres. Countryliving at its host roomwith fireplace. B bedrooms,2 full baths,full basement. locationsin Princeton.Specifically zoned for medical-dentaloffice, plus rentalincome. Call todayfor price orhaving the possibility of subdividing.Thehouse is lovelyand all theout- onecar garage...... $56,900. andfurther details. buildings(6) arein unbelievablecondition. There is plentyof spaceand WHATMORE COULD YOU WANT - than this Split Level in a stallsfor horses if that’s appealing to you. Call for all thedetails. goodlocation wlth modern kitchen, formal dining room, family NO ONEBREATHING DOWI~ YOUR NECK in this room,recreation room. 4 bedrooms.1 ’6 baths,basement. 2 MOVERIGHT IN - This beautifully landscapedhome car garage...... $82.900. with a patio needscompenT. It’s vacantand has so homesurrounded by trees and a quiet nondevelopment RENTAL.3-4bedroom split locatedin EastWindsor. Just l0 minutesfrom manyadmirable qualities and features. For example, street. Thestreamlined kitchen will delight your wife, 18 ACRESAND BARN - plus old FarmHouse with kitchen. centralair, Iouvelierblinds in the largeeat-in kitchen, a there’splenty of roomfor the kids to kick their football train station ...... $550/mo. diningroom. living room.family room. full bath.4 bedrooms. white brick fireplace, panelledfamily roomand for aroundand a two-sidedfireplace for Dadto workwith. full basement.Additlonal land available ...... $67.900. $66,500this CENTERHALL COLONIAL can be yours. Bestof all is that this homeis beingoffered to youat a 799-8181 Youwon’t regret this moveto WestWindsor and don’t newly reducedprice of $69,900and located in West tET US8gilD your dream house on oneof our woodedlots, let opportunitypass you byl Windsor.Clip this ad andcall 799-1100nowl Virginia Anderson Open7 DaysA Week Yourplans or ours.Package deal only house and lot. Lotsnot Amy Bohm JoanneSanders soldseparately. APPEALING- ECONOMICAL- AVAILABLE- You Bill Sanders ConnieDarrow COLONIALSPLIT LEVEL - with Modernkitchen, formal dining MOVERIGHT INTO THIS COMFORTABLEHOME- mustsee this homebefore you sign another lease. JanetLachapelte PatriciaBell ii~MLS’ RuthBly room,17’ x 27’ familyroom with fireplace,laundry room. 4 with three bedrooms,2 ½ baths, waU-to-waltcarpeting Largecarpeted living room,formal dining room,eat-in MaryPatrician Vivian MacPherson largebedrooms. 2 full baths,basement, 2 car garage, large lot, throughout, all appliances, enclosedyard, air- kitchen, full basement,exterior professionallylan- PatPatrician l_~:._:~’~- ___ ...... $69,900. conditionedand full basement...... Only$43,500. dscapedand all the extras...... Now$,38,500. 50 Princeton-Hightstown Road, Princeton Junction WOODEDLOTwith newrancher with modernkitchen, 2 SHERBROOKEESTATES - Four bedrooms, 2½ fireplaces,family room, 3 bedrooms.2"6baths, exterior deck. 2 baths,fireplace in living room,formal dining room, eat- "Weore one of the largest insurers cargarage. Basement to be finished into large recreation room in kitchen, powderroom with linen closet, ½basement, of homesin NewJersey. Seeus for your with anotherfireplace ...... $85,800. ½ crawl.Sixty-five foot patio, fifty feet of whichis HOMEOWNERSPOLICY covered,DUTCH COLONIAL styling. All this andmore before you close on your new home." ATTRACTIVERANCHER - plus woodedsetting, modernkitchen on a half acre.Call today -- it won’tlast long..$78,500. withdining area, family room with fireplace. 3 bedrooms.1 "6 baths.2 car garage...... $55.500. PRINCETON¯ PENNINGTON¯ WESTWINOSOR ¯ FLEMINGTON RENTALS WANTSTOSELL ¯ Auto repair business in goodlocation. Call us 1609] tr24.0095 [609] 737.3301 16091799.1100 [20T) 782-4606 ROCKYHILL ¯ Beautiful 4 for detailsand price. bedroom home on a HILTON HOPEWELLBOROUGH woodedlot. 2½ baths. living room, family room, REALTYCO. TOWNAPARTMENT HOUSE - Good lecation, excellent eon- diningroom. avail, framed. diUon.4 unitswith each unlr consisting of 4 room=;and beth, all Monthto monthor short of separateutilities. Callfor moredetails and price. ¯ serserving vetg peoplepeople sinceelnce 1885 term ...... $525. PRINCETON.INC. II _ III realtom¯ insurers EWlNGTOWNSHIP Call os ¯ 466-2,14,1 ’., -,~,;, , , , . --~. J ¯ LARGEATrRACTWE COLONIAL ¯ Modern kitchen with eating area.formal dining room. living roomwith fireplace, family May Agency roomwith sliding glassdoor to rear deck,recreation room. laundrymorn. 4 bedrooms,2’6 baths. 2 car garage,beautiful [:rand Realtor.rnsttror landscapedlot withmature trees and formal Japanese gardens andpools ...... , ...... $88.900. For Rent- Rooms WESTAMWELL TOWNSHIP 4.2 WOODEDACRES - with completeprivacy. Rancherwith ROOMIN HOUSE- 3 blocks modernkitchen wlth dining area. living roomwith fireplace, from campus, large kitchen, familyroom. 2 bedrooms,full tile bath,1 eargarage, 14’ x 14’ $100per month. 609-924-6112. twoStorybarn. flowing brook on properly ...... $74.900. FORRENT FURNISHED ROOM -- ’to NEWTHREE BEDROOMRANCH IN PLAIN- SBORO- spacious modernkitchen with one quietbusiness man r private BEAUTYSHOP ¯ Hopewell Township, good Iocatlon, 2 sink bath,priv. ent., refng, a/c & step downto a panelled family room with unit, 4 chairdryers. Ca8 for details...... $350.per month. TV.609-024-1767. fireplace. Full basementand treed lot. HIGHTSTOWNBORO BUYLAND: THEY DON’T MAKE IT ANYMORE Callus for moreInformet!on onthe abovelistings HANDSOMECUSTOM.BUILT RAISED RANCH BEDROOM, HAMILTON $57,500. SQUARE(bet. Hightstown t 0 ACRES,Hopewell Township, residentlal ...... $45,000. -AIR CONDITIONED Trenton)Share bath. (609) 586- - ATTIC STORAGE 3692or (609) 587-3756. 77 ACRES¯ half woodedwith stream,Hopewell Township, ox. ¯ ANDERSONWINDOWS cellent roadfrontage ...... $2,800per acre, 104Nassau Streel ¯ {)21-6I)6(I - MAINTENANCEFREE EXTERIOR ROOM & SEMI- EFF- See Onr Other Ads. 3.2 WOODEDACRES ¯ .Cast Amwell Township ...... $29,980. - OIL HEAT ICIENCES - at weekly SPECIAl rate.Princeton Manor Motet, 55 CHOICEACRES ¯ Hopewoll Township, Residential Zoned. THREE BEDROOMS,2½ BATHS, GOODSIZED MonmouthJct. 201-329-4555...... 51,800per acre. HMITED US Hwy#l. 8½% 3o ,,,, INTRODU(TORY LIVING ROOMAND DINING ROOM,DEN, EAT-IN Memberof Multiple Listing Service PRICE!! KITCHEN,UTILITY ROOMAND ONE CAR GARAGE. For Rent- Apts.For Rent - Apts. HolidaysCoil: LAWRENCEVILLE . Room BeWlUever737.0462 CothyNemeth737.3051 with complete house PRICEJUST REDUCED: FLORIDAAPT., Polynesian Alice Bowe883.7924 RoyDipple737-1066 S62,500 privilegesand parking. 809- 3 ROOMS- private bath in 896-9467. Gardens Plantation, Fla. Joy Rothschgd737-3578 Beautifully furn, apt, begin- gracious home, central ningFeb. 20, I bedr. 1~/~baths - Princeton. No cooking DDR-DIDONATO facilities. $265. e09-924-8146, REALTY, INC. LARGEBEDROOM - for rent $450/mo.plus util. for Mar. & S35,990 (609) 448-6555 inbeautiful old farmhouse, 7 Apr, - $400/mo,thereafter..305- __ _ milesoutside Princeton. Full 792-8247in Fla, or 609JA8-4159.EFFICIENCY APT - fur- "Country Club Atmosphere" useof house.Avail. immed. nished, lt/z miles south of 609-799-3937or 924-2833. MONMOUTHJCT -- fur- in Apt. Living nished 3 room apt. $175 per Washington Rd. on US #1, Apts/HousesFor Rent-Rooms me. t monthsecurity. 609-924- Princeton. Immediate De- I ROOM- no cookingfacilities. 8721. cupaocy. Call 609-924-5~2 & Prefer female. Callhetwcen6- leave your number. No tease Wehave immediate andfuture occupancy To Share RoomIN PRI-’-~VAT-E HO--’ME- 8 pro. 606.44a.8476. TRENTON-- 3 rooms& bath. required.. . in 3½,4 &5 RoomApts. from $230.00 kitchen privileges, garage. $190. Security & references FEMALE ROOMMATE-- non-smokinggentleman. 609- ROOMAvailable - for woman required. 609-696.8397. SPACIOUS- Delaware Share co-ed house. ~80/mo. 921-7425. or female student in lovely Heights I bedroom apt. with Lawreneevtlle. Immediate private home, 15 rain. from MONMOUTHJCr. 1 bedroom downstairs rec. and storage ¯ PrivateEntrances a HardwoodFloors occupancy.609-896-2695. Princeton, in E. Windsor." efficiency $125 per me. 1 room. Available sparcely ¯ Get¯ 81eddeolApplloncea ¯ lye LevelIlroIIo. Extras negotiable. Avail monthssocur ty. 609-924-872Lfurnished $315/mo, or un- ¯ 12cu. ft. Re(dgerotors ¯ CentralAIC UNBEATABLE OFFER -- ROOMFOR RENT. In quiet immed.609-448-7091 days. 443- furnished $3~/m0. Call 215- ¯ SwlmmlntiPool ¯ PlayGround seek replacement "recreate - central Princeton location 3.643eves. & wknds. 493..6824 awtime. residential fully furnished suitable for serious graduate OWNER’SPRIVATE APT -- ¯ Ohhw~dterlIn | I~ Aptt. modern house in Kendall student. Call 609.824-7n.~ fully furnished,2 large SMALL FURNISHED--ef- Park,call Bob immediately flciency8pt. close to Prln- 201-297-3553or297-6990. " ForRent - Apts.beduins, rm,bnth,dining largerm, kitchen, livingIst ceton,russonable.Call~01.325- LG.BDRM. in privatehome, 7 floor,garage, private garden, 2512after 4pro. . BARRETTCOUNTRY CLUB ESTATES WOMANTO SHARE apt.- ml. from Princeton. Mature HOPEWELLTWP-4reoms&$350 per me. Near Choir KendallPark, N.J, (201) 297-1888 quiet gentlemen. Priv. aa- ba’th, 2nd fl, Married FOR APARTMENTrentals Ham. Sq, W. vepJ large pet. College. Immediate De- RentalOffice - Apt. 31. bdrm,$14O/mo.(B091 292-4470, trance & bath. Her. 201-329- preferred. Sec, & refs. cupancy. Replyto, Box #03786 check the "Too Late To 9 to 5 weekdays, 6068, required. 609-737-3928. c/o Princeton racket. Classify" polumn. i Thursday, Janunry6,1977 ’_

Henderson, Of Course!

--: ’,,. ~,:.~.,. ,~* m STAGANDOE!

~-.~ ~:.=~:.. ~ A I,-," " A GEMIN EASTWINDSOR! Our newest Iistlnt~ is in immaculate v,mdition. ~tlnmml~lK’,t f,l,y.~ ...... ,,o.ed f,lr,,,,.~ ..... tor,.re, r yardhl"y f ..... I whhs,.ck,dcl ..... for privacy.It consiststff a living room.dinin,’ room. kltcll[,n v,’hht~rent calllnets and sloraee w/cat-ln area. familyroom and p4m’ller rolml. Second[Itmr ha~* a " Master bedroomw/bath, three morehedruoms anti hall hath. Fally carpeted ...... ’""...... inth,,...... len,.nd,,, ...... ar,,g ...... $64.t,,,0

LOOKSARE DECEI VING .... ’]’hi,~ splendid Riverside honse hmkssmalh,r on Iln’ ,mlshh,than it reall?is[ Aninvililvz Duleh~.olmlial ml a half acreor spevlnleu wo.ds... ~qtens1o im’hnh,foyer. IMntzro.m with lois o[ big windows,dlnln~ A bh,m[ of unlqnelah!nts f.r lilt. nhimulein emlh,mporaryI{vhlff. rlzlau whhehairrail, modernkhl’ln,n wilh breakfltsl area openin~to a red,,v.od del’k. ’[’hell sh’pd.m’n Io the¢Ipen [/unil~’ rtlonl Withflrellhlee and t.nstom mantle. Ile...oneof thPstate’s most ceh,hmhqj ar(,hileCls. &,n .r SIX’I’ll hedr.mnwith hdl bath. and svreenedi+orch. Upstairs unc

AT ’rile EDGE OF ONE OF NEW JERSEY’S MOST NOTABLE ESTATES!Tastefully sul)dMdedtat- a ron~enient h,t whhtrees and views. HENDERSON COMES TO BELLE MEAD: AIsl)Ihe list, i)[ i’q)nlmmlpark and rettrtq|llon areas, jam a ~lli)rt jtu~fr(ml the VOlll- Finally,the Henderson organization has opened its newestoffice in BelleMead. Joining forees with the nlnter hus t. NewYork City, I:mnrbvdr,.ans. 21,~baths, airy livlna rol;lU, dinlnt~ formerBelle MeadAgency, John T. Henderson,Inc. officially opensits doorsopposite the Montgomery roomwilh slidinz d,,,,rs mpati,,s. {,onlfltrlable khehen, family roomwith lireplavt,. In.ann,dceilln~ andslitHmz d.ors..utside, lot. Gsilydecorated, air con- MunicipalBuilding on Route206 the first of January. dill,reed, full basenn,nl, v, vo-t’ar Earage...... 81.000. Wewill offer morecomplete and better services than anyone else in Montgomery,andbusiness will be expandedto includeHillsborough, Manville and nearby Hopewell and East Amwell. Anoutstanding staff of professionalsis at yourdisposal for bothbuying or selling houses,farms, land -~. .,~’I .... - -~ ~: ----=-~-i andcommercial enterprises. Afew unique services: ¯~ " , .... ’~: , ~,lInm ,,’. -. ", * REALTRONIC COMPUTERIZED LISTINGS * MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICES IN ~" ~~:.~_u~II- i ~--~-=~=~ .,~;- .... Theonly realtor operated system in the area. Comevisit us SomersetCounty RELO-Inter-CityRelocation ,.:. andwe’ll showyou our exclusivecomputer terminal to help A NEWPRIVATE I,ANE IN I’RINCETONTOWNSIIIP! ENJOY’rile - MercerCounty Service& Cooperating with the PEACEFULAND QUI ET WOODEDSETTING OF TII IS SPECTACULAR youbuy or sell. HunterdonCounty CONTEMPORARYPRESEN’rLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION BY PrincetonReal Estate Group. BENEDICT YEDIAN AND CUSTOM DESIGNED BY EDMUND WILSONOF TltE tIILLIER GROUP. Situated on a professi,mally landscapedacre wilh access aodowncrship in a private park area, it oilers all .nc rouhl wishfor ill the unnsnal.Tile flexible arrmn~ementof roomswill makelivin,, hi lilts hmuseit joy. Livlnu roomwith firephwc,clinhu~ room. lamily n.ml with fireplace, kilchen with all convenicnces. stndvor bedro(mlwith bath.Mnster betlroool with bath, twoan)re hcclrttoms antl hail’bath, hdly air r, mdillonedf.r Iolalclanfort fr, mt and rear dccks, hdl basementand IV,’o ear t~ara,,e...call [.r phuls ...... $150,e00.

AREAl ROLLING HILL ROAD, OVERLOOKINGTHE POND ON THE NESTLEDIN THEWOODS OF SYCAMORELANE, on one acre not far BEDENSBROOK GOLF caUSE, NATURALLY!anent Htmt & Augnstlne’s most from the MontgomeryShopping Center, is an outstanding owner.deslgned imaginativehouses with sliding doors fromevery roomto the outside! A lovely, customcolonial just eleven years young.With four bedroomeand two and a half naturallywooded lot bloomingwith rhododendrons,dogwoode, and paehasandra ! In- baths, this Egner-bulhsturdy brick andframe Soutl’ern colonial also boasts a side there is a spectacularbalcony on the~stalrcaseoverlooking the living roomwith comfortableliving room,formal dining room, spacious eat-in kitchen, andcherry- Willlamsbui’gfireplace with brick fromfloor to ceiling! Beautifullydesigned for coo panelledfamily room with a full-wall brickfireplace. Anadded attraction is a flf- tertalnlngwith all the amenitiesa houseof this calibre shouldhave...air conditioning, th bedroomor denon the first floor witha wall of pine built-losfor efficiencyand centralvacuum system, library, twostaircases, flve bedrooms,three full andtw,- bali decor!Carefully constructed, extra large in size, witha frontporch of quarrytile. baths,full openstairs to a future gameroom, and much more...... Asking$165,000, Fantastic closet space, colonial trim and panelled doors throughout~full A VERYSPECIAL HOUSE FOR THE NEW YEAR....we treasure this brand basement(and dry. too!), andco’nlplete attic storage. Just listed andready newlisting anti km~wyou will. ran! To beginwlth...it’s 166 years old andutterly be seen by appointmentonly, witha friendlyprofesslona] Henderson agent...... charming!A two-storycolonial with carriage lamps, beautihtlly secluded200’ x ...... $t05,000. 90’ hit heavily trced -- andtaxes of only $677.00per year! Modernkitchen, rear patio, almost-nclvgas hal water baseboardheating, city sewer andwater, frame construction,hdl basenn,nt. full walk-upstorage attic, extra-large red.carpete foyer,d large living rutml with chair-rail ANDworking brick fireplace with beautihdly carved mantlcplece,separate, formal dining room.Second floor with thrce bedroomsand Imth. Another fireplace ht the master bedroom, too! Aluminumstorms aml screens and shining old wide pine floors. Excellent con- dhlon, ready to moveinto...oppos[te Trenton State College and near all main routes ...... $54.500!

¯ TRYTO REMEMBER...when houses of old werebuilt with pride, with esthetic beauty,with quality craftsmanship, with harmoniouslines, withlong planningin advancetoward old-fashioned community living o! neighborhoodpartlee. Oneof A VERY SPECIAL SOUTHERNCOLONIAL OVERLOOKING THE BEDENS RichardGrosso’s quality homes, custom-built, three monthsold, is readyfor oe- BROOKGOLF COURSE...in a nearbyarea of fine estates, here is an extraordinary cupancyin Montgomery’sMill PondEstates. Soonthe cedarshakes will weather, custom-buihhouse |eaturlng gracious, spaciousliving roomwith fireplace, separate andthe newlittle trees will growand bloom. Enormous, even to a filth bedroom diningroom, warm eat-ln kitchenwith exquisite cabinetry,family room with planked (or Study)on first floor withpowder room for "in-law".Extra large family room floor andflour-to.eel]ing brick flceplace. Masterbedroom suite withfull bath, three withfireplace, slate entry, centralvacuum system, extra insulation, full basement other comfortablebedrooms and hall bath. Manyextras...steroo andintercom buih-in, with Bilco door, carpetedcat-in kitchenwith large bay window,unusual closet RUSTICIIAVEN - R,mlantlc escapismt~oes lamd-in-handwith every civilized central vacuumt~ystsm, burglarand tire alarmswlth smoke detector, wine conar with space,double sink in utility roomand alr cond[tloning!A Belle Meadbeauty I.. comfortin this thrce bedroom.2 I./, hatll contenlp.rarybi.h,vel, serenelyset antid- Europeandoor! Beautiful pastoral ae(cege250 x 600 with pines, hollys .... $120,000 ...... ¯ ...... $92.000. st three bcautihdacres of hind in tile Princeton-Hopewcllarea. This high hi,It- knolledst,me honw,Jfers spectacular conatry vlelv fronl three lart,e windowsnf Please Call Thernnqlane.Warmed by two large Stmle flrcphtces, one mUMshare the view of natural serenityht an unslmiledarea fromthe rear screened-lnpurclt off the gour- (~O1) 874 ¯ $191 mct kitchen. ExcelLent fur horses ...... $7q.qo0. ...homeof the professionals! Hopewell JOHN T Princeton Hopewell House Square INC. Princeton, New Jersey 08540 Hopewell, New Jersey 08525 (609) 466-2550 ~-I EN DEI~ON 353 Nassau (609)Street 921-2776 REALTORS MEMBER:MERCERand SOMERSETMLS INTERNATIONALREAL ESTATE FEDERATION RELO, INTER-CITYRELOCATION SERVICE Phoneat anYtime PRINCETONREAL ESTATE GROUP HOME HUN TE R ’ S GUIDE

Thursday. Janaary 6, 1977

0 It, ¯ , e °d’C°ttns$irtC t ry Specialist

[lOUSESUPREME - Fnlfill yonr dreams and take a look at this majestic Colonial in Washlng’ton Township. Minutes from Princeton Jnnctlon, Mercer County Park and College. Enjoy total living in this spacious 4 home. brick and alum. siding exterior phts a breath-taklng interior star- OUR NEWESTLISTING! ! l ting with a large foyer, beautihfl bright living room.traditional colonial Lovely Cape Cod with 4 big bedrooms, 2 full baths, super COUNTRY formal dining room with chair rail, uhra modern khchen whhdishwasher KITCHEN.Jalousied porch, central air, and situated on a lovely half and breakfast area Iwhich is carpeted), mudroom. laundry room oft kit- acre lot loaded with fruit trees and garden space. Located in CRAN- chen with exit to a gorgeons red brick rear patio, a warmand charming BURYMANOR. it awaits your inspection today ! ...... FIFTY FIVE. OLD COLONIALFARMHOUSE on almost 73 acres. Eight rooms, 4 family room with raised hearth fireplace, plus powder room. Wrought bedrooms.I bath. wide board floors, plaster walls, excellent restoration iron railings on stairway to 2nd floor, 3 generousbedrooms with excellent potential Nice old shade trees and a two story barn 20x37. close space, a master bedroomsuite with dressing area with closets galore ONE HUNDRED SIXTY FOUR THOUSAND. NINE HUNDRED. pins bath. Fall basement. 2 ear side entrance garage with entrance into family room. Take time and see what qnallty is. COUNTRYCAPE with plenty of apace for the growing family on 1 f,~ ¯ .: ...... SIXTY NINE TH’OUSAND. rural acres¯ Six rooms, kitchen with all appliances. Two car garage. HAMILTONSQUARE BEAUTY - Fast occupancy, if you are pressed FIFTY SEVEN. NINE. workshop and small barn. Nowjnst ...... for time and in move-incondition. Beautift corner lot 2 stoP.’ homewith 4 bedroomsand 2 baths, large moderneat-in kitchen, dining room or TV room. fitll basementand a 1 car attached garage. Just minutes from Prin- SEVENROOM RANCII - ,m 11+ country acres. 3 BRs: 21.,~ baths. ceton Junction anti priced at ...... FORTY SIX, NINE. I,i’.’in~ roomwith fiehlstmn, fireplace, bray window,huih-in cabinets & b.r~kshelves. Tw,ear attached ,,antL’e & mttbuihlint~s. Fh~ors &bath m’ed fioishin,_’, l,and mostly womh,d& private. Iimlse sits St)0 feet back from FANTASTIC VALUE r.ad ...... EIGIITY FIVE TI{OUSAND. CustomBuilt Brick & Cedarshake home situatedon largelot with matureshrubs and trees.This home is in move-incondition and boasts COMMERCIALINVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY ¯ three shop one FOURbedrooms, THREE full baths, TWO fireplacesand a big eat-in storv masmtarv Imildin,, plus Iwo story Inmwon major hltzhway in kitchen ...... SIXTY NINE, NINE. Flemln~tml art~a. Shop bld~. has new roo~" & new b.iler. 6 RmHome has 3 hrs. I bath. alum. sitlint~. All units rented. G...I inconwproducer .... READY TO BUILD GORGEOUSWOODED residential building lot approx.3 ],,~acres that’s ...... ONE IIUNDRED, TWENTYTItOUSAND. beensoil logged, surveyed and perc tested. Located in EastAmwell Twp. and just minutes from Hopewell, Pennlngton and Princeton. TWOFAMILY COLONIAL on one acre (more land available) on coun- "RENTERS"- Tired of making vour landlord rich? Lot your monthly ...... ’ .... TWENTYTHOUSAND. NINE NINETY. ty road. 150 yrs. old with 15 yr. old addition. Twomodern kitchens, one payment becomes an investment for you instead of just another bill. den with fireplace, four bedrooms.2 full baths, enclosed breezeway..... Lnok into this Mcrcerville Bungalowwhich is alum. sided with a I car RENTALS IN KINGSTON AND GRIGGSTOWN CALL FOR ...... SEVENTY FIVE THOUSAND. detached alum. sided garage. A perfect starter homefor ymmgor retired DETAILS. couple ...... ASKING THIRTY FOUR THOUSAND. ROUTE202. FLEMINGTON.N.J. 2663 NOTTINGHAMWAY. MERCERVILLE,N.J. 242 ½ NASSAUST., PRINCETON 201-782-0100 600-466-1744 609-586-1400 609-921-2700 80.[fices to Serve You 1EIDEL REAL ESTATE Interior & Exterior Crdor Photos REALTORS-- INSURERS International Relocation 5

GeorgeV. lllmensee Agency

9 No. Main St., Allentown, N.J. 08501 609-259-7866


UPPERFREEHOLD - Charming Country Colonial - circa 1826. Newlyplastered and painted ceilings, 4 bedrooms,fireplace. largecountry kitchen, 15 ½ acres, fantastic grounds for horses, largebarn with electricity, beautiful setting surrounded byfar- OVERSIZED 2 and 3 BEDROOMUNITS ms. $125,000. ¯ Rock-facedbrick exteriors ¯ All copperplumbing ¯ Upto 2 ½baths, none less than 1 full ~" 2 halves¯ Wooddouble hung windows ¯ Gasheat ¯ Insulatedpatio doors ¯ Completecentral air-conditioning ¯ Full basements ALLINCLUDED IN THE PRICEI ¯ Ovet-slzedwood decks INTRODUCTORYPRICE For Rent - Apts. $35,490 EastWindsor Liberalmortgages with reduced interest tales available to qualifiedbuyers BE SELECTIVE! ALLENTOWN¯ Terrific TrueCenter Hall Colonial - oakfloors, LongStanding fine layout,4 bedrooms,2½baths, full wallbrick fireplace, ResponsibleMgmt. largedry basement,family room with many extras, close to 1- 195,N.J. Trpk. $59.900. AllModern illebm,ou05 Villao¢ FinelyMaintained l & 2 Bedroomapts. TriangleRood, HIIIsborough Twp., N.J. Full Carpete~ For Rent - Apts. SalesOffice: 201/359-1625 Fully A~rConditioned WEST WINDSOR For Rent - Apts. For Rent - Apts. SwimClubAvailable 2 OIR:From Nonhern New Jersey: Garden State Parkway south to Rt. 22 West,Route 206 SomeBalconiesorPatios uWNEROFFERS Twin TopLocation South(towards Princeton) proceed south on Rt. 206to TriangleRd. (at ExxonStation} Rivers 4 rm Condo,GE kitch, turnright; proceedapproximarely ¼0f a mileto modelson left. FromCentral Jersey: Rt. EWING EFFICIENCY FRANKLIN CORNER CHESTNUTWILLOW cent air; ~/w cpt, ample This 4 bedroomhome situated on a beautifully lan- APARTMENT -- Located on Dorchester Dr. storage l:dV terrace ~.- 287North to Rt. 22West to Rt. 206South; then proceed as above. From Trenton and Prin- w/refrigerator.I bdrm, 1 GARDENS dscapedand treed lot nearschools, train station and ceton:Rt. 206North to TriangleRd. (at ExxonSta.) turn left andproceed asabove. Finely’ maintained gardcn near Princeton - Hightstown incls gat tt/hot water/- shopping,gives you everything your family needs. bath.$80/mo. includes heat & apts. Rd. carport,., wr tpool, etc. Oct. water.Call between 6 & 9pro,.largeeat-in kitchen From$220 609-448.8960eepcy.E~ es wknds443-1072. Large living room, dining room, modernkitchen, 4 609-883-8693. .formal dining room bedrooms,2½ baths, panelled family room, patin- For Rent - Apts. s R.M..~~.. in 2 .nice size bedrooms WYNBROOKWEST ONE & TWO BEDROOM courtyard,2-car garageand other extras. Call todayfor ¯ OFFICESPACE family home,util., $280. me. ,fall bath, LeeatedunDutchNockRd.off APTS. -- for immediate oc- an appointment.Owners relocating. Avail, Jan. IS: 201-297-8651. .balconies or patios Rte.130 cupancyat WindsorCastle, E. AT TWENTY NASSAU PRINCETON-- modern apt. 3 .convenient laundrylstorageFrom$225 609-448-3385Windsor Twp. From Princeton Reducedto $69,500. Canbe divided or rentedin its entirety:2,200 square feet of elegant rooms& bath.’ Also, wehave facilities take 571 to Old Trenton Rd. anefficienc, y noda 2 bdrmapt. SUB-LEASE- to June30.1 apt. .heat & hot water included BROOKWOOD GARDENS officespace, with six separateoffices and a largeconference $220/mo. Hightstown area. inake a right then proceed to morn.Carpeting, natural wood panelling throughout, glass en- bawrencevme.Main St. - 6 From $=50 Located on Hickory Corner the first left beyonda couple room apt. JENNYCORTESE 201-521.0988evenings. (Nowrenting for Oct, & Nov.) Rd.off Rte.130 closedreception area. All utilitiesand janitorial services included. Centralizedqeeallon minutes hundred feet from Old Trenton JACKSONAGENCY, 609-921- From$2,25 609.448-5531 Road,609-448-5995, LOMBARDOAGENCY $950.for entire area. II07. MERCERVILLE - near fromPrinceton & Trenton. 161 college.I bdrm. Avail. Jan. Franklin Corner Rd.. SHARON ARMS EastWindsor Office Canbe divided or rentedin its entirety:Facing Nassau Street’ and PRINCETON- WINDSOR$205. per me. plus gas & dee. Lawrenceville,N.J. Just off Located on Sharon Rd. off of UNIQUEOPEN LOFT - 1300 Campus,1,500 square fat of brightsecond floor office space, with APTS.- 2 odrms.105 Farber 201-359-3610. Routet (nearQnskerbrldge Circle at Intersection of Rts ~w renovated.2 443-6200 sevenseparate rooms, 2 with fireplaces, glass enclosed reception St.By weekor month. Partly Mall)609.896-0990. 130& 33near Tnpk exit 7-A just bdrms,kite a. namroom. area.All utilitities andjanitorial services included. $850 for entire furnished, 609-921-8300,ext.. I/2ml norm of Rt. 1-96 m~ net mo. us electricitY. Evenings Call: ares. 224. UNFURNISHED NEW From $210 609-259-9449 215-862-2168,I 7 MILES NO. EAST OF Jim Howley443.4590 LeeThelle890.g747. Singlemorn office suites,some partitioned, also available. $1(30. LUXURY APTS. I & 2 PRINCETON- Efficiency $135.Off Street Parking available. IMMEDIATESUBLET--One’bedrooms. $290 and up. FHINCETON MEADOWS 4 ROOM APT -’50Main St., Ed MacNIc011.Mgr. 695.7225 bedroomapt. Fox Ran Dr. MeadowLanehpin, Sminutes apartment. $125/mo. 1 month APTS-- sublet Jan t -May30, Kingston. Groundfloor, own $256/m0.,includes heat, gas. from Princeton Jct. Call 609- security, Utllities,$25/mo.609. ,$2,=,6/mo,Heat& gasIncluded. utilities, $240 per mo. See" 609-452-2652 924-8"/21. between6-8 p.m, IIII ii CallMr. Raieada 609-799-152I. 452.8220, 609-396-7600,.799-8129. I HOME HUNTER’,f GUIDE ...... Thursday.Janary6 1077

THE BEST OF BOTHWORLDS Thisbeautiful 2 story colonial is in spotless conditioninside and ont and GRACIOUSI,AWRENCE COLONIAL - situated amidst stately trees. convenientto everything.3 generoussize bedrooms,formal dinimt romn. A hcautiful fanfily r..m with magnificentfireplace and customImlh nhra modernkitchen, living roomwith fireplace and buih in I~..kcases. It..kcases aml c’ttltb-anls is the focal p-int .f this hands.me4 bedroom finished basementand a garden setting for SIXTYFOUR, N IN E. D,m’t Imnle.Eat-in kitchen.2 cornercahinets in diningroom. 12’ x 24’ scn,em,d missit. p.rch. 2 ear oversize ~ara,m’¯air ermditionin~,hnnlklifier and mneh. "hitch more...... SIXTYFIVE. FIVE.

.JUSTI{EI)IICEI) - Sprawllnz ,I I.’dr..m Cusl.mRancher f.r the i,’~:e(qlliVe wilqt dH.,s It I.t of enlerlIlilliIl~ bnt Wllllls family eonl[i)rt filial WESTWINDSOR - Four bedrooms, 2~ bath carpeted home. with Jll~(lry. C;irpetel] sllaClOllS livinL’ roqan lind llBInlllel sized (lininl~ rt).m r warmbrick fireplace in the family room.The charming home is in neat ce.erh.~kin-, -arlh.ns¯ 2 c’;IrjlPlcd ranliJy rcHalW, wilh wood bllrnim conditionand is situated nn a lovely Int overlookingIarm. fireplace. 21,.~ qualitybaths¯ basement. 2 (’nr zarazt, andre.re. Centrally ...... Reduced to FIFTYNINE, NINE. HOPEWELLTWP. RANCH air crmdltiom,dand h, ss titan .3 years .hl withuhra m.dern apt.Liniments Just north of Penningtonin great condition,3 bedrooms,living roomwith thr.mzh.ul ...... SEVENTYSEVEN. NINE. lireplace, familyroom with fireplace, full basement,attached garage plus NEWLISTING - Goodsized cape cod with four bedrooms,two baths, a super16x32 in-ground pool withpatio aml attractive red hriek walks. SENSATII)NAI.-’l’hi,~ ch-_’ant heinemnst be seen to be apprechlled. eat-in kitchenwith walk-ln pantry, closet, large jalousiedporch, and Imm- Only ...... FIFTYFOUR. NINE. The nlezzanlne li’-.in-" rollnl is j(lSl 11111, (If the ninny ela~nilicent r(Htnls. dry room ...... FIFTY FOURTHOUSAND. Thefamily rtJonl v.’[th [irepho’enJsH hlls slhlin.-, ~]assd..rs overl..kin~a’ li~hh,dp..I. Thebrick pati. is surnaunh,dIt.’.’ =zorze.nsphmtin~s which nmkcsthis ideal h~r smmucrtinleentertaiainz. Thret, I)edn)onls. 2t/~ baths, a [llrlll~l] dilllnff roOlll. 2..(’or filtrate and itaseluent eonlplete this EXCEPTIONAL- Cranbury Manor four bedroom colonial in un- .utstaadinz h.nu,...... SIXTYFOUR. NINE. believablecondition. Warms yourself by the beautiful brick fireplace in the custompanelled living familyroom, and lookout overbeautifnlly lan- dscapedlot. Livingroom, formal dining roomplus abundantcharm. R IVI ERARANCH - Impeccable from street to lmnseand thronghout...... FIFTYFOUR, NINE. Thepride, tendernessand love shownthis propertyis reflected in 8 rooms of ~..d taste liwdfility. Impressivecathedral ceiling, plush carpeting, NEWAND NICE Ui~anticpanelled family rnom.nhra nmderneat-in kitchenand more.ap- REDUCED- Qniek occupancy can be obtained on this sunny cheerful Wejust listed this attractive 3 bedroomranch and it can’t last at this I,w prox. 4 years old ...... FORTYNINE, NINE. four bedroomcolonial with first floor utility roomand panelledfamily price. 6 roomsplus an unfinished 23’ x 17’ gameroom and drive-under roomoff large eat-in kitchen ...... FORTYNINE, FIVE. garage for ...... FORTYFOUR. SEVEN. EXCI,USIVETAI.L TIMBERSLAWRENCEVILLE - Breathtaking hrick fnmtcustom buih cohmialwith fiw, bedrooms,fottr fnll baths and BUILDING LOTS two charnfingpowder morns, bran(I m..v ultra-modernkitchen, elegantly Wenow offer a fantastic selectionof approvedbuildintt lots. Prices start appqtinled,qmllity constrltet[on iiii lnore than 1 Acreof densewoods, one TWOSTORY COLONIAL - Featuring 3-4 bedrooms, large eat-in kit- chen family room and utility room .... TWENTYTWO THOUSAND¯ at NINE THOUSAND.FIVE HUNDRED- some wooded and s,me w.vner- a rare find st ...... ONEHUNDRED NINETY FIVE. witha view.Call us to discussyour desire.

2681 MAINST. (RT. 206) ROUTE 130. EAST WINDSOR ROUTE31, PENNINGTON.N.J. LAWRENCEVILLE 600-896-1000. 609-448-69,00 609-737-1500 609-882-3804 8 Offices to Serve You WEIDEL REAL ESTATE Interior & Exteri.r Color Photos REALTORS - INSURORS /,zternatiorml Rolocatio,~,%,’fir’,,

M~ID~LESEXCOIJNTYl IrEt.l ,It y CO ESPECIALLYFOR YOU ,...,.i TTTT IP"lr’~dt"~’ll=T ’: :’ ¯ NOWRENTIN?! 29,000::+ I HILIUF ’’I’]N{:~:’I’’’’ I’(:I Ill , ,o0114 II t.nc.dtarklne / EXCELLENTLOCATION FOR THE NEWYORK COLONIALON A BEAUTIFULLYLANDSCAPED II ...... o,,,,,t*’,,k’ / COMMUTER-Threebedroom Ranch. . ., familyroom LOTlocated in PrincetonJunction. Five bedrooms. . NORTHGATE II " t., / withbu/It-ln bookcaseand desk. Full basement., andtwo baths on the secondfloor, spaciousfirst I’ *,~"~lo’f;d ...... $61,900¯ floor living areaplus a denor sixth bedroom.Ex- APARTMENTS .:::.s:.i.,=,. cellent condition, immediateoccupancy. S79,900. IIII / I I DU|n I IV i T I I ’ ...... THISHOME OFFERS PRIVACY AND CHARM- Five THREEYEAR OLD FOURBEDROOM CUSTOM R EDUCED ¯ oeorooms with two tamlly ~z.room r I on" Y2 ac e o~ ...... II¯1 -fetus t,,et Y ...... =,~n e^^ ~ULUnnAk on one acre ruly wooded lot ¯ This DISTINCTIVEWITH CHARMING SIMPLICITY -- wltn manysnaoe trees ...... ~z,ouu ..... andPrinceton-Hightstown Rd. 1 1 IC^:~. 2, ~,,,,;~t homehas maintenancefree aluminummdmg, cen- Living roomwith alcoved picture window, (opposite McGrawHill) ~RE,oYTO MOVE IN.New Five bedroomwCnOlOnia spaciousdining room,ultra modernkitchen with EnstWindsor,N.J. II .~’~:e.mw~,~,N.j.ono2,~s~s~ features spaciouskitchen stepping do to ~r:~:ir ~rOnditioning,omthe panelledlarge full family basement, roomredwood with woodsy view, UNUSUALSUNKEN PANELLED II (amle~-ssoo back-to-front family roomwith fireplace. Ad- fireplace. Fine newin-groundpool..... $85,900. FAMILYROOM with brick fireplace. Four large . ditional denand many other extras. Wooded1.8 bedrooms,2½ ceramic tile baths. APPEALING acre lot ...... $87,900. COUNTRYLIVING WITH ALL THE CONVENIENCES FEATURES. $79,900. - Threebedroom Ranch close to shoppingand For Rent-Houses LIVEIN PRINCETONIN A LOVELYOLDER HOME in commuting,situated on a well landscapedlot with FILLEDWITH ENCHANTMENT - Casement win- I and 2 Bedrooms maturetrees ...... $65,900. dowsin living roomand dining room,gourmet a nice settled neighborhood.Four bedroom ktichen with picture window,secluded library, HOMEFOR RENT. Complete Colonialwith living room,dining room, kitchen, from $225. per month withgardner, is this 4 bdrm., sunparlor, full basementand detached garage... cornerbrick fireplace in panelledfamily room. 3-th baths home in West OFFEREDEXCLUSIVELY BY Four bedroomsincluding MASTERBEDROOM Windsor. No outside work ...... $95,000. SUITEWITH SITTING ROOM. 2½ ceramic tile Features: required, gardner will do HILTONREALTY CO.: everythingeven the watering. THIRTEENACRES OF WOODED LAND. includes lot baths. MOREOUTSTANDING DETAILS. $97,900. = SWIMMINGPOOL Waterbill will be paid hy andpond. Call for details. EXTRAORDINARYWITH ELEGANCE.- ¯ PLAYGROUNDFACILITIES landlord. This homeis in ROLLINGMEADOWS Williamsburgwindows in living roomand panelled ¯ OFF STREETPARKING excellentcondition in teriffic LOOKAT THISVALUE -- Four bedroomRanch = AIR CONDITIONERS ne ghborhood.$600/m0. with 2600square feet of living space, two familyroom with brick fireplace. Customdecor in A new area in MontgomeryTownship. 24 diningroom. Out-of-this-world kitchen. Four large = KITCHENWITH DINING AREA WALTERB. HOWE.INC. fireplaces, 32 x 26 detachedgarage, separate bedrooms,2½ ceramic tile baths. CENTRAL ¯ THERMOSTATCONTROLLED HEAT 609-799-1100 guesthouse and many extras. Call for details. homes,priced from $78,500. Call us for VACUUMSYSTEM AND INTERCOM.MUCH, (includedin rental) ...... Asking$74,$00. ,~ "tails. MUCHMORE. $97.900. eWASHERf::t DRYERFACILITIES HOUSE FOR RENT -- 5 bdrms,2~h bath house,good A GEORGIANCOLONIAL WITH DRAMATIC = RESIDENTSUPERINTENDENT conditionlocated in Plain- BEAUTY. Unusual foyer with circular stairs. = MASTERTV ANTENNA sboru(4 mlee fromPrinceton. $400,per raG. plusutilities. BUILDINGLOTSAVAILABLE IN PRINCETON TOWNHOUSES ¯ CONDOMINIUMS Elevenlarge rooms,plus others. Five bedrooms AvaimbleJan 15, 1977.609-799- TOWNSHIPANDWEST WINDSOR TOWNSHIP. FORSALE OR RENT. anda MAID’sWING with bath. 3½ceramic tile 2882,9-5pro. baths. Gameroom plus panelledfamily roomwith SpringLake Heights, New Jersey. fireplace. DETAILSGALORE. $12S.0OO. MODELAPARTMENT OPENDALLY VICTORIANHOME -- 5 APARTMENTSANDOFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE. Forfurther info~’mation, call 201-449-1700. rooms& bath, garage with DESIGNEDFOR HAPPY LIVING - Carefreeexterior (609)448-5935 yard. F!ne neighhorhobd.$225 Brick and AluminumSiding. Living roomond prosutilities &security. Call dining roomwith individuality. Panelledfamily 609-799-0634after 5pm. room, a center of harmonywith UNUSUAL Evenings & Weekends: COUNTRYCOTTAGE - on 2 WilliamSchuesshr, 921-8963 FEATURES.Ultra modernkitchen that delights acres. 3BR,only $225, rustic Harvey Rude, 201-359-5327 Open7 Days the cook’sheart. Fourcorner bedrooms. Two full ForRent - Apts. ForRent - Apts.setting, ready¯ today. HOME ceramictile baths.:.Picturesquelandscaping with RENTALS,Brkr, $35. 609-,194- Allen D’Arcy,799-0685 194 Nassau Street 921-6060 terrace. EXCEPTIONALVALUE. $94,900. AVAILABLEJAN. 15 - 4 1 BEDROOMSUBLET - 5900. Jack Stryker. 921-6752 In theIlilmn Buildina ¯ 2nd Fl..r ¯ Eh,val.rSer’.’it’e bedroomap.t. on Main St. in startingJan. 15th, Hunter’s Russ Edmonds,201-449-9357 CUSTOMBUILT wITH QUALITY CONSTRUCTION. Lawrencev,lle.Largeliving GlenApts. Plainsboro, EASTWINDSOR -- 3 bedroom roomdining room and full $236/mo.609-799-180.5 Cal bi-level in excellentlocation. BEAUTIFULLYDESIGNED WITH WELL PLANNED kitchen.Onbus Ine. $240/mo. earlyorlate. AvailableDec, 22 at $425per . TRAFFICPATTERN. plus utilities. Also 2 room ran.plus utilities. 1 yearlease, For Rent-Houses For Rent-Houses For Rent-Houses For Rent-House~ efficiency on NassauSt.. in KENDALLPARK, 3 rms. & lt= mo.security reclutrod. Call bath, ideal for marriedcouple. 609-448-40B1weeRdays for utilities.609-924-8414. busstop at door.201-297-1149. appointment. HOPEWELL BORn -- : SOUTH BRUNSWICK_ 3bedroomRaneh,$275. FORRENT bedroomhouse in village ¢c¢ ~ BMFURN APTfor ~e.- SOUTH BRUNSWICK-- Spacious,new S bdrm,3 bath3 bedroomRanch, lurnishod, BUNGALOW: 5 rooms,’ bath, dining Largeroom,living big room, eat-th forma kit ¯ tlemanin Manville.Call 201- 1 BEDROOMAPT. -- In (BrunswickAcres) 3 bdrms, home.Central air, full wall $200. breakfastnook, garage. Nice chert. Recently added famll’ 725-5667. PrincetonBoro 2 blocksfrom living rm, dining rm, faro. fireplace,fully carpeted, 4 bedroom, 2-atory, $400. locationand go6d condition, room, 2 lullbaths. Walk tl NassauSt. with off-street room, 2 baths, 2 ear gar. ourglar/Iirealarm system, [=~ elech’tcgarage doors, etc. STULTSREALTY CO. $300. . everl,,thing¯$2~/mo. Leas~ Lawrenceville,N.J. parking.$295/mo. plus central air, fully furnished. REALTOR required.John T~ Henderson 609.896.0005 / suB,E--if-:-.bedrooms, 2 ~o--;--~’~.tbaths, many2 utilities. References & lt,~too. $475/moplus uiils, flexible Available-‘)Aprll 1, ~/mo. 609-3g,~04,14 LEONARDVAN HISE Ine.Realtors. Hopewell Hous / extras, March1 occupancy. security.Available Jan.L ~- lease. Avail.immed. 201-297- plusutils. 1 yr. lease. 201-297- $204,609-799-3762 after 6 pro. 921-2091eves. ,1653or 297-4638. 2295or 609-921.2806ext. 272. Eves,609-395-1258 609-448-4250AGENCY~q~are,.Hopewell, NJ 609,46(] HOME HUN TE R ’ ,£ GUIDE

Thursday.January. 6, 1977 GRANDOPENING NEWSECTION

IN IHEHEART OFMIRCERVILLE a~’o r~, . . celq\5 ~CbunsS’t" t r). Specialist Introducing "RAMBLEWOOD"

A Princeton address in this exclnslve new area of eight custom bnih homesnestled into 1 ½ - 81/=% - 30 YEAR 2 acre lots in North LawrenceTwp. adjacent to Princeton and just minutes to shopping, chur- ches. railroad stations pills the finest in public and private schools. MORTGAGESAVAILABLE NEW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL UNDER CONSTRUCTION ADJACENT TO TRACT

A COUNTRY COTTAGE WITH UNUSUAL CHARM at the end of a lane on three 0cres with the birds and deer being the most vocal neigh- bars. Living room with fireplace and old beams, dining roonl with beams and fireplace, panelled study with fireplace, kltchen, full hath. Throe $96.000 bednmms,two hill baths on second, lawely wide pine floors. Screen porch with stone floor, two car garage, playhou~with bunks and eleetrichy. All THE FINEST IN CONSTRUCTION WITH jnst a few minntes from Princeton ...... $119.500. REINFORCED CONCRETE FOUNDATIONS. BRICK FIREPLACES. HARDWOOD FLOORS. EASY LIVING FLOOR PLANS WITH OVERSIZE ROOMS. 4 SUPERB MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM Every homeis quality constructedthroughout. And you haveyour choice of four excitingstyles -- three colonials EXTRAS INCLUDE: and a ranch. All on fully landscapedminimum I/3 acre = RICH CUSTOMKITCHEN CABINETS WITH lots. Whenyou step inside, yourenthusiasm grows. Every. TOP LINE APPLIANCES thingis asyou hoped it wouldbe. ¯ CENTRALAIB CONDITIONING $92,000. Ogenevery day for inspection from 12 noon. ¯ HABDWOODFLOORS, COLONIAL SIX PANEL Inquire about our special DOORS-- COLONIAL TRIM inventory discount ¯ LARGE WOODENDECKS DIRECTIONS:TAKE ROUTE 1 SOUTH TO MERCERVILLE TRAFFIC ¯ MARBLEVANITIES CIRCLE(ROUTE 533 - QUAKERBRIDGE MALLL JUGHANDLE LEFT. ¯ IMMEDIATEPOSSESSION HA VE A HAPPYNEW YEAR. This year and for years to come in this TRAVEL3 TRAFFIC LIGHTS AND TURN LEFT. FOLLOW THROUGH TO PLAN YOUR VISIT NOW marvehmslymaintained muhi-level Colonial. Tile interior, as bright and PAXSONAVE. AND MODELS. tasteful as we ]lave ever seen, contains entry hall. two living rooms, one FROMSOMERVILLE TAKE ROUTE 206 SOUTHTO PRINCETON. with fireplace, dining room. fine kitchen, throe family bedrooms and PROCEEDTOROUTE 1 (SOUTHI THEN FOLLOW ABOVE DIRECTIONS. bath. plus a separate master suite with cathedral ceiling, beams and its 737-1500 896-1000 921-2700 ownbath. Lots of wall to wall carpeting, air conditioning, ect. For out- Exclusive Agent: 2421½Nassau St. door living, a large in-gronnd pool. fenced and landscaped. All located in IDEALREALTY CO., INC. REALTOR201-283-2600 Route 31 2681 MainSt. (Rt. 206) tile Bnroughwithin easy walking distance of NewYork buses and just a ModelTelephone 609-587-3121 Pennington Lawrenceville Princeton step from the Riverside School ...... Now$89.900. ~11111IIIIII NNIINNlal II ¯ NNNN nlII NIInl~_ _,¯ : ...... , | CustomBuilt 8 Offices to Serve You Homes Wm.Bucci Builder, Inc. WEIDEL REAL ESTATE STUDIOS i REALTORS-- INSUR ORS i Now building on Stuart Road For information, i51901 BEDROOM call $240 (609) 924-0908 . BEDROOMS For Rent-Houses iFOR---ff - GS- ...Noon BUII, T FORTIlE TRI-CENTENNIAL.This fine stone hotlse in tile TOWN-- Lovely 6 1/2 Saturday& Sunday tll $290 room home in beautiful IIorooEh’s WesiernSection will still he solid and nttraetive for years to I Dusk come. Graeimls entry hall. pins ffenenmssized liviw’ room. dininz room All aparmwntswith wall I, 1 secludedsetting. 2 acres. Call Master Builder aod sludy, all whh Iirephlees; tdassed-lo honied snn porch: kitchen. ~all rarpetlng, drapes or ¯ 201-359-6582. blinds, appliancesaml Cen- 3 to S Bedrooms- 2t/s Baths invitesyou to visit hwatory. Six In,dro.ms hhrer whhIin,phn~es)1liter baths on second fhmr. tral air conditioning. LAWRENCEVILLE - plus two bedn.~ms, new bath aod phlyr..m ml third. Low, ly mlrdens. m Fabulous 4 BR Colonial with COLONIALSRANCHERS his dramaticand romantic i several h’rrares, end nuwhm.re. fbl almost an acre witldo easy walkln~ Anideal location close to I large yard and manyextras. BI-LEVELS newcommunity, rising through dislanee of everythintt ...... $2:30.000. ¯ oplling andmajor tran- m Priced to rent. HOME sp~trtation i RENTALS,Brkr, $35. 609.394- and harmonizing with the trees 5900: Central Jersey’s Best in the town o/ Pennington, N.J. STEELE,ROSLOFF i ] FAMILY}lOUSE -- 4 par. New Home Values... sons max, maintenance and ANDSMITH utilities by lenant, $300/mo. You will have a collection of sixteen Realtors and lnsurors i Inquire, 151 Wycoff Ave., PRICED FROM $61/900 original Nilsen designs, Hightstown. priced above $90,000, from which | GoadMortgages Available 609-655.0080| LAWRENCEVILLE - 1 to select your new Rustic Colonial AnneH. Cresson lullo Douglas JamesB. Laughlin 609-448-8811] bedroomcottage, living room, ¯ CONVENIENT or English Contemporary home. RobertE. Dougherty Fritzle Moore GeorgiaH. Graham dining room, residential COMMUTING 3~ ACRELOTS section. Waterincluded, I year TobyLaughlin BetsyStewardson Ford TwinRivers TownCenter ¯ GOODSCHOOLS lease required. 609.883-5398. ALL CITY UTILITIES Wilfia mE. Sww~trds.n( 1035.19721 ¯ MODERATETAXES Comeand see our furnished model STOP YOURSEARCH - check a 2 CARGARAGES UNDERGROUNDSERVICE and other almost completed homes, with the hamps.100’s and lofts ¯ CERAMICTILE some with immediate occupancy. Reahors For Rent-Houses of homesand apartments, all BATHS by traveling north on Rt. 31.turning right RepresentlnePreviev,.s Exeeotive HomeSearch areas, all prlc" es. HOME on DelawareAve. at shoppingcenter-going EAS~ ~ - "4 b~room RENTALSBrkr $35. 609-394- DIRECTIONSFROM PRINCETON: Take Roule 206 North. An. i l i i i ! t i s i i i t t I i L l 1 1 1 1 | l t | I I 1 1 Colonialin excellent location. 5900. nroximalelv¾mile north of intersecdnnof Route518. take River past MainStreet .turninq right on AbeyDr. (PI.). Roaddqht Prnceed nnrlheas! on River Road ar)r}roximmelv 3 Available immediately at TWO BEDRUONI~ - omlng Youwill be within . . . ~50/mo.plus utilities, 1 year room lg. living room, faro, mile=; w TnwnshioUne Road Turn leh and proceedan- m - .ease. lV= months security room with fireplace nrn~imnlelv% mile In WoodsRoad. Turn riqhl andOroceed an- M.R. TOTH required. Air conditioned.609- workshop,, 2 car gar., lg. I~rnximatelv’/~ mile nnnhnn WoodsRnad until yousee the 448-4081 weekdays for an private yard. $285/mo. plus Wnnd~Glen siqn on the left CONSTRUCTION appointment. utils. 609-799-0149or 799.2170. MIDWAYBETWEEN PRINCETON ANDSOMERVILLE ProfessionalCraftsmanshio EAST WINDSOR--3 bedroom Resort All ~hasesof Building bE-level in excellent location. Available immediately at Properties R00/mo.plus utilities, 1 year lease, 1½ months security POCONO RENTAL- Big required. Air conditioned. 609- Bass lake, new home, skiing, 402No. Bridges St. 448-4081 weekdays for an indoorpool, activities. Wknds, Bridgewater,N. J. appointment, wkly, seasonal, 609-448-0751. 201- 526-1020 a living environment from CRANBURYN J Onslte oilier (201)SV4-37R0 609-655-2330or 20’1.329.60t 3 n.WIMDIL’I?Wq a v.s old BEACH FRONT APT. - on ~-- ’ detached house 4 bdrms 2’,~ beautiful Sapphire. Bay,, St. ~x"""-- LaltftI flL[d h.th¢ llt, r~m’ai-(n,, r~0m l nomas.t, rounB floor, e~esorT Business Real ~£e ’’’r open everyday 12.5 pm or by appointmen, For Rent-Houses¯f-.am-’~’m,d~:~i~-e~:a:se;ment: ~.nrur+u.t =uu,:n +,~.u+,...,,.’" ’ ila~t~’;m~ilg’~n~°~t~d~"c6~ditioned’~g~ Properties " Estate~For Rent full carpet all appliances .... , " (609) 737-2131 Exe lecati~n walk to NYC commeaales up to 5 parse.as. OFFiCESPACE -- on ground PRINCETON JCT. - 4 ’~’~..~’o.+.~l o7,’,I~;., tennis Maid and hnen service BEACH HAVEN PARK -- floor of g00Stete Road.Single bedroomColonial, living room ~’~’~,I;~dA~,~,"~’~;~ ’ provided. Tennis courts, OCEANSIDE -- tst Floor 3 roomsuitable for professional with fireplace, family room, "=" ...... "’=’".... swimmingpool, water sports, bedrooms bath living room parson or low-traffie business. formal dining room, 2-½ MO~I~" . restaurant on premises, dining areakitehen heated 2nd $150/mo.609-924.9038. Business Real Business Real baths, central air, within Excellent school s~tem 3 Reasonable,call 609-924-2620.floor studio apt 2 bedroom wa!kinl~ distance.to station bdrms plus bdrm/¢~en "2½ ,bath I!ving room kitchen sun ItET~SS- ano SChoolS, ~o/mo. Avail. burke ’ljglp~i~ kitnh*,n f~rm~l rut.,t.~n~,C~ ,.,,~ " OecK lot 50 X 90 by owner tONALNewly constructed on Estate For Rent Estate For Rent Jan. t. Country Heritage Real ~t’nl"~-.’~ne~"’3~.’;.%’~"l]vi’n"; new, 3 bdrm..lake front, $54000 firm 215-493-54~7 . busy Rt 31, across from Estate Realtors 609-799-8181 ...... e~ PROFESSIONAL OFFI~ , , ~vv.h ~-a,.~¢h, ~..i.v ¯ v.¯ ¯flreplaee, free SXlSlOpe, loage, Pennin$ton Mkt. 2400 sq.R. BUILDING SPAC in cloorpoo/. Big Bass LaKe. willdivlde, S,J, Krni, Realtors AVAILABLEIMMEDIATE- w/fireplaee. Air cond., Shade ,u,-.~+~.~o. . ~~1 LY-- Building near Rt, 130 AVAILABLE.809443-1150. .~tv~ZVN~m~,VlLLnnLO trees & fruit trees. $550/m0. mavJoUUU~OOUI%~UI 609-896-1888. Jct.,onRt.~6,Bordentownin -- -- "~"’"’’~" b~’~’ Eliv" ~ooN " Immediate occupancy. For ------r------~. s- ..... t- ~ - PRI~FOR wooded setting, 240b sq,ft. 2 & 4R~ office suites SARASOTA. FLA. - 1 BR PSTQTe I-or ~enr ~oAr~ft, %i~nrl~s~oo~lngf~m~ appointment, ~ ea11609.448-5047, RENT-- Naesan Street Suitable for professional or room with ~replaee.’ Eat-in: ...... luxurious’ i~fil’f Tron’t eond windowfront 400 sq.fl, plus business. All major Interslate HOUSE FOR RENTw/poo, - ...... Jan-t,’eDavau .... kitchen wall-to-wall ear. utt~m n rm dinin rm STOREFOR RENT600 sq. small offee. Available lm- highways. This landscape Plus one large unit it ~,,.. ;,’t .... .~ e~n-^ =,~,_ 3bdrms, livl g ¯ g , Reasonable201-359.3782 or 609- ft 1367 Gecr-es Rd Deans mediately. Call days 609-921- beauty must be seen, Call609- oombinatlonllvlngspact ~,~’;~’,°"%"~"~:,,~’~J...... kitchen, sunporen, garage. 737-9281, ~’| ~.n~ o ., ’ 0015 or eves. 772-1521, 298-3074. 9244875or 924-3794eves oo.+-,~.... .,,~-a=+..,.~+-,,,. 201-329-6748after 4:30 pm. "~" ...... ]!it ,,. HOME HUNTER’S GUIDE Thursday, January6.1977

DianneF. Bleacher MarjarleKerr LorraineBolce Ruth Komtan LarryCadlles JOShQnuckenb.sh EST1993 She0aCook KenRendall. Jr. Ted David KenRendall. Ill REM:F()Rb ¯ BarbaraEllis C,’elhR.,, BetseyHarding Iq0 Nassau Street. Prlneetmt. NewJersey 08540 RalphSnyder 609-924-0322 . INDOORPOOL??? A COMPLETE REAL ESTATE ORGANIZATION Yesand more of the thingsyou’ve always dreamed of in a homeH~Located near famous Gravers Mill Pondin W. Windsoron almosta full acre(more land available) with manytrees andprofessinnal landscaping.Walk from your34’ living roomwith cozybrick fireplaceto a lovely 30’ x 50’ roomsurrounding a 17’ x 34’ heatedin-ground pool with diving board and slide. Saunaroom and lockers will makeyour family andguests comfortable CIRCA1750 year round.The security of top burglar andfire alarm , IHope’,ve[[ Townshipl systems,central air andcentral vacuum will addto your enjoyment.In summeropen the 3 sets of sliding doors Far from the reed with the Sourlands for a back drop. wehave a newly-llsted to a lovely patioarea and there’s morel A totally custom Beautifully maintained 4-bedroom home on a country farmhonmon 83 acres. Featurlog front and back parlors, formal dining built 6 year old homewith top quality materials quiet street within walkim¢distance of West Win- roomwith fireplace, perky cypress den with walk-ln llreplaee, uhra-modernkh- throughout.Large ultra modernkitchen, formal dining, dsor schools. Livlmt room with eatltedral celllmt. Set on a qnlet street in LawrenceTownship, this chen- with roomIor a familyto eat in ! Bath¯Front porchview of arriving frien- 2 full baths,2 powderrooms, 4 large bedroomswith abundantstorage, 2 car garage, 3 zonehot water uhra-modernkhchen. 2 I,,~ baths, and 2-car tmrat~e. well mainlained home offers 4 bedrooms. I hdl ds and screen porch view of year private pond and swimmlnghole¯ Master ...... $6q.qo0. and 2 half baths, and central air conditioning. A bedroomand 2 otirer bedroomsa.~

All the advantages of a superbly maintained spacious homein RockyHill are available in this 4/5 bedroomColonial Spilt. Extras include central air conditioning and humidifier, wall-to-wall car- STORE FRONTS peting throughout, family room with sliding glass door to the patio, first floor laundry plus basement. 20 NASSAU 2 full baths plus half bath. City sewer and city Set on an attractive HopewellTownship lot. this water. Roomarrangement makes professional A n~9~he ~Le~ Cbamhe¢s Se~thoutique tow in theheart of Prin. Imttse oilers 5 bedrooms. 2 baths, finished MI)NTGOMEItYSCIIOOI.S ceton’sexclusive sboabin0 meat homeoffice use possible. Walkto stores, llbrnry. basement, healed in-urmmd pool. and a view of bank. movie theater, and NewYork bus. 550square feeT, large display windows, wilh 300 scuale feet of Harhmtrton ...... $65.900. Aaorrf! Sparkling3 hedro.m.2 halh raoeher on I 1/2 acres. LaraeIb.’imt room. basemens oraGe space. $645.Includes heat, $75.q00. family rt.oo whhhfirk |irephrce. mq.,r ant-in khchen,ow.rsized pat~o. Attachcd 300sczuate feat, display windows. 300squace feet of basementslorags 2-ear i!araup, i.entral air. full ham,slant.Specimen plantioas ...... $82,5()tl. orwotkin~l area. $495.Includes heat, BUILDING LOTS OffSffeot Parking Available SPRINGDALE ROAD I I ttz acre d,)L~,~,)d-e+weredI.t i,t H,mewellT,~wn- Call 609-452-2652 ship’s Nelson Ridge, A snperb homesite located on An older 2-story homewith a Contemporaryflair. a eul.de-sae ...... $33,000. in a prestlgim,s nei~bborhrmd. Offers all the Business Real antenities mmghtafter today, including 8 r.onts. 14 21,~ acres in llopewell Townshipjust outside Pen- nin~trm. Well already ,.tsite ...... $27.5110. bedrmmts.). 3 I,~ baths, fireplace, basement,and 2- Estate For Rent car garage ...... $137.500. IIFFICE SPACE FOR RENT - central NassauSt. Small or large, avail nov,’, lay,’ rent. Telephonemcretarial services ELM RIDGE PARK TEN ACRES WITH A LAKE avaik,hle. 609-9~4-2040. A soon-to-he-hnih Colonial on a heautiftd 11/2 acre ItOPEWELL TOWNSHIP Pit,s a Ilonse wbiehhas 7 rooms. 2 baths, fireplace. OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT woodedlot in the original seeli,m of Elm Rirt,_,e and 2-car ttarat~e. Andit’s almost malmenanre A 2 hedroomColonial high over the Delawareon almost 2 woodedacres! Living in So. Bruns. 1,000 sq. ft., Park: a It.st ,ff uppealhlg featllre~, hlr,lndlrl~ a free. allowin~ plenty of time to enjoy the roomwhh fireplace and a stody. A35-foot family roomhas 3 huge pietore win- centrally located near in- fanfilv ro.m and a lihrurv and tw. fireplaee~ ..... $120.000. dustrial area. Reas.rates, util. mtperlative estate settlmt ...... dowswhh a Ioa-lqwnlogfireplace lilerally poisedover the river¯ Nothingelse like incl, 201-297-5133,betw. 9 am& ...... ¯ ~ 143.q110. h arrywhere ! ...... $59,900. 5 pm "StateFarm has Business Real Estate For Sale e RESIDENTIAL LIFEinsurance, ¯ COMMERCIALt~r. STORY-- 15 000 sq.ft, good Have you discovered t0o! Callme off-street parking & loading, offices, sprinklered high fordetails." pressure boiler, sale or lease, ROOSEVELT cheap. W.S. BORDEN REALTOR609-883-1900. ~ i Nsaa/u(r,iIt

sTORE FOR RENT in i llopewell available Feb. 1, "New Jersey s Unique Community Call 609-397.8173after 6pro. CIRCA1750 Likeagood neighbor, (RINGOESi State Farmis there. IRVINGTON- 19 unit brick 4- Manywell.known people connected with the artsllve here. story apt. building, gross Writers,educators, musicians flock here, Just oncein a lifetime one has the opportunity to owna stone Colonialon 2~ $40- ooo. Asking $155,000. mt 448-0600 Roosevelt’selementary school averages 16pupils per class. acres that is a state historic landmark.Beamed living roomwith stone fireplace, Assumablef nancing. 609-799 r31 ROGERSAV.HtGmPrOW# Roosevelthas city sewersand water. hrrmal dining room.large kitchen, three bedroomsand bath up. Modernutilities 2235. Roosevelthasmunicipal garbage collection. and new in-ground pool ...... $94-.500. I r.l!.~iw/.,f4 HANDYMAN SPECIALS Roosevelthas417 acres Of "Green Acres". IIIIPROFESSIONAL l PALMER SQUARE -- Wehave several houses in the countrYranging in price Roosevelthas New Jersey’s largest stocked lake, PRINCETON FARMS F’rinceton,approximately 500 from $32,000to $50,000which would be ideal for the Rooseveltis morewithin the msensof mostAmericans than sq.ft, available. 609.9244203. handymanwho wants a beautiful homewith potential. anyother nearby/community, Thesehomes are located in E. WindsorTwp. on what Stone andframe Colonial oniy 6 years yoongon ,IA of an acre with city sewer.En- Check these outstanding buys... trance foyer, powderroom. large living room,formal dining room.airy eat-in kit- EXCLUSIVE BATH SHOP wasone of the finest farmsin the area.Included are 3 2- then. laundry ruom.family room with log hnrningfireplace, master bedroom,hdl SPACE business opportunityavallable familydwellings ideal for incomepurposes. lilt0FFICE i in Palmer Square. Personally FANTASTICaUY- Colonialhome on ½acre featuring living bath nod walk-locloset. 3 other bedroomsand hall bath. large rear party patio. I ¯ I ¯ in center of ¯ hand selected merchaedise. BRANDNEW room.dining room, newly remodelled, kitchen, 4 bedrooms,1 This homeis immacolate ...... $78,500. Hightst0wn- 3 bedroomranch under construction. 1½ baths, bath,1 cargarage and vinyl-clad steel siding on entire house. I I1~ STEPllENJ. KROL, modernkitchen with gasrange and dishwasher, living $36.000. SPECTACULAR22 ACRE HORSE FARM ~a~Windsor REALTORS room,dining room,full basement.Quiet,jesidential I 609-924-7575 Reducedto $49.700. RANCH- Living room, dining room, 3 bedrooms,modern kit- 201-359-6222 area of Hightstown...... Overlookingthe Wertsville Valley on 22 rolling acres, a 4 bedroom21,~ bath, IIII Phone445.2100 I chen,bath and 1 cargarage. Fully enclosed and panelled porch cedar and hockscoonty stone contemln)rary.Fireplaced living roomand family I ¯ I IIr~.~/,II".,f’.~I RENTAL whichcould be separate room with addition of heat.Centrally ¯ 2 bedroomhouse in desirable section of town. Full air conditioned.Just listed st $39,900. room. stoop cathedral ceiling, cat-ln kitchen, family room, Redwooddecks I If basement,garage, appliances. Security depositsand .... roumt...... ’!ew.|lugeaintomt..... ’200x60h.... barn. Excellentvalue .... I Business Real Land For Sale references ...... $300/Month CONVENIENTCOMMUTING to New Brunswick, NewYork, $14q,qO0, CRANEURYMANOR Trenton8. Princeton.Out custom built ranchhas 3 bedrooms, 8 roomspilt level m moveqncondmon. 4 bedrooms,1 ½ 1 ½baths, a stonefireplace, a full basementandadjoins +=00.a park. 8 ½ %mortgage can be assumed. $42, ...... JttllN I ACRESIACREwooded $9500,6.2$29,900, 7.6ACRES baths, rec. room, 1 car garage,patio. Lovelylan- Ill EstateEASTWINDSORFor Rent__wooded$20,000, 20 ACRES& 31 Reducedto $49,500. INC ACRESgen.- industrial, 50 dscaping.A desirablehome...... EXTREMELYWELL LANDSCAPED 2 STORY on ~ acre wooded OFFICESPACEFORRENT ACRESres-agric, excellent Ior. Manyfruit trees. Living room, dining room, eat-in kitchen, 4 CHENDERS, ON WARRENPLAZA WEST frontage. Plus manymore fine Will ConsiderAll Offers bedrooms,2 baths. 1 cargarage, Centrally air cond.$44.?00. REALTORS- Ill Rt.130DubehNeekRd. land l~stings available. CaB Cuthetln+Christie 44S-2t21- Ill MID.JERSEYREALTY, 201- HowardBlrd$oll 448.1934 UNBELIEVASLE¯ BUTTRUE. A4 bedroom,2 ½ bath home, eat- 2 rsom suite $2~Im0’net, net’ 359-3444, EriePescale 259-9405 HOPEWELL, N.J. HOPEWELLHOUSE SOUAR[ (609)466-2550 lit[ 4 roomsuite, $400/m0.net, net, in kitchenwith dishwasher,llvlng room,dining room. large (office furniture available) panelledfamily room with sliding doors to a besutitulwooded Ill hackyard, utgky room, oversized 2 car garage, central air, 3 ½ .I } HOPEWELLTWP. - 78 acres $46.S00. Attractiveprestigebuildingof primerolli.g land bordered LandFor Sale LandFor Sale yearsyoungf.... ly with ampleparking in ex- by WargoRoad and Titus-Mill cellentlocation. Paneled Road.$3,000. per acre, waus,carpeting, accoustical WALTERB,HOWE, INC, 6,5 ACRES- in Princeton- BUPLDfNGLOTS~2-1#us If You Con’t Buy lt --Try lt CLASSIFIEDDEADLINE Business Real ceilings,central air con- " REALTORS WindsorIndustrial Park, West acre 10Is, BedensBrook Read, . Wehave 3 lovelyrentals avaltable EstateFor Rent ditionlng, tor2yearleasewith 609-924-0095 WindsorTownship, zoned for Montgomery Twp. ready to from$315.to $369 per me. IS ------option. Available Is- -- office, researcE, light in- build. $23,700ca. or bet5 [or mediately. Call 609.448-4024 WASHINGTONTWP - By dustry. Sale. includes .site $~5,000Brokersproteeted.Call 5 P.M. NONDAY OFFICE SPACE + modern, weekdays. engineering, nuilding ptaus .E09-’199-2829 tar complete carpeted, A/C, prime location owner, t4 acres on good road. partialsitet improvemeumanu cetails. I II I adjacent to Lawrence shop- 1800It. fromRts, 3311304 mi ~ (ram Exit 8 NJ Tpk, necessary permits for 38,400 ForAIIAraaLIstlnga ping center on TexasAve. 609- square toot industrial . MILLSTONE WOODS 883-2259 or 883-7476, OFFICES/STORE- 6 rm $5503/acre Terms available - building. Site is close to house, approx. 900 sq It. 6 to 9 yrs. Phone~9,448-1227 EXCLUSIVELO’l’S--in Elm _ Adlerman,CI,ck & Co. ESTATES DowntownHightstown. off after 4:30 Princeton Junction R.R. RidgePark, 1½ acres, $23,000 street parking. Convenientto station and the QuakerBridge up. Princetonprestige area. Irr-A .,.i.+ | A UniqaePark Like Setting in Millstone Twp OFFICE RENTAL in Mall. $90,000 - Brokers Harold A. Pearsm, 609-737- I ~ Realtors and lnsurors Professional Bldg. Highta- PO&Banks.Reasonable rent. WOODEDI/2 ACREbuilding protected. Call (50) 7~2828 2203. ’ I Custombuilt homeson minimumof 1 acre hr...y town/PrlncetonRd. Ample 60@448-6506,9-5aflerS: 448. lot. 314Oak Lane in W.’Wind- or ~0~) 921419~[or retails. ISSptdngSt.,Pdnceton,NJ. ’ parkingspace, #0150, WHH, 6654. ~ ~ ~ I woodedlots. Locatedon Millstone Rd. 1 ½ miles sor Twp. Terms. Approved 924-0401 586-1020 southof Route33. PO Box146, Hightstown. .pare. 215-295-0657. i ~ ! PRINCETON- goodlocation, CLASSIFIEDDEADLINE I1’ Members:Pdncston Real ~tate Group, Multlple I Developedand Built by ample parking,adaptable ?.8 PASTORALACRES In ,s, LimingService Global National R.E. Refenal Service STOREOR SHOP - 340 sq, ft. rental units, office, who’lesale, 5.0 OL-- = -scenlcPerfect,opewell for horses.Voile,.Prlced to I ...... 1: l,i,,ing Sy.~tem.~. Inc. ideal for art or antiques, ~ a retail, comme~lal,industrial. Rte.t30 EastWlndsor, sell. Principals only, Inquire S P.M. MONDAY me. includes utilities. 215-862-Send Inquirin[~ to Princeton very.reasonable. 201-236-6654 at 609-924.6~32. ...’.- Call 12011431-1050 Packet, BOX. #03531. anyume, IIII I I 2103,’86,2,200L ~ ~, HOME HUNTER’ GUIDE

Thursday, Jan:m~’ 6 1977 Real Estate Real Estate MANVILLE SOUTHSIDE For Sale For Sale 5 roomranch, featuring 3 CRANBURY VILLAGE " ~ I bedrooms,a cozykitchen, VictorianColonial in excellent living room,1 full bath,full cond.L.R., D.R., eat-in kit, 3 basement...... $39.900. BR’s, 1-~& baths, full basement,2-car garage, alum. MANVILLE aiding, storms and acreens, NORTHSIDE low taxes, excellent schools, $48.500.Principals only, by CroshowAgency, Inc. Custombuilt 5 roomranch appt., 609-655-1937. featuring 3 bedrooms,llv- 307N. blain St., Illghtstown ing roomwith fireplace,kit- 25 MINS.West of Princeton -- 609.448-0 t 12 chen/dinettearea, 2 full 2 bdrm, semi-detached house, baths, full basement, living rm, dining rm, kitchen, Drive BY.,, aluminumsiding. Nearhigh bath. Newroof, siding, outside school...... $55,500. chimney,baseboard hot water thencall CROSHAW PRIDEIN OWNERSHIP.is clearly visible throughoutthis heat. $26,900. Furnishings 221 Wilson Ave. DJghtstown older 2 story homenear Peddle School in Hightstown. MANVILLE available. 609-397-0912after A Touch Of Americana! This Living roomw/fireplace, dining room, kitchen, 4 BUDGETSAVER 5pro weekdays. Anytime Hightstown Bilevel has a weekends, beautifully finished family HOMESFOR LIVING bedroomsand bath. A homethat mustbe seenin order LOWTAXES TWIN :IVERS to appreciateits’ manyfine qualities ...... $S2,OOO...... room including a wood- , Five room ranch, 3 burning Franklin Stove set on bedrooms,living room,kit- FOR SALE BY DWNER-- a full brick hearth. Also in- HAPPYCONDO: Maintenance free, secureand safe living FIX IT UP:When you’re finished painting andmodernizing chen, 1 bath. Large (99 Spacious ranch featuring 3 eluded are built-in dish- with manyconveniences. Immaculate condition, large the kitchenand bath in this structurallysound older 2 stow 95)lot. Callnow, won’t lastl bedrooms,1~,~ baths, living washer, range and wall-oven. combinationllving/dining area, moderneat-in kitchen, room with brick fireplace, 148,900 home,situated on a shaded50 x 130lot in a lovely Hight- ...... $32,500. dining room, kitchen with West Windsor Township- masterbedroom, den/second bedroom, terrace patio, ap- stownneighborhood, with coveredfront porch, large sliding glass dears leadingto a Neighborhood Business pliances, C/Aand more $23,500. foyer, gracious living room, formal dining, pantw, 3 BRIBGEWATER redwood deck overlooking a Property consisting of five TOPTWO BEDROOM: Lovely condition, all appliances,s/c bedrooms,attic andbasement it shouldbe valueat con- FOOTHILLR0. AREA Sylvan built-in pool, 2-car acres of ground with five siderablymore than it’s askingprice of $33,900. Tastefully done huge garage. OnI acre of land set bedroomhouse, two baths: full oven,upgraded carpeting, modern kitchen, 1 ½baths, full colonial CapeCod featuring high on a hill overlookingthe basement. Terms to qualified basementand more. Available to qualified FHA8. VA ALLENTOWNCAPE: Wrapped in Aluminumsiding in quiet countryside. Principals only. buyer. $125,000. buyers. $35,900. Allentownlocation¯ Comfortable living room,dining, eat-in 3 roommother-in-law apar- Call 609-466-2787. Applegarth Rd., blonroe tment. Mainhouse contains Township- ATTENTION: GREATASSUMPTION: Approx. $2,500 downto assume kitchen,sun room off kitchen,3 bedroom,1 ½ baths,full large Living room, modern BUSINESS WORLD. Newly the existing mortgage on this Iovely 2 bedroom basementand more at a reasonable $38,S00. kitchen, dining room, 5 listed home between townhouse.Foyer, modernkitchen, formaldining, living HICKORYACRES: Lovely ½ acre lot in E. Windsor.Ex- PRETTYAND PRACTICAL: Located in a quiet residential bedrooms,3 full baths., Rossmoor and Clearbrook room,full basement,1 ½baths, washer,dryer, s/c oven, cellent Bi-Levelhome, living room,dining, moderneat-in area of Hightstown,this homeoffers living room laundryroom, 2 car garage, Zoned Rural Business. Ideal and gas grill. $36,500. for lawyers,doctors, gift shop~ kitchen,4 bedrooms,1 ½ baths, 22’ panelledfamily room, w/fireplace, family room, bedroom,kitchen w/dining full basementwith 3-zone QUADh Priced to sell andoffering 3 large bedrooms,2 ½ garage, carpeting and more $49,500. areaand bath on the first floor; bedroomw/sitting area etc. Seven rooma, wood hot water heat. Many, L~~ panelling, fireplace, electric baths, combinationkitchen/family room,picture win- on the second,and a finishedrecreation room in the full IMMACULATERANCH: Well manicured ½ acre site in manyextras. On a Inn- heat with each roomhaving its dowedliving room,formal dining, full basement,C/A, and basement.Among the manyextra features we find dscaped3A acre parcel. ownthermestat. quiet sectionof E. Windsorframes this top conditionran- aluminumsiding whichhelps makethe homepractically pteJbrredhoines" more. $37,900. ch. Picture windowedliving room,dining, moderneat-in ...... $74.900. Asking160,900. maintenancefree. Goodvalue andan addedbonus of a 130 MonmouthSt., Ilightstown LAKEVIEW: Lovely end unit, 3 bedroom,2 ½ bath QuadIV kitchen,panelled family room, 3 bedrooms,1 ½ baths, full park nearby...... $37,500. - Appliances, Appliances, location.All appliances,C/A, quality carpetingand patio. basementwith rec room,garage, lovely private patio and CHARNESKI& Appfifinces plus manyother Excellent condition. $40,900. more $49,900. W features make the an ex- ’ :~,,¢/ BONGIORNO cellent homefor the small FOURBEDROOM= Immaculate Quad I townhouse. Four COUNTRYLIVING: Lovely quiet approx.½ acre location in NeSharon. 2 ½ stowhome in excellentcondition with eat- ’ " ,’~’~ Realtors&lnsurors foranaenointment, full basement,carpeting, C/A, kitchen appliancesand in kitchen, formaldining, living roomwith fireplace, Only$3S,900. 42 S. Main St. more $43,500. panelled T.V. room, 3 bedrooms,½ baths, and full IIIGIITSTOWN:This lovely Bunkerllill Rd., Grlggstown- basement¯Also 2 car garage,large workshed and much, Manville Spaciousnessand comfortare two story homehas several muchmore. Must be seen $54,900. 201-722-0070 very nice features: Large the keyqualities of this home. HOMEIFTHE WEEK EvoningHourlonTue$,,Thurs.&Frlliving room, formal dining A huge fieldstone fireplace SUPERCOLONIAL: Excellent ½ acre E. Windsorlocation toretvo$.:201.722.s524 room or den, kitchen with dominates the family sized framesthis lovely home.Center foyer, living roomwith bay eating area, utility roomand living room(15 x 281 and Dad will be delighted with the -’"~. _.,.il window,beamed ceiling andcustom stone fireplace, for- ~,z bath, four bedroomsand a .~t"~r’llt~-’~7’¢ brand new full bath. New150 superior construction. Call to " maldining, moderneat-in kitchen,panelled family room, 4 ampelectric service. Bar. The inspect. $74,900, large bedrooms,2 ½ baths, laundry, basement,garage and centrapair at a reasonable $$6,900. PEDDLESCHOOL AREA: This 2 ½ story older homehas yard has matureshade trees State llama Rd., Jamesburg- For and a 18 x 36 ingroundpool. Whylet the winter blues get WOODEDSPLIT: Lovely ½ acre woodedsite in E. Windsor foyer, living roomw/new stone fireplace, dining room, Sale $42,500. you down?You could be cozy kitchen, family roomor 5th bedroomand bath on the BEAUTIFUL TRADITIONAL and warmby the fireplace in on quiet dead-endstreet. Fourbedrooms, 2 ½ baths, living first floor; 3 bedroomsand bath on the 2nd, and 4th PRINCETONJCT. -- West COLONIAL: This stately thesunkenliving roomof this roomwith beamedceiling andfree standingfireplace, for- bedroomor art studio on the third floor. A homewith a WindsorTwp. Specializing in homeon the very pretty South three bedroom custom built maldining, moderneat-in kitchen, 26’ panefledfamily lot of potentialthat mustbe seento beappreciated. The new& resale homesin Prin- MainStreetin Htghtstown,has ranch.Modestly priced at room,2 car garage,central air and manyother quality aluminumsiding andnew roof makethe exterior prac- eatonJet., WestWindsor area. so manynice features they I62.500. features $59,900. Completeselection of homesin can’t all be listed. Tudorliving 350Stockton St., Hlghtstown- SUPERRANCH: Excellent Hightstownlocation with fenced tically maintenancefree ...... S57,500. every price range. Colonial room w/ fireplace, formal Diningcanbeapleasurein in rear yard. Picture windowedliving room,dining, modern CRANBURYCHARM: Outstanding large capecod homeon Ranches, Split-levels, Be- dining room w/ fireplace; this four bedroomhomewhich kitchen, 3 bedrooms,1 ~ baths,lovely finishedbasement, lovely lot with matureshade trees¯ Livingroom with brick JJmf~j LEONARD VAN HISE AGENCY levels. As little as 10%down, hugekitchen w/2 sinks and 2 features a 13 x 21 formal "..,. ’: ,i,." .’," ;[.’’" ",., MEMBERMULTIPLE LISTINGSERVICE financing avail, to qualified with bar and more, attached garage, wall to wall fireplace, formal dining, eat-in kitchen, rec room,4 II I*~ ranges, tastefully modernized, dining room. Anabove ground bedrooms,1 V~baths, laundry, full basementand 2 car Office:609-44B-42SO buyers. ThePeople Pleasers, large family room w/ poolis an extra bonusfor the Peter L. Oliver, Realty. Inc. fireplace; sunparlor w/3 sets buyerof this sturdyhouse. $42,900 garagewith 20 x 23 workshopand more $66,500. REALTOR* .t60 StocktonStreet Hight;~town.N.J. Broker. 609-799-2058anytime, of glass doors3 bedrooms:2~ $54,900. After hours & SundayCall baths. Other assets include fllgAdelineSt.,Chambersburg PRi~-C-~~~irs aluminum siding, parquet . Quaint and cozy newly R. Van His¢ 448-8042 t floors, new2 car garage, pool time offered. Immaculate anda large lot. $79,800. decorated 2 or 3 bedroom E. Tmp 448-2151 move-incondition,9yr, young, home. Newcovered patio and ~ ~!i LAKE FRONTAGE: This private alley to back yard. Jean Esch 448-11"/8 7 roomColonial on fenced 1/2 Hightstown home offers so Great starter homeat $19,90o. acre. Large dry basement, many nice featuresplus a garage, mature Iandseap.!ng, beautiful, well shaded lawn 99 Line Rd., WashingtonTwps. central air conditioning, walk with frontage on Peddle Lake. AssumableV.A. mortgage to ~SOA to schools, train, shopping. The two story design offers qualified buyer. Country Only $69 990. The People living room, dining room, Rancher with formal dining SREALTOR Pleasers, Peter L. Oliver, kitchen with eating area, room, modern kitchen above Realty, Inc. Broker. 609-799- playroom, seperate den or ground fenced pool, large lot, 20511anytime, family room, three bedroomsgarage, central air, rec. room. and two baths. Quick Do- Wantquicksale $51,000. ~ElroNfSORea~a-~ kittchhen,g3 begrlms: cupancy.$49,500.. basement, garage, storage area. Convenient ~ OPENIIOUSE Sun.,Jan. 9, 2-S BOItl}ENTOWN:If yOUare 24011anklnsRoad,Washlngton area. $40’s ~ ELM RIDGE PARK lookingfor a starter home,this Twp- If youlike to gardenand Picturesque ranch home on home is of stone and cinder grow your own fruit, then LAWRENCEVILLECommunity offering a 3-4 over an acre of natural trees block constructionand offers you’ll love this delightfulcape living room, dining room, on alargelot. Alarge, modern MANVILLE-RESTAURANT bedroomdesign with panelled family room and expensive shrubbery, Inside is 3600square feet of kitchen, two bedroom,main kitchen, 3-4 bedroomsand leading to glass doorsand a coveredpatio, in- free flowing living area bathanddressing room, 2 car year-round sun room round groundpool, dinette in kitchen, landscaped,in- designed for luxury. A garage. Nice yard w/ patio, out this charming starter Justfor you... Restaurantbusiness only, all equipment,tables, chairs, F.H.A. or V.A. financing home.Reduced to $41.500 stoves,grills, cookingequipment, etc. plusstock .... cidentals. $50% flagstone foyer, adjacent available to qualified buyer. powder room fully equipped 147Maxwell Ave. Illghtstown- ...... $25,000. kitchen with dining area, CIIAItbIING El-LEVEL: NEARTHE END of a quiet street a homein ex- Located near Peddle Golf Delightful older homewith 3 [ recessedfighting, gas~rille, bedrooms,dining room, and cellent condition, with 4 bedrooms,2 baths, formal dining room, living Course and high school DUPLEX-2 FAMILY-MANVILLE recreationalfacilities, this eat-in kitchen. BONUS!!: formal dining room, enclosedporch via French room with fireplace, 4 includedin this sale are a new [ bedrooms, 2 full baths, lovely homeofferslargeliving Doors, basement,garage. Iow’60’s and dining rooms, kitchen, stove, refrigerator, washer, 2 bedroomseach apartmEnt, separate gas, heat and Secluded master bedroom lamely room, 4 bedroomsand dryer, 3 window air con- [ suite withfireplaeeandsliding ditioners, dining ’room electric. Stormsand screens, aluminum siding, 40 x WESTWINDSOR CONTEMPORARY new in area doors to adjoining terrace. On 2t,:’ baths wall to wall car- paling, all drapes and rods, chandeliersandlargetilepool 100’ lot ...... $48,500. listings, old hrick fireplace, large windowwalls, the lower level is a family and equipment, only 143,9o0 [ room, fireplace, wet bar, central air conditioning,attic 2 bedrooms, 2 full baths, 2 outbuildings, on 2 storage, playground equip- Millstone Road Millstone study guest bedroom full MANVILLE-2 FAMILY acres with woodedarea, pond and mature Inn- [ bath: large laundt Outside ment and a full lanaseap&llot Township- Picturesque rustic dscaping. $60’s lighting, paved drive,7. 2 car on a deadend street. $51,900. setting and the homeof your garage, central air, COUNTRY LIVING AT dreams! Custom built ranch [ bIODERATECOST: A acre with 3 bedrooms and a huge 4 roomsand bath first floor, 5 roomsand bath second CRANBURY4 bedroom with partial brick front, dehumidifier, wall to wall carpet. Asking$139,900.Owner and a half in a rural area of family room with an ex- featuringgenerous rooms, brick raisedhearth fireplace in floor.Full basement,oil hotwater heat, separate gas and low traffic street, 4 bedrooms,2 car garage, t already in Florida. Make East WindsorTownship goes cap=venalbrick fireplace This lamilyroom. eat in kitchen,pantry, screened porch. All tour electric. 40 x 100’ lot ...... $35,900. foyer entry, large outbuildingin back. $6O’s offer! with this six room,two story fahulaushomeeanbe YOURS bedroomshave double closets andthe MasterBedroom DIRECTIONS: Elm Ridge house.Everything inside the foronly I67,500 beastsa walk-incloset as wellas a privatebath. On a house is only 5 yrs. old; MANVILLE-2 FAMILY MONTGOMERY2-Story with brick fireplace, Roadto Alta Vista Drive. left Orchard Drive-- Fabulous lovelylot in a beautifularea at MonlgomeryTownship and on HoneyBrook. House on left, ceilings, walls, insulation, California rancberwith extras it canbe yours for only $72,000 seconddecorative, foyer, formal dining room, wiring, plumbingand heating. secondfrom corner, too numerousto list. Lovely 4 roomsand bath eachapartment. Both apartments basement,4 bedrooms,2 ½ baths, 2 car garage, $44.000. residential area in Hight- bIILLSTONE TOWNSHIP CallforWeichettReallors’"GuidetoFindingaHome" recentlyrenovated, full basement,separate gas, electric outbuildingfor storageor pets. $60’S stown.Mustsee. $64,900 W S BORDEN inFARM: excellentl&=’ acre farming farm areal°eated of t8llanklnsRd.,EastWlndsor- and heat. Lowtaxes ...... $4[,500. HOPEWELL CONTEMPORARYnew con- Millstone Township.Thehome LANDSCAPING!! FRUIT Memberof and outbuildings are in very TREES!! 26 feet panelled Wealso hove building lots ondacreage for sale struction, thermopane windows, brick Weichert Multiple Listing Service goodcondition and are lo¢ated fsmily roomare someof the call fordetolls. fireplace, woodceiling in dining area, deck, 3-4 Realtor 609-883-190Ga gooddistance off the road. fine features of this four bedrooms, separatestudy, basement. $70’s .... Watersupply consists of pond bedroomsplit level home. ADDcentral air cathedral Realtor TWINRIVERS CONDO -- and 17-5’ driven well. This ceiling in living room aua 201.528-5444 JOSEPHBIELANSKI PENNS NECK of West Windsor, income Beaut. end unit, 2 bdrm, 2 property is ideal.for all types bath, liD. room, din. room. eat- of farming sucn as truck more--for only I56,500. 3290Route22W., Branchburg. Somerville, N.J. 08876 REALTOR situation with all separateutilities Overgarage, in kit, util. rm, patio, crops, potatoes, grain or COMMERCIAL 212 SouthMain St., Manville,NJ. which is a 2 car. The houseis a 3-4 bedroom, clubhouse,all appliances,w/w horses. Call for further¯ in- 2B !-725-1995 with large master bedroom, formal dining carpet A/C storage, carport, formation. 4 ACRESon Rte. #130 with Eves.Call 201-359-3245 swim/tennisclub, expressbus large office building.$240,000, room, corner type fireplace, basement,many N.Y.schools,shopping,extras. . I ACRERte. #130¯ $34,000. REALTOR’ MEMBERMULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE" largetrees. $B0’s Pr ncipals only, 609-443-1270. SERVICESTATION-Rte#33- Real Estate Real Estate ¯ 3 Bays, Office and all equip- For Sale BUSINESSfor Purchasein Princeton, currently meet-st= ~. For Sale HILLSBOROUGH- Large 1 ICE CREAi~i-LUNCHCOMBO Linenand Bath supplies, excellent location. . bedroomcondominium. All - All equipmentTwin Rivers V.A. NOMONEY DOWN -- to PLAINSBORO-- New ranch, GUINNESS AGENCY the equity and tax benefits of a Mall- $12,000. readybyFeb.3bedrooms, LR, ~" "~,’/ single family home& then qualified buyers. Large 3 bedroom raised Ranch. kitchen plus dining room, ¯ .f.nn S. Kr,e~r,n, Reuhrrr ¢. ~,~~;~..._,/~,,;z~. some. Swimmingpool, tennis manyclosets, storage, ! car courts, basketball. All this for Central air, large living room 2 W, Broad Street, Hopewell with fireplace, moderneat-in garage, gas air heat, all ap- probably less per monththan 609-466-1224 Station Square,Route 206 Route 206, State Rd. you would pay m rent 25 kitchen, 20’x20’ gameroom, pliances, fu!l carpeting, Best carpeting, garage, utility offer. Evenings.212-897-7755. Princeton minutes tram A.T.&T. 15 Serving the Hopewell Valley Belle Mead mlnutes from Princeton, 1S room. $41,990. The People Pleasers, Peter L, Oliver, (201) 359-6222 (809) 924-7575 mlnates from Somerville. Call 609.448.4250 CroshawAgency, Inc. 201-524-3-~10,9-5 or 537-2038, Realty, inc. Broker. 609-799- PRINCETONBORO - 3 bdrm, for Over 20 Years after7. After hours&Sunda:,t~4~8.215 301 N. MainSt., Hightstawn 2058 anytime, condominLumtownhouse, 3 Call us for yonr real estate need,~f . R.TurpICall ~ years old, all major ap- 4~-8042 b09-448-01t 2 Member of MLS TWINRIVERS - QuadI[I, 3 JconEsch e_ Licensed in N.J. and Pa. BR twnhse, assumab]e . ,t,TU ~AoNvaVti~LE/nsideC~mPol:~el~~iannfses, to~lrTmi;flvl~{ee~ ’ 1"13, bedrooms,$39,000. Call 201- ..~..5,.000.. 6(}9-924-4836Prlo- mortgage, manyextras. 609- " ~lB~.._~w.~w , 53~-20S7or 201-52£.0~2. ctpals amy. ,. 443-69,50 ..... r~~. i ~ t ~o,’?’, . , , ! Mo E .v zE ’s cvI1)E Thursday, Janunry 6, 1977


" nil TISTS or CRAFTSMEN,a large separate (609 ) 924-2222 workshop. with its ownheat and electric ¯ An ex- cellent myestmentat ...... $64,500. PRINCETON ARMS 173 NASSAU STREET = PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY 08540 I~11 bill MODERNRANCHER - with 3 bedrooms,2 Y{ baths, LuxuryApartments ,,m formal dining roomand manyhidden extras like 4 aar;: ~no..o. ~m.nrnkor rill AnnaMoo Bach MaryuouRo¢:o DonnaRelcherd Nil zoneheat central air conditioning, flagstone en- J ohnnnnF r.lodmon . BeNy Fish 411 try, 2 fireplaces, a family room17 x 21, a kitchen Joycornnltz JoanGrand r Flory Prncocdnl I and 2 Bedrooms Ill patio13 x 21and plus a muchstoragemore. shed Around 10x16.the 1.4 A acres lot forare your 11 ~ ~flii~ ~r0"~0e I I I apple, peach, pear and cherry trees, a sunken Ill From $215. per month ¯ money at ...... $79,500. . Ill Ill :-~jj~ ExcEcoT,vEHOME- near Rocky Hill on a wooded Feet ares: ...~ ,~mel 111 conditioning ~;" = " /11 acrewith such extras ascentral air IVall-to-ff/all carpeting over ~’~: ...... ~ ~ Ill ano euectric garagePoor openers,nee upper raven ~ll~).;~’f./ -" ~l~=;(~i~ l[ has a modernkitchen, dining room, living room, 3 concrete in 2nd floor apts. ~ ~-~a= ; ~fi~//- -~ _.-,=~’-~. ;~l= It bedroomsand 2 full baths. Onthe lower level is All Utilities except Electric ~(,~~~~ /| the family room, study or 4th bedroom,1~ bath Individually controlled heat ~i’[I-~l~f#~ [I and laundry. An impressive neighborhood, good schools and convenient location. A very good 2 air conditioners ~~’ -’==. .=7~ U ~~’., ¯ .% i../~ I I homeat ...... $72,000. Private entrances ff/alk-in closets Individual balconies Storage room within apt. Lalmdry Rooms ~~ Superintendent on site

Open Mon.-Fri. 12:00-5:00 p.m. Sat. 10-2 p.m. 609-448-4801

Directions:from Princeton. Prlnceton.Hights:own Rd., turn right onOld TrentonRd., %mild turn left and REALTY CO. followsigns.

New to the Market: A Stunning Riverside [[[ ~~ f~ Contemporary on the Edge of a Beautiful Park. IH "~" ’riffs handsomecontemporary features a large living roomwith cathedral ceiling and a PI[ "~...... :~ ...... ~EA~O~’ magnificent warmhearlh, a spacious dining roomwith cathedral ceiling and a con- wmientmodern kltelnen with easy access in both direcllons. In the bedroomwing there Ill FIVE BEDROOM COLON AL ON A TWO Ill ACRELOT n the western sect on of Prin- 138 5outhMaln St., Hlghtstown,N.J. is n master bedroomwilln dressing roomand bath, ns well as two comfortablet’nmilv Fll ...... ceton JUSt wnat you want in a hornet lee (609) 448-1069 b,’dr ~ me. {s anda familybath. Outside,there is a lovely patio anda beautiful in-gronn¢l []| ’ . Imnlwith all the privacy in the summerthat one cmddnsk for. Call Firestonebefore the ill hearse pool is lovely. openImnse! $93,500. Dining at honle, overhmking your .wn fish p.ml. rJ[ $149,700.00 Tbreebedrooms with I + i,~ + i/, haths. Ph.nty-f ¯ 7":t l| stnra~e. 2 car garage, priced ot $5c).5(i0.

Designed for you. n ehoh’e of two rlew rant’bars. 1{)4Nassan Street ¯ q2I-hi)611 extras. 7r:% aSSUre mtge. $30’s.609-443-6812. Located in town, Both ]lave three be{Ir.onls end SacOur Other Ads. $,~-g.qot;. ADULT COMMUNITY: I I~ baths. Priced to sell. Clearbrook Condo Resales. TWINRIVERS - Quad II -4 Security,, maintenance,golf, bdrm. twnhse, storms & swimming appliances club screens, extra iBsul. I,ouk at this. one acre bnihlinz Iol un Monr,,,. m muse, resales starting at humidifier, upgrdopt &firing, 7-- "--’7--- $34.500. painted basement, patio $12.o0o. JAMESBURGRANCIh 85 x w/grill & shrubs, appliances 3"<:" .. t 135 woodedlot in quiet neigh- walkto shop, clean, mid $40’s. borhood. Aluminumsiding, 21’ Principals only. 609-443-6648 Monhas two honles ond one wife. mast sel] role. eat-in eves, wknds. lS, 1½ basement, covered TWIN RIVERS QUAD I 3 Withln your reach. 31/i acres with a fixe r.,ou |46,900. bedr. 2½baths, split level, :l home.Ideal for horses. Prh’cd to sell. $Sq.iil)O. unit, twnhse, deligh 1 :~EAUTIFULBI-I.EVEL: t/~, location, manyconveniences, acre well manicuredsite in E. Attention horsenten, here 13 acres of clear ground On a Quiet Princeton cul de sac Windsor. Recently painted and Please call evenings 609-443- Close to all Schools, Town and Gown movein condition with living with 3 nutbuildh~gs all in g.od shape. AIs. in- Tbls exceptionnl three or four bedroomhome near Princeton High Schooloffers the THE MOSTPRICELESS.,...thlng in America room dining modern kitchen 65t9~ chided 8 roam hmnse with 2 apartments. Priced today ia privacy for family living, Situated nn a 5 panehed family room, 4 right. mostin the wayof care[rue in-townliving. It’s within walkingdistance of everything bedrooms, 1!~ baths, CAPECOD -- a slice of the Princetonhas t. offer. Inside. you’ll find n pinshlycarpeted living roonl and{lining room acre parcel in the Harbomlonarea of Hopewell good life. Charming 6 room Twp., sits this 1712 stone Colonlal. There are 5 storage/utility roomand built- withn viewof a Invely sechuledsetting, a cheerfullight eat-in kitchen,and a recreation in garage. Extras include C/A~ home, framed with mature Wewonder if an.vone has nse of 71.~ ocres in- roomand an additional den or guest bedroomwith its ownfull bath just a fcw steps bedrooms,4 baths and4 fireplaces. Giganticwalk-in carpeting and above grouna trees &shrubs on a 150xl00lot. dustrially zoned on Route 130. Call on this ore,. away.In the rear is n lovely seelodedbrick patio for spring-summer.fallenlertnining. fireplace in familyroom. Barn, garageand other nut- pool with large deck $49,900 Near schools & stores. $37,900 buildings. Spring fed pondfor your summertime en- ilIGllTSTOWN TWOSTORY: Quiet, close to town. private, convenientand immaculate. Call Firestone. $73,500. RANCH-- Easy living on ot e Evenings: joyment. Amost appealinghouse at a most appealing Quiet location with a 3/4 acre 44S-2097 price of $135,000. Iol frames this lovely home. level. This perfectly malt- J. WesleyArcher Lovelyfoyer, living roomwith rained Ranchcontains a brig: tt AsaMowery 395.167t stone fireplace.formal dining large living room, spacio~;s GaryHopkins J4S.S770 moderneat-in kitchen, 4 large kitchen & dining area, 3 JohnW. Archer 448.2097 bedrooms,2 full baths, full bedrooms,ceramic tile bat t, psrtitioned basementand large basementrec. room, garage. ST0,YB,00"attic. Addlaundry area and Largefenced lot. Low down large workshop, patio, ap: payment, $38,500 .i/j~..,~ REALTY pliances, 30’ above ground pool and deck, carpeting and SINGLE -- 2 family home 35 W. BroadSt., Hopewell more for a quality value at containing 2 spacious apart- = :---~ " Realtors 466-0900 $54,500. men{s, basement rec. room TOP TWOSTORY: Large and fireplace, 3 baths, qule[ MemberMultiple Listing Service lovely Colonial homem ex- townshiplocale: $47#00 cellent condition¯ Situated on a Speciolizingin CountryResidential Properties ’a acre site in E. Windsorand COLONIAL--Thissparkli 3 OFFICE SPACE If noanswer call: featuring foyer, separate bedroomhome has only se 3 LorenaSmith 466-3142 ’ Toni Bagllani 883-7398 living room formal dining birthdays. Foyer, ele[ tt ValerieCunningham 466-2394 bright moderneat-in kitchen l ivies room, dining rc t, lovely panelled family room, 4 gourmetkitchen, family re i, This Charming Dutch Colonial in large bedrooms,2~,~ baths, full 2 powder rooms, full b ~, Historic Hopewell Bore can be Yours basement and 2 car garage. garage, centralair. Great y RESEARCH PARK Extra’s include carpeting, at $54,900 RealEstate RealEstate central air, patio with privacy Nmvis the time and this is the place! This warmDutch Colonial offers a fine front to For Sale fence and more 159,900 RANCH-- 3 acres. Horse backliving roomwhh fireplace, o rustic study wheremany rifles grace the walls, a ForSale CUSTOMRANCH: All brick 9 lovers - a rare find. Spacious3 year old homeon lovely 3/4 bedroom Ranch, 2 car heated spaciousformal dining roomfor entertaining, and a warmfamily style kitchen. Upto acre site ie Washington garage, 5 box horse stall, date in everyway yet the kind of roomyou’ll wantto linger in. Upstairs, are three com- EXECUTIVE HOMEFOR MONTGOMERY--%4 lovely $3.25 per squarefoot net, net acres surround tnis tong Township.Slate foyer, picture stable & corral, in-ground fortable bedrooms,while downstairs is a familyrec roomwith built-ins andan excellent SALE-Bvowner20min from windowedliving room, formal¯ pool. $59,900 30 day occupancy.- PrincetoCn % ’acre i’ot 4 elegant white brick ranch. wnrkshnpfor you knowwho, Comesee this lovely Firestone listing on Mainstreet and ’ Features 3 bedrooms, formal dining, ultra modernkitchen, 3 you’ll knowthat Hopewellis for you. $6B,000. bdrms 2~i baths 45’ [amilv bedrooms, ceramic bath, RANCH-- here’s a jewel in an room ~viti~ wet ~ar marbl~ dinin~groomJamllyr°°m.with screened in porch, painted excellent looatioe. The big fireplace &sliding gl]~ss doors nreptaee, xml easement, g car basement and 2 car garage feature is 4 roomybedro( s, 1500square feet andtip "-’|||ram| | | ii | i | m m = m mm m m m m | m overlooking beautffuny land- garage,any [or~,ourn__orsesa$59,900 2% baths, warmly pan ~l seapad lawn. Excellent ego- IA~W¯ ~uu~...... ~u ua~|:::.,_... uuu family room, firepl. .% venleatlocation. Call 609-882- pasta.re, uau .~.tu.J~t~Y to basement ree. room, 2 tr ¯ 4836after 5 pro. Principals seem~s exeepuonat guy ac garage. Central air. So n ’h ReamEstate RealEstate ealy,please. $75,900 more, you must see for Princeton Mailing Address RealEstate 9~ 50 ACRES-- wooded,2100’ yourself, .~t For Sale For Sale For Sale ELEGANTISTHIS-18rocm4frontage subdlvidable, recent and Phone Number BETTER THAN NEW -- bath mansion situated on an percandsoillogtest.Asking /IN RIVERS- Quad il, 2 Large S bedroom Bi-level. TWIN RIVERS - 2 bdrm ample lot overlooking the $129,000 townhouse,upgraded appl, Cen[ral air, large living room Delaware. This ma~fficent with fireplace, country eat- twnhse, QuadIIL I block to home combines the charm and MID.JERSEY REALTY eatttrallocation.VacIoadedAssumeW/extras.7½% in kitchen family size family sehool & bus. 5 appliances, character of yester year with Rt.206,BelteMead, NJ CALL:Research Park - . 609-443-6875. room, cilrpettng, garage, lncludln~ lg. frost free frig, the comfort and conveniences Z01-359-M44 lg cornerlot. I0%downffnancmg gas griu, storms & screens, of today including an olympic 609.924-6551 m,NDO~M---~"~’~ -’ available. $39,990. The People ImmFdifler, attic fan. New size pool. Asking $99,500. For q~Vl~se. lungfloor 2 BR, 2 bath. and Pleasers, Peter L. Oliver, paint & caulk. Assume 7½% fu~her de tall~ call Saxten, QuadII slate &mirror foyer. Classifieds continueon 1 -Top location. $29,900. Realty, Inc. Broker. 609-799- FHAmtge. $36,500. 609-443- tmtay &Falconer, 609-587-3000extra insulation, gas gr;;: ~ ’, last pageof first section cipa[s only. 609.448-8663 ’ 4032. or 298-,1000. oven. 609.448-0942. Iz 20S8anytime. .’ [he Franklin NEWS’RECORD Tho~ay,Jona~,-y 6,1!

DONKLOTZBEACHER obituaries Classified ] FREE-LAHCE Real Estate Real Estate Too Late Too Late PHOTOGRAPHER Lewis Campbell Services were held on Levi; two daughters, Miss Servlces wlll be Thursdayat For Sale For Sale To Classify To Classify Monday at 1 p.m. in the Liliie of Franklin and Mrs. 11 a.m. in the Mount Zion Gteason Funeral ttome, l~ Alma Dargan of New Brun- Churchwiththe’Rev. HenryA. GUARDS-- Part-time on DRAPES-- 2 pr gold antique LewisCampbell, 74, of 1479 ALL ASSIGNMEN1 TWIN RIVERS - 3 bdrm. TWINRIVERS - Quad If. AN weekendsonly. Skillmanarea. HamiltanSt., Somerset. swick; a son, Samuel, at Hildebrand, pastor, of- townhouse,ideal Quad I Satin Custom made 144"x87" Hamilton St., Somerset Entombment will be in home; two sisters, Mrs. ficiating. OUTSTANDING 2 bedroom Must have home phone and 120"x87".$20/pr. Bike- boy’s" location,all builders extras, townhouseworthseeing. End own car. Call Interstate section, died Thursday, Dee. Franklin Mausoleum, North Minnie McDonald and Mrs. Burial will be in Franklin exceptionallandscaaing front unitwith wide open spaces, 20", 3 spd, $20. 609448-653430 in St. Peter’s Medical Brumwick. Mary Wooten, both of Quit- 609-395-057 Security Services, 201.238. after 6. Memorial Park, North & track.Wallpaper in tam. Finishedbasement room, 6676. _ __ Center, NewBrunswick. man, and five grandchildren. Brunswick. room.kit. & baths,New wax brickpatio and grill, land- Born in Newark, he lived free floor, painted basement. scaped,perfect condition GRAPHICARTS -- available THURS.OR FRI. -- full time here most of his life. Mr. Lyda R. Peterson Will sell belowrealtors price. insideandout. Top location, for technical tests and ad- housework& ironing. $35/day Campbell was a retired .609+18-9159.’ walk to everything.Many Social Sec. incl. Ref. req. Call vertising. Call Technical Fine after 5 pm for appointment. steeple jack and later was a FRANKLIN-- Mrs. LydaR. moreextras¯ Buy from owner Arts, 609-586-6997. maintenance man at St. and save.Mid $30’s.561 609-443-1419. Peterson, 70, of 406 WestPoint TWINRIVERS -- Make offer NcBlctonDr, 609-448.2776. Peter’s High School, New Ave., Somerset, died Sunday on this beautifully maintained Brunswick. in King James Nursing Home. 3BR,Quad II t’hoose. Ceramic Princeton SEARS TABLE SAW -- tile foyer, upgrdedappl & cpt, Small Animal RescueLeague W/Motor, $30. t cane seat He was a Navy veteran of Bornin Quitman,Ga., she &fully fin bsmt amongcustom MANVILLE. WESTON -- 4 chair, $25. 2 dressers $45 ca. World WarI. had lived in Trenton17 years extras. Call owner for ap- bedroomCape Cod. l~ bates 16" g rl’s bike, $8. Ca 609.443- He is survived by his wife, before movinghere in 1958. [l~L"]~*’~i[’.’] pointmenta t 609443-6450. livingroom. kitchen, eentraJ 1683. the former Mae Denton; a She retired in 1962 as a airtoad., full cellar, rec room daughter, Mrs. Margaret presser from the NewSystem with her, laundry room, MANVILLE-- Apartmentfor Pinella of Franklin; two Laundry, NewBrunswiek. TWiN ltl~’ ERS CONDO detached garage. Cement QUADI -- Upper end unit drive. $46,000.Principals only. rent.Adults only, No pets. brothers, Roland of Hialeah, Mrs. Peterson was a overlooking lake. oversizetJ 201-725-3639. $250/mo.plus l too.security. Fla. and Robert of Somersetin memberof MountZion AME LR, 2 BR, delux kit, w/d, PhoneBielanski Agency, 201- Franklin; ¯eight- Church,New Brunswick,over sundeck, C/a, carport, 725-1995, TWINItIVERS - 3BR21: bath grandchildren, and a great- l0 years. Reducedto $25,500. Cal16o9- grandchild. Surviving are her husband, 443-3761evcs/wknds. dehtched bouse, fin bsml extras. Ideal area. Low50’s. STOCKTON.N.J. -- 5 wooded l;09-448-6229. acres and streammake a TWIt4IllVERS - 3 BRend unit (SAVE) great setting for this in- townhouso in newer section, teresting "A" frame. 2 story, Fresh danger ¯ 2%baths, C/a, w/w upgrded Maythe brightness of the New living room with great cpt Ihruoul. Nofrost rcfrig, Pa. Properties Year light our pathwayof help fireplace, dining room, fully dw, sc oven, gas grill, s &s, to antmals m need. We equippedkitchen, 2 bedrooms, custom drapes & shades & welcome and thank you for bath & deck. 2nd floor, master in offshoreoil EXQUISITE BUCKS your continued support. bedroom, bath & den with ~many decorative extras. $41,000.609-443.4670 morning. COUNTY,Pa. estateon over balcony. Gameroomgarage, by David F. Moore Barrens. The same goes for or evenings. 40 acres.Elegant pointed 3 yr. old pure bred female centre/air. Excellent schools, the only slightly salty water stone,air conditiooed main spayed Irish Terrier, loves N.J. ConservationFoundation fishing & shopping. Asking under the ocean 60 miles off- TWINRIVEItS - 3 BR end residence,gd~st house, horse children. $85,000. ELLIOTT REALTY barnand garage with two l I Collie and Boxertype pups CO.Realtor, 609-77i-9133. Just whenwe thought we’d shore. Unit, Ideal locution bedroomapartments, pool, about 8 wksold. Eves & Sun 215-297-5319. recognized all the possible If that shouldprove to be the bcaulifuIly designed deck. greenhouse& potting shed~ Young male Chow type dog, threats posed to NewJersey case, what will result from upgrd appl, shag opt, high pond. Fabulous architectural byoffshoreoilandgnsdrllling drilling into the fresh-water assumable mort. l,mv $40s. rust color. 609-44g.6:~10(htvs, 6~q48-7141details throughout. A true 2 me. old female Husky- ANTIQUE FOUR POSTER in the Atlantic Ocean, along formations from the ocean evenings. showplace.$530,000. For more Malamutetype pup. rope bed, acorn post, com- comes a new one! floor? Will fresh water escape, information, please writc or Male young brindle color plete, $100. Antique Boston rocker, needs repair, $25. 609. The newspapers nowreport to be replaced by salt water? phone Parke Wetherill Cairn Terrier dog. that test drilling in the ocean Mightnot salt water begin to TWIN RIVERS . :i bdrm. Associates, Inc., WestCourt & Male pure bred, 4 me. old 883-9817. bottom, a prelude to actual Townhousc.Finished rainbow State Sis., Doylcstown,Pa., brindle Boxer. intrude in the aquifer beneath basement, landscaped dcok, 18901,1-215-348-3500. Male pure bred, 3 yr. old drilling for oil andgas, has led southern NewJersey, ruining all poss. extras. 009-44B-8514. Alaskan Malamute, has ’75 VEGAGT -- 13,000 mi, 4 to the discoveryof fresh water existing wells andobliterating spd hatehback 4 new radials beneath the ocean. That is, the the precious water reserves Too Late Papers. $23OOF rm. Cal after 8. 609- Male 5 me. old Fox Houndtype 395-0642. rook formations under the now being depended on for TWIN RIVERS CONDO- 2 To Classify dog. Atlantic contain fresh-water future use by NewJersey bdrm,2 balh, eath. ceiling liv. Male pure bred 3%y.r. o!.d aquifers such as are found residents? Norwich Terrier, goou wim beneath dry land. Whatabout crude oil from a rm, eat-in-kit, storage, appls, KINGSTON JEWELERS children and housebroken. COMPLETES COURSE extras.Beautifully dccoratcd, CLOSE-OUTSALE - 14kt & Fresh water was found faulty well seeping into the great location. ~wim,tennis, lSkt gold. 35%off, silver 40% Call us about our youngcats. Navy Machinist’sMate beneath the ocean bottom aquifer and also reaching the NYexpress bus, shopping & off. All Pewter and costume FiremanAppreatice William seven milesoff Barnegat, and mainland water-bearing svllools. S30,5OO.6~J--143-5143. jewelry 50-60%off. Kingston Call Mrs. Graves for an ap- W. Monck,son of Mr.and Mrs. water which is barely salty formations? Mall, kte. 27, Kingston, N.J. These are newquestions and MuST -S-ELL -- - ;r~VIN Other end of Shoprtte. pointment.609-921-6122. Hours WilliamF. Monckof 4 Abbottwas encountered 60 miles at RIVERS2 BRTownhousc, 11:~ 8-4 p.m., Sat. 10-12. Road, Somerset,has com- sea ! I think theycast a newlight on baths, w/wcarpet, all ap- Report lest and found pets pletedthe basic machinist’s Aside from being an in- offshoredrilling. pliances, central air & FOR SALE -- ladders, within 24 hr period and call the matecourse. terestinggeological discovery, It’s ironic that newsof the humidifier,gas barbecuegrill, aluminum scaffolds, siding police it you find an injured Duringthe courseat the this raises some serious undersea fresh-water for- all drapes, finished patio, hrake, stud driver, tools, pet. NavalTraining Center, Great questions about impacts of martens should arrive on the storm windows& door, extra stereo, electric typewriter, ROCKYHILL - Super 2 BR Lakes,students received offshore oil drilling on the heels of a comprehensivetwo- insulation¯ Call 609-4434314. household,ctc. This Sat &Sun. magnificent and largely un- year’ study by the federal Canal Ilouse, Griggstown, duplex. CapCarpets, laundry, instructionon the use of hand CONI) OMINIUM TWIN appliances and more, just tools and machine shop tapped water reserves which Office of Technology BIVEItS- 2 bdrms. 2 baths between River Road and Canalltd. $260. HOMERENTALS, Brkr, equipment,In addition,they underlie much of southern Assessmentinto the impacts n et dining room,eat-in tiled kit- $35. 609.394-5900. studiedthe basic operation, NewJersey. of openingan offshoreoil field. chen, new appliance, car- maintenanceand repairof Myfirst suspicion as an It seemsreasonable at this peted throughout. Lower interested laymanis that it’s garden view & patio. Many PB.INCETON- 2 BR, desirable ’70 VW SQUAREBACK - ships’propulsion equipment, point to have eTAreopen its extras. Priced to sell. 609-48’Lapt. only $260, utilities paid Rebuilt engine. Snowtires. evaporatorsand generators. very likely that an aquifer study, 1382. yard for kids. HOMEREN- Asking$900 or best offer. Call The studentswere also in- seven miles off the coast, east Uncle Sam will have to TALS,Brkr, $35. 609-394-5900. 609-466-1425between 6-9 p.m troducedto thetypes of dutyof Barnegat, is really a con- decide whetheroil and potable EAST WINDSOR- New 3 watchesthat Machinist’stinuation of the water-bearing water will mix. It shouldn’tbe bedroomRanch, 2 full baths Matesstand aboard ships. formations beneath the Pine too hard. eat-in kitchen, full basement SPACIOUS-- furnished 2 ANTIQUE SOFA- Gold the mortgage man patio. Immediate occupancy. bedroom apt. with yard, velvet with walnut frame. Lovely section.90% mortgage laundry facilities. Princeton Excellent condition. 609-737- At the RadtanSavings Bank, his officedoor a permanentmortgage when you 0nlsh available. Gas heat and $350/mo,utilities included. 39O9,eves. Immunizationclinic slated says:Charles W. Smith. Senior Vice President building.This means savings to youas a cooking. Half acre. $48,750. 6O9-B24-319I. andTreasurer. borrowerbecause It eliminates another costly li09-448-4081weekdays. dosing. (;vY.i;,-U, FaiiLW~ Fee The Franklin Township health department will sponsor a free im- Butdon’t let that Impressivetitle scareyou Paid - Salary $160 BMW2002 1970 -- white, new mtmizatlonclinic for township children. Immunizationsoffered will in- becausehe’s a friendlyguy with a lovelywife, OtherRSB features: Wehave no prepayment Gcn. Office duties. Light paint, Michelinradials, runs three kidsand a mortgageof his own. penalty,and the mortgagorpays his own and looks like new. Must see. elude Diphtheria, Tetanus, Oral Polio, Measles and Rubella. The taxesdirectly, thereby requiring no escrow. TWINRIVEHS - Quad IIl, a Bookkkeeping. clinic will be held on Friday, Jan. 14, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the If you’replanning to buildor buyanother bdrms, detached house. 2% Call 609-883-7506.’ PBOGItAMMEI’IS--Fee Paid municipal building on DeMottLane, health officer John Corinne has homesoon, Cborlie suggests you shop around MOStImportant. we view each of our baths, finished basementand - Salary $13K-$18K a 8tile for yourmortgage. All he asksIs that mortgageeasa friendlylong-term man~ extras. Excellent Salary commensurate with announced. yo.utalk to himtoo. relationshipwith a neighbor.We take a locatmn.Make offer. Call 609- experience. LOST."SNUFFY," black and personalInterest in you,and there will always 799-9213. INTEItNALAUDITOR -- Fee white medium-sized mixed At RSBwe’re mortgage speclallsls. In be someonehere to talk to as a friendif Paid - $12K breed female dog. Cold Soil conventionalmortgage lending, we provide problemsarise. full constructionand long-term financing. BBA& 1 yr. experience. Road area. $25 reward. 609- Additional clinics planned If youhave a mortgagequestion, please call FOR SALE BY OWNER- 4 MAINTENANCEMECIIANIC 883-1847. Unlikemost banks, we convert our Additional screening clinics will be held during this next weekby the CharlleSmith or anyother pincer o[ our bedroom West Windsor -- Fee Paid - To $13.7K constructionmortgage loans automatically to bank. Colonial. Country setting, Maintain. Operate Install ENJOY CRAFTS? NEED Franklin Township Board of Health as follows: convenient to school and VAC, Boilers, Pumps, MONEY?-- Fullor Part-time Thursday,Jan. 6 Itoday~ : Pediatric clinic for pre-school children, to trains. Move-incondition. Low Cranes,etc. party,plan sales. Fr~.’, be held at the heahh department, 935 HamiltonSt., at 9:30 a.m. S/0’s. 609-924-6940.Principals SALESBEP. -- Fee Paid - training.No investmentor ct. P raritan ings bank ~nly. Salary $8800 + Comm. deliverms.Flexible hours, For Friday, Jan. 7: Family planning clinic at the health department, Ncwposition. Sell service a personalinterview, call 201- 935 Hamilton St., at 9:30 a.m. N.Y., Phila., Wash. IMMACULATE TWIN 725.0563.526-5476 or356-0116. All clinics are open free to township residents except for the family RIVERS - ’~ bedroom BAII,EY planning clinic, where a nominal fee is charged. Medicaidpatients are Iownhouse, QuadIll. Leaded EMPI.OYMENT SERVICE ONE HANGING WICKER accepted. with extras. Professionally 252 NassauStreet chairwith stand, moving must finished. Basement,hi 30’s. 609-924-6652 sell.Reasonable buy. 609-924- 1~3-448-3767. Mon-Fri.9-5 5433. Sat. 10-1 TWIN RIVEItS -- An ex- I]IG SALE! CLIP THIS AD DELIVERY PERSON -- traordinary,colorful3 bedroom NOW.SIIOP IIERE. 50% OFF Retired or semi-retired to do end unit townhousein ideal SALES! BETTER THAN local deliveries of auto parts. location. Walkto N.Y. bus, EVER.Not on sale but tan- Full or part time. Call 609-443. school, shopping, tlousc is talizing . recent consignment 5510. ¯ . of brand newwomen’s clothes. completely finished, move-in -- living’room- tlinin~ condition.Frost free trig, self- The Outgrown Shop, 234 LARGE CALENDAR OF COMING cleaning oven. central air, Nassau St. Princeton. Tues- room combination with central wtc, humidifier, Fr, 10-5, Sat. 10-3. fireplace, kitchen, bath and 3 EVENTS thcrmopane glass, dish- bedrooms.1/2 acre lot in East ’ Windsor.Mid $40’s. Call 609- THURaDAY,JANUARY 0 washcr, w/d. tie’,=, no-wax 443-15O9.; FranklinZoning Board of Adjustment.8 p.m. kitchen floor, partiaBv Thunderbird;out of 7 years HiEsboroughPlanning Board. 8 p.m. finished basement. Mairl- storage,original; auto. trans; Daves Men’s 8- XEROXCOPIES EAI~PII.:I~CI\(; tenanee free cedar deck patio restor~iinterior and exterior FURNISHED ROOM FOR A FRIDAY.JANUARY7 FI{El’: ’,’*’/gas grill. Moderndecor norot; all power: p/s, p/w, GENTLEMAN -- On quiet Boys Shop BicentennialPorfcrrnance - Newark BoYs Chorus prezents "Mother of (Quantit.v p/b and power seats;T&C street.2 blocks off Main St., BESSENYEI Exiles."8 p,m,, Somer~t County CoPege Gym. , ,.’*’/decorator paper Manville.Call days, 201-722- Prb’os ~ilh imrrha,, ,f throughout.$45,900. Call 6O9- radials;port hole top; wide 41 S. MainSt. Manville 8ATURDAY, JANUARY g 443-4796evenings or weekends. whitesnows; 312 Vg, w/engine OO7Oor eves., 201-722-5524. & Son RecyclingatFmnklln High School. 9 a.m..noon. AI’aihf b h’) Principals only. dress;many extra parts. E AR R 1 N GS $3350,6~J452-8~4. Formal Wear aUNDAY,JANUARY B Township SEEKING RESPONSIBLE-- OdBtnrlt.,rs Inslalled RummegaSale- Sisterhood of Temple Bath El, AmwellRd.. Somerset. 7- 526-0111 SKI IIOUSETO RENT - 15 Quiet,non-smoking grad For Hire gp.m. Also Mondays, g e.m.-nooo. Pharmacy ShPrman d Sons TWINRIVERS - 3 BRend unit studentor professionalto 585Hamlltorl $1. Unhorisn.UniversaltllFollowship SeP~ico - discullion topic, "Exploring Iwnhse in uncrowdedQuad IV min,to ski. Cail.OO9-924-9721, 725-9027 days,or 609-448-8310, after5. sharehouse in PrincetonJan. NewBrtmswick OurValuoa." 10:30 a.m., Unhadsn Meeting House. Washington VatleyRd.. KI 5-11801) JEWELER lee. All appl. humid, upgrded 15-July15. $200 per too. Call u Policemen Bddgewatar. cpt, beaut, fin patio w/gas ;" I-’ I htmih.nNt...%,nt,,r,.t (~atto 6~n~) duringday 609.452-4859. ¯ Mailman MONDAY,JANUASY 10 ScreenerSh0ppm| Cenis~ grill. Storm door/screens. L A WR’E’NcE-V-ILL-E-- - KI5-6453 FranklinSoard of Education.8 :).m. \O’l~.ll¢l’l’l HI.It," Principals only $42,900. Call Dynamite l BR, only $185, HillsboroughBoard of Education,HilJaborough HighSchool Library. 6O9-448-6630, Heatpaid. tst floor. Mustsee. BOYS & GIRLS-- Cranbury, ManvilleCouncg, 8 p.m. HOMERENTALS, Brkr, $3,5. East Windsor,Plainsboro ManvilleVFW Ladlas Aux., 7’.30 p,m. TWINRIVERS -- Steal my 609-394-5900. newspaperroute available in RockyHill Boardof Heehh,8:1S p,m. house! 2 BRtwnhse. Movein your area. 609-443-6928or 655- TUESDAY,JANUARY 11 condition. Manyextras. Make DISCOUNTED R.V, SUP- 4260. FranklinTaxpayers Auoc.. 8 o.m.. Sampson G.Smith School. offer for Spring occupancy. PLIES-- And pick-upCaps. H{llsboroughTownship Commltlee. 8 p.m. 609-443-3542. KampRite. 201-297-1013. HORSEFEED g SUPPLIES,PET ManvilleBoard ofAdJultment, 8 p.m. Agentsfor NURSERY SCHOOL AIDE BELLE MEAD ¯ WANTED. SEND RESUME FOOOS,WlL0 BIRO SEED, FUCILLO& WEDNEaDAY,JANUARY 12 WheatonVan Line. Inc. WINDSOR- Delightful2BR. ANIMAL FEED. WE ALSO RsodlnglOver Coffee - ’*Platero and I," 10a,m,, Somarvilla Public LUMBERCO., INC, SPLIT LP.;VPSL HOMEWith Heatpaid. Appliances car- TO WHH #0826P.O. Box 146, WARREN LIbrery, ReedlngBlvd., Belle Mead H ghtstown,NJ 08520. CARRYWATER SOFTENER Generalmeeting and "Cal~ret Nigh ." CedarWood Woman’s Club. 8:30 SOPKO. Farm View-living room dining pets, $250. guts, pet~ OK. SALTS,LAWN & GARDENSUP- room with balcony, kitchen HOMERENTALS, Brkr, $35. p,m.,Conedy Rd.School. Somerset. 359-5121 MOVING with parquet & work counters 609-394-5900. PLIES, SHOES, BOOTS, HillsboroughMUAd~cusslon, 8:15 p.m., Van der Veer Houlo, Route A CompleteLine of STORAGE,INC. KARATE CLASSES -- JACKETSg GLOVES. 206. & no wax floor, master BR Funeral Home,Inc. HillsboroughSenior Citlzeoa Ol~ln House, 1,3 p.m. BUILDING MATERIALS Pbl no.5 suite, 2 more full sized FURNISHED -- or un- beginners,advanced. East BELLE MEAD ~okJL Ounn hintt * Comb.Oeoa & furnishedapt. with full bath in Windsor Community AdamFucillo, Mgr. MahvilisSenim Citizens Socisi HootS, 10n,m.,3 p.m. bedrooms, 2%baths, epted, ManvilleSenior Cltizans, Ch~t the King Church Auditorium, 7 p.m, Locolg Lon9 Distance throdghout all appl thermal a private home, very nice Education,Japan Karate FARMERS’ CO-OP 725-1763 MYAL,VPW, 7".30 p,m, Association.Starts Jan. 25. panes & screens, humidifier, section of Lawrenceville. LINE ROAD TUURSDAY~JANUARY 13 BasementOeors¯ Rsllmd. Ties 35 No.17th Ave. indoor antennae, blue-stone Located near colleges and Freedemonstration on Jan. t9 FranklinCouncil, Bp.m. Oe¢orllorPanah ¯ RootinE patio with ~m ~l~&,~a~..- w)Mei~uay~CCmBt@S]Linna)~¢~t KreI@School J3m, ?:~0pm. BELLE MEAD 20Ss. MainSt., Mbnvllle. Manville WslsomaWagon Club of H~lisbomuBhArea.8 p.m..HIIlabomuBh High 201-725.775R tree. Twin Rivers. 609-443- shopping areas. Call after All invited. Call 609-448.4848 ¯ {201)359-5173 SchoolLibrarf. fl~*md¯ B_dck &M.mnff Matedah 3748, spin,609-771-1205. after 6pro.