![Woods Bo"'Sluck",Iwill Elect](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
------.------~~~~~-~--------.----.-4-..'..;.--.---..,..-- ....------------ ...-44-.----.---------- .......,,9-..,.-----------------.....-...-----~~~----------.-. .., May Is Bicycle Safety Month In All the Pointes rosse ews Complete Nelvs Coverage of All the Pointes Home of the News VOl. 26-NO. 20 Enterccl as Seconl1 Class MaUer at $5.00 Per Year t;le Post Office at Detroit, Mich. GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, MAY 20, 1965 tOe Per Copy 24 Pages Two Sections-Section One r - HEADLINES State Flag Presented to Central Library Woods Bo"'sLuck", IWill Elect of the ']1&10' .1 .1 2 Trustees WEEK As Compiled by the To Escape Death OnJune14 Grosse Pointe News L.u ..I1i Incumbent' President Ed- ward Pongracz and Five Thursday. :\'lay 13 I In Crash on LS New Candidates File A SOUTHER::'-l CONGRESS- i Car Totally Demolished After Youths Were Thrown Petitions :\lA~ inves~igating the Ku I I Oui by Impact of Hitting Tree; Lost Cont:-ol on Klux Klan called yesterday fur i Six candidates have filed a "fuli inquir;y" as to how a: Turn at Ford Estate petitions for two trustee- Klan official obtaira'd a sup- Two 19-year-old Woods boys were lucky to have ships in the June 14 school posedly confidential r('port on ! been thrown from their car when it crashed into a tree elections in the Grosse the life of Mrs. Viola Liuzzo, I '~n Lake. Shore road on Saturday, ~ay 15-~he second Pointe school district it was a Detroit housewife slain last: Impact, mto another tree, could eaSIly have killed them'j ed t d • ' R month whi1? partkipating in I Shores Patrolmen Frank Mus-<!i '. announc 0 'ay oy ay Civil Rights work in th(' South, : tazza and William Marshall, . MacArthur, Direct{)r of The report had be€"!I prepared dispatched to all accident sC€';le Cente'r Plnns Schonl Elections. by Warr{'n Poliee Chief :\Iar- in front of 1100 Lake Sore, said vin G. Lane as a courtesy to .they arrived to find Roddy MOl The four-year terms of Ed- , Dallas County sheriff .James G. , Crawford of 12:n Paget Court, emOrlll ward J. Pon~racz and Robert lying in the road; and Edward • F: .Weber ~xplre June 30. In ad. Clark. of Selma. Ala. Clark I said he had r£'quested th{' rl'-' Jerger of 20668 Maple lane, D S ditIon to lUcumbent P?ngracz, port when ~is life was threat. lying on an island in front of ay erVlce 782 Notre Dame, PresIdent of enl'd over the phone. a tree. ' the Board of Education, {)thers Both youths were suffering who have filed petitions are • * * from bruises and abrasions Traditional Tribute to War Thomas E. Candler, 51 N. Duval Friday. May 14 about the face and legs. Craw- Dead Set for May 31 i roa.d; ~orge D. Henry, 784 FIVE l".S.-PRODUCED planes I ford was :ransported to Bon G Id St R II UmverSlty place; Allan .Neef, flew a roc-ket raid yesterday: Secours Hospital, by Shores po- 0 ar 0 46. Stone hurst road; DaVId M. ('lose to tht- American ('mbassy; : lice ambulance; and Jerger, to To Be Read Rlekse, 1043 Woods lane; and so close that Ambassador W. I . I St. Jehn Hospital by Woods Jo~n T. Short, 975 South Brys Tapely Bennett ran for covet: if;:\:::,:X: I police ambulance. They were Memoriai} Day Services drIve. under his df'sk. U .S troops iT.::::::::'. treated and later released. this year at the Grosse Polling places for the election fired at th(' attarkers who i h';.:.{:':--. Plenty of Help Pointe War Memorial will be the ten public elemen- Knocked out the rebel.controlled W)}{(}::\.:,::: will The Shores officers were as- tak-e place on Monday morn. tary schools of the Grosse radio transmitter and then (one: Photo by Eddie McGrath, Jr. Sl8. ted at th e scene by po l'Ice. ing, May 31, at -o'clock Pointe school district. Hours for plane J fired at Ameri('an troops. This Michigan Flag is being presented to the made to ROBERT ORR by MRS. PIERRE PALMEN- 11 men from th e Farms, Woods on the Center's lakeside voting will be from 7 a.m. until At I e a stone ~ircraft was Grosse Pointe Public Library, by the Gro&se Pointe TIER, left, of Fair court, president of the Grosse and St Clal'r Shores 8 p.m. on Monday, June 14. ' .' . lawn and terrace or Fries brought dOWI1.It was a U. S. Chapter of the Questers, to commemorate Michigan Pointe Chapter of the Questers, and MRS. JOHN According to a report made in~ . Registered voters, w h e the r supported junta, however. Am- Week (May 16-22), and is to be permanently displayed PEAR, of Trombley road, a charter member of the of the accident by Mustazza and auditorium in case oJ.. ram. property owners or not, may bas~ador Bennett filed a pro- on the Library's flagpole. The presentation is being chapter. Marshall, the Shores station was All residl~nts are urged to at- vote. test with the Organization of American States peace commis- notified of the accident by Tom tend as a mark of respect to Retiring trustee Weber, 992 sion charging violation of the e R El. F CD. Laughlin of the Lake Shore ad- those Grosse Pointers who gave Lake Shore, has been a member cease.fire. ReatIY Clty eports~ ectlon eature enter rlVe dress. their lives for their country. of the Grosse Pointe Board of Witnesses to the accident The services are being Of- Education since 1954. During · · · -B I f First Ann'ual MeetI-ng of Needs $7,500 told police that Cr......vford, the ganiz.sd by General L. S. Bork. his long record of service to the Saturday. 1\lay 15 eac t or t;;.~ driver, was traveling north on Boy Scout Troop 136 of Christ local public schools he served I Lake Shore 'it 50 miles an b th th B d' Tr A temporarY suspfmsion of 0 - D I Cheld G -d In. Cline T HS G 1 hour. Church will raise and half mast 0 as e oar s easurer hombinp; of :\orth Vietnam has pellln~ ay II I UI an~e Ie 0 It oa At the curve in front of 1100 the flag. Colors will be advanced and as its President. been ordered by the Johnson ~_____ Lake Shore, it was said, Craw- and placed by Harold J. O'Neill Mr. Weber was treasurer dur- Administration. Acr.ording to of. D d. N C I Home of Alfred Glancy, Jrs. Scene of Gathering; A .. 0 . ford lost control, and the car of Alger Post 995 V.F.W. The ing 1955-56 and 1957-58. He was ficials the reason is purely op.. re 9'"9 p.ars Qmp e- O. DAft B' S' . ssoclatlon 'I r e c tor S went from the right lane onto opening prayer will be given by elected to serve as president in erational but then' were ~ome I ticin; Additional Be'1ches Inner ance er uSlness esslOr. Hopeful of Reaching the island, hit a tree, spun Rev. Father Wallace of St. 1956-57 and from 1959 to 1963. rumors t~at !he Administrat!on i Provided and Pool Celebrates Year of Progress $75,000 Quota by completely around, throwing Paul's Romail Catholic Church. wa:; also ,estmg the North VIet. I W Ik W.d d M . I D the boys out. The car made Dignitaries will be introduced namrse to see if they. might I, a I ene The first annual meeting of the Northeastern Wayne emona ay . h fr th t b k a WIde arc om e ree, ac be George Thompson. past com- be more receptive to negotiat- i County Child Guidance Clinic was held on May 14, at to the north bound lane on the mander of the American Legion Detroit Motorist ing a peace in the Asian con. I Grosse Pointe City's De- the home of Mrs. Alfred R. Glancy, Jr., in Lake Shore The Grosse Pointe War road, continued across the Grosse Pointe Post #503. A Given Jail Term fliet. Al~ho~gh. the.re have been I partment of Pllblic Works road. ~------~--~-- Memorial Center's 1965 island, knocked down a reflec. reading of the students Mem- no .public InClicatlOns of such: is busy readying the City's Newly elected to the board af Farr and Glenn G. Engel. Family Participation Carn- tor sign, bounced into the south ori(ll Day essay will be given a.n mtent, there h?ve, bee~ som{' I Norbert P. Neff Memorial d' t J h B W t- Re.elected to serve addition- paign still has one-tenth of bound lane, skidded 390 feet by John T. Short, program John J. Auito, 22, of 3573 Not- SI,2'n.~that th" Nortn VIetnam i •• . _ I.rec ors were 0 n . a 'ts I t h' th. f' Id d h d . t ,. ~ - l P k f t ff I enm ~k M G d W R al terms as directors were 1 goa 0 ac 1eve wi mto a Ie an cra'S e 10 0 chairman of the War Memorial. tingham, Detroit, was sentenced 2'o"ernment I's. mor'-' "VI'III'nr!to ar or 1 s 0 ICla op 6 I ms, rs. or on . ose, h to 20 days in the Wayne County "sit y around a conference<. table~ on. Sa tur d ay. May. 29 .'Mrs Jam es.. H .Graves, J udge Courtney B. Rankin, John S.
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