William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. Free edition forpersonal,non-commercial useonly (Hawthorne &Sheble) (Hawthorne Complete Discography Star Records Star Mainspring Press William R.William Bryant Edited and Annotated by Allan Sutton Allan Data Compiledby

William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. www.mainspringpress.com /[email protected] Littleton CO80163-1277 PO Box631277 Mainspring PressLLC fair-use standards,pleasecontactthepublisher. For information onlicensing this work, or for reproduction exceeding customary addressed underapplicablecivilandcriminallaw. whether ornotformonetarygain,isprohibited.Unauthorizedusewillbe thereof, portion or any of thiswork use or othercommercial Sale networks. or private via theInternetorotherpublic distribution or e-bookformats,and database to digital to) conversion (but notlimited including or digital, printed in anyform, altered, ordistributed No portionofthisworkmaybeduplicated, use only. scholarship. Itfreeof may downloaded chargefor personal, non-commercial isprotectedunderU.S. This publication copyrightlawasaworkoforiginal © 2020byMainspringPressLLC. All rightsarereserved. William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. Originally doing business at 604–606 Chestnut Street, the company is a licensed Edison dealer but Philadelphia. in founded is Sheble [Horace] & Hawthorne A.] [Ellsworth of firm The • 1893 studio is later taken over by the Sonora Phonograph Company. The discovered. be to yet have they Sheble, & Hawthorne for masters any records it if but 1907, July as late as existence in still is operation Prescott's Association. Laboratory The as operates he John Prescott leaves the partnership and soon takes over the former American Record studio, which loaded arm in an attempt to skirt Victor's Berliner patent. The ploy will not prove successful. Philadelphia locations, begins to manufacture complete disc phonographs that incorporate a spring- four at space factory of feet square 150,000 occupies now company,by The which affected. not entity,separate is a remained Company,has Manufacturing which Sheble & Hawthorne The ( Columbia to case infringement patent- a losing after operations suspends Company Record American The • 1907 January Prescott's involvement. However, no original recordings are known to have been produced. without own, their on business record the enter to Sheble and Hawthorne by attempt an be to incorporated in Philadelphia to manufacture sound recordings and related equipment. It appears Company,Sheble is & Hawthorne The as business doing venture, new A • 1906 Summer in of Odeon records. A detailed history of the Hawthorne, Sheble & Prescott operation can be found brother Frederick W. Prescott's International Talking Machine Company (Berlin), the manufacturer by part in backed is venture The Company,manages. Record Prescott American which formed with forces joining market, disc-record the enter Sheble Horace and Hawthorne Ellsworth • 1904 February operates with little regard for others'. Mfg. Co.etal., ( McPherson B. J. Judge District by dismissed is that case prepared poorly a in infringement, patent for Sheble & Hawthorne sues Edison • 1901 May goods that infringe its patents on "certain phonograph improvements." manufacturing from Sheble & Hawthorne preventing injunction an seeks Edison • 1900 October goods, and "general novelties." which is chartered to manufacture phonographs and related supplies, as well as typewriters, sporting April 1900 • The partnership is reorganized as the Hawthorne & Sheble Manufacturing Company, terms of its dealer's agreement. phonograph horns and accessories. At about the same time, it is blacklisted by Edison for violating own its of production large-scale begins also company The formats. concert and standard both in records cylinder own its producing is it announces Sheble & Hawthorne • 1899 Summer Company (Columbia). Graphophone American the by infringement patent for sued promptly is and cylinders, diameter 1898 • Hawthorne & Sheble begin manufacturing a "concert"-type phonograph, playing five-inch will later be blacklisted. American Record CompaniesandProducers, 1888–1950 John O. Prescott. Hawthorne, Sheble & Prescott serve as sales agents for the newly the for agents sales as serve Prescott & Sheble Hawthorne, Prescott. O. John Adapted from 108 F. 630). Hawthorne & Sheble, although quick to defend its own patents, often often patents, own its defend to quick F.although 108 Sheble, & Hawthorne 630). A Hawthorne & Sheble Timeline American Record Companies and Producers, 1888–1950 (Allan Sutton, Mainspring Press) American Graphophone Co. v. American Record Co., Edison PhonographCo.v. &Sheble Hawthorne .

151 F.151 595). William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. September 1908 September phonographs (although both forms appear on the record labels at various times) . USPTO on October 23, showing a five-pointed star for Star records, and a six-pointed star for Star October 1907 • Hawthorne & Sheble Manufacturing files separate trademark applications with the Star catalogs or advertising. pasted over the American Record originals ( discs,with Company StarRecord American labels of relabelings simply are releases Star fewA April 1907 • Star Catalogue "A" is released, consisting entirely of renumbered Columbia recordings. Columbia produces laminated pressings while H&S uses solid stock). because distinguished easily are (they occasion on records other's each press later will companies two the and Connecticut, Bridgeport, of hometown Columbia's in plant pressing its locates Sheble takes no action against the patent-infringing Star phonographs, although Victor does. Hawthorne & Hawthorne & Sheble that goes beyond simply licensing its masters. The normally litigious Columbia with relationship business a building quietly is Columbia that suggests evidence Circumstantial all issues are anonymous. virtually and pressings, the in appear numbers catalog own Star's Only numbers. take and master and stampings, patent-date exceptions), rare (with announcements spoken rings, safety raised the including source, to as clues tell-tale any remove to retooled are stampers plant.Columbia The Hawthorne & Sheble turns to Columbia as its source of masters, but operates its titles. own pressing three-hundred approximately of offering initial an with sale, on go records Star • 1907 March Star Record label design with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office on February 15. the for registration label a files Sheble & Hawthorne factory. main company's the houses which in February 1907 • Hawthorne & Sheble Manufacturing announces their forthcoming Star records business." Hawthorne & Sheble 22. advises its distributors and dealers that the order "practically stops our May effective phonographs, selling or manufacturing from Sheble & Hawthorne prohibiting order restraining temporary a serves Court Circuit U.S. the Victor'srequest, At • 1909 May Supreme Court in the Leeds & Catlin case. U.S. the by upheld been recently has which of validity the patent, Berliner its of infringement with Sheble & Hawthorne charging formally time this court, to Victorreturns • 1909 April patent #534,543, among others." as the 'Star' machine manufactured by Hawthorne & Sheble Company in violation of the Berliner Easton protesting Columbia's "supplying of records to manufacturers of infringing machines, such At about the same time, Victor attorney Horace Pettit sends a letter to Columbia president Edward McPherson, who declares the Dennison patent void for lack of invention. & ShebleManufacturingCo., patent (#832,896), to which Victor has been assigned rights ( arm" "hollow Dennison the of infringement for Sheble & Hawthorne Victorsues • 1909 March infringes more than one Victor patent. which phonograph, Starola internal-horn Sheble's & Hawthorne of introduction the however,is World markets. foreign other and India, Australia, into expand to plans announces Sheble & Hawthorne records, seven-hundred approaching catalog its With • 1909 January single-sided form. has recently introduced its new double-sided discs, but Star records continue to be pressed only in Columbia dozen. per $9.60 or each, 80¢ to reduced are discs 12" while 25, September on dozen The reports that the company is planning "a big campaign" for the year. The biggest news, biggest year.The the for campaign" big "a planning is company the that reports

Talking MachineWorld • The retail price of 10" Star discs is reduced from 60¢ to 50¢ each, or $6 per $6 or each, 50¢ to 60¢ from reduced is discs Star 10" of price retail The . They are named for the former Star Mills building in Philadelphia, 168 F. 554). The lawsuit is dismissed on March 12 by Judge J. B. J. Judge by 12 March on dismissed is F.lawsuit 168 The 554). see Appendix). However, those do not appear in any known Victor Talking MachineCo.v. Hawthorne The Talking Machine William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. April 1910 • Macy's department store announces it has purchased the last remaining Star records. repairing phonographs and pasting Clarion labels onto surplus Columbia and Star pressings. a time, in the guise of the Hawthorne Manufacturing Company. Its business apparently consists of March 1910 • No longer associated with Horace Sheble, Ellsworth Hawthorne carries on alone for Manufacturing Co., ( appeal on upheld is company the against ruling court lower the after defeat decisive final, a suffers Sheble & Hawthorne • 1910 February Sheble ManufacturingCo., ( injunction permanent an and apparatus," "infringing of destruction profits, for accounting an request to court Novemberto Victor1909returns • Abraham & Straus and other retailers. do as each, individually,24¢ records for the sell also They phonographs. certain of purchase each with them of thirty-six away give to offers and records Star 70,000 purchases store department Macy's discounts. deep at merchandise its remainder to begins company The • 1909 September to the company's financial problems. popularity,in gain phonographs internal-horn as addinglines) popular most (H&S's cranes and horns for declining is demand the But supervision. trustee under continue to allowed is factory parts Philadelphia the of Operation operation. pressing entire its manage to Columbia by hired agree to sell the company's Bridgeport pressing plant to Columbia. Horace Sheble is subsequently July 1909 • A creditors' meeting is held on July 20, at which time Hawthorne & Sheble's receivers Ellsworth Hawthorne and James M. Rhoades are appointed receivers on June 11. June 1909 • The Hawthorne & Sheble Manufacturing Company files for involuntary bankruptcy. "The Monthly Record of the 'Star'" (advertisement, 'Star'" the of Record Monthly "The R. H. Macy & Co. "Macy's Fall and Winter 1909–1910 Catalogue" (Star record listings), pp. 348–349. "Recent Incorporations" ( "Price Reduction Announcement" (advertisement). "Popularity of the Star Line — The New Starola Cabinet Machine Has Made a Great 'Hit.'" "New Company to Run Business." "Horace Sheble Resigns." "Hawthorne Mfg. Co. Organized." — . "Star Records." Catalogs and Bulletins (1907–1909). — . "Star Record." Trademark applications #30,734 and 30,735 (filed October 23, 1907). Hawthorne & Sheble Manufacturing Co. "Star Record." Label registration #13,401 (filed February 15, 1907). Receivers — Obligations Its Meet Talkingto — Unable Collapse Concern Sheble Machine & "Hawthorne Issued." Order Restraining — Bankruptcy in Petitioned Co. Sheble & "Hawthorne "Hawthorne & Sheble" ( Edison PhonographCo.v. &ShebleMfg.Co.etal. Hawthorne "Bankruptcy." "Alleged Infringement of Phonographs." Philadelphia "A Talk on Talking Machines" (Macy's ad). Talking Machine Corporation, along with several former Hawthorne & Sheble employees. Domestic ill-fated the launch will he 1916 In Columbia. from resigns Sheble Horace • 1912 April World World Appointed — Creditor's Meeting Called." (June 15, 1909), p. 32. 108 F. 630. (April 15, 1907), p. 19. (January 15, 1909), p. 72. Philadelphia Inquirer 178 F. 455) on February 28. re re Music Trade Review : factory locations). : The Hawthorne & Sheble Co.). 173 F. 617). (July 3, 1909), p. 13. Bridgeport Times and Evening Farmer Talking MachineWorld Selected References New York Times Talking MachineWorld (May 11, 1912), p. 46. Talking MachineWorld Victor Talking Machine Co. v. & Sheble Hawthorne Talking MachineWorld re Times first shipping date for Star records). Star for date shipping first (March 15, 1910), p. 12. (September 23, 1909), p. 5. Circuit Court, E.D. Pennsylvania. May 2, 1901. 1901. 2, May Pennsylvania. E.D. Court, Circuit (October 5, 1900), p. 4. Victor Talking MachineCo.v. & Hawthorne Talking MachineWorld (July 15, 1909), p. 54. (July 15, 1907), p. 39. (August 16, 1909), p. 3. (September 15, 1908), p. 18 (July 15, 1906), p. 22. Talking MachineWorld Talking Machine Talking Machine

William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. Victor Talking MachineCo.v. &ShebleMfg.Co. Hawthorne Victor Talking MachineCo.v. &ShebleMfg.Co. Hawthorne Untitled notice (re: Hawthorne & Sheble cylinders). "The Talking Machine Trade." a Carrying — Co. Mfg. Sheble & Hawthorne by Market the on Placed Being Now Is — Record Star "The records). Star of advertisement (first Brilliance" Great of Record A — Star New "The Star's catalog numbers. showing stampers, Star modified the from made were pressing client-label Columbia later some (confirmed examples of which will be found in the Appendix following the main discography, while Hawthorne & Sheble's solid stock. A few very late examples have Star labels than pasted rather stock over laminated patented Columbia's company's the on made pressings, Columbia unmistakably announcements crediting Columbia on some of the oldest masters. Some of the last Star discs are the Star mask to in attempting connection. Occasionally, details tell-tale signs fine remained, like overlooked Columbia's "M"-series sometimes numbers, or it spoken stampers, Star the from not onanylabelsinspectedthusfar. but catalogs, some in sporadically appear Band, Regimental National or Orchestra Symphony Star the as such names, artist Fictitious Band. Columbia and Quartet Columbia the credit that related H&S-produced issues lack artist credits on the labels, aside from some very late pressings unlike thesespecimens,doesnotenclosethewordStandard inquotationmarks. which name, same the of label client Columbia the to connection known no is There pressings. labels, appears to have been a used in a remaindering scheme that manufacturers, also included other surplus Zonophone by produced including also Columbia). The elusive were "Standard" Record which label, which has of been found (both pasted over Star Harmony and Bee Busy notably Greenwood Press). Volumeof in 1 found be can extensive, quite often are which listings, release Complete work. this of scope the beyond are which etc.), United, Standard, D&R, (Aretino, labels client Columbia's on issued also were Many numbers. catalog different under discs Columbia double-sided on reissued later were discography.titles the Many in shown is number catalog Columbia original the Only (Columbia). Company Graphophone r of reissues legal are They column. left the in shown numbers 6000s. The final series, issued in early 1909, inexplicably backtracked to #1 and ended at #60. the through 1000 of increments in continued then supplement, second the for 5400s the to ahead skipped numbering block The 5100s. the with starting supplement, subsequent each for started was block new A intermixed. were types performance which in introduced was system numbering with the first monthly supplement (the May 1907 "Bulletin No, 1 to Catalogue 'A'"), a new block- Beginning sequence. numerical the in gaps large the for accounting blocks, some in used were numbers allocated the of few a Only etc.). quartet, male (band, performance of type by grouped Sheble & Prescott) discs issued with pasted-over Star labels will be found in the Appendix. (Hawthorne, Company Record American work. the of end the at appears which 1909, of series The discography is arranged in numerical order by catalog number, with the exception of the final Victor Talking MachineCo.etal.v. Hoschke. Victor Talking MachineCo.v. &ShebleMfg.Co. Hawthorne 1909. 173 F. 617. 168 F. 554. Stock of Over 300 Selections." (February 15, 1907), p. 15. 1910. 178 F. 455. Although Columbia effaced its own catalog-matrix numbers and other identifying marks identifying other and numbers catalog-matrix own its effaced Columbia Although and Star all Virtually issues. Columbia corresponding the from identified been have Artists most Sheble, & Hawthorne by pressed labels other on releases shows also discography The catalog the under label, Record Star the on form single-sided in issued were selections All Star ten-inch issues initially employed a block-numbering system in which catalog numbers were Music Trade Review Talking MachineWorld Using the Discography Circuit Court, S.D. New York. December 27, 1907. 158 F. 309. (April 20, 1907), p. 36. The ColumbiaMasterBookDiscography Phonoscope (March 15, 1907), p. 53. Circuit Court, E.D. Pennsylvania. March 12, 1909. Circuit Court, E.D. Pennsylvania. November 2, November Pennsylvania. E.D. Court, Circuit Circuit Court, E.D. Pennsylvania. February 28, February Pennsylvania. E.D. Court, Circuit (July 1899), p. 10. ecordings made by the American the by made ecordings Talking MachineWorld (Tim Brooks, Brooks, (Tim

William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. pressings, with a cut-out to reveal the Star title panel. right, unrelated to Columbia's -based client label of the same name) was pasted over Star and gold on black ( left ( star five-pointed a depict panel, title white a with blue dark or purple in labels, Star Early ). It was replaced by a six-pointed star around early 1908 ( 1908 early around star six-pointed a by replaced was It ). lower left ), probably appeared in early 1909. The “Standard” Record label (lower upper right ). The final version, in red red in version, final The ). upper upper William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. Hawthorne & Sheble announces a price cut on Star records, September 1908. William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. claim was rejected by the courts. The stylus. the propel to said was which spring, small a of consisted It patent. Victor'sBerliner ( feed" automatic "gravity Sheble's & Hawthorne upper left ) was an unsuccessful attempt to skirt to attempt unsuccessful an was ) William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. before Hawthorne & Sheble suspended operations. months few a only for market the on was 1909, January in introduced Starola, internal-horn The William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. that year (the result of a Victor patent-infringement lawsuit) put an end to the business. of May in issued order restraining a but note, triumphant a on 1909 began Sheble & Hawthorne William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 1206 1205 1204 1203 1202 1201 1200 but thisnamedoesnotappearoninspectedlabels. "A," Catalogue in Orchestra Symphony Star fictitious the to credited were 1200–1210 Numbers Star Records (Hawthorne &Sheble)Discography

Prince's Orchestra Miss DollyDollars Prince's Orchestra Miss DollyDollars Prince's Orchestra Valse Caressante—Waltz Prince's Orchestra College Life—Two-Step Rec: Feb14,1906 Prince's Orchestra Language ofFlowers—Waltz Rec: Feb14,1906 Prince's Orchestra Silver Heels—Two-Step Rec: Feb14,1906 Prince's Orchestra Dearie —Waltz Source Issue: Columbia 30009 Other H&SPressing:Aretino A-1205(Victor Hugo'sOrchestra);BusyBeeT-1205 Source Issue:Columbia30008 Source Issue:Columbia30005 Source Issue:Columbia30010 Other H&SPressing:AretinoA-1202(Prince'sMilitary Orchestra);BusyBeeT Source Issue:Columbia30004(M666) Other H&SPressing:AretinoA-1201;BusyBeeT-1201 Source Issue:Columbia30006(M668) Source Issue:Columbia30003(M665) : Lanciers,Figure5 : Lanciers,Figures3and4 (Kummer -Solman;"SergeantBrue") William R.William Bryant Catalogue "A"(April1907) Edited and Annotated by 1200 Series(12"Discs) (Daniels, asMorét) (Frantzen) Allan Sutton Allan (Lambert) Data Compiledby (Roberts) (Herbert; "MissDollyDollars") (Herbert; "MissDollyDollars") -1202 William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 1208 1207 1215 1214 1213 1212 groups, butthoselistedherearebelievedtobebytheColumbiahouseband. to the Columbia catalogs of the period. Some later issues under this name were by actual Mexican according Prince, A. Charles by directed is issues these on Española Banda The noted. as except labels, H&S-produced other and Star inspected on appear not does name The Band. Regimental Many band issues in the following group are credited in the Star catalog to the fictitious National 1211 1210 1209

Prince's Orchestra Golden SunsetWaltzes Rec: Mar6,1906 Prince's Orchestra Killarney —Two-Step Columbia Release Date:Jan1907 Len Spencer The MusicalYankee —MusicalMonologue Columbia ReleaseDate:Feb 1907 Prince's MilitaryBand Poet andPeasant Columbia ReleaseDate:Feb1907 Prince's MilitaryBand Semiramide Columbia ReleaseDate:Feb1907 Prince's MilitaryBand Lucia diLammermoor George Alexander The HolyCity Prince's Orchestra Medley Two-Step —SpecialArrangement Rec: Apr10,1906 Prince's Orchestra It HappenedinNordland—Waltz Source Issue:Columbia30012 Source Issue:Columbia30011(M704) Other H&SPressings: AretinoA-1215;Busy BeeT-1215 Source Issue:Columbia30040 (M32) Other H&SPressings:Aretino A-1214;BusyBeeT-1214 Source Issue:Columbia30043(M45) Other H&SPressings:AretinoA-1213;BusyBeeT-1213 Source Issue:Columbia30044(M41) Other H&SPressings:AretinoA-1212(BandaRossaOrchestra);BusyBeeT Source Issue:Columbia30042(M46) Source Issue:Columbia30017(M672) Source Issue:Columbia30014(M707) Source Issue:Columbia30013 Overture (talking, witheffects) Bulletin No.1toCatalogue"A"(May1907) Overture (Weatherley -Adams) Acc: Orchestra : Sextet (Rossini) (Hoffmann) (Hall) (Suppé) (Donizetti) (Herbert; "ItHappendinNordland") (arr. Prince) (Spencer) -1212 William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 1217 1216 1223 1222 1221 1220 1219 1218 Billy Golden Turkey intheStraw Columbia ReleaseDate:Jan1907 Columbia [Peerless]Quartet Old BlackJoe Columbia Release Date:May1907 Rambler Minstrels(Arthur Collins,solo) My KickapooQueen Columbia ReleaseDate:Feb1907 Albert Campbell&Columbia[Peerless]Quartet When DaddySingstheLittleOnestoSleep Columbia ReleaseDate:Apr1907 Anthony &Harrison[JohnYoung &FrederickWheeler] Will ThereBeAnyStarsinMyCrown? Columbia ReleaseDate:Apr1907 Mrs. A.StewartHolt Home, SweetHome Columbia ReleaseDate:May1907 Prince's MilitaryBand Lohengrin Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar1907 Prince's MilitaryBand G.A.R. Patrol Rec: Oct6,1906 Source Issue:Columbia30041 Other H&SPressings:AretinoA-1216;BusyBeeT-1216 Source Issue:Columbia30038(M21) Other H&SPressings:Aretino A-1223;BusyBeeT-1223 Source Issue:Columbia30062 only) Other H&SPressings:AretinoA-1222;BusyBeeT-1222 (bothlabeledasquartet Source Issue:Columbia30046 Other H&SPressing:AretinoA-1221;BusyBeeT-1221 Source Issue:Columbia30057(M78) Other H&SPressing:BusyBeeT-1220 Source Issue:Columbia30059 Other H&SPressings:AretinoA-1219;BusyBeeT-1219 Source Issue:Columbia30061 Other H&SPressings:AretinoA-1218(Prince'sMilitaryBand);BusyBeeT Source Issue:Columbia30052(M51) : IntroductiontoActIII (vocal andwhistling) (Fassett) (Foster) Bulletin No.1toCatalogue"B" Acc:Piano (from Farrell,adaptedbyGolden) Catalogue "B"(January1908) (Payne -Bishop)

Acc:Orchestra (Wagner) Acc:Orchestra (Sweeney -Will) (Kerr -Vogel) Acc:Orchestra Acc: Orchestra -1218 William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 1225 1224 1233 1232 1231 1230 1229 1228 1227 1226 Rigoletto Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar1907 Prince's MilitaryBand Patrol oftheScouts Banda Española Royal ItalianMarch Banda Española Magic Flute Columbia ReleaseDate:Sep1907 Prince's MilitaryBand Martha Columbia ReleaseDate:1907 Prince's MilitaryBand Gems ofBohemia[SmesCeskychPisni](Safranek) Columbia ReleaseDate:Feb1907 (Violin, flute,piano) Walter Biederman,MarshallLufsky&CharlesPrince Sweet Longing—Romance Columbia ReleaseDate:Apr1907 Acc: Orchestra Anthony &Harrison[JohnYoung &FrederickWheeler] Just forTonight Columbia ReleaseDate:Feb1907 Acc: Organ Anthony &Harrison[JohnYoung &FrederickWheeler] Looking ThisWay Banda Española NoonandNightinViennaMorning Banda Española Source Issue:Columbia30053(M64) Source Issue: Columbia 5700(Mexicancatalog) Source Issue:Columbia5711 (Mexicancatalog) Source Issue:Columbia30079 Source Issue:Columbia9000(Bohemiancatalog) Source Issue:Columbia30045 Source Issue:Columbia30056(M77) Source Issue:Columbia30047 Source Issue:Columbia5703(Mexicancatalog) Source Issue:Columbia5704(Mexicancatalog) : Selections : GrandSelection : Overture (French) (Van deVenter) (Flotow) Bulletin No.3toCatalogue"B" Bulletin No.2toCatalogue"B" (Boccalari) (Mozart) (Verdi) (Menzel) Overture (Suppé)

William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 1235 1234 1245 1244 1243 1242 1241 1240 1239 1238 1237 1236 Columbia ReleaseDate:Sep1907 Charles Gordon From Greenland'sIcyMountains Banda Española La Traviata Columbia Release Date:Jun1907 Frank C.Stanley& Crucifix Columbia ReleaseDate:May 1907 Frank C.Stanley In Time ofTrouble HeShallHideMe Rec: Jun7,1907 Columbia ReleaseDate:Oct1907 Prince's Orchestra Virginia House Warming —CharacteristicMarchandTwo-Step Banda Española Pique Dame Banda Española Stradella Banda Española Tannhauser Banda Española Mignon Banda Española I Puritani Banda Española The Prophet Banda Española La Gioconda Source Issue:Columbia30080(M82) Source Issue:Columbia5710(Mexicancatalog) Source Issue: Columbia 30068 Source Issue:Columbia30063 Source Issue:Columbia30083 Source Issue:Columbia5697(Mexicancatalog) Source Issue:Columbia5698(Mexicancatalog) Source Issue:Columbia5696(Mexicancatalog) Source Issue:Columbia5719 Source Issue:Columbia5721(Mexicancatalog) Source Issue:Columbia5694(Mexicancatalog) Source Issue:Columbia5701(Mexicancatalog) Overture Overture : Selections (Faure) : GrandMarch : Selections : CoronationMarch Overture : DanceoftheHours Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra (Flotow) (Thomas) (as StarSymphonyOrchestra) Bulletin No.4toCatalogue"B" (Bellini) (Suppé) (Verdi) (Wagner) Acc:Orchestra (Meyerbeer) (Ponchielli) (Mason) (Kilmer) (Evans) William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 1247 1246 1257 Band 1256 1255 1254 Itunzaingo 1253 1252 1251 1250 1249 1248 Banda Española Raymond Banda Española Wives ofWindsorMerry Romeo Berti Lucia diLammermoor Aida Columbia ReleaseDate:Jun1908 Prince's Orchestra Dancing intheBarn—Dance Banda Española Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar1908 Prince's MilitaryBand Radetsky March Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar1908 Prince's MilitaryBand The MerryWidow Waltz Columbia ReleaseDate:Nov1907 Frank C.Stanley&HenryBurr The Fishermen Banda Española The BarberofSeville Banda Española Rigoletto Banda Española Xerxes Source Issue:Columbia5722(Mexicancatalog) Source Issue: Columbia 10568(Italiancatalog) Source Issue:Unknown Source Issue:Columbia30127 Source Issue:Columbia5763(Mexicancatalog) Source Issue:Columbia30104(M248) T- 1252 Other H&SPressings:AretinoA-1252(GreatNorthernMilitaryBand);BusyBee Source Issue:Columbia30106(M260) Source Issue:Columbia30092 Source Issue:Columbia5723(Mexicancatalog) Source Issue:Columbia5725(Mexicancatalog) Source Issue:Columbia5726(Mexicancatalog) Source Issue:Columbia5724(Mexicancatalog) : March : Largo : Quartet Overture Acc:Orchestra (Verdi) (Handel) (Gabussi) (Strauss) (Verdi) Overture (Thomas) : Frapocoamericevera Overture (Lehar; "TheMerryWidow") Catalogue "D" Acc:Orchestra (Rossini) (Nicolai) (Ernst) (Donizetti)

William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 1260 1259 1258 1264 1263 1262 1261 Martha Soprano, baritone&tenor La Traviata Baritone &tenor Il Barbiere diSiviglia Columbia ReleaseDate:Feb1909 Prince's Orchestra Four LittleSugarPlums Rec: Jul13,1908 Columbia ReleaseDate:Nov1908 Peerless Minstrels[PeerlessQuartet] Minstrel Record,intro:We Won't GoHomeUntilMorning,Bill Rec: Jul13,1908 Columbia ReleaseDate:Nov1908 Arthur Collins&ByronG.Harlan Down inGeorgiaonCampMeetingDay Columbia ReleaseDate:Nov1908 Prince's MilitaryBand (Williams -Van Alstyne;arr. Lampe) I'm AfraidtoComeHomeintheDark—HumorousParaphrase Banda Española Source Issue:Unknown Source Issue:Unknown Source Issue:ColumbiaA5084(30191) Source Issue:ColumbiaA5071(30174) Source Issue:ColumbiaA5072(30173) Source Issue:ColumbiaA5071(30175) Source Issue:Columbia5716(Mexicancatalog) Overture [arianotgiven] (Flotow) [arianotgiven] (O'Connor) (Verdi) Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra (Rossini) (Bivins) William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 2000 except asnoted. labels, H&S-produced other and Star inspected on appear not does name The Band. Regimental Many band issues in the following group are credited in the Star catalog to the fictitious National 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001

Includes: The Tale of the Turtle-Dove; Coax Me; My Little Canoe; Back, Back, Back to Back Back, Back, Canoe; Little My Me; Turtle-Dove;Coax the Taleof The Includes: Note: Remake(c.1903–1905)oftheoriginal1902recording. Note: Remake(c.1903–1905)oftheoriginal1902recording. Note: Remake(c.1903–1905)oftheoriginal1902recording. Note: Remake(c.1903–1905)oftheoriginal1902recording. American RepublicMarch Baltimore; Goodbye,Sis Columbia ReleaseDate:Apr 1905 Prince's MilitaryBand Coax Me—Medley Columbia Band The ChargeoftheLightBrigadeMarch—Descriptive Columbia ReleaseDate:Nov1904 Columbia Band Capture ofFortsatPortArthur—Descriptive Columbia Band Boston CommanderyMarch,intro:Onward,ChristianSoliders London MilitaryBand Bells ofSt.Malo Columbia Band Artist's Life—Waltz as waltz. Note: Remake(c.1903–1905)oftheoriginal1902recording.Somecopiesarelabeled Columbia Band American Student'sMarch Columbia Band Other H&SPressing:Harmony 2007 Source Issue:Columbia3095 (M183) Source Issue:Columbia368 Source Issue:Columbia1865 Other H&SPressing:BusyBee2004 Source Issue:Columbia87 Other H&SPressing:Harmony2003 Source Issue:Columbia25963(Britishcatalog) Source Issue:Columbia298 Source Issue:Columbia297 Other H&SPressing:Harmony188 Source Issue:Columbia188 (Sterling -Von Tilzer) (Strauss) 2000 Series(Band) (Thiele) (Missud) 10" Discs (Paull) (Carter) William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. Band 2009 2008 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010

Note: InspectedStarspecimensaremislabeled"Commander-in-Chief." Note: Remake(c.1903–1905) oftheoriginal1902recording. Note: Remake(c.1903–1905)oftheoriginal1902recording. Note: Remake(c.1903–1905)oftheoriginal1902recording. Note: Remake(c.1903–1905)oftheoriginal1902recording. Note: Remake(c.1903–1905)oftheoriginal1902recording. Cordialement Marche Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar1906 Columbia Band Commandress-in-Chief —March&Two-Step Banda Española Grand MilitaryMarch Columbia Band At aGeorgiaCampMeeting Columbia Band The ForgeintheForest Columbia ReleaseDate:Jun1906 Prince's MilitaryBand Enchantment Waltz Columbia ReleaseDate:Aug1906 Prince's MilitaryBand Dixie Queen—March Columbia Band Dixie Columbia Band Directorate March Columbia Band La Gioconda Columbia Band The Prophet Source Issue:Columbia50481 Source Issue:Columbia3342(M591) Source Issue: Columbia 5636(Mexicancatalog) Other H&SPressing:Busy Bee 2017(as"GeorgiaCampMeeting") Source Issue:Columbia406 Other H&SPressing:BusyBee2016 Source Issue:Columbia479 Source Issue:Columbia3380(M720) Source Issue:Columbia3444(M1137) Other H&SPressing:BusyBee2013 Source Issue:Columbia361 Source Issue:Columbia355 Source Issue:Columbia1128 Source Issue:Columbia239 (Emmett) : CoronationMarch : DanceoftheHours (Sousa) (Berger) (Hoffman) (Michaelis) (Mills) (Meyerbeer) (Ponchielli) (Herbert; "ItHappenedinNordland") William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 2020 2019 2029 2028 2027 2026 2025 Band 2024 2023 2022 2021 Note: Remake(c.1903–1905)oftheoriginal1902recording. Note: Remake (c. 1903–1905) of the original 1902 recording. Some pressings of Busy Bee 2029 Note: Remake(c.1903–1905)oftheoriginal1902recording. Note: Remake(c.1903–1905)oftheoriginal1902recording. Columbia Band Hail totheSpiritofLiberty—March Banda Española Gran JotaAragonesa 45619, Imperial on issued 9250, (master title this of recording house-band Catlin & Leeds the use Columbia Band Liberty BellMarch Columbia ReleaseDate:Jun1905 Prince's MilitaryBand Lewis andClarkeCentennialMarch Banda Española L'Elegance Parisienne—Mazurka Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar1906 Columbia Band Xerxes: Columbia Band King CottonMarch Indiana Two-Step Columbia ReleaseDate:Jun1908 Vincent C.Buono&Mr. Chiafarelli Ida andDotPolka Columbia ReleaseDate:Dec1905 Prince's MilitaryBand Happy Heinie—CharacteristicMarchandTwo-Step Columbia Band Hands AcrosstheSea—March Source Issue:Columbia416 Source Issue:Columbia5611(Mexicancatalog) Other H&SPressing:Busy Bee 2029 Source Issue:Columbia478 Source Issue:Columbia3156(M256) Source Issue:Columbia10546(Italiancatalog) Source Issue:Columbia3331(M568) Source Issue:Columbia470 Source Issue:Columbia50482(Frenchcatalog) Source Issue:Columbia3783(M1950) Other H&SPressing:Clarion2022 Source Issue:Columbia3291(M524) Other H&SPressing:Clarion2021 Source Issue:Columbia418 et al. Largo ) (Handel) (Losey) (Sousa) (Sousa) (Sousa) (cornets)Acc:Prince'sMilitaryBand (Barnes) (Sousa) (Lampe) William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 2031 2030 Band 2039 2038 Band 2037 2036 2035 2034 2033 2032 Note: Remake(c.1903–1905)oftheoriginal1902recording. Note: The "Standard" Record label (Standard in quotation marks, and unrelated to the much Note: Remake(c.1903–1905)oftheoriginal1902recording. Note: Remake(c.1903–1905)oftheoriginal1902recording. Columbia Band Marching ThroughGeorgia Columbia Band The ManBehindtheGun—March scheme, andthelabelmightbe encounteredonothernumbersaswell. with a cut-out to reveal the title panel. This is believed to have been a post-H&S remaindering more common Chicago-based Standard Talking Machine Company brand) is pasted over Star, Otello Columbia ReleaseDate:Jul1906 Prince's MilitaryBand On toVictory —March My Treasure (Tesoro Mio)—Waltz Columbia ReleaseDate:Oct1904 Columbia Band My CollegeChum—Waltz London MilitaryBand NoonandNightinViennaMorning, Banda Española Military SchoolMarch Columbia ReleaseDate:Apr1906 Columbia Band Me andBanjo Columbia Band Martha Other H&SPressing:Harmony2031 Source Issue:Columbia507 Source Issue:Columbia502 Other H&SPressing:"Standard" Record2039 Source Issue:Columbia10302 (Italiancatalog) Other H&SPressing:BusyBee2038 Source Issue:Columbia3404 Source Issue:Columbia10545(Italiancatalog) Source Issue:Columbia1855 Other H&SPressings:BusyBee2035;Harmony2035 Source Issue:Columbia25165(Britishcatalog) Source Issue:Columbia5499 Source Issue:Columbia3345(M592) Other H&SPressing:Harmony2032 Source Issue:Columbia508 —Potpourri —Selections (Mills) (Verdi) (Flotow) (Sousa; "TheFreeLance") (Moses -Tobani) (Work) Overture (Sousa) (Suppé) William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 2041 2040 2049 2048 2047 2046 2045 2044 2043 2042 Note: Remake(c.1903–1905)oftheoriginal1902recording. Note: TheinspectedSirHenri labelispastedoverHarmony. Includes: The Goo-Goo Man; Alexander; The Ghost that Never Walked; Teasing; Goodbye, Note: Remake(c.1903–1905)oftheoriginal1902recording. Len Spencer Roosevelt's InauguralParade—Descriptive Columbia Band Rock ofAges Banda Española The EmblemofPeace— March Banda Española The AngelicSchottische Little Girl,Goodbye Columbia ReleaseDate:Dec1904 Columbia Band Teasing (IWas Only, OnlyTeasing You) —Medley Columbia Band Faust Columbia ReleaseDate:Jul1906 Prince's MilitaryBand Sliding Jim(ATrombone Extravaganza) Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar1906 Columbia Band Silver Heels—March&Two-Step Columbia ReleaseDate:Nov1905 Prince's MilitaryBand Second RegimentConnecticutNationalGuardMarch Columbia ReleaseDate:Feb1905 Columbia Band Royal ItalianMarch Columbia ReleaseDate:Jul1905 Source Issue:Columbia3198(M303) Other H&SPressing:BusyBee2040 Source Issue:Columbia548 Source Issue: Columbia 5462(Mexicancatalog) Other H&SPressings:Harmony 2048;SirHenri2048 Source Issue:Columbia5461 (Mexicancatalog) Source Issue:Columbia1910 Other H&SPressings:BusyBee2046;Harmony2046 Source Issue:Columbia85 Source Issue:Columbia3405(M791) Other H&SPressing:Harmony2044 Source Issue:Columbia3341(M588) Other H&SPressing:BusyBee2043 Source Issue:Columbia3259(M410) Source Issue:Columbia1867 : Soldier'sChorus

with Prince'sMilitaryBand (Hastings) (Gounod) (Daniels, asMorét) (Losey) (Spencer) (Mack -Von Tilzer, (Reeves) et al .) William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 2051 2050 2062 2061 2060 Band 2059 2058 2057 2056 2055 2054 2053 2052 Banda Española The Gondolier'sWaltz Columbia ReleaseDate:Apr1906 Columbia Band The Giggler—March&Two-Step London Military Band Dance ofthe Frogs Banda Española Berta —CakeWalk andTwo-Step Columbia Band Wine, Women andSong—Waltz Whistling Song Columbia ReleaseDate:Apr1906 Columbia Band Whispering Flowers Besses o'theBarnPrizeBrassBand Weymouth Chimes Columbia Band Washington PostMarch Banda Española Third BostonWaltz Banda Española The SportsPolka Columbia Band The NewColonialMarch Besses o'theBarnPrizeBrassBand The MorrisDance Other H&SPressing:BusyBee2051 Source Issue:Columbia5665(Mexicancatalog) Source Issue:Columbia3343(M597) Source Issue:Columbia 26035(British catalog) Other H&SPressings:Clarion 2061;Harmony2061 Source Issue:Columbia5663 (Mexicancatalog) Other H&SPressings:BusyBee2060;Clarion2060(Northern MilitaryBand) Source Issue:Columbia580 Source Issue:Columbia10554(Italiancatalog) Source Issue:Columbia3347 Source Issue:Columbia25960(Britishcatalog) Source Issue:Columbia570 Source Issue:Columbia5609(Mexicancatalog) Other H&SPressing:Harmony2054 Source Issue:Columbia5452(M602)(Mexicancatalog) Other H&SPressing:Harmony2053 Source Issue:Columbia1010 Source Issue:Columbia25952(Britishcatalog) (Von Blon) (Sousa) (Hall) (Strauss) (Haines) William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 2064 2063 2106 2105 2104 2103 2102 2101 2100 2065 Note: Remake(c.1903–1905)oftheoriginal1902recording. Banda Española Festival Waltz Columbia ReleaseDate:Nov1906 Prince's MilitaryBand Destruction ofSanFrancisco—Descriptive Columbia ReleaseDate:Dec 1904 Edward F. Rubsam Pretty Peggy Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar1906 Columbia Orchestra Poppies Columbia Orchestra Musical Snapshots Columbia Orchestra Hiawatha (ASummerIdyl)—Two-Step Columbia Orchestra Darkie Tickle Columbia ReleaseDate:Nov1904 Edward F. Rubsam Dance oftheFireflies[Glow Worm] Columbia ReleaseDate:Sep1906 Columbia Orchestra A Trip totheRaces—Descriptive Columbia ReleaseDate:Dec1906 Prince's MilitaryBand Whistling Minstrel—Caprice Source Issue:Columbia5664(Mexicancatalog) Source Issue:Columbia3490 Other H&SPressing:Harmony 2106 Source Issue:Columbia1880 Other H&SPressing:Harmony2105 Source Issue:Columbia3333(M578) Source Issue:Columbia40948(Germancatalog) Source Issue:Columbia1155 Other H&SPressings:BusyBee2102;ClarionHarmony2102 Source Issue:Columbia600 Source Issue:Columbia1879 Source Issue:Columbia3445 Other H&SPressing:Harmony2065 Source Issue:Columbia3505(M1202) (Daniels, asMorét) (Newcomb) (Hunt) (bells) Acc:Orchestra (bells) Acc:Orchestra 2100 Series(Orchestra) (Herman) (Yerkes) (Lincke) (Daniels, asMorét) (Praetorius) William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 2108 2107 2118 2117 2116 2115 2114 2113 2112 2111 2110 2109

Harry A.Yerkes (bells)Acc:Orchestra Simplicity —Intermezzo Columbia ReleaseDate:Sep1906 Prince's Orchestra Seeing NewYork, orATrip ontheRubberneckCoach—Descriptive Columbia Orchestra Under PrussianBanners Columbia Orchestra Die Fledermaus Columbia Orchestra Parade Marchofthe105thRegimentRoyalSaxon Infantry Columbia Orchestra Old Berlin Columbia Orchestra Morning Leaves Columbia Orchestra Student Songs—Medley Columbia ReleaseDate:Dec1906 Thomas Mills Edna —Mazurka Columbia Orchestra Army MarchNo.7 Columbia Orchestra,withcornetduet Two LittleFinches Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar1906 Edward F. Rubsam Sweets ofLife—Mazurka Columbia ReleaseDate:May1906 Other H&SPressing:Harmony2108 Source Issue:Columbia3361(M632) Source Issue:Columbia3446(M938) Other H&SPressing: Harmony2118 Source Issue: Columbia 40964(Germancatalog) Source Issue:Columbia40897 (Germancatalog) Source Issue:Columbia40953(Germancatalog) Other H&SPressing:Harmony2115 Source Issue:Columbia40876(Germancatalog) Source Issue:Columbia40947(Germancatalog) Source Issue:Columbia40980(Germancatalog) Other H&SPressing:Harmony2112 Source Issue:Columbia3508(M1181) Source Issue:Columbia40998(Germancatalog) Source Issue:Columbia40880(Germancatalog) Other H&SPressing:Harmony2109 Source Issue:Columbia3327(M561) (bells)Acc:Orchestra —Potpourri (Prince) (bells) Acc:Orchestra (Bennett) (Yerkes) William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 2200 2208 2207 2206 2205 2204 2203 2202 2201 Note: The above is the second version of Busy Bee 1317, replacing the original issue from issue original the replacing 1317, Bee Busy of version second the is above The Note: Columbia ReleaseDate:Sep1906 Cal Stewart A MonkeyonaString Columbia Release Date:Jul1905 George Alexander Columbia, theGemof Ocean American RecordCo.(Hawthorne, Sheble&Prescott)031317. Columbia ReleaseDate:Jun1906 Billy Murray Cheyenne (ShyAnn) Columbia ReleaseDate:Jun1906 Harry Tally Can't You SeeI'mLonely? Columbia ReleaseDate:Nov1904 Bob Roberts By theWatermelon Vine Columbia ReleaseDate:Jun1906 Frank C.Stanley By theLightofHoneymoon Columbia ReleaseDate:Dec1905 Billy Murray Bright Eyes,Goodbye Columbia ReleaseDate:Aug1906 Arthur Collins Whirl") Bill Simmons (I've Got to Dance till the Band Gets Through) Columbia ReleaseDate:Apr1905 Taurino Parvis I Pagliacci Other H&SPressing:BusyBee2200 Source Issue:Columbia3465(M917) Source Issue: Columbia 3184(M228) Other H&SPressings:BusyBee1317(M2207);Clarion 2207;Harmony2207 Source Issue:Columbia3389(M656) Other H&SPressings:Clarion2206;Harmony2206 Source Issue:Columbia3400(M722) Other H&SPressing:BusyBee2205 Source Issue:Columbia1882 Source Issue:Columbia3392(M639) Other H&SPressings:Clarion2203,Harmony2203 Source Issue:Columbia3267(M499) Source Issue:Columbia3438(M911) Other H&SPressing:BusyBee2201(as Source Issue:Columbia3079(M116) : Unnidodimemorie Acc:Orchestra (vocal)Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Piano Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra (Williams -Van Alstyne;"TheEarlandtheGirl") (Stewart) (Williams -Van Alstyne) 2200 Series(Vocal Solos) (Alleb) (Feist -Armstrong) (Leoncavallo) (O'Dea -Caldwell;"TheBabesandtheBaron") (Shaw) Bajazzo ) (Spink; "The Social William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 2210 2209 2219 2218 2217 2216 2215 2214 2213 2212 2211 Note: Remake(c.1903–1905)oftheoriginal1902recording. Columbia ReleaseDate:Sep1906 J. W. Myers Cupid IstheCaptainofArmy Columbia ReleaseDate:Sep1906 Albert Campbell Coming ThroughtheRye,JennieMine Columbia ReleaseDate: Jun1905 Billy Murray Give MyRegards toBroadway Columbia ReleaseDate:Jun 1906 Henry Burr Girl ofPearl Columbia ReleaseDate:Aug1906 Bob Roberts Gee! ButthisIsaLonesomeTown Columbia ReleaseDate:Aug1906 Will F. DennyAcc:Orchestra Fol DeIddleyIdo Columbia ReleaseDate:Apr1906 George Alexander Flee asaBird George P. Watson Acc:Piano Emmett's Lullaby Columbia ReleaseDate:Jun1906 Bob Roberts Don't NoticeMe Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar1906 Albert Campbell (Walker -Ball) December andMay(Will You LoveMeinDecemberasYou DoinMay?) Columbia ReleaseDate:Jun1906 George Alexander Dearie Source Issue:Columbia3458(M893) Source Issue:Columbia3461(M930) Source Issue: Columbia 3165(M323) Source Issue:Columbia3394 (M659) Source Issue:Columbia3443(M942) Source Issue:Columbia3440(M892) Other H&SPressing:Clarion2215 Source Issue:Columbia3352 Other H&SPressing:BusyBee2214 Source Issue:Columbia590 Source Issue:Columbia3391(M687) Source Issue:Columbia3324 Other H&SPressings:BusyBee2211;Harmony2211 Source Issue:Columbia3378(M673) (Kummer -Solman;"SergeantBrue") Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra (Whitney) (Dana) Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra (Snyder -Rose) (Bratton; "ThePumpkinandthePearl") (Emmett) (Cohan; "Little JohnnyJones") (Reed) (Gaston; "TheEarlandtheGirl") (Scott) William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 2221 2220 2229 2228 2227 2226 2225 2224 2223 2222

Note: The Star specimen auditioned by one of Bryant's correspondents was reported to be to reported was correspondents Bryant's of one by auditioned specimen Star The Note: Based on aural comparisons, this is an earlier take than was used on the later, double-sided 25¢ Henry Burr Good Night,LittleGirl,Night Columbia ReleaseDate:Sep1906 Arthur Collins Good Advice Columbia ReleaseDate:Sep 1905 Frank C.Stanley In SweetLoveland Columbia ReleaseDate:Jun1906 Henry Burr In aHammockBuiltforTwo Columbia ReleaseDate:Nov1904 Bob Roberts I MayBeCrazy, ButIAin'tNoFool Columbia ReleaseDate:May1906 Bob Roberts If You Can'tSaySomethingGood,Don'tNothingatAll Columbia ReleaseDate:Apr1906 George Alexander Home, SweetHome Columbia ReleaseDate:Jul1905 J. W. Myers He's MePal Columbia ReleaseDate:Sep1906 Bert Williams Here ItComesAgain Murray's remakeofWill F. Denny'soriginal versionofColumbia1008. Billy Murray Has AnybodySeenOurCat? Columbia AdvertisingRecord. Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar1906 Other H&SPressing:Harmony2221 Source Issue:Columbia3330(M567) Source Issue:Columbia3457(M912) Source Issue:Columbia3227 (M346) Source Issue:Columbia3395(M658) Source Issue:Columbia1889 Source Issue:Columbia3369(M629) Source Issue:Columbia3353(M546) Other H&SPressing:Clarion2224 Source Issue:Columbia3104(M179) Source Issue:Columbia3454(M976) Source Issue:Columbia1008 Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Piano Acc:Orchestra (Bryan -Edwards) Acc:Orchestra (Kendis -Paley) Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra (Solman) (Payne -Bishop) (Rogers -JonesWilliams; "Abyssinia") (Connor; "TheMessengerBoy") (Sterling -Von Tilzer) (Rogers; "InDahomey") (Hays -Macy) (Thardo) William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 2231 2230 2239 2238 2237 2236 2235 2234 2233 2232 Arthur Collins Is EverybodyHappy? Columbia ReleaseDate:Jun1905 Albert Campbell In theShadeofOldAppleTree Columbia Release Date:Jun1906 Byron G.Harlan Keep ontheSunnySide Columbia ReleaseDate:Jul1906 J. W. Myers Just forAuldLangSyne Columbia ReleaseDate:May1906 Arthur Collins Jessamine Columbia ReleaseDate:Jul1906 George Alexander I Want WhatIWant WhenIWant It Columbia ReleaseDate:Sep1905 Byron G.Harlan I've GotMyFingerCrossed,You Can'tTouch Me Columbia ReleaseDate:May1906 Frank C.Stanley It's theSameOldGirl Columbia ReleaseDate:Sep1906 Billy Murray Is Your MotherIn,MollyMalone? Columbia ReleaseDate:Jul1906 Billy Murray Is ItWarm EnoughforYou? Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar1906 Source Issue:Columbia3332(M576) Other H&SPressing:Harmony2230 Source Issue:Columbia3153(M320) Other H&SPressing:Busy Bee 2239 Source Issue:Columbia3398 (M679) Other H&SPressing:Clarion2238 Source Issue:Columbia3417(M772) Source Issue:Columbia3366 Other H&SPressing:BusyBee2236 Source Issue:Columbia3413(M767) Source Issue:Columbia3210(M302) Other H&SPressing:Clarion2234 Source Issue:Columbia3372(M640) Source Issue:Columbia3464(M914) Source Issue:Columbia3430(M806) Other H&SPressing:Clarion2231 Acc:Orchestra (Gumble) Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra &children'schorusAcc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra (Williams -HoganLemonier;"RufusRastus") (Burt) (A. Von Tilzer) (Drislane -Morse) (Kendis -Paley) (Mills -Everhard) (Williams -Van Alstyne) (Blossom -Herbert;"Mlle.Modiste") (Maxwell) William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 2241 2240 2249 2248 2247 2246 2245 2244 2243 2242 Note: One inspected Star specimen is a Columbia pressing, with a Star label pasted over the over pasted label Star a with pressing, Columbia a is specimen Star inspected One Note: Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar1906 Henry Burr Love's Coronation Columbia ReleaseDate:Jul1906 Corinne MorganAcc:Orchestra Last Night Columbia Release Date:Jul1906 Byron G.Harlan One Called"Mother"and theOther"HomeSweetHome" Columbia ReleaseDate:Jul 1906 Bert Williams Nobody Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar1906 Bob Roberts Never NoMore Columbia ReleaseDate:Apr1906 George Alexander My OldKentuckyHome Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar1906 Madge Maitland My Lovin'Henry Columbia ReleaseDate:Jul1906 Arthur Collins My DuskyRose Columbia ReleaseDate:Jun1906 Frank C.Stanley Moon Dear original Columbialabel. Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar1906 John Dunsmure Molly's Eyes Source Issue:Columbia3329 Source Issue:Columbia3432(M848) Source Issue:Columbia3428 (M829) Other H&SPressing:BusyBee2248 Source Issue:Columbia3423(M764) Source Issue:Columbia3339(M597) Other H&SPressing:Clarion2246 Source Issue:Columbia3354(M547) Other H&SPressing:Harmony2245 Source Issue:Columbia3328(M562) Source Issue:Columbia3415(M796) Other H&SPressings:Clarion2243;Harmony2243 Source Issue:Columbia3393(M721) Source Issue:Columbia3338(M586) (Rogers -Williams; "Abyssinia") Acc:Orchestra (Winther -Kjerulf) Acc:Orchestra (Klein; "ASocietyCircus") Acc:Orchestra (Hawley) Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra (Allen) (O'Brien) Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra (Friedlander -Sherman) (Aylward) (Foster) (Cahill -Morse) William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 2251 2250 2260 2259 2258 2257 2256 2255 2254 2253 2252 Note: Specimens auditioned by Milford Fargo and others are reported to be Tally's remake of Columbia ReleaseDate:Jul1906 Bert Williams Pretty Desdemone H. Connell Tannhauser Columbia Release Date:Jul1906 Billy Murray The LittleChauffeur Columbia ReleaseDate:Sep 1906 Byron G.Harlan The GoodOldU.S.A. Columbia ReleaseDate:Jun1906 Arthur Collins The GhostofaBanjoCoon Bernice DePasquali The Angel'sSerenade the originalBillyMurrayversion. Columbia ReleaseDate:Oct1904 Harry Tally Teasing (IWas Only, OnlyTeasing You) Columbia ReleaseDate:Feb1904 Bob Roberts 'Taint NoDisgracetoRunWhenYou're Skeered Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar1906 John Dunsmure The SweetestFlowerthatBlows Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar1906 Byron G.Harlan Somebody's SweetheartIWant toBe Columbia ReleaseDate:Jun1906 William Fredericks Sleep, LittleBabyofMine Source Issue:Columbia3410(M765) Source Issue:Columbia25976(Britishcatalog) Source Issue: Columbia 3431 Source Issue:Columbia3463 (M943) Source Issue:Columbia3385(M710) Other H&SPressing:BusyBee2257 Source Issue:Columbia25939(Britishcatalog) Source Issue:Columbia1857 Source Issue:Columbia1719 Other H&SPressing:Harmony2254 Source Issue:Columbia3337 Other H&SPressing:Harmony2253 Source Issue:Columbia3322(M543) Source Issue:Columbia3387(M676) Acc:Orchestra : OStarofEve Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestrawitheffects Acc:Orchestra

& GeorgeWalker Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra,withviolinobligato (Wildman; "Abyssinia") (Peck -Bowers;"TheVanderbilt Cup") (Drislane -Morse) (Braga) [sunginEnglish](Wagner) (Dennee) (Caldwell) Acc:Orchestra (Petersen -Hawley) (Cobb -Edwards) (Mack -Von Tilzer; "TheSoutherners") (Hogan) William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 2262 2261 2270 2269 2268 2267 2266 2265 2264 2263 Bob Roberts also recorded this title for Columbia, with orchestral accompaniment (Columbia Arthur Collins The ParsonandtheTurkey Columbia ReleaseDate:Sep1906 George Alexander The LittleDustman—Lullaby Columbia Release Date:Jun1906 Albert Campbell We PartedastheSunWent Down Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar1906 Byron G.Harlan Wait tilltheSunShines,Nellie Columbia ReleaseDate:Sep1906 Waiting attheChurch 3371). Dockstader'sversionisconfirmedonthetwoStar specimens auditionedthusfar. Columbia ReleaseDate:Jun1906 Lew Dockstader Uncle QuitWork, Too Columbia ReleaseDate:Aug1906 Bob Roberts Twenty-Three (ThatMeansSkidoo) Columbia ReleaseDate:Jun1906 Mrs. A.StewartHolt 'Tis ButaLittleFaded Flower Columbia ReleaseDate:Jul1906 Frank C.Stanley There IsNoOneLiketheOldFolksAfterAll Columbia ReleaseDate:Jul1906 Bob Roberts The PoorOldMan Columbia ReleaseDate:Jul1906 Other H&SPressing:BusyBee2262 Source Issue:Columbia3416(M797) Source Issue:Columbia3455(M344) Other H&SPressing:Clarion 2270 Source Issue:Columbia3397 (M681) Source Issue:Columbia3321(M396) Source Issue:Columbia3436(M918) Source Issue:Columbia3386(M685) Other H&SPressing:BusyBee2266 Source Issue:Columbia3439(M941) Source Issue:Columbia3402(M663) Source Issue:Columbia3422(M830) Other H&SPressing:BusyBee2263 Source Issue:Columbia3418(M813) Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Piano Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Piano (Bryan) (Leigh -Pether) (Havez) (Longbrake) (Enoch -Thomas) (Sterling -Von Tilzer) (Brahms) (Solman) (Norton) (Selig) William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 2272 2271 2280 2279 2278 2277 2276 2275 2274 2273

Columbia ReleaseDate:Apr1906 Arthur Collins What's theUseofKnockingWhenaManIsDown? Columbia ReleaseDate:Apr1906 Harry Tally What HastheNightTime toDowiththeGirl? Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar 1906 Bob Roberts Yankee Boodle Columbia ReleaseDate:Sep1906 Frank C.Stanley Won't You BeMyGirlie? Columbia ReleaseDate:Jul1906 Byron G.Harlan With theRobinsI'llReturn Columbia ReleaseDate:Sep1906 Henry Burr Where ThouCan'stRest,orAh!LoveMe,ButMeWell Columbia ReleaseDate:Jul1906 Albert Campbell When theWhip-Poor-Will SingsMarguerite Columbia ReleaseDate:May1905 Byron G.Harlan When [ Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar1906 Frank C.Stanley When theMockingbirdsAreSinginginWildwood Columbia ReleaseDate:Oct1905 Arthur Collins What You Goin'toDoWhentheRentComes'Round? Source Issue:Columbia3350(M557) Source Issue:Columbia3355(M572) Source Issue:Columbia3335 (M598) Source Issue:Columbia3459(M936) Other H&SPressing:Clarion2278 Source Issue:Columbia3429(M828) Source Issue:Columbia3460(M993) Other H&SPressings:Clarion2276;Harmony2276 Source Issue:Columbia3426(M862) Other H&SPressings:BusyBee2275;ClarionHarmony2275 Source Issue:Columbia3100(M170) Other H&SPressing:Harmony2274 Source Issue:Columbia3336(M571) Source Issue:Columbia3250(M415) sic;

Where] theSunsetTurns theOcean'sBluetoGold Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra (Schwartz) Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra (Howard; "TheDistrictLeader") (Walker -Witt) (Dennison -Helf) (Schwartz) (Bryan -Edwards) (Lamb -Blake) (Sterling -Von Tilzer) (Searelle; "Mispah") (Buckner -Petrie) William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 2282 2281 2290 2289 2288 2287 2286 2285 2284 2283 Note: InspectedStarcopiesarelabeled"AbrahamWashington JeffersonLee." Note: AllinspectedStarlabelsshowCohan'soriginaltitling("Rag"ratherthen"Flag"). Albert Campbell You CanSailinMyBoat Columbia ReleaseDate:Feb1905 Billy Murray The Yankee DoodleBoy Columbia Release Date:Dec1906 Bob Roberts Silver) He Walked RightIn,Turned Around,andWalked RightOutAgain Columbia ReleaseDate:Dec 1906 Ada Jones Experience Columbia ReleaseDate:Nov1906 Harry Tally Cheer Up,Mary Columbia ReleaseDate:Nov1906 Henry Burr All ThroughtheNight Columbia ReleaseDate:Dec1906 Arthur Collins Abraham Jefferson Washington Lee Columbia ReleaseDate:Jun1906 Billy Murray You're aGrandOldRag[Flag] Columbia ReleaseDate:Jul1906 Bob Roberts You LookAwful GoodtoFather Tenor You Can'tBlameMeforThat Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar1906 Source Issue:Columbia3323(M549) Other H&SPressing:Clarion2281 Source Issue:Columbia3051(M51) Other H&SPressing: BusyBee2290 Source Issue:Columbia3519 (M1176) Source Issue:Columbia3522 Other H&SPressing:BusyBee2288 Source Issue:Columbia3501(M1160) Source Issue:Columbia3498(M1155) Other H&SPressing:Harmony2286 Source Issue:Columbia3517(M1183) Source Issue:Columbia3385(M656) Source Issue:Columbia3419(M739) Source Issue:Columbia26002(Britishcatalog) Other H&SPressing:Harmony2282 Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra (Caryll -Ross;"TheLittleCherub") Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra (Kendis -Paley) (Boulton; traditionalmelody) (Olcott; "EdmundBurke") (Cohan; "LittleJohnnyJones") (Daniels) (Cohan; "GeorgeWashington, Jr.") (Howard; "TheUmpire") (Sterling -Von Tilzer) (Rose - William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 2292 2291 2300 2299 2298 2297 2296 2295 2294 2293 Columbia ReleaseDate:Dec1906 Ada Jones Hottentot LoveSong Columbia ReleaseDate:Dec1906 Arthur Collins Home, SweetHomeSoundsGoodtoMe Columbia Release Date:Oct1906 Henry Burr I AmPrayingforYou Columbia ReleaseDate:Nov1906 Billy Murray My LittleDutchColleen Columbia ReleaseDate:Nov1906 Henry Burr Love MeandtheWorld IsMine Columbia ReleaseDate:Nov1906 George Alexander Maritana Columbia ReleaseDate:Dec1906 Bert Williams Let ItAlone Columbia ReleaseDate:Dec1906 Frank C.Stanley In theEveningbyMoonlight,DearLouise Columbia ReleaseDate:Dec1906 Bert Williams I'm Tired ofEatingin theRestaurants Columbia ReleaseDate:Nov1906 Bob Roberts I Don'tKnowWhereI'mGoing,ButonMyWay Source Issue:Columbia3523(M1204) Source Issue:Columbia3518(M1182) Source Issue: Columbia 3483(M992) Other H&SPressing:Harmony2299 Source Issue:Columbia3500(M1158) Other H&SPressings:Clarion2298;HarmonyManhattan 2298 Source Issue:Columbia3499(M1156) Source Issue:Columbia3497(M817) Source Issue:Columbia3504(M1201) Other H&SPressing:Harmony2295 Source Issue:Columbia3521(M1173) Source Issue:Columbia3515 Source Issue:Columbia3475(M1159) : LetMeLikeaSoldierFall Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra and Columbia [Peerless]Quartet Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra (Rogers -Williams; "Abyssinia") Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra 2300 Series(SacredVocal Solos) (Sankey) (Hein; "MarryingMary") (Curley-Mullen) (Reed -Ball) (Wallace) (Williams) (H. Von Tilzer) Acc:Orchestra (Sterling -Von Tilzer) (Bren) William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 2302 2301 2403 2402 2401 2400 2306 2305 2304 2303 Columbia ReleaseDate:Jul1905 Henry Burr Just asIAm Columbia ReleaseDate:Apr1905 Henry Burr Jesus, LoverofMySoul Columbia Release Date:Sep1904 Arthur Collins&ByronG. Harlan Down ontheBrandywine Columbia ReleaseDate:Aug 1906 Corinne Morgan&FrankC.Stanley Cross Your Heart Columbia ReleaseDate:Feb1905 Arthur Collins&ByronG.Harlan Coax Me Columbia ReleaseDate:Jul1906 Arthur Collins&ByronG.Harlan Afloat onaFive-DollarNote Columbia ReleaseDate:Dec1906 George Alexander Abide withMe Columbia ReleaseDate:Jul1906 Henry Burr Yield NottoTemptation Columbia ReleaseDate:Jun1906 Mrs. A.StewartHolt Sweet HourofPrayer Columbia ReleaseDate:Feb1905 Henry Burr The NinetyandNine Source Issue:Columbia3181(M204) Source Issue:Columbia3023(M32) Other H&SPressings: BusyBee2403;Harmony 2403 Source Issue: Columbia 1846 Other H&SPressings:Busy Bee2402;ClarionHarmony2402 Source Issue:Columbia3379 Source Issue:Columbia3052(M52) Source Issue:Columbia3408(M811) Source Issue:Columbia3516(M1163) Source Issue:Columbia3424(M800) Source Issue:Columbia3401(M661) Other H&SPressing:BusyBee2303 Source Issue:Columbia3022(M31) (Sterling -Von Tilzer) Acc:Organ Acc:Organ Acc:Organ Acc:Organ (Elliot -Bradbury) (Lyte -Monk) Acc:Orchestra (Howard; "TheUmpire") Acc:Piano (Clephane -Sankey) (Bradbury) 2400 Series(Vocal Duets) (Marsh) (Palmer) (Bryan -Mullen) (Helf) Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 2405 2404 2414 2413 2412 2411 2410 2409 2408 2407 2406 Arthur Collins&ByronG.Harlan Gretchen Columbia ReleaseDate:Dec1904 Arthur Collins&ByronG.Harlan Down WheretheSweetPotatoesGrow Columbia ReleaseDate: Jun1906 Arthur Collins &ByronG.Harlan Traveling Columbia ReleaseDate:Aug 1906 Corinne Morgan&Frank C.Stanley The Tale ofaStroll Columbia ReleaseDate:Jul1906 Corinne Morgan&FrankC.Stanley The MoonHashisEyesonYou Columbia ReleaseDate:May1906 Arthur Collins&ByronG.Harlan L-A-Z-Y SpellsLazy Columbia ReleaseDate:Jul1906 Corinne Morgan&FrankC.Stanley I Was JustSupposing Columbia ReleaseDate:Jul1906 Arthur Collins&ByronG.Harlan It's UptoYou toMove Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar1906 Arthur Collins&ByronG.Harlan I'm A-Dreamin'ofYou Columbia ReleaseDate:Sep1906 Arthur Collins&ByronG.Harlan Honey, Won't You LoveMeLikeYou UsedTo? Columbia ReleaseDate:Dec1904 Arthur Collins&ByronG.Harlan Heinie Columbia ReleaseDate:May1906 Source Issue:Columbia3362(M630) Other H&SPressings:BusyBee2404;Harmony2404 Source Issue:Columbia1900 Source Issue: Columbia 3383(M674) Source Issue:Columbia3437 (M864) Other H&SPressing:Harmony2412 Source Issue:Columbia3412(M863) Source Issue:Columbia3363(M631) Source Issue:Columbia3411(M768) Other H&SPressing:Harmony2409 Source Issue:Columbia3409(M810) Source Issue:Columbia3326(M559) Source Issue:Columbia3451(M921) Other H&SPressing:BusyBee2406(someasA-2406) Source Issue:Columbia1901 (Snyder) (Penn) (Botsford) (Smith -Dougherty) (Wallace) (Hubbell; "Mexicana") (Rogers) (Mullen) (Johnson -Von Tilzer) Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra (H. Von Tilzer) (Rogers) William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 2416 2415 2501 2500 2421 2420 2419 2418 2417 Arthur Collins&ByronG.Harlan When MosewithhisNoseLeadstheBand Columbia ReleaseDate:Apr1904 Arthur Collins&ByronG.Harlan Under theAnheuserBush Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar 1906 Len Spencer&AdaJones Fritz andLouisa Columbia ReleaseDate:Jul1905 Len Spencer&AdaJones Ev'ry LittleBitHelps Columbia ReleaseDate:Dec1906 Arthur Collins&ByronG.Harlan Would You LeaveYour HappyHomeforMe? Columbia ReleaseDate:Nov1906 Arthur Collins&ByronG.Harlan Susan, KissMeGoodandHard Columbia ReleaseDate:Nov1906 Arthur Collins&ByronG.Harlan Come Take aSkateWith Me Columbia ReleaseDate:Dec1906 Arthur Collins&ByronG.Harlan Camp MeetingTime Columbia ReleaseDate:Oct1906 Albert Campbell While theOldMillWheelIsTurning Columbia ReleaseDate:Jun1906 Other H&SPressing:BusyBee2416 Source Issue:Columbia3384 Source Issue:Columbia1742 Other H&SPressing:Manhattan 2501 Source Issue:Columbia3325 (M544) Other H&SPressing:Manhattan2500 Source Issue:Columbia3190(M277) Other H&SPressing:Harmony2421 Source Issue:Columbia3514(M1179) Other H&SPressing:Harmony2420 Source Issue:Columbia3494(M1153) Source Issue:Columbia3493 Other H&SPressing:Harmony2418 Source Issue:Columbia3513(M1178) Source Issue:Columbia3453(M969) &HenryBurrAcc:Orchestra (Spencer) 2500 Series(Vaudeville Specialties) (Williams -Van Alsytne) (Whiting -Fisher;dialoguebySpencer) Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra (Sterling -H.Von Tilzer) (Browne -Edwards) (Helf) Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra (Cobb -Mills) (Morse) (H. Von Tilzer) William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 2503 2502 2604 2603 2602 2601 2600 2505 2504

Note: Remake (c. 1903–1905) of the original 1902 recording. Includes: Lead, Kindly Light; Kindly Lead, Includes: recording. 1902 original the of 1903–1905) (c. Remake Note: Includes: OutinanAutomobile;MyOwnGirls;It'stheBest OldFlagonEarth Len Spencer&AdaJones Pals (intro:He'sMePal) Columbia ReleaseDate:Sep1905 Len Spencer&AdaJones Heinie Note: Remake (c.1903–1905)oftheoriginal 1902recording. Columbia [Peerless]Quartet I'se GwineBacktoDixie Nearer MyGodtoThee. Columbia [Peerless]Quartet Hymns andPrayerfromtheFuneralServiceOverPresident McKinley Columbia ReleaseDate:Apr1906 Bob Roberts Down inChinkapinLane(ALover'sWooing) Columbia ReleaseDate:Oct1906 Columbia [Peerless]Quartet Out inanAutomobile—DescriptiveMedley Columbia ReleaseDate:Jun1906 Columbia [Peerless]Quartet A CalltoArms—Descriptive Columbia ReleaseDate:May1905 Len Spencer&ParkeHunter The ProfessorandtheMusicalTramp Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar1906 Len Spencer&AdaJones The OriginalCohens Columbia ReleaseDate:Jun1905 Source Issue:Columbia3148(M192) Other H&SPressing:Manhattan2502 Source Issue:Columbia3206(M276) Other H&SPressing: Harmony2604 Source Issue:Columbia753 Source Issue:Columbia453 Other H&SPressing:SirHenri2602 Source Issue:Columbia3349(M574) Other H&SPressing:BusyBee2601 Source Issue:Columbia3480 Source Issue:Columbia3381(M698) Other H&SPressing:BusyBee2505 Source Issue:Columbia3106(M184) Other H&SPressings:Clarion2504;Manhattan2504 Source Issue:Columbia3340(M608) (Snyder; dialoguebySpencer)

& Columbia[Peerless]Quartet 2600 Series(Vocal Quartets) (Spencer) Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra (Bryan -Edwards;dialoguebySpencer) (White) With incidentalpianoandfemalespeaker Acc:Piano Acc:Piano With chimes (Campbell) (Spencer) Acc:Orchestra (Johnson) William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 2606 2605 2614 2613 2612 2611 2610 2609 2608 2607 Note: Remake(c.1903–1905) oftheoriginal1902recording. Note: Some copies of Busy Bee 2612 use Collins & Harlan's Leeds & Catlin recording of this Note: Remake(c.1903–1905)oftheoriginal1902recording. Note: Remake(c.1903–1905)oftheoriginal1902recording. Note: Remake(c.1903–1905)oftheoriginal1902recording. Note: Remake(c.1903–1905)oftheoriginal1902recording. Columbia [Peerless]Quartet My BonnieRose Columbia ReleaseDate:Feb1906 Columbia [Peerless]Quartet Mah PrettyChloefromTennessee Columbia ReleaseDate: Dec1906 Columbia [Peerless] Quartet Christmas MorningatFlannagan's Columbia [Peerless]Quartet Way DownYonder intheCornfield title (master6934,issuedonImperial44995, Columbia ReleaseDate:Sep1906 Columbia [Peerless]Quartet Waltz MeAroundAgain,Willie Columbia ReleaseDate:Oct1906 Columbia [Peerless]Quartet The SabbathDay(DasIstderTag desHerrn) Columbia [Peerless]Quartet Night Trip toBuffalo Columbia [Peerless]Quartet Nearer, MyGod,toThee Columbia [Peerless]Quartet My OldKentuckyHome Columbia [Peerless]Quartet My CreoleSue Columbia ReleaseDate:Feb1906 Source Issue:Columbia3316(M555) Other H&SPressing:Harmony2605 Source Issue:Columbia3317(M556) Source Issue: Columbia 3512(M1222) Other H&SPressings:Busy Bee2613;Harmony2613 Source Issue:Columbia714 Other H&SPressing:BusyBee2612 Source Issue:Columbia3450(M948) Source Issue:Columbia3482(M1141) Source Issue:Columbia458 Source Issue:Columbia518 Other H&SPressing:Harmony2608 Source Issue:Columbia512 Other H&SPressing:BusyBee2607 Source Issue:Columbia750 Other H&SPressing:Harmony2606 (Davis) (Bennett) (Foster) (Adams -Mason) , Unaccompanied Unaccompanied Unaccompanied Unaccompanied Unaccompanied Acc:Piano Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra featuring Steve Porter (Cobb -Shields) (Porter) (Ball) (Cobb -Edwards) et al .). (Kreutzer) Unaccompanied William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 2616 2615 2706 2705 2704 2703 2702 2701 2700 Note: Remake(c.1903–1905)oftheoriginal1902recording. Note: Remake (c. 1903–1905) of the original 1902 recording. Some Columbia-produced Oxford Note: Remake(c.1903–1905)oftheoriginal1902recording. Columbia [Peerless]Quartet The Artillerist'sOath Columbia ReleaseDate:Dec1906 Columbia [Peerless]Quartet Ring theBellsofHeaven Columbia ReleaseDate:1903 Cal Stewart Uncle JoshataCircus Columbia ReleaseDate:1903 Cal Stewart Uncle JoshataCampMeeting Cal Stewart Uncle JoshataBaseballGame pressings usetheStarstamper, showing2703underthelabels. Columbia ReleaseDate:Aug1903 Cal Stewart Uncle JoshataBaptizingHickoryCornersChurch Cal Stewart Uncle JoshandtheLightningRodAgent Columbia ReleaseDate:Jun1905 Cal Stewart Uncle JoshandAuntNancyintheSubway Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar1906 Cal Stewart Ground HogDayatPumpkinCenter Columbia ReleaseDate:Nov1906 Source Issue:Columbia3492 Other H&SPressing:BusyBee2615 Source Issue:Columbia3511(M1221) Source Issue:Columbia1488 Source Issue:Columbia1408 Source Issue:Columbia71 Source Issue:Columbia1506 Other H&SPressings:BusyBee2702;HarmonySirHenri2702 Source Issue:Columbia74 Other H&SPressing:BusyBee2701 Source Issue:Columbia3151(M223) Source Issue:Columbia3334(M580) Other H&SPressing:Harmony2616 (talking) (talking) (talking) (talking) (talking) (talking) (talking) 2700 Series(UncleJoshStories) (Adam) (Stewart) (Adam) Unaccompanied Unaccompanied (Stewart) (Stewart) (Stewart) (Stewart) (Stewart) (Stewart) William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 2708 2707 2716 2715 2714 2713 2712 2711 2710 2709 Note: Later pressings of Busy Bee 2716 use Andrew Keefe's Leeds & Catlin recording of this Cal Stewart Uncle JoshattheOpera Columbia ReleaseDate:Aug1903 Cal Stewart Uncle JoshataMeetingoftheSchoolHouseDirectors title (master8639, issuedonImperial44856 andrelatedlabels). Columbia ReleaseDate:Feb 1905 Cal Stewart Uncle JoshonJimLawson'sHorseTrade Columbia ReleaseDate:1903 Cal Stewart Uncle JoshonaFifthAvenue Bus Remake (c.1903–1905)oftheoriginal1901–1902recording. Cal Stewart Uncle JoshonaBicycle Columbia ReleaseDate:1903 Cal Stewart Uncle JoshinSociety Columbia ReleaseDate:Aug1903 Cal Stewart Uncle JoshonanAutomobile Columbia ReleaseDate:Aug1903 Cal Stewart Uncle JoshinaMuseum Columbia ReleaseDate:1903 Cal Stewart Uncle JoshinaChineseLaundry Columbia ReleaseDate:May1905 Cal Stewart Uncle JoshattheWhiteHouse Columbia ReleaseDate:Aug1903 Other H&SPressing:Harmony2708 Source Issue:Columbia1509 Source Issue:Columbia1504 Other H&SPressing:Busy Bee 2716 Source Issue:Columbia3021 (M34) Source Issue:Columbia1487 Source Issue:Columbia72 Source Issue:Columbia1489 Other H&SPressings:BusyBee2712;ClarionHarmonySirHenri2712 Source Issue:Columbia1518 Source Issue:Columbia1511 Other H&SPressing:BusyBee2710 Source Issue:Columbia1490 Source Issue:Columbia3112(M213) (talking) (talking) (talking) (talking) (talking) (talking) (talking) (talking) (talking) (talking) (Stewart) (Stewart) (Stewart) (Stewart) (Stewart) (Stewart) (Stewart) (Stewart) (Stewart) (Stewart) William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 2718 2717 2901 2900 2802 Serenade 2801 2800 2721 2720 2719 Note: Remake(c.1903–1905)oftheoriginal1901–1902recording. Columbia ReleaseDate:1903 Cal Stewart Uncle Josh'sTrip toConeyIsland Columbia ReleaseDate:Jan1906 Cal Stewart Uncle Josh'sNewYear Pledge Columbia Release Date:Dec1906 Thomas Mills Donnybrook Fair—Two-Step Columbia ReleaseDate:Apr 1906 Harry A.Yerkes (xylophone)Acc:Orchestra Happy Heine—MarchandTwo-Step W. ParisChambers Joseph &Defossez Triplette Polka Banda Española(Vincent C.Buono,cornetsolo) Stabat Mater Columbia ReleaseDate:Nov1906 Cal Stewart Uncle JoshataRollerSkatingRink Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar1905 Mr. &Mrs.CalStewart The Wedding ofUncleJoshandAuntNancySmith Cal Stewart Uncle Josh'sTroubles inaHotel Source Issue:Columbia1486 Source Issue:Columbia3311 Other H&SPressings: BusyBee2901;Harmony 2901 Source Issue: Columbia 3510(M1203) Other H&SPressings:Clarion 2900,Harmony2900;Manhattan2900 Source Issue:Columbia3348(M577) Source Issue:Columbia26020(Britishcatalog) Source Issue:Columbia50620(Frenchcatalog) Source Issue:Columbia5456(Mexicancatalog) Other H&SPressing:Harmony2721 Source Issue:Columbia3503(M1175) Source Issue:Columbia3058(M78) Source Issue:Columbia76 (Gounod) (talking) (talking) (talking) (talking) : Inflammatus (xylophone)Acc:Orchestra (cornetduet) (cornet) (talking) 2900 Series(Xylophone) 2800 Series(Cornet) (Rossini) (Stewart) (Davis) (Stewart) (Stewart) (Stewart) (Lampe) (Stewart) William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 3000 3200 3101 3005 3004 3003 3002 3001 Note: Remake (c. 1903–1905) of the original 1902 recording. Auditioned copies are announced. Note: Remake (c. 1903–1905) of the original 1901–1902 recording. Based upon aural evidence, Columbia ReleaseDate:Sep1906 Vess L.Ossman On theRockyRoadtoDublin(AnIrishIntermezzo)—Two-Step Len SpencerTrio Alpine Specialty possible HarrySpencerrecordingin a as listed is its monologs; "Schultz" the recorded normally Kennedy,who Frank not is this Talking Schultz onKissing Columbia ReleaseDate:Dec1906 Vess L.Ossman Sunflower Dance Columbia ReleaseDate:Oct1906 Vess L.Ossman The MouseandtheClock—Characteristic Vess L.Ossman The ColoredMajor Columbia ReleaseDate:May1906 Vess L.Ossman The Buffalo Rag Vess L.Ossman Patrol Comique Other H&SPressing:Harmony3000 Source Issue:Columbia3447(M865) Other H&SPressing:Busy Bee 3200 Source Issue:Columbia648 Source Issue:Columbia23 Other H&SPressing:Harmony3005 Source Issue:Columbia3507(M1180) Source Issue:Columbia3477(M866) Other H&SPressings:Clarion3003;Harmony3003 Source Issue:Columbia460 Source Issue:Columbia3360(M627) Source Issue:Columbia719 (banjo)Acc:Orchestra (banjo)Acc:Piano (banjo)Acc:Orchestra (banjo)Acc:Orchestra (banjo)Acc:Piano (banjo)Acc:Orchestra Acc:Piano (Hindley) (Turpin) (Ossman) (Stern,asHenry) 3100 Series("DutchDialect") 3200 Series(Vocal Trios) 3000 Series CMBD.

(Banjo) (Whitney) (Ephraim) William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 3201 3307 3306 Abendstille 3305 3304 3303 3302 3301 3300 Note: Remake(c.1903–1905) oftheoriginal1902recording. Note: Remake(c.1903–1905)oftheoriginal1902recording. Len SpencerTrio Camp Meeting Emil Muench Auch IchWäreinJuengling Columbia ReleaseDate:c.1902–1903 Emil Muench Columbia ReleaseDate:c.1902–1903 Emil Muench Wie MagesWohl GekommenSein Columbia ReleaseDate:1903 Emil Muench Über denSternenistRüh Note: Remake(c.1903–1905)oftheoriginal1902recording. Emil Muench Schneiders Höllenfahrt Columbia ReleaseDate:c.1902–1903 Emil Muench Mädchen MitdenRothenMündchen Columbia ReleaseDate:c.1902–1903 Emil Muench Gute Nacht,FahrWohl Columbia ReleaseDate:c.1902–1903 Emil Muench Die Heimath Source Issue:Columbia649 Source Issue:Columbia148 Source Issue:Columbia1162 Other H&SPressing:BusyBee3305 Source Issue:Columbia1166 Other H&SPressing:BusyBee3304 Source Issue:Columbia1165 Other H&SPressing:BusyBee3303 Source Issue:Columbia147 Other H&SPressing:BusyBee3302 Source Issue:Columbia1385 Other H&SPressing:BusyBee3301 Source Issue:Columbia1169 Other H&SPressing:BusyBee3300 Source Issue:Columbia1170 Acc:Piano Acc:Piano Acc:Piano Acc:Piano Acc:Piano Acc:Piano Acc:Piano Acc:Piano Acc:Piano 3300 Series(Vocal SolosinGerman) (Traditional) (Lortzing; "DerWaffenschmied") William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 3309 3308 3400 Vocal 3317 3316 3315 Juxheirat 3314 3313 3312 3311 Rattenfäengerlied 3310 Emil Muench Das Edelweiss Columbia ReleaseDate:c.1902–1903 Emil Muench Aus derJügendzeit Quartet Blumen Ruh'numGrunde Tannhauser Karl Meister Spitzentuch derKoenigin Karl Meister Columbia ReleaseDate:Jul1905 Emil Muench Mein Glueck Columbia ReleaseDate:c.1902–1903 Emil Muench Freiheit dieichmeine Note: Berlinrecording,1903 Robert Leonhardt Der Rattenfaenger Columbia ReleaseDate:c.1902–1903 Emil Muench Columbia ReleaseDate:c.1902–1903 Emil Muench Das Heidenröslein Columbia ReleaseDate:1903 Other H&SPressing:BusyBee3309 Source Issue:Columbia1383 Source Issue:Columbia1161 Other H&SPressing: BusyBee3400 Source Issue: Unknown Source Issue:Unknown Source Issue:Columbia12514(Austro-Hungariancatalog) Other H&SPressing:Harmony3315 Source Issue:Columbia12516(Austro-Hungariancatalog) Source Issue:Columbia3183 Source Issue:Columbia1167 Source Issue:Columbia40060(Germancatalog) Source Issue:Columbia1168 Source Issue:Columbia1159 : Wohl wusstichHiersieimGebetzuFinden Acc:Piano Acc:Piano Acc:Piano Acc:Piano Acc:Piano Acc:Piano Acc:Piano Acc:Piano (Bohm) 3400 Series(Vocal QuartetsinGerman) Acc:Piano (Goethe) (Ruckert -Radecke) William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 3401 3604 3603 3602 3601 3600 3502 3501 3500 Credited to the Star Vaudeville Co. in Macy's catalogs, but not on the inspected labels. Meistersanger Quartet Tuere Heimat Columbia Release Date:Aug1906 Len Spencer&AdaJones Hans andGretchen Columbia ReleaseDate:Jul 1906 Steve Porter Flanagan's NightOff Columbia ReleaseDate:Aug1906 Len Spencer&AdaJones Coming HomefromConeyIsland Columbia ReleaseDate:Oct1906 Len Spencer A BarnyardSerenade Columbia ReleaseDate:Spe1906 Len Spencer&AdaJones A DarktownCourtship Columbia ReleaseDate:Nov1906 Ossman-Dudley Trio "The MayorofTokyo" —Selections Columbia ReleaseDate:Dec1906 Walter Biederman,MarshallLufsky&CharlesPrince To MyMother[AnMeineMutter] Columbia ReleaseDate:Oct1906 Ossman-Dudley Trio Koontown Koffee Klatsch—MarchandTwo-Step Other H&SPressing:BusyBee3401;Harmony3401 Source Issue:Columbia40109(Germancatalog) Other H&SPressing: BusyBee3604 Source Issue:Columbia3442 (M888) Other H&SPressing:Busy Bee 3603 Source Issue:Columbia3434(M715) Source Issue:Columbia3441(M996) Source Issue:Columbia3470(M997) Source Issue:Columbia3467(M841) Source Issue:Columbia3491(M968) Other H&SPressing:Harmony3501(as"Serenade") Source Issue:Columbia3506(M1184) Source Issue:Columbia3476(M967) (talking) (animalimitationsbyAlfredHolt) 3600 Series(Vaudeville Sketches) 3500 Series(InstrumentalTrios) (Vess L.Ossman,banjo) (Spencer) (Vess L.Ossman,banjo) (Porter) (Spencer) (Spencer) Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra (Cahill; dialoguebySpencer) (Voigt) (Peters) (violin,flute,piano) (Greenberg) William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 3606 3605 3703 3702 3701 3700 3610 3609 3608 3607 Includes: Under the Anheuser Bush (xylophone); Laughing Water (piccolo); The Girl I Left I WaterGirl Laughing The (xylophone); (piccolo); Bush Anheuser the Under Includes: Steve Porter&EmmaForbes Mrs. HiramOffen DischargesBridgetO'Sullivan Columbia ReleaseDate:Jun1906 Len Spencer&AdaJones Maggie Clancy'sNewPiano Columbia ReleaseDate: May1906 Cal Stewart The EclipseoftheSunat PumpkinCenter Columbia ReleaseDate:May 1906 Len Spencer Panhandle Pete'sPatrol— Descriptive Columbia ReleaseDate:Oct1906 Steve Porter Mrs. Reilly'sTroubles withthe Dumb-Waiter Columbia ReleaseDate:May1906 Emma Forbes&StevePorter Mrs. HiramOffen EngagingBridget O'Sullivan Columbia Release:Jul1906 Len Spencer The HappyGermanTwins Columbia ReleaseDate:Jul1906 Mr. &Mrs.CalStewartwithColumbia[Peerless]Quartet Sunday SchoolPicnicatPumpkinCenter Columbia ReleaseDate:Nov1904 Len Spencer Pompernickel's SilverWedding by ArthurCollins.AStarspecimencouldnotbelocatedforauralconfirmationoftheartist. Behind Me (fife and drum). The original version was by Len Spencer, which was later remade Talking withinstrumentalsolos Musical Moke Columbia ReleaseDate:Sep1906 Source Issue:Columbia3469 Other H&SPressing:Harmony3605 Source Issue:Columbia3403(M686) Other H&SPressing: Manhattan3703 Source Issue: Columbia 3376(M626) Source Issue:Columbia3373 (M636) Source Issue:Columbia3472 Source Issue:Columbia3375(M649) Other H&SPressing:BusyBee3610 Source Issue:Columbia3433 Source Issue:Columbia3435(M819) Source Issue:Columbia1869 Other H&SPressing:Harmony3607 Source Issue:Columbia663 (talking) (talking,withincidentalorchestra) (talking)Acc:Orchestra & GeorgeP. Watson 3700 Series(HumorousTalking) (talking)With incidentalpiano (Spencer) (talking) (Spencer) (talking) (Spencer) Acc:Orchestra (Spencer) (Stewart) (Stewart) (Porter) (Porter) (Porter) William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 3705 3704 4001 4000 3902 3901 3900 3801 3800

Note: Len Spencer was soloist on some takes, Arthur Collins on others; a Star specimen was specimen Star a others; on Collins Arthur takes, some on soloist was Spencer Len Note: Note: Artist identification is from the label credit on Marconi 0390, the only known issue of this Columbia ReleaseDate:Dec1906 Steve Porter An EveningatMrs.Clancy'sBoardingHouse Columbia ReleaseDate:May1906 Len Spencer The MerryMailMan—Descriptive Columbia recordings (suffixesAthroughL), comprisingacompleteminstrelshow. not located for confirmation of the take. Catalog number 1109 was allocated to twelve separate Minstrels I'm aNiggerThat'sLiving High Minstrels (LenSpencer, solo) Dese BonesShallRiseAgain Len Spencer The DogFight[SceneataFight] Len Spencer Backyard ConversationBetweenTwo JealousIrishWasherwomen recording that is not anonymous. No recording of this speech was made of McKinley himself. Harry Spencer Address bytheLatePresidentMcKinleyatPan-AmericanExposition Cello solo Romance Columbia ReleaseDate:Nov1905 Arthur Bergh Jocelyn Source Issue:Columbia3526(M1211) Source Issue:Columbia3374(M634) Source Issue:Columbia1109 D Source Issue:Columbia33 Source Issue:Columbia887 Source Issue:Columbia398 Other H&SPressing:SirHenri3900 Source Issue:Columbia833 Source Issue:Unknown Other H&SPressing:Harmony3800 Source Issue:Columbia3253 : Berceuse Acc:Orchestra (Finzi)

(talking;imitationsbyGilbertGirard) & BillyMurray & StevePorter & GeorgeW. Johnson (violin)Acc:Piano (talking) 3900 Series(Talking DescriptiveSelections) 3800 Series(Violin andCelloSolos) (Godard) 4000 Series(Minstrel) (talking) (talking,withincidentalpiano) Acc:Orchestra (talking, withincidentalorchestra) (Spencer) (Spencer) (Porter) (Spencer) (McKinley) William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 4003 4002 4200 4100 4008 4007 4006 4005 4004

Note: Columbia remade this selection several times, with Edward Metcalfe, Billy Murray, and Note: CopiesexistofStar4003pressedinerrorfromColumbia3458("CupidIstheCaptain Rambler Minstrels(BillyMurray, solo) Minstrel Record"A"(IKindofLiketoHaveYou Fussin' 'Round) Minstrels (HenryBurr, solo) I'm Wearing MyHeartAway forYou S. C.[Steve] Porter Nearer, MyGod,to Thee Billy Golden Turkey intheStraw confirmation ofthesoloist. for located not was specimen Star A takes. various on solo the singing each Stanley C. Frank Minstrels The OldLogCabinintheDell Minstrels (solobyLenSpencer) My FriendfromHome Columbia ReleaseDate:Oct1906 Rambler Minstrels(BillyMurray, solo) Minstrel Record"D"(Waltz MeAroundAgain,Willie) Columbia ReleaseDate:Oct1906 Rambler Minstrels(ArthurCollins,solo) Minstrel Record"C"(DixieDear) Columbia ReleaseDate:Sep1906 Rambler Minstrels(ArthurCollins,solo) Minstrel Record"B"(Goodbye,Mr. Greenback) of theArmy," byJ.W. Myers). Columbia ReleaseDate:Sep1906 Other H&SPressing:Clarion4003,Harmony4003 Source Issue:Columbia3448(M890) Other H&SPressing:Harmony4002 Source Issue:Columbia1109F Source Issue: Columbia 438 Other H&SPressings:Clarion4100;HarmonySir Henri4100 Source Issue:Columbia1101 Source Issue:Columbia645 Source Issue:Columbia1109H Other H&SPressing:Harmony4006 Source Issue:Columbia3479 Other H&SPressing:Harmony4005 Source Issue:Columbia3478(M963) Source Issue:Columbia3449(M891) Acc:Orchestra Acc:Piano (chimes) (from Farrell,adaptedbyGolden) 4100 Series(NegroShout) (Hampton -Douglas) 4200 Series(Chimes) (Mason) Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra (White) (Reimer) (Harris) Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra (Allen) (Cobb -Shields) William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 4300 4201 4404 4403 4402 4401 Dachstein-Marsch 4400 4303 4302 4301 Irish MedleyJig S. C.[Steve]Porter Rock ofAges Columbia Release Date:1904 Unknown artist(s) Eine SceneaufderAlm Columbia ReleaseDate:1904 Unknown artist(s) Der Tauber Columbia ReleaseDate:1904 Unknown artist(s) Der Steirerbua Columbia ReleaseDate:1904 Unknown artist(s) Columbia ReleaseDate:1904 Renoth &Huber A BlumelundaHerz Columbia ReleaseDate:Dec1906 Marshall P. Lufsky The NightingaleandThrush Columbia ReleaseDate:Jul1906 Marshall P. Lufsky The Turtle Dove George Schweinfest The MerryBirds—Polka George Schweinfest Source Issue:Columbia439 Source Issue:Columbia40090 (Germancatalog) Source Issue:Columbia40094(Germancatalog) Source Issue:Columbia40087(Germancatalog) Source Issue:Columbia40088(Germancatalog) Source Issue:Columbia40058(Germancatalog) Source Issue:Columbia3509(M1172) Other H&SPressing:Clarion4302 Source Issue:Columbia3406(M792) Source Issue:Columbia138 Source Issue:Columbia499 (Hastings) (Traditional) (piccolo)Acc:Prince'sMilitaryBand (piccolo)Acc:Prince'sMilitaryBand (Demare) (piccolo)Acc:Piano (piccolo)Acc:Piano (chimes) 4400 Series(AlpineYodels) 4300 Series(Piccolo) (Kling) William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 4406 4405 4603 4602 4601 4600 4500 4408 4407 Columbia ReleaseDate:1904 Unknown artist(s) Hutterl amRoan Columbia ReleaseDate:1904 Unknown artist(s) Ein MorgeninTirol Columbia ReleaseDate:Nov 1906 Gina Ciaparelli&Taurino Parvis Morremo Columbia ReleaseDate:Dec1906 Gina Ciaparelli&Taurino Parvis Il Trovatore Columbia ReleaseDate:Dec1906 Gina Ciaparelli&Taurino Parvis Il Trovatore Columbia ReleaseDate:Nov1906 Gina Ciaparelli&Taurino Parvis Carmen Baritone Boating Song Columbia ReleaseDate:1904 Unknown artist(s) Schnadahupferln mitSchuhplattltanz Columbia ReleaseDate:1904 Unknown artist(s) Im Zillerthal Source Issue:Columbia44093(Germancatalog) Source Issue:Columbia44095(Germancatalog) Source Issue:Columbia3495 (M1056) Source Issue:Columbia3525(M1067) Source Issue:Columbia3524(M1058) Source Issue:Columbia3496(M1057) Source Issue:Columbia10557(Italiancatalog) Source Issue:Columbia40056(Germancatalog) Source Issue:Columbia44005(Germancatalog) : Situm'ames : Mirad'acerbelagrime : Vivrá! Contende ilgiubilo (Mozart) 4600 Series(Vocal Duets inItalian) 4500 Series(Vocal Solos inItalian) (Bizet) Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra (Verdi) (Verdi) William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 4700 5104 5103 5102 5101 5029 only the following has a confirmed corresponding Star issue: which of known, are 5000s low the in numbered issues Star.Bee by Busy used few been A have to This is the highest confirmed number in Star's block-numbered series. The 4900 block is not known 4800 Note: Not a part of the Star catalog, as far as can be determined. The single inspected copy of Chorus Faust Columbia ReleaseDate: Mar1907 Vess L.Ossman Motor March Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar 1907 Marshall P. Lufsky Sweet BirdiePolka Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar1907 Prince's MilitaryBand Honor andGloryMarch Columbia ReleaseDate:Feb1907 Prince's MilitaryBand Under Arms—March this dischasaStarlabelpastedovertheBusyBeeoriginal. Columbia Band The JollyCoppersmith Columbia ReleaseDate:Nov1906 Rosa LindeWright La Paloma Source Issue:Columbia10605(Italiancatalog) Other H&SPressing: Harmony5104 Source Issue: Columbia 3569(M1329) Other H&SPressing:Busy Bee 5103 Source Issue:Columbia3570 (M1323) Source Issue:Columbia3583(M1349) Source Issue:Columbia3551(M1218) Other H&SPressings:BusyBee5029;Harmony5029 Source Issue:Columbia628 Other H&SPressing:Harmony4800 Source Issue:Columbia3502(M974) : ComeForth,Ye Reapers (Yradier) (Rosey) Bulletin No.1toCatalogueA(May1907) (banjo)Acc: Orchestra 4700 Series(ChoralRecordinItalian) (piccolo)Acc:Prince'sMilitaryBand 4800 Series(Vocal SolosinSpanish)

(Cox) (Peters) (Hayes) (Filmore) [Anomalous Issue] (Gounod) William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 5106 5105 5114 5113 5112 5111 5110 5109 5108 5107

Note: Earlier pressings of Busy Bee 1424 use the American Record Company master (American Hans Kronold Tannhauser: Columbia ReleaseDate:Jan1907 Thomas Mills Iola Intermezzo Record 31424, Rambler Minstrels(BillyMurray, solo) Minstrel Record"E"(Crocodile Isle) Columbia ReleaseDate:Jan 1907 Billy Murray Alice, WhereArtThouGoing? Columbia ReleaseDate:Feb1907 Columbia [Peerless]Quartet Ain't You ComingBacktoOldNewHampshire,Molly? Columbia ReleaseDate:Jan1907 Arthur Collins&ByronG.Harlan Good-a Bye,John Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar1907 Elise Stevenson&FrankC.Stanley The LingerLongerGirl Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar1907 Frank C.Stanley&HenryBurr Iola (AnIndianLoveSong) Columbia ReleaseDate:Feb1907 Anthony &Harrison[JohnYoung &FrederickJ.Wheeler] Let theLowerLightsBeBurning Columbia ReleaseDate:Jan1907 Anthony &Harrison[JohnYoung &FrederickJ.Wheeler] Over theLine Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar1907 Source Issue:Columbia3585(M1330) Other H&SPressing:BusyBee5105 Source Issue:Columbia3530(M1243) Other H&SPressing: BusyBee1424(M 5114); Harmony5114 Source Issue:Columbia3531 (M1094) Other H&SPressings:BusyBee5113(labeledasquartet only) Source Issue:Columbia3533(M1232) Other H&SPressings:BusyBee5112;Harmony5112 Source Issue:Columbia3547(M1246) Other H&SPressing:Clarion5111 Source Issue:Columbia3534(M1252) Source Issue:Columbia3573(M1316) Source Issue:Columbia3571(M1302) Source Issue:Columbia3556(M1210) Other H&SPressing:Harmony5107 Source Issue:Columbia3535(M1209) Other H&SPressing:Harmony5106 To theEveningStar &Columbia[Peerless]QuartetAcc:Orchestra et al (xylophone)Acc:Orchestra (cello)Acc:Orchestra (Phelps -Bradford) .) (C. Johnson) . (Blossom -Herbert;"TheRedMill") (Lamb -Solman;"TheEarlandtheGirl") Acc:Orchestra (O'Dea -C.Johnson) Acc:Orchestra (Heelan -Gumble) Acc:Orchestra (Wagner) (Bliss) Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra (Morse) (Roden -Helf) Acc: Orchestra Acc: Orchestra William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 5116 5115 Orchestra 5404 Orchestra 5403 5402 5401 but theyarenotknowntohavecorrespondingStarreleases. Bee issues are scattered randomly throughout this numerical range, renumbered from Columbia, No examples or catalog listings have been found for the 5200–5300 series. A few confirmed Busy 5118 5117 Note: Earlier pressings of Busy Bee 1425 use the American Record Company master (American Meet Me,SweetKathleen,inHoneysuckleTime Record 31425, Columbia ReleaseDate:Feb1907 Rambler Minstrels(ArthurCollins,solo) Minstrel Record"F"(MosesAndrewJackson,Goodbye) On Guard O Thou,MyAustria Columbia ReleaseDate:Feb1907 Prince's MilitaryBand Cherry Intermezzo Columbia ReleaseDate:Feb1907 Prince's MilitaryBand The GoldenWest —March Columbia ReleaseDate:Feb1907 J. W. Myers Fare TheeWell, MyOldKentuckyHome Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar1907 Bob Roberts Do, Re,Mi,Fa,Sol,La,Si,Do Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar1907 Henry Burr Source Issue:Columbia3554(M1215) Other H&SPressing:BusyBee1424(M5115);Harmony5115 Other H&SPressings:Busy Bee5404;Harmony5404 Source Issue:Columbia41075 (Germancatalog) Other H&SPressing:BusyBee5403 Source Issue:Columbia41056(Germancatalog) Other H&SPressings:BusyBee5402;Harmony5402 Source Issue:Columbia3550 Other H&SPressings:BusyBee5401(as"GoldenGateMarch");Harmony Source Issue:Columbia3622(M1364) Source Issue:Columbia3559 Source Issue:Columbia3587(M1334) Other H&SPressing:Harmony5116 Source Issue:Columbia3578(M1324) Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra et al Bulletin No.2toCatalogueA(Spring1907) .). (Daniels, asAlbert) (Losey) (Cahill -Burt;"MarryingMary") Acc:Orchestra (Nathan) (Roden -Helf) (Shields -Snyder) William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. Orchestra 5406 Orchestra 5405 5414 5413 5412 5411 5410 5409 5408 5407 Presidio GuardMarch Army MarchNo.113 Columbia Release Date:May1907 Rambler Minstrels(BillyMurray, solo) Minstrel Record"G"(San Antonio) Columbia ReleaseDate:May 1907 Columbia [Peerless]Quartet A MeetingoftheHenRoostClub Columbia ReleaseDate:Apr1907 Frank C.Stanley When theSnowBirdsCrossValley Columbia ReleaseDate:Feb1907 Billy Murray On SanFranciscoBay Columbia ReleaseDate:Jan1907 Marie Eldon Love Time Columbia ReleaseDate:Feb1907 Walter Biederman Jigs andReels—Medley Columbia ReleaseDate:Jun1907 Victor Sorlin Traumerei Columbia ReleaseDate:Apr1907 Ossman-Dudley Trio Chicken Chowder—Two-Step Other H&SPressings:BusyBee5406;Harmony5406 Source Issue:Unknown Other H&SPressing:BusyBee5405 Source Issue:Columbia41003(Germancatalog) Other H&SPressings: BusyBee5414;Harmony 5414 Source Issue: Columbia 3608(M1370) Other H&SPressing:Busy Bee 5413 Source Issue:Columbia3609(M1374) Other H&SPressings:BusyBee5412;Harmony5412 Source Issue:Columbia3598(M1321) Other H&SPressing:BusyBee5411 Source Issue:Columbia3548(M1296) Other H&SPressing:BusyBee5410 Source Issue:Columbia3532(M1146) Other H&SPressing:BusyBee5409 Source Issue:Columbia3553(M1313) Other H&SPressing:BusyBee5408 Source Issue:Columbia3627(M1398) Other H&SPressing:BusyBee5407 Source Issue:Columbia3591(M1358) (Schumann; "Kinderscenen,"No.7) Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra (Vanderpool) (cello)Acc:Piano Acc:Orchestra (violin) Acc:Orchestra (Vess L.Ossman,banjo) (Bryan -Hoffman) (Traditional; arr. Prince) Acc:Orchestra (Giblin) (Stewart) (Williams -Van Alstyne) (Solman -Rosenfeld) William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 5416 5415 5503 5502 5501 inspected on Star labels. appear not do names these but Orchestra, Star fictitious equally the to selections orchestral and Band, Regimental National fictitious the to selections band credits 3 No. Bulletin 5418 5417 Includes: Waiting at the Church; It's All Right in the Summertime; All About Town; Poor John Sacred Other (Introducing Soliders Christian "Onward as catalogue Star the in Listed Note: Note: InspectedStarlabelas"Sisseretta—NegroShout." Elise Stevenson&FrankC.Stanley Because You're You Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar1907 Anthony &Harrison[JohnYoung &FrederickJ.Wheeler]Acc:Orchestra Take theNameofJesusWith You Columbia ReleaseDate:Jul 1907 Prince's Orchestra Vesta Victoria's Songs—Medley Columbia ReleaseDate:Jul1907 Prince's MilitaryBand Happy Sammy—Characteristic copies areanonymous. Selections"). Report of a Busy Bee labeled National Regimental Band is unconfirmed; inspected Columbia ReleaseDate:Jun1907 Prince's MilitaryBand March Religioso(Onward,ChristianSoldiers) Columbia ReleaseDate:Apr1907 Ada Jones,BillyMurray&FrankC.Stanley Whistle It Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar1907 Billy Golden Sisseretta's Visit totheNorth Columbia ReleaseDate:Apr1907 Source Issue:Columbia3590(M1359) Other H&SPressings:BusyBee5415;Harmony5415 Source Issue:Columbia3572(M1345) Other H&SPressing:Harmony 5503 Source Issue:Columbia3643 (M1440) Source Issue:Columbia3642 Other H&SPressing:BusyBee5501(as"Onward,ChristianSoldiers") Source Issue:Columbia3623(M1416) Other H&SPressings:BusyBee5418;Harmony5418 Source Issue:Columbia3589(M1355) Other H&SPressings:BusyBee5417;Harmony5417 Source Issue:Columbia3581(M1230) Other H&SPressing:BusyBee5416;Harmony5416 (Blossom -Herbert;"TheRedMill") (talking)Acc:Piano Bulletin No3toCatalogueA(Summer1907) (Blossom -Herbert;"TheRedMill") (Golden) (Schmitt) Acc:Orchestra (Doane) Acc:Orchestra (arr. Chambers) William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 5505 5504 5513 5512 5511 5510 5509 5508 5507 5506

Includes: Mignotte; When Love Is Young and the World Is Fair; Whistling Song [Whistle It]; Ave Maria Go WhiletheGoin'IsGood;EveryDayLady'swithMe. Columbia ReleaseDate:Feb1907 Prince's Orchestra "The RedMill"—Selections Columbia Release Date:Jul1907 Ada Jones Kiss, Kiss(IfYou Want toLearnKiss) Columbia ReleaseDate:Jul 1907 Arthur Collins&ByronG.Harlan That Welcome ontheMatAin'tMeantforMe Columbia ReleaseDate:Jul1907 Arthur Collins&ByronG.Harlan And aLittleBitMore Columbia ReleaseDate:Jun1907 Columbia [Peerless]Quartet Negro Sermon—Descriptive[TheNewParsonattheDarktownChurch] Columbia ReleaseDate:Jul1907 Columbia [Peerless]Quartet In theWildwood WheretheBluebellsGrew Columbia ReleaseDate:Jul1907 Thomas Mills Love's Menu—Intermezzo Columbia ReleaseDate:Jul1907 Marshall P. Lufsky The HummingBird—Polka Columbia ReleaseDate:Jul1907 Victor Sorlin The Rosary Columbia ReleaseDate:Jul1907 Victor Sorlin Other H&SPressings:BusyBee5504;Harmony5504 Source Issue:Columbia3552(M1251) Source Issue: Columbia 3652 Other H&SPressing:Busy Bee 5512 Source Issue:Columbia3650(M1413) Source Issue:Columbia3649 Other H&SPressing:BusyBee5510 Source Issue:Columbia3629("TheNewParsonattheDarktown Church") Source Issue:Columbia3648(M1433) Source Issue:Columbia3646(M1472) Source Issue:Columbia3647(M1450) Other H&SPressings:Clarion5506;Harmony5506 Source Issue:Columbia3606(M1397) Other H&SPressing:Harmony5505 Source Issue:Columbia3645(M1396)

(Bach - Gounod) & BillyMurray (cello)Acc:Piano (cello)Acc:Piano (Nevin) (bells)Acc:Orchestra (piccolo)Acc:Prince'sMilitaryBand (Fisher) Acc:Orchestra (Herbert) Acc:Piano (Tyers) (Damare) Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra (Smith -Hoffman;"AParisian Model") (Taylor) (Edwards) (Stewart) William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 5515 5514 5605 5604 5603 5602 5601 5518 5517 5516 Len Spencer&AdaJones Blondy Columbia ReleaseDate:Jul1907 Len Spencer&AdaJones (Spencer, dialogue;Cobb-Edwards,"TheMillineryMaid") Becky andIzzy—AYiddish Courtship(intro:You AreMy FireBug) Prince's MilitaryBand Prodana Nevesta[TheBartered Bride] Banda Española Dance Dolores Banda Española Presidente Qunitana—March Columbia ReleaseDate:Sep1907 Prince's MilitaryBand March ofthePowhatanGuard Columbia ReleaseDate:Sep1907 Prince's MilitaryBand Jamestown Dixie,orDixiePatrol Columbia ReleaseDate:Jul1907 Cal Stewart Uncle JoshattheBugHouse Columbia ReleaseDate:May1907 Ada Jones Poor John Columbia ReleaseDate:Jul1907 George Alexander All HailthePowerofJesus'Name Columbia ReleaseDate:Jul1907 Source Issue:Columbia3666 Source Issue:Columbia3664 Other H&SPressing:Busy Bee 5605 Source Issue:Columbia8029 (Polishcatalog) Source Issue:Columbia5619(Mexicancatalog) Source Issue:Columbia5605(Mexicancatalog) Source Issue:Columbia3672 Source Issue:Columbia3673 Source Issue:Columbia3667(M1447) Source Issue:Columbia3604(M1385) Source Issue:Columbia3653(M1436) (Spencer, dialogue;Bryan-Meyer) Acc:Orchestra (talking) (Leigh -Pether) Catalogue B—NewListings(Fall1907) Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra (Herold) (Stewart) (Whiddit) (Patricolo) (Holden) : March (Smetana) William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 5607 5606 5616 5615 5614 5613 5612 5611 5610 5609 5608 Edward Ables I'm HappyWhentheBandPlays"Dixie" Columbia ReleaseDate:Sep1907 Prince's MilitaryBand The MascotoftheTroop —March Columbia Release Date:Sep1907 Steve Porter Flanagan attheBarber's Columbia ReleaseDate:Sep 1907 Ada Jones Won't You BeMyHoney? Columbia ReleaseDate:Sep1907 Henry Burr Face to Columbia ReleaseDate:Sep1907 Byron G.Harlan A LittleSuitofBlue Columbia ReleaseDate:Jul1907 Henry Burr With You inEternity Columbia ReleaseDate:Jul1907 Arthur Collins Hot Corn Columbia ReleaseDate:Sep1907 Columbia [Peerless]Quartet When theBluebirdsNestAgain,SweetNellieGray Columbia ReleaseDate:Sep1907 Columbia [Peerless]Quartet Honey Boy Columbia ReleaseDate:Aug1907 Marshall P. Lufsky Polka Caprice Columbia ReleaseDate:Sep1907 Source Issue:Columbia3676(M1575) Other H&SPressing:BusyBee5606 Source Issue:Columbia3584(M1348) Source Issue: Columbia 3691(M1574) Source Issue:Columbia3682 Source Issue:Columbia3684(M1563) Source Issue:Columbia3686 Source Issue:Columbia3661(M1449) Source Issue:Columbia3655 Source Issue:Columbia3667 Other H&SPressing:Harmony5609 Source Issue:Columbia3669(M1549) Source Issue:Columbia3668(M1451) Other H&SPressing:BusyBee5607

& BillyMurray (Hogan) Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra (talking)With incidentalorchestra (Norworth -Von Tilzer) (Johnson) (whistling) Acc:Prince'sMilitaryBand Acc:Orchestra (Damm) Acc:Orchestra (piccolo)Acc:Prince'sMilitaryBand (Chattaway) (Lamb -Solman) Acc:Orchestra (Porter) (Drislane -Morse) Acc:Piano Acc:Piano (Herbert; "Mlle.Modiste") (Vanderveer) (Costello -Helf) William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 5618 5617 5709 5708 5707 5706 Band 5705 Band 5704 Band 5703 Hdureu Band 5702 Band 5701 Columbia ReleaseDate:Sep1907 Emil Muench Die Wacht amRhein Columbia ReleaseDate:Jun1907 Cal Stewart&LenSpencer Uncle JoshattheDentist's Columbia Release Date:Sep1907 Arthur Collins&ByronG. Harlan Many's theTime Frank C.Stanley Dream On,DearHeart,On Columbia ReleaseDate:Apr1907 George Alexander In theGloaming Columbia ReleaseDate:Oct1907 J. W. Myers Where theSilv'ryColoradoWends ItsWay Columbia ReleaseDate:c.1903–1904 My Dream Narodni Valcik Akuxe Maro—Mazurka Homage toMerida—Two-Step Source Issue:Columbia3687(M1492) Source Issue:Columbia3640(M1393) Source Issue:Columbia3679 Source Issue:Columbia3699 (M1581) Source Issue:Columbia3594(M1319) Other H&SPressings:BusyBee5706;Harmony5706 Source Issue:Columbia3698 Source Issue:Columbia41048(Germancatalog) Other H&SPressings:Clarion5704;SirHenri5704 Source Issue:Columbia8030(Polishcatalog) Source Issue:Columbia8031(Polishcatalog) Source Issue:Columbia8032(Polishcatalog) Source Issue:Columbia5687(Mexicancatalog) Acc:Orchestra Bulletin No.1toCatalogueB(Fall–Winter 1907) Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra (Orred -Harrison) Acc:Orchestra (Rose -Fischer) (Wilhelm) (talking) (Stewart) Acc:Orchestra (Morse) (Scoggins -Avril) William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 5711 5710 5804 5803 5802 5801 5714 5713 5712 Original ColumbiaissueasComedyTrio. Columbia ReleaseDate:Oct1907 Columbia [Peerless]Quartet Southern Girl Columbia ReleaseDate:Oct1907 Frank C.Stanley&HenryBurr When SummerTells AutumnGoodbye scheme, andthe labelmightbeencountered onothernumbersaswell. with a cut-out to reveal the title panel. This is believed to have been a post-H&S remaindering more common Chicago-based Standard Talking Machine Company brand) is pasted over Star, Note: The "Standard" Record label (Standard in quotation marks, and unrelated to the much Columbia ReleaseDate:Nov 1907 Thomas Mills Four LittleBlackberries Columbia ReleaseDate:Dec1907 Prince's MilitaryBand Powhatan's Daughter—March Columbia ReleaseDate:Dec1907 Prince's MilitaryBand Two LittleTots Columbia Band Die Wacht amRhein Columbia ReleaseDate:Oct1907 Cal Stewart Uncle JoshJoinstheGrangers Columbia ReleaseDate:Oct1907 Billy Murray At theVillage PostOffice— Vaudeville Sketch Columbia ReleaseDate:Oct1907 Columbia [Peerless]Quartet The HymnsoftheOldChurchChoir Source Issue:Columbia3692(M1813) Source Issue:Columbia3696 Record5804 Other H&SPressings:Clarion 5804;HarmonySirHenri5804;"Standard" Source Issue:Columbia3709(M1835) Source Issue:Columbia3722 Source Issue:Columbia3723(M1387) Other H&SPressings:Manhattan5801;SirHenri5801 Source Issue:Columbia354 Source Issue:Columbia3706(M1573) Source Issue:Columbia3704(M1806) Source Issue:Columbia3692 Bulletin No.2toCatalogueB(Winter 1907–1908) (talking) , ByronG.Harlan&StevePorterWith incidentalviolin (xylophone)Acc:Orchestra (Solman) (Henneberg) (Wilhelm) (O'Connor) Acc:Organ Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra (Stewart) (Sousa) (Lamb -Solman) (Lamb -Helf) (Porter) William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 5806 5805 5814 5813 5812 5811 5810 5809 5808 5807

Frank C.Stanley Auld LangSyne Columbia ReleaseDate:Jun1905 George Alexander Nazareth Columbia ReleaseDate:Nov 1907 Acc: Orchestra Peerless Minstrels[PeerlessQuartet](FrankC.Stanley, solo) Minstrel Record"H"(intro:ICan'tFindAnotherGirl LikeYou) Columbia ReleaseDate:Nov1907 Columbia [Peerless]Quartet When theSheepAreinFold,JennieDear Columbia ReleaseDate:Nov1907 Ada Jones Let's Take anOldFashionWalk Columbia ReleaseDate:Nov1907 Elise Stevenson&FrankC.Stanley June Moon Columbia ReleaseDate:Dec1907 Arthur Collins&ByronG.Harlan I'm A-RunningAfterNancy Columbia ReleaseDate:Dec1907 Frank C.Stanley&HenryBurr The FlowersOutsidetheCafé Columbia ReleaseDate:Dec1907 Arthur Collins I JustCan'tKeepMyFeetStillWhentheBandBeginstoPlay Columbia ReleaseDate:Dec1907 Frank C.Stanley Bedouin LoveSong Columbia ReleaseDate:Dec1907 Other H&SPressing:Harmony5806 Source Issue:Columbia3731(M1841) Source Issue:Columbia3152(M227) Source Issue:Columbia3710 Source Issue:Columbia3711(M1823) Source Issue:Columbia3714(M1827) Source Issue:Columbia3713(M1824) Other H&SPressing:Harmony5810 Source Issue:Columbia3727 Source Issue:Columbia3728(M1842) Source Issue:Columbia3730 Source Issue:Columbia3721(M1839)

& BillyMurray (Chorley -Gounod) (Benham -Vanderveer) Acc:Orchestra (Burns; traditionalmelody) Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra (Taylor -Pinsuti) Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra (Reed) Acc:Orchestra (Solman) (Cohan; "TheHoneymooners") Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra (Helf) (Furth) (Hollander) William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 5816 5815 5904 5903 5902 5901 5819 5818 5817 Note: AcopyofHarmony3378mislabeled8738hasbeenreportedbutisnotconfirmed. Includes: Since Arrah Wanna Married Barney Carney; I'm Happy When the Band Plays "Dixie"; Steve Porter Flanagan attheDoctor's Columbia ReleaseDate:Dec1907 Cal Stewart Uncle JoshPlaysSantaClaus Orchestra The MerryWidow Waltz Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar 1908 Prince's MilitaryBand Blossom —IntermezzoTwo-Step Bye-Bye, DearOldBroadway;HoneyBoy. Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar1908 Prince's MilitaryBand Bye Bye,Dearie—Medley Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar1908 Prince's MilitaryBand Red Wing Columbia ReleaseDate:Dec1907 Len Spencer&AdaJones Williams -Van Alstyne;"TheEarlandtheGirl") Bronco BobandhisLittleCheyenne(intro:Cheyenne) Columbia ReleaseDate:Jun1905 Arthur Collins The PreacherandtheBear Columbia ReleaseDate:Nov1907 Len Spencer&AdaJones You've GottoLoveMeaLot Columbia ReleaseDate:Nov1907 Other H&SPressing:Harmony3738 Source Issue:Columbia3738 Other H&SPressing: Harmony5904 Source Issue:Columbia12752 (Austro-Hungariancatalog) Source Issue:Columbia3739 Other H&SPressing:Harmony5901 Source Issue:Columbia3740 Other H&SPressings:Diamond5901;Harmony5901 Source Issue:Columbia3748 Source Issue:Columbia3734(M1874) Source Issue:Columbia3146(M248) Source Issue:Columbia3719(M1831) Source Issue:Columbia3720(M1820) (talking) (Mills) (talking) Bulletin No.3toCatalogueB(Spring1908) Acc:Orchestra (vocalbyJones)Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra (Porter) (Lehar; "TheMerryWidow") (Arzonia) (Stewart) (Lowitz) (Fox) (Spencer, dialogue;

William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 5906 5905 5914 5913 5912 5911 5910 5909 5908 5907 Billy Murray Way DowninColónTown Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar1908 Albert Campbell Neath theOldAcornTree, SweetEstelle Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar 1908 Elise Stevenson&FrankC. Stanley Make Believe Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar1908 Frank C.Stanley&HenryBurr What aFriendWe HaveinJesus Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar1908 Frank C.Stanley&HenryBurr Some DayYou'll ComeBacktoMe Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar1908 Frank C.Stanley&HenryBurr Beyond theSmilingandWeeping Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar1908 Arthur Collins&ByronG.Harlan Come onandKissYour Baby Columbia ReleaseDate:Sep1907 Frank C.Stanley&HenryBurr Red Wing Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar1908 Frank C.Stanley From Your DearHearttoMine Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar1908 Albert Campbell School Days Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar1908 Source Issue:Columbia3747 Other H&SPressing:Harmony5905 Source Issue:Columbia3744 Source Issue:Columbia3742 (M1928) Other H&SPressing:Harmony5913 Source Issue:Columbia3756(M1907) Other H&SPressing:Harmony5912 Source Issue:Columbia3755(M1884) Source Issue:Columbia3754(M1908) Source Issue:Columbia3741(M1919) Other H&SPressings:BusyBee5909;Harmony5909 Source Issue:Columbia3681 Other H&SPressing:Harmony5908 Source Issue:Columbia3757 Source Issue:Columbia3745 (Chattaway -Mills) Acc:Orchestra (Cobb -Edwards) (Drislane -Morse) Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra (Madden -Hoffman;"TheRogersBrothersinPanama") (Clark) Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra (Rosenfeld -Barron) (Scriven -Converse) Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra (Ball) (Stebbins) (Dennison -Helf) William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 5916 5915 6002 6001 5922 5921 5920 5919 5918 5917

Includes: Keep on Smiling; I'm Afraid to Come Home in the Dark; Summertime; Much Obliged Columbia [Peerless]Quartet Black Jim Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar1908 Metropolitan Trio (mixedvocal)Unaccompanied Nothing ButLeaves to You; Goodbye, Dear;Harrigan. Columbia Release Date:Jun1908 Prince's MilitaryBand Summertime Medley Columbia ReleaseDate:Jun 1908 Prince's MilitaryBand The MinuteManMarch Columbia ReleaseDate:Feb1905 Charles P. Lowe American Patrol Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar1908 Steve Porter Thim Were theHappyDays Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar1908 Len Spencer Sheriff's SaleofaStrandedZoo Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar1908 Ada Jones Sunrise attheZoo Columbia ReleaseDate:Jun1905 Columbia [Peerless]Quartet You're theFlowerofMyHeart,SweetAdeline Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar1908 Columbia [Peerless]Quartet When theRollIsCalledUpYonder Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar1908 Other H&SPressing:Harmony5916 Source Issue:Columbia3750(M1885) Source Issue:Columbia3753 Source Issue:Columbia3790 Source Issue:Columbia3782 Other H&SPressing:Harmony5922 Source Issue:Columbia3044(M26) Source Issue:Columbia3760(M1933) Source Issue:Columbia3759(M1910) Source Issue:Columbia3758(M1882) Source Issue:Columbia3166(M291) Source Issue:Columbia3752(M1903) (Animalimitations:GilbertGirard) (Wade) (talking)Acc:Piano,accordion (Animalimitations:GilbertGirard) (xylophone)Acc:Orchestra (Meacham) (Madden -Hoffman;"TheRogersBrothersinPanama") (Vail) (arr. Prince) Summer–Fall 1908Issues (Winburn) Acc:Piano Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra (Porter) (Spencer) (Black) (Gerard -Armstrong) William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 6004 6003 6013 6012 6011 6010 6009 6008 6007 6006 6005

Columbia ReleaseDate:Jun1908 Vincent C.Buono&Mr. Chiaferelli Ida andDotPolka Columbia ReleaseDate:Jun1908 Prince's MilitaryBand The SantiagoMarch Columbia Release Date:Jun1908 Frank C.Stanley&Henry Burr Bye Bye,Dearie Columbia ReleaseDate:Jun 1908 Arthur Collins Parson Jones'ThreeReasons Columbia ReleaseDate:Jun1908 Henry Burr Hark !TheHeraldAngelsSing Columbia ReleaseDate:Jun1908 Henry Burr As LongastheWorld RollsOn Columbia ReleaseDate:Jun1908 Henry Burr Some DayWhenDreamsComeTrue Columbia ReleaseDate:Jun1908 Harvey Hindermeyer Don't LeavetheOldFolks,Jeannie Columbia ReleaseDate:Jun1908 Billy Murray I'm AfraidtoComeHomeintheDark Columbia ReleaseDate:Jun1908 Lucy IsabelleMarsh The GlowWorm Columbia ReleaseDate:Feb1908 Prince's Orchestra A Waltz Dream Source Issue:Columbia3783 Source Issue:Columbia3780 Source Issue:Columbia3803 Source Issue:Columbia3774 Source Issue:Columbia3779 Source Issue:Columbia3804 Source Issue:Columbia3784 Source Issue:Columbia3781 Source Issue:Columbia3767 Source Issue:Columbia3791 Other H&SPressing:BusyBee Source Issue:Columbia3763 Acc:Organ Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra : Waltzes (Sterling -Von Tilzer) (Robinson -Lincke) (Losey) Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra (Phillips) (Straus; "AWaltz Dream") (Longbrake) Acc:Orchestra (Graff -Ball) (Wesley -Mendelssohn) (cornets)Acc:Prince'sMilitaryBand (Rose -Bush) (Williams -Van Alstyne;"AKnightforaDay") (Stasts) William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 6015 6014 6022 6021 6020 6019 6018 6017 6016 Columbia ReleaseDate:Jun1908 Frank C.Stanley&HenryBurr She's theFairestLittleFlowerDearOldDixieEverGrew Columbia ReleaseDate:Feb1908 Frank C.Stanley&HenryBurr Love's Roundelay(AWaltz Dream) Columbia ReleaseDate:Jun1908 Steve Porter The LaughingSpectator Columbia ReleaseDate:Jun1908 Len Spencer Old DogSport—Descriptive Columbia ReleaseDate:Feb1908 Columbia [Peerless]Quartet Women, LovelyWomen Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar1908 Columbia [Peerless]Quartet Summertime Columbia ReleaseDate:Mar1908 Columbia [Peerless]Quartet Sweetheart Days Columbia ReleaseDate:Jun1908 Mendelssohn MixedQuartet Blest BetheTie Columbia ReleaseDate:Jun1908 Frank C.Stanley&HenryBurr Wanderer's NightSong Source Issue:Columbia3785 Source Issue:Columbia3765 Source Issue:Columbia3773 Source Issue:Columbia3778 Source Issue:Columbia3762 Source Issue:Columbia3771 Source Issue:Columbia3772 Source Issue:Columbia3777 Source Issue:Columbia3802 (talking)With incidentalorchestra (Animalimitations:GilbertGirard) (H. Von Tilzer) (Fawcett -Nageli) (Heiser -Dailey) (Rubinstein) (Ross -Lehár;"TheMerryWidow") (Porter) Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra (vocal) Unaccompanied (Baer) Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra (Straus; "AWaltz Dream") (Johnson -Morse) William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 1 of theoriginal1901–1902recordings. not confirmed) as showing artist credits. Nos. 1–8, 10, and 19 are probably c. 1903–1905 remakes Late pressings are laminated discs, made by Columbia, and a few labels have been reported (but are 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Note: TheColumbiaspokenannouncementispresentontheonlyauditionedcopy. Note: TheColumbiaspokenannouncementispresentontwoofthreeauditionedcopies. Columbia Band Il Trovatore Columbia Release Date:1908 Billy Murray Yankee Doodle's CometoTown Charles D'Almaine(violin) Il Trovatore George Stehl,MarshallP. Lufsy&PaulSurth The HerdGirl'sDream been confirmed. Lufsky, FrankS.Mazziotta,andGeorgeSchweinfest.TheversionusedonStarhasnot Note: Thisselectionwasfrequentlyremade;10"versions areknownbyMarahallP Columbia ReleaseDate: Piccolo solo I'll FollowThee Columbia Orchestra The NightAlarm Columbia Orchestra Serenade Columbia Orchestra The NightingaleandtheFrog Columbia Band Minuet Columbia Band Evening ChimesintheMountains Columbia Band Cottonfield Cappers Source Issue:Columbia84 Source Issue: Columbia A583(3904) Source Issue:Columbia218 Source Issue:Columbia3908 Source Issue:Columbia140 Source Issue:Columbia243 Source Issue:Columbia630 Source Issue:Columbia622 Source Issue:Columbia1009 Source Issue:Columbia389 Source Issue:Columbia370 (Paderewski) (Titl) : AnvilChorus : Miserere (seenote)Acc:Piano Acc:Orchestra andchorus (Bolero) (O'Hare) (Verdi) (Labitzky) Acc:Piano Final Series(1909) (Verdi) (Eilenberg) (Cohan; "TheYankee Prince") (violin,flute,harp) . William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 13 12 24 23 Band 22 21 20 Untraced 19 18 17 16 15 Vocal 14 Includes: The Booker T's Are on Parade; Pride of the Prairie; Have You Seen My Baby?; My YouSeen Have Prairie; the of Pride Parade; on Are T's Booker The Includes: Columbia ReleaseDate:Aug1908 Harry Tally Love MeJustBecause Columbia ReleaseDate:Aug1908 Harvey Hindermeyer Take MeOuttotheBallGame Prince's Orchestra Love's Treasure — Waltz Prince's MilitaryBand The FairestoftheFair— March Frou Ivanhoe; Cohan'sRagBabe;CaptainWillie Brown. Columbia ReleaseDate:Nov1908 Prince's MilitaryBand Medley March Columbia [Peerless]Quartet Lead, KindlyLight Columbia ReleaseDate:Aug1908 Elise Stevenson&FrankC.Stanley I've Taken QuiteaFancytoYou Columbia ReleaseDate:Aug1908 Lucy IsablleMarsh&HenryBurr Are You Sincere? Columbia ReleaseDate:1908 Arthur Collins&ByronG.Harlan Cohan's RagBabe Columbia ReleaseDate:Aug1908 Frank C.Stanley&HenryBurr I'm StarvingforOneSightofYou I LoveaLassie Source Issue:Columbia3916 Source Issue:Columbia3917 Source Issue:Columbia A603(3938) Source Issue:ColumbiaA603 (3936) Source Issue:Unknown Source Issue:ColumbiaA599(3927) Source Issue:Columbia510 Source Issue:ColumbiaA589(3905) Source Issue:ColumbiaA584(3912) Source Issue:ColumbiaA583(3906) Source Issue:ColumbiaA581(3891) Source Issue:Unknown Acc:Orchestra (arr. Prince) (Lauder) (Gumble) (Cohan; "TheYankee Prince") (Newman -Dykes) Acc:Orchestra (Howard; "AStubbornCinderella") (Waldteufel) Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra (Norworth -Von Tilzer) Acc:Orchestra (Madden -Morse) Acc:Orchestra (Sousa) (Harris) Acc:Orchestra William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 26 25 . 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 Columbia ReleaseDate:Nov1908 Frederick J.Wheeler Jolly GoodFellows(SteinSong) Columbia ReleaseDate:Nov1908 Stephen J.Porpora Morceau d'Élévation Note: Reported butnotconfirmedonStar 600(ananomalousnumber Columbia ReleaseDate: Frank C.Stanley&Henry Burr Rainbow Columbia ReleaseDate:Nov1908 Arthur Collins&ByronG.Harlan Wishes Columbia ReleaseDate:Nov1908 Frank C.Stanley&HenryBurr Throw OuttheLifeLine Columbia ReleaseDate:Nov1908 Frank C.Stanley&HenryBurr On Calvary'sBrow Columbia ReleaseDate:Nov1908 Mrs. A.StewartHolt Sing MetoSleep Columbia ReleaseDate:Nov1908 Elise Stevenson Don't BeCrossWith Me Henry Burr Honor Bright,ILovesYer Right,OldPal Columbia ReleaseDate:Nov1908 Henry Burr You HaveAlwaysBeentheSameOldPal Arthur Collins Somebody Lied Untraced Source Issue:ColumbiaA409(3914) Source Issue:ColumbiaA597(3930) Source Issue:ColumbiaA600 (3935) Source Issue:ColumbiaA594(3923) Source Issue:ColumbiaA593(3878-[M1906]) Source Issue:ColumbiaA593(3877-[M1905]) Source Issue:ColumbiaA595(3919) Source Issue:ColumbiaA591(3929) Source Issue:ColumbiaA600(3939) Source Issue:ColumbiaA591(3922) Source Issue:ColumbiaA602(3937) (Jerome) (Bryan -Wenrich) Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra (Branen -Lloyd) (Bingham -Green) (saxophone)Acc:Piano (Sweeney) Acc:Orchestra(Victor Sorlin,celloobligato) Acc:Orchestra (Buot) (Howard; "AStubbornCinderella") (Ufford) Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra (Johnson) Acc:Orchestra (Ball) (Selden -Gideon) , ifso). William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 38 37 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 41 – 45 40 39

Columbia ReleaseDate:Nov1908 Metropolitan MixedTrio Jack andJill Columbia ReleaseDate:Nov1908 Elise Stevenson&FrankC.Stanley It's UptoYou toDotheRest Columbia Release Date:Feb1909 Arthur Collins&ByronG. Harlan The RightChurch,butthe Wrong Pew Columbia ReleaseDate:Jan 1909 Frank C.Stanley&HenryBurr I LoveYou astheRosesLoveDew Untraced Columbia ReleaseDate:Feb1909 Carroll ClarkAcc:Orchestra Doan Ye Cry, MaHoney Columbia ReleaseDate:Jan1909 Vess L.Ossman Drowsy Dempsey(ACoonShuffle) Untraced Columbia ReleaseDate:Feb1909 George Stehl,MarshallP. Lufsy&PaulSurth Grandma Ländler Columbia ReleaseDate: Edward F. Rubsam Little BeautyMazurka Untraced Columbia ReleaseDate:Nov1908 Mendelssohn MixedQuartet Where AreYou Going,MyPrettyMaid? Columbia ReleaseDate:1908 Columbia [Peerless]Quartet Every Mother'sSonThereSang"TheWearing oftheGreen" Source Issue:ColumbiaA590(3921) Source Issue:ColumbiaA596(3920) Source Issue: Columbia A621(3966) Source Issue:ColumbiaA607 (3952) Source Issue:ColumbiaA627(3972) Other H&SPressing:SirHenri49 Source Issue:ColumbiaA601(3941) Source Issue:ColumbiaA625(3965) Source Issue:Columbia1713 Source Issue:ColumbiaA595(3925) Source Issue:ColumbiaA409(3907) (Jarvis) (banjo)Acc:Orchestra (bells) Acc:Orchestra (Langer) (Rubsam) (vocal) Unaccompanied (Noll) (vocal)Unaccompanied Acc:Orchestra (Hoschna) Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra (Lansing) (Mack -Smith;"BandanaLand") (Morse) (Caldicott) (violin,flute,harp)Acc:Orchestra (Hollander) William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 57 56 54 – 55 60 58 –59

Columbia [Peerless]Quartet Mandy Lane Columbia ReleaseDate:Jan1909 Columbia [Peerless]Quartet When theSummerDaysAreGone Untraced Columbia ReleaseDate:Feb1909 Cal Stewart Uncle JoshHasHisPhotographTaken (Stewart) Untraced Columbia ReleaseDate:Feb1909 Source Issue:ColumbiaA612(3946) Source Issue:ColumbiaA629(3970) Source Issue:ColumbiaA627(3974) (talking) (McKenna) Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra (Curley -Ball) William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. 031432 031406 031369 031368 031317 discovered advertising thus far.or catalog Star any in listed not are These originals. American the over The following American Record Company pressings have been confirmed with Star labels pasted

American RecordCompanyReleaseDate:c.Oct1906 Mx: X1428[ctl.M5299] Ada Jones American RecordCompanyReleaseDate:Sep1906 Mx: X777 A. deG.Abello American RecordCompanyReleaseDate:Jun1906 Mx: —[ctl.M5284] Curti’s MexicanOrchestra(CarlosCurti,director) American RecordCompanyReleaseDate:Jun1906 Curti’s MexicanOrchestra(CarlosCurti,director) American RecordCompanyReleaseDate:Mar1906 Mx: X837 Billy Murray The BullfrogandtheCoon Himno NacionalMexicano El Matador—PasoDoble Mx: — La Golondrina(TheSwallow) Cheyenne (ShyAnn) Star 031406 Star 031369 Star 031368 Star 031317 Star 031432 Appendix: StarRelabelingsofAmericanRecordCompany Acc:Orchestra Acc:Orchestra Acc:Piano (Hawthorne, Sheble&Prescott)Discs (Williams -Van Alstyne;“TheEarlandtheGirl”) (Nuño) (Nathan) (Valverde)

William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited. Baltimore and graduate of Towson University, he lives in Colorado Colorado with hiswifeJillandtheirthreegoldenretrievers. in lives he Towson University, of graduate and Baltimore of editions multiple Industry and Producers(1888–1950),RaceRecords andtheAmericanRecording including recordings, sound early on books numerous of author the is and 2013, in Award Achievement Lifetime Allan Sutton being his papers in2011. acquired are which They Press, 1995. Mainspring by in published death and premature completed his of time the at way under projects discographical many had he archive, extensive group's Discography Victor Recordings to contributions significant made who William R.Bryant , Recording the'Twenties ad te mjr ok. s er o the to heir As works. major other and , received the Association for Recorded Sound Collections' Collections' Sound Recorded for Association the received , Ethnic MusiconRecords was a well-known researcher and discographer and researcher well-known a was About theAuthors Pseudonyms onAmericanRecords , A Phonograph in Every Home A PhonographinEvery The Encyclopedic Discography of , The ColumbiaMasterBook American Record Companies Record Research . A native of of native A . , and and ,

William R. Bryant & Allan Sutton • Star Records (Hawthorne & Sheble) © 2020 Mainspring Press LLC. All rights reserved. Sale or other commercial use is prohibited.