Is ecological succession predictable? Commissioned by Prof. dr. P. Opdam; Kennisbasis Thema 1. Project Ecosystem Predictability, Projectnr. 232317. 2 Alterra-Report 1277 Is ecological succession predictable? Theory and applications Koen Kramer Bert Brinkman Loek Kuiters Piet Verdonschot Alterra-Report 1277 Alterra, Wageningen, 2005 ABSTRACT Koen Kramer, Bert Brinkman, Loek Kuiters, Piet Verdonschot, 2005. Is ecological succession predictable? Theory and applications. Wageningen, Alterra, Alterra-Report 1277. 80 blz.; 6 figs.; 0 tables.; 197 refs. A literature study is presented on the predictability of ecological succession. Both equilibrium and nonequilibrium theories are discussed in relation to competition between, and co-existence of species. The consequences for conservation management are outlined and a research agenda is proposed focusing on a nonequilibrium view of ecosystem functioning. Applications are presented for freshwater-; marine-; dune- and forest ecosystems. Keywords: conservation management; competition; species co-existence; disturbance; ecological succession; equilibrium; nonequilibrium ISSN 1566-7197 This report can be ordered by paying € 15,- to bank account number 36 70 54 612 by name of Alterra Wageningen, IBAN number NL 83 RABO 036 70 54 612, Swift number RABO2u nl. Please refer to Alterra-Report 1277. This amount is including tax (where applicable) and handling costs. © 2005 Alterra P.O. Box 47; 6700 AA Wageningen; The Netherlands Phone: + 31 317 474700; fax: +31 317 419000; e-mail:
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