
VoL 1 No. 14 April 16, 1967 BAY AREA Z5c (OTHER CALIFORNIA CITIES 20c, OUT OF ST ATE 25c) RFK IMPLICATED Mark L On Bobby Role In JFK Dea - and Since

"My source states that .. . one of the men chosen by Robert Ken- nedy to participate in the Castro assassination was later employed the CIA for the assassination "".anwtliat -actually .did take place in Dallas." MARK LANE

For more than four since the death of President Kennedy I have declined to make public an analysis of the strange conduct of Robert Kennedy vis-a-vis the assassination and its aftermath. Although I have met with Robert Kennedy in the , and worked with hint for the election of his brother 41 1960. my reluctance to discuss his odd behavior has had little to do with any personal feeling toward him or previous contact with him. The death of a brother may be a deeply moving experience — one which leaves scars that strangers or near stranger best not disturb. So long as Robert Kennedy was but one of a hundred senators, and but one of a thousand other officials who remained silent about the fraudulent governmental explanation of the . it might appear that the reason For singling him out for special disdain or condemnation might be his familial relationship with the deceased. During much of this period Robert Kennedy has pertained his name to be used in support of some rather unreal conclusions, This was accomplished first by his silence, and when that proved to be insufficient. by his self-proclaimed ignorance coupled with his public acceptance of the Warren Report. For some years I have lectured about the assassination at universities in the United States and Europe. Following each of those more than two hundred lectures was a question period. and I think it safe, therefore, to assert that have some knowledge of the questions that occur. The trend established by the questions can, in fact, be closely mapped. During the Etat following the murder, the leading question, always asked, sometimes asked more than SERGEANT SUNSHINE once in variable forms was -How about Earl Warren's integrity/ Certainly a nun of that integrity could not. would not sign his name so a document...." I am sorry to have to report that questions designed to offer Mr. Warren's DROPS HIS GUN integrity as a positive factor have not been raised for the rut two to three years. AND BLOWS A JOINT Taking its place has been the refrain. "Certainly Robert Kennedy, with all his money. ..." as if, I imagine, survivors in a lower income group might be Easter noon on the steps of the Hall Sergeant Sunshine. "the pot-smok- less concerned with the cause of death. The refrain goes on, "He WAS the of Justice a cop with a red ribbon in ing cop." was sitting in his red under- Attorney General at rhe rime. He is said to be, although I do riot know this as his hat and an iris in his lapel took out wear on a hare mattress, discussing a fart, somewhat ruthless." It is marvelous to observe the line being drawn a joint and lit up. his pot bust. As friends wandered in rather than offend one in power or even one who might one be. "— and "I wasn't there for grass, I was there and out he explained why he thinks even he accepts the Warren Report." for a bigger thing. We're trying to cops shouldn't wear guns. start a disarmament program with a ten cent piece of ribbon." (continued on page 7) (continued us page 8] SAN FRANCISCO EXPRESS Page :1 April 18. 1968 Haight Gunplay: Hippies Shoot it Out With Blacks

Ts. Garden Two chanting incideom and a posolble knifing took place on Haight Storer batmen 11 ant end noon on Thursday. The her occurred in front of the Print Mint. when tour black kids tried to rip off a hippte dealer (steel in the case. his kilo). Three oth- er hippie. came to the dealer's defense. and at least one fired hie 12 pistol at the thades, who hid behind garbage cans, Some witnesses thought the firing sounded like blank. but the slugs, bred from 6S feet down the street, put two small holm in one garbage Una A short owe later, gum were fired by both panes or Haight and Clayton_ A knifing and • letetshooring were also rumored About 10 people were monad in the shoorinsp, with at least 200 people in the Im- mediate vicinity the whole time_ One white at got his bleeding heed mopped up at the Print Mint Rumors of other injund paeans were Gradate% That night an E.thres, Times editor, driving up Haight Street, saw • white hippy holding a 45 on a black youth. The incident apparent- ly ended peacefully—or at kit no abut. were fired then and them Like the afternoon shoot 'em op, this Incident also happened in Front of the Print Mint One eyewitness far the gunplay was en monition of a Urge-mile watergun fad in Haight-Ashbury. A. he told me this, two pm- teen girl. squirted or with them pistol,. WA- megaes succeed lase 's police whistle fad. which was a shrill mass thing An =easy quiet fined the Haight after the shooing White ludo who garbage op the aide-walk, and storeownen who complain about garbage were united in their distaste for the spade robbers Nob the robber, and the barons art integreted clans. with cp.- d ve black and white majorities). The thus fisthe was field without online- muniseence and was port of one days tragic-, (A squad car did muse by thee the action) The street people now clopl•y that weapons `Vietnam and a new mood not to get busted. An In- San Jose Firm Helps Make formed police uptan told a friend that me the lee, 6 more weapon. have been con- Commencement' fiscated to Haight-Ashbury than in any other Sheep-Killing Nerve Gas Banned by U.C. district in San Frouriam Rerkeley Chancellor Raga Helms has est way with the Free Speech Movement or prohibited the 'ilfmtnan Commencement" Dane Rowel The March 21 described the any campus rebellion since. planned by Campus Dan Opposition on the IMMuninuda °burlier) sheep a. "weasel-Lin& staggering. then dying CDO is invelligattng oti-carnpna met for grounds that it would mem allowing Um- Local boys may have hat a hand in she within 24 ." the Commencement and contmnplanng legal weeny hotlines to be used for organizing ectibn to lone the Ileums to adhere to the Mardi 13 nerve gas death of theme MVO sheep In his April 1 column. Drew Pearson de- or carrying nut unlawful activity. neer the Army Chemical Corp' Dugway scribed the tyrnptorrie of the shepherds and policy which the Free Speech Movement According to University limbo...es. the forced on them for awhile. Proving Gtounds in Utah_ vetennenana as "neon., headaches. dna. "unlawful activity' would consist of ann- The MN has demanded that the Univer- Of the two nerve gum In the U.S, chemical nee, and diarrhea." ulling people to refuse service in the armed sity be deaf to the content of speech, and only wartare animal, the major one. Satin, is man- An Amy redinical manual lists symptoms Forces regulate the , place and manner of speech. ufactured by the almond Corps in a New- of Sarin pinioning ea "named, vomiting, CDO maintain that they "do not influence The Regents resolution of December 18,1964, port. Indiana. plant designed, built. and op- cramp., and involuntary defecation and tui- men to make any potential choice," but only stating that -the Regents do not contemplate erated 24 hours a day by the FMC Corporetion nation: rwitching, ierking sod rtinggernag. "make young men aware of the difficult of San Jam and headache. confomon, drovnineu, come, drat advoncy or content of speech shall be choice with which they are confronted, and reoricted beyond the purview of the First Furtherneore. in the late 30's and early 60', and corothlaion." offer our support TO those who have made the and Fourteenth Amendment to the Consti- thermal at Stanford University did Chigway's Utah congreumen and other official. main- msal datum to refuse military service." tution." was passed to a way of gramme the Fair research in "downwind travel of gun tain the the nerve go. being tested at Dug- - A fine paint The gran point is that the — "from all source types, for all climate and way wafted 15-34 miles to Skull Valley, students their victory while aiming hoe. That University of California m lulling to use language appeared irt the leily, 1966 regglatiOn and terrain anuatiam." when the sheep died. Skull Valley is 50 toles Untrer. force to keep Amity and Dow recruiters on Knead, at the Stanford- Research thatrute from Salt Lake Cory- irrytoldr POIldel Refuting to Rodents and campus (in the Milne of fire speech) and to in "the dissemination of chemical third and Though the worn Prom Dugway was fine Student Organizations, but is misting From keep mammce macaws off campus. liquid =striae' hue beat to provide the that It was "definitely not responsible." now the February, 1968 versum of Chat document The University won't need any form in this i:lienurnel Corps with Information necessary Brigadier General William Stone has con- By the normal tutu of evidence, the °minion cue, since Canyon Desna Opposition hi not for "overall improusemer of the techniques fused that the death of the sheep "right at chows that the Regent. now do intend to re- a "militant" group. Its public tone is or pa- for spreading pattern gas. our door.* and probably involving a chem- mict the content of speech beyond the pur- cific that it wee able to get Robert Hutchins FMC epokumen admit only that they man- ical tortillas to materials we have been toe- view of the Tits, end Fourteenth Amend- to agree to give the principal addreu at the ufacture a "streregic chemical" lot the Chan- ing (makes us) hrghly sonnet" Menet Vietnam Commencement Hutchins. former Cal aeileienle one stood firm for "Tint and mel Corps at the Newport plant. But to her Asked whether he thought it would be President of the University of Chicago and celebrated article, on chemical and loologicel putible for the gam to have been carried by Fourteenth or Fight." If they now leave time now director of the Center for the Study of campus open to war remittent warfare uo Some* megain. ELinor Langer the winds from Dugway to Skull Valley, Wil- and closed to Dernoctatie InsellUtionl at Santa Barbara, bat the conscientious objectors. it won't !natter revealed in 1967 that at the plant. Santo is not liam Perkins. Pruitt.. of Martini. and one always been highly suspicious of young rad- how loud they yell at ouch othet to free Huey cony produced but a 'loaded into rodua, of the magic StanfordiDurvey researchers in ical.. he refused to be associated in the slight. Newton. land mines, and millers shells" the SO's and 60's, told the Observer that FMC. wharfs did $203 million worth of bea- without further informanon, he could make no. with the Pentagon in 1967, realizes 42- Secretary: Sway Nelson IS million A year from alto Newport opera- Tea warfare is illegal by Imre-mationsl tion. Amide. nerve gu, the corporation agreement presumably malting those who rite Sart FILMCISCO Express Times SINGLE COPY PRICE! Bey Arm. Sr. lumina, the U.S. militery with armored per, engage In it war criminals Asked whether Other California. 20r One of 9111C. 1Sr sonnet carnet,. combat buildoesa. gunboats, hie corpora:ien had any policy on manufac- raMuFld weekly by turing illegal imports. an RAC public rela- flay rrysteni Cnmpony. mortar .hells, and "vaneua types of classified SUBSCRIPTION RATE $6 per year. tions man emplaned that until they are used, 15 Lafayette Street. San Francisca. ammunition." 43 for sis entwths Reported aymproms of the deed sheep — "attempt chemicals" are not weapons. althorns 400i Nome 461-7776 and "FMC Proems," a 1962 FMC publication. of their shepherd, and the two uteri.- C Editor. Marvin Garton. Robert Novmk Copyright l) 1968 is more Forthright. "Chemical weaptina." It nans sent to inspect the carcasses — corre- • Layout. David Matmerles says ace al moth a part of the U S Army's by The Trystero Company spond closely to those described by the Army C Chstrtberion Jim Noiestein Int victims of Senn. Arson.] as the rifle and the atomic shell" •


Friday's jointly sponsored, jointly planned memorial demoristratMn for Bobby Hutton only half came off. Close to 2000 people came to Merritt Park to pay their respects no the young Panther leader, They also came to lis- am to speeches, and as the literature had announced, go by car caravan to Vacaville to demand the release of El- dridge Cleaver, Respect was paid, speeches were made, the buses (rented by the Peace & Freedom Movement) were ready - but at the last the procession was called off by Black Panther Chair- man Bobby Seale. Seale void the crowd der he had received -definite. reliable 'Mammon- that the town had been confemed of and that droves of po- lice officer.. highway patrolmen. and mammal guardsmen were pouting itito the city. He niggeoed that whet Mu Pdthers melee the decimon to enter into & confrontation with the police Mon of the Stan of California. they were going to be (tidy to defend them- selves. and the day of flabby Holton's fa- unal want shat day. And that wan tt. The speedo. continned • The unexpected dense of plans met with rerponse from- the crowd. Some were ' dieappoinniti.'eome- TIilnt.ds moot confused. Thew woe no trim of "On to Vacovtlier

BILL BRENDT AT THE BOBBY HUTTON MEMORIAL RALLY. Get the Hog Out of the Stream Sway Noise'', The Black Panther Parry has often used allegories in the past to make its points. The choice of the panther Itself, as the symbol of the Parry, signifies the nature of the position of the black man today in a white racist society. Huey Newton runs it down this way: "a panther will not attack anyone but will back up First. But if the assailant is persistent, then the black panther will strike out..." The latest Panther allegory was introduced by Pastor E. E Cleveland at Bobby liuttOn's funeral on Friday, and recurred throughout the afternoon at the memorial in Merritt Park In Oakland. It is the allegory of the "Hog in the Stream" and as James Forman (Black Panther Minister of Foreign Affairs and SNCC's International Affairs officer) told the audience In Oakland, the Hog is everything associated with "the decadent white civilization as it rapes and exploits the oppressed people of South Africa, Asia, and Latin America" and the scream is "Humanity." Pastor Cleveland had said "you can't get a cool drink of water until you get the Hog out of the stream" and Forman asserted that the "Hog is to far he can't move too fast" and that the rime has come to assist him by any means possible out of the stream. He mimed that attempts to "purify" the Hog, like open-housing legislation and civil rights bills, are hark. -The Hog is can- cerous, the disease is eating into his heart and he must fall." flabby Seale god • Hole hoar in the pm- And Fanner told the black. d the park gun 'Klesg hr. own way, Malcolm in his the should min de Bleak Panther Patty; 're own veep, Erma lunsurob. Ho Chi Minh and °in't point in worrying about bout Castro In their own ways. are all dealing with lift. all block people em dying everyday. how ro get the Hug out of the strewn." have noshing to live for but to fight." Stott of the motional pernoteou woo direct- ewe, was that whim would no longer be Speaker alter apeehat ed reword the black modience. But Kenny repeated that the Ruth Hsgwood. an indent and fiery women tolerated In the black commonly. Mrs. Hag- Dentoon. a Panther leader black tad in this emorry thinry, to thing I tom de Berkeeey block community, raid -thol In= Sr Diego. wood was the most dander; "stay In your „tat , tet give up Te a sorrowful occasion but we can& spend *dialled whom to seed Mee:tame m dew rep- ht. rile for that own neighborhoods. If you're not aghtuig forty-four resents... in Sacramento, desomding the racism. you are e mole- mei drink of meant I was Impressed with de any more no" 'r?"8: and stored. She y"" immediate talent of Huey kimono and El- indivisible dedication to die theme through. " About hell on after the memorial the afetteuctu. wan.. Walk wt., to da young black. in the crowd nomade loin Pi"the dridge Ocoee& Settle told us we had to Real owe .,pig was over and Ponders had begun to drift Hoctoet'r ea- some way of controlling the wham moat pow- back to their heedquarters In Oakland. the Indite still in his leg" from ht. involvement Pa"' end fnik°Y Hubby be"' rnin the 6110003111 with the Oakland cops on forma laid all black men are born trattucture Ekando said dot we Mould mesh Oakland Mrs served nonce on the ?arty that Apnl 6, spoke of " a dEfentot feeling [among revoineionenes. their problem is whether they legislation through Sacramento and Wasbutg- the Investment continues. About three blodu o„ook, to th, each tithe., can keep de revolorionary birthright they ton. Bend. said "whim ask -aim can we black of from the afflos four brothers were &mond an ateni,rvte'nuiv ket cothiorotbk, were barn with do'! say. you know in your Mans what's we diets - Without &reception. the aft- "nommen of rubbery." Ak of Ian Saturday the croon'. speaker. acclaimed Bobby Hutton as nem do what's tiepin- It we, obviates dd. beginning I dying they soil had not been cheesed and it is nu- the ?enders weren't op there on run dome • nowt I know you're going to keep on may- a prototype of the block revolutionary. and peered that they will be bald for seventy-net restated the necessity of strength, solidarity program .or the whose commusury, ken what hours and released 'for lack of battier evi- and unity to the black annrounire. was Ob IOUL both in mood and expomed ad• dence SAN FRANCISCO EXPRESS TIMES April 18, 1968 Page KMPX: The Plot Thickens Then Stir Three termini. if there was a possible eanspiure an Sanely Dullneten the part of Tom Donahue. Milan Melvin. Lao The KMPX acnken have almost compleud Avery and venous. redio corporation, to erfeniperneel. to hoc. several benefit ,how. bleak the station to they could got control. :rags of the Burke files, Meet./ Mystery Or somethog like that rout They'll probably get the film this The sicken' inunedtate reaction was, "Oh. and ate 1001011S foe a large theatre. The not another fink. what a dual" Tiled straight eet. panned It in Pnrnin ivistri It rum= Wee that although they didn't went wan shoe. In Moth and white cm TV. How- the delay that a heating might hurtle., du ever, people who re seen it in color on a lust hearing Itself would kw Just flee. ttheen say if, rutty groovy. A etarthee al I'll try ro get sense morn information at we so far andorgtotrnd flint will be shown with it to the, but what Parch has told make a MI WI- amounts to nothing more than good material Nam. in the Newt Larry Miller :hanged hot a long divorce-court type hulls about his nand and putted scabbing on KMPX who said what to whom when and what did Wednesday evening. Thunday he chumd it rosily mean. No one can aspirin a kettle his mind yet again and quit an the ad, with clearly, to if you start gonna confuted go a lung obviously =prepared statement that talk to the people involved. The rumen "have ended. "1 pie You pmpla are on your own' no comment at that tuna." The strikers ere can How dne tt reel/ Nee" good. may m talk with end very articulate and Friday morning, Ben Parch, an en-sales he reached at the picket line or at 989-6396 employee on KMPX and an ex-winker. phoned or 421-3659. us and ocher. and read ye a telegram he'd There- what I like shout Godard flick.: sent to the FCC requesung a hearing to de- Ion. champs.

happy that ha Palate of Fine Am wthdd be free hum VD, for a while anyway. Bus elem. S.F. Park Lords while the coecand-ried talcurn powdered annocrate on the Park Commission are nth Ban Rock Music ferule from a venereal diseue of their own The Parks in the poorer section in the city are rotten Parks like Union Square have • To Fight V.D. well-clipped, executed look, hot they are Lee Olson Clem myway. The awry In the ghee., isn't to sweet Perks like Bay View Perk in Hun- Thursday afternoon the Park and Beata ter. Paint and Dubore Park In the Fillmore nun Cnnunnewin —a sort of duchy that holds are holes. They're garbage CUM Oct no one small parcels of land all over Son Francisco -r— In the city has to look ar them. and no one — heard a petalon from the Hught-Asithury does escape the poor. And in Hunter's Point Medical Clthic. The Clinic wanted to use the and the Filhome du poor are getting tired Mum of Floe Arts lot • benefit rock concert of looking, they're gel tired of wet. — with groups like RI; Brother and the Hold. leg Coommy, the Initial Shock, and the Qutekedver Measenger Service Rock concern at the Palace? The idea Stop-the-Draft brought San Francisco arisoacren areling out of the woodwork to the Perk Commusion Demonstration: Lenny Glaser Goes to Court-7 14 months in Motor.. Lodge. Welter lohnson w ee there. He'• no 93 yea old millionaire who lives wefts the lagoon From the Palace Anyone's Guess Brief Calls Grass Laws Illegal And during Thursdays meeting it win lohn- Stop she Draft Week will aeon on Aped Lenny Glaser's challenge to the marijuana Saws is back in the roans. ton who pot up and Informed the Com...f- elom that rho reek ensups at rite Police would 53rd and perhaps April 25th. Pims call for Monday he flied a long brief, which he wrote himself, asking for a Superior attract thousand people— "mostly participants to assemble at the UC campus Court injunction to keep San Francisco police chief Thomas Cahill from arrest- endy on the morning of the 23rd and then to and other sons — that have the highest ing turn for failure to register as a drug offender. rant of venereal diseue la the country.' proceed to the Oakland Induction Center for a maul. tally. Glaser was released from prison January 20 after serving three years and Commission President Shorenatern — who's According to STOW [endue, what happen. no fool —war quirk to remind lohnmn that three months for possession of one small roach. He had thirty days after his Marine the rally t. largely up to the Oakland racybeely Es, the conattrutional tight to use release in which to register as a convicted drug offender. He spent the thirty polite. if the police want to cooperate by di- the Palace. um hippies. and awn if they verting traffic and holding up the buss car• days (and sixty days more) working on his brief. have venereal diustse. Sharenercin went rung inductees then mere will be no prob- ahead and denied the -hippies and other relasere brief skips over the periphetal .- The brief cites a gnu -.al of conompotery lems. However, if the poica decade no duper. sorts" their Cmationional right. mrsay. m0 and Maim that the law authog it a evidence to thaw that maril.na le hemline the rally the parnemenn reserve the tight to But it took him and the Communion a poi arms to posse. anifilueli• is in violation of and that the legislature has been motivated defend themselves. ten minutes of looking. the Ninth Amendment to the United Scums by political opportunism in Maintaining the After the rally at the induction ante. fire. Sharenamie asked the City Anomey Constaution current lawn. It ends by urging courage on there will be • march to the Alameda County if the Clime had • police pent. to use the The Ninth Amendment saye that the enu- rte court, wing the Language of the gnu Courthouse in support of Newton. Palace. The City Attorney tole/wily replied meration of twain rights to the Sill of Rights Naneteenth Century /wore lohn Merthell: Plan. for the ISth are dependent on what that the Clinic hadn't applied For the permit shall not be construed to disparage other "No man F. demo. of becoming the pecu- happens on the 23rd. There are rentatipe The Cornmiuron was appall./. The City At- nghta pouessed by the people. Closer ours liar sublect of cellanny. . But if he has no plena to mud, ro the Alameda County Court torney Md.d anochee wrap to the pile of Ina- literal-IC.1 saucers to she. that the Foundmg choice In the case, if there is no there.. how. where • Oltenia= will attempt to reautheric prow. the Clinic hadn't applied Father, Inemded the Mimi. Amendment to presented m ham but • dereliction of duty. um Newton. for • fire permit either. Now the Commis cover alhhe normel..myday night, which or the opprobrium of dame who an denomi- looked dimusted An rotfirrorable derision It would be Kind,,• to bet etheustively - nated der world. he menu the contempt as coat mmmg up, have no doubt But then Ex-Governor Brown and he demonstrate that posseuroo of men- well a• the inthenerion of his country, who someone from the .Clinic said what everyone the. *own then es hemp, war one of thou can humor tallith to enthrone Ali...My knew. it wee imposed:de for the Clin- To Deejay for KPFA morale'. everyday rights. e co get r pollee peewit until the Comm...tin KPFA Is tronottsg out al Ito studio. lea it. lonnes, Peer, and Freedom Cmdideda for gave perrnitaion to an the Palace in the first third annual fund-reining marathon, whirl, Alameda County Board of Supervisor,. It will place. gins in 6 pm Thursday, April SR- Heavy Weekend he held in San Pablo Park. at Acton and Flue- So not Shormurtin wandered aloud if the I• will be broadcast live From Cody'. Book- sail, it 1 pm. Clinic's request 19 are the Palate "was made tore on Telegraph Arm. in Berkeley. and In Berkeley for For further information. and tickers to :he within the deadline." What deadline/ Once Iran a store at 2213 Shattuck Avenue. right brunch, call 941-94110 or 54941690 again Shannon. seem to the City Attorney clew KPFAI studios for help. And the City Attorney helped: "1 People like Arlo Cothr.e. lames Baldwin, Dick Gregory think there's a Jecdlinc," he said. and Cunning. Pete Seeger. Sieve Allen. Dusk Gregory will appear free et the Berke- City of Love Has "Inrr it fiftem daya?" Shut...tune asked . en. Rowell and Munn end Eugene Mc- ley Community Theater Friday night. April The City Attorney was uncomfortable It Carthy will be heard. Peter Sells. and Cul 19. Then he will make three more appeuancee An Affair With Dow was pretty clear that there wun't arty dead- Ratner will wain up, and former Cavernot in Berkeley during the weekend: a Saturday Everywhere you look, there, the Dow line It ell B. LI Shorenstein wee going to Edmund G Broswn wall d.1. a show. morning brunch, a Saturday afternoon pic- Chemical Corporation. Invent one, he anotalsi have made ,t more nic and a Sunday afternoon rally. Look on page 3E12 of Moody's Municipal maid, Ie. German Teenagers He will be surrounded vetch Peace and Free- Ind Government Manual and you find that "I think the deadline's — eh, fire days." d/3M candidate, send supporter. wherever he she City of San France., tel elemric power the Cry Attorney said. He trioke wistfully. Burn Report Cards gos to Dov. Chemical, maker of Simon Wrap and without cinnamon. but the Commissthe napalm. and also to the Herrulu Ponds', WEST BERLIN flAweenon hone Service) The Saturday brunch is a Peace and free. wanted to believe him. and Jr dui. The Mad. Company, which specialises in emplane.. One hundred high school and a hundred darn fund-raiser it the New Drieens House in mai Clime teepee was lulled yeah • Ruh of The elteette power o gmerared at a by- her telrettilly ettalente and onitokers re- Berkeley the butemeratic ales the requiter neat tabled produce of the Fleshy tiewhy water tinnily cently gathered fora nuu burning of rayon The afternoon plane is in Tilden Park from indefinitely. 'roan, which a• owned by what Mayor Alio- suds, Target. the author...nary unua.ted 1.30 to 5 pm. For free transportation be Sr So the Haight-Aelsbury Clinic request to like to call lm occasions like the dutch Ceresm school syarten which pupils claim ei- Univerairy and Sur Pablo it I pm sharp. or couid be tabled. the Commission could be of Mann: Luther Kingi the Cry of Seine coungse authoritarianism and puntahn st- Adeline and Altetral at 1:15. anthem end Water loft... could p home Pram.. air duller The Sunday telly is on behalf of Mike April 18, 1968 SAN FRANCISCO EXPRESS TIMES Page 5

Since the person interviewed made a paint of Look, man, when I said clear the air I wasn't just ing no technical details, it is impossible to tell talking about how you'll be able to set the stars at PG&E Saboteur: whether Or Mg she is a gentling saboteur. Readers night — hey, have you ever seen stars? There's hard- will have to make up their own minds on the basis ly anyplace in California you can see stars, you know. Clearing the Air of whether this vision meshes with their own. Have you ever been out in the Nevada desert at night? Anyone, regardless of political position, is free to Yes, in fact f have. Why are you trying to blow up PG&E lines? blow up a power line and tell us why they did it. And turned off your car lights? And waited long To dear the ale. enough to see the stars move? Camped there a couple What do you mean, "dear the air?" the nut who turned himself in in San Mateo, or with of to learn the difference between full moon You know what I mean. We've got as much smog the group — I guess it's a group — in the LAS( Bay, and new moon? Hey, what phase u the moon in now? here as LA. Once a month, maybe, we get a really or with any of the others / read about in the papers. Do you know? It's PG&E that keeps you ignorant. clear day. The rest of the tune 1.1-.S this dirty gray or I guess there's people who are blowing up PG&E for How you don't even know the difference between brown haze. the Vietnamese, or for the spades, but I'm not Into night and day. Wouldn't it be great to live in a CU}, In other words, you ware re focus attention en .., that. I mean sure. end the war, let the black brothers with night and day instead of twelve hours of brown pacts attention, hell. I want to cut the power off, take what's corning to them after three hundred years hare followed by twelve hours of purple haze? stop the machines from running —clear the air, man. of slavery blab blab. but that not — of course its /t sounds great, but how are we going to line? f Cutting the power off for half a day isn't going to possible char it's spades who are pulling off some of mean how are we going to eat? Are we supposed to do that. these jobs, Black Panthers or something. I guess Shoal. rabbits in Civic Center Plaza? How do you keep How about cutting it off for a month? they'd want to throw she switch when the National food from spoiling without refrigeration? What work Do you think you can do that? Guard came in. • can you do without electricity? Don't you need elec- I'm gonna try. How tome so many people have been throwing the tric pumps for water? Without water you die. How You mean this whole sabotage organization is switch already? do you unload ships without electric power, and composed of air pollution nuts? It's all practice so far. Or at, lease It Is as far as I'm where do you get food if you can't unload ships? I don't know about any organization. I operate by concerned. I would guess the other saboteurs are There. Just by talking about cutting off the power, myself. Safer that way. doing this just to get up their nerve and learn how to I've cleared the air, for you anyway. Now you're not You mean you're pulled off all these jobs by your- do is. like I am_ worried about money and credit and poverty pro- self, without any help? Let's get bark to this au- pollution thing. Were you grams and who stole how much From BART. you're No. I'm a small-timer. I pulled off one job that serious when you said you were sabotaging PG&E to crying to figure our where food comes from. Most worked and three that didn't. I'm not connected with — to clear the air, you said. people chink food comes from SLIDeentleeketl. After rCIIIHinu.o.i an tic, itl

't• MEN 'MC 3 whir WORK' 4; ri

which didn't do them any good. I face five years far this, but that's what you face on a second-offense Dale Morrow: drug arrest. There .1.7e so many people willing to risk five years for drugs — they ought to be willing to Revolution Without Guns take the same kind of risk for revolution." Marvin Carson warm, genuine smile and said "1 Like that button.' Revolution? Morrow considers himself a revolu- "We can't fight the cops," said Dale Morrow in Contrary to what some newspapers have said, tionist, and is very excited about the idea that mod- the San Mateo County Tail, where he is locked up be- Morrow does not feel ar all repentant for his attack ern technology has made it possible to have a revolu- cause he knocked over a power line with a bulldozer. on PG&E. He knocked over the power line "as a dem- tion without anyone getting hurt, "The police are mostly very reasonable men. They onstration of what can be done. If we can knock out "That's the beauty of it;' he says. "It's warfare know the system Is comspr, they know why I did enough power lines this summer, Johnson will have against machines, with no guns necessary. All we what I did, We an get to them, especially the young- to bring the-soldiers out of Viemazo just to keep the have to do is stop the machines long enough for peo- er ones" electricity on or home." ple to listen, and then they'll decide we must have I myself wasn't especially sure why Morrow had He turned himself in, he says, "for the publicity - reform." done what he had done. but I. knew he had a bit of a so 1 could get a chance to say why I did it and give Reform? Morrow is a classical reformer, despite his point to make about Me police — about San Mateo other people the idea. UllOrthodos choice of tactics. "We've got the best Sheriff's Deputies, anyway. When I had checked in "There's nothing to it, and it's not very dangerous. system of government in the world, this curunni- em the desk, the woman deputy who tank down my If I hadn't turned myself in they never would have nonel democracy we have. But we're going to lose it name noticed my "Free Huey" button. gave me a very gat me. They had no clues except a single footprint reennnuel an page 111 rage , SAN FRANCISCO EXPRESS TIMES April 18, 1968 you. no nutter your Kennedys and your McCetihys and all the other frauds! It is toe late, coo late, ma, Hostile Children you done me wrong and i am going to suss you firm the household, tear you down and start all over. It is coo lace. with Lethal Weaponry Martin Luther King, Ir. has often been decried by black militant leaders as "leading his people to the Raymond Mango events these days are moving too quickly to under- slaughter." Like Ghanell, he has now led himself to stand_ Even television cannot bring the carnage into WASHINGTON, D.C. April 7 — Prowling site the same. All the politicians who called him Commu- alleys and streets of Washington under stress of black one's living roam, so one has to actually live it, either nist are calling him martyr tonight, but Insurgency and bayoneted Army "protection,' I feel in the streets or in those darkened alcoves along 17th no matter. The militants too ate praising him as in a foreign land. Never before have I been stopped Street from the White House to Maryland where brother, however wrong his path, and the rioters are on my street my circle, by hostile children armed shades are drawn and people pray to be spared. What burning and looting, ironically, in his name. Too wish lethal weaponry who can't understand that the excuses will suffice! "1 never had anything against bad America can't appreciate her martyrs while city is mine, that I have a tight to walk it. them personally, ." Signs bearing the legend "Soul they're still alive. Clever gambits suffice to get past some of the Place" spring up on glistening steel-and-glass lautt- King was a good man, but the militants' charges 12,000 soldiers who've been guarding me these last dromais. against hum were, undoubtedly, true. He asked John- three days, but others cannot be convinced. so alley- I figure my life is worth no more than enybody's, son to bring the troops into Detroit when the troops ways and stealthful detours are necessary. Many of no more than Martin Luther King's of the life of any ought to have been withdrawn: his Poor People's my friends are in jail already for being in violation black brother !oaring People's Drug Stores. Fearsome Campaign. which may or may not at this point hap- of the 4 pm curfew, no caution is the word, D,C. though this place may be it's the America we are pen, was a foregone failure; he was perperually used as all of the 2100 prisoners there at the moment will born to groove on ... we made it and we had better by his own as an throne for righteous uprising when meet, is a drag. =make it. - they should have had no need for excuses. Surely the The brothers have created open warfare in the na- Last week an this time I was in Grand Forks, North racist and urban misery of this land are Se- tion's capital; the liquor stores, pawnshops, Fancy Dakota, a peculiarly wintry and antiseptic place of crises enough for revolution. downtown department stores, drugstores, are open. sonic few thousand weary people, where a black I remember King in Selma, King in St. Augustine, We are recipients of a portion of the loot: I am mak- Washington transported there to study law said, King in Chicago, in New York on April 15, in Boston ing Luckies instead of Winstons because [41.10M ASS 'Sum down the slums. You can't build new slums." for VieMaill Summer. He risked mobs of bloodthirsty free. We are of and on the streets this week_ North Dakota hardly quivered in reaction and winds whites everywhere he went, and risked others' lives Washington is Saigon is Washington. The Hotel howled across its miles—long flatness, its purple too — others who did not have quick vehicles to Burlington is the Hotel Caravelle. A sniper's nest fields and lonely macadam highways. speed them from the scene as with King in Memphis fitted with machine guns graces the Capitol steps, Can't build new slums In North Dakota because leis week, during his march). He was, unfortunately, Cordons of crack guards surround she White House. there are no old slums to tear down; can't build new MO easy to love because too apparently =dangerous, The emperor has no clothes! The capitol is under slums in Washington because the entire city is a slum. and so even the Great Flatulent Dine in the White seigel The loyalist army, mostly conscriprees, are at- No cherry blossoms this spring — cherry bombs in- House can mourn. He was everybody's property and stead, and worse. An hour may be forever. tempting In vain) to protect the commerce magn.aurs, was mistakenly viewed as the exponent of the ma- the politicians, the hangovers from the old regimel Macabre stories abound — three students dead in jority opinion of the American riding classes 00 race "Hippies en too," says a black howled with pre- Boston but the Globe denies it; man burned alive on Mations: that blacks should be incorporated into dous loot, as he hands us flower and food. Some of Seventh Street; Village Voice reporter held in $300 white society ('integrated,' if you will) without rep- the "hippies" go out to Maryland and Virginia to cash bail when nobody has a cent Left; six whiten arations made for 300 years of slavery, and that the wreak their awn hawses in the till-now comfortable beaten by 36 blacks in good of Occaqu an workhouse; incredible debasement and brutality inflicted on suburbs. , the homeless gather in churches staffed and owned blacks should be met with prayer and nonviolence. Eight people ere dead-and 800 listed as wounded. by whites who worry about the dirt accumulating on Dr. King was the Ian of what Brecht and all of us Bur Stokely Carmichael says it is only the beginning, the blue carpets. would commonly tall the "good" man. To be "good" The Washington power structum has uttered no White-motherfucker-America: listen! You are is to be something less than real; we, his heirs. are sounds (except For LBI's pious whining) because bleeding. oral Your own people are rasing op against real, and we will make our reality felt. letters to the world] KMPX My dear friends & especially mita the attention of robert prestoct who may please to explain All ) re Jerry miller Ac the recent Creek tragedy cum Comedy of Errors with emphasis no e. the bee's well known ideals of Love & the Forest and j. the Christ's equally wellknown Forgiveness thing and o every parr of jay & friendship which lasts through fault and flaw. HEXAGRAM 37 (THE FAMILY) CHANGING IN THE 3RD 5TH & 6-al PLACES TO 24 (THE TURN- MG POINT, RETURN). please endeavor to understand this please. i also add my sad & angry notice; if tarry miller did by his action show his 'true colors' (a lonesome shade of black and blur) then you too, by your acts have shown your false true-Jove for Art and Life and Freedom to do One's Thing. haw could larry miller have stayed on/by your side, dusty "super chic" (sic)? you must have hated him all along—even at that great superball minion (which was it seems for super politics not brotherhood or music or loving =La and pricks). You must have to so have named him such bad words in the cruel very super printed newspaper. it is too bad and sad to bear, that we will never have KMPX again larry started it 50 long ago and it sterns fitting that he finished it our Last thursday night ... it doesn't matter who "wins" the strike — the way Ex the light are lost. you see, it was not the programming which really got it — it was and always has been the strong loving, even blessing, intent of those who played the platters which made to-your ex-station a way to live in & with. but now you STRIKING people hare too much ; think i shan't again believe your recorded words of love ... we all lox ... you are bitter exiles, the scabs are inept creeps, Larry (out of the mud springs the lotus) miller is gone back to Detroit ("by day i make the cars and by night i make the bars") city, and the listeners Ii urn one, hello) turn off their radios and learn to live alone. god bless us all and may we yet and all the love we need. Catesia 1434 Grove berkeley SAN FRANCISCO EXPRESS TIMES Page Apra 18, 1968

(continued from from page] He explained thee he liked most of the men "Coarse, We all atm we all know if, trot. sintung around They arrested my best friend end that he worked with on the force. but then most ifs not news. But le. like pissed me off. I can smoke It and lad. and of tam were up-tight and frightened In duns talking about your °pennon.. It doesn't ac- . trip friend gars boated So I figured In lay the dealings with the public. Sergeant Sunshine compliah anything" whole thing run on the front liter of the Hall thinks police and the public would get on The conversation ebbed as Sampan! Sun- of twice for marinnna was only peer of is better if the cops didn't weer Boor shine wrapped himself in a pink blanker and -I'd bke to stop sonnet rho klfllo Therek "How come uniforms do such nasty things complained about the feirmant. where he no senor in lolling something unless you can on people! I know and like 90 per cent of :be spent Sunday night titer hie :Ilene tram 1.1l eat Is. I like being a policeman. I'd sail police offiren. Haw le it that I beg them n Boyd. she best friend whose blink' melt table m to be one But the police code of canoe say. nice end you see them as pricks? We need m aperked the tam incident. set on . It le the funthimentel dirty of • policeman to new Image. I'm hoping that there will be bright flowered shin end striped cords rind Bente mankind. You don't serve people with some poliarnen our there who will listen to rapped. Periodically lie would urge Singes. to alse he von about guns. I've never seen one on a winter yet. me and coy 'Hey. maybe has right.' If there go to sleep. Bergen looked 'I don't noel a gun ro dea1 with people be- we any other cops around that have the gun to drop ad any minute. bar didn't want to ranee I'm not afraid n1 them. Any Falk...tun they should put a ribbon an their hate and sleep yet He followed the convenation spo- who Can't rake oil in. gun and put • red rib- smile on their facn and put the gun in the radically, commennng occasionally, Ming to nyi- Ber- bon around his hat ought to go look for trunk if they feel they really nerd it mound. aniy have one more one point "I'd like safes occupation.' But don't wear gen interrupted Boyd at a littleaf the Sergeant Sgashine. /mown to the suaight Berens didn't wane to talk about the on to encourage the cope to keep re It Rally world to Sergeant gichlud Barges. spent of drugs among other policemen He said new stash they crinfiscare and try they 1 understend If you melee yem on the San Pronoun pace Int.. moat of whet he could sty would be gossip a greet whir. Maybe Two pun ego he kept sane confiscated grew and that none of it really mattered. He donor say les like pouring your best bourbon down and rated it. Has been turning an regularly believe it don any good to limeys the neg., the sink" dye. as he pun It. since ANATHIN


Page 3 SAN FRANCISCO EXPRESS TIMES April 18, 1968 I.1 the Report had already neen en- dorsed sane reading why Lhe need It was so different that Manches- for another work to tell the truth? ter's publishers were compelled Mark Lane First a genuine author was to acknowledge that the Kennedy, sought and Mend. But he was ap- neither authorised nor stood be- hind me book. airs. Kennedy went nor gave testimony before any at palled at the conditions of em- koreinesd from pep I) would see to It, as a liberel, that plOyment. The brother andwidow further in stating dot the Man- the Commies uthas counsel. It 0p- things In Vietnam did not get out chester book was 'Inaccurate.' Yet, in the face of these temp- pears that his ....tidal contact would commission the book, se- Octane put before rro with evil of hand. Goldwater vas then the cure a publisher, and make the with the Commit:taloa took place menace, just as today Johns. is. PHASE THREE regularity have refused to offer on Friday, June 4, 1004, when, 'Mete known to the.thor, three an 9.131.1y3111 of Roberee role. 1 Kennedy la arm the hope, as Ins Therefore, Kenneth's reluc- for tan minutea he sat 10 silence Johnson then. turn, the author most agree, mad- reasoned that while the ques- 'ranee, that the work could not be the "eutt'','.-- alongside Jacquelin Kennedy at Rejected as theVlee Proud/m- t vies not tioners Isolated Robert Kennedy her home as she offered ber very pthltstsed before 1968 at thee.. ..,,feeeetteteee he vac dragged, [rem other corrupt persons at tLl nominee by the new prestdent lied, and, in fact, not published : brief testimony to Earl Warren, who explained to e speech writer cutout., god seepenerig all the public office, my answer might at all It Jaccpseitne and Robert efe.,. stn ree. nue wee It vies 50.14 by William Manches- late ape Not, ef would be afraid Into e th well be published without the ter, concededly a rather poor Kennedy subsequently decided to ' qaestion that prompted It and to have that tittle son of a bitch of course accomplished by •stu- source for factual data. that the on the ticket, Why I think that suppress It thus give the appearance that I, Since It was difficult to find a dent. Adults have a well develop- Commission sought eel failed to there are times when he believes ed awareness of the need to ask 001 the questioner, made the Se- obtain Robert Kennedy's approval sett-respecting author whowauld lection I filled Ale brother! Kennedy trivial quest:in.. Robert Kennedy prior to publication- During that sought the nomination of the (Ar- accept such terms it ems decided Robert Kennedy now wishes to to commiselon William Stanch.- has appeared on numerous televi- period, and for some time follow- ty for the Dotted States otou prove.yet the „thence, be the Democratic candidate for Senate ter who had prevlestalY written ing the publicatloo of the Warren from Hew York. Almost /certain- are you never beard of an Inter-nip the prasideocy. His pent tton °nail Report in September, 1464, Ken- Playtime biography of Icain F. Ken- viewer oak goo., the ;ethic matters Is now relays...It ly, Johnson, then in control of the sup- Is beyond dispute that the foreign nely refluced to comment spotlit, Democratic Party, could bare de- oedy referred to by a tailor tressed evidence us the National or yen Its central cot/elusion- nied the nomination to Kennedy. newspaper ea an 'adoring. wore. Arcblves. More questions have policy matter of greatest rele- Kennedy that Lee Oswald was the lone as- ''earldedth Mee- beep directed ethic, to him about his exec* Is the war In Viacom. In sheath. Thus as be =Mks pass- Kennedy bad made II clear to his cheeter. In due course the book, my judgment the domestic we,- supporter& that he would not nett hair Probably even the ed Hobert Kennedy remained si- • diatribe again', Johnson which pr. would no te unsophisticated don of (realest relevance, and one lent, rthither cballengingnor con- for it, for without Johnson's bless - contained hark hints about Ms role enough to inquire of him regard- closely related to the e•celattoo lag ha would have had no chance ermine the official version,. Ac- le the tragedy, was somPleta& log the details at the Warren Re- of the conflict In Vietnam, is the at the NOW YoreStetecoovention. id:theca fumed. The Wall 'Root ftert. cording to Draw Pearson, cer- Me Kennedy or- seseasination of Jolm F. Kennedy thinly one of Amerlea'a most en- Kassely On the other hander's not Journal reported that theKennedY ionisation In and that whicb hes neppeined taus weaponless. He and his family, very little to terprthine joarnalLets, McGeor ge family was seriously concerned thence. Whe since that event Could there halo which due to his father's Dinesa atout Ma Feet anger over the n Sen. Kennedy Is th- Body, then a top White House sated to appear on a televise:1h been a camp deter' was there a tide, sordided that he was .wor- and brother's death, took leader- book. The moment seemed tulle utteeetew Sma aasassin? There Is evidence ship from him, had almost total right for soother bergaln, program, thy source t rind about Bobby during that here being two different produc- hat rejects the latterproposition ported and that he had -virtually control of the moat emote:in- pock- I and, unhappily. merle to cause a ed paioheoi Issue of the century. UserIt stud consideration, that Johnson, Weed upon tofur- ere of different talevniors pro- to drag Bobby. into President mots, ofo alt consideration of the former. Row Jahmotes first cabinet meeting. The reason behlnd John Ken- withdraw .y stated objection to at analysts of Robert Keened,. na/OH murder and proof of the KKennedy's political career, whoa aelvance acreement that no goes- lion directly or Indirectly re- rote regarding the evidence relat- PHASE TWO cynical manipulate/es of the truth return agreed that ...book would wet, to toe warren coututtootoo ed to the deed, of John F. Ken- The second stage commenced by the Commissioo appointed by not he eublished. A contract had Ropoet,Jim Garrisouts ievest nedy to relevant; is, in my judg- met as the political pOnditt agreed Lyndon Johnson For Robert Ken- been entered Into between Use or tee h....in h. ment, required. that Robert wee ObvIretalysMang nedy held the au lopeY photographs Kenneth's and Mencineeter which. .,,, peou'etu opereteeuee „to_ As It may Mew beer, unfair In and X-rays, which, even without stipulated that moat at the pCO. the Lyuilco Johnson as that he, Rob- way format with viewers calling the met to focus upon Robert ert, might be the Vlce Presiden- reference to any other evidence teens trom the hard cover edi- with uu.ou.e, theu It Kennedy end the titeanselnation be- provide erect that the, shots orig- Uat would be given S be tial nominee in I NM. For the first '"eneb'e agreed that all calls will be cause he was the brother of the tLme Kennet, spoke about the inated from two or more sourc- Kennedy fund. flue Manchester'. screerod, a task oft. undertak- murdered president, and eastar Warren Report, He was asked es. Even had he MN peaseseed the appeared 'Phu Coen done In date., Of Me Report evidence the posalbillty that ne severely1"°e'el limitedP°thnani and should the en by the producer or an ...- about It while on •tcur of Poland, ent producer, and na ow who Ls by President Jobriumn and his.- and by—to It not Man the case might express doubt about the hook teen be banned. the Kenn.. soclateg, It would be unfair now to Report's validity during an elec- Leter.ted in thee/termination be when It Ii a relevete but irrev- could quite easily exempt him from criticiam due to tion year was a sufficiently ex- elancb.ter for the 'lossetha"we of his permitted to ask his question. erent Inquire — a student Ken- stioncettesca ,,...of ,Mredc- Oust relationentp. [ thoroughly re- nedy replied that he had not read plosive commodity. Johnsen and lookedIrnited How ever, over- spect the right of the membersof Kennedy compromised, Joltason Carmy the Warren Report, that he was Robert to make a college tour to the [Imlay to remain silent and to not familiar with any of the MI- yielded and sent word toNew York cheater, were the Americas meg- _ trent the matter . a [tensity ef- that he did not oppose .'" serial rights .. lb attempt 10 r emit. e youth- 0.ce but that be accepted the for the thl admirers. a tour fete. Yel the roan who died was Corrntsoon's conclusions. The canon of x....ey and thus open- pubileteed book, foreign serial ego utueuet utoeeteentege,But such the La OW brother. And Robert Kennedy, odd combination—a confession ed the door to the Senate for elm. who aeptres to that Office, must Robert promised repeatedly and rights both neuraPuPer and ma°" young men and women are often of IgnOrance of the feels and the a Book f the Month Cis° now wormer relevant questions publicly not to run for the presi- contract and paperback Meths as with.L the requisite maturity, assertion of a commitment to the well. 4.4 tO thcatomdeth about that Matter high on the dency Lis 1561, paid IIp service to Kennedy to toeythe.nto conclusion— appears to contra- me data chord American woes of unfinished vene principles of thethilth How- the Report, suppressed the es- adequate provisions in the business, or forfeit the support cm- ter the world of commerce and ever, when Sen. Edward Kennedy sential evidence and prep/wed to tract for the substantial Pm' sensible compromise. Thus un- of thinking and crallcal citizens, .ter the Senate. heart] rights. Before Robert &- made almost the tdentical etate- mar.linmedp.wri : R SW'S THREE PHASES But the campaign was diflIcult. cided to send the sister-In-law n;e ecl:kvt:d During the past Ian and one meet Later and Robert followed erf the practical appre•ch of the that with a domestic repetition Charged with being a carpetbag- Into court to ten L. book, and to half year., Robert Kennedy has ger merely becauseae dldnot live of his Polish performance, one pretend that It was really her id., teRigent questiftra, and worse tamed through three stages in re- in the state, and a supporter &Joe Manchester had sold the mats. ward to Ms public position on the could detect an emerging pattern. sclll, maybe Isae than Tbsea such at ate meats, Uonalilut - McCarthy, in that order, which sine rights In America for well IISSLItelnellots, The public pro- gives one some Insight into poli- over half a million dollars. Man. with less than a truthful or direct nouncements may not be slid to mg the entirety of the Kennedy family poslaan on the question tical priories", he ran pearly. cheater decided that es a matter b. Ustrinsically developmenol, Yet Lyndon Johuson', popularity merely different. although 111 ex- could hardly be taken as three 3UCCesfilve sllpa, rfu anallies0M3 saved him; although he Hailed a ofOrPrisitnmCIPitoe womilet'eltnzensnrYicit cm.eV unlash= of each reveals both • million vote, behind Johnson be eciyaliWii:errn.SlattlAttrealdp,edC,:elaceleoal Sr",ctinheTtua;Ka'n"th-e that It was a wail planned pro- terms of his contract and pre- A-salociated Press, .1 barrage of single theme — the desire for gram to prove that the Kare.dy• did manage to get .more votes czedu.withtt jatpub.Uucedallion...Th.el:leou maintaining silence—end a tor- than his unexciting opponent r of qestions. on 'whether If elected tured, almost irrational logic, were set Intellectual. wasqulekly ftrealdent would open the Unit- relented by the anal.te leaving, The campaign was rendered no record as are the polls that re- that makes sense, if at all, only store easy by questions *halt the ed States Archives to reveal de- or so it seemed [hen, zed 41111 seeleSLICeeeedrs sabeten"1 when viewed through a Warn of s.me now, but nee explanation Warren Report pet to barn by stu- .'":" teas of Use death Of his brother:. 14 the dine It Pun rtharedt P"nua- political expediency, indeed, Rob- dents. At Celumbia Unlvereity, sent lam of popularity. Sucher the Tha A, P, wee Kennedy's re.- ert Kennedy has moved from at, Robert Kennedy Weider. poll- uee. „sever., 4th.s the eeeethe, ties as a candidate and hie en- Kennedy wiped an Unagined tear nature of !be American beast that solute ell.ce to total endorse- from his eye and mad that he could campmate:dot for the Democratic trance fee Into lyntion Johnsores the eeFPreeethin of the vital preeldentiel nomthation, tried to ment of the War ren Report, with- Democratic Party was public not talk about the .bject Items, dance and allegiance toeto false out ever passing through know- Ignore the fr homage to the Warren Report, of course, lust a Uhl@ less than a "relict, ji.rt his herdem.eird. ledge. Mss He became dsuessed as which liter all had merely false- year from the murder end a sym- himnoto na vet anal, liethetic public cmd erste. hie re- they pera1sled. 7tnatiJ he Bald, PHASE ONE ly stated the reasons for, and to , Phu. one Mean no soon ea he luct.ce, or thought they did. The PIPYPevia almost lire fetal to hiethe ambitions. uunthau' Your Manners Overwhelm cne;• manner of, his brother's death. out thtenteteet_oeu with Ratter, woe informed of the death of the Yet, reasoned Robert, accord- mare salute (Or 10 cyntoal the woreee toted that while be was Harsb words were ...zed rules for etiquette, the students President. Although he was At- ing to the enalysla —I will keep during the newspaper and legal persisted. When the senator re- toraey.General et the time, he unable to talk about John during battle and Manchester, It seem', my options open, I will maintain plied to one that the question took no official Intent/It in !he anent:elm, and adequate ground the campaign he was not reluctant to take John John tare well pub- e‘ethtethe'l that P°"°° of — .does not interest me! . ob- caae. He contained hose of the within which to maneuver by cou- byequilrultrihtherne hthomat ehe.atrnainn,lottain. .1„,wryogoi,fthreotja../., 7.40.arn,ueedt enclarice presented to the War- pling my week and owe ostlers.- licized walk or two In Manhattan. ren Coma/deal. H• neither et>. II that mann with the Statement that I stick plc. Leto Bobby's image. lid interest Om and that that ;eared before the CommIseice have not reed the Report, I have THE MAKING OF A BOOK accept than It was pen his ;61'4 was why he asked It.deoped, for not aeon the evidence. Therefore, Before entering phase three, in the rewriting Johnsen became ett goeethe. In the fore of ,tediuo_ Sen- Robert Kennedy flirted with, lees hl sem.Jd It be appropriate, ar lei- e,'rULthin.t wthmier th"ue' don far which Casateleviston perative, to state re 00010 and than aborted, without ever pact and the Kennedy!, glee, at ithen PEOPLE WANTED TO even consummating, what might ,/„.. pyggided prepa- occasion that the Report is wrong. camas, for the deceased Poem- rattan ee finally said, .Go ahead, BUY PART OF I may do 30 by explaining that I be tharanterized as public post- dent, hared tar worse than they go ahead, „sk A hay, overcome my grief, read the Um two end one half. Concerned previously had. A 140-ACRE RANCH erldenc•, and a-Owlet:led by what that Joie/sore enmity alight well 311.1dffit Men asked,`Will Yon *Pen I have read, must prevent hint from eventually as- seettlihoulegalth ground,undmay,Ru' obe AT ALBION, NEAR now reject It ✓ ennbefleuldn tte, Aroitfobody47 Kriser'u'"Ie tote7v'ldr. With young people and others ending to him rightful positions Yielded. With one ere ed the MENDOCINO, A the White House he comeliest.. Gal' than I in knowine who Is ntspon- mobbing Bobby *sorWhere these lop Pail" the ocher straining a'aer awls for the death of President SPECIAL PLACE days and withLyndon Johnson Lin- a book that was to Hell the truth• the Harris pall, there was little about the assassination as Jac- attention Leh Mr the law jour.L. Kennedy.' Thee he said that he able to other a few supporters 'would not reopen the Warren JERRY ROSENFIELD anywhere except oc.Army base hevithe Kennedy put It, on behalf Thee what bad been contemplated of both of them. Again we en- Report.. Presumably the latter or at a war plant tt may ha earn- as the third stage never and sur- stalemate meant that, If elected 1721 Grove Srreet cotmter confused phraseology, face, for the hook became a dif- s-tat to conjure up the very dif- president, I, would 001 eppotat a Berkeley 9 ferent scene four years ago. lobo— Rowing perhaps from confuston• ferent ■thounent from the one Of thought about previously ex- new CommtaSiOn, I campaign son, draped In the ill-sting, but which had been commies/coedsand commItment unto which we can $48-3167 For the populace, adequate, Ken- premed public and Private cps- different as well from the one nedy mantle, was the hero who tons of the Warren Report, For that had originally bean written. (conneerd as page it7) April i3. 106,3 SAN FRANCISCO EXPRESS TINES Page 9

one. Step in rencloi not being readable Sr Sidney Poitier the moment, Simultaneously, Sidney le melt- ing a film called 'Cool le, Baby:' in which he play. s Negro National Guatelsman forced, To Star in against hi. Colored conscience, to take pert in purring down one of those Negro ROM But he leams, at the cow. of the MAL shat only `Young Dr King' moil:amiss will .re aria Foolery. He teethes the uninhibited bun. of Negmee a poignant David Main:wit lesson in non-snoiencei White Men Ate To Martin Luther King won all the Academy Be Forgiven, For They Know Not What They Awards in Hollywood last week. Sidney Pas- Do. Posner. a meal amulet in his own bee. for Dr. King, who tier tocepted rite sword, telion. then gaits. the respect of hut white hathlust been boned and couldn't attend the brotherwin-undorm The anal touching scene M10111Cf. shows Paean orsclung the white Gmrdenten Steiger accepted the award. for Bee COORod the words to "We Shall Guerrome." it the Actor (in the shadow of ar. King), peoclum- crowds disperse in the strum., taught him the name mg that Sidney ?airier Pinner hit also signed to play the Ulnrnste prejudice. and (Minted by *eying "We of Negro ruk —Martin Luther Ring m a movie And la. .here wee e gnu hull called "Young Dt. Xing" about the early 'deuce in Heaves wine Hollywood overruns. ;fey. of The Sit-Ine, who. purpose wee to The TV camera panned quickly round the demonstrate the din-turn"a of the mode of glittering tram, In desperate stitch for one nacnvioienea, black face_ Desperately. bus with no luck. One of the few (dein:try Faces trussing from They would hive so wait until Someday to the Academy Mudd Prelentarione wee That overcome. Sean& it sewn, he lied to the only of scree Merlon Then Sidney Pokier, who had be to Oakland, California the nem morning appeared on lugs black face In the dueler. to attend a funeral. re give Katherine Hepburn the hest Ammo Award for a film on ace prejudice Jarring Sidney Poiner fonder the shining trey of Doctors and Reverend Kingi. ?oilier wan introduced by Bob Hope, the smiling nemetilan who WMe Second Coming Was What II Was on encouraging "Our Boy.' abroad. year aft- Panthers The common denominator is where you are at. er year, cracking he-he's an the Rout to Panthers and donors be running to- Bloodbath. The um-spangled audience went gether in the ghetto, the M1.441.1 Committee The second coming as history was dealt a blow. wdd. cheering ita own privet* hand.. plat- lot Human Rights announced Tuesday History In being overcome. tx nigger, Penner got moor at:IA.14e than The Idea is lees to pnwsdt emergency rned• Seeds of Mysterious energy are being planted and will bear fruit. any award-winner — but It wag all for Dr_ Wel 'wince than to provide -reopectelak" wn- King. nett.. in the even, of further incidents be- We are rising from history to mystery .. Finally, the hest Movie of the Year turned tween Black Penthera and polio. Accordingly, The body resurrecting here. now. out to Its a race relattem movie suonng Sid- the domn are lawthing an appeal to law. ET "who rose" ney Pohiev. The coup was complete. Reverend yen and Otiser proiesuonall to loin in the Xing had copped all the Csucers and the mor- project. , Free "a rose is a rose is a mat" dent wee men "Ire obvious thee are police We oat 10 aft- ET "who knows" Hollywood n making a film about M.1- sissy The Black ?endive at one way or an- Free "planer rose" calm X. with lame, Baldwin writing the when" said Don Galdinethee. m totem ac screenplay. Sidney Forum Will play bath Free two "a cry bus rose Mount Zion hcipuil end a national officer Malcolm X and Elijah Mohammed in this of MCHR. -You'll notice that the win incs- the police department rose dam cite Panther. get involved us ate wctli )1' unknown drifters rose" the police. never Weeln with Surd parties. Free three "coming forever San Francisco And there are usually no witnesses mcept Pond-mil and pollen" asst control" of MCHR also want, to sec up Speakers ST "Who's responsible" News Roundup Bateau to uplam to white audlithro what Free "me" °freer from the Source the Panchen an doing and why they are be- ET "who's in control" PUBLIC IS AVAILABLE THIS WEEK ing harassed. For herdic information, cell the San Francisco cheprer chairman, Phil Shapiro, steal third." Eng radio RPEA ruesdny midnight. Free "what's on second and is about to Free poetry and moose et year dry soil ....se,' at WE :ASPS ET "we on't print this' day it neon. Free two "be free" Fin fond is everywhere when you plant 4 ET "Some say the second coming was a fraud" book_ DEALING Offetinge are urgent in the of the lamb. Free two "it was" Public space Is wherever you outrage your. PUCE IT ALL — tired of selling for your old Free "a CDSOliC joke" moot drop by GRAVEN IMAGE. 2996 Ade- Free three "you are the second coming" Free Hall (Sharon Budding/ to be children'. line, Bkly & buy hire a bmuriful third Fun house by May I. free Hell Is uljacant to ET "what are the political imptiealioner LOVE 0000 — English setter, 9 weeks olds the children's playground fin Golden Gate Orange Tick: Cell 707.822•1161_ Free "vote for me" Park. Send Idea For the maximum one of the Will he in SF one day a week) for intheid. Wilding to: Fr. Palle Commission, do Mc- ET "you" grp. THERAPY. Call Dr. Tames; Lie Putchole- Laren Lodge. Coldest Cate Perk. Free "ME" gm L.A. 936 4526 or mire 601 5 Vermont. Free Bounty offeted on dragons_ You are in- LA., Calif. Domeurns only! t ST "Vote for me." vited o day yout local dragon. Sting the Planer rise cm.. to 3.5 Lafayette St Mt :Ewald Renzi... design. Including By Margie at the CRAVEN IMAGE. 29W Adeline, Skip. Me open Free family dame at the Carousel Ballroom. The weekly family Stamp will be announeon I CAN COOK for group. op To 50. or Ina, Planet energy hyll wood of month- Listen for new. I'm lookout for summer job, Ike plate and Flowing Si Stedletributian Service need. volunteer. people. Karel Weissberg, 652.349., eves, ' Coming Forever for door to door leatwottenon in Pacific vokeds. Through me Heights, From each recording to him elediry, PEACE ROACH CLIPS — unman! In grainy to each awarding re hie need. Call 661.7956 thaw from the peat in furore city lights pub- Out of control or 863.7775 for details_ lication, In underground newsmen In do-o- The Second Coming is what is. Mermison Fire City planning conformce be- roamed light shows — ad et the GRAVEN ginning s am, Aped 30 at ?Leyland Beach. IMAGE 2986 Adeline. Skip. Pluming will Woe place luring 49 mile VOLUNTARY MILITARY TRAINING EVERY walk (scenic motel. Refreshment. will be SUNDAY. ---DerioCarlo Navel Rase at Mud AST OF THE SUN* 3850 23rd served along the mote- Beach "les'• chance to wren your country" Free City Contention May I. Carousel Ball- by strging, dancing playing in the "end." St. San Francisco, Ca. 94114 loom. Onset Free than dead_ Drill tnetrucrorsi Womb, Marble Ferns, will fill mall ardent promptly on the following items: White America limited to bring offerings of Clereelend Wrecking Co. Bend, when! Be- ford to fret food warehouse. 15 Leterette St I-Clung WilltehiniSaynet 4.00 ginning as 1340 hours every Sunday etentng SF Free Foul, the dry Inter. needs ford. tiring T or Card Spread Reader now 51.50 charge for 6.95 Confributiont to the Free Unitarian Church- indiney equipment! Good once any Sunday in Anwrice People Egyptian Tarot deck 3.00 Free Cumulate plane under way. Urge house under :2 admitted feel Telephone M2-1453. isfs Unveiled — Blavanky being tented in needle Hughes. If you'd like 7,95 Tickets Town to pimicipme Writ: Free COMO011t, 202 33rd Some. Cal Phonics Heacignu- The Book — Alan Warm 1.00 tars SF Ave. SF. Stranger in a Strange Land .93 airu Snake Charmers flute 2.49 FREE CITY POLITICAL CONVENTION Pore oils (over 30 scents) 1.00 VOTE FOR ME VOTE FOR ME VOTE FOR ME Redwood incense 1.00 DEVOUR YOURSELF EAT YOURSELF EAT MEAT send check or money order made payabie to East of the Sun. add 5tissalim YOUR MEAT tie For California orders and 2S. postage and handling for all orders — CAST Or THE St, N It ,earn Ttw.ds. inio, Priam Kieran.. 1 p,n. at 0,30 p.m. and all day IMMOLATION INCANDESCENCE RESURRECTION Salurdas COQ/1E71 far inhuman... CAROUSEL BALLROOM MAY 1 ▪


erl) > i 64 vo- a's504 4 rea.900145 soli '4' 41■67e0CVMS WHOM WHEAT BR - fk, jag 6 ' , JO at 1refs ' falAg )tot Water i - klt add z taftagoons 9"'dry yak. _Ilia cli hour (“_rc tint the a6161, itoo- not rous6 ..41i , liAl z 4 riso via luy Major akut one f ‘se.j aki curs ..ac di:isoara iit, lay of hot wafer 6- 6 taias x,5 floiL) )- jW,1 • ilk 6t amtat;ter to rase ild. in ad nun. as Saito 45 play li w&at frau, 3{nra 4 6 .1{o.co t;s. a lizry j ie4 fora nature or cila. ea taw duc&. • urn out onto waytii.payer, lide Liao- i 4, idocs , kittaa aria rounar radial...al brad_paw to ri:se one, mare, itOur• jiak at jja° fa mins' io in • ow form anti r a tias zyse ii us' with- one kazza eq.pidi nu; za unik i tdiasivon mAro dark goer s crust • or Wray i j drusiiid lull intre‘batrlidta- ialwii. je.1 fire fiz4j fir to nu;tutes o-re tiirtiiirj out arc a rail to coaC, . ------sourew consider Robert Ken- According to that Information out effectively in due country nedy's bebevior after the meals one of the men chasm by Robert where assesstristlon ban become natl. to testi:1,111cent He geom- Kennedy to par tic pale in the Clo- a potent political weapon. Garri- Mark Lane ed tormented, they say, by more tho assassination was later em- son weer even thought that he had a choice except to meth the (ceennketi page di than the natural grief over the ployed by the CIA for the a..- murder of hls brother.. Pearson .ins:ion that .thally did take obligationa Impcoed Whiz office. THE ASSASSINATION piece In Dallas. Confeceued with Robert Kennedy made a different very likely rely. Whether he AND THE C.I.A. colleted. that .eorne thettlers think. that Robert Kennedy wis the obligation of pretending to estimate, It a a Menem.° of the would d.lessIty the treidenc•, More than year that the Teatimes that ie. put to him, I .plagued by the terrible thought accept a false account of tbetir- time within 'Mich we the that remained without reply. The for- or newt of Garriscere tweslies- that he had helped pet into mo- cumsbancea of Illsbreiher's death the press US not mastic' a single trier portion of his comment is lion was nude available, and teat tion forces that indirectly may or theetthly reveal that hie own question *bout the motives behind - before It became firm media pol- Mb-it/Meg, again I suggest, lath have brOUght about his brother's hand picked assassin, tired some Kennedy's decision while abeam „he.. eme pr, icy to •ttempt In discredit the a- shot., abuse upon Garr lean for meet.. martyrdom: of Sc Kennedy Chase the tia into vestigattom, Drew Petits. wrote At the time of the Pearson col- former entree, according to the ulterior motives. Why should Robert Kennedy he what may be the moat Important umn, tearristees invesega tam was enalysis. More than the future of two men Of his I00g career,It Interested. In lounting who Is 01017 10 not relatively new. While he had iden- Once having adopted that posi- is here at stake. Murder breeds resits:amble• for the assassins- surprising, therefore, that the tified some of the men involved tion he supported It with actloo. murder. OrcanIzed criminal ac- CO N= hae areelie been ignored_ The former head of the entl-Hof- tivity, offictelly excused, Ls an if he bra known the Identity killed la planning the ansuSlalition In- of the Iona culprit for more than Pearson asked, .W"IFK sufficient evidence was Imo • equee, organised by Robert inettetion to more, America de- W a CIA backfire. tits article Kennedy for the personal perse- veloped three eloquent spokes- bur years? ,thres- available to constrain him to begn with this sentencee think the watilinkante--that la cution of a imioe leader, ffter men In the last Bee years. Each, Kennedy did make reference to Ident Johnson Is silting ma • poi- John F. Kennedy, Malcolm X and was agency of the Federal government sucrestully and stuunereilly hav- the Archives, bowerver, it ideal ti-bomb--an unconfirmed actually planned and carried out ing sent James liefea to jail, was Martin Luther King, hasbeen.- that statement thatbrooght blm to report that he hedquestioned•tOp the aseeselnatIon. Much more dispatched 10 try to do the some Slanted during thattime.lgennedy a new plateau to relation to the °fleeted,• who agreed that a pint for turning toward peace. Those Le,,getpat.,,• ceeeeeeie evidence Is now available and thing to Jiro Garrison. Walter evidence. I have seen everything to Fidel CrLITta00 la now that the Sheridan, Robert Kennedy's 9n- *be feel that be tuned too slow- mat's there. stand by the War- •thonelderecr at theltighest levels CIA orgenized the murder, yeartgatne while be was Attor- ly in that direction dwell re- ren Gothmietiete No leebt It of the Central InieLligeme Agan- ney General became a •neWS In- member that It errs tee for the -was rld- Last September, Gerrie. a dear to him thet heeculd not cy at the time that Bobby charged that Robert Kennedy had vest:gator. for NBC-TV and In slowness but for the movement de/end, in an open nocounter, the ing herd mt. the agency.. Pearson trade, .very port're efforts to the! capacity visited entneeeee that he wee killed. Malcolm X for position thee be had not seen the edged that some officials agreed abstract. Ma investigation. It is to New Orle.e. He has sacs listens developed the underetand- evidence but was millet M.ouch that the plan was ...mewed and been indicted for attempted pub- lug which turned him, for the fleet According to quite apparent to me; Gerettem for the validity of the Report. implemented? geld, *that for one remote or an- Ile bribery In connection with time, Into an effective and Im- There were but two pore/Unties peeeeee, it le alleged time .three other he does not want the truth those visits. Sheridart's trial will portant leader. And Martin Luther then &reliable. Retreat from the hired essassIns were caught In brought out. Perhaps he can ex- provide entormation revealing King tot reaSaiS that It may still endorsement Or calm le have Havana where a lone survivor Is plain better than l can why his how far he was willing to gainan be too early to telly discern, reed the evidence and rennet the still supposed to be languishing political career Is so Important, effort to destroy Garrison's in- Newsweek, it nu gbt be noted here, endorsement He chase the latter In prism. It is, of course, well He added, n have be coached* vestigation and Garrison. wrote lust BEFORE Dr. King's course although It Is bite OW established that Pearson enloys Garrison's react!. to all this assassination that -Icor, demise to information inside the that be feels the development of that Ms Statement to entire', access the truth about the useseinatton, is [title short of phenomenal. as a block thon would be a decl- false. To read efferythine lathe government at the highest level. catching the real anlitanifth of 'What else can Bobby dor he ares and perhaps Irreparable Archives would require perhaps a Possible connrmetion of that Ste- Jack Kennedy, would interfere Like when : express displeasure blow to hopes for peaceful social Year of et:103bant steal there- Rob- ry comes front the FSI Wildest:fete with his political career' _ with his ideates. If they could change in America? on bar lust not been mtnetnothitt es that en Investigation by the One man who possessed enough Quite recently a former CIA bill his brother while he was long. Indeed I find It difficult to esee..e• hes Indicated that the knowledge to ensue much of whet 0110111 told me that the 'foot- ?resident he knows that they can contemplate a tripley Robert Ken- allegatiOns should be discounted. do the same tiling to him should had taken place In Delias vtel away into the public ,rehires Among the facts which Peterson print Of an intelligence operation murdered while being probected are all over Dealey Plate The he tell what he known when just belltheg that would ...Pe Peess sald can be .veriflett. are there • candidate! Garrison to more by TO police officers in the hese- metes.I think it them morelike- 'President Koinedywas sortie- evidence, he said, et:Worms to the classic pattern of a CIA charitable it judgment than ern I. meet of the Dallas Police and ly that he lugs not been there at illwioned stub the CIA after the Garrison too, Wad to make Courts Building, The man who ell rather then that he has oeme Bay of Pigs Masco that he weir. executive actiontt—a supheMiern that encludes sesassinetion, it hes choice about his political future did thel deed, and who was there- enCemped, Laboring there for to friends be wooed like hateplin- and his personal safety before tore per. p& - able to expose a part menthe es he poured ever the ter the CIA In a thousand pieces been suggested that an intelli- gence agency planning the mur- deciding whether to investigate of what had gone before, died to Mee. end scatter It to the winds; He the murder. His decision virtual- custody, as he hadad pre- And so It came to Pees that ordered a thorough Inveseguloo der would be compelled to leaf, during an early planing ly ended any possibility of ad- dicted that he would, after his Robert Kennedywhowisbes lore. by o group headed by G.. %u- vancement should he tail to con- request to testify in Washington Math Silent about the Report Came well Taylor. But the Pr.Idetes with the necessity of .neurralle- about that which he ...F....de- log. me action of Robert Ken- vict Clay Sthew, fit might be even full effete and offered that 110- real watchdog was MS brother more dangerous for me when he nied by Earl Warren. credited document the toll en- Bobby, who ended up coiling the nedy, who otherwise Mgetbeee- And through it all Robert F. Met., quite naturally, to attempt is convicted. Garrison recently clorsement it a Ursa einem almost thous It the CIA? sold to me when we &settee. this Kennedy, remains silent about the net nee Ise was willing to to so. Peers. also Mated that it ten to expose and prosecute the can- ntratore. It hen been suggested subject. To those who s uggest that facts, continues to suppress vital The question that rel.= ti "the be .verieled. that •During this e he expects to be the Vice Pr est- evidence, .d pursues els mild- 30 political an animal has taken period, the CIA hatch. 4 le - '0 Mat the CIA, intim:they familiar of Robert Ken- dentir candidate no the Demo- est career. Dr. King observed so enrelieler e Pedalo.. Principle knock off Cestro. It would t with the details just before his death, that a man nedy', Caetro essaselnation plan, cratic ticket he replies, "Do you &Unready does not enter into the been impOssible for MIA !primal realty think that my actions have unwilling to speak out, unseeing declaim:I Mr MA Origthal esser- the nigh theta it did, Say Maid- edit.ed that aborted program to die for what be believes, Ds in to 4111 John Kennedy. My source endeared me to the Democratic Lion was devoid of any lope and ere, without being taken up with National Committee,. He imottes any event, no longer rive. hie Mai tiOeittOrt a based talon the younger Kennedy. Indeed, me 5111.5 that 001 only teeth dictated that approach, but telt the known Net his life is to danger, as is, If unearned sufferine Is re- launtrie.sertion. Principle re- source insists that Bobby, eager the recent murder of Dr. Martin demptive as Dr. King said, then quires more honorable tomtit', to everete the 9ay of Pigs fiasco, Meth, known to a severely Limited John F, Kennedy out-roves tee number of partt elegem , cc:offer. Luther King, Jr., Again reminda . played a key role in the planning! us, the life of any men who seta. brother Robert, Pwrson Wed that, 'Soma that :them:weed exactly Ma way, April 18, 1968 SAN FRANCISCO EXPRESS TIMES ?

Sandy Darlington Black radio for the black community. What's the BOSS SOUL black commonly like? Most white people don't have any idea. Black people become visible to us one by one, on our turf, when Adam Clayton Powell makes Newsweek or Chuck Berry appears at the Fillmore. But all those millions? They happen off stage. Off our stage. Our ignorance is understandable historically, maybe, but it's time we learned better. One school we can go to is black radio, If you stand on a street corner and everything around you, the people, shops. billboards, houses, traffic flow, you'll learn a lot about that corm:wiry. The same goes for a radio station. In this case a black one! KDIA. Listen to the whole sound, Not only the songs but the oda, comments, anouncements. everything. KDIA is different than white radio of course. It should be, it Speaks to a different community. Okay, but that doesn't mean you have to do penance while listening to it. You don't have to roll on the floor weeping Lord why was I born a hooky. You can just listen and enjoy and maybe learn something about where black people are at, where they want. to be and how they plan to get there. Note the features like Sound Off, comments foam listeners, usually on racism: There Are Things To Say Only You Can Say. Or Lou Rawl, singing Tobacco Road: Cause it's home The only life I've ever known And the Lord knows I loathe Tobacco Road . What he didn't mention was that it also showed That's a couple of the more spectacular themes. Bring dynamite and a big old crane how black people are helping our economy. They've but there's plenty of calmer things like the feature Blow it up, tear it down, start all over again read the Galbraith and Keynes things about haw called Profiles in Black. America's Negro Pioneers Build me a town, be very proud to show there has to be an efficienr redismEnnion of wealth Past and , short biogs of people like George Keep the name Tobacco Road.... to keep a consumer economy healthy, so they've Edwin Taylor, the first Negro candidate for Presi- Or the phrases that keep jumping out of love come to help. It's quite simple. We're the ones who dent. in 1904, who said, "The National Liberty Parry songs: Set one Free / You keep me hanging on I Stop have and They're the ones who don't, so they'll jost now ronfoonts the people of the United States, claim- in the Name of Love / There'll be Dancing in the take things and share them around among them- ing their consideration for the firer time." Stirring Street / Try a little Tenderness. SelVeS All the crags like Newsweek and Time say martial music plays in the background as these words Now taste the commercials: lump in your car and there should be more apporrunini for Negroes in are read. Corny? Well, a bit, but the message gets drivanutso fackson Golly Motors NOW, get a really show business. So why can't Rap Brown play Robin across; loin Closer, Brothers, Be Proud You're Black: good car Now: easy credit terms. Or come on down Hood? The Power's On In Oakland. to Austin Carpets, buy some wall-to-wall carpets, add that touch of grace to your home. They play fans, who expected the PG2tE raiders to be hipper symphony music behind that one. Elegance. And easy Morrow and more survival-minded. But there are other sabo- credit terms. Always that. Sign here and ger on the teurs at work w- notably the people who dynamited (contimord from eaarS l credit payment trip just like white folks. Man, that's if we don't act in time, wake people op before it's too the East Bay towers — and they have resisted the all suburbia is, like one big credit payment plantation late, get rid of all these corrupt officiaLs." temptation to tell us why they are knocking out pow- and you can sign for it and get back to your roars at Morrow is a Colorado mystic, a loner who could er lines. Their silence is a generous act; it allows the same time. You want courses in Negro History? not conceivably have been part of a conspiracy. No each of us to construct his own fantasy (and act on Man ,with us you can Re-Live your History. Sign this one could doubt his denial of any connection with it. perhaps?) instead of having to listen to someone line and you'll be enslaved to us forever more, just the East Bay dynamiungs. like your great grandparents. At night after work In the hands of the law he is friendless and help- you can stare at these carpets on your floor like they less. His original plan was to plead guilty and tell were just so many rows at carton and you were pick- his story to a jury. A court-appointed 3TTOTTICf ad- PG&E ing them. Don't miss out. Get in bondage NOW! vised him that you don't get a jury aid —or any But It isn't as simple as that. There's art ad that (continued from eget Si trial — if you plead guilty, which makes sense when says Come down to Gross Brothers in Oakland and you think about it the power goes off they'll loot the supermarkets - get all the furniture you need. They don't say Buy, Morrow hadn't thought abuts it Once he did. he probably stock up on frozen food, the dorm fools_ they say Get. And the people are coming. They've told his Lawyer to plead him now guilty and to ask And then when the supermarkets are empty they'll been out and signed for a better car, they've got their for a jury trial. When he came up for arraignment look around and say. "Hey, where foes food come rugs and new they're coming back for the furniture though, the lawyer, in a sickroom tone of voice. asked honor And some people will go our rounding up that's in your window. I mean you said come and ger the judge to send the case up to Saper:or Court with- food in trucks, and some people will round up the it. Well, through the door or through the window, out a plea with the understanding that die Superior trucks, and some people will round up gasoline for fuse as long as people get furniture, right? Court would appoint psychiatrists to determine die mucks, so that food can be distributed Free. There's one public service ad read by a shaky "whether the defendant was mentally capable of as- ships have to be-unloaded without power. they'll get white-sounding old geezer about Always lock your sisring in his own defense" unloaded You talk about pumping water. Well, you door. Put a good lock on your premises, Be sure to It was a double-cross of the rankest sort, and Mor- know there are small generators all over, portable report suspicious loiterers, Take down the license row jumped op in court to give an impassioned man that run off gasoline. Every contractor has them numbers of fleeing villains you know: High speech about this "caracolinn of jusoice." The judge sitting around. You need electricity for something. School Principal advice. But underneath it, KDIA gaveled him down, and decided very definitely to you cop it Maybe we'll have little electric islands 411 is playing a soul monumental. solid and constant. send him up to the psychiatrists. The Court was pro- over. Imagine die Carousel Ballroom all lit up, light So as this shaky old gent locks up his shop for the tecting his intetesos by appointing an attorney For and music blowing our of the walls, right in the mid- night, worrying about his possessions. across the him; his failure to understand that constituted more dle of a dark plain. street there's some spades leaning against the wall, evidence that he was incompetent to conduct his own Won't Mu make it harder to see the stare? slender and sharp-looking like the Chambers Broth- defense. You can miss the stars for one night, unless you're ers, just humming, rapping their feet. waiting and If Morrow isn't crazy now, he will be when they an asanslogy nut. watching. Will they, won't they? Tune in . get through with him_ His bail is 56000 1$600 to a 1 firmed you rind - Hubert Humphrey had the cheek to say that one of bondsman, and solid collateral against the rest), I did. Let that go. The important thing is for peo- the most interesting things about the noes was that which he can't make by himself. lie also needs to ple to learn what they redly need, what it's really when Blacks looted stores, they tended to take the find a lawyer he can trust, and lie may have to pay about, that they can help each other get what they bug name brands. In a way. he said, the whole thing for that row. really need just by going our and doing what needs was a triumph of mass advertising. Dale Morrow has disappointed a lot of sabotage to be done for each other. Page 12 SAN FRANCISCO EXPRESS TIMES April 18, 1968

People who do not understand this very often find baseball boring. A game c does move slowly and casually, and there are long intervals between the from field... action. But these intervals are the key to the tension and excitement of a game. TEMPUS FUGIT FRANK BARDACKE The outcome of a game is determined by one pitch, a bad hop, or a split second swing. The emphasis on that special instant is possible only because it takes On a windy afternoon in the middle of last week I went with an old friend place in the context of a long afternoon's play. If a fan becomes impatient be- to see the San Francisco Giants play the Pittsburgh Pirates. The arrangements cause of all the "wasted time" then he cannot sense the shift in mood as a lazy were simple. My friend works at KQED and it was easy for him to leave at afternoon becomes a highly charged moment or tension on which the whole noon. But he did have to check back at the station at a reasonable hour before game depends. going home. "Don't worry," I told him, "I have an appointment with my law- The general behavior of a baseball crowd reflects this peculiar sense of yer in Berkeley at five — the game will be over in rime." rime. Baseball fans talk throughout the game: mostly they talk baseball but In rime all baseball games are over. Baseball is the only major American some genuine fans will talk about politics ar their jobs or their kids. People sit spectator sport that w not run by the . In football and basketball the win- back casually during most of the game, giving their undivided attention to the ning team is the one that is ahead after a specified amount of time. But in base- field only at the crucial moments. But the emphasis is on talk — either among ball the winner is the team that is ahead after each side has had twenty-seven friends or with strangers. outs. This difference gives baseball its special — and now old-fashioned char- Last Thursday Sol and I sat in the general admission seats in Left Field. acter. It was Ladies' Day and after awhile we found ourselves surrounded by middle- The pace of a baseball game is pre-industrial. It is a game for country boys aged women. The ladies watched the game in absolute silence. Everytime either who must work hard when they have to work, but who don't get upset when Sol or I yelled something out neighbors looked at as as ii we were talking in there is nothing to do. A country boy, like a baseball player, can sit back and church. One womam leaned over and said, "SsssIthhh. I can't hear the radio." wait for some action without worrying about the passing time. Many young We left our general admission seats and snuck into the reserved section. farmers have fallen asleep in the fields; some baseball players sleep on the An usher kicked us out and we tried four or five spots until we landed unde- bench between innings. tected right behind die Giant dugout. The game was now in extra innings and This relaxed ethic is now an anachronism. In our overorganized industrial neither the Giants nor the Pirates seemed in a hurry to score any runs. Sol said society every minute is precious." Time is money," as the saying goes. and he was warned about getting beckon time. It was almost four. nothing is more Important than money. If a minute is wasted it can never be Ten minutes later Willie Mays walked with two nom. On the second pitch retrieved: everyone is in a losing race against die clock. Anyone who is in such he tried to steal. He looked slow and was thrown out easily. When Mays got a race has a natural sympathy for games like basketball and football. They can up and turned around he seemed old and weary. He stood out by second base understand all those players running around trying to USE every second of a long rime. Then he turned and moved into center field with a painful old their time. The clock runs football and basketball as it runs the working lives man's jog. of most Americans. The sound of a buzzer at the end of a game is not too Inside a ballpark there is no time. But seventeen years have passed since different from the sound of a time dock striking five. Willie Mays was a rookie and I was nine years old. Now I ant twenty-six and But there is no rime limit on a baseball game — no bell or buzzer at the that afternoon I had to sOC my lawyer about staying out of jail. end. When we were kids we would never leave a game before It was over, and "Hey, Sol, I really have to see my lawyer at five." we had complete contempt for the people who left the ballpark early. We un- "Sure. I have to get back too. We can hear the rest of the game on the derstood then that when you go to a baseball game you must leave behind your radio." ordLiary timebound concerns and give yourself up to the game.


2986 ADC.L.tME (NT i`st-151- IN bER.K.-E-L `I" 54973740

•OPtN• 31-K-WED. 12 *Dom - Ttkil R5- FR . 11-8 5AT U K,PAY 1 1 - G SAN FRANCISCO EXPRESS TIMES Page 13 April 18. 1968 4VvOZ' ,/d„ WINN 0E40M -41 frratLIPSt rtlotk :011.V6

The captain set out for the planetoid to are for him- self about all of these doomsday murmerings of a collision course with earth. the telegraph from space, the ufo's and whatnots that became the talk of the street as everyone armed for defense weaponry the only way is seemed at that point with murder every- where that dillenger would be In the hand of every man. Perhaps this strange icarus trip was nothing more than hindi rouge to pick everybody's head up to the sky, the canonization of chicken little pecking the melting titan monsters, disney and dentine flash- ing on each other, balls projected across the Firma- ment who is that? who tat? The captain in electric sollloquoy says, "seismic me, am catatonic searching for clues to cattlystn what's coming. they tell me it's corning. i ask them who is they? what is coming? they say end or begin and I am tinkled fink, twilight brother at dusk. moth- erfucker." Funds were raised, a rocket ship built, action set afoot no send a man up and check this barely visible june 15 phenomena almost out of human sight which would change the world {melting icecaps? spirit trip? Ma?), or destroy It (fire? gilroy7 leroi?) or so people of the street hoped for, an action pageant making a dent. And so it was captain apocalypse set out in his rocker ship towards the sun, a paraffin penis Flash light, on the way to icarus speeding incredibly through the galaxy of space, seeking the proof of the matter. "I =I landing; I am landing roger." The captain arrived on the hurtling noisey plane- toid, and immediately set upon solving the mystery of i031719. "you may reach your number i have a direct call will you take it? ... will you take it?" Apocalypse questioned the first creature that ap- proached him, "are you hurtling noisily towards the earth?" The creature explained that he was not able to speak For the planetoid as a whole, bur that as far as he was concerned, Icarus would come no closer to earth than in previous years; that mercury would be closer than earth, and that nothihg unusual would happen thin trip .. "coinciding with the olymptc games in AM< stadium," thought Apocalypse. "it is all connected, silver and gold, mercury and art, and the sun ." • The creature reached for a book in its back pocket, "Earth-Guide. Confessions," and began to read to the captain: "disease dismisses the difference of good and evil, says everything is off to a retreat in the himalayas, from a flower to a cesspool. and most of the race has nothing, having turned we 5"441 Track Now creation into degeneration and death, cults and reli- gI4 12 Track Soon do gions. fairy tales and countries. You are watching your shadow dim the reflected light, gray dead ball, our deflection of darkness. the earth has twisted between satellite and sun, the moon is dead blood circling the Pacific High Recording Co. thing earth." The creature returned "Earth-Guide: Confessions" for Box 1307, Sausalito ro his pocket and watched for the reaction of the (415) 332.5550 you captain. The captain. stunned, went back to his slut. and returned to earth. page 14 SAN FRANCISCO EXPRESS 'TIMES April 19, 1968

down the town." She sired to her source of form whidi aprakers cools are no the same tnfotthanan Ole 'Vacaville Reporter (winch Telegram from Betty Shabazz now they were 4e/ermined to keep it orderly. had inf act ran or fy. cool, niateafOrward to prevent 'Stoning end looting" nog code r en unoldlueire helilinet. "You (The following is a telegram rent to Bobby Hunerri; faun:4 from Betty As the corivenedmt drifted to mull talk, can't helm everythang you read, though.' Shahmut. Malcolm X's widget) he said ho birthday was on May LI, "I'M the seed. of black The question is not will it be non-violence vs. violence bur whether otspermildotts," he ins& "I'm afraid Aside from rhoten end mite sop, no ace suggest. that the dentonittaton had given right of self defense human being can practice his Cod The townspeople wale friendly and gener- been ',lemurs ?allege and .cross. Ira possible Shot down like a common animal he died a warrior for black lihetacicre ally willing to talk no =mama with a 'Tree that the previous day they hod gotten pan- If the generation before him had not been afraid he perhaps annul be alive Huey" Inn. and store halt thin Bobby lGan- miry. but were now embarrassed to aid,r111[ is nedy. They all knew thee a demonstration at today. It's also possible that they had been tot "the Facility- had been tilled on and then cool an Fridley as they were on Saturday. Remember, Like Solomon, there is a rime for everything — a nine to be celled off, btu they were ht ry a to detail.. The nicer cemmee !Rance, among the fif- born, a time to die, a rime to love and a time to bare, a time ro fight and It oreolveg e prisoner who had "hulled due teen people KJ, seemed to be nee- a time to retreat. Nemo boy they buried m Berkeley premolar tunny, They weren't grateful to the police or "balled en Oakland rap' or whom acrid, for prtietriag them end they didn'r luepen in the name of brotherhood and survival remember Bobby. It could he too were merely rnyetcriotte. Otte volun- the police or wearing to provoke something: you, your son, your husband or your brother turonotow. Crimes against an meted that the prOotters name might be they didn't undetected what die demo-nom individual are Often crimes against an entire nation_ "Gifford.- non was about but they didn't matte to knock More people said the nor quail had been To his family only time can eliminate the pain of losing him Box may It. sac is form, 'with smoke hoods, and Me- I'm not sum whet the police had in mind he be remembered in the hearts and minds of vs all &therms." onothing to one Mail. Estimate. For the demonarteiimi Probably they winced of their strolgth mord as high a. two thou- to tee an orderly. legal rally take piece which sand Most indicted the polio had muted ar they could humiliate by thee were appear- THROUGH VAC_AVI1LE "rho Fa:dairy," hut rmme believed they Ind thee in overxholming strength, without say been peopling time totem and one thought need for vnalence. Of perhaps they :tally WITH GUN AND BUTTON they had lapped all an antenna tOwn, Since did plan a manacre. as Scale said. If they did. Marain Carson no arm wens ectually to have seen =tonal I doubt very muc}s that they would have had police otiviey with 10 awn eye,, Its likely any rivtltan vi.planots to help them. The day after the Caravan to Vacaville didn't happen, I went op there my- that the not ,goad had content:MA at the One thing ie throin — you can walk self with a "Free Huey" button and a 12-gauge shotgim ED cry to see if the prison and frayed oat of own. through Vacaville venting a "Free F.ter. town was as rough as Bobby Seale had said it was. A Wait.reel dacroght the Am of the demon. IttutiOrt wtthotte any need for a ihorpo. Vao- .moan Wu o '''set the guy Enre or burst The shotgun stayed in the vt'tke may not he Berkeley, km ire nor Part car, unconcealed and noloaded, entirety legal Chicago other, and frarneup-proof. (No danger of getting busted for -brandishing a weapon" iF you leave it in the car). If set upon by a mob of thugs syringing tire chains, my fantasy rap, I would retreat to the ear and make a stand there, brandishing the weapon in legirirr.te self-defense or If necessary using the birdshor I had brought along to draw some blood and scare them off without killing anybody. The R. sign I raw all the freeway pointed end the fink Prothro and prism rekirm end to the CalliOniti altdreal Facility (thee. • the peer sue day, noa-drannonsinceek ell the prism). The moment I entered the prison whale Luanne camel* Ageing the ear. rear gtounde. I realized I woo carrying a gun in ...door m block ha view ei dear goddamn. the =mediae. vicinity of 4 lei, which a a abotspok Felony.. I towed right ..mod and waned tom They had -been empanel- for the thrum- but not Iodine • cop pulled me aloe. orators, ha mid tow. The goat:Aide SO I chaned with the officer her twenty awed" a onemisel. orderly dorionetemeion, mutate, about The Pence end Freedom Party much an chat they had men cawed a olio-

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jrricifir.- April 18, 19.68 SAN FRANCISCO EXPRESS TIMES page 15 S.F. MIME TROUPE SUMMER 1968

COMMEDIA IN THE PARKS APRIL SUNDAY MON TUES WED THL1 FRI SATURDAY 20 RUZZANTE - San Pablo Pk. RUZZANTE Berkeley The Farce of 21 AUZZA.NTC or, The Veteran 1.2..44 Memo PATELIN by Museum. Oakland

28 PATELIN Canyon. Odd. Sohoolyard



5 5 ICI 2 II RUZZANTEUZZANTE RUZZANTE PATELIN PATEUN PATTEN RUZZANTE GoW Gate Pk tuve 044 Park Union Square Union Square Union Num. Provo NA Labyetil Park Lb. Ilk Young Berkeley S F. S F. S-F. Berkeley 5E. 1 PA.:CUPP PATELIN Dolores Park Mill Park Mill Valley 12 1.5 17 is 9 I 12 tl 14 IS RUZZANTE PATEUN PATELIN psrzus RUZZANTE PATELIN PATELIN sArcuN RUZZANTE Provo Pack Gobi. Gate Mr Sr. Mary's Sq. St, Marys sq YO Park Aquatic Park Aquatic Pork Aqua.. Park Dolores Park Berkeley S.F. S.F ke1a behind De You q Mu. 5.F 5.F S.F. SF VFELIIA • . JZZA PATELIN Dolores Park Mull Park MID. Park 5.F Mill Volley Mill Valley /9 22 23 24 25 16" 19 20 21 22 PATELIN PATELIN PATELIN PA t RUZZAHTE. PATEUN PATFUN PATELIN RUZZANIE Provo Park Civir Csorar Comer Civic Cotter Dubocc Park RUZZANTE Aka. Bldg. Panhandle Panhandle Wm1.1m o Berkeley S.F .F.-°.4 S.F. F Dolovs Pak PA. 5 F. SE, PATELIN SF S.F. PVT ' 1,1111 Pork UnionS r Square Agumc Perk Valley 5F 26 23 2b 27 20 29 30 FAMED{ RUZZANTE Dukcice Park WashIngtors pArsurr PATELIN PATELIN RUZZANTE 5; Pb F wq.1,,,,,,, 5,, Washington Sq Wash/nip. 5q Panhandle HUZZANIt I'.ATELI. Pk 5F pic. SF Pk. SF SF Union Sq. Aquino Park OF S.F. 'Sat. Sun. 2.00 Weekdays 12 Noon


MORE IN JULY, AUGUST, SEPTEMBER DEALING LocKtkomS 1,1 s,i -LK? CLM F'Rtsco ckeak,%.,,4 News tra,EE,c_ rikev Seckiov■S re.gt‘kaooteVES,

863-7775 WEDNESDAY. April 17 DRAFT COUNSEL: 1703 Grove, Bkly, 2:30. LECTURE: An Hop*. on Smite and Other O pm. FREE Info 345-1470. Bloat Inerrurnenn, Dliblo Valley College. CLASS: LIM Drawing, 11.25 Bush. No. C. SF, Concord. 9 pm, dm Info 685-1230 0388. 730.10 pm. 81.50. info 122-0343. SEMINAR: On The /ewe In the Soviet Union CLASS: Public speaking. poise dewelopment, - I. There Really A Problerne - speaker, sport, Kerista, 330 pm. FREE Inc bt info 647- dinasion. related lapin. SF Jewish Como 3908. Conroe 3203 Calif. SF. 3715 pm. FREE CLASS: Had. Yosp. 1743 Haight. SF, 10-12 LECTURE: On Buddhism. by Mike Elena: 146 noon. Morally Plat. 5F. 8 pen. CLASSES: Creative Drawing, Pointing Sculp- CONCERT Nanonal Symphony Orchestra ture; bag m adv, info 912.0843. perfume Gould. Brahma. Straviroky, Rich- POETRY READINGS: Blue Unicorn Coffee mond Monona! Aud. 8 pot, S2 House. 1927 Heyes. SF. edm (e): loin 752- or FILMS: Breirfrage. The An of Vision (44e 6710 hrif; Wheeler. EICB. 3 pro, 81, morn Cinema litho, 1736 Haight, SF. 3fk lends:an 3Sol. Perrodelica, info 843-3171 info 386-9860. FILM: Orphan, of the Storm IOW Griffith) EVENT, Malvin. Reynolds taps an k slogs - 1921: Merritt, odd. 7 pa FREE. aka "Tim Singing Inns,' Hearth, Oak k Bolt- Theory & Praccice of Smolt Ritual; er, SF, 8 pm. FREE, info 6164910. 4114 Ulf. SF, 9 prn. 87 90 for 3 sessions; FILMS: Von Sternbergs Dishonored, also info 752-3533 after 3 pm_ Garrett's One Way Plump; 145 OvineIle DANCFJCONCERT. Straight Theme, Haight UO3. 3 pm. SI. sports FW Mom.. info 653- at Calm SF. itiontot" wilight. by The Broth- 3609. erhood of Light, 9 pm. 81. FILMS: A0.0.0.11551. by children 545 from THURSDAY, April 18 Yellow Ball Workshop. also other.; 756 Union. SF. 8.30 pm. IL. span Canyon Cine- DRAMA: Ben Ionian'. Every Mon in His ma Mega, info 731-4719. ffirmar. performed by Acton Eroamblo; Life FILMS: Andalusian Dog more: 2416 18th St Oak. 1301 Shenuck. Bkly. 8:15 pm. 11 (area. IF. 8:30 pm. 5 1. Info 361-5491. dean 500, info 526-5740. MEETING. Oakland Sr Transition - mph- OPERA: Offenbadi. Toles of Hoffman. pet- ;tteriNIttelar, w•tut,14:1.11 tre an an educational problems - wine, Sup ,...rtetrs. ckertErn .1.nktr formed by Cal Sum Opera WorkshOp: Cal cow,- so S F Oakl Schools, more; lefferson School, 2035 - Stem Hayward, 8.15 pm, 51.50 prudent. 75c) QS7LZ VoRc_RS 4REAT) to/ E 10th Ave, Cold. 730 pm, FREE -TRAfctc TIME LECTURE: Shocks of the Student Proms, LECTURE: Student Protest Mover in Alia It Movement voRbt Mandel. end Carl Frank, skuvcr -c41■ /Arnim Oakl. FREE, info 635-6110, stews America. w/Rin Les; Newman Hall, Bkly, S WILL SELL MAA-TR1s, 7:30 pm. FREE. Controversy '68. CONCERT ! DANCE Sono of Champlin. DANCUCONCF-RT, Straight Theater, Haight DANCFJCONCERT: Fillmote, FORUM: The Draft - How Does Your Com- Eights; Straight Theatre, ST. 9 pm, 52. Loam. Stap.e mie:tot Sot It? orattny, mathor, Am. Leiton at Cole. SF, -The Womb," Brotherhood of Singers, Roland Kirk. 9 pm, 53. Light. 9 pm, El. JAZZ: 2nd annual &nivel - moue Mlles member. snort; Educal Forum of SF, Hall of DANCE/CONCERT: Avalon, Thugs, Ace of DEMONSTRATION: Haight And-Draft Un- Davis. Carrnen fAcRoe, Cecil Taylor: Greek Flow=n. Oak & Lincoln, SE, d pm, FREE. info Cops, Antrum Joy. 9 pm, $3. ion le Brotherhood of Free Men support Dove Thelma NCB, 8 pm (chary), 11-3-4 loon-m- 343-3979. enus 52-4-5), Info 843-4800 X4537, or 3125. SUNDAY. April 21 LECTURE: Aden Treganm, SF Stare. on Use Mandel or ha refuses induction by singing PANEL: "How Should Snidems Vore In of The Idiot Spoon (shovel - archaeology); Allan Restaurant 1:30 am 10. Oak Ind Cent. ALICE SAYS IT like it a- The Nem Shakes- Choke '68" Speaker For McCarthy, RFC, PEP, Contra Costa College. San Pablo. 3 pm, $1. Cm pool. leaving 629 Cole at 6,45 or Ban- peare Company presmits "Atka In Wonder- and YEA, 4 LeConte, UO3, 8 pm. ()rev HOUSE Sexual Freedom Lague. 910 croft It Dana same nine Be Morel land' A real theater experience for everyone FRIDAY, April 19 DEBATE/ Pete Camel°. YSA, as. McCarthy 2 pm, Trinity Episcopal Church, Gough & Uoce /1114 Real, Bkly, 3 pm, FREE, 654-0316. shapporrm. DRAMA; Acton Ensemble- to Apr. 13. 1338 Marko. SF, 6 pm. 51. srudeate Bush, S.F. Kid. k students 11, Adult. 31.50. HOOT: Ellen Feast; Hearth. Oak It Baker. SF. 50e 9 pm, FREE. OPERA: Tale. of Hoffman. cot Apr. 18. MIME TROUP. 2 pm, RUZZANTE In Provo P.ARTY/DANCE: Simi. men and women ov• DANCE: Ace Halpon lead. myths {theatre CONCERT: Ray Reussner. guitanic SF Coro. Park. Bkly. er 30 In Bkly-Rea. 5250, call The Guild. of 500.114 1201 Ortega. SF. 3.30 pm, FREE. DRAMA: "The Gas Haut" at the Stepper, experimente 'a/mud:etre partimperionl, 321 S25-0457. °Sylmar°, SF, 3:30 pm. $3 Prudence 52.501 LECTURE: Mario Pei. on One Lenguaga Mr wolf, 2136 Son Pablo, Bkly, 8:30 pm. 50e. info 425-5414. tee 'Norld, Merritt College. Oakland, El pm, SATURDAY. April 20 MUIR BEACH: 1 pm every Sunday. Banda It Food. Ere 5130. FREE. DRAMA: loomeres "The Lemon" at the Step- PANCAKE BREAKFAST: spans PFP, 9-1 pm. Pitschol Mayers Presents SPECIAL. Dick Gregory, comedian; ably penwolE 2136 Son Pablo. Bkly., 5 poi, II. Brmilion Roo. Tilden Park. 1130 adults. 75c Community Theatre, 8 pm, FREE. sports Mer- DANCE/CONCERT: Straight Theater. Haight children under 12. All you can eat-please THE W.0 FIELDS ritt College. and Colo, SF. 500.5 of Clantplin. etc See Fri- come_ OPERA: lbsen's Peer Gynr; SF State. pm. day, Apr. 19. MEMOFUAL ORPHANAGE CONCERT. Old ado,. Info 585-7174 MLME TROUP: "Romano, or the Spagheett Fusory. 478 Green V0.557." 2 Sr. 3:15 & 313 Saturday nights 9 prn \ CONCERT/DANCE: Cream. Clearwater pre Merritt Park, Oak pm. Oak Youth Symphony. Bah Sirli0054 In Revival: Poppycock. 135 Univerairy, Palo AI- IAZZ: UCE, 1:30 pm. D Minor; Britten Serenade, Admission $1.50 Piano Work.hap di- more to. 9 pm. SI. info 325-4620. rected by Silly Taylor. Harbte Hancock. Theo- FILMS: Andalusian Deg, more, me Apr. 18. lomous Monk. Denny Zeithrt and CONCERT, Straight Meaner, Haight m Cole. 120 Mint Strom bennen Cecil Tay- SF. "Malsolial." 8 pm, 75c hilsoice Ile neon new aim. 8 it 10 pm. lor. HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT CONFERENCE: %Weans o8 15th St. S.F. PARTY: Single adobe. 21.35 yrs; 677 Grin- WORKSHOP/PICNIC: PFP, 1.30 pm et Padre 9959 San Pablo. Albany, 10t30-8 pm. 6 work. * Peak. Bkly. II:30 pm. Info 5244191 Br right picnic areo In Tilden Park, Dick Gregory 349-1312. shape femdent prover, draft, expel duce, and other candidata have boon Lamed_ Fond 1550.55 available - Everyone invited. themes. etc). Info 661.4651 or 526- 3858. BRUNCH; PFP mans.. New Chinn. Holum. 110. 13. Dick Gregory and ?aul lamb+ will MONDAY. April 22 speak_ Ticket. - 2860 Telegraph, Bkly. II DRAMA: lortemes leek or the Submission". AA. 830 pm, Stappenwolf. 2136 San Pablo, Bkly., 50c. VefFEATIEDSce FILMS: Two views of the Fall of Thenbien• phu, 'The 317th Sedan" cad -The Bartle of Dlenbumphu." Sporn Facuiry Documentary Film. Comm. Info 845-6409. cot15 LAFAYETTE ST. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 34103 ailit•ra•ralo let. •

SAN FRANCISCO EXPRESS TIMES 15 Lafayette Saran San itannoto Subsrnotion Roar 86 ft, trot California 94103 Phone 1163,7775



City Sloe ZIP