Myztery Tempus Fugit Death Judgement Hell Heaven MRPB77046 Myztery Tempus Fugit Mystcal Rose Press Myztery, Tempus Fugit, Copyright © 2012, Mystical Rose Productions, Chatham, Ontario, Canada. All rights reserved. © 2012, Mystical Rose Productions Chatham, Ontario
[email protected] Printed in Canada Introduction by Pete Mason “Tempus Fugit” is Latin for “Time flies.” “Tempus fugit memento mori” means “time flies, remember death.” Tempus Fugit, as an album and eventual video idea for Myztery, came to me sometime around 2006 in Burnaby, BC. I had been exposed to a classic spiritual book called “The Four Last Things” by Fr. Martin von Cochem, O.S.F.C. (Tan Books and Publishers, Inc) and the four last things are listed as “Death, Judgement, Hell and Heaven.” The cover of the book quotes Hebrews 9:27: “. it is appointed unto men once to die, and after this the judgment.” In the opening pages it also quotes the book of Ecclesiasticus 7:40: “In all thy works remember thy last end, and thou shalt never sin.” I read the book and found it a powerful tool to use on monthly silent retreats, often bringing a copy of the book with me on mountain or monastery retreat days. After Myztery released their debut self-titled album in 2005, we began to think about what our next album would be like. I shared with Cyndie, my girlfriend and bandmate, my idea of taking “the four last things” and making an album out of it and even a full-length video.