Dataflow Machine Architecture

ARTHUR H. VEEN Center for Mathematics and Computer Science, P.O. Box 4079, 1009 AB Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Dataflow machines are programmable computers of which the hardware is optimized for fine-grain data-driven parallel computation. The principles and complications of data- driven execution are explained, as well as the advantages and costs of fine-grain parallelism. A general model for a dataflow machine is presented and the major design options are discussed. Most dataflow machines described in the literature are surveyed on the basis of this model and ita associated technology. For general-purpose computing the most promising dataflow machines are those that employ packet-switching communication and support general recursion. Such a recursion mechanism requires an extremely fast mechanism to map a sparsely occupied virtual space to a physical space of realistic size. No solution has yet proved fully satisfactory. A working prototype of one processing element is described in detail. On the basis of experience with this prototype, some of the objections raised against the dataflow approach are discussed. It appears that the overhead due to fine-grain parallelism can be made acceptable by sophisticated compiling and employing special hardware for the storage of data structures. Many computing-intensive programs show sufficient parallelism. In fact, a major problem is to restrain parallelism when machine resources tend to get overloaded. Another issue that requires further investigation is the distribution of computation and data structures over the processing elements.

Categories and Subject Descriptors: A.1 [General Literature]: Introductory and Survey; C.1.2 [ Architectures]: Multiple Data Stream Architectures-multiple- instruction-stream, multiple-data-stream processors (MIMD); C.1.3 [Processor Architectures]: Other Architecture Styles-data-flow architectures; C.4 [Computer Systems Organization]: Performance of Systems-design studies General Terms: Design, Performance Additional Key Words and Phrases: Data-driven architectures, dataflow machines, data structure storage

INTRODUCTION maintain, and extend. Experimental data- flow machines have now been around for Early advocates of data-driven parallel more than a decade, but still there is no computers had grand visions of plentiful consensus as to whether data-driven exe- computing power provided by machines cution, besides being intuitively appealing, that were based on simple architectural is also a viable means to make these visions principles and that were easy to program, become reality.

Author’s current address: Computing Science Department, University of Amsterdam, P.O. Box 41882,1009 DB Amsterdam, The Netherlands, or Arthur e MCVAX.cwl.NL. Permission to copy without fee all or part ?f this material is granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for direct commercial advantage, the ACM copyright notice and the title of the publication and its date appear, and notice is given that copying is by permission of the Association for Computing Machinery. To copy otherwise, or to republish, requires a fee and/or specific permission. 0 1987 ACM 0360-0300/86/1200-0365 $1.50

ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 18, No. 4, December 1986 366 . Arthur H. Veen CONTENTS Dennis [1969] developed the model of dataflow schemas, building on work by Karp and Miller [1966] and Rodriquez [1969]. These dataflow graphs, as they INTRODUCTION were later called, evolved rapidly from a 1. DATAFLOW MACHINES VERSUS method for designing and verifying operat- OTHER PARALLEL COMPUTERS ing systems to a base language for a new 2. DATAFLOW MACHINE LANGUAGE 2.1 Dataflow Programs architecture. The first designs for such 2.2 Dataflow Graphs machines [Dennis and Misunas 1974; 2.3 Conditional Constructs Rumbaugh 19751 were made at Massachu- 2.4 Iterative Constructs and Reentrancy setts Institute of Technology. The first 2.5 Procedure Invocation 3. THE ARCHITECTURE dataflow machine became operational in OF DATAFLOW MACHINES July 1976 [Davis 19791. 3.1 A Processing Element The dataflow field has matured consid- 3.2 Dataflow Multiprocessors erably in the past decade. Realistic hard- 3.3 Communication ware prototypes have become operational, 3.4 Data Structures 4. A SURVEY OF DATAFLOW MACHINES experience with compiling and large-scale 4.1 Direct Communication Machines simulation has been gained, and the exe- 4.2 Static Packet Communication Machines cution of large programs has been studied. 4.3 Machines with Code-Copying Facilities Early optimism has often been replaced by 4.4 Machines with both Tagged-Token and Code-Copying Facilities an appreciation of the problems involved. 4.5 Tagged-Token Machines A keen understanding of these problems is, 5. THE MANCHESTER DATAFLOW however, still lacking. In the years ahead MACHINE the emphasis may shift from exploratory 5.1 Overview research to evaluation and to a thorough 5.2 The Match Operation 5.3 Tag Space analysis of the problems deemed most cru- 5.4 Data Structures cial. Many of these problems have - 5.5 State of the Project parts in other parallel computers, certainly 6. FEASIBILITY OF DATAFLOW MACHINES in those based on fine-grain parallelism. 6.1 Waste of Processing Power 6.2 Waste of Storage Space To facilitate such an analysis, we shall 7. SUMMARY attempt to summarize the work done so far. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS A clear view of the common properties of REFERENCES different dataflow machines is sometimes obscured by trivial matters such as differ- ences in terminology, choice of illustra- tions, or emphasis. In order to reduce such The concept of data-driven computation confusion, all designs are described as in- is as old as electronic computing. It is ironic stances of a general dataflow machine. All that the same von Neumann, who is some- necessary terminology is introduced when times blamed for having created a bottle- this general model is presented; the reader neck that dataflow architecture tries to does not have to be familiar with dataflow remove, made an extensive study of neu- or general graph terminology. Some under- ral nets, which have a data-driven nature. standing of the problems encountered in Asynchronously operating in/out channels, parallel architecture is, however, helpful. introduced in the 195Os, which communi- There is no sharp definition of dataflow cate according to a ready/acknowledge pro- machines in the sense of a widely accepted tocol, are among the first implementations set of criteria to distinguish dataflow ma- of data-driven execution. The development, chines from all other computers. For the in the 196Os, of multiprogrammed operat- sake of this survey we consider dataflow ing systems provided the first experience machines to be allprogrammable computers with the complexities of large-scale asyn- of which the hardware is optimized for fine- chronous parallelism. After exposure to grain data-driven parallel computation. these problems in the MULTICS project, Fine grain means that the processes that

ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 18, No. 4, December 1986 Dataflow Machine Architecture l 367 run in parallel are approximately of the size ers familiar with dataflow concepts can skip of a conventional machine code instruction. these first two sections. In Section 3 we Data driven means that the activation of a describe the execution of a program on a is solely determined by the avail- dataflow machine, and discuss different ability of its input data. This definition types of machine organizations. Section 4 excludes simulators as well as nonpro- is a presentation of a comparative survey grammable machines, for instance, those of a wide variety of machine proposals and that implement the dataflow graph di- is suitable as a starting point for a literature rectly in hardware, an approach that is study. Section 5 contains a detailed study popular for the construction of dedicated of one operational prototype, and in Sec- asynchronous signal processors. We also tion 6 the feasibility of the dataflow concept exclude data-driven computers that use is discussed on the basis of this prototype. coarse-grain parallelism such as the MAUD system [Lecouffe 19791, or medium-grain parallelism [Hartimo et al. 1986; Preiss and 1. DATAFLOW MACHINES VERSUS Hamacher 19851 and computers that are OTHER PARALLEL COMPUTERS not purely data driven [Treleaven et al. The efficiency of a parallel computer is 1982a]. influenced by several conflicting factors. A Comparisons of dataflow machines have major problem is contention for a shared appeared elsewhere, but they were mostly resource, usually or some limited to a few machines [Dennis 1980; other communication channel. Contention Hazra 19821. Recently Srini [1986] pre- can often be reduced by careful coordina- sented a comparison of eight machines. tion, allocation, and scheduling, but if this Excellent surveys with a wider scope, in- is done at run time, it increases the over- cluding sequential and demand-driven head due to parallelism, that is, processing computers, can be found in Treleaven that would be unnecessary without paral- et al. [ 1982b] and Vegdahl [ 19841. lelism. If, during a significant part of a This paper is only concerned with the computation, a major part of the processing architecture of dataflow machines, that is, power is not engaged in useful computation, the machine language and its implementa- we speak of underutilization. A useful meas- tion. To limit the size of the paper all issues ure of the quality of a parallel computer is related to the equally important areas of its effective utilization, that is, utilization compiling and programming have been corrected for overhead. The best one can omitted. Introductory material on dataflow hope for is that the effective utilization of languages, which are commonly used to a parallel computer approaches that of a program dataflow machines, can be found well-designed sequential computer. An- in McGraw [1982] and Glauert [ 19841. other desirable quality is , that is, There is extensive literature on the closely the property that the performance of the related group of functional languages [Dar- machine can always be improved by adding lington et al. 19821; a recommended intro- more processing elements. We speak of lin- duction is Peyton-Jones [ 19841. Positive ear speed-up if the effective utilization does experiences with programming in impera- not drop when the machine is extended. tive languages have also been reported Flynn [1972] introduced the distinction [Allan and Oldehoeft 1980; Veen 1985a]. between parallel computers with a single Discussions on programming techniques instruction stream (SIMD) and those with suitable for dataflow machines are just multiple instruction streams (MIMD). The beginning to appear [Dennis et al. 1984; characteristic feature of SIMD computers Gurd and Bohm 19871. is that they are synchronous at the machine The first section of this paper places language level. In the programming of such dataflow machines in the context of other computers, the timing of concurrent com- parallel computers. In the next section we putations plays a prominent role. They introduce dataflow graphs, the machine require skillful programming to bring language of most dataflow machines. Read- utilization to an acceptable level since

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Figure 1. Some of the design options for parallel computers. In SIMD machines the parallel operations are synchronized at the machine language level, and scheduling and allocation needs to be done by the programmer. In MIMD machines the processes that run in parallel need to be synchro- nized whenever they communicate with each other.

scheduling and allocation, that is, deciding sors is highly dependent on the algorithms when and where a computation will be exe- used and especially on the access patterns cuted, has to be done statically, either by to data structures. The reason for this is the programmer or by a sophisticated com- the large discrepancy between the perfor- piler. For certain kinds of applications mance of the machine when it is doing what this is quite feasible. For instance, in low- it is designed to do, that is, processing level signal processing massive numbers vectors of the right size, and when it is of data have to be processed in exactly doing something else. the same way: The algorithms exhibit a In many areas that have great needs for high degree of regular parallelism. Various processing power, the behavior of algo- parallel computers have been successfully rithms is irregular and highly dependent on employed for these kind of applications. the input data, making it necessary to per- SIMD computers show a great variety in form scheduling at run time. This calls for both the power of individual processors and asynchronous machines in which compu- the access paths between processors and tations are free to follow their own instruc- memory (see Figure 1). In associative pro- tion stream with little interference from cessors (e.g., STARAN) many primitive other computations. MIMD computers are processing elements are directly connected asynchronous at the level of the machine to their own data; those processing ele- language? As long as two concurrent com- ments that are active in a given cycle all putations are independent, no assumptions execute the same instruction. Contention can be made about their relative timing. is thus minimized at the cost of low utili- Computations are seldom completely inde- zation. Achieving a reasonable utilization pendent, however, and at the points where is also problematic for processor arrays interaction occurs they need to be synchro- such as ILLIAC IV, DAP, PEPE, and the nized by some special mechanism. This Connection Machine. The most popular of synchronization overhead is the price to be today’s are pipelined vec- paid for the higher utilization allowed by tor processors, such as the CRAY-1s and asynchronous operation. the CDC 205. These machines attain their There are different strategies to keep this speed through a combination of fast tech- price to an acceptable level. One is to keep nology and strong reliance on pipelining geared toward floating-point vector arith- i This does not imply that the organization of the metic. The performance of vector proces- machine is also asynchronous.

ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 18, No. 4, December 1986 Dataflow Machine Architecture l 369 the communication between computations coarse-grain to very-fine-grain machines. to a minimum by dividing the task into There are close parallels between dataflow large processes that operate mainly on their machines and fine-grain reduction ma- own private data. Although in such ma- chines, but the relative merits of each type chines scheduling is done at run time, the remain unclear. Most of the crucial imple- programmer has to be aware of segmenta- mentation problems are probably shared by tion, that is, the partitioning of program both types of machines, but in this paper and data into separate processes. Again the we do not investigate these parallels. See difficulty of this task is highly dependent Treleaven et al. [ 1982b] and Vegdahl [ 19841 on the regularity of the algorithm. Assist- for a comparative survey. ance from the is feasible, but hardly any work in this area has been re- 2. DATAFLOW MACHINE LANGUAGE ported [Hudak and Goldberg 19851. An- Although each dataflow machine has a dif- other problem is that processes may have ferent machine language, they are all based to be suspended, leading to complications on the same principles. These shared prin- such as process swapping and the possibil- ciples are treated in this section. Because ity of deadlock. Examples of such coarse- we are concerned with a wide variety of grain parallel computers are the HEP machines, we often have to be somewhat [Smith 19781 and the CM* [Swan et al. imprecise. More specific information is pro- 19771. vided in Section 5, which deals with one A different strategy to minimize synchro- particular machine. We start with a de- nization overhead is to make communica- scription of dataflow programs and the tion quick and simple by providing ways in which they differ from conven- special hardware and coding the program tional programs. Dataflow programs are in a special format. Dataflow machines are usually presented in the form of a graph; a examples of such fine-grain parallel com- short summary of the terminology of data- puters. Because communication is quick, flow graphs is given. In the rest of this the processes can be made very small, about section we show how these graphs can be the size of a single instruction in a conven- used to specify a computation. tional computer. This makes segmentation trivial and improves scalability since the 2.1 Dataflow Programs program is effectively divided into many processes and special hardware determines In most dataflow machines the programs which of them can execute concurrently. are stored in an unconventional form called The applications for which fine-grain par- a dataflow program. Although a dataflow allel computers can be expected to be com- program does not differ much from a con- petitive are those with great computing trol flow program, it nevertheless calls for demands that can be formulated with a a completely different machine organiza- high average but quite irregular degree of tion. Figure 2 serves to illustrate the differ- parallelism. However, Dennis et al. [1984] ence. A control flow program contains two have achieved high utilization (greater than kinds of references: those pointing to in- 90 percent) for a regular problem that structions and those pointing to data. The ran at 20 percent utilization on vector first kind indicates control flow, and the processors. second kind organizes data flow. The co- In dataflow machines scheduling is based ordination of data and control flow creates on availability of data; this is called data- only minor problems in sequential process- driven execution. In reduction machines ing (e.g., reference to an uninitialized vari- scheduling is based on the need for data; able), but becomes a major issue in parallel this is known as demand-driven execution. processing. In particular, when the proces- Demand-driven machines (also known as sors. work asynchronously, references to reduction machines) are currently under shared memory must be carefully coordi- extensive study. Various parallel reduction nated. Dataflow machines use a different machines have been proposed ranging from coordination scheme called data-driven

ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 18, No. 4, December 1986 370 l Arthur H. Veen a:=x+y b:=aXa c:= 4-a


Figure 2. A comparison of control flow and dataflow programs. On the left a control flow program for a computer with memory-to-memory ‘instructions. The arcs point to the locations of data that are to be used or created. Control flow arcs are indicated with dashed arrows: usuallv most of them are implicit. In the equivalent dataflow program on the right only one memory is involved. Each instruction contains pointers to all instruc- tions that consume its results. execution: The arrival of a data item serves stemming from Petri net and graph theory. as the signal that may enable the execution Instructions are known as nodes, and in- of an instruction, obviating the need for stead of data items one talks of tokens. A separate control flow arcs. producing node is connected to a consum- In dataflow machines each instruction is ing node by an arc, and the “point” where considered to be a separate process. To an arc enters a node is called an input port. facilitate data-driven execution each in- The execution of an instruction is called struction that produces a value contains the firing of a node. This can only occur if pointers to all its consumers. Since an in- the node is enabled, which is determined by struction in such a dataflow program con- the enabling rule. Usually a strict enabling tains only references to other instructions, rule is specified, which states that a node it can be viewed as a node in a graph; the is enabled only when each input port con- dataflow program in Figure 2 is therefore tains a token. In the examples in this often represented as in Figure 3 (see Sec- section all nodes are strict unless noted tion 2.2). In this notation, referred to as a otherwise. When a node fires, it removes dataflow graph, each node with its associ- one token from each input port and places ated constants and its outgoing arcs corre- at most one token on each of its output sponds to one instruction. arcs. In so-called queued architectures, Because the control flow arcs have been arcs behave like first-in-first-out (FIFO) eliminated, the problem of synchronizing queues. In other machines each port acts data and control flow has disappeared. This as a bag: The tokens present at a port can is the main reason why dataflow programs be absorbed in any order. are well suited for parallel processing. In a Figure 3 serves to illustrate these no- dataflow graph, the arcs between the in- tions. It shows an acyclic graph comprising structions directly reflect the partial order- three nodes, with a token present in each ing imposed by their data dependencies; of the two input ports of the PLUS node instructions between which there is no path (marked with the operator “+“). This node can safely be executed concurrently. is therefore enabled, and it will fire at some unspecified time. Firing involves the re- moval of the two input tokens, the compu- 2.2 Dataflow Graphs tation of the result, and the production of The prevalent description of dataflow pro- three identical tokens on the input ports of grams as graphs has led to a characteristic the other two nodes. Both of these nodes and sometimes confusing terminology are then enabled, and they may fire in any

ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 18, No. 4, December 1986 Dataflow Machine Architecture l 371

Figure3. The dataflow program of Figure 2 depicted as a graph. The small circles indicate tokens. The symbol at the left input of the subtraction node indicates a constant input. In the situation depicted on the left the first node is enabled since a token is present on each of its innut ports. The graph on the right depicts the situation after the tiring of-that node. -

value order or concurrently. Note that, on the , true false average, a node that produces more tokens than it absorbs increases the level of con- control currency. All three nodes in this example A are functional; that is, the value of their 2% 1 output tokens is fully determined by the true false value node descriptions and the values of their (a) (b) input tokens. Figure4. BRANCH and MERGE nodes. (a) A BRANCH node. (b) A nondeterministic MERGE node. 2.3 Conditional Constructs Conditional execution and repetition re- copies the token that it receives to its suc- quire nodes that implement controlled cessors. Nonqueued architectures usually branching. The conditional jump of a do not have MERGE nodes, but allow two control flow program is represented in a arcs to end at the same port. The advantage dataflow graph by BRANCH nodes. The is that only a strict enabling rule has to be most common form is the one depicted in supported. Figure 4. Figure 5 shows an implementation of a A copy of the token absorbed from the conditional construct. If one token enters value port is placed on the true or on the at each of the three arcs at the top of the false output arc, depending on the value of graph, the two BRANCH nodes will each the control token. Variations of this node send a token to subgraph f or to subgraph with more than two alternative output arcs g. Only the activated subgraph will even- or with more than one value port (com- tually send a token to the MERGE node. pound BRANCH) have also been proposed. It can easily be shown [Veen 19811 that As we shall see shortly, the complement of this graph preserves safety; that is, it is safe the BRANCH node is also needed. Such a provided that subgraphs f and g are safe. A MERGE node does not have a strict ena- graph is safe if it can be shown that, when bling rule; that is, not all input ports have presented with at most one token on each to contain a token before the node can fire. input arc, no port will ever contain more In the deterministic variety the value of a than one token. Safety ensures determinate control token determines from which of the behavior even in the presence of nondeter- two input ports a token is absorbed. A copy ministic MERGE nodes. of the absorbed token is sent to the output If BRANCH and (nondeterministic) arc. The nondeterministic MERGE node MERGE nodes are used in an improper (i.e., a MERGE node without control input) manner, unsafe graphs can be constructed, is enabled as soon as one of its input ports in which two tokens may end up at the contains a token; when it fires, it simply same port (see Figure 6).

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Figure 7. Problems with cyclic graphs. The graph on the left will deadlock, the one on the right will never finish.

Figure 5. Conditional expression. The graph corre- sponding to the expression z := if test then f(z, y) else g(r, y) fi. If test succeeds, both BRANCH nodes send a token to the left; otherwise, the tokens go to the right. Note the use of nondeterministic MERGE node.

A A B new’ few C D YX Figure6. A loop construct according to the lock method. An implementation of the expression while B f(x) do (x, y) := g(z, y) od, using the lock method to fff+ protect the reentrant subgraphsfandg. The triangular shaped node indicates a compound MERGE node, which functions just like a pair of nondeterministic 1(4 (b) (c) MERGE nodes. On the left is a compound BRANCH node, which copies its two value inputs either to its Figure 6. Problems resulting from the improper use left or to its right output arcs, depending on the value of BRANCH and MERGE nodes. All nodes are strict, of its third input token. except the MERGE nodes, and produce tokens on all output arcs when they fire, except the BRANCH nodes. (a) When a pair of tokens arrives at the input ports of node A, the node is enabled, but its firing will istic graphs, similar problems may arise in not enable node B, since the latter receives only one any cyclic graph unless special precautions token on one of its input ports. (b) When a token enters the graph, node A fires and places a token on are taken. each of the input ports of the MERGE node. This A correct way to implement a loop con- node then sends two tokens to its output arc. (c) A struct is shown in Figure 8. Note the use of token will be left behind at an input port of either a compound BRANCH node rather than a node C or node D, depending on the value of the series of simple BRANCH nodes as in Fig- control token of the BRANCH node. ure 5. The strict enabling rule of this node ensures that it does not fire before subgraph 2.4 Iterative Constructs and Reentrancy g has released both its output tokens. If we assume that g is such that no tokens stay Figure 7 illustrates problems that may arise behind when all its output tokens are pro- when the graph contains a cycle. The sim- duced, then tokens for the next iteration ple graph on the left will deadlock unless it can be safely sent into the same subgraph. is possible to initialize the graph with a Subgraph g is an example of a reentrant token on the feedback arc. The node in the graph; its nodes can fire repeatedly. The graph on the right will never stop firing way reentrancy is handled is a key issue in once started. Although these are not real- dataflow architecture. A dataflow graph is

ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 18, No. 4, December 1986 Dataflow Machine Architecture l 373 attractive as a machine language for a par- allel machine since all nodes that are not data dependent can fire concurrently. In case of reentrancy, however, this maximum concurrency can lead to nondeterminate behavior unless special measures are taken, as we show in the remainder of this section. A graph in which reentrancy can lead to nondeterminacy is illustrated in Figure 9, where the cycles fox x and y lead through separate MERGE and BRANCH nodes. In the first iteration the first PLUS node cal- culates the value for n and sends copies to subgraph h and to one of the MERGE nodes. Subgraph h may postpone the ab- sorption of its input token. Meanwhile, the x:= y:= 0 nodes on the cycle for x may fire again, and while x < 10 the PLUS node may send a second token dox:=x+ 1 to subgraph h. y : = y + h(x) The use of the compound BRANCH node x Y od in Figure 8 is therefore essential for its Figure 9. An unsafe way to implement a loop. A new safety. We call this method the lock token may arrive at the input of subgraph h before method. It is safe and simple, but not very the previous one is absorbed. attractive for parallel machines: The level of concurrency is low since the BRANCH enabled a second time after all tokens of a node acts as a lock that prevents the initi- previous activation have left the subgraph ation of a new iteration before the previous [Syre et al. 19771. The architectures of one has been concluded. other machines implement acknowledg- An alternative approach is the acknowl- ment by enabling a node only after all its edge method. This can be implemented output arcs are empty [Dennis et al. 19831. by adding extra acknowledge arcs from A higher level of concurrency is obtained consuming to producing node. These ack- when each iteration is executed in a sepa- nowledge arcs ensure that no arc will ever rate instance (or copy) of the reentrant contain more than one token and the graph subgraph. This code-copying method re- is therefore safe. One arc provides space for quires a machine with facilities to create a one token. In a manner too complicated to new instance of a subgraph and to direct show here, the proper addition of dummy tokens to the appropriate instance. A po- nodes and arcs can transform a reentrant tentially more efficient way to implement graph into an equivalent one, allowing code copying is to share the node descrip- overlap of consecutive iterations in a pipe- tions between the different instances of a lined fashion. The acknowledge method graph without confusing tokens that belong therefore allows more concurrency than the to separate instances. This is accomplished lock method, but at the cost of at least by attaching a tag to each token that iden- doubling the number of arcs and tokens. tifies the instance of the node that it is Through proper analysis, however, a sub- directed to. These so-called tagged-token stantial part of these arcs can be eliminated architectures have an enabling rule that without impairing the safety of the graph states that a node is enabled if each input [Brock and Montz 1979; Montz 19801. arc contains a token with identical tags. Both of these methods can also be imple- Safety in these machines means that no mented at the architecture level by modify- port ever contains more than one token ing the enabling rule. In some machines with the same tag. A tag is sometimes re- locking is implemented by specifying that ferred to as a color or a label. nodes in a reentrant subgraph can only be The tagged nature of the architecture

ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 18, No. 4, December 1986 374 9 Arthur H. Veen

0 actual parameter 1

i,new tag area I areah A

oP + K \ i result :;\ c A:

Figure 11. Interface for a procedure call. On the left a call of procedure P whose graph is on the right. P has one parameter and one return value. The actual parameter receives a new tag and is sent to x := y := 0 the input node of P and concurrently a token contain- whilex< 10 ing address A is sent to the output node. This dox:=x+ 1 SEND-TO-DESTINATION node transmits the other y : = y + h(x) input token to a node of which the address is contained od in the first token. The effect is that, when the return value of the procedure becomes available, the output node sends the result to node A, which restores the new new X Y tag belonging to the calling expression. Figure 10. An implementation of a loop using tagged tokens. At the start-of the loop a new tag area is h, with each token initiating a separate and allocated. Tokens belonging to consecutive iterations possibly concurrent execution of h. receive consecutive tags within this area. The tag from before the loop is restored on tokens that exit from Machines that handle reentrancy by the the loop. lock or acknowledge method are called static; those employing code copying or shows up in the program in the form of tagged tokens are called dynamic. Static nodes that modify tags. Figure 10 shows machines are much simpler than dynamic the implementation of the example in Fig- machines, but for most algorithms their ure 9 on a tagged-token architecture. The effective concurrency is lower. Algorithms proper execution of nested loops requires with a predominantly pipelining type of that the tags used within a loop be distinct parallelism, however, execute efficiently on from those in the surrounding expression. static machines with acknowledging. A new area in the tag space is therefore allocated at the start of the loop. An effi- 2.5 Procedure Invocation cient implementation of this allocation is not easy, as we shall see in the next section. The invocation of a procedure introduces Within the area tags are ordered; tokens similar problems with reentrancy, to which entering the loop receive the first tag, and the methods described above can also be tokens for consecutive iterations receive applied. In code-copying architectures a consecutively ordered tags within the allo- copy of the called procedure is made. In cated area. On tokens that exit the loop, tagged-token architectures a new tag area the tag corresponding to the surrounding is allocated for each procedure call so that expression is restored. This method can each invocation executes in its own context. lead to a high level of concurrency because Nested procedure calls, recursion, and co- the cycle for x can safely send a whole series routines can therefore be implemented of tokens with different tags into subgraph without problems. The method is, how-

ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 18, No. 4, December 1986 Dataflow Machine Architecture l 375 ever, wasteful of tag space, an important that manages the storage of the tokens the resource, as we shall see below. A good enabling unit. It sequentially accepts a to- compiler may recognize tail recursion and ken and stores it in memory. If this causes generate code as efficient as for loops. the node to which the token is addressed to An extra facility is required to direct the become enabled (i.e., each input port con- output tokens of the procedure activation tains a tcken), its input tokens are ex- back to the proper calling site. This is usu- tracted from memory and, together with a ally implemented as shown in Figure 11. copy of the node, formed into a packet and The procedure body receives a token that sent to the functional unit. Such an execut- contains a reference to a node at the calling able packet consists of the values of the site. This token is then used by the output input tokens, the operand code, and a list nodes of the procedure body to direct the of destinations. The functional unit com- return values to the proper places. These putes the output values and combines them output nodes are special nodes capable of with the destination addresses into tokens. sending tokens to nodes to which they have Tokens are sent back to the enabling unit, no static arc. where they may enable other nodes. Since the enabling and the functional stage work concurrently, this is often referred to as the 3. THE ARCHITECTURE OF DATAFLOW MACHINES circular pipeline. Dividing a processing element into two In this section dataflow machines at the stages is just one of the possibilities. In level that directly supports the machine some machines the processing elements do language are described. First, the basic not have to be so powerful and they just execution mechanism of a processing consist of a memory connected to a unit element and then the overall structure of a that handles both token storage and the dataflow multiprocessor is described. execution of nodes. In other machines the circular pipeline consists of more concur- 3.1 A Processing Element rent stages, as, for instance, in most ma- chines that use tagged tokens to protect A typical dataflow machine consists of a reentrant code. Since, in such a machine, number of processing elements, which can nodes are shared between different in- communicate with each other. Figure 12 stances of a graph, the space in a template shows a functional diagram of one process- to be reserved for storage of input tokens ing element. may become arbitrarily large. This makes The nodes of the dataflow program are it impractical to store tokens in the nodes often stored in the form of a template con- themselves. Token storage is therefore sep- taining a description of the node and space arated from node storage, and the enabling for input tokens. The node description con- unit is split into two stages: the matching sists of the operand code (a shorthand for unit and the fetching unit, usually arranged the mapping from input values to output as shown in Figure 13. values) and a list of destination addresses For each token that the matching unit (the outgoing arcs). We can think of the accepts, it has to check whether the movement of a token between two nodes as addressed node is enabled. In most tagged- the progress of a locus of activity. A node token machines this is facilitated by limit- that produces more tokens than it con- ing the number of input arcs to two and sumes increases the number of concurrent providing each token with an extra bit that activities. Concurrent activities interact at indicates whether the addressed node is nodes that consume more than one token. monadic or dyadic. Only for dyadic nodes Coordination has to take place at these the matching unit has to check whether its nodes. In dataflow machines coordination memory already contains a matching to- therefore amounts to the administration of ken, that is, a token with the same desti- the enabling rule for those nodes that re- nation and tag. Conceptually, the matching quire more than one input. We call the unit unit simply combines destination and tag

ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 18, No. 4, December 1986 376 . Arthur H. Veen

. I I : 4 I0 enabling ---A unit T

Figure 12. Functional diagram of a processing element. The enabling unit accepts tokens from the left and stores them at the addressed node. If this node is enabled, an executable packet is sent to the functional unit where it is processed. The output tokens, with the destination addresses, are sent back to the enabling unit. Modules dedicated to buffering or communication have been left out of this diagram.

matching fetching functional unit unit unit

1 T ry

:...... __.... ,...... :

Figure 13. Functional diagram of a processing element of a tagged-token machine. The matching unit stores tokens in its memory and checks whether an instance of the destination node is enabled. This requires a match of both destination address and tag. Tokens are stored in the memory connected to the matching unit. When all tokens for a particular instance of a node have arrived, they are sent to the fetching unit, which combines them with a copy of the node description into an executable packet to be passed on to the functional unit.

into an address and checks whether the trance to a loop, and during procedure location denoted by the address contains a invocation, a unique tag area has to be token. The set of locations addressed by allocated. Guaranteeing uniqueness in a tag and destination forms a space that we parallel computer is problematic. The fun- call the matching space. Managing this damental trade-off is between the bottle- space and representing it in a physical neck created by a centralized approach and memory is one of the key problems in the communication overhead or inefficient tagged-token dataflow architectures. use of space offered by a distributed ap- Although not apparent at first, the prob- proach. Arvind and Gostelow [1977] pro- lem of matching space management is quite posed an extremely distributed approach in similar to the problems encountered in which the uniqueness of a new tag area can code-copying machines and in fact involves be deduced from the existing tag. Since a problems that have plagued parallel archi- tag in this scheme effectively encodes the tectures from the beginning. At the en- calling stack of a procedure invocation, its

ACM ComputingSurveys, Vol. 18, No. 4, December 1986 Dataflow Machine Architecture l 377 size grows linearly with calling depth. Usu- In a one-leuel dataflow machine (e.g., ally a partly distributed solution is used, Arvind and Kathail [1981]), there is only amounting to statically distributing the pipeline concurrency within a processing matching space over a set of managers, each element. Instructions are executed in the of which manages the allocated area locally. processing elements, and the resulting to- An example is a centralized counter per kens are used in the same processing ele- processing element, which, together with a ment or communicated to other processing unique identification of the processing ele- elements. In some machines one or several ment, provides a unique tag [Gurd et al. processing elements are replaced by struc- 19851. To prevent the local areas from be- ture units for the storage and low-level coming exhausted the matching space must manipulation of data structures. be large and, consequently, at any given The two structures illustrated in Figure time sparsely occupied. Large, sparsely oc- 14b and c exploit the fact that the process- cupied spaces cause several problems. First, ing of executable packets is independent addressing an item requires many bits. Sec- and can be done in any order or concur- ond, implementing the space involves a dif- rently since they contain all the informa- ficult trade-off between storage waste (e.g., tion that the functional unit needs to fire a sparsely occupied array) and access time the node and to construct the output to- overhead (e.g., a linked list). Hashing tech- kens. In a two-leuel machine (e.g., Gurd et niques offer a compromise. Actual im- al. [1985]), each functional unit consists of plementations of the approaches just many functional elements, which process described are few, but it appears that executable packets concurrently. Schedul- this space or time overhead is a fundamen- ing is trivial: An executable packet is allo- tal problem of the fine-grain approach and cated to any idle functional element. By that a purely fine-grain machine may not adjusting the number of functional ele- be implemented efficiently. In Section 6 ments, the power of the functional unit can we see that the introduction of a manager be tuned to that of the rest of the process- based on coarse-grain principles may alle- ing element. In a two-stage machine (e.g., viate this problem. Dennis and Misunas [1974]), the process- It is interesting to note that the trade- ing elements are split into two stages, and offs for code-copying machines are virtually between the two stages there is an extra identical. When a copy of a subgraph needs communication medium that sends execut- to be created, a storage area has to be able packets to functional elements. This allocated. A centralized allocator may be two-stage structure is advantageous if the space efficient, but may also create a bot- functional stage is heterogeneous, for in- tleneck. A scheme with stance, when some functional elements space allocation can be used, but addresses have specialized capabilities. become large and an efficient mapping to physical memory is needed. Paging tech- niques that exploit locality in instruction 3.3 Communication execution may be useful. A good memory Figure 14 is merely intended to indicate manager would avoid these problems, but that there is a way to communicate between has the same drawbacks as described above. different processing elements without sug- gesting any particular topology. In an ac- tual machine the communication medium 3.2 Dataflow Multiprocessors can have the structure of a tree, a ring, a Figure 14 is a schematic view of the struc- binary n-cube, or an equidistant n x n ture of a complete dataflow machine. Al- . An even more important difference though each description of a dataflow ma- lies in the nature of the connections that chine in the literature seemingly presents the communication medium provides. Just a different picture, most designs conform as there are circuit switching and packet- to one of the three structures illustrated. switching networks, a dataflow machine

ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 18, No. 4, December 1986 378 l Arthur H. Veen

Figure 14. Overall structure of var- ious dataflow multiprocessors. (a) One-level dataflow machine. The structure of each processing element is as shown in Figure 12. Communi- cation facilities deliver tokens that are produced by a functional unit to T the enabling unit of the correct pro- output input cessing element, as determined by the destination address and the alloca- (a) tion policy. (b) Two-level dataflow machine. Each functional unit con- communication communication sists of several functional elements (FE), which concurrently process executable packets. (c) Two-stage dataflow machine. Each enabling unit (EU) can send executable pack- ets to each functional unit (FU).

c T output input output (b) can have a direct communication or a ing on its destination address. In general, packet communication architecture. such store-and-forward communication In direct communication machines adja- units need safeguards to avoid deadlock: cent nodes in the graph are allocated to the Contention may block an essential path. same processing element or to processing Some machines have redundant communi- elements that have a direct connection with cation paths, and consequently the order of each other. An important property of a packets is not necessarily maintained. On direct communication architecture is that these machines, the arcs of the graph do the communication medium delivers tokens not necessarily behave as FIFO queues, and in the same order as they were received. If determinate execution can only be guaran- the communication medium is equipped teed for safe graphs. The best structure for with queues, unsafe graphs (dataflow the communication unit and its limitations graphs in which arcs can contain more than in size and performance are a matter of one token) can be executed without impair- debate among dataflow architects. One ap- ing determinacy. proach is to have a large number of slow Packet communication offers the greatest and simple processing elements connected opportunity for load distribution and par- to a high-bandwidth communication unit. allelism in the communication unit since it A one-level machine structure is usually can be constructed from asynchronously appropriate for this approach. Other archi- operating packet-switching modules, with tects claim that as soon as the machine parallelism and redundancy in this critical contains more than a few dozen processing resource. Such a module can accept a token elements, insurmountable bottlenecks in and forward it to another module, depend- the communication unit are created. They

ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 18, No. 4, December 1986 Dataflow Machine Architecture l 379 therefore concentrate on the construction Another approach is to provide restric- of powerful processing elements, which tive access primitives in the programming usually involves a two-level design. These language. This leads to the concept of architects tend to postpone the design of streams, which are structures that can only the higher level until later, and sometimes be produced and consumed sequentially. one processing element is presented as a These may be processed more efficiently in complete machine [Gurd and Watson some machines and increase the effective 19801. The performance of one processing parallelism because elements of a stream element, however, is limited by the inherent can be consumed before the stream is com- bottlenecks in the enabling section. pleted. This increase in parallelism can also be achieved by treating the structures non- 3.4 Data Structures strictly, that is, allowing access to elements before the structure has been completely In a dataflow graph values flow from one created. Arvind and Thomas [1980] in- node to another and are, at least at that vented this concept and coined the term level of abstraction, not stored in memory. I-structures (for incomplete structures). It If a value is input to more than one node, requires special hardware to defer fetches a copy is sent to each node. Conceptually, of elements that are not yet available. data structures are treated in the same way Gaudiot [ 19861gives an excellent com- as other values. In a tagged-token machine parison of some of the proposed solutions with limited token size a complete structure to the structure-handling problem and con- can be sent to a node by packaging each cludes that its complexity precludes a uni- element as a separate token distinguished versal solution. He suggests two additional by subsequent tags. A retrieve operation, approaches to avoid storing: defining me- for instance, consumes a complete struc- dium-grain structure operations or defining ture and an index and produces a copy of tag manipulation instructions that exploit the retrieved element. Directly implement- the frequent interaction between array in- ing this concept is known as structure dexing on the one hand and either iteration copying. Copying is appropriate for small or recursion on the other hand. Tag manip- structures. Unfortunately, data structures ulation has first been proposed by Bowen tend to be large, and implementing these [1981] and has since been used exten- by the conceptually simple structure copy- sively in Manchester (see, e.g., Bohm and ing method would place an unacceptable Sargeant [1985] or Veen [1985a]). Its use burden on the machine. Many machines is restricted to those algorithms in which therefore have a facility to store structures. data structures are consumed completely. In such machines an element can be re- With simulation studies on two of those trieved by sending a request to the unit algorithms, Gaudiot and Wei [1986] where the structure has been stored. showed that tag manipulation gave a much The dataflow equivalent of a selective better performance than I-structures. update operation (changing one element of a structure) is an operation that consumes 4. A SURVEY OF DATAFLOW MACHINES the old structure, the index, and the new value and produces a completely new struc- Figure 15 and Table 1 illustrate our classi- ture. This involves copying of structures fication of dataflow machines. The choice even when they are stored. There are sev- of properties used for the classification is eral ways to reduce excessive structure limited by the fact that many descriptions copying. Structures that are not shared do (and some designs) are vague and incom- not have to be copied before an update. A plete. In Figure 15 dataflow machines are reference count mechanism can be used to categorized according to the nature of the detect this, and is helpful for garbage col- communication unit and the architecture lection as well. For shared structures, copy- of the processing elements. The topology of ing can be further reduced by storing the the communication unit is not used as a structure in the form of a tree and copying criterion, since it does not really help to only the updated node and its ancestors. characterize a dataflow machine and is

ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 18, No. 4, December 1986 380 l Arthur H. Veen

Figure 15. A survey of dataflow machines, categorized according to their architecture and implementation. The keys in the boxes refer to the machines that are summarized in Table 1.

often left unspecified. In the rest of this elements. The root of the tree forms a section all machines appearing in Figure 15 bottleneck in the communication between are described separately, using the common processing elements. terminology established in the previous two Another less elaborate example is pro- sections. A few features of some designs are vided by a machine developed in Warsaw, summarized in Table 2 at the end of this in which the processing elements receive section. the node descriptions in the form of micro- programs [Marczynski and Milewski 19831. 4.1 Direct Communication Machines In Japan an interesting dynamic direct The main drawback of direct communica- communication machine has been devel- tion machines is that for many graphs it is oped for large-scale scientific calculations, difficult to find a good mapping onto the such as solving partial differential equa- network (allocation). It may be a fruitful tions [Takahashi and Amamiya 19831. The approach, however, for applications that processing elements are arranged on a two- have predictable and regular communica- dimensional grid and use tags to distinguish tion patterns matching the machine’s to- tokens belonging to different activations. pology. The most important member of this To avoid the necessity to allocate unique class is the oldest working dataflow ma- tag areas dynamically, the input language chine, the DDMl [Davis 1977, 19791. The is somewhat restricted (no general recur- processing elements of this machine are sion) so that static allocation is possible. A arranged as a tree. Allocation is simplified hardware simulator, consisting of 4 x 4 by preserving the hierarchical tree struc- processing elements, each connected to ture of the program. Any internal node of eight neighbors, has been used to study the processing tree can allocate a part of small applications. It confirmed analytical its program (a subtree) to any of its de- predictions that communication delay scendants. Allocation is simple and distrib- does not seriously degrade performance, uted, but far from optimal with respect to provided that programs have enough even load distribution over the processing parallelism.

ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 18, No. 4, December 1986 Dataflow Machine Architecture l 381

Table 1. A Summary of the Dataflow Machines That Are Described in the Text’ Start Key Machine Group project Operational

Direct Communication Machines DDMl Data-Driven Machine #l Davis, Burroughs 1972 1976 Micro Microprogrammed Marcxynski, Warsaw - DDPA Data-Driven Processor Array Takahashi, Tokyo 1983

Static Packet Communication Machines DDP Distributed Data Processor Cornish, Texas 1976 1978 Instruments LAU LAU System Prototype #0 Syre, Toulouse 1975 1980 Form I Prototype Basic Dataflow Dennis, M.I.T. 1971 1982 Processor pPD7281 Dataflow Iwashita, NEC 1984 HDFM Hughes Data Flow Multiprocessor Vedder, Hughes 1982

Dynamic Packet Communication Machines Rumb Dataflow multiprocessor Rumbaugh, M.I.T. 1974 - Form IV Dynamic dataflow processor Misunas, M.I.T. 1976 - Multi Multiuser dataflow machine Burkowski, Winnipeg Id Id Machine Arvind, M.I.T. 1974 1985 Paged Paged memory dataflow machine Caluwaerts, Leuven 1979 - MDM Manchester Dataflow Machine Gurd and Watson. 1976 1981 Manchester DDSP Data-driven signal processor Hogenauer, ESL 1980 - DFM-1 List-processing oriented dataflow Amamiya, Tokyo 1980 1983 machine EM-3 ETL Data-Driven Machine-3 Yuba, ETL 1984 DDDP Distributed data-driven processor Kishi, Tokyo 1982 PIM-D Parallel inference machine based Ito, ICOT 1986 on dataflow SIGMA-l Dataflow computer for scientific Hiraki, Ibaraki 1985 computations a The dates are in most cases estimates and are merely meant as an indication of the relative chronology. Machines without an operational date are paper designs only.

4.2 Static Packet Communication Machines static dataflow machine [Comte et al. 1980; Syre 1980; Syre et al. 19771. LAU stands The first packet communication dataflow for langage k assignation unique (single as- machine that became operational is the signment language). The group concen- Distributed Data Processor [Cornish et al. trated on the construction of a powerful 1979; Johnson et al. 19801, built at Texas processing element and left the higher level Instruments. The references suggest that structure more or less unspecified. In 1980 the DDP uses a locking method to protect the LAU system prototype #0, a processing reentrant graphs. Although the compiler element with 32 functional elements, was may create additional copies of a procedure completed. Most functional elements are to increase parallelism, this copying occurs built around a conventional microproces- statically. It is a one-level machine with a sor. The machine is not programmed by ring-structured communication unit, aug- pure dataflow programs as described in Sec- mented with a direct feedback link for to- tion 2. The program and data memory are kens that stay within the same processing separate, and programs are represented as element. A prototype comprising four pro- conventional control flow programs, in cessing elements has been built. which control flow arcs have been replaced Around the same time the LAU project by additional pointers in data memory to in Toulouse, France, designed another all consuming instructions. This requires a

ACM Computing Surveya, Vol. 18, No. 4, December 1986 382 . Arthur H. Veen multiphase communication between func- 19831. The chip contains memory for 64 tional unit and token memory, and it also instructions and 560 tokens. It has a seven- complicates the communication with other stage circular pipeline; tokens communicat- processing elements. Safety is guaranteed ing between instructions that are allocated by a hardware-supported locking mecha- to the same processing element do not leave nism. As in the DDP, the programmer can the chip. The pipeline contains a mecha- instruct the compiler to create copies of nism to dynamically regulate the level of reentrant subgraphs to increase parallel- parallelism: When the chip is underutilized, ism. The instruction set includes nodes that preference is given to tokens addressed to manage all copies of a subgraph and choose instructions that increase parallelism (we the copy to be used dynamically. come back to this issue of throttling in Dennis and his colleagues at the Massa- Section 6). A maximum of 14 processing chusetts Institute of Technology have been elements can be connected into an asyn- in the vanguard of the dataflow field chronous packet-switching ring. The ring [Dennis 19741 and produced the first de- topology as well as the instruction set are signs for dataflow machines. The earliest suitable for image processing. The peak design [Dennis and Misunas 19741 had a performance is reported to be 5 million two-stage structure, with each enabling tokens per second [Jeffery 19851. unit (called an instruction cell) dedicated At Hughes Aircraft Company another to one node and with heterogeneous func- static dataflow architecture for signal pro- tional units. This design was later extended cessing has been developed [Vedder and into a series of machines differing in the Finn 19851. Its processing elements are ar- way they handled reentrancy and data ranged on a three-dimensional bussed cube structures. They ranged from the elemen- network; the distance between processing tary Form I processor, which was static and elements is at most three. Much attention could only handle elementary data, to the has been given to static fault tolerance; a full-fledged Form IV processor, which had faulty processing element can be isolated extensive structure facilities and could copy rapidly. The program graph is statically subgraphs on demand (Forms II and III distributed over the processing elements. have never been elaborated; Form IV is Simulation studies showed that a good al- described below). When it was discovered location algorithm could give 30-80 percent that an unsafe graph might deadlock the better performance than random alloca- machine and acknowledge arcs had to be tion. Two VLSI chips have been designed introduced, it became clear that it was that, together with memory chips, con- wasteful to dedicate the processing power stitute a complete processing element. needed in one instruction cell just to one The peak performance is expected to be instruction. This hardware was therefore 2-5 million . shared between a group of nodes and called a cell block. A prototype has been built 4.3 Machines with Code-Copying Facilities in which the different parts are emulated by microprogrammable The dataflow machines with potentially the [Dennis et al. 1980, 19831. Since this single highest level of parallelism are the dynamic unit can emulate both a cell block and a dataflow machines; they employ either code functional unit, the prototype has the copying or tags to protect reentrant graphs. single-stage structure of Figure 14a. The It is characteristic for a code-copying ma- prototype that is now operational con- chine that the physical address of a node sists of eight processing elements and an cannot always be determined statically. equidistant packet routing network built The first detailed design of a dataflow ma- from 2 X 2 routing elements. chine was of this type [Rumbaugh 19751. NEC Electronics has developed the Allocation in this machine is per procedure: pPD7281 Dataflow Image Processor that All the nodes and intermediate results of may be used as a small processing element one procedure are stored in the memory of in a dataflow machine [Iwashita et al. one processing element. There is a fast

ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 18, No. 4, December 1986 Dataflow Machine Architecture l 383 connection from the output to the input A proposal that is surprisingly similar to port of a processing element such that a this is presented by Burkowski [1981]. He circular pipeline is created. Tokens stay produced a detailed hardware design for the within this pipeline unless they are directed static Form I processor, including the ac- to another procedure, in which case they knowledge scheme to protect reentrant are routed to a special processing element graphs, but added memory management fa- called the scheduler. This scheduler sends cilities, so that the machine can safely be a copy of the called procedure and its input shared between independent tasks. This values to an idle processing element. If feature makes it into a dynamic machine, there is no idle processing element, it waits since nodes can be allocated and removed until a processing element becomes dor- under program control. Although this mant and then saves its state (i.e., all the makes code copying at procedure invoca- unprocessed tokens) and declares it idle. tion feasible, no reference to this can be The Massachusetts Institute of Technol- found in the description. ogy Form IV dataflow processor is not one machine, but refers to a whole family of 4.4 Machines with Both Tagged-Token designs: There have been a number of and Code-Copying Facilities articles from the dataflow group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Arvind and Gostelow began their study of each specifying part of a full-fledged data- dataflow languages and architectures at the flow machine. They are all based on an University of California, Irvine, a decade extension of the basic architecture origi- ago [Arvind and Gostelow 19771. They de- nally described by Dennis and Misunas signed the language Id (Irvine Dataflow), [1974], but include special units to store which introduced many interesting con- data structures in the form of a tree us- cepts. Independently from similar work in ing hardware-supported reference counts. Manchester, they developed the concept of There have been different proposals for the tags (originally known as colors) and handling of reentrancy. Misunas [ 19781 showed that it helped to extract more of rejected locking and acknowledgment be- the parallelism available in a dataflow cause it limits parallelism and proposed to graph [Arvind and Gostelow 19771. Simu- program the machine without iteration. lation studies were also carried out Procedure bodies would be stored just like [Gostelow and Thomas _19801. All data data structures, and presumably the invo- structures are implemented as I-structures. cation of a procedure would result in the This increases the effective parallelism of storing of a copy of the procedure in the a program and facilitates the asynchronous cell blocks. Weng [1979] is more specific activation of parts of a procedure (i.e., non- about this mechanism. Miranker [1977] strict procedure call). Arvind and his group, suggests a sort of virtual memory for nodes. now at the Massachusetts Institute of Translation from virtual to physical ad- Technology, constructed a large-scale dress is handled by a relocation box, which emulator comprising 32 LISP machines manages both the physical and the virtual [Arvind and Kathail 1981; Arvind et al. space. A node is copied into physical mem- 19801.Each machine emulates one process- ory when it receives its first token. A pro- ing element, and can communicate through cedure call generates a unique suffix, which a packet-routing network consisting of spe- identifies a particular activation. The relo- cially designed switching elements. The cation mechanism ensures that all tokens physical connections between these switch- in that invocation receive the same suffix. ing elements favor a binary n-cube topol- This is similar to the tagged-token method. ogy, but the network can be programmed All nodes in a procedure are relocated, not to emulate other topologies. Since the paths only those that get executed. Code copying between processing elements are unequal is needed because in all machines of this in length, with the path from a processing family tokens and nodes are stored together element back to itself the shortest, the al- as templates. location of nodes and structures can have

ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 18, No. 4, December 1986 384 l Arthur H. Veen a great influence on the performance of the orthodox communication topology, which machine. Since elaborate facilities are appears to be a combination of a ring and needed to make this allocation as flexible a tree. No hardware was ever built. as possible, allocation of memory and tags In Japan several tagged-token dataflow is under control of a software manager. An .machines are in various stages of construc- advantage of the combined managing of tion. The machine constructed at the Elec- these two resources is that dynamic trade- trical Communication Laboratory of NTT off is possible. The tag space (limited by is optimized for list processing [Amamiya the maximum size of a tag) is kept small et al. 1982, 19861. It contains separate pro- and is used rather densely. When the tag cessing and structure elements. Functional supply is exhausted, new copies of a units are integrated with the structure subgraph are allocated (code copying). elements as well, since many nodes are ex- In Leuven, Belgium a machine has been pected to operate on structures. The match- designed with an elaborate memory man- ing unit contains one content addressable agement scheme [Caluwaerts et al. 19821. memory for each function activation. The Each processing element has its own mem- references do not indicate how these are ory manager, but these managers can also allocated. Load balancing is realized by a communicate with each other, so that the centralized unit that allocates a function total memory space is shared. A procedure invocation to the processing element with call results in the allocation of a fresh mem- the lowest load level. The design is guided ory area for the tokens belonging to the by the primitive operations available in new invocation. A pointer to this area pure LISP; all structures are lists. The serves as the tag. To facilitate an even load central structure operation c0n.s is imple- distribution, the area is allocated in a mented lenienti A pointer token is gener- neighboring processing element. Therefore, ated before its arguments are available. when a node is enabled, its description must This provides the same advantages as other be fetched from another processing ele- nonstrict structures such as I-structures. A ment. Caches are used to create local cop- prototype is in operation consisting of two ies. In fact, memory is paged and complete processing and two structure elements. pages are copied. An interesting feature of Nonstrict data structures are also the memory system is that it treats data supported by the Electra Technical Data- structures in the same way as programs, Driven Machine-3 (EM-3), another LISP- just as in the Form IV processor, and they based machine [Yamaguchi et al. 19831. can be converted into each other. This fa- This nonstrict mechanism is extended to cilitates the implementation of higher order increase the concurrency of a procedure functions. call. At the start of a procedure invocation pseudoresults are sent to the consumers of the results of the procedure call. Concur- 4.5 Tagged-Token Machines rent with the execution of the procedure The first tagged-token dataflow machine body, most nodes will process these pseu- built was the Manchester Dataflow Ma- doresults just as if they were normal tokens. chine [Gurd and Watson 1980; Watson and When a node requires the actual value, its Gurd 19821. This machine is treated in execution is delayed until it becomes avail- detail in the next section. All machines able. This mechanism seems to provide the described in this section are derived from same computational capability as lazy eval- this machine or from Arvind’s design. uation. A hardware emulator comprising The data-driven signal processor eight processing elements has been con- (DDSP), designed at ESL Inc. [Hogenauer structed, reaching a speed of a few thousand et al. 19821, can accommodate a maximum instructions per second. Bottlenecks are of 32 processing elements. It is optimized now being analyzed [Toda et al. 1985]. for signal processing using a special allo- cation algorithm combined with an un- ’ See Keller et al. [ 19791 for the origin of this term.

ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 18, No. 4, December 1986 Dataflow Machine Architecture l 385

Table 2. A Comparison of Some Interesting Features of the Most Important Dynamic Machine9 Feature 1 Form IV Id Paged MDM DFM-1 EM-3 DDDP PIM-D SIGMA-l MS 2s 1L 0 2L 0 1L 1L 2L 1L TOP E C ? E B E B B B Power L M H H H M M H H Data St NS St NS NS NS NS NS NS Dyna C CT CT T T T T T T Allot H M H S H S H S H ’ The features are as follows: MS Machine structure is one level (lL), two level (2L), two stage (259, or other (0). TOP Topology of communication unit is equidistant (E), (B), or cube (C). Power Computational power per processing element is high (H), medium (M), or low (L). Data Hardware data structure support for streams (St) or general nonstrict data structures (NS). Dyna Dynamic mechanism uses code copying (C) and/or tags (T). Allot Allocation of data or activity is static (S), hardware supported (H), or by means of a software manager (M).

The distributed data-driven processor a load factor, which is maintained by pe- built at Systems Laboratory [Kishi et al. riodic exchange of information between 19831 is distinguished by a centralized tag processing elements. A prototype has been manager. Although this manager may in- constructed consisting of four processing troduce a bottleneck, it uses the tag space elements and three structure memories rather densely and simplifies the restora- connected by a two-level bus [Ito et al. tion of tags after a procedure invocation. 1985, 19861. Token matching is by means of a hardware A comparison of some features of hashing mechanism similar to the one de- the most important machines is given in scribed in the next section. The machine Table 2. has a dedicated unit for nonstrict struc- tures. A prototype comprising four process- ing elements communicating through a 5. THE MANCHESTER DATAFLOW two-way ring has been constructed. The MACHINE study of simple hand-coded bench marks Around 1976 John Gurd and Ian Watson revealed that simple allocation results in a started a research project on dataflow com- reasonable utilization, which can be mark- puting at the University of Manchester. edly improved by more sophisticated They conceived a two-level machine such allocation schemes. as that shown in Figure 14b. Since they The Institute for New Generation Com- believe that the construction of an asyn- puter Architecture (ICOT) has stimulated chronously operating packet communica- research on the parallel execution of logic tion network serving more than a few dozen programs. One result is the design for a processing elements is not realistic at pres- parallel inference machine based on data- ent, the emphasis of their work has been flow, with primitives to support nondeter- on constructing a powerful processing ele- minate merging of streams. Such a feature, ment. or something equivalent, is required for the This section is a description of this com- efficient implementation of unification. puter in terms of the model presented in Streams are manipulated by separate struc- Section 3, based on Gurd and Watson ture memories implementing I-structures. [1980], Kirkham [1981], Watson and Gurd A distributed mechanism allocates a func- [ 19821, da Silva and Watson [ 19831, and tion invocation on the same processing ele- personal communication. Since Gurd et al. ment, on a neighboring element, or on a [1985,1987] contain excellent overviews of distant element, depending on the value of the machine, we concentrate on details not

ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 18, No. 4, December 1986 386 . Arthur H. Veen r------~ I I ,I ,...... ,...... I : : 0 I token matching queue unit

I t

Fisure 16. Functional diamam of a urocessing element in the Manchester Dataflow Machine.

covered there that will be needed for the nodes a match operation is performed, as evaluation in the next section. described below. A match operation may or may not result in the production of an 5.1 Overview output packet and this accounts for the variable rate of this unit. The group developed the tagged-token con- The fetching unit combines the set of cept to increase parallelism for reentrant input tokens with the description of the graphs independently from similar work destination node into an executable packet. elsewhere [Arvind and Gostelow 19771. The The prototype currently accommodates structure of their processing element (Fig- 64K nodes. Each node may contain up to ure 16) is similar to that shown in Figure two destination descriptions, each consist- 13. It is a pipeline of four units: token ing of an address and an indication whether queue, matching unit, fetching unit, and the destination node is monadic or dyadic. functional unit. Each unit works internally A dyadic instruction may be made monadic synchronous, but they communicate via by replacing one of the destination descrip- asynchronous protocols. More than 30 tions by a constant input token for one of packets can be processed simultaneously in the two input ports. the various stages of the pipeline. To max- The functional unit consists of a prepro- imize communication speed the data paths cessor and a set of functional elements are all parallel (up to 166 bits wide) trans- connected via a distributor and an arbiter. mitting a complete packet at a time. Con- The preprocessor executes instructions sequently the sizes of packets, and thus of that require access to a counter memory. tokens, are fixed. Most counters are used to monitor perfor- The token queue is a simple FIFO buffer mance. One counter, called the activation currently accommodating 32K tokens. It name counter, is used for the generation of serves to smooth the irregular output rates unique tag areas and can be manipulated of two other units in the pipeline: the by the program proper. Although this is not matching unit and the functional unit. a functional operation, the instruction set The matching unit accepts tokens from is such that this in itself cannot lead to the token queue and sends complete sets of nonfunctional programs. The functional input tokens to the fetching unit. Currently elements are microprogrammed bit-slice it can store 1M tokens. Since in this ma- processors. The processing time per in- chine the number of input arcs of a node is struction varies from 3 to 30 microseconds, limited to two, the destination node is with an average of 6 microseconds. This either monadic or dyadic. Each token car- variation, combined with the fact that an ries information to distinguish the two instruction may produce zero, one, or two cases. In the former case the token is simply tokens, accounts for the irregular rate of passed on to the fetching unit. For dyadic the functional unit.

ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 18, No. 4, December 1986 Dataflow Machine Architecture l 387

5.2 The Match Operation When a token destined for a dyadic node arrives at the matching unit, it performs a match operation; that is, it searches its memory for a token with the same desti- nation and tag. In a dataflow machine matching implements the synchronization of and the communication between concur- rent threads of execution. An efficient im- plementation is crucial for the performance of the whole machine. The unit can be considered to implement a sparsely occu- pied virtual memory with the pair (desti- nation, tag) as memory address. The search consists of retrieving the addressed mem- ory cell. If it is empty, the match fails. If output input the cell contains a token destined for the other port, the two tokens are partners and Figure 17. The Manchester Dataflow Machine with two processing elements and one structure store. the match succeeds. They are combined into a packet and sent to the fetching unit. The virtual matching memory is occu- Figure 17 illustrates the structure of a pied so sparsely that it cannot be imple- multiprocessor with two processing ele- mented directly, but has to be mapped onto ments and one structure store. In principle, a physical memory of realistic size. An as- the machine can be expanded to an arbi- sociative memory could be used, but it was trary size, but the communication structure determined that simulating this by means becomes impractical when much more than of a hardware-hashing mechanism is more 100 processing elements are employed. The cost effective. The 54-bit matching key communication unit consists of 2 X 2 rout- (18 bits for the destination and 36 bits ing elements, each of which may accept a for the tag) is hashed to a 16-bit address to token from one of its input lines and send accessa memory of 64K cells. Each cell has it to one of its output lines. For n - 1 room for one token including destination processing elements or structure stores address, tag, and an extra bit to indicate an logzn layers of n/2 routing elements each empty cell. If the accessedcell is empty, the are needed. The communication unit is match fails. If it contains a token, its ad- equidistant: The distance between any pair dress, tag, and port are compared with of processing elements is the same as that those of the incoming token leading to between the output and input of one pro- either success or failure. If the match fails, cessing element. The routing of tokens the incoming token has to be stored at the is determined by the destination address same address. At present, 16 of these mem- and/or the tag, depending on which ory banks work in parallel, and so 16 tokens allocation strategy is chosen. Since the that hash to the same address can be ac- communication unit has no locality prop- commodated simultaneously. When a to- erties that the allocation policy could take ken needs to be stored for which all 16 slots advantage of, only an even load distribution are occupied, it is diverted to the overflow over the processing elements has to be unit. The matching unit uses an extra 64K ensured. At present a pseudorandom dis- bit memory to indicate which hash keys tribution is envisioned, implemented by have overflowed and routes each failing hashing on both address and tag. Distrib- token hashed to an overflowed address to uting structures over several structure the overflow unit to continue its search for stores is another allocation problem that a partner. Other tokens can be processed still needs to be investigated. concurrently since the order in which

ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 18, No. 4, December 1986 388 . Arthur H. Veen


0 bypass

: matched 1 tokens

:N N :: iK K : i I & 16 -:x ’ L------y----m----, matchmg store

Figure 18. Matching unit. For each token destined for a dyadic node a hash key is generated on the basis of destination address and tag. In the second stage of the pipeline the 16 slots of the memory banks are accessed in parallel. If the partner is present, the match succeeds. If the match fails, the token is stored unless all slots are already occupied. In that case the token is diverted to the overflow unit and an overflow bit is set. A token for which the match fails and the corresponding overflow bit is on is always sent to the overflow unit.

matching occurs does not affect the com- these fields are determined at run time putation. The matching unit is shown in although the total tag size is fixed. The Figure 18. fields are not distinguished outside the A hardware overflow unit is being con- functional unit, but there are separate in- structed that maintains a linked list for structions to manipulate the different each overflowed address. For each token fields. that enters the overflow unit the appropri- The activation name space is considered ate list is searched sequentially. At present, to be an unordered set of unique names. this mechanism is simulated by the host The GENERATE-ACTIVATION-NAME computer, which makes the processing of instruction generates a new activation overflowed tokens much slower than nor- name by causing the preprocessor to incre- mal matching. A small fraction of over- ment its activation name counter and pre- flowed addresses (less than 1 percent) may fixing its value by the processing element therefore have a considerable effect on the identifier. Consequently the activation overall performance. When such level of names are unique, but their supply is rather overflow is reached, 50 percent of the mem- limited. Since tokens of this type may not ory is occupied on the average [Veen be converted to any other type, the non- 1985bJ. It is expected that the real overflow functionality of this instruction is harm- unit will support 10 percent overflow with- less. In contrast, the index may be set to out seriously degrading the average match- an integer and may be subject t6 arithmetic. ing speed. Such operations make an efficient imple- mentation of loops possible. 5.3 Tag Space

The tag is divided into the activation name, 5.4 Data Structures used to separate tag areas, and the index, used to distinguish elements of a data struc- A data structure can be sent over an arc ture. Through clever encoding the sizes of with each element as a separate token

ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 18, No. 4, December 19&X3 Dataflow Machine Architecture l 389 distinguished by the index field of the tag. three main advantages. Storing elements The elements can be produced and accessed without tags or destination is three times in any order and concurrently. Retrieving more space efficient. It also saves instruc- a single element in structure-copying mode tions because no tags need to be manipu- (acceptable for small structures) is accom- lated when a structure is accessed. The list plished by sending all tokens of a structure of pending requests makes efficient support to a node that transmits the token with the of nonstrict data structures possible. proper index field and discards all other tokens. Many algorithms exhibit a pipeline 5.5 State of the Project type of parallelism, calling for implemen- tation with streams, which are produced The first prototype processing element, and consumed in order. Streams are non- which became operational in the fall of strict; that is, elements can be read before 1981, has been subjected to numerous per- the complete stream is produced. With the formance studies, and unsatisfactory parts aid of special tag manipulation instructions have been improved. For a set of bench- (see, e.g., Bowen [1981]) the interaction mark programs a performance of l-2 mil- between subsequent iterations and subse- lion instructions per second has been quent data structure elements can be made reached [Gurd et al. 19851. Since the pro- quite efficient. Great efficiency improve- totype is implemented in medium-perform- ments have been made using scatter in- ance technology, an upgrading to around structions, which produce a whole series of 10 million instructions per second for one tokens with consecutive values or tags processing element seems feasible. An em- within a specified range [Bohm and ulator has been constructed to study the Sargeant 19851. behavior of the communication unit. The Copying large data structures is in gen- emulator consists of 16 pairs of micropro- eral unacceptable. Fixed-size structures can cessors, each pair emulating one processing be stored in the structure store [Sargeant element, connected via a synchronously op- and Kirkham 19861. A CREATE-STRUC- erating packet switching network [Foley TURE instruction reserves a memory area 19851. In the summer of 1985, a structure large enough to store the complete struc- store with space for 500K elements has ture and returns a pointer. The WRITE- been installed, and later expanded to 1M ELEMENT instruction stores the value elements [Kawakami and Gurd 19861. A part of a token without tag or destination. fast overflow unit is under construction, The READ-ELEMENT instruction re- which will have a basic speed comparable turns the value of an element if it is avail- to that of the matching unit. able; otherwise, the read request is appended to a list of pending requests, which are fulfilled when the element is 6. FEASIBILITY OF DATAFLOW MACHINES written. This makes the storage of non- We saw in the previous section that a pro- strict structures possible. Garbage collec- cessing element for a dataflow machine can tion is by means of reference counts that be constructed with a speed of close to 10 are maintained by explicit INCREMENT million instructions per second. Since da- and DECREMENT instructions. When taflow machines are in principle extensible, there are several structure stores, allocation a machine consisting of more than 100 of a data structure is not easy. Small struc- processing elements could conceivably tures (e.g., less than 32 elements) can best reach a speed in the range of 1 billion be allocated in one structure store and large instructions per second. It is too early to structures interleaved over all structure tell whether this potential can indeed be stores. This requires a global structure realized, much work needs to be done on manager. allocation schemes, and experience needs Before the structure store was installed, be gained with data structure support and the matching unit had special facilities to networks that connect many processing store data structures. Compared with the elements. But even if a machine with such old scheme the structure store provides a performance could be constructed, .the

ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 18, No. 4, December 1986 390 l Arthur H. Veen question remains as to whether the amount processing elements would require per of hardware needed for such a machine processing element or structure store about would not be better used by an alternative two printed circuit boards for the switch architecture. In fact, most of the objections alone. One processing element is currently raised against the dataflow approach are implemented with about 15 printed circuit concerned with factors that are believed to boards for processing, 22 for storage, and 9 reduce the effective utilization of a dataflow for internal communication. The structure machine to an unacceptably low level. A store requires four printed circuit boards well-argued case is made by Gajski et al. for communication and two for storage. [1982]. They claim that most programs do If there are an equal number of process- not contain enough parallelism to utilize a ing elements as there are structure stores, realistic dataflow machine except when about 45 percent of the hardware will be large arrays are processed in parallel. They devoted to storage, with the rest equally also claim that the handling of large data divided between processing and communi- structures involves considerable overhead cation. Half of the communication hard- in the form of either excessive storage or ware is needed for the asynchronous excessive processing requirements. With communication between units within one several prototypes operational the validity processing element. The same architecture of such objections can now be judged on the can easily be implemented synchronously. basis of actual experience. In this section Since in that case the communication hard- this question is addressed with respect to ware is relatively small (15 percent), we the Manchester Dataflow Machine. Re- concentrate on the other two categories. lated discussions can be found in Shimada et al. [1986] and Hiraki et al. [1986]. Here we concentrate on underutilization and 6.1 Waste of Processing Power overhead, treated together as resource Processing power is wasted either because waste. Roughly speaking, wasted resources a functional element is idle or because it is are considered to be those that are performing overhead computation, that is, needed beyond those in a reasonably high- computation that would not be needed in a performance sequential computer. sequential implementation. We treat these Most of the hardware of the Manchester two factors in order. Dataflow Machine can be classified as being used either for processing or for stor- 6.1.1 Underutilization of Functional Elements age. We shall only consider the functional elements as processing hardware. Storage A functional element is idle because of a consists of data and instruction memories poor hardware balance, lack of parallelism in the token queue, the matching unit, the in the program, or poor distribution over fetching unit, and the structure store. The the processing elements. Balancing the rest of the hardware we classify as being hardware amounts to adjusting the number used for communication. The total resource of functional elements to the speed of the waste in this machine can be estimated if matching unit and providing enough we know the relative sizes of the three buffering to smooth irregularities. This has categories and the level of waste within been done by analysis and by experiment each category. As a rough measure of the [Gurd and Watson 1983; Gurd et al. 19851, amount of hardware we use the number of and it has been concluded that the func- printed circuit boards, ignoring differences tional unit should contain between 12 and in board and chip density. 20 elements. A multiprocessor consists of a number of In such a configuration there are 30-40 processing elements connected with a com- stages in the pipeline that can concurrently munication switch. The amount of hard- be active. The parallelism in a program ware in the switch per processing element should thus be at least 30 per processing grows logarithmically with the size of the element to avoid starvation of functional machine. A machine containing a few dozen elements and preferably more to accom-

ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 18, No. 4, December 1986 Dataflow Machine Architecture l 391 modate the smoothing buffers. Experi- single-jump instruction in a control flow ments with simple programs run on one computer. Another manifestation is the processing element indicate that an average tag manipulation instruction that is parallelism of 50 is sufficient to keep above needed for each data item entering a re- this minimum. A reasonably sized multi- entrant subgraph. Possibly the largest processor would therefore need programs source of overhead computation is in the with an average rate of parallelism close to handling of large data structures. 1000. Experience so far suggests that real- For certain numerical programs an istic programs can indeed achieve such indication of the amount of overhead rates of parallelism, if the programmer computation is provided by the floating- carefully avoids sequential constructs. Pro- point fraction, that is, the fraction of exe- grams with a regular type of parallelism, cuted instructions that perform floating for which the average rate of parallelism is point operations? Studies of bench-mark close to the maximum rate, do not create programs run on conventional supercom- problems. Such programs, however, run puters at Lawrence Livermore National well or even better on static dataflow ma- Laboratory showed that assembly language chines or on more conventional parallel programmers achieve a floating-point frac- computers. Programs with irregular paral- tion of 30 percent, whereas FORTRAN lelism often create excessive storage de- reach 15-20 percent [Gurd et al. mands. We come back to this below. 19851. Straightforward compilers for the Distributing the work load over the pro- Manchester Dataflow Machine achieve a cessing elements is in general a complicated floating-point fraction of 3 percent for large allocation problem that needs to take the programs. There is, however, much room locality of instruction and data access into for optimization, and a good compiler can account. In the Manchester machine the reduce this overhead considerably. Recent problem is simplified since all communica- work on optimization in Manchester has tion paths are of equal length, so that there achieved floating-point fractions of 15 per- is no physical locality that the allocator cent for realistic programs [Bohm and needs to exploit. Simple experiments with Sargeant 19851. Shimada et al. [1986] are both the simulator and the micro-based working in the same direction. emulator suggest that a pseudorandom dis- tribution based on similar hashing tech- 6.2 Waste of Storage Space niques as those used in the matching store will provide an even distribution of the An even distribution of the work over a processing load [Barahona and Gurd 1985; multiprocessor is greatly simplified if each Foley 19851. Only simple programs have instruction is available on each processing been simulated, however, and structure al- element. Because of all the copies of the location has been ignored. Experiments program, most instruction storage would be with more realistic programs are necessary wasted. This waste is, however, insignifi- to substantiate these claims. cant compared with the waste in data storage. 6.7.2 Overhead Computation The processing element that is currently operating contains an enormous amount of Even if the functional elements are suffi- memory, practically all of it situated in the ciently utilized, processing power can still matching unit and the structure store. The be wasted if many instructions are in fact total hardware cost of the machine is dom- overhead. One source of this type of over- inated by the cost of this 20-Mbyte high- head mentioned by Gajski et al. [1982] is speed data memory. the distributed nature of flow control. A The structure store needs 5 Mbyte manifestation of this problem is the sepa- of memory because most programs with rate BRANCH instructions that need to be executed for each data item that enters a 3 The Manchester Dataflow group calls the inverse of conditional expression compared to the this figure the MIPS/MFLOPS ratio.

ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 18, No. 4, December 1986 392 l Arthur H. Veen sufficient parallelism operate on large data cesses to be active concurrently and may structures, and sometimes several copies of suspend a process until a previous one has these need to be maintained concurrently. terminated. In order to avoid deadlock the It seems possible that with compiling tech- throttle has to maintain an explicit repre- niques that analyze access patterns to sentation of the dependencies between structures this duplication could be reduced processes. The mechanism seems complex substantially without impairing parallel- but feasible, and simulation experiments ism. Experience with compiling for vector have been very promising. processors may be helpful in this. A consequence of this type of throttling The X-Mbyte of memory in the match- is that the matching space can be much ing unit is barely sufficient to run realistic smaller because activation names can be programs. One reason for this is that its reused. The matching space is treated as a effective utilization is less than 20 percent critical resource managed by the throttle, [Veen 1985b]. This results from a combi- and its consumption is reduced by enforc- nation of two factors: ing locality. With assistance from the com- piler, the index field of the tag can also be l Each token carries a destination and a reduced. A tag of half its current size ap- tag in addition to its data. Two-thirds of pears sufficient. There is also some redun- each cell is thus dedicated to overhead. dancy in the matching space addressing l The occupancy needs to be limited to less that can be removed. A combination of than 50 percent to avoid serious perform- these improvements affects the utilization ance degradation due to overflow. of the matching unit in two ways: The overhead per cell may be reduced to 30 When the hardware overflow unit is in- percent and, because of greater locality, a stalled, the effective utilization may rise to more efficient hashing function can be 25 percent. used. In this way a utilization of 40 percent The second reason for the size of the can be achieved [Veen 1985b]. matching unit is that programs with suffi- cient irregular parallelism occasionally 7. SUMMARY flood the matching unit with intermediate results. It has become clear that a mecha- The concept of dataflow architecture is nism is needed to limit parallelism if some 15 years old, and the first dataflow resources tend to get overloaded. Such a machine became operational more than a dynamic mechanism has been called a decade ago. In the last five years consider- throttle. In the NEC dataflow chip (see able progress has been made. Several de- Section 4.2) we saw a fine-grain throttle: signs have been emulated in hardware or Tokens are classified in different cate- have reached the prototype stage. They all gories, depending on the effect they are have a communication mechanism based expected to have on the level of parallelism, on packet switching, and most of them and the token queue favors a particular support general recursion. Recursion mech- token category, depending on the machine anisms are based on tagged tokens, some- load. A suggestion for such a mechanism times combined with code copying. also appears in Veen [1980]. An effective Whether such a combination is advanta- classification would need assistance from geous is not yet clear. The handling of data the compiler. structures is an area of active investigation. Currently a coarse-grain throttle is under The dataflow model calls for separate cop- investigation in Manchester that manages ies of each value to be sent from the pro- procedure and loop bodies by controlling ducer to each consumer. It is clear that the generation of activation names. The such copying is not feasible when large data execution of a GENERATE-ACTIVA- structures are involved and that data struc- TION-NAME instruction can be seen as tures have to be stored. Since this storage the initiation of a new process. The throttle is visible in the dataflow graph, it consti- would allow only a limited number of pro- tutes a deviation from the pure functional

ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 18, No. 4, December 1986 Dataflow Machine Architecture l 393 approach. There are signs that a deviation The crucial questions are concerned with is also necessary from the fine-grain ap- handling of data structures, load balancing, proach. Mechanisms have been proposed and control of parallelism. They all require and implemented that schedule on coarse- study of the execution of large programs or medium-grain levels such as procedure for which simulation or analysis is difficult. bodies. Scheduling occurs in a load balancer Prototypes of sufficient power that are, or and in a throttle, that is, a mechanism to soon will be, available together with their limit parallelism when resources tend to get supporting software provide excellent test overloaded. beds for further research in these areas. An objection frequently raised against the dataflow approach is that its fine gran- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ularity leads to an excessive consumption of resources. Experience with the Man- Wim Bohm, John Gurd, Jan Heering, Paul Klint, Martin Rem, and Marleen Sint read earlier versions chester Dataflow Machine, the most ad- of this paper. I have benefited greatly from their vanced prototype to date, shows that the comments. The work was supported by the Centre for major waste of resources occurs in data Mathematics and Computer Science and the Dutch storage. The memory needed to store struc- Parallel Reduction Machine project. tures can probably be reduced by compiling techniques. More serious is the consump- REFERENCES tion of matching unit memory. An effective throttle could alleviate this problem. Be- ALLAN, S. J., AND OLDEHOEFT,A. E. 1980. A flow analysis procedure for the translation of high- sides its primary goal, reducing the number level lanuuaees to a data flow language. IEEE of tokens that have to be stored concur- Trans. &m&t. C-29,9 (Sept.) 826-1831‘: rently, it has two additional effects: The AMAMIYA, M., HASEGAWA,R., NAKAMURA, 0.. AND size of the tag can be reduced and the MIKAMI, H. 1982. A list-processing-oriented matching space is used more densely, which data flow machine architecture. In Proceedings of th.e AFZPS National Comwter Conference 82. makes a more efficient representation AFIPS Press, Reston, Va., pp. 143-151. possible. AMAMIYA, M., TAKESLJE, M., HASECAWA, R., AND The second area of concern is the waste MIKAMI, H. 1986. Implementation and evalua- of processing power due to underutilization tion of a list-processing-oriented data flow of functional elements. One source of this machine. In Proceedings of the 13th Ann& may be an insufficient level of parallelism Symposium on (Tokyo, June 2-5). ACM, New York, pp. 10-19. in the program. It has been shown that ARVIND AND GOSTELOW,K. P. 1977. A computer with careful programming and sophisti- capable of exchanging processors for time. In cated compilers a high level of parallelism Information Processiw 77. B. Gilchrist. Ed. can be sustained even for realistic pro- North-Holland, New Y&k, pp. 849-853. ’ grams. It remains to be seen whether the ARVIND AND KATHAIL, V. 1981. A multiple processor required reprogramming effort stays within dataflow machine that supports generalized procedures. In Proceedings of the 8th Annual reasonable bounds for a wide range of large Symposium on Computer Architecture (Minne- programs. Underutilization may also occur apolis, Minn., May 12-14). ACM, New York, if processing or communication load is not pp. 291-302. evenly balanced. Simple experiments with ARVIND AND THOMAS, R. E. 1980. I-Structures: An load balancing have shown promising re- efficient data type for functional languages. Tech. sults, but conclusive experiments await Memo. 210, Laboratory for Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cam- the construction of multiprocessors of bridge, Mass. sufficient power. ARVIND, KATHAIL, V., AND PINGALI, K. 1980. A It has been assumed in the past that fine dataflow architecture with tagged tokens. Tech. granularity would require a great propor- Memo. 174, Laboratory for Computer Science, tion of overhead instructions, which would Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cam- also waste processing power. It has been bridge, Mass. BARAHO~A, P., AND GURD, J. R. 1985. Simulated shown recently that sophisticated com- performance of the Manchester multi-ring data- pilers can reduce this overhead to an flow machine. In 85. North- acceptable level. Holland, Amsterdam, pp. 419-424.

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Received November 1985; final revision accepted March 1987.

ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 18, No. 4, December 1986