Gall Structure and Specificity in Bostrychia Culture Isolates (Rhodomelaceae, Rhodophyta)
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Research Article Algae 2013, 28(1): 83-92 Open Access Gall structure and specificity in Bostrychia culture isolates (Rhodomelaceae, Rhodophyta) John A. West1,*, Curt M. Pueschel2, Tatyana A. Klochkova3, Gwang Hoon Kim3, Susan de Goër4 and Giuseppe C. Zuccarello5 1School of Botany, University of Melbourne, Parkville VIC 3010, Australia 2Department of Biological Sciences, State University of New York at Binghamton, Binghamton, NY 13902-6000, USA 3Department of Biology, Kongju National University, Kongju 314-701, Korea 411 Rue des Moguerou, 29680 Roscoff, France 5School of Biological Sciences, Victoria University of Wellington, PO Box 600, Wellington, 6140, New Zealand The descriptions of galls, or tumors, in red algae have been sparse. Kützing (1865) observed possible galls of Bostrychia but only presented a drawing. Intensive culture observations of hundreds of specimens of the genus Bostrychia over many years have revealed that galls appeared in only a small subset of our unialgal cultures of B. kelanensis, Bostrychia moritziana / radicans, B. radicosa, B. simpliciuscula, and B. tenella and continued to be produced intermittently or con- tinuously over many years in some cultures but were never seen in field specimens. Galls appeared as unorganized tissue found primarily on males and bisexuals, but occasionally on females and tetrasporophytes. The gall cells usually were less pigmented than neighboring tissue, but contained cells with fluorescent plastids and nuclei. The galls were not trans- ferable to other potential hosts. Galls could be produced from gall-free tissue of cultures that originally had galls even after transfer to new culture dishes. Electon microscopy of galls on one isolate (3895) showed that virus-like particles are observed in some gall cells. It is possible that a virus is the causative agent of these galls. Key Words: Bostrychia; galls; Rhodomelaceae; Rhodophyta; unialgal culture; virus-like particles INTRODUCTION Galls, or tumors, are unorganized tissue on otherwise (Bory de Saint-Vincent) Fredericq (as Iridaea laminarioi- normal plants. Galls are usually associated with abnor- des Bory de Saint-Vincent) (Correa et al. 1993). Bacteria mal cell division patterns and / or cell enlargement (Apt were seen in the galls of the red algae Chondracanthus 1988, Scheffer 1997). Galls have not been reported ex- teedei (Mertens ex Roth) Kützing (as Gigartina teedii tensively in red algae possibly because they are rare and [Roth] Lamouroux) (Tsekos 1982), Grateloupia ameri- not considered important, but the deformation of tissue cana Kawaguchi et Wang (as Prionitis lanceolata [Harvey] could have fitness consequences for the host. While the Harvey), and Polyneuropsis stolonifera M. J. Wynne, D. L. cause of all red algal galls is not known several causative McBride & J. A. West (McBride et al. 1974). Subsequently agents have been shown or suggested. Cyanobacteria bacteria were proven to be the cause of galls on G. ameri- were reported to cause galls in Mazzaella laminarioides cana (Apt and Gibor 1989, Ashen and Goff 1996, 1998, This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Received November 19, 2012, Accepted February 1, 2013 Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://cre- Corresponding Author which permits unrestricted * non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, E-mail: [email protected] provided the original work is properly cited. Tel: +61-3-8344-8080 Copyright © The Korean Society of Phycology 83 pISSN: 1226-2617 eISSN: 2093-0860 Algae 2013, 28(1): 83-92 2000, Ashen et al. 1999). A fungus possibly causes galls of rochrome DAPI (4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole, Sigma- Catenella nipae Zanardini (Zuccarello 2008). The galls of Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA) using a heat fixation method. Prionitis and Catenella were originally described as red Algal thalli were dipped in 5 µg mL-1 DAPI solution in algal parasites (Lobocolax deformans Howe and Catenel- seawater for 5 min, and then the cover slips were slightly locolax leeuwenii Weber-van Bosse, respectively). Experi- heated over a boiler for a few seconds. After staining, algal mental infection and formation of galls was not achieved thalli were mounted on slides in the DAPI solution and with fungi in Catenella nipae (Zuccarello 2008). were examined under a UV filter. Galls have also been associated with viruses. Virus- Micrographs were taken with Olympus DP50 digital like particles (VLPs) were found in the galls of Gracilaria camera affixed to an Olympus BX50 microscope (Olym- epihippisora Hoyle (Apt and Gibor 1991). In this species pus, Tokyo, Japan) using Viewfinder Lite and Studio Lite gall tissue was capable of autonomous growth but only in computer programs (Better Light Inc., Placerville, CA, an undifferentiated state. Pueschel (1995) also observed USA) or with a Zeiss GFL bright field microscope (Carl VLPs in the filamentous red alga Acrochaetium savianum Zeiss AG, Oberkochen, Germany) using a Canon G3 cam- (Meneghini) Nägeli (as Audouinella saviana). era (Canon Inc., Tokyo, Japan) and Photoshop CS4 com- We have studied Bostrychia over many years and it has puter program ( become useful in research on speciation, ecophysiology, evolution and cell biology / video microscopy of repro- Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) duction (reviewed in Zuccarello and West 2011). A very large collection of over 1,000 isolates of all the recognized Galls were fixed in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) buf- species of Bostrychia has been established (http://www. fer containing 2% glutaraldehyde at 4°C for 2 h. The glu- A small subset of these taraldehyde was then rinsed out with PBS buffer and the isolates has produced undifferentiated tissue that persist- cells were postfixed with %2 osmium tetroxide at 4°C for ed in culture. Galls of Bostrychia were observed in 1865, 1.5 h. Thereafter, the cells were rinsed out with PBS buffer when Kützing illustrated many species of Bostrychia and and were dehydrated in a graded acetone series, embed- depicted a gall on B. cornifera Montagne (Kützing 1865, ded in Spurr’s epoxy resin (Spurr 1969) and polymerized Pl. 24) (Fig. 1A in this paper), later synonymized with B. overnight in a 70°C oven (Polysciences Inc., Warrington, moritziana (Sonders ex Kützing) J. Agardh (King and Put- PA, USA). Sections stained with uranyl acetate and Reyn- tock 1989). Our observations on Bostrychia galls are pre- olds’s lead citrate (Reynolds 1963) were viewed and pho- sented below. tographed on a Phillips Bio Twin Transmission Electron Microscope (Phillips Electron Optics, Eindhoven, Nether- lands). We were able to carry out TEM studies on only one MATERIALS AND METHODS B. simpliciuscula isolate (3895). Algal material and laboratory culture RESULTS Unialgal culture methods were described in West and Zuccarello (1999) and West (2005). Culture isolates were Refer to Table 1 for the time periods (years) in which all maintained at 18-23°C, 12 : 12 LD daily photoperiods, galls were seen in the various isolates. These galls were 3-5 µmol photons m-2 s-1 cool white fluorescent or LED predominantly found in isolates from Australia where lighting, MPM/2 culture medium (30‰ salinity). For fast- most isolates were obtained. Only a small percentage of er growth and reproduction cultures were placed in 10-15 our isolates had galls and they were only observed in B. µmol photons m-2 s-1 on rotary shaker (70 rpm). simpliciuscula Harvey ex J. Agardh, B. moritziana / radi- Most isolates used for this research program are now cans complex, B. radicosa (Itono) J. A. West, G. C. Zucca- available at the Korean Marine Plants Collection, Chun- rello & M. H. Hommersand, B. kelanensis Grunow, and B. gnam National University, 220 Gung-dong, Yuseong-gu, tenella (Lamouroux) J. Agardh. Daejeon, Korea. Bostrychia simpliciuscula Bright field and fluorescence microscopy B. simpliciuscula is a polyphyletic species consisting Algal nuclei were stained with the DNA-specific fluo- of three lineages (Zuccarello et al. 1999, Zuccarello and 84 West et al. Galls of Bostrychia A B C D E F G H Fig. 1. Morphology of galls in Bostrychia. (A) Drawing of B. cornifera (currently B. moritziana) with several ‘galls’ developing on a monosiphonous branch (arrows). Reproduced from Kützing (1865). (B-E) B. simpliciuscula microscopic images of galls developing on polysiphonous axis and laterals in different isolates (3895, 3931, and 3910). (D & E) Through-focus images of the same gall (3910). (F) B. simpliciuscula, fluorescent DAPI staining of the gall cells nuclei (blue color, DAPI-stained nuclei; red color, plastid autofluorescence; arrow points to the dead cells inside the gall). (G & H) B. simpliciuscula, transmission electron microscopy images of virus-like particles in gall tissues of isolate 3895. Scale bars represent: B-F, 50 µm; G & H, 200 nm. 85 Algae 2013, 28(1): 83-92 Table 1. Bostrychia moritziana / radicans, B. kelanensis, B. radicosa, B. simpliciuscula, and B. tenella isolates observed. Rubisco spacer lineages of B. moritziana / radicans and B. simpliciuscula from Zuccarello and West (2003, 2006), Zuccarello et al. (1999) or during this study Species Culture Collection site / Date Phases in Galls Lineage / No. culture Haplotype B. moritziana / 2746 Tooradin, Western Port Bay, VIC, AUS; Oct 25, 1986 T M F No 1/AU radicans