The Cambridge Companion to Queer Studies Edited by Siobhan B
Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-48204-2 — The Cambridge Companion to Queer Studies Edited by Siobhan B. Somerville Index More Information Index 2 Spirit Introductory Special $19.99 (Cuthand), Belcourt, Billy-Ray (Cree), 88 83, 86–87 Belser, Julia Watts, 103 Bendorf, Oliver Baez, 115–17 Abbey, Edward, 113–15 Benjamin, Harry, 144 ACT UP, 41 Bennett, Jane, 112 ad lib, 127 Berlant, Lauren, 6 aesthetics, ecological, 109 Bersani, Leo, 22 Afrofuturism, 190–91 Bibler, Michael, 229 Afro-pessimism, 26 bildungsroman, 145, 146 ahkamêyimowak, 80 Binnie, Imogen, 145 Ahmed, Sara, 151 biopolitics, 20–21, 111, 144 Ahuja, Neel, 111 Bird, Charlie, 150 AIDS. See HIV/AIDS Black, Christian, 127 All My Children, 174, 176 black antihumanism, 25–26 Althusser, Louis, 135 black feminist thought, 112 anal eroticism, female, 132, 133, 134 Black Panthers, 38 Anderson, Warwick, 143 Blackheart Collective, 36 androgyny, 114, 204 #BlackLivesMatter, 178, 195 Angel, Rev. Charles, 37 blackness, 25–26 Anohni, 109 Blanco, Mykki, 165–67 anticapitalist critique, 52 body Anti-Racism Network Ireland, 152 black female, 159 Anzaldúa, Gloria, 3, 4, 25, 32, 34, 35, 38, 95, 147, 231 black or brown, 159 area studies, 22–23 disabled, 99 Arenas, Reinaldo, 125 intersex, 70–71 Arons, Wendy, 109, 112 trans*, 74 asylum, 151 transgender, 70–71 Auerbach, David, 186 transsexual, 74 Austin, J. L., 158 Boi Oh Boi (Cuthand), 84–86 authorship, transgender, 73 Bold and The Beautiful, The, 173–81 autobiography Book of Salt, The (Truong), 202–11 transgender, 68, 70, 145 Bornstein, Kate, 190 transition,
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