17Th, 1932 5 Cents R
The NATIONAL WEEKLY of PROGRAMS and PERSONALITIES Vol. 1, No. 21 New York, March 17th, 1932 5 Cents r ts ' g , I raadio .p `,;,._;RS ^d -..,..º4 iit ... ' - Ro AN UNUSUAL STAR WHO PREFERS TO REMAIN HIDDEN IN THE STUDIOS Unusual among radio and stage figures, Jessica Dragonette thrives on a .,.: F.:.,: minimum of personal publicity, shrinks from public contacts, finds her pleasure in radio work well done. Her unassuming, enigmatic behavior has brought her the title, "The Garbo of Radio." This story tells why. THAT is radio personality? Many persons have pondered the question, many answers have been given, yet perhaps the best answer of them all is contained in one diminu- tive artiste, Jessica Dragonette. 'For. Miss Dragonette has as much of that mysterious, essential quality as any one in the studios, and in watching her work, talking with her (when she will consent to talk), one finds the true reason for her success. Personality, plus. And, as is the case with personalities, many people misunderstand La Drago- nette. She has been called, lately, "The Garbo of Radio," a not unir elligent title, if a sadly belated one. To fully understand this unusual per- , «; 51< son one must really begin half the world o a ... (Turn to Page 13) 42'4, .,é °: r; % i%i- f fhf ,/f-- ,.:,,- ,l f.¢ i %1`" c Radio's Charming Enigma >11" > ' ' R Jessica Dragonette, "The Garbo of Radio," who prefers to remain in a self-imposed retirement rather than appear on the stage l or concert platform Long a radio favorite, e _ this petite soprano is still the shy, quiet girl who thrilled New York in "The Miracle" and other productions.
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