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[email protected] www.tricityvoice.com May 7, 2013 Vol. 12 No. 19 BY JULIE GRABOWSKI Feeding the hungry, educating kids, helping those in need to es- tablish stronger, stable, happier lives; this is the work of commu- nity, of individuals and groups looking beyond themselves to make a difference and build a stronger, brighter place to live. Through volunteer work and supporting doABC’s main fundraising event, this year Services, Life Elder Care, Kidango, Fremont local charities, Indo-Americans for Better celebrating its 10th anniversary. Senior Center, Ohlone College Foundation, Community (IndoABC) fully embraces this The Annual Charity Ball has been a suc- and Fremont Family Resource Center’s Dis- charge. Since 2000, the nonprofit organiza- cess since its inception, drawing over 300 covery Cove child care services. tion has been raising funds and educating the guests - local leaders, businesses, and commu- A glamorous black tie affair with a formal community about supportive services in our nity members - and contributing over sit-down dinner, the event will begin with a own backyard. The annual Charity Ball is In- $450,000 to local charities including Abode Dr. Rakesh Sharma continued on page 4 Students (L to R): Chang-May Tan, Reza Mosher and Matthew Aboudi are congratulated by the teacher! ARTICLE AND PHOTOS BY fingerspelling helps deaf children become bet- MIRIAM G. MAZLIACH ter readers and gain a larger vocabulary.