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Session document

8.12.2004 B6-0209/2004


to wind up the debate on statements by the Council and Commission

pursuant to Rule 103(2) of the Rules of Procedure

by Jan Marinus Wiersma and Reino Paasilinna

on behalf of the PSE Group

on the EU- Summit

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European Parliament resolution on the EU-Russia Summit

The European Parliament,

– having regard to the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the and Russia which entered into force on 1 December 1997 and the Joint Statement on EU enlargement and EU-Russia relations signed on 27 April 2004 and confirmed by both the European Parliament and the Russian Duma in October 2004,

– having regard to its previous resolutions on Russia and Chechnya and, in particular, its recommendation to the Council on EU-Russia relations of 26 February 2004,

– having regard to the outcome of the 14th EU-Russia summit held in The Hague on 25 November 2005,

– having regard to the Commission Communication to the Council and the European Parliament of 11 March 2003 entitled 'Wider Europe - Neighbourhood: a new framework for relations with our eastern and southern neighbours',

– having regard to Rule 103(2) of its Rules of Procedure,

A. whereas there is agreement between the EU and Russia to reinforce the strategic partnership and that enhancing cooperation and good-neighbourly relations is of key importance to the stability, security and prosperity of the whole of Europe,

B. whereas any further development in the building of a strategic relationship must be based on common values, in particular democracy, the rule of law and respect for human rights, and shared interests between the EU and Russia,

C. whereas the EU is deeply committed to the implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy as one of its main foreign affairs priorities,

D. whereas in the past both the EU and Russia regarded countries in their common neighbourhood as areas for the establishment and maintenance of whose stability they both shared a certain degree of responsibility,

E. whereas the EU and Russia have a joint responsibility to bring about peaceful solutions to conflicts in their immediate vicinities,

F. whereas the intention to create four common areas within the activities of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement and to conclude agreements in the area of economic issues, freedom, security and justice, external security, research, education and culture as agreed in the EU-Russia Statement on 27 April 2004 and at the 14th EU-Russia summit in The Hague on 25 November 2004 should further strengthen cooperation between the EU and Russia,

PE 352.931 2/4 RE\549970EN.doc EN 1. Expresses its willingness to contribute actively towards strengthening this cooperation and to implement the resulting provisions and agreements;

2. Calls on the Commission and Council to make full use of existing tools and programmes such as TACIS in support of the development of civil society in Russia and insists that future instruments must also strive to enhance democracy and respect for the rule of law in this region;

3. Regrets, however, the lack of substantial progress on the establishment of the four common areas during the 14th EU-Russia summit in The Hague and hopes that the next EU-Russia summit in spring 2005 in Moscow will bring about more tangible results;

4. Welcomes the ratification on 22 October 2004 by the Duma of the Kyoto Protocol to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, stresses the positive impact that signing up to the Kyoto Protocol will have in enhancing the long-term strategic partnership between the EU and Russia and hopes that other global players will be encouraged to follow Russia's example;

5. Stresses the need for the EU and Russia to intensify political dialogue, in particular in cooperating to achieve the common goal of strengthening multilateral organisations such as the UN and the WTO;

6. Calls on the EU and Russia to coordinate their positions on the reform of the UN system, and in particular the future reform of the UN Security Council;

7. Is concerned about signs of strains within the EU-Russia relationship due to recent events, particularly in states bordering Russia;

8. Recognises that Russia has a special interest in maintaining good relations with many of its neighbouring countries such as Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova or the Southern Caucasus region; stresses, however, that Russia should adhere to the same principles of non- interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states, in particular in the case of elections, which it demands from the European Union or other western states;

9. Is concerned about the path taken by the democratisation process in Russia and further accumulation of powers by the central government in Moscow, such as the appointment of supreme court judges and mayors of large towns by the President of Russia;

10. Strongly condemns the recent terrorist attacks against the Russian population and welcomes measures to increase EU-Russia counter-terrorism cooperation measures; reiterates, however, that these measures must be in full respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms and must not lead to an erosion of democratic rights or civil society;

11. Calls in this context for a review of Russia's policy approach in the Caucasus area to bring about change and to assist the countries concerned - in close cooperation with the OSCE and the EU - in finding solutions to the existing conflicts on their territory;

12. Reiterates that in the case of Chechnya there can only be an inclusive, negotiated,

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13. Calls on Russia to play a more constructive role in crisis management and to fight organised crime in other conflict areas such as Transdnistria, Abkhazia and South Ossetia;

14. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the Member States, the President and Parliament of the Russian Federation, the OSCE and the .

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