© 2003 BAOBAB for Women’s Human Rights (BAOBAB) BAOBAB permits free reproduction of extracts from any of its publications provided that due acknowledgement is give and a copy of the publication in which the extract is used is sent to its office at the address below: BAOBAB for Women’s Human Rights 232A, Muri Okunola Street P. O. Box 73630 Victoria Island Lagos, NIGERIA Tel/Fax: +234 1 262 6267, +234 1 320 0484/0522 Email:
[email protected] Website: www.baobabwomen.org ISBN: 978 – 35104 – 0 - 1 1 1. VIOLATIONS OF WOMEN’S HUMAN RIGHTS IN NIGERIA (1966-1999) 1.1. Background This research was informed by the resolve of the present civilian government of General Obasanjo, which came to power in May 1999, to ascertain the causes, nature and extent of all human rights violations in Nigeria between January 15, 1966 and May 29, 1999. To do this, the Human Rights Violations Investigation Commission was set up. BAOBAB for Women’s Human Rights (BAOBAB) was asked by the Commission to carry out research on the violations of women’s human rights that occurred within the specified period. This report therefore looks at abuses of women’s human rights - highlighting gender violations as well as discriminatory laws, policies and practices of the government, communities and individuals that have the effect of violating women’s rights during the period under study. 1.2. Introduction In writing this report, the recognition given to the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family as the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world, as provided by the United Nations Universal Declaration on Human Rights (UDHR)1 was adopted as a working definition.