Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, National Assembly Complex, Three-Anns Zone, Abuja
5TH NATIONAL ASSEMBLY THIRD SESSION No. 33 467 SENATE OF THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIA VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS Tuesday, 10th October, 2006 1. The Senate met at 10:30 a.m. The Senate President read Prayers. 2. Votes and Proceedings: The Senate President announced that he had examined the Votes and Proceedings of Thursday, 5th October, 2006 and approved same. By unanimous consent, the Votes and Proceedings were adopted. 3. Message from Mr. President: The Senate President announced that he had received a letter from Mr. President, Commander-in-Chief which he read as follows: PRESIDENT, FEDERAL REPUBLIC OP NIGERIA PRES/134 _ 6 October, 2006 Senator Ken Nnamani, President of the Senate, Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, National Assembly Complex, Three-Anns Zone, Abuja Dear President of the Senate, 2007 Budget * / do crave the indulgence of the National Assembly to grant me the slot of Wednesday, October 11, 2006, at 12:00 noon to formally address the Joint Session of the National Assembly on Budget 2007. While I thank you for your cooperation and understanding, please accept, Mr Senate President, the assurances of my highest consideration. Yours Sincerely, Signed: OLUSEGUN OBASANJO PRINTED BY NATIONAL ASSEMBLY PRESS, ABUJA 468 _____________________________ Tuesday, 10th October, 2006 ___________________________No. 33 4. Closed Session: Morion made and Question Proposed: That the Senate do resolve into a Closed Session to deliberate on matters relevant to the workings of the Senate (Senate Majority Leader). Question put and agreed to. Senate in Closed Session — 10: 45 a .m. Senate in Open Session — 11.25 a.m The Senate President reported that the Senate in Closed Session deliberated on the fumigation of Apo Legislative Quarters in view of the prevalence of reptiles within the premises.
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