REETINGS Native of Glen Robertson of Cornwall, Fifty Eastern Ontario Counties Is Son of Mr
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ALL THE NEWS Aü TH* NCWB OP GLENGARRY OP GLENGARRY arry New FOR GLENGARRIANS TOR GLENGARRIANS The THE FINEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPÈK IN EASTERN ONTARIO Reaches Golden Cpl. E.E. Bathurst Cheese Production Greenfield Native ll Ik Of Courage Date Of Ordination Reported Killed Up In November Wins Air Medal Of Lieut. Asselin Very Rev, D. Macdonald Glengarry Third Among Sgt. Claude M. Cameron Refused To Evacuate REETINGS Native Of Glen Robertson Of Cornwall, Fifty Eastern Ontario Counties Is Son Of Mr. and Mrs, Though Wounded Killed In Holland Years A Priest, Today In Output For 1944 J. D. Cameron, Greenfield Three Times Relatives Learn To the homes of Glengarry and of Glengarrians A recent arrival flop4 overseas, Piper This morning, to NativityChurch, Cheese production in Glengarry dur Award of the Air Medal to. Sergeant East Cornwall, a special Mass is being Lance Corporal Edgar Earl Bath- C. J. "Joe” SommeirtJle of the SD & abroad wherever it is a visitor throughout the ing November was up over the cor- ! Claude M. Cameron of Buchanan, N.Y sung to mark the Golden Anniversary urst of the R.C.AM.C. was killed in a Highlanders, has high praise for responding month’s total make in 1943' ihember of the US. Army Air Corps, year and in a special measure to’ the members of of Very Révérend Duncan Macdonald’s Holland on December 4th, according j ^ montijly Dairy Re-1 was announced recently by Col. Char- the courage and leadership of an ex- to word reaching Glengarry relatives Aiexandrian, Lieut. Hayden Asselin ordination to the priesthood. In the pert of the Ontario Department of lés B. Westover, Chief of Staff, Se- our armed forces presence of his Bishop, members Of the and friends last week. A resident ot ccn< son of Mr and Mrs J. Donat Asselin, jAgriculture, and the production over * Bombardment Division, Eng- clergy and many friends ,the jubilar- Montreal at the time of his enlist-J land. Sergt.. Cameron is a son of Mr of Cornwall, who was killed at Gru n monfchs en(Jlng November 30th ian will be honored for his long and ment in June 1940 L-Opl. Bathurs.,!^^ and Mrs. J. D. Cameron, Greenfield, chy, a suburb of Csifen, in the bitter THE GLENGARRY NEWS by over 50fiQ0 through fruitful service to the people of the was a son of the late Mr and Mrs^ e mon^,s jncrease In addition to being awarded the fighting of July 8th j Lemuel Bathurst ! The report gives 463,820 pounds as Alr Medal, Sergt. Cameron won the Serving as a trained first-aid man carries with this issue, the warm i wishes of diocese of Alexandria . Sommervllle ministered to Lieut. Asselin Because of ill health, Father Mac- He was DOTH at Glen , jEvOoertson,SMSEL 37. tile, output, , of« Glengarry,_. factories. , , m. fnMnwino’«mowing citation.■■ “forior tnpritoriousmeruonuus . , its Editor and Staff for years ago, and was employed with the ^ November 1944 as Compared with arhievement in accomplishing with dis, humg the action wliioh resulted in donald will be unable to sing the Canadian Tube and Steel Company,) A MERRY and BOUNTIFUL CHRISTMAS Mass, and to a member of the diocesan 412,478 pounds production in Novem tinction several aerial operatonal mis- ; Ms death and he has this to say of the Montreal, until joining the Canadian siens over enemy-occupied Europe.” young officer’s final potion: cleygy. Rev. J. A. Wylie, P.P. Lochiel, her 1943. To date in 1944 the county who was baptized by the jubilarian Army. He, had been overseas since I pi eduction is 7,307,380 pounds as com'- The citation added,” the courage, cool-! He had been wouged three times ■ «a* November 1941. 11688 skin bu was 8tl11 on lüs while parish priest at Glen Robertson pared with an 11 months make in 1943 displayed by him in the ' ^ Sommer- Hi addition to his wife, the former face of determined opposition “He had been wounded in the will go that privilege. Father Wylie cf 7,597,305 pounds arm Muriel Conroy, who resides at 6106,, (-.ieriJ&rrv ranks behind onlv Pres- tenally aided in the successful com- > shoulder and tM|leg but refused will have as deacon and sub-deacon». rr— r 1« i Trills ^ ^ ° *' ... ... J oil QT-C t r\ Ai vQ f Û «On _ Hamilton street. Ville Emard, Que., pietion ofVTA theseLUGOG UUOOAWJO.missions.” all orders to evacuate,, J until' his "pla- Rev. Ëwen J. Macdonald, PP. Dick- cott and Stormont in 1944 volume of to inson’s Landing, and Capt the Rev. L-Cpl. Bathurst is survived by four _ Under date of August 17th, Sergt. ! on had consolidât^: Shortly after I production among 12 Eastern Ontario was brothers and two sisters: Joseph Bath- ^ ««jj. jj, tj,e entjre Cameron was ‘also awarded the Oak wounded and mjlpd to a dressing Francis Lefebvre, of Kingston, who ! station, I heard that|Lieut Asselin, his A Greeting And A Reminder From were respectively the first and the urt, John Bathurst and Mrs Cecil province. Prescott, Hastings, Stormont Leaf Cluster. Pamham, all of Monteal; Spr. Archi- ~ . ~. T „„„ ■ major, the CompShy Sergt.-major! j last curates to seive under Father ..... * ,, _ . and Oxford are the counties topping Born at Greenfield, 30 years ago, ■ .jvj. A Glengarrian Overseas Macdonald during his long career as bald Bathurst,’ overseas with the Royal Glengarry. Sergt. Camerom attended Separate ana several others ËM been... killed lWi. 1 Canadian Engineers: William Bath-, _ T. ' • ... another mortar barflJ Which struck pastor of Nativity Parish. , , Butter productionu in Glengarry in School in Greenfield, and while still . „ : UTst, HamUton; and Mrs John D Me-' , „ . , __ „ them down. I was pwpably one of the, _ _ „ .... ;• . November was up slightly over Novemw In his teens wen to the U.S. He was , I His Excellency, Most Rev Rosario Donald, Cornwall. ' InTM addition to his ° * lastlfl<r. totr\ seeGOA himnitvt allve<SIeoil TrO T-lo setcat a fineTtna ex-rtv. From “Somewhere In Holland” this week, the editor (Brodeur, D. D., Bishop of Alexandria, her 1943, but the output for the 11- employed in a grocery store at Buch- of the News has received a Christmas Greeting which will brother, L-Cpl. Bathurst has six nep-j ample of courage a|£ leadership and will occupy the throne and wUl deliver (months period is down considerably anan, N.Y., at the time of.his indue-; remain a cherished souvenir of the part being played Ip hews overseas one, of whom is a prist rumor has it that he. has been recom- over 1943 figures.B This countyJ has turn tion into the service in July 1942, He a brief sermon befitting the occasion. oner of war. “ mended for a high medal.” the war by the S. D. & G. Highlanders. The card is a ed out only 192,884 pounds of butter went overseas in June and several r<;, Very, Rev. Duncan Macdonald was A memorial service was held in Holy special regimental one bearing the title “Glengarrians born at Glen Sandfield, October 18th, In 1944 as compared with 288,353 weeks ago was hospitalized because Christmas Greetings, 1944” and the unit’s battle cry "Up Gross Church, Montreal, at 9 o’clock, 1865, a son of, Mr and Mrs Donald B, pounds to Noveember 30th, 1943. of Injuries suffered in a crack-up. The Glens”. The Inside pages under the title “Remem- Thursday morning, Dec. 14th, for the Freights In pellition Macdonald. Foliow^ng his éducation Terrace, who with the American ber” carry four columns of French, Belgian and Dutch late L-Cpl. Bathurst. to the local schools he attended Ot- Terrace, who is with the American At Casselmail name places where Canadian soldiers have fought and Mr | tawa university where he was a star forces in the defence of Panaura; and triumphed since D-Day. Hi red ink are the following Christmas Tree I Traffic on the |^Hontreal-Otbawa ' player on that university’s .Dominion Donald who has been oiverseas four names of cities, towns and villages which were taken by Rouleau Elected Championship Football team. He com- Concert Enjoyable years with the Royal Canadian Medi- : Division of the C N2w-„was disrupted, | the Glengarrians after bitter fighting: Reeve Cornwall Twp. cal Corps. yesterday, when twf freight trains pleted his studies for the priesthood Enjoyable ali)t£ for the children and lies Buisson (Hell’s Corner) IHerquiUngue at the Grand Seminary, Montreal» J. E. ubald Rouleau of Cornwall ,a were in a rear-end ton at Cassel- Vieux Calron a 18186 01 St. Martin de Boulogne and was ordained at Montreal, Dec. son of Mr Euclid Rouleau, Alexandria hrl8to ^“Us, washeld the111 WiJ1ja|j|«l;OWj| Airman jman. It is reportefflaw members of Gruchy Boulogne 22nd, 1894. After a few months’ ser- was elected Reeve of Cornwall town-1 I the train crews were, injured though °Alexanderf MRail, Wednesday evening,. ComolfitCS'"“«aniSlOWn CoUFS6 AlfmaU rhe Chateau Outreaux (Hill 80) vice, here, he was sent to Glen Ro- ship In a keenly contested' three-way (members of a work gang riding in bv the nimilK of St. Margaret’s Con- * Caen [Jipap Gris Nez bertson in 1895 to organize the new. fight for the reeveshlp last Thursday Iby 0,6 P"»0* « Margaret’s Con- the caboose of tljs first train had to vent school. Under the tutelage of COllombellea Hoofplaat .j.’ St. Martin of Tours parish. During a. Rouleau received a majority of 54 Among those who graduated from /ump to safety. Faubg de Vaucelles . b ._ , « m the Sisters of Holy Cross, the talented >., Hooge Weg quarter of.