International Dimensions of Paradoxism 88 writers (in addition of folklore collections) from 23 countries with texts in 17 languages (English, Romanian, Bulgarian, Czech, Arabic, French, German, Hungarian, Tamil, Hindi, Indonesian, Hebrew, Italian, Urdu, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, Spanish) contributed poetry, essays, letters to the editor, arts, science, philosophy, short drama, short story, distichs, epigrams, aphorisms, translations, paradoxes, and folklore or found literature to the “Fifth international Anthology on Paradoxism”. Paradoxism is an avant-garde movement in literature, arts, science, and every human field, initiated in 1980 by the editor as a protest against totalitarianism. It is based on excessive use of contradictions, antinomies, oxymorons, antitheses, paradoxes in creation. Contributions for the next international anthologies on paradoxism should be sent to: Prof. Florentin Smarandache University of New Mexico 200 College Road Gallup NM 87301 USA e-mail:
[email protected] Books and articles in many languages about paradoxism can be downloaded from the site: Florentin SMARANDACHE Fifth International Anthology on Paradoxism 1 2 Florentin SMARANDACHE FIFTH INTERNATIONAL ANTHOLOGY ON PARADOXISM Editura OFFSETCOLOR – Rm.Vâlcea 3 Coperta: George ROCA Tehnoredactarea: Dan SÎRBU Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naţionale a României Fifth international anthology on paradoxism / ed.: Florentin Smarandache. - Râmnicu-Vâlcea : Offsetcolor, 2006 ISBN (10) 973-7743-37-7 ; ISBN (13) 978-973-7743-37-4