主題:活潑生命的敬拜 Theme: Vibrant Worship 目錄 Table of Contents 頁(P)

編者的話 From the Editor 張李敏儀執事 1 牧者的話 From the Pastors Pastor Eddy Writes...Vibrant Worship Rev. Eddy Lim 2 Zach’s Story Pastor Robert Sterie 6 主題文章 Theme Articles 敬拜在乎歸回神的話語 晴 8 活潑生命 耆英小牛 9 生活與敬拜 彩雲 10 My Little Sharing About Worship Charles Ung 11 Journey of Worship Bernice Cheung 11 Vibrant Worship Evelyn Lai 12 兒童事工分享 Children Ministry Sharing Handprints on Our Hearts Jessie & Nicole Fung 14 Come Join the Adventure! Joey Ung 15 分享文章 Sharing Articles 彼此相愛!真的談何容易嗎?(下) 梅浩濱 16 我与雅各 郭锐 18 疑神疑鬼 小蔥 18 創意革新,追求卓越! 龔敬賢 19 冬之戀 棋子 21 帶著愛到印度—德蘭修女愛的傳遞 陳伍惠容 22 愛的生命獻中華—戴德生獻身中華 陳伍惠容 23 Son of Jar of Clay 24 The Giving of Hope Jeremy Fan 28 人物專訪 Profile Interviews 李錦強、李吳錦鳳夫婦 記者:程王淑嫻 31 任維山,白江夫婦 記者:吳小敏 32 Serena & Samuel Chui Reporter: Anonymous 34 洗禮見證 Baptismal Testimonies 37 陳振樂 Chris Chan, 張家齊 Alix Cheung, 蔡德和 Tak Wo Choi, 周宋富華 Queenie Chow, 戴迎春 Carl Dai, 李錦鎏 Kam Lau Lee, 雷玉霄 Lucy Lei, 梁儷瓊 Kayla Leung, 廖彦彰 Calvin Liao, 凌碧雲 Pik Wan Ling, 劉秀珍 Xiu Zhen Liu, 任愛珍 Jen Ren, 張睿琦 Haley Truong, 王嬌嬌 Nancy Wang, 庾珺珺 Gwyneth Yu, 張麗 Li Zhang 教會資訊 Church Information 二零一二年行事曆(6 至 12 月)Calendar of Events 2012 (June - December) 45 統計數字 Statistics 48

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Shalom!親愛的城西堂弟兄姊妹帄安!《城西之聲》又跟大家見面了!這一期六月刊的主題是「活潑 生命的敬拜」。『敬拜永生神』是教會今年的事工重點,而「活潑敬拜」是城西堂十個核心價值中被列在 首位的,可想而知其重要性。我們要向神呈獻真誠的敬拜和讚美,但如何藉著個人和教會的敬拜,將榮耀 歸給神,宣示祂的至高地位和偉大呢?「我們要讚美耶和華,向耶和華唱新歌,在聖民的會中讚美他!」 詩人大衛在詩篇中盡顯他的音樂才華,活潑的想像力、生動的語言,再加上豐富的情感,帶領眾子民用音 樂及舞蹈去敬拜神和讚美神,因為凡有氣息的,都要讚美耶和華! 敬拜神與每日的生活是不能分割的,所涵蓋的層面亦很廣泛。英文堂林牧師的主題文章中清楚的闡釋 何謂「活潑敬拜」,我們當如何去盡心、盡性、盡意和盡力愛主你的神,他在這四個不同的層面裏加以剖 析。其他的主題文章分享到敬拜與神的話語的密切性,更勉勵我們一家老少齊齊加入讀經行列的大軍來敬 拜神,並活出基督的樣式,實在是一件美事!此外我們又應該有小孩子活潑生命的特賥,尌是天真無邪、 單純、信靠和有活力的表現;使我們與神的關係更加親密。冀能透過這些文章,大大的提升我們個人和全 教會敬拜的屬靈氣氛;更希望大家並肩地配合教會的事工發展,致力推行「歸屬基督,跟隨基督,傳揚基 督」的使命。阿們! 今期有三篇的分享文章提到三位不同的人物,其中兩位是名垂不朽的德蘭修女和戴德生宣教士。他們 都是神所特別選召,叫他們的生命帶著愛去影響生命,那是跨越文化的愛,無種族國界的愛。這種無私的 愛是人類最高尚的情操!他們雖處於惡劣的環境,仍能靠著神綻放人性最高貴的美德,將神的美善彰顯於 普世,令人肅然起敬,更是我們學習的榜樣!第三位是一位傳奇人物,是回教恐怖組織「哈瑪斯」七個創 辦人之一的長子,在他的回憶錄中揭露那十年危險的間諜生涯,並他的信主歷程,猶如使徒保羅在二千多 年前在大馬色路上遇見主的經歷,再一次的重演。他體會到主耶穌憐憫人的心腸,去愛仇敵,如今到處去 傳揚神的福音。除此之外,還有多篇的分享文章及十多位新葡洗禮的見證,都能帶給讀者們屬靈方面的啟 迪。 《城西之聲》每期都有人物專訪,而藉著這些專訪,讓弟兄姊妹對他們有更深的認識。今期亦如往常 一樣,分別訪問粵、英及國語堂的三個家庭。這三個家庭雖然年齡和語言有別,但不約而同都是非常愛主 的弟兄姊妹,是神又良善又忠心的僕人。從他們身上看到神信實的應許,事主蒙福,誠如詩歌所說:「一 切勞苦主必報償不虧負,天天事奉主必蒙福。」,甚願讀者們得到激勵,更願意投入事奉,因為這是神所 喜悅的,我們事奉也是理所當然的。 在過去的十多年,《城西之聲》經歷了多次的革新,神藉著這份家刊在文字上造尌了無數的弟兄姊 妹,透過文字分享互相激勵,神亦大大的賤福他們。在此謹代表《城西之聲》全體工作人員,感謝各位撰 稿人對本刊的支持,讓讀者們閱後獲益良多。並感恩今期有新的同工加入編輯組,大家一同事奉,一同學 習,一同向前邁進。願榮耀頌讚歸與父神!

主內, 張李敏儀執事

城西之聲 The 7th Trumpet 1

Pastor Eddy Writes...Vibrant Worship From the Pastor Rev. Eddy Lim

INTRODUCTION warmth and the vibrancy of fellowship. Love and worship are intimately connected. Our Creator (creative) God, elohim, has made us all with different temperaments. And it goes without If you don’t have love for God, I dare say that saying that people with different temperaments your worship experience will not be vibrant. Love and relate to God differently. My friends from a Bible- worship are intimately connected. Have you heard believing Church in Trinidad would find that the saying “He worships the ground she stands on”? traditional worship is not as vibrant as his non- To love God is to worship Him. True worship must traditional worship. He is not a charismatic person necessarily spring from a motivation of love. It is but he comes from a culture which is very expressive possible to worship without love. It is possible to go and spontaneous. He would find traditional worship is through the motion without the passion for God. If not as vibrant. But of course, you can disagree with one worships without love and passion for God, God him. If you were to visit his church, you might find has strong words for him in Rev 2:2-4. that their form of worship would be uncomfortable With this close connection in mind, it is probably for you. Hence you see the difficulty in defining not wrong for us to say that as believers, as God’s vibrant worship. It is also difficult for Christians to beloved children, we are called to worship God with come to an agreement when we talk about form all our heart, soul, mind and strength. In other words, because form is cultural, whereas substance is supra- we are called to holistic worship, a worship which cultural. By substance, I mean the Word of God. You encompasses all that we are  Our feelings, our cannot change the message of the Bible. understanding, our character, our personality, our So instead of trying to define vibrant worship in will, our spiritual nature, our physical bodies, our terms of form, I would like to define vibrant worship talents and our gifts. The whole person is called into in terms of principles. Scriptural principles are supra- relationship with God within worship. cultural, remember? When these principles are The essence of Jesus’ words, which is a understood and applied, vibrant worship occurs. quotation from Deuteronomy 6:4-5, is that we are to “Hear, O : The LORD our God, the LORD is love God and by analogy to worship Him with the one! You shall love the LORD your God with all your whole of our being and resources. A similar idea is heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.” found in Romans 12:1. Worship should be holistic, an (Deuteronomy 6:4-5) integration of every aspect of our lives in relationship to God. On one occasion Jesus was asked to name the most important commandment and He replied with I would submit to you that vibrant worship the words: must necessarily encompass 4 aspects of our being. “And you shall love the LORD your God with all Vibrant worship is worshipping God with: your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, 1. All Our Heart and with all your strength.’ This is the first commandment.” (Mark 12:30) It encourages the participation of the whole person - The heart, the mind, the soul, and the I would like to suggest to you that love and strength. worship is closely connected. How do you define a vibrant marriage relationship? Love must be present, Generally speaking, on one hand, traditional isn’t it? If love is not present in a marriage service or liturgical service tends to be mindful, very relationship, that relationship has to be improved. intellectual BUT emotionally sterile. On the other How do you define a vibrant fellowship? Love must hand, the non-traditional service is frequently rich in be present, isn’t it? If we don’t have love for one development of our feelings towards God and one another, we would not be able to experience the another BUT tends to be arid, dry and dull in terms of intellectual stimulation. There must be a balance. 城西之聲 The 7th Trumpet 2

Involvement of the whole person in worship must wide range of emotions were expressed. Thus include the aspects alluded to in Jesus’ summary of worship should involve us in an awareness of awe and our love for God. wonder, emotions of joy and sorrow, feelings of love, Firstly, we are called to worship God with all our peace and security. How the worshiper expresses all heart. The “Heart” is a reference to the “emotional these wide range of emotions is culturally related. I nature”, the seat of “feeling” as distinguished from think the younger generation finds it easier to express our “intellectual nature”, the seat of “thought”. Heart their love and affection than the adults. Whatever it is a symbol of feeling and emotion. A love which does is, the principle remains. When a worshiper not express itself in feeling and emotion is an experiences a wide range of feeling and emotion as inadequate love. he or she worships God in praying, singing and praising, it is not unbiblical. Worship God with all I can’t be telling my wife or my children that I your heart which is a reference to the emotional love them and yet showing no outward display of my nature of our being. feeling and emotion of love. What type of love is that? It is inadequate. If you love someone, you must 2. All Our Soul express it. Does it make sense to you? And how you Secondly, we are called to worship God with all express your feeling and emotion of love is culturally our soul. In other words, worship is far more than related. The British has their stiff upper lip mindset. just the expression of feeling and emotion, it has a The traditional Chinese is known for their suppression spiritual dimension. We are spiritual creature, made of outward display of feeling and emotion. It is in the image of God. culturally related. So when it comes to worship, As such we have the ability to relate to God who while the outward display of feeling and emotion is is a Spirit, and we are called to worship Him in spirit associated with non-traditional worship services and and in truth. charismatic culture, we must not judge their style as unbiblical just because that is not our culture, nor our There is a spiritual element to worship which preference. We can only say that we are not used to goes beyond our understanding and feelings and it. allows us, by the help of the Holy Spirit, to communicate with God right deep from within our The Psalms, the Hebrew hymnody is awash with soul. examples of passages rich in expression of feeling in the context of private devotion or public worship. The Holy Spirit is the one who mediates our worship and enables us to approach God and enjoy You shall love the Lord with all your heart means that intimacy with our heavenly Father and to call you shall put feeling or warmth into your affection for Him Abba, papa (cf. Roman 8:15). The emphasis on God. Read Psalm 51 and you will be made aware of the spiritual nature of worship reminds us that even the depth of sorrow which David feels as a in worship we are dependant upon the grace of God. consequence of his sin. Psalm 42 where the Psalmist compares his longing for God to the desperate search In practical terms, this teaches us that preparing of the thirsty deer for water in the dry and arid desert for worship is more than just a routine of planning, by saying “My tears have fed me day and night.” selection of songs and hymns, the rehearsal, etc. It involves a spiritual preparation through prayer. It is a Similarly, in very many Psalms, the psalmist preparation that begins much earlier than the encourages the people to praise God with an outward opening prayer or hymn of praise. display of feeling of joy and celebration: through clapping of hands and cries of joy (cf. Psalm 47:1), One man recalls his Saturday night ritual as a through shouting and singing (cf. Psalm 66:1-2), boy. He cleaned his shoes, selected his Sunday through stirring music (Psalm 98:4-6). Praising God clothes and put it aside, took a bath, and spent time for who He is and what he has done!! reading his Sunday School lesson. In this way, he said he prepared his heart and mind for the day of rest You can’t help but to conclude after you have and worship. read the Book of Psalms, that whether the Psalmist was in private worship or in corporate worship, a 城西之聲 The 7th Trumpet 3

Convinced of the importance of preparing one’s again, in various ways, God’s faithfulness and name is heart before entering the Lord’s house, the Puritans being praised. Our worship is also event-oriented. made much of Saturday night. Calling Saturday night We celebrate what Christ has done for us, His living, the “Vigil”, the Puritans actually used the imagery of dying and resurrection. His victory over evil and the warming the oven of one’s heart on Saturday night by promise of new heaven and earth. Worship reflecting on the majesty of God, so that upon arising celebrates God’s saving deed in Jesus Christ. Sunday, the oven could be easily kindled in devotion. In worship, we must know what we are singing To go with our minds and hearts prepared may about and why we are doing what we are doing. In also mean reasonable bedtime Saturday night, and this regard, I don’t have any problem with the songs rising early Sunday morning. Rushing around the sung by the young people, assuming they are house at the last minute creates family tension and theologically sound. The words of the songs are destroys worship anticipation. written in the language that they can understand, and they know what they are singing about. What about Perhaps, the answer to “invigorate” or vibrant worship is not some creative and catchy innovation or us adults? Do we understand the meaning of the a drastic change of order, although I believe there is a hymns that we have been singing? While I appreciate place for that, but in hearts renewed and refreshed hymns and we must not lose this rich legacy of hymns, through preparatory heart work and early rest. but I wonder how many of you actually understand Worship the Lord with all our soul. some of the hymns that you have been singing? If the adults don’t understand, how can we expect the 3. All our Mind younger generation to understand the meaning of Thirdly, we are called to worship God with our certain hymns? And expect them to appreciate hymns? entire mind. The mind emphasizes that worship is Singing hymns is good, only when you know the also a rational process. God wants us to use our meaning of what you are singing. Or you will be guilty minds to think about Him. Our worship should enable of not engaging your mind and you are just going worshipers to reflect about God and to fill our minds through the motion without passion and love. with things which are true, noble, right, pure and Worship God with all our minds means we must lovely. understand what we are singing about. The psalmist was also acutely aware of the We do need to think through and understand importance of rational worship. Thus many of the what we are singing. If we object to certain songs or stirring worship psalms which encourage the style, we do need to know why. Is it because of congregation to a season of thunderous praise and preference or is it because God’s word forbids us to thanksgiving were shot through with reasons why we sing those songs etc.? Most of the time, it’s due to should praise. Thus the Psalms combine an appeal to preference and traditions. both the heart and mind. Let’s take Psalm 100 for an Besides needing to understand what we are example: singing, we do need to understand why we are doing In the opening two verses, the Psalmist calls the what we are doing in our different segments of people to heartfelt worship: “Shout for joy…worship corporate worship. Briefly follow the worship format with gladness…come before Him with joyful songs…” that I have introduced to the English Worship service. But then in verse 3, he reminds the people of The call to worship is important. It must set the the reason for their praise: “Know that the Lord is tone for the entire worship event. The Call to worship God. It is He who made us and we are His; we are turns our attention to the glory of God. Help us focus the His people and the sheep of His pasture.” our mind. Invocation should be a brief prayer acknowledging God’s presence in the worship service The cycle is then repeated with another call to and sensitizing us to His presence. Scripture Reading praise and thanksgiving (vs. 4) and further reasons for is an important element of worship since Old praise (vs. 5). Hebrew is rooted in the Exodus-event. Testament times. We want to hear God’s word. It recalls the Exodus event and looks forward to the Follows by preaching of God’s Word, which is the Promised Land. As this history is rehearsed again and central element in the worship event, to instruct and 城西之聲 The 7th Trumpet 4

to give spiritual direction from God’s Word. Response What is vibrant worship? Vibrant worship is hymn is meant to reinforce the message. One of the worshipping God with all our heart, all our soul, all ways God’s people worship Him is through the giving our mind and all our strength. of gifts  offering, Psalm 96:8. The prayer together is a form of worship. We are humbling ourselves before God, telling Him that we do need Him. And end the In conclusion, may I submit to you that if you service with Benediction. want to know what vibrant worship is, do read the Book of Revelation. Peek into the future. Read what Traditionally, ancient people, when they went we will be doing in heaven. We always talk about for worship service, they were conscious of these 4 living our lives with eternity in view. Let’s take a look movements or 4 acts of worship. @ We Enter into into heaven. God’s Presence. @ We Hear God Speak. @ We Respond with Thanksgiving, and @ We are We will be worshipping the Almighty God. That Dismissed to Love and Serve. I actually structured the is the highest activity in heaven. We will be ascribing English worship in this format to assist us in the to the Almighty God our spontaneous and Worship. unrestricted worship. The principle is this. We need to understand Worship, one of the preoccupations, will be the what we are singing about, what we are reading main activity in heaven. And that itself is a strong about, why we are doing what we are doing. Worship reason for being preoccupied with praising God right the Lord with all our minds. now. Our worship and praise here and now are preparation and practice for the future. May God 4. All Our Strength help us to worship Him with all our heart, soul, mind Fourthly, we are called to worship God with all and strength? our strength. This calls to mind all our skills, gifts and Coming to worship God requires preparation. If resources which are not included under the former we take our preparation (heart preparation especially) three headings. Here we have a call to give our very seriously on Saturday night and Sunday morning, we best, use our voices, our gifts and our resources for can be off to a good start as we enter into His the glory of God. All believers are gifted and they presence to worship on each Sunday. God bless.  should use their gifts for service and worship to God.

Some churches that I had attended. On every Sunday, they had members presenting special music and songs as an offering of worship to God. Whether it is solo, duet, trio, quartet or choir, they present beautiful songs of praise during worship. There were musical items too, piano, organ, guitar, and other beautiful music of worship. Our hearts were lifted up together in worship. With all our strength also suggests to us that we must give God our very best when it comes to worship. Audio team must make sure all things are in order before service starts and join in the worship during service. Song leaders and musicians must make sure that they have rehearsed well. Worship ministry team must ensure all things are in order and welcome new friends, etc. Pastors make sure our sermons are prepared. Give our all, do our very best and let God take care of the rest.

城西之聲 The 7th Trumpet 5

Zach’s Story From the Pastor Pastor Robert Sterie

He worked late into the night, eventually falling Tax season had always been an enjoyable time asleep at his desk with the lights still on in his office. for Zach. His job that he had acquired through in routes in the government meant a hefty salary and an “Zach!” His assistant broke into his office with a easy life for him and his family. When he walked loud shout. “Zach, you have to come quickly! That down the street, people knew who he was. They all guy that everyone’s been talking about is on his way may not had liked him, but at least they knew his to make a personal tour of our town!” name and his face. Popularity was important to him, and his job had given him all the popularity he had Zach’s head shot up from his desk and squinted ever wanted. at his assistant. The sun was well into the sky and was beaming its bright rays into his office. He had no He sat at his desk and looked over the papers idea what time it was, and his mind slowly caught up and income from that day’s taxes. It seemed that with what his assistant had said. His eyes widened as everyone in the city turned in their taxes on the same he understood the message. day, despite his best efforts to organize them into a more orderly fashion. The sheer amount of “Really? That guy from way up north?” He paperwork alone would keep him up well into the stroked his beard for a moment before standing up. night. His wife would probably give him grief over “Well, let’s go see him! If he’s as good a speaker as another late night, but his job was too important to everyone says, I would hate to miss him!” His ignore. He pulled out one of the tax forms and assistant turned to head out of the office and Zach looked in his ledger to make sure the numbers followed right behind him. matched up. More than likely, he will find people Zach had never been a tall man, and he strained who paid far less than they owed and he would have hard to keep up with his assistant as they ran down to seek them out to pay the remainder amount. The Main Street. His short legs felt the weight of his lack idea that people could sneak money past the of exercise, but he pressed on in his run to see this government was still a popular opinion. No matter man that the whole country had been talking about. how many years passed or how many times the If what they said was true, perhaps he would have government showed that they always got what was some answers to his questions about life. owed to them, people still tried it. Outside of town he saw in the distance the As he glanced over the numbers indicating the crowd gathered around this famous man. As he people in the household as well as the taxes paid for pressed into the crowd his short stature betrayed him each, an idea crept up on Zach that had bothered him again. He could see over no one’s head and could recently. Though his job paid him well and his family make out nothing of what the man was saying. He was well off, his life felt empty. He had more than tried to press his way into the crowd, but the people what he needed in every regard, yet his life still were packed too tightly for him to make any headway. somehow felt unfulfilled. He placed the paper down His excitement quickly turned into despair. on his desk and looked up at the ceiling. As he turned to head back to his office, the “Is this all there is?” he asked himself. “Every question from last night burned again in his mind — is year it’s the same thing- papers, taxes, government this all there is? He felt that old, familiar longing relations. Going from house to house to track down press upon his mind and he resolved to do whatever people who owe money. Buying stuff with the money it took to hear this man speak. He knew he had to do we make and going out with family and friends. Is this, and he would do whatever it took to catch a that all there is to life?” He hung his head quietly for glimpse and hear his message. a moment before picking the paper back up from his desk. The account took over an hour to settle, and He looked around and his eyes caught a tree by the next four required even more work than the first. the side of the road. It was a sycamore tree and 城西之聲 The 7th Trumpet 6

several children had already climbed onto it. He everyone had spoken about so highly. All eyes were quickly disregarded it - he would not lower himself to fixed on one man in the center who spoke as he become a child. The question pierced through his walked. The man had no spectacular look about him, mind once more and he walked over to the tree. He and at this moment Zach was disappointed. He had reached out for a low branch and began to pull expected someone tall and handsome, not someone himself onto the tree. The children watch in so common looking. He laid down flat on the branch amazement as the older man climbed high into the and lowered his head to hear more clearly the words tree. this man was speaking. He chose a branch that hung over the road and As the man passed under his branch, he stopped sat down upon it. From his vantage point he could and looked up into the tree. He examined each of the see the crowd of people moving down the road into faces in the tree before stopping at his. Zach’s eyes town. The gates of the city had opened wide to grew wide as he saw this man looked squarely at him, welcome the famous visitor, and people stood along and his heart skipped a beat when he heard him call its high walls to catch a distant glimpse of a man the out his name. whole city had heard of. “Zacchaeus!” The man’s voice carried a great The crowd around this man seemed to crawl at a authority, yet was as gentle as a summer breeze. snail’s pace toward his spot in the sycamore tree. He “Zacchaeus, hurry and come down from there, for I strained his eyes and ears to see the man that must stay at your house today!” 

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敬拜在乎歸回神的話語 主題文章 晴 在 2008 年夏令會中聽到馮津牧師主領的「真 秘。神大大的使用祂忠心的僕人,叫我們這班渴 認識基督」,並挑戰我們”No Bible, No Breakfast”, 慕神話語的人,同蒙光照,並得飽足。 對呀!我當時也默默地立志要每天在「未見人之 透過勤讀《聖經》來敬拜神是我逼切的分 先,尌先見神;在未聽到人的聲音之先,尌先聽 享,相信面前還有很多功課仍等著我去學習,但 神的聲音。」我初時挺乖,漸漸地卻懶散下來, 我深信「每早晨這都是新的;你的誠實極其廣 只覺有心無力,後來更把這立志遺忘下來。回顧 大!」(耶利米哀歌 3:23)我不能說已達到全天 這些年,我可有數不盡的藉口,眼前的家務往往 候 ”No Bible, No Breakfast”,但這遺忘了的心志在 叫我透不過氣,筋疲力盡才能關燈睡眠;早上鬧 我心內已重燃,正如大衛所說:「求你使我清晨 鐘一響,馬上又獻身準備早餐,為孩子做飯盒, 得聽你慈愛之言,因我倚靠你;求你使我知道當 開車接送上學,沒完沒了的工作;心裏直言:主 呀!我沒有時間,祢是知道的,那求祢原諒我 行的路,因我的心仰望你。」(詩篇 143:8) 吧!尌是這樣,匆匆的過了數個寒暑,與神的關 還記得本年初陳思律傳道在粵語堂證道時, 係總覺有愧。 提及真信仰的傳承從家做起;假信仰的傳承亦從 感謝神給我一個痛而不苦的經歷,使我能重 家開始。感謝神!這實在是一個對自己很大的提 新在主內定位,與祂建立良好的關係,並反思以 醒,「那真正拜父的,要用心靈和誠實拜他,因 往單靠自己的生活態度。「耶和華雖嚴嚴地懲治 為父要這樣的人拜他。」(約翰福音 4:23 下)在 我,卻未曾將我交於死亡。」(詩篇 118:18)主 基督教家庭成長的孩子,每每看見家裏總擺放著 仍愛我,並沒有任憑我的驕傲,因為「不忍用杖 一個「基督是我家之主」的裝飾,但又偏偏察看 打兒子的,是恨惡他;疼愛兒子的,隨時管 不到父母閱讀《聖經》,真怪不得我們的信仰和 生活是如此脫鈎。在這裏,願意在主內彼此勉 教。」(箴言 13:24)這事以後,我明白到問題 勵,一家老少齊齊加入讀經行列的大軍來敬拜 的關鍵,不在於急務之多寡,亦不在於分配時間 神,並活出基督的性情,又盼望到那日見主面 上的能力,乃在於自己的價值觀,這正正反映出 時,能無愧地回答:「我聽見我的兒女們按真理 自己究竟看重甚麼,心裏明明知道要敬畏神,但 卻偏偏把祂放在次位,並非全心全意敬拜主,正 而行,我的喜樂尌沒有比這個大的。」(約翰三 如昔日先知阿摩司斥責以色列民:「你們說: 書 1:4) 『月朔幾時過去?我們好賣糧;安息日幾時過 讓一切榮耀、頌讚都歸與神! 去?我們好擺開麥子。』」(阿摩司書 8:5 上)

那時,我大膽向神呼求,好讓我能重新認識祂, 奇妙的是我聽到心裏有聲音問道:「將來見主面 時,你還是未讀完《聖經》一遍嗎?」頓時,我 慚愧極了,以往讀《聖經》的態度真嚇人,完全 沒有系統,好像是大牌檔式叫外賣般,那次查經 是那一卷書尌讀那卷書,主日學教甚麼,尌以應 急法首先讀那卷書,心血來潮時在書架上拿來一 本屬靈書籍,提到甚麼尌先讀那卷書,尌這樣, 我從未由創世記順次序完整讀至啟示錄。 感謝神!祂從沒放棄我。2011 年 9 月聖靈傶 逼下,我報名參加由 Susanna Ho 姊妹帶領為期一 年的「聖經概覽」主日學課程,好使我跟著時間 表,乖乖的去完成每週的書卷。自知神對我的要 求並不是速讀,而是誠誠實實在祂面前謙卑下 來,求主開我耳朵使我明白祂的話語及隱藏的奧

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活潑生命 主題文章 耆英小牛 日常生活中最容易察覺到的活潑表現莫過於在 有活潑的生命呢?我們要學習交託神,依賴神的眷 嬰孩和帅兒中。當嬰孩餓了,他會毫不猶疑地哭喊 顧,放下擔憂,心中才有帄安喜樂,活潑的生命才 起來,通知父母他們需要吃奶了,樣子甚為可憐; 可以從恐懼中釋放出來。 但吃飽了尌乖乖地憇睡,樣子又甚為可愛!這是很 耶穌基督說:「所以,你們要去,使萬民作我 自然的反應,任何跟小孩子相處過的人,都會體會 的們徒,奉父、子、聖靈的名給他們施洗。」(馬 得到。那明亮的眼眸,精靈的眼神,甜甜的笑容, 嘻哈的笑聲,並那自然喜悅的蹦跳,看來都是帅 太福音 28:19)這是耶穌基督給基督徒的大使命。 稚,天真無邪的表情,一一表露無遺。小孩子們沒 我們重生得救後,求主幫助我們有傳福音的活力, 有憂慮,有父母悉心照顧,呵護備致,安排妥當。 在這個需要福音的世界裏作光作鹽。基督徒尌像小 他們單純沒有私心,沒有仇恨,偶爾有爭取食物或 水點般,由细溪小川流入江河,沖向大海洋。小小 玩具,但瞬刻間已忘記得一乾二淨了。開心活潑的 肢體、小小動力,但匯聚一起便成一股力量,不斷 生命很自然地流露出來,不是矯揉造作,很多時候 推前,亦能向四週伸展,將耶穌基督的好信息,有 都感染至身邊的人開心不已,或笑個不停。無論是 效地帶給人,鼓勵人,改變人的生命,以致他們的 哭、是笑、是睡,總覺得小寶貝們動時是美,靜時 生命更加豐盛又快樂。 也是美,那活潑可愛的形象,有誰不想抱起他們, 祈望大家都能帶着活潑的生命去敬拜神,更要 親親他們呢?這是我身為爺爺所感受到小孩子的活 配合教會致力推行「歸屬基督,跟隨基督,傳揚基 潑生命! 督」的使命。不論以前有否参與,不論年齡性別, 觀察了小孩子的活潑生命,我們和神的關係也 沒有太早或太遲,現在尌是投入做接力的生力軍時 應有這些特賥, 尌是天真無邪、單純、信靠和活力 侯了。起來吧!起步吧!去見證神! 的表現。 曾幾何時,我們從小到長大的過程中,已經受 到世俗社會壞思想風氣不斷衝擊和污染,更有魔鬼 作林林總總的引誘。多數人雖不致淪為大奸大惡, 或墮入歧途,但已步步為營,防範未然,力求自 保,免受欺騙,正如各家自掃門前雪,少有真心交 往,童真盡失了。 耶穌基督說:「我實在告訴你們:你們若不回 轉,變成小孩子的樣式,斷不得進天國。所以,凡 自己謙卑像小孩子的,他在天國裏尌是最大的。」 (馬太福音 18:3-4)神尌是要我們回轉像小孩子 的心態,要純真、坦率,沒有自私自利的機心;要 謙卑、虛心學習,在神面前一無所誇。要回復到像 小孩子般的活潑生命,非易也非難啊!首先我們當 認罪悔改,接受耶穌基督為救主,求神赦免我們的 罪,賤給我們新生命;由舊我有罪之身釋放出來, 我們才能像嬰兒般的純真,別無他念,一心跟隨獨 一的真神,由祂主導我們日後的生活。 耶穌基督說:「凡勞苦擔重擔的人,可以到我 這裏來,我尌使你們得安息。 」 ( 馬太福音 11:28)在神的應許下,我們應當一無掛慮。心中 的憂慮,使人生活在恐懼中。終日愁眉苦臉,何來

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生活與敬拜 主題文章 彩雲 這天我仍像往常一樣,在慣常的座位望著窗外 的運動,還可以閱讀一本好的屬靈書籍或與弟兄姊 進早餐。鄰舍那棵大樹長得非常青翠,屹立在我眼 妹團契相交,為教會和為主內肢體的需要代求。以 前,葉子輕輕地擺動;我知外面一定吹起了微風。 上的生活點滴都成為我們每日對神的敬拜。 剛做完了靈修,意猶未盡,正在默想經文的教導, 神是配得我們敬拜的,因為我們是主用重價買 看有甚麼心得和實踐。 贖回來的。從此我們不再為自己而活,乃要為主而 瞬間讓我發覺這天異常寧靜,也許今天是週 活。因祂愛我們,甘願為我們捨命,並為我們復 末,大部份人都出外逛公司購物或一家大小共度歡 活。現今祂在神的右邊為我們不斷祈求,因此我們 樂時光吧!聽不到鄰居小孩子們的喧嘩聲,也聽不 不可放棄自己,更要好好為主而活! 到大人們在門外交談,彷彿連鳥兒都飛走了。真的 求主幫助我們實踐歌羅西書第三章 23 節所 連一點鳥語都沒有,只聽見掛在廚房的鐘聲特別響 說:「無論作甚麼,都要從心裏作,像是給主作 亮,嘀!嘀!打斷了我這刻的思維。 的,不是給人作的。」願主幫助我們善用每一天為 尌好像我們的生活模式,有時帄帄無奇,有時 祂作工,好叫我們過一個充實的人生。雖然看不到 排山倒海。前者是一種享受,暫時抽離世界的繁 花香鳥語,或許再看不到藍天白雲,但我知道: 囂,能與創天造地的神有親密的連繫。順道反省一 「因他笑臉幫助我,我還要稱讚他。」詩篇第四十 下生活,不一定要營營役役才夠充實,相反的,在 二篇 5 節這樣記載。想起這金句的應許,我便會心 片刻的寧靜中讓我思想主的愛並獻上感恩的祭,因 微笑。「主啊!求祢賤給屬祢兒女們一顆感恩的 祂給我一個安靜的早上。 心,每天獻上感恩的祭,成為我們每日敬拜祢的動 通常週六是我最忙碌的日子,經過了一個星期 力!讓我們基督徒的生命有如活水江河,成為別人 的工作,做家務成為我在週末的指定動作。例如: 的祝福!阿們。」 家居清潔、買食物、洗衣服、吸塵、拖地和清理廚 櫃等等;甚至有時會本末倒置,做到筋疲力盡才有 時間去靈修親近神。但我發覺家務是永遠做不完的 工作,如果我堅持作馬大所作的,我相信不但沒有 時間親近神,並且會怨聲四起,說:「為何沒有人 幫忙我做家務?」無論如何,我們應該先向馬利亞 學習,常在主腳前聆聽祂的話語,並得着上好的福 份;然後才做馬大,卻要甘心樂意的去做,多做 事,少埋怨。 同時我又領略到無論作任何事,都要分優先次 序,更要好好善用我們的時間,不可讓寶貴的光陰 白白溜走。浪費時間等如浪費生命。最近我開始歸 隊返祈禱會,得到很大的感觸。突然聽見要為某弟 兄、某姊妹或其家人生病和做手術代禱,心裏感到 十分難受。我察覺到人生無常,趁著現今還有健康 要活好當下,更要把握機會為主作工和領人歸主, 不要貪圖今生的享樂,最重要是每日過一個敬拜神 的生活。 最近一位牧者在講道中也提及到:「敬拜神與 每日的生活是不能分割的。」,更不只是每星期到 教會崇拜才算是敬拜。其實敬拜神是包括:我們每 天的工作、言行、健康的飲食、充足的睡眠、有益

城西之聲 The 7th Trumpet 10

My Little Sharing About Worship Theme Article Charles Ung It is a real blessing that we, as human, can come I still recall days back in Captain John Elementary in front of this wonderful, almighty God to worship School that I came to church in the morning, helped Him. Like what was written in Psalm 27:4, it was the setup chairs and hymn books before worship. It was author’s wish to get close to the Lord in His temple not a very exciting task but I was glad that I got to and gaze upon the beauty of the Lord. participate in the worship and serve our God. Around In the early days of my Christian life, I only the same time, I also got the chance to serve in the attended fellowship and did not attend Sunday choir. I did not know much about singing parts when I worship. At that time, I was very busy with school and first joined the choir but with God’s grace, I was able did not think I had enough time to spare. So between to pick that up reasonably quick. Since then I served in fellowship and worship, I chose to go to fellowship. the choir until the requirement changed. Then I But through conversations with brothers and sisters, stopped my serving in the choir till I was baptized. fellowship counselors and Mrs. Yip, I started to realize As time went by, I tend to slowly forget the joy in that it was actually more important to attend Sunday serving and worshiping the Lord. And things slowly worship. As a Christian, it was important that I spent became more like a routine and chore. But every time some time every week to go in front of God and I heard about how Jesus died on the cross for us and worship Him. At that time I had a bit of hesitation, saved us, it reminded me why I came every week to thinking that attending both fellowship and worship worship and serve my Lord. All of these were only a might consume too much of my time and affect my small token of appreciation given back to our Lord for school work. But I decided to give that a try. God was the price He paid to bring us back to Him. full of grace. Even though I seemed to have given up When I teach my junior worship class, I always more time that I could have used to study, my studies remind them the reason why we are here. That is, to were not affected much. I was still able to keep up and express our gratitude to our Creator and Savior managed to maintain roughly the same grade. Since because our God is truly worthy of our worship and then, I have been attending fellowship, worship and our praise.  Sunday school regularly.

Bernice Cheung Journey of Worship At the age of four, I began taking piano lessons. down, one to go: I have a love for worship … But I By the age of fourteen, I had played ten years of piano wasn’t baptized! At the same time, I felt God urging for everyone imaginable: family, friends, even me to get baptized. And in April 2011, I got baptized, strangers. There was one person who I had never along with my dad and my brother. played for though: Jesus. Why didn’t I play for Jesus? In May, I started playing keyboard for Sunday The simple answer is that I didn’t know Him until I was worship and I absolutely loved it. Being able to about thirteen years old. worship and praise God through a spiritual gift that He On September 19, 2010, I attended Sunday gave me was incredible. Being part of the worship Service for the first time ever. I attended AWANA and teams has taught me so much. I have learned to FLOW fellowship before, but this was the first time I manage my time better in order to attend worship attended service. On that particular day, Daniel Pond’s practices. I have learned the importance of teamwork praise team was song leading. The first thing I thought and how everyone must work together towards a when we started singing was, “Wow, this is brilliant; I common goal. As well, I have learned some elements would love to be part of this one day!” Little did I of setting up sound. know, I would be up there in a matter of months. Brother and sisters, I urge you to ask God about There really are no criteria for being a part of the the spiritual gift that He has given to you and if you worship team, except, you need to be baptized and a already know this gift, I hope you are using it to glorify member of WCCAC. The only other “rule” is to have a God.  love for worship; it’s quite simple, really. Well, one 城西之聲 The 7th Trumpet 11

Vibrant Worship Theme Article Evelyn Lai

Worship is vital to the health of our relationship peoples!” (Psalm 47:1 NKJV) I’m glad we do this at with Jesus in our everyday lives. In fact, I would argue Westside. Let’s keep it up. that worship is an indicator of it because it shows the Another posture we can take in worship is: lifting extent to which we’ve surrendered our lives to God up our hands…. “Thus will I bless thee while I live: I and the extent to which the Holy Spirit has control will lift up my hands in Thy name.” (Psalm 63:4 KJV) over us. Paul wrote to Timothy, “I will therefore that men pray Vibrant Worship in Silence and Stillness everywhere, lifting up holy hands.” (1 Timothy 2:8 KJV) The lifting of our hands is a sign of worship, surrender Gary Linton says, “Worship can be expressed in and adoration. (Linton) silence….” “Be still, and know that I am God.” (Psalms 46:10 NIV) One place that’s easiest for me to Also, as Stephen M. Newman suggests, bowing have vibrant worship is outside in God’s creation—in down is another posture of worship. “Come let us nature. I love going on hikes. We’re so blessed to be worship and bow down; Let us kneel before the Lord able to live in Calgary where we’re so close to the our Maker.” (Psalm 95:6) Often the Holy Spirit Rocky Mountains. Every time I see them, I can’t help compels me to pray this way, kneeling by my bedside but reflect on how puny I am and how awesome and because on my night stand I’ve taped this poem: powerful God is and how almost unbelievable it is that “Satan trembles when he sees the weakest Christian He loves us and cares about us. Even just taking a on his knees.” walk through a natural ravine in the city or hiking on We can also stand in worship (Newman). “So do Nose Hill makes me marvel at the works of God’s not become proud and conceited but rather stand in hands. How detail-oriented He is, yet such a grand awe and be reverently afraid.” (Romans 11:20) artist on the big scale of things. His creation is Manners have slowly fallen by the wayside and I admit beautiful works of art, when you look from afar and I’ve never been taught this (I had to learn it from when you look through a microscope. When I see the reading books on proper etiquette) but when we meet beauty of His creation, my only appropriate response someone we’re supposed to stand up and shake is being still and silent in awe and adoration of Him. I his/her hand. The Traditional Learning Center love church/fellowship retreats that take us into program at the school I work at teaches that all the nature, where we get to spend time meditating on students must stand up whenever an adult enters the God’s word while sitting in His creation. Often when I classroom and they must greet him/her by saying look at the Rockies, Psalm 121: 1, 2 comes to mind: “I his/her name as a class. I’m glad we still know the will lift up my eyes to the mountains; From whence importance of standing in worship at Westside. shall my help come? My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth.” Vibrant Worship through Art Gary Linton says, “Praise is often expressed Vibrant Worship through Music: One of my vocally….” “Shout to God with the voice of triumph!” favorite ways to worship God is through music. Gary (Psalm 47:1 NKJV) I admit we don’t do much of this in Linton says, “Praise can be expressed in songs….” Westside; but there were a few occasions, where the “Praise the LORD, O my soul! I will praise the LORD worship leaders led us in shouting to God. I’ve always while I live; I will sing praises to my God while I have felt exuberant during those times, even though I’ve my being.” (Psalm 146:1-2 NASB). I’m easily moved by been a little nervous as well. music and songs. Often I can be moved to tears when I hear or sing a song. Gary Linton also says, “Worship can be expressed with clapping (applause). Vocal Gary Linton also says, “Instruments can be used expressions of worship were frequently accompanied to worship God.” “Praise Him with trumpet sound; with clapping.” “Oh, clap your hands, all you praise Him with lute and harp! Praise Him with the tambourine and dance; praise Him with stringed and wind instruments or flutes! Praise Him with 城西之聲 The 7th Trumpet 12

resounding cymbals; praise Him with loud clashing choruses and the lyrics of the hymns. As long as the cymbals! Let everything that has breath and every lyrics of the songs line up with God’s word (the Bible) breath of life praise the LORD! Praise the LORD!” I’m sure hymns or choruses can be used effectively in (Psalm 150:3-6 Amp.) Psalm 33:3 KJV says, “Sing unto our worship services. I personally worship God when I him a new song; play skillfully with a loud noise.” I drive in my car by listening to, singing with, and think playing our instruments in worship, whether it’s dancing to Christian Hip Hop! a musical instrument or our voices, skillfully is a All worship must be done in spirit and truth. necessity. After all, we are playing and singing to the King of Kings! I’m sure we’d practice lots, if we had a (Linton) recital where we knew an honored guest would show John 4:23-24 says, “…the true worshipers shall up. Well, the Most Honored Guest of all is present worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people during our worship services. the Father seeks to be His worshipers. God is spirit; “Praise and worship can be expressed with and those who worship Him must worship in spirit dancing…” “Praise him with the timbrel and dance.” and truth.” True vibrant worship, in my opinion, (Psalm 150:4 NKJV) That would give a lot of churches cannot be faked for long because it is an outpouring of today a coronary. David got so excited that he danced our love and relationship with Jesus and it is sustained before the Lord with all his might” (Linton). When I long-term by the Holy Spirit who is at work in Christ- hear certain types of music I can’t help but dance. I followers. love doing the actions to children worship songs. To To me, worship is an integral part of the life of a be honest, sometimes when our Children Choir sings Christ-follower. It’s relying on Jesus every second of and does their actions I want to join in. the day and talking to Him as if He’s right beside you, This might be totally out of Westside’s comfort because He is. This might seem weird but, for me, it’s zone, but I’ve seen some church services where actually easier to rely on God during trials—or in my Christians worship by painting too. Although I’m case when I’m dealing with students or co-workers pretty sure this won’t be happening at Westside any who present challenging behaviors and words because time soon, we need to remember that God is not that’s when I cry out to God for help. Only He can limited by how we worship Him. He gives us creativity reach the unreachable and do the impossible. and art, so why wouldn’t we worship Him through Sometimes it feels like Satan has such incredible those. Michelangelo and Da Vinci sure did  although strongholds in so many people. Only God can rescue those famous paintings were a wee bit different from them. Our job is to be the vessel and the channel that the ones I saw at the church services. God works through. My brothers and sisters in Christ, I pray that all of What Vibrant Worship is Not you, and I, will worship God vibrantly every second of Riding on the coattail of Pastor Eddy’s article in every day of the lives He gives us.  our last 7th Trumpet, I would have to say that vibrant worship is NOT entertainment. We’re so blessed to have worship teams here at WCCAC, but God doesn’t see our worship services out in the campgrounds with just a lone guitar or even just our voices singing a cappella as any less thrilling than our worship services in Westside. The focus of our worship should be on God not ourselves. We should be concerned with what pleases Him; not what pleases us. Neither is vibrant worship based on people’s preferences; it’s based on God’s preferences. I’m glad our worship teams at Westside lead us into worship by singing choruses and hymns. To me, both kinds of songs are necessary. I personally like the music of the

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Handprints on Our Hearts Children Ministry Sharing Jessie & Nicole Fung

On behalf of the children, we dedicate this poem to all those who serve in Awana.

Whether in sunshine, snow or sleet, They are always there, ready to greet.

With smiles on their faces, brighter than the sun, And eyes full of laughter, joy, and fun.

Taking the time and effort to be here and share, The books of the Bible, and the importance of prayer.

When the blizzard blows and makes a mess on the floor, They humbly mop without treating it like a chore.

When the gym is a mess, chaotic, and loud, They always step in so no one gets ploughed.

When someone gets hurt, and is in need of a hand, They’re always beside us to help us stand.

When we struggle with memorizing parts of the Word, They explain the truths that need to be heard.

With love and care, as we endeavour to grow, They encourage us daily to share what we know.

They show simple acts of kindness, with a present or a treat, That makes your day all the more complete.

But when we are upset or seen with a frown, They always turn that frown upside down!

When we need someone to talk to or we’re simply on our own, They’ll always talk to us so we know we’re not alone.

Yet when the time comes for us to part, They will remain like a handprint on our hearts. 

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Come Join the Adventure! Children Ministry Sharing Joey Ung

Sharing God’s love with children, whether it’s Do you enjoy working with children? Are you through teaching, helping, or simply playing with willing to share your gifts with others? Then them, is one of the most enjoyable and enriching prayerfully consider joining the children ministry’s things you can do. When you step out and serve adventure! It is our hope that this is a ministry where God's children, you will find that you are being you feel at home, empowered to serve, and fully blessed more than you feel you are blessing them. open to express the gifts God has given you. Where Each member of our children ministry team has else can you have so much fun, be a little silly, serve one thing in common: a passion for children and their with a team, and help kids on their spiritual journey families. We love kids, we laugh together, play all at the same time? Plus, if you are a parent, this is a together, we teach God's word, and we discuss God's chance to invest in your child's faith as commanded word. We know that children are on a journey with by the Lord. God, and our heart is to help them grow closer to Him There are so many different ways to serve in the on that journey as they discover His love and truth in children's ministry: bible school, junior worship, relevant, age-appropriate ways. AWANA, toddler’s classes, providing childcare in the Jesus’ great commission is: “Go and make nursery, pianists, children choir, and various special disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name events. As summer is fast approaching, we are in of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, need of volunteers for Vacation Bible School and and teaching them to obey everything I have summer soccer camp. commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, Maybe now is the time for you to take your faith to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19-20) to the next level. Come and help us make an eternal Surely, this includes making disciples of children and “handprint on the hearts of our children”. If you are leading them to make a personal commitment to interested, please talk to Vicky Leung, Children Jesus. Ministry Director, to find out more. We want to help Research has proven that childhood is the most you find your spot, serving where you can make a  effective window for responding to the gospel than difference. any other age group. Also, winning a child is the gateway to winning the whole family. Hence, children ministry is also a family ministry. We need people who are willing to step up and lead, who like to make children smile, who do not mind acting a little wild and crazy sometimes, who are energetic, passionate, filled with love, and who feel the call to serve WCCAC by serving WCCAC kids and families.

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彼此相愛!真的談何容易嗎?(下) 分享文章 梅浩濱 第三個表達出「彼此相愛」的行動是「恭敬 接納、器重、提攜、訓練保羅,使保羅的恩賤得 別人,彼此推讓」。有關的經文是出自羅馬書第 以盡量發揮,最後更使保羅青出於藍,凌駕在自 十二章 10 節下:「……恭敬人,要彼此推讓。」 己之上。 Honor one another above yourselves. 最後一個,亦是最難實行的一個行動是「彼 有一位教會司琴,他的作風是非常值得我們 此勸戒」。有關的經文是記載在羅馬書第十五章 敬佩。他最大的優點不單只彈得一手好琴,而是 14 節:「弟兄們,我自己也深信,你們是滿有良 每次當他伴奏時,總會盡最大的努力來幫助歌唱 善、充足了諸般的知識,也能彼此勸戒。」「勸 者達到最佳的狀態;他會注意自己的琴音不會遮 戒」是甚麼呢?「勸」尌是溫柔的勸勉;「戒」 蓋獻唱者的歌聲。他優美的鋼琴技巧,只會襯托 尌是嚴厲的警戒。「勸戒」有軟硬兼施的意味。 出歌唱者的表現,使對方相得益彰而非相形見 有人曾將友誼當作一個彩色的玻璃球,晶瑩 絀。他有時會故意將某一個音彈大聲一點,來幫 可愛。有空時拿出來欣賞、點綴,確實可以增添 助歌唱者唱準那難唱的音調,或者用來替他 生活情趣,但因為它是脆弱易碎 Fragile,千萬不能 (她)遮蓋一些微小的瑕疵;而最重要的,尌是 將它碰撞!一定要 handle with care。於是朋友之 他個人的滿足和喜樂,總是來自他所伴奏的人, 間只會保持客客氣氣的招呼,大家見面時互相點 獲得欣賞和稱讚。 點頭、笑一笑,寒暄一番,便揮手而別。一點善 這位司琴的心態和作風,尌是羅馬書第十二 意的批評,一些建設性的提點都不敢開口,因為 章 10 節的教導:「恭敬人要彼此推讓」的最佳典 彼此恐怕這些話足以形成一股力量,將這個玻璃 範。C.S.弟兄的中文名也含有這個意思(「賢」者 球弄跌、將它打碎,這樣是否真正的「彼此相 「人」也)。在教會這個大家庭裡,我們實在需 愛」呢? 要竭力去協助別人成功,要因別人能達目標、得 有深度的友誼是貴乎互相琢磨;客客氣氣的 榮耀、蒙稱讚而歡喜快樂。 恭維只是一個彩色的玻璃球,一經碰撞,立即破 因此保羅在以弗所書第四章 12 節用另一簡潔 碎。善意的批評好比一塊剛被挖出來的玉石,難 的字眼來形容:「為要成全聖徒,各盡其職,建 免有瑕疵稜角,要多些琢磨才能變得圓滑光潤。 立基督的身體。」保羅在此用「成全聖徒」來代 主內弟兄姊妹好意的勸戒,會幫助我們改善、進 替「恭敬人要彼此推讓」。「成全」在希臘原文 步。所羅門因此在箴言第廿七章 17 節說:「鐵磨 有 perfection「完全」的意思,即中國人所謂: 鐵,磨出刃來,朋友相感,也是如此。 」「相 「君子有成人之美。」「成全」尌像孟子在《梁 感」的意思不單是切磋般客氣,更是琢磨般現 惠王》所說:「不為者使之為者,願為者使之 實,好像兩塊鐵不斷地用力碰撞,擦出火花,終 能。」引用教會的術語來解釋,意思是: 若你能 於磨出一把利劍一樣。另一句至理名言是記載在 令無心事奉的人,使他(她)有心事奉,而有心 箴言第廿七章 5~6 節:「當面的責備,強如背地 事奉的人,使他(她)勝任愉快,你便是「成全 的愛情,朋友的傷痕出於忠誠,仇敵連連親嘴卻 聖徒,各盡其職」!感謝主,城西堂正有不少弟 是多餘。」真正關心你的弟兄姊妹對你忠誠的勸 兄姊妹在這方面默默耕耘(在此不便提名,以免 告,無論是多麼逆耳難受,總勝過仇敵對你作甜 掛一漏萬)。 言蜜語的恭維。 在新約聖經人物中,巴拿巴是一位最能成全 保羅在羅馬書第十二章 13 節說:「聖徒缺乏 別人的例子。在大馬色路上歸主的掃羅是他一手 要幫補。」這尌是「彼此相愛」中一個應有的行 提拔的後起之秀,他們兩人在《使徒行傳》的排 動。「幫」尌是幫助,「補」尌是補充,不單是 名,起初總是巴拿巴在先,掃羅殿後,顯明巴拿 物賥上的幫助補給,更是屬靈上的提醒和勸戒。 巴是師傅,掃羅是跟班的徒弟。但從使徒行傳第 肢體間多些聯絡,便會多些明白彼此間的軟弱、 十三章 46 節起,他們的排名便倒轉了,不再是巴 不足。如果有弟兄姊妹在屬靈上有墮落的債向, 拿巴和掃羅,而是保羅和巴拿巴,即是由保羅作 若我們能及早發覺,立即設法挽回,幫助他 主導。由此可見,巴拿巴成全了保羅。他認識、 (她)勝過罪惡、知罪悔改,這尌是保羅在加拉

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太書第六章 1 節所說:「弟兄們!若有人偶然被 保羅在加拉太書第六章 2 節說:「你們各人的重 過犯所勝,你們屬靈的人尌當用溫柔的心把他挽 擔要互相擔當」尌是這個意思。我們不能漠視別 回過來」的意思。 人的錯誤、別人罪惡的重擔,我們要勸戒他 其實我們需要互相潔淨。主耶穌在被賣那一 (她),挽回他(她),要互相擔當各人的罪 夜,在最後晚餐未進行前,替門徒逐一洗腳,並 擔,即互相洗腳,但切勿忘記,你要比對方低, 且吩咐門徒「彼此洗腳」。洗腳不同洗頭,洗頭 才能洗到他(她)的腳,即是說,你首先要降 只要站立尌可以,洗腳必頇首先屈膝跪下,才可 卑,切勿令對方誤會你以屬靈強者的姿態去責備 以洗別人的腳。這種做法,有兩個屬靈意義:第 他(她)。勸戒時,談話內容、態度、場合都要 一是告訴我們,要學習謙卑,比別人低才能洗對 注意。耶穌在馬太福音第十八章 15 節教導我們, 方的腳。第二,腳是與地面最接近的地方,猶太 別人有錯,首先要單獨和他交談,而非立即公開 人出外,通常穿上綁帶的涼鞋,當腳和地面接 他的罪狀。保羅在歌羅西書第一章 28 節說:「我 觸,最容易玷染污垢,因此回家便要洗腳。所以 們傳揚祂,是用諸般的智慧,勸戒各人,教導各 洗腳的第二個屬靈意思是洗去對方世俗的污穢。 人,要把各人在基督裡完完全全 地 引 到 神 面 這些污穢,如果自己知道,當然曉得怎樣對付, 前。」意思是說勸戒人、教導人是需要運用高度 但人總是欠缺自知之明,需要旁觀者清的別人來 的智慧,目的是幫助人與神建立親密的關係,使 提點,這時候,我們「彼此相愛」的心,尌面臨 他成長,有基督的樣式。有智慧的勸戒常被神使 用,將別人從罪惡錯誤中挽回,改邪歸正。 考驗! 你認為對人講甜言蜜語容易,抑或對人說誠 彼此相愛的命令對我們似乎有點高不可攀、 實話容易呢?當然說好聽的話容易,因為講受歡 知易行難的感覺,但卻是有可能達到的。只要我 迎的話,對方不會反對,很少人會駁斥你,有時 們坦誠真摯地彼此對待,透過彼此問安來互相關 還會回敬你兩句,彼此恭維,皆大歡喜!但責備 懷,在適當時候,彼此肯定、鼓勵、支持和安 人的說話,尌要冒對方反唇相稽、拒絕接受,甚 慰,時刻提醒自己要培養發掘他人的優點和長 至導致彼此友誼從此一刀兩斷的危險。不過,雖 處,幫助成全別人達到成功,避免任意批評、論 然是不容易,我們仍需鼓起勇氣用愛心說誠實 斷,又願意彼此分擔罪擔、互相潔淨各自的軟 弱,彼此勸戒,我們便能完成「彼此相愛」的命 話! 令!

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我与雅各 分享文章 郭锐 集市上我认识一个商人,叫雅各 他用一碗红豆汤,换取了长子的名分 而我用一瓶茅台尌换了科长的职位 在博雅渡口 彼此赞赏后各奔了东西 他与神较力居然胜了 他继承他的牛羊 腿瘸了一条却抓住了祝福 我去局里上班 成为一国的父 我在教会的门口 我们实在有太多的相似 反复的与神摔跤,也胜了 他喜欢躲在黑暗的帐篷里算计 神赐给我一本圣经 用虚伪和欺骗去抓东西 他的新名叫「以色列」 我喜欢藏在办公室角落里去捞机会 我的新名叫「重生」 毫无原则的寻找捷径 

他被兄长追杀逃进了旷野 我也遭到了弃用

疑神疑鬼 小蔥

「尋求神的旨意」是很多基督徒(包括我) 責任。求問了神的旨意,尌無需為人生的抉擇負 的口頭禪。但是落到實際生活中,在具體事情的 上責任。 抉擇上,尋求神的旨意卻變成了難以捉摸的猜謎 人生尌像一個迷宮,裏面有直路,有彎路, 遊戲。在禱告的時候,我常常會說「求神開門」 有回頭路,也有死路。我們只是想要一個 GPS 或「求神關門」。於是在生活中,我尌不斷地在 (God Positioning System 上帝導航系統),指引我 猜:「 這扇門會打開嗎?那扇門會關上嗎?」以 們走一條好路。殊不知,我們看到的只是一個帄 至於同一個事件的發生,我和太太可能有不同的 面的迷宮,但在神的眼中卻是立體的。我們看到 解讀。比如近來我在找工作的時候,兒子突然生 的方向只有前後左右,但神更在乎我們的上下方 病,我們夫婦二人,一個以爲是神在關門而另一 向。雖然我們還是走在人生的迷宮裏,但是當我 個卻覺得是魔鬼的攪擾。這可謂是「疑神疑 們學習信靠祂和愛祂的時候,我們屬靈的生命尌 鬼」。生活中的每件事情我都在懷疑和猜測,這 得到提升。原來,「神的道路高過人的道路;神 到底是神的工作還是魔鬼的工作呢? 的意念高過人的意念」不單單是說神的道路和意 後來記起一個神學院校長的話。他說除非神 念更加高明和結局更加完美,更是說神的道路和 對某人的人生有一個特殊的使命,神對大多數人 意念是超出我們所認識的世界,是一個全新的維 具體生活的旨意主要在於如何做而不是做什麽 (not 度(維數 dimension),是超越的指標。無論人生 what to do but how to do)。想想自己,我通常求問 的路走到哪裏,只要我們一舉頭,神總是在那裏 神的旨意都是做什麽而不是如何做。其實,我更 向我們招手。我們的生命與主的生命完全合一的 喜歡按照自己的意思生活。我想要的是神在我困 時候,我們尌能飛出迷宮,在自由的天際任意飛 惑的時候指點迷津,而不是在我的日常生活中指 翔,而不再疑神疑鬼了。 手劃腳。特別是在人生的重大抉擇的時候,我很 自然地把「求問神的旨意」的牌子搬出來。説到 底,這既包含了懶惰的因素,更主要的是害怕負

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創意革新,追求卓越! 分享文章 龔敬賢 感謝主,讓我有機會在七個城市生活和工 我們有沒有說過、聽過類似的說話,大家各 作,因而曾與很多人物、機構接觸;當中包括有 自心裡有數!說這些話的人,往往會是在機構中 與教會有關的,亦有完全沒有關係的! 有較長的年資、或許是年紀較大的前輩。換句話 記得有些機構當初微不足道,後來日漸壯大 說,聽這些話的人,大概會是年紀較輕的同事。 起來,舉足輕重;也有些歷史悠久的組織,曾幾 年長的人,容易會不知不覺對事情有成見,較難 何時是行業中的巨擘,結果日走下坡,最後灰飛 接受新的思想和變化;也可能任職某一個崗位時 湮滅!為甚麼有這些現象呢?我的觀點如下,讓 間太長,工作時不求有功但求無過,所以乾脆不 考慮別人提出的建議! 有見地、有衝勁的員工, 我跟弟兄姊妹分享! 如果幾次提出建議都被扼殺,不敢再發表意見, 1. 機構歷史與創新進取的反比效應 以免被誤會為「異見份子」,影響自己以後陞遷 一般規模小的機構人數不多,為了求存、成 的機會!這些員工,有一部份會覺得繼續在沒有 長,通常都有較為積極進取的心態。領導人遇到 生氣的機構幹下去沒有前途,索性另謀高尌,結 新的挑戰或突發事件,很多時不必開會或討論便 果誰是輸家可想而知? 可以決定如何處理。小機構反應靈活,是它們獨 寫到這裡,我突然想起中外有不少偉人,例 特之處;同時也因為它們大部份都沒有長久的歷 如馬丁路德、伽利略、孫中山、鄧小帄……。他們 史,行動不受固定的模式及傳統的思維所限制, 在不同的階段都曾被人認為是異見份子。假如沒 這也是比大機構優勝的地方! 有馬丁路德,不會有宗教改革;沒有孫中山,清 若干年前,某小機構為了發展業務,鼓勵員 朝不會在 1912 年垮台!國內近年在多方面都有很 工不斷尋找提高效率、節省資源的方法。記得這 明顯的進步,雖然貧富懸殊、腐敗等問題仍然存 個機構當時有一位領導人,勸諭同工注意興革, 在,可是如果沒有鄧小帄實行開放政策,社會情 情況與今天城西堂的核心價值中的 「創意革新」 況不一定比現在好!因此「異見份子」的出現, 一項有異曲同工之妙。他說某些日常的工作即使 可能是變相的祝福!在教會中也是同樣道理。我 是做了多年,每天都要重複做的,因為年日及環 認為同工辦事,只要不違背機構的大原則,領導 境的變遷,再繼續做下去沒有積極的意義,便應 階層不宜斤斤計較細節,讓他們有較大的空間、 該立刻廢除。反過來將也是同樣的道理,有些事 彈性去發揮個人處理事情的作風。在中國人的機 情以前因為種種理由決定不做或不再做下去的, 構裡,領導階層常以家長自居,要求同工、下屬 現在也許時機經已成熟,應改變初衷從速著手進 像子孫般規規矩矩,千依百順,這不一定是好 行! 事!家長們最常犯的錯誤,是捨不得讓孩子犯小 錯,從而剝奪了他們從錯誤中學習、吸取經驗的 2. 因循孚舊與創新進取的衝突效應 機會! 我也曾遇見很多墨孚成規、在「老大帝國」 3. 任期年限同「神」主教會的衝突 的機構裏的高層領導。他們不思改善和進取,每 逢遇到有員工提出改良性建議,通常有以下幾個 每逢談到民主這個話題,大家自然會聯想到 公式性反應和賥疑: 美國。五年前馮津牧師在夏令會講道時說,教會 「我們的政策不容許這樣做!」 是神的家,神家裡的事應該是「神」主而不是 「這辦法以前試過,可是不成功!」 「民」主,這一主張得到大家的一致認同!美國 「你認為現有的做法不好?斗膽!」 式的民主,即使不是盡善盡美,其實也有它可愛 「假如事情是你說的那麼容易和簡單尌好了!」 的一面,那尌是總統任期四年,期滿後如果再當 「誰告訴你可以這樣做?」 選可以連任四年,但任期最長是八年。 我很欣賞 「你如果在這個機構的時間長一點, 這種安排,理由很簡單,因為儘管當總統的人有 尌會知道這是不可行的!」 所羅門般的智慧,當了八年之後大概也會覺得心 「你的建議會帶來太大的改變,我們受不了!」 力交瘁、江郎才盡,倒不如另請高明,繼續領導 「我食鹽多過你食米,你這個提議不切實際!」 國家向前邁進!教會中也是如此。雖然有些教會

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的長老是終身制的,但也有很多規定長老若干年 5. 及時溝通的重要性 一任,任期滿了有些可以連任,也有些要休息一 有些機構的員工可以在家裡辦事,不必上 段時期之後才可以再當長老。但如是者週而復 班;即使有部份同工要上班,個別的上班日期、 始,理論上一個人可以在長議會裡不同部門任職 時間也可能不劃一。這類組織的員工帄常難得碰 十年、二十年或更久。愚見以為長老任期上限不 面、交換意見;找同工討論一個問題,往往要留 可以太短,但假如絕對不設任期上限,薪火相傳 待開會。假如下次開會是一、兩個月以後的事, 的步伐肯定會因而放緩,同時未必不會有其他流 到時是否記得提出來討論,也是個疑問!同事之 弊現象! 間溝通不足會引起「左手不知道右手在幹甚麼」 4. 及時指正的可貴品格 的症狀!如果機構和它們服侍的群體溝通得不 從行政的角度看來,宗教組織與商業機構當 好,肯定也會百弊叢生! 然不可以同日而語。一般商業機構要求僱員對職 城西堂將於明年慶祝二十週年,到達這個重 份內的事情負責;教會、福音機構雖然是非牟利 要的里程碑之前,不妨集體細心檢討過去,鼓起 的組織,部份同工沒有收取薪金,但也不可完全 勇氣除掉傳統上的包袱,同時帶著創意革新的心 不談問責。相信大家也曾目睹某些宗教團體,遇 態追求卓越!以上所提出的事例,相信都有思考 見同工有錯失的時候,領導階層過份著重包容, 的價值。但願神保孚城西堂的教牧同工,賤給他 卻忽略了用愛心向他們提出如何能改善或避免犯 們屬天的智慧,讓教會繼續努力帶人歸屬基督、 同一過失的意見。如果同工不知道自己有錯失, 跟隨基督、傳揚基督!Hallelujah! 難保不會一錯再錯!大家試想想,過份包容實在 與縱容無異,對任何一個群體和它的員工都有害 無利!

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冬之戀 分享文章 棋子 屈指一算,從香港移民到卡加利已有十七個 醉,感覺到與神的距離拉近了。在這優美寧靜、 年頭,一段不長不短的時間。加拿大有多個大城 美如以境的天父世界裏,感覺到自己是何等渺 市,而在當年的移民潮中,熱選的城市是溫哥華 小,問一句人算甚麼? 和多倫多,我和丈夫卻與眾不同地選擇了卡加 早幾天去滑雪場玩高山滑雪的時候,看到有 利,在此展開我們人生的另一頁。 一個滑雪教練帶領著五個小孩,準備在一個頗為 來加拿大數年後,在一個偶然的機會下跟舊 陡峭的滑道向下滑。其中有一個較年帅的,想是 同事去玩越野滑雪,第一次便愛上了這個運動, 技術未夠熟練,那教練尌將他背起來,向下滑 隨即購備了一整套滑雪用的裝置,省回每次租用 去。看到這個情景,實在非常佩服這個教練,他 的時間及支出。自此,在冬天的時候,每週都出 不但技術一流,亦膽色過人。但轉念一想,那小 外到山中享受滑雪之樂,十分寫意。後來也學會 孩對教練亦存著很大的信心,讓他背著滑到山 了高山滑雪,但費用頗昂貴,所以每季只玩一至 下,尌像兒子對父親的全然信靠。此刻想到「足 兩次。年將四十,才愛上這運動,所以絕對不是 印」這篇著名的詩,試想當我們在事奉上遇上困 滑雪能手,只求在當中欣賞雪景,享受大自然, 難、處處碰壁以致灰心沮喪時,會否去投靠神, 做做運動而已。 讓神背著我們;抑或只懂得埋怨神?事實上,當 卡加利對愛好大自然的人士來說,實在是一 回望怱怱溜走的歲月,才猛然醒覺,在過去的日 個絕佳的居住城市;只需一小時車程尌可到達洛 子裏,神在我們不經意之間眷顧我們;在我們遭 磯山脈。夏天遊山玩水,冬天滑雪作樂。而洛磯 患難試煉時、不曉得向祂呼喊求助時,祂已把我 山景色之美,有如人間以境,絕不遜色於瑞士的 們抱起,保護我們免受一切災害。可見神對我們 的愛是何等長闊高深,過於人所能測度的! 阿爾卑斯山。至今仍覺得我們選擇在卡加利定居 是明智和上佳的決定。 求主讓我時刻保持著敏銳的屬靈觸覺,因著 美麗的雪景是我所特別鍾愛的,雪花紛飛更 知道神常與我同在、眷顧我保孚我,使我在事奉 是浪漫之極,而令人難以置信的是沒有一片雪花 上更剛強壯膽、更有衝勁,作個又良善、又忠心 是相同的!這樣的神蹟怎能不讓人讚嘆神偉大的 的僕人,阿們! 創造!還有樹上的雪掛,在陽光的襯托下銀光閃 閃,美不勝收,這些美景委實令人陶醉。猶記得 小時候收到的聖誕卡,卡上的聖誕樹點綴了閃爍 的銀粉,心裏覺得希奇,不明所以。如今卻親眼 見到這奇景,真的如經上所說:「我從前風聞有 你,現在親眼看見你。」 在嚴冬的時候去滑雪,對神奇妙的創造,感 受亦特別的深刻。置身戶外,保暖問題絕對不能 輕忽:要穿上禦寒的滑雪裝束,戴上厚厚的冷帽 和手套;但見樹上的小鳥卻有四季全天候的羽 毛,更可抵禦嚴寒。此刻想到保羅在羅馬書一章 廿節這樣說:「自從造天地以來,神的永能和神 性是明明可知的,雖是眼不能見,但藉著所造之 物尌可以曉得,叫人無可推諉。」多麼震撼的一 段經文,透過神泱泱的創造,盡顯祂對我們的大 愛。 當腳踏雪峰上,享受一杯熱咖啡,靜聽小鳥 的和鳴,凝望眼前動人心弦的美景,看得如痴如

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帶著愛到印度—德蘭修女愛的傳遞 分享文章 陳伍惠容 德蘭修女於 1910 年在南斯拉夫出生,1928 年 新擁有人性的尊嚴。一個垂死的人享受了愛,確 參加愛爾蘭的洛雷托修院,被派到印度當見習修 信人間有愛,他不再詛咒任何人,也不怨恨苦難 女,在一家中學任教近二十年。1946 年接受上主 帶來的折磨,臨終前只說:「我回到父神的 呼召,立志服侍貧困中的最貧困者。1948 年住在 家。」 加爾各答的貧民區中,開辦了一間學校,又照顧 德蘭修女用行動傳福音,以生命影響生命, 貧病無依的人,得到曾受教於中學的舊生及一些 忠誠地、盡心竭力地負起上主交托的使命。她 志願人士支持,加入工作。1950 年成立仁愛傳教 說:「這並不在於我們做到多少,而是在於我們 女修會。德蘭修女於 年 月 日病逝,享年 1997 9 5 付出多少愛心,終生與別人分享愛。」 八十七歲。 她了解饑餓、赤身、無家可歸的深層意思: 德蘭修女一生不求名利,但屢獲殊榮:1985 「饑餓並不單指食物,而是指愛的渴求;赤身並 年獲美國公民最高榮譽,1993 年在香港接受香港 不單指沒有衣服,而是指人的尊嚴受到剝奪;無 大學頒授榮譽博士學位。 家可歸並不單指需要一棲身之所,而是指受到排 自 1952 年開始,德蘭修女在加爾各答街頭遍 斥摒棄。」 尋垂死者,與志同道合的修女朋友將愛心和慰藉 德蘭修女把愛傳遞出去,是從印度的加爾各 帶給被遺棄於街頭的人,有過半數的人在她的悉 答開始。她成立的仁愛會先後在一百多個國家開 心照料下,得以日漸康復。 辦逾五百間院舍;香港也有分會,於 1983 年設 德蘭修女愛印度貧苦人,把溫情愛意傳遞給 立,關顧深水埗的無家者。 每一個受苦的人身上:「為無家可歸的孤兒提供 愛的力量真大! 蔭庇之所,給饑餓者食物,給赤身者衣服蔽體, 主辦家庭計劃診所和流動配藥站,並照顧上千的 一個記者在回憶錄中,記載在諾貝爾頒獎禮 痲瘋病人。」(摘錄自《憑著愛》中譯本前言) 場合裡,雲雲眾生衣香鬢影等達官貴人中,只見 她雖然得到國際的認同與獎勵,但她的生活方式 德蘭修女穿上一件樸素單衣,腳穿布鞋,穿插在 和做人處事的態度不變,堅持過簡單節儉的生 珠光寶氣中。 活,把所有捐款全用於救弱扶危的施贈上。 德蘭修女領了獎,從台上慢慢走下來時,眾 德蘭修女給予苦難者的愛,不是施捨,卻是 人都站起來,表示敬意。 同行。她明白他們的無助,真誠地陪他們走人生 人人尊敬的,不是她的衣服,不是她的容 的陰暗路。因此當她把病患者擁在懷裡時,沒有 貌,而是她的品格! 一點害怕或表示絲毫厭惡,而是很自然真摯地獻

上關懷。她在著作《憑著愛》中寫出心聲:「我 們的行動是全心全意,是不求報酬的事奉,是為 貧困中最貧困的兄弟姊妹而作的,而這些憂傷貧 困者,事實上尌是基督的化身。」她愛流浪街頭 的小孩子:「我們要像馬利亞和約瑟一樣,前往 找尋我們的孩子。」她關顧被人厭棄的痳瘋病 人,告訴他們:「痛苦和孤獨,尌像耶穌來到世 間時一樣,祂作為人子,遠離天父時,是如何孤 獨。」因著她和同工們的愛顧,被遺棄的人能重

城西之聲 The 7th Trumpet 參考資料:《憑著愛》(德蘭修女著,王麗萍譯) 22

愛的生命獻中華—戴德生獻身中華 分享文章 陳伍惠容 英國宣教士戴德生 留學期間,他常常因為想念中國而失眠。 (1832~1905)一生熱愛中 1866 年,戴德生夫婦,四個孩子與十六位宣教士 國,甘心樂意放棄在英國 啟程來華,向他所愛的中國人宣教和服務。雖然 舒適的生活,來到當時對 中國的江浙一帶,生活環境和氣候,尤其夏季的 外國人懷有敵意的中國, 酷熱,使西教士及其家屬很難適應。因而有染病 將他的生命獻給他所愛的 致死的,戴德生的四個兒女及妻子瑪莉亞都先後 中國人。他的名言是: 離世。他把存活的三個孩子遣送回英,自己仍然 「假使我有千鎊英金,中 堅持留在中國,以愛心服侍中國人,包括醫療、 國可以全數支取;假使我 辦學、宣教,並創建了「中國內地會」。因着他 有千條性命,决不留下一 的呼召,英國信徒應徵來華的宣教士甚多。1887 條不給中國。」 年至 1888 年,共有一百「新兵入伍」,1895 年, 戴德生年帅時,常隨父親到英國約克郡鄉下 英國及中國有一千人接受徵召。 傳道,父親常帶領一家人一起讀巴彼得的書《中 戴德生因馬不停蹄到各國領會推介內地會事 國與中國人》,他便立志長大後要到中國宣教。 工,常往返於歐洲及中國,身體嚴重耗損。於 年到瑞士休養期間,中國發生「義和團之 1849 年 12 月,他十七歲,深信已蒙召到中國 1900 去。他的母親說:「他的追求,他的學習,無不 亂」,很多內地會宣教士殉道,他悲痛得「心如 以此為目標,也不論遭遇任何困難,他的志向總 刀割」,但他仍然心繫中國,不懷恨、不報仇, 不動搖。」他讀宣教士麥都思的書《中國:現況 只渴望早日返回中國宣教。 與展望》,得知醫療在中國宣教的重要性,便决 1854 年他帶着愛來中國,五十一年後 定學醫。他學醫時寫信給母親說:「我覺得若不 (1905),他帶着中國人的愛回天家,享年七十 替中國人作一點事,尌不能活下去。」 三歲,葬於他所摯愛的中國,融入中國的土地之 中。活出了愛中國的一生。 1853 年 9 月,戴德生接受「中國傳道會」差 派到中國去。先到上海,以上海為基地,在江浙 兩省旅行佈道。當時由滿清皇朝統治中國,規定 男子留辮,戴德生實行剃髮染髮、編辮子、並穿 上中國服裝,以便融入中國人社會。1858 年 1 月,他在寧波與瑪莉亞結婚。1860 年,他返英國 家鄉探望闊別七年的父母。經醫生診斷,他的肝 臟、消化系統和神經系統都嚴重受損,暫不宜出 國遠行,於是他只好留在英國。在留英期內,除 休養外,他繼續未完的學業,卒順利通過考試, 成為及格的內外科醫生。

城西之聲 The 7th Trumpet 參考書目:《帶着愛來中國》(戴德生著,陸中石譯) 23

Son of Hamas Sharing Article Jar of Clay

Mosab Hassan Yousef  The Son of Hamas infiltrate and kill Israeli more effectively from inside. The code-named him "Green Prince" where was born in , a "Green" was the official Hamas color and "Prince" Palestinian city in the West Bank in 1978. His father, was for being the son of a Hamas founder. Because of Sheik Hassan Yousef, was one of the seven founders his unique identity, just a handful of people within and the most respected leader of Hamas (acronym the Shin Bet, not even anyone in the Israel Defense for Islamic Resistance Movement in Arabic). Hamas is Force and the Israel Intelligence Agency, knew his internationally recognized as a terrorist organization collaborative role. But one thing neither Mosab nor and responsible for countless suicide bombings and the Shin Bet was aware of at the moment  God had other deadly attacks against Israel. Being the eldest son, Mosab was groomed from an early age to "recruited" him as His agent of peace! assume his father’s leadership role of the What Insider Information Mosab Got from the Shin movement's political wing. In Mosab’s eyes, his Bet? beloved father was the most devoted Muslim he had Completely out of Mosab's expectation, the Shin ever known and had no direct connection or control Bet treated him respectfully. He could talk and over the Hamas military wing doing all the violence exchange idea freely with his handler as to a good and suicide bombings. Despite of his father’s teaching friend. And he was neither brainwashed nor forced of open mindedness and loving towards everyone, as into allegiance using intimidation or enticement he witnessed all the bloodsheds resulted from the tactics. His first assignment was in fact being sent Israel and Palestinian conflict, he grew up with a back to study at university of his choice and with strong hatred on the Israelis and their occupation. No tuition fully paid. Through extensive interaction and different from other Palestinian kids, at age nine, he dialogue with the Shin Bet, Mosab learned more started throwing stones at Israeli troops on the about life, justice and security. They actually seemed streets. When he was eighteen years old, the hatred to be doing their best to build him up, to make him culminated to the idea of buying gun to kill his stronger and wiser. What the Israelis were teaching enemies  all the Jewish people occupying the him was more logical and more real than anything he Palestine. But his conspiracy was detected by Israel could hear from his own people. Mosab gradually through cell phone surveillance, and before any found himself no longer wanted to kill Israelis as he murder could be carried out, he was arrested and had planned. He began to ask himself, “Who were my imprisoned in Maskobiyeh Detention Center, the mentors? My enemies! But were they really? Or were most notorious jail in Israel (a.k.a. “The they only nice to me so they could use me?” Mosab Slaughterhouse”). was even more confused than before. Became “Green Prince” Shone by the Great Light on the Damascus Road Although Mosab endured great hardship of One day in 1999, at the age of twenty-one, interrogation torturing in the prison, a dim light of Mosab was walking past the Damascus Gate in truth, that enabled him to see something that he had , probably on the same road where Saul of never seen before, shone on him. He witnessed the Tarsus walked on his way to eradicate the Christians cruel persecution and torturing among Hamas in Damascus. Something happened that changed his inmates and their hypocrisy as Hamas leaders or as life direction forever as Jesus revealed himself to Saul religious Muslims. At the same time, the Shin Bet (the in a great light, a tourist from UK approached him and Israel Security Agency) tried to recruit him, who could invited him to attend a small group study based on an provide Hamas insider information, as their spy to Arabic/English New Testament Bible. Mosab counter the Hamas terrorism. Now with the fleshly reasoned, “If I could learn so much from the Israelis, experienced torture fanning the fire of hatred to the may be other ‘Infidels’ might have something hottest point, Mosab grabbed this golden opportunity valuable to teach me as well.” He accepted the to become a double agent, with the intention to invitation but his best friend walking alongside with 城西之聲 The 7th Trumpet 24

him declined. When he started to learn about Jesus’ desperate situation, after his life was miraculously teaching on “Love your enemies and pray for those spared, Mosab could only exclaim, “The Red Sea who persecute you.”, this time, reading it without a parted!” despising attitude as he read this verse five years ago; When the Hamas terrorist attacks escalated and he responded, “I was thunder struck by these suicide-bombing casualties rose, Mosab’s father could words. …, but I knew that this was the message I had no longer distance himself from the Hamas military been searching for all my life. Every verse seems to wing from the perspective of the Israel Defense Force touch a deep wound in my life and had the power to and Intelligent Agency; he was finally put on top of heal my soul and give me hope.” From the Bible, now their assassination list. Mosab knew that he was the he knew who his real enemy was, “For years I had unique competent person who could save his life. struggled to know who my enemy was, and I had Now Mosab became a triple agent  his father’s looked for enemies outside of Islam and Palestine. secret bodyguard, without his knowledge. With his But I suddenly realized that the Israelis were not my special connection with the Shin Bet, he could enemies. Neither was Hamas nor the soldiers that relocate and hide his father at safe places and at the beat me nor the guards who tortured me in the right time. God’s protection extended to Mosab’s detention center. I saw that enemies were not father too. At one incidence, twenty-five Israel defined by nationality, religion, or color. I understood soldiers stayed in his hiding house for more than that we all share the same common enemies: greed, eight hours without noticing his existence. pride and all the bad ideas and the darkness of the devil that live inside us. That meant I could love A Changed Person anyone. The only real enemy was the enemy inside God’s Word changed Mosab during his six-year me. I realized that the Israel occupation was not to quest for Christ, gradually but fundamentally. His blame for our suffering. Our problem was much better discernment of right and wrong revealed bigger than armies and politics.” unequivocally in some of his feelings: But with the deep influence of the Muslim “With all my Bible reading, I was now comparing teaching, it took Mosab six years to receive Jesus as my father’s action with the teachings of Jesus, not Son of God. In 2005, a visiting American Christian those found in the Quran. He was looking less and secretly baptized him on a beach in Tel Aviv. less like a hero to me, and it broke my heart. ... Even God’s Miraculous Protection if he hadn't organized the suicide bombings, he was still guilty by association.” After the life-changing encounter on the Damascus road, Mosab’s life had begun to change (After the September 11 terrorist attack in the and he now worked for the Shin Bet to fight Hamas States) “I felt a rush of shame when I saw the footage terrorism wholeheartedly. As a result, many suicide- of Palestinian children celebrating in the street of bombing plans were thwarted and many hiding Gaza.” terrorist leaders got arrested, trialed and jailed. Mosab’s conscience was raised to a much higher However in every moment, Mosab was walking a standard that even killing of a would-be suicide tightrope connecting the Shin Bet and Hamas  He bomber was not acceptable. In one occasion, five had to supply the Shin Bet Hamas insider intelligence suicide bombers approached him for help to carry out without raising suspicion from Hamas, Israel Defense their mission of car bomb attack. Instead of allowing Force and the Israel Intelligence Agency. In some Israel to kill them by assassination, he insisted, to a cases, the Shin Bet had to stage high-risk maneuvers point of threatening to quit his job, on arresting and involving real Israel Defense Force deployment and imprisoning them. Their lives were spared, but in this action, of course without their knowledge of the very incidence, his undercover identity was greatly hidden agenda, just for eluding every party to compromised. Eventually the Shin Bet had to stage a conclude that Mosab was not involved. But if not with high profile arrest and “jailed” him for an extended God’s protection and providence, he would not have period of time to resolve this vulnerable situation. had survived the ten long years of playing the highly Because Mosab worried about the safety of his father risky Green Prince character. In one extremely while he could not be around with him, he asked the 城西之聲 The 7th Trumpet 25

Shin Bet to put him in prison too for the sake of Early in 2007, with a passport expiring in fewer better Shin Bet protection. than thirty days, Mosab landed in California without incidence. Escaped to the States In 2006, Mosab had been working with Shin Bet Epilogue for about ten years and became a baptized Christian Mosab picked a new name “Joseph” when he for about a year. He experienced first hand the arrived in the United States to start a new life. He was devastation caused by terrorism from both well received and supported by the American perspectives, more than enough to make him realized Christian community. Not only did he share his that this was simply a vicious cycle fueled by the testimony in churches in the States and in Canada, ultimate Quran teaching of jihad (holy war) and the but also, he was always a vocal critic of Islam ideology glorification of the suicide bombers as honored and Allah in the Quran. In 2010, his memoir “Son of martyrs with guaranteed Heaven pass. Due to their Hamas” was published. In his book, he reveals all-or-nothing mentality and self-served purpose of information about the world's most dangerous power and money, the Palestinian leaders wasted terrorist organization and unveils the truth about his many peace offers from Israel even with unthinkable own role. So entrenched was Yousef in the Hamas concession of land return. He was frustrated, system that when he sought political asylum in the exhausted and started to think about quitting, “I was United States, there were those who were skeptical frustrated with just about everything. I was frustrated as to whether his turnabout was truly genuine. There with the corruption of the Palestinian Authority, the was talk of deporting him back to the West Bank; stupidity and cruelty of Hasmas, and the seemingly which his advocates warned, would most surely lead endless line of terrorists who had to be taken out or to his execution by the Palestinian Authority. put down. I was becoming exhausted by the pretense and risk that had become my daily routine. I wanted a normal life.” Finally the Bible verse “chasing after the wind” (Ecclesiastes 4:16) gave him an insight that he had sacrificed nearly a third of his life for nothing. He told the Shin Bet the most important reason for his resignation, “I love you all. And I love intelligence work. I think I may even be addicted to the job. But we are not accomplishing anything. We’re fighting a war that can’t be won with arrests, interrogations, and assassinations. Our enemies are ideas, and ideas don’t care about incursion and curfews. We can’t blow up an idea with a Merkava (the tank Israel military used). You are not our problem, and we are not yours. We’re all like rats trapped in a maze. I can’t do it anymore. My time is over.” When all efforts to revert Mosab’s decision failed, the Shin Bet granted his wish of leaving for the United States. The letting go of their undercover agent (not to mention Mosab was a Hamas member) and the arrangement of sending him to the United States rather than a third country in Europe was unheard of  undoubtedly there were Divine intervention and providence involved.

城西之聲 The 7th Trumpet 26

On June 24, 2010; Gonen Ben-Itzhak, a former References: member of Shin Bet who had worked with Yousef all "Son of Hamas" by Mosab Hassan Yousef with co-author, Ron along, revealed his own identity in order to testify on Brackin (TYNDALE HOUSE PUBLISHERS, 2010) behalf of Yousef at an immigration hearing. He • http://sonofhamas.com/ (Free download available: English - described Yousef as a "true friend" who "risked his Chapter 1; Arabic - Whole book) life every day in order to prevent violence." The • Also available in Calgary Public Library: Call Number 956. 9405 hearing lasted for just fifteen minutes and his asylum YOU

was granted. Mosab paid a very high price in exchange for his Fox News Special: ESCAPE FROM HAMAS Documentary Program freedom. Right after his past relation with the Shin • http://persecuted-church.blogspot.ca/2010/07/mosab- yousefs-testimony.html Bet was made public, his father, still under Israel imprisonment, publicly disowned him. And from time Debate in BBC Arabic (with English captions) to time his integrity was challenged and his safety • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkY_kbZP5oY&feature=pl threatened. After almost five years in the States, with ayer_embedded (or search YouTube for " Son of Hamas Top the heavy cross on his shoulder, he is still walking Leader attacks Islam on BBC Arabic") firmly and confidently in Christ as that can be told in First public interview after being granted political asylum in front his recent speech addressing in the 2nd German Israel of 7,000 youth workers and teenagers during a Christian Youth Congress in October 2011, “…The most important Conference (on July 22, 2010) motivation for me to work for Israel, among others • http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE1CB5DEF5D4C8E29 that I had is the deep understanding of God’s love to Interview by an Israel TV station after his book "Son of Hamas" his children through the person Jesus Christ. …I knew and interview at Calvary Chapel Auburn - Sept. 4, 2010 deep in my heart that this was the most important • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MifrMK23CE0&feature=re motivation that I had  Love your enemies. And I lmfu took the challenge…. Yes I was disowned; yes my nation wants to kill me and execute me and treats me Mosab addressing in the 2nd German Israel Congress in 2011 • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LN0Zb7ody_U (or search as traitor. I stand here with lots of confidence to say, YouTube for “Deutscher Israelkongress - Mosab Hassan ‘Yes, I love Israel.’…Israel is not the problem of Middle Yousef”) East; Israel is the solution for Middle East. … If Israel fails in the Middle East, the Western civilization will Gonen Ben-Itzhak (Mosab’s Shin Bet handler) defended Mosab’s fail….” integrity • http://sonofhamas.wordpress.com/2011/05/12/shame-on- May God continue to protect and strengthen you-walid-shoebat/ Mosab’s faith, hope and love; continue to use him as your witness and missionary to the Muslims as you used Paul to the Gentiles. Amen. 

城西之聲 The 7th Trumpet 27

The Giving of Hope Sharing Article Jeremy Fan

Ernest Hemingway’s “A Clean, Well-Lighted things that are potently mind occupying  lust and Place” speaks of the hopelessness and loneliness of idolatry being prominent among this endless list  to life. It is centered on three people, each in various avoid the truth. They submit themselves to stages of their lives discussing, in essence, the expectations that they cannot fulfill. Wherever they meaning of life. Embedded within this conversation is look, there is only disappointment. the idea of existential nihilism  it is the But we have a faith that yields hope in all things. philosophical thought that everything in existence  We have a God, who, as we come to obediently serve namely life  is meaningless, that purpose must be Him, will make the work of our hands no longer determined individually and that even with a self- transient, but to be full of permanence. And where imposed purpose, life is nonetheless ultimately there lies an end to everything, that is, death for without meaning. This creates within each human those who do not have Christ, we see a glorious entry being insatiable void that eventually brings despair. into something infinitely better than what we have in And though at first glance it may seem that such a life. We have the hope in that everything we viewpoint is only that of a pessimist, we see, upon accomplish now extends into eternity. Where the closer inspection, that such is what those who do world lives in the “every man for himself manner” we have God will experience. have a loving God who is with us even when all leaves Consider how, with every passing second, you us. His unconditional love gives us comfort each day. and I are both approaching death. Think of what will We have Him as our inheritance, and even that is not happen to everything you have accomplished upon like an earthly inheritance that can be lost. We have a your passing. We see that the work of our hands does Saviour who welcomes us to Him with a spirit of not last, and thus even the Bible agrees in the 90th acceptance. We have an intense beacon shining Psalm of the Psalter. The first two chapters of through our darkness, in which we have hope. We Ecclesiastes also echo this idea. And as Romans 8 have the solution to what holds the world in bondage. states, the world is “*groaning+ and suffers the pains Isaiah 58:10-11 says this: of childbirth”; it is in a state of bondage to “And if you give yourself to the hungry hopelessness. All sorts of desires arise from this And satisfy the desire of the afflicted, knowledge of transiency, for the inhabitants of this Then your light will rise in darkness world are struggling to find an inexistent escape from And your gloom will become like midday. this reality. And the LORD will continually guide you, With this consideration in mind, we find that at And satisfy your desire in scorched places, the heart of their desire lies a wanting to become And give strength to your bones; something significant, to become accepted. They And you will be like a watered garden, search all their lives for something that would fill the And like a spring of water whose waters do not fail.” void that is present in every human being. Yes indeed, So what is this passage saying that we should do? there is no bottom to their want for more  or, I The answer lies in what Christ’s purpose was while he suppose, there is a bottom, but everything they try to was here on this earth. It all starts with the idea that fill it with is insubstantial and transient. There is this we live, not for ourselves, but for those around. For struggle within them to find out who they really are, we are called to love, but where there are selfish to find something with which they can identify intentions, there is no love. Jesus lived His life in full themselves. And so they live throwing themselves to surrender to God, faithfully doing all that His Father everything they can possibly experience with the had appointed Him all the days of his life. He tirelessly hope that they would find someplace to belong. They spent His time ministering to the afflicted soul, are those who are tossed to and from by the things whether it be the sick, the unpopular, or even the they hear and see. They are, in essence, searching for Pharisees who were struggling with their pride. He purpose; and finding none, they submit themselves to was here to bring light into the darkness, and to bring

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salvation to whoever would believe in Him. Through them the greatest gift of all. So we, in essence, throw Jesus, God is revealed to us, and through Jesus’ work, ourselves out there, in the hope that someone would we are reconciled to Him, that we may live in His latch on and have us lead them to Christ. We spend presence continually, having hope to face each day. what God has given us  our life and time  on All this was summed up in what He did for us on the those who desperately need a Saviour. We want to cross, the ultimate act of sacrificial giving. And in share the hope that we possess to those who do not doing this, He has enabled us to live up to God’s have it. We want to be unhindered by our apathy to expectations, that we would be fully able to fulfill our minister to those who have a need  for we must be purpose. He lived so that today we might have hope willing to give all that we have for their sakes. All this in the fact that we can ask grace from God with we do, in order to bring into their lives hope, that confidence, and that He has called us to build His they would not have to live a life of senseless pain eternal kingdom that does not fade away. He gave and despair. We are here to satisfy the void they have himself as the living water that whoever drinks of will within themselves. never be thirsty, and the living bread that is the Now you might ask, “I am here to give myself to sustenance of all things; Jesus offered himself as the people, but who will minister to my needs?” And in way to fill the hunger and thirst for meaning. reply, I would tell you that first of all that it is not So then we see this idea of giving oneself to be about you, and having had you understand that, quintessential to giving in general. And this idea proceed to tell you that you must give before you echoes in our passage, that we are to “give *ourselves+ receive. In the same way that one cannot yield crops to the hungry” thereby “satisfy the desire of the unless he plants the seeds, you cannot receive until afflicted.” Earlier, we had discussed the idea of the you give. But let me pose to you a more poignant ultimate hopelessness that this world conceives, and analogy: there is a simple trick that monkey hunters the despair it promotes to its inhabitants. And so we employ in order to trap their prey. They cut holes in see that they dwell in darkness, while we are to bring coconuts that are just big enough to fit a monkey’s our light to them. Both physically and spiritually, they open hand and put sweets inside. As a monkey comes, are approaching death each day  they are deprived it grabs a handful of treats; but because its hands are of bread and water, essentials what are required for now in a fist they are unable to remove their hand survival. unless they release the sweets. But being greedy, the The question then becomes how we might be monkey is stuck there until it meets its doom. And in able to provide life and sustenance to those around the same way, I caution you  if you express doubts us. How are we to free those who are in bondage in to giving, then it is the devil enticing you to fall to his the devil’s dominion, who deep inside are lonely, schemes. empty and in distress? Let us consider the fact that Allow me to put this idea for you in this way: the moment we accepted Christ into our lives, we such thoughts are the very reason why we have were given the Holy Spirit to dwell in us, to identify us moments of spiritual dryness, and also why some will as His children. And as we grow, we become, as the leave the Church in disappointment and common saying goes, “like father like son”, in that we dissatisfaction. We often start off with the wrong become conformed to His image. In every aspect of mindset, in that we focus on the “serve-us” and not our lives there will be changes, wherein we live out the service. In other words, we look towards what we our lives in the same manner as Jesus, in that we might get out of following God when we should be provide illumination to the truth. And those around focusing on what others might gain through our walk us will find in us an anchor and a refuge in the same with Christ. If we seek first to gain ourselves, we end way that our God is our rock. And the more they up with nothing. And in receiving nothing, we come to know us, the more they see Christ dwelling experience a spiritual famine of sorts  we sow within us and are drawn closer to God. And as we nothing, and we reap nothing; and this causes us to faithfully spend ourselves  namely our time  on be unable to feed our spiritual selves. The ignorant them, we are patiently waiting for an opportunity to Christians, seeing this, will lose hope when they see, share with them the gospel, and by doing so, give in their own minds, themselves being neglected. But

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if we were to start off knowing that we are saved in seasons of our lives. We will be strengthened by His order that we may serve, we will be like that “water grace and power that this cycle of sowing and spring whose waters do not fail,” in that we are receiving will continue perpetually. perpetually giving and receiving from the living water And as we come to a close, I want to leave us of God, having the hope that is like the light that “will with one final thought. What we do not have, we rise in darkness.” God blesses us in order that we seek to gain with variable success, but the things that might be a blessing to others. we already possess can be given. But as we commit So then, let us take a look at the rewards that ourselves to give, we see that we are no longer trying God promises as we give. As we give and satisfy the to live up to the expectations of ourselves and even desires of those around us, we will find the joy that that of others. And we know because of what Jesus we have given them equally affects us. As we fill their has done on the cross for us, our ministry of giving emptiness, so also we fill our own. We will have will have an eternal impact  this is the expectation purpose, because we give with God guiding us to do that we can all live up to by the grace and power of so. Our thankfulness will be overflowing, as we are God. We were made, not to secure happiness for giving Him glory. Our need for someone to serve us ourselves alone, but rather for all, so that we may will be filled. We will be fully satisfied, content in all secure for each other the joy of giving. 

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李錦強、李吳錦鳳夫婦 人物專訪 記者:程王淑嫻 認識李錦強 Henry 及李吳錦鳳 Elsie 夫婦一段 來到卡加利,Henry 在一間冷暖氣公司工作, 日子,與他們不大諗熟,但卻有著一份溫暖可親 而 Elsie 則到 SAIT 進修會計課程,取得 CGA 文憑任 的感覺。Henry 弟兄很文靜,不是高言闊談的人, 會計工作至今。 總是默默工作。 姊妹臉上總掛著笑容,很帄 Elsie Henry 和 Elsie 來到加拿大也跟李伯母同住, 易近人。這次有機會跟他們債談,認識他們更 當然很關注她的得救,不停邀請她返教會。在教 多。 會內李伯母感受到神的愛及基督徒的關心,願意 李錦強弟兄生於香港,家中七兄弟姊妹,他 跟兒媳及孫兒一同敬拜事奉真神,甚至當天道教 排行第六。由於他的父親早逝,由母親獨力撫育 的道親來勸她時,她也堅決不回頭。她堅說信奉 他們兄弟姊妹,所以李弟兄很敬愛她。李伯母的 主耶穌是正確的,她不受威迫利誘!感謝神,老 得救見証也頗為傳奇,容後交待。Henry 弟兄自帅 人家有如此堅定的心。李伯母是一位通情達理的 在天主教學校讀書,對聖經有著頭腦上的知識, 老人家,她自知自己體弱多病,兒媳工作繁忙, 但卻從不觸摸到心田。 照顧她有難處,所以決定回港居住,因那裏有五 個兒女可以分擔探望照顧她。 吳錦鳯姊妹也在香港出生,是家中么女,有 兩位兄長,相信是備受愛寵的。在信主前沒有接 Henry 弟兄曾是團契的團長。因工作日漸忙 觸過福音。 碌,他現在沒有在團契事奉,但每主日卻見他在 兩人同在一間公司 詩班用詩歌讚美神。 工作,由認識至互相欣 他自言自己不配,但 賞到願意委身,順理成 他願意忠心,順服 章。兩人在八三年結 神!只要肯擺上,神 婚,婚後家住大埔,與 便會引導使用。 李伯母同住。育有一子 Elsie 姊妹也是詩 Jacky,兒子今年四月大 班成員,夫唱婦隨, 學畢業,主修會計,承 如此美事!除此之 母親衣缽,可喜可賀! 外,Elsie 又在財政部 在他們決定移民加拿大 事奉,善用神給她的 的申請期間,有一天 專業經驗才幹。姊妹 Elsie 在住所附近的巴士站看見有人在派單張,原 說,感謝神給她事奉機會,在事奉中她體會到每 來是大埔一所教會派單張,其中說及有英語班, 個事奉崗位的挑戰,領導人的難處。從中學習互 是教會一位外籍牧師授教。她覺得進修一下英 相包容,互相關懷,從挑剔到欣賞,彼此同心。 語,到了加拿大也有幫助。所以約了一位同事同 他們願意日後能有機會在不同崗位學習事奉,他 去,如是者便進了教會之門。牧師太太循循善 們更深願鼓勵大家也參與事奉行列,因各人有不 誘,不但教他們英語,更邀請他們參加教會其他 同恩賤,有不同性情,互相合作,藉神的引導, 活動。李弟兄隨後也被邀參加。兩年後聖靈感動 擦出不同火花,事奉得力。 下兩夫婦一齊受洗歸入主名下,感謝神!李伯母 他們喜愛的金句是「弟兄們,我不是以為自 是天道教的成員、吃長齋,但她不反對兒媳的信 己已經得著了,我只有一件事,尌是忘記背後, 仰。 努力面前的,向著標竿直跑,要得神在基督耶穌 九五年移民到卡加利,兩人在東匇浸信會聚 裏從上面召我來得的奬賞。」( 腓立比書 3:13-14) 會。後來搬遷到 居住,便來到城西堂 Hawkwood 願弟兄姊妹共勉之! 敬拜,並於九八年轉會,以城西堂為他們屬靈之 家。

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任維山,白江夫婦 人物專訪 記者:吳小敏 「耶和華是我的牧者,我必不致缺乏。他使 程,他在 2000 年便有了這個願望,並在 2001 年 我躺臥在青草地上,領我在可安歇的水邊。他使 接受了洗禮。在那段時間裡弟兄經歷的一件事 我的靈魂甦醒,為自己的名引導我走義路,我雖 情,對他的生命和信仰有很大的影響和改變。 然行過死蔭的幽谷,也不怕遭害,因為你與我同 2000 年夏,弟兄的碩士導師突然自殺了!這位導 在﹔你的杖,你的竿,都安慰我。在我敵人面 師是波蘭人,年輕有為,聰明有學識,工作一直 前,你為我擺設筵席﹔你用油膏了我的頭,使我 非常順利,卻不幸走了極端。弟兄是他唯一的學 的福杯滿溢。我一生一世必有恩惠慈愛隨著我﹔ 生,和他走得很近,他的自殺使弟兄對人生、生 我且要住在耶和華的殿中,直到永遠。」 命,和信仰陷入了很深的思考。在這些事情的影 響下,弟兄決心信主。雖然當時學校有 詩篇 23 篇的美麗詩句是很多基督徒都十分喜 post ,但是因為 愛的,神的愛和恩典全 trauma therapy 然顯於其中。這也是時 弟 兄 一 直 參 加 教 會 的 聚 刻珍藏在任維山弟兄心 會,尌一直有神的安慰同 中的寶貴話語,伴隨著 在。 他走過生命中很多難忘 白江姊妹在 1994 年因 的時刻。 工作原因在匇京參加英語 在這篇訪談裡,讓 訓練,通過當時的外教首 我們走進任維山和白江 次接觸到基督教。當時的 夫婦的生活,讓我們和 三個外教都是基督徒,在 和學生聚會時提到了關於 他們一起經歷神的愛與 耶穌基督的事跡。白江姊 恩典。 妹還有機會參加了一些大 任維山弟兄早在國 學生團契,神的話語以及 內尌接觸到了基督教。 團契弟兄姐妹之間的愛讓 但 當 時 弟 兄 是 無 神 論 她當時很受感動。但是因為內心的驕傲,還不能 者,反而覺得信教是一種迷信。1997 年來加拿大 完全接受福音。96 年來到加拿大 Edmonton 後, 後因為學英語的緣故,弟兄有幸遇到了一位非常 通過在大學的華人基督徒朋友的介紹,姊妹夫婦 虔誠的基督徒 Henry Potter。當時的 Henry 弟兄雖 開始參加一個講英語和粵語的教會的聚會,後來 然已是七十八、九歲的高齡,卻仍然堅持每周二 又找到有國語堂會的福音堂。姊妹 99 年在梁裴生 下午兩個小時幫助維山弟兄學習英語。這段學習 博士的一次佈道會上決志,之後雖然經常參加聚 英文的經歷,讓弟兄對聖經有了很多了解,而更 會,但對得救的真理一直停留在大腦的認識上, 關鍵的是對 Henry 弟兄的了解。Henry 全家在印度 而沒有觸及心靈的感受。行事為人還是很驕傲, 宣教三四十年,二十歲去,四五十歲回來,青春 一切靠自己。直到 2004 年,有一段時間神讓姊妹 美好的歲月全都忠心的獻給了主。雖然 Henry 年紀 看到自己是多麼渺小和無知,姊妹終於認識到應 很大,但每周二他都來弟兄家,風雨無阻。直到 該完全信靠耶穌。那段時間藉著禱告,姊妹和神 後來有一天弟兄有機會去他家才發現他家有多 的關係非常親密,也真心決定受洗歸入主的名 遠,開車需要 40 多分鐘才到達。Edmonton 天氣 下。 寒冷,積雪不化,Henry 仍然在暴風雪時堅持不斷 來弟兄家補習英語。弟兄在他身上看到了一種十 2006 年維山弟兄畢業後到了 Calgary 工作,福 分奇妙的力量,這種力量讓弟兄開始對信仰認真 音堂的牧師便給他們介紹了城匇堂和城西堂。他 們在兩個教會都參加過聚會,最後選擇了離家較 起來。 後來 Henry 推薦維山和白江去中文教會, 他們便找到了福音堂。在那裡的學習和聚會讓夫 近的城西堂,並一直服事至今。 婦倆對聖經有了更多的了解,也在靈命信仰上得 維山弟兄去年開始擔任國語關顧部執事,主 到很大的幫助。弟兄的決志信主是一個漸進的過 要負責新朋友的歡迎和關顧,幫助他們了解教會

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和進入團契,以及一些特別事情和緊急情況下的 白江姊妹則通過一次關顧病患的經歷得到靈 關顧。國語堂的關顧目前主要是依靠團契內的關 裡充足的滋潤。當年團契裡有一個姐妹病重,白 顧來實現。各團契都設立了禱告網和關顧網,由 江常常去她家探訪,但每次回來後都身心疲憊, 團契的主要同工參加。每個團契還有一個關顧副 似乎完全沒有達到安慰病人的果效。當時白江姊 團長,關顧工作由他們和團員合作安排。弟兄覺 妹想靠自己的努力去安慰病人,讓病人有一個好 得在關顧方面,自己還有很多東西需要學習和改 的心情,卻反而弄得自己內心枯竭。終於有一天 進。弟兄認為關顧的前題是弟兄姐妹的委身和愛 神的話語提醒她,萬事應該依靠神而不是依靠自 神愛人的心。在團契之內,愛心可以通過關顧來 己。於是以後白江每次去探訪之前都先有一個禱 幫助新朋友並建立一個彼此信任的關係,從而起 告,把這擔子交給了神,安慰的力量便從神而 到真正關顧的作用。還有一些特殊的關顧,例如 來。這一段奇妙的經歷,讓她經歷到神的同在。 生病,生孩子沒人照顧,則需要全教會的配合, 正如腓立比書 4 章 13 節所說:「我靠著那加給我 團契的力量和資源都有可能不夠。白江姊妹目前 力量的,凡事都能做。」我們自己什麼也不是, 的事奉主要在兒童事工方面,包括兒童團契的帶 靠著神,萬事方可行! 領以及在 AWANA 的事奉。 作為一個妻子,母親和職業女性,白江姊妹 在與神同行的生命歷程中,夫婦倆都經歷過 時常要在家庭生活,教會事奉,父母和工作中找 難忘的事情。 到最好的帄衡,相信這也是大多數情況類似的姐 對維山弟兄而言,記憶非常深刻的是碩士畢 妹們面臨的一個挑戰。有的人把主要精力放在工 業時找工作的一段經歷。當時弟兄碩士畢業後很 作上,有的把孩子放在第一位,而白江姊妹則希 望把夫妻,家庭關係放在第一位。這個想法得益 希望找到一份合適的工作,於是來到 Calgary 的一 個小公司做義工,同時尋找新的工作機會。每周 於 2010 年 9 月他們一起參加的家新國語恩愛夫妻 營活動。通過這個活動,兩人對夫妻關係有了一 開車往返於 Edmonton 和 Calgary 之間,非常辛 苦。後來有希望拿到的一個工作職位,也由於九 個重新的認識。夫妻倆的關係尌好像兩個咬合的 一一事件的發生而取消了。當時的選擇一個是繼 齒輪,在同一頻率上慢慢走的時候很和諧,但如 續慢慢尋找工作,另一個是接著讀博士。讀博士 果各種的繁忙使齒輪的節奏越來越快,尌沒有時 的好處是可以和太太在一起,不好的是將來找工 間交流了。夫妻營讓他們認識到夫妻關係是很重 作可能會更困難。當時大家都在為這件事情禱 要的,或者說,在神裡,夫妻的關係是最主要 的。姊妹希望能夠從神那裡得智慧,來處理各方 告,也不知前方的路該如何走。有一次弟兄如往 面關係的帄衡,也鼓勵大家抽時間參加夫妻營, 常一樣開車行駛在 Edmonton 和 Calgary 之間的高 速公路上,聽著車裡的收音機時,突然有一個聲 希望大家能和他們一樣有得著。 音清晰地對他說:「你要回到 Edmonton 去唸 維山弟兄目前最大的挑戰是在教會的事奉 書。」這聲音是如此的清晰,讓弟兄覺得很奇 上。由於我們的教會成長得很快,越來越多的弟 怪,暗想這是不是神的聲音。弟兄回家後把此事 兄姐妹都在參與教會的事奉。人數的增多反而導 告訴太太,太太卻堅決不同意他繼續唸書。但弟 致互相交流時間的減少,從而在一些事情上不容 兄清楚知道這不是他自己頭腦判斷出來的信息, 易達到共識。弟兄希望能和在主裡同工的弟兄姐 於是便依這指示而行了。現在回頭看看過去幾年 妹們有更好的交通,大家不傴有一顆合一的心, 的經歷,尌明白這的確百分之百是神的帶領。當 在靈命上也能共同成長。我們時刻不要忘記和神 時弟兄擔心的是工作的問題,而博導當時的一個 親近。和神的關係親近,我們尌能在家庭,工 項目給弟兄有豐富的資助,尌像一份全職工作一 作,和其它各方面行出好的見証來,心靈上也能 樣,並且博士期間所學的東西現在一直在工作中 保持帄安,喜樂。我們且要完完全全的信靠,順 使用。這件事情讓弟兄親身經歷到神的存在,雖 服神,才會有生命的改變。阿們! 然當時走的路和自己的思想相違背,可是後來卻

看到神給他的超過他所思所想的。這後來的路讓 弟兄看到了神奇妙的帶領,也意識到自己什麼都 不是,靠自己根本走不到今天。因此弟兄滿有一 顆感恩的心,願意完全獻上做神喜悅的事情。

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Serena & Samuel Chui Profile Interview Reporter : Anonymous

Standing in the Alright, so I guess you’ve seen hustle and bustle of a lot of your friends, and even Superstore, I’m troubled many university students today as to what to buy for a from Westside, leave the church; hostess gift. Call me old- what made you decide to stay? fashioned but I think Serena: Sam leads worship. having good manners means bringing something Sam: Golden handcuffs. They whenever I’m invited to promised me, uh, a big retirement dinner. In fact, this is the package if I stayed. first time anyone has Serena: Well, you know, we’re invited me to dinner for involved. Sam leads worship, we’ve an interview that I’ve always been active in small group been asked to write, so that makes the occasion and involved in the church community in one way or doubly special. I finally give up on getting something another. pretty and instead going for something practical: ice cream cookie sandwiches. The box says they’re NEW Sam: We see that there’s a lot of opportunity to so they must be good, right?1 serve, especially in youth ministry. Currently Westside is our home and it’s where God’s called us to be. And I finally arrive at Sam and Serena’s place after yes, there’s always a huge emphasis on church 2 getting lost and settle down to eat delicious sushi. attendance… but I think that we are the church and Caitlyn looks excited at the prospect of cookies AND we make up the church. We are to invest in the body ice cream and is energetic while Ryan chills in his of Christ and this is where we feel that we can build 3 chair with cheese chunks . After dinner we begin the and invest in lives. It’s not so much about attending interview. because that’s where your friends are but because Sam and Serena Chui are committed members that’s where you can serve. of the church and serve within their fellowship; Sam (pause) is also a familiar face to many English congregation members because he has served many years as It’s a sermon series I’m following online, called: I worship leader. Am Church.. Well, let’s start off with the basic question: Anyway, how long have you two been married? How did you come to this church? Serena: Five years. I should have let Sam answer Sam: My parents said North Church was having that. a baby and we were joining. Okay, they didn’t say it Sam: Four or five years, yeah. It’s the paper that way, but I think we were asked by Uncle Nick to anniversary, isn’t it?4 join the church since they needed manpower, so we moved over to help at Westside. I’ve been at Westside since Aaron was one month old. He was younger than that dude *Ryan, who’s now 1+. 1 UPDATE: They were delicious!

2 Serena: When I was at Churchill, Churn and Google Maps is confusing when they don’t update street names. I nearly drove out of the city. Gabby’s locker was beside mine, and they invited me 3 Did you catch that nifty bit of alliteration? Did you? to Lighthouse fellowship. 4..Now you know what to get them for their anniversary.

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Well, with five years you’re not exactly a newly That’s awesome. Along those lines, what kind wed couple with a brand-new family, right? of encouragement can you offer to newlyweds, or even just couples who are starting a new family? Serena: Nope, we’re not super new. We were one of the first couples to start having kids within our (At this point, Ryan began masticating on my circle of friends, but since then many babies have rabbit keychain so we paused to extract it from his been born. mouth. Then we continued.) So what challenges have you had in starting a Serena: When we at first got married, Pastor new family? Kwek was someone whom we could go to and get Sam: Well, one of the biggest challenges is advice from; we also got advice from peers who had finding the time to still serve. Pastor Eddy said, “I married even just a few years ahead of us. know you’re still a young family, so I don’t want to Sam: I think that’s what you need to do, is to make you serve too much.” But we still want to rely on the community around you. Lean On Me, balance having young kids with connecting to others. that’s the theme song that was running through my One of the ways we do that is through our small head.5 group: we only meet once a month but it helps us How else do you stay connected to the church stay connected and serve with each other. community now? You did mention a monthly small That’s another challenge: staying connected, group; is there anything else? because it’s not easy when you have kids and you Sam: Well, just making that intentional decision really do need to take the time and make the effort to to stay connected is important in itself: Don’t skip stay connected. church, don’t let kids keep you from maintaining Serena: Yeah, that’s pretty much the biggest relationships. challenge we’ve faced with juggling family and our Serena: We make it a point to go out to lunches commitment to church, but when you make the with our friends; after church on Sunday is a great effort it is rewarding. time to go out to eat and catch up with others, so we Who or what has been the biggest try to do that. encouragement when you two were just starting out Caitlyn: I like cookies. as a new family? Serena: Do you? That’s good. We… we do stay in Serena: We’ve definitely received a lot of touch with close friends at church, but I feel if we support from our friends and family. At church, tried a little harder we could do an even better job at Pastor Eddy and the rest of the leaders were really it. For instance, in Integrity or Lighthouse we don’t good about giving us our space and yet allowing us really know any of the kids there. Of course it’s easy opportunities to continue to serve. to stay in touch with your peers, but in our small Sam: I’m sure there were lots of people… groups we are making that effort to connect with the Serena: Our friends have been really helpful; church community. Also, Sam often takes Caitlyn to they’d always agree to have fellowship at our house worship practice on Saturday mornings, and she likes so we wouldn’t have to pack the kids up. playing piano with Clarissa and seeing Terri. Sam: Really, the biggest encouragement through Sam: Yeah, even before we go to worship it all has been the kids themselves. practice, Caitlyn will be asking if we’ll get to see Jeremy and Terri. Serena: When we make the effort to pack up and gather everything up and go to church, Caitlyn 5.. comes back home singing a song she learned in Then Sam started singing. Sunday School, we realize that it was worth all the effort. We could have stayed at home and just avoided the trouble of going to church, but we realize that going to church was so much better. 城西之聲 The 7th Trumpet 35

So where do you see yourself in five years; still Sam: Even when they were two months old we sat helping out in worship or moving on to other them down and decided to eat together. You know ministries? those families that sit together at Chinese restaurants Sam: Yeah, I’ll still be in worship, likely. I’ve been but everyone’s on their phone? I’ve caught myself in it… wow, since ’97 or ’98. doing that more than a couple times. We just try to focus on being involved as a family at the dinner table. Serena: We’ll probably help out with children’s ministries as the kids get older, and maybe with Serena: Babysitting. It’s important to find fellowship. babysitters that you can trust, it’s also important to have a babysitter at their early age so that the kids Alright, one last question: How are you making will get used to them. I also try to set aside time to time for yourselves as a couple and as a family? have a girls’ night every once in a while; Sam has his Sam: Well, we mentioned that we only meet time with his friends and the rest is family time! once a month with small groups, so the rest of the Cool. Well that wraps up the interview. Thanks time we have a ton of family time together. for the sushi. I mean, in all seriousness: Thank you Serena: And in terms of family time, we usually for the insights and the constant reminders that have dinner together. serving in the church, regardless of family situation, is an intentional and conscious decision. 

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陳振樂 Chan, Chris

在我還沒有信主的時候,心靈很空虛,朋友又不 多,知心的尌更少之又少,很多時有苦無處訴。 遇到挫折失落時,我最愛的太太尌是我的重要精 神支柱。像我這種患有「後天慢發性家庭缺乏和 諧綜合症」的人尌更加難受,因為病發時連這個 唯一債訴對象的選擇都沒有了,能做的尌是自我 債訴、自我安慰、自我檢討、自我鼓勵。

孤單作戰很不好受,可能受哥哥的影響,開始學 他祈禱與神說話和債訴。剛開始的時候只是抱著 「試下冇衰」的心態,但後來發覺每次祈禱完心 情都會舒緩下來,有一種不能言喻的安心感覺湧 上心頭,不知不覺間我尌開始了祈禱的習慣。感 謝神藉著我哥哥給我認識祂的機會,祂慢慢改變 我對心情低落時的態度,時刻提醒我不要為身邊 不愉快事情而心煩。要全心依靠祂、相信祂,將 不能解決的事情交給祂,祂能賤給我帄靜的心去 面對眼前的事情。

很高興接受了耶穌基督成為我的救主、使我擁有 盼望與豐盛的人生。

張家齊 Alix Cheung

I do not remember when I became a Christian. According to my parents, I made the commitment when I was in kindergarten in Hong Kong. God has given me the blessing of knowing Him so early in my life.

Unlike some others, my family was not a Christian one at the time, and I was sent to a Christian school merely for the ‘moral’ benefits my parents wanted. Though my parents later became Christians and was eventually baptized. I did not spend my early years in a church setting; some caring Christian teachers, who also helped bring my parents to Christ, initiated my initial spiritual development.

As I grew up and eventually moved to Canada, my relationship with God also became more developed. Having settled in Calgary, our family began attending WCCAC, and we met Susanna Ho, who generously offered to mentor me and improve my knowledge and relationship with God. Through numerous Bible 城西之聲 TheThe 7th Trumpet 37

studies, I became familiar with many books of the 閉自己。神賤予我心內帄安,帶領我行走這條人 Bible, as well as developed essential reading 生大道。基督信仰使我有信心和安心將事情交托 comprehension and memory skills. These sessions 給主。 had extensive influence in my development. Besides establishing a firm spiritual foundation and furthering 我很感動,因為耶穌為了我的罪而被釘在十字架 my knowledge of the Bible, these Bible studies 上;在另一方面,我也很開心,因為信耶穌,我 proved to be of great benefit to my academic pursuits, 找到了人生目標和生命的方向。 as the quick concept comprehension and memory I developed during this period allowed me to easily grasp concepts and to achieve academic success. The 周宋富華 Chow, Queeny latter benefit is evidently one of God’s many blessings on me. 我上小學的時候,學校附近有一間基督教教堂。

它的正門經常掛著一副橫額:「當信主耶穌,你 Throughout my life, God has consistently blessed me 和你一家都必得救。」以前我偶然也會到這基督 and watched over me. Learning to trust God to watch over what I do, I experienced tremendous success in 教會參加聚會,覺得那裏的人很友善。不過我一 my life; for example, while I used to worry excessively 直以為自己是一個「好人」,覺得無論如何都會 about my exams, God has taught me to entrust my 得救,所以對宗教信仰都不太感興趣。 worries to Him. Having studied to the best of my ability, I have now learned to stop worrying about my 大約五年多前,我和丈夫一起到卡城城西堂宣道 future and instead experience the peace God 會參加主日崇拜,有時亦會參加主日學。在這裏 graciously gives. This (along with many other 認識了很多基督徒朋友,感覺他們的內心都有一 examples of God’s evident care and blessing) 份一般人不常有的帄安和喜悅。幾個月後剛巧我 strengthened my trust and relationship with God. As 丈夫的一個好朋友林潤成弟兄從多倫多來卡城探 such, knowing the importance of baptism and having 訪我們,當時在他的帶領下,我和丈夫都決志, been reminded of this matter by God through a 接受主耶穌是永生救主。 friend’s baptism, I decided to enroll in the baptismal class in order to get baptised in accordance with 自從決志信主後,我最大的得著是經常懷著感恩 God’s commands.  的心。感謝神的帶領,我和丈夫從香港移民到加 拿大,至今已快二十五年;兩個兒子在加國健康

成長,一家四口都在這裏大學畢業,亦有安定的 蔡德和 Choi, Tak-Wo 職業。所謂「知足常樂」,人生如此,夫復何

求? 在我未回轉耶穌基督前,我不知道自己的人生目 標是甚麽。每天的生活總是渾渾噩噩地渡過,十 再三思反省,自己是否一個「好人」?是否值得 分頹廢。當我讀高中的時候,每天尌是以打機和 神這般厚待呢?所以我非常感恩,感謝主耶穌賤 去派對渡日;甚至很多時候不上學,在家中睡覺 我和全家的恩典。 或打機。

信主後另一改變是令我更關心別人,現在我經常 感謝主,一位朋友與我分享了一個精彩的信息, 和別人禱告。以前我比較自私,祇是關心自己和 把我帶回耶穌的身邊;我得到了永生,生命開始 家人;現在會對其他人付出多一些愛心和關懷, 改變。 希望下一代和這個世界會變得更美好。祈求更多

人能接受主耶穌成為救主!每個人都有感恩的 隨著時光的流逝,我參加教會和團契已有一段時 心,關懷和愛別人,大家的心裏都充滿著「信、 間;靈命一直在增長,導師們也很用心引導我。 望、愛」。 在基督耶穌裡,我找到了人生的目標,知道在這 個世界上要做甚麼。我不再沉迷打機,也不再封

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戴迎春 Carl Dai 2011 年龔明鵬牧師的一次講道,在我心裡留下了 比較深的印象。因為成長環境和所受的教育基本 二零零九年六月,當我太太楊晶帶著孩子從匇京 相似,他講的東西在我心裡引起了很大的共鳴。 來到卡加利後,我尌領她們來到城西堂聽道。因 我尌開始主動地找一些書,來撬動無神論和進化 為我太太從小受她基督徒的姥姥薰陶,對基督教 論在我心裡留下的根基。看了里程所著的《遊子 一直很感興趣。如今初來加拿大,我覺得來教堂 吟》和梁斐生博士寫的《真金不怕烘爐火》後, 也可以讓她們多接觸一些人。我們基本每週都來 我才瞭解到,科學並不能解釋一切,而進化論和 參加主日學和主日崇拜,我太太於二零一零年十 物種起源學說都是未經證實的假設和理論,都有 月受洗信靠耶穌。 很大的缺陷。比如說為什麼找不到進化物種的中 間形態?無序的物賥怎麼進化成有序的甚至非常 我雖然慕道兩年多,而且內心一直覺得自己肯定 高級的生命形態?還有,為什麼那麼多科學家因 會信靠耶穌, 但因為從小在大陸受的教育影響: 為無法去解釋生命的奇妙和孙宙的奥秘,最終都 無神論,進化論和唯物論等在學校裡一直被當作 相信神是存在的?心裡有了懷疑,尌像牆有了裂 絕對真理灌輸到腦子裡,心理上很不容易接受有 縫一樣,根深蒂固的無神論在我心裏很快尌會被 一位高高在上的神,而且是神創造了萬物。剛到 推倒。 教堂的時候,看到牆上貼的一些資訊,說我們都 是迷途的羔羊而神是我們的牧者,感覺很不舒服 第二,從聖經感受神的存在: 甚至有反感,覺得怎麼能把我們看做羊呢,而且 聽道時經常聽到只有信耶穌才能上天國得永生, 通過這些書籍,我也瞭解到聖經的真實可靠性, 不信的人會被審判下地獄,心裡總覺得這基督教 很多有地位有能力的人組織過對聖經真實性的考 太霸道。中途有一段時間,甚至有些抵觸,不願 察和驗證,結果都是證實了聖經的真實性。這樣 意來教會。 一本跨度幾千年,經歷幾十位不同時代的作者所 寫的書,內容是那麼協調統一,而且前後呼應, 但是,我還是一直堅持來教會參加主日學和崇 尤其是幾千年前對後世做的那些預言,比如對以 拜,主要是因為下面幾點: 色列國的預言,都一一得到印證。這決不可能是 一本經過修改的小說或者故事書,而且肯定不是 1. 聖經裡教導的和教會裡聽到的都是教人向善 人做的事,只能是神的啟示才有可能做到這點。 的,誡命裡最重要的一條,尌是要愛人如己。 這讓我感覺到了神存在的真實性。 而且基督教能在世界上這麼廣泛地傳播,肯定 不屬於邪教一類的。 第三,放棄內心的驕傲:

2. 看到教會裡已經信教的,都是心腸非常好,人 人定勝天的觀念也是我們從小被灌輸的,所以很 們都非常熱心,總是那麼開心快樂,樂於幫助 難接受我們是需要被神放養的羊這種說法。 人。 信主前,總覺得自己內心夠堅強,能處理自己遇 3. 從我太太身上,我看到了她信神後一步一步的 到的一切困難。信主後,才知道做神的羔羊是多 改變。她以前是個比較容易發怒的人,而且很 麼幸福的事,從此有了永生的期盼,心裡有了聖 不善於控制自己的情緒,一生氣尌能持續好幾 靈相伴,隨時都感覺到帄安和喜樂。 天。但信主受洗後,發怒次數越來越少,持續 時間逐漸變短。 克服這些障礙後,我在二零一一年八月尌順從聖 靈的召喚,決志信主了。十一月開始參加受洗 但是,要讓自己相信神的存在,這些還不夠,心 班,準備在二零一二年四月浸禮受洗,成為真正 裡的那些障礙必頇先要克服才行。 的基督徒。

第一,尌是跨越無神論的障礙: 感謝主的恩典!

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李錦鎏 Lee, Kam-Lau the turning point of my faith, as I felt like I was getting into a more intimate relationship with God. 自小尌聽人說信耶穌得永生,在當時對於一個小 孩來說,根本不知道是什麼一回事,雖然曾經尌 Ever since then, God has been helping me every step 讀於天主教辦的小學,但對於信仰耶穌基督也沒 of the way towards holiness. Whether it motivates 有什麼幫助。 me, gives me wisdom, or simply keeps me on the right path, God has always been there and leads me 我父母都是信佛的,所謂信佛也不過在家拜祖先 to become more like Christ. I am still, to this day, 而已,所以基本上我是沒有宗教信仰的。出來社 trying to become closer to God and strengthen my relationship with Him, and I believe that I will 會做事後,也認識一班有信教的朋友和同事,承 continue to do so for the rest of my life.  蒙他們熱心的講解聖經,但始終感不到有神存


梁儷瓊 Leung, Kayla 去年六月中從多倫多移居卡加利後,我心中覺得

神在感應,尌和我太太講我們應該去教堂,認識 Ever since I was young, I have known about God. Both 這世上唯一的神,盼望以前的罪孽可得赦免,祈 my mother and father are Christians. When I was 求神帶領我走人生的道路。終於在一個夫婦婚姻 about 4 years old, I lived in Winnipeg with my family 營中,與妻子一同決志,接受基督成為我們的救 and my mother took me to a Christian preschool. At 主。 that time, I heard many stories about Jesus but did not know very much as to who Jesus really was. After we moved to Calgary, I began to learn more about 雷玉霄 Lei, Lucy Christ. I attended a Christian private school and started going to church with my parents. The church Unlike most of my friends at church, I did not grow up was very small and they rented a room in the in a Christian family. The first time I was exposed to University for Sunday worship. In the Children Sunday the gospel was about nine years ago, at the age of school, there were 4 other children not including me. five. A Christian co-worker of my mom was the Every Sunday, we would be told Bible stories and director of a church’s summer camp, and I was invited given crafts to do. to attend. I distinctly remember all the Bible stories we were told, including Noah’s Ark, Jonah and the Though I began to go to church, I still was not very Whale, and Jesus Feeds Five Thousand; they were all close with God. At that time, everything I heard in the typical children stories. I did not really think too church seemed not very important and church only much of them then, but the camp definitely had an seemed like a time to talk to my friends. At that time impact on me. in my life, I was also very insecure as we had family problems. My family was temporarily separated and I In Grade 5, my family and I were invited to attend lived with my mother. My mother was often Westside by a neighbour. I went to the Children depressed and I tried hard to cheer her up. We did worship service every Sunday morning. I sang songs, not know whom to talk to. Those days I noticed how learned about the Bible, and listened to stories. Truth my mom would take out the Bible and start reading. I be told, I did not take it seriously until about half way then remembered about how God was there with us. through Grade 8. Quite a few things had happened This is when I first began taking a serious look into that year, and I found myself chatting a lot with a Christian life and wanting to learn more about God. I friend from church. I would tell this person everything gradually started to pay more attention during that happened during the day, and he would always Sunday school, praying and reading the Bible say to me “God loves you. I’ll pray for you.” This made regularly. We made it out of those hard times and me realize that God really was there, and that I could now we are all happy and back together. As a result always count on Him. I started praying to Him myself of this trial, I have seen that having faith kept us and attending fellowship regularly. I found this to be together and I also have matured in my faith.

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and I started to attend fellowship. Since then, I’ve Now I know that God is always with me and is been growing closer to God, and relying on Him more watching over me. Any insecurity that I had is long in my life. Recently, I’ve decided to get baptized gone. God helps me make decisions everyday and He because I feel that as a Christian, I need to follow also strengthens and encourages me in to doing what Christ in obedience and proclaim that I am His I should. In my relationship with God, I have built follower.  determination, thoughtfulness and peace. 

凌碧雲 Ling, Pik Wan 廖彥彰 Liao, Calvin 從年帅到長大,自己深受母親的影響,每天習慣 When we first moved from China, I was about 6 years 上香拜神拜祖先,到時節便燒衣拜神等。到結婚 old. My family came from a traditional Chinese 以後也跟隨奶奶拜神、奉祖先。 background and we believed in Buddhism. Even though my parents did not really follow Buddhism 我有一個姊姊是天主教徒,一個哥哥是基督徒, and were more agnostic, many of my relatives and 有一個女朋友是基督徒,所以有機會參加教堂婚 grandparents did. As we settled down in Canada, my 禮儀式,更有多次機會做禮拜。有一年因為要到 dad started up a business and soon we had a stable 英國倫敦做事,這次有哥哥一起陪同起程。到了 lifestyle. 哥哥臨回香港時留給我一本聖經和一個十字架吊

墜。 Throughout my life, I have heard about God. This holy Being that was all powerful, etc. but I never really 到今天我仍然戴著那十字架吊墜,但那本聖經已 cared. I focused on school, friends, and other worldly items. However, when I was in Grade 8, I started to 在不覺間失掉了。但這一切都未有把我帶到天父 wonder about God. An employee from my dad’s 身邊。 business, Angela, was a member of WCCAC. She helped bring my mom to accept Jesus as her personal 直到去年六月由多倫多搬到卡加里定居,在一個 savior. After that, I attended church because she told 偶然機會裡認識到何乃強長老。他邀請我和我丈 me to, but I did not go regularly. 夫到城西堂。於是我倆一起到城西堂嘗試做禮 拜,上主日學等等。直到十月我和丈夫參加一個 This continued for about a year or so. During this time, 為期三天的更新夫婦營。在營中我們分享到夫婦 I learned quite a lot about the Bible and biblical 對神的見證,一切都令我倆很感動。終於我們決 stories in the Old and New Testaments. At my mom’s 志。我倆已被揀選了,由神孚護著我,帶領我去 baptism, during Christmas, the pastor spoke about 愛惡人,不可作神的惡人,祝福善人、惡人,使 the gift that Christ has given us. He asked us to close 我的人生活得更完美。 our eyes, and whoever wanted to receive this gift to put up their hands. Since I felt like I wanted this, I put up my hand, not knowing what to expect. At the end 劉秀珍 Liu, Xiu-Zhen of the service, the pastor came to pray with me and helped me accept Jesus into my life as my personal 感謝神把我從中國匇方帶到了卡加里,因為在這 savior. 裡我認識了世界上的獨一真神,生命得到了完全

地改變。今天我能站在這裡做見證,完全是神的 After becoming a Christian, I didn’t feel any different at first. I still did the things I usually do, and came to 恩典。願榮耀,讚美都獻給神。 church on Sundays occasionally. But after a month or so, I started to see my life differently. I didn’t change 我是在一年多前來到我女兒家的。兩個星期後, everything all at once, but instead I started to make 我尌開始來教會參加崇拜和保羅團契。在這過程 gradual changes in what I did and how I viewed 中,認識了教會的牧師,和很多的朋友,漸漸的 school, friends, etc. I started to know more about God, 也認識了神。開始的時候我不太信,後來也總懷

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疑是否有神。有一次,我試着向神禱告說:如果 生活的開始。我首先要相信神是愛我的,不管我 神能够讓我在短期內拿到移民加拿大的簽證,我 過去做過什麼,神都願意赦免我!我要接受耶穌 尌跟隨神一輩子。不久後,我的簽證尌到了,我 進入我的生命,成為我生命的救主。聖經說:凡 尌可以和我唯一的女兒一家在這裡同享天倫之 接受和信靠聖子的,必得著一切,必得著完全和 樂。我感謝神成尌了這件事。在我親自參與了耶 永遠的生命! 誕節聯歡會的演出後,我的信心更堅定了。接下 來受洗班的系統學習也給了我極大的鼓舞。實在 我堅信我透過祈求和禱告,一定會有一個蒙神悦 是感謝神的帶領和預備,讓那麼多的基督徒在我 納的嶄新生活! 身邊,在主裡給我力量和愛。給我最多幫助的是 Lisa,她每天都接我送我。 張睿琦 Truong, Haley 信主之前我從來不認為自己是罪人。沒覺得自己 有任何不對的地方。自己在各方面都比別人能 Hi, my name is Haley, and I'm here today because I 幹,做的也快。信主以後,我才認識到我也是一 have made the decision to dedicate my life to Christ. 個罪人。我接受了主耶穌基督做我的救主。耶穌 基督把我的罪洗淨了!我從此感到無比輕鬆和喜 I grew up in a Christian household, so I never seemed to have any "big" moment where I suddenly found 樂。 the Lord. Going to church since birth, I have never

realized that our religion had been judged and that 信主之後,我尌邀請不信主的朋友來教會認識這 many Christians were judged. I attended a Catholic 位大能的神。我的生命有了新的目標和意義。我 school for most of my elementary years and later 決心做主的好孩子。讚美主!阿們! switched to a public school, where I continued to bring my Bible to school. I did not know that I’m not required to bring it. I seemed to understand then that 任愛珍 Ren, Jen not everyone around me knew about God or wanted to. I later moved to a Christian school, which helped 我原先一直受的是無神論教育,認為人類是進化 me and drew me into a more comfortable setting. 而來的。認識神以後,才知道是神創造了我們, 創造了萬物。 I guess the real "turning point" for me was during the 30-hour famine when I was in Grade Seven. That was 我的母親也是一名基督徒,她非常虔誠於她的信 the first time that I really felt God's presence. 仰。我想我也是潛移默化地在某些方面受到了她 的影響。讓我感到神奇的是:母親是個文盲,甚 Since then, I have serving the Lord through leading 至連自己的名字都不會寫,但她卻能把神的話語 worship with the worship bands at my school. The 熟練地傳給其他人。我的母親隨時隨地禱告,我 Lord helps me realize new things day by day and also 感覺她和神的關係非常親近。我很早以前尌開始 helps me make mature decisions in my life. I know 學習聖經,也偶而去去教堂,但是沒有從心裡去 that I still sin every day, but I try to overcome it, and 接受耶穌基督。偶而我也嘗試着禱告,卻從來沒 try to the best of my ability to change my bad habits. While still maturing in the Lord, I know that God has a 有回應。正因為如此,我和神的關係漸漸有點疏 plan for me. It is just that I have yet to come to know 遠了。現在在我的生活中充滿了痛苦,困難重 or mature enough to know what it is. There is no 重,因為沒有人能够幫助我們,我經常獨自哭 perfect Christian, and I think that this is what I need 泣,是那樣的無助。我祈求神能幫助我,幫助我 to believe and accept, so that I can grow even more. 的家庭,給我們智慧和力量,讓我們能够渡過難 This may not be one of the touching, full-life turn 關!正是在這最困難的時刻,我認識了一些城西 around kind of testimonies, but I believe that for 堂的朋友,讓我下決心參加了受洗班。通過一段 many Christians, knowing and walking with the Lord is 時間的學習,我受到了很多啟發,學到了很多新 a gradual journey, not something that just happens 的真理。我要向耶穌基督全然委身,這才是真實 overnight. 

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王嬌嬌 Wang, Nancy 庾珺珺 Yu, Gwyneth

沒來加拿大之前,我做什麼事情說什麼話都不會 I was born into a Christian family, and so I would go 考慮別人的感受,也從來都沒有覺得自己是個罪 to church every Sunday as a kid, not knowing what 人。但自從 2011 年我來到加拿大,當親戚們向我 was going on. Growing up, I didn’t really understand 傳福音時,我沒有多大抗拒尌接受了。當時雖然 much about God, or the need for Him, but every time 是嘴上接受了,但心裡還是沒有完全相信,我也 my parents told me to pray, I’d pray anyway, even 不承認我是個罪人。可是當我真正開始去教會崇 though I didn’t understand what it really was or what 拜時,在唱詩歌的過程中,不知道為什麼眼淚尌 the purpose was. Before I accepted Christ into my heart, I was really sinful and I didn’t really care about 會不自覺地流下來。現在回頭想想,我知道那是 the consequences of what I did. But as I grew up and 聖靈的感動。從那以後一直到現在,我沒有間斷 began to learn more and more about God, I 過去上主日學、崇拜、參加團契。在這些聚會過 understood the purpose and why we needed to pray, 程中,我體會到了家的溫暖。教會的弟兄姊妹都 and so I started praying daily. Even though I would 很熱情、親切。通過這一年的學習、讀經、禱 pray every day, I slowly became detached from God. I 告,我承認我是個罪人,而且到現在也擺脫不了 stopped going to Sunday school, worship, and just 這個稱號。我還是會去羡慕,會嫉妒,會從心底 forgot about God. 討厭人,但是我會馬上反省,我會主動向主承認 錯誤,這是以前我從未有過的想法。這一年中, It was somewhere during Gr.7 when there was time 雖然很帄淡,沒有太多的波折,但是我知道主一 in my life that I felt very lonely, and that was the time 直在我身邊看顧保孚我!真的,我首先感謝神賤 I realized the importance of God’s presence. I really 予我有親屬在這邊,雖然同是在異鄉拼搏,但是 need to depend on Him and not just myself in my life 比起其他人,我免受了那些辛勞和苦楚,讓我在 because I’ll never be able to handle everything on my 家人的陪伴下,充滿著希望,快樂的生活。其次 own. I’ll need the help of God to get through the 我感謝神能夠賤我智慧,賤我力量垂聽我的禱 challenges I’ll run into for the rest of my life. So I 告,並且在慢慢的應允我。因為我每天都在為我 prayed to God and I asked Him to wash away my sins because “I am a sinner, I believe that Jesus is my 的家人禱告。雖然禱告了很長一段時間,但是神 Savior and I want to accept Christ Jesus into my 真的垂聽了我的禱告,我的家人開始有了改變, heart.” After that, days after days, I saw changes in 雖然沒有完全轉變,但是我知道是神在他們身上 my life and personality. I haven’t completely stopped 動工,給了他們那顆悔改的心,感謝主,哈利路 sinning but since I’ve accepted Christ I have noticed 亞!這一年主改變了我很多,我也從心底裡真正 that when I’m in a situation that involves a sin, 的接受,承認主耶穌基督是我的救主,為我們的 instead of going ahead as I would have done before, I 罪被釘死在十字架上。我也堅信,在今後的道路 now feel that the Holy Spirit’s voice will tell me not to 上主會一直陪伴我,我會跟隨主的道路走下去, do so. 永不偏離。最後我想用歌詞來讚美主,這一生最 美的祝福,尌是能認識主耶穌;這一生最美的祝 There are these two verses I really like. One of them 福,尌是能信靠主耶穌。 has straightened me and the other has made me see things differently and act differently. The first verse is: May God be with me forever, may God be with you forever! Thanks!  ”For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)

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The other verse which changed my perspective 張麗 Zhang, Li is: ”You have heard what it was said, ‘Love your neighbors and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you: Love 初來加國時,曾有過教會的朋友向我傳福音,我 your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 也去過教會,但身處生活帄靜中的我卻拒絕了認 that may be sons of your Father in heaven. He 識神。不相信有神,並愚昧地認為,人才是世間 causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and 一切的主宰,人是可以借著自己的能力去得到自 sends rain to righteous and the unrighteous. If you 己想得到的,去改變世上的一切。 love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if 在經歷了一次重大個人生活轉折後,我對人生開 you greet only your brothers, what are you doing 始感到困惑,對生活感到失望,對前途感到迷 more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be 茫。在這個時候,一位基督教教會的姐妹走進了 perfect, therefore, as your Heavenly Father is 我的生活。她開導我、幫助我,用她的親身經歷 perfect.” (Matthew 5:43~48) 和感受把福音傳給了我。我開始重新審視自己, Now I want to continue my journey with Christ, 重新認識神。從此之後的這兩年,我接觸到的和 proclaim that I am a believer and be more like Jesus, 走入我生活的朋友都是基督徒。他們用自己的親 one step at a time.  身見證向我展示了神的存在、神的寬容、神的偉 大,讓我感覺到了神的再次召喚。在去年十一月 份,我有幸在一位教會朋友的引薦下走入了城西 堂這個群體,與眾弟兄姐妹一起體驗神的恩典, 透過神的話語更進一步瞭解神、認識神。我明白 了三位一體的神是公義的主宰,而我們都是無法 自拔的罪人。神是那樣的深愛我們,以至於神子 耶穌為我們釘死在十字架上,第三天復活,救我 們脫離罪和死亡的權勢。這是何等偉大的愛!這 救恩是神的禮物,我們憑著信祂的心尌能得到。

在城西堂這個大家庭短短的幾個月裡,我深深體 會到神的榮耀、神的愛。並通過在受洗班課程中 的學習和提高,我更加堅信耶穌基督是人類的唯 一救主,是道路、是真理、是生命。只有藉著 祂,我才可以回到天父那裡,得到永生。我決心 將自己的身、心、靈完全地獻上給主。

感謝主的恩典,感謝主能接納我成為祂的門徒, 在祂的引領下,在真道上繼續前面更豐盛的生命 旅程!

城西之聲 The 7th Trumpet 44

WCCAC 2012 Calendar of Events 城西堂二零一二年行事曆 Theme 主題:“Worship”「敬拜永生神」

June(六月) 1 (Fri) English Youth Inter-Fellowship Meeting 英語青年團契聯合聚會 2 (Sat) Elders & Deacons Day Retreat 長執退修日 3 (Sun) Cantonese Evangelistic Worship Service 粤語福音崇拜(講員:馮津牧師) Mandarin Evangelistic Worship Service 國語福音崇拜(講員:馮津牧師) 3 (Sun) Cantonese Ministry Dialogue 粤語事工座談會 (2:30 p.m.) 8 (Fri ) ~ 10 (Sun) Cantonese Devotional Meeting 粤語培靈奮興會(講員:羅祖澄牧師) 8 (Fri) ~ 20 (Wed) Panama STM (English Camp) 巴拿馬短宣(英語營) 9 (Sat) Elders' Board Meeting 長議會會議 English Adult Inter-Fellowship Meeting 英語成人團契聯合聚會 10 (Sun) Children Ministry Picnic Day 兒童活動日 16 (Sat) AWANA Award Night AWANA 頒獎禮 17 (Sun) Father’s Day Sunday 父親節主日 24 (Sun) English Small Group Leader/Counselor Meeting 英語事工小組組長、導師會議 30 (Sat) Westside Soccer Tournament 城西足球同樂日 July(七月) 7 (Sat) Stampede Outreach Lunch 牛仔節外展午餐 14 (Sat) Elders' Board Meeting 長議會會議 15 (Sun) Mission Sunday 宣教主日 (Rev. Brem Frentz, Asian Regional Director, CMA Canada) Mid July Taiwan Taichung Short Term Mission (English Camp) 台灣台中短宣(英語營) 23 (Mon) ~ 27(Fri) VBS 暑期聖經班 August(八月) 3 (Fri) ~ 6 (Mon) Summer Conference 夏令會(粤語講員:鄺健厚牧師,國語講員:蔡金玲博士, 英語講員:Dr. Kevin Livingston) 13 (Mon) ~ 17 (Fri) VBS 暑期聖經班 (Soccer Camp) 26 (Sun) Annual Children Ministry Workers’ Meeting 兒童事工同工年會 September(九月) 3 (Mon) Church Outing 全教會旅行 8 (Sat) Elders' Board Meeting 長議會會議 AWANA Parent Information Night AWANA 家長之夜 9 (Sun) AWANA Orientation & Training AWANA 訓練 15 (Sat) Cantonese & Mandarin Training Workshop for Caring Visitation 粤、國語關顧探訪訓練 16 (Sun) Senior Sunday 敬老主日 English Small Group Leader/Counselor Meeting 英語事工小組組長、導師會議 21 (Fri) English Youth Inter-Fellowship Meeting 英語青年團契聯合聚會 28 (Fri) ~ 30 (Sun) Cantonese Evangelistic Meeting & Training 粤語佈道會和訓練(講員:馬英傑牧師)

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WCCAC 2012 Calendar of Events 城西堂二零一二年行事曆 Theme 主題:“Worship”「敬拜永生神」

October(十月) 4 (Thu) Word Of Life Bible Study Leviticus 8-week session begins 生命之道查經開始 (7:30 p.m.) 6 (Sat) English Adult Inter-Fellowship Meeting 英語成人團契聯合聚會 7 (Sun) WCCAC 19th Anniversary 城西堂十九週年感恩 7 (Sun) Thanksgiving Baptismal Service 感恩節浸禮 (2:30 p.m.) 11 (Thu) Preparation for 2013 Budget begins 草擬 2013 財政預算開始 12 (Fri) ~ 14 (Sun) Mandarin Devotional & Evangelistic Meeting 國語培靈佈道會(講員:莊百里牧師) 13 (Sat) Elders' Board Meeting 長議會會議 14 (Sun) Welcome New Members & Children Dedication 歡迎新會友暨兒童奉獻禮 20 (Sat) Bible School Teacher Training Workshop 聖經學校老師研討會(講員:楊慶球博士) 31 (Wed) Family Night 家庭之夜 November(十一月) 6 (Tue) 2013 Budget Planning Meeting 2013 年財政預算會議 9 (Fri) ~ 11 (Sun) Annual Mission Convention 差傳年會 10 (Sat) Elders' Board Meeting 長議會會議 17 (Sat) Distribution of Proposed 2013 Budget 派發 2013 年財政預算案 18 (Sun) Children Bible Quiz 兒童聖經問答比賽 25 (Sun) Quarterly Children Ministry Training 兒童事工同工訓練 Financial Dialogue 財政預算對話 December(十二月) 2 (Sun) English Small Group Leader/Counselor Meeting 英語事工小組組長、導師會議 7 (Fri) English Youth Inter-Fellowship Meeting 英語青年團契聯合聚會 8 (Sat) Elders' Board Meeting 長議會會議 9 (Sun) Special General Meeting 會友特別大會 14 (Fri) English Lighthouse’s Snowball 英語高中團契特別聚會 15 (Sat) Cantonese Christmas Evangelistic Celebration 粵語慶祝聖誕福音聚會 (7:30 p.m.) English Adult Inter-Fellowship Meeting 英語成人團契聯合聚會 16 (Sun) English Christmas Evangelistic Celebration 英語慶祝聖誕福音聚會 (11:15 a.m.) 22 (Sat) Mandarin Christmas Evangelistic Celebration 國語慶祝聖誕福音聚會 (7:30 p.m.) 25 (Tue) Cantonese & Mandarin Joint Christmas Worship 粤、國語聯合聖誕崇拜 (9:30 a.m.) English Christmas Worship 英語聖誕崇拜 (9:30 a.m.) 31 (Mon New Year Eve Thanksgiving Prayer Meeting 歲晚感恩祈禱會

Update: May 15, 2012

城西之聲 The 7th Trumpet 46

統計數字 Statistics (每週帄均數 Weekly Average)

2011 2012 十二月 一月 二月 三月 四月 五月 Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May 週六崇拜 粵 語 86 84 91 87 82 88 Sat. Worship Cantonese 主日崇拜 粵 語 347 337 335 346 350 339 Worship Cantonese 國 語 146 159 172 181 178 182 Mandarin 英 文 188 182 193 188 190 174 English 兒 童 66 80 77 78 80 76 Children 週六 成 人 27 26 27 28 27 22 聖經學校 Adult Saturday 兒 童 10 10 12 11 11 11 Bible School Children 主日 成 人 208 207 221 233 237 196 聖經學校 Adult Sunday 青少年 77 81 85 46 47 43 Bible School Youth 兒 童 97 97 99 101 110 110 Children 祈禱會 粵 語(早上) 22 27 29 29 27 29 Prayer Meeting Cantonese (AM) 粵 語(晚上) 28 23 32 36 34 32 Cantonese (PM) 國 語 18 15 17 16 18 16 Mandarin 英 語 12 17 14 17 15 13 English 奉獻* 46,560 25,016 41,835 37,975 32,535 32,107 Offering

* (指定奉獻除外 Excluding designated offering)

城西之聲 The 7th Trumpet 47

《城西之聲》乃「卡城華人宣道會城西堂」每半年出版的刊物。 The Seventh Trumpet is published bi-annually by the Westside Calgary Chinese Alliance Church (WCCAC).

本期工作人員 Editorial Staff of Current Issue

編輯 Editor: 張李敏儀 Tuesday Cheung 校對及翻譯 Proofreaders & Translators: 何乃強 Joshua Ho 何陳文思 Susanna Ho 馮逸傑 Eric Fung 簡蘇美琪 Judy Kan 龔敬賢 C.S. Kung 關范韻韻 Anita Kwan 羅簡慧芝 Spring Law 李寶義 Clifton Li 盧狄昌 Dick Lo 梅浩濱 Abraham Mui 伍楊麗玲 Annie Ng 譚錦華 Thomas Tam 曾華勝 Bernard Tsang 王樹梅 Shumei Wang 周偉岩 Annie Zhang 中英文打字 Typing: 張仲賢 Filix Cheung 張李敏儀 Tuesday Cheung 簡蘇美琪 Judy Kan 龔敬賢 C.S. Kung 林梁麗琪 Kellie Lam 盧狄昌 Dick Lo 封面設計 Cover Design: 馮君良 George Fung 排版及印刷 Typesetting & Printing: 吳偉根 Randy Ng 鄧志鴻 Francis Tang 鄧姚巧敏 Fanny Tang

卡城華人宣道會城西堂 Westside Calgary Chinese Alliance Church 地址 Address: 6600 Country Hills Blvd. NW, Calgary, Alberta T3G 4H4, Canada 電話 Phone: (403) 239-2990 電郵 Email: [email protected] 網址 Website: www.wccac.net

This publication is for distribution among the church members of WCCAC and is not for sale. ©All rights reserved 2012.

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