
Property of the Watertown Historical Society The watertownhistoricalsociety.orgWater+own - Oakville TOWN Weekly TIMES Vol. 11, No. 551 Subscription Price, $3.75 Per Year. Single Copy, 10 Cents June 26. 1958 School Board In Determined Attempt To Calendar Of Events June 29 — Little League parade and inaugural ceremonies for Controversy Over Hold Cown Expenses In 1958-59 Budget two new LL playing fields at De- A preliminary 'budget for the quests for various items. land Field. Parade, 1:15 p.m., 1958-53 school, year was dis- IDriver Education Out Inaguration at 1:45 p.m., exhi- , cussed at 'the meeting of the Board, Upon 'the motion of member Ro- bition games at 2 p.m. of Education Tuesday night, with bert Bruce, the Board, in an econ- June 30 — Summer 'Reading Club the Board apparently making a de- omy move, voted to eliminate the opens at Watertown, Library. Town Hall termined effort, to' stay at or near Driver Education Course at Wat- July 3 — Bloodmobile visit from the 2 mill limit for school needs ertown High School on the grounds 12:45 to 5:45 p.m. at Methodist The issue between Democratic Extent; of interest in the proposal Church. Blood is urgently need- suggested last year by the Board, that it is non-academic in nature, and Republican, officials over the was revealed when it was an- of Finance. and the students must use up study ed. Phone CR 4-2684, for an ap- nounced that 88 pages of petitions pointment NOW. proposed addition to the town hall Under discussion was a, net bud- periods to take advantage of it. came to a dead end at a, special containing 875 signatures, were get amounting to' approximately The course has been graduating town, meeting Monday, after gen- filed with, the town clerk. $794,346. The total budget being fifty students per year. Although erating widespread interest, for sev- The petitions were found to be discussed, was approximately $1,- state law now requires that young 'Miller Proposed eral weeks. defective in failing to include on 085,0u0, but receipts from various people who wish to secure licen- The controversy fizzled without each page signatures of the per- sources during the school year ses must be graduates of an, ap- For New Director a vote' being taken when pet, it ions sons circulating petitions made un- are expected to bring this figure proved, driver training course, it calling for a referendum on the der oath to' the effect that every down close to the net budget es- was pointed out. at the meeting Of Civil Defense proposal were declared to be in- person signing the petition was; timate under discussion. Board that several such courses are The name of John, T. Miller has valid, after being submitted, to the either known or furnished identi- officials would, not. release any of- available commercially in Water- moderator of the meeting. fication to the circulator .and sign-' been proposed, for the poist of Di- ed in his presence as required, un- ficial figures Tuesday night. bury. rector of Civil Defense to succeed Considerable attention was de- 'The preliminary budget must by Elimination of this course will veloped last week, following a deci- der Public Act 347, according to Director H. Raymond Sjostedt: who the" explanation of the moderator. law be submitted to. the Board of (Continued on Page 16) has submitted, his resignation, af- sion by 'the Democratic Town, Committee to petition for a refer- Attorney Miles F. McNiff, Jr. He Finance by June 30. The figures ter serving 8 years. - Mr. Miller said, the petition complied with were presented, to' the Board by was formerly zoning enforcement endum on the $80,000 proposal. It 1 Retiring CD Officials 1 was reported that 50' to GO 'persons provisions of Public Act 545 which, superintendent Joseph B. Porter , officer and also served as town sets forth, 'certain procedures for1, who pointed, out numerous •instan- To 'Be Honored In 'July prosecutor. were out with the petitions which were deposited wtih Town Clerk petitions but that P.A 347, which ces where substantial cuts had, A testimonial dinner honoring The Board of Selectmen will act been 'made by his office in, the re- Marie Buckingham on Saturday, deals with petitions for referenda retiring Civil Defense Director on Mrt Miller's candidacy at, their was not observed. Raymond Sjostedt and Deputy Di- meeting Monday, First Selectman The moderator called for a re- rector William D. Starr will be Hungerford reported. cess of the meeting after the clerk, Masi Hits held on July 2 at 7:30 p.m. in The Selectmen recently adopted. Ret. Macintosh of the meeting. Marie Bucking- Daveluy's Restaurant. The offi- Director . Sjostedt"s recommen- ham presented him with the peti-' To Plan, Education cials volunteered their services dation that the position be placed tiont, and held a conference with since the Civil Defense program on, a paying basis of $2,000 a year the Selectmen, and members of was established here eight years in view of the time and work in- Resigns As Pastor the Democratic and Republican Cast, Curriculum ago. volved in, this office. tuwn committees in the cafeteria Donald Masi, chairman of the of the junior high while the audi- Democratic Town, Committee, From All Saints" ence awaited the outcome for 45' aimed a. double-barreled broadside minutes in the gymnasium. at governmental operations and, Residents Urged To Donate Blood Locally Mr. McNiff pointed out the omis- the education,' system in claiming sion in the petitions at the confer- that Watertown, an old. Republican ence Donald, Masi, chairman of stronghold, was starting to go De- the Democratic Town Committee, mocratic, directly following the As Bloodmobile Visit & Holiday Approach inquired whether the petitions special town meeting 'Monday. couldn't be corrected by having Pointing to the "three to one" .Local Red 'Cross officials have is the fact that experience has those who circulated the petitions, majority of new voters who regis- forecast a. dire need for blood shown Americans to be highly su- submit the necessary affidavits. tered, as Democrats in the 'recent over the July 4th "three' day week icide-prone on highways, at swim- Mr McNiff Replied that the provi- .new voter session and the. better end,"' and are urging: all Water- ming areas and recreational faci- sion in, the Act of tfitf legislature than "'two to .one majority" in town residents to do their part in lities . of all kinds whenever a is not a. mere formality, for a last Saturday's .session, the town alleviating the possible shortage lengthy national holiday weekend criminal penalty is involved „ . . chairman declared, "It indicates by donating- blood when, the Re- comes, About. and a valid petition must 'be' sub- the trend. It shows, that people gional Blood Program. "Bloodmo- That there will be many terrify- mitted 24 hours in advance of 'the are expressing dramatic interest bile" comes to town. July 3. ing accidents', both on the highway town meeting." and dis satisfaction with-our 40 or The reason for the forecast of and, in other places, as well as Armand Derouin observed, "We (Continued on Page 12) heavy need for blood reserves many cases of illness due to such factors as sunstroke, overexertion (Continued on Page 12) and, many others, has practically become an incontrovertible fact Plan Liffle League Parade Here Sunday whenever a. long holiday weekend, Some Sewer Lines is scheduled,. The blood reserves To inaugurate Two New Playing Fields will be needed, then, not at some Now Available For future date, to cope with the many A parade will be a feature at- p.m.. parade down Mam St. and emergencies it is known will House Connections traction on. Main Street, Water- Echo Lake Road to DeLand Field; arise. town, this Sunday, marking 'the in- 1:45 p.m., Inauguration Ceremony; The July 3 date for the arrival Homeowners in several sections auguration of the two recently 2 p.m..,. Exhibition Games. of the Bloodmobile falls at a time of the Oakville Fire District may completed. Little League playing At the present time, there are when many persons will be think- now connect to certain sewer fields at DeLand Field. 286' Watertown, and Oa.kvil.le boys ing of themselves, their plans and lines which have been completed The 28€ members of all the enrolled in the Little League here. problems over the holiday, rather and tested, it was announced, by teams in the Little League will be This includes four major league than, of the possible needs of yet Rev. Stand ish Macintosh the Public Works Commission's teams with fiO members, four in office. marching in full uniform, and, uninjured and healthy persons. The Rev- Standish Macintosh 1 coaches will be right • in, there termediate league teams with 60 Chapter officers here fear that the has submitted his resignation as The following is the list of lines, marching, with the youngsters. members, and, "six, .minor "league proximity of the Bloodmobile vi- pastor of All Saints" Church to ac- available for connections: Buck- Town officials have been invited teams with" 166 members. sit with the national holiday will cept: a call to the Trinity Church ingham Street from Main St. to to' the ceremonies. It was noted that although there •result in a, very, disappointing in Lime Rock, Conn.., it was the district line; Riverside St. to are now approximately 28 boys, on Arcadia St; Arcadia St; Engel- The schedule for the event is as turnout at the Bloodmobile, unless learned this past. week. each minor league team; they, are local, townspeople and industries .Rev. Macintosh confirmed the wood' to Hillcrrsl Are; Hiilcrest follows: Assembly at 1 pjn. at from Engelwbod to Fairview Ave; Woodruff and Scott Avenues; 1:15 (Continued on Page 6) (Continued on Page 10) informatidn and said that he ex- pects to assume duties at Trinity Fair view from Hill crest to Hazel- Church on September 1. He said hurst; HazelhurM from Fairview his new parish offers excellent to Tarbell Ave. opportunities for missionary These are the first streets 'un- work der the new- sewer project: which Rev Macintosh was appointed have been readied for the public's rector of All Saints" four years use and the sewer assessment ago and has been active in civic program to be levied, against 'the work here also during that time. properties is being prepared, by He served as advisor to the Wa- the commission. tertown Youth Council and was a member of the Board of Directors of the PubliC^Healfb Nursing' As- sociation He was chairman of Plan Ballet Event :he Refugee Resettlement Com- mittee for the Vaterbury area council of churches and, is Litch- In 12th Season Of 'ield Archdeaconry represen- atne for the -Department of i Continued OB, Page 12) Concert Unit Here The best start in, years was no-' ted by officials of the Watertonwi Education - Whose Concert Association as their -an-' nual membership drive got under Responsibility' To way last week with over three hun- dred new and renewal sub- scribers. Total, membership of Open Debate Series the group last year was more than, A number of ndhomily known six hundred. distinguished autnui Hies in the The four - event program for the field of education will take part, in twelfth concert season, of the a panel discussion on education group features return, engage* which is being inesented by Dis- ments of three musical perform- cussions, Inc for the first of the ances, and a Watertown premiere series of debates sponsored, for of a New York City Center Ballet the 1953-59 season it was an- Group featuring Andre Eglevsky nounced by Sol B Luria, presi- •and Melissa Hayden. Returning' dent. to the Local concert* stage in, th« Many were on the .beach, but few in: the water Monday morning as the Summer Recreation- Pro-gram The principal speaker will be •popular concert series are the opened here on a gray and-chilly morning. Shown here are a group of youngsters who tested the Henry Toy, president of the Na- Julliard String • Quartet, pianist water and found it uncomfortably cool, with'the prevailing breeze and lack of sunshine. Things im- tional Citizens Council, for Bet- Daniel Abrarris, and the Saidjen proved later on in the afternoon though, and the many children present, got a chance to do some.swim- ter Schools with 5.000 chapters. berg 'Little Symphony. ming. Opening day attendance was heavy, particularly at the playgrounds and tennis courts op- Members of the panel include: Dr., The Board of Directors of the erated under the program. (Photo by Messier) (•Continued on. Page 12) (,'Continued on, 'Page 12) PAGE 2 •— TOWN TIMES (WATERTOWN, CONN.), JUNE 26, 1958 'The event' is scheduled for July Round Robin 'Victors Earlier Mailing & 15 from. 1 to 5 p.m. Features of Mrs. John Upton, Jr.. and Jack Property of the Watertown Historicalthe day will include shuffleboard Society, Pratt defeated. Sue Fen n and Barry Mrs. I. Johnson, Mr. and, Mrs. bingo, swimming and cards., with Hughson '6-4: in the round robin Comings & Goings Frank Mclntyre, Mr. and Mrs. W. Use Of Postal Zone card players requested to bring : playoffs last Sunday at the Water- Mr. and Mrs. VVinthrop W. Spen- Felle, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth their own cards... town Tennis Club. cer entertained 70 guests at a Woodfield, Miss Josephine McCar- Numbers Are Urged The committee in charge in- On June 27 the Litehfield Coun- lawn party held at their home on. thy, Mr. and, Mrs. W. Felle, Jr., The Post Office Department _ is cludes Mrs. Timothy Horan, try Club Juniors will, the Wat- Mrwatertownhistoricalsociety.org. and Mrs. Edward Rockhill, vigorously promoting a, nationwide chairman, at whose Belden St. Northficki Rd. last Sunday. ertown Juniors at Watertown at 1 Mr. and Mrs. Ted, Brown, Mr. are* program to encourage the use of home the recent planning meeting p.m. with a, return match," sched- Mrs.. ifeagfflL K. Tillson with chil- Mrs. Fred Henderson, and, James delivery zone numbers and earli- was held, and also ticket chair- uled, for July 2 at 1 p.m. in Liteh- dren, Peter, Martha and Timmy, Blais. er mailing, it was announced by man Mrs. Thomas Carmndy, as- field. Postmasters Charles T. Kelly of sisted, by Mrs. John, Wysocki; Re- of Hamilton Ave. are vacationing 1 for a month, in Quonochontaug, Lawrence L. Pratt, son, of Mr. Oakville and Lucy .Leonard of Wa- freshments chairman Mrs. Rich- R. I. Mr. Tillson returned home and Mrs. John K. Pratt, .Academy tertown. ard Daley. Jr., assisted by Mrs. I shams Observing Sunday after spending a week with Hill, and a member of Williams A special, effort is being made William, Rice; House .Committee, liis family. College, class of "59, sailed for a from now until July 12 to direct Mrs. William. Scully and Mrs. -An- two months" tour of Europe with the attention of all- persons to the thony Banner and Publicity, Mrs. 50th Anniversary two friends. Porter Goss of Wat- twer "AJphonse Ambrose. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Black service advantages of these two Mr. and Mrs. Austin Isham, of North field Rd have returned, er bury and Richard Puffer of ,Mid- measures in, assuring prompt de- dlebury. Woodbury, will observe their fif- from their stay at Lake Minne- livery of their mail. Cards list- tieth wedding anniversary at their wuska, .N. Y. ing the 106 cities, in the United $4,232 Refunded! home "River Meadows," West States that have zone numbers G. Grant Welch, Jr son, of Mr. Main St., Woodbury, on July 6, Mr. and Mrs. Edward. Thompson will be distributed to postal pa- From David St. from 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. Mrs. and Mrs. G. Grant Welch, Acad- trons of both post offices, the hvo and children. Curt and Craig, of emy Hill, is one of the six players Isham is the former Sarah Mat- "l-ongviev Ave., .recently visit- postmasters said- toon. entered by Colby College,,, Water- Postal authorities, are also urg- Underpass Project ed Mr. and Mrs. C. N.. Black of vilie. Me.,, in the national inter- The couple were 'married July INlipanoch. N. Y. The Thompsons ing early deposit of mail which, is Watertown has received, a re collegiate golf championship event ready, instead, of holding it until 4, 1908, in Christ Church, Water- alfeo attended the wedding of a. being held Sunday at Williams town fund, of $4,232.56 from the New- town, in a. ceremony performed by fir lend. ' near closing time of the post of- Mass. ,265 golfers will, compete fice, , to give postal employees York, New Haven and Hartford the late Rev. Herbert Cunning- on, the Williams College course. R. R. as 'the town's share of the ,ham. Mr. .Isham operates a farm, (Mrs. Rodney Chase of Thorn a s- time for sorting and dispatching'. This will help avoid last-minute sum remaining from the funds or- on which, he raises Hereford tojh Rd, is visiting her mother. Elaina, LaBoda of Central Ave. iginally appropriated, for the re cattle. Mrs. George A. .Martin in San jams and possible delays .in deli- and Ray Marcil of Mason Av. veries. building of the Davis St. under- The observance is being- planned Ffancisco, Cal. were chosen, queen and, king of the pass, it was announced by First by the daughters of the couple. Junior High Prom .held recently Selectman G. Wilmont Hungec- They are Mrs, Arthur Tanner1, of ' Mrs. Clark C. Smith, and, daugh- at the school. iord. New Preston; Mrs. Harmon, Boyd, ter. Jonna, of Academy Hill are Local Woman Was The cost of widening the road of Woodbury; Miss, Charlotte Ish- planning to spend hvo months with and, • • constructing • new abutments am, of Woodbury; and Mrs. M|\ and Mrs. William, H. Bixby Mr. and Mrs. William Me Bride for the railroad tracks was fig- George Potterton of Manchester, at" Boultnn Landing. Lake George. of Shelter Hill, Ave. are moving to Safety Group Head ured at $93,000 on the basis of Conn. Mr. Smith and son. Clark. Jr. will Cleveland, Ohio. bids -received by the railroad occasionally join them during' 'The Waterbury Junior Women's Club was among the several or- , half of which cost had their vacation. Raymond W. Stockno, son of Mr. to be absorbed by the town. $46,- and Mrs. William Stockno,, Straits ganizations taking part in the re- JOHN G. O'NEILL cent pedestrian safety campaign of 500 was deposited last year by the Mr. and Mrs. H. William Baer Turnpike, recently . graduated town as its share of the expenses of; Northfield Fid. have returned from recruit training at the 'Na- the Waterbury. Safety Advisory from a trip recently ,o Finger val Training Center, Great Lakes, Committee. The campaign took but as a result of the refund the FUNERAL HOME Lakes, Rochester, N. Y. III. place from, June 16 through, June net cost lias been reduced, to PHONE C Rest wood 4-9005 21. including radio announcements $42,278. 742 Main St., Oakvllle and the distribution of pamphlets Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ross of Marine Pvt John L. Brazee," Jr., Detroit, Mirh. have taken up re- to pedestrians urging the use of son of Mr. and Mrs .John L. Bra-crosswalks. Henrietta Grabowski sold land sidence on Hamilton Ave. zee, Jenks St., is serving with the and improvements on the norther- • FLO W E t 5 • Mrs. Clark Palmer, Water town, ly side of Eddy Street to James J. Marine composite reconnais- was" chairman of the committee FOR EVERY OCCASION Mi.*., and Mrs. Michael J. Galul- sance squadron at the El Toro Gorman. Jr. and Rosemary E. — F r e e D e I i v e r y — loj of Pine St., recently visited for the Junior Women's Club. Lo- Gorman... ot 'Waterbury. Marine Corps air station, Santa cal women who were among the ANNETTE'S FLOWER SHOP tNeir son-in-law and daughter, Mr. Ana, Cal. Samuel. Zbell. sold land and im-. Old Colonial Road — Oakville and, Mrs. Edmund He!lam, Bronx- committee members were • Mrs. provements on the northwesterly v James Kellas, Mrs. George Mc- TEL. CR 4-2770' . ville, K. Y. side of Thomas ton Road to Anna, (Laurier antf Annette Thibault) Mrs. Robert A... Reade and chil- Cleary, Jr., Mrs. Charles Judd, Ashak, of Middlebury. Bruce Luna, Hamilton, Ave.,, dren, Martha, Robert:, Jr.,"and Ste- Jr., Mrs. Avery Lamphier, and. will spend the summer recess at phen Kirkpatrick, of Falls Church. Mrs... Herbert Bunting. home. He is a student at: Blair Va. are visiting Dr. and Mrs. Ed- Academy, Blairs town, N. Y, win G. Reade, Guernsey town Rd. Dr. and Mrs. Reade also had as CONNECTICUT LUMBER CO. Jlal.pl i Hum is ton of At wood Ct. guests recently their other daugh- Catholic Women To has been a patient in the Water- ter-in-law, Mrs. Edwin G. Reade. byry Hospital. Jr.. and grand-children, John and Edwin, 3d," of Deer field, Mass., Hold Garden Party -Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Blais of Their son, Edwin, Jr., after visit- Plans were completed at: a re- Tiirbell -Ave. recently held, a gra- ing here for a week, attended the cent meeting of the Watertown duation, party honoring1 their son, U. 5. "Intercollegiate Tennis event Council of Catholic Women for a Arthur, Jr. who.-was graduated, in Charlotteville, Va. as a. mem- Luncheon, Garden, Party to be held from Watertown High School. ber of the tournament committee. at the home of Mrs. Harry Fleis- Cliesis who attended, were: Mr. He is a memebr of the Deer field cher, 211 Woodbury Road, under and Mrs. Edward Blanchet, Mr. Academy faculty. the sponsorship of the council. and .Mrs. IV. Franks, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Russell, Mr. and tide tough

Beautiful*.. Economical.,. I'*"* *T^T I * ill! Dsjigned for •«•/,. carefne family living In the popular-iplit. mm now !*• BCBtlMul BFVMOM ItWW* bv«1 ityh. few in co.it;,,

mum **w 'inrti wn, rith an 1 nternational* THREE WAYS TO BUILD] CUB LO-BOY fhl» home eao be built In, any of three' way* „.. iulld It you* Cut a full 5-foot swath, of ^ ««Jf... have contractor build it to shell stage ready for you t« heavy weeds easily with, finish, or hove contractor build It complete, The choice it youirt. sickle bar mower while riding a comfortable and Complete materials for this home up to plaster economical Cub La-Boy tractor. stage, pre-cwf' and pre-'fimlshodli lig tractor features delivered,.,, jS" • Husky and dependable PER GALLON 4-cylinder engine • Foif-Hitch for bach: . . . click FOR THE LOW ESTIMATED SUM OF . , . and 90 hitching WWK Mm KADT-JHXED BODrc«Ol!r.. • Matched equipment for the widett rang* of job* Special Financing Plan . , , On-The-Sit« Building Aid . . . CALL US TODAY One of the features of the Connecticut Lumber Co, FOR A FREE PITTSBURGH PAINTS leep t'hit |M| building plan is Interim financing which •nobles DEMONSTRATION you to start work without delay. Another' feature is professional- aid! all! during the course of con- struction.. There is no chacge for these special ERREAULT services. Office hours 8:00 'A.M. to 5:00 P.M. TAYT Monday through, Saturday or Call Waterbury iPRING & EQUIPMENT, Plaza 3-5171 for full details. INC. 1510 South Main Street HARDWARE t APPLIANCES Waterbury Main St. — WATERTOWN — lei. Ct 4-1038 CONNECTICUT LUMBER CO. PL 3-3189 1290 HIGHLAND! AVE,., - WATER BURY PLAZA 3-5171 • TOWN TillMES (WATERTOWN!, CONlN.), JUINIE 26, 1958 — PAGE 3 Property of the Watertown Historicalinjuries sustained when a tracto Societyi The Ch-jmplain Terrac e Co. re- slid, into a trench in which he was ceived a permission to make alter- working in Woodbur\ ind* pinned ations on the second floor of at, him for 15 , minutes Mam Street \\ itertown, building,' The tractor, which was dm en at i cost of SS(W watertownhistoricalsociety.orgby his son, Ste\ e lurched as it The Southern Vew .England. was being started and 1 inded on Telephone Compam received per- Mr. Marcucci'b legs bieikin? his i mission to erect a tt lephone booth right leg and deeph g lihinq his j on I itch fie Id Ro id at a .cost of left one. 'The victim v\ as trapped $l until the tracto- was pulled a\\a\ by another tractor son Their ne\t meeting will be held. on. Wednesday September 3 at Union Ladies" Society Is the Church... Other events planned, for the Planning Events 'For Fall next season's, agenda, by the group The Ladies" Society of the Oak- include a Dessert Card Parry Sep- ville Congregational Church held tember 9, a. rummage sale in late their tasjt meeting of the season September, and their Annual Har- in the form, of a picnic June 1.8 vest. Festival Thursday October at the home of Mrs. F. H. Peter- 30. NOTICE Will customers who have repair work, here, please call for It as soon as possible for we will be C L O S E D F O R ¥ ACATI O N from 'Friday, July 4th, until Tuesday, July 15th Ned Douglas (left) with Cynthia Camp, "King And Queen™ of the dance recently sponsored for grad- We don't want you disappointed ..., uating: sixth graders by the Baldwin-Judson P.T.A., leads the grand; ma inch around the hall1. The dance was given at Swift Junior High School to give the youngsters a chance to see the school and SO' please call soon!! meet their new principal. Summer Libbey, who chose the "King and Queen" by lot. Arrangements for the event were completed, by a committee of the P.T.A. • consisting of fifth grade mothers, (Photo By Messier)

Second Honors Marcucci Recovering Honor Roll Listed Seniors — Maureen. Drodvillo, Patricia Fenn, Robert George, Mark Marcucci, owner of Wat- For Entire Year William Glover, Janice Grenier er town Plumbing and Heating Co., Linda Simmons, Carol Abromaitis Main St., is recuperating at the MAIN S T . W A T E R, T- O W INI Jeanne Be Derive, Emil Bussemey, Water bury Hospital" from severe By H.S. Officials Peter Laue, Jacqueline Michaud, Eleven, students were accorded Ruth Nichols and Barbara Ostro- first honors and twenty-two were ski. cited for second honors at Water- Juniors — Beth Akins, Diane town High School in an Honor Roll Beau lieu, Robert Barnes, Janice covering the entire past, academic Curulla, Beverly Donahue, Caro- year announced this week by Prin- lyn Foltz, Maurie Gallagher, Lin- Banking Service cipal Robert. B. Cook. da Hall, Margo Hart, Joyce Hob^ a To be eligible for first honors, ibie, Ruth Ann. Howard, Eleanor a, student must maintain an. aver- Keilty, Roberta Kenn.eson, Bonnie age of four A's throughout the Kowalewski, Joan Lakovitch, Mar- school year, or, with five subjects garet McKee, Ann Moraska, Henry four A's and a B. 'The attainment Ross, Pamela O shorn, Evelyn "for your convenience > .-. of second honors calls for the Thomas, Gary Ulinskas and Steven maintenance of /a scholastic aver- Whitman. age of 85 percept or better for the Sophomores — Carolyn Bagdon, entire year, wefh no C's allowed. Virginia Baldelli, Joan Bellemore, The following were cited, for Ruth. Budelis, Elaine Capizuto, first honors:: Seniors — Frances Paul Bulota, Shirley. Hart, Arleen Boisyert; Juniors — Frederick: Knight, Sandra Andrus, Sharon Davidson, Carolyn. Voyda and. Dan- Weymer, Mildred Stuckey, Elaine iel Zibello: 'Sophomores — Linda Smith, Mary T'errii.1, Mary Ciri- 'Thompson, Robert Winterhalder, ello, Ruth Deichmann, Louis Des- Elthea, Goodkin, Andrew Kimmens, ena, Eileen Kay, Ann Koslosky, Mary Louise McGovern, Nancy Me Barbara Lukosevage and John Kellar and William Merrill. Roden. VACATION SPECIALTIES JAMAICA and BERMUDA SHORTS VISIT OUR NEW,

• Beach Bags • Bathing Suits bank teller service, at your car window • Terry Robes YOU CAN: • Jerseys • Deposit or withdraw from your savings passbook • Skorfs. • Make Christmas or Vacation Club payments • Stilts • Make loan payments • Transact other savings bank business We Invite You To Make Use Of This Facility (davidsoiVs

MAIN ST.. WATERTOWN SAVINGS BANK- 'C R 4 - I 1 4 9 .THOMASffON. . . . WATEtTOWN Open 'Friday Night Until 9. o'clock "New Woterfowir Office 565 MAIN ST. — COR. 'ECHO' LAKE 10.

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PAGE 4 — TOWPropertyN TIMES (WATERTOWN ,of CONN,) the, JUNE 26 , Watertown1958 Spino, Michael Stanco, Geral Historicald Invite Public Attendanc Societye ' SMCM Notic e Stockwell, Amy Stowe, Rita Tan- uis, Sally Tehan, John Thomas At Grange Dairy Supper ' '. O'ur contributors and advertis- Elena Thompson," Gail Thorsen The public is invited to a Dairy Barbara Toffey, 'Mary Ann, Towle Supper to be held this evening ers, are asked, to take note of the watertownhistoricalsociety.orgJoAnne Towle, Jean Ulinskas, Ka from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at Masonic fact that because of the July 4th, Town Times, Inc. therine Ulinskas, Timothy Viltra Hall, under the sponsorship of the holiday next week, Town Times kis, Roberta Waltz. Charis Weiss, Watertown Grange. will be printed one day earlier Joan West, George Wheeler, Es- Tickets may be obtained from, than usual. Office located in the Georges Building, 678. Main Street, Watertown. telle .White, Francine Windebank, any Grange member, or at the Because of this, -the deadline for For news or information call CRestwood 4-1968. Address mail to Gary Wisausky. Lorraine Wisaus- door. Mrs. Olive Wilson, chair- news and advertising copy must TOWN TIMES, .Box 888, Oakville, or to Box 1, 'Wa.tert.own, Conn. ky, Kenneth, Woodward and Judith man of the Home Economics Com- be set at 5 p.m., Monday. ' Nor- Publishers: Carl Less, Joseph F. Smith Zuraitis. mittee, is in, charge of the supper. mal deadlines will be in, effect for Re-entered as second class matter May 12,. 195.5 at the post office a! Watertowff The Grange met last Friday eve- the following week.' • " Conn. Original entry as second class matter Jan.. 13, i°'48 at the post1 office Oakville ning for a'lecturer's ••program with C»mn,,, under the .Act of March 3, 1879. Playground News "Honor Dad"", as the" theme. It South School - was voted to* send the Lecturer, Mrs. Florence Byrnes, to the New Scott Family Plans Bernadine Kosko, Elaina LaBoda. The South School Playground op- England, Grange Lecturer's Con- Eleven Students Carol LaBorde, Jeanne La.Fr en- ened this week with a large group ference to be held at Durham,, Annual Reunion On iere, and Paulette LaFreniere. of children taking part in, a van N. H., August. 11 through, 14. Receive Awards In Also: Jane Lamy, Richard. Laub- ety of activities. Other granges represented at July Fourth Hcfre ly, Peter Law, Elaine LeRoux, Supervisor BIB Walsh will con the Friday meeting 'were Cawasa, Swift Graduation Marcia Lewis, Joanna. Lorensen, duct' a weekly baseball, clinic Laurel, Torringford, Oxford and ..Invitations." have 'been sent out Sheila Madeaux, William Maisto, every Thursday morning at 10 Middlebury. • • for the annual -Scott Family Re- Sixteen awards were presented Tarn sen. Malia, Carol Marinaro, a.m.. Each week, some particular It was announced that the meet- union to be held: July 4 at the to eleven students at the gradua- Barbara McCarthy, Edith McCar- aspect of the game will be covered thy, Laurynd Mentus, Lena M'eoni, with the fundamentals and playing-« First Congregational. Church tion exercises of Gordon C. Swift July 4 has been postponed one here. The program 'will include a. .Junior High School held June 19 Reynard Mich and, Marilyn Miller, rules 'peculiar to that aspect as pot luck dinner .and. business at t>-•-••,school gymnasium. A class Priscilia Miller. Edward Mit- the subject for /he day, Batting week, to July 11. chell, Rosalie , Florence meeting. of 162 students was graduated. is the subject of today's clinic. The planning committee for the "I"llose receiving awards, and the Murray, Eileen Nadeau, Carol Na- Each Friday morning at 10 a.m. tali. Joan NataJi, Arline Nelson, Dr. Russo Plans To event includes Edward S. Mattoon, category of the awards, were as a basketball clinic will be conduc- president, of Terry ville: Mrs. follows :: Edward Nelson, Roy Niklasson, ted, along the same lines as the David O'Blenes, Edward. O'Brien, baseball, offering, If • sufficient Open New Off ice Seymour Smith, Hostess of the Sally Tehan. Best All Around Arline Osborne. Jacqueline G,s- Day; Mrs. John, Crane, secretary; SI udent:" * Linda Hoffman and. An interest is shown,,, Walsh commen- Dr. Richard M.' Russo will open bor ne, Ray m ond P ac cadol m. i,, ted, the play .ground will have its his office July 1 for the general Miss 'Charlotte Isham of Wood- dre Giroux, "Most Improved Stu- George Palomba, Barbara Panil- bury and Miss Helen Mattoon of dents;"" Sally Tehan. "''Highest Av- own softball.,,, baseball and track practice of dentistry at Straits aitis, John Paskevicz, Esther Pa- teams for boys of all ages. Those Tpke. and, Middlebury Rd. in, Mid- Middlebury, and .Edward Smith, of erage in .Latin;"" Ruth, Donahue, ternoster, Demise Peluso, Thomas dlebury. Hartford. "Highest Average in French;;'" Perazella, Angeline Peruglni, Ho- interested are asked to leave their Roberta Waltz. ""Highest Average1 ward Picard and Alton Plna/rd... ~ name with the supervisors, Dr., Russo, son of Mr. and Mrs. in Algebra,;" Sally Tehan, "Cre- The Arts and Crafts program, Michael Russo, 87' Francis St., ative Writing Award;"* Sally 'Te- Also: Gary Porter, Alfred, Pro- will start today from 11 to 12 in has completed, his internship at ll {in, Barbara Hughes, Tarn sen vost. Katherjne Roberts, Gordon, the morning under the direction of Waterbury Hospital. He is a. gra- Richardson, Arthur Rodia, Larry Trudy Thompson, duate of Crosby High, School and. MAS I — A son and second child, Malia, Donna Davidson, Bonnie Charles Stephen, was 'born to Bracker, and Roberta Waltz, St. Sauveaur, Patricia Schaf'fer, Special, playground contests will Tufts Dental School. Barbara Semenetz, Mary Ann Ser- be conducted, as the season pro-' Dr. Russo is married 'to the for- Mr. and Mrs. Donald Masl of, '"'Outstanding Latin Students'"' ci- 'Eddy St. on, June 21 In, the St. tation; Charles Atwood, ""Highest ra, Joseph Simons, Diane Sirois, grasses, "Walsh said, with an- mer Angela, Na.pi.ello of this city 1 Sharon Sirois, Elaine Smart, Jon- nouncements In the papers and at and the couple have two children, Mary's Hospital: % Mrs. Masl is Average in American Historyy' , , the former1 Frances: DesRochers. g ih Joseph and Janice. Grade; Sally 'Tehan,, "'High- na Smith, Fred Sonntagg, Robert " the playground. est, Average in Scien.ce": and Etaina LaBoda, cited for "Profici- BOOKS * RECORDS * PICTURE FRAMING ency in .Art,.,'" JUST RIGHT 'FOR THE FOURTH - The roster of Swift Junior High AND ALL SUMMER LONG!' ' graduates this year includes: C L A ¥ ¥ & T U T T L E Margaret Anderson. Roy Bates, Ronald Beach. Aviva .Beefier, Ju- - Wood b ti r y dith Berch, James Bernier, Kim P Blanchard, Elizabeth Boisvert, POOL SPECIALS K.-ithleen Bpjisvert, John Bosko, announce the opening o James Bovat, Barbara. Box, Wil- 4" x 6" Square Type' Wading 'Pod' liam. Box, Marlene Brads haw, Ja- R IE G U LA R $12,75 N O W mes Brennan, Bonnie Brucker. $10.59 1 Bonnie Bryson, Mary Ellen Budd, of a IX-u-id Butter field. Clara. Cash, 6" x 6'- Square' Typ« Wading "Pool Maureen 'Cassidy, Roger Charbon- REGULAR $24,95 N OW WA T E R T O W N B R A N C H iieau, Ronald Clark. . Douglas $19.95 CnpelinrU Richard Curtiss Sha- m iiin Cuiull i Doiothj Ddddona on Deforest Street HPI tint Daddona Donna Davidson O I urns Dilibertn Ph>lhs Ditillo o Rnlli Duniliue Kenneth Drodnllo (Old Post Office Building) O Sinun Dii^er Nancj Ebreo and CIRCULAR POOLS Lcrturc ±Jid 8" Diameter, 17 inches deep Also Cat> Fenn John Filli- BOOKS * RECORDS * PICTURE 'FRAMING -* ]» me Kithleen Finnemoie Thom- REGULAR $2:5.95 NOW $20.90 •>^ Foi in Theiesa Fottin Mai i- Kn fiench Ann Gallagher, Clif- 10' Diameter, 21 inches deep fmd C iirrison Kenneth Ga>lord REGULAR. $37.95 , NOW Ji>ee Ueddes Sandia Genung $29,50 N incv Giordan Andre Guouv TREASON. INC. Terence Gleu Patrick Graziano Didne Creaies, Ronald Greaves Call us for your racidential wiring. For estimate*. Joan Giegor>, Judith Guerrera, Emergency repair. Commercial wiring. Soy, MAKE T mmis C uinea James Hailey, WESTERN AUTO Nithan Hale Joseph Hartle, Da IT ADEQUATE WIRING 1 " nd Ha>es Hairy Hermalak, Up» \ erl> Hickco\, Douglas Hobble ASSO. STORE 510 Main St. OAKVILLE - Tel. CR 4-2589 Linda Hoffman Barbara Hughes, MAIN ST. WATERTOWN N inc> Hunt John Ja>ne John Ke- ciinj Jud> Kenneson Louise Ken- OPEN FRIDAY. N1TE UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK A Licensed Electrical Contractor Sine* 1927 ne> Caileen kolpa Shaion Kolpa »„*

ACTION "is the American •Council Tto Improve' 'Our In this,, as fa, many other community affairs, CLM» Neighborhoods. It is a continuing nationwide program, men and women are •trained *>_ pull their full share of of voluntary individual activity to make every town 'the load, and to contribute in. every possible way.. CL&P and city reach its, greatest potential. works hard to be a good citizen .in. every town, we" .serve. CX&P has studied, with the ACTION officials. 'Their experts, and other prolessiooali in town ami «ty develop- ment have .net with the CL&P local managers to acquaint . them with the ACTION 'program. • ACTION is a sound plan, that can help older town* to bold their beauty, and help growing towns to direct .their expansion wisely. • i!our ,«MO roWIM COMPANY I Barbara M. Jiran, Clark, N. J., | TOWN TI Itft S (WAT E RTOW M,, C ON N.,), J U IN E 2€ : 958 — PA G E 5 Weddings J and Miss M'. Sally Porter, New Bethlehem News Zealand. By Paul Johnson I to be operated under "little sai-y insurance and will provide Bowling — Beaulieu equipment, coaching and gener.il PropertyLeonar ofd J. theGarlgliano, WatertownBedford A, new baseball diamond fo r Historicaluse league" regulations . . . BoySocietys Miss .Jean Lois Beaulieu, daugh- Hills, was best man, and guests must: be accompanied by at least supervision',. of Bethlehem teams is taking The death o: Tuesday of last ter of Mrs. Vincent Cofrancesco, were ushered by -the bridegroom's shape on a plot of .ground on the one parent in order to register brother, Thomas J. Bietz, John j week of Edwu I 3onard Willis, North. Street, OakviUe, and Al- fair .grounds, allotted for the pur- ,. . . John Wildman and Joseph Di- Bellamy rd.. at the age of 28 left phone Beaulieu of Thomaston, Citron, White Plains, N. "Y., and pose by the Bethlehem Fair So- Rodney Dubols, Florida, former Biase will take the registrations a wide circle of his Bethlehem became the bride June 21 of John watertownhistoricalsociety.orgciety . . . The diamond will, be friends saddened,, for the number college- classmates, and Charles and supervise the tryouts . . ., Richard Bowling, son of Mr. and laid out for use by,, a two team of friends he leaves in, the commu- Mrs, Henry J. Bowling of Water- E. Woodward, Watertown. league of 'boys 9 to 12 years of The teams will hold one practice Music for the ceremony was session and play one game each nity exceeds 'those to be expected, bury in ceremonies at St. Mary age, sponsored, by the Men's Fel- in the relatively short period cf Magdalen Church. provided by George H. Morgan, lowship of the Federated' Church, week during July and August . . . organist and Pasqual Raumando. The Federated Church Men's Fel- time .in which he resiJ * in Beth- Rev. Richard J. Bowling, S. J., the Bethlehem Pony League team, (Continued on Pa 7) College of the Holy Cross, Wor- Bedford Hills, soloist. Out - of and a, men's Softball league . „ . lowship has arranged,' the neces- cester, Mass.., uncle of the bride- town guests .were present from Rough levelling of 'the diamond groom, performed 'the ceremony New York, New Jersey, Massachu- was done by Raymond Leaven- Martial Veillette, organist and setts and, .Florida. worth, and a, large amount of fill- William Slasby, soloist and cousin The bride Is a, graduate of St. donated by H. Samuel Root, Jr., •of Mr... .Dow]ing, offered the musi- Margaret's School and Smith Col- was hauled to the site by Ames WATERTOWN CONCERT ASSOCIA i ION cal program. Romeo J. Lavoie, lege, - Northampton, Mass..,, class Minor, Dwight Bennett and Tho- Oafcvilie, escorted his niece 'to the of 1958. Mr. Bietz was .graduat- mas Kelley . .. ,. Ames Minor and Tickets Available For 1958-59 Season altar. ed, from Bedford Hills High, School Dwight Bennett furnished the 'Hiss Dianne Beaulieu - was her and. Dartmouth College, Hanover, trucks . .. . On Sunday a group of sister's honor attendant,- while an- N. H., class of 1,957. He received volunteer workers under direction other sister, Miss Shirley Beau- his 'master's degree from the of Joseph DfBlase and John Wild- See end Hear Some of lieu,. and Mrs. Peter Rossi, of Amos Tuck School of Business Ad- man gave efforts toward, comple- Middlebury, attended as brides- ministration at Dartmouth 'this tion of 'the Infield. maids. month. In September, he will be- 'This Sunday at 2 p.m. boys »rom WORUTS RtfST ARTISTS Frederick R. •Bowling, of New gin study for his PhD degree in 9 to 12 years of age are invited York City, was 'best man for his busines at Columbia University to the diamond to register and cousin, . and ""guests from Connec- on a Ford Fellowship. have tryouts for one of the teams 1. New York City Center Ballet ticut, New York, and Massachu-t setts were ushered by' Omar Mi- Group— ehaud, Jr., uncle of the bride, and. now over Paul *. Richards, of Wins ted, cousin. with Andre Eglevsky and Melissa Hay den. of the bridegroom. 40 MILLION • Following their return from a wedding 'trip to Bermuda, the cou- 2. J nil Hard String Quartet ple will, make their home at 7 Plaza Avenue, Waterbury. STRONG A. reception for approximately 3. Daniel Abramst Pianist 250 guest's was held' at the Lift The Latch Inn, Middlebury. The bride is a. graduate of Tho- 4. Saidenberg Little Symphony maston High School. Mr. Bowl- iSai'e confidently with ing, an alumnus of Crosby High, Orchestra School, received, his B.S. degree- FIRST frorn the University of Connecti- Tickets or more information may be obtained by phoning cut this month. FEDERAL Wtn., CR 4-1933 or by writing to George .Dietz, Jr., Dietz-Candee R..FB Northfield Rd., Watertown Miss Elizabeth Lou Cand.ee, SAVINGS •daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ells- 1 worth Thompson, Candee, Beach AND 'LOAN ASS'N OF WATERBUfflf Tickets for entire series— Avenue, was married June 21 in 3% Current Yearly Rale Adults $7.00' —• Students $4.00' the First Congregational Church, 50 Leavenworth St. to Peter Owen Dietz, son of Mr. and Mrs. William. Edward Dietz, Bedford Hills, N. Y... in an, after- noon ceremony conducted, by Rev. John H. Westbrook. (The event When it comes to driving , , . was followed, by a garden, recep- tion at the Candee Home. , Given in marriage by her par- ents, the bride was attended by Mrs. James R. Somers, Roches- ter, N. Y., formerly of Woodbury, as matron of honor. Bridesmaids Economy is what you save - included Miss Patricia M. Ander- son, Woodbridge, formerly of Naugatuck; two former college classmates. Miss Nancy M. Walk- er1 of Rochester, N. Y... and Miss not what you do without

Next lime Try That's why Ford economy Is My Kind of true economy! The facts are Dry Cleaning... plain. With the 58 FORD: SANITONE! 1. You don't have to do without modern styling to own a car within your budget World-famed Thunderbird styling, a Ford exclusive,, gives: luxurious beauty to every 58 _ Ford. Yet Ford has the lowest-priced* convertible . . . and the lowest-priced* V-8 .sedans and station wagons, on the market today! You'll', drive these beautiful cars with pride 1

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Nothing Else Gets FORD Clothes So Clean! MILEAG No disappointments' when we1 MAKE 'dry clean, your clothes; the extra-thorough Sahitohe way! 3. You don't have to do without lively performance to save on gas It gets, out ALL the dirt ., . . The liveliest, most powerful Six. you can 'buy is1 Ford's Mileage Maker Six. It's the only brings back store-freshness to truly modern Six in any car today. With its exclusive short-stroke, low-friction design, colors, patterns and textures. this engine delivered the most actual miles per gallon of any car in Class A in the last two Mobilgas Economy Runs! Six or V-8 the savings are great in a Ford! Better press, lasts *Batsd «m a ™mfari»« of manufaj-lurrrs' sum/ttUd retail d&wend print longer, too! Call WITH PERFORMANCE, STYLE AND COMFORT THAT MATCH IT'S SAVINGS 1 on us today. -. i,.» W, "I • 111 K S., II:;;» F. >l... K... 11 .T. (HA X \ E L S 58F©KD IT, A < : • i. A V,. IF it I... H::m P. >l... I-:. I».T. C • H A \ \ K I. .2 Allyn's Cleaners & Dyers THE WALTER WOODS MOTOR CO. 15 Echo Lake Road, Watertown 975 MAIN ST. CR 4.2564 " . WATERTOWN, CONN. Tel. CRestwood 4-1636

Free Pick-up and Delivery Service FOR 1 BETTER BUY IN A USED CAR OR TRUCK, IE SIRE TO SEE OUR 4^> OR OTHER SELECTIONS 1 •" • •> A q . ,: - J - -.<• a i." > i • iA ,.i -•*• •> u*v.- rvr a ^ T ,a »/' • 9 a M • "*" y **' <" "*• PAGE 6 — TOWN TIMES (WATERTOWN, CONN.),, JUNE 26, 1958 N. J.; a" daughter, Mrs. Frank along with, 'their courses of study, Bliss,' of Spn Diego, Cal; a son, Thirteen Students are as follows: Denis Anctil, Car- daughters, Mrs. Walter McOmber James Birgt. of Seattle, Washing- pentry; Peter Planner, Tool and ChurchProperty Notes of Watertown of, Mrsthe. Ernes t WatertownCipri- ton; a brother, Joseph Briody , Historicalof Local Graduate sSocietyDie; Marion Booth , Beauty Cul- First Church of Christ. . ano of Gakville, Mrs. Frank Wag- Portland, Oregon, and two grand- ture; Robert Brazee, Tool and Sc i e nt i st, Wa te r bu ry ner of New Haven and Mrs. Frank children. Of Kaynor Tech. Jean-Paul, Chaine, Automobile: Sunday — Sunday School and TYavers of-Waterbury; 28 grand- - Funeral services "were held June Die; Gerald Brouette, Automobile; Wilfred Doucet, Carpentry; How- Nursery at 10:45 a.m. Sunday children and 3 great - grandchil- 23 In Charleston with burial at Watertown and. OaKville were re- 1 Services at 10:45 a.m.. and 7:30 drenwatertownhistoricalsociety.org. Sunset Memorial Cemetery there. presented, by thirteen graduates in ard, France, Drafting ;John Mar- p.nf- "Christian Science" will Funeral services were held June the .Class of 1958 at Warren, F. coux. Drafting; Richard, Marti, Au- be the subject of the Lesson-Ser- 23 at the Hickcox Funeral Hotae, Plan little League' Kaynor Technical School, gradua- tomobile; Allen, Neuman, Carpen- mon for the day. The Golden with Rev. Oscar L. Locke officiat- tion exercises held recently at the " try: Francis Reese, Carpentry;, Text is from Isaiah (40:5)': "The ing. Burial was in Hillside Ceme- (Continued from. Page 1) school. and, Edmund Schulze, Tool, and Die. glory of the Lord shall be re- tery, Torrington. still open for any boy in town be- Graduates from' the local area, vealed, and. all flesh shall see it Assigmnents' were made to these together: for the mouth oi the Mrs. Edward Birge team's at a practice session held i • • • • < i • • • • • Lord hath spoken it Selections Mrs. Mary (Briody) Birge, wife May 27' at. Judd Field, it was an- •from the Bible include the follow- of Edward Birge, a farmer Water- nounced. 'Those who did not at- - ing: "For the .eaith shall be town resident, died June 20 at the tend this session, even 'though, ESTATE AUCTION SALE filled with the knowledge of the Cha r leston M emor i al Hos pi ta 1, •they had, previously filled out an glory of the Lord, as the waters Charleston, W ..Va... after a long application card, were not as- Estate of the lore Chories Poole Kellogg, to be held cover the sea" iHabdkkuk 2 141 illness, according to information signed to a team unless they con- Wed.nesd.i.y — Meeting includ- received here this week. tacted, the Assistant Player Agent at his late residence, 83 Prospect St., ing testimonies of Chnstnn Sci She was born. and. educated in since then. Any others still in- Waterbury, -'Conn. ence healing, at 8 p m Waterbury, a, daughter of the late terested in playing should contact James and Margaret I'Bolun) Bri- Harry Carlson at CR 4-8690!. Christ Church ody of Water bury, and had resid- Volunteers for umpires are also SATURDAY. JUNE 28, 1958 Sunday - Holy Communion it 8 ed in Charleston for many years. desired. Fathers would be asked a.m.. Morning Pra.\ei and Sei Besides her husband, she is sur- to umpire the nights their sons 10:00 A.M. Sharp mon at 10:45 a.m.. \ ived- by two sisters, Mrs. Joseph, are playing, it was explained. Conlon and Mrs. Harry Rake, both, Those interested are also asked All Saints' Parish of Waterbury; a, third sister, Mrs, to contact Mr. Carlson at the LISTING NOT AVAILABLE AT PRESS TIME Sunday •- St.. Petei sDn Hoh Frederick Rhodes, of Union City, above number. Eucharist at 8 and 10 i m Please' bring your own folding* chairs, and1 lunch. St. Mary Magdalen Reception Bereft Please make your own arrangements for trucking. Friday -- Devotions in honoi of The Sacred Heart at 7 p m REPLACE YOU* Everything must be removed from the premises Saturday — - Church ripens -it 7 -to day of sale. a.m. First. Anniversar> Requiem OLD ANTENNA NOW High Mass at 8 ;i..m for Henn with the genuine Broussenu, requested b> his n lie Anniversary Requiem High Mass Wonder-Helix Sale by order of Waterbpry 'Bank. a. t 8:30 p.m. for Mrs I n c a i n 11 a and Peter Cipiia.no. i equested b> TIHNA PHILIP SWEEDLER, Auctioneer and Appraiser their daughter. Rose Nuptial High Mass at 9 a.m for Richird 1 SEE the difference I Krass and Ann Magnuson Cun Washington Road - Route 47' - Woodbury, Conn. fessions from 11:45 to 12 la 4 to Enjoy better black and white reception—COLOR TV' 'tool 1 5:30! p.m. and 7 to 8 p m Call Woodibury COngress 3-29 14 or 3-3275 or Sunday — Masses at 7. 8, 9, 10. 11 and 12. Baptisms at 1:30 p.m.., New Haven LOcust 2-5065 or week days by appointment. A C E & J TELEVISION family Pilgrimage will be held to or Write: PHILIP SWEEDLER the new shrine in Litehfield. Ga- AND FLOOR COVERINGS thering time at the shrine is 3:30' 20 Maplewood Road New Haven, Conn,.. p.m. Mrs. John Pierce, C'R 4- STRAITS TURNPIKE WATERTOWN 31.45, is in charge of transporta- Tel. CR 4-3 03-5 I ••••••••••••••••••O••••••••••• " tion. The children of Mary Socialists wish to thank a,II. who made their Pastry Sale a success, including the "Honorable Bernard I Charlie) Marcoux of the Fulton Market. Religious instructions for the John Red' Larkin Confirmation Children (grade 61, July 7 to 26 from. 9:30' to 10:30 on IMonda ys. Tn esd a ys, W ednesdays Says; and Thursdays for those who do not attend day camp; from. 9:30' to 11:30 a.m. on Friday and. Saturday Come in today for the ride of your life in a car for Day- Campers. which was born in the Alps and takes to the The First Holy Communion Class (grade 2t wi.fl have instruc- hills of Waterbury and New England like a tions from, July 28th to August 8th "JOHN "Red"' LARKIM Monday through Friday from 9:30 duck to water. You will be amazed by the start- •to 10:30 a.m. ling performance of this wonderful little car. F ii rst C O1 n g r eg a ti o n a II Sunday - Fu <>t of a series of Union Summei Sei\icfe^ with the Methodist Chinch a) 10 a m in the First Congi ecational Church Thursday - Annu il Church Pic- nic at the home of Mr and Mrs BORN IN THE ALPS Frederick o Cimp "\Iiddlebui\ Nature's Oldest Road, 6:30' JJ m \inintj people of High School a^e ind adult mem j and Toughest bers of fhr chinch are lmited to Proving Ground. attend. Methodist Church Sunday — Union Summer Ser- vices with the First Congrega- tional Church at 10 a.m. in the First Congregational Church,., Come See U n i o n C o n g ir e g a t i o n a I Sunday — Public Worship at 10:45 a.m. Children will be bap- Cctr e - Drive tized at this service •" Parents wishing to have I heir children bap- tized are requested to report to Mr. Locke. Vacation Church School will be FRISKY held from July 8 to July 20, for children of the kindergarten, pri- mary and junior ages. Terry Clew will represent- the -church at the Silver Lake Confer- ence in Sharon, lie is the presi- 00 dent of the Junior Pilgrim Fel- lowship. 500 1185 St. John's Church Delivered I net. Thursday — Anniversary Requi- T Sales Tax ©• Registration em, High, Mass at, 8 a.m. for Daniel Sullivan. .Friday — Anniversary Requiem High Mass at 7 a.m. for Mrs SAVE on Fl COST . SAVE on FUEL COST Achille Desruisseaux. Sacred Heart Devotions at 7:110 p.m.. Sunday --- Masses at 7, 8, 9, 10 Such mileage . . .• power-,. . . roominess seems You'll love its distinctive Italian styling . . ,. and 11 a.m.. In Bethlehem at H incredible . . , seats 4 adults with comfort! and 11 a.m. Evening Devotions convenience . . . and economy. at. 7:30' p.m.. For second car ., . . or 'family first car ,. ,. ,., Fiat is the perfect answer. Economical from 'A, WORD ABOUT SERVICE: Back of every Rat Obituaries the word go. And how it loves to go. Hills• we sell is complete, prompt-and capable ser- Mrs. Norman Thompson were made for it. And it takes to the open Mrs. C n r a IC11 ii re I I ) T h om pson, vice. Our personnel has been specially 'trained; 85, of French Strt'et, widow of road with gusto. Parks in pint-sized spots. our parts inventory has been fully stocked. ' "" Norman W. Thompson, died Junu Threads deftly through toughest traffic. 19 at the Waterbury Hospital af ter a short „ illness. Mrs. Thompson was born in Kent June 25,' 1872, the daughter of William, Serptha (Fish) Church. • She lived in Oak.vil.le and Water - town for 45 years. She was a member of Union, Congregational ORT M0T0 Church. INC. Survivors include two sons, Cla- rence Thompson of Oakville, and 657 Wateriown Awe., Waterbury PLaza 3-2101 Willis Thompson of Newtown; four BGttllcllCHl NCWS ARC intermediates, 10 tp 11 last Saturday eve attracted a large1 TOWN TIMES (WATERTOWN, CONN,.), JUNE 26, 19.58.— PAGE 7 (Continued from. Page1 5) a.m., Brack Fenn, Judith Jimmo, throng of folk:, with: proceeds of Elizabeth Langlois, Martin Lang- the event to be used, in community in Waterbury on Monday night ,. . Cow Attacks Woman leheni, and the town joins in ex- lois, Wendy McGhee, Dart Risley, work projects: of 'the Grange ., . Mrs ...Alice Kitchin is a surgical Mrs. Marguerite Davis, 62. Car- pressions of sympathPropertyy to his be- Raymon dof Shupenis the, Fred Barnes Watertown, On Monday .night a meeting o f thHistoricale patient at the Hunger ford hospiSociety- mel hill, was remove d to the Wa- Jam es Ka cerg u i s. Grange viewed a, fashion show ti- reaved, family . ,., . He was a, naVy 1 tal, Torrington Miss In a Lake, terbury hospital, on Saturday after veteran, having. served, as Fire ARC swimmer, advanced swim- I tied "Shades of Dior " which, was East St., is on a vacation, trip to sustaining .injuries when attacked Mian 3C on the Kersage ana Ley- mer and survival course, 10 to 11 presented by the Grange home ec- Bermuda . .. ,. Application of che- by a cow on the Davis farm ... . . te, and had received, an .award a.m, Harold Huff, Bryan Keilty, onomics committee . Meeting micals to waters of Long Meadow Mrs. Davis was leading a. calf of from. Rear Admiral Sherman for Chriwatertownhistoricalsociety.orgs Risley, Prue Risley. of the Catholic Women of Bethle- pond for purposes, of killing weeds the cow to pasture at the time .; .. Meritorious service' in saving' the Red beginners ,11 to 11:30 a.m.,hem last Thursday eve selected was earned .out .on, Tuesday, after . Hospital authorities said she had life of a shipmate ,. . , He had, Richard. Butkus, Mike Codiana, date of Nov. 8 for holding of an- having been postponed several possible rib fractures and a spi- 'been active In work of 'the Boy Bobbie Hill, Sarah Nurnberger, nual dinner dance, .and announced times. nal injury. Scoots, and. Sea Scouts,- and was a Michael Palangio, Paul Paluskas, that next, meeting of club will con- member of the Sons of Matacha . Philip Pratt. ' sist of a pilgrimage to Lourdes of . ,. His death at the Waterbury hos- Blue beginners, 11 to 11:30 a.m.litchfield . . . Bethlehem, Commu- pital followed a. short illness, and Ly,nn Adams, Virginia Bouffard, nity Club held a picnic meeting on funeral .services were held on, Russell Gorwin, Mike deary, .Ann Tuesday eve at 'the town, beach at. Dr. Richard All. Russ,o Thursday from Maiorano Funeral Getty, Janice Goodwin, Paul Mad- Long Meadow pond. Home, Waterbury, to St. John's dox, Susan Marti, David Nurnber- Summer Church Program Wishes to Announce Church, Watertown, with burial ip ger. The Opening Of His Office- St. John's Cemetery, Watertown. • A, summer program of services Boen "in, Watertown Nov., 8, 1929, ARC beginners. A, 11 to 11:30 at the Federated Church was for the practice of General Dentistrj be was the son-of AUerton and, a.m., Diane Dorothy Adams, Glen placed in effect this past Sunday .Alice (White) Willis, .and had been Adams, Kathy Assart, Charles with morning worship at, 9:3.0 a.m. on JULY 1st, 195 8 a resident of Bantam, six: years Bock,- Margaret Bock, Hannelore ...... Dance recital given, under di- Book, Norman Book. rection of Mrs. Evelynne Bouffard Corner of Straits Turnpike and Middlebury Rd.., before moving to Bethlehem a held last Saturday eve at ye Con- year ago ... He had been em- ARC beginners. B. 11 to 11:30 'Middlebury ployed by Davis and Nye, Water- a.m., Thomas Box, Elsie Butkus, solidated, school attracted a large Pegeen Butkus, Joseph Butkus, throng of folks ,. ,., . Radio "hams" O.FFJCE HOURS BY APPOINTMENT bury, for five years . . . Besides from, this area, held an outing on his parents he is survived by his Phillip Butkus, Mark Codianna, ' Phone PLaza 8-9742 wife, Elizabeth Patricia (Nar- Lee Dop, Diane Cagnon, Shirley ' Sunday at the Bethlehem fair cisso) WUJis; one son, Terrence I Swett, Dorothy Rutkouski.cEduard grounds; and Waterbury radio club Edwin; two daughters, Kathleen Goodwin. will hold their annual field day at, Marie and Judith Ann, all of Beth- ARC beginners, C, 11:30 to 12 the grounds this Saturday and Sun- lehem; two brothers, Robert, and a.m., Tommy Hill, Ann Maddox, day . ... ., Attending 'the Democra- Allerton, Jr., BethJehem; two sis- Jimmy March, Steven Paluskas, tic state con.venti.oin in Hartford N O T I C E ters, Mrs. Thomas Lewis, Ban- Tommy Perrett, Robert Piazza, this Friday and Saturday are tam, anJ Mrs. Bartholomew Knox, Thomas Piazza, Caroline Root, Ralph Nelson, Edward Nelson. Jr., Litchfield . . . The ending of Dianne Monckton, DonaJd Monck- John Knudsen, Jr. and Paul John- Jannetty's Barber Shop ton. Lynn Motejaitis. Gar> Nurn- i son. such a career of service after so 678 MAIN ST. WATERTOWN! brief a span loaves a sense of berger. j Public Card Party (George's Market ••Building) tragedy amongst his neighbors in ARC intermediates, 11 to 12 j This. Friday "night is date of a our community. a.m , Bonny Bouffard, Edvsard public card party beinp given in, Bouffard, Doris Bos, Stei hanie Johnson Memorial hal! by the WILL BE CLOSED Water Safety Frank, Leland Krake Gerald Mes- Young People's Fellowship of The water safety instruction kun. Jimm> Mes! Merrill and Mrs. Da-kus Alan Land, Pnul Wnike \id Goss . They will be assist- Cue lipsmnei«, 11 >0 to 12 a.m. ed by Miss Sarah Keiltj, Miss Don Perrett *Alic.-' Rod en. Her- K N U D S E N Trurij Fatlert. Miss Prue Risley, t'e:t Root Kugene Warner. Miss Chris Rislej, Miss Joanne To -Revise By-Laws Pigari, Miss Yvonne Wohleis Miss Mar\ Hani;an lias been B R O S . Miss Juha Ann Bajsinger, ami apjiunied cl. Hi :iuin <>i ci ri.mmii- others. tee tu ie\i>o t!ie tu-!".<^ of t>e SALUTES AMERICA'S Class assignments are, red be- Morris - Bethlehem Public Health ginners, lu am to 10:30, Shellj Nu: sine Service . . . She is heinc; OLDEST INDUSTRY!! Bampton, - Ste\ en Bnckett, Pefer .ssi&ted b> Mis. F'eddick Brown -Keiltj.' Michael Keiltj, Frances Jr , Mrs, "p P Skilton .md Mrs Lanqlois, Laurel Miller. Lam IO ' H. Emer> Men lil ... A meeting Peterson, Peggy Sherwood, Ta- 'of the administrate e committee deusz Wasiiewski, L>nn I'rler. nl the sei". ice last wee-; h^itd a Blue beginners, 1U.3U to"-11 j report by the public health nui se a.m., Alfred Bnckett, Cruck Bn- Mrs Marv Sullivan, that she niaik kett Ro^er Courtot, Karen Juff, 168 visits' during May . . . Mrs Donald Jimmo, Gregurj, Kemj. Sullivan also reioited concernine; Kent Spulman. Mart a Wasiiewski, . her attendance at the Institute on Sheri MetlAen. Cardiac Conditions held recent 1> ARC bc-inners. 10 to lU-'X) a.m. !,n New Haven . The health ser- Kenneth Bates, Steven Brown, Tia- vice bas named Mis. Paul Giat'- \id Kacerguis, Martin Hates. Mat- herr as substitute fur .Mrs -Sul- (hew Kaceiguis, Jon Magnus. livan during tie vacation period ARC beginners, 10 3l) to 11 a m. and has entered into a contract Gaij Mc'ihee. Peter Sendzimir fur the sde of Christmas seals Charles Thompson, Danieile Min- in the coming season or, James Stack, Geraldine Crowd At Dairy Supper Thompson. Russell Rand Moniqje A dairv supper served by Beth- Minor. lehem Orange in Memorial ht-ll Here's To Your Health! Dairy Month, every month, drink to your heolth with milk . . . farm - fresh, flavorful, good for you.


PUT MO'RE Knudsen Milk and Milk Products (like our downright-good cottage cheese)1

ON YOUR, TABLE... People who want to enjoy home ENJOY COOL, REFRESHING. NUTRITIOUS ownership should weigh the ' KNUDSEN MILK advantages of home . . . DELIVERED, AT YOUR, GROCER'S. fin an cin g servic es available at any of our TEL offices ENTERPRISE 2420 for WATERBURY SAVINGS BANK P R O M P T Mutual Savings Bank Service Since 1850 r, coMwcncwr H O M E I .MAIN OFflCli North Main at $mffigt 1 Mill PLAIN OFFICE: 2S1 IMihi toad DELIVERY PLAZA OPfKEi 174 Cham temmm CHESMIE OFFICE] 1«0 .Main PAGE 8 —Property TOWN TIMES (WATER:TOWN of1, CONN.) the, JUNE 26 ,Watertown 1958" Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.orgFOOD A family £ea,st5 every meal /

$100 Seahest Homogenized Milk 4 qts.

quarts (Plus 2 Deposit) Holland Dry Soda CHEFBOV-AI SPAGHEni and MEAT BALLS Banquet Whole Chicken 3% «•d> 4 for $1 White Bread 17 r. G. A. Strawberry Preserve jar FLOOR CHEF BOV-AR-DEE RAVI1LI WAX 46-oz. tins $100 Hawaiian Punch 3 4 tins 51.00 QUART

CARAFLO STUFFED Olives refrig. jar 39 WESSON MAXWELL P.G.A. — PINT JAR Mayonnaise 33C OIL COF CHEF«BOVr-AR- MEW JELLO CHOCOLATE SPAGHETTI DINNER fwith neat or mushroom sauce) HALF GALLON $119 POUND BAG C Chiffon 2 29 ONLY mmmuwmm What A Wonderful Combination! MARIAN FROZ EN BIS Q UIC K r ' . Strawberries BAL LARGE BOX 10-OZ. PKGS. OIL SPAGHETTI SAUCE 5 (10 P.C. (wiHii meat or mushrooms) ONLY $100 OLIVE OIL) 39 GALLON Property of the Watertown HistoricalTOWN TIIMES (WATEIRTOWN Society, CONN.), JUNE 26, 1958 ; — PAGE 9 AT GEORGE'watertownhistoricalsociety.orgS MARKETS, INC MAIN STREET —WOO DBURY M AIN 5 T R E E T—W A T E R T O W N Open Friday Nrghrs Until f o'clock Open Thursday' & Friday Nights Until' 9 o'clock Open Saturday Nights 'Until 6:30- o'clock Open Saturday Nights Unfit 6:30 o'clock TOP LOWEST QUALITY EATS PRICES JUST RIGHT Split or FOR THAT Whole BARBECUE! each


feSHBNVOGD Beef Patties, Ready To Grill lib. 79c

NIZE Acronized Fryers Ib, 59c

CHEF BOY-AR-DEE Land 0' Lakes Hen Turkeys 12 to 141b. avg., Ib. 57c BEEFARONI4-$1 59 trds /LARGE SIZE CJrozen C/ooas BIRDS EYE CUT-UP HOUSE Watermelons FRYING CHEF BOY-AR-DEE CHICKENS eo. c PIZZA PIE MIX 4 Q, BIRDS EYE FEE (with cheese) •» # C JUMBO PAK EACH FRENCH FRIES 29 BIRDS EYE 89 JUMBO PAK CANTALOUPES RQ PEACHES 90 8* LARGE SIZE 3 for If W 2 US "V PEAS 27 Fresh Native STRAWBERRIES at. basket 39 FESTivai BO Burry's N. B. C. Armour's Star OREO or MISS WISCONSIN' LEMON SQUASH SWISS CREMES CHEDDAR ''CHEESE' Plcg. —39c Pfcg. —35c Lf. Pkg. — 69c CHEF BOY-AR-DEE Keebler's Sunshine Armour's Star MEATBALLS am $185 APPLESAUCE PECAN SANDIES COOKIES Cloverbloom Butter with 6RAVY 45c Bag —49c Bag — 43c Lb. Pfcg. — 77c medical supervision. Any 'healthy PAGE 10 — TOWN Til MIES (WATERTOWN, CONN.)-, JUNE, 26, 1958 Mrs. Peter Gibbons, Miss Con- Residents 'Urged' i person, can donate blood., without stance Gibbons, Miss Antoinette {Continued, from Page 1) any personal, ill effects whatsoev- Propertyeph Kennedyof, Mrsthe. Clarenc eWatertown Budd Jankovich, Mrs. Richard Cofran Historical- Society 1 .come to the rescue of •the program er, .and do the program a great: and Mrs. Theodore Beebe were cesco, Mrs,. David Craig, Arthur service. 'The' number to dial for School Activities Silva, Neil McCoIgan, Miss Patri- as 'they fid at the last' visit, with 'CU'I1111M I, tec membersi i.Ji't^* ,i,miu*~.« .j. . Severa*j ^. „ _*. Ml^ of an appointment: is CR 4-2684. The South School the sixth grade parents were pa- cia Scully. Miss Rebecca- 'French,- a record - breaking 196 pints of time to dial, it is .RIGHT NOW.- To mark the end, of a "success- trons and patronesses. . Miss Pauline Dinova, Miss Olive Mood. Time is .getting short in the pro- ful year" Miss Frances Griffin,watertownhistoricalsociety.orgTheme of the d a n c e was Ryan,, Mrs. Clinton M'clntyre, Some two hundred donors are blem of making' the next. Bloodmo- South School principal, gave a lun- "Around The World, In Eighty Mrs. Patrick Egan, Miss Margar- needed to assure the attainment of bile 'visit. a successful one. " cheon party honoring two teachers Days"'",-and represented 'the cul-et Burns, Mrs. Frank Manning, the town's 150 pint quota,,. The who will not return to the school mination of the pupils" study of Mrs. Elwin Pierpont, Mrs. Char- blood collection, unit will 'be' at the staff next, year. They are Mrs. European, and Asiatic countries. les .Robinson, Mrs. Rose: Guerin, Methodist Church from, '12:45 to Receives ftcnlc Of Major Michael' Murphy of Grade 1 - and The central, decoration consisted Mrs-.' Marcia Comaccio and Mr5:45. - p.m., on July 3. Appoint- Robert A. 'Reade, son of Dp. and Mrs. Joseph 'Robitaille, of Grades of a, large balloon showing a world Syl Loro.' ments may be made; to' donate, or Mrs. Edwin'G. Reade of Guernsey- map, with a gondola underneath. walk-in donors will 'be taken, but town ltd., has been promoted to 3 and 4. .Around the walls were large pos- time can, be saved, by making a. the rank: of major'with the U. S. Sixth Grade Dance ters illustrating various countries Baldwin School prior appointment. Red Cross au- Army, it was announced this, week,. The Oakville P.T.A. sponsored and floral, decorations were abun- Cited for 'perfect attendance at thorities 'point out. 'Call CRest- Major Reade is working in, the a. dance for the graduating 'Sixth Baldwin School, during the , past wood 4-2684 for an appointment graders recently at: the South dantly provided,. The youngsters, Pentagon, Washington, in the Re- dresse''-""^d i'«n thei«;.r . """fashionable school year were Bertha Wood- immediately, they urged local, re quirement Division, of the office School. Mrs. Richard Krantz was u ward ,of Mrs. 'Bridges'" second, sidents. of Deputy Chief of Staff for Log- I general, chairman, and Mrs, Jos- best", enjoyed modern and .square .grade, and, Corinne Bradshaw, Members of the Red, 'Cross staff istics. dancing, and refreshments at de-John Bunting and Darold Bovat of have held conferences with local corated tables. Mr. Brandenburg's fifth and, sixth industrial leaders during 'the 'past The sixth, .grades took a trip to 'grades. couple of weeks, seeking' to insure IRVING MclNTYRE Lake Quassapaug June 16. On the The three second, grades had heavy participation 'by local work- WATERTOWN last day of school, every room, their picnic recently at Echo Lake ers in the 'drive, and the coopera- had a party, and, the pupils, dress- with many of 'the children, 'braving tion of industrial personnel of- A in nou nc es Re o p e n i n g fices. They are optimistic about ELECTRIC ed in, 'their best, had an hour in the chilly breeze to go in swim- A PP LIA NC E R EPA IR classes, after which, they were in- ming, according to reports.. Oth- the results, of1 these conferences, of his troduced to their1 teachers for theers had fun catching frogs and and,.are looking to 'the local factor- All 'Types 'Electrical Wiring polliwogs, and all enjoyed a fine ies to supply a, large percentage Residential & Commercial next. year. of - the donors July 3. Painting Polk School lunch. 'The first graders held their pic- All persons who have donated - FREE ESTIMATES The Polk School faculty 'brought nic at the Fish .and Game Club off previously to 'the unit are asked to the school year to a ."pleasant Echo Lake Road, enjoying; a, hotmake a special effort to' 'be pre- Contractor sent this tune, since their assist- ,283 Middiebury He)., •close"- it is reported, with a dog roast. WATERTOWN ""Steak Cook-out" at the home of The fourth .grades had a picnic ance in meeting the quota, is ur- Business Mrs. Clinton Mclntyre on Middle- at Echo Lake, and Patrick, Bovat gently needed. Call CR 4-4928 bury Road. Mrs. Richard Cofran- marked 'the day by catching a New dono'.rs will be welcomed ee8,co was chairman, assisted by "huge bullfrog". also. "The process of donating, it Interior - Exterior Mrs,. Mclntyre, Miss Constance The D.A.R. awards for the "best, was pointed out, is brief, painless, Expert Workma nsh i p Gibbons, Miss Olive Ryan and notebooks on the state of Connec- and -administered under qualified. Miss Antoinette Jankovich. ticut were awarded, to James Bar- WATERTOWN Attending the event were Joseph nes and William Hebert of the KARPET KARE CRe s t w 0' o d 4.2040 P. Robitaille, principal of Polk fifth, grade classes. School, Mrs. Richard Van Riper, THE, FAMOUS BLUEBIRD PRINCETON CLEANING 'METHOD!! WATERTOWN ASPHALT PAWING CO. • Takes Only One Day Waterbury Watertown CR 4-4500 • (tight In You? Own MANUFACTURING COMPANY PL 4-3753 KNITTING Home or Our Plant. W A T E R T O W N CUSTOM MOLDERS OF AIL PLASTICS The 111,014, satisfactory cleanfny proposition we've ever come MANUFACTURERS of LIFETIME WARE JOHN YARMAL MILLS, INC. across!! It's speedy . . . It's APPLIANCE SERVICE efficient and it's inexpensive!! PLUMBING - WIRING CALL, US AND WE'LL TELL HEATING YOU ALL ABOUT I Til A P I Z Z A WATERTOWN Westl nghouse A ppl lanes* SERVED EVERY NIGHT Goulds Water Systems For Free Estimates— All Malms of Washing Machines Serviced PHONE CR 4-1636 101 Turner Avenue, Oakvtll* RO'S RESTAURANT Phone CRestwood 4-3915 ENGINEERED Ml 'Main: St. OakviTU, Conit. PLASTICS ALLYN'S Phone CRutwood 4-8069 THE AND' Cleaning Service AMERICAN "Bob" Aliyn Frank 'Barton Reception Bodf HEMINWAY 15 Echo Lake load SINTERINGS WATERTOWN REPLACE YOUR A ' OLD' ANTENNA NOW BARTLETT WATERTOWN INDUSTRY with ffW gsrwin* MFG. CO. Range & Fuel Oil Wonder-Helix BARIBAULT'S 000' MAIN tT.,,'OAKVILLE NYLON THREAD SEE lira difference I T«l. CRcrtwood 4-3284 or 4-1220 : tnjpy batter black and whit* reception-COLOR TV .loot BRAIDED LINES Let Us Estimate VAN ARR RADIO & ELECTRIC CO. WATERTOWN, CONN. on that ' 727 MAIN SI. - ' WATERTOWN PAYING JOB Also Power Pumping of Sept:to I Tel. CR 4-23 10 ^ Tanks and Cesspools. C A L L i < PRINTSNiG.'v /' F to OH ft iM'i,, uimsi ii^'ttat MATTY'S {ZUUU*'i , M( 111 Ci f IMI' Mil1 ICE I x'f! 4-3 6 36 ROOT & BOYD INC. \ * [ f; B' * 11 '• c» C f » IK i j; (in); 11 CR 235 No. Main St. - Waterbury CR 4-3 544 Insurance Underwriters Since 1853 Tat PL S-422* fry a. soft water • GENERAL INSURANCE • sham, pool ...REAL ESTATE... For COMPLETE Information about „ You see and feel the differ- 55 Center Street, Woterbury. Tel. PLaza 6-7251 ence. Your hair rinses soft BANK Travelers Budget and, clean, making if look 449 Main Street, Watertown, CRvstwood 4-2591 brighter, healthier! 'Round the Clock Plan Insurance Beautiful, hair is only one of many benefits you gain, Use Our a E E when, yon own a Fairbanks- SPRAYERS —DUSTERS Morse automatic water «o/> John B. Atwood fencr. INSECTICIDES 47 Roberta St. - Watertown An F-M softener saves NIGHT TEL. CR 4-1881 or PL 3-5147 money on soaps, packaged COMPLETE LIME OF GARDEN TOOLS Your Traveler* Agent softeners,' etc. . . . makes GARDEN SEEDS — GARDEN HOSE laundering easier . . . saves DEPOSITORY on. clothes . . . prevents pipa ' WIRE FENCING LOUIS A. LAUDATE clogging, thus catting plumb- any hour of the BARRELLED. SUNLIGHT PAINTS ELECTRIC OIL BURNER* ing bills. •ales, t*rvl«« * Repairs Let us show yon 'how easily "!»•• LAWN MOWERS you can own a, Fairbanks* DAY or NIGHT 'Sold, Serviced and Repaired Morse automatic mftenet, 'Of THE CITIZENS & WATERTOWN CO-OPERATIVE R. J. Black & Son MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED INC. NATIONAL BANK 2/ Dvpof' Stroot - Water-town, Connecticut of • PHONE CR 4-2512 ATE. Northfleld Road Waterbury. Connecticut •AXTTKLB. asm*. CRettwowtf 4-2271 " gram officials - believe that the TOW N Tl M E S (WATE RTOWN, CO IN N.), JUNE 26,, 1958 — PAGE 11 Reported Lack Of chilly weather kept many young- 36 New Voters sters away who otherwise would Kiely, Birch St., Elizabeth Em- Rd., Donald and. Joanna. Vitale, A. total of 36 new voters was mons, .(Kalis Ave., Patricia. Gale- Cutler St.. Pet if ionsProperty Prevents have gone of. Averagin theg the momWatertown-sworn in Saturday during the ses Historical- Society ing .and afternoon figures for the ski, Chestnut Ct Rose Concogro- playgrounds, and totalling with the sion, of the Board of Admissions. no, Slade Ave., and, Louis Xardi, Pre-Filing Check day camps laud tennis courts, a fi- They were: Jerome Gallagher, Hubbell Ave. Tax Relief Board Meets Copies of the petition for a re- gure -of .559 is reached. The com-Main St., Marjorie Palmer, Main ferendum on, the question of a town, St., Mary Hickcox, Main St., Eli- Also, Amodeo Marconi. Wood- The 'Board, of Selectmen will parable statistic for 1957 is 421. zabeth, Bracken, Artillery Rd., Dr. vine Ave.,, Alfred and Eileen Pro- meet, with the Watertown Fire Dis- hall addition, which were circula- It shoulwatertownhistoricalsociety.orgd be noted, however, that vost, Jenks St., Donald Giroux, trict auth.oii.ties as a Board of Tax. ted for several days last week, Polk School Playground, now open and, Mrs. James Gary, Walnut St., could, not be obtained for legal William, and Gladys Colbert, Syl- Cherry Ave.., Josephine Brar.ee. Relief on June 30 at. 7:30 p.m. in after two summers closed, while van Lake Rd Stedman Sweet, Frank and Virginia DeBlasio. •V office of the fire district. The checking before they were deposi- construction was in progress,, was Camp St.... Gilbert. Mauri el lo, Da- board will, hear appeals on, taxes ted with the town clerk, according not available to the 1957 program,. Litchfield Rd. vis St., Gladys Lantz, Judd Farm which may be presented. to' First Selectman Hungerford in Also, Anthony DiPrimio, Dal ton response to "n inquiry as to why High Points Reached St., Clarence Tappin, Lockwood the petitions, which proved to be Director Regan said that the re- Dr..,, Donald Byrnes, Hamilton defective, were not examined for gistration, of 94 for tennis instruc- Ave., George and Christine Fries, validity prior to their filing. tion was "by far the largest we've Vaill Rd., Carlton and Dorothy OLSON'S- The selectman said, "I made se- ever had". He also cited the Dains, Edgewood Rd,., Eleanor O'- veral attempts to obtain a copy of Baldwin Playground attendance fi- Neill, West bury Park Rd., Joseph the petition when I learned that: gures • as the highest attendance Zanavich, Woodruff Ave.,, John Ri- WATERTOWN GARAGE such petition was out. but I was un- there to date. chards, Cu minings Ave., Olive successful. I asked for a copy MAIN ST. WATERTOWN from, some of he Democratic i • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Town Committee members — Ar- mand Derouin, Marie Buckingham Headquarters for and, Donald Masi — but was fold Family Swimming at that all the copies were in the hands of persons1 circulating them MATAUCHA RECREATION AREA S c o 11 - A t w ai t e r and that there were no extra ones. (Smith Pond, Watertown) v y I. wanted to see the form of the pet it ion' and to check with town PICNIC AREA — SUN BATHING OUTffOARD MOTORS counsel as to compliance with the 'Open Now Until Labor Day and Statutes, . The Selectmen have al- 2 to 9 p., m. weekdays — 12 to 9 p. m. weekends ways followed the practice of checking petitions submitted and Season Family Membership . . . $15.00 warnings- foi town, meetings with Operated by Waterbury Central Y. M. C. A. ALUMINUM BOATS town, counsel lor legal aspects. (W at e rt o w n R esi d e m ts' We I co me) — Buy On Easy, Low Terms — The first direct word, I re- Day Camp June 27 to August 8 ceived about the petitions was last Saturday when the town clerk call- ed .me at my home to notify me that the petitions had been."filed DEL MONTE with her. 'There was nothing I could do over the weekend and, \ Monday morning I examined the CATSUP .... 2—14-01. bottles 33* original, petitions. The town clerk BUMBLE BEE. WHITE MEAT could not release any of 'them for C by law she is responsible for their custody. I asked again, for a copy TUNAFISH 7-0* can35 of the petition but was told that there were none left. I decided IN STA INI T IF UILJMl A R Ic to inquire from town counsel about the legal, aspects generally of a COFFEE Jumbo 6-oz:., jar petition for a referendum as this was something new for us, He WHOLE OR: SLICED *| Af Informed me that such petition needed the affidavit of the circu- COMSTOCK BEETS.. 3Q3 can 111 lator , regarding the signatures. G BEEN GIA N T TNJ M m ""There was nothing that could, c be done 'when I realized that, the PEAS .17-0* can 1 # petitions contained no affidavit for it was too late, since they had al- SUNK 1ST ORANGEADE - *i#|r" ready been officially filed, and ac- cepted without, my knowledge. CONCENTRATE. 2—6-oz. cans IT "I regret that the situation over the town, hall did, not come to a CLICQUOT CLUB head so that the town could vote and, settle the issue. The condi- SODAS 6—12-oz. cans tions at town, hall are such, that C H A'S IE & SA N BO R N ,f| M ' the subject will have to be brought up again, at another time so that c the town can decide what it pre- COFFEE Ub.can7| fers to do." Mr. Derouin confirmed the .re- Snow Crop port that there were no copies of Good Sire, Red Ripe the petition available when the CUT CORN 3 pkgs. 49c First Selectman inquired... He* said Snow 'Crop — Spears "We had over SO1 people out with petitions and no more copies were WATERMELONS ASPARAGUS pkg. left to hand out." Snow 'Crop — Cuts M4% Each 69c ASPARAGUS pltg. T JC Bald!win & Tennis SHOW 'Crop French Fries 3 pkgs. Draw Throng's In LARGE RIPE SWEET CHERRIES Ib. 39c Roman—Meat or Cheese Recreation: Opener FIRM RED RIPE TOMATOES 2 cello ctns. of 4 33c RAVIOLI pkg. Many more youngsters thronged Realemon — 6-oz. cans ©^j». to the playgrounds end day camps CRISP NATIVE ICEBERG LETTUCE 2 lieods 19c LEMONADE 10 forO/C of the summer" recreation pro- gram here on Opening day Mon- day than were present on opening day last year, in. snite of chilly weather and ijr.iy skies for the greater part: of the day. June Is Waterfront dire* tors d'tl not hold organized group swimming in DAIRY MONTH; the morning because of the chili Iv air temperature combined with All over America breezes and cool, water. Efforts Were largely directed to group games and other non-swimming activities. Recreation Direr tor John, F. Re- Fresh Creamery #T CHUCK ROAST gan noted that some swimming took place for a brief, ten minute BUTTER Mb. solid 6/ B L O C K S T Y L E Li. period Monday afternoon,, after the sun had. managed to break through Kraft DeLuxe—American or Swiss Fll BONELESS RIB STEAK Ib. 99c threatening clouds. He expressed the opinion, that several warm SLICES .. 2—8-01. pkgs. 07 days would, be needed to bring the Boneless Beef Shoulder Clod Roost. lib. 99c water up to a, more pleasant tem- Kraft — Sharp perature in Echo Lake and. Sylvan Lake (Slade's Pond). LIVERWURST—Best in New England Kb. 63c Regan quoted the following at- Cracker Barrel 8-oz. pkg. tendance figures for owning day: HAM LOAF — Pure Pork Product... Ib. 93c Baldwin Playground. - 90 morning., Philadelphia Cream ll^ 93 afternoon; Polk Playground, C5 .nn.orn.ing. 9G afternoon; South CHEESE ..-3—3-01.pkgs.// MINCED BOLOGNA — All Meat .. Ib. 63c School Plavground, 75 morning, 80 afternoon; Tennis. 94; Echo Lake Day Camn. 140: Sylvan Lake Day Camp (Slade's Pond.I, 75. Pro- FULTON'S DELICIOUS FISH AUTOMORILP? 500 WANTED SNOW WHITE HALIBUT ULTON 1951 to 1957 ., , NO1 WAITING \|OUR MONEY AT ONCE STEAJCS TOP VALUE JIT PAYS — TO SHOP STAMPS faRKETS We Trade Down - Up - Across LARGE COD " ~ WILL, GIVE YOU SEL MOTORS BEAUTIFUL 'FUL-VALU FILLETS VALUABLE J1I414 Main St. Watertown, Conn_._ GIFTS! Call CR 4-2&5 - CB 4-4215 PAGE 12 — TOWN TIMES (WATERTOWN, CONN.), JUNE'46, 1958. John Ferguson and Roger Make- Mosi Hits ' ,. peace as a committee -to nominate Rev. Macintosh Controversy •(Continued from Page'1) (Continued from. Page 1) Directors and, offifcers for the 1 J Thomas Mendenhall, director of 50 years of nothingness." coming year. (Continued from Page 1) (Continued from Page 1) ' the combined graduate teaching He assailed town government by Propertydre w ofup the petitiothen unde r WatertownAct 545 Historical Society 'Christian Social Relations, of the program for Smith and Vassar charging, "There' has 'been a lack diocese of Connecticut. He waswhich makes no reference to anyColleges and Yale University; Dr. of planning: in town on schools, Open House At recently appointed, chairman of a other statute and I believe the .pe-Harold Benjamin, director of the roads and the need far extension Smith Pond ^ new committee on urban Industri- titions are legitimate,.,"* Connecticut study of the .role of of services,. 'There has 'been no al church work in this depart- Judge Joseph M. Na'vin declar- the public schools sponsored by initiative on 'the part. of town gov- Open house at. the Mataucha Re- ment. watertownhistoricalsociety.orged, "It is unjust to deny the fran- the Ford, Foundation Fund for the:ernment to plan or, for that mat- creation area of the Waterbury Mr. Macintosh served, in eight chise' right of the 875, persons who Advancement of Education:; 'Robert. ter, do anything. We are paying Y.M.C.A. located at Smith Pond, in' South .Dakota parishes, including signed the petitions. The .petition Harry, president of the Connecti- ,5© mills- in, t&xea, eight of which Watertown will be held on June 28 several Indian missions. He haswas drawn in accordance with, (Act) 545 and it is my opinion. cut Association of the Boards of we pay to' 'the fire district in, Oak-and ' Jane 29. The "Y" operates. held diocesan appointments as a Education: and Joseph Porter, ville arid about 4 in Watertown and. this, area particularly'" to furnish, member of the trial court, the ex-that (Act) .347' does not refer to 545... Watertovvn Superintendent, of the real services we get are from summer' recreation opportuni- ecutive ,council, the •.Department of Schools. The subject to be dis-the fire districts and not 'the. town. ties, such as swimming, boating Christian Social Relations and, the Mr. HcNiff said, "If the peti-' lions were invalid before they were cussed is, "Kducatioh — Whose "There has been no, provision and picnicking, to families,. The Board for Examining Chaplains. Responsibility: Citizens, 'Govern- for planning. 'The town, fathers 'open house event is being held to There will be a special meeting filed, what can. you, do to make have had no1 vision, even worse, them, right now ? I think it would ment's or Professional. Educa- acquaint .residents of 'the area1 , with- of All Saints parish tonight to act be wrong to take action tonight." tors'?" 'they have not cared. The people the "Y's" program for family on ratifying the acceptance of the Selectman. Hungerford said, *"I Subjects for 'the succeeding de- are beginning to' see this. summer fun. pastor's resignation by the Ves-think it. would be unfair to .hold bates will be on national foreign: "We were opposed, to • frills in try. a vote or act on the; matter tonight policy and on "tie forces and im-education. We criticized 'the cur- for so many people have been led pact of advertising, ~ riculum.. We were laughed at, and to believe .there would be no vote Those planning to renew their then came Sputnik. We want to at this meeting but at a. referen- season membership to Discus- believe in, .our school ""board and in dum." sion's 1958-59 .series are urged to •our' superintendent, but we have fGAS~TOQNS| deviated, from the 'three R's. We Further discusison mas inter- do so as soon, as possible. Al- Test your though this membership renewal objcted to 'the misspent, emphasis ; By ' rupted when several of the voters in education asd we spoke out be- appeared at the door of the cafe- drive is not the annual member- teria and dihianded that the town ship campaign, •• renewals are fore Sputnik'.. sought now to save the committee "'We are spending 70 cents on Jack & own tubes meeting be continued the dollar on education. They fell Mr McNiff apologized for the a great deal, of time and effort with by reducing the large number of us 30 or 35, children in a class delay and explained the situation are too many. ' We are being ex- to the audience He icmarked, If contacts usually made when the America's dependable the petitions are invalid it would regular subscription drive is con-ploited on an emotional level and be a grave injustice to those pres- ducted, Mr. Luria explained. Let- they are using the love of our' chil- ent and to the signers of the peti- ters describing the series and. dren in doing it. Look at our tax tions who expected to go to the containing a. renewal blank have rate. Now they are talking about poJJs to \ote on the proposal The been mailed to all members. Any- a, new high, school of about two alternative is to adjourn this meet- one wishing further information million dollars. I daresay this ing Those in favor of the propo- about renewals or new member-1will, bring our taxes close to 60 sal for the addition \\ ill suffei ship to Discussions is asked to mills." the loss of a chance for a vote to- call Mrs... Charles B. Allen, CRestwood 4-3648. night which might support them "He's starting on his 'vacation , .. And those opposed to the addition Plan, Ballet Event 'won't buy gas from anyone else." although unable to hold a referen- sure I would have accepted the dum will in a sense gam a point (Continued from Page One) • petitions. You were well versed in You, too will . _ (They cow no more than unknown brands.) PROGRAM Anyone can easily test tubes the reliable, U-fttt-M way. No dials to set. Do it The tutoring program covers review' of a full year's younall - - - ll'i, te. Pmr only for work in various high school subjects,, with direct: the new lubes. 'Ask for tube removal instruction sheet. preparation for' make-up examinations in the fall. General Information TUT Ida TOfllS AT The Summer High School Session runs for six weeks from July 14 to August 22. Classes are one hour - each, live days a week. Hours, 7:30 to 1,2:30 A. M. Groups are limited in size to insure individual at- tention, LEO'S 'For Furfher Information Call or Write Confectionery 671 MAIN STREET POST JUNIOR COLLEGE METTOWEE STONE WATERTOWN 24 Central Ave.. Waterbury - Plena A-3658 C R 4 - 8 0 8 7 Vermont Slate O.K.'s GREAT 4th of JULY FLOORING Freedom from cracking Easy 'to clean Not affected by frost Long service Wide color range " Non skid v Unfading colors Fire proof Moderate first cost Exclusive design -NO T E METTO'WEE STONE (Sawed Slate) is available in. Stand- ard thickness (y4" - y9") and. Heavy (y8" x %"),.

Allowance is made in sizes for ys" joints. (Example: A 6:70 x 15 6:70 x 15 7:15 x 14 6" x 6" is 5Vx 5%"). METTOWEE STONE (Sawed Slate)"can be purchased in 6 MO. "GUARANTEE f§ 'MO. GUARANTEE 10 "MO. GUARANTEE cartons containing 10 square feet in. a, full range of colors. Small Size Units consisting of the following sizes: 3 x 3, 90* 3 x 6, 3 x 9, 6 x 6, 6 x 9, 9 x 9. Large Size Units consist- ing of the following sizes: 6 x 6, 6 x 9, 6 x 12, 9 x 1,2,, 2 -13" 2 ~ W 1,2 x 12. | WHEEL BALANCE $1.951 | FLATS FIXED 75c 1 Installation of Mettowee Stone For best results, Mettowee Slate should be laid, over a con- crete base. The process of installing Mettowee Slate .is similar to that of red quarry tiles. * PLUS TAX "ANI-D 'RECAPPABL'E TI'RE W E..I G'M T S FREE 8 HOUR CUSTOM RECAP SERVICE The Charm of Natural Colors • Vestibule • Hearth • Platform • Terrace • Sun Room • Nantel • Porch WATERTOWN • Recreation Room • Den CENTER SERVICE • Veranda

Rubber Wekfers EDWARD H. COON 909 MAIN' STREET, WATERTOWN' COMPANY 30 Depot St., WATERTOWN — Tel. CR 4-3939 OPEN DAILY 8 A. M. TO1 10 P. M,.- INCLUDING SUNDAYS MASON and 'PLASTERING SUPPLIES TEL. CR 4-8090 Open Until 12: Noon Saturday Property of the Watertown HistoricalTOWN TIMES (WATERTOWN , SocietyCONN.), JUNE 26, 1958 — iPAGE 13 watertownhistoricalsociety.org

LET'S EAT OUTDOORS!! SUMMER TIME IS "OUTDOOR EATING TIME"1. Picnics by the rood or stream, or just plain refaxin" outside the 'house can make mealtime easier for Mom, and fun for the whole family. Warmer weather is surely here now, so LET'S EAT OUTDOORS!

Tender, succulent steaks, SIRLOIN wonderful for charcoal broiling—oil cut from the 'finest heavy STEAKS steer 'beef LB. IMPORTED CUBED- Skinless Liverwurst BOILED HAM STEAK Frankfurters Old: Country Style Thin-Sliced For quick broiling Ic C ib. 99* 59 Ib. 59 ih

KOOL AID Mr. Whitney Cadet Asst. flavors RIPE OLIVES 23 PICNIC Large Can 25 Cliquot CAN SODA J A< Statler Colored Orange-Roof Beer-Ginger ftWeek-encf ahead NAPKINS Ale , , 6 cans Pkg. of 160 23 Gulden PEANUT BUTTER ... 14-oz. jar Jj Campbell MUSTARD Packer's Label PORK and BEANS 2—8V2-0Z. jars 29 2 Large Cans STUFFED Del 'Monte MIX Fanning's Bread and Butter Al) KETCHUP PICKLES Large Jar £ J ORANGE DRINK 35 46-oz. can 2—14V2-c«. bottles . Reynolds ' AA Kraft Miracle Whip Bond ALUMINUM FOIL . Large Pkg. £j Dixie AA SALAD DRESSING DEL PICKLES 39 Quart Jar .' 55 Quart COLD CUPS Pkg. of 25 £§

Crosse & BlackweJI Chase & Sanborn Chaise & Sanborn Hot Dog - 'Hamburg BARBECUE RELISH COFFEE COFFEE Large Jar 27 Lb. vac. tin ..., 93 Large Jar —


COOKIES SeabrooSeabrooik Whole - AAr Cari. Long White — U. S. No. 1 If'c ^ LB. BAG STRAWBERRIES 12-OB. £7 POTATOES.5lbs.39c—lOlbs. #3 NBC RITZ REALEMON LEMONADE—6-oz. can 10 for 89c WATERMELONS—Large. Red Cutting each 69c Morton Fruit Pies, Apple, cherry Peach., 2 for 49c PEACHES—Ripe. Juicy ...:: 3 lbs. 39c CRACKERS 33. BIRD'S EYE FRENCH FRIES 16-oz. pkg. 29c LETTUCE—Large Native Heads 2 heads 19c — BOX UV FRO-JOY ICE CREAM—AM Flavors..... Va 'Gal 69c TOMATOES—Red, Ripe—Pkg. of 4 2 pkgs. 29c EDUCATOR — USE PIK-KWIK's FREE PARKING SALTINES LOT AT REAR OF LB. BOX 29 STORE. KLEENEX TABLE NAPKINS PKG. 25* PR'tlfCE—Naples Style MACARONI 21 IS. VOX 92 MAIN STREET THOMASTON PAGE 14 — TOWN-TIMES (WATERTOWN, CONN.), JUNE 26, 1958 Barbara Ostroski, Nancy Palmer, Pilgrimage To Lourdes Peter Pape, Eleanor Paskevicz, Change In "Number 'The St. Mary Magdalen, Altar Propertycoteaux of, Judith the. Donahue ,Watertown Thomas Joanne Peck, Miriam Petrower Historical, Society List Graduates At Doran, Jr., Maureen Drodvillo, Dorothy Plotas, Robert Quint, El- List ing found In . Society will sponsor a family pil- Beverly Dubauskas, Patricia. Fenn eanor Richardson, Marge Rob- grimage^, to Lourdes in Litchfield. Kazimir Gaizutis. Martin Garris- erts, John Rowlison, Jeanne Rug- on June 129. 'Those planning to at- Water town High New Phone Books tend, are to rneef' at Lourdes at on, Robert. George, William Glo- Frederick Schaffer, Linda 1 The following local young men , g 3:3d p.m. Following the.rosary, and women were among the ninewatertownhistoricalsociety.org- ver and Elizabeth Graboski... | Simmons, .Peter Towle, Melvin Numbers will be listed, before sermon and, 'benediction, families ty-five graduates of the W'ater.town Also: Virginia Greene, JaniceiTerri.ll, Jr., Betty Thomas, Rich- na.in.es In VVatertown's ,1958 tele- may visit different points of inter- High School Class of 1958 at Grenier, Theresa Gui.ll.ory, Eli-, ard Valuckas, Beverly Vernovai, phone directory, being readied for est and also purchase 'religious Commencement Exercises held nore Gustafson, Frank Halcromb, Martha Watford, Margaret. Well, distribution here next. week. articles. Anyone wishing • trans- June 18. Officers of the class are Linda Hayes, Christine HuBer, Porter Woodcock, and Donald The new page format, first: of portation is asked, to call Mrs. Robert George, president; Thom- Patricia William Johnson, Wil- Woodward. its kind in, Connecticut, will make John Pierce, CR 4-3145. as Nadeau, vice - president;; Ju- liam. Kelleher, Jr.,- Beverly KJish, the phone book easier 'to use and Frances Koczur, Joan Kontout, Orchestra Members. dith Carlson, secretary: and Lin- Members of the High School Or- definitely easier on the phone us- Fifteen Students Cited da Simmons, treasurer. Wendell Kopp. Eric Kuegler. 'John er's eyes, according to George R. Lahr, Howard Laire, Peter i^aue, chestra, which supplied music for Listed on the class roll are: the ceremony, included: Nancy Fetes, local manager for the Sou- For Perfect Attendance Carol Abromaitis, Barbara Aitch- George Lock wood. Joseph Love- thern New England, Telephone Fifteen, students at Gordon Swift tere, Linda Luebbert, Joseph Ly- Aklns, Carolyn, Bagdon, Dianne ison, Sandra Arlington, Shirley Beaulieu, Frances Boisvert, Ruth Company. Junior High School have been cited - Basset t, Carole Batdorf, Pa.tr.ic.iii man, Betty Madland, Joseph. Masi, Mr. Fehrs said the new book by school officials for "perfect Carol McBennett, Leona Meserole. Budelis, 'Cynthia Budge, Paul Bul- f-'auba, Judith Baxter, Jeanne Bel- otta, Nancy Butterfield, .Barbara will also list some 2,100 number a.tfendan.ee during the last school lerive, Arthur Blais, Frances Jacqueline Michaud, Barbara Mil- changes which become effective Year, it was announced by princi- ler, Nancy Minucci, Muriel Moul- Byrnes, John Carlson, Cathleen Itoisveri, Phyllis Boucher, Emile Carr, Gloria Collins, Robert Col- July 13 for Wolcott area, custom- pal Sumner Llb'bey this week. FSussemey.' 3rd. Barbara Byrnes, throp Janice Mulligan, and Ken- ers who will be transferred from neth Mussa. lins, Daniel Fitzgerald, Carolyn Students cited. Include ninth gra- Joanne Calabrese, William Car- Foltz, Margaret Franck, Martin. the downtown, Waterbury office to ders James Bender, 'Wilfred De- en-, Judith Carlson, Cathleen Also: Thomas Nadeau, Nicholas Garrison, Richard, Goode, Althea the new branch dial office on mers, Thomas Guinea, Etoris Mar- Carr, Gloria Collins. Robert Col- Nardoia, Susan Neverd.au.ski, An- Goodkin, Janice Grenier, Margo Woodtick Road. cil and Barbara Semenetz; eighth, lins. Terry Dennis, George Den- thony Newbury, Ruth Nichols, Di- Hart, Edward Kacerguis, Emily Telephone number listings from graders Donna Bair, Dave Birds- nis, George Daddona. Irene Des- anne* ' O'Rourk'e, Giovanni Ors'ni, Kastner, Andrew Kimmens, Jane now on, will precede rather than all, Alice Gustafson and Paul Lon- Lewis, Richard Lockwood, Patri- follow the customer's name and go: and seventh graders Juliette cia Lukosavage, Nancy Minucci, address in all large SNET direc- Charette, Lawrence Desena, Sabi- TOWN TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS Lynn, Moulthrop, Susan Nevers, tories. Smaller directories used na Destefano, Elaine J albert, Cyn- John Orsini, Susan, Palmer, Elea- in a few places, like Cheshire, thia Lyman and Thomas 'Orsini. WANTEO 4 room unfurnished "RELIABLE YOUNG WOMAN - - ,, _ . „ will keep the present style. apartment, nea' r Main St., Water- afternoons or eve- nor Paskevicz, Joanne Peck. Tho- win baby sit mas Fislilli, Barbara Richmond. In, the new books prefix names, town. 3 adults, best references. nings, Tel. CR 4-2676. ' Gertrude C. Weldon sold, two John Rovvell, Barbara Slason, Wil- like CRestwood, will be shortened pieces of land on Wheeler Street Tel. CR 4-3436 between 7 p.m. to just the two letters which are liam Smith, Gary tflinskas, Linda to 'Charles A. Rogers and Cathe- and. 10 p.m. LOST: Thomaston Savings bank Vaughn, Steven Whitman, Porter 'dialed, but the full name will ap- book No. W-4'645, payment ap- rine E. Rogers. TUTOR AVAILABLE, primary Woodcock and Daniel Zibelio. pear at the top of each page for plied for, John Yarmal trustee for .reference. • grades, also .secondary school Cynthia T. Yarmal. English, reasonable rates. Tel. Shortening the prefix name and CR 4-2676 between 4 and 7 p.m. LEAVING STATE, sacrifice -con- reducing the space between the tents of home also rugs, never- Baldwin Teachers' name, address and number will WATER *BRING CLOT H E S , BUY' used, 9 x 12 and 9 x .15 — $35 permit four columns to the page CLOTHES — If you have limited and, 540'.. Also Electro lux, like Summer Flans Instead of" the present: three. CAMEO TOWN funds, but must make a good ap- new, Milford, TRinity 4-0363. • People searching for new num- pearance., come to. the Green Door. bers should save time because NOW PLAYING Summer hours 10:30 to 4:30, All wool tweed carpet, beige mo- Baldwin School teachers have more listings to a page means Tuesday, through Friday. resque, made by Alexander Smith, plans for a variety of activities fewer pages to turn, according to during the summer recess, a re- Mr. Fehrs. Size and style of the THE GREEN DOOR 12 feet wide, .specially priced at THE ELMS" 519 MAIN ST. WATERTOWN cent informal survey disclosed. letters and numbers will not $8.95 a yard. A beautiful carpet Here are a few of the plans pre- change... WILL TAKE CARE, OF CHILD — that will wear well and will resist sented by teachers who will 'have \Vatertown-"s directory Is one of "DESIRE UNDER in my home. CR 4-89,23,. stains Send for free sample. a, busy summer. the first in the "nation to change to HOUSATONIC VALLEY RUG Mrs... William Curtis plans to "number first , which telephone plus ERNIE'S AUTO BODY WORKS SHOP, West Cornwall,. Conn. Tel. spend the summer at home, and to officials say makes them, easier One of the most completely take some drawing lessons. Mrs. Second Feature equipped Paint and Body ORleans 2-6134. to find and, use. James Sweeney plans to spend two Numbers placed right next to the •Shops in. Connecticut. 'Wheel weeks on Lake Champlain at Alignment and Balancing. NOW YOU CAN RENT — Hand customer's name, Mr. Fehrs said, and. power rollers, hedge trim- North Hero, Vermont. Mrs. Fil- should be easier to locate and re- 128 Watertown Ave., Waterbury 1 bert Alford will enjoy two weeks : PL 3-6241 mer, fertilizer and lime spreader, member. He also expects fewer Rototiller. Also electric paper on Cape Cod. Attending her son's wrong numbers will, be dialed by BE,WEB AND1 WATER CONNEC- steamer, electric waxcr, sander, wedding in Indianapolis June 28 is people whose eyes slipped to the TION S. EXC AV ATI O N S. John edger, etc. high on the agenda for Mrs. J. next line in the .old-style listings. 'ATERTOW Nelson Bridges; after this, Mrs. Bavone & Sons. Call Cr. 4-1214. KAY'S HARDWARE Listings in the Yellow Pages of DRIVE- IN days: FL.4-9404. evenings. Main St . Watertown, Bridges will spend three weeks in the local directory are already in Tel. CR 4-1038 July at Giant's Neck: Beach. four columns and will remain un- FOR RENT or sale 5 room house 'Two weeks of camping and sail- changed,,, with names at the left Now on West Rd.. Wtn. Tel. HUnter R U G S, C A R P IE.TS, B R OA D LOO M S ing' is the outlook for Mrs. Carl and phone numbers at the right. 11 2-1167, Torrington. —Minor's 'Valley Rug Service", So. 'Richmond. Mrs. Miles McNiff "LONE RANGIER Main St., Thomaston. Rugs and plans to do some visiting at Lake EXPERT WATCH AND CLOCK Mohawk, N. J. and at Cornfield Carpets cleaned by Bigelow's Pasquale Palomba sold land and — A N D — REPAIRING. — 'Guaranteed Karpet Kara Process. Point, Conn. Workma nship. Mrs. William Stuckey says she improvements on -• the 'easterly EMXL JEWBLRRS iENERAI, ELECTRIC Heatine will, spepd six weeks in Su.rn.mer1 side of \Voodvine Street, to Irene "FRAULEIN" Hot Water, Warm. Air and Ail School at Danbury State Teachers Palomba and Lawrence Palomba. CARPENTER A MASON WORK, 'Conditioning. WESSON MEAT- College, and. will vacation for a reasonable. BuilJing, repairing. IMG CORP., Waterbury. Tel. week on Cape Cod. Mrs. Ther- Free estimates. Tel CR. 4-8397. esa Castellucci is planning a week FOR ABNT—Floor sandera, floor in Atlantic City, N. J. and at . MODERN GLASS CO. polishers, sand i n,g machines Washington, D. C. 1958 SEASON Everything' in GLASS. transit and levelling, machines. Hollis Whitman plans to spend — Telephone PL 3-2606 Watertown Building ,S u p p 1 y the month of July at a. summer 11.3 Cherry Street Waterbury Echo Lake Rd.. Wtn.., Tel ORcamp in Florida, Mass. June 30th to September 6th ZENITH and HILDEBRAND'S MOTOROLA THE SHARON T.V. RADIO & TV Including Portables • 1063 MAIN STREET PLAYHOUSE Z EMIT H WATERTOWN S H A R O N . C O N N E C T1 C U T and MOTOROLA CR 4-4814 HI-FI EN die oft 4-5733 • JOSEPH HILDEBRANDVProp ZENITH -JU'NE 3 0 to JULY 5 RADIOS, ' Many Yean Experience With McCOY'S, INC, P o r f a b I e s and On Ail Makes Of I. V. and Radios THIEVES' CARNIVA1 P o r t a b 1 e s Transistor 1 Next door to "Perry's,,.Inc., In the Watertown By Je a n A n o u '11 h • Plumbing & Heating Co. Building) Directed By Helen Stout MOTOROLA FULL LINE OF PHONOGRAPH NEEDLES » > RADIOS INCLUDING' DIAMOND NEEDLES. "• Performances Monday thru Saturday Evenings Tubes, 'Batteries,, etc. ELECTRIC FANS FOR HOME OR 'OFFICE At 8:4© " .' .- PROMPT, EXPERT REPAIR Tickets: $1.50' - $.2.50 - $3.00 - $3.50 MAKES OF TELEVISION SETS AND RADIOS RESERVATIONS . . . THEATRE PARTIES ' SUBSCRIPTIONS . . . INFORMATION

Convert1 four old 78 automatic combi- "Contact Gene Feist., Generkal Manager nation to a new 4-speed record' chang- AT HILDEBRAND'S you can RENT a SHARON —' ENdicotr 4.5733' er at m very nominal cost. PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM for use at Weddings, Parties, Picnics, Etc. Cam- CALL US 'FOR DETAILS. Subscriptions—Best Seats—7 Out of 10 Ploys ptete with Micropfiones! Automatic HI LDE BRAND'S lias the NEWEST BOP RE- $20 Regular Subscription Price CORDS, ALBUMS, ETC. RECORD 'PLAYER.. 2 SPEAKiERS "and NEED BATTER IBS f«ir your 'PORTABLE RA- AH Needed Wire. $15 SCAF Members DIOS? WE HAVE THEM. TOWN TIMES (WATERTOWN, CONN.),.JUNE 26, 1958 — FACE 15 Property of the Watertown Historical SocietyDRIV E watertownhistoricalsociety.org IN OPEN DAILY

10 to 9 SAT. 10 to 6 P. M.



Regular WHITE YELLOW $8.95 Vol. BLUE TAN BLACK RED PINK PATENT LEATHER Regular MOT IN ALL 'SIZES: " $12.95 MEN'S DRESS SHOES MEN'S NAME BRAND Women's Heels CHILDREN'S-ALL-LEATHER Freeman-Shoes $466 DRESS SHOES and SANDALS FULL LEATHER SOLES $£88 4 1.59 a pair ONLY 100 REG. $10.95 PAIRS VALUE $12.95 KOREY'S Men's Summer WILL NOT BE LOAFERS UNDERSOLD $ 19 Regular SHOP ' Value 3 $111.95 REG. $6.95 KOREY'S KOREY'S SEZ. NO DEALE RS, PLEASE. THANK YOU PAGE 16 — TOWN TIMES (WATERTOWN; CONN.), JUNE 26, 19S8 erably of late, with the exception school -expanses; - including - thesome misfortune,- such -as"'disabi- oi Cleveland and, Chicago, where year's share of school building con- lity, should occur to them, accord- fans are staying away in 'droves. struction will account, for ,27.08 ing *»• Lt, Carlo Palomba, who ap- The attendance1 tabulation for themills, it was estimated. peared at 'the meeting. With Pa~ Property of the WatertownWhite Sox Sunday game at ComHistorical- Societylomba were Officers Pete :LaBoda, iskey Park was 2,176., Maybe it ,. Vote Police Ball Edmund Diorio and Fred, .Rock. was a mis-print, but if it wasn't, The Board, voted, after discus- it shows sure signs that the faith- sion,,, to' allow the Watertown Po- 'The Board voted, the permission ful South Siders who supported the lice Benevolent . Association to by a 6-2 vote after noting that, last watertownhistoricalsociety.orgalso - rans in, goodly numbers for hold their annual Policemen's Ball year's ball was orderly and dig- years are changing their way of at Swift Jr., High School, and tonified, and expressing confidence life. serve beer on the premises. (in the ability of the sponsoring or- The policy handbook of the ganization, particularly in this THE ROUND-UP Board does not allow the serving case, to keep it so again this year. Richie Guglielmetti .and, family of alcoholic beverages on school, Another factor was the lack, of any are getting settled in their new property, but the policy does con- large enough facility in town home on Riverside Street. Dick's tain a provision, allowing the which the group could use for happy to be back on the street School Board to issue a .permit: for their well-attended dance. Michael, where he was born, ,., . . Ray Ci- such, activities at its discretion. Vernovai made the motion to grant priano smacked two home runs in Proceeds from the dance will be the permission. Dissenters were LOCAL BASEBALL i rid Went us allowed four bingles. a Little League game the other used for the benefit of members Mrs. William Starr, and Frank "Iht knights ut T Artie Rod ia released by Water- evening, which gives him exactly of 'the police department in case Reinhold. lumbub die one more than anybody else , . :nsinint< the Oik ille Squiies town trime back to haunt his old entij in ilic lorn LL it>ue and themates with a pair of bingles. By Alex "Scottie" Agnew is one of \\ itetluun Jivceps we doing like n inning Oikville handed the Silk the most improved hitters in the wise fui thp Udteilown entr> in Tou ners their first defeat. LL, which would have made his the s iniL ciiiiut I ikr the Little Mentus fanned 18 batsmen, late granddad awfully proud . .. and Fillip Ruth Le ipues hovs ate while Chip whiffed ten, Outside It's a wide" open chase in, the not assigned to leims according of that unusual .first inning, the small fry circuit this season,,, with the ho)S put on a. nice exhibition only one game separating the four to nhitch community thej live in teams. Not accounting for last 1 he ICIP i is to ti j and balance of basehill with the Oakville in- field pld> ing an important part in for last night's contest,, here's the what t dent thcie is and it s way it stands. Yankees and. Red, w rirkrd out prettv. well in the Fon-y keeping the Water town boys away from the plate on a couple of oc-Sox are tied for first place with and Ruth Leagues as teams undet 4 and 3 records, followed by 'the both town bannfia hate won in al-casions IF I ELD TRIAL Dodgers with 3 and 4, and the ternating >eans Giants with 2 and 3. The Ponj Lejgue gets under «a> Ralph Mango, of 240 Riverside tomnt i on e\ enmt; I Fndaj I with St Odk\ ille president of the Tor- - both local entries on the road rington Fish and Game Club, an- Oak\ille ifSouthbuij and Water- nounces the annual Midsummer town rit \\ oodbur> B ibe Ruth Classic Coon Dog • Field Trials Baseball Scores With The Finest Quality " games this ueek hnrj Litchfield at will be held at the club grounds The scores and, standings of last * \\ dlerld" n Saturday afternoon at on Saturday and Sunday, July 5 and 6 week's games in 'the Intermediate "" Opn m and OaknIIe at Wolcott and Minor Leagues here are as at p m Sundaj If >ou haven't received, an entry follows: ODD GAME form >ou may do so by contact- Intermediate League — June 17, LIQUORS ing the club or calling Ralph at : Close to 200 fare, saw a stir Red Sox 11, Giants 9; June 19, ring mound duel last Sunda> be- CR 4-1000 There's to be an es-Yankees 13, Giants 9; June 23, •tueen Chip Hungerford and Lome timated purse of $1,000 with the Red Sox, IS, Dodgers 9. Standings Mentus of the GaU ille and Water- tried starting promptly Saturday - Yankees .4 and 1, Red Sox 3 and tow n Babe Ruth teams It wasmorning and the final winners el- 1, Giants 1 and 3, and Dodgers 1 WINES . prohabh the first time that mam, igible for the Connecticut Grand and 4. and proh itaK all sa« a pitcher Championship The course is lo- Minor League — June 19, Pi- stuke out fi\e men in an inning cated in Tornngton on Route 4. rates 25, Cubs 3; June 19. Ath- and yet baxe thiee tuiib scored SPORT SHORTS letics 3, Red Legs 0; June 23, off him Richie Rross who will be wed.Tigers 5, Orioles ft. Standings BEERS It Iidjuppned in the \er\ first this Saturday morning, will be —Athletics 3 and 0, Tigers 2 and fumr when fn e Oakville bats- tendered a testimonial at Jim Li-0, Pirates 1 and 1, Orioles 1 and men finned but a combination of akos nestaurant this evening .. . . 1, Red Legs 0 and ,2, Cubs 0 and 3. AND LIQUOR SPECIALTIES \uld pitrheii and passed balls al Bill \\ alsh Latin instructor at lowed a pan of them to icach Swift Junior High, is a busy soft- fust. ball, and baseball official, this / r o m- the' Another rarity of the contest summer, working nearly every School Board was that ' outfield had a night following his daytime duties putout,' showing the effectiveness as supervisor at the South. School (Continued from Page 1) cf the pitchers. .Hungerford, gave pi ay ground . Baseball attend- mean the reduction, of the budget up. but a pair of scattered singles ance has been picking up cons id- by approximately $2,285. Hit Oakville Assessment' VILLAGE The School, Board cut a, budget FOR THAT item of $7,817.04 for. sewer as- sessment at the Polk School to JULY 4th TRIP $4,200, a figure which they said LIQUOR was the original, estimate of the cost of the sewer assessment to1 or the town,. Last year's estimated budget fi- ¥ a c a f i o n " a n d S ummer gures were ,$1,042,000 total, and STORE $71,748.18 net, budget... • It was D r i ¥ i PI cf pointed out that the $200' across- 4 1 3 M A1 N S T . . O A. K V11 L E the-board teacher wage increase was the principal' reason for a. CR 4-8 05 9 Trade away higher estimated, net budget, with, V other items in. the budget actually being lower this year. •FREE DELIVERY ., : . ALWAYS your tire The figures quoted, for this year's total and, net budgets is not PLENTY of COLD BEER for final, and must, be adjusted, fur- PICNIC HEEDS troubles ther before submission to the Board of Finance because 'Of ac- tions taken at 'the Tuesday meet- M IC H A E t 'DI P R1 M I O P e r m i 11 e e for only... ing. t Using the unadjusted figures un- der- discussion at the meeting, Super-Cushion TELEVISION SALES and SERVICE Fits .recent models of Plymouth, Ford, MOTOROLA — PHILCO — RCA Chevrolet,, Hudson, SYLVANIA — ZENITH Nash and Studebaker. JUST RECEIVED OUR NEW 1959 ZENITH TV SETS Also PORTABLE RADIOS

*. •** Small