
Library named for' Dr. Delmar Oviatt

By Rip Rense of tbe college from 1959 miil STAFF WRITER 1962, wben tae wms nnnedVlce^ California Slate University, President for academic affairs. Northridge's new $7.5 miUion He retired from tbat position In library has been named after the 1969 and became dlirectaraf spe­ late Dr. Delmar T. Oviatt, cial projects nnlil lis dnath in CSUN's principal academic offi­ 1971. Oviatt was also OK td cer from its inception until 1969. veral ariministraiors CSUN's Faculty Senate, beaded somed presidanUnl dnties cfev- by Mary McEdwards, Associate ing tbe amtexA tnrmoil of 1969. Prolessor of St>eef:li and tbongb be was not officaallj named Communication, a lone-time acting presifienl. friend and former pupil of Ovi­ Aside from ULs adivitr att, delegated an ad hoc com­ ai CSUN, Oviatt was a reeog- mittee to recommend a fit­ nized commoilj fignre, receiv- ting honor fbr tbe late adminis­ ing munerans awards, trator. tte FemnndD Awaird The committee unanimoasly by 28 S^FenaMloVall^rl recommended a resolution to bers ot Commerce ior name the library after Oviatt, ing civic cuntrBiyiinmt. Oviatt and University President James was a membor and lrnalee named read from a letter be sent to for Dr. Oviatt, whose guiding Oviatt's widow, insistence on academic ex­ "It is ovr bope tbat tbis tii- cellence long stimulated tbe in­ bot to Ud's memory will serve tellectual life of tlie Nortiiridge as a i-^tnat^ti* reminder to fn- community." tnre generations of: -«>^**«fc»-*» * Oviatt was dean of tbis cam­ fiicalty of the TKe new Oviatt Library, near completion, is pus wben it was a division of tribolion tae made to tMs insti- Los Angeles SUte College from tbe Oviatt LibrtirY scheduled to open in sunmier *73. The five 1955 to 1958, Dean of Instmc- tt story building, located northeast of Sierra ti(M> of S^ Femuido Valley SUte Tbe Ubrarj is lor Hall, will house twice as many books as the College during 1958-59 and Dean a snmmer 1973 old libray. Daily Sumdlial iplwto by Joann Kittacn

VOL. 17, Ho. 55 daly CaHlmda Onivenlly. Hottividge ly. Petonaiy 14. 1973

Robbins-Johnson debate

By Greg Waskul fte- HMm tod^r at HK Opca F»- set tofOlihe Hollywood, apnet fiivored Jim ANALYSIS EDITOR r«m bas fixxled. a the Jan. 90 primary. A debate between Z^MI district JotansoB campntgn wwaker D»- special eirrtiim, in State Senate candidates AhmRob- ratby MnHer tnld fhe Diego, Is eonsidscd to be $140,000 CO bis primary cam­ Uns and Phillip JoiasaB slated fhe RepofaUcan candidate imi a ^p tor tbeRnwWiraacan- paign, the balk coming in di­ prior comnuttment witti KT7T- TlBs tte 2tmd race, stffl rect-mail leaflets to voters. ChumM^ 11 ami wodd not be able a tOBsaii, win pro- Jdmson, meanwiiile, vas en­ to make the drbafe. the Rcp»- dorsed by virtnaUy every major Fortbermore, the wiD win a majority in state Reprtbiiran leader in bis oHlce battle agpiiMt veil-known R^nt>- Ucan Hank Aiidin. Aridin taad pre- vtonsiy taeid a state assembly Robbins. seat in the district bnt was brand­ The candidites met for aboal ed a kaer by many afler failing an hoorTtesdhy todisenss twice at^inst Keysor. roles for ftnrtber iomi Kortt ttve. Page 2 Northrldge Dally Sundlal February 14. 1973 INVOLVEMENT AND FUN' Greeks conducting 'rush week'

By Suzanne Cook At the end of this period, the volved In determining house bu­ The fraternities and sororities CITY EDITOR rushee Is extended a bid or Invi­ siness. have been active with the Crip­ The 13 fraternities and soro­ tation to meml>ershlp and can "Pledging Is a period of learn­ pled Children's Society, the City rities on campus are now In the choose (pledge) the house she ing and probation for the actives of Hope, Children's Hospital, process of rush—the time de­ chooses. and the pledges. Pledges are given Scholarship Award fund-raising, signated by the organizations Pledging can last anywhere responsibilities and must com­ Lokrantz Elementary School for when imafflllated students may from a few weeks to a semester, plete them to be Initiated," White the handicapped, Thanksgiving get acquainted with a fraternity depending on the house. said. dinners for children from San or sorority and be Invited to Abramson said, 'Pledging Is According to White, pledge res­ Fernando, clothing drives, food join. not hazing. It Is not at all physi­ ponsibilities Include passing a na­ drives and toy drives among The California State Univer­ cal In sororities. Pledging Is In­ tional test, meeting a given grade others. sity, Northrldge sororities con­ tellectual. Each house has a dif­ point average and learning chap­ Fraternity rush has l)een ex­ duct a structured rush. It Is run ferent policy, but It usually In­ ter history. tended two weeks because of the through Panhellenic, an organi­ volves learning the history of White thinks that fraternities rain. They hold Informal open zation composed of representa­ the sorority." and sororities fulfill many uses houses In lieu of the sororities tives from all six sororities. Tom White, a 22-year-old and purposes. "It Is an open op­ structured-type rush. The women are given a sche­ Sigma Chl alumnus, feels that not portunity to make friends. There The seven fraternity houses dule designating times for par­ everyone should belong to a fra­ are some 30 to 40 members In a are Lambda Chl Appha, Phi Kap­ ties In which they go to a so­ ternity or sorority. "It's all a house plus approximately 400 pa Psi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, rority house and meet the mem- matter of what you want to get people In the entire Greek sys­ Zeta Betz Tau, Phi Delta Theta, t)ers. out of college. It's Important to tem. PI Kappa Alpha and Sigma Chl. round out your coUege career with "Socially, I'd say about 90 per Delta Delta Delta, Alpha Omi­ •Rush Is choosing your place something more than pencil push­ cent of all CSUN formal and In­ cron PI, Theta Sigma Tau, Alpha at CSUN for Involvement and fim,* ing. People need some kind of In­ formal events are sponsored by XI Delta, Alpha Omega and Gam­ said Hildee Abramson, Panhell­ volvement, be it fraternities or Greeks." ma Gamma Phi compose the six enic vice president In charge of some other type of club.* White said, "The Greeks do the CSUN sororities. rush. White said fraternity pledging greatest amoung of commimity •A girl can visit each sorority differs from sorority pledging service on campus. Each pledge Any student wishing Informa­ house and, by a double elimina­ In that there is a 'clear-cut class has a service project they tion about rush and fraternities tion process, find the house where line between actives and pledges. do, plus national projects done or sororities should contact the she feels the most comfortable,* Sororities don't have quite the throughout the year by the whole activities office. In administra­ Abramson said. distinction. Pledges are not In­ house. tion 211 or phone 885-23939.

'Rushees' Prospective Greeks enjoy a few hearty laughs during one of the many social parties held lost week. Doily Sundial photo by Suzanne Coik

"^ Sex seminar The Sexual Revolution, a two- Workshop offers hints on interviewing day workshop offered by the Ex­ tension Program of California State University, Northrldge will to graduating seniors seeking positions meet on campus Saturday and An "Interview Workshop" to ment Office to participate in Career Planning Council. Sunday March 10 aad 11. educate graduating seniors Inthe the workshop. "Interview Workshop" Is the Subjects to be covered In­ etiquette of being Interviewed first of Its kind and part of clude the attitudes of adoles­ "It's designed to let the stu­ for career jobs will be offered several experimental programs cents and young adults toward dents know what to expect In by the Career Planning and Instituted this semester by the sex roles, norms for Interac- interviewing," said Dr. Leland Placement Office Feb. 20-23. Career Placements Office. In Ja­ tlOTi between the sexes, sexual C. Gassert, placements direc­ nuary forty seniors participated chastity, romantic love and vir­ A series of one-hour workshop tor. "They will be able to ask In a social sciences and humani­ ginity. Other topics to be discus­ sessions composed of a maximum counselors specific questions, ties workshop In conjunction with sed are pregnancy among youth, 12 students and one career like how to dress, salary, should the counseling center. Also a venereal disease, and differing counselor will be held at 10 I offer Information or let the "Career Day" for minority and attitudes of adults and youth to­ a.m., 12 noon, and 2 p.m. over interviewer ask me, and so women students for later this ward human sexuality. the three-day period In the forth," he added. Career Planning and Placement semester is In planning stages, Scheduled as a one-unit psycho­ Offices. Composing resumes and let­ aimed at Involving campus mi­ logy course, it will meet both Eligible students (seniors with ters of application will be ex­ nority programs and women with days from 8:30 a.m. to 4:40 p.m. 12 or more units graduating in plained and workshop par- companies Interested In fulfill­ In Room 353, Sierra Hall South. June or August) must file with tlclapants will also listen to a ing their Affirmitive Action pro­ Students may enroll at the first the Career Planning and Place­ tape on Interviewing made by the grams. session of the course. Tuition is $24. February 14, 1973 Northrldge Daily Sundlal Page 3 Co/umiiJsf Rona Barrett has distaste for gossip Hollywood Is a constantly four years. Metro Media then •Only once" In her career changing city wherein thousands offered her a job which she cur­ have charges of libel been of people live by alternating their rently holds. brought. The Information had been roles and themselves. But Holly­ Barrett notices a change In the received from one of her five wood Is much more than just a manner people respond to her now closest friends. Barrett has also glittery place which, through age, as compared to 15 years ago. At had several attempts on her life. has become tarnished. she learned she could •Today there Is a tremendous "Hollywood Is now all person­ not be friends with the Hollywood lack of creativity* by the press alities In the r.c-A-&," said Rona people. She noticed people say­ agents, said Barrett. She added Barrett, a single, pert, and at­ ing, "Shhh, dummy up, here comes that she would rather have one tractive entertainment reporter. R(ma.» good story per week than Christ­ Many people (perhaps those she "As I progressed, people be­ mas gifts. writes about more than others) came fearful of me," said Barrett. Years ago Barrett enjoyed her label her as a gossip columnist. Barrett claims that there Is a job, but not now. •The town and Prior to coming to Hollywood, built-in fear on their (the stars) people have changed so drasti­ Barrett spent her childhood in part. There Is no Indication of cally.* She Intends to expand New York City. She gained an what anyones real power is. I because she Is not happy with education at New York Univer­ ilone caimot do one thing myself." what she Is doing. •Three mi­ sity where she majored In com­ Breaking off friendships be­ nutes (of air time) Is tiot long municative arts while mlnerlng cause "I could not be a fink* enough,* said Barrett. In psychology, advertising and Barrett now has a very l(»iely She enjoys writing and has writ­ journalism. side In regards to friends In the ten a new fiction book entitled In the early 1950's she broke Hollywood circle. •The Loveamanlacs.* In It she Into the professlcm by develop­ Sticking to a philosophy of "tell describes some of her Hollywood ing "Rona Barrett's Young Holly­ me the truth or dcm't tell me any observations of 15 years. All the wood,* In "Photoplay," Soon thing* she searches for "hard* characters are composites or thereafter she expanded to "make news and Interesting stories. real people. BORED AND It on TV.* The book describes people who The opportunity came from want affection from one person ABC where Barrett worked for Open door policy but when they get It, they destroy The university president's of­ It. Barrett commented that she Education class fice has announced that Presi­ thinks writers do let part of them­ UNSTIMULATED IN dent James Cleary will continue selves and their feelings Into a A new short course, "Applied his Friday afternoon policy of In­ book. Imagination: Creative Problem formal meetings with students. Suddenly, changing mood and Solving,* will be offered three Those wishing to meet with flashing her many pieces of gold­ times at different locations In Cleary should contact his secre­ en jewelry, she concluded the the 1973 spring semester, as part tary, Mrs. Marlon Magee for an conversation by saying "Don't HIS ENVIRONMENT, of the California State University, appointment In administration 103 repeat anything I say, I don't like Northrldge Extension program. or by phoning 885-2121. gossip. * JUANS ONLY HOPE THE NEWAAAN CENTER AT FOR TOMMORROW California State University, Northridge Welcomes you MAYBE YOU. We ore at T7809 Halsted Street (across from Northridge Holl) 886-1044 The building Is open just for meeting friends from 10:00 to 5:00 every day the University PLEASE HELP! Is In session. Besides:

Sunday mornings at 10:00, a really great Folk Mass

Every day at 12:15, a very Informal Mass

Monday nights, beginning Jan. 19, a "Rap Night with the Chaplain* talk about whatever Tutorial Project you want, whatever bothers you or anything.

Tuesday nights at 8:00 a Prayer Group to which EVERYONE Is Invited. Building C-10 Wednesday nights the Newman Club meets on the first and third Wednesdays of each 885-2484 month. After the meeting there is a program:

Feb. 21 — a free movie, to be announced. ORIENTATION MEETING: March 7 — the League of Women Voters will discuss the various positions and the back­ grounds of the candidates for the upcoming municipal election. March 21 — Fr. Aldan Carroll, Associate Superintendent of Catholic Schools will discuss WEDNESDAY, the future of Catholic schools. If any

April 4 — Bishop Juan Arzube will talk about the Catholic Church and the Spanish speak­ FEB. 21 NOON ing community, of which he Is a part. April 18 — We celebrate the Sedar, the Passover Meal from which Catholics t)elleve the THURSDAY, Mass developed.

May 2 — "Sexual Ethics and Zero Population Growth* FEB 22 7 PM

May 16 — Fr. Francis Colborn, Professor of Theology, will talk about the Church and War.

Your friendly Newman chaplains: Father Martin E. Slaught Sister Anele Heiges, O. P. SAsm are available any time for counselling, ccmsultation or just plain talk Pace 4 WoitbrMge IMily FWbnmry 14. 1173 WE GET LETTERS Frats defended by campus Greeks To tbe Ediinr: AlUMm^ every seasitlve peraoa realiaes Ike traciBilir i Uie deatb of amiiber lamiaa beiae. tliat or Fred Bn vbich bas beea g»f ralf d by tbe at.mjh if dii bas i tbe cbaracter of maay fialeraiHes amd tteir m IM V H<'aiill of 43 offitae 50 laigeet oorporatiaas I devdoped some of their leadership trails

The major crtsideratioa is the i toan fidds of made by CrateraHy aiea. Bob Cries e.Jen7 Shri' , Barry Gcridvater, Warrca Bealy. Jc Nea Avery Bi idige, J. Edgar Mark ^ritx are jost a few aolalde Cktwics. Tbe third potot is scholarahipL Oa a anlianl levd, fiOf^ of Ikater- aity mea gradaate ca time compared to 40S of aoa-G^eeks. Also, the comparitive grade]

The aext coasideratjaa Is tay membership m matare 9m. of all formal aad aim tnrmal sodal orgaaiEcd by ellhei Greek every frateraity participates ta raage from ctaarity to eodogy. For eiam|ito, a large: hospital Cadlity for bram damaged chOdrca is ttaaadally ^ edbf one Cratenuty. The last poiat is ttaat of tamtherhood. Fiatei dties realiae I rwq>oa?»ihiHties to tfaeir meadiers aad Ihiuagh over 100 years of Ni%^ o*l*a eo«i^\A AVtn *\o4- ezisteBoe has givea proof of their desire to more thaa jast dose t¥^%* v«jY*^''*-^'**^ *^*''^* ^^**'^ ^^"A lastlag sease of loiyalily aad trast is created. This is itoe tothe : lag of a ooaunoa boad eipcrleaced by mdeiaily ama. As alaled by

bad all the freedom of addihood, with Uttte eapasaretol ponsflHlities. Uy trateraHy hdped i BIMLB I aas ao laager bo^Kl by fiually Oat of niy ttateraHy life i may be lod by dtl la regards to Ihe DtaMed Press toteraatinail CPFQ artide' eologies mark ftaeral of Crd aevqapers aatiaavkle. ae aoald like to cspose tte dbtartiaa of tte Cads. Tbe aord "'Itateralty* aasased sevea tians to tols dart artide. This tadtocrimmatHy impUes ttad fkaicndlies to eeaeral are d fiulL This is iadeed aot tte case. Evea tott» adialaaili IIM. nwd OC r red tsroaaer, tae actina aas ad suKnoaedl by Ms '^AK^MI^' frateraity, bd aas a mere ad d three iadtvidads. The qaotes priated ta ttais artide. "If the tesaoa d Fre«iy"ts deatt is to teach as ahd traicraities are Uke, tteal say abolish frateraitles. They faave ao We aoold agree witt tbis statemed, if it were trae; coBtrifaatiaBs made liy frateraity mea jastify Ihecr aod fdnre nmliBaKy. Maay d tte asa jor CCMMENl today have beea mode by frateraity aMoi trom the past. We 1 tiat tomorrow's adiievemeats will be made by Ihe tiaiei aMy mea d today. BRUCE BROWHV, Presided d Sl^am Chi, CSim MARK ANTBOSrr, VtoePif iiiihddSacaaChl,CSCnS TOM WHITE, Vice Presided d SSgiam Chl SF V

Donofors ffconked for help ^JMDIMI PaUiitasd OaOj by Sfudent ffeoM Center the Bauid at nt^m iliwi. Caaanri Xuittn^g. CaUL 91Xt4 EaaorUl lia Sierra UtM Xatti OK. I n5-~SI41

.Mus aaal dittnaal witt tliese organizatioos Fried CUdtoa, 99S5 for the past several years now Reaedh mvd.. WmUahlge. Foar aad we are all most appreciative Featuv niaiar. •h 20 Ptos. SMS Reseda Blvd.. for their help and support at this Wi-ax* Taoo BeU. 1S426 time. .SSUtM I ' SL. SkartirUlBe aad Mr. ALBERT BEHARRY Lewto HertKst aad Staff. Cafe­ Director of terta, CSUN. Itlll ItantooCr St., Studed Healtt Ceder Febnmry 14. 1973 Northridge DaUy Shadial Page 5 'Camesf musical opens The Studio Theatre at Califor­ nia State University, Northridge no deposit required; bac:kpacks careftilly designed scope, and a matics. For further informatian will soon become a small supper and sleeping bags go Cor $1 per high promise at helping todivi- contad Dr. l.orence G. Collins, club. Ihe 'customers,* SKsated day or $4 a vreek witt a $10 daals develop their critical fa­ Faculty Researcfa Coardinator In at cafe tables, will be treated deposit; cooking kits(4-man) may culties. administratian 506. ext. 2901. to the inusicaJ adaptation of Os­ be reded for only 25^ a dayor —be desigaed for implemcn- and car Wilde's 'The Importance of $1 per week. If iderested. odii« tdion primarily bjr young people. Being Earnert." equipmed may lie reded from the Priority is given to yoagpeo- briefly Dr. Rotwrt Ollphant, a CSUN actlTtties office, administratian pie who have not completed pro- professor of English, tlie autbor 211, Monday tlurou^ Friday, 8 fessioaal training. Your first of the adaptation, has created an a.in. to 5 p.in. Tbe Natioaal Fidowmed sog- operetta styling similar to tliat gests that iderested young per­ tampon of Michel Legrand's "Tbe Um­ Psychology course sons send for the fuU brodnre Student teachers brellas of CbertxMirg." All tbe and review it, then send a pre­ dialogue is lyrical. A psychology course. Society liminary proposal or inquiry. The should AppUcatlffli meetings, for stu­ and the Healttyllomosexnal,wiU deadline date is April 2, 1973. dents planning to do secondary "The Importanceof BeingFjLm- be offered d Fairfax High School, student teaching In Fall 1973 and est," under the musical direc­ 7850 Melrose Ave., Los Angdes, bea Summer 1973, will be at 4:30 tion of Ken Meyer, graduate as part d tte spring Exten­ Readers Theatre p.m. Wednesday and Thursday in drama major, and the stage direc­ sion program d California Slate The first meeting at Readers SD 100. tion of Dr. George Gunkle, Drama University, Narthridge. Theatre will be hdd 3 p.m. Kotex The meeting on Weject d rapid Day Care Center. 885-2644. Science grants Applicants must be at least 18 transit, the use of tfae gas tax. years old, hold an AA degree or and gas rationing. In additian, there will be election of otti- The Ndioaal Scieace be of junior standing, and be In Youth grant fund tioa plans to sniport 90 yooog good physical and mental health. cers. All interested Democrats are welcome. The Natioaal Endowmed tor U.S. scientists by issuing tra­ They must also have 12 units in the Humanities is curredly ac­ vel grants to some 40 NATO early chll ^ related fleld and agree to com­ aimounced that on March 10th, 'er, with Marvin Brande siqiport humanities projects de­ two to tfaree weda and provide units are completed. One year as honored guest. Anyone veloped and ocndncted fay stu­ highly advanced instriKtian on of experience In a responsible interested may call Lee Katz dents and other yoimg people. specific topics. poslticn working with young child­ at 348-9582. ren in a group Is preferable. Awards may range as high as Junior Cacnlty, advanced gra­ $10,000 lid usually are mder duate and postdoctoral studento Salary Is $3.00 per hour, 25 $5,000 and must be: who are U.S. citizens are eli­ hours per weeic Renf-a-pack rates —related in a clear way to giMe to apply. Study toiacs are Applications are also available California State University, tbe humanities pliydcal. life, aad sodal sd- for Teacher-Assistant positions. Northrldge Studmt Adirities Of­ —faave a specific purpose, a engineeriag; and matte- Requiremmts are a hi^ school fice is now offering an equipmed diploma or equivalent, minimum rental service to student, fa­ 18 years of age, ability to relate culty and staff members of the to young childr«i, preferably a campus at lower-than-compdi- SENIORS. ARE YOU READY? child development major with tion prices. Day packs, stoves, CAMPUS INTERVIEWS BEGIN FEB. 23, 1973 experience In working with young and fuel cans may be reded for children. 50^ a day or $2 a wedk, witt The Office of Career Planning & Placements is offering a series of INTERVIEWING WORKSHOPS. Sign up NOW to reserve yonr hour in A«lm. 202. M*^^ Workshop Dates: Tnes.. Feb. 20 Ved.. Feb 21 Thws., F^. 22 Free Free Loan Fri.. Feb. 23 Time: K):00 A.M. - 12:00 NOON or 2:00 P.M. Daily wasn't, Towing Cars COMPLETE VOLKSWAGEN CAR SERVICE here's a FACTORY TRAINED MECHANICS AND THE BEST PARTS AVAILABLE ALLOW US TO WARRANTY OUR WORK 6,000 MILES ANO STILL KEEP second PRICES 20% TO 100% BELOW OTHER DEALERS Save hundreds of dollars on A-IVW OQA TATC 7957 Von Nuys Blvd. SERVICE OY*»-/ Uf D (Across from G.M. Plont^ tires, clothing, appliances and chance.

fxM a kni aze package ol Kolex* "»• tampons (5 twnpQns^ a pretty pune more, much more. cortamef. and a ve>y exptanalofy book cnMled TeU H Uke II Is". mail thn aider lorm with ?S« in cotn to cower mailtng and t^andhng to: Kotex tampons IF YOU ARE A STUDENT, FACULTY OR STAFF Box 551 CN1 L^MK^^iilil MEMBER, YOU ARE ENTITLED TO T« ASSO­ Noenah. Wisconsin 54956 CIATED STUDENTS BUYERS GUIDE. Name

7041 RESEDA BLVD. 34V1044 If you didn't receive o copy of this valuable discotmt book Address during registration, come by Building C-2 or coll 88S-2487. City Included are hundreds of ads, many of which offer at least State /ip 10 percent discounts on items of every description. COMPLETE LINE OF MATERIALS FOR THE Allow 4 weeks tor delivery. Ofler expires December 3t, 1973 I inut one per custonter finearOet Also included ore dozens of coupons which will entitle commereUd artiet you to dinners on a two for one basis, as well as ottier fantastic values ynu will wont to toke advantage of. amateur drafteman

*•••«••*•**•* this is aa associifted stadents •»•*••*•• Large Selection of BANKAMERICARD ••••*•**•••••*••* spoasered project ****•*•*•***•••> ART BOOKS MASTER CHARC^


•:^':'' ir^'J':^.- «4^- Page 6 Northrldge Dally Sundlal February 14, 1973 SEX SYIW>05IUM STUDENT AUTO INSURANCE You owe it to yourself to call for YOUR FREE INSURANCE QUOTATION 'Hip Pocrates' to speak 984-0844 / 245-7275 9 AM-5 PM; Mon.-Fri. "Dr. Hip Pocrates," the "sur­ dicated column which is carried pital in Bamberene, Gabon (West geon-general of the sandal-and- by the L.A. Free Press, the San Equatorial Africa). speed set* is emerging from the Francisco Chronicle, the Ber­ In 1965 he became a Research underground newspaper world to keley Barb, 24 college and under­ Physician for the International % & PORSCHE REPAIR speak to the students of Califor­ ground newspapers In the United Cardiology Foundation at the Sch­ EXPERT AND GUARANTEED WORK nia State University, Northrldge States and four foreign publica­ weitzer Hospital. It was here that at noon In the Open Forum and tions in Canada, England and Hol­ Dr. Schoenfeld had his first en­ at 8 p.m. In the gymnasium on land. counter with a psychedelic drug; HANS^^^GERHARD Feb. 22. Born in New York, Schoenfeld a witch doctor introduced him to The sec(Hid In a series of spea­ lived there until he was 12 when a root called Iboga used by the MUELLER GEISLER kers for the Human Sexuality Sym­ his family moved to Miami. He Gabonese to obtain hallucogenlc posium, sponsored by the A.S. graduated from U.C. Berkeley and experlence.s. 7009 RESEDA BLVD Government and the student Ac­ returned to Miami for medical From 1966-1970, Schoenfeld tivities Office, "Dr. Hlp,» alias school. After medical school he worked for the Student Health RESEDA 881 6515 Eugene Schoenfeld, will discuss once again returned to Berkeley Service at U.C. Berkeley, advis­ "Sexual Guilt." and did his internship at Her- ing people with problems involving Since 1967 he has had a syn- rlck Hospital. sex and drugs. He is permissive REGAL NOTES In 1959 and 1960 he did his about marijuana and cites unpub­ UNDERSTAND PLAYS, NOVELS AND POEMS ffealth Science externship at the Schweitzer Hos- lished research that suggests that FASTER WITH OUR NOTES LSD may be no more dangerous We're new ond we're the bigest! Thousonds of topics reviewed for quicker understanding. Our than caffeine or aspirin. How­ A two-day health science work­ Children's books subjects include not only English, but Anthro­ shop. Reducing Risk Factors of ever he warns that drugs obtained pology, Art, Block Studies, Ecology, Eco­ Heart Diseases, will be offered Short workshops on poetry, from the .streets may have many nomics, Education, History, Low, Music, books and myths for children Impurities that could be extremely Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, on two Saturdays, Feb. 17 and Religion, Science, Sociology and Urban Prob­ 24, at California State Univer­ will be offered In the spring dangerous. lems. Send S2 for your catalog of topics avail- sity, Northrldge. It will be pre­ semester as part ofthe extension He had published (Hie paperback "'''•• REGAL NOTES sented by the health science de­ program at California State Uni­ book, "Dear Dr. Hip Pocrates: 3160 "0" Street, N.W. partment In cooperation with the versity, Northrldge. They are In­ Advice your family doctor never Washington, D. C. 20007 Los Angeles County Heart As­ tended for teachers and parents. gave you." He is also a member telephone: 202-333-0201 sociation. The three workshops offer one of the Advisory Committee of The workshop, which is part of unit of professional credit each, San Francisco Sex Information. the CSUN Extension program, of­ and each meets from 9 a.m. to fers one semester unit of credit 5 p.m. on two consecutive Satur­ Hillel dinner and meets from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. days in Sierra Hall North 122. in room 100, engineering build­ The United Jewish Welfare Dr. Annamarie Peterson, as­ ing. Tuition Is $24. Fund Invites all students sociate professor of English, will Interested in meeting and help­ Enrollment Is at the first ses­ teach all three workshops. sion at 8:30a.m. Morelnformatloi ing people to a dinner at 6 can be obtained by calling the Poetry for Children will meet p.m., Wednesday at the Hlllel health science department at 885- March 3 and 10, Books for Child­ House, 17729 Plummer St., 3101. ren meets March 24 and 31 and Northrldge. Additional informa­ The course will be repeated on Myths for Children meets April tion may be obtained by calling May 12 and 19 In Alhambra. 7 and 14. Dave at 363-7654 or 886-5101. a's Gems & Minerals

TODAY " THE COMPLETE LAPIDARY" MATADOR CHRISTIAN FEL­ LOWSHIP, noon. Open Forum, FINDINGS general meeting CHICANOS FOR CREATIVE ME­ • SILVERSMITHING TOOLS DICINE, 4 p.m., engineering • CASTING EQUIPMENT 100, nominations meeting SPECIAL BIKE CLUB, 5 p.m., Dialogue In Reseda, 18113 Saticoy at Lindley. 881-3393 Center DISCOUNT for I.Q. of 145 CLEARANCE SALE BOBBY and CanH CHACON'S Remember? A noted publisher in Chicago re­ BIG FIGHT ports there is a simple technique for acquiring a powerful memory VS - which can pay you real dividends in both business and social ad­ vancement and works like magic TURY PINEDA to give you added poise, neces­ sary self-confidence and greater popularity. Thur. Feb. 15 According to this ppblisher. many people do not realize how OLYMPIC AUD. much they could influence others ALSO STEREO RENTALS simply by remembering accu­ SPECIAL SALE 18th & GRAND L.A. rately everything they see, hear, RENT ANY STEREO or read. Whether in business, at • 220Wal»IP.P Amp social functions, or even in casual EXAMPLE: • AM/FM Stereo Multipt*". $10 Reserved conversations with new acquaint­ • 100 IPP AMP • 8 Track Tape Ployer Seats NOW.. f''-' ,i ances, there are ways in which • AM/t=M STEREO MULTIPLEX • All Solid State $5 you can dominate each situation • 8 TRACK TAPE PLAYER by your ability to remember. • 2 AIR SUSPENSION SPEAKERS ONLY TO CSUN To acquaint the readers of $ 95 this paper with the easy-to- FOR $10 PER MO. Beg. Prii-» in the special follow rules for developing skill 119 $18S 00 in remembering anything you AFTER 9 MO. YOU OWN 8TR300 choose to remember, the pub­ BOBBY CHACON lishers have printed full details \l of their self-training method in haOwiKiM EZ PAYMEMT» a new booklet, "Adventures in WE ESTABLISH CREDIT >L "'l rooting section Memory," which will be mailed free to anyone who requests it. TICKETS ON SALE AT: No obligation. Send your name, ALL AROUND SOUNDS address, and zip code to: Mem­ 17736y2ShermanWay ory Studies, 555 E. Lange St., • CAMPUS BOX OFFICE Dept. 940-40, Mundelein, 111. (West o( White Oak. BehiiKl Baskin-Robbins) 60060. Daily 1 1 -9 • OLYAAPIC AUD. 7 DAYS Rl 9-51 344-1092 Special discount Offer ends 2-14-73, 3:30 p.m., CSUN Box Office February 14, 1973 Northridge Dally Sundlal Page 7

Swimming... One foreign vbHDr% (Continued from page 8) in the way of strong competition for the Matadors. most unforgettable by Swimming World magazine, started the new year by knocking Accardy's swimmers can also start preparing for the NCAA finals, American memory off University of California, Irvine, rated first in college-division scheduled for mid-March in Detroit, Mich. m^sht eastty be you. schools. Before the team can go to the finals, with hopefully as many as 14 Following a romp over conference foe UC Riverside, the Matadors entrants, they must raise at least $2,500. The team Is planning a barely slid by Claremont-Mudd, 59-54. Claremont is ranked second series of fundraising activities to raise the necessary funds which &^ iAv>t,.iMut a nationally in NAIA competition. the athletic budget simply cannot provide. The Matadors also had no trouble In disposing of another CCAA ri­ val, Cal State Fullerton, dumping them 73-40. Northridge was to­ tally in command of the match, and grabbed first places in nearly every race against the Titans, ranked tenth nationally by Swimming World as a college-division team. With only one regular season meet to go, the Matadors must be­ gin to plan for the CCAA finals and NCAA finals, both taking place within 30 days. CSUN, defending conference champs for three consecutive years, must be considered as the odds-on favorite to again take the CCAA crown. Aside from Cal State Fullerton, the conference offers little

lh. Anwican Rtd Cren. nx vauR 6WN tkk ^^bdotirllnowvllhar« WE SHOW YOU HOW! ^MI be neeaM nflKl SAVE MONEY FREE-Tools- Lube... Special Student and »«vtrtltlH MUtrttotM Hr MM HMIC |Mi Faculty Discount $ O 00 Per Hour A With ID card Discount on ALL ports! SUMMER JOBS AUTO HOBBY CENTER S31B "The Auto Workshop" PRE-LAWSTUDENTS Guys & Gals needed for summer 6103 Kester (near Oxnard) i052 employment at National Parks, Van Nuys 786-8080 ACOUSTICS Private Camps, Dude Ranches 10 AM to 10 PM-Fri tUl REGISTER NOW FOR THE APRIL OR JULY and Resorts throughout the na­ Midnight-Sun till 6 PM UNLIMITED LSAT REVIEW COURSE TO MAXIMIZE YOUR tion. Over 35,000 students aided last year For Free information on LSAT SCORE student assistance program send AUTO INSURANCE AT Inslruciion CKctustvely in exam totttng lechmqjes used iuctesstuHy by Colifornio p't^ self-addressed STAMPED enve­ law students Taught m Los Angeles by practu mg lawyers Cost S7'j lope to Opportunity Research, Dept. SJO, 55 Flathead Drive, FANTASTIC SAVINGS! Course'or APRIL 14 LSAT starts MARCH 29 Course for Kalispell, fy/1T 59901, J ULY 28 LSAT starts JULY 12 . FOR COMPLETE APRIL ... YOU MUST APPLY EARLY FOR THOSE WHO QUALIFY CALL ARROW INSURANCE 345-4565 AND JULY INFORMATION, CALL TODAY. (213) 655-8046 Daily Sundial Oassified Ads

AUTOMOTIVE HELP WANTED HOUSINCI MISCELLANEOUS TY PfNG* MUST SELL! '72 VW camper PSYCH GRAD assistant needs ROOM FOR rent, female 4 bed­ PRIMAL - FEELING therapy IBM SELECTRIC typing, term bus w/pop top, 5600 miles like 6-9 mo old infants for piaget room and den. Co-op atmosphere you've read the book? call/wrt. papers, thesis, etc. Reasonable new! 5 radial belted Michelin type study call Ron Lay 368- move in immediately 363-1519 Mike McLane 4651 Castle Crest rates, near caminis. Call 349- tires. $3700 Thousand Oaks(805) 3979 or leave note with Dr. (2-16) LA 254-4141. (2-16) 8478 afternoon or eves. (2-27) Hawkins (2-14) 497-3395. (2-16) FOUR PE living room couch set. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY wlH GIRL - EXPERIENCED in typing LOST KITTEN If you have seen do your typing on IBM Executive '63 VW Van, good running con­ $50. Mrux radio phono $25 dres­ / a blue pt. Siamese kitty that walks dition, can't keep It. Call eves. & 10-key adding mach. Part- ser $30 4 Datsun chr. rims $65. typewriter, near CSUN 341-5831 time 15 to 20 hours/week. Will funny, recently spayed, please ^5-25) 257-9450. (2-15) 883-1897. (2-16) call Amita 349-1475 I lost her adjust to school schedule. Ans­ IBM TYPING same day service TOYOTA 70 COROLLA wagon wer by mail only to E.D. Schroe- DO YOU STUDY at all? Try Feb. 5, near campus (2-16) Northridge Hall 9500 Zelzah Ave. weekends ok Brody's office ser- am/fm luggage rack, blue, black der & Assoc, Suite #312, 15720 PRE-MEDS!! Make reservatiwjs vice 882-6740 or 526-9626(2-15) Int. Must sell. $995/offer 365- Ventura Blvd., Encino,Ca.(2-14) (2-16) now for all-day southland pre- 4085 (2-15) APTS $127.50 up 1,2,3 bdrm med conference at UCLA campus, TYPING (IBM ELECTRIC), 40play game else­ YEAR 'ROUND. Also one-way and high? We can save you lots of also storage. Avail, now 343- Japan, Australia, Intra-European money. For a free quote call wered this simple 10 pt. ques­ where call 478-9188, preferably tion with yes, then we at the ever 5154. (2-14) 7pm-9pm Tuesdays and Fridays. Since 1959: ISTC, Inc. 323 N. Arrow Insurance Service 345- Beverly Dr., Beverly Hills, ph: 4565. (5-25) popular Job Factory can help WALK TO college 3bd 26a bit in (2-28) you. We have jobs to fit your formal dn rm w/frplc enc patio 275-8180. (4-27) PROBLEM PREGNANCY? think­ HELP WANTED school schedule if you answered refrig air owner 349-5176 (2-15) EUROPE, ISRAEL and Japan. ing abortion? know the facts first, the question with an essay, don't Low cost student flights. Ski DO YOU need money? Can you MISCELLANEOUS call lifeline 981-help (3-16) tap dance, twiddle your thumbs, bother to call The Job Factory and camping tours. AIST 1436 S. bark, roll over, play dead or 475-9521. (2-21) EDUCATOR TAX Service $15 TYPING La Clenega Bl., LA. 90035. 652- any number ofother equally com­ short form $30 long. 787-2155 2727. (5-25) IBM TYPING same day service plex operations? We have full and PSYCH. GRAD assistant needs (8am-8pm) (2-23) MIAMI—HALF price-mustforfei part time jobs to help you get 6-9 mo. old Infants for piaget weekends ok Brody's Office Ser­ MAKE YOUR own Macrame, one way plane trip April 7. Call out of your financial rut. The type study call Ron Lay 368- vice 882-6740 or 526-9626(2-14) 990-3867. (2-16) 3979 or leave note with Dr. belts/bags, planters. Hangings, Job Factory 475-9521. (2-21) TYPING FAST accurate editing Hawkins. (2-16) jewelry/Morn. aft. eve. classes, EUROPE ISRAEL Africa. Stu­ PART TIME gen. office; 50wpm- near campus $7.50 month series. Cathy Cornell 886-3341 50? page (2-15) dent flights all year round. Con­ accoracy imp; hrs. tba; 980-5414 SALESMAN, PART time pleas­ 363-6345. (2-22) tact: ISCA 11687 San Vicente BOOKKEEPER, PART time neat ing personality some stockroom STATISTICS AND math tutoring THESIS TYPING—expert. Legal Blvd. #4 L.A., California 90049 appearing some sales for stereo/ for stereo/typewriter store 997- by Ph.D. candidate in statistics. Medical, Math, physics. Langua­ Tel: (213) 826-5669, 826-0955 typewriter store 997-7961 (2-15) 7961 (2-15) Call evng. 828-7682 (2-15) ges. Editing. 347-1801 (2-15) (5-25) Fife » Northrfatge Dally amttal Fetemry 14, 1973 Unbeaten swim streak ends Long Beach State loss won't hurt NCAA hopes By Jeff AbefflMcb STAFF WRITEk It took an Olympic swimmer, serer&l dose emits, and aa ovendl strain ^iovli« by Cal State Lens Desdi to topirie tbe CSUN swim­ mers 66-47, endine tbe Matador's onbeatoi daal-meet streak at 29. The meet was non-caafereBce, bowever, alloviair tbe Maiador's perfect caiiferen<% record to remain ioiact. The loss, wUch was tbe Hrst dul-meet defeat sogaed by Pete Accardy's aqaaoants in nearly tbree years, was really decided ca ttae outcome of three events. The first "swing* race was tbe first event ol tbe meet, tbe 400- yard medley rday. The Mataiinrs lost by less tban 1 bo^y Icngtb, placii^ the team at an immediate 7-0 deflcit. Tbe second key loss occnred In tbe 200-yard iariividBal medley when freshman Matador Marc Keily fInLriied ia a tie far first Tbe aCficials elected, however. to eraat first place to the Forty-Ntawrs.

Tbe most sorprisinK defeat far lbe Matadors came when ace dii David Corona finldied in second place ia tte one-meter competition. Corona, defendine Califomia C