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Clear tonight; Manchester, Conn.

sunny Friday Thursday. Sept. 6. 1984 — see page 2 Single copy: 25$

MmthtBtn Hrralh

8th District ^ Backs Reagan remarks

set to buy ^

firehouse Ford enters fray * f-

Bv Alex Girelll >

Herald Reporter

An agreement to buy Keeney’s

Garage for a second Eighth

Utilities District firehouse was , , - on religion issue signed by the district directors 1 Wednesday night at a special i 6 meeting called to consider the ' * Bv Mark A. Dupuis "Prayer in ifself is not denomi­ purchase. < United Press International Mondale keeps attack national." he said. The $85,000 purchase is conting- on Reagan's remarks Ford was in Waterbnry to spt'ak ent on voters’ approval of the WATERBURY — Former Presi­ proposal at a meeting set to at a $2.50-a-plale breakfast for dent Gerald Ford today defended — see page 4 Rowland, a two-term .state legisla­ coincide with the district directors' President Reagan’s stand on polit­ meeting Sept. 17. tor challenging veteran Denio- ics and religion and charged that and state bul believes religious eratie Kep. William R Ralehford Terms of the agreement call (or Democrat Walter Mondale had a $2,000 deposit, an $18,000 pay­ individuals ean be aetive in in Western Conneelieufs 5th Dis­ misinterpreted the president’s trict. At the breakfast. Ford ment when the property is trans­ government. words. at lacked Carler-Mondale ceo- ferred on about Dec. 1, and two Ford said Mondale had misinleb- Ford, campaigning for Republi­ preted statements Reagan made nomii- policies and Ralehford for payments of $32,500 each on July 1, can Congressional candidate John on religion and polities, whieh in voting for those policies. 1985, and Jan. 1, 1986. G. Rowland, also said he believes While the description of the turn prompted the president lo try He said inflation and inlerc.st religious people should be involved to clarify his position. rates rose sharply after he left in government but not organized land records does not ” I am a little surprised that Mr. office in 1976 and Carter and religious groups. Mondale would even attack Presi­ Mondale took over. "A ll I'm saying dimensions, it has about 60 feet of ” I ’m very much opposed to frontage on Tolland Turnpike and dent Reagan. Who interjected is by any statistical analysis organized religion getting involved religion the mo.st in 1976” It was bis is about 230 feet deep. The Carter and Mondale were a disas­ in organized government,” the running mate. Jimmy Carter.” ter economically.” L-shaped piece also has about former president told a news feet along the old line of Buckland Ford said. ”I didn’t hear Mondale And he said Ralehford had gone conference. complaining about that." Road, which has been moved along with tho.se policies and ’ ’But that doesn’t mean individu­ Ford al.so said he. like Reagan, should he replaced by Rowland. westward because of realignment als who have faith... can’t partici­ of the intersection. supports a constitutional amend­ “ When that ehoiec is put right on pate in government.” Ford added. ment allowing silent prayer in the table there's no doubt in my The sale hinges on whether Ford said he knew from person­ Manchester zoning regulations public schoot.4 because it would not mind who is the better person,” ally speaking with Reagan that the violate the con.stitution's ban on Ford said. will permit a firehouse on the site. president strongly supports the Part of it is in a residence zone and government establishment of About 100 people attended the principle of separation of church religion. breakfast fundraiser. S part in a Business 1 Zone.

A firehouse is clearly permitted

in a residence zone, but there is some question about the business zone. Eighth District attorney Number of first-day pupils John D. LaBelle Jr. told the directors Wednesday night. Zoning Enforcement Officer Thomas O'Marra has been asked to determine whether enough of a surprise to administrators E

the land is in the residence zone to By Sarah E. Hall time when many schools nation­ School, it is up by one. permit conversion of the auto wide are being closed for lack of repair garage to a firehouse. Herald Reporter Kcnnncdy said he attributes students to fill them, Kennedy .some of the rise at Illing to the Garage owner Richard Keeney said. is being represented by attorney For the second year in a row, opening of the Oakland Heights opening-day enrollment in the In contrast, fewer students than low-income housing complex, Wesley Gryk in the transaction. expected showed up on the first Eighth District President Walter Manchester public schools has which is that .school district. been greater than expected. Super­ day of school each year from 1978 Early Wednesday, one Illing bus Joyner has been unsuccessful in to 1982. Kennedy said. negotiating with the town govern­ intendent James P. Kennedy said was overcrowded by the time it P today. This year's total enrollment — at made its second stop, Kennedy ment to buy the Buckland fire­ about 7,130 — is still down 10(1 house, which the town built farther ■said planners erred in drawing up ’’The biggest surprise lo me is in students from last year's tally. the list of students on that bus, and west on Tolland Turnpike. After the secondary schools, where we Despite the drop, Kennedy said he the town built its station, a state that another will have lo be had expected enrollment to begin expects the school board will hire scheduled. Supreme Court decision held that to drop,” he said. Instead, 22 more two extra teachers to accomodate district, not the town, has the right Otherwise, there were "the students than last year reported to an overflow of students in the first usual bus Iroubles" Wedne.sday, to provide fire protection in the classes Wednesday in the town’s grades at Buckley and Martin I area surrounding the station. according to Kennedy junior and senior high'schools. Schools — where ela.ss size is "In total. I'm very pleased,” he Since then the district has tried Birth statistics for children now hovering around .30. without success to buy or lease the -said. He slre.s.sed that all enrol­ in grades seven through 12 show an Kennedy said teacher aides will lment figures are preliminary and station from the town to house its overall drop in that particular likely handle a pupil surplus in the volunteer fire department. may include .some students who school-age population. So Man­ third and fifth grades at Martin have moved away. In addition, Town officials have taken the chester’s increase "has to mean School, which is the smallest in position that the town needs the more pupils will probably register that we’re drawing some stu­ town. Martin. Buckley, and Na­ at the high school by the end of the station to serve about 75 percent of Harild photo by Tarquinlo dents,” the superintendent said. than Hale Schools arc currently the area it intended to serve when month. Kennedy said ’’There’s in-hiigration, and yet I housing 195 students from High­ "II does look to me like enrol­ the station was built. lU ln u In n W a i # don’t see any evidence of substan­ land Park School, which shut down Joyner, who succeeded Gordon I W O r f f l y O a y lment is going lo go above the tial housing de.velopment in to wn. ” in June because of declining acceptable projection error of 1 Lassow as district president in ,,, _ , In all grades combined, nearly enrollments. July, made the latest attempt to Wayn© Fowler of Fowlers General Welding of percent." Kennedy said. He ex­ 160 more students than adminis­ Not counting the transferred reopen the question of buying the Manchester works to remove supports for an oil tank at pected 6.979 students — while trators had planned for showed for students, the biggc.st single jump tallies made Wedne.sday showed town firehouse. At the same time Moriarty Brothers auto dealership on Center Street. Tha the start of school on Wednesday. in enrollment — 29 students - 3.. 526 elementary school pupils, Last September, the pupil tally iolsibie^'^ite^T new“ S " c t ^eing moved because Moriarty Brothers Oil occurred at filing Junior High 3.. 382 in the secondary schools. 128 was 60 more than they hasd School. At Bcnnet Junior High in town-run special education firehouse. has merged with the General Oil Co. of Hartford and its predicted. School, enrollment is down eight facilities and about 100 in Head While the firehouse agreement oil operations are being moved from Manchester. ' The news is encouraging at a students, and at Manchester High was the only question acted on ^ Start, for a total of more than 7,130. formally Wednesday night, the '

S ’HZEEI Poll says Americans think a meeting room and possibly ^ offices for the tax collector. ___ . m u ■ ■ ■

nuclear war is unwinnable drawings of how the garage might be converted. But no formal action Bv David E. Anderson both liberal and conservative auviei union would be completely will be taken until budget-making United Press International spokesmen and the publication is destroyed.” time for 1985-86. intended to present options on 6 • By 83 percent to 13 percent. Joyner wondered about using WASHINGTON — Americans no nuclear arms and national secur­ Americans conclude a limited excess funds for the purpose. But longer believe nuclear weapons ity to the voters for public debate in nuclear war would quickly turn Director Thomas Landers said serve the cause of peace, reject the the 1984 campaign. into an all out nuclear war. there is no way to determine this idea of anyone winning a nuclear The survey said there has been early in the budget year whether war but hold contradictory views profound changes in public atti- • By 76 percent to 23 percent, the there will be any surplus. on many aspects of the arms race, ' tudes in the four decades since the public rejects the suggestion that it Director Joseph Tripp said that a new survey showed today, dawn of the nuclear age. is a "w ild exaggeration” that all

if the former garage were used as “ In the early fifties," the survey life on earth could be destroyed in a meeting room, more space would ’’Whatever way the questions said, “ 2-I majorities of Americans nuclear war. become available in the office of were asked, the answers came believed that nuclear arms serve V • And the public, by a margin of the tax collector at the existing “ Ock unequivocally: nuclear war the cause of peace and lessened the 68 percent to 20 percent, rejects the firehouse on Hilliard Street. is unwinnable. horrible, unsurviv- dangers of war. Today's weapons concept the United States could , able,” said the Public Agenda have the opposite effect: the U.S. fight and win a nuclear war against • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Foundation, a non-partisan re- and Soviet accumulation of nu­ the Soviet Union. , , . — ____I ____ search organization that did the clear weapons is eroding the The survey also found many insioc Toosy su^ey. average voter’s sense of security.” Americans are misinformed about A jyic, ,2 The su ^ey data is contained in a actual U.S. nuclear policy, with 69 Business. ] ] . ' ...... ] ” . !20 Publication, ’’Voter Options on According to the report, there is percent mistakenly saying it is not Classified...... 18-19 Nuclear Arms Policy: A Briefing a clear public consensus on the current U.S. policy to use nuclear C om ics...... 8 Book for the 1984 Elections,” dangers of nuclear war. It found: weapons to resist a Soviet invasion UPI photo Entertainment...... 12 published by the foundation and • By a margin of 96 percent to 3 of Europe or Japan with conven­ f®/ Foreign poncy percent, American assert "picking tional forces. Mission accomplished Opinion...... 6 Development of Brown University. a fight with the Soviet Union is too “ Virtually all Americans — 81 Peopietoik ...... 2 Pollster Daniel Yankelovich is dangerous in a nuclear world.” percent — mistakenly believe it is Sports...... 15-17 president of the foundation and • By 89 percent to 9 percent, An SBS-4 satellite was one of three devices launched by our policy to use nuclear weapons ..... 8 former Secretary of State Cyrus Americans agree "there can be no the Discovery crew during its recent six-day mission. ’if, and only if, the Soviets attack weoiner...... 2 Vance serves as chairman. winner in an all out nuclear war; The astronauts spent their day relaxing with their the United States first with nuclear • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Advisers to the project included both the United States and the weapons,” ' it found. families. Story, page 4.

Z - MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday. Sept 6. 1984 MANCHKSTKR IIEHAl.l). Tluiisdav, Sfpl 6, 1984 3

Journalist tells of mother’s execution and war’s anguish Town hiring Manchester Hopefuls campaign In 12th

peridd — says Gage was too; Greeks wear their hearts oV By Andy Dablls she was executed, dumped in a a year after "Eleni" made her actress Kate Neiligan. personally involved to be’ In Brief United Press International ravine outside a small Greek story famous. There he continues to be be­ their sleeves, bleed openly and consuitant for primary Tuesday objective. for G O P argue incessantly among them­ village and covered with rocks 36 Gage was 9 years old when his sieged by calls from journalists, But Gage says Havarias writes selves, so they are ready for Paramedics will be honored GRAFTON. Mass. — The last years ago are still being heard mother was killed. He escaped with letters from people recount­ fiction and that "a writer does not; sociation. a government watchdog eessary schools, and representt il ing how the story affected their emotion. Gage says he opened Members of the to.wn’s Advanced Life Support By Alex GIrelll words of Eleni Gatzoyiannis before “ My children! ” she screamed to with a family that later came tothe consider petty political trends. He group. She is not employed full­ taxpayers on .several commissions iives, and from friends who want to himself to sympathy and remote Cheney work squad will be honored at a reception at Herald Reporter the shots of the firing squad. United States, where he became a writes from his own pain and time. and study committees. appear in the movie, parts of which dissatisfaction from readers and Manchester Memorial Hospital on Tuesday. Eleni was killed by communist journalist and then a New York memory.” Mercier said Wednesday that he Mercier issued a statement guerillas for helping her children Times correspondent sent back to will be shot in the village of Lia. those who disagreed with the The reception, which is being sponsored by the About 3,700 Republican voters in It’s been more than a year since By Kathy Garmus Manche.ster's 12th Assembly Dis­ has spent many hours goingIrom Wedne.sday hut MeCavanagli, escape the fate of others sent to Greece. Gage says he thinks the book book’s political stance. hospital and the town fire department, will mark Gage wrote “ Eleni,” and was Herald Reporter door to door and has talked to at not Sadloski. was the target neighboring communist countries After trying several times. Gage worked as more than a personal the end of the first year of the paramedic trict are eligible to vote in the "You expose wounds in your stunned to find it became a primary election Tuesday between least 640 Republican voters. He Mercier called on McCavanagh to the last days of a brutal civil war in interviewed more than 400 people catharsis because "this book says psyche, your soul. Some want to Book-of-the-Month Club selection program. Several of the people rescued by the support a bipartisan call for :i The town is nearly ready to hire a consulting Betty Sadloski and Jonathan said that before the primary Greece. for his best seller that was more more than ideologies an a sense of confront you, others want to pour paramedics are expected to be at the reception, special session of tbestate l.egisl.i and subject of laudatory reviews. engineer to help design public improvements to a Mcrcier. Tuesday he hopes to have con­ It took one of her children, profound in its telling — because it country, there is your family to salt on it. No one has come up and The book, he says, succeeded according to hospital spokesman Andrew A. lure to reduce taxes in the liglil ol portion of the historic Cheney mill district. Director of tacted 2,400 R e p u li I i e a n journalist Nick Gage, more than 30 was true — than the best anti-war hold to. challenged me in the streets of Beck. the $164 4 million .state surplus because “ it’s a love story between, Planning Mark Pellegrini said Wednesday. The winner of the GOP primary households. years to write the story that makes, movie. “ No matter how bad things are, Greece because they know it is Town, police and fire officials are also expected State Kepubli.ean leaders said a parent and a child ... about A contract has been written and is being reviewed will face incumbent Democratic He said he hopes 1,000 voters or him relive his mother’s death in The work started as a trail of there are people who won’t sur­ true," Gage says in a hard, concise emotions common to all of us, love- to attend. Tue.sday they would petition lor by the New Britain-based engineering firm of C.E. Rep. James McCavanagh, a Man­ more will turn out for the primary agonizing deti^il. revenge that led him to the judge render. People like to know there voice. The reception will be from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. in such a session. and sacrifice and fear and anger.” Maguire Inc., which submitted the lowest bid for the chester realtor, in the Nov. 6 He said a heavy vole would be to It’s a story that has made who ordered the execution. When are people like that. It’s reassuring the hospital conference rooms. Mercier said the main issue is Greeks for years tried to forget Gage has letters from people like work, Pellegrini said. The work includes landscaping election. his advantage. personal and poignant the imper­ he found Katis, the man whose to know there are people who have whether tbe Republican call can be the period of the civil war, but a the Jewish doctor who was haunted and sidewalk and lighting design in a one-block- Mercicr has been conducting a The last Republican primary in sonality of war and outlined in decision led to Eleni’s death. Gage values,” he says. Workshop discussion set turned into a bipartisan appeal. colleague of Gage’s, writer Stratis by the holocaust and say he keeps square area that includes Elm and Forest streets. door-to-door campaign in the five the 12th Di.striet was in 1078. The stark detail the universal suffering fingered a gun he’d brought, but Still, says Gage, when the book Mercier said be would like to si’c Haviaris, says he admires Eleni’s picture in a copy of C.E. Maguire submitted a bid of $14,200 for its Town Assistant General Manager Steven R. voting districts that make pp the race between Frederick Peek and of innocents caught in the feuds of never used it. was done he expected to have any meal costing le.ss than $1 — or “ Eleni,” but believes the book was Euripides "so that, whenever I go portion of the design, Pellegrini said. The only other Werbner and members of the Human Relations 12th District. Sadloski has been Walter Joyner brought out 21 [M-r politicians and zealots. " I had learned enough about modest sales, primarily among even le.ss than $.'l exempted from too harsh on the intentions of back to reading among his plays, L bid was for $3,800 more. Commission will meet with a personnel consul­ contacting voters by phone and cent of the eligible voters. If that "When you do it as a writer, you Eleni to know she would not want to Greek-Americans. tax Me also said the Legislaluro communists. shall for the rest of my life It was submitted jointly by Fuss & O’Neill of tant tonight to plan an affirm ative action through the mail. percentage holds, about 750 will do it by yourself and struggle with be revenged in blood," he tells " I didn’t expect that the details should euiisider redueing the sale.s Haviaris, now head of the poetry remember her.” Manchester and CR3 land planners of Simsbury. workshop for town employees. Sadloski is the challenging can­ vole Tuesday. yourself. It’s fierce but you’re campus audiences. of the life and death of a peasant tax by one half of one percent. department at Harvard University " I know I ’m never going to write He said he hopes to have the engineering contract Robert Fortgang Associates, a Hartford-based didate. Mercier won the endorse­ Sadloski said she has gotten a doing it because you have to as a Gage lives with his family in a woman so long ago in an obscure "I hope that all of these legisla N IC K G A G E and author of "The Heroic Age” — ’ a book as good as this,” Gage says. signed by the end of this month. Final plans for the personnel company, has already submitted a ment of the Manchester Republi­ good response to her phone calls. writer. But when you have to relive large old home where he is working war would have much impact In a open letter to voters, tors, iiu'luding my opponent, will mother slain by a book which writes of children and “ I became a writer to do this work should be complete and be ready to put out to bid tentative plan for the workshops, which would be can Town Committee July 25 by an it. sometimes four or five limes a on the screenplay of his mother’s beyond the boundaries of our own join in the call to reduce our taxi's the communist stance in the same book.” in January or February, Pellegrini said. designed to acquaint town employees with 18 to 8 vote over Sadloski. Sadloski asked for their support communists day. that can be hard." Gage says. story, a film that will stage English fam ily." now." Mercier said. The public improvements — which include the affirm ative action regulations. Mercier, 39. of 63 Jensen St., is a and called .Mercier a "Johnny Come-Lately" to the town anti*to Voting ill Tue.sday's primary « ill widening of streets, replacement of curbs and the The meeting is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. in the lawyer with the Aetna Life and politics. She said he has no reeortl be from noon to 8 p.m at llio construction of sidewalks — were authorized by general manager’s office at the Municipal Casualty Co. He is a member of the to show "fo r any work unless it was following (lolling places: voters in a $750,000 bond-issue referendum almost Building. town Ethics Commission and the Weather District 1. liohcrlsoii Scluiol three years ago. Human Relations Commission. for his own benefit." Peopletalk Sadloski, 59, of 48 Hollister St., is As she has in the past. Sadloski District 2. Dowers .School. Districi The improvements were tied to the conversion of Watkins opening delayed 5, Senior Cili/.ciis' Cciilcr; Distrii I two mill buildings to apartments. Developers said the treasurer of the Eighth Utilities said she has spoken out for 7. Waddell School, and District to. Today’s forecast Improvements were crucial to their plans. District and president of the taxpayers at every budget hetir The Watkins Building office condominiums on Manchester High Scimol ■ Work to convert the former Manchester Modes Manche.stcr Property Owners As- ing. fought against buidliiig uniie Scarsdale diet competition Connecticut, Massachusetts Main Street will not be formally opened until and Rhode Island: Variable building on Pine Street into 102 apartments has One man’s harebrained scheme is another renovations to the rear part of the building have cloudiness this afternoon. Cool already begun. The developers of the Clocktower Mill man’s world record. been completed and an advertising campaign has 6 building on Elm Street have applied for a building with highs in the low to mid 60s. begun, one of the developers said. Ron Allen,,37. of Los Angeles wanted to give fat permit to convert that building into 185 apartments. Clear and cold tonight. Lows in Warren E. Howland, who is renovating the Shelter group report heads people some inspiration, but perspiration was the Pellegrini said that while the initial work would be upper 30s to the 40s. Friday building with two other partners, said the operative word. Allen stuffed his 250 pounds into a limited to the one-block area bounded by Pine, Elm sunny and continued cool. Highs developers plan to hire a firm to promote the special sweatsuit, stood over a kiddie pool and for and Forest streets and Hartford Road, the consulting 24 hours staged a one-man "sweat-a-thon” in his in the 60s. building. engineer will study the entire district when it designs Some minor work needs to be finished in the downtown Nashville hotel suite. Maine and New Hampshire: the improvements. Future rehabilitation in other Board of Directors’ agenda rear building, which is already occupied by Allen dropped 2l/!i, only to find Partly to mostly sunny tdday. areas of the mill district should be compatible with the several tenants, Howland said. There are two the Guinness Book of World Records does not High 55 to 65. Clear tonight, a initial improvements, he said. A report recommending that the In other business, the directors Public Works Director George A have a 24-hour weight-loss category, just a record chance of light frost north and three-story buildings involved in tbe project. “ We want the plans to fit in with the whole area,” he Howland had previously said an opening town’s Cooper Hill Water Treat­ will be asked to approve an Kandra has recommended lhal six for weight loss during an eight-month stretch — mountains. Low in 30s to low 40s. said. “ There should be a compatibility between the ceremony would be held at the beginning of ment Plant be used as a shelter for agreement between the town and areas requiritig special epoxy 357 pounds. Sunny Friday. High 60 to 70. Clocktower Mill building, the Weaving Mill and the September. The other partners in the project are the homeless will be the first item the Board of Education over joint paint and scaffolds he done by "But 2V/2 pounds is a lot to lose ip 24 hours," Vermont: Fair and unseasona­ Ribbon Mill. ” contract. Lloyd E. Wilson and Earle J. Wilson. discussed when the Board of use of the Highland Park School said Bill Coleman of Guinness in Nashville. "Who bly cool today. Highs 55 to 70. Before final plans are drawn, the Cheney Hall Directors meets Tuesday, building. The agreement provide.s The cost is estimated al $9,27.5 knows if it will go through in the main offices in Clear and chilly tonight. Chance Foundation and Cheney National Historic District The meeting is scheduled to start for a review each July. The directors will also h<‘ asked New York or not." of frost in the north. Lows 30 to 45. Commission will review them. Second police test set at 8:15 p.m. in the hearing room of The agreement specifies who to replace the town's ordinamc Sunny and warmer Friday. ” We can come up with a plan quickly but that is not the Lincoln Center. will use which parts of the building governing Going Out of Business A written examination for three openings on the Highs 65 to 75. the objective," said Town Engineer Walter J. Senkow. The directors will meet 15 and who will be responsible for . Sales with a new, more limited one police force has been scheduled Sept. 20, Capt. "We want to make sure other commissions...agree minutes later than usual so that what maintenance. When the ordinance was passed, Bud Minor said today. with what we are doing." they can attend a 7:30 p.m. The directors will consider aulh it was designed to prevent .sellei',s Is it a Yankee plot? Extended outlook All 137 of the 152 applicants who passed the Aug. Fall weather preview The bond issue provided for improvements only on ceremony at Manchester Memor­ orizing an expense of $5,4.56 for the from importing merehandi.se for 25 agility test have been invited to take the written Dr. Thomas Radecki, a University of Illinois Extended outlook for New ^ m and Forest streets, Hartford Road and the ial Hospital to mark the first Republican primary election Tues­ sale under the pretense that they Today; variable cloudiness this afternoon. Cool with highs in test. psychiatrist who heads the National Coalition oii England Saturday through parking lot of Cheney Hall. anniversary of the town’s para­ day. Betty Sadloski is challenging were liquidating regular mid 60s. North winds around tO.mph. Tonight; clear. Lows near Three slots came open on the 85-member police Television Violence, says there is an underlying Monday: The town Engineering Department will share the medic program. Jonathan Mercier for the Republi­ meehandi.se. 40. Light variable winds. Friday; sunny and continued cool. force after a round of promotions last spring. message in "Red Dawn," the summer movie Connecticut, Massachusetts design work with the consulting engineer. The recommendation on the can nomination to oppose state Stale law now regulates such Highs near 70. Today’s weather picture was Meredith Town officials have said they hope to hire at least about a Soviet invasion of Colorado. and Rhode Isiand: Fair weather shelter comes from a committee Rep. James McCavanagh, D- sales to protect consumers from McKeown, 9, of 21 Lancaster Rd., and a student at St. James one minority officer for the all-white force in this "Movies like ’Red Dawn’ are rapidly preparing Saturday and Sunday. A chance that has been studying the matter. Manchestcr, for election as 12th fraud. School. round of hiring, the third recruitment in the last America for World War III. They are preparing of showers Monday. Highs in Members have agreed to recom­ Assembly Di.striet representative. The town’s only function now. Red Rock l-park nixed three years. the adult generaUon to financially support and upper 60s to 70s and lows in upper mend the Cooper Hill plant, at least The largest expenditures in­ according to Assistant Town Attm Those who pass the written exam will be invited the younger generation to be the cannon fodder 40s to 50s. as a temporary site, despite some volved are $2,060 for poll workers ney William Shea, is to Im* sure il s The town is no longer interested in buying the Red to take an oral lest. The oral test will be followed for a war to resolve our problems with the reservations about the location. and $1,155 for voting machine has collected taxes on all merehaii Vemtont: Chance of showers by background investigations and lie-detector Russians. ... These movies teach a barbaric ethic Cold chills the North; Rock Golf Course for an industrial park. Town The shelter would be operated by mechanics. di.se to be sold in the north Sunday and Monday tests of those who pass. of hate." General Manager Robert B. Weiss said today. the Manchester Area Conference A recommendation that the A.sSistanI Town Attorney Mai otherwise fair and dry. Highs in The written test will be given at Illing Junior The coalition says the film, which has grossed Weiss said that most of the good industrial land in of Churches. painting of some areas in the new eolm Barlow has recommended a 70s. Lows Saturday in 40s. Lows High School on East Middle Turnpike at 6 p.m. almost $30 million in less than a month, is the Los Angeles swelters town is owned by private developers. ” I don’t think The plant will be vacated by the Platinum for Julio Sunday and Monday in 50s. water treatment plant be done by $2.80n seltlemenl in a.sidewalk fall most violent movie ever made. The only Water Department when it com­ contract will also be considered. Maine and New Hampshire: the town has to ^ in the position now of stimulating ea.se. Irene Lseh blought suit comment from John Millus, who directed the Singer Julio Iglesias holds up two platinum development," he said. pletes its move into the new plant Most of the interior of the plant is again.st lhi> town a.s the result id film, was; "W hy don’t they pick on ‘Indiana Fair Saturday. Chance of show­ By United Press International Morning lows snapped records albums presented to him this week by CBS At a meeting of the Economic Development on Spring Street. being painted by town forces, but injuries in a fall May 20. 1981 E ers Sunday. Fair Monday. Lows from the Canadian border to Dixie. Jones?” ’ Records in New York The discs signify sales of in the upper 30s and the 40s but Record heat pressure-cooked Records included a 31 at Interna­ Commission, Weiss said he learned that a private more than one million copies each of LPs entitled Calls Southern California, record cold tional Falls, Minn., 42 at Detroit, 49 developer had obtained an option to purchase the "Julio" and "1100 Bel Air Place.” with some colder spots Saturday morning. Highs in 60s to lower chilled the North and high winds at El Paso, Texas, and 60 at 105-acre course that is located west of Slater Street 70s. whipped the Northwest. Columbus, Ga. and north of Interstate 86. Manchester Make love, not war It was a record cold 43 degrees at But Bernard McIIduff, one of the owners, said today Wednesday, 12:18 p.m. — motor vehicle accident, Although the reviews have hardly been kind. Bo Long Island Sound Chicago’s O’Hare Airport early Across the nation that there is no such option. “ Nothing’s happened 295 Broad St. (Town). Derek’s nude romp "B olero," about a sheltered President interrogated today, promising more of the chill yet,” he said. Wednesday, 9:31 p.m. — medical call. Plymouth that dropped late summer temper­ Showers and thunderstorms student (Derek) trying to lose her virginity, Long Island Sound to Watch He said an option on the land previously held by a Lane (Paramedics). atures to record lows Wednesday will be scattered over the upper The REGAL Navy Blazer. pulled in a healthy $4.5 million its first weekend. "Is detente dead?" "Should we go with Stealth Thursday, 1 a.m. — smoke investigation. Main P Hill, R.I., and Montauk Point; or the B-1 bomber?" from northern Minnesota to Texas. Mississippi Valley and the north­ private developer expired"earlier this year. One critic, Mike Clark of "USA Today," says Winds north to nortijwest 10 to Street (Town). Those are the kinds of heavy duty questions Winds gusting to 40 and 50 mph ern Rockies. Thunderstorms will Town officials originally expressed interest in the movie "is about as exciting as listening to 20 knots today. Winds decreasing Thursday, 1:24 a.m. — motor vehicle accident. former President Gerald Ford said he expected blew across Idaho into Montana extend over Florida and showers acquiring the golf course earlier this year. The EDC Center and Broad streets (Tow n). • VERSATILITY when it counts! scratchy 78s of accordion solos.” to 10 knots or less tonight and from Texas Republicans at a fund-raising today as a cold front moved east. will continue over the Pacific backed the idea of developing the land into an Thursday, 7:14 a.m. — medical call, 171 E. Center becoming variable at the same breakfast Wednesday. Instead, the well-heeled Wednesday night 40 mph winds northwest. Winds will be strong industrial park. SL (Paramedics). • SAVINGS when it counts! Republicans at the country club gathering in speed Friday. Visibility will be caused blowing dust in the south­ and gusty over portions of the Legislating the wind Sugar Land, Texas, asked about Ford’s golf m ore .than 5 m iles through ern end of Washington State’s northern Plains, the northern . game. Friday. Weather will be fair Central Basin, cutting visibility to Rockies and southern Nevada. When the Jacksons’ Victory Tour concert in Los " I t ’s getting better. The best evidence of which through Friday. Average wave 1 mile. Highs will be in the 60s and 70s . Angeles wa&postponed, fans despaired. But when is I ’m hitting fewer spectators," he replied. heights — 1 to 2 feet today, Los Angeles sweltered through over New England, the mid- ■ You can count on our classic the Jacksons canceled an appearance in decreasing less than a foot wiNiNGER's GYMNASTICS Ford pretended to be miffed at long-time friend its second day of record high Atlantic states, the Ohio Valley, ' Philadelphia, state Sen. James Lloyd of Philadel­ tonight. navy blazer to see you through Bob Hope for joking that Ford had turned golf into temperatures. It Was 105 down­ the Great Lakes, the upper phia said he will introduce a bill requiring a contact sport. town and 110 in the suburbs, and Mississippi Valley, the northern Fall in style. At the office with entertainers to make up shows instead of paying accompanying smog brought a I Quality Instruction & Individual Affenfion | Rockies and the northern half of : refunds. Air quality Stage One alert, meaning the air grey flannel slacks, for weekends The senator decided he had had enough when he was unhealthful for everyone. the Pacific Coast. Temperatures ; MANCHESTER PROGRAM WINDSOR PROGRAM and his two children were turned away from a The state Department of En­ Milt Kohut, an Air Quality w ill be in the 90s over the central j with slacks and a sweater, or Jackson concert at the John F. Kennedy Stadium vironmental Protection forecast Management District spokesman, and southern Plains, the central: Cla$$e$ Mon.-Sot. Classes Tues. & Sat. with designer jeans, the blazer is Monday night. "About 60,000 fans spent nearly $2 She was all choked up good air quality conditions today said a temperature inversion Rockies, the southern Plateau : million to see the Jacksons Monday evening. In a for the entire state. Tiny Tot$ Age$ 12-24 Mo$. Pre-School Sat. Only Ages 3-5 The tears did all the talking. “ I don’t think it has turned Los Angeles into "a pres­ and inland California. Highs will ! right at home. sense those 60,000 fans entered a contract with the really sunk in yet,” singer Brenda Lee choked. sure cooker with the lid on tight.” be 100 degrees and hotter over Pre-School Age$ 3-5 Boys & Girls Ages 5-16 group. That contract should be honored," Lloyd Sweltering temperatures that portions of the desert southwest. 'said. She was wailing about an award — the Boy$ & Girl$ Age$ 5-16 • 1 0 0 % Polyester Governors’ Award from the Nashville chapter of reached 111 at Thermal, 110 at The senator’s argument really seems to be with MANCHESTER OPEN HOUSE the National Academy of Recording Arts and Ontario, and 108 at Long Beach, Grmpetitive Teams Fri., Sopt. 7th 4:00pm-7:00pm • Sizes: 36 to 46 Reg. the elements, however, because the show was Lottery Imperial and Blythe caused a Weather radio canceled due to bad weather. Sciences. Only four others — Wesley Rose, Roy Adult Gymmi$tk$ & Aefobk$ Sot., Sopt. 8th 10:00am-2:00pm 38 to 42 Short Acuff, Kitty Wells and Bill Williams - have second day of record power The National Weather Service 40 to 46 Long demand for Southern California CALL 646-3687 received the rare and prestigious award in the broadcasts continuous, 24-hour WININGMR'S -688-7712 Windsor, Ct. chapter’s 20-year history. Connecticut daily Edison. Nearly 200 transformers weather information on 162.475 . 791 Main Si., Manchostor, Ct. "How do you react to something like that," Lee broke down under the load, caus­ mHz in Hartford, 162.55 mHz in - ing power outages for 50,000 Now you know replied after pausing to wipe away the tears Wednesday: 269 New London and 162.40 m Hz in trickling down her cheek. The award will be residences. ’The United Nations formed its permanent Play Four: 3926 Meriden. presented to Lee Thursday in a star-studded A Canadian cold front kept OF MANCHESTER 90 charter at San Francisco in 1945, and since 1946 banquet in Vanderbilt Plaza’s Centennial Wednesday’s highs in the 60s from has had its headquarters in New York. SA G backs new law CALDOR SHOPPING PLAZA Reg. *85“ Ballroom. Other numbers drawn Wed­ the upper Great Lakes to interior nesday in N ew England; New England, with 70s reported on HOLLYWOOD (UPI) - The OPEN MON.-FRI. 10-9 the New England coast. New Hampshire daily: '7943. Screen Actors Guild announced its SAT. 10-6 Rhode Island daily; 5313. support for the proposed revision in the California Child Labor laws! rvws Clof»d Sundays Rhode Island weekly; 452, High and low governing youngsters in the mo­ Almanac 2789, 16947, 946959. July and August 6 tion picture industry in opposition Maine daily; 167. The highest temperature re­ to studio teachers who are against Vermont daily; 574. ported Wednesday by the Na­ IHAGGAR SLACKS DELIVER the revisions. Today is Thursday, September 6th, the 2S0th day of Massachusetts Megabucks; 3- tional Weather Service, exclud­ SAG attorney Constance Minnett 1984 with 116 to follow. 15-16-20-22-29. ing Alaska and Hawaii, was 112 said, “ It is clear from the press The moon is moving toward its full phase. Massachusetts weekly: Yel­ degrees at Bullhead City, Ariz. fARLY BIRD The morning star is Mercury. statements made by some studio low 149, Blue 86, White 0. Today’s low was 29 degrees at COMFORT PLUS! ’The evening stars are Venus, Mars, Jupiter and I teachers that they have misunder- Massachusetts dally: 1960. Gunnison, Colo. Saturn. sto<^ the proposal. Hoggar's classic 1 0 0% polyester slacks ore every man's Those bom on this date are under the sign of Virgo. 90 ’They include the Marquis de Lafayette — French hero SKI JACKET SALE ace in-the-hole when il comes to looking great! In navy, of the American revolution — in 1757, pioneer social Manchester Herald black, brown and burgundy... Reg *26* worker Jane Addams in i860 and financier-diplomat Richard M. Diamond, Publisher JosepI) P. Kennedy in 1888. Penny Sadd Mark F. Abraitis *FRBE ALTERATIONS Sizes 30 to 42 On this date in history: Associate Publisher Business Manager $Q99 $22^^ In 1620, 149 Pilgrims set sail from England aboard the Mayflower, bound for the New World. USPS 327-500 In 1901, President William McKinley was shol and VOL. cm . No. 288 I J critically wounded in Buffalo, New York. He died Published dolly except Sunday and certain halldays by Regularly *72 to *50 .>1 •■««»•» ore S ljp weekly, SS.I2for one eight days iater. the Manchester Publishing Co., 16 Bralnard Place, monrn, $15.35 for three imnths, S30.70for six months and A Super Selection of Short Ski Vests and Sl(i Manchester, Conn. 06040. Second class postage paid ot $61.40 for one year. A6all rates ore available on request. In 1909, word was received that Admiral Robert Today In history Manchester, Conn. POSTM ASTER: Send address \ \ Jackets. Some come with a Matching Knitted I Peary had discovered the North Pole five months changes to the Manchester Herald, P.O. Box S91, To place a classified or display odvertlsemenf, or to Sweater. In solid or with stripes. Nylon shell | BECAVS Manchester, Conn. 06040. earlier — April 6th, 1909. On Sept. 6,1982, Polish terrorists seized report a news Item, trtorv or picture Idea, call 643-2711. with poty fill. "Your Quality Men's Shop" Office hours ore 1:30 o.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through In 1982, Polish terrorists seized.the Polish embassy the Polish embassy in Bern, Switzer- To subscribe, or to report a delivery problem, call Friday. DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER VERNON in Bern, Switzerland, demanding an end to martial iand, demanding an end to martial law in 647-9946. Office hours are S;30 a.m. to 5:30p.m. Monday 9C3 M AIN ST TRI-CITY PLAZA law in Poland. They eventually surrendered. through Friday and 7 to to a.m. Saturday. Delivery The Mpnetmter Herald Is a subscriber to United Press Poland. Three days later, the terrorist should be made by 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and by Internatloiral n e m services and Is a member of the Audit Op«n Doily 9 30 S 30 Thun t.l 9 00 O pen W «d Thuri & Fr> til 9 00 In 1983, two U.S. Marines were killed and three were 7:30 a.m. Saturday. Bureau of Circulations. wounded in a rocket attack in Beirut. pictured here was captured. 4 - MANCHESTER HERALD, Thursduv, Sept. 6, 1984 MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday. Scut 6. 1984 - .5 V.S./World Nicaragua accuses U.S. of pact violation Antibiotics used In By Nancy Nusser ment by the Mexican Foreign Ministry Nicaraguan officials she was "in a Americans as "volunteers” sent to United Press International said. sthte of shock’ ’ over the death of her Honduras by Civilian-Military Assist­ The private meeting, the fifth be­ son, said she would decide within a few ance, a paramilitary organization in cattie iinKed CHOICEST MEATS IN TOWN Spacewalks like ‘strolls’ M ANAGUA, Nicaragua — Officials tween the two sides in three months, days whether to retrieve his body in based in Decatur, Ala., that is aiding MOSCOW — President Konstantin Chernenko phoned the families of two Americans came after relations were further Nicaragua, D ’Escoto said. the rebels. "The U.S. has failed to initiate said three cosmonauts nearing a new space killed in a rebel air attack and the strained by Saturday’s rebel air attack * Nicaraguan Defense Minister Hum­ criminal proceedings against this endurance record today aboard the Salyut-7 are government accused the United States on a military training camp in Santa berto Ortego earlier described the two to human iiiness organization, Civilian-Military Assist­ so familiar withthe conditions of a long flight that of violating its own Neutrality Act by 'Clara, 6 miles from the Honduran 'Americans as "soldiers of fortune of ance, and individuals who from their BUTCHER SHOP DELI HUT "spacewalks have become regular strolls with failing to halt the activities of the border. Eight people, including four the CIA .” Bv William Poole diarrhea, abdominal cramps and MUCKES NATURAL CASING them," paramilitary group that sent them to children, were killed. D ’Escoto, however, appeared to own account, have been involved in USDA CHOICE activities that imply clear violation of United Press International nausea. At a Kremlin ceremony Wednesday honoring join anti-government forces. D ’Escoto told reporters in Managua back off that statement. , . n . 8 9 Nicaraguan Foreign Minister Miguel national law, the Neutrality Act," The researchers traced the BONELESS HOT DOGS three other cosmonauts who were aboard the he and other Nicaraguan government "What is important is not that they BOSTON — Antibiotics used to OUR OWN D ’Escoto launched Nicaragua’s latest D ’Escoto said. cause of the outbreak to a resistant orbiting station for 12 days in July. Chernenko officials called the families of the two were agents or exactly what kind of enhance the growth of beef cattle SHOULDER STEAK verbal salvo against the United States He said Nicaragua would make an •strain of salmonella in calves fed USDA CHOICE BEEF BONELESS had high praise for thsljee teacher of I.«onid Americans killed in the raid — Dana relationship they had with the C IA ,” hi* have been found for the first time BAKED HAM » > 2 . 9 9 as representatives from both countries official protest of the alleged violation antibiotic additives in the South Kizim, Vladimir Solovyov and Oleg Atkov, who Herbert Parker, 36, Huntsville, Ala., said. "What is important is that it is to be the cause of an outbreak of WUNDERBAR met Wednesday in an apparent effort to to Washington and the World Court in Dakota herd. SHOULDER CLOD have been in space since Feb. 8 and James Powell, 37, Memphis, Tenn. evident from the facts that their drug-resistant illness among hu­ ease the escalating hostilities. The Hague. Nicaragua already has In the early 1950s, researchers GERMAN BOIOGNA , . n . i 9 Today, the trio was to break the 211-day record — to invite them to Nicaragua to activities could not have been carried mans. according to a team of ROAST lb U.S. special envoy to Central Amer­ sent a protest note to the State unexpectedly discovered that an SWITZERLAND set by Soviet cosmonauts Valentin Lebedev and retrieve the bodies. out not only without the knowledge, but researchers. USDA CHOICE ica Harry Shlaudeman met with Department, shortly after the Satur­ antibiotic ingredient in chicken Anatoly-Berezovoy, who returned to Earth on also the consent of the C IA .” The finding, published Wednes­ Nicaragua’s Deputy Foreign Minister D ’Escoto said Parker’s father, Dana day attack. rnash was a "growth factor.” The TOP BLADE SWISS CHEESE .. 5 2 . 8 9 Dec. 10, 1982, after completing 211 days, nine day in the New England Journal of Victor Hugo Tinoco outside the Pacific Parker, was too upset to claim his son’s The United States has provided Nicaragua has also asked for an finding drastically changed the PLUM ROSE hours and five minutes in space. M ^icine, noted there is wides­ STEAK lb resort town of Manzanillo, Mexico, to body in Nicaragua and asked govern­ financial aint/nilitary aid to the rebels urgent meeting of the U.N. Security nation’s livestock production and There was no official word on when the pread agreement the use of antibi­ SLICED BACON , . 5 1 . 8 9 cosmonauts will return to Earth. "better relations and find a pacific, ment authorities to return it to the fighting to overthrow Managua’s leftist Council to debate what it called "fresh was an economic boon for pharma­ PRIMO HOT OR SWEET OUR OWN negotiated solution to the problems United States. Sandinista government. escalation of aggression” directed otics has been responsible for the ceutical companies. The ceremony at which Chernenko appeared rise of resistant bacteria. How­ ITALIAN SAUSAGE ib after a 54-day absence from public view was that affect re n tr-' ^•"''-ica,” a state­ Rose Powell, who reportedly told U.S. officials described the two against it. Some of the patients in the study CHICKEN FINGERS , . 5 3 . 9 9 ever, they said until the new study were hospitalized and one died GREVLEDGE shown Wednesday on the nightly television news there was no clear link between OUR OWN program Vremya. with fever, confusion and other CHICKEN or drug-resistant bacteria among hu­ symptoms of toxic bacteria ac­ RICE PUDDING 8 9 < TURKEY PIES 12 .z Good shuttle mission mans and the use of antibiotics in quired from the same endoscopic Propane blast kills two feed used to promote the growth of instrument used to examine livestock. another infected patient. LEAN A TENDER AN TH O N Y, Kan. — A propane tank explosion "This, to my knowledge, is the “ To date, all cases of animal-to- BEEF CHUCK KABOBS ib killed two people and .set fire to adjacent first time anyone has demon­ human spread of disease from PRODUCE BAKERY buildings, forcing the evacuation of several sure to bring more strated the complete sequence of resistant bacteria have originated SEA COVE, hundred people and closing 20 miles of highway, events in the transmission of , in livestock in which antibiotic use FRESH DEPARTMENT officials said today. EDWARDS AIR FO R CE BASE, Calif. " I believe now we’re back on schedule illness from animals given antibio­ has been either at therapeutic l| i . B tic n li Ib The explosion at the Farmers Oil Co. occurred (UPI) — The shuttle Discovery awaited a again and we’re looking forward to the tics for growth instead of for levels or ill-defined. A clear COD FILLETS lb. IN n iis iii Sm IIu : (bipes Ib. Chocolate Roll each M.99 at 9:30 p.m. Wednesday, and the fire quickly slow journey back to Florida but its crew challenges that face us again in the shuttle therapeutic reasons," said Dr. association between subtherapeu- Rid iikiy Riipis spread to two buildings housing four businesses in celebrated Labor Day three days late program," said Jesse Moore, NASA’s Scott D. Holmberg, medical epide­ rpccu tic use and human disease had not Mk Rpiilis 3 Ib big the town of about 2,600 just north of the Oklahoma today, relaxing with family and friends associate administrator for spaceflight. miologist with the federal Center been shown. This important miss­ Puis state line. Highway Patrol dispatcher Kim after a week of hard work in orbit. NASA technicians are preparing Discov­ for Disease Control in Atlanta. ing link is now provided by th POLLOCK FILLETS Ib. B irtlitt Ib. Bioccoli Pnlfs each 45C Egholm said. Commander Henry Hartsfield, Michael ery, the nation’s third shuttle, for a ferry Holmberg and a team of rc- elegant detective work of Holm­ Wisbingtin Piunes Ib The fire killed two people, who have yet to be Coats, Steven Hawley, Judy Resnik, flight atop a 747 jumbo jet back to the searhers from the state health berg and (his) colleagues," Dr. N itne C ie n Cibbi|!e Ib. identified, Egholm said. 6 Richard Mullane and Charles Walker flew Kennedy Space Center launch site in three departments of Minnesota and Stuart B. Levy of the Tufts JUMBO SHRIMP Ib. Butliinul i Acan Squub Ib 6/G9C "They were burned beyond recognition," she to Houston Wednesday afternoon following or four day# where it will be readied for South Dakota traced a 1983 out­ University School of Medicine and Kaisoi Rolls said. "We'll have to do an autopsy (today) before their dawn landing on a dry lakebed runway launch again Nov. 2. break of salmonella poisoning New England Medical Center we can positively identify them." in the Mojave Desert. Discovery’s sister ship. Challenger, is among 18 humans to a single herd wrote in a Journal editorial. In addition, the fire injured "several” people,, The fliers are' scheduled to begin three scheduled to roar aloft Oct. 1 and workers at of beef cattle in South Dakota. Noting that antibiotics have been including one burned badly enough to warrant days of debriefings Friday and plan to the Florida shuttleport are gearing up to The patients became ill after used widely for more than 30 years helicopter evacuation to the burn center at St. report to the public on their mission at a tow the spaceship from its hangar to the they took antibiotics to combat to promote animal growth. Levy COFFEE Tip of the Andes CHEESE Extra Sharp Canadian Cheddar. . . Ib. *4.19 Francis Hospital in Wichita. news conference next Wednesday. rocket assembly building this week for final several non-diarrhea type il­ said: "Surely.thetimehascometo "The word that I think summarizes how I preparations before the trip to the launch lnesses. Some of the patients had stop gambling with antibiotics. SHOP *3.99 Ib. SHOP Holland Katrina w / H e r b s...... Ib. *3.69 Egypt rejects Libyan offer feel today is pride," Hawley told a throng of pad. eaten the tainted beef and the "Although their use as feed well-wishers at Edwards. " I ’m proud that A special portion of Discovery’s cargo, a investigators said others may have additives had a major role in CAIRO, Egypt — Libya offered Egypt $5 billion so many of you would come out to see us secret hormone processed in a medicine­ become ill from a secondary advancing livestock production in in return for renouncing its peace treaty with today and proud to be part of an making machine in space, was rushed by spread from those who had eaten the past, the consequence of this Israel and handing back a Libyan pilot who organization like NASA that can make it all jet to a McDonnell Douglas lab in St. Louis it. practiice are now too evident to defected, the semi-official newspaper Al Ahram happen. Wednesday. It will be flown. to Ortho Suspect beef was not available overlook," he said. "Alternatives reported today. Discovery completed its searing dive Pharmaceutical labs in Raritan, N .J., to for testing but exposures of the ill for growth promotion are availa­ The newspaper said President Hosni Mubarak from orbit in excellent condition to end a start animal testing. persons in Minnesota, South Da­ ble and should be employed." rejected the offer, refusing to receive an envoy nearly flawless first flight and join NASA’s The identity of the hormone is a company kota and Iowa coincided with But Levy said "looking solely at who would have presented it on behalf of Libyan stable of workhorse space freighters. secret but Walker, who works for McDon­ distribution of the meat. ' animal use as the cause of USDA CHOIC^BONEIESS SHOULDER leader Moammar Khadafy. The six-day mission, during which three nell Douglas, said it should be able to help After they were treated with the antibiotic resistance neglects the The first Libyan condition was that Mubarak satellites were launched, cleared the way millions of people suffering from a variety PI photo antibiotics the 18 people developed role of misuse and overuse in "send a cable or a message to Khadafy. for the most ambitious manned-spaceflight of ailments. human beings.” indicating readiness, even in the form of a hint, schedule ever undertaken by the space Before leaving Edwards, the space crew STEAKS FOR I ^ D O N BROIL______ibn.79 that Egypt is prepared to cancel the peace agency — one shot a month for the thanked air base workers and praised Present for the Pope treaty" negotiated with Israel in 1979, the report foreseeable future. Discovery. said. Pope John Paul II admires a priceless monstrance he OUR OWN BAKED HAM...... ib.*2.99 Mubarak rejected Libya's offer "because received Wednesday from a group of Poiish pilgrims Low-protein diet Egypt’s commitment to peace is a strategy and during his weekiy general audience in Vatican City. S because Egypt is not prepared to bargain with the Mondale accuses foe Addressing severai thousand pilgrims and tourists, the future of its people in response to the auctioneering of some Arab governments which pontiff delivered his eighth speech this summer couid hait spread are neither responsible nor honest," Al Ahram concerning the Roman Cathoiic Church’s ban on Subutilule said. of religious tyranny- artificiai birth control. > We Give Old Fashioned of kidney disease Butcher Service ... For (Jitalily Parents plead for son By Don Phillips suppression of such voices because "there LONDON — The parents of Reuter correspond­ United Press International can be no rationing of the First Sharon takes stand Bv William Poole dialysis and transplantation under E ent Jonathan Wright, who disappeared in Amendment.” United Press International a federal program that costs STORE HOURS: Lebanon last week, appealed today to whoever W ASHINGTON — Walter Mondale said \ taxpayers $2 billion annually. & 317 Highland S i may be holding their son to release him. today he is alarmed by a rise of “ moral "But I am alamied by the rise of what a in suit against Tim e BOSTON — Chronic kidney Mitch was among the group of Mon. Tues. 'til 6:00 former Republican congressman calls "We do not know why anyone would want to McCarthyism” and he accused the Reagan disease may be arrested and researchers that included Dr. Wed., Thurs., & Fri. til 9:00 hold him. As parents we know only the anguish administration of opening its arms to ’moral McCarthyism,’’’ he said. "A deter­ patients spared dialysis or a Mackenzie Walser, staff physician Bv Elian Cates Verdict is Guilty,” detailed the MUNCHESTER this is causing our family and that Jonathan zealots on the "extreme fringe” who seek mined band is raising doubts about people’s transplant by adopting a low- at The Johns Hopkins Hospital in United Press International findings of an Israeli judicial Sat. & Sunday would not wish any harm to anyone, " said government power to impose their religious faith. They are reaching for government protein diet when the condition is Baltimore, and Dr. Theodore I. commission investigating the til 6:00 Margaret and Michael Wright in an appeal from beliefs on others. power to impose their own beliefs on other still in its early stages, researchers Steinman, .director of dialysis at CONN. NEW YOR K — Former Israeli mass murders. their home in Oxford, released bv the British The Democratic presidential candidate people. have reported. Beth Israel Hospital in Boston. EUGHIAITS P news agency Reuters. •said President Reagan appears to welcome defense minister Ariel Sharon told The magazine referred to a The report, published Wednes­ They treated 24 victims of “ And the Reagan administration has a federal court a Time magazine The 30-year-old reporter, who had 18 months a role as an American defender of the faith secret appendix of the commis­ day in the New England Journal of chronic renal failure with a low- 646-4277 opened its arms to them." article on his alleged role in sion’s published report which said experience in Lebanon, has not been seen since he when a president should be concerned with Medicine, said beginning the re­ phosphorus, largely vegetarian massacres at two Palestinian left the Reuters office in Beirut alone on Aug. 29 defending the Constitution. Sharon visited with the Gemayel duced protein diet early may halt diet with small portions of meat refugee camps constituted'“blood on a reporting trip to the Bekaa Valley in eastern In an address to the Jewish organization family on the day after the the disease progression for years and supplements to insure ade­ Lebanon. He speaks fluent Arabic. B ’nai B ’rith, Mondale responded to Rea­ libel" against the Jewish people. assassination of Lebanese Presi­ and spare patients years of kidney quate building blocks of protein. gan’s statement at a prayer breakfast in Doilar’s surge Sharon, testifying Wednesday in dent Bashir Gemayel. dialysis. "It’s a low-protein, basically Dallas last month that religion and politics U.S. District Court in Manhattan, “ Sharon also reportedly dis­ “ The key is to begin the diet soon vegetarian diet which each patient are inseparably related. Reagan was said he filed a $50 million libel suit cussed with the Gemayels the need after kidney disease begins pro­ helps to design according to his or Blast spurs peace efforts scheduled to address the group later today. keeps on going against Time to vindicate himself for the Phalangists to take revenge gressing," said Dr. William E. her likes and dislikes,” said Mitch. and all Jews. “What I am doing here today is for the assassination of Bashir,” Mitch, a physician at Brigham and “ We put in the necessary time B E IR U T, Lebanon — Education Minister " I regard it as one of the most Time reported. Selim Hoss, injured in the explosion of a something that, in 25 years of public life, I LONDON (U PI) - The U.S. dollar, Women’s Hospital in Boston. “ We with these patients, educating terrible things that had been done In court, Sharon denied having booby-trapped Mercedes-Benz that killed four never thought I would do,” said Mondale, surging ahead on a robust U.S. economy found that it can have a great them and monitoring what they GROCERY SPECIALS ' FROZEIS & DAIRY son of a Methodist minister. "I have never and confidence in President Reagan’s to the Jewish people, the state of any discussion with the Gemayels impact on the course of the eat,” he said. “ I believe it’s WHOLE OR SLICED BEETS, SUCED CARROTS people, says the assassination attempt will, Israel and to myself,” Sharon said about revenge. ARMOUR DINNER CLASSICS strengthen the government's jesolve "to unify before had to defend my faith in a political re-election bid. set new opening records in disease.” possible to take most individuals SWEET LIFE VEGETABLES isoi. 3 /* l fiercely. “ I came to pay the condolences Lebanon." campaign." Brussels and Milan Thursday, but dropped In chronic renal failure, the with kidney disease and accomp­ WHOLE OR SLICED POTATOES > M « Sharon claims the article Time of the prime minister and my own LASAGNA . . „ 5 i . 8 9 Police said the explosion Wednesday in the Mondale said he is glad that Reagan has back slightly from highs in two capitals. kidneys cannot remove sufficient lish the same thing,” he said. • SWEET LIFE VEGETABLES is oz. 3 / ^ 1 declared he will not continue to speak out on Gold prices rose, with bullion opening in ran in its Feb. 21,1983 issue implied condolences." Sharon testified. waste from the blood. Symptoms Mitch said the reason renal ARMOUR DINNER CLASSICS waterfront Raouche area of the capital killed a that he encouraged the massacre HEW NMTTS ^ 64-year-old bystander, Hoss' driver and twoof his the issue, but "before he slips out the back Z'urich at $940.50 an ounce, up from $338.50, "The main purpose of the visit occur when certain waste products failure progresses is not known. of hundreds gf -Palestinian refu­ was to raise some political issues” APPU CRAN or APPIE GRAPE JUKEsaoz. ^ 1 .6 9 VEAL PARMIGIANA u „ 5 i . 8 9 motorcycle police escorts. State-run Beirut radio door, there are a few fires in the house and in London, at $340.75 an ounce, up from from high protein foods begin In the study of patients ranging PETER PAN worth putting out.” $338.25. gees and Lebanese civilians in two in the wake of Bashir Gemayel’s accumulating in large amounts in in age from 28 to 74, the re­ ARMOUR DINNER CLASSICS said at least 25 people were wounded. West Beirut refugee camps in He noted that Sen. Paul Laxalt, a top The dollar was slightly down from its killing, he said. the bloodstream. The disease searchers measured how quickly PEANUT BUHER Hoss, 54, a Sunni Moslem and former prime September 1982. CHICKEN FRICASSEE , „ 5 1 . 8 9 campaign adviser to Reagan, had mailed a Under questioning, Sharon said inevitably progresses until either patients lost kidney function by DROMEDARY minister, was being driven to the home of all-time highs set Wednesday in London and HENDRIES "Dear Christian Leader" letter to 45,000 Paris, but remained at record levels across “ What can be more of a libel than he had seen the secret appendix dialysis or a kidney transplant is monitoring the level of the waste PITTED OR CHOPPED DATES 8 oz. *1.4 9 Lebanon’s Sunni spiritual leader. Sheikh Hassan to be blamed for murder?" asked Khaled, when the parked Mercedes-Benz packed ministers that defined Reagan supporters Europe, reaching an lUA-yearhigh against and that it did not contain any needed. product, creatinine, in their blood. FANNINGS 0^ FUDGE BAR ,e„ 5 i . 2 9 as “ leaders under God’s authority.” the cierman mark. Sharon, who flew in from Israel to reference to his visit to the The researchers found the spe­ They found creatinine levels BREAD & BUTTER PICKLES 14 oz. 79< with 155 pounds of explosives blew up as his car give the unusual public deposition. CARLAS passed by. Police said it was detonated by remote "Most Americans would be surprised to In Italy, where the dollar has set a new Gemayels. Bbt he refused to cial diet halted the accumulation of remain at or below pre-treatment NEWMAirS OWN learn that God is a Republican,” Mondale record every day this week, the U.S. He was accompanied in court by answer any other questions about protein waste products in the levels in six patients and of the 24 control. - his bodyguards. SALAD DRESSING 8 oz. 89( CHEESE RAVIOLI , . „ 5 1 . 1 9 "The person who did this is more than a said. "And if Senator Laxalt’s letter were currency opened at another high of 1,816.50 the appendix on the grounds it is patients and thus slowed down or patients treated, about 13 patient- BUMBLE BEE The Tim e article, entitled “ The classified. BIRDS E Y E criminal and a coward,” Hoss told Beirut an isolated example, one might dismiss it as lire on the Milan market, after Wednes­ stopped the progression of the years of dialysis have been CHUNK LITE TUNA CM. oz. 69< television. partisan zealotry. Unfortunately, it is not day’s record closing of 1,815.25 lire. The kidney disease. avoided thus far. Progression in PRINCE ORANGE PLUS . . - 5 1 . 0 9 an exception." He contended the attack would serve to stiffen U.S. currency broke the psychological 1,800 The researchers noted about two patients has been arrested for M R D S E Y E the government’s resolve to end more than nine "All my life,” Mondale said, “ I have lire barrier on Tuesday. 70,000 Americans now undergo three years, they said. zm or MED SHELLS .... 2/*l SCRUB FREE years of civil war. saying, "This action spurs us to fought anti-Semitism, racism and every In Brussels, the dollar opened to a new COOL WHIP . . , 9 9 < other spiritual obscenity. All intolerance is BATH CLEANER continue our task to unify Lebanon." high of 59.85 Belgian francs, higher than the ..-^*1.19 SORRENTO ugly." record close of 59.775. with dealers pointing BEVERLY BOLLINO BURTON NEW DETERGENT Mondale said he does not call for to rising U.S. interest rates as the culprit. Diabetes cure in dogs TIDE UNSCENTED « „ * 1 .8 9 MOZZERELLA . . - 5 2 . 1 9 DANCE STUDIO AUNT JEMIMA 63 LINDEN 8T„ MANCHESTER DANNON DIncton: Baverty A Lm Burton PANCAKE MIX 2ik. 7 9 $ . . . 2 / 8 9 < 85 E. C E N TE R ST.S may apply to humans VERMONT MAID YOGURT CLASSES FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS IN CLASSICAL SAUET, TAP. JAZZ LAND 0 LANES 6 ACROBATICS-TUMBLINO, ADULT EXERCISE CLASSES SYRUP » » *1 .5 9 M IAM I (U PI) — University of Langerhans” from the pancreas of BAUROOM DANCE CU5SES NOW BEING FORMED CLAD MARGARINE „ . - . , 9 9 < Miami medical researchers say donor animals into the livers of t^SANDWICH BAGS ISOcowit MARN; DISCO - SWING - CHA-CHA - WALTZ - FOX TROT they have cured diabetes in dogs diabetic dogs. £ 2 1 with injections of purified insulin- "The diabetic dogs were cured SPrClAL C iih * Carry I l l Center St., Menchester producing cells from healthy do­ by the implantation with these islet 643-5692 nors and are making plans to try cells," Mintz said. "These animals SWEETHEART ROSES T— HKTIwn’im ___$ M ± 4 __ O t i i l S B the process on humans. required no immunosuppressive Dr. Daniel Mintz, director of the drugs, yet diabetes has not re­ Store Wide university medical school’s Dia­ curred in any so far.” betes and Metabolic unit, said The researchers found a way to lllllllllllllllllllllllll dozen Wednesday he and his associates purify the islet cells froth healthy BACK TO SCHOOL SALE donors and Mintz said what they developed the non-surgical tech­ I WHh coupon A $10.00 purchoio I l^VMh coupon A $10.00 purchat* ■ ^ ^ t h coupon # 110.00 p u rch .t. S Wllh coupon A $10 00 purchata achieved "is to be able to directly I 1 nique over the last 10 years. I Limit 1 Coupon por cuitomtr I Limit 1 Coupon por cuitomor I ^ LImll 1 Coupon p«i cuilom .r | I Limit 1 Coupon par cuttomar "It is reasonable to begin to plan inject the islet cells into the liver 4 Days Only ITGliTEI AT flUblO for human clinical trials,” Mintz without having a need for surgery Dubaldo Music Center WED., SEPT. 5 3 -7 PM said, but added they need expe­ of the abdomen.” I CAINS jPURINAj I GOLD MEDAL I 186 West Middle Turnpike THU., SEPT. 6 3 -7 PM rience with laboratory use of "To recover the majority of Manchester FRI., SEPT. 7 3 -5 PM insulin-producing cells from the islets from the pancreas in a highly I FLOUR I human pancreas before trying the purified state, so they can be [ MAYONAISE MAINSTAY; directly injected into the liver in a 51b. bag 140 count Tho Burlons tr« kncMm m chor*ogripfi«rs, tnt«rtsln«rs and Initruciora Thav htva etwraoaraahad Iat technique on people. ■ 32 oz. I 209A N# Ib. I#.#. bag 1 I I REGISTRATION FOR lESSONS UCo«nNu1«gTt«W.MCCTI«l,.S.naLmi.Th..i™o.M.na««jT^,w He said human insulin- total cell volume of less than 20 m Of A rn ic a . Inc., Dane* Taacbara CjuboiConn .Inc .andDanoaCducatoraof AmaricaandcartiRwfby I laaitoiaach Mra DuHon la Immtdiaia Past Praaldint of pane* Taachara'Club o f C l . a n d f o r m ^ r d i ^ producing cells could trigger re­ drops, is an important advance,” aacutiva yaar waa cboaan aa C T rapfaaantattva na aa wall aa danca acholarafiipa. Oibar Mudattia hava baan acoapfad for laacNng poaittono at ao fio o ia ^ did not experience with dogs. The researchers said they hoped coliagaa ibrougboul ma nortitaaat Mra. Burton haa baan adjudicator at tha national DM of A for la u aefiolar- I call 649-6205 •ChIkeuKinenea iK fr id feps abipa for tba past 2 yaara Mr. Burton alaoaarvaaaadanca conaortlum rapraaanutlva to tha Ragional Par- The researchers, who success­ their work would lead to restoring *1” i*2 offi ! 59< I ! 2/ » l forming Arts Cantor n w i M B m m m r aok . _ ■ ■ ■ fully performed the technique on the ability of diabetes sufferers to I KXFIRU $KFT. AUl 1M4 I OPMEt UPT. Mk, 1004 8 tZPWU KPT. Mk, 1004 { I E lP IK t H P T. Mk, 1004 This week 3 pm - 6 pm SAIE ENDS SAT SEPT 8th FOR MFORMAYKNI G U I 647-1083 about 24 dogs, injected insulin- produce their own natural insulin ^ HIGHLAND PARK MARKET I^HIGHUND PARK MARKET^ I^H U N D PARK MARKE-^ j^HKHLAND PWK MARMTj producing cells called'"the islets of in the b'6dy. 6 - MANCHKSTF.R HP'.RAU), Thursday, Sept 6. 1984 MANCHESTER HERALD, Thursday, Sept 6, 1984 - 7 »

Richard M. Diamond, Publisher Douglas A. Bevins, Managing Editor Connecticut Trucker arrested for OPINION James P. Sacks, City Editor In Brief No connection in shootings running bridge barrier STRATFORD — State police have released a NORWALK (UPI) — Commuters and we can do,” said Sgt. Ed Dailey, a state composite picture of the suspect in the third truckers braced themselves for a third day police spokesman. Ferraro’s visit couid have been more Jack shooting inbident on the Connecticut Turnpike in of detours and delays today as crews He advised motorists to "be patient.” the last month but insisted there was no worked to reinforce weakened hangers on a The problems began Aug. 27 when an A nderson connection between the shootings. busy Connecticut Turnpike bridge. inspection of the bridge uncovered a crack Geraldine F erraro has an opportunity on her next Connecticut, the feeling here was one of resentment. The man in a light brown van was described as The traffic nightmare, caused by the. in one of the steel support hangers of the Vl/ashington visit to Connecticut to fix the mistakes her national a white male in his late 20s with reddish-blond restriction of traffic to two lanes in each bridge over the Norwalk River. campaign geniuses made when she was in Hartford last r DEMOCRATS DIDN’T HAVE the boo-boo business to Merry-Go-Round hair. Police spokesman Adam Berluti described direction of the Yankee Doodle Bridge, The Yankee Doodle span is about 15 miles the van as a late model Ford Econoline with week. Capitol themselves. The Washington office for Reagan/Bush began Tuesday and continued Wednesday northwest of the turnpike’s Mianus River ■ square rear windows and no side windows. after a relatively congestion-free Labor Bridge where a 100-foot section fell 70 feet, As it turned out, her debut in this state as the i had it figured out that someone should "respond” — A Bridgeport motorist and his wife, whom Day holiday. killing three people on June 28, 1983. Democratic candidate for vice president was successful Comments meaning sock it to her — after the F erraro speech in police would not identity, had car trouble Monday Trucks, banned entirely from the 908-foot State Transportation Commissioner J. if for no other reason than the curiosity factor. Bob Conrad Hartford. Congresswoman Nancy Johnson of New and were parked on the right shoulder of the long bridge, were detoured at Exit 15 onto William Bums ordered all 33 of the supports The crowd — big, but nothing like those for the late V ' 1 Syndicated Columnist Britain was its choice for this duty. No one bothered to southbound lane when the van sped past, police Route 7, state police said. on the Yankee Doodle Bridge reinforced as Hubert Humphrey, either of the Kennedys, Lyndon check with her first, however. And when the Lumber said. The motorist told officials he saw one of the A trucker was arrested after his rig a precaution. Johnson or Richard Nixon — wanted to see this star of Washington Reagan/Bush people finally did, she said passenger’s point a revolver from the van. slammed through barriers and almost ran 1984 politics. There was no doubt that most of those at “ no w ay.” The motorist said he dived to the ground. His down three state troopers handling traffic. William E. Keish, a spokesman for the the Old State House liked what they saw and heard. The Republican legislator would not be used that way company wife said she heard the shot, but did not see the Police charged 54-year-old Lester DOT, said inspectors were checking each of And it was an upbeat rally, even if far short of the Ferraro to the ethnic neighborhood. Campaign insiders — to make a personal attack on Ferraro. So the Friday incident because she was looking away McBride of York, Pa. with reckless driving the pin and hanger assemblies supporting the span and found some imperfections, but standards set for Connecticut in the boisterous, crazy- know that, despite her popularity as a new, attractive press conference that never cam e off was one of the and held him on a $500 bond pending;a Superior Court hearing. nothing serious enough to warrant closing hour rallies on the Waterbury Green. But state personality and the rapport she has developed with untold stories of the Ferraro visit a day earlier. And it ‘special’ Cutter helps hunt for plane A state police spokesman said McBride’s the bridge. Democrats, almost paralyzed by presidential candidate women, she still has problems in the Italian did nothing to help relations between the national and BRIDGEPORT — The U.S. Coast Guard has tractor-trailer plowed through the north- "W e have found nothing that would cause W alter Mondale’s seeming indifference to this state, community. state offices. added a cutter to assist divers and federal bounA barriers. Three troopers directing any alarm or closing the bridge,” he said. w ill take it. Geraldine Ferraro gave them the beginning Many voters of Italian family background are turned WASHINGTON — Louisiana P a­ Geraldine Ferraro went over well during her officials searching Long Island Sound for the traffic on foot in the high speed lane were Initially, all four New York-bound lanes o f a campaign. off by Congresswoman Ferraro’s tolerance of abortion. cific Corp. is nuzzling up to the were closed on the bridge which carries Hartford visit, even if her own people blew a chance to wreckage of a small airplane and its missing brushed back by the vehicle but were not Still, her day in Hartford could have been much more, Some say she is not true enough to her Catholic public trough again, with a pilot, officials said. injured. 94,000 vehicles on a normal weekday. Two make points where they are sorely needed by politically, if the Mondale/Ferraro organization in upbringing. Others, because of traditional attitudes friendly nudge from the U.S, The "a ctive" search for the pilot, Augustine H. Police said McBride indicated he was of the southbound lanes were reopened on restricting her exposure after the rally to people whose Washington had listened to the locals. That is what toward marriage and the family, aren’t buying the Forest Service. The giant lumber Massey Jr., 61, of Lantana, Fla., was suspended drowsy and did not see the barriers when he the bridge late Sunday after completing votes she has anyway. repairs on the second, less serious crack should be addressed when she comes back. Ferraro decision to retain her maiden name. company buys more government- late Tuesday, said Lt. Robert McMillan of the entered the embargoed area. For com ic relief, there was the crush of Dem ocratic Traffic congestion was particular severe found in the span. Here’s what happened: The cam paign people here thought a personal visit in owned timber than anyone else, Coast Guard's Group Long Island Sound in New big-wigs to be near Geraldine when the cam eras were Haven. in parts of Norwalk and Westport, with But officials said two center lanes will H artford’s South End could help overcom e some of and has a long history of preferen­ aimed at her. Leaders on the platform at the Old State Massey was presumed dead, officials said officials predicting no relief in sight. remain closed and trucks will not be WHEN THE STATE CAMPAIGN OFFICE for those reservations. But they were shot down by the tial treatment from the Forest UPI photo House seemed to be trying to make the Queens Wednesday. "Realistically, if you block off half of a allowed on the bridge until,, work crews M ondale/Ferraro, run by state Sen. Dick Schneller of Washington-based campaign brass, who cited the Service, which happens to be congressworhan feel at home by doing a group Police divers from Bridgeport and Milford major highway, there’s got to be some place repair the first, more serious crack and Essex, learned that Congre.sswoman Ferraro would schedule to be maintained on the Hartford visit. headed by Louisiana Pacific''s for the trucks to go. There’s nothing much make further tests on the span. impression of a New Y ork subway platform at rush were concentrating on locating the fuselage of the Spheres of Influence com e to Hartford for at least three hours on Aug. 30, he We are told reliably that Anne Wexler, formerly of hour. former general counsel, John aircraft, McMillan said. and others had a suggestion. Westport and now a big gun in the M ondale/Ferraro Crowell, Investigators from the Federal Aviation These spheres are made by W.R. Grace & Co.'s Emerson L e t’s have her make a run down Franklin Avenue in campaign, had a lot to do with the decision. And we are But all this is serious business for Democrats who I ’ve reported in the past how Administration took part in the search about five and Cuming unit in Canton, Mass. They are molded of a 6 the city ’s heavily Italian South End, they said. They also told that former Congressman Toby Moffett fear the loss of control in the state Legislature if Ronald miles south of Penfield Light off Fairfield and Found sneakers lead Crowell lobbied successfully for a special foam plastic and can survive extreme tempera­ Temembered how the late Ella Grasso made political concurred in refusing the Franklin Avenue mission. Reagan wins big in November. Geraldine Ferraro, on $600 million bailout of the big were assisted by the sonar-equipped cutter Bollard out of New Haven, McMillan said. ture and pressure. The balls are used by the petroleum hay on her visits there. But whether it was the tyranny of the tim etable or an the strength of her appearance as a tough pro with a lot lumber companies, allowing them industry to aid recovery of oil and gas from wells. There was another practical reason for steering effort to save the ethnic stuff for F erra ro’s later visit to of class, has given them some hope. an interest-free extension on over­ priced bids that turned sour in the Suspect changes his plea police to dead youth -TTA C?"981 BIPV W0ClM4TAR--ret€6eAA»_ housing-industry recession. ' MILFORD — Rather than face a new trial, an Editorials lU LM E r® GREENWICH (UPI) - Police say the of his grandfather, was hiding in the woods MCA Not long after this act of East Haven man whose 1982 assault conviction body of a 13-year-old boy who had been or was making his way to Texas where his Yale receives grant corporate welfare, Louisiana Pa­ was overturned because of judicial misconduct missing since last week was found in a father lived. cific posted record profits. has decided to plead guilty. wooded area near a ravine and the death is Search parties over the weekend combed The Forest Service also stalled a The state had charged George Hardwick, 25, The doomsday plan being treated as a homicide. the Byram River region but called off the for IBM equipment stabbed his 19-year-old girlfiend more than 30 congressional investigation into The youth, Matthew Margolies, was last search Monday when it failed to uncover times in the face, neck, and hand. He was charges that the company fixed seen fishing on a river bank near his home any traces of Matthew. Congress that there may be a The U.S. Postal Service is sentenced to 12 years in prison. NEW HAVEN (UPI) - Yale set of re.sources (hat will play a prices and rigged bids on govern­ on Friday and had been the object of a Police said a preliminary investigation The state Appellate Courty ruled in May trial University has received a $6.5 ,pivotal role in th future quality of suspension of some service if planning for the future even if ment timber in Alaska. The Justice massive search by scores of volunteers, indicated Matthew had been dead for some Judge Alvin G. Rothman of Superior Court million equipment grant from IBM tciiching and research not only in the United States is attacked, there is no future. police and fireofficials. time but the cause of death was not Department dropped a criminal deprived Hardwick of a fair trial by interrupting to establish an innovate network of the sciences at Yale, but in the An area resident, who had been searching immediately known. but first-class cards and The agency has a “ defense case against the company despite and rebuking Hardwick’s attorney, Thomas F. instructional computer worksta­ social sciences and humanities The state medical examiner was called to letters will be delivered as coordination” staff whose a federal judge’s finding in a civil Brown. for the youth, called police at about 3:50 tions on campus. di.sciplines as well - the computer suit that Louisiana Pacific and p.m. Wednesday and said he had found a the scene and the boy’s body was taken to an Project Eli will provide Yale and its related intellectual tools,” usual. duty is to prepare for the pair of sneakers at the top of a ravine in a area hospital for autopsy. another lumber company “ con­ with 400 powerful IBM microcom­ Giamatti said. And here’s the really good contingency of a nuclear war. Education budget advances wooded area on the east side of Pember- Matthew’s mother, Maryann Margolies, spired to restrain trade and to puter workstations with highly "With IBM’s generous assist­ news: The USPS says that if it Happily, the post office says wick Road near Hawthrone Street, police said his late grandfather had taught ance, Project Eli will confront the monopolize the timber industry in HARTFORD — The state Boajpd of Education developed graphics, communica­ runs out of stamps, survivors the mail will go through in the has approved and sent to Gov. William A. O’Neill said. Matthew to fish, hunt and enjoy the tion and information capabilities,' challenging task of preparing southeastern Alaska.” A team of police officers responding to the outdoors. Matthew had become “ a very will be able to send every­ event the bombs begin to fall. a proposed $800 million education budget for the an IBM 3083 mainframe computer, Y ale’s students and faculty to take call found the youth’s body a short time avid outdoorsman,” according to Michael advantage,of the computer’s re­ thing free. next fiscal year. Yale President Bartlett Giamatti Postal officers have told THE LATEST CHAPTER in the The board, in other action, also took the later. Panza of the Greenwich Police Youth said Wednesday. markable re.sources,” he said. S history of Louisiana Pacific’s cozy unprecedented step of voting to cut off state "The location and physical surroundings Services department. The gift, to be spread out over a Starting immediately and ex­ relationship with the federal go­ education equalization funds to a town that has of the body are of a suspicious nature,” Matthew’s mother described his grand­ three-year period, is the largest tending over the next three years. vernment involves its ambitious failed to meet state minimums for local spending police said. "The death is being treated as a father, who died Aug. 22, as her son’s "very gift of equipment in Y ale’s history. Project Eli will initiate six instruc­ homicid^” best friend in the world.” Justice is served expansion into the production of on schools. Richard C. Ferguson, Yale Asso­ tional computing projects in sev­ The board Wednesday unanimously directed Police had initially believed Matthew, Police said they had no information or ciate Provost and director of eral academic department and waferboard, a plywood substitute who was depressed about the recent death leads on the case. As often happens in widely mour L. Hendel wisely de­ made of wood chips bonded with Education Commissioner Gerald N. Tirozzi to Project Eli, said 40 workstations schools at Yale. The cla.ssroom withhold $460,000 from Columbia because the were delivered last week and the instructions will focus on imagina­ resin. The beauty of waferboard is publicized trials. First cided to keep the hearings “W hy not? It's practically the sam e thing. Haven’t you ever dream ed about town’s school budget for this year falls $156,711 remaining 360 will be received by tive applications of .state-of-the-art Amendment and Fifth open. As long as the hearings a knight on a shining white elephant?” that it can be made out of trees that below the state.-set minimum. 1987. computing technology in the class­ E Amendment rights clashed are orderly and judicious, are otherwise commercially The $800.6 million proposed Education Depart­ Kind words kept cop "The 400 new IBM microcompu­ room, a Yale spokesman said. worthless, and thus cheap. this week in the case of there is no need to keep them ment budget for the 1985-86 fiscal year represents ter work stations and the main He said the results and experien­ One such tree is the aspen, a 17 percent hike over current state spending for frame are a large step down the ces of the.se efforts will be shared Michael B. Ross, a suspect in closed. Potential jurors will previously valued chiefly for its schools. Most of the additional money would go to road to wiring the campus,” he with other institutions. the slaying of six young undoubtedly have heard a lot Education, not regulation, brilliant autumn foliage. With the increase grants to cities and towns. from arresting Alllon said. Les Szabo, a spokesman for women in eastern about the case, but this does potential boom in waferboard. Ferguson said Yale will use the IBM, said the gift to Yale follows Connecticut. aspens have now become well James V. Heallon work stations and the accompany­ similar gifts to Princi'ton and not preclude the suspect from GOP drive comes up short Bv was allowed to go on his way, with the knife. ing computer to assist professors Stamford. “ worth harvesting. United Press International Before he departed, he was given a His attorney, Edward La- getting a fair trial. HARTFORD — State Republican leaders say in developing instructional pro­ The Forest Service had a modest warning for a defective muffler. But when P Vallee, insisted that the pret­ better approach on VDTs they are running behind in an effort to sign up grams for students and curricula NEW HAVEN — A policeman who the policemen made the stop at 1: J9 a.m. on plan tp harvest 2 million board feet 20.000 new voters likely to cast ballots for within Y ale’s Faculty of Arts and rial hearings be closed to the Justice IS best served by stopped Guillermo Aillon the night his Aug, 14, 1972, they were unaware three By William J. McCarthy of aspen in national forests in President Reagan but expect to meet the goal Sciences and several professional press and public, arguing legislation is being pushed by It is to the ergonomics of the estranged wife and her parents were slayings had occurred in the nearby keeping the doors open and Colorado, cutting down mature before Election Day. schools. Students will not have activist advocacy groups even matter that the Associated Indus­ stabbed to death says he did not arrest Montano home. that Ross could not receive a the public informed. The trees that could be a fire hazard. Republican State Chairman Thomas J. D’A- direct access to the computer By even the most conservative though there exists not one shred of tries of Massachusetts and its Aillon for possessing a bloody knife because Each of the three policemen were asked fair trial under the According to internal Forest more Jr. said Wednesday party workers have system. case has too serious ramifica­ estimate, there are more than credible scientific or medical he was polite and gave a plausible by State’s Attorney Arnold Markle to member companies in both the registered 9,240 voters so farin the drive financed "There is one new and powerful I couple circumstances. tions to keep it away from the 100,000 workplaces in Massachu­ Service documents seen by my explanation. describe the knife they saw in the car. While evidence whatsoever to warrant manufacturing and user catego­ with $200,000 from the national GOP and Reagan Superior Court Judge Sey­ setts which now have in use on a associate John Dillon, the 2 million Sgt. Hayes Gibson, one of the first there may have been some discrepancies in public. such governmental intrusion into ries are turning our attention. campaign committees. board feet ballooned to an astound­ policeman to speak to Aillon that night, their configurations and in who handled it, N DAYS daily basis video display termi­ the workplace. Thus, we have already sponsored a D’Amore said the workers, operating from a nals. In fact, VDTs are an essential ing 50 million soon after Louisiana testified Wednesday Aillon told him he had each was certain the knife they saw had a Looking for a cozy conage, major educational conference on dozen regional offices, have macto more than been at a picnic at the New Haven home of a serrated edge. CALDWELL part of modern working life. They Actually, all meaningful re­ Pacific told the agency of its plan 100.000 telephone calls looking for unregistered the workplace "use of VDTs M- girl friend and used the knife to slice meat. The police had told Aillon to get his maybe a fireplace? Come and Don’t forget to stop are used in virtually every spec­ search on the subject points to just to build a waferboard plant near people who want to sign up and are likely to vote OIL INC. tended by more than 300 manufac­ Montrose, Colo. The address he gave, 474 Dixwell Ave., muffler repaired and when he drove into a enjoy the (all foliage with u$. trum of business and government, the opposite conclusion. The two turers, and both large and small for Reagan. was in a black neighborhood which Gibson Buses rolling, kids hurry­ requires that all drivers stop In one internal memorandum, a North Haven service station later that 92.9 service and educational activities, most important recent independ­ users from all sectors of the was familiar. Aillon was able to describe it morning, mechanics found a knife in the car Relax on your own front porch ing, moms worrying, and ent studies on this matter were Forest Service official candidly per gal. C. O. D. their cars and wait when the in large companies and small, in business world, including govern­ Laura stable but critical to Gibson’s satisfaction. they said was in plain view,. It was taken by and watch the aun set over the banks, insurance companies, air­ done by independent agencies acknowledged that the 25-fold After the bodies of Aillon’s estranged teachers striking. Some red light on a bus flashes. ment. The purpose of that confer­ HARTFORD — A problematic bacterial police who were by that time investigating which are highly regarded — the increase in the harvest was "in 649-8841 White Mountains and lovely things never change at the This is true if you are behind lines, newspapers and other media ence was to show users how they infection continues to hamper the recovery of wife, Barbara, 26, and her parents, wealthy the homicides. response to Louisiana Pacific’s lumber dealer J. George Montano, 49, and Markle showed Gibson the knife and Minimum requirement beginning of the school year. the bus or in front of it. operations, travel bureaus, medi­ two-year, comprehensive study by should design both their work 16-month-old Laura Lebel whose received a Newfound Lake. Bungalo Vil­ cal offices, law offices, schools, the unassailably competent Na­ request for aspen.” his wife, Bernice, 46, were found later that asked him if it were the one he saw when Prices aubjact to Change Like other constants, some Show some patience for the stations and their jobs to make second new liver at Hartford Hospital last lage, Box I31CA, Bristol, N.H. colleges, libraries, hospitals. tional Academy of Science for He wrote that the cost data weekend. day, Aillon told a detective he had lied to Aillon was stopped: 500-1000 gall. 89.V C. 0. D. maximum advantage of the new Gibson. He said he had instead been at a drivers forget to stop for youths who have to cross the Further, an increasing number of NIOSH, the health and safety justifying the increase "is based on "The liver is functioning well,” hospital “ The knife had a serrated edge. It was 0&222. ______techniques of ergonomic design. picnic 32 miles away at the East Hartford very shiny. This is definitely not the knife, ’ ’ school buses, particularly if streets. The situation is too investigative arm of OSHA, and a information as developed from spokesman James Battaglio said Wednesday. homes can boast the modern That education will soon take on home of his sister, Mrs. Charles Golas, and Gibson said. they are coming from the more recent study by the renowned recent contacts by Louisiana Pa­ "The clotting factors are good — that’s what a dangerous if motorists ignore technology of a “ PC” — a personal additional Hjjpensions which will used the knife to slice roast beef. Public Defender Donald Dakers tried to opposite direction. State law the law. computer with its attendant VDT. Connecticut Academy of Science cific regarding possible new liver is supposed to do. She’s stable, she hasn’t complem jp i^ s initial event. This regressed. That’s good." Aillon, 46, was convicted in 1973 and shake the policemen in their testimony on REGISTER AND DANCE and Engineering for the Connecti­ markets for aspen and expansion sentenced to 75 years. He was retried in 1979 approach to the meeting of user He said Laura, who is hooked to breathing and the knife but they were adamant about the The virtually universal use of the cut Legislature. into this area with construction of a because the trial judge erred in talking concerns about VDTs in the kidney dialysis machines, remains in stable but serrated edge. The state believes the killer AT THE VDTs is a tribute to the success of new milf facility.” privately to a juror during deliberatons. used an instrument with a serrated edge workplace makes much more critical condition. The second jury deadlocked. He has been Eagles hold steady the Massachusetts-based high BOTH OF THESE STUDIES He also said Laura’s earlier problems with her because of a jagged Indentation found in the sense than government regulation. free on $225,000 bond. Montano home. technology revolution which has determined conclusively there is A LOUISIANA PACIFIC spokes­ kidneys had also improved with her almost “ He was very, very nice," Gibson Good news from the Na­ adults and 17 young. Connec­ played such a large role in keeping no valid medical or scientific man painted a different picture of constant connection with a dialysis machine. While Aillon said he had been at his THE EDUCATIONAL AP­ testified as he recalled questioning Aillon in sister’s home in East Hartford, two couples tional Wildlife Federation: ticut’s eagle population is Massachusetts on the cutting edge reason whatsoever to warrant the company’s role in the in­ But h^ said an infection which developed Just PROACH will enable users and 1972. He said Aillon cooperated with him who lived in the same apartment complex about even with the 35 eagles of competition with not only the placing o f' controls or needless creased aspen harvest, saying: prior to her second transplant Sunday was The bald eagle population is manufacturers to work together to and two other policemen, Edward Murphy on Central Avenue testified they did not large industrial states of this governmental regulation on the "The cohripany is in there not to dogging the Waterbury baby. He said doctors now “ holding steady. ” counted last year. develop sound policies and pro­ and Kerwin Daniels. The men had been hear a car with a defective muffler on the nation, but other countries such as use of VDTs in the workplace. Nor maximize an asset but to carry out were treating the infection with antibiotics.- Dince Studio The bale eagle is officially grams which will enable the use of looking for a burglary suspect and Aillon night in question, Aug. 13, 1972, 1159 Main .St. (Ri. ,3|) West Germany and Japan which does the matter need to be further an aspen management plan for the endangered in 43'states and VDTs to grow effectively and not Coventry “ But the baid eagle isn’t have gained so much from the "studied” as called for in a $75,000 Forest Service. We are in there in attempt to stifle the growth of this considered threatened in five home free yet,” said the technology revolution which line item in the Massachusetts response to a Forest Service new technology which has revolu­ 6 others. The federation says federation’s executive vice started in the commonwealth of budget for fiscal year 1985. A study need." Graded Classes in: tionized the modern workplace. REAL ESTATE the bird is plentiful only in president.” The birds still Massachusetts. such as the one contemplated by Two environmental groups in It would be a sad irony if Take the first step towards a new Tap • Classical Ballet • Pointe the budget item can only serve to Colorado don’t buy this benign Alaska, and none live in have to recover from the Massachusetts — the home of the IT IS NOT BY ACCIDENT that create doubts where none can be view of wholesale aspen cutting. career by registering at the first class. Jazz • Acro-gymnastics Hawaii. drastic decline suffered in the VDT-based technology revolution Massachusetts continues to boast justified. One can only muse that "By claiming a need to manage BINGO Researchers found 39 bald 1960s, blamed on the pesticide — were to become the first state in “ Kinder-dance’’ for Pre-schooler the lowest industrial state unem­ $75,000 would barely cover the aspen, the Forest Service eagles in Connecticut — 22 the nation to even seriously con­ Real Estate age .3-4 y ea r olds DDT and dwindling habitat. ployment rate. It is because of a word-processing costs of some of disguising the real project, which sider mandating government reg­ Principles & Practices number of factors, including the the past studies or those which will is to provide wood to Louisiana. • classes (»radcd to age and ahilitv ulation on the^use of the product • co ed and hoys classes careful construction of state eco­ continue under the direction of Pacific,” they wrote in an appeal • family and multiple rules which has enabled our state’s nomic policies to induce invest­ well-funded, independent third for a full environmental impact IS STARTING • A Professional eriuipped studio economy to grow and which has ment and growth and the technol­ study. parties and thus cause confusion at created so many jobs both here and ogy revolution with the explosive best or raise doubts at worst. ADULT CLASSES across the world, and where no W. Harford B at UConn, 1800 Asylum Ave. Rm. to be posted expansion of VDT use associated Ergonomics is the 1980s' term health or safety effects can be Begins 9/11 from 7-10 pm (Tu for 12 wks.) Tap and Jazz with that same revolution. for effective, efficient workplace Letters policy If There is Enough Interest, A Men s shown in their use. Yet, sad as it is to consider, or work station design; and it is MONDAY! W. Hartford ______class wfll be formed AIM will continue to do its part in The Manchester Herald wel­ C at UConn, 1800 Asylum Ave. Rm. 217 Massachusetts is in danger of ergonomics to which users must Begins 9/15 from 9 am-1 pm (Sat. (or 9 wks.) R sflsssr A l tbs MaAts the educational process and urges comes letters to the editor. enacting needless governmental turn their attention in the future. Letters should be brief and to the TlM rs. A rrt. ( k f i. 11A 14 frMn a.r all who are truly concerned with SM. S«M. It fr«m II b.m. • t -.m. regulation which may severely Ergonomics, however, requires point. They should be typed or m rail Ttt-aM ar 7«-fTM aBytlms the effective use of VDTs in the Have You Picked Fd«: $125 (text M ira) Maatar Card/Vlta accaplad Clasaas Raaama gatt 17 hamper further expansion of the education and not government neatly handwritten, and, for ease modem workplace to join us in this in editing, should be ­ About Your Teacher: use of VDTs within this state. This intervention. No government This course meets minimum requirements of Connecticut Real Es­ Mr Hi»lr \ i« the i ‘re»nlriii uf the lin tlie 1 etn her \ I luh u f t . effort. It is the only sound way to go spaced. til . Iiii I hnfile r III year, a number of bills have been tate Commission. uf the Uant »• Mailers ( niern a. h ii t u r i he (ntnl «f he him he, II the should be allowed to or could on this issue. Up Your Card? The Herald reserves the right to liiiitnl dtrii hir Ilf the Mr lln n irn l I invni n Si hiihir*hiii f m •111111111,11 f,„ n M filed with the Massachusetts Le­ effectively dictate how an individ­ edit letters in the interests of For more information call 486-3231 i$f I / hriintih them- iirfiunt ZHlmu* hi- i* irrtifii-il lis n %i />. i, •III h III-hii% iniiiihl 7-C. gislature which, if enacted, would ual must sit, or how straight he or nn fnuthii-s fnr i,-n ih rr n iir I. Mn,/,* ,n „l ytif/y.-t/ h„ih iloini • I iimiH-lilniim and William J. McCarthy' Is vice brevity, clarity and taste. *4 hititirnhiii aiiihiiiiii* ihnnifthinil the iiniinr\ "You seem so arrogant! Are you a big deal place the first-in-the-nation go­ she must hold his or her back. That THE UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT president and general counsel, Address letters to: Open Forum, 4 Ffii/etsioeal professional athlete, or are you with the vernmental controls on the use of See Page 14 Non-Credit Programs, Storrs, CT 06268 4 Truir F/n/atalimmI Taerhar can only be done by education, by Manchester Herald, P.O. Box 591, press?" Associated Industries of Massa- ______Sparleliaing in t^ nra t^durmHart fo r Brtyt and Giel$ far 27 VDTs in the workplace. This training and bv common sense. «> k s to a # «a Manchester, CT 06040. 8 — MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday. Sci)l. 6, 1984 MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday, Sept. 6, 1984 - 9

CAPTAIN EASY ‘ by Crook* A Catale Thursday T V ECHAPTER 5 SIX-' "WHEN THE New England Fired Marxist professor MURPERER 16 ONE OF A LIMITEP NUMBER New England 6 : 0 0 P M ( D ® (Sa 9® New* r41j El M a le fic io stalls on dump In Brief GD Thr««'s Company IC N N l Freeman Reports says he never had chance OD S.W.A.T. Channels [ESPN] Auto Racing '84: NASCAR (3D C H fP a Southern 500 from Darlington. SC Westeriy reaches accord WFSB because of his political beliefs and Hartford. CT [HBO] MOVIE: 'The Night of the for nuke waste CONCORD, N.H. (U P I) - A dS) Or. Qana Scott WNEW New York. NY [ij Juggler' A former Now York City cop PROVIDENCE, R.I. — The Westerly School Marxist professor who lost a $1.8 violated his right to due process. WTNH (20) B u c k R o gers New Haven. CT 'A. tears the city apart to find his kidnapped Department and non-teaching employees He sought $1.8 million in punitive WOR million civil suit against a New (2$ To Be AnrMHinced New York, NY daughter James Brolin, Cliff Gorman, Ri­ and compensatory damages and WPIX New York. NY 11 PROVIDENCE, R.I. (UPI) — Plans for a Northeast reached alentative agreement early today to end Hampshire college that fired him O ) Tony Randall , chard Castellano 1980. Rated R WHCT Hartford, CT 'li hazardous waste dump have bogged down in the six a one-day strike, while 56 striking teachers in the said the case shows "a communist reinstatement. dO) Newswatch WTXX Waterbury. CT 9 :3 0 P M 92) 9® Night Court Eleanor (201 " IT WA6 LIKE h e WA6 WRITING A Exeter-West Greenwich district awaited a looking for free speech in America But lawyer Stephen Merrill, WWLP Springfield, M A Brandon tries to avoid trouble by claiming New England states, officials say, but time is running dD Reporter 41 n NEW MV6TERV." o.-..,*.-. judge's decision on a back-to-work order. representing the slate, maintained WEDH Hartford, CT (24 she's Harry's mother and a beauty pageant short and an agreement is need soon on a plan to isn’ t going to get it.” (SD Reading Rainbow WVIT Hartford. CT 94 promoter brings his contestants to court handle the hazardous material. In Westerly, a ratification vote was scheduled Even in defeat, former Keene McDonough's unprofessional be­ [CNN] Prog Cont'd WSBK B oston , M A 91 for assault (R) tonight, but the 40 clerks, custodians and State College economics professor havior — and not his Marxist WGGB Springfield. MA [ESPN ] Pistol Tourrtament Coverage of 4A (41} De Fieata LEVY’S LAW by Jam** 8chum*l*t*r The states are working under a Jan. 1.1986 federal maintenance employees were advised to report Craig V. McDonough, 42. toasted philosophy — cost him his job. WXTV Paterson. NJ the Bianchi Cup VI International Pistol 41 deadline to develop regional facilities, but officials WGBY Springfield. M A 1 0 :0 0 P M (3D Mickey Spillane't for work in the meantime. About 30 school bus the completion of his two-week Tournament is presented from Columbia. 57 Morrill said McDonough villified CNN Cable News Ntwrk ICNNl M ike Hammer A missing set of counter­ y t A i N FOB EXAMPLE, IN A ^ L A N C E P - £/, THE TAXE5 MU6 T ^ said lawmakers in each state want guarantees they drivers who supported Wednesday’s walkout trial Wednesday in U.S. District MO colleagues, ignored the school’s ESPN Sports Network lESPNl feiting plates IS Hammer's key to solving i A N INPE-6TD THI6 ELECTION ^ P 6 ET EQUAL THE AMOUNT will not have to host the facility. were also expected to return to work. tVERVONE:- AMENPMENT OFN/iONEY IN Court. [H B O l MOVIE: A Cry for Love' Two lov­ HBO Home Box Office iHBOl the murders of two models (R) (60 min.) WE WILL VOTE Officials added it would take at least the 16 months grading system and described the ers. one an alcoholic and the other an ad­ EC PiES/PENTE-'S) The tentative, three-year agreement provides A three-man, three-woman jury CINEMAX C in em a x IMAXI N e w s e&T6 Tb VOTE ON A BALANCEP- function of college as "toilet dict, discover that recovery is not easy CID from now until the federal deadline to design and build for raises of about 5.9 percent each year. The needed less than four hours to TMC Movie Channel ITMCI ON E V E R y LAW B U P 6 E T £AN INFE6TO? 5WI66 BANIE ACCOUNT training people for the next Powers Boothe. Susan Blakely. Gene USA USA Network lU SAl (il) Independent Newt AMENDMENT a facility once a site is picked. workers had been seeking 7 percent while th e' decide the college did not violate Barry (1$ Dr. Gene Scott "The Northeastern states could not )>ossibly site, School Department had offered 5.8 percent. generation" McDonough’s constitutional rights "It was not a First Amendment [USA] USA Cartoon Express (22) (2$ Hill Street Blues A former gang license and begin operation of a disposal facility As the Exeter-West Greenwich strike rolled when it failed to renew his contract member stirs up hatred among rival gangs ca.se. but a case about conduct.” 6 : 3 0 P M C£D One Day at a Time Clf) Dr. Gene Scott before 1989," Dante G. lonata, a policy aid to Rhode into its second week over a pay dispute, Superior three years ago. and W ashington covers for a young detec­ Merrill said after the verdict. (2) ^ NBC News (2® (22) Billy Graham Crusade tive (R) (60 min ) Island Gov. J. Joseph Garrahy.lonata said. Court Judge Ernest C. Torres planned to issue a "W e expected this from way dS) (SD Nightly Business Report (2^ Rainbow Jackpot $4) To Be Announced “ So unless we join (with states that already have bench decision today at 11:30 a.m. on the back,” McDonough said later as he In court. McDonough had testi­ Jeffersons Gimme a Break Nell faces expulsion $ $ Tony Randall MUNICI disposal sites). there is going to be a time when every back-to-work order, a court spokesman said. hoisted a toast at the offices of fied it was his goal as a teacher and from night school when it's discovered she state in the Northeast will not have a place to send dO) ABC News ($l0 Soapbox Special POLK lawyer Peter Leahy. "A commu­ "a human being" to work toward has written a fellow student's term paper dD Noticiero SIN their wastes,” lonata said. nist looking for free speech in the overthrow of the capitalist (R) [CNN] Evening News [CNN] Ask CNN w/Dan Schorr ‘King Kielbasa’ is big hit America isn’t going to get it. They economic system. MOVIE: 'Roughnecks' Part 2 [M AX] MOVIE: 'Friendly Persuasion' CRAIG McDo n o u g h [ESPN] Mazda SportsLook Southern Indiana Quakers resist the call to THE DEADLINE WAS SET after governors in never have had it." McDonough, who said presiding ^iD N o ch e d e G ala ALLEY OOP - by Dave Qrau* CHICOPEE, Mass. — "K ing Kielbasa,” a [TM C] MOVIE: 'The Jackpot' A radio arms during the Civil War. Gary Cooper, Washington, Nevada and South Carolina — the three McDonough, who now lives in ... ‘no free speech' Judge Edward Northrop "continu­ $D Senate '84 242-pound, 25-foot Polish sausage billed as the prizewinner struggles to pay taxes on his Dorothy McGuire, Anthony Perkins 1956. states that have radioactive waste dumps — tried to Boston and teaches in the Univer­ ally ridiculed me and my counsel,” I GUESS IN A WAY I'l AFTER ALL, A CHANGE LESSEE YESSIR, I SURE world's largest, was the main attraction today as winnings James Stewart, Barbara Hale. [CNN] Prime News [TM C] MOVIE: 'Private School' Two KINPA GLAP DOC THREV OF SCENERY IS GOOD FOR NOW...THIS COULDN'T DO ban out-of-state waste. sity of Massachusetts system, was not to rehire him in May 1981. planned to appeal the verdict to the the 11th Annual World Kielbasa Festival opened. James Gleason 1960 [ESPN] 3rd Annual Legendary Pocket young women vie for the same guy. THAT SWITCH.' A FELLA ONCE IN A O N E LO O KS THIS IN MOO.. The federal government responded with a 1981 an untenured economics instructor He filed suit a year later, 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Billiards Stars 'Minnesota Fats vs. Jimmy Phoebe Catos, Betsy Russel, Ray Walston. WHILE! INTERESTING! About 10 employees worked more than eight 7 : 0 0 P M (3D C B S N e w s proposal that allows states with waste facilities to at Keene when the college decided claiming the school dismissed him Boston , Caras.' (60 min ) Rated R hours to make the sausage, which cost about $500, (3D M -A * S * H refuse low-level radioactive waste from ouside their [H BO ] Inside the NFL This sports special 10:30 PM C§D New Jersey People could feed 400 people in 8-ounce servings and is 6 d ) ABC News regions beginning in 1986. hosted by Len Dawson and Nick Buoni (11) N e w s pounds heavier and 6 inches longer than last (3D V e g a S conti features highlights from last year's The government believed the plan would force football pre season through the Super ^4) P olytrau m a year’s, according to a fair spokesman. (ID Jeffersons remaining states to develop their own disposal Mass, to sue over oil lease sale Bow l (2$ Odd Couple The company has been making the kielbasa (ID Dr. Gene Scott facilites. BiiPthe effort has been stymied in reluctant m a x since the festival began in 1974 to boost tourism in [ ] MOVIE: 'Savannah Smiles' A • (4f) 24 Horas state legislatures and lawmakers have failed to meld BOSTON (U PI) - For the third be filed either today or Friday. on the limited oil reserves in the SD I Love Lucy six-year-old girl charms the two men who the western Massachusetts city of about 55,000, $7) MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour a compact. time in seven years, Massachu­ Lisa Dunn of the Interior Depart­ area, estimated at about 140 Wheel of Fortune have abducted her and demanded a sizea­ \i which has-a large Polish population and calls ble ransom from her wealthy parents [USA] Dragnet State legislatures are reluctant [o join a compact setts is going to court to halt the ment's Mineral Management Ser­ million barrels, and "gloss over” (2$ MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour itself the Kielbasa Capital of the World. vice said studies have proven estimated natural gas rc.serves. Mark Miller. Donoverf Scott. Bridgette An 1 1 :0 0 P M (3D (22) (2® N e w s without guarantees that the dumping ground will not federal government from selling 6 (2D W heel of Fortune dersren. 1982 Rated PG. Over the years, the kielbasa has also generated Some studies have put potential (3D Taxi be located within their boundaries, lonata said. oil and gas drilling leases on "conclusively” there will be no dD Family Feud [TMC] MOVIE: 'Romantic Comedy' intrigue and controversy. adverse effects from drilling on gas reserves at 3 1 trillion cubic (3D Phil Silvers For instance, the New England states were millions of acres of environmen­ Two playwrights have trouble synchroniz Thieves apparently sneaked into the festival Leoneta supposed to join, with New York, Maryland, tally sensitive seabottom off the either the fishing or the tourism feet, or enough to supply New mg their interest in each other. Dudley Cl1] O d d C o u p le grounds in a mall parking lot in 1977 and made off (SD W ild World of Animals Moore. Mary Steenburgen, Ron Leibman THE BORN LOSER '"Jby Art Sanaom Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Deleware. But the New England coast. industries. England's needs for about 40 (ID Dr. Gene Scott with the kielbasa, then weighing 107 pounds. The [CNN] Moneyline 1983 Rated PG only states of the 11 in which the proposal was Gov. Michael Dukakis has asked She said drilling opponents focus years, she said. Soap sausage was never recovered, prompting stepped [ESPN] SporlsCenter HE'41HeONElWA^ m c o m r E R brain ^ akt$ ...ANP PO KN'T OTP presented to adopt it were Connecticut, New Jersey, Attorney General Francis X. Bel- @4) Dr. W h o up security in later years. [USA] Radio 1990 8 :3 0 P M ® MOVIE: 'Oatperat* TELLINfe'ltXJ ABOUT,.. Mainland and Deleware. lotti to file suit in U.S. District Mission' A victim of opportunists in the Twilight Zone iNClRKINfeTHEWOiMEMTHE T1LLIA6ICHIMA This year, a police escort will follow the 7:30PM (3D PM Magazine The proposal bogged down in the Rhode Island Court to court the planned sale of 1840's joins a band of wandering men [CNN] MoneyIJne EMTER5^TME OFFICE -S'j^QUKTION. kielbasa two miles from the company to the (3D All In the Family who are hired to escort the wife of a weal­ General Assembly, lonata said, because "the oil exploraton leases on 6.3 million thy Idnduwner to San Francisco Ricardo IHBO] MOVIE: 'The World According festival site, where it will be kept under a 24-hour (3D Tic Tac Dough to Garp* A talented writer and devoted :v language does not provide a guarantee that Rhode acres of seabed near Georges Montalban. Slim Pickens, Earl Holliman Island will not be a site ever for a low-level waste guard, Budarz said. (3D Independent News 1971 father is confused by life's ironies Robin Bank, one of the richest fishing Williams. Glenn Close, John Lithqow (2D Solid Gold Hits facility for the region.” grounds in the world. (24) Dinner at Julia's Saddle of Veal ' J u ­ 1982 Rated R lonata added Rhode Island is an unlikely spot for the (^ M-A*S»H lia Child visits a chocolate factory and pre­ Exam for Conrail employee G The sale is "a roll of the dice that pares the main course. Roast Saddle of [USA] Alfred Hitchcock Hour site because under the proposal, states producing the 3D Entertainment Tonight stacks 14 days worth of o|l and gas Veal (R) (Closed Captioned) 1 1 :1 5 P M (41) R ep o rter 41 most waste would be prime candidates. PITTSFIELD , Mass. — An off-duty Conrail Barney Miller Family Ties Elyse s younger brother employee was to undergo a psychiatric examina­ against the future of one of the 1 1 :3 0 P M (3D U.S. Open Highlights People’s Court pays a surprise visit (R) (60 min ) most fertile fishing grounds on the Tonight s program looks at the day's play RHODE ISLAND PRODUCED only 94 cubic yards tion today after being accused of attacking three 3D Dr. Who men during a drunken rampage he says he can’t face of the earth,” Dukakis said 9 :0 0 P M (3D Simon & Simon Rick and at the U S. Open Tennis Championships C»«S4brK« of waste last year, 0.23 percent of the waste generated IS STARTING [CNN] Crossfire A J are duped by a terrorist group into from the USTA National Tennis Center. annually by the Northeast. Massachusetts produced remember. Wednesday. [ESPN] NFL's Greatest Moments locating ah U S intelligence agent in a Flushing Meadows, NY. James P. Dillon, 24, ofW illiamsville, N.Y., was State officials filed suit twice scheme to assassinate a foreign dignitary. an average of 10,719 cubic yards of waste each years [USA] U.S. Open Tennis Champion­ (3D B aretta PRANK AND ERNEST ^by Bob Thave* previously to block the sale of oil (R) (60 min ) over the past five years. arraigned Wednesday in Central Berkshire ships Coverage of the day's play is pre­ (3D Racing From Roosevelt District Court on charges of willful and malicious and gas exploration leases by the (3D (§0) N F L Football: P ittsb u rg h a t N e w Pennsylvania has ranked second with 9,223 cubic sented from the USTA National Tennis 01) Honeymooners U.S. Interior Department on Center. Flushing M eadow s. NY. (3 hrs.) Y o rk J e ts yards and New York placed third with 8,493 cubic damage to property, assault and assault and (2D Leave It to Beaver FEDERAL seabed near the (Georges Bank (i$ Dr. Gene Scott yards. Even if the three existing sites stop accepting battery with a dangerous weapon. MONDAY! 8 :0 0 P M (3D Magnum P.l. Alexis (22) (ID Tonight Show FEDERAL He pleaded innocent and was ordered held on fishing grounds, estimated to Carter turns up in Hawaii asking for their (2$ MOVIE; 'Too Many Suspects' Ellery DEPT. OF waste from the New England states, the crisis will help (R) (60 min.) Queen and his father. Inspector Queen, try 3D Starsky and Hutch DEPT. OF take time to develop. $5,000 bail pending the examination. supply 15 percent of the nation's to solve the slaying of a fashion designer WHAT WE Dillon was arrested at about 2 a.m. Wednesday annual food fish catch. CSD Forty Years of Fine Tuning © ) Pelicula: 'Los Ojos Dejan Huella' IlfHAT VfE Geraldine L. Dettman, radioation safety officer at Ray Milland, Jim Hutton. Kim Hunter The fishing industry operating Have You Picked ® GUS) 20/20 3 ^ N e w s REALLY Brown University, for instance, said Brown now has after he allegedly attacked an oil delivery man, 1975 SAID on the bank is a $500 million-a-year S who spilled 2,000 gallons of thick, sticky heating ® N ew * [CNN] Sports Tonight MEANT, enough storage space to last about a year. lonata (24) (§D Mystery! 'Sergeant Cribb.' When oil while fleeing and suffered a possible heart business. (3D MOVIE: 'The S«ek*r*' Part 1 The It IS announced that Jumbo the elephant is [ESPN] SportsCenter added other space might be found. attack, jjolice said. * Bellotti said his office was Kent Family joins the new nation's strug­ being sold to America, some people de­ [ T M C ] M O V IE : 'K in g K o n g ' Kong, taken C) O "W e might hold our waste for about a year. But you Up Your Card? gles. Randy Mantooth. George Hamilton, cide to resort to murder to prevent the to New York as an attraction, becomes need space on site,” lonata said. "That means you David Washburn, 52, of Schenectady, N.Y., was working with the Conservation Edie Adams. 1979 sale (R) (60 min.) (Closed Captioned) enraged when he senses that the woman would have to license Brown University, Brown delivering No. 6 heating oil for the Fort Edward Law Foundation, a Boston-based he loves is being mistreated Charles Gro- ^V-I^V£S Express Co. of Albany, N.Y., to a General environmental organization that din. Jessica Lange. Jeff Bridges 1976 University Hospital and other urban institutions to Rated PG store it in crowded conditions.” Electric Co. building at about 1:45 a.m. when he has opposed offshore oil drilling on See Page 14 "W e don't know if we can do that,” he said, "but we was attacked, Danford said. both coasts for years, to coordinate 1 2 :0 0 A M (3D To Be Announced kind of doubt it.” legal action. He said a suit would (3D N e w s WINTHROP ^by Dick Cavalli E C3D Hawaii Five-0 HELPING HAND (3D S ta r Trek i V e b e e n THEY LIKE TO EAT I'VE K/MOS. IsaiDToothbrush AVEENOBAR his Vietnam days on [CN N ] N e w sn ig h t 12 ml. Cream 4 Oz. $6.27 ODOR EATERS RESCUE * 2 ^ * "Magnum, P.I.," which airs [ESPN ] Mazda SportsLook 9299 Liquid $3.19 [U SA ] All Americ:an Wrestling THURSDAY, SEPT. 6 on Boll A Soak - 4.4 oz. CBS. 1 2 :3 0 A M (3D Hawaii Five-O 12 oz. # 2 0 o r H30 P (3D Hogan's Heroes 12*7 CH ECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME 1 pr. rrCHRBJ^FAST (3D iD Nightline OptFxmye (^ Entertainment Tonight Enzamatic . n i K 2 oz. ( S $ 1 7 7 RHUU6E 07 (2D Late Night with David Letterman Claaning TaMsts RESCUE ® Ronnie Milsap ^ avsuj 24's $ 2 i » [ E S P N ] T o p R ank B o xin g fro m A tla n tic $41* p — a a s i l i t SOff City. NJ Top Rank Boxing presents a 12- XTuHOir round bout featuring Terrence Alii vs. Frank Newton for the ESPN Lightweight IW^WaMUM STMNGTHSHU Championship. Astrograph AGREE CENTRUM [m a x ] MOVIE: 'Say Amen, Somebody' Shampoo or ORTHO GYNOL This spirited documentary profiles the STRIDEX early pioneers of gospel music. Thomas A ASaR»num ^offTHXO Sapl. 7,1984 SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) Your Conditioner Dorsey. W illie M ae Sm ith. 1983 Rated G, GEMINI (May 21-Juna 20) Put Into play |Aa*c| Vitamins Crossword words and Ideas will carry more weight today Ideas you feel will benefit friends as Gel 1 :0 0 A M (3D Rockford Files Instead of looking to make a career with others today than you may realize. well as yourself. Try to do the greatest 15 Liquid All Types (3D S a in t change this comlng.year, do all that you Think carefully before speaking. good for the greatest number. Max. sireagth W 3 3 S S S W I R efill CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 18) If you are 7 oz. ONE-A-DAY ! ACROSS Neither Answer to Previous Puzzle (3D Twilight Zone can to become more valuable where CANCER (June 21-July 22) Be extra 8’s ...... 87C L a r g e you're presently employed. Opportunities In the market tor unusual goods, this is a alert today bcause there could be some BTRK3M 4 OZ. ^ masculine nor 0D Dr. Gerte Scott 1 Vitamins 4.44 oz. will follow. good day to go shopping. Be sure to subtle shifts In a business situation that ______B U 0 b"TT M "P d" R T (^ To Be Announced "B ^ PMS I WITHttO 1 Greek region feminine check out-of-the-way spots. you may be able to turn to your advan­ Maximun Formula U R _Q 0 T T 0 R 0 E t $ \ S 9 ORTHO-QYNOL* 6 — Olympic II [CNN] Crossfire AQUARIUS (Jen. 20-Feb. 19) Bo as help­ tage. Max. Strength CONTHACZPtIVI Jtur T E R T N E 8 s A D A $5 3 7 boom board (abbr.) [USA] Don Drysdale VIRQO (Aug. 23-Sopt. 22) Try to devise ful as possible to others today, yet be LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Seek wise counsel $J27 8’s ...... 89C $ 4 6 9 T 1 T Q 11 Louisiana L, JL |] T E R better procedures or methods where careful that you don't become involved In today before making major decisions. Do 6 0 ’s Pub beverage A 1 :1 5 A M [HBO] MOVIE: Breathless' your work Is concerned today so that you their affairs to the extent that you neglect □ 3 R U M 1 A street-w ise car thief, on the run from the not ask advice from persons who will tell S i patois Descendant can start Increasing your productivity. your own Interests. F u a V j ] R P A 8 8 law. pursues a beautiful French student. you only what you want to hoar. 13 Sun ring PISCES (Feb. 20-Merch 20) You perform Sphere L L A 1 E D N A Richard Gere, Valerie Kaprisky. 1983. Major changes are In store lor VIrgos In 14 Elicited ca□ the coming year. Send for your year best today In an atmosphere that is tree Usual U D N A P D A 1 N Rated R. ORTHO GYNOL 15 Innate ahead predictions today. Mall $1 to from outside distractions. Seek out soli­ ALMAY Inactive 8 N Laveme and Shirley Jhirmack B □ E 8 S \T\M 1 :3 0 A M (3D Astro-Graph. Box 489, Radio City tude In which to sort out Important STAYFREE 16 Stage need MITCHUM Heels ■ n 0 C T E C3D Starsky and Hutch Station, New York. NY 10019. Be sure to matters. Blood stains Shampoo or Conditioner 17 Identifications Anti-Perspirant — Adam s H T F □ □ D A Y D T (5D Ihdependent News state your zodiac sign. ARIES (March 21-Aprll 18) A good day The best way to remove blood C r e m e M a x i-p a d s Roll-on (si.) Bonus Size Tank U N 0 1 E L E U] A N T (2D M O V IE ; 'T h e P e o p le N e x t D oo r' The LIBRA (Sept. 23-Ocl. 23) Your greatest to revive a project where your interest stains is to wash them in cold 19 Wife (si.) asset today Is your ability to get along ^ Refill Ati Type* 16 oz. S cen ted N 0 R N [T C K n L Q A tormented parents of a young girl try to get has waned. Brush off your Indifference Jacob's son with Individuals from all walks of life and water, using a mild soap or R o ll-o n or 20 Gun an T T E Q S E at the source of their daughter's drug ha­ and let your Imagination ponder anew Its Regular Fire god _o 0 □ A T bit. Eli Wallach, Julie Harris, Hal Holbrook. detergent. Hand soap or dishwash­ L a r g e STAYFREE /f1 1.5 oz. engine turn acquaintances Into pals. potential. U n tc e n te d Arrange anew 1970 ing liquid will also work, but never 4.5 OZ. 12's 22 Devour 36 Ash 47 Flower SCORPIO (Ocl. 24-Nov. 22) This can be TAURUS (April 20-May 20) II you extend M in i-p a d s MiUhiim 1 5 OZ Direction ® Despedida an extremely rewarding day lor you II you a hand of friendship to others today, wash blood stains in warm or hot 23 Traitor (si.) 37 Oxidized garland [CNN] News Wrap-Up exercise your determination to see they'll respond similarly to you. Disagree­ water. If stains have dried and set ORTHO- 57 24 Wish undone Burdens $5 3 7 $ 2 ^ 7 $ 2 9 9 39 Delightful [USA] Tennis Magazine through to conclusion that which you ments can be patched up and fences can sponge with a little hydrogen CREME* $ 1 1 9 26 Stair post Green Bay 48 Environment begin. 12’s 4 m a z y be mended. peroxide until stain disappears. cntAM 28 Fold over football team agency (abbr.) 1 :4 5 A M [TM C] MOVIE: 'Now and o 33 Kitchen 42 Antarctic sea Fo rever' A cou ple's perfect relationship is 30 Fish eggs shattered when the husband is accused 45 Sound,as a 50 Wipe REVLON 31 Confederate gadget and con^ cted of rape. Cheryl Ladd, Ian REVLON States Army 34 Actor March bell 51 Exist Clark. Rated R. Bridge FLEX SHAMPOO SPOl^TSCREME 6 (abbr.) 2 : 0 0 A M (3D Great Record Collection dexatrim Fiberall 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S D 10 or CONDITION FLEX.NET Appetita 32 Actor Sparks (3D MOVIE: 'The Great Uo' A playboy MITCHUM PAIN RELIEF RUB BULK LAXATIVE marries his true love when his marriage to NORTH 9-444 usually divide 3-2, and the queen may Sep^assaat 33 Capture 1 12 13 1 a concert pianist is proved illegal. Bette 4AK10 8 35 Thus (Let.) Davis. Mary Astor, George Brent. 1941. Two chances be doubleton. Still nothing. Solid 37 Speed YAJIO Now for your last shot at glory. Scented A ll T y p e s All Flavors 14 15 (3D Joe Franklin Show ♦ J7 to make six Play the queen of spades and then 2 oz. A ll T y p e s 28's 38 Sunflower [U S A ] MOVIE: Wizard of Baghdad' or 10 oz ♦ A76S lead a low spade toward the dummy. state (ebbr.) 16 h r 18 1.9 Unscented 0 12 oz. WEST EAST By James Jacoby When West plays low, put in the 10. If Sxtascvi 40 Comedian ■ 1 1 ■ 2 : 1 5 A M [M A X] MOVIE: The Thirty M iUlnim 2oz. FLEX Nine Steps* An innocent man tries to stay ♦ J942 ♦ 7 6 5 Conway 20 21 that loses to the jack, you will have niMe: $309 one step ahead of German assassins and VK832 VQ76 gone set the absolute maximum. But 42 Dull routine 1 1 1 Scotland Yard. Robert Powell, Karen Do- ♦ Q95 ' 486 North’s infatuation with aces pro­ S ^ R T S C ^ 24 3, . 27 the 10 holds the trick, and you diacaid 43 Biblical 3 trice, David Warner. Rated PG. 4 J9 ♦ Q10832 pelled him into placing his partner in a so-so slam. North bid his suits and your two losing hearts on the ace and character ■ 2 : 3 0 A M (3D CBS News Nlghtwatch SOUTH 28 2D 30 controls, and then showed moderate king of spades. 44 Wee drink JIP ♦ Q 3 ■ diamond support with the four-dia­ Why is this play best? Because you Available at participaliiia 46 Stable worker [C N N ] Sports Latenight ♦ 9 5 4 31 32 mond bid. South cue-bid the club king, make the slam whenever the d ia m ^ Crown Pharmacy V ALUE P L U S S T O R E S! Lonox Pharmacy Old Spice LISTERINE EFFERDENT 49 Rocking bed ♦ A K 10 4 3 r queen drops, or the spade finesse 1 3 : 0 0 A M CiD MOVIE: The Bachalor ♦ K 4 and found himself in six diamonds. If Praicrlptlon Canter Not all Items avallabla at 2B9 E. Canter SL CLEANING TABLETS 52 Soaks |33 35 36 And The Bobbysoxer' A bachelor plagued you want a.little fun, or a headache, against the jack is successful. Two. all stores. Vulnerable; Neither 208 W. Cantor S t STICk DEODORANT MOUTHWASH 53 I have found it ■ by a school girl who has a crush on him cover the East and West hands and chances are indeed better than one. Not responsible lor Manchaster Dealer: South 54 Middle 37 38 3D 40 41 falls for her sister. Cary Grant. Myma Loy, ask yourself how you’d play the slam. Manchaster typographical errors. 18 oz. Shirley Temple. 1947. West North East Sooth Before picking on someone biggef' 60's Eastern nation ■ ■ The principle here is to combine all A ll T y p e s 42 43 44 45 [C N N ] Freeman Reports ! ♦ than you, first check to see that he 55 Pale bluish- your chances into the best overall 2.5 oz. [E S P N ] SportsCenter Pass IP Pass 2P believes it isn’t polite to hit a smaller ••rtre itrangth ^ green ■ ■ 1 ■ Pass percentage. First, go up with the ace 46 47 48 4D 50 51 s * Pass 3* person. Hulttl Pass of hearts. You can't afford to lose a Kay Drug Co. Brooks Pharmacy Quinn's Pharmacy 3 :1 5 A M [HBO] MOVIE: ‘Ths Lotwly Pass 3* efferdent DOWN Pass i * Pass 54 heart trick if you are going to lose a BNityAidi 14 Main SL, 585 Enflald Ave.. 77 52 53 Lady' A successful screenwriter shocks 873 Main SL everyone by telling exactly how she Pass 6P Pass Pass trump trick. Next, play a diamond to Sill Prins! East Hartford Enflald Manchaster 1 Glazes reached the top during a televised awards Pass the ace — perhaps the queen will fall Effective 54 55 ceremony. Pia Zadora. Lloyd Bochner, Bibi 2 Command Opening lead: V2 singleton. When nothing happens,- play Sqrt. 9tk-11tli i r Besch. 1983. Rated R. the king of diamonds. Diamonds will 1 HI MANCHKSTKR HP:HALD, Thursduy, Sept. 6, 1984 M.-\Xt~HESTKK HER.M.D, Thursdrty, Sfpt 6. 1904 — U F O C U S / Family Julian Newton Jr. Julian Newton Jr., 46. of"S8 Brookfield Road, Bolton, died this morning of an apparent heart tr // attack while visiting in Windsor Locks. He was born in Manchester on Oct. 27, 1937 and had lived In -r Manchester most of his life befoce moving to Bolton 10 years ago. was employed at Hamilton Stand­ ard in Windsor Locks. He leaves two daughters. Miss ‘No pets allowecT Erica Newton of Hartford and Mrs. Deborah Leitao of East Hartford; his father, Julian Newton Sr. Of Hamden; two brothers, Raymond N. Newton of Stafford Springs and Dogs and cats may be making Craig J. Newton of Bolton; and two nieces. The funeral will be Saturday at St. Maurice Church in Bolton, at a your condo association growl time to be announced. Friends may call at the Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Main St., Friday from? By Adele Angle rules, will be brought to the Humane Society to be / to 9 p.m. Focus Editor destroyed. Memorial donations may be “ It's gotten way out of hand,” she said, adding made to the American Heart dh, the joys of condominium living. No leaves to she's tired of cats in her complex using her herb Association, 310 Collins SL> rake. No sidewalks to shovel. No lawns to mow. garden as a litter box. “ It’s too bad. I think pets Hartford. But, wait. What’s that yowling underneath the are wonderful. It’s just that people just aren’t window sill? And who knocked over the trash cans taking any responsiblity for them,” she said. r\ ; -Wt In Memoriam last night? In loving memory of Gary Bi. Dogs and cats, it seems, are not always to be NORTHFIELD GREEN, a condominium r/> \ sibs-fl. Meacham who passed away Sep­ listed among the joys of condo living. In fact, tember 6, 1975. according to some condo association members in complex on Ambassador Drive, allows one pet per unit. We cannot hold the hand of time, Manchester, they’re among the most irksome side Or live again the past. of this new lifestyle. That’s just fine with Carol Colburn, who owns a But in our hearts are memories. ' condominium at Northfield Green. About two That will forever last. Condo associations in town have worked out a number of ways to deal with the pet problem. years ago. Colburn left Millbridge Hollow Mom, Sisters, Brother, and condominium under less-than-happy circumstance W Brothers-in-law Some have passed one-pet-per-unit rules, with $25- a-day fines for rule breakers. Others have s. Millbridge Hollow’s owners’ association fined outlawed pets entirely, with fines for rule her $1,200 because she broke the condo’s no-pets rule. The fine involved more than eight weeks of /• breakers. Still others have rules which set weight Ex-patient and height limits on pets. daily charges. The “ culprit” was a small black cat named SOME PET OWNERS have given up their Gypsy, which she let roam the grounds of the complex. arrested condos — rather than give up their animals. Barbara Hamilton, for instance, today shares a “ I think the whole thing got out of hand.” she Police arrested a former mental house on Brookfield Street. More than a year ago, said. She said that she eventually paid the patient from St. Louis early she left her South Windsor condominium rather association $100, which was about 10 percent of Wednesday after they spotted him than give up one of her animals, to be in what she owed. She did it, she said, rather than face a lien on her unit. walking on Main Street, exposing accordance with her condo association's new one- himself, they said today. pet-per-unit rule. Today, she said, she happily observes Herald photos by Tarquinio Police charged the man, whose The new rule stipulated that pets must be under Northfield Green’s one-pet-per-unit rule, name they thought was Paul Pole, 20 pounds, and must be kept on leashes at all “ There are no problems at all. Nobody seems to Slipping away with breach of peace and took him mind,” she said. to Manchester Memorial Hospital times. The last of the Moriarty Brothers' Oil operations are for evaluation. They said a check She said she simply couldn't give up either of u her dogs, a cocker spaniel and a Lhasa apso. being moved from Manchester after the company for that name showed that Pole had THOSE WHO MANAGE condominium recently been a patient at a St. " It was like giving up one of my kids to get rid of complexes say pets — along with parking, merged with the General Oil Co. of East Hartford in Louis mental hospital, an animal,” she said. children and trash — are among the four major December, according to Teresa Emond, office manager MMH staff members said they She was fined about $500 until she finally took problem areas of condo living. And. they say. one would hold Pole and transfer him at the Moriarty Brothers auto dealership. Emondsaid she one of the dogs to her parents' house. of the biggest difficulties is that rules are alrpost to a state mental hospital, but were At first, she said, she and others in the condo did not know where the tanks were beinj moved. unable to find space for him in any impossible to enforce. Workers have spent the past few days dismantling and state facility, police said. tried to fight the new rules, but without success. John Janangelo of Condonomics, a firm which removing the five tanks from the auto dealership at 315 Hospital staff discovered that She finally moved and today rents her manages Crest Condominiums, a small condo Pole’s real name is apparently condominium. complex on Hartford Road, said the only recourse Center St. The tanks were taken off their stands, loaded Still angry, she said she has sent her condo on a truck and driven away. Gofdon Fredericks. Police said most associations have is fines. Fredericks is 34, three years older association one check — for $5. If owners ignore the fines, liens can be placed on than the age he gave as Paul Pole. their units, he said. Police released the man late SOME CONDOMINIUMS are still struggling Some condo associations, he said, have passed 'Wednesday afternoon for a court with the problem. Rules, if they have them, are pet ownership rules which border on the absurd. appearance here Monday. EDC backs l-park sale to Hartford Distributors largely ignored. One. for instance, requires that pets be under 15 At Manchester Gardens, the condominium inches tall from the shoulder to the ground. ’ another matter told the EDC that smaller one to accommodate con­ parcel,” he said. Bv Kathv Garmus dock, raise the height of a canopy A woman who refused to stop association’s board of directors recently approved "That’s kind of stupid,” he said. "What are we Herald Reporter the company has been growing in struction of General Electric Co.'s That arrangement means the to protect forklifts coming out of screaming obsceneties outside the new rules. The rules are strict: No new pets will going to do — run around chasing dogs with a recent years and has just added a building next door, Weiss said. firm will not have to apply for a the railroad cars and extend the Manchester Memorial Hospital, be allowed. Those who own them can keep them yardstick?” 10,000-square-foot addition to its The Economic Development ■ The company also lost additional building permit within 18 months, railroad tracks by 45 feet, he said. emergency room Wednesday night" until the pets die. But these pets are to be current building. land because the rear of its He said problems most often arise in complexes Commission this morning voted as required by the town’s indus­ Because the new loading dock and tried to hit a police officer was Richard K. Greenalch of Pace­ property was sliced off by power­ photographed and registered, and must be with a high number of "investor-owned” units. unanimously to recommend the trial park guidelines, Weiss said. and canopy would encroach on a charged with breach of peace, setter Buildings Inc. of Newington line easements, he said. leashed. Often tenants in these units simply don’t care sale of 8.4-acres of undeveloped In another matter concerning 50-foot rear yard required by park police said today. land in the Buckland Industrial said Hollander has indicated “ They've bent over backwards Hartford Distributors, the EDC Barbara Pryor is on Manchester Gardens' what the rules are. regulations, it would require the The woman, Sally Waugh, 29, of percent the owner doesn’t give new tenants a copy than to fine the owner, who may then for«> the Park to Hartford Distributors for further expansion is likely. Gree­ to accommodate our needs," board of directors. She said the rules will soon be agreed to set up a three-man approval of owners of 75 percent of no certain address, was then of the bylaws. They don't know what they can and $218,000. nalch designed the recent addition Weiss said in urging the commis­ enforced, though they are not now. tenant to leave, he said. subcommittee to review plans by the land in the park. Director of handcuffed and placed in a police P E T PROBLEMS often happen at the lower- can’t do.” The land is adjacent to the to the building. sion to recommend the sale, the firm to expand its loading dock She said an owner with a complaint against an Planning Mark Pellegrini said. cruiser, where she damaged a^ priced condos, which are converted apartments, His advice? If you have a pet, his adviee is to keep it quiet. 10-acre parcel at 131 Chapel Road If the Board of Directors ap­ despite the lack of information on and railroad siding. The subcommittee agreed to window by kicking it, police said. : animal will supposedly look through a book of he said. where the beverage distributors proves the sale of the 8.4 acres, the what the company planned to do ' “ You just have to make people aware of the “ The only time things eome up is when there are Greenalch said the company has expedite its review after Gree­ She was charged then with; “ registered” pets’ photos, and the pets’ owner will “ Some of the complexes we have are 90 percent now has a 78.000-square-foot new land will be considered part of with the land. been getting more railroad deliv­ rules when they’re moving in,” he said. blatant violations — people will tie a dog to a nalch said that it might take third-degree criminal mischief ^ be fined. Unregistered pets, according to the investor-owned,” hesaid. “ Chancesare90 warehouse. the company's existing parcel. When it built its warehouse, eries than it can presently handle. Condo associations often have no other choice balcony, and it’ll bark all day." he .said. several months to get the neces­ and held overnight on $250 bond fo r. Ross Hollander, president of Hartford Distributors was origi­ Hartford Distributors took out an The company wants to make a sary approvals from property presentation today in Manchester Hartford Distributors, could not be nally interested in a larger piece of option for additional land in the ?0-by-l5 foot addition to its loading owners. Superior Court. reached for comment this morning land when it moved to the park in park, Weiss said. on the company's plans. 1980, according to town General "The option agreement stipu­ But an architect who repres­ Manager Robert B. Weiss. But the lated it would be considered a part ented Hartford Distributors on company agreed to develop a of their parcel and not a separate She splits her life between mining and modeling

Court Roundi ' ' i . ■■ ■, ^ - s . t Bv John O'Brien DeBalli, with whom Miss Grove United Press International attended modeling school, drove the car as Karen changed, pulling The hectic life of Karen Grove, off a gown and slipping into long . -C - '..-' i the only coal miner aAd fashion Johns, which she always wears Burglar gets three ye; model to be found, is a swirl of cold under her flannel mining shirts cream and dirt, long Johns and and blue jeans. A Squire Village resident was Village-area break-ins police have Franklin, 19, in tfc face when he gowns, of posed come-hither ex­ Miss Grove’s dream is to be a rm sentenced Friday to three years in been investigating. thought one of them had thrown a t pressions and grimaces borne of still photographer's model, to prison for his role in a series of In exchange for his guilty pleas, beer bottle at him in the Parkade I t . -... ^ f « r' «.r: .jt- .. ' ' .fc-- ’ ^ • , lifting 80-pound bags of cement. appear in fashion or cosmetic ads. apartment and automobile break- the prosecutor dropped the addi­ parking lot. For S‘/i years, the dynamic She's done some of that work, most ins that police said plagued the tional larceny charges that had Elliot, of 92 Green Road, and 108-pound daughter of a housewife recently for a photography store in Spencer Street apartment com­ been lodged against him. Franklin, who lives on Adams and a sawmill worker has des­ a Pittsburgh mall. plex earlier this year. Street, apparently followed Qui­ cended into Bethlehem Corp. Mine "You got to think," she said. Anthony Hollins, 17, of 26H gley to his home at 15'/4 School 33 at Ebensburg in southwestern “ The photographer wants you to Spencer St., pleaded guilty to three School street resident Ronald Street. Quigley called the police Pennsylvania. look innocent or says, ‘OK, be counts of third-degree burglary. Quigley was given a year’s proba­ and asked police to order the two - 5 f 5- ^ , I’-'-e'. - But in January, she put her life sexy.’ It’sacting. If he wants you to . While present in court for sentenc­ tion and fined $200 for punching teenagers to leave, police said. The into high gear, adding modeling be a housewife, you got to use your ing, Hollins was served with two men at the Parkade in June. investigating officer noticed that classes to her routine to realize her head. It’s all fun." another warrant charging him Quigley. 22, pleaded guilty in each teenager had a red and longtime dream. Since May 20, she with one count each of third-degree Manchester Superior Court to two swollen eye, police said. has been working six days a week IN FACT, Miss Grove is tickled burglary arid sixth-degree lar­ counts of third-degree assault. Quigley was given a sentence of in the coal pit, swinging all three by a world that offers money for ceny. The charges were in connec­ Police said he admitted punching one year, suspended, and one year shifts, and running for modeling modeling. tion with one of eleven Squire Randall Elliot, 17, and Craig of probation. appointments about twice a week. “ I never got paid for something I Miss Grove gets no more than like before," she said. " It’s the five hours of sleep a night — once kind of job everybody would like to she slept one hour in two days — have; doing something you love and spends just enough time at and getting paid for it." home in the Mundy’s Come Trailer But if modeling does go sour. Park to “ sleep, clean, do the wash Miss Grove doesn’t figure to be AN UNFORGETTABLE EXPERIENCE! and mow the grass,” as she builds crushed. w up her portfolio and wardrobe and "Either I am or I ain't going to WV W o o A d I r ■ lla r II tu AADliEI l improves her modeling composite. make it." she said. "I'm going to GARDENS give it my best shot. If I can’t, then ONE RECENT modeling assign­ I wasn't made for it.” Our Planti Art Civan -Colorful Fall BILLY GRAHAM ment came just after Karen, 23, Tha Craotaft Coral CHRYSANTHEMUMS had worked Friday night ” hoo- In 1978, after Karen graduated 3 TV SPECIAI.S towl” — midnight to 8 a.m. in the Vibrant Colors for Autumn from Portage High School, there mine. was no money for modeling school. Decorating - yellow, white, rust, purple At 9:30 a.m. in her trailer, where So she tucked the dream away and she lives alone, the 5-foot-8, brown­ 4 /» 9 « went to work 12 hours a day. seven EXTRA EXTRA SPECIAL! H jmssjon eneiRiio n eyed brunette got a call from the days a week in a doughnut shop. Euonymoua, ■ Pittsburgh-based Barbizon School, Rhododendron-all colon ' Liverpool — home of the Beatles and cham­ hear Billy Graham’s Gospel message, and in which taught her modeling and Then her brother said the mine Junipera, Boxwood, pionship soccer, city of high unemployment one night alone over 4,000 people re­ lines up work for her. She was to be paid better for fewer hours. She in Pittsburgh by noon. Karen Azaleas, Evergreen, and urban blight. At Anfield Stadium, home sponded! Tune in tonight and participate in applied and was hired. of the European Cup soccer champions, an­ spruced herself up, made the Forsythia, Holly. Yews 3/<22><> this unforgettable experience! 1984 ''Female two-hour drive and used a walking She now drives a shuttle car, into OPEN DAILY other kind of victory was won as record- Vocalist of the Year", Sandi Patti, is special map to find the Lawrence Conven­ which coal is dumped from a HOUAND BUIBS breaking crowds came out for eight nights to Tulips, Crocus, FEED YOUR LAWN |h B am - 6:30 pm musical guest. tion Center on time. mining machine. The job, in Daffodils, Hyacinths, A pretty woman, she Just hqd to narrow tunnels 850 feet down, Snowdrops, Scillas, etc. WINTERGREENiOiR '168 Woodland St.| smile, attracting men to a product includes lifting and moving 50- UPI photo From the Land o j the Manchester Karen Grove of Ebensburg, Pa. may be the only coal she was helping to hawk, she said. pound bags of rock dust or heavy covari 5.000 iq. It only NO. 3 shoring lumber, operating the ff indmilla lo you— CHANNEL miner and fashion model to be found. Miss Grove, on the Another tight schedule had her 1&00U iq. IL *25.05 machine that digs the coal, and Grove works before her makeup mirror at home. "Either I 643-8474 TONIGHT 8:00 job, says she has no social life. modeling before mining. In blazing summer heat. Shelly triggering dynamite blasts. am or I ain’t going to make it." she says. It - MANCHESTER HERALD, Thursday, Scpl 6, 19M MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday. SopI 6. 1984 - 13 So fails to o\^rcome About Town top two in boxoffice Elected association head Calling all chairmen Bv Frank SaneMo violent movie ever made, plum­ Doris Johnson has been elected president of the "Getting Your Message Across." a workshop for United Press International meted from third to eighth in its ; Manchester Art Association and Mary Daly is vice publicity chairmen, will take place Sept. 18 from 9; 30 fourth weekend. The action adven­ president. to 11:30 a m. at the YWCA on North Main Street. HOLLYWOOD - •Botero, - Bo ture about a Soviet invasion of Other officers elected The workshop, led by Manchester Herald focus Derek's much publicited fleshca- America grossed $3.2 million for a were: Phyllis Von Deck, editor Adele Angle, will explore writing news pade. debuted in third place over total of $29.6 million. treasurer; Sophie Met- releases, working with the Herald photographer, and t — ^ the holiday weekend, failing to "Gremlins" remained in ninth rofski, recording secre- coming up with feature story ideas. knock "Tightrope” and "Ghost- with $3 million for a IS-week take of • tary; and Alice Warring- The workshop is free for YWCA members and $1 for busters" from the top two boxof­ $136.6 million. ;ton, corresponding non-members. Call the YWCA at 647-1437 to register. fice positions. "Indiana Jones." jumped back •secretary. "Tightrope," starring Clint on to the list in lOth, grossing $2 1 Committee chairmen Church plans fall fair Eastwood as a psychologically million for a three-month total of are: Willa Nolan, pro­ troubled homicide detective, $167.3 million. gram: John Massolini, St. James Church, 8% Main St., will have its fifth topped the list for the third Two new films failed to crack the membership: Phyllis annual fall festival on the church grounds. Sept. 13 and w e^end since its release, grossing top 10 in their debut — "Flash­ Volz, publicity; Ann 14 front 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. and Sept. 15.10 a.m. to 11p.m. $7.1 million over the four-day point,” starring Kris Kristofferson Tomkunas and Louise Admission is free. A drawing will he held Saturday holiday weekend for a total to date and Treat Williams as border Shea, hospitality: Doris at 11 p.m. Prizes include a 1984 Mercury Station of $M,7 million. patrolmen who stumble upon a Johnson, scholarship: Wagon, a $600 gift certificate toward a trip and a "Ghostbusters,” the year’s big­ fortune in cash: and “ C.H.L’ .D.,' Ruth Converse, cheer; 10-speed bicycle. 7. gest hit, remaineid in second place, an ecological thriller about desti­ y Louise Withey, art of the The festival will, feature rides, games, crafts, 1 earning $6.g million for a 13-week tute people living in New York's month: Vicky Jennings, celebrity gift auction, a variety of food, a giant tag gross of Sin .5 million subway system who are turned annual dinner: and Vi­ sale and free entertainment. "Bolero.” which, received pub­ into monsters by nuclear waste. ola Sobol. American Entertainment will include: Square Dance Club on licity both tor Iterek's explicit "Dreamscape" and "Oxford artist. Thursday; the Dubaldo trio on Friday, and Johnny nude scenes and for her battles Blues" both fell off the Top 10 after The association is a Prytko and the Good Times Band on Saturday. with Cannon Films, debuted in less than three weeks in theaters. non-profit community Doris Johnson jthird place. The movie, about a organization involved in Meeting starts with supper woman trying to lose her Emmy norntnaVons T f ' I s Mpralcl photo by Pinto arts and crafts. Marilyn Richardson, Watercolorist, virginity in 1920s S^in. grossed HOLLYWOOD (t’Pl! - Its will demonstrate at the Sept. 18 meeting at 7:30 p.m. Chapman Court 10, Order of Amaranth, will meet SLS million for a very healthy nomination time for the television at First Federal Savings. 344 W. Middle Turnpike. The Friday at 7:45 p.m. at the Masonic Temple. 25 E. Ohy for a good book S*>Stidier theater average. academy Emmy awards and Hol­ / public is invited. Center St. The meeting will be preceeded by a potluck "The Karate Kid," rising to lywood’s publicity men, produc­ For information contact John Massolini. 649-7918. supper at 6:30 p.m. Mary Cheney Library is sponsoring its (from left) Linda Haberern of 92 W. fourth from seventh, continued as ers, networks and ftudios are Officers will wear colored gowns. It will be past Vernon St., Deborah White of 127 the summer’s sleeper hit with its matrons and past patrons night. Refreshments will be annual used book sale on Saturday from buying ads in trade newspapers to Highland St. and Suzanne Denis of 10 box-ollice record reflecting the draw attention to likely nominees. Planning 30th reupion served after the meeting. 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the basement of the film’s "Rocky’’-like theme The Among those seen in the splashi­ The Class of 19.54 of Bulkeley High School. Hartford, Any member having articles to donate to the Grand library. Helping organize the books are Frederick Road St.l million weekend take boosted est adds are Jane Alexander for Court flea market should bring them to the meeting. ■ s. will celebrate its 30th reunion on Sept. 29 at Willie’s its 11-week total to S69.9 million. "Calamity Jane." Mario Thomas Steak House. Social Security "Purple Rain.” another sleeper, and Kris Kristofferson for "The Reservations are still being accepted. For more S4 Area women Invited dropped one notch to fifth with Lost Honor of Kathryn Beck," Honored on anniversary information call 529-7871. million and $30.7 million after six Kevin Dobson for "Knots Land­ The Manchester Area Christian Women’s Club will weeks in release. ing.” Elizabeth Montgomery in Wesley B. and Doris Liiurtsema Bunce of 143 Woodside Mrs. Donald R. Bunce.Some 130 relatives and friends meet Sept. 12 at the Colony in Vernon. The meeting What does teen need to get card? "Revenge of the Nerds” also fell "S«?cond Sight” and JohhRitterfor Volunteers needed will start at 9:30 a.m. with brunch. Connie Lawrence one place, to sixth, with $3.60 St., were honored at a suprise 35th wedding anniversary attended the party. The couple was married Aug. 27, of Norwalk will be the speaker and Paul Munsie of "Three’s Company,” Meals on Wheels, operated by River East Home QUESTION: My 13-year-old QUESTION: I would like to SSI" million Manchester will be guest soloist. Also prominent in the ads for party recently. Standing against the cake at the 1949 at South United Methodist Church. Sidney Care Inc., has recently been expanded to seven routes daughter needs a Social Security adopt a disabled child. Currently, "ITte Woman in Red,” Gene Lawrence is director of the Christian Counseling E^m ys are Michele Lee in "Knots anniversary celebration, in photo at left, is a picture of the Cushman Jr., who was the best man, offered the special and the agency is in need of more volunteer drivers. number. What does she need when she receives Social Security benef­ ANSWER: It's possible Some Wilder’s farce about lust at first Center of Norwalk and adjunct professor at the Landing.” Julia Duffy in "Nc- Volunteering requires that a person have his or her she applies? its because of her disability. Would people can rei'clve money from sight, fell to 'seventh with $3.6 original wedding party. At right, the couple is shown as toast at the anniversary party. Also attending were the University of Bridgeport. Her topic will be, "Seasons whart. ” Ben Vereen in “ Webster,” own car. The meals leave the Manche.ster Memorial adoption cause her benefits to end? both SSI and Social Security if they million. they looked on their wedding day. The party was given by couple's two, 10-month old grandsons, Richard F. of My Life.” Sherman Hemsley in "The Jeffer- Hospital about 11:15 a.m. It takes about an hour to ANSWER: Your daughter will are aged, blind, or disabled, have "R ed Dawn,” which a research Also speaking will be Marianne Busher of sons" and Melissa Gilbert in their children, Sandra Bunce Thorpe and Richard F ., Thorpe III and Benjamin David Bunce. deliver the meals and a few extra minutes’to return need evidence of her age and ANSWER: No. adoption will not little income, and do not own much. . group recently declared the most Rockville. Her topic will be "Do Yoy Know Your "Choices of the Heart . " Thorpe Jr., Mr and Mrs navid M. Bunce, and Mr. and the containers to the hospital. citizenship. A public record of cause benefits to stop. However, Contact ;iny Social Security office Season?” Busher is a certifed color analyst. She will All new drivers are trained by sending them out birth established before age 5 will when a child is adopted, you should if you think you meet these explain how women can choose the most flattering with someone who has been a volunteer for awhile. take care of both requirements. In contact any Social Security office requireinentft^ colors for their clothes and makeup. Barbara Zubrow. program coordinator, said addition, she will need evidence of and report the child's new name, Area women are invited to attend the meeting. For generally the volunteers choose to drive a couple of her identity. She could use a school the date of the adoption decree, This column is prepared by (he Advice Thoughts reservations call 649-3423 or 633-2938. Reservations times a month, on the day of their choice. She said the record, report card, ID card, youth and the adopting parent's name Social Security Administration in close after today. ■ addition of one route means that at least 10 new organization membership such as and address. East Hartford. If you have a volunteers are needed to cover the entire month. Girl Scouts, or some other record question, write to: Sociai Security, The past two days we have however, is a slightly different Volunteers are reimbursed 20 cents a mile, if they Lodge to confer degrees that gives enough identifying data QUESTION: If I get Social ^ x 591, Manchester lleraid, Man­ looked at the first two aspects of process than that of the farmer. wish, making it earier for those on a limited income to to establish proper identity. Security benefits, can I also gel chester, CT 06(140. Molester’s wife wants to forgive him the life cycle of growing plants, As Jesus warns us in the parable Frienbship Lodge of Masons 145 will portray the volunteer their services. breaking ground and planting of the wheat and the weeds, our fellowcraft degree today at 7:30 p.m. at the Masonic Temple, 25 E. Center St. DEAR ABBY: I have learned When my in-laws started this, I envelope. seeds, and have compared this life concern for removing the weeds Clinic planned for seniors after 30 years of marriage that my hinted that it wasn't necessary, but cycle to the life cycle of our faith in should not become the primary Junior Warden William Strickland will preside. YWCA offers art, diet, fitness husband is a bisexual and a either they didn’t get the hint or D E AR ABBY: This is in refer­ our personal lives. The next step in focus, but to continue to nurture The Senior Citizens Health Clinic will sponsor a Refreshments will be served in the banquet hall after the meeting. molester of young boys. He is a Dear they chose to ignore it. ence to the older woman. “ Mrs. this process is obviously nurturing the seeds that we have planted so blood pressure clinic Monday from 9 to 10 a.m. at Registration for fall adult women include fitness during Back to Work — Is it for Me,?” a professional person and a pillar of How do you feel about this. Eastman." who took great offense the seeds that have been planted. as to strengthen them against all Mayfair Gardens. 211-215 N. Main St., in -the classes and workshops are now pregnancy and prenatal and po.st- new mothers’ support group, and the church. Abby Abby? when a dental hygienist addressed For the farmer, this is a very that threaten them. community room. Rec sessions to start being accepted at the Nutmeg natal yoga. These programs offer "Coping with Kids." These discus I also learned that he molested essential step. One cannot plant a MOTHER OF TWO her as "Gertrude." In all fairness, The Health Clinic will continue to conduct fitness The fall session of Fabulous Fours, sponsored by the Branch YWCA. 78 N. Main St. Most fitness in levels from moderate to Sion and support groups will de.d our oldest son during the boy's crop and ignore it for several Perhaps the best way to nurture Abigail I think you should print a profes­ walks at the Manchester Community College Fitness Manchester Recreation Department, will begin Sept. programs start the week of Sept. 24 strenuous exercise. with issues that women are facing teenage years. months and expect much return. these se^s of faith that we have Van Buren D E AR MOTHER: I think it’s a sional's point of view. I work for a Trail on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9 a.m. through 19 and will meet on Wednesdays and Fridays from through 28. Arts and crafts classes include a in their daily lives. Our four children are profes­ Today is the day of chemical planted is to nurture our own faith very considerate gesture. It dentist, and I mean no disrespect the month of September. noon to 1:30 p.m. for 10 weeks. Classes will be held at Physical fitness classes include number of basketweaving work­ Interest groups at the YWCA sional people. If my husband gels farming where a farm er will use a first so that we have more to give to shouldn't diminish the joy of the when I address people by their first the Arts Building until October and then will move to Alive After Five, Body Condition­ shops, welcome hoop, Halloween include the Koffee Krafters and caught by the police, he will wide combination of pesticides and others. This, too, is a daily process. birthday boy if his brother receives names. Highland Park. ing with June, body design, even­ handicrafts, broom lady, fabric- book 'di.scussion group. Childcare disgrace us all. He says he loves herbicides and fertilizers to nur­ It involves daily prayer and Body design class starting him to a doctor. Insist upon it. If he a small gift. I put m y foot in my mouth when I The program includes activities, songs, creative ing workout, jazz dance. Moving covered boxes, padded picture is available lor a nominal lee me, and begs me to accept this ture his crops. devotions, community worship refuses, you must turn him in. went into the waiting room and Body design, a one-hour workout set to music, will movement and crafts geared to the longer attention With Maria, FitntfSTfmsTeachers, frames, holiday breads, and holi­ during morning activities. For a weakness of his My chidren want In some parts of the country, with fellow believers, and regular DEAR ABBY: Please print your announced. “ Mrs. W alker." Mrs. be among the classes to be conducted this fall at the span of the pre-kindergartener. Fine and gross motor tennis, and hatha yoga. ^ day wreathmaking. free brochure on YWCA activities, me to forgive him and do nothing irrigation is also needed to help the partaking of the sacraments. DEAR ABBY: My in-laws are address in your column once a Walker turned to me and abruptly Nutmeg Branch of the YWCA, 78 N. Main St. skills will be emphasized as well as basioc concepts Exercise classes for pregnant New programs include "Going call the Y office at 647 1437. about it, but I find this hard to do. plants to grow. In any case, it's When this has been done, we are super people, but a few years ago week. It would be a big help. I want said. “ It's Ann Walker — I ’m The six-week session will start Sept. 25 and will amd socialization skills. The instructior is Sue Should I try to slick it out? I am almost a daily process which better equipped to minister to they started a practice that I found to write a personal letter to you ditorced! ” meet Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7 to 8 p.m. For Schiera. To register call 647-3089. Registrations will 60 years old. Please don't mention others and nurture the seeds of objectionable. We have two sons, asking for help, but I wouldn't want Haring learned my lesson, in makes the difference between more information call the Y office. 647-1437. be limited. my city, this is ... faith that we have planted. and 5, and on the birthday of one it to fall into the wrong hands. calling the next patient I an­ success and failure. A FAMILY AFFAIR grandchild they bring two gifts — Thanks. nounced, “ Mr. Edwards,” Mr. The seeds of faith that we plant Kay A. Sabin one for the birthday boy, and STEADY READER Edwards turned out to be 4 years as Christians also need nurturing DEAR FAMILY AFFAIR: another for his brother so he old! and continuous attention. This, Emanuel Lutheran Church When a known child molester is Service Notes wouldn't feel left out. DEAR READER: My address Another time I announced, allowed to go free to molest more On Sept. 17th at 7:00, I think a birthday is a very should be printed every day. but “ Mrs. Brown," and a man stepped children, it is not a family affair, special day for a child, and he some newspapers do not have forward. (His first name was Peterson at Infantry school Assigned to air base it's a crime against society. shouldn't have to share it with sufficient space to use it. It’s P.O. Connie.) That's when I decided to Cinema Army Nationxl Guard Pvl. Jeffrey R. Peterson, son Airman Steven M. Beaulieu, son of Jo.seph A. and Your husband -has more than a anyone else. Each child will have Box 28923. Hollj-wood, Calif. 90038 glance a little more carefully at the the big news won’t of Robert W. Peterson of 400 West St., Bolton, has Eleanor C. Beaulieu of 81 Lyness St., has been "weakness": he is sick and in need his special day, so it’s not as though And for a personal reply, please patient's charts. completd one-station unit training at the U.S. Army a.ssigned to Lowry Air Force Base. Colo., after of treatment. It is your obligation one child is being favored over the enclose a stamped, self-addressed DENTAL ASSISTANT Hartford (PGj 12, 2:X, 4:35, 7, 9:25. completing Air Force basic training. to do whatever is necessary to get other. Cinema C»v — Les Comperes 7:50, Infantry School. Fort Benning. Ga. Wllllmantic Completion of the course qualifies him as a light During the six weeks at Lackland Air Force Base, »:5S. — L'Aoe D'Or B with Fellini's 8'/4 Jlllson Suuare Cinema — Call be on 3,8 or 30. 9:15. — Another Country (PG) 7^40, theater for schedule. weapons infantryman and as an indirect-fire Texas, he studied the Air Force mission, organization 9:45. — After the Rehearsal (R) 7:30, Windsor crewman. and customs and received special training in human 9:40. Ptazo — Gremlins (PG) 7:15. Clnestudio — Terms ot Endearment relations. Losing your hair is a genetic trait (PG) 7:30 with This Is Spinal Tap (R) He will receive specialized instruction in the 9:45. Small trains at Fort DIx East Mortterd Vermont can boast of Ethan avionics systems field. He is a 1983 graduate of DEAR DR LAMB — I am a female the involved hair follicles produce an tologist. Most dermatologists do not Eastwood Pub A Clnomo— Gremlins Allen, Adm. George Dewey, John Army National Guard Pfc. Richard G. Small Jr., Manchester High School. in my 60s. I have always had a thick (PG) 7:15. increased amount . of one type of feel that most hair colming srill cause Poor Rlchntl's Pub A Cinema — Dewey and Stephen Douglas as son of Richard G. and Helen M, Small of 10 Camp and lazvriant head of hair, which has testosterone, the male hormone. hair loss, altbou^ some hairstyles Gremlins (PG) 7:30, 9:30. native sons. Meeting Road, has completed basic training at Fort Completes staff school been dyed, bleached and permed for Whether this will hamien is genetical­ will. Vitamins minerals are not Showcase Clnomas — Ghostbusters Dix, N.J. Your o r (PG) 1, 7:20, 9:40 — Tightrope (R) 1, mote than 40 years withont any ill ly predetermined for each hair foili- usually helpfuL but protein-deficient During the training, students received instruction Army Capt. David E. Robinson, son of Glynn O. and effects. 7:20, 9:50. — Bolero 1:30, 7:40, 10. — Itw illb e o n Health The hair follicles on the side d diets o r extremely low-calorie diets Flashpoint (R) 1:45, 7:30, 9 :» . — Bums’ party in drill and ceremonies, weapons, map reading, a Jennie A. Robinson of 89 Florence St., has graduated Abont five or six months ago I the head are less likely to have this can cause hair loss. Oxford Blues (PG13) 1:»,7:20,9:30.— tactics, military courtesy, military justice, first aid from the Arm y’s Combined Arms and Services Staff Red Dawn (PG13) 1:15, 7:30, 9:50. — discovwed, to my dismay, that my Lawrence genetic characteristic, which is why HOLLYWOOD (UPI) - George and Army history and traditions. School. Fort Leavenworth, Kan. Purple Rain (R) 1:15, 7:40, 10.— The Burns will celebrate his 89th hair is hemming very thin, e^Mcially Lamb, M.O. they will grow normal hair when they Woman In Red (PG13) 1:45, 7:40, W. He received an associate degree in 1984 from He is a 1975 graduate of Florida Institute of on the top and sides of my head. The are trans^anted to the front of a bald Menctiestor birthday with an hour-long NBC- Manchester Community College. Technology. Channel 61, UA Tboutors East — Revenge ot the TV special Sept. 17 — even though back is still qnite thick. My hair­ pate. Hepburn movie Nerds (R) 7:40, 9:35. — The Phlladel- dresser thinks it's caused stress phlo Experiment (PG) 7:20, 9:20. — his official birthday doesn't come Women with this problem may ben­ HOLLYWOOD (UPI) - Katha­ and advised me to take vitamins for The Karate Kid (PG) 7:15, 9:40. around until Jan. 21, 1985. efit from increased amounts of estro­ rine Hepburn's new movie, “ The MansfWM The program is based on the stress. l$y internist took a thyroid female counterpart of male pattern Ultimate Solution of Grace Qui­ Trons-Lux CollORe Turtn — Purple - Public Records WTIC Television. test, srhkh came out negative, and he gen. Some dermatologists give estro­ Roln (R) 7, 9:15. — Under Fire (R) 7 comedian's book, “ How to Live to baldness. In men, the receding hair­ gen as Dienestrol (9.0$ percent) in a gley,” will have its world premiere is against vitamins He advised me to with Missing (R) 9:X. Be 100 (Jr More,” parts of which line and bald spd at the back of the lotion that can be applied on the next month in competition at stop the hannless rinse (no p em id e) will be illustrated with sketches Warranty doadu Blanchard & Rossetto Construc­ ford, to Shari A. Lopez, Wethers­ V\/hen's the last time you watched the world premiere o( a head gradually enlarge until only a scalp. Tsro drftppersful are applied to Montreal's World Film Festival.' CInel A1— Gremlins (PG)7,9:05.— which I have been using for five or six Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom and special material based on Alexander and Betty Eigner to tion Co. Inc. to Robert F. Blan­ field, Sept 8. ■ fringe of hair encircles the bald pate. the scalp five days a sroek. This The picture was directed by new television station? Well, on Sept. 17th you can witness the years instead of dye. I don't know In sranoen, the hair thiiw markedly (PG) 7:15,9:». exercise, sex, relatives, food and William J. Evans, 43 Woodstock chard and Paul J. Rossetto, 66' should not be used in women likdy to Anthony Harvey who directed West Moitloi'd stress. Drive, $124,000. Westerly St., $50,000. inaugural telecast of Hartford’s first new station in 27 years what to do. Conid it be dne to my age? over the temples and over the front become pregnant Miss Hepburn in “ The Lion in Ehn 1 A 2 — Indiana Jones and the the head. Temple ot Doom (PG) 7, 9:X. — Burns’ guests will include Bob Barney T. Peterman Sr. to Carol Blanchard & Rossetto Construc­ when the nation's most powerful television station, first in New Winter.” for which the actress won I iL Intematnial Literacy Day DEAR Yon have the Gremlins (PG) 7,9:X. Hope. Catherine Bach, Arte John­ D. Vincent, unit 4, Wellsweep tion Co. Inc. to Robert F. Blan­ 12; Stj«m*ei8 t%4 In both instances, the cause is that You might srish to consult a derma­ one of her four Academy Awards. The Movies — Revenge of the Nerds England to broadcast in stereo — WTIC Television — signs on (R) 12:25, 2:40, 4:50, 7:X, 9:45. — The son and the Los Angeles Rams C!ondominium, $58,400. chard and Paul J. Rossetto. 86 Philadelphia Experiment (PG) 12:15. cheerleaders, the Embraceable Vernon Street Corp. to Axel and Westerly St., $50,000. the air with a gala extravaganza. 2:X, 4:45,7:X,9:35. — The Karate Kid Ewes. Barbara Reuter, property of Knol- Share a Iwood Road. $38,000. Release of lit pendent Hosted live by Eddie Albert from Hartford’s Parkview Hilton, Here’s how to remove adhesive paper Robert and Joan Linton to South Windsor Bank and Trust Robert and Rena Bard, 208 E. Co. releases lis pendens against skill that can Channel 61's sign-on features President and Mrs. Jimmy Carter DEAR POLLY — How can I forget that the best way to relieve POLLY'S POINTERS, in care of Middle Turnpike, $66,000. property of Irene N . Freeman et al, . . . music, magic and more. Then at 8:00, you’ll see more stars remove decorative adhesive paper our own problems is to do some­ the Manchester Herald, Box 1216, Sedmar N.V. to Linda G. Adams, 270 Autumn St. change a life. come out as Channel 61 broadcasts James Michener’s miniseries from windows? thing for somebody else! Thanks Dept. 55, Cincinnati, OH 45201. unit A-S, Woodland Manor Con­ MARJORIE for reminding us. For your very dominium, $52,000. Centennial — the largest single TV production ever PoUy’s special Pointer, you’ll be receiving D EAR PO LLY — I ca n y a large James and Anne Herdic to Henry Llent raleated The problem of functional D E A R MARJORIE - Usually, it the Pointer of the Week award, a bath towel in my carlo put over the and Diane Stephenson, 83 Olcott Internal Revenue Service re­ illiteracy is widespread. In copy of "Polly’s Pointers: 1081 steering wheel when I go shopping BINGO St.. $75,500. leases lien against property of Connecticut alone, it So tune in to Channel 61 on Sept. 17th. You’l see history peels off fairly easily. Glue residue Pointers can he removed by rubbing the Helpful Hints for Making Every­ and must park in the sun. The towel Alexander and Jo Ann Morano to Samuel Hamilton, 309 Kennedy affects more than 400,000 being made in Hartford. area with a soft rag soaked in Polly Fisher thing Last Longer." Others who keeps the wheel from becoming so Peter and Patricia Desocio, 23 Road. lives. By becoming a vegetable oil (be generous with the would like this book can order it for blistering hot. It’s much easier to Foster St., $67,0()0. Anthony Troiano & Sons Inc. Literacy Volunteer, you oil) or a. solvent such as paint $6.50. Make check payable to handle. Irene N. Freeman to Edward J. releases lien against property of can help turn some of those We’ll be on regular TV and on cable. thinner (be careful with strong PO LLY 'S POINTERS and send to MRS. P.T. Capazzi, 270 Autumn St.. $68,000. Irene N. Freeman, 270 Autumn lives around. No special Elenor Green to Carol and Road. qualifications are solvents). Keep solvents away About twice a month. I fix supper Robert Green, unit 9B, Northfield Commercial Credit Corp. re­ from beat and flam e and use them and invite two or three young necessary. We will pi^ovide Green Condominium, $55,000. leases lien against property of with adequate ventilation! couples in to eat with me — nothing IS your training. And for only Irene N. Freeman, 270 Autumn a few hours a w eek, vou If the paper won't peel off right fancy, just plain vegetables and away, tiV softening the adhesive LAST CHANCE! GhiHclalm doodt Road. will be able to proviefe a maybe a meatloaf. TTiey enjoy it so Heritage Savings and Loan to with heat. Peel up a tiny corner, much, and so do I. Lots of times, basic skill that nobody 1 WTIC TELEVISION To raglBlor lor Community Sorvleos Coumos Barney T. Peterman Sr., unit 4, Marriage llcentet should be without. Call the then direct a stream o f air from a they bring stmtething for me to wookond, off-campuB and spaclal Intarast Wellsweep Condominium. Michael J. Sheeler, Manchester, Literacy Volunteers East hairdryer (set on high) at the area. cook the next time. These meals Christopher M. Adams to Ken­ to Pamela K. Giangrave, South This should help loosen the glue so don't cost me murii, but they sure datBOB. of the River. dra D. Adams, 246 Henry St. Windsor, Sept. 8. the paper can be gradually peeled do help keep me from being so Registration area, Lowe Building 647-6232 South Widsor Builders Inc. to David J. Simmons, Manchester, off. lonesome. And the young folks MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 10. 2-6:30 P.M.. COMING! Richard S. Kelley, unit 649 B, to Kathleen V. Oakes, Manchester, seem to look forward to it. Ridgecrest Condominium. Oct. 6. U ^ e ^ a S t DEAR POLLY — So many older Help someone learn to read. MRS. R.D, Blanchard & Rossetto Construc­ folks living alone complain about Call 647-C242 rOomnutyColagi Lawrence J. Willey, Glaston­ See Page 14 tion Co. Inc. to Robert F. Blan­ bury, to Carla Molino, Glaston­ being so lonely. I ’ve found some­ DEAR MRS. R D . — So often, we for information •OBidnakSaaoi thing that has helped me a lot: MBncnaato. Comaoiofl 08CM0 chard and Paul J. Rossetto, 74-76 bury, Sept. 15. Westerly St.. $50,000. Frederick W. Zwick, East Hart­ It - MANC HKSTKK HKHAI.D. Thursday Sept 6. 19M MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday. Scut 6. 1984 15 Hundredth day on the road is full of steep hills

i : 14 p.m. which offered a complete windbreak. Later on, 1 Cacouna, Quebec n Anne Marie Harris lives in British Columbia, and is walked to town for water. It was easy. I just knocked touring solo on her trip around the peninsula. “ When SPORTS on a door, held up a water bottle, and said, "Eau," you hear your bike making funny little noises coming Today IS special — my 100th day on the road' up the hill." she said, "ya gotta wonder what it’s doin' Back to Tuesday, as I left L'Anse-a-Valleau, I Summer Tuesday, Aug. 21 to your knees." struggled up another 15 percent grade. I'm glad that 7:11 a.m. I informed Anne Marie that she’d climbed 19 NL roundup the percent signs are at the top, not the bottom of the Cyclist Notre-Dame-du-Portage, percent. hills. At the start of a climb. I don't want to know how Quebec steep it is When you get to the top and look back, you Glenn Davis “ Nineteen percent? That makes me feel great!” she exclaimed. “ When I got to the top and didn’t see a get your "reward." especially if you underestimated On Wednesday, I left Saint-Yvon at 7:50, continuing the steepness during the climb. sign, it was like, ‘Gee, they don’t consider this worth a west on QL’E 132. In Cloridorme, there is a short, but sign?"’ ■The long stretch between L'Anse-a-Valleau and Mets gain ground on Cubs dreadfully steep hill which is not marked with a Saint-Yvon is mostly gradual ups and some steep Anne Marie is a most capable biker, having toured percent sign. the coasts of California and Washington. " I want to do downs, including two of 14 percent I took a long break I parked my bike and stepped into a shed, where a As I headed out of town, I climbed a 10 percent Oregon, so I can say I've done the whole coast," she By Dove Roffo New York turned four double going at all We couldn't even get at a picnic area, partly because I thought it was time man was repairing lobster traps. He spoke no English, grade. Between Petite-Anse and Pointe-a-la-Fregate, Astros 4, Giants 1 said. Of Southern California, “ It's too commercial­ UPI Sports Writer plays and got three unearned runs three runs, like they did." for a rest, and partly because of a sleep hill so I used what little French I knew. He told me of a I stopped to rest at a picnic area which is located on At San Francisco. Nolan Ryan immediately ahead. ized," she emphasized. Wednesday night. Berenyi, 11-13, The Expos took a 1-0 lead in the place to set up my tent, but 1 didn't understand. It’s a top of a hill. While walking around, I watched another pitched a six-hitter and struck out Anne Marie has also toured the Canadian Rockies. The New York Mets have their gave up two runs on six hits and first off Steve Trout. 12-6. Miguel After the rest, I hit the hill — a long, twisting 12 good thing I know how to say. " Je ne comprend pas." biker labor up the other side, The sign indicated that eight and Phil Garner drove in two “ It was about this time of the year,” she recalled, spirit intact and Doug Sisk back. two ^ Ik s . He striick out two. Dilone singled, stole second and percent. Then, it was all downhill to Saint-Yvon. He summoned a boy who led me to the end of Route she was on a 9 percent grade. Another sign, which I'd runs to lead the Astros. Ryan. 12-9. "and it was so cold that we had to wear all our Manager Davey Johnson figures PifaIjRtarter John Candelaria left continued to third when catcher Earlier. I'd surmised that Saint-Yvon might be a good de la Pointe. The open, grassy field at the point of land already passed, showed that she wa^ heading for 19 has 3.862 strikeouts, putting him clothes." that’s enough for the Mets to make after five innings with a tight Steve Lake threw the ball into place to call it a day. I was correct. I'd had enough affords some fine views of the rocky coast and percent! It's a short hill, but that doesn't take any of five ahead of Steve Carlton on the steep hills for one day Eight hills, ranging from 10 to As with me, there are few places that Anne Marie a run at the Chicago Cubs. elbow. center field. then towering hills, but I still haven't forgotten the the steepness out of it. Asides, steep hills never feel would care to return to by bike, but she does want to do all-time list. Randy Lerch. 5-2. took 15 percent grade, and 13 hills — 12,10,13,14,15,15, and Magdalens. Starter Bruce Berenyi combined Ray Knight and Darryl Straw­ singled in the run. short when you're biking them. another tour of the Rockies. with Sisk on a seven-hitter to help the loss. 12 percent. I felt as if I was competing in the Tour de Not wanting to take a chance on being blown away, I berry drove in one run each for France! She made it! I motioned for her to come over and One of the nicest things about meeting Anne Marie the Mets move within six games of New York, but errors by Johnny pitched my tent in a grove of young spruce trees. rest following her victorious assault on the hill. Montreal scored twice in the was that our conversation was entirely in English. the Cubs in the National League Ray, Ron Wotus and Jim Morrison fourth on RBI singles by Argenis Padres 15, Reds 11 East with a 4-2 victoryn at proved just as important to the Salazar and Palmer to take a 3-0 At San Diego, .suicide squeeze Pittsburgh. Mets' offense. lead. Gary Matthews drove home bunts by Champ Summers and The Cubs dropped a 3-1'decision Chicago's only run with a sacrifice Alan Wiggins and a three-run At Montreal, David Palmer, Descendant struggles for slave home to the . fly in the eighth. double by Steve Garvey highligh­ The Mets practically have to appearing in his first game in more ted a seven-run seventh that broke By Mary Kane ment about 40 miles north of train to head for their new ville Springcreek Historical So­ sweep a three-game weekend than,a month, pitched six innings In other N L games. St. Louis an 8-8 tie and lifted the Padres. The of three-hit relief and drove in a United Press Internotlonal Dayton. "We might as well do settlement. ciety and began to trace the series at home against the Cubs to edged Philadelphia 6-5. Houston 26 runs represented the most stay in serious contention. Johnson run to lead the Expos past the something about this before it’s "They thought they were going settlement's history, trying to get dumped San Francisco 4-1. San scored in an N L game this season. hopes they can reverse their recent Cubs. Palmer, who posted his ROSSVILLE, Ohio - York gone.” to the promised land,” said Mrs. it restored and Rial's house listed Diego outslugged Cincinnati 15- II Craig Lefferts. 3-3. was the winner fortunes against Chicago. fourth straight victory, got the call Rial's simple house, a cemetery Rial was Mrs. Gilmore’s great Gilmore, who researched death on the National Register of His­ and Los Angeles shaded Atlanta and Tom Hume. 4-13. suffered the "The spirit’s been great all after one inning when starter Dan filled with his fellow slaves and a uncle and a Randolph slave, one of records, deeds and court docu­ toric Places. The house has not yet 4-3. loss. San Diego’s Kevin McRey- year," Johnson said. “This isn't a Schatzeder exited with an in­ patch of land along a river are all 383 who belonged to John Randolph ments to chronicle the history of been listed. nolds went 5-for-5. team that needs a lot of pep talks. flamed left elbow. that remain in southwestern Ohio of Roanoke. Va. By all accounts Mrs. Gilmore did her research in the Randolph slaves. We don't have to say much to Cardinals 6, Phillies 5 of the Randolph freed slaves. Randolph treated his slaves Instead, they arrived to find her spare time. She is employed at them.” Palmer. 6-3, was reinstated to Dodgers 4, Braves 3 But a Rial descendant is com­ kindly. He also had 47 brothers and German settlers had already- the Upper Valley Joint Vocational At St. Louis. Willie McGee, who Sisk, who one-hit the Pirates the active list Friday. pleting her seven-year struggle to sisters among them. claimed the land. The settlers School. Fellow descendants gave went S-fqr-S. singled in the winning At Los Angeles. Greg Brock over the final three innings, earned "Palmer pitched very'well, but preserve the history of the Ran­ Before he died in 1833, Randolph turned back the slaves with her what pictures and memorabi­ run to cap a four-run rally in the singled home Pedro Guerrero his ISth save and his first since we did have our chances in the first dolph slaves, who traveled north wrote three wills, each requesting pitchforks, knives and shovels. lia they could find. One uncovered bottom of the ninth. Pinch hitter from third base with an unearned UPI photo suffering an arm injury that inning against Schatzeder,” Cubs almost 150 years ago only to learn the staves be freed upon his death. Some Randolph slaves made a a Bible in his basement that Andy Van Slyke preceeded McGee run in the eighth inning to lead the sidelined him a month. manager Jim Frey said. "We just they would never own the 3,200 The slaves also were to be provided settlement in what is now Ross­ contained the numbers of the with a two- run single. Dave Dodgers. Guerrero led off with a Houston's Nolan Ryan twirled a six-hitter, striking out "Losing him was probably the didn’t come through. The bottom of acres of land promised to them. with money to set up farms, warm slaves’ freedom papers, Mrs. Rucker. 2-3, pitched one hitless single and look third on center ville, others nearby in what were eight, to lead the Astros to a 4-1 win over the San biggest thing (in losing ground to their batting order got their hits. In mid-June, the Rossville blankets for winter, and new shoes. known as Hanktown and Marshall Gilmore said. inning of relief for the win. Al fielder Dale Murphy's thn>wing Chicago).” Johnson said. “ You You don't see that happening very Springcreek Historical Society will Randolph's brother, however, Town. She also found court documents Francisco Giants. Ryan’s strikeouts put him on top of the Holland faced four batters and error. Burt Hoot on, 2-4, got the win can’t replace that kind of pitcher." often. We couldn’t get any offense celebrate Randolph Freedom Day claimed John Randolph was in­ Today only Rossville remains. on a legal battle from 1907 to 1916 all-time list. ^ retired none in slipping to 5-10. and Jeff Dedmon. 3-3. took the loss and the grand opening of a sane and held the slaves in Hanktown and Marshall Town that ended with the court declaring museum — York Rial’s house — bondage for 13 years. After a were left to deteriorate and were the Randolph slaves had no legal that will contain the past of the number of court battles, the slaves swallowed by cornfields. In 1978. claim to their land. Some descend­ Randolph slaves. were set free in the spring of 1846. Mrs. Gilmore could see Rossville ants to this day will not talk about AL roundup "This is the last of our history," Judge William Leigh,, executor was next. One developer wanted to what they know of the case. said Helen Gilmore, who lives of John Randolph's will, purchased buy the land and turn it into a usM along with a handful of families in land for them in Mercer County. car lot. Ulysses S. Grant’s middle name what is left of the slaves’ settle­ Ohio. The slaves formed a wagon Mrs. Gilmore formed the Ross­ was Simpson. White slams Royals into tie

Herald photo by Richmond Bv Tony Favio walked Jorge Orta intentionally to Elsewhere. California routed that let in the only run of the game. UPI Sports Writer get to White. Cleveland 11-4, Detroit blanked Detroit, winning for only the Pierre the poodle didn’t mind having his picture taken White lined a shot down the Baltimore 1-0, New York edged second time in eight games, took a with Dog Warden Richard Rand. Pierre is at the dog A lineup change turned out to be left-field line to score both runners Toronto 4-3 in 10 innings, Oakland 8‘/4-game lead over Toronto in the pound waiting to be adopted. the key move in the first lead for a 3-1 lead. Dane lorg followed nipped Chicago 5-4, Milwaukee A L East and cut its magic number change in the A L West in a month. with an RBI single to give both the defeated Boston 7-S and Seattle to 15. Frank White, whose place in the Twins and the Royals 70-69 records outlasted Texas 6-5 in 10 innings. Adopt a Pet lineup was dictated by injuries, with 23 games remaining. slammed a two-run double to A’s 5, Whtte Sox 4 trigger a three-run eighth inning It was the first time since Aug. 4. Angels 11, Indians 4 Wednesday night that gave the when California was in front, that At Cleveland. Fred Lynn went At Chicago, Tony Phillips’ one- Royals a share of first place with a the Twins did not own first place 4-for-4, scored three runs and tied a out in the ninth inning Cuddly poodle 4-1 victory over the Minnesota outright. The Angels, with a club record for RBI in consecutive broke a 3-3 tie and lifted Oakland. Twins at Kansas City, Mo. victory over Cleveland, also games., helping California edge to Phillips' homer, his third, came on "Normally, Frank’s a No. 6 or moved within a half-game Wednes­ within a half- game of the top. Lynn a 1-and-O pitch from Rich Dotson. No. 7 hitter," said Royals manager day night. singled during a five-run fourth 13-12. Ray Burris. 12-7, picked up needs a home Dick Howser, "but with all of our Charlie Leibrandt scattered and doubled home a run in the the victory and Bill Caudill pitched injuries (to GMrge Brett and Steve eight bits, walked none and struck sixth. He has at least one RBI in the ninth for his 28th save. By Barbara Richmond this month on North Main Street. Balboni), we’ve had to use him at out two over eight innings to eight straight games, tying a team STARTS MONDAY f No. 5 — and No. 5 hitters are improve to 9^. Dan Quisenberry Herald Reporter The one dog adopted this past record held by Bobby Bonds, now Mariners 6, Rangers 5 week was the little chihuahua. He supposed to drive in runs. pitched the ninth for his league- the Indians' batting coach, and Lee Pierre the poodle is this week's was taken home by an Indian Drive in the Manchester Herald "You want Frank White up leading 38th save. Stanton. At Arlington. Texas. Phil Brad­ featured pet. He's a cute little woman and has been named Pepe. there. He gets the big hit. He’s done Kansas City tied it in the sixth ley’s leadoff and a sacrifice salt-and-pepper colored dog, about Although he was shy with Rand it throughout his career here." when Bucky Dent singled. Sheri­ fly by Alvin Davis in the top of the Tigers 1, Orioles 0 UPI photo 1 year old. Pierre was picked up and others, he went to his new The Royals' Pat Sheridan looped dan doubled and Motley bounced 10th carried Seattle to a sweep of a one-out double to left in the eighth into a run-scoring fielderjs choice. At Detroit, Juan Berenguer and Aug. 27 on Batista Road. He’s owner without any trouble. Per­ all six games between the teams at Franco Harris, waived in the pre-season by the friendly and cuddly and ready to be haps it was because she had owned off starter Mike Smithson. 13-12, Sheridan drove a Smithson pitch to Willie Hernandez combined on a Arlington Stadium this year and adopted. other chihuahuas and knew how to and Ron Davis relieved. After the wall in center that ^ck e tt three-hitter and shortstop Cal eight consecutive .^victories at Pittsburgh Steelers, signed Wednesday with the Seattle Maybe it's because people have handle him. Darryl Motley popped out. Davis dropped when he ran into the wall. Ripken committed a rare error • Texas dating back to last season. Seahawks replacing the injury Curt Warner. been on vacation, but most of the A new dog at the pound this week i100°° in Weekly Prizes dogs that were at the dog pound is a little black mixed breed. Rand last week are still there. has named it Lucky. The little dog Clint, a male beagle and last had been roaming on Main Street Rookie leads Brewers week's featured pet, is still wait­ and was struck by a car. She was Baylor’s homer sends Seahawks. quickly ing. He's also about I year old and checked by a vet, who found she was picked up Aug. 22 on Wetherell wasn't injured. She is still quite to 7-5 win past Bosox Street. shy. Yanks over Blue Jays Everyone must have heard latch onto Harris The dog pound is located on town PLUS A GIANT JACKPOT M ILW A U K EE (U PI) - “Got hitting better as soon as I get over about .port by now. It’s difficult to NEW YO R K (U PI) — Don place and closed within 5 'ii property off Olcott Street. Rand is any champagne?” Manager Rene my nervousness.” untb' .and why this gentle pooch Baylbr claimed that a home run games of the second-place Blue By Tom Green said Hams. "I hope the guys hasn t been adopted. He is quiet at the pound each day from noon to Lacbemann asked. Lacbemann said he's also im­ UPI Sports Writer realize that Certain things can lx- 1 p.m. or he can be reached.by was the last thing on his mind Jays. with an even disposition. He's a His had just pressed with reliever Ray Sear- contagious and I think that a Calling the pound at 643-6442 or by Wednesday night in the 10th Jackson, 7-7, admitted that good-looking pointer. ended a four-game losing streak by age. who got his second save since SEATTLE — Yes. Jim Brown's winning attitude can b<‘ cnnta calling the police department, inning when he faced Roy Lee the 3-1 fastball to Baylor “ was Dog Warden Richard Rand said A TRIP FOR TWO TO HAWAII beating the . 7-5. being recalled from the minors. He Jackson. bad pitch selection on my part. career rushing record is out there gious. And that’s what I have." 646-4.555 gave up only one hit in 2 l-3innings. after this week he will probably and a rootue ’s heroics “ I wasn't thinking home run If I had been thinking, I might waiting for Franco Harris, but Harris was waived by the have to take him to the vet and The fee to adopt a dog is $5 and warmed his heart. "Right now Searage is the only have been trying some different there’s al.so the possibility of a fifth Pittsburgh Steelers la.sl month one doing the job in the bullpen. I ona 3-j pitch — on 3-0 you are,” have him destroyed. Sport would the owner must have the dog Doug Loman, called up from said Baylor after his 25th things. If I had walked Baylor, Super Bowl. after 12 years - and four Super Vancouver of the Pacific Coast have more confidence in him now like someone to come to his rescue. licensed. Dog owners are also homer, a solo blast with two out. then I would have had (Ken) Winning is what Harris wanted Bowls — with the club The relea.se Buck, the gentle shepherd cross, reminded to take their pets for — BINGO CARDS ARE AVAILABLE — League last Saturday, belted two than anyone else.’’ Lacbemann to talk about when he signed with came with the two sides locked in a lifted the to Griffey next with two out and a said. He has been without ace who is probably 4 or 5 months old rabies .^ d heartworm shots and to hits, including a double that scored a 4-3 victory over the Toronto guy at first." the Seattle Seahawks Wednesday. contractual impasse reliever Rollie Fingers for weeks. and a pretty good size, is also still keep dogs confined to their own two runs in a five- run fifth. Blue Jays. "He struck me out with a And it’s the possibility of winning " I ’ll tell you one' thing. It’s a waiting. He was picked up earlier yards. “ He hasn’t been intimidated by slider last night. He challenged big this year, however remote, that Seattle’s decision to sign Harris AT THESE PARTICIPATING STORES anyone,” said Lacbemann, noting whole lot different sitting in the "He (Yankees manager Yogi me with a fastball tonight," undoubtedly motivated the Sea­ was a stunner more for its .speed dugout when you have a guy like how the double came off left- Berra) had me hitting 3-0 but Baylor said, "and the best hawks to sign the future Hall of than anything else - the extent of handed reliever John Henry John­ Fingers out there than when you I've been stru ttin g with the bat swing I can take I had there. I Famer. Warner’s injury wa.sn’l known don’t.” New 10-minute test son. “ Johnson can be pretty tough and I can hit just as well 3-1 as knew it was a homer all the The 34-year-old Harris is ex­ until his surgery Tuesday. ★ DONT DELAY— GET YOURS TODAY ★ on left-handed batters." Paul Hartzell. a former major 3-0,” Baylor said. way.” pected to step right in to replace But since taking over the reins in leaguer p ic k ^ up by the Brewers Boston manager * While Toronto dropped to B'A Baylor’s blast made a winner Curt Warner, Seattle’s star run­ Seattle, president and general early this week, lasted 1-3 inning. said he, too. was impressed by games behind first-place De­ of reliever Dave Righetti, 5-5. ning back who wilLmiss the rest of manager Mike McCormack and diagnoses strep throat He came in with the bases loaded in Loman based on his one look. “ He troit in the American League "Righetti pitched three shutout the season with a knee injury Coach Chuck Knox have .shown a the seventh and gave up a triple to Al Sieffert’s Appliances looks like a good ballplayer." East, the Yankees moved past innings, allowing one hit. strik­ Harris will be in uniform for readiness to make decisive moves Jeans-Plus Jim Rice, but got league home run NEW YORK (UPI) - "Open tack on strep throat — cutting Loman said he wasn't "trying to the Boston Red Sox into fourth ing four and walking none. Sunday’s game with San Diego. and to spend when they have to.' 445 Hartford Rd. sound arrogant but I hope to start leader Tony Armas to ground out. wide, ” a doctor or nurse says to the down even on school or nursery 297 E. Center St. "The thing I want to do is win,” particularly on veterans youngster with a sore throat. In school days missed by an infected goes a probe with a wad of youngster. Highland Park Market absorbent material around the "A quick diagnosis." he said, Cardinal Bnick, Inc. end. Swabbing of tonsils and “ allows the doctor to initiate 317 Highland St. adjacent tissue ensues. treatment early." 81 Adams St. Hodge-podge of sports Is now in full swing That first step in a diagnostic test for strep throat — streptococ­ "If diagnosed rapidly and treat­ Westown Pharmacy There’s a race in the AL West although no one the Giants need a running attack and for Phil Simms cal pharyngitis — has been per­ ment is begun at once, the sick DiRosa Cleaners The hodge-podge of sports has begun. formed the same way for years. child starts to get better in 24 This past Sunday the National Football League deserves to be in post-season play. At last look the to .stay healthy for an entire season. 455 Hartford Rd. Twins were two games over 500 The rest of the traditional hours," he said. "The kids can go 299 W. Middle Turnpike kicked off its 1984 season. It joins with Major League Dallas looked awful in the early minutes against the scenario: the specimen is sent to a back to day care much sooner and baseball as ongoing at the moment and those two will Thoughts That’s deserving of a Championship Playoff Series Rams Monday night but the Cowboys and their new Mom and Dad can return to work.” shortly be joined by the National Hockey League in berth? quarterback, Gary Hogeboom, bounced hack to win laboratory and the answer on strep Or at the Herald Office Hardly. throat or no strep throat isn't October, Dallas visits the Giants Sunday so New York fans ApLENty We'd rather have the Red Sox - yes, the Red Sox — returned to the doctor for 24 to 48 Tilton, who helped to test the The Whalers begin training camp on Monday. Sept. will find out in a.hurry about their club lO-minute strep test, said it proved or the Yankees, Orioles or runner-up in the A L East in hours. 17. Their regular season opener is Thursday, Oct. 11, Len Auster as good as the traditional test and a post-season play. One of those clubs, with better Usually, curative antibiotics are at the New York Rangers with the.home debut at Civic Sports Editor newer one that takes an hour and 10 records than Minnesota against superior competition, Bits and pieces held off until the physician gets center ice two nights later against the Boston Bruins. minutes. would be more worthy. proof of a strep infection. Waiting Along with , football and A couple of observers honestly and truly said they "It is 99 percent effective in prolongs suffering and delays NOTHING TO BUY - Everyone can play hockey, the NBA pre-season is not too far around the missed Howard Cosell on Monday Night N F L finding positive infections,” he WE H A V EN ’T T H E foggiest notion how the N FL recovery, said Dr. Richard C. comer. Football You know, they may be right What came off said. And to continue, college football and soccer seasons season is going to go. Injuries play such a large part; Tilton, who spoke highly in an from the trio remainly was overall dull And O J But in S to 10 percent of the cases interview of what he thinks is a have already begun with the scholastic campaign just take a look at the Seattle Seahawks. Simpson sometimes could not be understood Say it shows up a false negative, about slated to begin next Thursday at several sites. San Diego, whom this corner picked back in April, better system. The Seahawks, who made the playoffs a year ago, what you want about Cosell, hut people did tune him the same as the other tests, has a comfortable lead in the N L West. No one elM in in. Since August it has been possible Will it never end? were impressive 33-0 winners over Cleveland in their according to Tilton. that division is deserving of post-season play. Houston to change the usual ritual, said EVERY PAY IS A COMPLETE CAME opener. But they ItMt talented running back Curt And they did listen. . . MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL is heading towards and Atlanta are the closest to the P ^ re s but the Warner to a knee injury and he’s qut for the season. Tilton, professor of laboratory Hd said the false negative isn’t The scholastic season has not even begun and the home stretch with two races all but over. The clinching should come fairly soon. Now what do they do for the next 15 weeks? medicine and director, microbiol­ much of a medical problem already there has been a postponement East Catholic Chicago Cubs, thanks to some help from the St. Louis The American League races appear to be heating New England was impressive in jumping to a 21-0 ogy division. University of Connec­ because when a person has all the girls' soccer team was scheduled to host South But the same card may De used for the entire week — Monday Cardinals, stretched their lead overthe Meta in the N L up. The Tigers broke-to a big lead in the East but lead over the Bills but we were greatly surprised it ticut School of Medicine, Farming- strep symptoms — swollen glands, Windsor next Thursday but the game has been called E^at to six games. New York needs some help in a they’ve cooled of late with the was only a four-point winner The Patriots believe this sore throat, fever — physicians through Saturday — So Do Not Cross Off Numbers! off due to lack of officials ton, Conn. hurry and has to Find a way to beat the Cubbies. closing in. fast. Those clubs meet head-to-head may be their year but the opening win was hardly a He said doctors now can get an usually consider a negative lab An East boys’ game, slated for Oct 31, has been The last seven times they’ve met the Cubs have beginning Friday in a three-game series and a barometer.' - answer in 10 minutes, a develop­ moved to Nov. 1 due to the same cause. report a false negative anyway and prevailed and with six games coming up between the Toronto sweep would make quite ment he sees revolutionizing at­ start curative antibiotic therapy. First Week’s Card (September 10-15) Is Blue The Jets and Giants each won its opener but who are Lack of officials will cause other games to be two contenders on consecutive weekends. . . nervous. they trying to fool? The Jets need a quarterback while transferred.

/ ‘ MANCHESTER HERALD, Thursday. St'Pl. 6. 1984 - 17 15 - MANCHKSTKH IIKFiAl.D. Thursduy, Sept 6, 1984 Scoreboard S p o rts In At U.S. Open Field hockey needs players Any girl at Manchester High interested in A s 5. White Sox 4 playing varsity field hockey should contact head Chris Evert Lloyd on center stage G o lf C(^ch Mary Neubelt or attend practice sessions B a s e b a ll OAKLAND CHICAGO which are daily at 2:45 p.m. obrhM abrhbi Hendrsn If 5 1 1 0 RLow cf 5 111 By Martin Loder success against Connors. And along Lansfrd 3b 4 0 0 0 Hairstn df) 5 0 I 0 Country Ciub UPl Sports Writer with his own string of upsets in Morgan 2b 3 0 2 0 Walker 1b 3 0 10 Bus trip planned reaching the quarterfinals, Lloyd can National League standings Kiefer or 0 10 0 Smollev 3b 3 0 0 0 b e s t 9 — a Gross — Bill Moron 73. Heath c 10 11 VLow 3b 0 0 0 0 Net — Carroll Maddox 30-4-X, Jomlo There will be a bus for the Army-Duke football NEW YO RK — The past and present take ht^rt from the series of surprises East KIngmn dh 4 0 1 0 Chrstm ph 1 0 0 0 Smith 31-5-26, Bill Moron 30-3-27, Bob game on Saturday, Sept. 29, at West Point. of Chris Evert Lloyd will be on full view that popped up Wednesday at the W L Pet. 6B Almon or 0 0 0 0 Paclorek If 5 1 1 1 Jones 32-4-X, Ted Bocklel 31-3-20. on Center Court today at the U.S. Open National Tennis Center. Chicogo 84 55 .604 ^ DHIII ph 1 0 0 0 Dybzns pr 0 0 0 0 Terry Schilling 31-2-29, Doc M cK ^ Tickets for the bus trip and game are $24 each New York 78 61 .561 6 Murphy cf 3 0 0 0 MHIII c 4 0 0 0 33-4-X. B — Warren Howland 32-6-26, Anyone interested in going should contact Bob Tennis Championships. In the men’s quarterfinals, Pat Cash, PhllodelphlQ 73 65 .529 lOVj Bochte 1b 4 12 2 Kittle ph 10 0 0 Don Dovls 32-6-26, Mike Lombo 33-7-26, Digan at the Youth Services Bureau, 647-3494. Not to mention a live appearance by the 15th seed, eliminated No. 4 ^ a ts St. Louis 71 66 .518 12 Esslan c 3 0 10 Boston rt 4 13 0 Dick Hossett 33-7-26, Tom Rorhe the young woman herself. Wilander, 7-6 (7-4), 6-4, 2-6, 6-3, and in Montreal 66 70 .493 15'/2 Meyer ph 1 0 0 0 Fletchr ss 4 13 1 33-6-27, Rick DeNIcolo 34-7-27, OrlondO Pittsburgh 60 79 .432 24 Wagner ss 0 0 0 0 Cruz 2b 3 0 10 Annum 33-6-27, Tom Obrocllto 34-7-27, Evert Lloyd and another of her the women’s draw 16-year-old Carting Wm I Davis rf 4 12 0 Ben DelMostro 34-7-27. C — DIt* Youth bowling league long-time friends, Billie Jean King, Bassett, seeded 14th, stung No. 3 Hana San Diego 80 60 .571 — Phillips ss 4 1 2 2 McMahon 37-12-25, Fred Nossltf 34-0-26, were scheduled to open the day's Mandlikova, 6-4, 6-3, and 31-year-old Houston 70 70 10 Totals 32 S 12 5 TotoM B 4 II 3 Bob Colnen X-12-26, Earl Wilson EAST HARTFORD — Boys and girls ages five competition with a quarterfinal dou­ Australian Wendy 'Turnbull, seeded Atlonto 68 71 .489 IIV2 Oakland 010 000 112— 5 39-13-26, Bill Sander 35-8-27, Al Che- and up are invited to join the Junior Bowling Los Angeles 66 74 .471 14 Chicago 010 002 001— 4 vrette 36-9-27, George McNIff X-11-27. bles match against Betsy Nagelsen and 13th, overcame No. 4 Pam Shriver, 6-2, ^ a g u e getting under way at Silver Lanes San Francisco 58 81 .417 21Va Game-winning RBI — Phillips(3). SWEEPS — A Gross — Bill Moron 7X Anne White. 6- 3. Cincinnati 58 82 .414 22 E— Phillips, Henderson, Cruz, R. Low, Net — Bob Jones 79-8-71, Jom ie Smith Saturday, Sept. 15. Anyone interested is re­ Davis. DP— Oaklandl,Chicago2.LOB— Almost certainly, Evert Lloyd won’t The 19-year-old Cash, also a semifi­ WeeinMdov's Results 79- 8-71, John Burger 76-4-72, L a r ^ quested to be at the center 9:30 a,m. that morning. Montreal 3. Chicago 1 Oakland 9, Chicago 11.2B— Morgan. 3B— Gozio 81-8-73. B Gross — Don Dovls 79, be in a hurry to leave the premises nalist at Wimbledon, becomes the first Henderson. HR— Bochte (5), Phillips (3). Those wishing to sign up but can't at that hour can New York 4, Pittsburgh 2 Orlando Annulll 79. Net — Warren when her day’s work is done, for Australian man since John Newcombe St. Louis 6. Phllodelphia 5 SB— Oovis (13), R. Law 2 (29), Wolker Howland 81-12-69, Tom Roche 82-12-70, do so any time at the bowling center. For further and Ken Rosewall in 1974 to reach the Houston 4, San Francisco 1 (6). Bob Wolloce 84-14-70, Jim Florence information, call 569-2990. following her on the Stadium Court will Los Angeles 4, Atlanta 3 IP H R ER BB SO 80- 10-70, Bob Sullivan 84-12-72, Dick be Jimmy Connors versus John Lloyd semis of the U.S. Open. ^ n Diego 15. Cincinnati 11 Oaklond Hossett 85-13-72. C Gross — Ed Hayes Thursday's Games Burris (W 12-7) 8 10 3 2 3 3 82. Net — George McNIff 91-21-70, Jock for a men’s quarterfinal match. McEnroe himself fell victim to an (All Times EDT) Caudill (S 28) 1111)1 Forllng 95-25-70, Joe Moder 95-24-71. Brentwood winners Connors once was engaged to Chris upset.late Wednesday night when he Houston (Knepoer 13*9) at San Chicago BEST 14 — A Gross — Erwin Evert, and she now is married to Lloyd. and Peter Fleming lost to Sweden’s Francisco (Loskev 7-11).3:05p.m. Dotsn (L 13-12) 8 1-3 11 5 4 3 3 Kennedy 74, Tony Steullet 74, Stan The tandem of Perry-Lindstrom won the Cincinnati (Postore 3-8) at San Diego Reed 2-3 ) 0 0 0 1 McFarland 74. Net— Erwin Kennedy One other singles match is listed for Stefan Edberg and Anders Jarryd, 3-6, (Hawkins 7-8). 4:05 p.m. HBP— by Reed (Lonstord). WP— 53-5-48, Doc McKee 55-7-48, Bob Jones Brentwood Mixed Doubles Tennis tournament today, with top seed John McEnroe 7- 6 (10-8), 7-5, 7-6 (7-2), in a men’s Chicago (Eckerslev 8-7) at Montreal Burris. 56-8-48. B Net — Rob Sullivan 57-12-45, over Bodyk-Kellogg 6-2, 6-2. facing unseeded Gene Mayer in the doubles semifinal. (Lea 15-9), 7:05 p.m. T — 3:01. A— 15,257. Dick Voreslo 59-14-45, Don GenovesI New York (Schlraldl 0^) at Pittsburgh 58-12-46, Alex Elgner, Jr. 59-13-46. C Net evening. McEnroe and Fleming are three­ (Rhoden 11-9), 7:35 p.m. Yankees 4. Blue Jays 3 — George Blount 69-29-^, John Rledet Whalers get Steve Weeks The Lloyds separated recently but time Open champions, but never have Phllodelphia (Hudson 8-10) at St. Louis 75-35-40, Brian Robldeou 59-18-41, BUI are back together, and Chris, ob­ won it in an even year. McEnroe double (Kepshire 4-4), 8:35 p.m. Leone 60-19-41. ■ HARTFORD — The Hartford Whalers have Atlonto (Mahler 9-9) at Los Angeles v TORONTO NEW YORK SWEEPS — A Gross — Tony Steullet viously, is his biggest booster as he faulted on match point to end the 3 hour (Valenzuela 11-15), 10:35 p.m. ^ ObrhM ObrhM 74. Net — Erwin Kennedy 74-5-69, Dot obtained goaltender Steve Weeks from the New tries to recapture his previous high and 13 minute contest. Fridoy's Gomes Garcia 2b 4 0 2 0 Rndiph 2b 3 1 1 0 McKee 77-7-70. B Gross — Dick Horon York Rangers in exchange for future considera­ rating. Martina Navratilova and Evert Philadelphia at Montreal, night lorg 3b 3 0 0 0 Mechm ss 4 0 0 1 Rec photo 81. Net — Dick Voreslo 83-14-69, Rob Mlincks 3b 1 0 0 0 Mttngly 1b 5 0 1 1 Sullivan 82-12-70. C- Gross — Bill tions, it has been announced. “ W e're a team, and it’s great,” she Lloyd, the top two women’s seeds, and Chicago at New York, night Gruber 3b 1 0 0 0 Winfield rf 5 0 1 0 Palmer 86. Net— John RIeder 104-35-69. Weeks, 26, appeared in 26 games for the said. “ We support each other. I watch Ivan Lendl, No. 2 among the men, St. Louis at Pittsburgh, night Bell If 5 0 2 0 Baylor dh 5 111 B EST IS — A Gross — Dick Smith 72, Rangers last year and posted a 3.97 goals-against his matches, he watches mine. It's been managed to avoid the upset bug. Cindnnotl at Los Angeles, night Johnsn dh 4 10 0 Griffey If 4 12 0 Northern League titlists Bob Behling 72. Net — Dick Smith Houston at San Diego, night Shephrd prO 0 0 0 Wynegar c 2 0 0 0 55-4-51, Terry Schilling 56-4-52, Bob average with a 10-11-2 record. Weeks will join that way for five years. Navratilova, although she saw her Atlanta at Son Frnacisco, night Barfield rf 5 0 2 0 Pogllarl 3b 3 0 1 0 MCC Vets took home top honors in the Pinto. Back row: Barry Stearns, Rick Behling 57-5-52, Tim McNomoro 57-4- returning goalies Greg Millen and Ed Staniowski “There’s no competitive feeling service broken twice, defeated Helena Upshaw 1b 5 0 0 0 Harroh 3b 0 0 0 0 53, Jim Morlorty 61-8-53. B Net — Leh at the Whalers' training camp which opens Sept. between us. I ’m his biggest fan, he’s Sukova, 6-3, 6- 3, Evert Lloyd topped Martinez c 3 1 1 0 Moreno cf 2 111 Northern League this summer. Team Camiros, Henry Dekker, Chris Karski, GIgllo 61-12-49, Dick Horan 59-10-49, 6 Webster cf 4 1 12 Doyett rf 10 0 0 Tom Zemke 61-12-49, Don GenovesI 18 at the Hartford Civic Center. my biggest fan. He’s always had the Sylvia Hanika, 6-2, 6-3, and Lendl beat American League standings Griffin ss 3 0 11 members (l-r) Front row: John Kearney, Steve DeMur, Carlo Saraceni, Joe 62-12-50, Rick DeNIcolo 64-14-50, Marsh talent. It’s just a matter of him fifth seed Andres Gomez, 6-4, 6- 4, 6-1. Collins ph 10 0 0 Murphy, Jim Farkas. Warren 62-12-50, Ben DelMostro 64-14- Fernndz ss 0 0 0 0 Bob Klatka, Ralph Braithwaite, Jim 50. C Net — Ted SfeponskI 62-16-46, Al Pats’ Welshuhn sidelined committing himself to playing and For Navratilova, it was her 53rd W L Pet. GB Totols 39 3 9 3 Totolt 34 4 8 4 Silver, Cory Silver. Bud Durand, Chris Chevrette 64-17-47, Don Bottollno 71-24- competing, and he has done this. It’s consecutive victory, while Evert Lloyd Detroit 89 51 .636 — Two out when winnino run tcerod. 47, Gory Leavitt 70-22-48, Steve Brody . FOXBORO, Mass. — Linebacker Clayton great to see.” reached the Open semifinals for the Toronto 008 083 0800— 3 Toronto 80 59 .576 8Va 65-16-49, Al Thomos 72-22-50. Welshuhn was placed on injured reserve Lioyd never has taken a set from 14th straight year. Baltimore 75 63 .543 13 New York 002 000 1001— 4 SWEEPS — AGross — Dick Smith72. UPl photo New York 74 64 .536 14 Game-winning RBI — Baylor (9). Royals 4, Twins 1 Mots 4. Pirates 2 Net — Bob Behling 72-5-67, Terry Wednesclay by the New England Patriots after Connors in three meetings, and the In the semifinals Friday, it will be Boston 74 65 .532 14Vj E— Meochom 2, Webster. D P - Schilling 73-4-69, Tim McNomoro 74-4- undergoing arthroscopic knee surgery. unseeded Briton is ranked 49th in the Navratilova against Turnbull and Pam Shriver had her sights set on facing Martina Navratilova in a Cleveiond 62 79 .440 27Vj New 70. B Gross — Dick Horon 77. Net— Len world to No. 3 for the American. Evert Lloyd against Bassett. Navratil­ Milwaukee 57 82 .410 3V/a York 2. LOB— Toronto 10, New York 8. MINNESOTA KANSAS CITY NEW YORK PITTSBURGH GIgllo 79-12-67, Jim Florence 78-10-68, Weishuhn's spot on the roster will be taken by U.S. Open women's singles semifinals but her plans were West 2B— Bell.Pogliarulo.3B— Webster. HR— ObrhM ObrhM ObrhM ObrhM F o o t b a ll Pete Foster 78-9-69, Tom Lowery third-year linebacker Tim Golden. He had been But Lloyd has been playing excep­ ova and Evert Lloyd lead 25-4 and 4-0 in Minnesota 70 69 .504 — Baylor (25). S— Wynegar. 5F— Puckett ct 4 0 1 0 Wilson ct 4 0 0 0 Martin rt 3 0 0 0 Wynne cf 4 1 1 0 80-11-69, Marsh Warren Bl-12-69, Tom cut from the team on Aug. 27, but was re-signed by tionally well during this tournament their respective series, and seem deraileci Wednesday as she fell to Wendy Turnbull in three sets, Meacham, Kansos City 70 69 .504 — Engle dh 4 0 0 0 Sherldn rt 4 1 2 0 Heep n 1 0 0 0 Lacy rf 3 0 11 Roche 81-12-69. C Gross — Steve Brody the team Wednesday. destined to meet in Saturday’s final. 2-6, 6-3, 6-3. California 69 69 .500 Va Moreno. Hatcher It 4 0 3 ) Motley If 4 0 0 1 Wilson cf 1 1 1 0 Roy 2b 4 0 10 82. Net — Al Chevrette 83-17-66, Gory and is confident he can enjoy some Oakland 65 75 .464 5'/a IP H RERBBSO Hrbek 1b 4 0 2 0 Orta dh 3)10 Chopmn 2b 3 0 0 0 Thmpsn 1b 4 0 I 0 Leavitt 91-22-69, Ted Steponskl 86-16-70, Chicago 64 74 .464 5’ a Toronto Brnnsky rt 4 0 0 0 While 2b 4 1 ) 2 Bockmn 2b 1 0 0 0 Pena c 3 0 0 0 NFL standings Al Thomas 92-22-70. Seottle 63 77 .450 Vn Stieb 81-3 7 3 3 2 8 GaettI 3b 4 0 10 lorg 1b 3 0 2 1 Hrnndz 1b 4 1 1 0 Morlssn 3b 2 1 0 0 36 HOLES NET — Bill Sulllvon-AI Texos 61 77 .442 8' 3 Key 2-3 0 0 0 2 0 Teufel 2b 3 0 10 Wothon )b 0 Foster 0 0 0 It 5 0 10 Harper If 3 0 2 0 Chevrette 119, Dick Hossetl-John Wednesdoy's Results Jackson (L 7-7) 2-311100 Loudner c 3 0 0 0 Slouoht c 3 0 10 Brooks ss 4 1 1 0 Wotus ss 2 0 10 American Conference Mutty 122, Don Dovls-Bob Behling 125, Davis, Cabell in accident Canada Cup Tournament California 11, Cleveland 4 New York RWshng ss 3 1 2 0 Pryor 3b 3 0 10 Strwbrr cf 3 I 1 0 Condelor p 1 0 0 0 Ed Hoves-Ted Steponskl 126, Joe Detroit 1, Baltimore 0 Rasmussen 5 2-3 8 3 3 4 3 Dent ss 2 1 ) 0 Knight 3b 4 0 11 Frobel ph 10 0 0 East Mocholone-Ed Woddos 126, Art SAN FRANCISCO — Chili Davis of the San New York 4, Toronto 3,10 innings Armstrong 1 1-3 0 0 0 0 3 McRae oh 10 0 0 Fltzgerld c 2 0 2 I Tunnell p 0 0 0 0 W L T Pet. PF PA Robldoux-Brlon Robldeau 127, George Francisco Giants and Enos Cabell of the Houston Oaklond 5, Chicogo 4 Rlghettl (W 5-5) 3 1 0 0 0 4 Scrontn ss 0 0 0 0 Berenyl o 2 0 0 0 Orsulok ph 0 0 0 0 Miami 1 0 0 1.000 35 17 McNItf-Ed Corcoran 127, Bob Wolloce- Astros suffered minor injuries in an automobile Milwaukee 7, Boston 5 T — 3:06. A— 17J83. Totals 33 I 10 1 Totals 31 4 9 4 Sisk p 1 0 0 0 Scurry p 0 0 0 0 NY Jets 1 0 0 1.000 23 14 Ron Rencurrel IX . Konsas City 4. Minnesota 1 Minnesota got OOO 080— I Totals 34 4 0 2 Totals 27 2 7 I New England ) 0 0 1.000 2) 17 36 HOLES GROSS — Dove Koye-TIm accident Wednesday night after a game at Team Canada in critical outing Seattle 6. Texos 5,10 Innings Kansas City 000 001 03x— 4 New York 010 002 001— 4 Buffalo 0 1 0 .000 17 21 McNomoro 140, Stan Hlllnskl-Tom Candlestick Park. Thursday's Game Mariners 6. Rangers 5 (Some-winning RBI — White (9). Pittsburgh 110 000 000— 2 Indianapolis 0 1 0 .000 14 23 Prior 142, Dick Smith-Bill Glguere 144. An official at San Francisco General Hospital's Oakland (Young 7-3) at Chicago (Hoyt DP— Minnesota 1, Kansas City 4. LOB (3ame-wlnnlng RBI — None. Central FIRST DAY— Gross — Bill Moron- 11-15), 8:30 p.m. ED T — Minnesota 5, Kansas City 5. 2B— R. E— Roy, Wofus, Morlsson. DP— Pittsburgh 0 I 0 .000 27 37 Frank Klernon 72, Stan McForlond- Mission Emergency Center said Davis and By United Press International Team Canada, expected to be one of the strongest Superstar center Wayne Gretzky has been oncof the Fridoy's Games SEATTLE TEXAS Washington, Sheridan 2. New Cincinnati 0 1 0 .000 17 X Tom Zemke 73. Tony Steullet-Jomie ObrhM ObrhM Cabell, a former member of the Giants, were units on the basis of its plethora oftopNHLtalent, have club’s most effective players, although he’s been Oakland at Cleveland, night IP H R ER BB SO York 4. LOB— New York 10, Pittsburgh 3. Houston 0 1 0 .000 14 24 Smith 74. Net — Walt Ferguson-Merrlll treated for minor scrapes and bruises and Detroit at Toronto, night Percent 2b 5 0 1 0 Rivers If 3 1 1 0 Minnesota 2B— Roy, Fitzgerald. 3B— Wynne. SB— Anderson 62, Carl Enberg-Tom Turner yet to display the cohesiontheywillneedagainstsuchan bothered by acharleyhor.seundtheflu .HesaysIheteani Bradley cf 4 2 2 0 Sample If 2 0 0 0 Cleveland 0 I 0 .000 O X TeamCanada’splayersrefertothefirsttworoundsof Milwaukee at Boltimore. night Smthsn (L 13-12) 7 1-3 7 2 2 1 3 Strawberry (25). S— Berneyl, Wo­ m released shortly after midnight. international powerhouse as the Soviets. must be diligent in its approach. Davis 1b 4 0 2 1 Ward cf 5 12 0 W I 62, Roger Mocolone-Bernle Glovinno the Canada Cup as a learning experience. But a few New York at Boston, night Dovls 2-3 2 2 2 1 0 tus, San Diego 1 0 0 1.000 42 13 64, Tom Roche-George Martin 64, Earl The “ five-man” system instituted by coach and “ I think we’ve been under more pressure than any California ot Chicago, night Phelps dh 4 10 0 Bell 3b 5 111 Kansas City Orsulok, Bockmon. Kansas City 1 0 0 1.000 37 27 Everett-John Everett 64, Worren more trips to the blackboard could become a little S Seo^le at Konsas City, night Cowens rf 4 2 2 2 Parrish dh3 Lelbrondt 1 (W 2 9-6)0 8 8 ) 1 0 2 IP H R ER BB SO Seattle 1 0 0 1.000 33 0 Howlond-Bob Jones 64. Cubs’ pair cited embarassing. general managerGlen Sather, in which theemphasis is team ," he said. "W e ’ve got to learn from what has texos at Mlnnesoto. night SHndrsn If 4 0 2 2 Kunkel pr 0 Quisenberry 0 (S 0 0 X ) ) 2 0 0 0 0 Ngw YozK LA Raiders 1 0 0 1.000 24 14 SECOND DAY — Gross — Tom placedonteamspeed.hasyettobearany fruit. happened to us, goout the next g:imc and improve. ’ ’ Moses If 0 0 0 0 O'Brien 1b 5 T 1— 2:31. A— 18,272. 3 2 Berenyl (W 11-13) 6 6 2 2 2 2 Denver 1 0 0 1.000 X 17 Vecsev-RIch Rlordon69, JimMorlorty- NEW YORK — Chicago Cub teammates Keith Team Canada players and management are well As scheduled, goaltender Pete Peeters will Ik* Presley 3b 5 1 1 1 Wright rf 4 0 12 Sisk (S IS) 3 1 0 0 1 1 • Notional Conference Leo Cvr 70, Roy Gordon-Rov Foheyt 71. TheCanadians,comingoffadisappointing4-4tiewith Mercado c 1 0 0 0 Scott c 3 0 0 0- Pmsburgh Moreland and Rick Sutcliffe were named Team USA Monday, face Sweden in Vancouver inoneof a wareof the problem. making his first start of the tournament for Team Pennant Race a Glance Kearney c 2 0 0 () Hostetir ph 1 0 0 0 Eost Net — Don Bottallno-Eorl Wilson 61, Cardinais 6. Phiiiies 5 Condelarlo 5 5 1 0 0 4 W L T Pet. PF PA Paul Sulllvon-Len GIgllo 62, Stan Wednesday the National League Player and three Canada Cup games Thursday night. In Buffalo, “ We’re not totally pleased with the results, but we’ve Canada in Thursday’s game. He will be backed up Owen ss 4 0 0 0 Yost c 0 0 0 0 Tunnell (LI-4) 3 2 2 1 5 2 Tollesn 2b 4 0 1 0 NY Giants I 0 0 1.000 X 27 Prochnlok-Wlo Gordello 62, Dick Pitcher of the Month, repsectively, for August. the Americans play Czechoslovakia, while the Soviet got such good hockey players here, we’re confident Rejean Lcmelin, who was restored to the uetive roster PHILADELPHIA ST. LOUIS Scurry 11)001 Dollos I 0 0 1.000 X 13 H o ro n -G e rrv Thibodeau 62, Al AMERICAN LEAGUE Wilkrsn ss 4 0 1 0 WP— Scurry. T — 2 :» . A— 3,569. Philadelphia 0 1 0 .000 27 X Thomos-JIm Gronbeck 62. Moreland's stats for the month included a .360 Union meets West Germany at Edmonton. they'llget it going,” said Sather. after Grant Fuhr injured his left knee in the game West TotoH 37 6 10 6 Totols 39 4 11 4 ObrhM MirhM Samuel 2b 5 0 0 0 McGee cf 5 2 5 1 St. Louis 0 1 0 .000 X 24 BACK NINE — Gross — Terry batting average in 28 games, five homers and 32 against theU.S. Minnesota 70 69 .504 — Seattle 000 011000 2— 6 Washington 0 1 0 .000 17 35 Schilling-Bill Sander 35, Pete Denz-BIII Kansas City 70 49 .504 — Texos 301 000 0001— 5 Schu 3b 3 0 0 0 Herr 2b 4 0 2 2 Expos 3. Cubs 1 R B I. During that stretch the Cubs moved past the Team Canada’s legion of walking wounded — centers Game-winning RBI — Davis (11). _ Haves cf 5 1 1 0 Penditn 3b 4 0 1 0 Central Zwick 35. Net — Fred Nosslff-Don E Californio 69 69 .500 Vz Chicago 1 0 0 1.000 34 14 GenovesI X , Irv Sobolov-Jock Forllng New York Mets into the N.L. East lead by winning Jets host Steelers tonight Steve Yzerman (hip pointer) and Brent Sutler Oakland 65 75 .464 5'/2 E— S. Henderson. LOB— Seattle 7, Virgil c 3 2 10 LSmIth It 4 CHICAGO 10 0 MONTREAL Texos 7.2B— Wright. S. Henderson. 3B— Wcknfss lb 3 1 1 3 Green 1b 4 0 ) 0 Green Bov 1 0 0 1.000 24 23 X. 20 of 30 games. (sprained ankle), right winger Rick Middleton Chicago 44 74 .464 5Vz ObrhM ObrhM Detroit 0 I 0 .000 27 X LADIES MIXED FOUR BALL — Mlimtsota CowenSz Brodley. HR— Presley (7). SB— Motszk )b 1 0 0 0 Londrm rf 3 Cotto 0 0 0 cf 4 1 1 0 Raines cf 4 0 0 0 Sutcliffe, the league's rookie of the year in 1979 (sprained ankles), and defensemen Kevin Lowe Tolleson (21). SF— Wright, Dovis. Wilson rt 3 0 10 Broun oh 0 10 0 Tompo Bov 0 I 0 .000 14 34 Gross — Earl Everett-Poul Hunt- Games remaining (23): Home (13) — Sondbrg 2b 4 0 2 0 Dllone It 4 1 1 0 Minnesota 0 ) 0 .000 13 42 Chrlsto Seddon-Lols Moore 60. Net — when he won 17 games for Los Angeles, had an (stretched knee ligaments) and Doug Wil.son (sore Texas (3) Stmt. 7, 8, 9; Kansas City (3) IP H RERBBSO Russell If 2 10 0 OSmIth ss 3 Motthws 0 0 0 It 2 0 0 1 ThonKis It 0 0 0 0 Seottle Jeltz ss . 4 0 11 Jorgnsn ph 0 0 0 0 West Morgan Gront-Honk Murphy-BImbI unblemished 6-0 record with a 3.52 ERA, striking Walton expects physical battle hand) — should be sufficient ly healed for the ufK'oming Sept. 10. 11. 12; Chicago (4) Sept. 17. 18, Moreind rf 4 0 2 0 Dawson rt 4 0 I 0 Barolos 4 2-3 9 4 4 1 0 Koosmn p 4 0 1 1 Lyons ph 1111 Atlanta 1 0 0 1.000 36 X Tyler-Dot Boblgon 53. Merrill out 48 in 46 innings. 19, X : Cleveland (3) Sept. 21, 22. 23. Cev 3b 3 0 0 0 Carter c 4 12 1 Son Francisco 1 0 0 1.000 X 27 Anderson-John Wllks-Jen Schotto-Gay contest. Away (10) — at Texas (3) Sept. 14, 15, Mirabll (W 2-5) 4 1-3 0 0 0 0 3 Andersn p 0 0 0 0 Nieto c 3 0 0 0 Durhm 1b 4 0 0 0 Wolloch 3b 4 1 1 0 Beard 2-321101 Holland p 0 0 0 0 Porter c 1110 New Orleans 0 1 0 .000 X 36 Whittlock 55. John Plckens-Hogon By Joe Carinicelll ■•’They all should be ready to play against Sweden,” 16; at Chicago (3) Sept. 24, 25, 26. at Lake c 3 0 0 0 Driessn 1b 3 0 0 0 LA Roms 0 1 0 .000 13 X Zomoltls-ldo McMohon-Bernlce Mar­ “ I think the coaches pointed out Sunday. Cleveland (4) Sept. 27, X , 29, X . Gelsel (S 2) 1-3 1 0 0 0 0 LaPoint p 0 0 0 0 Bosley ph 1 0 0 0 Flynn 2b 3 0 2 0 UPl Sports Writer Sather said. “ But we'll likely wail until the warmup for Texos Allen p 2 0 0 0 Thundav's Gome shall 55. Fred Bllsh-Edno Wodos-Jen Chiefs ink Whitehurst these things once or twice this Blit the Jets’ passing game Kansas Cllv Bowp ss 3 0 10 Solplzor ss 4 0 1 1 (All Times EDT) Orfitelll-Eniillv Dickenson 56, Roy thegame Thursday before wedccidcd on a I ineup. ’ ’ (Somes remaining (23): Home (10) — Darwin 5 7 3 3 3 3 Howe ph 10 0 0 Rohn ss 0 0 0 0 Schotzdr p 0 0 0 0 week. We’re moving into a new remains questionable. Veteran P Stewrt (L 5-13) 4 2-3 3 3 3 1 4 Rucker p 0 0 0 0 Pittsburgh at N. Y. Jets, 9 p.m. FInnegon-JIm Romovko-Morlon KANSAS CITY, Mo. — The Kansas City Chiefs EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. — In the game at Buffalo, the Americans hope to take Seattle (3) Sept. 7. 8, 9; Oakland (3) Trout p 1 0 0 0 Palmer p 3 0 2 1 Sunday's Gomes Zomoitls-Glorla Wallace 56, Dick stadium. If we play well, the fans quarterback Richard Todd was Sept. 21, 22, 23, Colltornlo (4) Sept. 24 Henke 1-3 1 0 0 0 0 Vn SIvk oh 1 0 1 2 Brusstor p 0 0 0 0 Grpnthn p 1 0 0 0 Wednesday announced the signing of former Joe Walton didn’t have to dig very advantage of the small ice surface at Memorial HBP— by Dorwin (Mercado); by Totals 33 S 4 5 Totals 34 4 12 4 Buffalo at St. Louis, 1 p.m. Schotto-AI Chevrette-Olgo Sklnner- will be with us. If we don’t, they’re traded to New Orleans in the (2) , 25, 26. Away (13) — at Minnesota Hossev ph 1 0 0 0 Dollos at N.Y. Giants, 1 p.m. Allce Chittick 56. Green Bay Packers quarterback David White­ deep to find incentives for his New Auditorium to bottle up Czechoslovakia’s attack. The (3) Sept. 10, 11, 12; at Seattle (3) Sept. Barolos (Porrish). T — 2:56. A— 7,291. Two out when wbrnkig run scerod. StcKidard p 0 0 0 0 going to be against us and it’s tough off-season and Ken O’Brien, who PhllCHMphta 302000 000— S Tampa Bov at New Orleans, I p.m. SCOTCH BALL — Gross — Tom- hurst as the team's third quarterback on the York Jets in tonight’s nationally West (Jermans took advantage of the small London 14, 15, 16; at California (4) Sept. 17, 18, Woods ph 10 0 0 [}enver at Chicago, 1 p.m. Lynn Prior 40. Net — Al-Betty Martin to play that way.” had never played a regular-season 19, X ; at Oakland (3) Sept. X , 29, X. St. Louis 100 001 004— 4 Frazier p 0 0 0 0 roster. televised game against the Pitts­ Gardens rink Tuesday to hammerlheCzeehoslovakian Tigers 1. Orioies 0 Gome-winning RBI — Mc(3ee (5). Detroit ot Atlanta, 1 p.m. 43-11-32, Earl Everett-Boots Cornlello The Jets are moving to Giants game, was named his replace­ Callfomia Totals 31 1 4 1 Totals 34 3 10 3 Kansas City at Cincinnati, 1 p.m. 49-9-33, Brooks-Ruth Allen 45-11-34, burgh Steelers. player.satwillina4-4tie. Games remaining (24): Home (13) — E— Pendleton. DP— Phllodelphia 1, CMcogo 000000 010— 1 Stadium this season after 20 years ment. O’Brien, however, and Gas­ St. Minnesota at Philadelphia, 1 p.m. Moraon-Morge Grant 46-12-34. Putts — Carr signs with Hawks “ It’s going to be a very physical " I think we have confidence going into game against Cleveland (3) Sept. 11, 12, 13; Chicago BALTIMORE DETROIT Montreal lOOXOOOx— 3 New England at Miami, 1 p.m. Turk-Lols Moore 13. at Shea Stadium in New York. tineau are involved in an assault (3) Sept. 14, 15, 16; Kansas City (4) Sept. Louis 1. LOB— Philadelphia 7, St. Louis 5. Gome-winning RBI — Carter (15). game,” Walton said. “ They like to the Czechs, ” said U.S defenseman Phil Housley, a ObrhM ObrhM 2B — Herr. 3B — McGee. HR — Green Bay at L.A. Raiders, 4 p.m. MATCH PLAY VS. PAR — A — Lynn ATLAN TA — Antoine Carr, a first-round NBA Pittsburgh is 7-0 over the Jets in trial and O’Brien has had little 17, 18, 19, X ; Texas (3) Sept. 21, 22. X. Bumbry cf 2 0 0 0 Whltokr 2b 4 0 1 0 E— Lake, Wolloch, Matthews. Cleveland at L.A. Roms, 4 p.m. Prior plus 2, Linda Kaye plus 1. B — hit — we like to hit. I feel the member of the NHL’s Buffalo Sabres. ’They have a Away (11) — at Chicago (3) Sept, 7, 8, Wockenfuss DP— draft choice a year ago who played instead in regular-season play, including a time to practice. Avolo oh 1 0 0 0 Trmmll ss 3 I 2 0 (5). SB— Haves (X), Russell (7), L. Son Diego at Seattle, 4 p.m. Bert Gromon plus 1, Jen Schotto -1, biggest thing for us is that this is different system than Canada. They’re not going to 9; at Kansas City (4) Sept. 24 ( 2). 25. 26: Cruz 3b 0 0 0 0 Gorbev <^40)0 Montreal 2. LOB— Chicago 6, Montreol9. Indianapolis at Houston, 4 p.m. Mary Lou Pierro -1, Olga Skinner -1, Italy, signed Wednesday with the Atlanta Hawks. 34-7 rout last year. Both clubs have That opened the way for veteran at Texas (4) Sept. 27. X . 29, X. Smith (X ). 2B— Flynn, Sandberg, Palmer, Cotto. 3B the first playoff team we’re bump and grind as much asCanada, I think they're just Young rt 4 0 0 0 Parrish c 2 0 0 0 IP H R ER BB SO Monday's (Some Edna Wodos -1, Jeanette Orfitelll -1. C The Hawks acquired the rights to Carr in June undergone major changes and Pat Ryan and he had a fair showing Oakland Ripken ss 4 0 0 0 Herndon It 3 0 I 0 — Bowo. SB— Dllone (25). SF— Washington at Son Francisco, 9p.m. — Mory Ansaldi plus 4, Phyllis Holmes playing and it’s a team that beat going to try to move the puck and try to get the best Games remaining (22): Home (12) — Phljodelphta Matthews. when they traded Dan Roundfield to the Detroit enter tonight’s game with solid in his first N F L start of his Murray 1b 3 0 1 0 Evans 1b 3 0 10 Koosmon 8 8 2 2 0 3 -1. D — Hazel Piper -3, Lois Moore -3. the hell out of us last year in front of possible shot and I think we’re going to have totake that Chicago (3) Sept. 10. 11. 12; Cleveland Lownstn If 3 0 0 0 Kuntz rf 3 0 0 0 T'S B F'S — A Gross — Lynn Prior 46. Pistons in a deal that also gave Atlanta another defenses but major questions on (3) Sept. 14, 15, 14; Texas (3) Sept. 17, Andersen 2-3 0 2 2 1 0 our fans. seven-year NFL career, complet­ awayfromlhem.” 18. 19; Kansas City (3) Sept. X , » , X. Rayford c 1 0 0 0 Jones cf 3 0 0 0 Holland (L 5-10) 0 4 2 2 0 0 Padres 15. Reds 11 Net — Rose Rlbldeou 49-12-37. B Gross forward. Cliff Livingston, and the Pistons’ second offense. ing 14-of-29 passes for 163 yards Slngletn dh 4 0 2 0 Castillo 3b 3 0 0 0 SI. Louis Weekend (ootbaii odds — Edna Wodos 46. Net — Coro round draft picks in 1986 and 1987. “ We’ll see if we’ll (xintinue to In their game against the West Germans in Away (10) — at Chicago (1) Sept. 6; at Rodrlgz pr 0 0 0 0 •. Anderson 52-14-X, Jeon Wlgren 52-141- The Jets used a 29-carry. 112- and two touchdowns against the Cleveland (3) Sept. 7, 8, 9; at Kansas LaPoint 2 2-3 6 5 5 4 2 CINCINNATI SAN DIEGO improve. The New York Jets have Edmonton, the Soviets will be seeking lo retain first Gross 3b 3 0 0 0 Allen 51-3 0 0 0 1 3 38. C Gross — Dot Boblgon 46. D Gross yard effort by Freeman McNeil . Colts. Ryan will be at quarterback City (3) Sept. 21, 22, 23: at Texas (3) Sokoto 2b 10 0 0 ObrhM ObrhM RENO, Nev. (U P l) — Weekend NFL — Nancy Bennett 60. never beaten the Pittsburgh Steel­ place in the round robin with Ihcirlhirdstraight win Sept. 24, 25, 26. Rucker (W 2-3) 1 0 0 0 1 0 Redus If 6 3 3 0 Flannry 2b 3 0 0 0 and college odds os posted by Horroh's and a swarming defense led by end again tonight. Douer 2b 1 0 0 0 * Koosmon pitched to I batter In 9th. B ES T 9 — A — Nancy Dovls 40-12-X. Expos name Cook as VP, GM ers in a regular- season game and Canada and the U.S. are tied for second with l-O-l Chicago Nolan ph 0 0 0 0 Dovls cf 4 1 1 2 Bevoco ph 1 0 1 1 Reno-Tohoe Sports Book; Mark Gastineau, who had four Games remaining (24): Home (10) — Holland pitched to 4 batters In 9th. B — Lll Donovan 41-14-27. C — Ruth The offensive line has a new left records. West Germany and Czechoslovakia are Shelby cf 0 0 0 0 Parker rf 6 3 4 4 Wiggins 2b 0 0 0 0 NFL Trvon 46-15-31, Phvliss Holmes 48-17-31. M ONTREAL — Murray Cook, who resigned as some of the defeats have been sacks, to defeat the Indianapolis Oakland (1) Sept. 6; C3ill(ornla (3) Sept. Cedeno 1b 5 3 3 3 Gwvnn rf 4 2 2 1 Favorite Pts. tackle, second-year man Reggie Dempsey c 2 0 0 0 D — Joanne Hunt 48-20-X. general manager of the New York Yankees Aug. rather embarrassing. Colts 23-14 in their opener last deadlocked for fourth at 0 1-1, while Sweden stands lust 7, 8. 9; Seattle (3) Sept. 21, 22. 73: Dwyer ph 0 0 0 0 Dodgers4,Braves3 McGtfgn p 0 0 0 0 Miller rf 0 0 0 0 Thursday night McElroy, replacing Chris Ward. atO-2. Minnesota (3) Sept. 24, 25, 26, Away (14) Roenick It 0 0 0 0 Krncbc pb 1 0 0 0 (3orvev 1b 4 1 1 3 N.Y. Jets Pittsburgh 1 20, was named vice-president and general — at Oakland (3) Sept. 10, 11, 12; at Totals X 0 3 0 Totals X I 6 0 Esosky 3b 5 0 1 0 Gwosdz c 0 0 0 0 Sunday manager of the Montreal Expos Wednesday, California (3) Sept. 14, 15. 16; at Baltimore OOOOOOOOg— 0 ATLANTA LOS ANGELES Conepen ss 4 0 2 2 Nettles 3b 2 1 2 2 L.A. Raiders Green Bay 7 Minnesota (4) Sept. 17, 18, 19, X ; at Dtlroll 100080 0 0 X -1 ObrhM ObrhM Oester 2b 4 0 0 0 Salazar 3b 2 1 0 0 St. Louis Buffalo 7 Transactions succeeding John McHale who stays on as Seattle (4) Sept. 27, X . 7), X . Gome-winning RBI — none. Thmpsn If 3 12 0 Andersn ss 4 1 1 0 Vn Grdr c 5 1 2 0 McRynl cf 5 2 5 1 New Orleans Tompo Bov 7 president. Romirz ss 4 1 2 0 Reynlds cf 4 1 1 0 Zoeller adds luster Tibbs p 3 0 0 0 Roenick ct 0 0 0 0 Miami New England 6'/i NATIONAL LEAGUE E— Ripken 2. DP— Baltimore 1, Detroit Cook, 43, a native of Sackville, N.B., has been in BERT J. SMITH, inc. 1. LOB— Baltimore 7, Detroit 5. 2B— Wshngtn rf 3 0 0 1 Rivera 3b 0 0 0 0 Willis p 0 0 0 0 Kennedy c 5 2 2 1 L.A. Roms Cleveland 6 Eost Trammell, Murrov. S— Trommell. Murphy cf 4 0 1 0 Landrex rf 4 1 2 1 - Franco P 0 0 0 0 DeLeon p 0 0 0 0 Houston Indianapolis 5Vi as a player and an W L Pet. GB Perry 1b 4 110 Guerrer 3b3 1 1 1 Milner ph 0 0 0 0 Martinez If 5 2 2 1 Dallas N.Y. Giants 5 executive for ^ years. He joined the Yankees as Chicago 84 55 .604 — Johnson 3b 4 0 2 1 Brock 1b 4 0 2 2 INSURANSMITHS SINCE IP H R ER BB SO Hume p 0 0 0 0 Tempitn ss 4 1 0 0 Philadelphia Minnesota 5 Chicago (A L ) — Purchased the director of player development Jan. 24,1983 after New York 78 61 .561 6 Baltimore Runge 2b 4 0 10 Morsholl If 4 0 1 0 Foley ss 10 10 Droveky p 0 0 0 0 Chicago Denver 5 contract of pitctier Randy Niemann from Chicago Benedict c 4 0 0 0 Howell o 0 0 0 0 Booker p 0 0 0 0 Cincinnati Kansas City 4 21 seasons in the Pittsburgh Pirate organization. to PGA tournament 1914 Flanagan (L 11-12)8 6 10)4 Denver of the American Assodotlod; Gomes remaining (23): Home (13) — Dolralt Comp p 2 0 0 0 Sclosclo c 10 0 0 Romirz ph 0 1 0 0 Atlonto Detroit 3 odded catcher Joel Skinner to their Phllodelphia (2) Sept. 10, 11; Montreal Harper ph 1 0 0 0 Russell 2b 2 0 0 0 Harris p 10 0 0 Son Diego Seattle 1 roster. (2) Sept. 12, 13; New York (3) Sept. 14, Bernor (W 8-9) 71-3 2 0 0 3 7 SUTTON, Mass. (U P l) - Fuzzy Z oellqp Hernndz (S X ) 12-3 1 0 0 1 1 Dedmon p 0 0 0 0 Londstv 2b 0 0 0 0 Brown ph 1 1 1 2 Monday night Cincinnati — Recalled five players Mets add Christensen tournament, it will still leave top players 15, 16; Pittsburgh (3) Sept. IB, 19, 20; St. HBP— by Hernandez (Roenicke). Linares ph 0 0 0 0 White p 10 0 0 Chiffer p 0000 Son Frondsco Washington 3 from Wichita of the American Assoclo- has always been colorful, and winning Ray Floyd, a former PG A and Pleasant Louis (3) Sept. 28, 29, 30. Away (10) — Hall pr 0 0 0 0 Stubbs oh 1 0 I 0 WP— Lefterts p 0 0 0 0 CMIsgo tlon: catcher Dann Bllordello, In- NEW YORK — The New York Mets purchased major championships has given him the Valley winner; Hale Irwin, a two-time U.S. 649-5241 at Montreal (1) Sept. 6; at New York (3) Hernandez. T — 2:X. A— 34JI65. Zochry p 0 0 0 0 Smmrs 1b 2 111 Oklohomo Stanford18 tlelder Wade Rowdon, pitchers Fred Sept. 7, 8. 9; at St. Louis (3) Sept. 21, 22, Bream ph 1 0 0 0 Totalt 44 11 17 II Totals X IS 17 II Miami (Flo) Michigan V/i Toliver and Tod Browning and first outfielder John Christensen fromtheirTidewater charisma to add luster to this week’s PGA Open champion; and Calvin Peete, a 23; at Pittsburgh (3) Sept. 24, 25, 26. Hooton p 0 0 0 0 C kicliinatl 140 001081— 11- Morvlond Syracuse T'/z tournament. 65 E. Center Street New York bosemon-ccrtcher Alan Knlcely. Tides Triple-A of the International seven-time winner on the tour to contend for Mpldond If 0 0 0 0 Son DiOfO OnOOSTOx— IS (Seorgld S. Mississippi 10'/z. The reigning U.S. Open champion and the title. Games remaining (23): Home (13) — Angeis11,indians4 To ta » 33 3 9 2 Totals X 4 9 4 Gome-winning RBI— Summers (3). Notre Dome Purdue 19 Montreal — Named Murray Cook vice League Wednesday. Manchester, Ct. Chicogo (3) Sept. 7, 8, 9; St. Louis (2) Atlanta 012 000 000— 3 E— Kennedy, salozar, Concepcion. Mississippi Memphis St even president and oenerol monager. The move came on Christensen's 24th birthday. former Masters titleist will be the prime Also playing are defending champion Sept. 10, 11; Pittsburgh (2) Sept. 12, 13; Los AnoMet I02000 01X— 4 DP— MSU Colorado 6Vz Nevv York (N L ) — Purchased To make room for Christensen on the 40-man attraction in the $350,000 event starting Mark Lye; Mark O'Meara, who is third on Montreal (3) Sept. 21, 22, 23; Phila­ CALIFORNIA CLEVELAND Gome-winning RBI— Brock (3). Cincinnati 2. LOB— Cincinnati 11, Son BYU Baylor 6'/z delphia (3) Sept. 24, 25. 26. Away (10) — ObrhM ObrhM outfielder John Christensen from Tide­ roster, the Mets have outrighted 25-year-old today at Pleasant Valley Country Club — if the money list; No. 10 Gil Morgan; and No. E— Londreoux, White, Murphy. ' Diego 4. 28— Redus 2, Nettles, Gwvnn, Florida LSU 3 water of the International League; ot Pittsburgh (1) Sept. 6; at Chicago (3) Wlltong 2b 5 0 1 2 Butler cf 3 10 0 OP— Cedeno, Martinez, Brown, Gorvev. HR— Virginia Tech Woke Forest 7 left-hander Rich Pickett to Tidewater. his back holds up. 17 Jack Renner. Other names include John Corew 1b '3 0 0 ) Franco ss 4 0 1 0 sentoltcher Rich Pickett from Jackson of Sept. 14,15, 16; at Philadelphia (3) Sept. Atlanta 2. LOB— Atlanta 6, Los Angeles Dovls (7), Cedeno (9), Porker (IS). SB— Clemson Vlrglnlo 14 the Texas League to TIdewoter. Zoeller captured the nation's attention 17, 18, 19; at Montreal (3), Sept. 28. 29, Sconirs 3b 1 0 0 0 Horgrv 1b 5 1 1 1 6. 2B— Perry, Londreoux, Brock, AAor- Mahaffey, Wayne Levi — who won last Glastonbury 6 Concepcion (17), Redus (46), Wiggins Illinois Missouri 1 30. Benlouz rf 3 1 2 0 Hall dh 4 0 10 sholl. SB— ^Thompson 2 (2), Anderson (59). S— Wiggins. SF— Concepcion. Duke Indiana 5 with his performance in the Open at Winged week's B.C. Open — and Curtis Strange. Pettis cf 1 0 0 0 Moronk ph 1 0 0 0 (11), Murphy 08). S— Russell. SF— Vanderbilt Kansas SI 8Vz Football Witness testifies for Jets Foot in Mamaroneck, N.Y., where he teat Although the tournament has not always Lynn cf 4 3 4 1 Carter If 4 12 1 Washington, Guerrero. Denver — Signed free agent quarter­ Brewers 7g Red Sox 5 Alabama BC 6 Greg Norman in an 18-hoIe playoff. His golf attracted the top names, it has teen a Tennis Club Brown rt 0 0 0 0 Vukovch rf 4 0 1 0 Arizona Colllomla 3 back Scott Stonkavage. NEW YO RK — A California musician and a Downing It 3 3 1 2 Costlllo oh 1 0 1 0 EL piayoft results ASU Oklohomo St 3Vz Kansas City — Signed ouarterbock friend of New York Jets quarterback Ken O’Brien was solid but his personality is what makes popular event. Attendance on the final day 228 Oak Str«»t, Glaitonbury, Conn. BOSTON MILWAUKEE Jacksn

Condominiums 32 Apartments for Rent 42 BulldHig/Contractlna $3 Misc. for Sole 63 Tag Soles ** Rec Vehicles 73

TALCO TTVILLE — De- EAST HARTFORD - 3 slreable two bedroom room apartment In 2 FARRAND REMODEL­ NORGE WRINGER 1W6 MOTOR HOME - little 643-2711 W ASHING M AC H IN E — n, o-/'. * Low mileage, 22 feet. Classified.. end unit with porch, full family. Quiet, clean. Heat ING — Cabinets, roofing, Notices Business Opportunities Store/Office Space 44 Household Goods Rates For advertisements to be basement and garage In and appliances. Carpet­ gutters, room additions, Clean and In good condl- very good condition. Full Situation Wanted Resort Property 45 Misc. tor Sale published M onday, the dead­ elder residential com­ ing. I car parking. No decks, all types of remo­ tion. Coll 643-7347 after “ I'lve, oft ^ack. New tires, th in g s Minimum Charge: Lost/Found...... 01 Em plavm ent Infa. Misc. tor Rent 46 Home and Garden line is 2:30 p.m. on Friday munity on cul-de-sac. pets. $385 monthly Plus deling and repairs. F R EE ipm. - Personals...... 02 Instruction...... Wanted to Rent 47 Pets $3.00 for one day Tastefully decorated. Im­ security. 289-8141. estimates. Fully Insured. Pe r W ord: Telephone 643-6017, after FOUR P IEC E D Marigold A i i f n n r i A t i v e A BAR OF toilet soap Announcements ...... 03 Roommates Wanted 48 Musical Items maculate condition. Call color carnival glass, $60. A U I U m U I I V C olaced In suitcases will do a Putting Recreational Items 1-2 days .20C Read Your Ad 647-0221 or 644-0040. 6pm, 647-8509. Auctions ...... 04 Call 649-0557. ••••••••••••••••••••••• smelling nl- together Real Estate Antiques 3 5 days 18«; Classified advertisements MANCHESTER — Gris­ Services 6 days LEON CIESZYNSKI n u c OAID Can/TrwekstorSal# 71 ce...and may come In two large Homes for Sole Tog Sales .16C are taken by telephone as a t a k e a CHANCE ON wold Street. Cleon, large BU ILD ER — New homes, O NE P A IR Cameo handy next time you go big Financial Condominiums Services Offered 51 Wanted to Buy 26 days ,12C convenience. YOURSELF! Come talk 6 room duplex. $450 plus additions, remodeling, sheer white tlebocks, 6 ••••••••••••••••••••••• on o vocation trip. Boost planks? What Painting/ Papering 52 to us about owning this utilities. Double security. Inch ruffle 264" X63" used your vacation budget by better way to M ortgage s...... 11« Lots/Land for Sale H ap p y Ads: The M anchester Herald Is rec rooms, garages, kit­ Building/Contracting 53 $3.00 per colum n inch lozzy one bedroom con­ References. Call 643-4792. chens remodeled, ceil­ two months. Excellent selling Idle Items around accomplish the Personal Loans...... 12 Investment Property responsible only tor one incor­ dominium with extra Roofing/Siding ings, bath tile, dormers, condition. Call 649-3165. ^ your home for cash. Insurance...... 13 Business Property g Automotive rect insertion and then only large rooms for all your 118 MAIN STREET — task than with a Resort Property Heating/Plumbing Deadlines tor the size of the original roofing. Residential or little invention called Wanted to B o rro w ...... 14 valuables. Very little Three room heated commercial. 649-4291. ^”***^^- 1975 MERCURY MO- a^astl bSle”’’''*' Flooring 56 Cars/Trucks for Sale For classified advertise­ insertion. down. Approximately apartment, hot water, GOLF B A LLS - All top NARCH - 56,000 original to find a cash buy the wood screw. It 57 Motorcycles/Bicycles Income Tax Service ments to be published Tues­ Errors which do not lessen $600/month. $44,900. Call security, no appliances. ROBERT E. JARVIS — brands, TItllest, Topfllte, miles. Original owner. 4 ______does a big job for you! Rentals 58 Rec Vehicles Mike Elnsledel, 875-2100, Employment Services Wanted day through Saturday, the the value of theadvertisem ent $435. Phone 646-2426, 9-5 Building & Remodeling Pinocle, DDH, Prostaff, |toor Mdan. Power steer- . cleaning There are lots of small Auto Services Calvmar Co., 529-2888. weekdays. Rooms for Rent ...... deadline is noon on the day will not be corrected by an Specialist. Additions, items that do big jobs . . . & Efiucation Apartments for Rent . For Sale Autos tor Rent/Lease before publication. garages, roofing, siding, V n X r - Iro-nlnrrny-n'e^wS: additional insertion. ••••••••••••••••••••••• and one of them is a Classified Help Wanted ...... 21 Homes for Rent ...... Holiday/Seasonal 61 Misc. Automotive Lots/Land for Sole 33 kitchens, bathrooms, re­ ------r rom*il5lU7'‘ Strength r«ommeni2S Store/Otflee Space 44 placem ent wlndows- BOW LING B A L L — La- 4pm, 646-8137.______on the bottle, for washing Ad. People all over this area /doors. Call 643-6712. dies 2 pound Very good Ton P ck walls and windows. Bring turn to these little wonders when condition. $15. Call O' anytime money Into your they have something to sell or CARPENTRY AND RE­ twwn 9am and 5pm, 649- UpCall anytime, Notices Help Wanted 21 Help Wanted 21 Help Wanted 21 Help Wanted 21 Help Wanted 21 Help Wanted 21 Help Wanted VERMONT SOUTH WINDSOR — Sul­ MODELING SERVICES ^^70. /4/-0W/.______longer-needed Items with rent. Put one to work today! livan Avenue. 1,600 sq. ft. — Complete home re­ OKEMO AREA prime retail space, ample pairs and remodeling. parking. $660. Call 236- TIRECHINE CHANGING — Gas station MA- V E R T J^kLE IB LE — “^Good^^in' Good run- ?'ed- T O O LM AK ER - with 5 REG ISTER ED NURSE — AUTO DISMANTLER — SIGN MAKER — Expe­ Quality work. Referen­ Lost/Found 01 POULTRY FARM rienced person toC 6021 or 644-3977. size. $250.649-6989. olng condition. $1950. — W ORKERS — Must have plus years experience In Ear, Nose and Throat/AI- Full time experienced. 10 ACRES • $9,800 ces, licensed and insured. Classified Dep’t. ------742-9600, keep trying. p o l ic e v e h ic l e b io fixture and gaging eaulp- lergy practice. Must have automotive Gerber Sign Maker. WHh Call 646-8165. Class II licenses and P p t i r p d TOOLMAK- ■■ The Town of Coventry* Con- WAITRESS WANTED — ment. Appjy Rodeo Ma­ Manchester area, Mon­ CASHIER AND SALES tools. Excellent oppor­ design sign, operate sign' Beautiful hard­ MANCHESTER OFFICE know how to operate C LER K S — Wanted part Bpie POR SALP TOYOTA CELICA ST» necticut Is occeptlno bids tor LOST — Grey and white Full or part time. Apply In farm machinery. Call 1- chine, I Mitchell Drive, day through Friday. Sa­ tunity with good future maker and transfer lef-; woods on town SPACE — Ideal for ac­ cR S TOOLS rUR SALc. ______^ a a a /p a a theporchoseof onew 1984or shorthaired cat, wearing person; Luigi's Restau­ Manchester, 646-7804. time nights and wee­ for honest, reliable per­ tering to background- countant, lawyer or sales Rooflng/Sldlng Call 643-5073. 1980 — 5 speed, AAA/FM ^9§s model vehicle to be used 800-344-3485, Arbor Acres lary negotiable with ex­ maintained road, ______Alpine cassette, new ra- for police service. Aii bids white flea collar. Chest­ rant, 649-5325. Farm, Jim Fracchla. perience. Contact Mrs. kends, some retoll expe­ son. Apply In person; material. Call City SIgnC ciose to 12 major ski office. Central location. Call 643-2711 rience needed. Work In a 232-4803. SEAR S D ISH W A SH E R - dials, 44,W miles. Excel- must be in by nut and Otis area. Call MATERIAL HANDLER - Noonan at 646-0314. Bill's Auto Parts, 844 areas and 3 crystal Ample parking. Call 649- 649-2501. EXPERIENCED SIDING AND ROOFING We are looking for a pleasant, modern phar­ Tolland Stage Road, 2891. BIDWELL HOME Im­ Like new, $125. Herculon mlTst be inadev/llhln90dayi SANDBLASTER — material handler for our macy. Apply at once, to Tolland. clear lakes, ideal va- provement Company — sofa and loveseat, $200. seen. $5500 or best offer, of thebidbeinoowarded.The SUBCONTRACTORS STOCK BOY WANTED — Business Opportunities Z t cation/retirement Large mahogany table Call 649-6909 after 6pm. Town reserves the right to Wanted for sandblasting NEEDED — High wages door warehouse In South Part time. Saturdays a Manager or Tom De­ Roofing , siding, altera­ TOWN OF COVENTRY Personals 02 houses. Call 643-2659. Windsor. Apply at 519 nlsky, Liggett Phar­ area only 4 miles AVAILABLE SEP­ with 4 chairs, $100. Call bufs*'” “ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINO and bonuses. Year round must. No calls. Stop by MATURE, DEPENDA­ tions, additions. Same Notice Is hereby given that the Coventry Town Council will Nutmeg Rd., North, be­ macy, 404 West Middle BLE PERSON — To care from village center. TEMBER 1st — Prime number for over 30 years. 647-0746. HONDA CIVIC Specificullons ore avdllu- work. Must have own for application: Fairway, office space at 263 Main ______Standard transmission. ble at the Otilce ot the Town conduct 0 public hearing on Tuesdov, September 18,1984 ot RESTAURANT STAFF truck and tools. Call 1- tween 7:30am-4pm. Ad­ 975 Main Street. Tpke. for Infant and toddler in Bank financing ap­ 649-6495. 7:30 PM In the Board Room of fhe Town Hall, 1712 Main WANTED — Harbor vancement opportunities my home, Monday- OWN YOUR OWN" Street, Manchester. $150 SMITH CORONA Good condition. Original St.Cov- Sfreet, Coventry, CT. 800-922-0005. proved. Call 1-802- monthly Includes every­ Park Is recruiting cooks, plus a good fringe and ELECTRICIAN JOUR­ CERTIFIED NURSES Frlday, 8am to 5pm. Must DESIGNER JEAN ELECTRIC TYPEWRI- E'*'/?®’’' S oz-ot The purpose of sold hearing Is to obtain the views of ony per­ 694-1581,8:30 a.m.- thing. Call 646-4144. Heotlng/Plumblng 55 t e r - $70. Panasonic Call anytime, 659-0431. ------son regarding the Town of Coventry's proposed oppllcatlon dishwashers, dining LIVE-IN COMPANION — vacation package. The N E Y PERSON with E 2 AID ES — Certified aides have own transportation. AND SPORTSWEAR 8:30 p.m., weekiends HYPNOSIS TAPES — To room servers, bus peo­ for 7am to 3pm, 3pm fo to the State Deportment ot Housing for the Stote of Connec­ For semi Invalid. Refer­ Ceco Corp. An equal op­ license needed. Benefits. References required. CM STORE ’til 5 p.m. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Telephone Answering pucwvA*nM 7 A io t a — , in v it a t io n t o Bio ticut's Small Cities Program (Comprehensive ProlecI). The assist In: weight loss, ple, bartender assistants, portunity Employer, 11pm shifts, full and part AVAILABLE IMME­ Machine, $55. Kerosene c h e v y M O N Z A , i v /b a sealed bids win be received Town of Covenfrv Is requesting that all citizens attend to ences required. Call Call 649-8925. 633-3455 evenings qffer National Company offoro smoking cessation, test lounger servers and valet M/F. time. Excellent benefit 7pm. D IA T ELY - Office space, FOGARTY BROTHERS H eater an d 5 ga l can, $65. cylinder, stan dard, no in the Office of the Director provide their comments pertaining to performance under 649-4652. unique opportunity soiling ISO so ft Antloue Colon- rust, son roof. $1700, ne- ol Generol Services, 41 Cen- the Town's existing Smoll Cities Program. anxiety, stress manage­ parkers. Applicants must WAITRESS — 3evenlngs. package with second and nationally advortlsad brands 256 sq. ft. Route 6, An­ — Bathroom remodel­ 150 sq. n. Antique toioit „o,.obl» roll 643-5699 Monchester, Con- lal C hannelbrik, $60. A ll ootiaoie. L.aii oej sow. necticut, until ii; 0 0 o.m. on At said hearing, an overview of the Town's proposed 1984ap­ ment. For more Informa­ have at least 1 year JANITOR - We are look­ 5-9:30pm, No Sundays. third shift differential. SECRETARY/TELE- at substantial savings to yonr dover. Watts line availa­ ing; Installation water Investment Property 34 prices negotiable. Call ------the dote shown tor the lollow- plication will be presented. After such, comments and aues- tion: P.O. Box 353, Bol­ experience. Please apply ing for someone for lani- Davis Family Restau­ Please call Director of PHONE RECEPTIONIST customers. This Is for tbo ble. Reply P.O. Box 165, heaters, garbage dispo­ tlons will be received and documented. All persons shall ton, CT 06040. In person to the Harbor Staff Development be­ — Desired for port time fashion minded person qual­ 649-4468 1978 M ONTE CARLO — ing: torial and general rant. Call 649-5487. Andover, CT 06232. sals; faucet repairs. 649- Blue, air, power brakes, September 1B, 19M - Timber have a right to be heard. The Stole's Small Cities Program Park Restaurant, 80 Har­ PART-TIME CORRES­ maintenance duties at tween 8am and 3pm, position In Manchester ified to own and operate tM s 4539. VIsa/MasterCard ____ _ c.„..i Horvestlno, Coups Sowmill requires that proposed activities principally benefit low and area bank. Must possess high profit business. FOUR FAMILY HOUSE eoueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee POWer Steering. Excel- Glostonburv moderate Income persons and that no less than 75% of the bor Drive, Middletown. PONDENT Needed to our warehouse In S. WAITRESS AND CASH­ Monday through Friday MANCHESTER - Prime accepted. dollars reauested by the Town may benefit low and moder- Employment Windsor. Advancement at 643-5151. Crestfleld excellent typing and tele­ — On lot 137 X 92. No office space. Utilities J I®"* condition. $3800. Call Septem ber IB, 1984 - Sew er cover Coventry news for IER POSITIONS AVAIL­ $20,000.00 investment In­ Home and Goroen o4 644-8881, evenings. P iu o V o iv e s ote Income persons. PART TIME INSTAL­ the Manchester Herald. opportunities plus a good ABLE — Must be Convalescent Home and phone skills. Please con­ realtors. Phone 643-4751 supplied, carpeted. Wol- September 19, 1984 - Furnish The Town of Coventry Is proposing to submit a Comprehen­ tact Mrs. Rose, 649-4586. cludes beginning Inventory, between 6 and 8pm. Flooring 56 & Education LMENT LOAN COLLEC­ Writing experience help­ fringe and vacation pack­ available evenings until Fenwood Manor In fixtures, supplies, training, verton Agency Realtors. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 8, Install Granite Curb, « l sive 2 year application to the Deportment of Housing for an TOR — Experience age. Apply at 519 Nutmeg Manchester. 649-2813. DATSUN B2101977-56,000 Colonial Rood economic development and housing prolect. Including the ful. Call Doug Bevins, midnight. Apply at Rein's grand opening and air fare ••••••••••••••••••••••• DELIVERING RICH miles. 35 mpg. Good con­ The Town ot Manchester Is possibility of a multl-use facility for youth. preferred. Apply In per­ Rd., North, South Wind­ SALESPERSON — Part (1) person to corporate train­ ROCKVILLE — Two fam­ 643-2711, between 1 and New York Style Dell Res­ LOAM — 5 yards, $62 plus dition. $1750. Coll 644- an equal opportunltv em- Subsequent to sold hearing, the Town Council will consider son; SBM, 923 Main sor between 7:30am-4pm. DENTIST CLEAN UP- time for men's clothing ing center. ily, separate utilities. One plover, a nd require s an a ffir­ Help Wanted 21 5pm. taurant, 428 Hartford FLOORSANDING — tax. Sand, gravel and 0268, 646-0103. approval of the application and on application will be sub­ Street, Manchester. The Ceco Corp., An Equal /FILING ASSISTANT — store. Flexible hours - 3 bedroom unit, one 4 Misc. for Rent 46 Floors like new. Special­ mative action pollcv tor oil of mitted to the Windham Regional Planning Agency tor com­ Tpke. - Route 30 - Vernon, roe saoenuaE ano inFomuTion stone. Call 643-9504. Its Coniroctors and Vendors Opportunity Employer, Some office abilities perfect for homemakers, cau to il FOEI ISS0.Z3I44U bedroom unit. Good In­ izing In older floors, notu- ment and the State Department of Housing for approvol. SALES CLER S and Stock CT. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1963 FORD FALCON as a condition of doing busi­ FULL/PART TIME Persons wanted In plea­ M/F. favored. Considering full retirees or students. Ap­ vestment at $89,900. Call ral and stained floors. No ness with the Town, as per A copy of the proposed Small Cities Application Is on file In EXPERIENCED, MA­ FINANCING AVAIIABU Mike Elnsledel, 875-3100, PICK YOUR OWN TO­ CONVERTIBLE. Excel­ fhe office of the Town Clerk, Town Hall, 1712 Main Street, RN/LPN — Positions sant, madern Health BABYSITTER NEEDED and part time. Send rep­ proximately 25 hours per MANCHESTER — Busi­ waxing anymore. John lent condition. $1850 or Federal Order 11246. TURE FULL TIME available 3 to 11 shift for HAIR STYLIST lies to; Box C, c/o the For Qualifisd Applicants Calvmar Co., 529-2888. M ATO ES at Connecticut Bid Forms, plans and speclll- Coventry, CT, and may be reviewed by the public between SALES PERSON — Apply shop. Port time. Inter­ — For 11 month old boy. week. Inquire: Regal ness Zone. Wholesale, Verfallle. Call 646-5750. Valley Farms, 41 Burn­ best offer. Call 742-8517 callons are available at the the office hours of 8:30 A M and 4:30 PM Monday thru Thurs­ coring, responsible nurse ested In nutrition. Apply W ANTED - Full or part Weekdays. Clal 647-7955. Manchester Herald. Men's Shop, 903 Main ••••••••••••••••••••••• retail or office space. ••••••••••••••••••••••• General Services Office, 41 day and 8:30 A M and 4:00 PM on Friday. In person to: Marlow's, seeking Increase lob sa­ ham Street, Manchester. days, 742-9273 evenings. 867 Main Street, at once to: Tom Denlsky, time. For local Unisex Street, Manchester, 643- Approximately 1800 sq. 644-1395. Center Street, Manchester, Doted at Coventry, CT, this 28th day ol August, 1984. tisfaction thru more di­ days. Porkade Health styling shop. Pleasant MANCHESTER INSU­ SECRETARY - Excellent 2478. Rooms tor Rent 41 ft. on Main Street. Can be For Sale Connecticut. Manchester. rect patient contract. In­ Situation Wanted 23 1981 PLYMOUTH HO­ TOWN OF MANCHESTER, Michael F. Cleorv Shop, 404 West Middle working conditions, sa­ RANCE AGENCY — Is organizational, typing subdivided. Rear loading RIZON -Air conditioning, CONNECTICUT Coventry Town Manager dividualized orientation lary, commission and va­ and short hand skills MACHINIST - Bridge­ dock. Prime location. ROBERT B. WEISS, Robert E. Olmsiead Tpke., Manchester. Interviewing candidates Peta 65 excellent condition. Chairman, Coventry Town Council program geared to your cations. Call643-83839to5 for an insurance secre­ required. Ability to work port. 3 plus years expe­ HOUSEWORK, MANCHESTER — Center of town. Plenty of GENERAL MANAGER needs. Competetive Household Goods 62 $3195. Call 742-8517 days. 003-09 066-08 TELLER — Mature Indi­ dally and Saturday. tary position. The hours In a fast paced environ­ rience required. Must LAUNDRY WANTED — Lovely, secluded room. parking. Lease available. 742-9273 evenings. starting salary and good ment. Hourly rate to $6.00 hqve set up and blueprint Private home, separate NEWSPAPER DEALER vidual desired for full are 9am to 1pm, 5 days a Manchester area. Expe­ Imm'edlate occupancy. MANCHESTER DOG benefits Including: Op­ time teller position In OFFICE PERSONNEL - week. Insurance expe­ per hour. Please call skills, own tools. Ability rienced. References. entrance 8, bath, kitchen Call 643-7604 weekdays, N EED ED In East Hart­ tional Higher Salary Non- TRAINING CLASS — HONDA CB 500-T, 1975-- ford. Call Jeanne, 647- Manchester area bank. One full time and one part rience Is desirable, but RHAM Junior High to work with minimum Own transportation. Call facilities. Bus line, park­ 8am to 5pm, ask for John. USED REFRIGERA­ Low mileage. $600 or best LEGAL NOTICE Benefit Package. Charge time. Heavy phone con­ School, Hebron, 228-9423 supervision. Apply ing. Non-smoker. Refer­ TORS, WASHERS, New classes starting Sep­ 9946. Experience preferred but not essential. Call 649- 649-5007. tember 10th. Must sign up offer. Call 875-2182. FOR SALE AT PUBLIC AUCTION Nurse and weekend dif­ not required. Please con­ tact, Invoice processing, 2891 for further for an application. Dead­ Rodeo Machine, I Mit­ ences. Call 643-883010am- GARAGES AVAILABLE Ranges - clean, guaran­ ferential. Call Lisa Whip­ ahead. Call Chuck, 568- BY THE TOWN OF MANCHESTER ASSEMBLERS 8. COIL tact Mrs. Rose, 649-4586. filing and general office Information. line for receipt for oppll- chell Dr., Manchester. 11pm. IMMEDIATELY — Stor­ teed, parts and service. J E E P CJ7, 1979 — New ple, Administrator, dur­ duties. Some office expe­ catlon Friday, Sep­ 646-7804. Low prices. B.D. Pearl 8i 1356. Notice Is hereby given of o sole ot public auction to be held Saturday, September 15, W IN D ERS — Finger dex­ Real Estate age only. Ideal for an­ soft top. Some minor 1984 01 10'15 o.m., roln or shine, at the Highway Garage, 263 Olcolt Street, Manchester, ing business hours for LICENSED REAL EST­ rience desired but not tember 7th. RESPONSIBLE GEN­ tique cars or boots. $35 Son, 649 Main Street, terity necessary. Expe­ personal Interview: 875- AKC SIBERIAN HUSKY body rust. Good running Connecticut, for seven vehicles as listed below. rience not necessary, we ATE SALESPERSON — required for o sharp MUNSON'S CANDIES - TLEMAN — Central, per month. Allbrio 643-2171. condition. $3700, negotia­ All soles are final ond for cash. Four vehicles were used for police work. All vehicles 0771. Rockville Nursing P U P P IES — Beautifully are being sold "A S IS, W H ERE IS", ond vehicles must be removed os soon as posUble will train. 4 day week, For East Hartford, learner. Small congenial Hartford Civic Center pleasant room, tele­ Realty. Call 649-0917. ble. Call 643-4038. Home, 22 South Street, East Hartford office with Homes for Sale 31 marked. Vet checked and and not later than September 25,1984. The Town assumes no responsibility for vehicles Monday thru Thursday, Manchester, Glaston­ store is accepting appli­ phone, next to shower, QUEEN SIZE BEDROOM left on thepremises after auction lime. No soles to minors. Inspection of thevehicles for Rockville. profit sharing, health and HAIR STYLIST parking. Call 649-6801. ••••••••••••••••••••••• SET — Including box wormed. Dam and sire on 10 hour day, 7 to 5:30. bury area. Active, ag­ cations for a courteous, premises. Now taking 1979 CHEVY MONTE sale m a y be m ode between 8 :30 o.m. and 10:00 a.m. on the day ol the sale. The T ow n re s­ gressive office. New life Insurance. Call Duo- WANTED — Hours are T Y P E SE T T ER — Full responsible retail sales­ ••••••••••••••••••••••• spring and mattress. erves the right to establish a minimum price for each vehicle. Apply at: Able Coll, How­ negotiable and pay de­ Wanted to Rent 47 deposits. Call 569-4658, CARLO — V 8, (small), The Town reserves the right to remove from the sole, or reject, anv and all bids for ard Road, Bolton. Ideas. Excellent oppor­ Fast Northeast for ap­ time for weekly news­ person. Hours are 10am MANCHESTER — Year old. Call 646-0089 automatic, power steer­ pointment. 289-6861. pends on experience. I paper. Experienced on Apartments for Rent 42 evenings. ask for Dawn. Serious what If deems to be In fhe best Interest of the Town. tunity. Call for appoint­ to 5:30pm Monday McCabe Street. Small Inquiries only. ing, power brakes, air Copies of Rules of the Sole and list ol Items lor sale ore available at the General Ser­ ment, Zimmer Real Est­ am willing to talk with a Comp IV, and Comp 7700 through Friday. Paid vices Office, Municipal Building, 41 Center Street, Manchester, Connecticut. CLERICAL POSITION — . SEWING MACHINE ME­ new graduate or If you down payment possible MATURE MAN WANTS conditioning. 75,000 ate, 647-7857. SA LES C LER K wanted,, equipment. Call Mr. Ul- parking and benefits in­ on this 70 year old, 7 room KENMORE 30” Electric 3 - 1980 Dodoo St. Regis Opening for an organized CHANIC 8. OPERATORS are looking fo change room In Manchester. Call GOLDEN RETRIEVER miles. $3195. Brown's 1 - 1972 F o rd Pinto Individual with Material part time. In pleasant, tee at 633-4691 tor cluded. Call for appoint­ home with 2 baths. Only MANCHESTER — Avail­ Stove — Self cleaning. Tire Shop, 333 Main 1 - 1974 International Flat Bed 1-1971 Dodge Demon — Apply between 8:30am modern pharmacy. Ev­ lobs and stay In fown, appointment. able Immediately. One, 643-0034. Oven not working. Sur­ PUPPIES — AKC regis­ 1 - 1975 C hevrolet Belair Control and Quality Con­ ment 524-0949. $48,000. Call this minute. tered. 5 weeks old. $275. Street, 646-3444. 062-08 and 3pm, Pioneer Para­ enings and weekends. come see me. Interviews two and three bedroom { face units OK. Very trol experience, for our chute Co., Inc., Pioneer are confidential. Call 649- Acodex Realty, 1-739- Call 643-7605 or 649-2871. Inspection and Shipping RESTAURANT Some retail experience EXPEDITOR — Expe­ PART TIME CASHIERS 2143. apartments. $400, $440, clean. $50. Call 649-5038. 1970 CHEVY MALIBU -— Industrial Park, Hale needed. Apply at once to 7666 or 646-3150 and ask rienced In aerospacetype — You'll work our elec­ $520, heat and hot water Office. Some typing Road, Manchester. 644- HELP for Margaret. Services SIAMESE KITTEN — In -running condition. needed. LCS experience Tom Denlsky, Liggett manufactured parts fol­ tronic cash register, han­ EAST HARTFORD — Ex­ Included. Bissell and K IT C H E N TABLE — $300. Call 742-6537 after IN VITATIO N TO B IO 1581. EOE. Parkade Pharmacy. low up. Aggressive Indi­ Boyle Realtors. 649-4800. Butcher block top, 43" x Beautiful male. Seal- Sealed bids will be received Treasure Quilts In Larger Sizes a plus. Pleasant working FULL & PART TIME dle money, meet custo­ ceptional three bedroom, point, 10 weeks old, litter 4pm, except weekends, CUSTOMER SERVICE vidual with good memory mers. Previous cashier 33" with four chairs. $70. in the Office of the Director conditions In an air con- CASHIERS WANTED — Taco Bell has full AND SALES — Imme­ 2’/z both, raised ranch trained. $65. Call 643-1026 anytime. of General Services* 41 Cen­ N E E D E D - Due to mater­ and communications experience helpful but with extra large family 3'/z ROOM APARTMENT 51 Call 649-7375. ter Street* AAonchester* Con­ dltlaned plant. Company Experience necessary. and part time posi­ diate opening for man or Services Offered or 649-6361. benefits. Dynamic Metal nity leave we have a two skills. Company benefits not necessary. Apply In room In fantastic loca­ — Private home, heat, 1975 SUBARU GF - 5 necticut* until September 19, Flexible hours. Please tions available for month vacancy for a woman with communica­ appliances. Working sin­ TWO RATTAN SETTEES 1984 ot 11:00 o.m. for the fol- Products Co., Inc., 422 in an air conditioned person; Grossman's, 145 tion. Downstairs could be FREE TO GOOD HOME speed, AM -FM. Can be apply In person to Nikki, openers and clos­ person with personal tions skills. Warm, plant. Dynamic Metal gle adult only. No pets, — Two rattan chairs. One low ing: North Main Street, Man­ Spencer Street, Man­ used as an In-law apart-, ODD JOBS, Trucking. — 4 year old male, grey seen at KinderCore, 394 FURNISH & INSTALL CAR­ at the Harbor Park Res­ ers. lines experience to start friendly voice and desire Products Co., Inc., 422 chester, Att: Mr. Festa. children. Call 643-2880. sofa, 80" long. Good con- PET • READING ROOM, JU­ chester. Interviewing taurant, 80 Harbor Drive, for advancement. Com­ ment If desired. This Home repairs. You name poodle. Call 649-0656. W. Center St. Call first 9am-4pm. Immediately, but hours North Main Street, Man­ home was custom built by dltlon. Reasonable. 646-7090. NIOR ROOM, MARY Middletown. APPLY IN PERSON flexible. Please call Do­ pany benefits. Steady, chester. Call 646-4048. In­ It, we do It. Free esti­ Phone 649-2650. CHENEY LIBRARY - SECRETARY — The present owners and Is In 474 MAIN STREET — mates. Insured. 643-0304. C LARIN ET - Excellent KINGS DAUGHTER'S MON. - FRI. AT: rothy at Insurance Man­ Monday thru Friday em­ terviewing 9am to 4pm. South Windsor Bank & Second floor. Three room ROOM* WHITON MEMO CARPENTERS — Expe­ PART TIME — Earn $500 ployment. Apply: Man­ excellent condition. condition. Used IVz ye­ 1980 FORD GRANADA - agement Center, 643-1155. Trust Co. has an Imme­ heated apartment. $375. KENMORE GAS STOVE - Excellent condition. Call RIAL LIBRARY. rienced In medium to to $1000 per month. Both T A C O BELL chester Tobacco 8< Candy $108,900. Call Mike Eln-. LAWN MOWING — ars. $150 or best offer. The Town of Manchester Is CAFETERIA HELP diate open Ing for a secre­ sledel, 875-3100, Calvmar No appliances. Security. Coldspot refrigerator. 646-0777. large commercial pro- men and women needed 270 Broad SI. Co., 299 Green Road, Hedge trimming - chain Call 646-9621. on equal opportunity em­ lect. Permanent year MUNSON'S CANDY KIT­ W AN TED — In Manches­ tary at the Main Office. Co., 529-2888. 646-2426 weekdays, 9 to 5. Two dining room sets, ployer, and requires an afflr- In your area now. Coll CHEN of Bolton Is ac­ Manchester. saw work - light trucking. one oak, one maple, round work. Call 228-4313. Manchester, CT ter area. Hours from Good secretarial skills General handyman. In­ PUPPY CLASSES - A PONTIAC GRAN PRIX matlveactlon policy for all of Gene Wilson, 528-7985. cepting applications for 8;30am to 2:30pm. Very required, shorthand pre­ TWO ROOMS & THREE which Includes hutch. Its Contractors and Vendors MANCHESTER— 8room sured. Call Ray, 646-7973. Kenmore washer. Stereo course specifically de­ 1977 - Air, stereo, power os a condition of doing busi­ PRIVATE NON-PROFIT T A C O BELL full time and part time MACHINIST — Lathe & good working conditions. ferred but not manda­ colonial with aluminum ROOMS — Stove and ness with the Town, os per employment. Full time solid maple console, etc. signed for puppies 8-16 windows, locks, tilt, AG EN CY seeks Direct An Equal Opportunity Bridgeport Operator able Paid holidays and vaca­ tory. Call Frances siding and oversized, att­ refrigerator. For more weeks old. Classes start­ Federal Order 11246. Rosebuds hours are 8am to 4:30pm, All In excel lent condition. cruise, ralley wheels. Bid Forms* plans and speclfl- Care Aides to work with Employar M/F to read blue prints and do tions. For appointment Mackey at 289-6061 tor an ached garage. Move-In.' Information call 563-4438 ing Sept. 13th at the East Monday through Friday. own set ups. Minimum of 649-2712. First $2150. 643-9477. cotlons are available at the mentally retarded call 646-5271 between 8am appointment. condition. On nicely, or 529-7858. Hartford YWCA. Call General Services Office* 41 NEWSPAPER DEALERS Part time day hours can ••••••••••••••••••••••• Prader-WIIII Syndrome 5 years experience. and 2pm. landscaped and treed lot LAWN MOWERS RE­ Central Ct. Dog Training, 1977 CAMARO - Good Center Street* Manchester, m N E E D E D — In Coventry. be arranged. Part time Connecticut. adults In community resi­ Apply at: H & B Tool & PART TIME C U ST O ­ In desirable location. MANCHESTER — Four P A IR E D — Quick, Expert 721-1386. shape. $2800. Call 647- Coll Jeanne, 647-9946. evening and weekend Engineering Co., 481 Sul­ DIAN needed by the S. Misc. for Sale 63 TOWN OF MANCHESTER, dence In Ellington. Part MANAGERS PART TIME WASH PER­ $88,900. Owner. Call 643- room apartments, $365 Service! Senior Dis­ 7958. CONNECTICUT time hours available dur­ ASSISTANT MANAGERS hours are Monday livan Ave., So. Windsor. SON — For laundry, 8am Windsor Board of Educa­ 1073. and $450 per month plus ROBERT B. WEISS, through Friday 4pm to tion. 3 hours dally. 8 to count! Free Pick Up and ing ' the week and on TRAINEES to 4pm, weekends only. security. No pets. Coll Delivery! ECONOMY Antiques GENERAL MANAGER* 8pm and hours Saturday CONTEMPORARY OAK 006-09 A weekends. March Inc., CLEANING & FLOOR Will train. Apply In per­ 11am., 5 days weekly. 647-7653. MOWER, 647-3660. Bank 872-2079. Rile-Alde now operating or Sunday, averaging 20 CARE HELP — Even­ son: The Meadows, 333 Excellent opportunity tor MANCHESTER DINING ROOM — Bur­ NEWSPAPER CARRI­ over 1200 stores throu­ to 24 hours. Call for 11'4 CHFA mortgage. lington. Excellent condi­ ings, part time. Call 643- Bidwell Street, retired person. Inquire In FOUR ROOM APART­ BRICKS, BLOCKS, )ssess NOTICI TO CMOITONS ERS N E E D E D In Man­ ghout 20 states, is cur­ appointment 649-4332. New 7 room raised ranch, tion. Large ‘ table, two DEPRESSION GLASS — ESTATE OF DORIS M. rently looking to hire res­ 5747. Manchester. person only 8 to 4pm at 2 car garage, appllancea, M EN T — Central loca­ STONE — Concrete. chester Area — Dale South Windsor Board of upholstered arm, 4 side Tom and Jerry set, bowl, PECK ponsible, hard working fireplaced rec room, vinyl tion. $350 per month plus Chimney repairs. No lob F O R S A L E The Hon. Norman J. Road, Ludlow Road and Education, 1737 Main St., chairs, lighted china ca­ 6 mugs, in original car­ individuals to fill ma­ siding, $89,500. BerBee security. No utilities. Coll too small. Call 644-8356. l») CII8V Vsgs 8L Wg. *1600 Prtun, Judeu, of the Court Garth Road. Call Jeanne, South Windsor, binet. $2200. Call 649-5085 ton. $35. Call 649-4339. of Probate, District of An­ HANDYMAN — "Jack Of nager, assistant manager Realty, 843-2174 646-7336. l» l 0ld88i8bll8 Cutl8tt ' i m 647-9946. and trainee positions. evenings. dover ol o hearing held on iPHOTO-OUIDf I All Trades" for carpen­ N A's & RETAIL Facillfles-Services Dept. l»t Msrk IV LIncsIn >2300 At Rite-Aid:, you will re­ RN'S LOOKING TO BABYSIT A u g u st 31, 1984 ordered that FATTCSN try, painting, dry wall, South Windsor Board of M AN CH ESTER — North l»S Msrk IV LIncsIn 'I8S0 oil claims must be presented WAITERS, WAI- ceive an attractive salary MANAGEMENT Education Is an affirma­ — Pre schooler In my SPECIAL CLEARANCE taping, concrete, miscel­ End. One bedroom apart­ Tog Soles 69 IMPmniKFIrstlrd •fiZOO to the flduclorv on or before TRESSES - Part time. along with a fully paid HHA's tive action, equal oppor­ Help Wanted 21 ment In quiet residential home Monday-Frlday. PRICES — Outdoor November 30, 1984 or be laneous repair work. Hours flexible. Call Glas- comprehensive benefit Come and learn the ad­ LPN's MV-BEE TOY STORES The nbivs ein bs Com e and learn about the tunity emp^yer. area. Near bus line. Utili­ References available. bushes, $5.00, house barred os bv low provided. Steady work, call 643-2111 fonbury Hills Country package. vantages of working for 88sn 8t; Sharon B. Preuss, advantages ol working lor ties not Included. $365 Call 647-9343. plants, .SOcandup. Excel­ 9am to 5pm. Club, 633-5255. If you are looking for a medical personnel pool. medical personnel pool. A management oppor­ ••••••••••••••••••••••• SsYlngs Bsnk nl Mnnetmalnr Clerk monthly. Call 646-3158 be­ lent condition. Private TAG SALE!! Greatest of The fiduciaries ore: 24 7^i change and are Interested We have openings on all Must have t year lull time tunity with one of the the season! Saturday, 013 Msin SI. In a retail management tween 8am and 4:30pm. Painting/Papering 52 home. Call 649-6486. Marshall R. Nichols shifts. Wo offer excel­ experience. We have open­ nation's fastest grow­ September 8th, 10am- Q u ilts KIT -N’ CARLYLE • by Larry Wright career, we encourage you ing retail chains. W e 4 B o w B o g Rd., lent pay and benefits. ings on all shifts. We offer R F D « 3 B o x 276 to calt or apply In person operate over 480 liACCClTilLlvIi 3 ROOMS — 3rd floor. • ••UUU^»MU**UUUU4»»U KODAK DISC 4000 CA­ 4pm, 550 Clark Street, Wo will bo recruiting on excellent pay and benefits. South Windsor. “AN­ Bow , N.H. 03301 Friday, September 7th, We will be recruiting on stores In 48 states. Heat, hot water applian­ MERA — $40 takes It. Motorcycles/BIcyCles 72 and Q-139- 8321 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sept. 12th/1984 from 10 PAINTING AND PAPER Mint condition. Call 649- TIQUES," plus miscel­ 38.90 Sept. 12th. 1684 from 10 a.^ ces. Adults. $375 per HANGING — Exterior ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ann Carolvn Bloke RtTE-AID PHARMACY a.m.to4p.m. InthoH&R m. to 4 p.m. In the H&R KAY-BEE month plus security. Call 6113. laneous Items. Rain H ig h H am m ock, C-117 Koeefaade is Just one of 24 Block Office, Marshall's and Interior, ceilings re­ Dote; Sunday, 9th. J o h n 's Island, S.C. 29455 colorful qaflte, included 361 M ain Street Block Office, Marshall's PROFESSIONAL PAINTERS 649-2236 after 6pm. 1969 HONDA 450 - Manehaater, CT Mall, 324 Broad St., Mall, 324 Broad St., Man­ Provides on-the-job paired. References, fully INTERNATIONAL 010-09 with directions and pat­ Wanted for full time employment. Insured. Quality work. parts. Call anytime, 742-'' terns in Treasure Qallta, A comfortable Hmork or 646-9489 Manchester. chester. training which will STAINLESS STEEL Sil­ TAG SALE - Saturday, dunter for the larger nize M i n i CAN lor InMrvlow appolnimont. M uGl c g N for lo ltrv ^ •ppofntmont. prepare a qualified In­ FOUR ROOM DUPLEX Martin Mattsson, even­ 6087. Moetly Pieced. Others are Or se n d resum e to: Benefits include Major Medical, APARTM EN T — Newly verware, service for 12 Sept. 8 from 9am to 3pm. .N O TICI TO CRIDITORS figure for leiRure or w ork­ dividual for a store ma­ ings 649-4431. 78 Bette CIr., Vernon. EST A T E ROSE A. SE L B IE . Attic WindowR, Spring RITE-AID PHARMACY redone. Tenant pays utili­ with wooden case. $80. M E N 'S 10 Speed 27" Le- Violets, The Reel, etc. time. nager position. Super­ paid holidays and vacations. Excellent condition. Many Items. deceased. No. 8321 with Photo* Director of Paraonnal visory skills a must. ties. $375 per month plus CEILINGS REPAIRED Tournour model, French The Hon. William E. Fitz­ Q-188, Treasure Quilts, 271 Ellington Road Good buy. Call 646-1625. Gerald, Judge, of the Court Guide i» in sSizen 38 to 60. Retail management security. Call evenings, or .REP LACED with dry- made bicycle. Needs is $3.25 a copy. Size 40, 44 bunt. . . nmork* East Hartford, CT background pre­ Call 646-3117 HUGE FIVE FAjyilLY of Probate, District of M on­ between 7pm and 9pm, wall. Call evenings, Gary work, ports. $40. Call Ts srfsr, ssai M a ta 2% yardii 45-inch; du8tei* ferred. FULL LENGTH MINK TAG SALE - 57 Hackma­ chester ot a hearing held on 649-7069. McHugh, 643-9321. tack St. Sat., Sept. 8th, 643-2880. August X , I9S4 ordered that gestag8 sad lissllleg. yardn. COAT — Size 42 long. all claims must be presented SUM CASST KAY-BEE Luaralne. Worn 2 times. 9-3:30. Rain date. Sept. NOTICI TO CRBOrrORS to the fiduciary on or before TO OROIR, u n i S2.00 fef aaca BAST HARTFORD — NAME YOUR OWN ieMkeslar RsrsM Couple preferred. Two $3000 or best offer. Call 15th. Seeing Is believing, ESTATE OF LAWRENCE E. November X, 19S4 or be 11H Sfs. ef SsMilas ■atUra, plat 904 w MttafR mN Offers excellent PRICE — Father and son. 643-1225. many years of accumula­ EN E S, dectemd. barred as bv low provided. New Tstk, H.f. leUN ■aailMli. CELEBRITY CIPHER family, first floor. Heat, Fast, dependable ser- The Hon. William E. Fitz­ Dianne E. Yuslnos, met Maw, sesrets wna H9 Colobrtty CIphor cryptogrBrn* aro crootod from quoUtlonG by tBmoiio pooplo. pM t orKl prooont. wages and benefits, as NEWSPAPER CARRIERS NEEDED tion. Great prices. Gerald, Judge, of fhe Court Ass't. Clerk coot MIS strte HsMStf. Eocti lottor In (ho cfphor BfondG for Bnothor. Todgy't efuo.- f l o q o o M U. well as exceptional ad­ hot water, one car gar­ ylce. Painting, Paper­ in Manchester Area TILT TRAILER — 6'X 8'. ot Probote, District of Man­ The fiduciary Is: SPECIAL: Over 200 se- vancement opportuni­ age. $400. References. hanging & Removal. Call chester at a hearing held on James J. Selble O IS & 'L r N S by CONNIE WIENER $250. Call 649-6989. GIANT TAG SALE - Fri­ lections and a FREE lltSsye.ef Mstrkst ties. Apply in person Call 528-6243. 644-0585 or 644-0036. day, Sept. 7th and Sat., August 30, 19S4 ordered that 14 Oakland Street Hms ftfS. n.v, ittM “lU A ZVJCI KEJI VW UEHNL8 CRDDACC NC or send resume to: Hackmatack St. Dale Rd. all claims must be presented Manchester, CT 06040 Pattern Section In the Priel NIMS, aesrtis nita iir TWO FAMILY FLAT — END ROLLS Sept. 8th., 8am to 6pm, 22 to the fiduciary on or before 009-09 ALBUM. Just 18.00. cool. Itylt Nswiir m* tize. KAY-BEE TOY STORES Diane Dr. Ludlow Rd. 1st floor,4 '/a room apart­ DO A TWO-WAY favor... Alpine St. One block from November X, 19S4 or be SOSMSTtajStSBB New FASHION with IV IJQ WNLPNLS eVTAVLA ZUV NC UEKKQ get extra cash for your­ Z l'b Width - 25 cents; Manchester Hospital. barred as by law provided. S-IZS-OOIU-OM ss* M«. Haw i'hotu-Guidc pallem i in p ment with built In range 13V4 width - 2 (or 25 Dionne E. Yuslnos, DO YOU have a bicycle It Smt Uieeii Sew lo ni>i flwM Tri City Plaza D . Garth Rd. self and make it possible Ass't. Clerk ail size ranges, has a and oven, laundry room, cents. MUST be picked no one rides? Why not s-iM - surtau ssiits. z4 special Grace Cole Collec­ WVJ QVR.” - OAliA TNPBAJ. Keeney St. rec room and basement. for someone else to enloy TAG ^ALE - 96 Hollister The fiduciary Is: offer It (or sole with o iees tsS •esHseeS Sesltet. Vernon. CT 06066 up at the Manchester David L. Enes t Ill-NIISIOOM HtNOmMS-n tion for larger eizee; plus Adults only. No pets. those golf' clubs you St. Household goods, wont od? Coll 643-2711 to P R E V IO U S SOLUTION; "If all the economists In the world were laid end to end. never use. Sell them with Herald Office BEFORE books, games. Saturday, 152 Bissell Street types ef MsSleweili ismt. 2 BONUS Coupons! It would probably be a good thing." — Anonymous. a iM4in •< cwa Call Jeanne, 647-9946 Security. $350 monthly. 11 A.M. ONLY. Manchester, CT 06040 place your ad. t-iZl-caUTS-ss pstst ef qalik- P r ic e ____ $2.00. Call 649-7885. o want ad. Sept. 8, 9am to 2pm. OOS-09 ic-awke n*mt. 1 20 MANCHKSTKF< IIKF^ALI). Thursday, Sept. 6. 1984 BUSINESS

Cellular phones prove boon to business execs

If you must have a telephone, even during the time it tives see how cellular phones add to productivity, takes to drive to your office, telecommunications / r access to a celluiar company. Two companies operate lower level employees will get them, too. in each city that has a cellular service, and you can companies have a new "to y " for you: a cellular Whether you, a typical consumer, embrace cellular phone. subscribe to either one. It is that service which will Y o u r anytime soon is another matter entirely. assign you a phone number for your cellular set. Service is now available in Chicago, Washington- "There are a lot of different applications." Kobb Baltimore, New York City and Indianapolis. By M o n e y 's You'll also pay for each minute of air time. As says. "Eventuaily cellular could be used so always, long-distance calls cost more than local ones. year's end. it will be in about 30 major metropolitan extensively for personal use that it replaces the markets. Currently, those costs really add up. Nynex Mobile i W o rth traditional wired phone." If you live in one of the.se cities and if you have $2,.500 Communications, one of the cellular companies < Sylvia Porter Perhaps. to spend — or an employer who will buy a system for operating in New York City, offers several rate plans.' • fK ’ Cellular is starting small, however, even^hough it’s you — you can start dialing from your car today. In one, customers pay $29 a month and then pay 55 j . being advertised in some markets as an alternative or cents a minute for calls made duringpeak hours. Call$" Cellular phoning actually combines two products — supplement to the familiar home phone. Industry the physical system and the service that connects made at other times cost 35 cents a minute. analysts expect that cellular services will claim about calls. Don't confuse cellular phones with the mobile, indistinguishable from calls made from your home or To cash in on the excitement, many car rental v 40,000 subscribers by the end of 1984, and almost 1 companies have added — or plan to offer — cellular . cordless phones you u.se around your house. office. million will have signed up by 1990. Here's how it works: The attraction of cellular phones, at least for now, service. You can expect to pay premium prices fpr;: Today, two major factors inhibit access to cellular. this feature. An area — your city, perhaps — is divided into a seems limited to business executives, lawyers and First, of course, is the price of the hardware. The number of cells, each with its own radio antenna that If you decide you can’t wait, shop around for the “ those in a few other professions. average system today costs about $2,500. For that, you can pick up and transmit calls. As you drive from one least expensive system and the lower priced company ‘ "But, there's a lot of pent-up demand," observes get a transmitter-receiver, antenna and handset. cell to another, a computer network at the central Benn Kobb, assistant editor of Cellular Radio News, a in your community. •• ^ Installing the phone in your car win cost extra — on Cellular clearly is for the wealthy gadget lover wlkr switching office transfers your call from one cell's trade pubiication. "Executives have been waiting for average, about $200. antenna to the next. Your calls are hooked into the this a long time. Now, they're the main ones who can has everything else. But one question nags me: Hout That's just the beginning. In addition to buying the can you safely concentrate on driving while you’r e ' • local phone company and. to the listener, should be afford it." Eventually, Kobb suggests, once execu­ equipment, you pay a monthly service charge for talking on the phone? Auto ad lawsuits end with dealers making donations By M ark A.. Dupuis tising, officials said Wednesday. advertising vehicles that weren’t against the dealerships. Lieberman said. United Press International Heslin said. ’’ ' The settlement approved by available and talking down adver­ Under the settlement, the four Consumer Protection Commis­ Lieberman said he believed the Superior Court Judge Robert Sal­ tised cars to get customers to buy dealerships together will pay a sioner Mary M. Heslin said thesuit penalties assessed on the dealer­ HARTFORD — Slate offlcinls ter grew out of a suit filed last year higher-priced models. $10,000 civil penalty and give against the firms was part of an ships and the publicity surround'^ say four auto dealerships will pay a accusing Williams Ford of West Officials said the dealerships $20,000 worth of cars — expected to ongoing program launched two ing the settlement would act as a $10,000 fine and donate cars to Hartford with violating the unfair also were accused of failing to be three vehicles — to charities. years ago by her agency that deterrent to deceptive auto charity in settlement of a suit trade practices act. mention all finance terms and A panel will be established to included adoption of the regula­ advertisements. It also includes Burnside Motors accusing the firms of deceptive charges in the advertisements that make recommendations to the tions on auto advertising. advertising and Newman Lincoln Mercury of prompted the Department of Con­ Officials said the settlement did court on which charitable groups " I think it’s perhaps the first East Hartford and Newman Motor sumer Protection to take action not constitute an admission of The four dealerships, owned by should receive the free vehicles. case of its kind and magnitude,” Cars of Berlin, state Attorney wrongdoing by the dealers. companies wit h the same principal General Joseph I. Lieberman said owner. Robert Newman, al.so at a news conference. agreed to abide by the state’s The dealerships were accused of unfair trade practices law and deceptive advertising, including regulations governing auto tidver- advertising used cars as new.


Wethersfield ^ n C ^ e v n n s p r o d u c t s c o m p R n v

offers lowest bid

Last Three Days of for Bradley work

HARTFORD (UPl) - A We­ Construction of the terminal is thersfield company has offered the scheduled to begin by mid- lowest bid for the key element in a October, officials said. The overall $100 million renovation and expan­ $100 million renovation and expan­ sion of Bradley International Air­ Praect Savinqs sion project is slated for comple­ port. state officials said. tion in October 1986.

W.E. O'Neil Construction Co. bid The overall project is running $18.34 million to build a new ahead of schedule and under concourse and terminal at the budget, with 90 percent of the

Windsor Locks airport, the stale planned work under way. r i S a

Department of Transportation In addition to the new terminal,

said Wednesday. the present terminal is being

The new terminal and concourse renovated and new roadway and

is the key element in a $100 million water supply systems are being

renovation and expansion of the constructed at the airport. airport, which serves 3 million

travelers annually from Connecti­ DOT officials said the inconven­

cut and western Ma.ssachuselts. ience to travelers caused by the

The Wethersfield construction renovation project is at its peak and will not worsen as the company was one of seven firms to submit bids for the terminal and projection moves forward toward

concourse project. Bids ranged completion.

from the apparent low of $18..34 The renovation project is being

million to a high of $20.84 million financed with bonds that will be

bid by an Avon firm. paid off with revenues from

DOT spokesman William E. airlines and other airport busi­

Keish said the agency had esti­ nesses. The Federal Aviation

mated the cost of the project at Administration also will contrib­

■’bout $17 millionor pretty much on ute $8.9 million toward the project target with the apparent low bid. costs.

Digital pays fine

on computer sale

Bv Denis G. Gulino tions, are equivalent to the Digital United Press International computer put on display Dec. 19 for reporters after it was intercepted WASHINGTON - Digital Equip­ on its way to the Soviets. ment Corp., fined $1.1 million for Digital was not charged in that selling computers to a middleman case because the sale, to the same Economy for the Soviet Union, said Wednes­ Richard Mueller, was beyond its 4 x8'x7,|'' Waferboard 80 Lb. Bag-Reg. 2.69 2 i4 ir STM 5 Gal. Coal Tar Reg. 17.99 Gal. day it agreed to.pay although it had control. SHEATHING GOHCRETE W X An economtcai. standard sized DRIVEVRY SEALER no itiea who the ultimate customer Agency certified Use indoors For 2” thickness or more High cu^niNoiwWOM STAM The government charged Digital stud Self-selection, you hand Protects and preserves asphalt was. or ouf Top quality strength For setting posts, Semi transparent oH base stain. with 80 separate prohibited sales to selecf the studs you tahe home • 4 x8'*V^ ' 4 29 surfaces Resists gas and oil Keeps water out Stock colora. The fine was one of the largest repairing walks, steps spills Coal tar emulsion. Mueller's firm over about 17 • SoHd...... After Rebate 10 99 ever imposed by the Commerce months but the company said the Department under the Export items were all parts of the same Administration Act. If Digital is two computers.

charged with any more violations "W e did not know lurking

in the next three years, it will have somewhere in the process was mi SM PliCU^^bSfHI j__ %m 5«at» » ftwnl I I $M$IMto0MI*| to pay an additional $400,000. Richard Mueller controlling this

Digital's German subsidiary company,’’ Berube said

was charged Tue.sday with selling Wednesday. 5(P two of its highly sophisticated The buyer, Deutsche Integrated 4’x8’xV ' Reg 5.49 4'x8'xH" Top Oualily i22^ Reg. 69.99- Triijpcss computer systems to a firm Time, was not listed on the ’'denied 8YPSUM WMUOXRD TEXTURE M l SIDMG Reg. 28.99-Aluminum "IKO" 15 Yr. Pro-Rated Warranty Ideal base for paint or wallpaper WHITE COWIO DOOR controlled by Richard Mueller, Rustic, vertical grooved siding ASPHALT SRMILEt parties list” published by the U.S. 32" or 36"x80"xr'. With screen, Tripie track Self-storiog panels ' < »8'«S' 13 98 Covers 33Vi sq n. Slock who then shipped the equipment to government. Temperedtempered safelysafety grass, gtaaa, hardware Other stock s ize rS v S ; the Soviet Union. “ lors Setl BMlIna "When you consider a thousand

The computers are capable of names on the 'denied parties list,’

simulating missile launches and literally hundreds of thousands of L ^ s Help Vbu Plan Ybur Project... We’ve Got All the Right Materials

war games and can be used in the purchase orders, it becomes a design of sophisticated military ?S formidable challenge to find out 1■ RfWK electronics, officials said. 18” n s Q c who indeed you’re doing business 12 0z Reg. 5.99 Spec. Purchase Quartz The "willingness to settle the «ii_li.Mi. ■Gimi' tfg fp IQJII 8’'x8"x16*‘ Reg. 7 9 ' Each with," Berube said. SEGURmr LKHT CONCRETE RLOCR matter does not in any way H E '! Site PittB I . M i Seal, insulate, till holes ROnrCR/RECEPTACU At the time the recaptured 300 watts lor security For outdoor prefects. I : For sloim doors, windows Lights up to 9.000 s/f Your choice of brown or represent an admission of wrong­ computer was put on display in Building walls, more. ivory. U.L. listed doing, ” Digital spokesman R i­ December, complete with a news chard Berube said Wednesday. e conference by Treasury Secretary M Apmairong 4 9 9 9 “ The company chose to settle Donald Regan and Defense Secre­ Tl" Reg. 79* ‘Vernay’ Regular 13.99 13”.™* now to avoid continuing inconven­ Water Saver 'Acadia’ tary Caspar Weinberger, repor­ IZ'xirFlOM TU Reg. 18.95 Gallen ience to its customers and to avoid 4 1” SHOPLWHT R tH n E T O U T ters were not told that essentially Many styles Do a 10' Completely assembled OIERCNAT lengthy and costly litigation." x12' room for 70 80 Vitreous china. 1 2 " Long-las ting acrylic the same equipment had been W /2-40W bulbs 804 0 rougti. Seat extra With the agreement to pay the finiah In-ntock colora delivered to the Soviets three yea rs fine the Commerce Department in before.

turn agreed to renew Digital’s .3” 1 1 9 9 general license to export and stop 10'x25' Reg. 4.99 Ker Pound 5"x10 ' White requiring export approval on a POLTRLS Regular 12.99 In 1982, Chicago’s O’Hare was GINHBON NAILS Clear Heavy duly 4 m l RLHARNim R U m FLtOR JACH case-by-case basis. Digital, based the busiest airport in the United Assorted sizes Accessories in-stock • Black Dag s ag a ag • SO Lb Carton....to c Adjusta from 4*4"-7'6", in Maynard, Mass., is the world's Malnlena/Ke-free. States — with 604,919 takes-offs Supports 15.000 lM /6'. second largest computer and landings. company. Sale Ends Saturday, September 8th

The two VAX 11-780 model wt w w vt TK wan TO lan ouurmvs to otritcM computers, considered the indus­ jwiQiSTn Strom Thurman, R-S.C., is the 149 try standard of excellence for their chairman of the Senate Judiciary particular engineering applica­ Committee. OPEN Mon. thru FrI. 9 e.m. - 8:30 p.m.; Sat. 8 i.m. - 5:30 p.m.; Sun. 9 t.m.