MIG Bagged U.S. Phantom Jets
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Red Cross Bloodmobile Visits Center Church Tomorrow, 10:45a.m. to 6:30p.m. The Weather Avnage Dafly Net.Prras Run Cloudy tonight, low about For the Week Ended 40; mostly cloudy tomorrow, April 16, 1968 chance of light rain, high in 80s, 14,620 Manchester— ‘A City o f Village Charm (Classified Advertising on Page IT), PRICE SEVEN CENTS MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, APRIL 26, 1966 (TWENTY PAGES) VOL. LXXXV, NO. 175 MIG Bagged New Storms Drench T exas ' ' n - ' . V- MARSHALL, Tex. (AP) — Violent thunderstorms U.S. Phantom Jets swept across drenched northeast Texas Monday, threat- ening to make flooding conditions more serious and add- ing to damages that already reach into the millions. Tornadoes struck in south ” Texas and winds up to 76 miles heavy damage on the Keysey »»' V;' per hour lashed the Oorpois farm. * Ik First KiU Christ! area. At least five dam- Earlier, tornadoes struck the aging twisters were reported In t^^vn of Kenedy and Bunge In ' v , • . > . S . >^ s e > Of Hanoi’s Texas Monday. south ’Texas, leaving about 280 -The latest tornadoes and rains persons homeless and causing hit northeastern Texas where extensive damage to business ‘Best’ Jet ^ ' PC *6 weekend. rains of more than 20 buildings. * ’• A < i?' 4c ^ inches claimed at least 10 lives, .The northeast Texas area was A V V . V w V .8. •- SAIGON, South Viet catised millions' -of dollars in placed imder a severe weather Nam (AP) — Heat-se6king damage, and left rail and high- vvatch late Monday by the U.S. Sidewinder missiles fired way traffic crippled. Weather Bureau. It warned of by a U.S. F40 Phantom jet A packing plant was damaged possible severe thunderstorms and trees uprooted at Marshall damaging hall In on area destroyed a Communist and a second tornado In the along and 50 miles either side of MIG21 challenging Ameri- K y ' • ~ V • / * .. Marshall area lowcked down a line from 30 miles southwest .X ^ ^ can raiders t(^ay in the power lines and swept away the Texarkana, Ark., to Pine w fe ” » * ' North Vietnamese zone be- roof of a press box at a baseball Bluff, Ark. Some of the north- * *’ • tween Hanoi and Red -'I*'- park. east Texas area which has been China’s frontier. Another twister dipped to the drenched by rain and plagued An American spokesman an- ground north of Lake Qutman In yritjh flooding is in the area. nounced this war's first kill of (he Minebla area. It caused Red Cross officials said flood- the Soviet-designed, delta- waters had entered 60 homes In winged, supersonic fighter, the K 4P V Longview and that about 60 best jet the Communists have in families would probably be Asia. The pilot is believed to State 'News evacuated from the Roosevelt have Ejected before the crash. ...» 4.J >^ ^u .S' P^ i - area of Dallas. The clash, in which two Phan- ’The Weather Bureau Issued a toms took on too MIG21S, was Head-On California Crash Kills Two Persons Truck Crash tornado watch early today for the third such encounter in the sections of east central and zone between Hanoi and Red This is all that remained of a convertible and a sports car ^ te r t h ^ eollid^ Kills Driver, northeastern Louisiana, and China since last Saturday. head on yesterday on Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu, Caljf. John Overhtms, centr^J and southwestern Mis- American officials said they do an occasional television performer, and Miss Doris Taylor were killed and two sissippi. Severe thunderstorms not know where the MiG's came ot^er persons severely injured. (AP Photofax) and hail and damaging winds Qogjfs R oute from or the nationality of the also were forecast. men flying them. EAST HARTFORD (AP) Rain continued during the The proximity to China gave early morning from the south- — A truck driver was killed rise to speculation that the ern Plains to the Carolinas with today and a tow truck op- MIG’S may have flown In from New Tax Payment Plan/ heavy fa.lls reported in parts of > » > Chinese bases. However, North erator was injured in a Arkansas. Viet Niun is believed to have (AP Photofax) crash on the Wilbur Gross Wintry weather returned to about 16, obtained from either Highway. The victim was Querino (See Page Ten) Move to the Rear of the Platform! the soviet umon or me Chinese. Takes Effect on Monday Mercadante, 47, at 627 Sunder- (See Page Ten) land Road, Worcester, Mass. Yesterday’s one-day transit strike in Japan caused WASHINGTON (1 ^ ) — Uncle part of his withholding for the about $6 UUkm over ifi -mentha scenes like this one in front of Tokyo’s Ikebukuro to help finance the Viet Naih I Wreckage of two tractor trail- Sam begins next wedc. to take a first time ers and a cargo of sides of meat Station where a horde of commuters surrounds a biggei! -chunk' of the average The split taconie provisions War, Othet'. Major proT^sloiiB -(it blocked morning lueh hour traf- lone street car. Newspapers estimated 17 million Cancer Swap American paycheck to help fi- all6w a married couple a lower the law suspension b4 eJcciSe fic. State police said there was workers were' forced to stay home, walk or arrve nance the Viet Nam war. tax rate. Preirioiufly, this ooubl tax Attts and speeded up eoliM* a two-hour traffic backlog. be used only to figuring tefxes at tlons of corporate taxes --- al- late as private andi national railway vforkers struc^, It Is the first graduated with- State police said a wrecker demanding higlier "wages. In all, 60 persons were Patient Dies holding system to U.S. history the end of the year. Under the ready have gone into effect. was parked hi front of a dis- new system, taxes can be with- injured in crushes at cro'wded stations. and for millions it means leas Under graduated wltHhpldiBg abled truck when another truck P H IL A D ELP H IA (AP) take-'home pay. But for other's, held at this lower rate. a stogie man earning $100 week- driven by Mercadante plowed Graduated withholding Is part I& rry T. OiMfith, who sttffered especlaUy low income families, ly, for example, would be re- Into the rear of the stalled less federal income tax will be of the administration’s tax pro- quired to pay $707.60 yearly In truck. World-Wide Odyssey from a deadly form of bone can- deducted from their paychecks. g(ram, signed by President Basil A. Asterlades, 37, of 4 cer and underwent an experi- Everybody’s over-all tax bill Johnson March 16, to raise (See Page Ten^ Hayes Drive, Windsor, was pre- mental cancer-swap operation for the year will remain the paring to hook a tow line on recently to an effort to prolong same. The new system Is de- the truck. He was pinned be- Mother, Two Children his life, has lost his battle with sig:ned merely to bring the tween his tow truck and the the dread disease. amount withheld from pay- ^sabled truric. Griffith, 68, of ^ourtown, Pa., checks closer to a person's ac- Speeding Meteor Seen a former professional baseball tual taxes. Loses Motion Ending Long Journey player, died Monday to Chestnut Since the plan will withdraw HARTFORD (AP)—James J. Miller, a Milford hairdresser, ’TOKYO (AiP) — ’The roimd- going to happen next, the need about $8(K) million from the Although he had been told he sat quietly as a spectator in the-world Odyssey of a 43-year- to prove it can be done, she econwny by Dec. 31, govern- By Hundreds in State had only a short time to live If U.6. District Court as his team ment economists also hope It old American woman and her ^ the operation did' not succeed, will dampen inflationary trends HARTFORD (AP)— Hundreds said Yale. “ I stopped the oar of lawyers lost motion after mo- M:rs. Carr teachers English he never gave up Ms hope or Ms of Connecticut residents got a and watched it go by.” two young children is about to ^ American literatuia at which could lead to a tax in- tion in advance of tala trial on courage. good look at a fireball, des- Astronomer Paul Patterson of end one year, 90 countries and Hillsdale High School to S a n ___ ______________ crease later. naicotics charges. Griffith’s operation, which cribed by scientists as a meteor, the Yale Observatory, regretting MiHer, 38, accused of taking dozens of plane, train and boat Mateo and at San Mateo Jimior developed*^only two years Beginning May 1, taxes will be withheld from paychecks at that streaked across the north- he had not seen the epectacle, part in a narcotics smuggling rides after it started. College. She had a sabbatical ago, was performed at the Bos- eastern sky at 8:16 Monday said that from the description ring, is scheduled to go on trial six different rates — 14; 16, 17, Jacquelyn Carr, a red-haired leave due was was allowed half Memorial Institute night. it was a “ bolide,” a particularly next Tuesday. teacher from San Mateo, CaUf., pay after she prsented a travel Buffalo—New York State’s 20, 26 and 30 per cent. r- Among them were several bright and long lasUng meteor. In the pre-trial activity Mon- leaves Tokyo Saturday for Haw- program that included visits to research and treatment At present income taxes are per newsmen, Including L. P. Yale, Bolides enter the etmoaphere day, Judge M. Joseph Blumen- aii with her daughter Linda, 10, schools and educational tostitu withheld at a uniform 14 center.