Hopefuls campaigning l^ ^ p ^ P /a y Jackpot Bingo! \ Condos, pets for 12th GOP primary Pick up cards today | don’t get along ... page 3 page 14 ... page 11 Clear tonight; Manchester, Conn. sunny Friday Thursday. Sept. 6. 1984 — see page 2 Single copy: 25$ MmthtBtn Hrralh 8th District ^ Backs Reagan remarks set to buy ^ firehouse Ford enters fray * f- Bv Alex Girelll > Herald Reporter An agreement to buy Keeney’s Garage for a second Eighth Utilities District firehouse was , , - on religion issue signed by the district directors 1 Wednesday night at a special i 6 meeting called to consider the ' * Bv Mark A. Dupuis "Prayer in ifself is not denomi­ purchase. < United Press International Mondale keeps attack national." he said. The $85,000 purchase is conting- on Reagan's remarks Ford was in Waterbnry to spt'ak ent on voters’ approval of the WATERBURY — Former Presi­ proposal at a meeting set to at a $2.50-a-plale breakfast for dent Gerald Ford today defended — see page 4 Rowland, a two-term .state legisla­ coincide with the district directors' President Reagan’s stand on polit­ meeting Sept. 17. tor challenging veteran Denio- ics and religion and charged that and state bul believes religious eratie Kep. William R Ralehford Terms of the agreement call (or Democrat Walter Mondale had a $2,000 deposit, an $18,000 pay­ individuals ean be aetive in in Western Conneelieufs 5th Dis­ misinterpreted the president’s trict. At the breakfast. Ford ment when the property is trans­ government. words. Ford said Mondale had misinleb- at lacked Carler-Mondale ceo- ferred on about Dec. 1, and two Ford, campaigning for Republi­ payments of $32,500 each on July 1, preted statements Reagan made nomii- policies and Ralehford for can Congressional candidate John on religion and polities, whieh in voting for those policies. 1985, and Jan. 1, 1986. G. Rowland, also said he believes While the description of the turn prompted the president lo try He said inflation and inlerc.st religious people should be involved to clarify his position. rates rose sharply after he left in government but not organized land records does not ” I am a little surprised that Mr. office in 1976 and Carter and religious groups. Mondale would even attack Presi­ Mondale took over. "A ll I'm saying dimensions, it has about 60 feet of ” I ’m very much opposed to frontage on Tolland Turnpike and dent Reagan. Who interJected is by any statistical analysis organized religion getting involved religion the mo.st in 1976” It was bis Carter and Mondale were a disas­ is about 230 feet deep. The in organized government,” the L-shaped piece also has about running mate. Jimmy Carter.” ter economically.” former president told a news Ford said. ”I didn’t hear Mondale And he said Ralehford had gone feet along the old line of Buckland conference. complaining about that." Road, which has been moved along with tho.se policies and ’ ’But that doesn’t mean individu­ Ford al.so said he. like Reagan, should he replaced by Rowland. westward because of realignment als who have faith... can’t partici­ of the intersection. supports a constitutional amend­ “ When that ehoiec is put right on pate in government.” Ford added. ment allowing silent prayer in the table there's no doubt in my The sale hinges on whether Ford said he knew from person­ Manchester zoning regulations public schoot.4 because it would not mind who is the better person,” ally speaking with Reagan that the violate the con.stitution's ban on Ford said. will permit a firehouse on the site. president strongly supports the Part of it is in a residence zone and government establishment of About 100 people attended the principle of separation of church religion. breakfast fundraiser. S part in a Business 1 Zone. A firehouse is clearly permitted in a residence zone, but there is some question about the business zone. Eighth District attorney Number of first-day pupils John D. LaBelle Jr. told the directors Wednesday night. Zoning Enforcement Officer Thomas O'Marra has been asked to determine whether enough of a surprise to administrators E the land is in the residence zone to By Sarah E. Hall time when many schools nation­ School, it is up by one. permit conversion of the auto wide are being closed for lack of repair garage to a firehouse. Herald Reporter Kcnnncdy said he attributes students to fill them, Kennedy .some of the rise at Illing to the Garage owner Richard Keeney said. is being represented by attorney For the second year in a row, opening of the Oakland Heights opening-day enrollment in the In contrast, fewer students than low-income housing complex, Wesley Gryk in the transaction. expected showed up on the first Eighth District President Walter Manchester public schools has which is that .school district. been greater than expected. Super­ day of school each year from 1978 Early Wednesday, one Illing bus Joyner has been unsuccessful in to 1982. Kennedy said. negotiating with the town govern­ intendent James P. Kennedy said was overcrowded by the time it P today. This year's total enrollment — at made its second stop, Kennedy ment to buy the Buckland fire­ about 7,130 — is still down 10(1 ■said planners erred in drawing up house, which the town built farther ’’The biggest surprise lo me is in students from last year's tally. west on Tolland Turnpike. After the list of students on that bus, and the secondary schools, where we Despite the drop, Kennedy said he that another run will have lo be the town built its station, a state had expected enrollment to begin expects the school board will hire Supreme Court decision held that scheduled. to drop,” he said. Instead, 22 more two extra teachers to accomodate Otherwise, there were "the district, not the town, has the right students than last year reported to an overflow of students in the first to provide fire protection in the usual bus Iroubles" Wedne.sday, classes Wednesday in the town’s grades at Buckley and Martin according to Kennedy I area surrounding the station. Junior and senior high'schools. Schools — where ela.ss size is Since then the district has tried "In total. I'm very pleased,” he Birth statistics for children now hovering around .30. -said. He slre.s.sed that all enrol­ without success to buy or lease the in grades seven through 12 show an Kennedy said teacher aides will station from the town to house its lment figures are preliminary and overall drop in that particular likely handle a pupil surplus in the may include .some students who volunteer fire department. school-age population. So Man­ third and fifth grades at Martin have moved away. In addition, Town officials have taken the chester’s increase "has to mean School, which is the smallest in position that the town needs the more pupils will probably register that we’re drawing some stu­ town. Martin. Buckley, and Na­ at the high school by the end of the station to serve about 75 percent of Harild photo by Tarquinlo dents,” the superintendent said. than Hale Schools arc currently month. Kennedy said the area it intended to serve when ’’There’s in-hiigration, and yet I housing 195 students from High­ "II does look to me like enrol­ the station was built. lU ln u In n W a i # don’t see any evidence of substan­ land Park School, which shut down Joyner, who succeeded Gordon I W O r f f l y O a y lment is going lo go above the tial housing de.velopment in to wn. ” in June because of declining acceptable proJection error of 1 Lassow as district president in ,,, _ , In all grades combined, nearly enrollments. July, made the latest attempt to Wayn© Fowler of Fowlers General Welding of percent." Kennedy said. He ex­ 160 more students than adminis­ Not counting the transferred pected 6.979 students — while reopen the question of buying the Manchester works to remove supports for an oil tank at trators had planned for showed for students, the biggc.st single jump tallies made Wedne.sday showed town firehouse. At the same time Moriarty Brothers auto dealership on Center Street. Tha the start of school on Wednesday. in enrollment — 29 students - 3.. 526 elementary school pupils, Last September, the pupil tally iolsibie^'^ite^T new“ S " c t ^eing moved because Moriarty Brothers Oil occurred at filing Junior High 3.. 382 in the secondary schools. 128 was 60 more than they hasd School. At Bcnnet Junior High firehouse. has merged with the General Oil Co. of Hartford and its in town-run special education predicted. School, enrollment is down eight While the firehouse agreement ' facilities and about 100 in Head oil operations are being moved from Manchester. The news is encouraging at a students, and at Manchester High was the only question acted on ^ Start, for a total of more than 7,130. formally Wednesday night, the ' S ’HZEEI Poll says Americans think a meeting room and possibly ^ offices for the tax collector. ___ . m u ■ ■ ■ nuclear war is unwinnable drawings of how the garage might be converted. But no formal action Bv David E. Anderson both liberal and conservative auviei union would be completely will be taken until budget-making United Press International spokesmen and the publication is destroyed.” time for 1985-86. intended to present options on 6 • By 83 percent to 13 percent. Joyner wondered about using WASHINGTON — Americans no nuclear arms and national secur­ Americans conclude a limited excess funds for the purpose.
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