BUSINESS New Housing Shows Dip for August
20 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday. Sept. 18, 1984 BUSINESS Business Insurance crucial for new firms In Brief ^ You have just begun your small business. It is a protects the business against crime, including Fair tonight; Manchester, Conn. fledgling, as frail as any newborn could be. burglary, theft and forgery as well, and covers Then a fire, severe hurricane or tornado levels your damages and losses caused by malfunctions or some sun Thursday Wednesday, Sept. 19, 1984 PCB project in Columbus building. A liability lawsuit wipes out your profits for Your breakdowns of your machinery. — see page 2 Single copy: 25C COLUM BUS. Ohio — A major effort to reduce years to come. A burglar makes off with your payroll. The severe hardships caused by these kinds of Money's significantly the high concentration of polychlori You can have your broker or agent tailor each liaiirliPHtpr Mfralb nated biphenyls in electrical transformers disasters can be prevented — or at least eased — if you component of the package to the specifics of your around the country has been initiated by the prepare for them by buying the right kinds of Worth business, insurance. Union Carbide Corp. of Danbury, Conn., and Sylvia Porter • No matter where your business is located, look McGraw-Edison Co. of Rolling Meadows, III. American entrepreneurs last year started 600,000 into business interruption insurance. If a specific Called Unison, their joint venture will utilize new businesses, and this year's pace is running ahead event, such as a fire or major mechanical breakdown, technology developed by Union Carbide and be of that 1983 record, according to the Small Business forces you to interrupt your business operations, this based in Columbus.
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