Marryatville High School

Issue 12 December 2016 170 Kensington Road, Marryatville 5068 | P +61 8 8304 8420 | F +61 8 8332 3228 E [email protected] | W | P (Music Centre) +61 8 8304 8431

FROM THE PRINCIPAL Dear Parents, Caregivers, Staff and Students This is the last newsletter for 2016. Please take the I would like to thank members of the Governing time to read it as it contains important information Council for their energy and hard work. It has for members of the school community, as well as been very rewarding to work with successive acknowledging and celebrating the outstanding Governing Councils in providing leadership at achievements of our students. The first newsletter Marryatville High School. for 2017 will be emailed home on Thursday 2 I would like to express my appreciation for the effort March 2017. of members of our school community, particularly Pupil Free / Closure Days parents and caregivers. The enthusiasm of our I would like to take this opportunity to provide you students to come along and engage positively with information about Pupil Free Days and our with what we have to offer at school in a way that Closure Day for 2017 to assist with your planning. makes each day enjoyable is a strong reflection of the values and attitudes of their parents. I thank Governing Council has approved the following you for your support over the last 12½ years. Pupil Free Days/School Closure Day for 2017. Finally, I would like to acknowledge both current Monday 30 January 2017 and past students of Marryatville High School. Staff Professional Learning Day They give us cause for great optimism for the This is the first day of the School Year and Staff future and have played a major role in making will be involved in Professional Learning activities. my 12½ years truly memorable. School will commence for all students on Tuesday Appointment of the Principal 31 January 2017. Following the recent panel process, there has Tuesday 13 June 2017 been no appointment to the position of Principal at Staff Professional Learning Day Marryatville High School. Ms Chris Sheldon, our Thursday 31 August 2017 Education Director will now manage a process Staff Professional Learning Day to ensure that a Principal is appointed before the Friday 1 September 2017 commencement of the 2017 school year. You will School Closure – Adelaide Show Day receive a letter in the New Year advising you of the appointment. Friday 1 December 2017 Staff Professional Learning Day First Lego League National competition in Sydney

Newsletter On Saturday 10th of December, the Marryatville This arrangement is consistent with previous practice Drifters, a team of Year 8 and 9 students attended with the exception of 30 January 2017. Last year the First Lego League National competition we held our first Professional Learning Day in March in Sydney. All involved found the trip to be a but want to take the opportunity to bring that work rewarding experience and the students are forward to the beginning of the year for 2017. already making plans for robotics in 2017. Retirement of the Principal Congratulations to the team on making the As you as aware I will be retiring from Marryatville Nationals and well done to the students on High School and the Department for Education representing the school with distinction. and Child Development at the end of this year. Arrangements for Friday 16 December The last 12½ years as Principal at Marryatville On the afternoon of Friday 16 December students High School have been the most professionally will be dismissed at 12.30pm and staff will rewarding and personally enjoyable of my career. be farewelling colleagues who will not be at I have appreciated the opportunity to work with Marryatville in 2017. Reports can be posted home students who are optimistic, enthusiastic and if students have provided a stamped self-addressed committed to doing their best and I have taken envelope. They can also be collected from Student great pride in their achievements. Services between 9.00am and 3.00pm on Monday 19 December and Tuesday 20 December. I have been privileged to work with teachers and support staff who meet the highest professional I wish everyone in our community a safe and enjoyable festive season. Department for Education and Child Development standards and believe that their generosity with T/A South Australian Government Schools their discretionary time is one of the factors that CRICOS Provider No: 00018A Mr Mark Leahy has built and sustained our tradition of excellence. Principal Marryatville High School Newsletter I Issue 12 I December 2016 1 Issue 12 December 2016

TERM 4 IN THE MUSIC CENTRE The end of the year is fast approaching and reflecting upon the number of performances this term leaves staff and students in no doubt as to why they are feeing exhausted but exhilarated. Many of the performances involved direct interaction with our local primary schools and the wider community. New Music Year 8 stomp The term began with an informal evening on Thursday 27 October 2016 in The Stables to farewell our Year The New Music Concert on 14 November 2016 12 music students – an opportunity for parents, music held in The Stables is one of the more intimate events faculty teachers and students to chat over pizza and in the concert calendar and highlights the creativity of then communicate what they all really think of each students in both the Elective and Special Interest Music other through song – needless to say, it is the music staff programs. From atonal compositions, the Stomp Project who have the last right of reply! (composing rhythms using only body percussion or self-

Music News The following week saw all of our Year 8 and 9 Music made instruments), to choral works (chamber choir), students participate in the Elder Hall Concert on 3 solo instrumental works, movie soundtracks to electronic November 2016. Ensembles performing included the dance music – this concert had it all. class choirs, Big Band III, Junior Guitar Ensemble, Studio Term 4 of course saw us open the school to the incoming Strings, Junior Choir with the Year 9 Strings, Junior cohort of primary students and the Music Centre played Concert Band and the Junior Orchestra. its part by giving Year 7 students a taste of what A big thankyou to all of the parents and friends that happens in The Stable. Not only did the visiting primary supported this concert and provided a sympathetic students experience ‘sing along’ with Mr Aldis Sils, but audience for the less-experienced students. the incoming class of Special Interest Music students joined with the Junior Orchestra for some practical An event that was a little different presented in the form music-making, worked through some specialist music of a Conducting Workshop on 4 November 2016 with IT with Mr Ryan Gerlach and learned about unusual Luke Dollman for fourteen Instrumental teachers and instruments with Ms Josie Hawkes. Marryatville High School Music faculty teachers. Luke is the conductor of the Elder Conservatorium Orchestra and Elder Conservatorium Wind Orchestra. This initiative was organised by Ms Josie Hawkes and involved the Senior Concert Band as the ensemble for the trainee conductors to practise with. Luke generously gave of his time and professional expertise, and this collaboration paves the way for future projects with ensembles from the Elder Conservatorium for Marryatville High School students.

SIMC Year 7 Year 8 Music Experience play

Marryatville High School Newsletter I Issue 12 I December 2016 2 Issue 12 December 2016

A performance of a more unusual nature, the Year 8 Special Interest Music class performed a Renaissance Tableaux to their peers on 16 November 2016 – their assignment being to summarise the achievements of the Renaissance and reflect the impact that these had on the development of music. The students selected a topic, wrote a script for each scene, rehearsed appropriate music for their scene, and then had to act it out with music and props / costumes as desired. The results were an entertaining look at the Renaissance in all its glory – Leonardo painting the Mona Lisa (we have the model for the painting in our midst!) and John The Baptist (complete with contemporary references to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!), the introduction of spices into culinary cuisine (complete with a simulated medical emergency!), Henry VIII (and all of the wives!), Michelangelo painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel Music News (complete with his aches and pains!) and the invention of the Gutenberg Printing Press (it will never take off!) – all Marryatville Primary School Band complemented by performances of Renaissance music.

We also welcomed the Marryatville Primary School As shopping precincts become more frenzied in the lead- Band with teachers Jan O’Connell and Rob Chenoweth, up to Christmas, it is a brave teacher who takes a small into a Year 9 Band rehearsal on 17 November 2016. ensemble to The Parade, Norwood, to entertain the The secondary students were able to mentor the younger masses. On 1 December 2016 Amelia Monaghan and players and joined forces with them to record Edelweiss the Recorder Ensemble busked with great enthusiasm from The Sound of Music, as well as sharpen their sight- and finesse amongst the hustle and bustle, showing that reading skills as they worked their way through some the recorder is indeed an instrument of great appeal, new pieces of repertoire. diversity and also portability! Remembrance Day would not be the same without the Last Post being sounded as the minute of silence is observed. This year the evocative call was played on trumpet by Marryatville High School Year 11 student, Will Madden and we thank him for having nerves of steel and playing with great dignity and respect to commemorate 11 November 2016.

Remembrance Day Students Recorder Ensemble

Marryatville High School Newsletter I Issue 12 I December 2016 3 Issue 12 December 2016

CELEBRATING 40 years of Special Interest Music Centre Marryatville High School in 2016 “Music is Life!” Music News

Burnside Community Carols

The Junior Choir under the direction of Ms Trudy Hart and accompanied by Mr Joel Ang, once again were special guests at the annual Burnside Community Carols in Hazelwood Park on 4 December 2016. In spite of inclement weather early in the day, it was all systems go by early evening and the Junior Choir sang with full voice and was accompanied in their feature songs most ably by members of the Year 9 String Ensemble. This is an important event in the community calendar, engendering goodwill and promoting community spirit amongst our younger musicians. As well as that, it is also a lot of fun and reinforces that music is an integral part of society and gives a lot of pleasure to a lot of people. Even though we are embarking upon the last two weeks of school, the activity in the Music Centre continues, albeit far away and in a much cooler climate. A group of 35 students are currently representing Marryatville High School, touring and performing in Japan accompanied by four of the Music staff – Mr Aldis Sils, Ms Jasmin Feneley, Ms Leonie Hempton and Mr Jason Hammond. We wish the students and teachers a safe and musically stimulating trip – they will no doubt be wonderful ambassadors for the school and music program – and look forward to tales of their musical adventures. Ms Josie Hawkes Music Teacher

Japan Tour

Marryatville High School Newsletter I Issue 12 I December 2016 4 Issue 12 December 2016

MARRYATVILLE DRIFTERS OFF The Drifters were also required to develop a project relating to some aspect of humans and animals TO THE FLL NATIONALS helping each other out in some way. For their project The Marryatville Drifters, consisting of Will the team proposed an underwater drone designed to deter sharks from approaching beaches. The drones Atkins, Tyson Baker, Hugh Holfeld, Ethan will utilise a variety of strategies to deter sharks away Keates, Nelson Peterson, Nicholas Taplin, from coastal areas, leading to safer environments for Josh Tucker and Jack White, represented swimmers and surfers, whilst also reducing the need the school at the First Lego League National for shark nets and shark culling. Whilst still in the Robotics Competition in Sydney on Saturday research and design phase, the group has begun to approach experts in a variety of fields, including 10 December 2016. The team qualified for Marine Biologists and Engineers, to improve and the finals after finishing in the top four of the refine their concept. regional competition in Adelaide on the 13 Marryatville High School was represented in November 2016. the regionals by a second (rookie) team, Seal of Approval, who impressed the judges with their project In the regional competition, the Marryatville Drifters and robot design. The team consisted of Vishnu won the Programming Award, recognising a team Rao, Kanchna Balamuthukrishnan, Samuel Russo that utilises outstanding programming principles, and Dante Paterson, with Aditya Pujara and Jonah including clear, concise and reusable code that Stewart also making excellent contributions early in allows their robot to perform challenge missions

Robotics News the season before other commitments forced them to autonomously and consistently. They also won the leave the team. Whilst their robot did not behave as Robot Performance Award for scoring the most hoped on the day, they maintained an excellent spirit points during the three rounds of the Robot Game. throughout the day and no doubt learnt a lot from the During the Robot Game, teams are given two and experience. Hopefully they will be back again next a half minutes for their robot to complete as many year to utilise their experience. challenges as possible with no human intervention except in a designated setup zone. At the time of writing this article, the Drifters were making final preparations for their trip to Sydney and the step up to an even more competitive national field. I am sure that all those involved in the robotics group over the last few months have taken a lot away from the experience. Thanks to Mr Graeme Low and Mr Tom Stoten for giving up their time after school to coach the teams. Thanks go to FLL mentor Cameron Puglisi from the University of Adelaide, who assisted with his engineering expertise. Also, thanks to the parents who have supported the robotics teams, especially in making sure that they Drifters could get to Sydney. Mr David Hemer Mathematics Coordinator and Robotics Coach

Marryatville Drifters

Marryatville High School Newsletter I Issue 12 I December 2016 5 Issue 12 December 2016

8/9 BOYS AND GIRLS KNOCKOUT TENNIS CHAMPIONS FOR2016 On Monday 21 November 2016 both our 8/9 Boys’ and Girls’ Knockout Tennis teams travelled to West Lakes to compete in the State Knockout Finals. Our 8/9 Boys team consisting of Kiichi Ishida, Jared Waterman, Alex Carroll, Kodai Niwa and Luka Ilic, played Blackwood High School, winning 6 sets 36 games to 0 sets 2 games; Renmark High School, winning 6 sets 36 games to 0 sets 4 games, and finally playing Henley High School winning 6 sets 36 games to 0 sets 10 games, resulting in our Boys Team finishing as State Champions. Our 8/9 Girls Team consisting of Amber Marshall, Nicola Pavlic, Cydney Crumbie, Annika Tobin and Juliette Robinson were dominant on the day defeating Immanuel College 6 set 36 games to 0 sets 4 games; Saint Peters Girls’ 6 sets 36 games to 0 sets 0 games, and finally defeating Henley High School 6 sets 36 games to 0 sets 1

Sports News game to also be crowned State Champions. I would like to thank Ms Sue Dansie who accompanied our Girls’ team on the day and to again congratulate both teams who did both themselves and Marryatville High School proud.

SCHOOL SPORT AUSTRALIA TENNIS SCHOOLS TEAMS TENNIS CHALLENGE Earlier this term, Marryatville High School travelled to Albury to compete in the School Sport Australia Tennis Schools Teams Tennis Challenge from Saturday 12 – Wednesday 16 November 2016. I would like to congratulate the following students who represented our school, specifically, Nikki Milner, Jieyi Chen, Hendrik Grohbruegge, Jared Waterman, Nicola Pavlic, Annika Tobin, Alex Carroll, Kiichi Ishida, Kodai Niwa and Cydney Crumbie, all should be very proud of their achievements. I would also like to thank Tennis Coach Chris Jackson, as well as Ms Courtney Gerke who accompanied me and the teams to this event. Our girls team competed very well against schools including Applecross Senior High School, Chatswood High School, Endeavour College, Haileybury College, Kelvin Grove State College, Maribrynong College, Meriden Blue, Meriden White and Pymble Ladies College to finish eighth overall, while our boys team also did extremely well against, Applecross Senior High School, Barker College, Brisbane Boys College, Endeavour Senior High School, Haileybury College, Maribrynong College, Oakhill College, Prince Alfred College, St Peters Adelaide, Scotts Sydney and The Kings School to finish fifth overall. Both of these results were particularly impressive given that of our ten students who travelled, nine are again eligible next year and seven in 2018. I would like to acknowledge the Marryatville High School Parents and Friends for their generous financial donation, which allowed the trip to be as affordable as possible. Thanks again to all those who supported this wonderful educational opportunity for our tennis students. Mr Tony Byles Special Interest Tennis Coordinator

Marryatville High School Newsletter I Issue 12 I December 2016 6 Issue 12 December 2016

MARRYATVILLE AT THE FRINGE! The voices that echo inside our head remind us that someone is always watching but makes us question, who watches them? This performance unmasks the voyeur inside us all. The 2016 Year 11 Drama class’ collaboration on their Investigation and Presentation task explores the concept ‘Drama allows us to be voyeurs in time’. Their piece uses dramatic techniques from Brecht to Forced Entertainment to explore questions of perspective, voyeurism and time and the voices that lead, inspire and manipulate. Tickets are on sale through the Adelaide Fringe Box office and can be accessed via the following URL:

Drama News fringetix/echoes-of-the-mask The Forge - 9 and 10 March 2017, 7.30pm Ms Sarah MacCulloch Arts Coordinator

MARRYATVILLE ROULEURS END OF YEAR RIDE The Marryatville High School Rouleurs took to Willunga for our last ride of the year. We met with Michelle and Phil Crick who delivered a climbing skills session after which we climbed the iconic hill for our penultimate ride of the year. In addition to Ms Maya Brookes, Mr John Nitschke, Mr David Hemer and Warwick Keates joined us for this event. Sadly, our entire team could not attend this session due to work or cycling commitments. The ride was followed by lunch and a chat with parents and students, a perfect end to a year of training. Picture left to right: Phil Crick, John Nitschke, Maya Brookes, Ethan Keates, Joel Catlett, Josh Tucker, Angus Dougal, David Hemer and Michelle Crick. Not in attendance: Kael

End of Year Ride End of Year Thomas, Thomas Queale, Cooper Highet. Ms Maya Brookes Year 11 Level Manager

Marryatville High School Newsletter I Issue 12 I December 2016 7 Issue 12 December 2016

THANK YOU TO HOME STAY FAMILIES AND BUDDIES Marryatville High School, and in particular Phyllis and I, along with our touring groups and partner schools would like to extend our formal thanks to all of the students, families, teachers and community members who have supported in any way the tours we have hosted this year. Visits from Reunion Island, Koishikawa, France, Soja Minami and Ritsumeikan have seen nearly 100 short term visitors to our school. They have all without doubt Thank You had a marvellous experience, learning about Australian lifestyles, cultures and family life. The latest group from Ritsumeikan left last Wednesday and they were all smiles knowing that they would soon see their families again but sad also to leave behind their Australian friends. We look forward to as many Homestay families as possible continuing their involvement in the program and hope that many new families will take this opportunity to participate in a wonderful learning experience for all concerned. Once again many thanks. Mr Chris Thorburn Languages and International Tours Coordinator

UN VOICE PUBLIC SPEAKING COMPETITION I was fortunate enough to participate in the UN Voice Public Speaking Competition run by UN Youth Australia. As always, the public speaking experience was amazing. I was able to meet other high school students who also had a passion for public speaking and international affairs, and I was able to improve on something I love doing. I would really like to thank Marryatville High School, and I am looking forward to all the public speaking opportunities 2017 has to offer! Thank you! Selina Tran Year 10 Student United Nations Marryatville High School Newsletter I Issue 12 I December 2016 8 Issue 12 December 2016

Please be advised that the following article may contain the names, pictures and details of Aboriginal people who may be deceased. Some of the content may be distressing to some readers. 1 January Anniversary of the 1994 Native Title Act 8 January ’ birthday 26 January Survival Day/ Invasion Day known as a day of mourning 26 January Anniversary of the 1972 Tent Embassy erection

1 January: Anniversary of the 1994 Native title act In October 1992, Labour Prime Minister Paul Keating announced a national response to the Mabo decision. This involved consultation with state and territory governments, industry groups and Indigenous organisations. A misinformed public debate resulted, with Western Australian Premier, Richard Court, voicing alarmist opposition. Mining and pastoralists groups joined in, protesting loudly about Aboriginal people gaining access to land. Nevertheless the Keating Adam Goodes government continued to negotiate with Indigenous representatives on the draft Native Title Bill. During extensive parliamentary debate the Senate forced many amendments to the legislation after the opposition parties mounted a fierce attack on the recognition and protection of native title. However, just prior Christmas 1993, it was finally approved by Parliament and the Native Title Act came into force on the first of January, 1994. Adam Goodes: Born the 8 January 1980 in Wallaroo South Australia

Nunga News Adam Roy Goodes is a former professional Australian Rules footballer who played for the in the Australian Football League (AFL). Adam holds an elite place in the VFL/AFL history as a dual Brownlow Medallist, dual premiership player, four – time all Australian, member of the Indigenous team of the century and representing Australia in the International Rules series. In addition, he holds the record for the most games played for an Indigenous player, surpassing Andrew McLeod’s record of 340 games during the 2014 AFL season. Adam was named Australian of the Year in 2014 for his community work through the Go Foundation and advocacy against racism. 26 January: Survival Day/ Invasion day known as a day for mourning 26 January 1788 was the date on which Captain Arthur Phillip took formal possession of the colony of New South Wales and raised the British flag for the first time in Sydney Cove. In the early 1880s the day was known as ‘First Landing’, ‘Anniversary Day’ or ‘Foundation Day’. In 1946 the Commonwealth and State Governments agreed to unify the celebrations on 26 January and call it ‘Australia Day’. The day became a public holiday in 1818 (its 30th anniversary). To many Aboriginal Australians there is little to celebrate and it is a commemoration of a deep loss: loss of their sovereign rights to their land, loss of family, loss of the right to practice their culture. For many Aboriginal people it’s a date that’s only significance is to mark the coming to Australia of the white people in 1788. It’s not a date that is particularly pleasing for Aboriginal people. 26 January: The Anniversary of the 1972 Tent Embassy erection in front of Old Parliament House Canberra Why is it called Tent Embassy? They had no rights in their own land; the Aboriginal protesters thought that they were ‘aliens in [their] own land’. As aliens they would need an embassy of their own. Of the original founders, Tony Coorie went back to Sydney the next day. Bert Williams had to report in to the police in two days after the erection; he died three months later. Other important people connected with the Embassy are Gary Foley, a very intellectual and multi-faceted man, Chicka Dixon, a tribal elder responsible for the political leadership, Pearl Gibbs and Paul Coe. Fact: according to the last remaining founder and the first ambassador of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy, Michael Anderson, the term ‘Tent Embassy’ was coined by the media and came into use only in 1992, twenty years after it was set up. The Tent Embassy was only ever intended to be a momentary act of protest. It shattered claims that the local Aboriginal power movement was violent and racist, as it mounted an effective, peaceful protest. Places To Visit: Tandanya National Aboriginal Cultural Institute (Adelaide CBD) There’s no better place to learn about the local Aboriginal people and traditional owners of the land than by visiting a museum or gallery! Tandanya translates to ‘place of the Red Kangaroo’ in the language of the traditional Kaurna people. Learn more about the culture of the Aboriginal clan and walk through a collection of artefacts on show to reflect and celebrate the lives of an ancient people. Tandanya also hosts a number of Indigenous events throughout the year so keep an eye out for those! Ms Stephanie Helps Aboriginal Community Education Officer Marryatville High School Newsletter I Issue 12 I December 2016 9 Issue 12 December 2016

CO-CURRICULAR RESULTS RESULTS 12/11 Teams Scores Best & lead scoring players GIRLS BASKETBALL Junior C drew with Kildare 25 25 All played well GIRLS TOUCH FOOTBALL Senior A defeated Unley 4 3 All played well Senior C lost to Wilderness 1 9 Olivia Champion (1) Junior C2 defeated Loreto 8 1 All played well Junior C3 lost to Mary Mackillop 5 6 Georgia Petrenko (3), Asha Reilly (1), Bianka Gavranic (1) VOLLEYBALL Girls Junior C2 defeated St Aloysius 3 - 84 0 - 59 All played well

CO-CURRICULAR RESULTS RESULTS 19/11 Teams Scores Best & lead scoring players GIRLS BASKETBALL Junior C defeated St Ignatius 30 14 All played well GIRLS TOUCH FOOTBALL Senior A defeated Pembroke 7 5 All played well Senior C drew with Mary Mackillop 3 3 Marie Broikos (2), Olivia Champion (1) Junior A1 defeated St Ignatius 10 0 All played well Georgia Petrenko (4), Mia Canala (3), Meg Hodson (1), Junior C3 defeated Wilderness 9 4 Co-Curricular Results Asha Reilly (1) Junior C4 lost to Loreto 0 8 All played well

CO-CURRICULAR RESULTS RESULTS 26/11 Teams Scores Best & lead scoring players GIRLS BASKETBALL Junior C lost to St Aloysius 24 34 All played well GIRLS TOUCH FOOTBALL Junior A1 defeated Pembroke 7 0 Julia Camilos (3), Maddie Kelly (2), Vi Khanh Cao (2) Junior C2 drew with St Dominics 4 4 Sophia Camilos (3), Yoil Kim (1) Junior C3 defeated MHS 4 6 2 Geoegia Petrenko (4), Mia Canala (1), Asha Reilly (1) Junior C4 lost to MHS 3 2 6 Maddie Parrington (1), Grace Smith (1)

Marryatville High School Newsletter I Issue 12 I December 2016 10 Issue 12 December 2016

24th November 2016

Dear Parents / Caregivers

- 2017 Materials and Services Charges

The Department for Education and Child Development (DECD) allows the Governing Council to set a single Materials and Services Charge (the Prescribed Sum) and pursue payment of this charge provided the majority of the School Community polled is in favour. ting the The Marryatville High School Governing Council conducted a poll of the School Community, excluding International students during Term 4 regarding setting and 7 collecMaterials and ‘prescribed sum’ of $820.00 plus any applicable subject charges for the 201 Services Charge. to 1010 families. A majority of parents Information regarding the poll was sent by post egally recoverable supported the Governing Council’s recommendation. to increase the l amount to $820.00 plus applicable Subject Charges in the

820 In accordance with procedures,rd the 201 Principal6 the Principal has ensured approved the poll the was prescribed conducted sum with of $ requirements. On 23 November plus any applicable subject charges for a specific student to be the legally recoverable amount for 2017. cipal thank the school community The Marryatville High School Governing Council and Prin for their support.

Lorraine Karunaratne

Chairperson Marryatville High School Governing Council

Marryatville High School Newsletter I Issue 12 I December 2016 11 Issue 12 December 2016

Marryatville High School - 0817 Notice of Materials and Services Charges for 2017 Notice of Charges for Year 8 To 12 HEADING ITEMS AND SERVICES COST ($) Printed and electronic materials related to the educational program Workbooks and which are provided for the Text Book Hire / E-Book Access $0.00 student Photocopied Material $58.00 SUBTOTAL (ZPREM ) $40.00 Stationery items that are provided $98.00 for the student Stationery Items Diary $0.00 Id Card $12.00 SUBTOTAL (ZSTAT) $6.00 Materials and Services that are $18.00 provided by the school for the Access to Student Information student to consume or use the Technology $260.00 materials or take ownership of a Access to Machinery finished article produced by the Access to Equipment $0.00 student with the materials Curriculum/Subject Supplies and $80.00 Services $319.00 Other [please Specify] Other [please Specify] $0.00 SUBTOTAL (ZACMS) $0.00 Materials for inclusion in the school $659.00 library and to enable use by the Library resources including access student to borrowing library resources $45.00 SUBTOTAL (ZACLI) Total Materials and Services Charge (excluding Subject Charges) $45.00 $820.00

These subject charges are in addition to the Materials and Services Charge above for those students undertaking the following subjects.

Subject Description Year 8 - 12 Special Music Subject Levy Cost ($) Year 8 -12 Special Interest Tennis Subject Levy $90.00 $800.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Marryatville High School Newsletter I Issue 12 I December 2016 12 Issue 12 December 2016


Thursday 26 January AUSTRALIA DAY Phone 8304 8420

Professional Learning Day Press Monday 31 January & Student Free Day 1 for Reception, 2 for Student Services, 3 for Finance, 4 for Music, 5 for Business Manager Tuesday 14 February Governing Council

Year 11 Uni Day Thursday 16 February Direct Lines Year 8 Parent BBQ

Student Services 8304 8426 Wednesday 1 March Splash Carnival

Gymnasium 8304 8437 Thursday 9 & FRINGE SHOW Friday 10 March Music Centre 8304 8431 Monday 13 March ADELAIDE CUP DAY Student Counsellors: Christopher Leech 8304 8428 Tuesday 14 March Governing Council Jenny Hunter 8304 8482

Wednesday 22 March SPORTS DAY Contact Details 2016

Wednesday 29 March – Woodhouse – Year 8 Camp Wednesday 5 April Year 8 Leader Jennie Boisvert General Information Monday 3 April Choral Concert Year 9 Leader Rachel Lee

Year 10 Leader Manuel Pontikinas Thursday 6 April OPEN DAY

Year 11 Leader Maya Brookes Monday 10 April YEAR 8 INJECTIONS Year 12 Leader Bryce Woodley Tuesday 11 April Governing Council International Education Sarah Goldfain

Thursday 13 April Jazz Cabaret Career and Transition Laura Hudson

Friday 14 April GOOD FRIDAY Co Curricular Tony Byles

STUDENT ABSENCES, LATE ARRIVALS & EARLY LEAVERS For all absences please contact Student Services by 8.30am on the morning of the absence by phone or by email stating: • Student’s Name • Home Group • Reason for absence CONTACT OPTIONS PHONE: 8304 8426 OR EMAIL: [email protected] For late arrivals, students need to sign in at Student Services. They are expected to have a note for their Home Group teacher. Students who needto leave early need to sign out through Student Service with a note in their diary.

Marryatville High School Newsletter I Issue 12 I December 2016 13