MCC 2015 Annual Report

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MCC 2015 Annual Report ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 MELBOURNE CRICKET CLUB Our mission Melbourne Cricket Club is a private club with public responsibilities. It has two primary roles: Ŷ Managing the MCG as the world’s best stadium for all people. Ŷ Providing the best services and facilities to its members while ensuring our unique sporting culture and heritage are enhanced and appreciated. STRATEGIC VISION The club’s strategic direction is underpinned by the following dimensions: 1. Engage and manage MCC membership. 2. Destination MCG – giving people more reasons to visit, more often. 3. World-class facilities. In achieving these initiatives, we recognise that we must continue to deliver excellence in all of our core operations. Our values RESPECT The club prides itself on the respect and esteem it has earnt over its long and prestigious history. As staff, we respect our work colleagues, their abilities and views. We work as a team towards a common goal. By pursuing excellence and using our people to constantly deliver on our promises, we will earn the respect of our colleagues, stakeholders, customers and the wider community. PEOPLE People are the most important asset in our organisation. Our staff feel important through a variety of recognition programs and initiatives and are immensely proud of their involvement at such an iconic venue. Our staff enjoy their time at work and are recognised in a variety of ways for their performance. Integrity, honesty, loyalty and teamwork are the keys to providing a memorable customer service experience for our patrons and members. HERITAGE We will continue to develop the MCG into one of the world’s finest sporting stadiums and Australia’s greatest sporting icon, drawing on our history to reinforce its image as the People’s Ground. The club’s history, its rich and vast heritage collection and its culture will be observed, preserved and displayed for our members and visitors to savour. EXCELLENCE We are committed, collectively and as individuals, to strive for excellence at all times - using the best suited products and processes to deliver major events and consistently exceed expectations of service to our customers. We commit to improving the level of enjoyment for patrons, members and their guests while at the MCG. 2 MCC Annual Report 2014/15 President’s Report +, 2 +,V(* + , ½}µËo²µ½²b²½8µ ²bµYb½V½µË²Èbub½ n²nbÉOÂFbFb²µ ½}bn²½Âbµn½}bOÂFÈb²½}b 8µ½Á½}µ8Y½µn½²b Y²bO½¢ hile 2014/15 saw the club make µbµuoO8½µ½bµn²É8²Y W8ÂFb²nµ½²8½buOF bO½Èbµ 8Y8 ²² bO½µV½}bÂYÂF½bY}u}u}½ The MCG was in superb condition during the ICC Cricket World Cup in February and March, 2015. n²½}bu²ÂYÉ8µÂ²²b½}b ²Ob½3²Y ¢ ,}bbȲb½8Y²²bbµÂ²u ɽ}8bËb½n²½}b½b²bµ½µn² ,}b3²Y µO²Ob½¯µ8²ubµ½ 8µÂµ½88Fbn½²b}8µFbb8½O}u} bFb²µ¢ ½Â²8b½V8YÉ}bе½²888YbÉ Â²8ubY8n²µb½bÉ¢ ²u ,bY¯µbÊb²½µbFÂYu8Y 7b88Yɽ}b²u}½½}µ½½n²½}b ½}b8µ½Ëb8²VÉbbu8ubYuF8½bO}uË Oµ½²ÂO½² bO½µÉ8µÈ8Â8FbV o²µ½½bÁ¾Ëb8²µV½É8µËo½½u u8½+bbµ½ÂYb²½8b8bb²uË 8²½OÂ8²ËY²u½}b²½}b²µ½8Y ½}8½½}b µ½8ubY½}bo8¢ It was also b²n²8Ob8ÂY½n²b²8½µ¢ The ²bYbÈbb½8Y½}b²bn²Fµ}b½n 8²²8½b½}8½ÉbF²b²ɲbO²Y ²bObY8½µ8YO}8ubµ}8ÈbÉ ½}b²b8½+½}b²+½8YV8µÉb8µ½}b n²½}b8²ubµ½O²ÉY8½8½b²8½8 Fbbbb½bY8½8Oµ½n8µ½_g µ½88½n½}bÉ8½b²²bOËOun8O½Ë O²Ob½8½O}¾VϾ VFb½½b²u½}b8² V8YÉbbÊbO½µ8Èuµn²²bYÂObY 58²²8(8²¢ Ébµb½ Êu 8˽ÉËb8²µ8u¢ bb²uËOµÂ½Èb²½}bbʽpÏËb8²µ (b8µuËV½}bOÂF}8µnÂY½µ½8Yu 3bOu²8½Â8½bе½²88½µÈO½²Ë Énnµb½½}8½Oµ½¢ ²b8Obb½µ½}bn²n8bµ bb½½V ½}bo8V8Y8OÉbYub½}b½²bbYµ нOÂFbÈbV½}bO½½bb}8µFbb É}obY8O8µÂ8È8O8O˽}bO½½bb 8½nɲ½}8½Éb½½8u½}b u²8un²µb½bɽ}½}bO½ÂbY 8n½b²,bY¯µYb8²½Â²b8²O}V8Yn²b² ½Â²8b½8µÂOObµµVn²O8 ²u8µu u²É½}½}b½bbb8²b²b§Â²bY½ OÂF½²b8µÂ²b²O}8bÐY²bÉ¢ ½½bb }8²YbYɽ½}b É8½½²bObÈb8nnb²n bFb²µ}¢ 8bµµ88uuY²bO½²n½}b ½ }ÂY²bYµnµ½8nn8YȽbb²µ¢ ½}8µFbObOb8²½}8½nÉbO½Âb Ȳb½8²b½n²uF8bubb²u е88ub²n½}b V½}bOÂF}8µ Yɽ}bO²²b½8½}½É½8bµbb 8Y½bO}O8µb²ÈObµu8½VвbO¢ He has 8É8˵FbbYnÂn½}bbbY½bµÂ²b É} µ½}bÉ8½uµ½½Y8ËFb½Ébb 8µ½¾ÏËb8²µ¯bÊb²bOb½}bYµ½²ËV ½}bµ½8YÂO8}8Yb½}bYb8Yµn sÏ8YpÏËb8²µ½ ½}bOÂF¢ This is not OÂYuµÊËb8²µY¢ Yb²µOb½Ë8Y½}µbn²8½²µ 8OOb½8Fb¢ O}8bVÉ}}8Y²bȵ˵b²ÈbY 8Yµ½8b}Yb²µ¢3½}½}µYVÂO} ,}bO½½bb¯µ8µ½bµÂ²b½}b ½}bO½½bb8Y8µ½²b8µÂ²b²Fbn²b ½b8YbË}8µFbbµb½YbÈbu bFb²µ}É8½u½bµ²b½}8 ɲO½b½µÉ½}(bY} 88½b§Â½}bu²ÂYɽ}8²8ubn ÁÏÁpËb8²µ¢,Y½}µVÉb}8ÈbbY8½ ½²bO8½bÈb²µb8µÁÏVÉ8µ²b½Â²bY ½bO}uËVµÂO}8µ83b½É²V µbÈb²8µÂ½µ8Y½µbn½}bµb½ ½½}bO½½bbFËbFb²µ8F8½ µu8ubVbʽb²²u}½u8Y½bbȵ bFb²µn²OµYb²8½¢ 8µ½ÐÂuµ½¢b}8µÉFbb8½bY µO²bbµ¢ ,}bo8²µ8½}8½½}bOÂFɽ8b ÈOb²bµYb½8n½b²ËbbÈ8½½½}b ,}µ² bO½µ8²½n8_sp ½8Ƚb8½½}bÐÂ8bb²8bb½u ²bµYbOË¢ Èbµ½b½F˽}bOÂF½}8½Éb8Fb ÐÂuµ½ÈÈbµ½}b½²YÂO½n8 ,}b²b8½µ}µÉb}8Èbɽ}bʽb²8 8½²µ½Fb½½b²ObO½É½}YbÈObµ8Y ½}²YO8½bu²ËnbFb²µ}½}8½²ÈYbµ µ½8b}Yb²µ8Y8²½b²µ8²bȽ8½½}b bu8ubɽ}½}bbÈb½½}bË8²b8½½bYu¢ nbÉb²Fbbo½µ8Y²b½bY8OObµµ½½}b µÂOObµµnÂb²8½n½}bOÂF8Y½}b ½É8µ²ÈYbµɽ}8ÉYÉ *bµb²Èb½}8Â8Y*bµ½²O½bYbFb²µ ¢,½}8½bYVn²É8²Y½ into the Fb}8Ȳ8Y²bnb²bObµn² }8Èb8½²bµb½¢3bÉbOb½}b²½Â½Ë O½Âu½É²²YÂO½ÈbËɽ}½}b 8½²µVÉ}O}½Â²ÉbµÂ²bÉbO8 ½}b8²n²bFb²µÂ²²µ8¢ ,²Âµ½V2O½²8Èb²b½VÐV b²8½b½}bµ½8Y²bbnoOb½Ë8Y ²u½}bËb8²ÉbFYn8²bÉb½½}²bb ²Ob½Ðµ½²88V ²Ob½2O½²8V2O½²8 uÈbbb8²b8µ½²b½Â²8u88Y O½½bbbFb²µ¢ 8 ² Èb½µ 8Ë8Y²8 ² 8u8¢n²É8²Y½²b²½ubʽËb8² (8Â+}b8}8bYbY8ÁgËb8²ÈÈbb½ µµ²µ8YµÂb²µ¢ ½}b² bO½¯µOb½8Yµbb8²Ë ½}bO½½bbVY²uÉ}O}½b}b ÉÂY8µb½8OÉbYub½}b b8²uµ¢ 8Yb8µuoO8½O½²F½½½}bOÂF bnn²½µn½}b}ÂY²bYµnbbVOÂYu н}b²²½8½YbÈbb½Y²u 8µ8O½½bbbFb²VÈOb²bµYb½ ²bFb²µVÉ}nnb²½}b²µb²ÈObµ½ ½}bËb8²É8µ8YbOµF˽}b2O½²8 8YVo8ËV8µ8bʽ²bb˵ÂOObµµnÂ8Y ½}bOÂF8µÈ½bb²µbO88O½Ë² Èb²b½½8ɽ}b ,²Âµ½8Y½}b bnnbO½Èb²bµYb½¢ Paul ɲbY½²bbµµË8µ 8½}b²¢2½bb²µ8²b½}bnbFYn ½ ½Ë88ub8µ½ÂYË8µµbµµu½}b ²bµYb½8YbYɽ}ÂO}b½}µ8µ8Y 8˲u8Î8½8Y˲O½²F½µ nb8µF½ËnFÂYu8YbOÈb² ²Â½ ɵY8Y½}8}n²8½}8½}b}8µ µOb²bË8²bO8½bY¢ ÐÈbÂb8Y½}b²8bµ8Y 8Ob½½½}b Ybn²Â²OÂF¢ 8ËV˽}8µ½F½}ËO½½bb 8YbF²b(8²¢ 3Ébµ8Y,bY5bObb8O}µb²ÈbY Ob8uÂbµ8Y½}b 88ubb½½b8V ,}b²b8²b8˵µF½bµ8YVÉ}b ½}b²8ʽb²nbËb8²µ¢ bYFË +½b}bÂu}8½}b² ½µÈb²ËÂO}8u½b²² bO½VÉb8²b 3 bYµ8µ½}bËÂubµ½O½½bb FµËVO}8buuF½Èb²Ë²YÂO½ÈbËb8²¢ I bÊO½bYF˽}b²µbO½nn²½}b²b}8Ou bFb²½}bOÂF¯µ}µ½²Ë8YÉ8µ8Èb²Ë n²É8²Y½b8Yu½}µu²b8½OÂF½ ½}bµ²½u²bOO½8²ÂY½}b ¢ 8µµ8½b8Yµu}½nÂO½²F½²V8É8˵ bÊO½u½bµ8}b8Y¢ MCC Annual Report 2014/15 1 MCC Committee 2014/15 STEVEN SMITH PETER KING PRESIDENT Joined the committee in 2014. A member of Joined the committee in 1998. Elected Cricket and Club sub-committees. A director vice-president in 2011 and president in of MCC Foundation. 2015. Chairman of Executive and Club sub- committees and ex-officio of all other sub- committees. A director of MCC Foundation and National Sports Museum Ltd. SALLY MACINDOE Joined the committee in March 2014. A member of Ground Sub-committee and STEPHEN SPARGO a director of MCC Foundation. VICE-PRESIDENT Joined the committee in 2000. Elected vice-president in 2011. Chairman of MCC Foundation Sub-committee and a member FRED OLDFIELD of Executive and Ground sub-committees. Joined the committee in December, 2012. A director of MCC Foundation and National A member of Club, MCC Foundation and Sports Museum Ltd. Finance & Audit sub-committees and a director of MCC Foundation. DAVID CROW VICE-PRESIDENT CHARLES SITCH Joined the committee in 1993. Chairman of Joined the committee in 2011. A member of Cricket Sub-committee and a member of MCC Ground and MCC Foundation sub-committees. Foundation and Executive sub-committees. A director of MCC Foundation. A director of MCC Foundation and National Sports Museum Limited. MICHAEL ANDREW MARK SMITH VICE-PRESIDENT Joined the committee in 2011. A member of Joined the committee in 2007. Served as Finance & Audit and Ground sub-committees. treasurer until 2011, at which time he resigned A director of MCC Foundation. from the committee due to work commitments overseas. Re-elected at the 2014 Annual General Meeting in August. Member of Finance & Audit and Executive sub-committees. KAREN WOOD A director of MCC Foundation and National Joined the committee in 2009. A member Sports Museum Limited. of Club Sub-committee. A director of MCC Foundation. MICHAEL HAPPELL TREASURER Joined the committee in May 2011. Appointed treasurer in August 2011. Chairman of NOTES Finance and Audit Sub-committee. Member of WILL FOWLES retired and vacated the committee on August 13, 2014. Executive, MCC Foundation and Ground sub- TED YENCKEN retired and vacated the committee on February 17, 2015. committees. A director of MCC Foundation JAMES BENNETT was appointed to the committee on February 17, 2015 and National Sports Museum Ltd.
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