Syncretism: A Means and Method for Accurately Translating Km.t, Km.tyw and Km Reginald A. Mabry Independent Scholar
[email protected] Abstract: This article is a reflection on the presentation offered at the 2019 Association for Classical African Civilizations (ASCAC) Conference where the origins and meaning of the word Km.t1 was debated. This examination seeks to identify syncretism as the proposed and superior method of interpreting ancient text, specifically the Medu Neter. Therefore, syncretism affords a more accurate understanding of the ancient texts of the Kimetiyu (Km.tyw). More specifically, the aim and objective of this article is to examine the origins of the Ancient Egyptian word Kemet (km.t) to highlight and establish its relationship to both, the black cattle and the “sacred” black people that the ancients referred to. This paper will discuss Kemet (Km, Km.t, Km.tyw ) glyphs with its transliterations.2 First, what is the meaning of Kemet (Km.t) ? Is the term related to black and people at all ? And why is Kemet (Km.t ) referred to as simply the black land by Western/ European scholars? Is the meaning of Kemet important to Pan-Africanist thinking and scholarship? To properly approach these research questions, I will incorporate the following qualitative research methodologies; Observation of ancient cultural and historical primary materials and narrative discourse analysis of primary and secondary data sources by way of archival collection and study. It must be noted that European Scholars are in the business of observation and creating narratives and discourse to give a Eurocentric and colonial meaning to Africa, its ancient civilizations and people, for the purposes of providing intellectual tools for the maintenance of their worldview and hegemony.