

GEOLOGY bulent Reynolds numbers, volumetric concentrations of ~0.1 g/liter, and low ionic Early plant organics increased global terrestrial mud strength, similar to natural rivers (table S1) (13). Although these abiotic variables can also deposition through enhanced flocculation affect flocculation, particularlyinmarineand estuarine settings (12), our goal was to isolate the Sarah S. Zeichner1*, Justin Nghiem1, Michael P. Lamb1, Nina Takashima1, Jan de Leeuw1, effect of organics on freshwater flocculation. Vamsi Ganti2,3, Woodward W. Fischer1 We performed experiments in a fixed-volume stirred-batch reactor within a light-sensitive An irreversible increase in alluvial occurred with the Ordovician-Silurian evolution of box (inset of Fig. 2A). For each experiment, bryophytes, challenging a paradigm that deep-rooted plants were responsible for this landscape shift. we mixed specific proportions of and We tested the idea that increased primary production and plant organics promoted aggregation of organic polymer, fully suspended the sediment clay into flocs in rivers and facilitated mud deposition on floodplains. In experiments, we observed in the water, and then captured time-lapse that clay readily flocculated for organic and clay concentrations common to modern rivers, yielding photographs of suspended sediment once the settling velocities three orders of magnitude larger than those without organics. Using a transport turbulent mixing was stopped. We calibrated model, we found that flocculation substantially increased mud deposition, resulting in muddier the time-series absorbance data to derive sedi- floodplains. Thus, organic-induced flocculation may have been more critical than deep-rooted plants in ment concentration (fig. S2) and regressed the proliferation of muddy floodplains. the concentration data on time to calculate settling velocities (Fig. 2A) (13).

We observed that organic polymers had a Downloaded from he Paleozoic evolution and proliferation land surface and thereby the flux of organic substantial, varied, and nonlinear effect on clay of terrestrial plants has been connected polymers in terrestrial environments—both flocculation and settling velocity. All experi- with changes in soil and atmospheric the polymers produced directly by the plants ments with organic polymers formed visible T chemistry and increased land primary themselves as well as those generated and flocs (fig. S1), which settled significantly faster productivity and organic carbon depo- further modified by the rich associated micro- than primary unflocculated clay particles [primary sition (1). Correspondingly, the stratigraphic bial communities (1, 5). particle median diameter (D50)=1mm; settling −6 http://science.sciencemag.org/ record contains a major first-order change in Flocculation is the process of binding of velocity (ws,unflocculated) = 2.205 × 10 m/s; p = the construction of river floodplain deposits individual particles into larger aggregates called 0.004] (Fig. 2B) (13). Generally, floc settling (2). A recent study quantified an Ordovician- “flocs” (Fig. 1B) and is known to promote the velocities increased with organic concentra- Silurian increase in alluvial mudrock—that deposition of clay and (i.e., mud) within tions (table S2) (13). Guar gum was a more is, siliciclastic rock consisting of at least 50% estuarine and marine environments (8). Floc- effective flocculant compared with xanthan mud-sized particles—which occurred concur- culation can substantially increase mud settling gum (p = 0.004), likely because of its charge rently with the evolution of early plants (Fig. 1A) velocities (9), and growing evidence suggests and branched structure, which increased the (3). However, these data presented an apparent that mud flocculation occurs in modern rivers number of possible cross-links between clays paradox. One explanation could be that the (10) (Fig. 1B). Therefore, an increase in the and organics. Together, guar gum and smectite proliferation of plants led to mud production, ability to flocculate fluvial sediment has the formed the largest flocs with the fastest settling

−3 yet the sedimentary record contains abundant potential to cause a major rise in alluvial mud velocities (ws ~10 m/s; p = 0.001) (Fig. 2B), on February 5, 2021 mudrock throughout Earth’s history, albeit in deposition rates. even when mixed with kaolinite. Additional marine paleoenvironments before early Paleo- Flocculation in freshwater is associated with particle-tracking experiments using humic zoic time (4). Further, this increase in alluvial the presence of organics (9) because they— acids and kaolinite also yielded readily ob- mudrock predated the evolution of large rooted particularly polymers—facilitate particle binding servable flocs and settling velocities of ~1 × plants and forests (Fig. 1A) (3, 5). Early plants interactions (11). Laboratory studies found that 10−3 m/s—albeit at much higher sediment were small in size (~1 cm tall; inset of Fig. 1A) combinations of primary particles and polymers concentrations (13). Settling velocities from and lacked the deep rooting (1) that was likely could lead to variable levels of flocculation our floc experiments deviated substantially necessary for floodplain binding through root- (9, 12). However, these studies did not directly from Stokes’ settling velocity predictions (14) ing and flow baffling (6). We hypothesized that measure the effect of polymer-clay combina- for clay primary particles by up to three orders these plants instead could have increased mudrock tions on floc settling velocity. Evidence for of magnitude (Fig. 2, B and C) and instead prevalence through a molecular mechanism: widespread flocculation in natural rivers came yielded velocities expected for medium to coarse The rise in terrestrial organic material associated from an analysis of suspended sediment silt [diameter (D)=20to63mm]. with early plants would drive mud flocculation concentration-depth profiles, which showed Our experimental results were consistent in rivers and, in consequence, enhance mud systematically larger settling velocities com- with data from previous experiments that settling and deposition on river floodplains. pared with theoretical expectations for sediment characterized freshwaterflocculationforsim- Plant polymers are not uniquely capable of smaller than 40 mmindiameter(10). Thus, ilar combinations of clay with organic polymers, binding sediment—previous work demonstra- flocculation appears to be a primary control on and they demonstrated, both qualitatively and ted the presence of mud settling in modern fluvial environments, quantitatively (Fig. 2C) (9, 15), the optimal built by pre-Silurian terrestrial microbiota but the specific roles of organic matter in driv- conditions for flocculation (Fig. 2B). The re- (7). However, the proliferation of early plants ing flocculation in rivers have remained unclear. sults also agreed with previous measurements dramatically increased the productivity of the We conducted 83 flume experiments with of freshwater floc settling velocities from acti- distinct combinations of model organic poly- vated sludge (16) and natural sediment from 1Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California mers (xanthan gum and guar gum) and clay rivers (Fig. 2C) (16–19). In particular, the guar- Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA. 2Department of minerals (smectite and kaolinite) (inset of Fig. smectite experiments produced settling veloc- Geography, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa 2A) to quantify the role of organic material in ities consistent with those estimated in rivers by Barbara, CA, USA. 3Department of Earth Science, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, USA. determining mud settling rates in freshwater inversion of suspended sediment concentration- *Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] rivers (13). The experiments had constant tur- depth profiles (Fig. 2, B and C) (10).

Zeichner et al., Science 371, 526–529 (2021) 29 January 2021 1of4 RESEARCH | REPORT

structures and functional groups to a range of plant-derived materials (13), including those A 0.1 foundinmodernplantcellwalls(21), and are thought to have remained relatively consistent 0.09 Light

)L/g(noitartnecnoc sensitive box throughout plant evolution (22). This similarity LED light supported the notion that organics play an 0.08 strip important role in mud in camera 500mL settling column rivers, and vice versa. 0.07 Stir plate We used a one-dimensional (1D) advection- settling analytical model to study the effect of 0.06 organic-driven flocculation on overbank flood- 0.05 plain deposition, scaled roughly after the 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Mississippi River (Fig. 3) (13) as an example time (seconds)

of the deep channeled, low-gradient single- B -2 smectite + xanthan 10 kaolinite + xanthan threaded rivers common before and after the smectite + kaolinite + xanthan smectite + guar Silurian period (23). Model results showed kaolin ite + guar smectite + kaolinite + guar -3 systematically higher mud abundance relative (m/s) 10 smectite s kaolinite to that of sand across the floodplain width in a w Stokes settling flocculated scenario compared with an unfloc- 10-4

culated scenario (26% mud for flocculated Downloaded from compared with 15% for unflocculated near the channel; Fig. 3C). For the flocculated case, we 10-5 D m

assumed that particles with <20 m settled settling velocity, at a rate of 0.34 mm/s (Fig. 3B), similar to 10 13 10-6 observations from rivers ( , ). Mud abun- 0 246810 dances in the flocculated case exceeded 50%— weight percent organics (%) http://science.sciencemag.org/ Fig. 1. Mudrock abundance, plant evolution, and the definition of mudrock—everywhere beyond flocculation. (A) Average percent mudrock for alluvial C This study ~80 m of the channel edge. Both scenarios Stokes settling (14) 10 deposits over time, adapted from (3), shown alongside 0 Field measurements ( ) predicted predominantly mud deposition 10 Settling experiments (15) ranges of key evolutionary events in early plant Natural (16-19) beyond ~200 m of the channel because this 10-1 evolution (1). The amount of alluvial mudrock is beyond the advection-settling length for sand -2 (m/s) 10 increased with proliferation of early diverging plant in our model (Fig. 3C) (13). Notably, flocculation s w lineages (e.g., bryophytes, including liverworts, also caused twofold-higher mud deposition 10-3 hornworts, and mosses). Solid lines indicate the rates at kilometer-scale distances from the 10-4 ranges for landscape occupation of different channel (Fig. 3D). These model results can be 10-5 biological groups derived from the fossil record, generalized to any river system by changing whereas dashed lines indicate intervals of lesser -6 the overbank water discharge, sediment con- 10 on February 5, 2021 occupational importance. Sil, Silurian. (B) Organic settling velocity, centration, and the sediment size distribution 10-7 polymers (black squiggles) can bind primary clay (fig. S4) (13). Although changing parameter particles (gray dots) together into flocs (black 10-8 values affected the mud deposition rate and 10-7 10-6 10-5 10-4 10-3 circles), which increases their settling velocities the transition location from to diameter (m) and rates. The size of the arrow mudrock, the general result of flocculation clay silt sand indicates increased settling velocities driven by larger resulting in muddier overbank deposition held particle aggregate size upon flocculation. for all scenarios (13). Fig. 2. Experimental results. (A) Suspended sedi- Our results have substantial implications for ment concentration as a function of time from an the proliferation of fluvial mudrock. The model example experiment with smectite control (gray) The mineralogical and organic materials predicted that flocculation results in muddier compared with an experiment of 5 wt % guar gum found in rivers can be more complex than channel banks (Fig. 3C), which can increase with smectite (black). Flocsettlingvelocitywas those that we simulated in our experiments. bank cohesion and reduce the channel lateral determined from the rate of concentration change However, we found that interactions between migration rates (24). Slower lateral migration over time, as shown by the fit black line (13). The inset clays with charged interlayers and charged rates, in turn, limit the width of sandy channel- shows the experimental setup. LED, light-emitting branched polymers can produce settling veloc- belt deposits (25). Furthermore, muddier channel- diode. (B) Settling velocities measured from our −4 ities like those observed in rivers (ws ~10 to proximal deposits can cause channel narrowing, experiments as a function of weight percent organics 10−3 m/s) (10), even if we added other clays like restrict braiding, and decrease channel sinu- for different combinations of clays and organics kaolinite to the mixture. Experiments without osity (24), all of which limit the extent of sandy compared with the Stokes’ settling rate for primary organics or with low organic concentrations channel-belt deposits. When this deposition (unflocculated) particles (14). (C) Settling velocities did not produce enhanced settling velocities pattern is spatially superposed over time from our experiments and previous work as a function (Fig. 2B and fig. S1); these conditions are atypical as channels aggrade and migrate laterally, of primary particle diameter and the Stokes’ prediction for modern rivers. Likewise, the presence of these feedbacks should produce overall muddier for unflocculated particles (14). Previous studies silt common to rivers would further increase floodplains than predicted by our simple model include settling experiments with clay and organic floc settling velocities compared with those that lacked channel dynamics. At the larger basin polymers comparable to our experiments (15), measured in our experiments (20). Although scale, increased rates of mud deposition kilome- experiments with natural sediments (16–19), and we used idealized, chemically well-defined ters from the channel owing to flocculation settling velocities from modern rivers inverted from polymers, these polymers have comparable (Fig. 3D) will make mud preservation overall concentration-depth profiles (10).

Zeichner et al., Science 371, 526–529 (2021) 29 January 2021 2of4 RESEARCH | REPORT

irreversible early Paleozoic increase in alluvial (3). Likewise, the processes of floc- culation and enhanced settling of mud onto floodplains outlined an efficacious mechanism for organic carbon burial in ancient and modern alluvial systems.

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Zenodo (2020); https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo. and mud transport and deposition has im- evolution of land plants have both greater 4033293. portant implications for carbon cycling and mudrock abundances and greater TOC con- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS sequestration. The proliferation of early land centrations within those mudrocks (e.g., lower We thank T. Ulizio and M. Douglas for help with the experiments plants in terrestrial ecosystems during the Carboniferous Hørybreen/Mormien Formation, and valuable input. Funding: This work was made possible with Ordovician and Silurian periods increased which has up to 28% mudrock and 11 to 30% support from the Caltech Discovery Fund (W.W.F. and M.P.L.), 3 33 DavidandLucilePackardFoundation (W.W.F.), American the amount of primary production and the TOC) ( , ). These trends are consistent with Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund (W.W.F.), National burial flux of organic material by at least an the hypothesis that plant proliferation, with its Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program order of magnitude (30). This increase in the commensurate rise in primary production and (S.S.Z.), and Troy Tech High School Program (N.T.). Author contributions: Methodology, Formal analysis, Software, Writing, amount of organic matter in terrestrial envi- terrestrial organic carbon fluxes, could have Visualization: S.S.Z.; Software, Formal analysis, Writing, ronments would have generated a diverse contributed substantially to the abrupt and Visualization: J.N.; Conceptualization, Supervision, Funding

Zeichner et al., Science 371, 526–529 (2021) 29 January 2021 3of4 RESEARCH | REPORT

acquisition: M.P.L.; Methodology, Writing – review & editing: processing, statistical analyses, and the 1D sedimentation model is Figs. S1 to S4 J.d.L.; Validation, Data curation: N.T.; Formal analysis, Writing – available at Zenodo (34). Tables S1 and S2 review & editing: V.G.; Conceptualization, Supervision, Funding References (35–50) acquisition: W.W.F. Competing interests: We have no competing SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS interests. Data and materials availability: All data are available in the science.sciencemag.org/content/371/6528/526/suppl/DC1 27 May 2020; accepted 21 December 2020 main text or the supplementary materials. All code for image Materials and Methods 10.1126/science.abd0379 Downloaded from http://science.sciencemag.org/

on February 5, 2021

Zeichner et al., Science 371, 526–529 (2021) 29 January 2021 4of4 Early plant organics increased global terrestrial mud deposition through enhanced flocculation Sarah S. Zeichner, Justin Nghiem, Michael P. Lamb, Nina Takashima, Jan de Leeuw, Vamsi Ganti and Woodward W. Fischer

Science 371 (6528), 526-529. DOI: 10.1126/science.abd0379

What matters for mudrocks Rock such as and , which form from mud, suddenly start appearing in the geologic record around 450 million years ago. Their appearance at about the same time as certain plants seems to implicate plant roots in the formation of these ubiquitous rocks. Zeichner et al. found a different route for creating the flocculation required for Downloaded from mudrock. Using analog experiments, the authors found that organic matter from plants alone was sufficient for the formation of flocs−−aggregates of small silt and clay particles−−which are required to deposit mudrock. This observation could explain the appearance of these rocks in places where the plants did not have deep roots. Science, this issue p. 526 http://science.sciencemag.org/

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