Central Florida Future, Vol. 36 No. 28, December 1, 2003

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Central Florida Future, Vol. 36 No. 28, December 1, 2003 University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 12-1-2003 Central Florida Future, Vol. 36 No. 28, December 1, 2003 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 36 No. 28, December 1, 2003" (2003). Central Florida Future. 1714. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/1714 •• www.UCFnews.com Monda , December l, 2003 •• UCF football pummeled in final The chocolate drink company game, one player hospitalized. is giving away music. ••• HURTING -,SEE SPORTS, A6 FREE -SEE LIFESTYLES, A9 •• ~· Rally takes aim at class cuts; sports spending ANDRES HEALY for what ralliers termed "the car," he said. 'We. pay for his , StaffWriter screwing of students." insurance and give him a tray-el "They fired [football coach "[Hitt] makes -allowance for him and his wife. Standing barefoot on the Mike] Kruczek a year into his The university even pays for bis grass of the .free-speech lawn, µew contract, throwing away it seem like country cluQ m_embership, mean­ Patrick Rostock, a 19-yea.r-old $849,000. They made the horrible ing we pay for his golf. Basically; history major, wanted to give the move of switching conferences to students' all he has to buy is food, and campus administrators a piece of possibly help football, ·which cost $295,000 is a lot of money to buy ·• his mind. us $2.6 million," Rostock said. education is the food." "We're protesting the wasteful "Soccer, basketball and volleyball Yet, according to one social spending of our administration," were all at or near the tops of number one sciences teacher, students he said. ''While classes are being their division. Now they're going shouldn't be surprised. The cut, Hitt is receiving $295,000 a to suffer." prio.rity, yet I teacher, who refused to give his year." . Rostock added, "While all this name because he feared he'd lose Rostock wasn't alone, Upset money is being spent, they are can't get classes. his job, said that everyone is pay.. • about recent budget cuts for stu­ cutting classes and other things ing the price for Hitt's arrogan~ dent functions, a group of stu­ that students actually need, like and attitude. "Hitt isn't a leadeI;,'~ dents organized a rally at noon the Writing Center," which has Does that make he continued. "He's a bully. Hitt on Nov. 24, to exhort UCF's trimmed its hours due to budget and the administration ar~ administration to re-examine the cuts. "When it comes to priori­ sense?" padding their pockets with raise~ way it has been spending money. ties, the school must meet the - MEG ROBINSON when real leaders would suffer Organizers distributed fliers needs of .s tudents and faculty FRESHMAN along with everyone else. · on campus the week before the before all else. If it comes down to "The captain is .filling his rally and mass e-mailed every sports or students, the school lifeboat with caviar and cham-; UCF student the day prior to the should drop sports, not classes." dated to teach composition and pagne while the rest of the shiP. rally; stating the administration "It's ridiculous," Daniel other introductory classes. Some sinks," he explained. was irresponsibly allocating Holbert, 19, said. 'We are in a English majors won't be able to Meg Robinson is a ·freshmari -. money and had lost focus of the budget crunch, and we are graduate because their classes and part of the honors program: university's primary purpose of spending so much money on won't be offered. It's disgusting." In a soft voice, she told rally, educating students. sports." Chris Stark, an 18-year-old members, ''I'm working two job~ More than 100 students and Anastasia Bojanowski echoed freshman, read the e-mail that making ininimµm wage to pay for even a few teachers attended the that sentiment. She is an adjunct reached him last Sunday night my education. During our little rally; and organizers passed a who teaches composition and and decided to attend the rally. honors program banquets, when megaphone to anyone who want­ also works . full-time · in the ' He said he couldn't believe it our parents are here, Hitt tells U$ ed to speak. Most expressed con­ Writing Center. "rThe adminis- when he read that Hitt had that we are the cream of the crop: cerns about the money being tration] told me that I can't teach received a $93,000 raise this past He makes it seem like students; spent on sports, the cutting of here in the spring because the year. education is the number one pri­ , PHOTOS BY JAN SVOBODA I CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE student functions a.Iid the loss of school is ·Offering fewer classes,''. Rostock agreed. "[Hitt' s ority; yet I can't get classes. Does . Protesters marched from the Math and Physics Building to President John Hitt's campus house classes. Many attacked UCF sl;le said. "On top of that, higher- raise] is hard to justify con~ider­ on Nov.24 (top).A student calls Hitt's office to complain personally (above), as did others. President John Hitt personally level professors are being man- ing he also gets a free house and PLEASES EE PROTESTERS ON A~ . < ' ' . Military tech might boost wireless net SGA poised for bigger fights~ ; · ANDRES HEALY mesh to the civilian sector on behalf money issue will be in the provost's the Senate meeting that Orange and Garland avenu~s ., Staff Writer ofMILCOM Systems, a U.S. defense hands," Scott said. "Right now Students tackle City begins at 7 p.m. Thursday in from 7 p.m. to 2:30 a.m. Many contractor. we're talking concepts: not applica­ the Student Union Key West · fear the change is a step Imagine being able to download Current technology requires tion." Hall, federal law ballroom. toward two-way traffic 24 music, chat with friends online or that a computer's wireless signal be Nevertheless, he said there is an BEN BAIRD Bar owners along Chhrch hours a day; thus ending the : surf the Web from any spot on cam­ sent directly to a line-signal anten­ 80 percent chance that UCF will Senior Staff Writer Street contend that if the street-party feel that current­ pus. na. As students move out of range take part in the project. "It's a great street is opened to cars and ly reigns along that stretch at • Students could finish research­ of the antenna, they experience situation for UCF," Scott said. "Not Breaking out of its usual the current foot traffic is night. : ing their ciass projects as they walk. slower connections and eventually only do we keep the technology, but bou.ndaries, the SGA Senate restricted to the sidewalk, If passed, the SGA resolu­ : to class from their car or jam to the lose their signal altogether. · normally we receive big discounts may take on Orlando City their businesses will suffer. tion would call for Orlando latest bootleg song in the middle of I-mesh; on the other hand, when we take part in beta pro­ Hall and the U.S. government UCF students who work in Mayor Buddy Dyer to return the preserve behind the Student allows wireless signals to "bounce." grams." with a pair of resolutions to the area have complained to Church Street to its previous - Union. Connections wouldn't be A signal could jump from computer Scott envisions a system that be discussed this week. SGA senators that the change status of one-way traffic dur­ lost in "dead zones," and download to computer or relay back· to an would allow the university to rapid­ In one, students are upset could cost them jobs and ing the day; with the street to speeds wouldn't slow to a trickle as antenna without losing any signifi­ ly expand its wireless network. about the return of two-way endanger bar patrons who remain closed to traffic at ~b surfers move farther from the cant bandwidth. Someone moving Currently; technicians have to run traffic that could bring an end often stand in the street wait­ night. center of campus. across campus could stay connect­ Ethernet cables wherever they to the street-party atmos­ ing to enter busy night clubs. In a longer-term plan, Sen. Sound unbelievable? Well, all ed to the network no matter where want to add a line-signal antenna. phere each night on Church The resolution, sponsored Rachel Olander also hopes to those freedoms could become a they go without losing any connec­ The network department wired the Street downtown. by Sen. Kevin Buck, says see her measure opposing the :reality if UCF decides to take part tion speed. older buildings first because con­ In the other, a senator UCF has a duty to voice its Patriot Act pass the SGA •with the 3Com Corp. In a beta-test­ "The hlµ'dware would be pat­ tractors often had to drili through hopes to rile her colleagues opinion on the matter. Senate. The federal legisla­ : iQg program that will adapt the mil­ terned after the same concepts and solid concrete to lay wires.
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