Crtmtp VOL.XCVINO.22 PUBLISHED BY THE STUDENTS OF TRINITY COLLEGE SINCE 1904 APRIL 28,-1998 Institute Of Living, Trinity, Host AIDS Quilt


"From a single panel to a monument that blankets the world," the AIDS Me- morial Quilt covered yet another small corner of the globe last week at a display in the Trinity College Field House. The quilt has been traveling the globe in sections since its creation in 1987 as part of the NAMES Project, and it was brought to Hartford on April 20-23 through the efforts the Institute for Liv- ing and Trinity College.

Made up of over 43,000 panels, each ' S of which is 3' by 6'feet, the size of a grave, * » the quilt memorializes 80,000 AIDS vic- tims. Upon entering the field house, visitors

SARAH BETTENCOURT were met with a lone voice forming a Students revel in the inclement weather during Sunday's concert. constant stream of victims' names. A large mass of color in the center of the No Rain Checks For Spring Concert floor, which covered most of the [ie\d "~SiS^ T~^ ^TTi noticeablticeably smaller than last year, which but the Trinity farenfuTrefusefatlftMrefused to let thtfie ^ IDS quiit BY PATRICK R. NOONAN he characterized as "crazy." weather keep their spirits down. In fact, were laid out in sections divided by News Editor As Hallapalooza unwound, the Col- many capitalized on the rain by turning walking space and marked with tissue umns semi-formal party starte'd up. The the LSC Quad into a mudpit for wres- and donation boxes. Each square of the quilt memorialized groups or individual In what always promises to be the cra- bash was held in the Cave and adjoining tling and frolicking. victims and were hand crafted using ev- . ziest time of the year on top of Gallows patio. Attendance at the function was The malaise in front of the stage be- erything from photographs to baby Hill, this year's Spring Weekend did not very high, in spite of persistent problems came dangerous, as one student broke blankets to Bart Simpson boxer shorts. fail to disappoint those seeking good with running the door and serving her leg in the crowd. Kelly then decided The walls were covered by squares of music, social atmosphere, and of course drinks. "Psi-U was fun, but you couldn't to halt the concert ten minutes before the the quilt that had yet to be assembled alt. bev. The weekend was packed with get a drink," stated Scott Macdonald '98. scheduled conclusion. Kelly defended into panels and a AIDS quilting project events for students to enjoy during their Furthermore, Buildings and Grounds the decision, stating, "the mudwrestling made by the students of Timothy last weekend before finals. had their hands full with the cleanup and sliding was quickly getting out of Edwards Middle School in South The weekend kicked off on Friday at from this party, as the refuse piled up hand. I believe that there is a relation- Windsor, Connecticut. 4:30 PM on the Cave patio with a Ska- outside the Cave and was left unat- ship between the length of the concert The quilts were accompanied by po- Fest featuring the Pilfers. At 5:00 PM, the tended until Monday morning. and student misbehavior." ems written by the students for a health Trinitones held their final concert of the Sunday afternoon marked the annual In spite of any problems, most had a class; some were highly abstract, telling year in the chapel garden. There were no Spring Weekend Concert on the LSC great time as they spent their last real the readers not to use IV. drugs or to ab- events planned for the remainder of the Quad featuring God Street Wine and weekend of the school year with friends stain from sex, while others were trib- night, giving the student body the op- George Clinton and the P-Funk All Stars. at Trinity. "It rained, it poured, but we utes to parents and family members who portunity to rest up for the next day. Many feared that the constant rain still ended the year with a bang," said see AIDS on page seven On Saturday, the morning began with would put a damper on the festivities, Amy Friedman'99. the TCAC Fun Fest, a carnival for chil- dren of all ages which included a dunk tank with Trinity celebrities. Despite the bitter cold, students and visitors alike The Man Behind The Myth: A Look took advantage of the ballpit and moonwalk. The bouncy-ball race was also a huge success with the youngsters. At Dean Of Students David Winer • At 2:00 PM, St. Anthony's Hall hosted lowed grounds during his tenure. But the annual Hallapalooza Party, which BY DAN BERMAN now it's his turn to move on — almost. VUG i featured Percy Hill, Fox Trot Zulu, Tim News Editor After 32 years, David Winer won't be that i NewtonTriojohhny Vibrato,and Gypsy easy to chase away; he plans to take a sab- Revival. While the event was well at- Talk to anyone on campus about batical next year and then return to his tended, Campus Safety Director Brian David Winer, and invariably someone old post as a' professor of psychology. (In- Kelly noted that the size of the party was will describe him as a "Trinity institu- terestingly, new Vice President of Stu- tion," for he has been an integral part of dent Services Sharon Herzberger the Trinity community since LBJ was occupied the same post of Chair of the President, and Dean of Students since Psychology department as Winer once Inside This Ford. For those of you keeping score, did.) that's 32 years at Trinity, 22 as Dean. He It takes a special type of person to last Week's Issue even lived on campus for 15 of those at a job as demanding as Dean of Stu- years. dents for so many years. Dedication sim- News...... pg. 5 It is staggering when you think about ply isn't enough — it requires a genuine it: while most students think four years love for interacting with, and caring Opinion pg. 2 at Trinity is a long time, Winer started about, college students. This is a task that Arts „,..,...... p . 8 here when the student body numbered must be undertaken with all effort pos- g 1200, all of whom were males. Five col- sible. Like the classic small-town Announcements. pg .14 lege presidents, over half of all Trinity practician who knows all and cures all, Winer is a mentor and teacher, dispens- RLE graduates, including his two stepsons (in 22-year veteran as Dean of Features pg, ]6 ing knowledge from his years of experi- '87 and '96), and even his wife as an 1DP Students David Winer. Sports...... pg. 24 student, have passed through these hal- see WINER on page five PAGE 2 OPINION THE TRINITY TRIPOD - APRIL 28,1998

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The End of an Era The Tripod: Of, For, and By the People To the Editor: five minutes of reading material We all pass him on the Long Walk everyday. Clad in a suit and colorful during dinner on Tuesday. It In the twenty years of my life seems the problem is that as a bow tie, he walks with a lively gait, always taking time to extend his hand I have learned a great deal about collective group, we've lost the or grant one of his characteristically wry smiles. For twenty-two years, what I am not. 1 am not John will to read about the fascinat- Trinity students have continuously received both a smile and the uncon- Rambo, and I am not John ing lectures, sports events we Henry, I am not Billy the Kid. I didn't attend, and stereotypes ditional support of Dean of Students David Winer, who will step down am also not too impressed with that don't apply to us. All that at the close of the academic year. the Tripod, but then again I am crap doesn't count for a thing in not in charge of the around the mind of a Trinity student. Beginning his career here at Trinity as an esteemed Psychology profes- 2,040 students who make up I don't know whose fault this sor, Winer later assumed the position of Dean of Students where, for over this campus. What I earlier will is. I don't really care. I know two decades, he has remained a commanding presence on the Trinity probably get me flogged down who's responsible for the hard at the office, but I stand by it. I work that is put into this weekly campus. Admired by all, Winer represents the student body's link to the look at the front page of the pa- piece of journalism. And I administration. With over two thousand students, this is no easy task; per and see the words: "Pub- know it's them who can change on a daily basis countless students traipse into his Hamlin office seeking lished by the students of Trinity it. Everyone can. It's our paper, College since 1904." Then I look and I'd like to see some work put advice, guidance or simply someone to listen. He is known for his calm up and about half the people in into figuring out who "we" are. demeanor, caring manner, thoughtful counsel and above all his genuine Mather are using the paper for continued on page 4 regard for the Trinity student body. Respect for the student body has, over the years, been the trademark of Spring Weekend '98 Dean Winer. Many attest to the fact that in Dean Winer's eyes students Bear with us. Some of you might have missed Spring Weekend, and some of you might, like us, have done such extensive dam- are on the same level as the faculty and administration. With this vision, age to your short-term memory that you will never know for sure Winer is able to relate to students on a unique level. In his office, out on what the hell you did. Here's our best shot at reconstructing the the quad, or in the Cave, he brings a youthful vitality to his campus du- ;eventy-two hours and our fairly broken couch. We'll miss it. ties, which allows him to truly act as an advocate for the students. Not All in all, not a bad deal. Free stuff tends to work that way. only does Dean Winer rarely miss a student-sponsored function, but he Ska fest: Espescially when it's beer. also strives to interact with each undergraduate on an individual basis. The down side to this fest: Although students have certainly been the main beneficiaries of Ska. Winer's tenure on campus, Trinity, as a whole, has profited. Indeed, as The spirit of togetherness Fun Fest: and a really big giraffe. Isn't Winer steps down from this office and returns to the Psychology class- that what fun is all about? room, he leaves the campus a better place than he found it. Pretty freakin' good. I don't know if it's worth ten bucks, but it's pretty freakin' good. The bands were solid, the """""" M sneaking in wasn't that hard But you didn't hear that from us. Tying a tie on Saturday night is definitely overrated. Lisa E. Harrison'99 SaraF.Merin'OO Psi-U Formal; Women in dresses is not. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF , MANAGING EDITOR Long lines and Psi-U egos got PURUSHEO WEEKLY BY Tins STUPENIS OF in the way. But, in the end, the Cave is always a nice , - TRINITY COLLEGE . place for drunkards to make BUSINESS MANAGER" , •/•* • k NEWS-EDITORS ' ..,,.'•'':,,; .,.'•';,'•;.. a mess. Even on weekends. ' DanBerman'Ol • OwenTripp'Ol , PatrickK.Noonan'Ol - -••',/_ They got the funk. We got ; BUDGET DIRECTOR; wet. The music was, well, - FEATURES EDITORS •. . . ',.,'•.'"• ; Amelia Ames '00./, lovely, but the horrible, hor- George & God: rible weather made it kind of Jiilknna.Bogdan$ki'99 • ,: • .i.'.,,[ • •- UndaPacylwski'99 ' ,' -•"••'' ':;. difficult to enjoy. Unless SUBSCRIPTIONS MANAGER you're one of the...... ; Chris Taylor '01: 7 OPINION EDITORS. • ' • • : '," GregKeni'OO . '• Very very very very very «, SENIOR EDITORS -, dirty. Do not under any cir- Andrew Peterson'00 ' "CarolynPrench'98 cumstances sleep with one JoshGoldfine'98 , of these people. Unless you ., SPORTS EDITORS . Mud People: happen to be one too. In .- Levi Liirrian'98 •• which case, you're probably • ' ' KatieKutz'99 . . Elizabeth Perry'98 :< Fred Schoneriberg '98 ' really into breaking stuff Pana Prayed '98 and yelling as loudly as you possibly can. ARTS EDITORS Tim Sbtaoer '98 Beth Gilligan '01 Virginia W. Lacefield '00 ADVERTISING DESIGNER Andy Shepard '01 POLICY CONCERNING PHOTOGRAPHY EDITORS LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Sarah Bettencourt '98 COPY EDITORS Marion Guill '00. Letters to The Trinity Tripod must be received by 5:00 p.m. AlixP.Peck'98 on the Friday before publication. Letters should be addressed Liz Kistonas '01 to the Editor, not a particular individual. No unsigned or Emily Osborne'99 • ANNOUNCEMENTS EDITOR anonymous letters will be published. However, names will Rtmay Smallcomb '01 . Devin Pharr '00 be withheld at the author's request. The Tripod will not pub- Chris Savarese '99 lish any letters deemed by the editors to be an attack on an individual's character or personality. Otherwise, all opinions The Trinity Tripod is published every Tuesday, excluding vacations by the students of expressed will be given a forum. Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut. All letters are the sole responsibility of the authors and do Subscribe to TheTripod: $15for 11 issues (1 semester), $28for 22 issues (lyear), not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of The Tripod. $50 for 44 issues (2. years), $90 for 88iss u es (4 yea rs). The editors of The Tripod reserve the right to edit all letters The Tripod office is located in the basementojJackson Dormitory. for clarity or brevity. Address all correspondences to:The Trinity Tripod, Trinity College #702582, 300 Summit Street, Hartford, CT06106-3100. Letters may be submitted via: Visit our -website at www.trincol Led u/info/pub_student/trifod. •CAMPUS MAIL: BOX 702582 Editor-in-Chief Business Office FAX •E-MAIL: [email protected] (860)297-2383 (860)297-2584 (860)297-5361 • CAMPUS NETWORK: General Resources/Docex/Tripod APRIL 28,1998— THE TRINITY TRIPOD OPINION PACE 3 atle# $2eto5

What should've been ad- what I mean. Cargo pants are BY ANDREW PETERSON 6 dressed in El Titanico is some of built for some fancy sit tin' and Opinion Writer the unseen issues that went those pockets are perfect for down with the rest of that storing those loose .44 shells. I Here's the thing: movies these smouldering piece of Mexican know it, you know it, and so days have a strange tendency to crap. Which brings me to my does Abercrombie & Fitch & try and sell sickening disasters next point. Did you know that Gukenhimenstienstien. as cozy little love stories. Either the boat, like the movie, was as- Have you seen that catalogue? that or dramatic-action- sembled in Tiajuana? Hence the You must've if you're reading kickboxing-thrillers. Remem- subtitles. But anyhoo, my ques- this. The entire thing is a sales ber Light Drizzlel The problem tion is this: If women and chil- pitch that "is based" on latent is they make lots of money do- dren had first dibs on the .homoerotic tendencies in pre- ing it. Which, of course, means lifeboats, where did gays and pubescent pseudo-androgy- that movies about blimp acci- lesbians fall into the picture? nous males. With lots of money dents and leaky faucets that This isn't actually my ques- to spend on pants. drip loudly while you're trying tion; little Billy Chesterson of Now I'm not saying you to sleep will continue to be Wahoo, Illinois wrote me the shouldn't buy gay pants; you made until we're all dead. other day after the Tripod should. They're hip. And for Which could be any day now, at wound up in one of those new God's sake, at least they're, not this rate. It's not healthy.. Taco Bell burritos he was eating. made in Mexico. But I guess the So the thing with Titanic is He died three months later. bottom line is this: when we're that it's not a story. The ship Which, obviously, makes this all hopping on a slow boat to sinks. I'm not sure how much topic that much more urgent. China to fight the Mexican War: you can do with that. Further- Just when were homosexuals Part II, please make sure you've more, 1 hear James Cameron getting off that freakin' boat? brought your pants with you wants to put Matt Damon and Now don't get me wrong: I because God only knows what some British chick up in the have nothing against gays, espe- can happen during those in Hindenburg, where they be- cially in the military. If you're flight movies. That's my opin- GEORGE CLINTON HELPLINES AT TRiNSTock '96. long. into cargo pants, you know ion. Thank you, goodnight.

he is helping it. But I won't pre- are skilled in this area, and where BY DAVID DIGIACOMO tend that this is the sole reason BY JOSH SCHELLING the stakes are much higher. Opinion Writer 's Opinion Writer Another reason the death pen- for killing him. There are many alty does not make sense is purely people who might not get the financial. The death penalty is phe- People are great. The human classification of a criminal, but Capital Punishment can be op- nomenally expensive. It's much life and life in general is great. are hurting society at large much posed for many different reasons. more expensive to send a criminal This is why the death penalty is more than they are helping it. People oppose the death penalty for to their death than it is to keep them so severe. It entails stripping one Should these people be killed? Of a wide variety of reasons, many of in prison for their entire life. Part of of this mysterious gift of life as a course not. which are based on moral, ethical, thisrevolves around the fact that the punishment for some mistake It comes down to morals. legal, religious, financial, and soci- average stay on death row is ap- that they made. Poor them, I Someone in favor of the death etal grounds to name just a few. proximately ten years. This reflects would say, maybe they should penalty might try to keep the Often the argument revolves more of a flaw in the judicial sys- around the government's authority tem,but the entire process revolving, moral issue out of this debate, have thought of that before they and chgHpight to tal^ lii&otpon- d andjnduding the execution -got all cajjghfcup.Biiiahe faft9$ot' derin^Hiwtwo wrangjg||rake a elmlgl^QsJve, Not only is the moment and got drastic. church anostate and ToPth righ^Bvithout arguingrtSfjmoral mopey saved by keeping people in I mean this half sarcastically This is a weak approach though, grounas, there are maay reasons prison rather than killing them, but and half seriously. I mean, poor, considering the fact that' the ms-Weefe why the death penalty cannot work a lJng prison term is more punish- them, you know, the worst thing separation of church and state in in our society. These important ment than putting someone to 1 the US is a joke anyway and is reasons "which often, are ignored, death.Murderersareonebf thelow- that I can imagine is to die. At 1 the same time, though, I cannot only practiced on the most su- simply because they* focus less orf* "est repeat offenders. Often the pub- condemn the death penalty. The perficial level. I love morals and morality and more on logistics. lic hears about serial killers, but the reality is that those who kill are less society that we live in today re- morality. I just might not love Does the The O.J. Simpson case is a great example of why the death penalty likely to kill or break the law again quires the existence of the death your morals and your morality. than a petty thief or drug dealer. penalty or at least the possibility And based on the fact that you Death does not work effectively. Our buddy O.J. hired the dream team of Thus our society is killing those of the existence of the death pen- can't prove to me that your mor- who could potentially contribute, als are right (gazing toward the lawyers at a great cost and quite pos- alty. Penalty sibly got away with murder. The while giving other repeat crimes There are many other ills that supernatural doesn't count), I problem is that our judicial system little or no time in the pen. This is exist in our society and others can't make a judgement either make is flawed such that those with a not an argument to say that those that are not necessarily good in way based on them. higher financial status can afford to who kill should be let free with no themselves, but tend towards a What the question comes pay for decent representation, punishment, but it is somewhat down to for me, is what is best for sense? whereas those who have little or no ironic that those who are most greater good. In the case of capi- likely to contribute to society are tal punishment, the greater good society at large. I am not saying money are stuck with a court ap- pointed lawyer. It's no coincidence killed, whereas repeat offenders are is society at large. I will not pre- that a life equals a life, and that a often given a slap on the wrist. tend to know where to draw the man who kills should be killed. that most people on death row are This is not necessarily true. lam poor. Thus the death penalty stands These arguments hold up line as to when a person should as punishment for the poor but not be executed. A candy thief saying that I am in favor of what- whether one finds capital punish- the rich. This is not the rule, but few ment morally right or wrong. Dis- should not be killed. A man who ever is in the best interest of hu- exceptions exist. This argument manity. And if an instance arises regarding morality completely, the kills fifty people and has no in- can be related to the entire judicial systematic killing which the gov- tention of stopping should prob- where an execution is in the best system, but is particularly devastat- ernment has assumed is poorly ably be killed. He is hurting interest of humans at large then ing in the case of capital punish- conceived, unfair, and downright society at large much more than so be it. ' •% ~^ » ment where few public defenders illogical.


DWIGHT THOM SUMA PRINGLE '99 PECK'00 MAGGE '01 "It's plenty of ' "It doesn't make "I don't have time. The sooner sense that we get a finals until it's over the whole week for Monday, so it better." mid-terms but sort of depends only three days for on your finals." schedule." PAGE 4 OPINION THE TRINITY TRIPOD - APRIL 28,1998 Radio Trinity College: LETTERS TO THE EDITOR A Diamond in the Rough Tripod Staff Inferior to St. Elmo's manager Ross d'Avignon is very excited To the Editor: superceeds that of this newspaper and BY AJ FUENTES we have produced some of the college's Opinion Writer about the future of the station and said "Our goal is to turn WRTC into the one During a busy Tuesday night in the fi- most successful graduates, including true voice of the student body. We have nal week of classes, I paused briefly to three of Trinity's trustees. One of the most highly discussed is- made a number of strides in a very short peruse through last week's Tripod. As When fraternities were made co-edu- sues on campus is diversity. Whatever period of time given our limited funds. usual the articles were slim and uninfor- cational at Trinity, we embraced the de- the time, this issue never seems to fade. We hope to continue to make improve- mative and the humor, if that it what's cision and currently we can boast a "What always strikes me is that our cam- ments with added support from both the being attempted, will certainly make membership that is fifty percent male pus repeatedly ignores WRTC—Trinity's college and surrounding community. none of your writers the next Jerry and female. Other fraternities responded radio station. Among the largest and The first step along this path will be to Seinfeld. to the school by forming social organi- most diverse organizations on campus, increase student involvement to its high- After cruising from cover to cover in zations with sororities that have allowed WRTC presents an eclectic combination est level ever in the upcoming year." the usual three minutes, I was upset to them to maintain their single sex status. of music that ranges from jazz funk to While the station members are very see that once again the Tripod decided While we do not expect sympathy, nor salsa, from polka to calypso, as well as enthusiastic, I ran into some students to knock the Delta Phi Fraternity, better desire it from anyone, we felt we should rock, house, swing, acid jazz and count- who were not even aware Trinity has a known as St. Elmo's, and the Alpha Delta inform you and Trinity that we are not less other genres. Moreover, WRTC pro- radio station. It seems to me that we are Phi house. While your staff was ner- in fact "dead." We would also like to point vides Trinity with an excellent wasting a golden opportunity. When vously reading ahead in their textbooks out that judging by the amount of people opportunity to get closer to the commu- else can an eighteen year old with no pre- or perhaps composing the wonderful ar- and enthusiasm on April 18 in the Wash- nity. One of the most exciting features vious radio experience sign up for her ticles we see before us, the rest of Trinity ington Room, that Disco Inferno is one of the station is the diverse group of both own radio show? Not to mention, at any College was having good time. The the college's best parties and certainly is pillow talk writer, or writers probably, not outdated. With a gem like [WRTC] to promote a better believe that St. Elmo is "dead." Well, as a Sorry if we bothered you and your relationship between Trinity and the surrounding member of that organization, I feel that staff that night with our noise from the I should inform you and your team of Washington Room, we promise we'll do neighborhood... one has to wonder why our radio investigative reporters that we in fact are it again. Thanks for your support. station is not given more attention. not "dead" and are laboriously working towards returning to our original house Sincerely, at 70 Vernon Street. students and community members. given moment WRTC will have any- Nick Brown Among some of the different communi- where from 20,000 to 25,000 listeners. Maybe you and the campus did not and the Delta Phi Fraternity, ties represented are Haitian, Portuguese, When else can you broadcast sports know but our tradition at Trinity far Sigma Chapter Jamaican and Puerto Rican. With a gem matches or share your musical tastes and like this to promote a better relationship opinions with so many people at once? I The Tripod: Of For, and By the People between Trinity and the surrounding urge all of you to find out more about continued from page 2 neighborhood as well as among the stu- WRTC fore dipping into your ice-cream. Some- dents, one has to wonder why our radio If you truly enjoy music think about the-Week? What I read seems so re- thing to make me feel like I'm writing a station is not given more attention. signing up for your own show. Even for stricted by rules and the fear of offend- hopeless mission statment in my slanty- Beginning in January, a new group of those of us who may be a little shy on ing someone that it bores me. Why the roofed box injarvis. Rules, protocol, tra- members were elected to the Executive the air, remember all you have to do is heck can't we let people who are not the dition. Forget that noise. I want to read Board. Enthusiastic and committed to tune your dial to 89.3 FM and show your students of Trinity College know what something interesting for once. Heck, improving the station, they have re- support for our station and our fellow we think? It's not trashy headlining. It's pick me to make fun of if you want. I'll cently implemented a series 01 changes. ^1 our opmipnfor Pete's sake. And George's volunteer. I don't mind. There are all new talk studio that will be used for con- sports, entertainmentand informational called""! thtrlft that our opinion is valid have all sorts oFlaults I don't think that ducting interviews on the air. Station programming. In fact, I'm sick of being a student and having an opinion is one of them. being treated as if mine isn't. But this is all just a letter, something Sincerely, to curse at as it smudges your hands be- Devin Pharr '00

Snood: The Root <<,}t the funk we wa vant the funk we want 'he funk we —- , wa *o of All That is Evil e waat t*" 2 funk my roomate use his own computer. BY MARK HUGHES They seem to be saying "can't your work Opinion Writer wait, I have to free the snoods!" Snood- addicts are completely removed from I'm going to take this opportunity to reality. They actually feel that their write about something a little different work is pertinent for the humanity of this week, for I assume that most opin- the human race and for human-snood ions writers will probably have had cohabitation. something to, say about how much • I fortunately have kicked the. habit. George Clinton rocks or how much rain For a full week I have been "Snood" free. stinks. This is about something much The game made it extrordinarilly diffi- more important. The scourge of hu- cult for me to do my work and retain a manity, "Snood." normal human existence. Don't believe «'" ,.*-ntua For those of you who don't know, me? Check out the "Snood" website. I "Snood" is a "fun puzzle game for used to continually re-download the Macintoshcomputers."This quote from game because my roomate kept throw- the official "Snood* website does not say ing it away so I have gotten many enough however. It fails to mention how chances to view this site and experience every day, hundreds of thousands of the evil held within. Many people send poor disenfranchised youths spend all their high scores to the site, games that of their time shooting heads at other must have taken an inordinate amount heads in a vain effort to set them free of practice to attain. Possibly all of the from captivity. daylight hours. One man wrote in "Snood" is an extrordinarilly addic- "Cogito ergo Snood," further admitting fuel •A we' tive game. Once you lose, you get so that his life is only that. it in « frustrated and enraged that you must It is up to us as Trinity students to play again. The problem is further ac- unite together against this evil among centuated if your roomates play it as us. I would be happy to lead all of you well, for you are continually vieing for in this crusade. First, it is absolutely im- -t-itlnt highest score. Currently, two of my perative that you never play. If you need roomates could be considered addicts, help stopping 1 offer a twelve step pro- + wsw one of these plays at least three thou- gram for the low cost of $149.95. If you •Jit tit :; sand games a day. know and love a Snood-addict or know •W£w; This is all done on my roomate's someone who knows one, turn off the it tit i fiitfui Macintosh computer. His computer al- computer immediately. Begin admin- w;iwa ways freezes but that's not important istering heroin to the Snood-junky in- right now. On occasion people will be stead. Anything is preferable to this playing "Snood" when he really has cranial carnage innocent victims are work to do. They absolutely refuse to let exposed to. Remember to just say no. WHITE TRINITY PLE/IDS. APRIL 23,1998- THE TRINITY TRIPOD 'NEWS PAGES David Winer To Return Cambridge Prof. Presents To Classroom In 1999 New Ideas In Economics continued from page one assist students in their growth and de- Outlines Revolutionary Ideas For Teaching ence. Actually, he's closer to a doctor velopment through their college years. than one might think, having earned a "I have a tremendous amount of re- ing improvement or replacement of that BY COLIN RUANE theme. Ph.D. in Psychology from the University spect for students, and I think that when News Writer of Connecticut. His work has also been students come to my office, I think they In his speech, Lawson challenged the published in in over 25 different publi- feel as though they're treated as adults, validity and the value of the economic cations in the field. But the lion's share even though I sometime have to impose On Tuesday, April 21, the Economics model, stating that, today, the economic of his academic work was done before he penalties on them." Department brought University of Cam- model is used widely and considered to became Dean of Students, and so Winer Winer has a genuine, almost unparal- bridge Professor Tony Lawson to Trinity be a "necessary part of the economist's will use his sabbatical to catch up on lost leled passion for his job—staying around to present a lecture entitled, "Why You tool kit." However, Professor Lawson sug- time, by taking classes in psychology a college campus seems to keep the man Might Want to Rethink What You Have gests that students should not be encour- and literature. Noting the fact that he young and full of vitality. Lost admist Learned in Your Introductory Econom- aged to study models because they don't accurately represent findings. was able to gain tenure while continu- all the talk of Trinity losing an institu- ics Classes." ing to teach, Winer said that scholarship tion in the Dean's office is the fact that Lawson's views and suggestions on Another important point Lawson (by professors) and teaching are able to Winer will remain at Trinity, ready to how to improve the way economists and made was in regards to economic mod- coexist at Trinity, and is a strength of the help anyone who walks through the economics students study the subject els. He disagrees with the general notion college. door with his characteristic smile and blatantly conflict and challenge the ; held by most economists, that "the point The transition back to teaching will keen wisdom. common view held by most economists of building models or producing theo- take Winer full circle from his debut at in today's world. His lecture focused on ries is to be able to predict successfully." Trinity in 1966. Aside from the obvious challenging the validity of many differ- Lawson suggests that economists changes at Trinity since then, such as co- ent economic myths that have been ac- should refrain from predicting and phi- education and increased enrollment, cepted as suitable ways to study and losophizing about future economic Winer noted other changes in the psyche teach economics. Lawson's argument trends and that they should concentrate of college students in the 32 years. In- goes against years and years of econo- on solving current economic problems. terestingly, one of these changes was the mists using techniques and assumed Lawson stresses how economists should transition in expectations of the admin- methods when it comes to economics; focus on how to lower unemployment istration. Winer says that in his early Lawson's argument was centered rates today, rather than trying to figure years at Trinity, students created their around nine major themes that have out and predict what trends may occur own social atmosphere. Nowadays, how- been accepted by most economists in the in the future regarding the unemploy- ever, Winer believes that the administra1- world and that are currently being used ment rate. tion is expected to and takes a larger role to teach Introductory Economics classes. Using a humorous anecdote regarding in student life. ".'••' It is his belief that these nine themes two different types of economists, That fact rings true in both large-scale should be re-evaluated by the econo- Lawson was able to show the audience and personal cases. While the adminis- mists that have accepted them and the the simplicity of some of the seemingly tration may take a larger role in planning economics professors who currently use complex ideas covered throughout the events and programs," it also plays a them to teach. Lawson stated each lecture. greater role in the personal development theme and gave examples of. how con- In response to Professor Lawson's lec- of students, becoming more than simply temporary economists support the ture, economics student Adam Karp '01 an academic institution. It is his work as theme. commented, "I felt his lecture was really a student advisor, mentor and occasional After reviewing these themes, he excellent. It was like he thinks of eco- disciplinarian that Winer takes the Winer in his earlier days as a FILE deconstructed each one, pointing out the nomics on a different level and he greatest pride, as he stated, "1 think my psychology professor. He will faults that they supposedly contain and brought an interesting point of view on greatest accomplishment has beep, fo d l.suggestions regard- how to teach introductory economics."

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* Offer expires May 15,1998 Limited to new deposits PAGE 6 NEWS THE TRINITY TRIPOD - APRIL 28,1998 Brown Forecasts The Future On The Beat Of Genetic Engineering images, while great for the mov- build his argument. Noting that Gar Thief Listed As Day-to-Day >""•- BY W. FISH WICK ies, are probably unfounded, at individuals should have total MCLEAN least right now. The driving reproductive rights over the A non-student was seen breaking into a car, owned by two eld- News Writer force behind new work in the government (stemming from erly visitors to Trinity, parked on Summit Street at 10:30 PM on cloning field will undoubtedly the theme of Justice), genetic Saturday night, April 26. The observer telephoned Campus On Monday, April 20, Phi- be the desire to overcome infer- cloning must be available as an Safety, who in turn notified the Hartford Police Department. losophy Professor Miller Brown tility. Since 18% of married option to those seeking off- Upon the arrival of HPD and Campus Safety, the suspect fled presented a lecture exploring couples are unable to sexually spring. into the trees, and was later found covered with leaves at the base the potential pros and cons of reproduce in a conventional Since the power would liter- of the hill. Apparently, he had fallen off the cliff, and in so doing genetic engineering, and what manner, the most immediate ally be in the people's hands, severely injured his ankle. He has been treated at Hartford Hos- effects, if any, cloning might application of genetic cloning because they controlled the pital, and charges of possession of burglary tools are pending. have upon the human experi- seems to be in greatest demand capital behind all research and ence of the world. here. development efforts, potential The AH New Daisy 2000SX BB. Brown began by noting that Romantic pairs of any per- for governmental abuse would Accept No Substitutes. the 1996 creation of the Scottish suasion or level of sexual func- be minimized. sheep "Dolly" marked a pro- tion will be able to "create" Another concern might be genetic offspring through a va- that a cloned human would be A student leaving the College View Cafe on April 21 at 1:00 found achievement in the bio- riety of methods, including somehow harmed because of AM discovered that the rear window of her car had been shot logical sciences, and forces cloning themselves or their his status as a genetic copy of with a BB Gun. There are no suspects at this time. society to consider the fact that within a few years, it will be partner. A rather entrepreneur- another already existing hu- possible to clone human beings. ial group of investors have al- man being. This would violate First-Year Office Loses However, cloning is for many ready created a company in the the Athenian ideal of Honor. Freshmen people the next new, great and Bahamas named "Clone-Aid," Yet this can be eliminated as a still unexplored intellectual which hopes to someday clone concern, according to Brown. The First-Year Program office reported that a framed picture frontier. The ideas behind thousands of new babies every Nature creates "copies" of of the Class of 2001 has been stolen from the office. The inci- Aldous Huxley's classic novel year. people thousands of times a day, dent took place between April 18 and 21, and Campus Safety is Brave New World invoke images The most pressing questions each time twins are born. One currently conducting an investigation. of a time when genetically su- have to do with whether or not twin usually does not feel infe- perior humans will rule over such genetic exploration and rior or ontologically insecure Late Night At Campus Safety the inferior ones. Other images, manipulation should be al- because" of the other, even such as a latter-day Hitler pro- lowed. Brown offered answers though they share identical to these questions on philo- DNA. Each knows that they At 1:29 AM on Thursday, April 23, in Vernon Place, Campus ducing huge armies of blonde sophical grounds. He turned to have their own unique life and afety officers discovered several students in a room with a keg. haired, blue eyed, strong and ih- the ancient Greek themes of Ex- identity, separate from the other. The keg was confiscated by Campus Safety, and the case has been telligent people to do his bid- cellence, Justice, and Honor as Individuality is thus virtually urned over to the Dean of Students office and ORL ding exist as well. Brown suggested that such the foundations upon which to ensured. Bistro Jane Always Gets Her Man NEWS FROM Two students apparently left their IDs in the Bistro by acci- dent on April 25. They were found by Bistro management, who discovered tWrt^!iS^s*ai*««itibBiB%»*t«saiisei*.* • fjfcie case has OTHER SCHOOLS been foi warded to the Dean of Students office Campus Safety reminds students that it is illegal to alter their IDs. TOAC ©els Donation Towards Partying Turns Violent At OConn STORRS — More than 2,000 drunken revelers watched as students flipped a car and threw a Spring Weekend 1999 flaming couch on it, prompting police to disperse the crowd with pepper spray. "It was insane," said J.P. Rizzitelli, a senior. "Everyone was just going out to destroy stuff. It was like a! war zone." Sunday morning, a wallet that had been found at Cinestudio State and campus police in riot gear moved in about 1:00 AM Sunday when some partiers threw was turned into Mather front desk. At some point, the wallet, the flaming couch on the 1992 Honda Accord. containing personal papers and some cash, was taken from University officials said they decided to cancel Saturday's block party and fireworks because Mather. Anauditof front desk personnel is currently being per- the melee at the off-campus Carriage House apartment complex had "threatened the safety" of formed. police and students. Police said 23 state police cruisers, one Mansfield police car and a town fire truck were damaged, Police called in reinforcements from.four state police barracks. UConn po- If Anyone Else Breaks Their Leg, lice said 21 of their officers assisted at the complex and all were "pelted with bottles, rocks and We're Stopping The Concert cans." ' : • [ '•••...'• • • ; •' • : •'• : \ ' - •• •:'•...• , ' Only about 600 students attended the university-sponsored event at the football practice field, which also featured bands and body-piercing. Several students who attended the event said they A t the Spring Weekend concert, a freshman student fractured planned to head to Carriage House later. her tibia in the mud pit in front of the stage. The student had The Friday night Kill-a-Keg parties at Carriage Housestarted calmly, and it appeared the night been tackled by another student and injured herself in the fall. would pass without much trouble. ^However, trouble began when someone started a bonfire TCERT responded to the incident, and the girl was taken to Hart- around 11:45 PM. Small flames quickly grew larger as furniture and occasional bottles of alco- ford Hospital. She has since been released, and is now back on ; hol were tossed into the fire. Flames shot into the sky, igniting the base of one tree and singeing campus. ''the branches of another one 25-feet high. Within minutes, state police troopers moved in me- thodically. Those who got too close to the police got a faceful of pepper spray. Explosions of Campus Safety In diving Mood glass occurred every few minutes as partiers tossed objects that smashed holes in the windows of police cruisers and other cars at the complex.- : ••-•• '•'••' , i ' • On Friday night, a full keg was found in the basement of • ':•-"• ;- '••••• "''•"• Associated Press and The Hartford Courant; April 26', 1998 ' Doonesbury by a Junior Fellow. The keg was taken to Campus Safety, but the tap was returned to the owner. Later that night, Campus Safety found another keg outside of New Dorm at ap- Michigan Students Bare All For 'leaked Mi proximately 4:00 AM. The keg will be returned to the students, as it was not in violation of the housing code. ANN ARBOR, Ml - More than 500 University of Michigan students ran naked through cam- pus streets late Tuesday night as increased publicity fueled worries that the spring tradition was Honestly Officer, 1 Forgot falling prey to gropers and Internet sex site operators. Local officials on Wednesday called for Code new ways to tone down the "Naked Mile," which has grown increasingly boisterous overthe past several years. The event was started in 1986by crew and track team members to celebrate the A student was found at 3:00 AM Friday night, April 25, throw- end of regular classes. "What started as kind of a rite of spring that everybody kind of smiled at ing objects against a window of Vernon Place. The student was is getting to be more of a serious problem," said Ann Arbor Chamber of Commerce director apparently intoxicated, and no damage had been caused to the Elwood Holirian. "There are more young women involved, and it's bringing out a larger crowd." dormitory. The case has been forwarded to the Dean of Students Police were out in force to control crowds estimated at up to 10,000 people for the 11:00 PM run, office. and local officials and students voiced concerns that the street party could lead to violence or sexual assault, Several Web sites on the Internet were advertising pictures and videos of Naked Leon Picks Up The Pace Mile participants on Wednesday. Even the local commercial daily newspaper, the Ann Arbor News, featured some censored photos on its home page. University officials warned that increased publicity and Internet exploitation was turning a On Friday, April 25, at 1:50 AM a visitor from Pace University seemingly benign, harmless college tradition into something that could potentially damage fu- pulled the fire alarm in New Dorm. When Campus Safety re- sponded and approached the suspect, he fled on foot. Officers ture aspirations. "Many students aren't aware that they'll be shown in full glory tin the Internet," pursued the suspect, who weighs roughly 260 lbs., with the as- Assistant to the Vice President for University Affairs Mary Lou Aniteau told the Michigan Daily. sistance of the vendor. The suspect quickly tired d ue to However, students appeared to enjoy themselves as they ran hooting.and hollering through his size and was found on a Long Walk bench. No charges have streets lined with spectators. "It's just so free," one young female participant said. "You're run- been hied because of lack of evidence, but the gentleman has ning down by the place where you go to classes every day and you're butt-naked." been banned from campus. Reuters, April 22,1998 APRIL 28,1998- THE TRINITY TRIPOD NEWS PAGE 7 AIDS Memorial Quilt Visits Trinity continued from page one images on the quilts and served died of AIDS. as a reminder of the severity of Information tables about HIV, the disease. AIDS, the NAMES Project and Sharon Thor '00 read from the quilt itself were set up along the list of names. "Even though the perimeter of the room. In I didn't know the people whose addition, there, was a table names I was reading, I could feel where people could bring pan- the power and I thought about els to add to the quilt. what their families and friends The local community also had gone through because of contributed a large white panel the disease," said Thor.

/ could feel the power and I thought about what their families and friends had gone through because of the disease." A section of the AIDS quilt on display at the field house last DANBERMAN week. The event was sponsored by the Institute Of Living and Trinity College. with small banners from Trin- The community's "surpris- ity, the NAMES Project, and the ingly good response" to the Institute Of Living in the cen- quilt's short visit to Trinity was ter. Visitors used black and red noted by Frank Vilardi, Presi- WORLD NEWS markers to cover the rest of the dent of the Connecticut Positive panel with messages of hope, Action Coalition. There were love, and remembrance. 300 people at the opening cer- In addition to the quilt, volun- emony and approximately 500 Convicted King Assassin Dies At 70 teer readers recited from the list people visited the quilt each day. of names of AIDS victims. The He commented, "for an event NASHVILLE, TN —JamesEarl Ray, the confessed assassin of civil rights leader Martin Luther constant stream of names pro- like this, I'd say that's pretty King jr. who later proclaimed his innocence but never provided Hard facts of an alleged conspiracy,: vided an eerie backdrop to the good." . died Thursday at the age of 70 of liver disease. Ray, who fought without success to have his name : cleared, spent his last days in a coma at a Nashville hospital. He had been in and out of intensive care for more than a year with cirrhosis, a chronic liver disease. Ray was serving a 99-year term for the 1968 assassination of King in Memphis. He confessed and was sentenced, but promptly recanted and attempted to be tried on an innocent plea. ., •': The King family said it was "deeply saddened" by Ray's death. "This is a tragedy not only for Mr. Hartford Ray, but also for the entire nation," the family said in a statement. "America will never have the benefit of Mr. Ray's trial, which would have produced new revelations about the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. as well as establish the facts concerning Mr. Ray's innocence," the statement said. . •• • \ • ' • ' , : ; • . ..'..'.. . • -: •: . ; ' . Ray admitted buying a rifle similar to the murder'weapon and renting the room at the Mem- phis flophouse where the shot was fired. But soon after being sentenced, Ray began to recant his 1 e 1 : : Connect lent May Limit Number guilwplea, sayipg lie ,h%. ••:.-:• -i: i' •. ;-• Of Drink Orders At Bars ; trir

Bikers Take To The Road For i:fM Fund-Raiser

HARTFORD — Over 100 motorcyclists took over Hartford streets Sunday for the third annual "Miracle Ride" fundraiser to benefit the Connecticut Children's Medical Center. The bikers each donated $15 to participate, and rode from Bushnell Park, passed the Children's Hospital, and ended their journey in Newington for a picnic. The money raised will be used to pay for an infant warmer in the neo-natal intensive care unit, said hospital president Larry l:cv ;^ Gold. The hospital treated about 150,000 children from 169 Con- lld necticut towns last year. The Hartford Courant, April 27,1998 PAGE 8 ARTS THE TRINITY TRIPOD - APRIL 28,1998 Romeo <£ Juliet Has Mixed <9w£ in f/ie Rain: Success In Vernon Center Bands Warm Up despite its obvious similarities BY VIRGINIA LACEFIRD to William Shakespeare's Life Sciences Quad Arts Editor Romeo and Juliet, the random dancing at the beginning was On Friday night, the noise unnecessary and detracted coining from the Party Barn from the text. The sound cues was of slightly different caliber were as variable as the acting; at than usual. The sounds of 1times, the musical accompani- Shakespeare had replaced the ment of the action was seam- traditional drunken revelry as 11 less, yet at others, it was horribly Romea and Juliet, this spring's intrusive and out of place. all student production, per- After a well-deserved inter- formed its closing night. The * mission, most of the audience latest addition to a long but returned to their seats for the fragmented tradition of alter- second act, which, although it Mark Craig '98 BETH GILLIGAN native student theater, this play, still suffered from a myriad of AUX PECK George Clinton entertains an enthusiastic, directed by Cosmo Fattizzo '98, starred as Romeo problems, was refreshingly im- muddy crowd. received mixed reviews from mances of Maher, Watson, proved from the first act. There many attendees. Christopher Walters '99 (Friar was more energy onstage, but eclectic variety of songs. Many It was obvious from the scale Lawrence), and Fattizzo himself the character development re- '""•- BY BETH GILLIGAN students expressed disappoint- of the show that a great deal of as Mercutio. In general, however, mained minimal and the Arts Editor ment that the band was unable work had gone into this produc- the acting was two-dimen- mounting tragedy provoked to perform for a longer amount tion since its conception and sional and somewhat monoto- little anxiety from the audience. Most Sunday mornings and of time. • -: casting last fall. The cast and nous. Few of the cast members Stronger scenes in this act in- early afternoons at Trinity are George Clinton and the P- crew involved students from di- seemed to understand and em- cluded Juliet's discovery of reserved for students to catch up Funk All Stars followed GSW at verse areas of Trinity, including body the characters they were Romeo's banishment and the on their sleep after a long Sat- around 3:30 PM. Clinton, such AAC/THDN alums as playing. This was especially sex scene, which was very taste- urday night of partying. After adorned in a large tie-dyed robe Matthew Morse '98 (Tybalt), unfortunate because many of fully done. both Hallapalooza and the Col- with multicolored hair to Jacquelyn Maher "01 (Juliet), them have already proven their The best performances by far umns Formal, many students match, achieved an instant rap- Therelza Watson "98 (Nurse), talents and abilities in other were given by Maher, Walters, clearly needed their rest, but port with the audience. Soon and Christopher McCullough productions here at Trinity and and Watson, whose tendency to nevertheless persevered and after he took the stage, the quad (Capulet), and newcomer Mark the direction of this play stifled overact was balanced by the headed over to the Life Sciences erupted with cries of "we want Craig '98 (Romeo), who made any chance they may have had fact that she provided desper- Quad to catch the God Street the funk!" his debut acting performance to shine in these roles. ately needed comic relief. Hon- Wine/George Clinton and P- The All Stars set the atmo- on Wednesday night. Because of the length of the orable mentions should also go Funk All Stars concert. Despite sphere for the afternoon: a bit I have to admit that I was not show, many of the actors rushed to Morse, McCullough, and the cold, rainy weather, most rowdy at times but overall overly impressed with the ex- through scenes, rendering the Fattizzo, who somehow man- students appeared to be enjoy- pretty laid-back (at least com- cessively long first act of Romeo dialogue incomprehensible and aged to pull off a reasonably ing themselves throughout the pared to UCONN). Throughout and Juliet. The combined stress the actions meaningless. Cer- good presentation despite his afternoon. the show, many of the P-Funk's of academics and recent late tain sections, such as the bal- heavy responsibilities as pro- God Street Wine went on colorful performers took center nigtit rehearsals seems to have cany scene and, all scenes ducer, director, and co-set; de- stage at abouj; 1:30 actors since they did not have did actually manage to sustain Technically, the show was ninety minutes. Celebrating large feather hat. the stamina to maintain the an enjoyable rhythm. However, functional. The set was a simple the rain, they gave an energetic Both bands proved to be great strong dynamics needed to much of the play was stilted two story with the requisite bal- performance, accented by their crowd-pleasers, capping otl a keep the audience interested for and flowed poorly. While the love ballad "Molly." The band, weekend of fun and revelry. an hour and a half. Exceptions "Juliet-sees-Romeo" portion of See SHAKESPEARE on which hails from New York, de- Looks like TCAC picked some to this were found in the perfor- the ball scene was well staged page nine lighted audiences with their winners again this year. 'Tones Final Concert solo, "Natural Woman," with BY BETH GILLIGAN Amie Duffy '98 filling Aretha Arts Editor Franklin's shoes, and Sarah MacLachlan's "I Will Remem- The Trinitones performed ber You," which featured vari- their final concert of the year on ous soloists. Even the Odds Friday, April 24 at the Chapel There was a brief break in the Gardens. Before a full audience, show while the underclassmen the group sang old favorites as performed a skit in honor of se- well as new songs, all of which niors Cole, Duffy, Corte-Real, Theirs and Yours. will be included on their CD, SarahAnne Cutler, and Sara Join AmeriCorps, the domestic Peace Corps. which isset to be released to- Jaffe. However, the group soon By assisting the elderly, tutoring kids, restoring morrow. resumed their performance The group got off to a strong with a version of A-Ha's 1980's streams and parks, helping communities hit by start with their opening num- gem "Take On Me." disasters, serving in a health clinic, or meeting ber, "God Bless America," which The concert concluded on a other important needs, you'll help others succeed. "The Trinitones are the inhaler to my fog- induced asthma attack..." When you join AmeriCorps for one year, you get: was arranged by Gerry Moshell. bittersweet note, as the seniors They followed this with strong each performed a solo verse of * Skills for your future renditions of "Seven," featuring Cyndi Lauper's "Time After * Almost $5,000 for education soloist Niki Shah-Hosseini '00, Time." Although the Trinitones and Fleetwood Mac's "Land- exited the stage after this song, * A living allowance and health care ' slide," with a solo by Isabel they were soon urged back on Corte-Real '98. by an enthusiastic audience. * Deferment of qualified student loans Each of the 'Tones seniors got For an encore the group per- * An experience you'll never forget a chance to showcase their tal- formed an energetic version of ents, and they filled each song "I Still Haven't Found What I'm with a great deal of emotion. Looking For," with a solo by Sound interesting? Call AmeriCorps The audience seemed clearly Florencia Guerra '99. for more information: 1-800-942-2677 impressed by their perfor- Overall, the 'Tones final con- (TDD 1-800-833-3722)./ Or visit.our mance. Jason Pinheiro '99 com- cert proved to be their most suc- mented, "The Trinitones are the cessful of the year. They group website at inhaler to my fog-induced performed well together, strik- or Email to [email protected] asthma attack; they are the feast ing a good balance between so- AmeriCorps in the midst of famine; they are los and background vocals. The Getting Things Done. the aloe vera to my third-degree Trinitones hope to continue on sunburn," with their success next year, Other strong numbers in- when they will welcome Taylor cluded "This Woman's Work," in Milne '99 (who is currently which Rebecca Cole '98 sang a abroad) as their new director. APRIL 28,1998— THE TRINITY TRIPOD ARTS PAGE 9 Senior Studio Artists Display Great Talent

BY JAVIER CHACIN ing various ideas on one canvas. They all flow together to create one thing, a tree Arts Writer for example, but it is clearly a connection of all these elements that creates the ul- With all the commotion of the last few timate picture. For those of you who were im- weeks down at Austin Arts Center it's In the case of Amalie Flynn, it is the pressed by Spike Lee's screening o.f Do about time some art got its due. The Stu- juxtaposition of ideas that makes her the Right Thing here at Trinity, you dio Arts Senior Exhibition, which pieces so striking. She utilizes busy pat- might want to check out his latest, He opened on the 20th of this month and terns, placing them on each other, ulti- Got Game. Starring Denzel Washing- runs until the 8th of May, is the annual mately creating one larger picture. ton and Ray Allen, the film is centered showcase of the graduating artists in the Lana-Marcelle Abraham, on the other around Lee's favorite sport: basketball. department. The most exciting thing hand, has taken a style of painting, the The film opens Friday, May 1. about this exhibition is the eclectic mix self portrait, and brought it to its fullest of art on display at.the Widener Gallery. realization, demonstrating that the hu- If you think of the collections in ex- man being is not just what is outside, but tremes, Jennifer Gunkel could easily be rather all that makes up him or her. She In case you hadn't heard, the Dave on one side. Her pieces, done strictly in successfully utilized mixed media to Matthews Band's newest album, Be- • pencil, revel in detail and create a virtual sum up the soul as a self portrait. fore These Crowded Streets, should ar- 3-D quality which allows the picture to Jennifer Martinelli' is a more tradi- rive in stores today. Their latest effort come to life. Her subjects are also very tional artist. Working with Oils she has includes the songs "Don't Drink the playful. One piece, "Balance," has several created a series of pictures which might Water" and "Crush." Grab a CD before cups and saucers topped on top of each seem crude at first glance but come to be you head to one of their concerts this other trying to keep each other up as it seen as beautiful compositions of color summer! juggles two others. and a heightened sense of texture. Mark Chaffee's work is found on the Through the use of earth tones, other extreme. Devoid of detail, but Martinelli has captured a trueness in ev- working off the power of simple forms, ery face and scene. Like Martinelli, Karen The Senior Art Exhibition is still at his pieces are composed of wood and Salerno, also working with oils, has in- Widener Gallery, so if you haven't got- acrylic, embody straight lines, and work corporated a sense of playfulness, inven- ten over there yet be sure to do so by off of their environment, with black and tion, and mystery. Using shadows and May 8. On display are the works of white used as the two basic colors. Alix bright colors, she has made simple things Lana-Michelle Abraham, Mark Peck's work runs along the same ideas on come to life on canvas. Chaffee, Amalie Flynn, Jennifer canvas. She utilizes similar color It is a privilege to be able to see these Gunkeljennifer Martinelli, Alix Peck, schemes, with greys and black, and cre- artists before they find their place out in Nicole Thayer, and Karen Salerno. ates shapes with straight lines that ap- the real art world, and it is a wonderful pear to have a unity and yet are their thing to be able to say that, yes, Trinity own. College fosters artistic expression in the A few of the artists focused on mixed studio arts as well as the fine arts. If you media as their pallet, creating very haven't yet stopped by the Widener Gal- If you're in the Hartford area from imaginative versions of common place lery, find time to do so over the next week May 12-14, be sure to swing by the \ things. One example was Nika Thayer and enjoy this wonderful display of se- Bushnell Theater to see Rent. An in- who explored nature and depicted it us^ "ffiSf talent."" stant smash when it debuted on Broadway in 1996, this amazing musi- cal is now touring nationwide. Don't miss it! For ticket information contact the Bushnell Box Office at (860) 987- Shakespeare Mediocre 5959. continued from page eight the acting and many of the technical as- pects of the show, Romeo and Juliet was cony and stairs, which, despite its lack impressive simply because it occurred. of dressing and dull paint job, served its Fattizzo is to be congratulated for his ef- purpose fairly well. The lighting was ad- forts to create an entirely student-driven equate; the sound provided distraction production, especially one of this size both during set changes (good) and ac- during his senior spring semester. The AN U U I V E R S iff r tual scenes (bad). The color-coded cos- immensity of this project may not be tuming clearly differentiated the immediately obvious to many critics of Capulets and the Montagues, but didn't the performance, but the completion of add much to the overall visual impact. it by all involved is praiseworthy. Modern clqthing was confusingly inter- Fattizzo's direction might have been m erin twined with period elements and the more effective had he concentrated main characters suffered from uninter- solely on it and not attempted to perform esting attire. Juliet, who should have as well, however, his skills in both areas iin0ton DC been highly noticeable, faded into the show great promise. It was a sad irony m'I^OGRAMS, COURSES, A«O INSTITUTES TO MEET background in her generic floral that although one of Fattizzo's goals was slipdresses. Conversely, the excessively to bring out the passion in Shakespeare's OF MAN?DIFFERINT KINGS OF STUDENTS, sexual outfits of Lady Capulet and the work, his version had less passion and two Montague girls were overdone and enthusiasm than most plays I have seen. , SAIL attracted too much attention. Perhaps his next directing venture will Despite the mediocrity of the much of be more successful. 2,,00 E-MAM,; plMEHSAMERICAN.EDU EEO/AFFtKMATIVE ACTION UMIVERSITY "'.*' '"*S ">" " '" , Be R Bartender! Have Fun Meet People and Earn Great Money.

Train behind actual bars. 35 hour course. Stall on Monday. Cliaduah on I riday. ' •- in" Fin-!; v °:00 in /i'?O r . PAGE 10 ARTS THE TRINITY TRIPOD - APRIL 28,1998 Big Hit at the Box Office The Miramax Home

BY JEFFREY CROSS Arts Writer Entertainment Contest WIN FREE VIDEOS, INCLUDING BLACKJACK, SHALL Considering'that this is most likely going to be the last review I ever write WE DANCE, SCREAM 2, MOUTH TO MOUTH, THE for this paper, I figured I needed to send WINGS OF THE DOVE, AND WELCOME TO SARAJEVO myself off with as large a bang I could scrounge up. That bang has come in the SHALL WE DANCE?: form of TheBigHit, the newaction com- edy produced by John Woo, director of From what famous movie did this Broken Arrow and Face/Off. film "lift" its title? Assassin Melvin Smiley (Mark Wahlberg, Boogie Nights) has good rea- (date of release: 5/19/98) son to be chugging Maalox by the gal- lon: the video store is constantly pestering him to return a way-overdue SCREAM 2: copy of KingKongLives, and his money Name screenwriter Kevin reserves are being drained by two Williamson's most recent film credit. women at once, his Fran Drescher-esque fiancee Pam (Christina Applegate, Mar- WWW.5ONYPiCTURl3.l.OM/MOVIS/TI-itBlljHl I / (date of release: 6/9/98) ried With Children) and his two-timing Mark Wahlberg (a.k.a. Marky Mark) gold-digging mistress Chantel (Lela stars as assassin Melvin Smiley in the Rochon, Waiting To Exhale). Totopitall successful film The Big Hit. WELCOME TO off, he's doing all the work for his hit SARAJEVO: squad, which consists of the smoothie summer blockbuster movie season. The BUENA VISTA PICTURES DISTRIBUTION Cisco (Lou Diamond Phillips, Courage A Japanese accountant discovers humor becomes black and perverse at What Academy Award Winner stars Under Fire), the laconic Vince (Antonio times, as it features Crunch constantly the joy of ballroom dancing in the hit in this film? Sabatojr., Melrose Place), and the eccen- fiddling with hand exercisers and Cisco film Shall We Dance? tric Crunch (Bokeern Woodbine, Ride). flipping out over the misspelled ransom (date of release: 6/23/98) He even lets Cisco take his bonus money note he has Keiko dictate into a tape re- MOUTH TO MOUTH: just so they'll like him. Desperate for corder. However, it is balanced out by money, Melvin goes along with Cisco's Melvin's respectful treatment of every- BLACKJACK: plan to abduct Keiko Nishi (newcomer one he runs into. The action sequences What job does the struggling actor China Chow) and ransom her for a mil- were some of the best that John Woo has take in this film? Name one recent film other than . lion dollars. It all looks good except for a come up with, especially when Melvin Blackjack which John Woo few complications: her father's broke pulls some pretty slick breakdancing (date of release: 6/16/98) directed. from financing a bomb movie, Cisco moves during his one-man assault brought in a stuttering, moronic against a white slaver in the beginning (date of release: 5/12/98) gangbanger wannabe to help him run of the story. I personally enjoyed seeing the operation, and she's the goddaugh- Brooks partially revert into his old role WINGS OF THE DOVE: ter of their boss, the ever-vindictive mob- of Hawk from the show Spenser: For Hire Send all answers to The Tripod Box ster Paris (Avery Brooks, Star Trek: Deep Name the Woody Allen film in which 702582. One entry per student. and the mystery novels of Robert B. Helena Bonham Carter starred. dent to Space Nine). Guess who Cisco pins the Parker on which it was based. Go see The Must be a Trinity stu "BigBitsojnctvmcrtiiSTtidivth, "ifttaswoti't, This movie was a greal kickoff to the be disappointed Trinity College WIEifiilLSiiEOfEI, Summer Storage

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Photos In Sarah BcUcnanm, Beth Gillian. Lisa Harrison, Virginia Lacvjichl, Sara Main. Linda Pacylwski, Mix Peck. Dana Proxai. Kvm Skvir. and thnv Tripp PAGE 14 ANNOUNCEMENTS THE TRINITY TRIPOD - APRIL 28,1998 Around FINAL EXAM Schedule of Undergraduate Final Exams Thursday, April 30-Thursday, May 7 Trinity Final examinations for courses using the standard time patterns will be given in the classroom in which the course was taught at the times shown below. Multiple-section courses which have a common examination are exceptions to this arrangement; the examination times for those courses are listed separately below.

Class Dav(s). Time Exam Time Class Day(s). Time Exam Time MW 8:30-9:45 5/6,12:00 noon TR 8:30-9:45 5/5,3:00 PM One Man Strikes Back! MWF 9:00-9:50 5/6,12:00 noon TR 9:55-11:10 5/7,9:00 AM Well, at the Psi-U semiformal MWF 10:00-10:50 5/5, 9:00 AM TR 11:20-12:35 5/4,3:00 PM MWF 11:00-11:50 5/1,12:00 noon TR 1:15-2:30 5/6, 9:00 AM the One Man Band refused to MWF 12:00-12:50 5/4,12:00 noon TR 2:40-3:55 5/1,9:00 AM play because his sign was ripped M 1:15-3:55 5/7,12:00 noon T 6:45-9:15 5/5,6:45 PM down. You'd think a Trinity W 1:15-3:55 5/6,3:00 PM WF 1:15-2:40 5/6,3:00 PM regular like him would know MR 6:45-8:00 5/4,6:45 PM WF 2:40-3:55 5/5,12:00 noon how the game is played here. W 6:45-9:15 5/6,6:45 PM You have a sign, it will be de- Multiple-Section Courses with Common Examinations are Listed Below- stroyed. If you're lucky, it will If a multiple-section course is not listed below, a common examination has not been scheduled and only be stolen. People will the standard time pattern should be used. dance on your stage, it happens. Just ask DJ Big Tone. As the say- Econ 101, sections 1&2 5/4 at 9:00 AM in McCook Auditorium ing goes, "The show must go on." Econ 101, sections 3&4 5/4 at 9:00 AM in LSC Auditorium Econ 301, both sections 5/4 at 9:00 AM in the Washington Room Maybe those kids spent their Math 101, all sections 5/7 at 3:00 PM in LSC Rm. 134 time trying to destroy the sign Math 107, both sections 5/7 at 3:00 PM in AAC 320 because they didn't have a spare Math 126, all sections 5/7 at 3:00 PM in McCook Auditorium thirty minutes and the patience Math 132, all sections 5/7 at 3:00 PM in LSC Auditorium to wait in the drink line for a Physics 102, both sections 4/30 at 3:00 PM in McCook Auditorium beer. Physics 131, both sections 4/30 at 3:00 PM in LSC Auditorium Eat This, Baby! Chapel Happenings Not your typical sight on Wilt Wmitig Ciipfc campus. AT came across one Wednesday, April 29 Fall 1998 Elections male student straddling and try- 12:00 PM Roman Catholic Mass Tuesday, April 28 at 8:30 PM ing to feed his female victim a Crypt Chapel In the Tripod Office (Jackson Basement) handful of mud, while some of 4:30 PM Meditation All Positions Available: our Administration looked on. Crypt Chapel Editor-in-Chief Photography Editor He was stopped by a quick tap ; Managing,Editor;, /, ;, d on the shoulder, but from the Thursday, April 30 News Editor Business Manager way he was feeding her-1 won- Sports Editor Budget Manager 12:30 PM Meditation Features Editor Subscriptions der if she complained. Oh well, Crypt Chapel Arts Editor Manager who's to say that a little sensual Announcements Advertising feeding isn't appreciated every Sunday, May 3 Opinion Editor Designer now and then, even if it is a glob 5:00 PM Roman Catholic Mass of dirt and grass? 7:00 PM Vespers Service Call x2583 for more information

Dry Cleaning Later On? Among the first partakers of the mud pit sliding, AT saw a freshman girl rolling around in her party pants. She seemed like she was having fun, among the CINESTUDIO company of her male col- leagues, but AT couldn't help but THE GINGERBREAD MAN Thurs.-Sat., April 30-May 2 7:30 PM wonder how she felt when she Sat., May 2 2:30 PM (1998) Directed by Robert Altman. Screenplay by Al Hayes, based on a story by John Grisham. Cast: Kenneth sobered up. Did she look at her Branagh, EmbethDavidtz, Darryl Hannah, Robert Duvall, Robert Downey, Jr. Find it hard to imagine ajohn Grisham mud stained clothes and re- story directed by iconoclast Robert Altman (Three Women, The Long Goodbye, Nashville)? Set in languorous Sa- member the fun of the pit, or vannah, The Gingerbread Man is drenched in the brooding atmosphere of an ominous hurricane that lies waiting just offshore. Nearly as ambivalent as in his starring role in Hamlet, Kenneth Branagh plays a hotshot lawyer with did she think, "Oh God, I better a revolving door policy in his love life. When he gives a rain-soaked waitress (Embeth Davidtz) a ride home after a get these cleaned before I have party, he takes the hazardous first step to falling in love - especially since his new love turns out to be trapped in the to go out and buy another pair?" midst of a dangerous mystery. 115 min. Those funny freshman girls. Always a blast. CITY OF LOST CHILDREN Fri. & Sat., May 1 & 2 9:55 PM (France, 1995) Written and directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet and Marc Caro. Dialogue written by Gilles Adrien. Cinematographer: Darius Khondji. Cast: Ron Perlman,Joseph Lucien, Mireille Mosse,Jean-Louis Trintignant. Yes, There's No Dress Code For we do read your requests and yes, The City of Lost Children is making a return visit to Cinestudio's Late Show! French comic book artists Jean-Pierre Jeunet and Marc Caro, whose first film was Delicatessen, join forces to create Spring Weekend. a futuristic fantasy world of the future that is part Jules Verne and part Peter Pan. A demonic scientist named Krank Apparently, among the (with the help of a tiny Bride of Frankenstein) kidnaps children to tap into their dreams. Out to topple Krank's evil partiers at Sunday's event there empire are a circus strongman and a feisty jeune fille named Miette. Angelo Badalamenti of Twin Peaks fame pro- was a sophomore boy who did vides the seductively nighmarish music. 112 min. not sleep the night before. Dressed in his gear from Satur- day night's Psi-U semiformal, he OSCAR AND LUCINDA Sun., May 3 2:30 PM tossed around in the mud, Sun.-Tues., May 3-5 7:30 PM (Australia, 1997) Director: Gillian Armstrong. Written by Laura Jones, based on the novel by Peter Carey. Cast: danced with the paraders, and Ralph Fiennes, Cate Blanchette, Ciaran Hinds, Tom Wilkinson. The bold hope for personal liberation brings to- got his tie a little dirtier than gether two lonely outsiders, in the new film by Gillian Armstrong (My Brilliant Career, Little Women). Ralph Fiennes mom would like. Three cheers plays Oscar, an introverted minister in flight from the rigidity of Victorian England and his own addiction to gam- bling. En route to Australia, he meets Lucinda, an heiress well known for her unconventional spirit. Together, they for this trooper. He got his funk are inspired to attempt the near-impossible: building a church made entirely out of glass, in the aboriginal Austra- on in style. lian outback. "There is no more eccentric story to be found on screen right now than Oscar and Lucinda, in which love, glass, Christianity and gambling all collide." Janet Maslin, New York Times. 131 min.

Compiled by Christine McCarthy McMorris APRIL 28,1998- THE TRINITY TRIPOD ANNOUNCEMENTS PAGE 15 PERFORMAN Tangos, The Exile ofGardel Hillel Barbecue Ani DiFranco Credits: Argentina/France, 1985, 125 min. Join Hillel for a barbecue on the Main Quad as MassConcerts is proud to present singer Ani. Written and directed by Fernando Solanas. Cast: they celebrate Israel's 50th birthday on Yom DiFranco live in concert. Ani will be performing Marie Laforet, Philippe Leofard, Miguel Angel Ha'Atzmaut, Israeli Independence Day. In addi- at the SNET Oakdale Theater in Wallingford, CT Sola, Marina Vlady. The Latin American and tion to dinner, the group will be holding elections on Tuesdayjune 23 at 7:30 PM. Tickets are $25.50 Spanish Film Series presents Tangos, The Exile oj for the fall of 1998. This event will be held on or $28.50 in advance. Tickets are available Gardel. The first image on the screen of Tangos Thursday, April 30 at 5 PM. If you have any ques- through the SNET Oakdale Theater Box Office. is a hauntingly beautiful shot of a man and tions, call Sara at x2653. To charge by phone or obtain more information, woman dancing over the Seine at dawn. It is an call the SNET Oakdale Theater at (203) 265-1501. unforgettable cinematic moment, and the perfect For tickets you may also call Advantix at (888) 1998 Walk Against Hunger 332-5600. introduction to a story of political exile, rich with You may talk the talk, but can you walk the fantasy and longing. A group of Argentinian walk? Now is the time to start hitting up your emigres in Paris fight off their homesickness by parents, grandparents, friends, and neighbors to John Valby putting on a Tango-dy, a performance they de- sponsor you for the 15th Annual Walk Against Comedian John Valby presents his notorious scribe as "tango plus tragedy plus comedy." All Hunger. Our goal is to have at least 50 people from "Dr. Dirty" comedy act. This performance will be too familiar with living in exile, director Trinity participating in the walk, raising a total held at Wings Bar and Grille in East Windsor, Fernando Sclanas was forced to flee Argentina of $500. The Walk Against Hunger happens on Connecticut. This performance is scheduled for when his leftist documentaries got him into Sunday, May 3rd. It'll be an afternoon of fun, Friday, May 22 at 8:00 PM. All tickets are $12.50. trouble after the 1976 coup. His bittersweet, el- music, prizes, and of course, The Walk! Take a This show is for ages 21+ only who show proper egant musical is both a tribute to a new love break from finals and come relax and participate! ID. Call Protix at (860) 422-0000 for tickets or (Paris) and the acknowledgment of an underly- All you have to do is pick up a sponsor form from information. ing passion (Argentina). Winner, Special Jury Emily Clarke, Smith 202, x3361. Then ask your Prize, Cannes Film Festival. Wednesday, April 29, roommates, friends, and relatives to make a con- Jimmy Buffett Cinestudio, 7:30 PM. Speaker for the film will be tribution to fight hunger. On May 3rd, you'll turn The legendaryjimmy Buffett will be perform- Nina Gerassi Navarro, Spanish and Portuguese, in your sponsor sheet and the money you've ing with the Coral Reefer Band. Jimmy Buffett Mount Holyoke College. raised- and have fun! will be performing at the Meadows Music The- ater. The show is scheduled for Tuesday, August John O.C. McCrillis Collection 25. Tickets are already on sale and can be bought "From A to Z: An Exhibition of ABC Books Se- Wedding Announcement through Protix at (860) 422-0000. Call for tick- lected from the John O.C. McCrillis Collection." Louise Angela Muscat, a graduating senior ets or information. Hours: 9:30 AM-4:30 PM, Monday through Satur- with a Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience, has day, when classes are in session. This exhibit will become engaged to Robert Thomas Kelly II, an be presented in the Watkinson Library. IDP student. The couple plans to be married on June 20,1998 in Branford, Connecticut. Honors Day Ceremony Honors Day will be held on Friday, May 1, in the Senior Art Exhibition Class of 98 Reward Yourselves! Trinity College Chapel beginning at 3:30 PM. At 3 Trinity College presents an exhibition of art- o'clock, there will be organ precludes performed by work by Trinity College Studio Arts Seniors. The The GM College Grad Program offers eligible college grads a $400 gift certificate good toward John Rose, College Organist. Come to support your opening reception will be held at the Widener peers who will be receiving rewards. Gallery on Monday, April 20 at 4:30 PM. Fea- the purchase or lease of any new Chevrolet, tured artists include Lana-Marcelle Abraham, Pontiac, or GMC vehicle, when they qualify and Mark Chaffee, Amalie Flynn, and Jennifer finance through a participating Chevrolet, Pontiac, or GMC dealer and GMAC. To partici- Notice from Athletic Office Gunkcl. Admission is free, and all members of Students are reminded that they are to empty the Trinity College community ate encotfraged pates the GM-jGoUegeXjiracJ sBrogram eligiblestu- dents should call (800) 964-GRA D. their lockers in Ferris Athletic Center by Wednes- to attend and support our senior artists. This ex- day,May6,1998. Athleticequipment, Iocks.and tow- hibition will run till May 8. els must be returned to the equipment room.

HELP WANTED.....Men/Women earn $375 weekly pressing/assembling Now PLAYING, Medical I.D. Cards at home. Immediate openings, your local area. Experience unnecessary, will train. Showcase Cinema- 936 Silver Lane Call Medicard at (541) 386-5290 Ext, 118M Times are valid through Thursday, April 30 Prices $7.25 regular admission; $4.50 matinees before 6:00 PM Free Cash Grants! For scheduling information, call (860) 568- 8810 College. Scholarships. Business. Medical Bills. Never Repay. Toll Free 1-800-218- Barney (G) 1:15 PM, 3:05 PM, 5:00 PM 9000 Ext. G-15364. : My Giant (PG) 12:05 PM, 2:25 PM, 4:40 PM, 7:40 PM, 9:55 PM, 11:55 PM Titanic (PG-13) 12:25 PM, 4:10 PM, 7:00 PM, 7:55 PM, 11:30 PM Sublet in New York Wild Things (R) 12:00 PM, 2:15 PM, 5:10 PM, 10:15 PM, 12:35 AM Need a place in New York this summer? Sublet The Odd Couple (PG-13) 12:10 PM, 2:30 PM, 4:45 PM, 7:45 PM, 10:00 PM, 12:20 AM available, Upper East Sidejunejuly, August. Call Primary Colors (R) 4:30 PM, 7:25 PM (212) 369-0549 or e-mail [email protected]. Good Will Hunting (R) 1:25 PM, 4:05 PM, 7:15 PM, 9:45 PM Mercury Rising (R) 1:20 PM, 4:25 PM, 7:10 PM, 9:35 PM, 11:50 PM Part-Time Teaching Positions As Good As It Gets (PG-13) 12:50 PM, 3:45 PM, 7:05 PM City of Angels (PG-13) 12:15 PM, 2:40 PM, 5:05 PM, 7:30 PM, 10:00 PM, 12:25 AM Flexible part-time teaching positions available. Ride (R) . 12:05 AM Individual & small group classes. Immediate 12:45 PM, 2:50 PM, 5:00 PM, 7:20 PM need for. Mandarin, French, Spanish, Brazilian, Species II (R) 2 screens 9:40 PM, 10:10 PM, 11:45 PM, 12:15 AM Portuguese, Japanese, ESL, German, and Italian. .12:40 PM, 1:10 PM, 2:50 PM, 3:25 PM, 5:10 PM, 5:40 PM Those interested should fax their resume to K. Player's Club (R) 2 screens 7:35 PM, 7:45 PM, 9:50 PM, 10:20 PM, 12:00 AM, 12:30 AM LaBrie at (860) 561-7250. 1:00 PM, 1:30 PM, 3:50 PM, 4:35 PM, 7:00 PM Lost In Space (PG-13) 2 screens 7:30 PM, 9:40 PM, 10:05 PM, 11:50 PM Free T-Shirt + $1000 Credit Card fund-raisers for fraternities, sororities, and other groups. Any campus Newington Theater- 40 Cedar Street in Newington organization can raise up to $1000 by earning Times are valid through Thursday, April 30 $5.00/VISA application. • Prices $3.50 regular admission Call 1-800-932-0528 ext 65. For scheduling information, call (860) 666-8489 Qualified callers receive FREE T-SHIRT. Primary Colors (R) 7:00 PM, 9:30 PM Excellent Extra Income Now! Grease (PG) 7:00 PM, 9:10 PM ENVELOPE STUFFING- $600-$80Q every week. Free details, SASE to: International Inc. Elm Theater-New Britain Avenue, next to Webster Bank 1375 Coney Island Ave. Times are valid through Thursday, April 30 • • Brooklyn, New York 11230 Prices: $3.50 regular admission, $2.50 matinees before 6 PM For scheduling information, call (860) 232-2820 Miami only $79 o.w. Mexico/Caribbean Primary Colors (R) 7:00 PM, 9:40 PM or Central America $200 r.t.; Grease (PG) 7:10 PM, 9:40 PM Europe $179 o.w. Other world wide destinations cheap. ONLY TERRORISTS GET YOU THERE CHEAPER! Air Tech (212) 219-7000. PAGE 16 FEATURES THE TRINITY TRIPOD — APRIL 28,1998 Where We Age Like Wine, Not Like Meat S(\'What Made Us Think That We Were Wise And We'd Never Compromise?" So it comes down to this. Girls don't You can't have a car on campus your not the first, 1 hung up. BY LINDA SUN PACYLOWSKI want to date freshmen boys because of Freshman year. Yes, that is a rule. A rule You don't know the ins and outs your Features Editor that "freshman" stigma. Boys don't want that I followed. So all you Freshmen out freshman year. Like where MCEC is and to date freshmen girls, because why date there that have weaseled your way into what it stands for. I didn't learn what and Oh, freshmen year. A year without them when you can just booty call them possession of a parking pass take away where Halden Hall was until this year. worries, without consequences, without over every now and then instead? my parking spots. What comes around And how many of you can tel 1 me which the threat of our future pounding on our And then there's housing. Nobody goes around, my friends. room in the upstairs of Mather Hall is door when all we want to do is sleep in. misses this. Your Freshman year you get You can't drink in your dorm. In fact, Terrace Room A? It's embarrassing as a A year full of new faces, new sounds, new this great Jackson single or Elton quad. you can't do much in your dorm because junior to walk over to Clemens Dormi- sights, and new drinks. It wasn't that Isn't that nice? All of your friends are you have resident assistants and mentors tory looking for the Clement Chemistry long ago that Ashton Crosby'01 echoed packed intoclosets in Frobb or Little, and who are there to catch you doing bad, Building, but expected as a freshman. the feelings of his class with the state- you get to sprawl out all through your bad things. You can get written up for In theory, you're younger as a fresh- ment, "It's all about being fresh meat." first year experience. And then the drinking in your room. You certainly man age-wise. But apparently that's not the case anymore because if you're a freshman and your birthday is before So it comes down to this. Girls don't want to date freshmen boys because of that November 1,1977- you're older than me "Freshman" stigma. Boys don't want to date freshmen girls, because why date them and my coeditor, both juniors. But you're when you can just booty call them over every now and then instead? still looked at like a younger boy, if it's by a sophomore girl who's four months younger, or a junior girl who is four Well, join the line Ashton. It only gets Spring lottery comes around. All of a can never have parties in the basement months older. staler and staler over your next three sudden, you have no friends. Your num- of Frobb with other residents of your I will always look back on my fresh- years. ber is so ridiculously high, that the dorm and the dorm next to yours, right? man year fondly. All of us Frobbians re- But as much as I loved my freshmen thought of picking you to live with No, you can't. That's wrong. member the good times captured on Lisa year, if you made me choose between liv- equals a pretty little Jarvis double. Or You're a freshman. A "freshman." It Welker's '99 video documentary of our ing in Frohmann-Robb or High Rise, I'd God forbid, a Clemens triple. I've been can be used as an insult. I'm a twenty first year experience. No Frobblem, folks. choose broken down elevators over a ten granted pretty nice housing since my year-old junior girl who still gets mis- We got No Frobblem with that. But look- by ten double any day of the week; time in Frobb, but then again- every taken for a freshman at places on cam- ing back is the key phrase, not necessar- Freshmen year was fun, but it's in the roommate I've had since my freshmen pus, as well as off campus. I don't like ily going back. Every trip taken to a past where it will stay. Happily. And the year lived in Frobb with me. that. Freshmen aren't taken seriously. It's freshman dorm just reminds me how most wonderful thing our entire return- You can't pledge one of our great so- the whole, "What do you know? You're a much 1 like being a junior. If nothing else, ing community can say next fall, from rorities or fraternities as a freshman. But freshman" thing that seems to carry on my room this year is a whole lot better. the class of 2001 to the rising seniors of 1999, is that we are not freshmen any- more. Your freshman year, you get this great Jackson single or Elton quad. Isn't that nice? A freshman guy is at the bottom of the All of your friends are packed into closets in Frobb or Little, and you get to sprawl totem pole. Girls want the older guys. out all through your first year experience. And then the Spring lottery conies around. Those big, senior football captains, right? All of a sudden, you have no friends. So their pickings come from girls in their own class. Hmm. So that's why they're all single, huh? then again, is it worse being a freshman year after year. We don't have much of a What does it mean to be a junior ver- A freshman girl is just a new, pretty or a pledge? They might be pretty equal. class hierarchy here at Trinity. There's sus being a freshman? You're a whole lot face and ptetty body. I'm nat'trfSfig^tdi1-' wiser to th& ways oE those around you, be mean, I was a freshman girl once, too. you want to because of the seniority to junior year, but what a blow to the ego maybe not wiser in general. Maybe taller, But the number of times I watch my fel- clause that most teachers seem to follow if a sophomore is mistaken for a fresh- maybe not. Your class year is a part of low Upper class boys just linger back to It seems you get rejected enough from man. I got a prank call the other night, your description, not your title. And fi- pick out which one they're going to take other areas of our school, the last thing and the guy on the other end of the nally, for you boys out there, you can home, outnumbers my English major you want is for a professor to tell you that phone asked if I was a freshman. I said laugh at the single girls in your class counting capabilities. they don't want you either. that 1 was not, he didn't believe me, he's while you bring home the fresh meat. The Deterioration of Truth: Not Just At Trinity "Just about the most wretched day of my Lying grows exponentially with time. even remotely concerned with speaking BY CHRISTOPHER R. SANBORN sorry life. And thanks for reminding me." I love kids because they are painfully the truth, our deceptive skills might not Features Columnist Can't do it. Wouldn't be nice. honest, Children don't need to be taught be so perfected. Applying to college and getting a job not to lie, they live their lives by the sec- Trinity is, by no means, a haven for this Always tell the truth and if you don't are two experiences that depend very ond and can't see the ramifications of kind of dishonest behavior. Go to the ca- have anything nice to say, don't say it at dearly on your God-given ability to fab- their words. reer services office and they will teach all. Okay, but what happens when fol- ricate the truth. Remember the college A kid will let you know when you you how to lie on the your cover letter or lowing rule #1 means disobeying rule application essay question about de- have a "boogie" hanging from your nose. your resume. Of course, it is not really #2. The closer I look and the older I get, scribing what appliance you would most the more I find incentives for dishonesty. want to be? An honest response to this How long does it take, on average, for question would include the use of several A kid will let you know when you have a "boogie" a person to loose faith in his/her ideals? "bad" words employed to describe cre- hanging from your nose. Ask a little kid why he is At what age do we collectively give up ative ways to permanently injure the chewing on his toes he'll say, "1 don't know" and he'll on being honest and tell everyone what author. they want to hear? When parents tell When an interviewer asks me why I mean it their kids to be honest, they do so in am more qualified for the job than any hopes of instilling some magic code of of the other applicants I only wish 1 Ask a little kid why he is chewing on his lying. But what do you really cal 1 it when morality that is universally accepted could look the sorry boob in the eye and toes he'll say, "I don't know," and he'll you list "coordinated poultry distribu- and fundamentally just. say, "Any fool with two eyes and half a mean it. Take a photograph, draw a pic- tion" as one of your duties working at But why confuse the kid. "Making it" brain could do this stupid job and if I had ture, it will last longer. Boston Market? I.D. Required? Alterna- in the world today requires a serious de- a quarter for every one of your meaning- Kids turn into teenagers where hor- tive Beverage? Take your pick. We lie be- tachment from truth and honesty. less questions I'd die a rich and happy mones take over every facet of life. Lies cause its accepted and encouraged. There's no point in learning something man." become a necessary means to forge Unfortunately I am not inspired by . that will eventually lead to your demise. I need a job so I can make money, so I ahead in the battle to stay cool. Teenag- considering the alternative to this What parent: would wish that on their can eat, so I can live another day. But 1 ers lie to their parents about where they largely overlooked social problem. A wi'U'until tli ei iiulvmninipj'Tht >'lic noilrl li.ll of ]Jiopleatuui;oi.i ( ,'eiy in 'll' I ! Ul I Li' • i in'i tin; uhf (i i,i 1>!. ilu \ | I ',( it 1 ' "I ill ' ll'l jl,!li)l!.'ll i |'l , I il jli APRIL 28,1998 — THE TRINITY TRIPOD FEA TIMES' PAGE 17 Seniors reflect: May 17th: A New Set of Firsts To Come BY ELIZABETH PERRY AND •Accidentals concert DANA PROYECT •Chance to wear your little Senior Editors black dress •Formal where a dirty white baseball hat and a tie go together •2 AM emergency run to the For freshmen, everything is Olympia new. All year long you learn new •500 page book due in two days things, meet new people and ex- •Package from Vinnie perience things for the first time. •MTV Marathon on For seniors, it is the opposite. In- a hung over Sunday stead of learning new things, we are passing on old knowledge. •Communal bathroom (we Instead of meeting new people, hope!) we are saying goodbye to old •Shuttle ride friends. And instead of experi- •Voice mail message from the encing things for the first time, Meridian Mail lady we are doing it all for the last •5 AM rowing practice on the time. These are some of our fa- Connecticut River vorite lasts... •Striking the set with Gerry •Hallapalooza •Couches, funnels and BBQs •Moving in day: Salvation during Spring Weekend Army couches, moldy fridges, •All nighter at The Tripod the end of summer •Dropping off permission of in- Dana and Elizabeth: Friends Forever TOM DEVANEY structor slips at 8:30AM On May 17th we will walk over •Swallowing Goldfish at Tropi- •"Doing work" at your ski cabin •8:30 class the plaque and leave Trinity be- cal over Reading Week •Pitcher of Beast at the Tap hind. Each of us will head off to •Homecoming as an under- •Fun in the sun, drink till you •$4 pizza from Breto's a new life with a mixture of sad- graduate drop Spring Break •Saturday night TCERT call ness, excitement and anticipa- •Walk of Shame •Karaoke night with •Free Tylenol and Sudafed from tion. This day will mark the end •Mounds of orange Rice Krispie beers and bopping Bistro Jane the medical office of our lasts and the beginning of Treats at Halloween night in •Being a Dancing Queen at •Chance to wine and dine at a whole new set of firsts. Mather Disco Inferno Dobelle's house

Top Ten Things Well Miss Over The Deep Thoughts...

Surnmej -1 hope if dogs lake over the world, and they choose a king, they don't just go by size, because I bet there are some Chi- huahuas with some good ideas.

10. Free Late Night Beetv (Skunked and stale, but free nonetheless.) -1 bet the main reason the police keep people away from a plane crash is they don't want anybody walking in and ly- ing down in the crash and stuff, then, when somebody comes 9. Destruction without consequences. (Those up, act like they just woke up and go, "What was THAT?1." stuffy land lords.)

8. Booty calls. (They're rarely answered when - When you go in for a job interview, I think a good thing driving is involved.) to ask is if they ever press charges.

7. People who clean up our messes. (Mom?) -Sometimes when I feel like killing someone, I do a little trick to calm myself down. I'll go over to the person's house 6. Bars that let us underagers in. (Your roommate's and ring the doorbell. When the person comes to the door, ID. won't work on Lansdowne Street.) I'm gone, but you know what I've left on the porch? A jack- o-lantern with a knife stuck in the side of its head with a note that says, "You." After that, I usually feel a lot better, 5. Not worrying about a damn thing. (Can what and no harm done. we do really be called worrying?)

4. The Typical Trinity Girl. (Just kidding.) -Anytime I see something screech across a room and latch on to someone's neck, and the guy screams and tries to get it 3. No rent and utilities cost. (That goes to mom off, I have to laugh, because WHAT IS THAT THING? and dad.) - One thing kids like is to be tricked. For instance, I was going to take my little nephew to Disneyland, but instead I 2. Free condoms at the infirmary. (Saves the drove him to an old burned out warehouse. "Oh, No!," I said, embarrassment and the expense.) "Disneyland burned down." He cried and cried, but I think that deep down he thought it was a pretty good joke. I started to drive over to the real Disneyland, but it was getting pretty 1. A chance to use those condoms. (In the "real late. world," people have morals and taste.) taken from h tlp;//ivww. themegacity,com PAGE 18 FEATURES THE TRINITY TRIPOD — APRIL 28,1998 We Want The Funk! Gotta Have That Funk! How "The Curbing Of The Pigs" Turned Us Into Bigger Ones lawn, but there were also a lot of trash equally primping male friends get mud- The campus being isn't only BY JULIANNA BOCDANSKI bins left standing at the end of the event. soaked. And whether or not anyone our fault, let them take some of the heat, Features Editor The Quad was dirty, but so were the stu- wanted to be included initially, once too. All 1 know is, as soon as they told us dents, and we finally got a dose of our they got started, they couldn't stop. 1 to stop, and started herding us out of the It was a direct order. Over the loud own medicine. know I got tossed in the pig-pile, I even LSC area like pigs (even if we looked and speaker, George Clinton proclaimed that The mud offered most of us a chance got a whole beer spilled on my head. smelled like them), students started act- we must stop sliding around and having to regain that youth that we often lose And this brings me to my point: ing like animals in worse ways than roll- fun in the mud or he'd be forced by our by this point in the year. We usually seek Couldn't Campus Safety see that while ing in the mud. very own Campus Safety Officers to stop out our lost childhood in common group the mud-festival was occurring, less If they really were that concerned his performance. Why is it that when activities such as post-drink drooling drinking was? The beer was being tossed about our safety, they would have we want to have some good clean (well, and the terrible-two's trash dumpster around more than at any event. The gen- stopped it at the beginning, when it was maybe not so clean) fun, we are repri- emptying. eral rule was, if it's wet, spray it around; only a few kids pushing each other manded? But at this particular event, when the we'll all get clean later. around. They let the pit grow for about So maybe most of the people involved an hour, so why did they stop it? It makes in the mud-pit were a little inebriated. Couldn't they see that there was less broken furniture me think that the officers were just jeal- And maybe the horseplay was a little and fewer overturned garbage cans? I'd be willing to ous and pretty darn upset that they'd rough. But it seems to me, that while all been instructed to keep their uniforms of us were out there playing around and bet that the couples that were tossing each other clean. having fun listening to good ol' George, around were too tired for any post-concert horseplay. We might have gotten a few bruises, what we were not doing was trashing the maybe even a scratch or two. And we campus—the other, perhaps more obvi- weather didn't go our way and George Couldn't they see that there was less certainly may have gotten a mouthful of ous, favorite pastime during social even called for bringin' on the funk, broken furniture and there were fewer mud. But while we were getting down events. Campus Safety, the masters of peace con- overturned garbage cans? I'd even be and dirty, the campus wasn't—not nearly What confuses me is that though I'm trol and campus safety regulation, willing to bet that all of the couples that to the extent it would have had it been a sure it was all in the name of safety (and couldn't help but admit they would were out there tossing each other around nice, sunny day sans mud. the concert was, in fact, cut short due to prefer one form of trash to another— were too tired for any post-concert horse- Even though the band may have been a mud-induced injury), it could have they'd rather see bottles and trash to a play; chalk one up for less premarital sex. supposed to play for another hour, even been worse. If anyone recalls the scene little mud-slide. Campus Safety, can't you see your though it wasn't a beautiful sunshine on the LSC quad immediately following Some of you might say in defense of blunder? Though you tried to do a good day, and even though I was sober by the last year's Spring Weekend, this year's Campus Safety: "What? They never said deed by getting us out of the mud, you end of the afternoon, I'd have to say that event was immaculate, all mud consid- they wanted more destruction!" Oh, but endangered our lives. You made a silent this year's Spring Weekend was fun be- ered. they did. By telling us to stop, they were statement that you would rather see us cause we wanted it to be. Yes, there were broken pieces of furni- begging for disasters in other forms. spend more time drinking than engag- The rain didn't wash away our fun po- ture, but there were also broken Carni- I saw pristine pink ladies turn into ing in a mud fight. Didn't you get to play tential—they don't call us number five val costumes. There was a trash strewn wanna-be rugby players. I watched their in the mud when you were little? for nothing. Cosmo t^e clairvoyant Canine Om Last Look Into T^e, Ver$ Near Puture B$ TJge fifl2j3LQ£ JPwp^etic Power.

SCORPIO AQUARIUS TAURUS OCT25-NOV2I JAN2O-TE.5 1S -MAY 2O The school year's end brings you into Oh, baby, are you stuck on campus all You definitely had a good weekend. In You have finally turned your life what will be your best summer ever. summer? I think a few of you are. Don't fact, I bet you're still glowing from how around. Things are looking up for you, You might be a little unsure about worry, I hear the Connecticut River is good this weekend was for you. Well, so wipe that permanent frown off your what will happen being so far from beautiful this time of year. And for those glow all you want- it'll all end very face. 1 see a long vacation on some xiends, so far from your family, so far of you who do get to run off and experi- shortly. As soon as you consult that little beach for you. Sand, yes, I see sand, and from that permanent booty call you ence new sounds and sights, watch out syllabus of yours and realize that not lots and lots of oil. Hmmm. A sum- have across campus. But you're gonna for late night revelries. It'll be easy for only do you have an extra final, but you mer fling, perhaps? A summer ro- turn heads, as usual. Hold yours high. you party favors to get caught up in the missed an interview for your "shoo-in" mance is most definitely in your future. Your astrologically predicted summer excitement of the night, but you know summer job. Your astrologically pre- Your astrologically predicted summer job: Anything you want, because you're better than to be bad boys and girls. Your dicted summer job: working for mom job: a pimp. that good. But if I had to give you one, astrologically predicted summer job: re- and/or dad, living at home. the new MTV vee-jay. search assistant in some science field.

SAGITTARIUS '. FISCES GEMINI VIRGO NOV22-DE.C2I rrf.5 i?-MAR20 MAY 21 -JUNZO I AUG25-SE,fT22 Do you even have a summer job yet? I bet you can't wait to get away from It'll be your birthday soon, sun chil- If your name starts with a "T", you will There's that saying, good things hap- this place, can you? All this small school dren. And that's what your summer will have an absolutely awesome summer. pen to those who wait Don't believe garbage is starting to get you down. Use be about. Sunshine, daydreams, and a lot If it does not start with a "T", you will it. Get your butt down to career ser- this summer break as a chance to un- of good times to come. Lemonades laced think that you are having an awesome vices before it's too late. Get the job, wind and reach deep down inside to find with vodka, long and lazy sun sets on summer until your summer love leaves buddy, because there's a couple dozen your inner self again. It's very easy to get your front porch watching all the cute you for another, your mom shows up other jobless souls who will be trying morphed into the typical Trinity student people with cute butts walk by. This at your summer place the one day you to jump in your shoes soon. You've got mold, but you're better than that. Your may be your last lazy summer, so enjoy decide to get drunk before breakfast, a good head on your shoulders, it just astrologically predicted summer job: it. Your astrologically predicted summer and your car will suffer numerous flat job: working at a country club, or beach seems to deflate every now and then. part-time waiter/ full-time gopher. tires. Your astrologically predicted club. Your astrologically predicted summer summer job: working on the Cape, job: customer service representative at hairdressing or valet parking. The Gap.


You have the job of your dreams lined Uh-oh, another rejection letter, huh? Oh, just a few more days until all this You are the cutest sign ever. You're just up this summer, don't you? You have a Or should I say, rejection postcard. Well, work will end and go away. Good or bad, the cutest people ever! At least most good summer ahead, friends, so don't keep your chin up, you can't get rejected it will be oversoon and you can go on of you are. You got into that summer worry about a thing. Just remember from every job you applied for. Someone's with your life so much more able to be program you wanted to, and it just so that this job of yours will help you in going to want you, somewhere. Just keep young and have fun. You worry about a happens to be near where most of your the long run, but it won't help your trying. And as for your actions this past few things, you think you're going to friends will be living. Did you know pasty white skin- so try to hit the beach weekend, the summer break could not miss a few things. Maybe a few people. that you were cute? Well, you are. Your every once in a while. Don't be a come any earlier for you wild cats out They'll miss you, too. Your astrologically astrologically predicted summer job: workaholic. Your astrologically pre- there. Hopefully, that person will have a predicted summer job: living with your part-time bakery worker/ full-time all dicted summer job: editorial intern- short memory. Your astrologically pre- roommate, working with your room- around cutie patootie. ship somewhere. Anywhere. dicted summer job: garbage collector. I mate, manual labor. told you someone would want you. APRIL 28,1998 — THE TRINITY TRIPOD FEATURES PAGE 19 Ch-ch-ch-changes: Simple, Unselfish Solutions For My Senior Year much in the dining establishments freshmen having cars? I don't know who already do, so bring on the HBO and BY JENNIFER GERARD themselves. For example, maybe he decides what qualifies as a special need Cinemax! No, Mom, that wouldn't lower Features Columnist should consider adding Liquor Lane for a car, but there must be a lot of spe- my GPA, I promise. next to Thirst Base. Alt. Bev. would never cial freshmen. Maybe seniors could be And even if I did have an exception- Most of us love good ol' Trin, but we be the same again. And what about us- in charge of enforcing that rule...just a ally high GPA, my name would never be" all know that there could be some ing our flex dollars at Keg night at the thought. in the Items of Interest for the English changes. The 1997-1998 school year was Bistro? Mom and Dad's money being put And for those without cars and even honor society. Why you ask? Because pretty good for the majority of us, how- to good use once again. for the days when everyone is just walk- there is no honor society for English ever, I know that there are a few adjust- majors. If there is to be an honor society ments that I would like to see. Some of us have cut our hair, had some plastic surgery, for German Studies, there should be one First of all, let's consider the Trinity ID or even grown up a bit (imagine that?), so why can't for us all. (Does anyone know any Ger- cards. Some of the freshmen may be un- man majors?) aware of the fact that those horrendous we just have new pictures taken. What if someone We all deserve a fair chance for noto- pictures they took the first day they ar- had a sex change? Would they get a new picture? I riety, but keeping up the GPA is hard rived will haunt them for the next three guess that could go to the Dean's office. when no one will make a rule about va- years. As a senior I will still carry around cations and Reading Weeks. You know an ID that will remind me of that sweaty what I mean. The 800 pages you had to August afternoon I moved into Frobb. But it's not just the booze we want. ing, why doesn't somebody just tell us read over Spring Break and the four pa- Some of us have cut our hair, had some What about a Starbuck's next to the where the secret tunnels are! We've all pers you had due the Monday after Read- plastic surgery, or even grown up a bit Cave? Several other schools around the heard the stories about the tunnels that ing Week; it's all for the birds. We bust (imagine that?), so why can't we just have country have chains in the dining halls. run below ground all across campus, and our butts trying to make the deadlines new pictures taken. What if someone If we can't have McDonald's or Taco Bell, during the eight months of winter in when we are supposed to be relaxing, had a sex change? Would they get a new we could certainly use some good cof- Connecticut, those tunnels would be and then the professors take the next two picture? I guess that could go to the fee. Two of my roommates are dying to greatly appreciated. Even heated side- months grading those papers. Deadlines Dean's office. Every day I go to Mather, petition the administration for a walks would be a good change, so we for everyone, I say! and every day Del and Olga see that ter- S tarbuck's in the place of the game room. don't slip and fall on our tushies. Many Maybe 1 am just complaining, but I rible picture I wish I could hide from. And what about parking on campus? a bruised bum is the result of icy walk- prefer to call it recommending. As a ris- Speaking of Mather, Jon Small has There are numerous problems there. ways. Schools like Colgate have them, so ing senior, 1 have had three years to look made some major changes, but not so What ever happened to that rule about why can't we? Don't we want to keep at Trinity. I love it; I'll admit it. I'm a up with the competition? proud Bantam, but I'm occasionally a What better way to compete with little disgruntled. Trinity won't be per- other schools than by supplying every fect; nei ther will we, but if we all put our room with full cable service, including thoughts together and met over a beer in movie channels? There is no way that Mather, maybe something good would we could watch more television than we come up. BOWLING- IS A VERY

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Appleyard held onto Men's and Women's teams did this position until the final 200 not fare as well as expected, but meters when the field surged. Appleyard's response was not there were some fine individual JOE JACKSON performances throughout the enough to hold his position, as This year's Athletic Award Winners pose with President weekend. he finished seventh in 4:04.95. Dobelle, Doug Tansill and Randy Lee. In the 800, David Aucoin fin- Saturday began with the Jon Freeman '98 ished in 1:59.84. George Sheldon McCook Award Men's DMR. Trinity placed sev- Best Senior Male Athlete enth with the team of Paul Amanda Rival '01 competed Pultar '01 (1200), Matthew in the 100 meter hurdles. On ECAC Award Ben Appleyard '98 McShane '99 (400), David Saturday, with a time of 16.56 Best Senior Male Scholar Athlete Aucoin '98 (800), and Benjamin Rival qualified for the finals, Appleyard'98 (1600). Following where she cut her time down to Trinity Club of Hartford Award Anna Norland '98 this was the Women's 4 x 800 16.39 and finished fifth. Rival Best Senior Female Athlete relay. Despite two injuries, the also competed in thehighjump, team, made up of Nicole Hanley finishing fourth with a leap of Susan E. Martin Senior Award Anna Norland '98 '99, Pamela Kelly '99, Yolanda 1.52 meters. Best Female Scholar Athlete Flamino '99, and Marisa Eddy Two sprinters, Mia Antonetti '00 and Valerie Walker '98, Bantam Award Randy Lee qualified for Sunday's 100 final Non-student who contributes most to Trinity Sports with the respective times of 13.32 and 13.21. In the final, Robert R. Bartlett Award Kelly Carnwath '98 Antonetti finished eighth and Female Athlete who best contributes to community service Walker crossed the line in sixth place with a time of 13.44. Fol- Robert R. Bartlett Award Christian Sheehan '98 lowing the same trend was Jay Male Athlete who best contributes to community service Wright'00 in the 200. Wright ran a qualifying time of 22.84 Larry Silver Award Carolyn French '98 on Saturday and then placed seventh in the finial (23.34). In Non-athlete who contributes the most to Trinity Sports addition to this, Wright also fin- ished sixth in the 400 (50.71) Board of Fellows Award Yolanda Flamino'99 and ran the lead leg in the 4 x Best Junior Female Scholar Athlete 400 race. The Women's 400 showcased Haliiley and;Aim Bob Herronjr. Award Jim Devine '99 Mary Lukas '01, finishing tenth Best Junior Male Scholar Athlete ' - •>' * . - < • and twelfth. Blanket Awards A. Tucker, R Jones, The day on the track was Those athletes who have earned 9 varsity letters E. Lavigne, S. Worthy '01, managed to finish seventh, rounded out with two distance D. Aucoin, L. Worthy, Next was the 10K, featuring events, the women's 3000 and B. Appleyard Elizabeth Worthy '98, Todd the men's 5000. The 3000 was Markelz '01, and Eric Lavigne a tight race in which Trinity '98, in their respective races. placed three runners in the top Worthy was off to a quick start, seven. Yolanda Flamino fin- running with the lead pack over ished in second place (10:19.01), the first half of the race. Slowly while teammates Thania this pack spread out and Wor- Benios '99 and Sonya Worthy thy was left to run by herself. '98 finished sixth and seventh, She slowly edged her way up, respectively. Benios, who fin- WETHERSFIELD (860) 257-9368 finishing fourth with'a time of ished in 10:42.41, ran a tough 38:45.85. Lavigne used a differ- race, leading the field for a short ent strategy, as he attacked the while. Worthy also ran well race. He lead the field through crossing the line at 10:51.84. In College the first five miles, at which the men's 5000, the "sophomore point, the leaders jostled and puppies," David, Kyle '00 and Special fought for position until the fin- Adam Forkner !00, ran great ish. Lavigne finished third, races. Kyle took eight seconds clocking 32:19.58. Markelz, in of f his PR, as he lowered his time 1 month 1/2 off his 10K debut, started in the sown to 16:13.36 and. finished 2 months 1/2 off middle of the 22 man field and tenth. . • . steadjly .advanced -the ,.entire (if prepaid for season) ; -. --Off,the: track, the wpm&n •; SOOleson RoW ' face. Maricelz crossed theline'at '. Beth Doran"'99, who South of.-;i-84.West of 1-91 33:45.63 in seventh 'plaice. '• placed, in the hammer (sixth) Wet he "rsfieldvG-T 06109 Also on Saturday was the and the discus (seventh). The Men's high jump competition. discus was measured at 30.33 • Open 7 days a week Benjamin Goss '98 tied for first meters and the hammer at 37.80 with a Connecticut College ath- • Electronic gate access meters. Michelle Lozier'99also lete, leading to a jump-off. The • 24 hour access available added to the team's effort, fin- two jumpers battled to clear the ishing twelfth in the javelin. • Security fenced, w ell -1 i-ghted • bar. The Connecticut athlete The Men's javelin featured last was the first to do so, moving • Video recorded year's winner, Greg Tirrell '99. . Gpss into second place. .Goss'. • Individually alarmed units TirrelLin only his second com-: leap of 6'6" was a personal best, petition this season, due to be- • Climate controlled units available and 10 cm higher than the third : ing abroad,-finished third with •.'•;St2€ts from 25 - 300 sq.ft.'' , ;' ; place finisher. a throw of 52.50 meters., :Robert; •• Cornmeretal and residential spaces Rekuc '01 also threw well in the Early the next, indrning, the • ,RV.'~ boat,- auto parking Women's 5000 meter race lined javelin competition. PROFESSi ONA LL Y MANAGED BY: up on the track. Kimberly These performances, unfdrtu- • Month-to-month leases' Mendell '99 immediately found nately, were, not enough to lift -• No security deposit STORAGE USA her place, as she tucked behind , the teams into the finishing po- • Packing materials available the leaders. Mendell let them sitions that they had hoped for. phone (860)257-9368 pull her along until midway The men will attempt to im- • accepted fax (860)529-4009 through the race when she prove upon these marks at the • Free local fax service blasted into third place. Over Springfield Invitational on Sat- • Senior citizen discounts the remainder of the race, urday, while the women travel Mendell battled to retain this to Connecticut College for the « (Referral programs' position, slipping slightly, as she Division III New England • Credit cards accepted finished fifth in 18:50.68. Championship. APRIL 28,1998—THE TRINITY TRIPOD SPORTS PAGE 21 Men's Lacrosse Ends Union Strike Good Luck to College on the Saturday of the Men's and Spring Weekend. The team overcame their Spring Week- Women's end woes with a dominating 14- 3 waxing of Union. Crews! Although Union scored first, they were never really in the game. The Bantams' defense sty- This mied the Union attack until they added their second goal Saturday the with under two minutes to play in the third quarter. How about boats will that for defense! compete in After one quarter it was 3-1 and by halftime the Bantams various heats extended their lead to a control- ling 8-1. The lead grew to as and finals on many as ten points as Trinity scored four more times in the Lake third quarter to make it 12-2. Quinsigamond, The final was 14-3 and by the end of the game eleven different in Worcester, players had scored goals. Souers, Harrelson, and Alex Hazelton Massachusetts. Men's Lacrosse continues their quest KATIE BRYANT '99 each doubled up on goals toward the post season. while Levine, Byrne, Tassie, Engel, Alex Flemming '00, This regatta Bantams went into the break goals with under three minutes Robb Kennedy '00, Will Stengel BY SETH SCHWARTZ trailing 7-6 because of a four to play, including one with only '99, Brian Andre '01, Dave Sports Writer will be a goal outburst from the Cardi- 49 seconds left, but Trinity's de- Achterof '01, and Pliny nals. Trinity evened things up fense held on tight to their slim Reynolds '01 netted one apiece. deciding Despite losing their last two at 8-8 in the third after Mark lead. In addition to the goals The Bantams now stand at games and one of their leading Tassie '01 scored twice and the mentioned above, Trinity's scor- one game above .500 and are in factor for scorers for the year, the Trinity Bantams' stingy defense held ing was helped by three goals sight of their pre-season goal of Men's Lacrosse Team rebounded Wesleyan to only one goal. from Tassie, and one each from making the playoffs. many of the to take two games this week With the score tied 9-9 in the Steve Baldirii '00, Michael Engel Eastern Connecticut State boats as to from Wesleyan University and middle of the fourth, the Ban- '00, John Harrelson '00, and College will host Trinity on Union College and managed to tams put in three unanswered Alex Ullman '00. April 28 before the Bantams whether or improve to a 6-5 record. goals, one each by Tassie, tri- Goalie Matt Jerry '00 also welcome the Bowdoin College They opened last week's com- captain Brian Byrne '98, and helped out the cause by saving Polar Bears on May 2. Both not they will petition on Wednesday against Bobby Souers '00. The scoring 11 shots. This victory was huge games are critical for the team's visiting Wesleyan. Trinity took outburst put Trinity securely in for the Bantams and pulled post-season quest. If the Ban- participate in a 4-3 lead at the end of the first, the lead. their record to an even 5-5. tams are able to sweep these two Ghampion thanks to three goals by Evan Despite this solid lead, The Bantams next game games then they should have Levine '99. However, this lead Wesleyan made a last come- called them to upstate New enough victories to be selected evaporated by half time and the back attempt t>y"scbnrig two' "York'whefeTthey mS'r. Union "for post-season pJay.

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and Pete Greenberg. These players watched the program go from a 1-11 record to 12-1 during their careers at Trinity. The struggling program began Women's Lacrosse continues their KATIE BRYANT to move in a new direction with the ad- pursuit on an NCAA tournament bid. dition of Coach Paul Assaiante their freshman year. Over the past four years, continued from page twenty-four career victory. Knowles remarked that without the they have stayed with the program and Finally, on Thursday, the Bantams 200th win, Sheppard "was like an un- have been a main reason for the team's against a nationally ranked opponent,as reached that milestone for their highly decorated Christmas tree. The win gave success. Assaiante reflected, "It has been they lost an overtime heartbreaker to de- successful coach, breaking out a "can of the players the feeling you get when you a great thing for the seniors to watch this fending national champion Middlebury whoop ass" on Sacred Heart, 19-9 in see the tree lit up for the first time each program evolve under their leadership. 16-14. However, the loss demonstrated Hartford. It took Sheppard only 267 holiday season." At the beginning, there was no other rea- that the team can compete with the fin- games in 24 seasons to achieve the feat, Trinity finishes up its season at home, son for them to stick with this program est teams in the nation. truly an exceptional accomplishment. where the present group of seniors have other than love for the game of tennis. I Trinity was led by Cavanagh's 4 goals Leading the way in the historic win never lost, on Saturday May 2nd when am truly proud of these seniors." This and also received 2 goals and 1 assist each was Martinelli, who scored a season high the Bowdoin Bears come to town for a 1 year of coaching has also been memo- from Dwyer and Scarlett. Johnston, 7 goals to go along with her 2 assists. PM start. The Bears will be the Bantams rable for Assaiante as he led the men's Knowles, and Martinelli each contrib- Cavanagh pumped in 5 goals and added final test of the regular season and is a racquet sports, squash and tennis, to a uted 2 goals, but it was not enough as the an assist. Knowles and Johnston each must win game. combined 29-2 record. Bantams lost thegame played at the neu- had two goals of their own. Senior co- The Bantams hope their season will The Bantams will finish up their tral site of Northfield Mount Hermon. captain Amanda Tucker, Scarlett, and continue next week in the NCAA tour- reC0Treakina season oti Tuesday, The game also marked the Bantams' Dwyer had one goal apiece. Derosier had nament. With only two,losses, both second straigtttiffiticcessfufarrempt at ^ttSttettffiSfTtT^^ pion Williams. y getting coach Robin Sheppard her 200th Commenting on the milestone, cannot help but like their chances. HILLSIDE AUTOMOTIVE CENTER, INC. Trinity 54 HILLSIDE AVENUE HARTFORD, CT^JO^^,,,- We know that a well maintained vehicle is more dependable, has a longer life and brings a better return on the money invested in it. To Package 'help introduce you to Hillside Automotive, we would like to offer this: "Get Acquainted Special" Store * Lube, Oil (up to 5 quarts) & Filter **most cars-some filters slightly higher 219 New Britain Avenue * Free 48-Point Safety/Maintenance Inspection On Entire Car * Consultation On Any Questions You Have (860)5470263 About Your Vehicle ***A $65.00 value for only $19.95*** Your Package Store Call (860) 951-1083 to make an appointment. Wine - Liquors - Champagne This offer expires 5/15/98 Imported & Domestic Beer - Kegs We are open Monday thru Friday on Request 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. We offer complimentary shuttle to anywhere in the Beer Balls Available Hartford area. Note From TPS: These are the most important years of your life. In the new millennium you will be talking about today. DRINK RESPONSIBLY

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2 May New Englands on BOWDOIN BOWIJOIN N.E. Div. Ill (Women) at Conn. Coll. Sat. Quinsigamond 1 00 PM 1 "JO PW Springfield Invit. (Men) 3 May BOWDOIN Sun. 12 00 PM 4 May Mon. 5 May Tues. 1

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i •>? I

The Graduates In honor of Trinity's Icester75th graduating class this week's Tri- pod Trivia Theme is graduating

1. This graduating senior for the Lady Vols is the only player, male or female, to play in 4 NCAA championship games.

2. This senior scored 43 points during this year's NCAA Final Four leading Kentucky to the national championship and earning him- self the Most Outstanding Player award.

3. This slippery Marshall senior is considered the best receiver in the NFL draft. (Hint: A roll- ing stone gathers no Moss).

4. This quarterback awed fans when he an- nounced he would return for his senior year. By doing so he dominated the SEC and earned himself the number one pick in the NFL Draft.

5. These two players graduated last year but their success has completely altered the trend of players leaving for the NBA before their se- nior year. One player is a superstar for the Nets, the other is the NBAs Rookie of the Year.

"-V* Crtpob

VOL. XCVI NO. 22 PUBLISHED BY THE STUDENTS OF TRINITY COLLEGE SINCE 1904 APRIL 28,1998 Baseball Slugs Men Serve Up Best Season NESCAC Rivals against opposing pitching this BY STARK TOWNEND year. The win came after a Sports Writer rather disheartening 7-1 defeat in the first game of the double- The Trinity Baseball Team header and was a great indica- continued its winning ways tion of a winning ways and this past week with important never-say-die attitude that has victories over NESCAC rival been installed within the team Amherst and Worcester Poly- by Decker and his assistant technic Institute. The wins coaches. stretch their record to an im- The Bantams then went on to pressive 14-3 and give them a face WPI in an April 7th match- full head of steam heading into up in Hartford, during which the central portion of their the Bantams' offense helped schedule. Head Coach Bill bail out the pitching in a barn- Decker's squad has achieved burner of a game. The 20-13 their current position through Trinity win was highlighted by a strong combination of inten- the combined 8 for 10 perfor- sity from the pitching staff and mances by Kyle Armstrong and KATIE BRYANT a stellar array of power hitters. Colin Lynch, whose work was Men's Tennis Team sets new standards with their As they maintain their momen- responsible for 7 runs collec- 12-1 record, best in school history. tum, the Bantams are looking to tively. Sophomore Jayson a number of individuals to help Barbarotta was also instrumen- Gonopolsky '01 continued his ing. the ride continue. tal in the win, as he picked up 3 BY SARAH MALONEY excellent season by reaching The doubles highlight, how- hits and 4 RBIs to help power Sports Writer Sophomore Jim Klocek and the finals before losing to the #1 ever, came from the #3 team of the Bantams to victory. Klocek senior Chris Burchfield have from Williams. Artem fought Phil Warner '98 and Alex picked up the win for Trinity, been at the center of the offen- This week the Men's Tennis through a back injury and gave Valente. This duo reached the moving himself to 2-0 for the sive power for the Bantams, Team finished off its season his opponent, a two-time cham- final round before losing to Wil- season, as he allowed only 1 run highlighted by their respective with the best record and best pion, all he could handle. liams in a tough-fought match. in 5 innings of nearly perfect 4 for 5 performances in the sec- standing at the NESCAC cham- The match was tied at one set baseball. The split with In the #2 singles flight, Rosty ond game of a double-header pionship in school history. On apiece and 5-5 when a rain de- AmVierst showed jJiatTrvrdty ^is Orach '01 dominated his field with. Amherst. Btti&bfAeVd JTuesday, Connecticut, College- j£MSS^alled, T.b.e maxch w_a.s,, at the top of the NESCAC com- L added his first homer of the sea- came to campus for their dual moved indoors, and Williams petition. The leadership that finished 13-0 on the season and son in the second match-up match with the Bantams. They went on to take the match 7-5 the seniors have displayed is un- remained undefeated as he with Amherst, which the Ban- were sent home with a 6-1 loss in the third set. It was an excit- paralleled and the play of pitch- swept his championship match tams went on to win by a score and a reversal of last year's re- ing match for players and spec- ers such as Moss, Klocek, and with a win over Williams. of 14-13. Sophomore Brendan sult. This win gave Trinity a 12- tators alike, as both freshman Jarrett Bayliss has #4 player Alex Valente '00 Moss pitched two solid innings 1 mark on the year, making this been key in the Bantams surge reached the semifinal round of , of shutout ball to get his first year's team the most successful Warner commented, "I really to 14-3. Decker's squad is built his flight, but eventually lost to win on the year for the Bantams. ever. Last year's squad only tied thought we had a good chance around the concept of hard the Williams #4 player. #3 Trinity surrendered 9 hits to the previous record of 9-6, to win that match. However, work and determination and it player Timothy Stringer '98, #5 Amherst and turned out 20 hits which was finally surpassed moving the match indoors re- is paying off. The example set Mathieu Hebert '98, and #6 of their own. Senior Christian this year. ally gave Williams a home- by theseniors has been the most : Steve Wohlford '00 all made Sheehan also homered for the court advantage that worked important factor in the Ban- Taking the momentum from strong finishes by reaching the Bantams and has been another against us." tams' winning. their win over Connecticut, the quarterfinals of their respective vital source of offensive output team left on Friday for the flights. Trinity finished third overall NESCAC championships at In doubles action from this behind Williams and Amherst, Williams College. The results weekend, the #1 team of making this NESCAC result from this weekend-long tour- Stringer and Orach, as well as their best ever. This was a dra- nament exceeded all expecta- the #2 team of Gonopolsky and matic improvement from last tions. Wohlford, made it to the see TENNIS on page twenty- At #1 singles, Artem quarterfinal round before los- two Follow Thy Sheppard pressive 10-2, while moving one BY CRAIG MOODY With just under six minutes re- step closer to another post-sea- maining in the second half, s AND TIM LYNCH son birth. Trinity received con- Trinity had upped its lead to 13- Sports Writer tributions from all of their 9 and then had to fend off a fu- scoring threats, most notably, rious Amherst rally, finally After two consecutive losses junior Alix Johnston, who re- prevailing with a 13-12 victory. to NESCAC powers Williams corded 3 goals and also what In goal, sophomore Katie and Middlebury, the Trinity eventually turned out to be the Derosier made 10 saves for the Women's Lacrosse Team knew game winner. Bantams. that anything short of perfec- Senior co-captain Jen Commenting on the win, tion on the remainder of their Martinelli kept up her torrid Martinelli said, "We knew this schedule might crush any scoring pace, adding 3 goals and game was a must win in order hopes of an invitation to the 2 assists. Fellow senior Ashley to be in tourney contention. We NCAA's later this spring. Knowles pumped in 3 goals of came out strong, and were able After rolling to a 19-9 victory her own. Juniors Whitney to withhold a good comeback over visiting Sacred Heart, a Scarlett and Dorothy Cavanagh from a strong team. The win game that featured Robin had multiple point days. was doubly important because Sheppard's 200th career victory, Scarlett had a goal and 2 assists, it proved we can beat a top the Bantams travelled to Pratt while Cavanagh had a goal and NESCAC team. I think this win Field on the campus of Amherst an assist. Rounding out the will give us momentum and College. Trinity entered the scoring were Nancy D wyer and confidence against Bowdoin game ranked No. 5 in the nation, Jess Martin, each of whom and throughout the NCAA's." while Amherst held the No. 10 scored a goal. On Tuesday, the Bantams lost spot. The Bantams struck early, their second consecutive game Red-hot Trinity Men's Baseball Team KYRASKVIR In dramatic fashion, Trinity jumping to a 6-1 lead. But, by continues their hot streak. edged the Lady Jeffs 13-12, im- halftime, the Lady Jeffs had continue on LACROSSE proving their record to an im- trimmed the lead to two, 8-6. on page twenty-two